
owen1i try to use touchfreeze and get this in terminal: could'nt find synaptic properties.00:06
owen1(the apps runs but has no effect on the touchpad)00:06
owen1actually it's not running properly00:08
=== XX is now known as Guest37001
=== Guest37001 is now known as likemindead
jarHas anyone noticed that the categories in Add/Remove Applications has no icons?01:40
likemindeadNope. I use "sudo apt-get install XXX" etc.01:41
jarYou should really use aptitutde if you're going CLI01:42
UuuAny reasons?01:42
jarMore features and smarter.01:43
Uuuonly for searching imo ;)01:43
likemindeadI'm with Uuu.01:43
jarI just realize I'm in unregged.01:43
jarback :p01:44
jarAnyways, I've got no issues with the CLI method.01:44
jarBut this is obviously a bug.01:44
jarinstalling evolution & banshee = exactly 100 packages.01:52
likemindeadI'm really digging Exaile.01:54
jarI'm too used to Banshee.01:55
jarPlus the developer is a really nice dude.01:55
likemindeadI <3 Banshee too.01:56
jarI love how easy it is to backup Evolution's data these days02:02
keppidoes anyone know where xorg.conf is in xubuntu?02:52
Uuukeppi: new Xorg doesn't need xorg.conf, but you may create it in its normal path: /etc/X11/xorg.conf.02:59
keppiUuu:  Thanks.  I enabled desktop compositing and my screen got scrambled.  Ended up reinstalling :(03:04
owen1how do you guys organize all the config for the different apps you are using? is it all in .config folder?04:23
_Pete_why those need to be organized in the first place?05:31
=== computer is now known as O234876
computerhi, how do i enable remote desktop? i cant seem to find it. all i see is remote desktop view05:37
computerdoes it not come with xubuntu?05:38
_Pete_computer: I recommend using freenx for remote desktop: fast & secure05:39
computerdoes xubuntu not come with remote desktop?05:40
computerthis sucks! does not come with remote desktop?05:41
computerubuntu comes with ti! why not xubuntu?05:42
_Pete_because you can install it one line apt-get?05:42
_Pete_if really needed05:42
computersudo apt-get install remote desktop05:44
CondenseHey, is anyone around who could give me a quick hand with booting my softmodded Xbox onto a live CD? I'm getting some very frustrating errors.06:12
owen1_Pete_: whenever i install new machine i would like to have all the configs in one place06:30
_Pete_they are06:31
_Pete_in your $HOME06:31
owen1i guess u r righ06:31
vinoddhi, all my nw interfaces are down after my last upgrade, and I looked at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291509, tried setting apci off, but that doesnt seem to help either. Help?07:15
marcPVhi there07:29
marcPVanyone know how to uninstall an app installed using a .deb package?07:30
renatahello, what is the command for EXAILE to play Audio CDs automatically? I've tried various combinations with exaile --play but none works, thanks09:40
BeteNoirehi, what xubuntu uses to lock session?14:00
handjobGood afternoon everyone. Can someone help me with "jack"? I have problems running it as a regular user even after adding myself to "audio" group and editing limits.conf14:06
BeteNoireyes, TheSheep, but xflock4 is a script, rite?14:06
FANDERhi guys, I have the microphone sound is too slow. I went to Sound preferences and I set the microphone to the maximum but the sound is still slow. I tried my headphone on another Ubuntu machine, and the sound was excellent14:26
FANDERI'm using a laptop14:26
FANDERwhat could be the problem?14:26
subspiderfander what is your sound card14:55
FANDERsubspider: I guess it's Intel14:55
FANDERsubspider: I had Crunchbang Linux 9.04 previously and It was perfect14:55
subspideri have an intel too and it works perfect on skype14:56
FANDERyeah I want to use it with Skype also14:58
FANDERsubspider: it worked perfectly with Crunchbanf14:59
wrgbFANDER: in System Settings > Multimedia what is the order of your sound devices under communication - is pulse audio or intel card first in the list?15:02
FANDERwrgb: there's no Multimedia in System or Settings15:05
FANDERI have xubuntu 9.1015:05
FANDERbut I went to Mulitmedia>Mixer and the device was Intel15:06
wrgbsorry i'm in KDE mode right now, hang on a sec15:06
FANDERBarbican1: Live your life15:07
wrgbFANDER: do you have any other options in the dropdown list - if so try changing it15:08
FANDERwrgb: I have "analog" something15:08
FANDERwrgb: my laptop is far15:08
FANDERand my sister is using it no15:08
FANDERI'm using my desktop now15:09
wrgbFANDER: I see, well when you get back to it try selecting that in the list under Capture and see if that helps - I have two devices to choose from and one works better than the other15:10
subspiderbetenoire to lock my session i do ctrl+ alt+ del15:29
postafflatushello could I get some assistance with Xubuntu 9.10 on ASUS eee PC 1005HA?16:57
Sysiwhat's your problem?16:58
postafflatusits quite simple I just want to make my power button (the physical one on top of the keyboard) to send my OS to SHUT DOWN instead of LOG OFF or ask me what to do, I tried to set it in POWER MANAGER menu but it doesn't seem to work16:59
postafflatusmaybe theres some command line specific code?17:01
Sysihmm, i haven't tried that in my own one17:01
postafflatusmaybe I should just make a keyboard short cut?17:02
Sysido other options work?17:02
Sysii have exactly same machine and powerbutton gives selection window because i want :)17:03
postafflatuslike hibernation?17:03
Sysifor exaple17:04
postafflatusbtw is BACKPORT and UNRELEASED software updates are good for general use or I should use ONLY OFFICIALLY supported ones?17:07
postafflatusI of coarse set up medibuntu as repository17:08
nytek_hey everyone, but startup program / script sets wallpaper in sfce?17:25
hexbasei cannot get sound working18:33
jarThe Game19:33
severycan anyone help me get my radeon driver to work?19:34
severyi get a black screen when i start gdm19:34
severybut when i use vesa everything works fine19:34
severywow.. this channel is rather quiet.. in #ubuntu people talk so much i cant even get through, and this channel is quite the opposite lol19:36
LOGANwhere can I order 1 CD of xubuntu? Seems I have reached my limit of free shipit CD's20:00
Benkinoobyhi, started c++ programming in kdevelop. how can i debug my programs? what do i have to do, to make my progam debugable and do i need to use "projects" for this?20:10
_Pete_Benkinooby: look for compiler options20:10
Benkinoobythe options when i run g++  command in terminal?20:11
_Pete_the one you compile your program20:11
_Pete_that one you asked20:12
Benkinoobyit's g++ -g20:12
_Pete_then it's compiled with debug-info20:12
Benkinoobyi did so...  i don't know anything about programming or debugging, so this why many things confuse me. they are also saying something about "make"20:13
Benkinoobyg++ -g is compulsory for debugging i guess20:13
_Pete_what are you trying to do?20:13
Benkinoobyi have a c++ programm, which is using recursion funktions... now i want to see step by step what the program does....20:14
_Pete_and the reason for this is programming learning ?20:14
Benkinoobyyep.. i have to program for school... but to follow my recursive funktions in my mind is a little bit to much... if i could see what steps my progam makes it would be easier20:16
_Pete_I understand that very well20:16
_Pete_but dont know how to do that with c++20:17
_Pete_gdb always works20:17
_Pete_if binaries are compiled with debug20:17
Benkinoobyi was also thinking about using an other debugger but kdevelop is also doing the work i guess... but if it takes to much effort i will use gdb20:18
_Pete_anyway, if you are programmer, and linx20:18
_Pete_well if you ask me20:18
_Pete_learning gdb is best20:18
Benkinoobyi allready installed it :D20:19
Benkinoobyso just compile programm with -g option and it's done?.... i'm trying20:19
_Pete_I only know basics of that20:19
_Pete_then instead running your prg like: ./my_crash_hero20:20
_Pete_do : gdb my_crash_hero20:20
_Pete_then when then prompt comes20:20
_Pete_type: run20:20
_Pete_and when/if it crashes20:21
_Pete_bt = backtrace20:21
Benkinoobyso far it worked... i was using a very simple prog for testing.... bt gives me "No Stack"20:22
_Pete_that means "I guess" it has no needed debug compiled in20:23
Benkinoobyi gues so too20:23
_Pete_if you want "all time debug" you need all libs compiled with debug20:23
Benkinoobyit's just cout and cin :P now i'm going with my "real" prog20:24
_Pete_easy to narrow the problem then?20:25
Benkinoobyah... there is no problem... i just wanted to see how it works... so in case there is a problem, i know how to solve20:25
Benkinoobyi was hoping i could see the source code and see which command is active....20:26
_Pete_sounds like you come from Java?20:27
Benkinoobyi come from DAU ;P20:27
_Pete_whats that?20:27
Benkinoobyabsolute noob user20:27
_Pete_dont think so20:27
Benkinoobyoh, sorry german expression20:27
Benkinooby(most stupid user expectable)20:28
_Pete_If you truly were so20:28
_Pete_you didnt know nothing about debuging20:28
Benkinoobyin school the tell me... but i only get half :(20:28
Benkinoobyi saw someone "jumping" through his source code, like it would be running20:29
Benkinoobyto see step by step the procedure20:29
Benkinoobybut i was not able to speak to him20:29
Benkinoobyand also that i am looking for help here indicates that i am at end of my knowledge20:30
Benkinoobynow i on youtube for some howto....20:32
_Pete_you can do that with gdn20:33
_Pete_not very GFX20:34
_Pete_but true20:34
Benkinoobyif i watch video's about debugging, they all use projects20:35
Benkinoobywhat is the use of it? until no i just create .cpp files and compile.20:36
Benkinoobymaybe i'll go for the kdevelop irc (there sould be one)20:39
Benkinoobythere are may features i don't understand :D20:39
Benkinoobythank you pete for time, patience and answers :)20:39
_Pete_tell me how you proceed20:40
Benkinoobyi will... jsut noticed that this is xubuntu irc and not kubuntu :P20:42
SahkolihaaWith the amount of different names there are, don't be surprised. :P20:42
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX21:16
ESphynxhey guys, what's the best thing to install on an EEE PC with only 2GB of HD? Is it Xeebuntu ?21:34
Tonnohow can I change the driver of my Graphic Card21:35
likemindeadThat's rough, ESphynx. So little room. :-\21:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about drivers21:36
likemindeadHmm. You can do it via CLI, Synaptic, or the Hardware Drivers GUI, depending on what it is, Tonno.21:37
ESphynxin my own personal opinion it's distros  that became too bloated21:38
Sysithen use DSL21:39
Sysinot bloated21:39
likemindeadYup. Or Puppy. Or Slax. Or....21:39
likemindeadDifferent distros have different goals/purposes.21:39
ESphynxhehe, this is just me talking... I'm installing this for a friend so21:39
ESphynxI need something user friendly21:39
Sysiyou can't get everything21:40
ESphynxmy personal goal is to write my own light DE :P21:40
ESphynxSo I heard of this Xeebuntu, you guys know about that?21:40
Sysilubuntu is small21:40
likemindeadNope. I installed Mint 7 on my boss's EeePC, but it had a 160GB hdd. :-21:41
ESphynxI also have the CD that comes with the thing21:41
ESphynxI guess I could give that a try :P21:41
__Hokan__think about that21:43
ESphynxOh so it's named eeeXubuntu21:46
_Pete_!fail failure?21:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fail failure?21:46
__Hokan__Invalid arguments, usage: !fail21:46
__Hokan__Success -->> ab fdsfdfsfdf sffsdsdfsdc21:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fail21:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about quit21:47
ESphynxthanks guys.21:48
ESphynxcheers :)21:48
jdratlifI just installed xubuntu last week. I ran sudo apt-get update (or was it upgrade). When I logged out, the mouse/keyboard wouldn't respond21:55
jdratlifWhen I reboot, it appears to start normally, but then the keyboard/mouse/display goes dark21:55
jdratlifMaybe this is a hal/dbus issue, but i'm not sure.21:56
jdratlifi can login via ssh, and use vncserver, but the local console it useless.21:57
jdratlifAny idea why this is happening, or how I can fix it?21:57
likemindeadRunning 9.10, jdratlif?21:58
jdratlifyes, it's 9.1021:58
likemindeadI'd go ahead and run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" then reboot. See if that helps.21:58
likemindeadKarmic still has some bumpy patches. :-\21:59
likemindeadIt's best to stick with the LTS release for more stability.21:59
jdratlifnothing to update it says. no change in status22:02
computerwhat should i use for my ipod to work?22:09
jdratlifi guess i'll look for something that works22:22
keppihi!  I can't login to xubuntu's gui.  I don't have any problems logging in from tty1 though22:28
BLUE_BALLSwhere can i get Xubuntu Netbook Remix?22:29
keppihttp://www.canonical.com/projects/ubuntu/unr ?22:31
BLUE_BALLSkeppi, i meant foe xfce22:34
BLUE_BALLSis there a netbook-remix for xfce?22:35
BLUE_BALLSjar, where do i get it?22:36
jarI'm honestly not sure.22:37
JaayWould anyone be able to help me with this? I did a clean install of 9.10 on my netbook last night and it doesn't seem to be able to download whatever it needs to update/install anything. It just times out every time.22:40
JaayMy internet connection is fine, afaik.22:40
keppihelp...   I can't login22:42

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