
d3xterhey guys23:41
d3xteri've got a brand new idea for notify-osd and indicator-applet ;)23:41
DanRabbitd3xter: let's here it!23:42
d3xterDanRabbit: the indicator applet should show a list of notifications, which has been displayed by notify-osd and can bring the user to do something23:43
d3xterfor example "Package updates avaiable"23:44
DanRabbitgood idea :)23:44
d3xterand if you click on the indicator-applet, a dropdown-menu appears and if you click on the "updates available"-entry, the update-manager should start up23:44
DanRabbitI like that idea a lot23:45
DanRabbitI never really liked the messaging menu, but if it kept track of notifcations like that, I think I might like to use it :)23:45
d3xterDanRabbit: yeah me to, so post comments on https://bugs.launchpad.net/indicator-applet/+bug/456394 :D23:45
ubot4Launchpad bug 456394 in indicator-applet "Indicator-Applet should show a list of lately Notifications, which can bring the user to do something" [Wishlist,Triaged]23:45
d3xterDanRabbit: i think the indicator-applet in its current state is pretty useless :-/23:46
DanRabbitme too :/23:47
DanRabbitit's going to get some major work on it in Lucid, though.23:47
d3xteryeah, i hope so23:47

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