
Laeborgah, thank you so much! :P00:00
iconmefistoor just copy/symlink the script to ~/.kde/Autostart00:00
Laeborgdo I need a script to remove the symbolic links on shutdown?00:00
trudellI need nvida patch or any solution for nvidia driver 96 on 2.6.31 linux kernel (Kubuntu Karmic Koala or other)00:01
trudellI need nvida patch or any solution for nvidia driver 96 on 2.6.31 linux kernel (Kubuntu Karmic Koala or other)00:01
trudellI need nvida patch or any solution for nvidia driver 96 on 2.6.31 linux kernel (Kubuntu Karmic Koala or other)00:01
FloodBotK3trudell: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:01
iconmefistoLaeborg: what symbolic links?00:02
Laeborgln -s /media/Windows/User/Laeborg/Documents /home/Laeborg00:02
trudelldriver nvidiaaaaaaaaaaaa00:03
LaeborgDo think you will get your driver with that atitude00:03
iconmefistoLaeborg: I don't see why you would need to remove the symlink. maybe I don't quite understand00:04
trudellnv driver00:05
trudellnv driver00:05
trudelli want nvdriver00:05
LaeborgPlease just shut up trudell....00:06
Brhad56install driver then?00:06
trudellnv driver00:06
trudelli'm writing not talking00:07
loadusyou're flooding00:07
trudelli 'm to want nv drivers00:08
iconmefistotry that link trudell?00:09
trudellI need nvida patch or any solution for nvidia driver 96 on 2.6.31 linux kernel (Kubuntu Karmic Koala or other)00:09
trudellcause i need00:09
Laeborgoh kiddo....00:10
loadusby "why?" I mean, what is your problem with the drivers00:10
adaptrI need lotsamoney00:10
adaptrbecause I NEED00:10
trudellthese guide dont work in karmic koala00:11
loadusyes they do00:11
trudelli need some patch for kernel 2.6.31 kubuntu00:11
trudellall distro run nvidia in this kernel00:11
trudellonly s***t kubuntu not00:11
LaeborgAll you need is a life....00:11
trudelland you needs to die00:12
LaeborgNaah i'm not that old.00:12
merquisAnyone having problems with cheese webcam app? seems to crash since 9.10 :(00:12
loadustrudell: well, I'm on Karmic, with kernel 2.6.31-14-generic, with the 185 nvidia driver00:12
loadustrudell: installed via that hardware drivers installer00:13
LaeborgI don't have any problems after upgrade to Karmic Koala :)00:13
iconmefistotrudell: if you don't like kubuntu, you can use another distro that works for you00:14
jeponghello... anything wrong with the repos today?00:22
jepongkarmic-security seems down00:22
jeponghello... anything wrong with the repos today?00:23
jepongkarmic-security seems down00:23
loadusjepong: don't know, could be maintenance/temporary network glitch at either end00:24
jepongloadus... thanks00:25
Dragnslcrjepong- security.ubuntu.com seems to be down here, too00:26
trudellall secutiy is down00:27
trudellkubuntu isnt security00:28
trudellbetter you migrate to debian00:28
trudellkubuntu isnt to human, is to animals00:28
Laeborgoh you so lame....00:29
iconmefistoor just use a different download server00:29
trudellfor this reason yours distribution have animals namexs00:29
trudelland you are so gay00:29
trudellturn to a man, a macho man00:29
Laeborgno i'm not ;)00:29
trudellyes, you are00:30
Dragnslcrtrudell- stop trolling00:30
loadustrudell: remember what Linus said: "If you build an OS to morons, then morons will use it."00:30
trudellbe macho, muchacho00:30
Laeborgoh god kiddo..00:30
trudellits really00:31
trudellits true00:31
loadustrudell: so you better switch to win7 asap00:31
trudellonly idiots uses kubuntu00:31
loadusyes, only true heros use ms products00:31
loadusbe a hero00:31
trudellwin 7 has not this problems00:31
iconmefistothis is all very off-topic00:32
loadusno, win7 all new set of problems00:32
trudelli have found solutios for linux00:32
trudellbut i cant found solutions for great number of bugs from kubuntu distribution00:32
trudellall distro have problems, but all have solution00:32
loaduswhen you find a bug, report it to the developers at the bugtracker00:33
trudellkubuntu have problems for e00:33
trudellfor years and noone solution00:33
LaeborgI have always found a solution when I had problems00:33
iconmefistoso ask about the problems and stop complaining00:33
LaeborgDo you know a website called 'google.com' ?00:33
trudellkubuntu kernel is just bugs00:33
trudellneed total recompilation00:34
loadustrudell: people spend waay too much time whining on forums and IRC instead of reporting the bugs, that's why they are not fixed00:34
trudelli prefer debian packages, so i think serious to migrte to debian00:34
LaeborgThen stop complaining and go switch...00:34
trudellfedora is better but i dislike rpm system00:34
loadustrudell: go for it, GNU/Linux is about choice00:34
iconmefistotrudell: this is a support channel for kubuntu00:35
Dragnslcr!ot | trudell00:35
ubottutrudell: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!00:35
trudellyeah, and where is my solution?00:35
loadusyou have been offered a solution00:36
trudellif i post my problem you all says that i 'm flooding00:36
LaeborgYou don't get it with that atitude00:36
loadusbut your description of the problem was vague at best00:36
trudellif you all are incompetents, shut up all00:36
trudelland left my posts to competents peoples00:36
Laeborg<trudell> i'm writing not talking00:37
loadustrudell: insulting people on the channel will not give you a solution00:37
trudelli am inulting only idiots00:37
trudellso, shut up00:38
trudelli hate idiots00:38
iconmefistopeople here want to help, but you're making it hard00:38
Dragnslcrtrudell- if you continue behaving this way, you'll most likely be banned from the channel00:38
trudellwhere appears inteligent peoples i talk with her/his00:38
loadustrudell: did you try the install instructions from the link?00:38
trudellban me00:39
loadusit should install the latest drivers for your nvidia card00:39
loadus<Brhad56> http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/nvidia00:39
trudelldont work i was said00:39
loadusdoesn't work ----> why?00:39
trudelli need funcional patch00:39
loadusyou need a functional patch -------> why?00:40
loadus----> to do what?00:40
trudellin nv forum only have incomplete patchs00:40
loadusyour card doesn't work with the latest drivers?00:40
iconmefistotrudell: jockey-text --help00:40
loadusgives corrupt image / odd artifacts? or what?00:40
trudellno, dont work with last cause kernel is incompatible with drivers00:41
trudelland kubuntu cant compile drivers00:41
loadusyes, the 96 is incompatible, tried it myself00:41
trudellkubuntu has serious problems with graphics cards00:41
loadus----> 185 drivers00:41
loadusthrough the hardware driver installer00:41
loadusand we're back to square one00:42
trudelli was have tried 185, but dont work too00:42
loaduswhat card do you have00:42
trudellcause now driver was united with 19000:42
iconmefistotrudell: this is nvidia drivers you're talking about, by the way. not kubuntu drivers00:42
trudelli have GeForce 2 MX00:42
loaduswell, let's take a look at the supported list on nvidia's home page00:43
trudellkubuntu drivers dont work. i need a way to install trhought nvidia drivers00:43
loadus(and I was going to draw new icons tonight ...)00:44
trudellby patch or other way00:44
iconmefistotrudell: try in konsole:  jockey-text -l    and     jockey-text -C00:44
loadusit doesn't matter, if the drivers don't support your card, GF2 MX is a bit ancient and if I remember, buggy00:45
trudelldo you think that it will works?00:45
loadushang on, I'm going through nvidia pages00:46
loadusoldest card supported is GF 400:46
trudellkubuntu nvdriver install trhought jokey kde but images appears incorrectly and crash all system00:47
loadusand that's not Kubuntu's fault, but NVidia's00:47
loadusI suggest you march into the nearest PC store and get yourself a new card00:47
trudellnvidia lauched nvdia driver for kernel 2.6.3100:47
loadusunless it's a laptop of course00:47
trudelland newer00:48
iconmefistobut not for your card00:48
iconmefistocomplain to nvidia and see what they say00:48
trudellyes, for my card00:48
trudellin slackware installs well00:49
trudellin kubuntu not00:49
trudelland slackware have newer kernel00:50
loadusdid you try to install it through the package manager or apt-get00:50
trudellkernel 2.6.31 in slackware is obsolete00:50
trudellno way for it00:51
trudelli was tried00:51
loadusand a quick question between: you are SURE that your card works with 96.43.14, I mean you have SEEN it work?00:51
trudellno way to compile by module-assistant00:51
trudellyes, slackware runs00:52
loadusand what's wrong with 96.43.13 that's listed on the KPackageKit?00:52
trudellits a problem with kubuntu kernel00:52
loadus0.0.01 version shift won't make your card run any faster00:53
trudell96.43.13 dont run00:53
trudellbad compilation, maybe00:53
loaduswell, the solution is simple00:53
loadusnew card / different distro00:53
loaduspor favor00:53
trudelldifferent distro00:54
trudellcause tomorrow new problem00:54
trudellkubuntu sucks00:54
trudellkubuntu is a decepticon00:54
trudellloadus, are you programmer?00:55
loadusI'm a graphic artist00:55
trudellfrom brazil?00:56
loadusis that a Kubuntu Support question?00:56
trudellno, only arember to you01:00
trudellbe human, dude01:00
trudellbe human01:00
trudellsice hardy kubuntu have a number unçlimite of bugs01:01
trudellneeds to start from zero01:01
trudellpeoples like you causes this problem01:02
trudellyoudont have love in your job01:02
trudelldont be a child, be a man01:02
loadustrudell: Yes, content Kubuntu users like me that give advice on their free time are the biggest problem in the community, you're right01:02
trudellyou need to work. dont made idiot things01:03
loadusI do need to work on the kubuntu io icons, instead, I'm making idiot things like trying to help you and you insult me01:03
loadusand everyone on this channel01:03
loadusI find that interesting01:03
trudelli m here too, to help you ananothers01:04
trudelland anothers01:04
trudellmy contribution01:04
loadusthrough insults?01:04
trudelli m tired of ignorant peoples01:05
trudellnever has a solution for stupid mans01:05
trudellto me01:05
trudellalways have a way to find a solution01:06
loaduswith the information that you provided me with, I gave you solutions01:07
loadusand I hope they help you01:07
iconmefistoso trudell, you have installed the nvidia binary driver, but it doesn't perform well? or it doesn't work at all?01:07
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befreeimstonedlikeastone..sure 100/01:08
szadektrudell »» ms vista or seven is the right choice for you .... that kind of attitude is right when you pay for something ... and you should have support on it , dont waste the time of some well intended people that get nothing from helping you ... and when they try that is what they get ??  man you dont know clearly how to live in community , and , in a thing like this , community driven, this is not your place .... when something doenst01:11
szadek work , you should help otheres help you , not insult others to help you .01:11
szadekand when you say " i'm tired of ignorant people " ... you should look into the mirror more times before saying those things ...01:12
trudellthank you so much loadus01:15
loadustrudell: np, hope you'll get it sort it out01:15
trudellyou will be helping me and another users01:15
trudellsure, i will need01:16
loadusdoes anyone know how to install QTCurve theme using a bash script?01:16
trudellcause most of patches are incompletes, and module assistant have bugs to compile drivers from source01:17
ericGhey everyone, on my eeepc sometimes when grub loads my keyboard doesn't respond, and then when kde loads the keyboard works but the mouse doesn't.  After restarting my eee it works again. Has anyone experienced something like this?01:17
trudellloadus, do you need it compiling from source?01:18
trudella long time i was compiled all gnome 2.0 and qt engines to kurumin distribution01:18
loadustrudell: no, it's just a list of settings, but I'm not sure where they go, but I'll search the web, until I find it01:19
loadusjust quickly asked if someone has done it, faster solution01:20
trudellif you are using kde you can edit kde options01:20
trudellbut i dont know any script tha do it01:20
loadusdon't worry, I'll find the solution :)01:20
Levi`dtchen, ping.01:21
dtchenLevi`: have you filed a bug report?01:21
Levi`Negative, no i have not01:21
dtchenLevi`: please do so. ubuntu-bug alsa-base, please.01:21
chilli0How can i get rid of this stupid thing?01:22
Levi`ok done01:22
trudellwell, i have a sugestion01:22
chilli0Its the ittle foot looking thing01:22
dtchenLevi`: bug #?01:23
Levi`alsa-base: command not found01:23
chilli0when i click on it it says , Add widgets zoom out , lock widgets , appearents settings01:23
trudelli found in kde-looks.org a theme to kde called v-like01:23
LunaticoI need hlp with Kubuntu pls01:23
Levi`oh no, i got a crash dtchen .01:23
trudellv-like change all system, including qtcurve01:23
dtchenLevi`: from running "ubuntu-bug alsa-base" in a Konsole?01:24
Levi`dtchen,  http://pastebin.com/d1e32e6d701:24
trudellmaybe helps you, but dont have scripts01:24
LunaticoI need hlp with Kubuntu pls01:24
loaduschilli0: You're probably referring to the plasma control - I think it's there to stay01:24
chilli0But its not attatched to anything.01:24
chilli0Just by its self , and i can move it around.01:24
Levi`dtchen, http://pastebin.com/d74cb85cd01:24
trudelluse block widgets in upper right01:25
dtchenLevi`: that's fine, just download http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh to your Desktop, and run it using bash ~/Desktop/alsa-info.sh01:25
chilli0loadus:  Ill show you a sc01:27
Levi`i may sound like a retard, but File->Save Page as doesnt work01:27
Levi`ah wget01:27
trudellloadus, here are patchs to kernel 2.6.25 that never worked in kubuntu http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=11008801:28
chilli0This is it  http://imagebin.ca/view/9DvbciaE.html01:28
chilli0Down the left corner01:28
trudellsince hardy kubuntu never run any solution. its a disgrace01:28
trudelljust for example01:29
=== niko is now known as evilNiko
loaduschilli0: when you hover over it, does it show a bar with X on it?01:30
Levi`dtchen, that is where it says my info is01:30
dtchenLevi`: sec01:30
chilli0loadus:  Nah , it just lights up yellow01:30
Levi`brb cig01:30
loaduschilli0: no, wait, just tried it myself, it's attached to the screenedge always01:31
dtchenLevi`: amixer set 'IEC958',001:31
dtchenLevi`: sorry01:31
trudellwell chill, where is the problem?01:31
chilli0trudell: I want get rid of it01:31
dtchenLevi`:  amixer set 'IEC958',0 mute && amixer set 'IEC958 Playback AC97-SPSA',0 001:31
chilli0loadus:  Yeh  i know , i dont have any clue how it got there.01:31
chilli0trudell:  down the left corner01:31
loaduschilli0: I suggest you move it to the upper-left or upper-right corner so it won't bother that much01:31
chilli0I have one in my upper right allready01:32
chilli0embeded in the  pannel01:32
loaduschilli0: I myself prefer a clean desktop and it took a while to get used to that control widget that I never use01:32
surgyhey guys i need some 32bit libraries namely: libgtk-1.2.so.001:33
surgywhere can i find it?01:33
trudelli never had tried to do it01:33
trudelldo you want completly clear?01:34
trudellchill, do you want completly clear?01:35
Levi`dtchen, i have done that01:36
trudellsurgy, this library is now obsolete01:36
trudellyou will must download it from kubuntu packages, the lastet version is in hardy01:36
chilli0trudell:  I just want to remove that one01:36
Levi`dtchen, http://pastebin.com/d395a4aae01:36
loadussurgy: Install libgtk1.2-common01:37
dtchenLevi`: is "speaker-test -c2 -l2 -twav" audible?01:37
surgyi am running the 64 bit os and i need the 32 bit version of the library01:37
trudelland you will need install it manually, sudo dpkg --install name of library01:37
Levi`dtchen, negtaive no sound01:37
dtchenLevi`: can you mute External Amplifier?01:37
Levi`i am not sure how to do so01:38
dtchenLevi`: amixer set 'External Amplifier' mute01:39
dtchenLevi`: you could also use alsamixer or KMix01:39
Levi`okay i typed that command01:39
dtchenLevi`: now try the speaker-test command again01:39
Levi`no audio yet01:40
trudelldown here http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=hardy&searchon=names&keywords=libgtk%201.201:40
trudellloadus, in karmic is obsolete01:40
dtchenLevi`: amixer set 'Master Mono' unmute01:41
Levi`dtchen, done and retested audio.. none01:41
loadussurgy: what do you need it for?01:41
trudellwell uninstall plasma-common01:41
trudelltry it01:41
trudellchill, well uninstall plasma-common01:42
surgyit takes two 32 bit libraries01:42
trudellsurgy down here http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=hardy&searchon=names&keywords=libgtk%201.201:42
surgyi just need to know how to find them i know where to put them i just need to know where to get them01:42
trudellthen install it manually, sudo dpkg --install name of library01:43
surgy libgtk-1.2.so.0 is in that list?01:43
loadussurgy: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=116270901:43
trudellPackage libgtk1.2 and Package libgtk1.2-Common01:43
bythe9sis it possible to redireect my audio output into a file or to the microphone?01:43
trudellif you needs dev, down dev too01:43
surgyim not understanding01:44
surgyso i have to download two packages in order to get my one library?01:44
Levi`dtchen, i am running out of solutions aren't i?01:45
bythe9sI am trying to rip some music from myspace, but I can01:45
surgyand after i get the package how am i supposed to get just the library out?01:45
trudellsurgy, go to this site http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=hardy&searchon=names&keywords=libgtk%201.201:45
dtchenLevi`: please just wait a second; I'm pretty busy. Expecting immediate answers is really obnoxious.01:45
bythe9st find a program to do it. SO I am wondiering if it's possible to redirect the audio data somehou01:45
trudellthen download Package libgtk1.2 and Package libgtk1.2-Common01:45
trudelldoiwnload to desktop then in terminal01:46
trudell~/Desktop sudo dpkg --install name_of_packagres.deb01:46
loadussurgy: see the link I posted (epsxe in 64-bit ubuntu)01:46
surgyyeah and i searched my repos for the program "getlibs" that he said to use and it isnt in my repos and i have universe and multi verse enabled01:47
loadusbythe9s: use firefox with the Video Download Helper plugin (or similar) to save audiofiles/videofiles from webpages01:47
loadusbythe9s: there might be other tools as well for saving mediafiles01:48
surgynvm i found it01:48
bythe9sYa I tried the extensions for firefox but none of them pick up the media player01:49
bythe9slooks like jack audio kit will do it, but I have had a hard time getting it to work in the past01:50
surgyloadus: The following i386 packages will be installed:01:50
surgyContinue [Y/n]? y01:50
surgylibgtk1.2 was not found in your repositories01:50
FloodBotK3surgy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:50
Levi`i was instructed to install a PPA, i am unsure of this process01:51
surgy... help?01:52
loadussurgy: a minute, I'm looking into that, I have 64-bit system myself01:52
surgyloadus: thank you01:52
trudellsurgy, go to this site http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=hardy&searchon=names&keywords=libgtk%201.201:52
trudellthen download Package libgtk1.2 and Package libgtk1.2-Common01:52
trudelldoiwnload to desktop then in terminal01:52
trudell~/Desktop sudo dpkg --install name_of_packagres.deb01:52
surgytrudell: and what wil lthat do?01:53
surgytrudell: wont that just install the 64bit version?01:53
trudellwich distribution is?01:53
trudell32bit version works too01:54
surgytrudell: i am running kubuntu 64bit...... i need 32bit libraries......01:54
trudellsurgy, click here http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/universe/g/gtk+1.2/libgtk1.2_1.2.10-18.1build2_i386.deb01:54
surgytrudell: i dont think you are understanding my problem but thank you for trying01:55
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit01:55
trudelland here http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/universe/g/gtk+1.2/libgtk1.2-common_1.2.10-18.1build2_all.deb01:55
trudelldownload 32-bits libraries01:56
Levi`i was instructed to install a PPA, with an updated kernel.. i am unsure of this process01:56
=== dmax is now known as xula
trudellit will install in your distro01:56
surgythose are packages not libraries01:56
loadussurgy: all forums posts give a solution through getlibs ..?01:56
surgyloadus: getlibs is saying i dont have the repo enabled for the 32bit gtk1.2 lib01:56
trudellare packages containing libraries that you will need to run epsxe01:57
trudelltrust me01:57
trudellits more easy install by dpkg01:57
surgytrudell ever try to install a 32bit package on a 64 bit machine? doesnt work01:57
trudellno need work01:58
trudellonly libraries are needed01:58
trudellgtk-1.2 is obsolete, not present in karmic01:59
loadussurgy: trudell is right, the package does include the missing lib, but you'd have to move it to the correct folder manually01:59
trudellso install it manually01:59
surgytrudell: then your gonna have to be more clear on your instructions01:59
surgyhow do i do that?01:59
loadussurgy: the .deb package is basically a compressed file01:59
loadusextract the contents02:00
trudellfirst download02:00
trudellsurgy, click here http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/universe/g/gtk+1.2/libgtk1.2_1.2.10-18.1build2_i386.deb02:00
loadusand extract the contents of data.tar.gz02:00
trudelland here http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/universe/g/gtk+1.2/libgtk1.2-common_1.2.10-18.1build2_all.deb02:00
trudellthen sudo dpkg --install /libgtk1.2_1.2.10-18.1build2_i386.deb libgtk1.2-common_1.2.10-18.1build2_all.deb02:01
trudelli have theses libraries installed in my karmic and works well02:01
trudelli have epsxe instaled too02:01
flootenkerpAnyone here use Startup-manager?02:02
surgytrudel so i can just install those libraries without extracting or anythign and it works?02:02
trudellor use the sugestion of loadus, by ark02:02
=== evilNiko is now known as niko
zerq_I installed regular ubuntu.. trying to install latest kde now.. added the souce and did aptitude update but it still says no package found when i try to install kde.. what am i missing?\02:02
zerq_added the pgp key also02:03
trudellif libraries be incorrectly directory, yes02:03
trudellif libraries are incorrectly directory, yes02:03
zerq_is the meta package not called kde anymore?02:04
flootenkerpDoes anyone here use Startup-manager? I need a little help.02:05
zerq_i guess kubuntu-desktop works anyway02:06
zerq_strange that kde doesn't02:06
WilliamBuelli am new to Ubuntu, but, so far, so good02:08
WilliamBuelldesktop works fine in Ubuntu install, i know that02:08
chilli0Im not sure if this is the right place ,,,02:09
trudellhi bill, how do yu do?02:10
chilli0Anyone know how to fix that error?02:10
chilli0good. Im trying to install the irc plasmoid02:10
chilli0But not compiling02:10
surgytrudell: when i click your links it just brings up pages of cryptic symbols02:11
loaduschilli0: You probably need kde4 dev packages, but I'm not sure02:16
surgyok i downloaded both debs02:16
surgyi extracted both debs02:16
chilli0loadus: n02:17
surgyi stil lcant find libgtk-1.2.so.002:17
chilli0Whats the package name?02:17
surgyi just need this 32bit library02:17
surgy..... this should be simple02:17
fortuna66hi..i wanna see on Miro Internt TV some Videos02:17
fortuna66but cant see anything02:17
fortuna66some codecs missing02:18
fortuna66anybody help me?02:18
flootenkerpDoes anyone here use Startup-manager? I need a little help.02:18
loaduschilli0: I don't know .. hang on a bit, I'll do some searching02:19
chilli0k thanks02:19
loaduschilli0: kdelibs5-dev02:23
trudelldoes anyone knows about this error:02:23
trudellpatching file /home/trudell/Desktop/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-96.43.14-pkg1/usr/src/nv/nv-linux.h02:23
trudellHunk #1 FAILED at 655.02:23
surgyok now i need libgmodule-1.2.so.002:23
surgytrudell: what package has libgmodule-1.2.so.0 ?02:23
loaduschilli0: but be prepared for more errors02:23
surgywhere can i get libglib1.2.deb for i386 ?02:25
loadussurgy: search the contents of packages here: http://packages.ubuntu.com/02:25
surgyloadus: all im finding is libglib202:26
trudellin libglib1.2ldbl package02:29
zerqok.. installed kubuntu-desktop.. set kdm as default login manager, reboot and get kdm.. log in and all i get is a background and a terminal with no window manager..02:32
zerqno menus on any mouse clicks.. what am i missing here?02:32
loaduszerq: plasma-desktop?02:33
zerqcan't find package plasma-desktop02:34
loadustype it into the terminal02:34
chilli0loadus:  That worked fine.02:35
chilli0loadus:  install didnt..02:35
chilli0http://pastebin.com/d16d94c83 ..02:36
surgyhey guys thanks a triolliondy02:36
surgyit works now02:36
surgyand sorry if i was rude.... you guys work miracles.... THANKS!!!! and seeya l8rs02:37
loaduschilli0: this looks a bit serious: ‘Plasma’02:37
loadussurgy: np02:37
trudellI need nvida patch or any solution for nvidia driver 96 on 2.6.31 linux kernel (Kubuntu Karmic Koala or other)02:37
loaduschilli0: that might be a codepage issue (utf-8 for compiling)02:38
chilli0trudell:  Have you got the driver of nvidia website?02:38
trudellalrigh surgy, i'm happy for yoou02:38
trudellyes chill, but with funcionally patch02:39
trudellth nv 96.43.14 dont works well in kubuntu kernel 2.6.3102:39
chilli0oh im not sure o-02:40
zerqgot it.. apparently when you manually install kubuntu on ubuntu, kdm defaults to "no session" and you have to manually select KDE on the login menu02:41
harolddongwhy those sneaky little...02:42
mlockerI want to help.02:46
trudellloadus, surgy ficou feliz02:47
=== vignesh is now known as rv
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit02:48
trudellubuntu have x-mame, i love mame02:48
chilli0What just happend?02:50
poyntzhi, i just installed kubuntu-desktop and the trash can now doesn't support drag/drop. please help!02:50
chilli0oh netsplit xD02:50
poyntzok, basically. I still have some gnome programs installed (like nautilus). on cairo-dock it doesn't seem to matter what program I use to run trash, I still can't drag files into the dustbin02:52
poyntz(i've tried konqueror and nautilus)02:53
jussi01!netsplit | chilli002:53
ubottuchilli0: netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit02:53
trudelliconmefisto, are you here?02:53
jussi01poyntz: what happens when you do?02:53
poyntzjussi01: nothing :/02:53
* jussi01 can drag and drop...02:53
poyntzi drag the file over to trash and it shows that small icon that indiciates i'm moving a file into the directory, then when I let go of click nothing happens02:54
trudellits possible to run nvdriver with -l or -C?02:54
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poyntzjussi01: i drag the file over to trash and it shows that small icon that indiciates i'm moving a file into the directory, then when I let go of click nothing happens02:54
=== jon is now known as Guest63636
flootenkerpCan anyone please help me install this usplash http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Azenis%%20Usplash?content=111188 on my startup manager?02:55
flootenkerpI'm using ubuntu 9.0402:55
poyntzjussi01: bizarre. it seemed to occur following a reboot after removing gnome-panel02:55
flootenkerpHelp would be appreciated02:55
jussi01flootenkerp: please dont double post02:56
jussi01poyntz: tis weird.02:56
jussi01where is this trash bin located?02:56
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poyntzjussi01: ey even worse. if I open an instance of konqueror in trash:/ and an instance in Documents, then try to drag a file from one to the other nothing happens. This confirms that it's not a cairo-dock issue02:58
poyntzjussi01: konqueror trash:/ ?02:58
poyntzjussi01: it's about the most user-friendly activity that can occur on a desktop (drag/drop), so much more user friendly than hitting "delete"02:59
jussi01poyntz: Im sorry mate, I cant help you here, I dont know whats wrong tbh.03:00
poyntzjussi01: and I'm too scared to do that in case I can't remove files from the trash :P03:00
trudellflootnkerp, wich distro is yours?03:00
poyntzjussi01: thanks anyhow03:00
ubottuThe location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash03:00
poyntzi'll try that...03:00
poyntzhahaha - apparently ~/.local/share/Trash doesn't exist...03:01
poyntzoh whoop03:01
poyntzcase sensitive03:01
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit03:01
trudellflootnkerp, copy your usplash.so to /usr/lib/usplash/03:02
flootenkerpI did03:03
flootenkerpThen what?03:03
poyntzok. is it just me? or does KDE always ask for confirmation every time I try to drag/drop something?03:03
poyntz--really dodgy unnecessary feature. that will be what's killing drag/drop for trash03:04
jussi01poyntz: I think you can change the behavior, cant remember where though, let me have a lookee...03:06
poyntzgosh.... sooo annoying. there's no forum reporting trash issues for kubuntu. as if I'm the only one with the problem???! all I did was install kubuntu-desktop03:06
poyntzjussi01: thanks :D03:06
trudellthen link to /etc/alternatives/usplash-artwork.so03:06
jussi01poyntz: dolphin, settings -> general -> ask for confirmation when ( ithink thats it...) Still looking for other places where it may be03:09
poyntzjussi01: i also don't understand why there's two file managers lol :P03:09
jussi01poyntz: dolphin is the file manager, konqui is the web browser03:10
poyntzjussi01: ah.03:10
poyntzjussi01: i'd been using konqueror as the file browser lol03:10
poyntzjussi01: also, that option you specified doesn't exist under my settings tab03:11
jussi01under general?03:11
jussi01poyntz: which version are you on?03:11
poyntzjussi01: KDE 4.3.203:12
jussi01poyntz: karmic?03:12
poyntzjussi01: yeh03:12
jussi01poyntz: so what doesnt exist, the general category or?03:13
poyntzsettings -> (no general)03:13
poyntzjussi01: actually. scrap that. it's in there03:14
poyntzjussi01: just not directly in the settings tab03:14
poyntzjussi01: it's in dolphin preferences :)03:14
* jussi01 hugs poyntz03:14
poyntzjussi01: ok, opening up two instances of dolphin03:15
jussi01poyntz: Im not certain it will work, but I hope :D03:15
poyntzjussi01: yeh it didn't :/03:15
poyntzjussi01: and killing confirmations didn't help :/03:16
poyntzjussi01: well i can delete/restore which is a plus. just can't do it via drag/drop03:17
jussi01poyntz: I havent time right now, but if you are aroundd later and I find something...03:18
poyntzjussi01: thanks :D03:18
jussi01and please let me know if you find something also03:18
poyntzjussi01: def03:18
=== nels is now known as nositelicense
drykillive been searching all night hopefully i may get some insight in here. Im trying to find other computers on my network . Im fairly new to all this I03:23
drykilln a unix like os03:24
drykillalso trying to access through terminal03:25
poyntzjussi01: this is as close as i've got to finding others with the same issue - http://www.cairo-dock.org/bg_topic.php?t=2910. i'm starting to think it is somewhat cairo related... :/03:26
iconmefistoI don't get a confirmation dialog when sending files to trash. I always have that confirmation setting in dolphin turned off as jussi01 described03:27
jussi01iconmefisto: I think he means the little move or copy dialog03:30
poyntzjussi01: ok. i've worked out what the problem is. it's definitely not a cairo-dock issue. the problem is that trash:/ in kde doesn't map properly onto ~/.local/share/Trash/files. In other words kubuntu essentially has two trash cans (one that supports drag/drop "~/.local/share/Trash/files" and one that doesn't "trash:/"03:32
jussi01poyntz: ahh, please file a bug.03:33
poyntzi'll try after lunch, brb.03:33
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poyntz|ajussi01: it actually really easy to fix. just point Trash to ~/.local/share/Trash/files. anyhow, i'll do the report now03:40
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jussi01poyntz: it may be easy, but still, needs to be done :D03:41
jussi01and thanks for reporting it, doing that make a lot of difference03:41
iconmefistohmm. trash:/ (in dolphin or konqueror) and ~/.local/share/Trash/files are the same folder. they are not 2 separate trash locations03:43
iconmefistopoyntz: is this an upgraded karmic or new install? is that how the trash problem arises?03:46
awhatleyhey guys trying to follow some directions on installing proper drivers it says tar xzf <path> what do they mean for <path>03:52
surgycan someone help me get my two game pads working? i plug them in and the os does absolutely nothing03:53
iconmefistoawhatley: <path> is the folder and file name. so if it's a file on your desktop, the path would be /home/your-username/Desktop/my-file03:57
awhatleyso when i open up terminal and i do mkdir hybrid_w1 what would the path be03:59
awhatleyif u dont mind03:59
iconmefistoit depends what folder you're in when you do that command03:59
awhatleyit just says username@computername But i think i found the folder04:00
iconmefistoif you're in your home folder (which is the default folder unless you change to another folder) it would create /home/your-username/hybrid_w104:00
iconmefistoso hybrid_w1 would be a folder in your home folder04:01
awhatleyok now installing the driver. it says tar xzf <path>/hybrid-portsrc.tar would Path be the folder where it is or where its going to04:02
iconmefistowhere is hybrid-portsrc.tar  ? is it in your home folder?04:03
awhatleyits on my desktop apprently04:04
awhatleyso it would be tar xzf /home/username/desktop/hybrid-portsrc.tar04:06
iconmefistoso you could change to the desktop folder first (to keep things simple) with this:   cd Desktop04:06
iconmefistocase sensitive.  uppercase D04:06
awhatleybut the file has to go into the hybrid folder04:06
awhatleyshould i move the file to the hybrid folder04:06
iconmefistoit should extract everything according to the folder structure in the tar file04:07
awhatleyok so it would be tar xzf home/user/hybrid_w1/hybrid-portsrc.tar04:08
iconmefistobut it might be a bunch of files compressed without a folder structure, in which case you would have all those files in your desktop folder04:08
awhatleytar: home/awhatley/hybrid_w1/hybrid-portsrc.tar: Cannot open: No such file or directory04:10
awhatleytar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now04:10
awhatleytar: Child returned status 204:10
awhatleytar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors04:10
iconmefistoor just do this first to change to that folder:   cd hybrid_w1    and then:   tar xzf hybrid-portsrc.tar04:10
iconmefistooh that should be -xzf04:12
awhatleysame error04:13
awhatleyall im trying to do is get the right drivers for my wireless card. apparently im using realtek drivers for a broadcom device04:14
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iconmefistono that's wrong, sorry04:14
iconmefistotry menu > system > hardware drivers04:16
iconmefistoor have you tried that already?04:16
awhatleyI i did that and then it switches between realtek driver and bxm or something04:16
awhatleyI cant remember what it said but I used ndiswrapper and dont know what I did04:17
awhatleyit wont let me access my windows partition04:18
awhatleyok i got into it04:18
iconmefistoawhatley: try the text version of that hardware drivers tool: sudo jockey-text -l04:18
iconmefistoawhatley: that will list the drivers available for your hardware04:19
awhatleykmod:wl - Broadcom STA wireless driver (Proprietary, Enabled, Not in use)04:20
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iconmefistoawhatley: I did this myself just yesterday. let me remember what I did for a minute04:21
trudellmefisto, is it possible to downgrade kernel of karmic to jaunty kernel without problems?04:21
trudellmefisto, is it possible to downgrade kernel of karmic to jaunty kernel without problems?04:21
awhatleyno problem04:21
iconmefistotrudell: I don't think so04:22
trudellits bad04:22
chuckf_I'm having an issue with grub2. I just got a new laptop today with Win7. I installed Kubuntu and shrank the windows partition. Set up the Kubuntu side of things okay. Rebooted to configure the win7. After a couple of reboots there and some updates I now cannot boot. I see the bios post, the grub2 header then the screen goes white for a few seconds and reboots.04:23
awhatleyits windows i tell ya04:23
awhatleyI tried to dual boot vista and ubuntu and windows locked the hd04:24
chuckf_awhatley: I figured it was a windows thing, but would like to find a linux thing to fix it:)04:25
awhatleyi got a fix04:25
awhatleyjust get rid of windows ::P04:25
awhatleybest fix ever04:25
awhatleyim tryin to convince my friends and family to switch over( although i kind of dont my customers to, then i wont be fixing computers)04:26
chuckf_unfortunatly I have two reasons to keep windows. work and spouse04:26
awhatleyhaha me 204:26
macochuckf_: neither have to be permanent *hides*04:26
awhatleythats why i bought myself a new computer and dual booted xp and linux04:26
chuckf_maco: keeping that option for a last choice04:27
chuckf_plus for advocacy reasons its nice to say 'see you can keep your windows 7 along side your ubuntu04:28
awhatleymefisto, any luck remembering yet?04:28
iconmefistoawhatley: try this: sudo modprobe wl04:32
awhatleyWARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper, it will be ignored in a future release.04:32
iconmefistothen this to see if it's enabled and in use: lsmod | grep wl04:33
awhatleywl                   1272936  004:34
awhatleylib80211                6432  1 wl04:34
iconmefistook seems that worked04:34
awhatleyits weird im connected wirelessly but i cant seem to get wireless N04:34
awhatleywhen i do iwconfig it says 802.11g04:34
iconmefistoyou can try the    sudo jockey-text -l    command to see if it says "in use" now04:35
awhatleystill not in use04:35
iconmefistoI think I turned the interface off and on again and it all started working04:37
iconmefistoor maybe "disable wireless" with the knetworkmanager widget then re-enable wireless04:37
awhatleyi dont know how... there is no switch04:37
awhatleyim using rutiIt WLAN Manager04:38
awhatleywould the wrong drivers cause me to not be able to connect to an smtp server04:39
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iconmefistoawhatley: but you can get internet connection?04:40
awhatleyim on it right now04:40
awhatleylol im just mad.. i paid for wireless N with this laptop and got a wireless N router and now its useless lol04:41
iconmefistonew router too?04:42
awhatleyyea cuz my old one was linksys wrt54gc and it didnt have n so i went to dlink dir 61504:43
awhatleywhich is crap but i cant afford to buy another one right now04:43
iconmefistomaybe router config? I had a problem with uploads even though downloads were working fine, till I lowered the MTU in router config04:44
awhatleywould that fix trying to open some websites? i try to post on linuxquestions.org and sometimes it tries to download .php files04:44
iconmefistothat was my first experience with wireless. so maybe I'm not the best person to ask about it04:45
awhatleybut your the only one helping me04:45
awhatleyit just pisses me off .. sometimes i cant connect to my smtp servers and i wanna throw my computer out the window04:45
iconmefistotry going to http://www.speedtest.net/ and run a test. I couldn't get it to do the upload test at all until I changed MTU04:46
iconmefistoawhatley: btw, my router is also dlink04:47
awhatleyive never had so many problems with a router before lol04:47
awhatleylinksys was so easy to setup04:48
awhatleyand dlink is a pain in my a@@04:48
awhatleywhat would u suggest for MTU for dsl internet04:49
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iconmefistoI googled the upload problem and my router (DI 524) and someone was having similar problems, said that dsl users should change MTU from default 1500 to 1452, and it magically worked :)04:50
awhatley_ok so i changed my mtu04:51
awhatley_and now lets see what happens lol04:52
awhatley_hmmmm mefisto i think you might have got it04:53
awhatley_i was able to post np04:53
awhatley_but now if my tx rate is over 54MBPS doesnt that mean im connected to N04:53
iconmefistothis is the page that gave me the MTU hint: http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/forum-replies.cfm?t=26799104:54
iconmefistoyour router config should tell you connection details like that somewhere04:56
awhatley_well i know wireless g cant tx at 130 and when im downstairs i just checked in  my wlan config at my tx rate was 13004:56
iconmefistoI guess dlink routers are a learning opportunity05:00
duryodhanhi .. Kubuntu decided to install the PAE kernel during a fresh install .. which I hate .. is there any way I can make kubuntu use the normal kernel ?05:12
trudellwhat is PAE?05:18
poyntziconmefisto: 14:46 < iconmefisto> poyntz: is this an upgraded karmic or new install? is that how the trash problem arises?05:28
poyntz14:46 < iconmefisto> poyntz: is this an upgraded karmic or new install? is that how the trash problem arises?05:28
poyntziconmefisto: nah, it's an upgraded karmic which i added kubuntu-desktop to05:28
poyntz*sorry about the double post05:28
poyntzmost things work very nicely05:29
poyntzjust not so much that05:29
duryodhantrudell : server kernel05:48
duryodhanI want to use the normal desktop kernel05:49
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trudellPAE is server kernel? and MAE is what?06:12
trudellis SMP server kernel?06:13
FloodBotK2trudell: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:20
trudelli am connected, yet?06:21
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borophyllfor some reason, desktop sharing keeps launching every time I log into KDE.  How do i stop this from happening?07:46
Tm_Tborophyll: do you close it when you logout / shutdown07:46
borophyllyes i close it down, and it keeps coming back07:48
borophylli dont know if i accidently put it into startup somehow?07:49
Tm_Tborophyll: interesting, does it have "start at login" in its settings ?07:49
Tm_Tborophyll: that's what I'm thinking yes07:49
borophyllim new at this, how do i find the start at login settings?07:50
Tm_Tborophyll: this desktop sharing app, is there that kind of setting in its settings07:51
borophyllno, i couldnt find any07:51
borophyllive never used or have any intention to use desktop sharing, so god knows how it happened07:52
Tm_Topen Konsole and do this: "ls -a ~/.config/autostart/"07:53
borophyllnothing in there07:54
Tm_Tborophyll: nothing at all? only dots?07:54
borophylli think its krfb (the program)07:54
borophyllits in the system tray if that helps07:55
Tm_Tborophyll: then it's running (:07:55
bradpitthi, i get error everytime i reboot the computer, since the error is right after bios i record the video.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eF_QCCaIBPk . thank you before07:56
Tm_Tborophyll: you should close it from systray (too) to really close it07:56
borophyllok, so maybe if I kill it properly, maybe it wont reappear?07:56
Tm_Tborophyll: just rightclick on it, it should offer quit07:56
borophyllok ill be right back, im going to log out and see if it comes back07:57
Tm_Tborophyll: good luck (:07:57
borophyllnah, it still comes up07:58
Tm_Tborophyll: see what is in ~/.kde/Autostart/ then07:59
borophyllnothing as well07:59
Tm_Tborophyll: ok, do "ps aux | grep -i krfb"08:00
borophyllonly the grep process was listed, nothing else08:00
Tm_Thmm, so it's not running there I guess08:01
Tm_Tweird, really weird08:01
borophyllyeah im stumped08:01
borophyllthere is no other startup dirs?08:02
Tm_Twell, systemwide then08:02
Tm_Tborophyll: /etc/xdg/autostart/08:02
borophyllI get jockey-kde.desktop and update-notifier-kde.desktop08:03
Tm_Tborophyll: neither of those matters in this, hmmm08:04
Tm_Tborophyll: then there's /usr/share/autostart/08:05
borophyllkabcdistlistupdater.desktop             krunner.desktop08:06
borophyllkblueplugd.desktop                      kwrited-autostart.desktop08:06
borophyllkde4-knetworkmanager-autostart.desktop  nepomukserver.desktop08:06
borophyllklipper.desktop                         plasma.desktop08:06
borophyllkmix_autostart.desktop                  plasma-desktop.desktop08:06
FloodBotK2borophyll: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:06
borophyllkonqy_preload.desktop                   printer-applet.desktop08:06
volodyait seems that in 9.10, kwin no longer raises application windows in the cases where they used to be raised before08:06
volodyae.g. emacs uses to pop up when I do 'emacsclient whatever' in the terminal, and now it does not08:06
volodyais this a known bug, or configuation change?08:07
Tm_Tborophyll: please don't flood08:08
borophylldoesnt seem to be anything in there08:08
borophylli didnt, i just pasted dir listing08:08
Tm_Tborophyll: then I'm out of ideas08:08
Tm_Tborophyll: that's flooding when there's more than 3 lines (:08:08
borophyllis there any way to paste stuff in without typing manually?08:08
Tm_Tborophyll: select and paste08:09
Tm_Tborophyll: and we recommend to use pastebin, like http://paste.ubuntu.com08:09
borophyllthats what I did, but it floods!08:09
Tm_Tborophyll: yes, use pastebin (:08:09
borophyllnot sure what that is, but anyway thanks for you help08:10
Tm_Tborophyll: see url I mentioned above08:10
Tm_Tborophyll: you paste large texts into it, submit, and then paste the url here so we can see that large text without flooding in channel08:10
Tm_Tneat technique indeed (:08:13
Tm_Tborophyll: anyway, I'm out of ideas here08:13
borophyllthats ok08:16
borophyllTm_T: I foud a workaround for my problem08:21
borophylldeleted the ~/.kde/share/config/krfbrc file08:21
borophylland now its gone08:21
Tm_Tborophyll: ah, so there was some "start at login" setting then, weird08:22
borophyllfound a post on kubuntu forums that had same problem as myself08:22
borophylland thats how they fixed it08:23
borophyllI tried to make it happen again by openign krfb, but now it never reappears so *shrug*08:24
borophyllanyway thanks for your help, cya08:24
WilliamBuellI am a beginner who just did a very simple brute force solution usind SED command to take an IRC log and strip out everything except actual conversation08:31
WilliamBuelli wanted to see if I could do it, and also, to learn more aboue SED command08:31
Peace-WilliamBuell: :) #sed08:32
WilliamBuellaha, will that give me more info on sed?08:32
Peace-WilliamBuell: i have used that channell to learn :)08:34
mauriwhere are stored the files description for the icon on the desktop?08:38
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humphreeW00 at successful install on my netbook!09:13
emerald_evening all09:41
aftertafhello : i need help diagnosing a potential dns resolution issue. slowness with Bind on local network for local and net resolution09:49
mauriit seems to be a bug in splash screen "get new theme"10:05
^V^Hi, I'm having some issues with suspend on closing the laptop lid. Suspend works fine if triggered via menu option. acpi_listen does not output anything ...10:07
^V^Laptop is Dell Studio 155510:08
^V^The state in /proc/acpi/button/LID01/ is correctly updated10:08
^V^Is there anything else I can try to narrow down the issue?10:12
^V^Oh yeah, this is on Karmic BTW10:13
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varexnet32is someone in here10:31
yogeshwhats going on10:37
WilliamBuellnot much it is 5:30am here in new york city10:38
yogeshi m getting a prob: a video show that it will play only on WIN Med Player10:39
yogeshwhat to do10:40
^V^yogesh: which player are you using?10:43
yogeshTotem Movie Player 2.22.110:45
yogeshVLC med pl10:45
^V^It doesn't play at all or do you get at least audio/video?10:46
BlouBlouwich programm does kubuntu uses for update system?10:46
BlouBlouI have ubuntu, but I'll change to kubuntu and I don't know10:47
^V^yogesh: give MPlayer a go10:47
^V^If it doesn't work, try following the guide here: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/install-mplayer-and-multimedia-codecs-libdvdcss2w32codecsw64codecs-in-ubuntu-9-10-karmic.html10:48
FloodBotK1Rondell: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:48
chimp-champHi, I have set my menu back to the system setting but now the wine menu is removed as well.10:50
chimp-champSo, is there any menu-config file?10:50
Rondellchimp-champ Claw6 Rondell harolddong awidegreen gigasoft Quintasan chaitu BlouBlou yogesh MadAGu simion314 gorgonzola10:50
Rondellkiraitachi PolitikerNEU luukje schmidtm cdpuk ^V^ taikun bambule Cybertinus fale_ aftertaf TheKro protocow pavelludiq10:50
Rondellnjathan zippy odysseas deprecated hoergen Salze_ login_ jo123_ piko stoffel demytry tavi rork volodya zafko jhunold10:50
RondellWeasel[DK] bazhang eragon63 marcel sgrover wrgb hrna Tecmi Nakkel Tm_T tl nacer JakeSays kadoban_ nixternal schestowitz10:50
Rondellhax task_struct zeltak spawn57 user_ Joschi Ev0luti0n_ doleyb amgarching chuckf_ ewoerner_ JJman steveire_ mgagne10:50
FloodBotK1Rondell: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:50
Rondellhibliss crayfish [vali] eean jgoss noaXess deci iNiku_ Riddell dwidmann_ jkumar Dmagick_ thefish CyberSix comfanter_10:50
bazhang!ops | Rondell10:51
ubottuRondell: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) Riddell, Tm_T, tsimpson, jpds, seth_k, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, genii, trappist, crimsun, seth, DBO, nixternal, PriceChild, Pici, jussi01, ikonia, Mamarok, ryanakca or maco10:51
Quintasanda heck?10:52
kiraitachiwhats up?10:52
fale_what's up?10:52
kiraitachiit seems u can only use this channel in emergencies10:53
Quintasannah, that Rondell was just spamming :.10:53
kiraitachinot sure thoug...im a noob at this irc shit....10:53
Quintasangah, this is support channel, chat is in #kubuntu-offtopic10:53
chimp-champIs there any menu-config backup file?10:53
kiraitachibackup file??? i think in kubuntu u have to install it first...10:54
kiraitachiin linux mint comes already but in kubuntu u got to get one....try up looking i packages?10:54
chimp-champI mean of there is any backup of my KMenu10:55
kiraitachiwell....anyone knows how the fuck to add an irc to quassel?10:55
chimp-champe.g. from my last session10:55
Tm_Tkiraitachi: please no cursing10:55
Tm_Tchimp-champ: no I don't think there's any automatic backups10:55
kiraitachibut what u want to do?10:56
Tm_Tkiraitachi: what you mean by "add an irc to quassel" ?10:56
Tm_Tkiraitachi: you want to join other channels?10:56
chimp-champTm_T: I mean just of the entrys in my menu10:56
Tm_Tchimp-champ: hmm, what you mean?10:56
kiraitachii mean like 4 example there is this link http://www.hackforums.net/index.php10:56
kiraitachiand in that page u can see irc10:56
kiraitachiu would like to add that irc to the quassel chat10:57
kiraitachihow i do that?10:57
kiraitachii know that i can go to file then networks and add but what should i writte on the add line?10:57
chimp-champTm_T: I mean if there is an kde backup of my menu entrys10:57
Tm_Tkiraitachi: if you are joining channel, just add channel name, if irc network, then server address you want to add10:58
kiraitachichimp-champ u can try to clik with the mouse the right button and choose menu editor to make changes...thats all i know10:58
chimp-champeg if my menu had 3 entrys (firefox, dolphin, system settings) but i'd remove them - so i need a backup of my menu entrys11:00
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kiraitachiTm_T and how would u do it if u want to add the irc of taht page?11:01
kiraitachicause i really dont know if its a server what im adding or a channel...lol11:02
jeddanoob looking to know is python better than perl??11:02
jeddathinking perl seems like the better of the 2??11:02
kiraitachigot no idea...11:03
noaXessgood morning all11:09
noaXessi have trouble with my sound...11:10
noaXessif i try the test sound in system settings /multimedia it starts but i hear the output just after 2-3 secs later.. so the begining of the sound i can't hear it11:10
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions11:16
noaXessshoud the pulseaudio server be installed?11:16
noaXessin multimedia i see a pulseaudio output device, but no pulseaudio server is installed.. ?!11:17
Mamaroknoanot if you use KDE only11:20
Mamarokoops, joust miised him :(11:20
gigasofthow to install kde 4.3 via terminal ?11:24
tsimpsongigasoft: see the link in the topic11:30
gigasoftwhat link11:32
bazhanghttp://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.3.3    <--- gigasoft11:34
bazhangKDE 4.3.3 for Karmic in the backports:   gigasoft11:34
kiraitachihi plz someone help me on how to know what port is one irc server i want to add!!!11:35
gigasoftthanks :)11:35
kiraitachianyone plz help me..its really easy...11:35
kiraitachibut i cant do it..dammit..11:36
rorkkiraitachi: search the web for the server's website, connection info should be on the page11:36
kiraitachii found the link11:36
kiraitachifor the server not the port connection11:36
rorkit's probably the default port then11:36
kiraitachino i already tryed...11:37
kiraitachiits not 666711:37
bazhanggigasoft, please keep it in channel; did you read the actual link?11:37
kiraitachican u check it out and thell me plz how u did it?11:37
gigasofti reading11:37
rorkkiraitachi: which irc server do you want to add?11:38
kiraitachirork: this is the link  at the top appears irc http://www.hackforums.net/11:38
bazhangkiraitachi, please take this to #kubuntu-offtopic11:38
kiraitachiy?  bazhang? i cant ask it here? ik its offtopic but is the chat over here only is special cases?11:39
bazhangkiraitachi, is this related to kubuntu support? try also in #freenode11:40
kiraitachiwell this is related to quassel adding servers without know were is the port or how to find it so idk where i should put it cause after all quassel comes with kubuntu so should be in support?11:41
bazhanggigasoft, no PM please11:42
gigasoftis there ...11:42
tsimpsonkiraitachi: it's not quassel that you want support with, it's that irc server11:45
tsimpsonkiraitachi: and port 6667 seems to work fine11:45
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loadusI'm having a bit of problems with my display font DPI value. I've set it to 96, but some programs ignore it, like fontforge or Google Earth. Any locations for that value that I should look for?11:49
Tm_Tloadus: where you have set the dpi?11:49
loadusSystem Settings > Appearance > Fonts11:50
loadusthe fontsize in fontforge is unreadable, about two pixels in height11:51
Tm_Tloadus: it's likely that not all apps follow that setting, you have to find a way to set dpi for X entirely11:51
loadussame in Google Earth, but the font in the 3D window is ok11:51
loadusaye, can't find a location where to look for that value - setting it in xorg.conf doesn't work : /11:51
loaduswell, I'll keep searching, thx anyways ^^11:52
Tm_Tloadus: ye, unfortunately there's plenty of applications that like to count dpi itself and/or hardcode it and ignore all settings entirely11:54
loadusI was a bit afraid of that ..11:54
Tm_Tloadus: for example GNOME is known to ignore detected DPI entirely (I think it still does)11:55
loadusone way for me to circle around it is to use Virtualbox with kubuntu and use those programs there, but it's a bit slow. :D11:57
Tm_Tloadus: I recommend to ask in those applications help forums and channels11:57
Tm_Tthey hopefully know how to work out the issue11:58
wernerlHello people :)12:02
wernerlanybody alive here? I need some help..12:02
wernerlI'm trying to make a copy of my data partition. I mounted a shared folder on my laptop through samba. After I copy all data he only creates the folders on my laptop.. :S No files are copied12:03
bazhangwernerl, using which app12:04
wernerlDolphin. Doing a copy paste. In dolphin I clicked on Network -> samba shares -> workgroup -> wernel-laptop and then I pasted all data12:04
wernerlHe created the folders, and then I got this error: The file or folder smb://WernerL@wernerl-laptop/tmp-backup/Music/Childen Of Bodom/Are You Dead Yet %3F does not exist.12:06
wernerlmy laptop is running vista btw. My pc is kubuntu9.1012:07
chilli0Hi , does anyone know of a program that will auto sort my music?12:12
chilli0I have 8-9 gigs of songs that are all unsorted , and many duplicates.12:12
chilli0Is there any programs that will sort them into artist or what ever?12:13
loaduschilli0: Amarok?12:18
ubuntuI have a problem with UUID after upgrading from 9.04 to 9.1012:19
ubuntuhelp me please!12:19
chilli0loadus:  I can't understand amarok , but does that sort the files?12:19
chilli0ubuntu , try #ubuntu12:19
bazhangubuntu, what problem please clarify12:19
chilli0bazhang:  Make sure hes using kubuntu12:19
loaduschilli0, it creates a complete list of all tracks in the specified media folders, sorted by artist/album/track/filename etc12:20
bazhang!blkid | ubuntu12:20
ubottuubuntu: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)12:20
ubuntuproblem is about initramfs12:20
chilli0loadus: O= sounds good. So how can i do that?12:20
ubuntuUUID in fstab is the same of grub12:20
loaduschilli0, fire up Amarok, go to Settings > Collection > and select the folders, where you have the tracks12:21
ubuntuI have already seen blkid but I don't know how to solve12:21
loaduschilli0: and let Amarok read the whole library - it might take a while, reading from ID tags is a bit tedious12:22
ubuntuI have modify grub at boot with "e" and I have substituted UUID with /dev/sdb6 (that is my root, not my /boot)12:22
ubuntubut nothing12:22
chilli0loadus:  So it will make a whole new directory?12:23
ubuntunow I have mounted in live my distro and I do upgrade ...but I have an error... (can I past it here?)12:24
loaduschilli0: Amarok won't create any directory, it only creates a library list, like WinAmp or similar12:24
bazhangubuntu, paste.ubuntu.com12:24
chilli0loadus:  So it wont sort my files?12:24
* chilli0 doesnt want to use amarok12:24
loaduschilli0: Physically, no.12:24
chilli0sad face12:25
ubuntunobody knows?12:28
bazhangubuntu, what are you trying to accomplish? and are you root? please paste.ubuntu.com the output of cat /etc/apt/sources.list12:28
chilli0loadus:  lols12:29
chilli0There is a sort files in there12:29
chilli0Thanks for kinda showing me xD12:29
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loaduschilli0: hehe, np12:29
ubuntuthis is my source.list http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/325314/12:30
bazhangubuntu, did you enable the root account?12:31
ubuntuI have mounted my distro in live in this way http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/325315/12:33
ubuntubazhang what do you think about?12:37
chilli0loadus:  Not quite haha , its weird and not working.12:37
loaduschilli0: I'm pretty sure there is a tag library software out there, that re-organizes files physically .. never seen one though12:38
bazhangubuntu, you get busybox prompt when trying to boot and have now chrooted into via live cd to try and repair permissions and or mount disks? is that about right?12:38
chilli0loadus:  I might have to make one.12:39
loaduschilli0, always sorted my mp3's by hand when saving12:39
chilli0yeh , I get albums from mates , usbs and external hard drives12:40
chilli0all unsorted xD12:40
Mamarokloadus: have a look at kid312:40
ubuntu_bazhang what you have said  is right12:41
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ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:45
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ubuntu_error after boot is similar to http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/325321/12:48
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=== arturo is now known as AmigoMadrid
andyhi everyone13:00
andyme new ubuntu user13:00
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charlie-jayneis anyone in here a Ktorrent guru?13:04
charlie-jayneI need help setting up rss feeds13:04
Claw6hello im running compiz an any way some programms (kmail and dolphin) have no decoration13:05
Claw6im using kwin not emerald13:05
Guest94627how to have desktop cube?13:05
Guest94627i enabled it13:05
Guest94627but its not working13:05
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charlie-jayneGuest94627: make sure you have 4 desktop spaces13:06
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Guest94627my wobbly windows dont work either13:07
Guest94627is it because im using ubuntu in virtual machine13:07
charlie-jayneGuest94627: it probably is13:08
Guest94627o man13:08
InforMedHi! I'm unable to suspend Kubuntu Karmic after install pulseaudio! Can someone help-me?13:10
reinaldoI used to transfer file from my cell phone to my computer through bluetooth using kbluetooth. But after upgrading to Karmic koala it isn't working. Has someone some clue?13:29
chilli0i just somehow removed abut 10 gig of music13:32
chilli0with amrok , i was trying to sort the files and i dont ahve back up13:32
chilli0And there not in my recycling bin13:32
chilli0anyway i can restore my computer back 1h?13:32
loaduschilli0: how exactly did you remove the files?13:40
BluesKajHey folks13:49
chilli0loadus:  No clue..13:54
chilli0They just were there , they they wernd13:54
loaduschilli0: Achievement Unlocked: Bork your audiolibrary13:54
loadushave you searched13:55
loadusif the files are just moved13:55
=== volker is now known as VokGear
wernerlNobody knows an answer to my question? :( I asked here a few hours ago and on the forums no-one answers either.. :(14:00
chilli0yeh there gone loadus14:01
loaduschilli0: damn14:01
loaduschilli0: google for a file restore software14:02
loaduschilli0: the files are still there somewhere, unless the system did a super-secure-absolute-wipe-kill-all -delete14:02
ubuntu_Hi! can anybody help me to solve initramfs problem14:03
ubuntu_what can I do?14:03
ubuntu_my problem is after upgrading from 9.04 to 9.10 at boot I have:  - Boot args (cat /proc/cmdline)14:05
ubuntu_  - Check rootdelay= (did the system wait long enough?)14:05
ubuntu_  - Check root= (did the system wait for the right device?)14:05
ubuntu_ - Missing modules (cat /proc/modules; ls /dev)14:05
ubuntu_ALERT! /dev/disk/by-uuid/59e408d8-acf8-41ac-8b4a-fce7c8a4e039 does not exist. Dropping to a shell!14:05
ubuntu_BusyBox v1.13.3 (ubuntu 1:1.13.3-1ubuntu7) built-in shell (ashj)14:05
ubuntu_Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands14:05
chilli0loadus:  Im doing another seach for one file that i remeber the name of14:06
AzzmodanHow do i disable the screensaver in kubutu? I already disabled the powersaving setting under system settings -> desktop -> powre control14:06
chilli0through the whole file system14:06
trudellhi chill14:06
trudellhi loadus14:06
loadushi trudell14:06
trudellsurgy ficou feliz hein!14:07
apogood day14:08
apoi've got a  problem with my x-server starting up14:08
trudellmany older libraries can be used that way14:08
apoam i right here for help? :)14:08
trudellapo, have do you tried t fix x-server?14:08
apoit's a quite strange problem.. x seems to try to start 2 times at boot14:09
apofirst time it crashes with the msg that no grpahics etc could be configured14:09
apoi have to press esc a few times to quit all msgs14:09
apothen it restarts again, successfully14:09
aponvidia driver14:09
trudellloadus, the kubuntu developers must to do package to solve theses problems, including older libraries as legacy14:10
apoi already tried to use "nv" drivers14:10
aponothing changed14:10
loadustrudell: well, you have to speak to the developers, or start a thread about it in the kubuntuforums, if you feel that way14:10
trudellthe problem is th 3g graphic drivers from ubuntu14:10
trudellyou will need to uninstall it14:10
BluesKajapo, which grfx card ?14:11
trudellyeah, have any development channel that i can go in irc?14:11
aponvidia 8400m14:11
trudellkubuntu development14:11
trudellthen choose safe mode in grub14:12
trudellthen try fo fix X server14:12
apothis option "fix x" disappeared some time ago i think14:13
apoperhaps its back14:13
trudell"TRY TO FIX HTE X SERVER"14:13
apowhat would be thecommand to run from console?14:13
apoyeah, its gone ;)14:13
apoonly "root console" "netroot" etc14:13
BluesKajtrudell, try #ubuntu-devel14:13
trudellloadus, do you had heard about it?14:13
kaddihi, I'm trying to install the flash-beta from adobe and it asks me to enter the installation path of mozilla.. but when I enter /usr/lib/mozilla it replies "WARNING: PLease enter a valid installation path.". Where is mozilla installed if not in /usr/lib/mozilla?14:14
trudellthx blueskaj14:14
BluesKajapo ,  fix X server , how are you trying to ?14:14
trudellmplayer need some modification for brazillian peoples too14:14
trudelli recompiled the mplayer for me14:15
apofirst i tried to "repair" xorg conf manually. but that is not the problem i think, cause x starts.. but it seems to be launched with wrong configs some time at startup.14:16
ubuntu_here there are my boot information http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/325384/ please help me! I don't know how to solve :(14:16
apoafter that "fail start" it starts without any problems with my xorg.conf14:16
kaddiI checked and the folder /usr/lib/mozilla exists and contains the plugin folder in wich flash currently is installed14:16
trudellwell. go to envy-ng and uninstall nv drivers14:16
apoeven the nvidia driver is not loaded at first try14:16
trudellor go to synaptic and uninstall all nvdrivers14:17
apoi did14:17
aposhall i restart with vesa?14:17
AzzmodanHow do i disable the screensaver in kubutu? I already disabled the powersaving setting under system settings -> desktop -> powre control but its still blanking out after some time14:17
BluesKajapo, in order to install the proper nvidia driver you must remove the the existing one first , then stop X and install the nvidia-glx-185 ..read this http://pastebin.ca/168230914:18
trudell[left the driver of xorg14:19
trudelluninstalll all nvidia drivers non-free14:19
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MelisUHello. Dolphin is not refreshing directories. I have to press F5 everytime something changes. Anybody know this problem?14:20
apoi uninstalled everfy non-free now14:21
aposhall i coninuewith your pasted steps?14:22
gmshey, where is the right place to look if suspend on lid does not work in 9.10 - acpid, udev, devkit or hald?!?14:22
BluesKajapo, yes14:23
gmsi mean 'suspend to ram on lid closed'14:23
apook, bbl. thanks14:23
trudellblueskaj, the developers are'nt listening14:24
trudellthey dont care14:25
BluesKajtrudell, they may not be a support channel14:25
sayacheshi all14:26
trudellwell, at least heard14:27
BluesKajyeah trudell , the channel intro message says they aren't a support chat ..sorry :(14:27
ubuntu_help meeeeeeeeee :'(14:29
BluesKaj!ask | ubuntu_14:29
ubottuubuntu_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:29
ubuntu_I am desperate14:30
ubuntu_how to solve initramfs problem after upgrading14:30
Peace-kernel panic?14:30
ubuntu_from 9.04 to 9.1014:30
Peace-ubuntu_: mmm upgrading form 9.04 to 9.10 has fucked a lots of person14:31
ubuntu_this are my boot info http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/325384/14:31
ubuntu_I know it! damned!14:31
tsimpson!language | Peace-14:32
ubottuPeace-: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.14:32
Peace-tsimpson: omg....14:32
ubuntu_peace help me!14:32
trudellwha tproblem ubuntu14:32
ubuntu_after boot,  UUID doesn't exist14:32
ubuntu_this is what I see http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/325388/14:33
tsimpsonubuntu_: do you have a live CD?14:33
ubuntu_now I am on it14:33
tsimpsonubuntu_: ok, what's in /dev/disk/by-uuid/ now?14:33
sayachesit may be a stupid question but, does anyone know a french channel for trouble on kunbuntu ? (y'a pas quelqu'un qui connais un chan français pour les soucis sous kubuntu ?)14:34
Azzmodan#kubtunu-fr ?14:34
Peace-!fr | sayaches14:34
ubottusayaches: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr14:34
sayachesthx ^^"14:34
ubuntu_ubuntu@ubuntu:/$ ls /dev/disk/by-uuid/14:34
ubuntu_0233194a-df26-4381-9513-f8610050ac3b  0e34ab9b-9773-4bad-b303-028577402d95  141404777A191155  62927CA3927C7CFB  88ff1bac-859a-4557-a002-55d581f5cd8e  8be3940b-86c1-4d98-8ce3-e0f4fbd3658e  e755802a-0451-4b4b-a630-92a018b51afa14:34
apo-lapre, nothing changed but i saw ss. i had a forced disk check at 1. startup. due to the  delayed start x started perfectly at first try14:35
apo-lapi really think that x is started too early perhaps due to the new upstart?14:35
apo-lapi used every alpha since jaunty.. it's a many times upgrade system..14:35
tsimpsonubuntu_: ok, so the UUID of the disk/partition has changed somehow. you need to mount the root of the installed system and edit the /etc/fstab from there14:36
tsimpsonubuntu_: if you know the device name, you can get the UUID from "sudo blkid"14:36
apo-lapx won't load the specified graphicsdriver at first try. so i think it does not use my xorg.conf or the nvidia drivers are not loaded at all so early in startupprogress14:37
ubuntu_tsimpson, here there are all my boot info http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/325384/14:37
tsimpsonubuntu_: so /dev/sdb6 is your root partition?14:38
ubuntu_tsimpson, root in grub and root in fstab have the same UUID14:38
ubuntu_while my /boot in sdb514:38
tsimpsonubuntu_: you need to mount /dev/sdb6 and edit the fstab there, make sure all the UUIDs match what blkid gives14:39
BluesKajapo-lap, you have to edit xorg.conf or delete it , then drop to a TTY (ctrl+alt+f1) run, sudo nvidia-xconfig14:39
ubuntu_tsimpson, now I will see you my root fstab14:39
BluesKajapo-lap, then ctrl+alt+f7 to get back to your desktop14:39
apo-lapi already did. and x does work.. but not "so early" in startup progress. i'm right here chatting with you per konverstaion ;)14:39
tsimpsonubuntu_: can you also pastebin the output of "sudo blkid" too14:40
apo-lapbut i'll try again14:40
ubuntu_tsimpson, http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/325401/14:40
apo-lapok, i rm and configured it again14:41
BluesKajapo-lap, reboot14:41
apo-lapi'll give it a try, brb14:42
tsimpsonubuntu_: and you have "root=UUID=8be3940b-86c1-4d98-8ce3-e0f4fbd3658e" in grubs menu.lst?14:45
ubuntu_yes...now I'll show you it14:45
apounfortunately nochting changed14:46
ubuntu_tsimpson, http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/325403/14:47
ubuntu_tsimpson, I have tried even root=/dev/sdb6 but nothing14:47
trudellhi chill14:48
trudellits chill or chilli?14:48
apowhere is x or kdm started in kamic?14:48
trudellchilli dish?14:48
BluesKajapo then it's not your drivers or your xorg.conf , there's something your boot process that's causing it14:48
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chilli0trudell:  its chillli014:48
chilli0My real name isn't thoe.14:49
trudellapo --> service kdm start14:49
apoyep, i think so too14:49
BluesKajapo , you didn't start kdm ?14:50
trudellspell to me14:50
BluesKajapo, sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start14:50
apo? i just turn on my notebook. after some time (shot time after the blue progressbar of usplash disappears) x *tries* to start and tells me a few things14:51
apoi cancel all msgs14:51
apoi'm thrown back to the starting log14:51
apoand about 5 secs later x starts automatically14:51
apoand it works14:51
apoi just have to kill these error msgs in time14:51
trudelltry to reinstall kdm14:51
trudellare you using kubuntu?14:51
apootherwise x will not start without me starting kdm or strtx14:51
wrgbdoes anyone know of a simple, easy to use, preferably flat-file database program that works with KDE?14:52
trudellreinstall kubuntu-base from repository14:52
ubuntu_tsimpson, nothing? It is a strange problem, is it true?14:52
trudellyour problem was a nvidia driver configuration14:52
trudellif you ever installed by nvidia.com driver14:53
apofew monhs ago14:53
trudelluninstall it completly14:53
apoi think idid..14:53
apoit worked for half a year14:53
trudell./NVIDIA-Linux-x86-numberofverion.run --unintall14:54
apocan i download some new driver just to use uninstall?14:54
BluesKajtrudell, he already installed the right version for his card14:55
apoor do i have to use the correct version?14:55
trudellonly what you had used14:55
apoi dont know which it was..14:55
apooh wait14:56
trudellits a problem14:56
apothere is an old file here..14:56
trudelluse one near version14:56
apook, i switch of kdm and use that uninstall14:56
trudelluse this file to uninstll14:56
apowhat todo next?14:56
BluesKajapo in order to run the correct driver you need to uninstall any previous versions , since they were the default and will ignore any others installed afterwards14:57
trudellctrl+alt+f1 then sh ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-185.18.14-pkg2.run --uninstall14:57
apothey are all uninstalled per synaptic14:57
apoim runnign only 18514:57
trudellyou will need unintall by archive NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-185.18.14-pkg2.run too14:58
aposhall i uninstall 185 now too?14:58
trudelluninstall alll14:58
trudellall of these have bugs in kubuntu14:58
tsimpsonubuntu_: I can't see where it's picking up that UUID from14:58
trudellkubuntu kernels are a grabbag14:59
apopf.. which one shall i use?^^14:59
trudellkubuntu kernel sucks14:59
trudelltry to use a kernel from debian repositories14:59
Tm_Ttrudell: stop14:59
BluesKajtrudell, not true the glx-185 is bug free14:59
trudellor change your distro do fedora os slackware14:59
Tm_Ttrudell: stop now15:00
trudellnvidia and ati cards runs in others distribution15:00
ubuntu_tsimpson, I don't know...even with root=/dev/sdb6 doesn't work15:00
trudelland have several bugs in kubuntu since hardy15:00
Tm_Ttrudell: and works in *buntu too15:00
BluesKajtrudell, stop trolling!15:00
ubuntu_tsimpson, what can I do?15:00
trudellnot trolling15:00
trudellsee the lauchpad15:01
DragnslcrBluesKaj- he's been here trolling since yesterday15:01
trudellsince hardy15:01
Tm_Ttrudell: this is also totally wrong place for this15:01
BluesKaj!ops | trudell15:01
ubottutrudell: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) Riddell, Tm_T, tsimpson, jpds, seth_k, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, genii, trappist, crimsun, seth, DBO, nixternal, PriceChild, Pici, jussi01, ikonia, Mamarok, ryanakca or maco15:01
trudellits a long time, dont you think?15:01
Tm_TBluesKaj: I'm here15:01
Tm_Ttrudell: last time, stop15:01
tsimpsonubuntu_: try mounting the root somewhere and mount /boot in there, then chroot in and run "update-initramfs", maybe reinstall grub? other than that I really don't know how to help.15:02
tsimpsonubuntu_: have you tried the forums?15:02
ubottuThe Ubuntu forums can be found at http://www.ubuntuforums.org. There is also a channel on IRC Freenode #ubuntuforums.15:02
trudellwhat matter15:02
BluesKajkick thre SOB , Tm_T , he's deliberately giving bad advice15:02
trudellim trying yto help apo15:02
macotrudell: there are drivers packaged for *buntu. please stop telling users to do the wrong theing15:02
trudellapo learn it15:02
trudellkubuntu and 3D graphic cards never runs together15:03
wrgbdoes anyone know of a simple, easy to use, preferably flat-file database program that works with KDE?15:03
apoit worked liek a charm for years now15:03
apothanks to all the ohters for your support15:03
macowell that one'd be a lie...3D works fine :P15:03
apoit even NOW works fine15:03
apoit is just x starting too ealry15:04
macoBluesKaj: there were already like 3 ops sitting right here when you called that15:04
apodue to what ever15:04
Tm_Twrgb: hmm, for example sqlite or mysqle ?15:04
macoapo: X starts earlier in karmic to speed up boot. are you saying this causes issues on your hardware?15:04
Dragnslcrwrgb- do you mean a GUI program to a specific database, or an entire database system?15:04
joel sdf15:04
apoit seems to not use the right settings at *first* start15:04
ubuntu_tsimpson, to reinstall grub I do update-grub, is it true?15:04
apoi cancel all error msgs, wait 5 secs, and x starts all over fine :)15:05
tsimpsonubuntu_: there is a guide on: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub15:05
apoi'm just pressing esc about 3 times15:05
apothe error msgs quit and i'm thron back to startup log15:06
apobut i do have to hit esc's in time15:06
apootherwise x won't start on its own15:06
apoi then have to login to tty and startx/kdm manually15:06
apothat works fine evry time15:06
macoapo: can you file a bug "ubuntu-bug xorg"?15:06
ubuntu_tsimpson: http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/325417/ all is it ok?15:07
maco(i hope xorg is the right thing to put in there...)15:07
BluesKajapo,, well at least you can boot into kubuntu.. is glxgears working ok?  , and , glxinfo | grep direct ?15:07
ubuntu_tsimpson: I have tried all forums help, but nothing15:07
aporight now i have unisnatlled everything grpahic related due to your advise ;)15:08
tsimpsonthe outpul looks good15:08
apobut yes, i'm able to play 3d games on native or wine.15:08
apoi'll try to uninstall a graphic driver i used few months ago correctly15:09
apoi'll be bakc in a few minutes15:09
BluesKajapo, so you installed nvidia-glx-18515:09
apoif it does not work i will report  in again15:09
apoper envy-qt15:09
BluesKaj!envy | apo15:10
ubottuapo: EnvyNG is a program to install newer version of nVidia or ATi drivers, it can be found in !Universe as "envyng-gtk" (for Gtk/Gnome) or "envyng-qt" (for Qt/KDE). It is NOT a supported method to install video drivers; please only use it if standard methods fail and at your own risk - See also !BinaryDriver15:10
ubuntu_tsimpson: I restart ... I hope to solve it.. asap15:10
aponow its uninstalled..15:10
BluesKajapo, what's uninstalled ?15:10
apoeverything graphic related (i hope :/ )15:10
BluesKajeverything ?15:11
wrgbTm_T: how easy are they to use?15:11
wrgbDragnslcr: entire database system15:11
Tm_Twrgb: I have no idea about easyness, sorry15:11
BluesKajexcept nvidia-glx-185 , apo , right15:11
Dragnslcrwrgb- if you want something simple and standalone, definitely go with SQLite15:12
wrgbTm_T: ok, thaks i'll try them and see15:12
* BluesKaj shrugs15:12
apothats unsintalled *right now* too, cause you told me to do so half an hour ago. i did not restart since then15:12
apoi could reinstall it now15:12
wrgbDragnslcr: ok, thanks, i'll give it a try15:13
Dragnslcrwrgb- SQLite doesn't have any kind of server like MySQL or Postgres, it's just a single file for a database and the libraries to use it15:13
wrgbDragnslcr: does it have a gui?15:14
Tm_Tapo: I think you need to reboot, then try to install nvidia-glx-185 from repositories (or which version you are needing anyway)15:14
DragnslcrThere are GUI programs for it, yeah15:14
wrgbDragnslcr: ok, i'll look into it15:15
apothe troll told me to --uninstall an older nvidia.com driver15:15
BluesKajapo , you nedd to read everything , not parts ...I told you to install nvidia-glx-185 after uninstalling the previous driver15:15
apoit sayslibglx.so is not a symbolic link15:15
aposry, then the troll told me to uninstall everything. :/15:15
apoi gonna get it back15:15
BluesKajapo, just a sec wait15:15
BluesKajapo, in the terminal:glxinfo | grep direct15:17
apomesa-utils are not installed atm15:17
apoi installed them:15:18
apodirect rendering: Yes15:18
apo    GL_EXT_depth_bounds_test, GL_EXT_direct_state_access,15:18
BluesKajok. then you are fine , apo15:19
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markuslocaltime(). i have a hard time trying to get wlan working. hardware is working, i can see the network in the scan and i can try to connect but when it prompts me for a password and i enter the correct one it refuses to connect.15:19
markusthe same password works using win xp.15:20
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markusiwconfig says it requires TKIP which i cannot find in the knetwork manager. could that be the problem?15:21
kiraitachianyone there?15:22
Tm_Tkiraitachi: couple hundred only15:23
kiraitachihaha ok cool...ammm a quick question15:23
kiraitachiwhat video converter do yo recomend me?15:23
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kiraitachilike shit...i was using ffwin converter and it suks for psp....so any else?15:24
bazhanglanguage kiraitachi15:24
kiraitachioh...common ....XD15:24
kiraitachigive me a brake...oh well so what? what do you recommend me?15:25
apoBluesKaj: any more suggestions except filing a bug report like T m _ T said?15:25
BluesKajapo,  your boot loader / grub file might need editing if you are getting boot errors15:26
kiraitachiok...no one answers...awesome..15:27
Tm_T!patience | kiraitachi15:27
ubottukiraitachi: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com  http://wiki.ubuntu.com http://www.ubuntuforums.org or http://www.kubuntuforums.net while you wait.15:27
macovideo converter?15:27
macolike re-encoding?15:27
apomh, it is not a boot error but a windowed-error msg of X15:27
macoffmpeg (command line) is common15:27
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Urrghshi;  trying to use 2 monitors....so far they unfortunately show the same ....anyone an idea?15:28
kiraitachia video converter dude easy simple..that supports  formats thats all...cause when i use winff sucks on changing to psp format...gives errors.15:28
BluesKajkiraitachi perhaps if you gave us more detail , we could help , but using demanding languge won't help you eithere15:28
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bazhangkiraitachi, paste.ubuntu.com with the full list of errors15:28
kiraitachiim sorry....ok ok...XD dont worry either aint mad or stuff like that15:28
gerardo_hola soy nuevo, como hago para ir al canal de ubuntu15:29
kiraitachiits just i just uninstalled da winff video converter cause when i was trying to convert from avi to psp format jumps an error of libfacc codec or something like that15:29
bazhangkiraitachi, we need the exact errors15:30
markusor something like that ...15:30
kiraitachibut either way i dont care about it anymore...cause i already uninstalled it lol so....how what video converter u guys use?15:30
bazhangkiraitachi, paste.ubuntu.com with those15:30
BluesKaj!es | gerardo_15:30
ubottugerardo_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.15:30
apoBluesKaj: i'll do a restart. lets see whathappens15:30
gerardo_ok gracias15:30
=== Guest81295 is now known as clayton
BluesKajkiraitachi, ffmpeg is my fav , but it's cli15:31
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macokiraitachi: calm down, take a deep breath, and then repeat your question using sentences and punctuation, because i don't know what you're saying anymore15:31
kiraitachiim sorry i dont remember the exact error code...cause i already uninstalled it as i said,,,thats why i was asking for a good video converter just recommend me one that works good15:31
bazhangkiraitachi, ffmpeg15:31
kiraitachiok cool thanks ill google that one and just install it or is it on the repos?15:32
markusdoes virtual dub run under linux?15:32
bazhangkiraitachi, its in the repos15:32
kiraitachiok thanks15:32
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BluesKajkiraitachi, you might try this for psp etc,  http://mediacoder.sourceforge.net/15:39
gtozzihi there15:41
gtozzii need help installing kubuntu 9.04 amd6415:41
BluesKajgtozzi, which OS are you running now ?15:42
gtozziI'm running kubuntu 9.04 x86 from my laptop15:42
gtozziI'm trying to install kubuntu on my desktop too15:42
gtozziOn my desktop I was previously using Debian sid15:43
gtozziI've started the cd but it seems that my Geforce 6600 isn't supported15:43
gtozziso i manually apt-getted nvidia-glx from console15:43
gtozzithen configured xorg and manually started kdm15:44
gtozziit worked but now the graphical partition manager doesn't detect two of my 3 hard drives15:44
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gtozzifdisk -l lists them correctly instead15:44
gtozziso I'm stuck15:45
Delano-488637608Is it possible to remove Konquerer and KOffice without harming the system?15:45
BluesKajgtozzi, raid ?15:46
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BluesKajDelano-488637608, not konqueror but koffice can be...i think15:47
gtozziBluesKaj: yep, they was raid disks, I have to erase them and make a new raid15:47
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto15:47
gtozziBluesKaj: I'm gonna check your links, ty15:48
=== carlos_ is now known as carlos__
trudellThe microsoft bribes to staff to make ubuntu kernel tainted cards not to run commercial games or 3d in linux.15:49
Delano-488637608BluesKaj, do you know any tips or tricks for getting sound and video to perform better in KDE? I noticed there's a definite performance knock (as opposed to how they run in win32)15:49
gtozziBluesKaj: damn, so I have to get a whole "alternate" ISO15:49
wernerldamn, copying files over the network is slooooooooow... :(15:50
ryanakcawernerl: is it your LAN?15:50
trudellThe microsoft bribes to staff to make ubuntu kernel tainted to not run 3d cards and commercial games linux.15:50
wernerlMy pc is wired, my laptop has a wireless connection. I guess that's the problem.. don't know15:50
ryanakcawernerl: Ah, nevermind. Had it been wired, I would've suggested you setup NFS with wsize=32768,rsize=32768 as mount options, but slow wireless is probably the culprit :)15:52
gtozziwernerl: are you using encrypted protocols? This could be the bottleneck too15:53
aomegaxtsimpson: thanks a lot! we have solved initremfs problem and UUID15:53
Lazurecan someome please explain this to me. I downloaded the amd64 ISO for Kubuntu, and I ran the wubi installer OFF THAT DISC, why is it downloading the 32-bit version by force inside the installer when I want to install the 64-bit one that i'm running WUBI FROM?15:53
tsimpsonaomegax: it's strange, initramfs should not use any UUIDs, except maybe swap (for resume)15:54
wernerlgtozzi: yes the wireless connection uses wpa2 encryption. I'll just wait 2 hours.. :+ After this is finished my music collection is the only thing left to backup. Maybe I'm gonna find a better way for that.15:55
aomegaxtsimpson: boh, I don't know but after update-initremfs and an apt-get upgrade it wirks15:55
gtozziwernerl: check the CPU usage on both sides during file trasfer15:55
tsimpsonat least it's fixed15:55
gtozziwernerl: if it's 100% or close, I guess there isn't relly much you cand do15:56
wernerlgtozzi: pc: 10% cpu usage, laptop is 14% currently15:56
gtozziwernerl: so I'm wrong: it isn't an encryption issue15:56
gtozziwernerl: but I can't figure out where is the problem then15:57
Lazurenot only is it downloading something i don't want to install, it's taking 5 million years to download it. is there ANY way i can force kubuntu to install using the 64-bit one that i'm running the wubi installer from? instead of it for some reason deciding i should have the 32-bit version? i have 6gb of ram and a core 2 duo processor15:57
wernerlme neither.  maybe it's one of the 2 harddrivers that's just crap.15:58
Lazurei downloaded the 64-bit version of Kubuntu specifically so i can install it 64-bit via Wubi, but running Wubi off that disc still decides to download the 32-bit iso instead.15:58
gtozziLazure: 5 milion yers seems a reasonable time...15:58
Lazureso does anyone know why this is happening? google won't give me any real results on the matter either, and i'm very frustrated and i don't know where to go for help.15:59
Lazurei want to install 64-bit kubuntu through wubi, without it downloading the 32-bit version on me15:59
CoverSlidehi i have a kubuntu karmic setup, and when I run eclipse, a lot of the windows don't respond to button clicks16:00
wernerlOMFG, i'm monitoring my network traffic right now, it's sending the data with a speed of 6KiB/s.. (couldn't see that in KDE's filetransfer dialog)16:00
gtozziwernerl: maybe you can check a trasfer RAM to RAM.16:00
CoverSlidelike the whole entire preferences window when i click a button, it just selects it, doesn't actually click16:00
Lazurei guess no one can help me.16:00
BluesKajLazure, wubi is meant to give the linux experience without a complete install ..the 64 bit version won't make much difference16:00
Lazureproblem blues, is that if i install the 32-bit like i did before, if it breaks just from updating it like it did my 32-bit ubuntu wubi install, i can't fix it with my VM's initrd file16:01
tsimpsonLazure: maybe it's this issue https://bugs.launchpad.net/wubi/+bug/46593616:01
Lazurecuz 32-bit puts a -pae on my kernel which in a VM, does not happen16:01
gtozziwernerl: try something like flood-ping to check throughput16:02
gtozziwernerl: ping -f <host>16:03
ubottuhtml is HyperText Markup Language, used to build web pages. WYSIWYG editors: KompoZer (was Nvu), Iceape Composer, Amaya - Development environments: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem - For a howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com/16:04
wernerlgtozzi: as root I can flood, not as normal user.16:04
tsimpsonwernerl: that's by design16:05
ubottuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories16:05
BluesKajLazure, dunno about vmware and wubi installed together...maybe seeking advice in #wubi is best16:05
gtozziwernerl: it's correct, what's the flood throughput?16:05
wernerl19798 packets transmitted, 19797 received, 0% packet loss, time 14921ms16:05
gtozziwernerl: mhhhh..16:07
gtozziwernerl: looks like 100kbps or close16:08
gtozziwernerl: maybe it's really a wireless singnal strenght issue16:10
trudellMicrosoft bribes to the development team of Ubuntu for these make tained kernel to not run 3d cards or commercial games on Linux.16:10
trudellMicrosoft bribes to the development team of Ubuntu for these make tained kernel to not run 3d cards or commercial games on Linux.16:10
=== simon_ is now known as Guest18085
trudellMicrosoft bribes to the development team of Ubuntu for these make tained kernel to not run 3d cards or commercial games on Linux.16:12
bazhangtrudell, stop that16:12
trudellisnt true?16:12
bazhangtrudell, stop trolling16:12
BluesKajbazhang, he's been kicked again16:13
macotoo late16:13
macoBluesKaj: i think that was the whoops16:13
bazhangBluesKaj, banned even16:13
BluesKaj Tm_T sets a ban on trudell!16:14
BluesKajsome ppl need a life16:14
gtozzimaybe a girlfriend too16:15
BluesKajhehe, gtozzi16:16
markusgirls suck!16:16
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!16:17
BluesKajmarkus, :)16:17
wernerlTime for food. I'll connect my laptop wired when i'm back. Hope that solves the issue. brb16:17
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macomarkus: now now simmer down there16:19
BluesKajmust have been dumped16:22
=== carlos is now known as Guest95792
Urrghshey guys...seems that in ger channel noone can help me, but now I really need some advice here....16:28
bazhangUrrghs, help with what16:29
Urrghshow to start;  ok16:29
UrrghsI tried to get 2 monitors working, so I changed  my   xorg.conf16:30
bazhangUrrghs, have you looked at xrandr16:30
Urrghsof course I had a backup16:30
Urrghswell;  now the 2nd monitor is not the problem any more16:30
Urrghsafter the change...it did not work quite well   and everything looked quite strange......so I recovered the old xorg.conf16:31
Urrghsnow the file is the same as before when everything worked well16:31
bazhangUrrghs, I would suggest you read a bit about xrandr16:32
ubottuXRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1216:32
Urrghsbut still   I have got a serious problem here16:32
bazhangUrrghs, ^^16:32
Urrghsbut the 2nd monitor is not the issue anymore :(16:32
bazhangUrrghs, have you read through that documentation ?16:33
Urrghsno, I did not16:33
bazhangUrrghs, that would be a good place to start16:33
Urrghswill it help me with my problem now that the KWin  crashes  again and again?16:33
bazhangUrrghs, that sounds like a driver issue or something separate; one issue at a time16:34
Urrghsonly one monitor...nothing changed to before.....old xorg.conf file16:34
Urrghsthis is what I explain16:34
bazhangUrrghs, I understand, but that is not very informative16:34
Urrghsbut it started after I changed the xorg.conf file16:35
Urrghssorry mate...I will try to be more exact16:35
Urrghsbut it is difficult since I really did not change anything on system except the xorg.cong  and then changed it back16:35
bazhangUrrghs, honestly, if you did a bit of reading (as above) you would be able to explain the issue much more clearly: such as, I tried this from A, but got error B and provide the errors you got when doing it.16:36
UrrghsI never got any errors.....16:36
gtozziUrrghs: do you get some dump or message when kwin crashes?16:37
Urrghsthe only error I got and get is the one that KWin is unstable and crashes all the time,  but OK ; probably you are right...I will look into it16:37
reinaldoI used to transfer file from my cell phone to my computer through bluetooth using kbluetooth. But after upgrading to Karmic koala it isn't working. What would be the problem?16:38
gtozziUrrghs: try restarting kwin from konsole after it crashed then see if they are errors16:38
Urrghsthere are two messages:  the first is that    it is unstable     and that it crashed  several times and that I can select another window manager...(but there is only KWin to chose)16:39
Urrghsand the other message is that KWin was aborted unexpectedly.......details:   kwin PID: 19862 Signal: Aborted16:40
gtozziUrrghs: sorry, I don't know how to help16:41
Urrghswhe I start it with console....then it crashes, too16:42
BluesKajUrrghs, do dmesg after console crash , and pastebinit16:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about utf816:46
Urrghskwin: ../../src/xcb_io.c:542: _XRead: Assertion 'dpy->xcb->reply_data != ((void *)0)' failed16:47
UrrghsApplication::crashHandler() called with signal 6; recent crashes 416:47
UrrghsKCrash: Application 'kwin' crashing16:48
Urrghsthis is all the console is saying16:49
Urrghsthen I see the crash window....when I close it....everything starts from begining16:49
Urrghsalways crashes 4 times before the window appears16:50
gtozzidamn I've downloaded the wrong iso -.-16:50
lovrehi all. Can i somehow hide or remove this middle applet part of amarok? I dont need it and its making the window too big?16:54
gtozzilovre: you can configure thw whole amarok2 layout by clicking a button in the up-right part of the window16:58
gtozzilovre: I don't remember what's the button16:58
Urrghsand just now I find out another strange thing....I cannot start in safe mode.....it just returns to the login16:58
lovregtozzi: i seem to be able to configure it now after i unchecked Lock Layout...16:58
gtozzilovre: nice, you found it :)16:59
lovregtozzi: ye :D thanx16:59
lovregtozzi: can i change skins in amarok 2.2'17:02
rednaxcan someone tell me why my mic wont work on skype, and when i talk, i hear myself...17:03
gtozzirednax: check mixer settings17:04
rednaxi tried google, youtube, im totally a beginner, please give me a step by step instructionss..17:04
gtozzirednax: locate a speaker icon in the tray bar (down/right)17:05
gtozzirednax: click it17:05
Hans_Henrikis there any memory-editor/JIT-debugger (like Ollydbg/Cheat Engine/Art Money/etc) for linux?17:05
gtozzirednax: a volume bar should appear, below, you should have a "mixer" button17:05
gtozzirednax: click the "mixer" button, the mixer should then open17:05
Urrghsjust thinking that maybe such a X- reconfigure might help,  when  typing    sudo dpkg -reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg    it does not work  it  saysy that option -e (control)  and -r (remove) conflict each other17:05
rednaxi use ubuntu 8.0417:06
rednaxgtozzi: cause that ones' flash works better than 9.04 one17:06
bazhangUrrghs, that is deprecated. the xrandr docs are what you need to look at17:06
gtozziHans_Henrik: AFAIK this kind of software doesn't work on linux because of better security policies17:07
gtozzirednax: it shoulddn't be different17:07
rednaxgtozzi: there is nothing there saying "mixer"17:07
Hans_Henrikgtozzi: umm.. if it's ran by root, i dont see why it shouldn't work tho17:08
gtozzirednax: try right-clicking the icon17:08
rednaxgtozzi: what should it say there?17:08
gtozziHans_Henrik: if you got root privileges, then you can17:08
gtozzirednax: show mixer or something like17:09
Urrghs@ bazhang     you mean this link?17:09
rednaxgtozzi: no it dosent say anything bout mixer anyhow.17:09
gtozziHans_Henrik: but I don't know any gui software to do that17:09
bazhangUrrghs, yes17:10
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gtozzirednax: damn, search for mix in you applications then (open the K menu then write mix in the search bar)17:10
gtozzirednax: you should find kmix17:11
rednaxgtozzi: sorry can u explain more easily, im so sorry, but im really new to this.17:11
rednaxgtozzi: ok ill try and find it, but i use ubuntu 8.04, not kubuntu17:11
gtozzirednax: -.-'17:11
rednaxgtozzi: no kmix in there17:11
gtozzirednax: so you are in the wrong support channel...17:11
rednaxgtozzi: well like i said, idk, im totally new to this17:12
gtozzirednax: ask in @ubuntu instead17:12
UrrghsI really do not understand how this should help with my KWin,  but I will read and try....as change in xorg.conf started it :)17:12
jakCheeky question for anyone, could I check with someone before I fully reinstall everything, would Ubuntu 64x work fine with a 64x Centrino device? :)17:14
rednaxgtozzi: where do i get that id to join thems chat?17:14
bazhangjak, core duo or core2duo17:15
jakmm, just intel: centrino Duo17:16
bazhangcore duo then17:16
bazhangthats only 32bit17:16
jakOh really? I was sure it was 64 bit17:16
bazhangjak, you have an ubuntu installed there now?17:17
=== markus__ is now known as markus
jakAye, but as a 32bit isntall17:17
bazhangif its core2 its 6417:17
jakIntel Core 2 Duo T5500 - 1.66GHz (x2), 667MHz FSB, 2MB L2 Cache17:18
jakThats the processor17:18
bazhangthere you go17:18
jakSo I'm good to go with a 64x install?17:18
jakSeemed like in the last release of Ubuntu they fixed a lot of graphics errors and my gpu has suddenly burst into a little more life. Thought I'd try and get Savage2 working with a fresh install17:19
bazhangjak, yep17:21
kankan_cannot og into system from cold boot .using karmic17:21
jakYou're a star bazhang, thanks to you!17:22
bazhangjak, you hunted down all the info :)17:22
jaklol =]17:22
bazhangtrue :)17:23
jakDoes Ubuntu not advertise an alternative cd download anymore btw?17:24
jakUsed to be the only way I could get my gpu to work17:24
bazhangjak, it does, just a bit hard to spot on the main page17:24
bazhangjak, let me find a link; was that Kubuntu, correct?17:25
Vroomfondlejak: click on "alternative download options" on the download page17:25
Vroomfondlethen on "text-based installer", I think17:25
jakAh yea I sees it17:25
jakI've never installed Kubuntu directly, I always go with a Gnome install and then install KDE over the top17:26
jakI'm not much of a Linux wizard17:26
macoi read that as linux lizard17:26
gtozzijak: doin' that you'll end up with a lot of unused gnome-related stuff in your system17:27
WilliamBuelli only have 32 bit.... is 64bit a dramatic increase in speed, performance.... can ubuntu truly take advantage of 64 bit? just curious17:27
WilliamBuelli get by fine with what i have, old computers, 32 bit17:27
gtozziWilliamBuell: it's quitethe same17:27
gtozziWilliamBuell: just a bit faster17:28
dtchenWilliamBuell: 64-bit is useful for many cases where memory is an issue17:28
dtchenWilliamBuell: otherwise, in terms of software compatibility, it's a real bear17:28
jakAye gtozzi, but I find myself switching between them quite a lot, and despite KDE being my overall prefered I find it weirdly unstable at times17:28
jakWhich might be because I install it over the top of a Gnome install? *shrugs*17:30
gtozzijak: I agree, usually kde updates brings new unstable thing and leaves older ones still unstable17:30
WilliamBuellwhat do i click to automatically include someones nick in my response? just curious17:30
WilliamBuelli am new to IRC17:30
gtozziWilliamBuell: use tab key autocompletion17:30
WilliamBuellgtozzi: hey, great it works\17:30
WilliamBuellha ha17:30
gtozzilike linux shell17:31
cichyHi guys, I've got a question - have encrypted home partition, and need to mount it before KDE starts. Before upgrade to karmic koala I had a boot script, which simply did read password. But now, read command seem to be ignored on boot. Did any of you encountered similar problem?17:31
kankan_pls halp!!cant loginto system from cold boot.17:32
gtozzicichy: I've disabled kdm autostart in init.d. I run a script in place that asks for my encrypted home password then launchs kdm17:33
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gtozzicichy: maybe it's not a clean solution, but it works for me17:34
cichygtozzi: ok - thanks for the hint - I will try it :)17:34
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kankan_gtozzi: cant loginto system from cold boot.17:34
gtozzikankan_: what's the error message?17:35
akajuniorHallo,all . i need a nice music mixer , i mean some program to make music to mix edit and add tracks or something like that . i used to work with windows and now iam abit lost here . i will be thankfull for any help here or in private msg .thnx again17:36
kankan_gtozzi: no error message.only the screen gets blank and irresponsive.17:36
kankan_akajunior: use audacious17:36
gtozzikankan_: try pressing ctrl+alt+backspace17:36
gtozzikankan_: looks like a xorg misconfiguration issue17:37
akajuniorthnx allot17:37
kankan_gtozzi: it happens only when login from cold boot.i log into system from recovery mode.17:37
kankan_then its all fine.17:37
kankan_gtozzi: press when?in time of booting?17:38
gtozzikankan_: when you are in front of black screen, it should kill xorg and give you a text console17:38
kankan_should i have to enable the the key combination?17:39
kankan_its not enabled right now.17:39
akajuniorAgain another question .. iam stuck with german fonts :D how can i change the language ..i installed english one but my keybord is still not getting it ..17:39
kankan_where should i found?17:40
gtozzikankan_: it should be enabled by default17:40
Tm_Tgtozzi: I believe it's not17:40
kankan_Tm_T: how to enable it pls?17:40
Tm_T!dontzap | kankan_17:40
ubottukankan_: To re-enable the Ctrl-Alt-Backspace combination that restarts your X server see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/DontZap17:40
gtozzikeffie_jayx: try ctrl+alt+f1 instead17:41
gtozzikankan_: try ctrl+alt+f1 instead17:41
nate_Does anyone know how to get firefox to handle downloads from getdeb?17:42
gtozzikankan_: then kill xorg and investigate in /var/log/xorg-something.log for what happened17:42
norenhi all17:47
gtozzihi noren17:47
WilliamBuellnoren:  hi17:47
norenany idea how to list all the less often used apps17:48
gtozzinoren: no, but it's a very interesting question17:49
norenyes cause i experiment a lot by installing many app but havent kept a track of all that...... now how can i find them to remove them17:50
thomastimjuego de boxeo online http://www.kobox.org/kobox-fande-Nourine.html17:51
norenbazhang, are  u there17:51
bazhangnoren, hi17:52
gtozzidamn, damn, damn17:52
noreni needed some suggestion regarding17:52
norenany idea how to list all the less often used apps17:52
gtozzieven using the alternate CD the installation process doesn't sees all my hard drives17:52
norengtozzi, use fdisk -l17:53
gtozzithey are listed correctly by fdisk -l but not on the partition manager17:53
norenare u using gparted17:53
gtozzii'm using thext-based install and the builtin part. manager17:54
gtozzii've tried graphical install before with same results17:54
norenbazhang, any idea how to list all the less often used apps17:55
bazhangnoren, hang on a second, checking someone's lspci17:55
norengtozzi, no idea never installed with multiple harddisk here17:55
norenbazhang, ok17:55
norenhi | NSsmiles17:56
gtozziis there a way to manually create them from console then tell the text install to resume?17:57
NSsmilesi  have gone through the steps to install wine and itunes...error itunes could not be configures...auto run is turned off17:57
NSsmilescan someone resolve this17:58
norenNSsmiles, y not use Rhythmbox its itunes alternative in ubuntu17:58
NSsmilesi tried  but it doesn't show the ipod17:59
NSsmilesbut i could try again17:59
norengtozzi, i wud suggest to do a minimal install and then reconfigure17:59
norenNSsmiles, did u get the Rythmbox plugin for ipod17:59
antman91hey i was told that kubuntu 9.10 comes with a game moduler but icant find it =[18:00
NSsmilesno i   didn't get the plugin18:00
norenNSsmiles, go to the Rhtymbox EDIT option and activate the plugin18:01
gtozzinoren: I'm trying to install on a folder of the only hard drive it can see, then I'll move my root partition later18:02
NSsmilesok thanks noren18:03
norengtozzi, u can try that but i guess u wud have to reconfigure the grub boot loader after that18:04
gtozzinoren: i dont' fear grub :P18:04
K350Applications that normaly prompts for superuser passwords in my Kubuntu 9.10 don't do that anymore. Why is that and how can I adjust this?18:05
norenNSsmiles, do tell if it worked as i hav not tried as i dont have ipod18:05
norenK350, what applications18:05
K350noren: synaptic for instance.18:05
K350noren: and several apps in systemsettings18:06
norenK350, if your username is having the sudo power it wont18:06
NSsmilesi did a frest install of kubuntu 9.10 now i can't seem to get Rhythmbox18:07
norenK350, check in the kuser settings18:07
norenNSsmiles, sudo apt-get install Rhythmbox18:07
corigo2I can add my True Type fonts, but how do I add OpenType fonts?18:08
K350noren: Even if you're in teh sudoerlist you're still required to enter the password.18:08
gtozzinoren: about your previous questions, maybe checking the atime of the files in the /usr/bin folder should be a solution18:08
NSsmilessays couldn't find package18:09
WilliamBuellgtozzi: great idea!18:09
norengtozzi, ya it might be lemme check18:09
antman91hey i was told that kubuntu 9.10 comes with a game moduler but icant find it =[18:10
norentry NSsmiles sudo apt-get install rhythmbox18:11
WilliamBuellnoren: what does rythhmbox do,... a game18:11
NSsmilesthere is a download page for Rhythmbox but not  sure what to open it with18:12
NSsmilessudo apt-get install rhythmbox....says couldn't find package18:12
antman91i dont mean to be pushy but ive ben here for a while and have received no help at all18:13
norenWilliamBuell, its a music application client just like amarok but for gnome18:13
gtozziantman91: sorry, can't help18:13
norenNSsmiles, i think we are doing a typo here , just use the packagemanger18:14
norenantman91, sorry but we cud only help if we know some sort of solution for that18:14
shadowhywindhay all, looking for some ideas. I keep running e2fsck on a hdd and keep getting about 5 errors, any ideas on how to force the fixes?18:15
antman91can no one help or just you?? i really need this game modeler18:15
NSsmilesi   tried packagemanager first  but didnt see it on the list18:15
gtozzishadowhywind: make a backup and format it :)18:16
norenNSsmiles, thats strange18:16
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod18:16
noren!ipod | NSsmiles18:16
gtozzishadowhywind: i suggest also to check for bad clusters before (using badblocks)18:16
ubottuNSsmiles: please see above18:16
shadowhywindgtozzi: how would I check for bad clusters?18:17
gtozzishadowhywind: man badblocks18:17
Urrghsso; unfortunately the xrandr does not help, or maybe I am too dumb....so.....I think that  somehow I will have to backup my files and reinstall.....thx for help anyways18:17
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norenUrrghs, ??18:18
gtozziUrrghs: maybe you should try to just purge and reinstall xorg before18:18
shadowhywindgtozzi: so just to make sure, all i have to do is, badblocks /dev/sdb1 ?18:18
eshatis there a good KDE FTP Client alternative to filezilla  with similar functions ?18:18
Urrghspurge and reinstall  Xorg?18:19
Urrghshow this?18:19
noreneshat i use gftp18:19
gtozzishadowhywind: this is to check your hard drive. make a backup before. the badblocks -fw mode is more efficient, but IT WILL DESTROY ALL YOUR DATA18:20
eshatnoren: but it's GTK ! I want somthing in qt or with a few dependecies18:20
shadowhywindgtozzi: thanks18:20
ubottuFTP clients: Nautilus (Places -> Connect to server), gFTP, FileZilla (for !GNOME); Konqueror, Kasablanca, KFTPGrabber (for !KDE); FireFTP (for Firefox); ftp, lftp (for !cli) - See also !FTPd18:20
eshatnoren: ih it is just 5 MB, I ll install gftp18:20
noreneshat, its very light ftp client18:21
eshatnoren: thanks, that helps18:21
Tm_Teshat: well, if you are on KDE, you already have Konqueror18:21
noreneshat, ur welcome18:21
WilliamBuelli need to learn more about full backup restore of ubuntu. i found one long command which zips entire system into a tar... but has error msg at end18:22
gtozzishadowhywind: you'r welcome18:22
WilliamBuelland i cannot afford to try a restore from it... and i dont know how to verify a tar18:23
eshatTm_T: but konqueror can not open php files, I get errors when starting kate. same with dolphin... I have to drag and drop in splitwindows mode18:23
Tm_Thmm, weird, should work18:23
WilliamBuelli used synaptic to install a simple backup/restore suite with a gui, so i will experiment with that today later i think18:23
gtozziWilliamBuell: I've read about a "live" linux disk image solution but I don't remember it's name18:24
WilliamBuellplus the tar backup command puts the tar in HOME, and it was 2.5 gig... so i worry how i would do complete backup if the size exceeds capacity of HOME18:24
macoi usually use rsync to copy everything to another hard disk18:25
macorsync takes long the first time and less time thereafter since it only has to write changes18:25
gtozziWilliamBuell: you can put the tar file whenever you want, even pipe it through ssh to a remote host18:25
WilliamBuelli have dvd that will write to 8 gig rewriteable disk, and i experimented with that, was able to delete old files, doesnt seem to need reformat18:25
WilliamBuellgtozzi:  thanks, sounds like something to investigate18:25
WilliamBuelli would like to find tutorial for complete system tar backup that pipes it to the dvd or a mem stick18:26
WilliamBuelli think there are 65 gig mem sticks, and that would hold me for a long time18:26
WilliamBuelland if i exceeded that, i could do backups in stages/chunks/parts18:26
macoexcept flash media dies after so many writes18:26
gtozziWilliamBuell: for the mem stick, just mount it (i.e. on /mnt/bckstick) then tar <your options> f /mnt/bckstick/<yourfilename>.tar <source>18:27
gtozzivalentina: ciao / hi!18:28
WilliamBuellexcept i am such a novice, i need the entire command spelled out for me, so i can make sense of it18:28
WilliamBuellbut i can google lots and perhaps find a tutorial18:28
gtozziWilliamBuell: man tar, you'll find everything you need18:29
NSsmilesdo any of you have 9.10 and Rhythmbox18:30
BlouBlou!hi | user1_18:31
ubottuuser1_: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!18:31
user1_how are you BlouBlou ubottu18:32
BlouBlouuser1_: ubottu is a bot :)18:32
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots18:33
norenuser1_, nevermind it happend with me also wen i was new here18:33
norenNSsmiles, did the link did not helped18:34
ubottuYou can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords or regex>", or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!18:34
WilliamBuelloh, so ubottu is a bot! ha ha18:35
WilliamBuellMy technique is to blog about my latest project at wordpress to document my notes, suggestions, problems solutions, so I just started one for backup restore http://wp.me/pBlI9-km18:36
user1_i am new18:36
norenuser1_, we were all new someday !! :)18:36
user1_i am new noren18:36
norenWilliamBuell, whats ur prob ????18:36
WilliamBuelland whenever I find a useful link for that project , such as backup, then I bookmark it at http://delicious.com/billbuell so it has tags and others can view if they find useful18:37
WilliamBuelli am going to practice, research ways for me to do complete system backups18:37
WilliamBuellthis is my first month with ubuntu18:37
user1_ok noren18:37
norenWilliamBuell, ok18:37
user1_any speak spanish??18:38
norenuser1_, do u have any prob this is a support channel18:38
WilliamBuellbut wordpress and delicious are great techniques to document every step i do, from wubi installs, to pure ubuntu, to wifi adaptor, ethernet, backup, restore, etc etc18:38
norenuser1_, | !sp18:38
norenuser1_, | !es18:38
WilliamBuelli hope my comments are acceptible in this channel as being on topic18:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sp18:38
WilliamBuelli mean, i do want to be compliant18:39
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.18:39
user1_yes noren have any qestions18:39
gtozzinoren: invert patterns :P18:39
user1_ok bot18:39
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs18:40
WilliamBuellfor example last night i had questions regarding SED method to clean IRC log of Join Part Nick, and someone referred me to the special SED channel18:40
macotheres a #kubuntu-offtopic channel too...18:41
WilliamBuellit wasnt too active, but, I posted my questions and scripts as a blog, and posted the link, so that if someone comes by one hour later, and sees my post, they can visit link and see my issues18:41
WilliamBuellexcept i believe everything i am posting is right on topic, since it is ubuntu related18:41
K350Synaptic and other applications that use to prompt me for the password don't do that anymore. Why is that and what can I do to adjust this?18:41
K350Or , where do I adjust  this?18:42
WilliamBuellsomeone asked about that password issue yesterday18:42
WilliamBuellthere was some package they were using, that in turn used a package that turned password options on and off18:42
norenK350, did u see the kuser18:42
WilliamBuellits in my log somewhere i am sure18:42
K350noren: If I saw the kuser?18:44
WilliamBuelli found the discussion of package kit in my log18:44
WilliamBuellpackagekit uses PolicyKit which has options to increase or decrease password prompting18:47
WilliamBuellthats what i found in my log from yesterday18:47
gtozzifinally, my desktop is up and unning with kubuntu, noew i have to setup raid and migrate to main hard drivers18:49
Walzmyngtozzi: grats!18:50
kim_Da_NiteAnyone having problem with huawei wireless modem model E220 after update to ubuntu 9.1018:50
Walzmynwhere do you go to chance the default options for a new device plugged in?18:50
eshatTm_T: Hey you were right, with koqueror and FTP. You can simple open ftp://user@adress and open/save files with kate. I user kwrite by mistake, which does not support ftp...18:51
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eshatworks also in dolphin18:52
noreneshat, i see the prob solved then18:53
eshatnoren: yesm thanks for the help, now editing my websites is easier as with filezilla18:53
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod18:56
ubotturockbox is an open source firmware replacement for audio players from Archos, iRiver, Apple (iPod), and iAudio. See http://www.rockbox.org/ to get started!18:57
K350Howto restart/reload kde?18:57
macolog out and log bak in?18:57
norenK350, sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart18:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about Konversation18:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ircii18:58
maco!info ircii18:58
ubottuircii (source: ircii): Internet Relay Chat client. In component universe, is optional. Version 20051015-2.3 (karmic), package size 478 kB, installed size 3160 kB18:58
norenWilliamBuell, now the default application is Quassel18:58
WilliamBuellso, now i know about bang query18:58
WilliamBuell!info Konversation18:58
ubottuPackage Konversation does not exist in karmic18:58
WilliamBuellsuch queries to bots are useful18:59
WilliamBuell!info clamv18:59
ubottuPackage clamv does not exist in karmic18:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about clamv18:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about Avast18:59
WilliamBuell!info avast18:59
ubottuPackage avast does not exist in karmic18:59
WilliamBuell!info backup18:59
ubottuPackage backup does not exist in karmic18:59
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning18:59
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info19:02
WilliamBuellregarding swap, when I did my first disk partition format to do my first ubuntu install, I used Gnome partition, with little documentation, and it took me a while to figure out i need "/" (root) ext3, unnamed format type SWAP-FILE, and the rest as /home19:05
WilliamBuellI didnt know what to put for file size allocations, so i guest 512 for root and swap, and got error message, too small, so i increased to 5000, just guessing, and that worked19:05
WilliamBuellit is a 280 gig drive on my old Gateway tower19:06
norenWilliamBuell, ur swap space should be double than ur physical memory19:07
WilliamBuelli am too much novice to really understand, but i will post that to my notes19:08
WilliamBuellmakes sense though, so i just need to find what my physical memory is19:08
norenWilliamBuell, how much ram does ur system has19:08
WilliamBuellif i was a rocket scientist, i would know which button to click to get that answer19:09
WilliamBuellthats how new i am19:09
norenok then use can use app like top or htop19:09
WilliamBuelland, since i got this one and only machine working, i figure i will not have chance to change swap and root until and unless i have disaster and have to reinstall19:09
gtozziWilliamBuell: cat /proc/meminfo19:10
WilliamBuellok i shall try that gtozzi19:10
WilliamBuellgtozzi: memtotal 1025464 kb19:11
gtozziWilliamBuell: so you need at least 2GB of swap19:12
WilliamBuellbut it is hard for me to understand such numbers, or translate them into the numbers that the partition software would expece19:12
WilliamBuellso i gave the partition software 5000, what does that translate to?19:12
WilliamBuelli know the ubuntu is working now ok for days19:12
gtozziWilliamBuell: anyway in my experience, if you don't want to use the hibernate function you can go with much less swap without any problem19:12
WilliamBuelli gave it 512 and it said TOO SMALL, i gave it 5000 for root and 5000 for swap, and it worked19:13
gtozziWilliamBuell: 5000 should be approx 5GB19:13
WilliamBuelland i was staying up all night, doing a guessing game, with 20 attempts to install, so i just wanted to see it work19:13
WilliamBuellso 5000 is plenty for my machine for root and swap19:13
gtozziWilliamBuell: just check SwapTotal in meminfo to be sure19:13
norenonly 5gb for root19:13
norenand i guess u must be having /home directory also same in that19:14
WilliamBuellswaptotal 4883720 kb19:14
WilliamBuellso, that looks close to the 5 gig you said, no?19:14
gtozziWilliamBuell: yep19:14
WilliamBuellWOW, i lucked out in my guesses19:14
norenWilliamBuell, u wil face prob when ur home partition starts growing19:14
gtozziWilliamBuell: you got even more swap than you need :P19:15
WilliamBuelli have been with windows since 1985, and now i am blown away by speed and ease of ubuntu19:15
WilliamBuellwell gtozzi swap must be like money and whiskey, cant ever have TOO Much19:15
WilliamBuellso, i should be ok19:15
gtozziWilliamBuell: ROTFL19:15
WilliamBuellexcept, i should say i never touch drop of alcohol, but it is funny old saying/joke19:16
norenWilliamBuell, i guess your next project should be to get ur home folder to a separate partion19:16
WilliamBuelloh, i did 3 partitions19:16
WilliamBuellone they call root but the name is just "/"19:16
WilliamBuellnext is no name with file type swap-file19:17
WilliamBuelland third partition was "/home"19:17
WilliamBuellso, i must have home in its own partition19:17
gtozziWilliamBuell: yep19:17
norenyes u are19:17
WilliamBuellwow, it took me HOURS to guess how that works,... but then i blog each step in my wordpress so if i need to do it again, it is right there, including all my mistakes,... so it can help other newbies19:18
WilliamBuelli found one totally free pdf book on introductory Ubuntu, and it is very helpful, i am slowly reading it19:18
WilliamBuelli want to become fluent in Ubuntu because i am so sick and tired of microsoft windows nonsense, year after year19:19
WilliamBuellone article suggested that the threat of Ubuntu forced Microsoft to speed up release of Windows 719:19
macoWilliamBuell: this is a support channel. think you could head over to #ubuntu-offtopic or #kubuntu-offtopic?19:19
WilliamBuellsorry maco19:19
WilliamBuellmaco: i will stay on topic here, i am so new, it will take some time19:20
gtozzimaco: ok, it's a support chanell but we still are people, not robots :)19:20
WilliamBuellmaco: is right, rules are rules, and there is PM and offtopic channels19:21
macoand thankfully, people can handle natural language processing better than robots can, to be able to read the /topic19:21
macogtozzi: ^19:21
gtozzimaco: touché19:21
WilliamBuellaha, i remembered how to get to the sed channel19:21
WilliamBuellfrom yesterday19:21
WilliamBuellmaco: i just joined #ubuntu-offtopic thanks, you are perfectly correct19:23
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gengkoim the grosest19:37
=== KjetilK_ is now known as KjetilK
kiraitachihi need help anyone there?19:48
kiraitachii got a prob with winff19:49
kiraitachiplz help19:49
BlouBlou!ask | kiraitachi19:49
ubottukiraitachi: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:49
kiraitachihaha ok its just that i wanted to know if there is someone to listen ok here it goes19:49
kiraitachii tryed to convert an avi file to psp file19:49
kiraitachiwith winff when i try to do so it jumps an error19:49
kiraitachithis is the log from the console19:50
BlouBloukiraitachi: paste error to pastebin19:50
kiraitachiFFmpeg version SVN-r19352-4:0.5+svn20090706-2ubuntu2, Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Fabrice Bellard, et al.19:50
kiraitachi  configuration: --extra-version=4:0.5+svn20090706-2ubuntu2 --prefix=/usr --enable-avfilter --enable-avfilter-lavf --enable-vdpau --enable-bzlib --enable-libgsm --enable-libschroedinger --enable-libspeex --enable-libtheora --enable-libvorbis --enable-pthreads --enable-zlib --disable-stripping --disable-vhook --enable-gpl --enable-postproc --enable-swscale --enable-x11grab --enable-libdc1394 --extra-cflags=-I/build/buildd/ffmpeg-019:50
kiraitachi.5+svn20090706/debian/include --enable-shared --disable-static19:50
kiraitachi  libavutil     49.15. 0 / 49.15. 019:50
FloodBotK3kiraitachi: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:50
kiraitachi  libavcodec    52.20. 0 / 52.20. 019:50
BlouBlou!paste > kiraitachi19:50
ubottukiraitachi, please see my private message19:50
BlouBloudon't worry19:51
kiraitachiwell thats the error log...already up there..19:51
BlouBloubot quiets you, so I didn't read19:51
BlouBlou!paste | kiraitachi19:51
ubottukiraitachi: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com (or !pastebinit for CLI) | For pasting !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin Please give us the URLs for your posts!19:52
BlouBlouthen give us the link19:52
KjetilKI had my one-year-old on my lap, and she tends to find keyboard shortcuts I'm not aware of... :-) Now, she changed the timezone of the panel clock, and I can't get it back to the local default... Back in the day, it used to be easy to set it to any of the configured timezones, but now I can't find it...19:52
kiraitachiok here is the log of the error19:52
kiraitachithere it is19:53
kiraitachiis it a codec i need to install?19:53
BlouBloukiraitachi: no, you are trying to convert a part of video19:54
kiraitachino its just that the video is called part 1 but its the hole movie...19:54
kiraitachipretty sure about it...19:55
kiraitachiand it happens with all the avis i try to convert to psp format..19:55
BlouBloukiraitachi: have you got ffmpeg instaled?19:55
BlouBlousudo apt-get install ffmpeg19:55
WalzmynKjetilK: yours does that too?19:55
kiraitachilet me see19:55
BlouBlouit's necesary for winff19:56
kiraitachimight not...let me check19:56
BlouBlouif you haven't got it installed, install and restart winff19:56
kiraitachiyeah i got it already19:57
kiraitachii type that in and says ''ffmpeg is the newst already'' after saying before reading dependencie and tree bla bla19:58
KjetilKWalzmyn, yeah, I have to make sure nothing has my sudo passwd and take frequent backups :-)19:58
BlouBloukiraitachi: well sorry, but I must to go :(19:59
kiraitachiits ok19:59
kiraitachiill google a bit ;)19:59
kiraitachithanks either way19:59
BlouBlouno problem, see you :)19:59
kiraitachiwhat about u ubottu?19:59
KjetilKkiraitachi, ubottu is a bot that people use to answer FAQs :-)20:00
LOGANwhere can I buy 1 kubuntu original CD?20:01
kiraitachiy buy it if u can get it free?20:01
kiraitachiwant to support them?20:02
macokiraitachi: because you can only request so many for free20:02
macoand LOGAN has asked for many20:02
LOGANni i reached my limit at shipit20:02
kiraitachia ok20:03
kiraitachididnt knoiw20:03
LOGANi have requested 2 from previous versions for a while now, one for me one as present20:03
LOGANi also didnt know else I didnt ordered the second one to give as present :)20:03
LOGANId given him a cheapass copy instead if I had known lol20:04
Tm_Tubuntu shop? shop.ubuntu.com20:04
LOGANnah they only sell for 5 minimum limit20:04
Tm_TLOGAN: oh, right20:04
LOGANwould need to pay for five AND pay for shipping on top of that20:06
LOGANand other sources only sell copies20:07
Tm_Tthough there's no much difference in it, except the looks of wrapping20:07
LOGANI also have my games on original and no steam downloads because I want to display them20:08
=== Paraselene_____ is now known as Paraselene_
LOGANand I also wanted to order a CD of Ubuntu... means I end up with to many :)20:09
Tm_TLOGAN: you can always spread/sell your leftovers20:10
macono such thing as too many! ....until theyre end of life (hrm i stil have a bunch of Gutsy server around here somewhere...)20:10
LOGANyeh probably. im looking on ebay now20:10
macoi have 5...no wait 4, i gave one away....Ubuntu 9.10 and 3 Kubuntu 9.10 CDs sitting here to give away to people20:11
macoLOGAN: why not get 'em all then carry around spares with you and when youre telling people about this super cool OS youre using...you have a copy to hand them?20:11
Tm_Tmaco: I have some of first Ubuntu ones still here...20:12
macoTm_T: i may have thrown out the gutsy server discs. i definitely have a bunch of Hardy discs though20:12
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LOGANnot many people I know are interested. All only using windows, regardless of how cool they think the buntu's look sadly enough20:14
NSsmilestrying to install a driver for  my printer...not sure  what ap  to open it with20:16
LOGANebay only seems to sell copies20:17
macodoesnt have to be people you already know20:17
macoi dont know 1/20 of the people ive given cds to20:17
maco(which is somewhere on the order of 300)20:18
NSsmilescan someone help with this20:18
LOGANwell other fans usually already have it installed20:18
LOGANI thought about having a stack of them at local library or something lol20:19
hagabakaNSsmiles: what type of file is the driver?20:20
macoother fans? no no, other people whom you do not know and who have not heard of ubuntu20:20
macoTHAT is who you give pretty CDs too20:20
macobecause THEY are the ones that need to see something that looks professional20:20
NSsmilesDriver packages: x86 32 bit: 1.0.2a (RPM for LSB 3.1), 1.0.2a (DEB for LSB 3.1), 1.0.2a (RPM for LSB 3.2), 1.0.2a (DEB for LSB 3.2), x86 64 bit: 1.0.2a (RPM for LSB 3.1), 1.0.2a (DEB for LSB 3.1), 1.0.2a (RPM for LSB 3.2), 1.0.2a (DEB for LSB 3.2) (How to install)20:20
macoyou want one of the debs20:21
NSsmiles1.0.2a (DEB for LSB 3.120:21
ubottuTo change your KDE splash screen go to KMenu -> System Settings -> Splash Screen20:21
macoNSsmiles: ae you running 32 or 64bit?20:22
macook then either the 2nd or 4th file20:22
NSsmilesi used the 2nd20:23
NSsmilesbut not sure how to open it20:23
macoits the instlaler20:23
xenomejust installed kubuntu and ark seems to crash every time I click on a .bzip file20:23
macoif it ends in .deb20:23
macoshould be able to "sudo dpkg -i blahblah.deb" (replacing blahblah.deb with the right filename)20:23
NSsmilesafter i loaded it ...i have a window asking what ap i want to open it with?20:25
NSsmileslaunch aplication20:25
NSsmilescan you tell me what to open it with?20:27
gtozziI'm migrating my root partition, what's the right way to copy /dev /proc and /sys directories?20:29
miklosacer emachines dualcore20:31
miklosopen mc press F620:32
Tm_Tgtozzi: hmm, I don't believe you copy those really20:33
gtozziTm_T: it's completely dynamic?20:33
Tm_Tgtozzi: should be20:34
gtozziTm_T: ok, I'll try to just mkdir them, ty20:34
macoNSsmiles: gdebi20:35
macogtozzi: do not copy those20:35
NSsmilesok thanks20:35
gtozzimaco: ty20:35
miklostried to put windows xp and 7 on my new laptop----no way----ubuntu-----first time20:35
Drunkpunkhey all new here and looking for help and general kubuntu chat20:37
gtozzi!hi | Drunkpunk20:37
ubottuDrunkpunk: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!20:37
Tm_TDrunkpunk: this is the channel for help, for chat, welcome to #kubuntu-offtopic (:20:37
K350How to end all running sudo sessions?20:38
Drunkpunkhey, the problem is with screen resolution and (i think) nvidia20:38
NSsmilesi  dont   see gdebi20:38
gtozziDrunkpunk: go on20:38
Drunkpunkall was working fine yesterday and now cant get above 800x60020:39
macoNSsmiles: just go in the command line and do the dpkg -i line i gave you before20:39
Drunkpunktried clean install and everything20:39
dj_TAZ_DEVIL_69i have a ?20:39
gtozziDrunkpunk: have you recently upgraded the nvidia drivers?20:39
=== amir_ is now known as Guest32963
Guest32963hi guys20:39
maco!ask | dj_TAZ_DEVIL_6920:39
ubottudj_TAZ_DEVIL_69: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:39
Guest32963i have a20:39
Guest32963 problem20:39
Guest32963my taskbar20:39
dj_TAZ_DEVIL_69has anyone used ubuntu notebook remix20:39
Guest32963i cant20:39
FloodBotK3Guest32963: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:39
maco!enter | Guest3296320:39
ubottuGuest32963: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:39
Drunkpunkused the package that d/l'd automatically when i used the restricted driver20:39
gtozziDrunkpunk: I had issues too with lastest nvidia drivers, I solved installing back the old ones20:40
Drunkpunkswapped between kubuntu and ubuntu as well!20:40
Drunkpunkhow do i find the previous package?20:40
gtozziDrunkpunk: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-18520:40
dj_TAZ_DEVIL_69is the notebook remix really as kool as they clame20:41
Guest32963i removed my taskbar in kubuntu now i dont know how unhide the taskbar...???20:41
NSsmilesi'm new to linux so i dont know what the blah blah was suppose to be20:41
Drunkpunkyou, gtozzi are a true PRINCE!20:41
Drunkpunki'll see if it works20:41
macoNSsmiles: the name of the deb file you want to install20:41
gtozziDrunkpunk: lol20:41
Hetmanhello i`ve just install Kubuntu 9.10 64bit. And i have a problem with sound in wine - i cannot rune it .. on Alsa, Pulse audio itp. Is it know bug ? Can i fix that ?20:42
LaeborgWhat is "permanent KVM"? Im in the ordering process of a server20:42
dj_TAZ_DEVIL_69also does anyone know of a program to where i can stream music see i am a online dj too and i want to use linux cuz it is more stable than freaking windows and now i need to find a program that i can use to dj with20:43
Drunkpunkwell, I'm off to explore IRC and check out the off topic room20:44
Drunkpunkthanks for your help20:44
darrenm_Hello everyone. I've got a problem installing Kubuntu 9.10 x64 on dmraid. Can anyone help me?20:45
gtozzidj_TAZ_DEVIL_69: yep, there is a streaming daemon but I can't figure out it's name by now20:46
NSsmiles1.0.2a (DEB for LSB 3.1..that is the file...now what do i put in the command line20:47
hagabakathe reboot and shutdown options in kde menu and krunner are not working, anyone know a fix?20:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about shutdown20:52
darrenm_grub-install seems to fail on installing Kubuntu 9.10 using the alternate CD installing to dmraid.20:53
darrenm_Doesn't say it's failed but drops me to the install tasks menu where the only thing that works is aborting the install without GRUB being installed.20:54
gtozzidarrenm_: it just failed for me too, I solved installing LILO then manually installing grub later20:54
darrenm_Bah. I'll restart the install then thanks.20:55
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K350How do one edit the time for how long a sudo session can keep going. And/or where do one do that?21:03
Hetmancan somebody tell me why i don`t have sound on wine and flash ? is it any way to run it on kubuntu 9.10 64 bit21:08
Hetmanthank`s for answer ... this really pro official support21:10
loadusHetman, I was typing a solution, but because of your 2min patience it seems that it might be the wrong one :P21:11
Hetmanloadus: i ask the same question 20 min ago21:11
loadusHetman, the problem is pulseaudio, WINE won't work with it and some cards don't like it at all21:11
macos/some cards dont like it at all/some sound drivers are horrendously broken/21:12
macoHetman: this isnt professional support21:12
macothis is random people who are helping out a bit in their spare time21:12
macoHetman: if you want professional support, support contracts are available through shop.ubuntu.com21:13
amichairHetman: this is community support21:13
Hetmanso now the question is , is it any way to fix that ?21:14
gtozziHetman: rtfm21:15
Hetmangtozzi: readed manual, looking on google .21:15
loadusI solved it on my rig by uninstalling pulseaudio, but I won't recommend it, since it might produce some odd behaviour21:15
amichairHetman: I have pulseadio as lowest priority in system settings > multemedia, and no problems21:16
maco!rtfm | gtozzi21:16
ubottugtozzi: Acronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.21:16
macopulseaudio is not included in kubuntu21:17
macoremoving it should not break things in kubuntu21:17
macobreaking things in ubuntu by removing pulseaudio is, however, perfectly reasonable since upstream gnome loves pulseaudio21:17
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amichairhi WaY21:28
WaYanybody knows a good wifi network manager appart from wicd and network-manager?21:28
midweysera a tutti21:30
=== kb is now known as Guest29903
=== deokanon is now known as h4udac3
ubuntu Hi all,   In dolphin how do you dolphin to display files sizes, it deispays number of items, which doesn not help me much.21:38
ubuntuLearning to to type of spell could help me :-/21:39
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=== deokanon is now known as h4udac3
gtozziubuntu: where are you from?21:42
gtozziubuntu: use "detail" list mode21:43
ubuntuThis is my first use of Quassel, I thought I'd set my nick to other than ubuntu :-/21:44
gtozziubuntu: should be a good idea :P21:45
ubuntu "/nick dosent seen to have any effect?21:46
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=== help is now known as gtozzi
gtozziubuntu: it works21:47
=== ubuntu is now known as drew3-live
drew3-liveAhh yes it does, auto complete if 'ni' didn't work21:48
drew3-live ty21:48
drew3-liveI an seeing Number of 'items' and not Size as in 'mb-kb' in the , Number of items is not something I can use21:52
amichairdrew3-live: try right-clicking on the column headers and checking 'size'21:53
=== Gorlak is now known as Talaskina
drew3-liveNoope, no luck.  Konqueror has Number of items also,  I was trying to avoid needing to click on Properties for each and every flolder.21:59
amichairdrew3-live: oh, you're talking about folders, not files...22:00
amichairdrew3-live: yes, I miss that too sometimes. but since it needs to calculate the folder size recursively, which can be heavy on the disk, they don't do it unless u ask for it (properties)22:01
rodolfohello people22:02
drew3-liveI suffer from a bad habbit of using the name file, and not folder, sorry.  (ordirectory)22:02
amichairdrew3-live: they are different things so it's important :-)22:03
rodolfothere are some girl here?22:03
macowhy do you ask?22:03
* maco wonders why there *wouldn't* be girls or women here22:03
rodolfogive us msn id to talk22:04
amichairhehe... msn...22:04
amichairI just noticed the 'expandable folders' option in dolphin - how convenient!22:06
drew3-liveIn the few weeks I have been using Dolphin, I like it, except for the Size=Items and not Size=MB-KB.22:11
drew3-liveI'm guessing that is a Distro choice of K-X-or U-buntu22:12
gtozzidrew3-live: I guess you can configure it to tell size in kb/mb, but i don't know how22:13
drew3-liveI wish I did, it would make my current task simplier.22:13
drew3-liveCertainly ther is a text page someplace to configure it.    O well, thanks for looking,22:14
amichairI feel dolphin is not entirely mature. there's always little things that are missing or get in the way, though I can't always put my finger on it.22:14
macofix it?22:14
drew3-liveI think I found one.22:15
macoi know youve been having fun patching things lately22:15
amichairwell yeah :-)22:15
amichairis it kde?22:15
amichairalthough, they are more design choices than actual bugs, and as such much harder, if at all possible, to change22:16
amichairmaco: so how come isn't it dolKin? quite an exception for such a prominent app22:17
macokde has moved away from the K thing with KDE422:18
macoim not benjamin!22:18
dtchenunfortunately that's too much like the other MaCO22:18
amichairwell when I finish up with kubuntu bugs, maybe I'll get back to them. had an unpleasant experience there, and didn't go back22:20
amichairthey're not as welcoming as you guys :-)22:21
macoah yeah....22:22
macoone of the women in kubuntu flamed one of the guys in kde when he gave a useless reject message to one of my patches22:22
macosomething like "rejected. go figure out why"22:22
amichairyeah, something similar22:22
amichairI did a couple days work fixing things, and uploaded patches, no one as much as looked at it for 3 months, and then it was just closed and ignored because one of their devs fixed (after I did) a couple of the bunch of bugs, and they just ignored the rest. duplicate work in general, and waste of time for me. didn't patch anything since.22:24
amichairtheir loss :-)22:26
ner0xAny good vector programs for icons/layouts etc, other than inkscape.22:30
K350Applications such as synaptic and others that use to prompt for the password don't do that here anymore. What can I do about that. Anyone?22:44
bodomfinally my desktop is up and running with raid22:46
* gtozzi gtozzi is now known as bodom22:47
sharpen047would anyone help me setup an ad-hoc network please?22:48
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Guest3994Who's the ubuntu channel in spanish please?22:50
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AssociateXxxhow do I get grip installed?22:53
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=== AssociateXxx is now known as AssociateX
Guest29714good night, i want to know wich is the ubuntu's channel in spanish22:55
=== subito is now known as babalu
AssociateXhow do I get grip installed?22:55
bodomall my fonts are too small, anyone have any idea of where could be the problem?22:59
adaptrbomber: buy a bigger monitor!23:00
hullohello, i've got a little problem  I updated ubuntu, installed vmware and i think one of those patched my kernel then a couple weeks later i restarted my machine and since then grub no longer finds my hard drive when booting23:01
faderhvalGoodevening people, I just succesfully installed Kubuntu 9.10 and it looks good but i how ever am getting a buzzing sounds constantly from my speakers.. i've tried googling for a bit but no one seem to have a concrete answer anyone in here might know what to do?23:02
harolddonghave you tried removing pulseaudio?23:22
AssociateXhow do I get grip installed?23:29
damhave any of you ever installed TVU on Linux before ?23:30
kcj1993how do i get rid of "kick-off"23:32
damhave any of you ever installed TVU on Linux before ?23:33
faderhvalGoodevening once again :)23:36
faderhvalCould someone tell me how do i remove PulseAudio?23:38
seige36kpackage manager23:38
faderhvalyeah when i try that i get an error saying it can't be removed because of kde run time or something like that.. sorry for bain vage but im very new to this23:40
kcj1993how do i move things around on the panel23:41
kcj1993I am beginning to hate kde23:42
Izinucskcj1993: repeat.. I just logged in...23:44
kcj1993I need to know how to move things around on the panel23:46
kcj1993in kde23:46
Izinucsyou mean the different boxes?23:46
Izinucson the bottom panel or the "screen"/ Desktop itself?23:47
kcj1993the "widgets" on the bottom panel itself23:48
kcj1993i don't know how to move them23:48
kcj1993it making me very angry23:48
kcj1993angry enough to log back into gnome and uninstall kde23:50
Izinucslooks like if you point at the panel and right mouse click .. choose Panel Options then choose panel settings.. once the settings bar is displayed point at one of the icons you want to move and you'll see what might look like a blue compas pointer cross thingy.. that's the indication you can move the icon or group of icons23:51
IzinucsOnce done don't forget to lock the panel to prevent additional/accidental movement.23:51
kcj1993Wow, KDE epic fail, all that just to move something.23:52
IzinucsI'd like to know how to add programs to my "Favorits" section of the kmenu23:52
kcj1993all better23:52
kcj1993how do i get rid of kick-off?23:53
Izinucskcj1993: can you help with my frustration?23:53
Izinucskcj1993: what's kick off?23:53
kcj1993the main menu23:53
kcj1993whats your issue?23:53
Izinucsthe k menu icon on the bottom left? the one that show's the menu? .. my issue .. look up a few lines.23:54
kcj1993yes thats what i mean the thing that shows up when you click the "k"23:55
kcj1993it's called kick-off23:55
Consul_Falxhow can I detect which ports are open?23:55
kcj1993but i want the old menu that kde 3 has23:55
Izinucsdo the same thing you did to move stuff except when pointing at the "K" right mouse click and choose Remove from panel23:56
Izinucskcj1993: you can right mouse click the panel "in edit mode" and add a widgit.. in the list there is what appears to be an option for the classic menu23:58
kcj1993Izinucs, thanks i found the old menu, what was your problem, i only logged in a few mins ago.23:58
IzinucsI'd like to know how to add program launchers to my "Favorite" menu.. the primary menu shown when you click the 'K'23:59
kcj1993sorry i dont know how to do that23:59

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