
mac_vlol , half the deviantart collections are pron o.007:17
darkmattermac_v: half the deviantart collections suck. hence why I rarely visit deviant art these days08:50
mac_vdarkmatter: yeah , i havent been there for long too , I was following a link posted in the artwork mailing list to collections section08:52
mac_vandreasn: can you join the UDS discussion regarding the -symbolic icons?15:06
andreasnsure, how?15:06
=== ubott2 is now known as ubottu
ckontrosIs the "Ubuntu Artwork" group on Flickr an invite-only public group?21:05
DanRabbitiainfarrell: hello :)21:38
iainfarrellDanRabbit: Howdy pardner!21:39

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