
h00kI'm trying to set mode +g for my channel (anyone can invite somebody to it) and I'm having troubles01:26
naliothh00k: what sort of troubles?01:29
h00knalioth: like I'm probably syntax'ing wrong :/01:29
h00kI've been trying things like /msg chanserv flags #ubuntu-us-wi * +g01:29
h00k+g is a flag, i'm assuming, but I didn't see it on chanserv's list01:30
ubot4`In #ubuntu-irc, h00k said: +g is a flag, i'm assuming, but I didn't see it on chanserv's list01:30
m4v+g isn't a flag for chanserv01:30
ubot4`m4v: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:30
h00kbut i did see this: http://freenode.net/using_the_network.shtml01:30
m4vis something you have to set with /mode #channel +g I guess01:30
h00kgot it, its a mode, not a flag.01:33
m4vI wonder how do people manage to misspell mi nick more often than not01:34
rashed2020What are the requirements of getting an ubuntu cloak?02:20
naliothubottu: tell rashed2020 about member02:22
ubotturashed2020, please see my private message02:22
rashed2020Wow, this stuff is structured.02:24
Ddordahey all22:00
jussi01Ddorda: hi22:41
jussi01Ddorda: did you need something or just sayin hi?22:42
Ddordajust saying hi :)22:45
Ddordai know that these days it's very unusual22:47
* erUSUL says hi too22:50

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