
tehHovagood morning all09:03
tehHovaanyone in here?09:03
tehHovaok then09:20
tehHovabunch of tards09:20
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bspencerin a debian package can I list dependencies as libraries as opposed to package names, and have the libraries resolved by the pkg manager ?16:37
bspenceri'm working on packaging apps for the intel app store.  One goal is to be able to create a single DEB package that would install on multiple Moblin-compliant DEB distributions, yours being one.16:38
bspencerbut ubuntu package names sometimes differ from other DEB distros, so I'd like to list the dependencies in the packages as libraries16:38
loolbspencer: Usually, you install ELF binaries in your packages and they have ELF dependencies on the ELF libraries you need; dh_shlibdeps then generates deps on real packages from these18:10
bspencerlool: hello my friend18:12
bspencerhope all is well 18:12
loolAll is well; how about you?18:12
bspencerthx good.  18:13
bspencerIf I create a control file, I can or can't put libraries in the "Depends" field?18:14
bspencerhow do I specify my dependencies?18:14
loolYou should put ${shlibs:Depends} in Depends:18:15
loolAnd dh_shlibdeps will do the right thing18:15
bspencerso I could put:18:18
bspencerDepends:  ${shlibs:libarchive.so.1} libwww-perl, acme-base (>= 1.2) ${shlibs:libapr-1.so.0}18:18
bspencerwhere libwww-perl is the pkg, but libarchive.so.1 is the library  (just pulling random)18:19
loolbspencer: No, it's literally "${shlibs:Depends}"18:20
bspencerah, and then it scans my app and determines the dependencies for me18:20
loolbspencer: dh_shlibdeps will generate "shlibs:Depends" from the installed libs and the ELF deps18:20
bspencerand it will pull in the packages and prompt the user18:21
bspencerat install time18:21
bspencerok.  I'll play with that18:21
bspenceris shlibs a Canonical-specific tool?18:23
bspenceror Debian standard18:23
loolPrompt the user?18:24
loolbspencer: This is Debian policy stuff18:24
loolbspencer: You might want to look at existing packages perhaps?18:24

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