
cprofitthello all01:41
cprofittbodhi_zazen: do you know if Laserjock uses Laserjock as his IRC handle?01:41
bodhi_zazenyes he does01:44
cprofittpleia2: you present?03:24
cprofitthey paultag03:29
paultagHeyya cprofitt03:29
cprofittI am seeing odd things on identi.ca tonight03:32
cprofittEvolution being removed from ubuntu...03:32
cprofittGIMP being removed...03:32
cprofittyeah... Evolution and GIMP are being cut from the Live CD...03:36
cprofittor so says identi.ca03:36
cprofittand the people at UDS03:36
paultagthe Live CD03:36
paultagyea, that makes sense03:36
paultagnot Ubuntu03:36
cprofittyeah... but still ... what are they adding?03:39
paultagwhat do you mean?03:40
cprofittI assume they were removed to make space for another app...03:41
paultagI don't think so. a 1 MB downsize over 1000 downloads saves gigabytes of transfer03:42
paultagI think there is reason enough in making the ISO smaller03:42
cprofittI guess....03:43
cprofittcould always just go to a bare minimum install then... no liveCD03:43
cprofittif the purpose of the liveCD is to sell the distro...03:43
paultagcprofitt, I think that would be counter productive though03:44
cprofittand Fedora publishes DVDs03:44
paultagcprofitt, GIMP and Evolution has no reason to be on a Live CD03:44
paultagcprofitt, you won't do big GFX work in RAM, that is silly, same with checking email03:44
paultagcprofitt, and they are huge apps03:44
paultagcprofitt, the basics like Firefox etc should be there, along with the system theme03:44
cprofittI am not at UDS... to it might be reduction of the ISO, but I had assumed it was for putting another app on03:44
cprofittpaultag: I am not MAD about it being removed...03:44
paultagcprofitt, I know03:45
cprofittjust curious what other app they are potentially putting on03:45
paultagcprofitt, I don't think they will03:45
cprofittand the fact that the USB stick is made from the .ISO03:45
cprofittthat will make the USB process a bit longer03:45
paultagwhat do you mean?03:46
cprofittwell... I could burn a useful USB stick (LiveUSB with persistence) straight from the LiveCD ISO03:46
cprofittnow I will, if I want those programs, need to install them after creating the USB install03:47
cprofittminor thing...03:47
cprofittapparently they are adding a video editor to the liveCD03:49
cprofittaccording to identi.ca03:49
paultagWhat the fuck03:52
paultagwhy would they03:52
paultagthat is one of the dumbest things you can do03:52
paultagI mean, really.03:52
cprofittfollowing it on identi.ca03:52
cprofittso not sure... what the logic is03:52
cprofittey dinda17:21
pleia2cprofitt: yeah, still at uds17:22
cprofittcool... Laserjock down there too? How is the process going? Is UCLP being well promoted?17:22
dindacprofitt: howdy17:23
cprofitthey dinda -- are you at UDS too?17:24
dindacprofitt: yip, in the Big D17:25
cprofitthaving fun?17:25
dindacprofitt: we have a session dedicated to it this afternoon17:25
cprofittI will have to look for reports on how it goes17:25
pleia2I posted details about it to the list17:26
cprofittpleia2: cool... I have not gotten personal email today17:26
pleia2and yeah, doctormo has been running around talking to people about writing courses :)17:26
cprofittWish I had a job that would let me attend such events...17:27
pleia2cprofitt: I sent it out on monday17:27
cprofittpleia2: I remember something about that...17:28
nigel_nbdoctormo: ping19:46
nigel_nbhows the UDS going on?19:46
doctormosorry nigel20:23
doctormoBiosElement: The system for making sure users have keys and such is ready for serious testing.20:25
BiosElementdoctormo: Aight, Great. I'll have to test it. ^_^20:26
doctormohey pleia2, we're up next21:57
doctormoAnyone else here for the UDS session?21:57
pleia2yeah, I'll be down in a few, have crew stuff to do real quick21:58
pleia2session now :)22:21
pleia2cprofitt: #ubuntu-uds-presidente22:21
cprofittNo idea how to get in to the streaming site... sorry22:30
pleia2cprofitt: any player that supports streaming should be fine22:32
cprofittyeah... I am not finding the roon... or the stream... I have the player22:33
pleia2sorry, it's in the channel topic: http://icecast.ubuntu.com:8000/presidente.ogg.m3u22:34
cprofittopen it... but no audio...22:36
pleia2turn it up?22:36
pleia2one person said it was a bit quiet22:37
cprofittgot it playing now... but it is very low22:37
cprofittthanks pleia222:37
nigel_nbI'm having some sorta trouble on vlc in windows22:39
nigel_nbany idea?22:39
pleia2don't know anything about windows, sorry :(22:39
cprofittwhat is the IRC channel?22:40
nigel_nbstuck at work.. shucks22:40
nigel_nbd you record this so I can hear it later or something?22:40
cprofittoff to my LUG meeting... see you guys later.23:04
cprofittpleia2: doctormo: well done.23:04
nigel_nbthe session is over?23:28
pleia2nigel_nb: yes23:35
nigel_nb_pleia2: how did it go?23:38
nigel_nb_you must be busy, catch up with you guys later. I gotta rush23:41

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