
=== eeejay is now known as eeejay_away
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mac_vchrisccoulson: around?10:32
mac_vthe bug regarding gnome-screensaver not being inhibited during video playback... seems to happen only in vlc from me... but when i play the videos using totem the screensaver doesnt activate... how is totem alone able to do it?10:34
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chrisccoulsonhi mac_v11:44
chrisccoulsontotem uses the (correct) gnome-session inhibit API11:44
chrisccoulsonVLC uses an old method which doesnt work any more11:44
mac_vchrisccoulson: hmm , ok... then why is it a gpm bug? why cant vlc use the same API as totem?13:34
chrisccoulsonmac_v - which bug are you referring to?14:00
mac_vchrisccoulson: Bug #42888414:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 428884 in gnome-screensaver "gnome-screensaver-command --poke no longer inhibits screensaver" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42888414:01
chrisccoulsonwho says it's a gpm bug?14:01
mac_voh , so its a screensaver bug?14:02
* mac_v got confused :?14:02
chrisccoulsonits a bug in gnome-screensaver that the --poke command doesnt work, but VLC should be using the inhibit API really14:02
chrisccoulsonsorry i take a while to reply - baby to look after now!14:02
mac_vchrisccoulson: congrats :)14:03
chrisccoulsonheh, thanks :)14:03
mac_vchrisccoulson: then should i reopen the vlc task?14:04
chrisccoulsonmac_v - not for now. it's probably something which should be discussed upstream14:04
chrisccoulsonthe bug has turned in to describing the issue about the --poke command not working, which affects several applications, rather than specifically being about VLC14:05
chrisccoulsonif anything, there should be a separate bug report for VLC using the new inhibit API14:05
mac_vchrisccoulson: ah , ok... i'll wont disturb you now.../me tiptoes out ;)14:05
chrisccoulsonthanks :)14:05
* chrisccoulson heads off back to baby14:05
ircuserIs it safe to use my Western Digital Passport Essential to use in Linux(Karmic)? I have been using it in Vista till now. I have heard people say that Ubuntu will damage or corrupt the file system.20:11
rickspencer3ircuser, who said that? is there a link or something I can check out?20:13
rickspencer3I think this is just a normal USB hardrive, right?20:13
ircuserrickspencer3: no nick...sorry...but as a generel perception (i won't say majority) but around me..some friends and seniors...and i was not sure20:14
ircuserrickspencer3: yeah.. use 2.0 .. 500gb... portable...ntfs...20:14
rickspencer3ircuser, hmm20:15
rickspencer3I don't know why you would experience a problem reading/writing to a hard drive20:15
ircuserrickspencer3: even i don't know...i have started using ubuntu and i use it primarily as my os..but i also use vista as i can't migrate completely...so i was worried...may be file system corruption etc...20:17
rickspencer3this is just an external drive that you connect with USB, right?20:17
ircuserrickspencer3: and every file that i write to ntfs partition from ext4 (ubuntu) is marked as shared20:17
ircuserrickspencer3: yes20:17
rickspencer3ircuser, it sounds like it's time for you to back up your data in any case (if you're worried about losing it for any reason)20:18
rickspencer3but there's no reason other OS's shouldn't be able to read and write files with it20:19
ircuserrickspencer3: right. but it's a new ext hard disk and this is the hard disk i bought for backup task...so it's now like protecting the protector :)20:19
rickspencer3well, like I say, there shouldn't be a problm20:20
rickspencer3you might want to ask in #ubuntu, as this channel is for ubuntu developers, and they are all traveling home from UDS atm20:20
ircuserrickspencer3: it reads and writes ... just needed to be sure that there's no potential damage..thanksf or your help....20:20
ircuserrickspencer3: oh...20:20
rickspencer3ircuser, np20:20
ircuserrickspencer3: thanks a lot...20:21
rickspencer3have fun20:21
mannyvim looking at a control file and debian depends on debhelper (>= 7) while the ubuntu version depends on debhelper (>= 7.0.17ubuntu2) but the version in lucid will be 7.4.3ubuntu2 so can I change it back to  (>= 7) ?20:58
Keybukclearly not20:58
mannyvok but I am wondering why if the lucid version will be > than 7.0.17ubuntu220:59
Keybukmannyv: it doesn't change the fact that the package needs >= 7.0.17ubuntu2 to build20:59
Keybukit's quite common for people to backport packages from the development release21:00
mannyvok fair enough21:00
Keybukeven to hardy21:00
Keybukand they'll still need the updated debhelper21:00
mannyvKeybuk, that obviously makes sense, thanks21:10
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Amaranthmannyv: Packages should always reflect their actual dependencies anyway. Obviously versions older than 7.0.17ubuntu2 didn't have a feature the package needs23:45
SoftwareExplorerIs there a common library or something that is in charge of drawing sound visualizations in both totem and rhythmbox23:51

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