[01:24] m4v: don't go spamming up freenode now, okay? :P [01:25] nalioth: I won't! thanks :) [01:25] da nada === niko is now known as evilNiko === evilNiko is now known as niko [19:07] jpds: can you make sure you're running a recent version of Encyclopedia for newish variable substitution ($curRelease et all) [19:08] ubot4: shipit [19:08] Shipit is a service that sends free Ubuntu and Kubuntu CDs. See http://shipit.ubuntu.com/ and http://shipit.kubuntu.org - Shipit will send !$curStable ($curStableNum) CDs [19:08] those ones [21:06] helo [21:06] hello === max is now known as Guest15185 [21:08] i have a problem with my audio card in ubuntu 9.10, it's nothing hard, but it's annoing: I have a "clack" sound every time I play a sound when the audio card is playing nothing for 20-30 sec. It seems like the audio card wake up from standby and makes that noise. Any way to solve this? in the 9.04 everything was ok [21:09] Guest15185: This isn't a normal support channel, you stand a better chance of a response if you join #ubuntu and ask the question there [21:09] ok sorry [21:10] Guest15185: No problem, its normally pretty quiet in here, just thought it was better to point you towards the main support channel rather than you getting frustrated here [21:10] dio card in ubuntu 9.10, it's nothing hard, but it's annoing: I have a "clack" sound every time I play a sound when the audio card is playing nothing for 20-30 sec. It seems like the audio card wake up from standby and makes that noise. Any way to solve this? in the 9.04 everything was ok [21:11] (sorry copied and pasted from previuous conversation) I have that problem with my audio card can you help me? [21:13] Guest15185: I'm sorry, I don't have a lot of experience with sound problems, I'm using old hardware which has always worked first time [21:13] :( ok thanx, anyone else can help me? [21:55] hello [21:55] can someone, help me please? [21:57] nikola: what with? [21:58] im trying to install ubuntu [21:58] on my 1tb harddisk [21:58] i have already installed it [21:59] but after install boot it doesnt start after [21:59] choose normal ubuntu start option [21:59] simply black screen [22:00] is shown [22:00] must ubuntu be installed on same partition as windows? [22:01] nikola: the support channel for Ubuntu is #ubuntu [22:01] ok [22:01] also, no, you should NOT install ubuntu on the same partition as windows unless you want to wipe windows. [22:02] ok ty [22:20] tsimpson: That should be ubot2 done. [22:22] And it's not for some reason. [22:27] jpds: erm, my fault. I didn't commit the code... [22:27] tsimpson: .... [22:28] I thought I did during the last merge with ubottu, apparently not [22:33] * jpds waits for the code to land. :) [22:34] pushed to r149 waiting for LP [22:34] *r140 [22:37] should be up now [22:40] working? [22:41] Testing. [22:42] tsimpson: http://paste.ubuntu.com/325652/ [22:43] gerr, missing ')' [22:44] r141 waiting for LP [22:45] (basically add a ')' on the end of line 660) [22:45] Come on crowberry. [22:47] tsimpson: That did it. [22:47] :) [22:48] just remember there's a few new config vars you'll need to change at release/eol times [22:51] Beats climbing Mount Royal. [22:54] No bzr on ubot4's box, time for some rsync'ing. [22:58] tsimpson: Fixed on ubot4 too. [22:58] good :) [22:59] tsimpson: Now, go and implement storm support! [22:59] yeah, I'll put it on the end of my to-do list [22:59] so expect it sometime after 2020 :p [23:18] trudell called the ops in #kubuntu-bugs ()