
OldAlI see Patrick is still online - is that correct?  I am still in the bzr chat room.00:06
PengAm I doing something dumb, or is BzrDir.create_branch_and_repo('foo') supposed to raise a KeyError?02:33
Peng(Seems the format argument is less than optional.)02:33
lifelessPeng: I imagine you're doing something unusual02:33
lifelessor its broken02:33
PengD'oh. Of course it works now when I try to reproduce it. :|02:36
* Peng watches get_parent_map try to figure out that the repo is empty.02:47
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PengI can't reproduce it now. :\02:59
PengThe target *may* have already had a .bzr directory in an odd state.02:59
PengNo, wait, that raises a different error.03:00
PengHere's the traceback, FWIW: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/152176/03:01
=== Guest60494 is now known as ivan
lifelessuntested code path I imagine03:04
lifelessfile a bug please03:05
Penglifeless: filed bug #486535, fwiw03:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 486535 in bzr "BzrDir._find_or_create_repository KeyError (bzr+ssh + stacking policy?)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48653503:16
OldAlAnyone there?05:29
OldAlpidgin tells me there are 116 people in room, but there does not seem to be any activity, viz people coming or going, nor do I see my nick on the list...05:35
mwhudsonit's usually pretty quiet on the weekend05:39
lifelessOldAl: it doesn't matter who is here or not05:40
lifelessOldAl: everyone might be here, and noone able to answer your question. Just Ask.05:41
OldAlah, geat!05:41
OldAlI only want to ascertain that I have connected to #bzr chat room.05:42
lifelesspidgin is correct, you are connected ;)05:42
OldAlwhere are you from, lifeless?05:43
OldAlI am from Canberra05:43
OldAlMay I put you down as a buddy?05:44
lifelessIRC isn't like IM networks05:46
lifelessthere isn't the same social-network / buddies aspect05:46
OldAlHere is a question - when I connect, I get a message: (15:51:49) NickServ: (notice) OldAl is not a registered nickname.  So, should I a) ignore it b) register and if so where?05:46
OldAlBut I have registered on freenode.net - else I would not be here, would I?05:47
lifelesswhat do you mean by upgrade :)05:48
lifelessby registered05:48
OldAlWell, I did fill out some details and was able to connect under an OldAl nick, but it showed my real given name...05:49
OldAlso I suspect that it was not complete or something.05:50
bob2you register your nick by talking to nickserv using your irc client05:50
bob2pidgin is not a very useful irc client05:51
lifelessOldAl: so each time you connect you need to login05:51
lifelessand that message says you haven't actually registered a usercode05:51
OldAlOK, so what is the button to press to start registration?05:52
OldAland, lifeless, did you have to type in "OldAl:" in your previous message?05:53
OldAlso what is the smart way of getting that?05:54
lifelessgetting what ?05:54
bob2irc clients tab complete nicks, so you type o<tab>05:54
OldAllifeless: OK :05:55
OldAllifeless: That's a great help.05:55
OldAllifeless: Many thanks for that.05:55
OldAllifeless: I do appreciate your help.  Will read up the FAQ on registration of a user name.05:56
lifelessso actually, I was answering 'did I need to have OldAl present at the start of the message' with 'no'.05:56
lifelessnot how I went about putting it there :)\05:57
OldAllifeless: You wrote parts of FAQ for pidgin?05:58
OldAllifeless: Oh, I was at cross purposes there - I am now using the tab - great "invention".05:59
OldAllifeless: Since my nick is apparently not registered. how can I talk to you?  Is it a temporary "registration"?06:00
bob2this isn't IM06:01
bob2registration just means that a) you're allowed in some channels that forbid unregistered users and b) you can kick off other people who use your nick06:01
OldAllifeless: Well, I don't know IM.06:02
lifelessfor a) bob2 meant 'not allowed in'...06:02
lifelessOldAl: imagine that this is a table in a restraunt06:02
lifelesswhen you are connected, you are at the table. And everyone here can hear everyone else.06:02
OldAllifeless: yap06:02
lifeless*if* you get an 'official' name badge, then you can grab someone and talk to them privately, and sit at some tables that require people to have official names06:03
OldAllifeless: But I have chatted with people already, in separate "table" (or room), as it were.06:05
mneptoklifeless: missed you at UDS :(06:51
lifelessmneptok: Swings and roundabouts06:52
lifelesshad stuff going on I would have had to shove around, and no specific things I needed to be at UDS for this time06:53
mneptokand i thought we had something *special*06:53
lifelesswe do06:55
lifelessI hear you made an unrepeatable quote06:55
lifelessso bad only its existence hit the Quotes page06:56
mneptokit wasn't that bad.06:56
mneptokKeybuk likes to paint me as a greater rogue than i am. i think it's part of his rich fantasy life.06:57
lifelessit wasn't Keybuk :)06:57
mneptokhrmf. he said he had added it.06:58
mneptoktrying to make himself more attractive to me, i s'pose.06:58
lifelessI think I'd need to go check I guess.06:58
mneptoknot that his rugged good looks and commit rights don't make him attractive enough.06:59
mwhudsonmneptok: i even clicked a link in your blog and didn't regret it too much!07:02
mneptokmwhudson: oh nice! you got that Thorazine scrip and lobotomy you were asking for!07:02
mneptok(or you're just insanely drunk)07:03
mwhudsonc'mon, the police aren't that bad07:03
mwhudson(i am disturbingly hungover for 20:00 though :/)07:03
lifelessmwhudson: hungover or drunk ?07:04
mwhudsonlifeless: hungover07:04
mwhudsoni didn't even drink _that_ much last night :/07:04
mwhudsongetting old, it's terrible07:04
lifelesssneaks up on ya07:05
mneptoki have t-shirts older than both of you.07:05
chx_hi. i was wondering whether it would be possible / feasible / desirable to integrate trac-bzr-loggerhead together.  I guess a post commit hook that posts to trac and an apache rewirte rule so that the commit linking to the bzr source viewer ties into loggerhead instead?07:12
lifelesschx_: I don't know what that means07:13
lifelessnor have any idea about whether it would be good or bad to do it.07:13
chx_well, currently we use svn and commit messages (re #1234) post followups to tickets07:14
chx_that's awesome07:14
chx_The other part of the svn integration in trac is the source code browser07:14
chx_that's what i was considering replacing with loggerhead.07:14
lifelessso loggerhead showing svn?07:15
chx_no, we are migrating to bzr07:15
chx_oh now we are talking... anyone from Canonical here ?07:15
lifelessloggerhead can show svn btw07:17
lifelesswonders of bzr-svn :)07:17
chx_lifeless: pm?07:27
lifelessI guess07:28
mneptokoh no! the *bad* Monty!07:30
* mneptok hides07:30
lifelessmneptok: does that make you the Full one?07:32
mneptoklifeless: not if you can't be bothered to visit UDS.07:33
lifelessmneptok: Sif a matter of botherment.07:37
kgoetzstupid python, stop making bzr complain about my locale :(07:43
lifelesskgoetz: install the locale data for it :)07:45
kgoetzlifeless: I'm not aware of any en_AU.UTF-8 python packages ;)07:47
lifelesskgoetz: its generally just missing langpacks, if you're on Ubuntu07:51
lifelessor it can be a missing langpack on a server.07:51
kgoetznothing leaps out at me from the debian stable repos, so I might just put up with it07:56
lifelesskgoetz: a ew questions07:56
lifelessis it local or when pushing/pulling?07:56
kgoetzits local. and the install is pretty minimal - its netinstall of debian+a handful of packages07:58
lifelesscheck your local is being created07:59
lifelesskgoetz: also please file a bug if this is happening with bzr installed from a package; we shouldn't behave wrong from a package08:00
kgoetzlifeless: I don't follow - 'your local is being created'?08:01
kgoetzoh, *smacks self*08:01
lifelesskgoetz: I'll be afk for a bit, but it sounds like you've found a cluebat?08:03
kgoetzlifeless: checking local setup atm.08:04
=== BasicPRO is now known as BasicOSX
kgoetzdpkg-reconfigure locales to the rescue.08:08
OldAlWhy is it so quiet here?08:11
OldAlnobody wants to chat about bzr?08:12
kgoetzOldAl: seems no one needs support ;) it is sunday...08:13
OldAlkgoetz: No, it is not support - just signs of life!08:13
OldAlkgoetz: and just tell me, is this the bzr chatroom? (I expect so, but just to be sure. yes/no will do :) )08:14
kgoetzOldAl: I'm looking at my screen+scrollback, and i see lots of conversation08:15
OldAlWell, it must be #bzr, I hope.08:15
OldAlkgoetz: Sunday or not, I've just completed registering my nick - or so I hope.08:16
kgoetzit would seem your identified, so yes, your registered08:16
OldAlkgoetz: Thanks for that.08:17
kgoetznp. /whois OldAl to see08:18
OldAlkgoetz: I will log off and leave you in peace!  Thanks for helping me to check what is going on08:18
kgoetzOldAl: catch you nex time :)08:18
=== BasicPRO is now known as BasicOSX
OldAlme_too: Like your nick...13:08
OldAlme_too: Are you watching the screen of bzr?13:09
OldAlmenesis: Hi there!13:09
OldAlActually it is a bit late for me - down under Canberra, the time is past midnight13:10
OldAlNoldorin: Alex, where are you? (I am in Australia, Canberra)13:19
OldAlNoldorin: irc informs me that you are on bzr, so ...13:20
=== Peng___ is now known as Peng_
matt_pHi, where is a downloadable version of the User Reference?14:42
matt_pIt can be viewed as a HTML, but there is no PDF version...14:43
GaryvdMmatt_p: http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/bzr.2.0/downloads/14:45
GaryvdMor http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/bzr.dev/downloads/14:45
matt_pGaryvdM: http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/bzr.2.0/downloads/pdf-en/14:45
matt_pGaryvdM: There is only the Quick Ref.14:46
matt_pI need this: http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/bzr.2.0/en/user-reference/index.html14:46
GaryvdMhttp://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/bzr.2.0/downloads/pdf-en/bzr-en-user-guide.pdf ?14:47
matt_pGaryvdM: It is User Guide, not User Reference14:48
GaryvdMmatt_p: It's the same thing as far as I can tell.14:48
matt_pGaryvdM: So you mean that this http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/bzr.2.0/en/user-guide/index.html and this http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/bzr.2.0/en/user-reference/index.html are the same documents? :-)14:49
GaryvdMmatt_p: Sorry - I'm wrong. It's not the same.14:50
GaryvdMmatt_p: Sorry  - I don't know then.14:51
GaryvdMmatt_p: igc will know. But he will probably be asleep now. He is in Austraila14:51
matt_pGaryvdM: OK, thanks.14:52
matt_pOh, I have a second question... I use Bzr and I understand its concepts as a user. But what is the right relation between branches and repositories? (Shared) repo contains the revisons in their physical forms and the branches only point to the relevant revisions?14:57
GaryvdMmatt_p: Yes. A branch has just a pointer to the latest revision, tags, and config14:58
gioelematt_p: yes, repositories holds all the information: file contents, deltas, other common info14:58
GaryvdMmatt_p: A stand alone branch has a repository14:58
GaryvdM*has it's own repository14:59
gioelematt_p: http://bazaar-vcs.org/CategoryTerm14:59
GaryvdMgioele: Nice collaboration :-)14:59
gioeleGaryvdM: :)14:59
matt_pGaryvdM, gioele: great, thank you.15:00
gioelematt_p: in particular the first sentence of http://bazaar-vcs.org/Branch15:00
pitselehhi, i'm trying to host a bazaar server15:09
pitselehso i start the server with bzr-2.6  server --directory=/mnt/md1/public/Glen/Repos15:09
pitselehand i can branch from it fine15:09
pitselehbut when i try to push it tells me operation not possible: readonly transport15:09
pitselehpushing to bzr://ip/myrepo15:10
pitselehi'm obviously missing a step..15:10
GaryvdMpitseleh: you need bzr server --allow-writes15:10
pitselehGaryvdM: ah, thanks for that :)15:10
pitselehworks perfectly :D, wonderful15:11
=== pitseleh_ is now known as pitseleh
Lo-lan-doHi jelmer :-)17:14
jelmerhey Lo-lan-do17:15
Lo-lan-doFor some reason my changes don't work anymore.17:15
Lo-lan-do(Even given the stretched value of "work" I used)17:15
jelmerLo-lan-do: it might be nice to have some tests for this code first and figure out the right approach17:18
Lo-lan-doProbably, yes.  Is there a tutorial on that, or should I just read the existing tests?17:20
Lo-lan-doAlso, it might be a bit complex, since I'm trying to do git+ssh:// with a git client…17:21
jelmerLo-lan-do: There isn't anything like that at the moment, in fact I don't think we have any tests for the server side17:33
jelmeryou should be able to test with the git:// server though, since the protocol should be the same17:34
jelmertesting with ssh will be trickier17:35
Lo-lan-doI think maybe the "git proxy" configuration could help17:36
Lo-lan-doActually, $GIT_SSH pointing at a custom script can do the trick :-)17:49
jelmerLo-lan-do: isn't that kinda hard to set up in the tests though?17:50
Lo-lan-doI don't think so.  It's just an environment variable.17:58
Lo-lan-doAnd a 30-line shell script.17:59
Lo-lan-doStick that in a script, point $GIT_SSH at it, and there you go, git+ssh:// without ssh :-)18:03
Lo-lan-doI'm off to dinner, but I'll probably start doing unit tests afterwards.18:04
eli_hi, when you do 'bzr init' and then 'bzr add' it should add all subdirs. correct?18:48
eli_the part is that when i do 'bzr status' i get a good chunck of unknown objects18:49
Lo-lan-doObjects that were created later on?18:50
eli_even doing 'bzr add foldername' and then do 'bzr status' the foldername will still show up under unknown18:50
eli_nope, the objects are already there18:50
eli_it only adds two directories out of about 1018:51
eli_that is not how bzr normally acts. right?18:52
beunoeli_, that is not expected behavior, no18:52
LarstiQit should either add or ignore, no unknowns18:53
eli_it even treats .bzrignore as an unknown18:53
LarstiQthat can happen18:53
eli_i'm using version 2.0.118:53
LarstiQif you manually create the file18:54
LarstiQwithout using `bzr ignore`18:54
LarstiQeli_: it's not perchance already versioned? (Different vcs maybe)18:54
eli_you mean having .svn in the subdirs?18:55
LarstiQeli_: oh, that might explain it18:56
LarstiQeli_: if you also have bzr-svn installed that is18:56
eli_LarstiQ, i think your suggestion may have hit it.18:57
eli_It was not .svn, there were .bzr in each subdir18:57
eli_bingo, adding everything now :)18:58
LarstiQthat is indeed a case I forgot that will result in unknown dirs :)18:58
LarstiQeli_: cheers!18:58
eli_is there a way to list just the unkowns in bzr?19:00
LarstiQ`bzr ls --unknowns`19:01
LarstiQoptionally with -R19:01
eli_excellent. bzr is already proving much more handy than hg and svn :)19:02
LarstiQI'm glad to hear that :)19:03
LarstiQthough a bit surprised perhaps, how is hg lacking?19:03
eli_hg is creates larger histories than bzr. at least in my case19:12
chx_So yeah i was trying to research hg vs bzr vs git (not in speed) for recetn versions and ... hmm...19:19
GaryvdMchx_: and ?19:21
chx_i cant find anything19:21
LarstiQchx_: http://bazaar-vcs.org/Benchmarks ?19:22
chx_as said, not in speed19:22
chx_we can simply take it granted they are all fast.19:22
LarstiQchx_: no, this is disk space19:22
GaryvdMchx_: http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/migration/en/why-switch-to-bazaar.html19:22
GaryvdMchx_: Both my url, and LarstiQ's are up to date documents.19:24
chx_the latter is very nice19:26
chx_how come i couldnt find it this with google19:26
LarstiQchx_: what did you google on?19:27
GaryvdMI found it with http://www.google.com/search?q=why+bzr , But I knew the name of the doc.19:27
chx_bzr git comparison19:27
chx_bzr vs git19:27
chx_I am reading this19:28
chx_and though i myself am using bzr since long, i find interesting pieces19:28
chx_how do i create a bound branch?19:28
GaryvdMchx_ bzr checkout19:28
chx_oh that19:29
chx_i see.19:29
GaryvdMchx_: or if you allready have a branch, bzr bind19:29
chx_another question , hardlinks19:30
chx_  --hardlink            Hard-link working tree files where possible.19:30
chx_i see that19:30
chx_this hardlinks files inside .bzr i presume?19:30
GaryvdMI'm not sure19:31
PengIt explicitly says "working tree files", so probably not.19:31
LarstiQ'working tree' suggest otherwise, but I don't know what it does19:31
LarstiQhey Peng ;)19:31
chx_huh that would be nice but challenging what happens if someone edits one such file...?19:31
Pengchx_: Yeah. If your text editor doesn't break links, it won't work for you. That's why it's not the default.19:32
chx_Peng: and which editors breaks...?19:33
Pengchx_: No idea!19:33
LarstiQvim breaks hardlinks, so that should work19:33
LarstiQI'm sure emacs can too19:33
chx_it would need to save the file under a diff name , rm the oriiginal and mv back19:34
chx_i presume that's not hard.19:34
PengIt's a nice way of making the write a bit safer, too.19:35
eli_is there a way to have bzr to not create histories of binary files?19:39
eli_rather than an outright ignore?19:39
eli_for example, i have several subdirs with binaries and scripts19:41
eli_i would like to version control the scripts19:41
eli_but not the binaries.19:41
eli_but, if i do push or pull with bzr i'd like to have the binaries move between systems19:42
eli_probably sounds like a dream, but that would well for me19:42
LarstiQnope, something is either versioned or not.19:42
LarstiQ(likewise, there is no 'precious' class of unknowns)19:42
LarstiQeli_: you fear the binaries would take up a lot of space?19:43
eli_but i do need them synced between two computers19:43
eli_and keep version control on the scripts19:44
LarstiQcan the binaries be generated from something else?19:44
eli_nope, the binaries are data files. they are not dynamically generated19:45
LarstiQcould you maybe version them in a separate branch?19:45
LarstiQand have symlinks in the original?19:45
eli_that would seperate out the binaries from the scripts19:46
eli_generating the symlinks would be the next complication. we're talking +10,000 binaries19:47
eli_yeah, lots19:48
LarstiQnot your typical usecase :)19:48
eli_nope ;)19:48
eli_would it be possible to do a layer of rsync with bzr?19:48
eli_rsync for the binaries19:49
LarstiQyou could maybe hack up a plugin (based push-and-update?) to do something like that19:49
eli_and bzr for version control19:49
LarstiQeli_: yeah19:49
eli_even with the binaries in the same dirs as the scripts?19:49
eli_that would work then19:50
LarstiQit would be a plugin tailored to your workflow19:50
LarstiQ(or more general if you wish)19:50
eli_i know quite a few people in my field who would use such a workflow19:50
eli_ill write it up then19:50
eli_thanks for your help in brainstorming on this :)19:51
LarstiQeli_: http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/plugins/en/push_and_update-plugin.html is what I'd start with19:51
eli_will looks into19:52
maxbI am not familiar with the bzr test system. Can anyone suggest what I should look into when a test 'fails'  because it starts thinking normal progress messages are errors?20:33
maxb'All changes applied successfully.\nCommitting to: /tmp/testbzr-LDqLMO.tmp/bzrlib.plugins.rebase.test_blackbox.TestRebaseSimple.test_rebase_merge/work/main/feature/\nCommitted revision 3.\nAll changes applied successfully.\nCommitting to: /tmp/testbzr-LDqLMO.tmp/bzrlib.plugins.rebase.test_blackbox.TestRebaseSimple.test_rebase_merge/work/main/feature/\nCommitted revision 3.\nAll changes applied successfully.\nCommitting to: /tmp/testbzr-LDqLMO.tmp/bzrlib.plugins.re20:34
maxbbase.test_blackbox.TestRebaseSimple.test_rebase_merge/work/main/feature/\nCommitted revision 4.\nAll changes applied successfully.\nCommitting to: /tmp/testbzr-LDqLMO.tmp/bzrlib.plugins.rebase.test_blackbox.TestRebaseSimple.test_rebase_merge/work/main/feature/\nCommitted revision 5.\n'20:34
LarstiQthat's a bit unreadable20:35
LarstiQmaxb: but blackbox tests especially look at the output the cli produces20:36
LarstiQif that doesn't match with what the test expect, it flags20:36
lifelessmaxb: ask 'is the new output what I want'?20:38
lifelessmaxb: if yes, change the test. If no, change your code.20:38
maxbhmm. I wonder why I am getting stderr output when before there was none at all20:38
maxbAll I've done is change rebase parent selection logic20:39
=== chx_ is now known as chx
=== menesis1 is now known as menesis
OldAligc: good morning.22:15
OldAlpoolie: top of the morning, to you too.22:15
OldAlpoolie: Strange, but have no questions to  ask right now...22:16
igchi poolie22:16
pooliehi igc22:16
pooliespiv, hi?22:18
igcOldAl: so pull, merge and push are all in handled in the one qbzr module IIRC22:18
igcOldAl: bound branch or otherwise, pull is the way to update a local mirror22:19
igcso it's pretty useful22:19
OldAligc: I am sure it is.22:21
igcOldAl: so starting on a small change to qpull is a good, safe way of beginning qbzr hacking22:22
OldAlHave 'they' (who?) used gtk or Qt for the GUI of qrun?22:22
OldAlI would prefer to put my hands into Qt rather than gtk22:22
igcOldAl: any command startng with 'q' is Qt based, not Gtk22:23
OldAligc: Ah, great!22:23
OldAligc: that puts my mind at ease on that score.22:23
igcOldAL: one more social thing: in open source, we value self-selection over central assignment22:24
igcso me assigning bits of work to people isn't the way to go22:24
OldAligc: I know tha well.22:24
OldAligc: Why not suggest stuff to start on - individually.  Nobody should mind suggestions...22:25
igcinstead, I ask for volunteers, people enter changes in our bug/wishlist tracker and assign them to themselves instead22:25
OldAligc: not if they want to work on it.22:25
igcOldAl: sure, individual suggestion for people keen to get started in excellent22:25
igcthat's why I'm suggesting you working on qpul first :-)22:26
igcOldAl: I'll raise the minor bug I'm thnking of now22:26
OldAligc: I gather that and am happy to look at.  But then there is a bigger question of how to get22:26
OldAligc: things to speed up in the "documentation" group and I thought I would make a suggestion - to you :)22:27
OldAligc: But I don't want to do it in public before I suss out if you would be agreable.22:28
OldAligc: No conspiracies - but just that I don't want to be too big a PITA with suggesting something that my appear as extra work.22:28
OldAligc: If you are satisfied with the response, that is fine: if not, then there is a suggestion that I want to make, if agreeable to YOU, as it would affect you if you accept it.22:30
igcOldAl: here's the bug you could work on: bug 48684322:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 486843 in qbzr ""learning help" in qpull is too verbose" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48684322:32
igcOldAl: don't worry about public suggestions being a PITA22:32
igcOldAl: even if I don't agree, someone else may step up and do it or refine your idea22:33
igcOldAl: if in any doubt, favour open communication over private emails and IRC chats22:34
OldAlubottu: Thanks for the bug 486843. "Being too verbose" is my problem, usually. I do feel that verbosity is superior to lack of clarity.22:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 486843 in qbzr ""learning help" in qpull is too verbose" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48684322:34
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:34
OldAlubottu: So who is the midget inside of you? (Reminds me of a chess playing "machine")22:35
igcOldAl: ubottu really is code, not a person22:37
OldAligc: I am in agreement with "public" preference to "private".  Alas, some things, like disabilities, may want to be kept private.22:38
igcOldAl: very useful though - just say "bug xxx" and ubutto will display the bug summary22:38
igcOldAl: right. Personal stuff is best kept personal22:38
igcand private22:38
OldAligc: xxx is the number?22:38
igcjust #xxx might be enough as well22:39
OldAligc: Actually, I don't mind to talk about *my* disabilities, but what I do - or do not do - affect the disabilities of others and that I want to keep private.22:40
OldAligc: also things like my experience and qualifications - it is rather a long list and requires explanation, but I feel it would be helpful to know for people that may try to get something useful done by me...22:42
OldAligc: Basically, again I try not to be a PITA, seldom successfully.22:43
OldAligc: Clarify: my tries at avoiding being a PITA are seldom successful.22:44
igcOldAl: so my suggestion is to create a Wiki page or blog with your experience and skills. See http://ianclatworthy.wordpress.com/about/ for an example22:45
OldAligc: Just looked at your blog. Impressive! I guess for me it would be easiest to make something vaguely similar in my home page on PCUG and just pass on the open address, which, however, is not obvious to casual visitors (like there are no links to it in the face page.)22:50
OldAligc: clarification: PCUG is the PC Users Group in Canberra, very supportive of ONE OS, though not from the bunch of people who run the Internet Service, the admins.  (The admins are very supportive of their independence of any elected bodies of PCUG :) )22:54
OldAligc: My last  sentence is clear as mud...22:55
igcOldAl: sure. Or add http://bazaar-vcs.org/OldAl22:55
OldAligc: OK, that is simpler!  Easier to see for anyone that may be interested in my experience and qualifications.  Will give it a good run!22:57
OldAligc: Thanks - have a call from my real boss!22:57
spivGood morning.23:04
igchi spiv23:08
pooliehello spiv23:18
pooliespiv, enquiring minds want to know about the patch pilot project :)23:19
lifelesspoolie: well I'm on this week23:19
lifelessin my personal time23:19
pooliei know23:19
pooliei am obliquely asking spiv to send a mail about how the first week went23:20
spivpoolie: composing mail about that :)23:20
pooliethanks for doing it this week lifeless23:20
lifelessspiv: be sure to call for more folk23:22
spivlifeless: good idea23:22
jdubwhat's the sanest way to get a recent bzr for RHEL? EPEL appears to have 1.323:28
jdubsomehow this system has 1.5, but i dunno where from23:28
lifelessjdub: wget the tar23:29
mlhjdub: IF you wanted an rpm ANd you were comfortablish with src.rpms, you could try the src.rpm for F12 (which is bzr 2.0.2)23:37

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