
micahgWould I be able to get an IRC cloak please? https://launchpad.net/~micahg00:17
Picinalioth: could you take care of making sure that micahg has followed the appropriate steps and grant him a cloak if he does, I've checked his LP page and added him to our lp team.00:20
PiciI've gotta run.00:20
Picimicahg: congrats :)00:20
micahgthanks Pici00:20
micahgdoes the cloak just work by iteself?00:47
LjLmicahg: you're cloaked now. you just need to be identified to services to be cloaked in the future.00:48
micahgLjL, thanks00:48
rashed2020jussi01: Can ubottu join an Ubuntu based distro's channel?02:52
elkyrashed2020, which ubuntu-based distro?02:57
naliothubottu: tell rashed2020 about botclone02:58
ubotturashed2020, please see my private message02:58
rashed2020elky: Still working on it.03:00
rashed2020nalioth: Thanks.03:00
elkyrashed2020, you're better off just cloning the bot rather than using an official one03:00
rashed2020That's what I think I'll do.03:07
rashed2020I found the source for it. A few mods are in order!03:07
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eviljussi01hi h00k04:32
h00kI am taking over as the Team Leader for the Wisconsin LoCo, https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/loco-contacts/2009-November/003964.html and our Team Page is http://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-us-wisconsin04:34
h00kI was wondering if I could get two things, 1) Rights to our channel (#ubuntu-wisconsin) and forwarding set up to #ubuntu-us-wi to stick with the proper naming convention04:35
eviljussi01h00k: right, where has the previous channel owner gone?04:36
h00keviljussi01: he is around, just not very often.04:37
h00keviljussi01: I've been trying to get information from him, but he has been slow to respond.04:37
h00khe is uberushaximus04:37
eviljussi01h00k: has he approved the transfer, and if so, can I see that?04:39
h00keviljussi01: he has, sure.  The transfer has been approved via email, I can forward that properly if you'd like.  Also,  he did make me an administrator on the Launchpad Group04:39
eviljussi01h00k: is there a hurry? can he not hand you founder access?04:40
eviljussi01h00k: sorry, can I get back to you in a min=?04:42
h00keviljussi01: sure04:42
h00keviljussi01: he did say "I think you'll need to request the google calendar write access for LoCo teams, I'll deactivate my account once you get yours, as far as the channel management goes, should I set a new founder or let your register it yourself?"04:43
h00keviljussi01: no rush, i understand you're on the phone04:43
h00kI'm not sure the difference in setting the founder or "letting me register it myself," is the "Founder" the same as "Team Leader?"04:44
naliothh00k: if you "register it yousself" you'll have to reuilbd the entire access list and mode locks04:46
h00knalioth: alright.04:46
naliothwhen eviljussi01 gets back, we'll figure it out04:47
h00kIt does sound like a transfer would be the better way to go.04:48
rashed2020Sup h00k04:59
h00khey hey.05:00
h00krashed2020: ^05:01
rashed2020I'm just saying hi :P Nothing I can do about your issue.05:02
rashed2020I was here trying to steal ubottu05:02
h00kits alright, I figured as much :)05:02
h00koh hey, ubottu is here.05:02
rashed2020The Ubuntu IRC community is pretty huge and organized.05:03
h00kits true05:03
rashed2020I'm surprised they picked freenode over a dedicated network.05:03
eviljussi01Sorry, wont be too long now05:07
* nalioth imagines eviljussi01 is running up a $45 USD / minute phone bill . . .05:07
eviljussi01its called skype...05:08
naliothooh, good then  :)05:08
h00kokay, I might have to come back to this, I'm sleepy.05:38
h00kI'll stop back sometime tomorrow05:38
topyliTm_T, kyllä ubuntun vapaus mulle ihan kelpaa. eikä kukaan varmaan sano että koko ubuntu on epävapaa. vaan ei se kokonaan vapaakaan ole :)11:09
topyliwrong window, carry on :)11:10
luis_lopezHi, I'm requesting an Ubuntu cloak. My launchpad link is https://launchpad.net/~luis.lopez14:51
luis_lopezpici, jussi01 ^^^14:53
jpdsluis_lopez: Hola.15:00
luis_lopezjpds: Hola15:00
luis_lopezeviljussi01, jussi01: Hi, I've recently accepted as Ubuntu Member.  I'm requesting an Ubuntu cloak. My launchpad link is https://launchpad.net/~luis.lopez15:38
eviljussi01Pici: can deal with it :D :P15:38
* eviljussi01 waves to Pici 15:39
Piciluis_lopez: Did you have an Ubuntu cloak at some point in the past?16:04
luis_lopezPici, no. Long story short: I was added to the launchpad group by mistake16:05
Piciluis_lopez: oh.. okay :)16:08
Piciluis_lopez: Do you have an email address attached to your irc account?16:08
luis_lopezPici, let me check16:09
Piciluis_lopez: /msg nickserv info    should tell you16:11
luis_lopezPici, thanks. It is assigned to an invalid address... will change it16:11
luis_lopezPici, email changed!16:13
Piciluis_lopez: okay, hold on a moment while I find a staffer16:14
naliothPici: find who?16:14
Picinalioth: you16:14
* nalioth points out that there are numerous staff members in here16:14
Picinalioth: I know, but I saw you active elsewhere16:14
naliothi assume mr Lopez needs a cloak?16:15
luis_lopeznalioth, yes  please16:15
Picinalioth: He does indeed.16:16
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m4vluis_lopez: congrats16:24
luis_lopezm4v: thanks!16:24
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h00kI had arrived yesterday with questions about turning over the Founder of the Wisconsin LoCo chan to myself16:59
h00kis this something that I should wait for the previous leader to do?16:59
h00kI suppose I don't want it to be a hassle16:59
LjLh00k: if the previous leader is reachable, i guess that would be preferred17:00
h00kHe is, just difficult to get a hold of.17:01
h00kI'll try this.17:01
LjLtry memoserv?17:01
Picih00k: Whats the channel name exactly?17:02
h00kPici: current it is #ubuntu-wisconsin17:02
h00kbut I'd like that to forward to #ubuntu-us-wi17:02
LjLgood boy :P17:02
h00kas to say with in naming conventions17:02
h00kLjL: :p17:02
LjLwell, the good news is you won't be the last to move!17:03
h00kMy guess is that it was created before these guidelines17:03
LjLwell, maybe anyway17:04
PiciOr they just ignored them17:04
jussi01h00k: the previous guy can forward it. My suggestion is that you follow the vreatign channel guide and create the new chan and then get the other one forwarded and handed over to you by the previous owner17:15
jussi01h00k: I seem to a remember you had a second issue, remind me of that?17:16
m4vthere's an estimate of when the irc council elections will be over?18:00
Picim4v: The CC is working on figuring out what the qualfications for being an IRCC member is.18:07
PiciOnce that happens, they'll work out the nominations.18:07
JuanMarquezUbuntu Cloak????? howto?18:21
jpdsubottu: tell JuanMarquez about member18:21
ubottuJuanMarquez, please see my private message18:21
PiciJuanMarquez: Are you an Ubuntu Member?18:22
m4vPici: ok18:23
tsimpsonJuanMarquez: please identify to NickServ too18:26
JuanMarquezhowto place?18:27
tsimpsonsee /msg NickServ help identify18:27
PiciJuanMarquez: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration may also help.18:27
tsimpsonyou must have registered with nickserv for that to work18:27
JuanMarquezsorry dont speak english, i use translator18:27
JuanMarquezuse mi nick18:28
JuanMarquezok send /msg18:30
JuanMarquezPici: more?18:33
tsimpsonJuanMarquez: you need to register your nick with nickserv to get a cloak18:33
tsimpsonand activate it by reading the email it sends you18:33
JuanMarquezmm ok ok18:33
JuanMarquezluis_lopez: me piden esto you need to register your nick with nickserv to get a cloak18:35
PiciJuanMarquez, que ya ha recibido su capa.18:36
Pici(google translate)18:36
JuanMarquezyes yes18:37
JuanMarquezmi nick JuanMarquez18:37
naliothJuanMarquez: please identify to nickserv18:37
PiciJuanMarquez, por favor, revise su correo electrónico y seguir las instrucciones de verificar18:37
m4vJuanMarquez: te falta completar el registro del nick, fijate en tu email18:38
JuanMarquezI get an perfect, and already Confirm18:40
JuanMarquezsomething else?18:41
PiciJuanMarquez, eres bueno. Dame un minuto para obtener la capa de conjunto.18:42
Picinalioth: If you have a moment could you please give an ubuntu member cloak to JuanMarquez?18:42
PiciJuanMarquez: congrats18:44
* erUSUL translators are very bad ...18:45
JuanMarquezjejejeje yes yes18:46
JuanMarquezvery bad18:46
m4vI also couldn't help but laugh a bit at google translations, but still is understandable (spell?) which is the objective18:59
h00koh hey, I was able to get ahold of uberushaximus, I am now set as the founder of #ubuntu-wisconsin19:12
h00kI'd now like to get a new channel set up for #ubuntu-us-wisconsin instead of #ubuntu-wisconsin19:43
h00ker, #ubuntu-us-wi19:43
naliothh00k: why?19:47
h00knalioth: to keep with the naming conventions19:48
h00kor a redirect from #ubuntu-wisconsin to #ubuntu-us-wi.19:48
Picih00k: You're planning on forwarding users from #ubuntu-wisconsin to the new channel, right/19:48
h00kPici: yeh.19:49
naliothh00k: i'm very confused.  don't you already have #ubuntu-us-wi ?19:51
h00knalioth: negative, right now its in #ubuntu-wisconsin19:52
Pici#ubuntu-us-wi isn't registered.19:52
naliothand there's absolutely nobody in it19:53
naliothh00k: join me there, please?19:53
h00kthanks, nalioth!20:43
h00kI am assuming you took care of the +F20:43
unimixjussi01, hello. I'am asking for an Ubuntu cloak, My LP profile is https://launchpad.net/~guillermolisi. Could you enable it for me ? I'm an Ubuntu Member from yesterday evening ;)20:45
jussi01unimix: you need to register your nick first.20:46
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode20:47
unimixOps, Thank you !! I do it right now20:47
unimixjussi01, I think I've the registration process done. Could you confirm it, please ?21:16
jussi01looks good to me, nalioth, staff, please cloak unimix with an ubuntu member cloak21:20
unimixthank you very much !21:20
naliothda nada21:20
unimixnalioth,  :)21:21
Flannelpopey: You should know better than to post edge launchpad links21:28
Picitsk tsk21:28
* popey notes that edge redirects21:40
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