
roy00Xubuntu Karmic gnome screen saver problem - screensaver not turning on. Anyone have same issue and a fix?01:59
mikubuntujust updated my laptop to 9.10 through the update mgr ... now i don't have sound (do have video) ... when i tried to open pulseaudio, got: connection failed...03:54
JackVermicelliI'm a WINE noob. When I attempt to run a .exe, the file disappears. Could you nudge me in the right direction?05:02
JackVermicelliOr Wine rather.05:07
strongsoulhelp | when i close my lid of laptop the system goes to sleep thereby cutting the internet and making me mad07:47
strongsouli changed the settings in xfce power manager07:47
strongsouland set all values to none07:47
strongsouleven then same thing happens07:47
strongsoul[this is happening since i upgraded to ubuntu 9.1007:48
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:27
renatahello, i have two laptops, one is running on Xubuntu 9.10, another - opensuse gnome. I want them both to run on xubuntu, but have no idea how to transfer the date from Opensuse laptop. I would appreaciate help, thanks09:38
renatathansfer data, sorry09:38
TheSheepscp should work fine09:56
ubottuSCP is a secure way of copying files across networks using !SSH. Usage: scp filename user@host:filename - WinSCP is a client for Windows, available at http://winscp.net/09:56
CptnAwesomehi folks, just wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction re: remote desktop?10:37
ablomenCptnAwesome, vnc10:38
ablomenor ssh if you only want/need cli access10:38
CptnAwesomewell, i'm already that far, i was kinda hoping for a bit of info as to which packages i need to install etc10:38
ablomendo you want to share that desktop or connect to a different machine?10:39
CptnAwesomeive setup ssh, its all i'll need MOST of the time, but im not much of a guru when it comes to editing text files from the cli10:39
CptnAwesomei want to connect to a different machine10:39
CptnAwesomei have a client on my laptop, but i need a server on the other machine10:40
ablomenok then use something like tightvncserver or vino (vino depends on some gnome stuff though)10:42
ablomen.. but might be easier to setup10:43
CptnAwesomecool, i'll give vino a whirl10:45
_Pete_CptnAwesome: right direction = freenx10:51
CptnAwesomehrmmm that rings a bell10:51
CptnAwesomehow difficult is it to configure?10:52
CptnAwesome_Pete_, i'd like to have a bit of a chat. pick your brain about freeNX, if you dont mind (or anyone else thats around)10:55
_Pete_just install packets10:56
_Pete_and it works10:56
_Pete_at least for me10:56
_Pete_bonus is that it communicates using ssh10:56
_Pete_so is secure10:57
CptnAwesomeyeah i found a how-to on the ubuntu website =)11:01
wrgbI have installed a new theme from Desktop Settings > New Theme, but I don't know how to apply it.   It doesn't show in my dropdown list of themes -- there's just the two default ones13:04
wrgbsorry, wrong channel13:05
renatahello, I cannot connect another machine wish ssh using GIGOLO. I can connect my xubuntu from another machine, though I cannot see files with gigolo, I would appreaciate help15:16
PedroManyone using Mac Portuguese Layout on Xubuntu ?15:37
=== cedron is now known as chum
AmgineProblem: partitioned and formatted external hd. Device appears in file manager. Device fails to mount: "The enclosing drive for the volume is locked."17:53
AmgineHow do I mount the drive?17:54
chumAmgine what type of filesystem did you format your hd into?18:14
AmgineI used gigolo to connect, and now it's mounted. Now I'm wondering why that worked.18:15
chummaybe that partition wasn't properly unmounted before18:17
AmgineProbably not.18:21
AmgineThanks chum!18:21
valdu55My firefox crash, what i need do?18:37
likemindeadDo a barrel roll, valdu55.19:21
TheSheeplikemindead: not funny20:05
likemindeadI disagree, TheSheep. And they had already disconnected.20:28

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