
mwhudsonbtw, the bzrlib changes to enforce test isolation break 50 or so lauchpad tests00:03
mwhudsonkeeping up the tradition that it's test infrastructure changes that usually inhibit launchpad's attempts to upgrade bzr00:03
lifelessmwhudson: sorry :)00:03
lifelessmwhudson: OTOH test isolation is pretty important00:04
lifelessmwhudson: btw, its saturday00:04
mwhudsonin fact it's doing a good job of highlighting bits of launchpad that we'd need to fix to allow running the test suite in parallel on one machine00:04
mwhudsonlifeless: swap day00:04
ub3rst4rahh i c00:05
ub3rst4rso i should use pull to update the code when ive been working on it?00:05
mwhudsonwithout a better description of what00:06
mwhudsonub3rst4r: i think " That's like asking "why do I have to drive downtown?"  If you have to go downtown, then you have to because you have to; if you don't, you don't" applies to that question too00:06
fullermdThe long answer is "it depends on what you're trying to do".  The short one is "If you _can_, yes, probably"00:07
* mwhudson has a hating multiple inheritance moment00:10
fullermdThat's no way to honor thy father and thy mother.00:10
lifelessmwhudson: how is it doing that ? [highlighting]00:11
mwhudsonlifeless: because many (not all) of the isolation violations are where the tests are accessing hard coded paths00:12
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mwhudsonof course lots of the others are tests that create temporary directories by means other than the test infrastructure00:21
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lifelessmwhudson: :)00:39
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MTecknologyI wish I could revision control puzzles - My mom was almost done with one and I knocked it on the floor00:48
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GastonBoryshi people01:13
GastonBoryshow should I do to work group with bazaar?01:13
bob2have you read the workflow section of the documentation?01:14
GastonBorysyes, but i'm not understand everything01:16
bob2which bits?01:18
GastonBoryswhen i change same file and do commit, later sould be make a push01:21
GastonBorysokey, so perfect here... but later?01:22
GastonBoryshow can i do a merge from other computer01:22
GastonBorysbzr merge01:22
GastonBorysbzr commit01:22
GastonBorysthis is all?01:23
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mwhudsonhttps://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/464174 is stabbing me in the face :(01:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 464174 in bzr "TestWithMemoryTransport sets $BZR_HOME to a unicode string" [Undecided,New]01:43
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MTecknologyI'm happy I no longer use clarke05:59
Kamping_Kaiseris there something equivilent to 'bzr revision' (eg, i just want the currentn commit number)07:52
lifelessbzr revno07:53
Kamping_Kaiserfab, thanks a lot :)07:54
nyuhow do I join two branches with no common ancestor?  (and no common files)11:21
LarstiQnyu: merge -r 0..-111:23
nyuLarstiQ: what's -1?11:23
nyulast rev?11:23
LarstiQnyu: yes, and 0 is the null revision11:23
LarstiQnyu: - indexes from the end, so `bzr log -r -3..-1` would show you the log of the last 3 mainline revisisons11:24
nyugreat, thanks11:25
maxbThe BzrMigration page notes three possibilities for svn to bzr conversion: svn2bzr - two forks thereof, and bzr-svn. Is there guidance on how to choose which to use?12:21
bob2do you want on-going bidirectional support?12:23
maxbIt's not a hard requirement12:24
maxbI can arrange for a stop-the-world migration if the end result is better12:25
nyumaxb: I recommend fast-export-from-svn12:27
nyubidirection support with bzr-svn may result in data corruption12:27
maxbnyu: thankyou that looks promising.12:33
LarstiQnyu: oh?12:48
nyuLarstiQ: I hit this twice12:57
maxbnyu: More details please? :-)13:29
nyumaxb: I filed a bug in LP13:30
chx_hi. i was wondering whether it would be possible / feasible / desirable to integrate trac-bzr-loggerhead together.14:55
chx_ a post commit hook that posts to trac and an apache rewirte rule so that the commit linking to the bzr source viewer ties into loggerhead instead.14:57
OldAlAnyone out there on the "ether"?23:41
OldAlSpeifically, is Patrick Regan there?23:42
jpdsOldAl: That would be rubbs.23:54
rubbsjpds: that's right. Sorry for being late. OldAl found me in a private chate23:54
jpdsrubbs: Oh right, sorry.23:55
rubbsjpds: no problem. You didn't know. and I didn't show "publicly" that I found him.23:55
OldAlSo there are people in the bzr chat room!23:57

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