
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
DarkwingDuckweee finally home. I hate afternoon traffic01:05
DarkwingDucknixternal: you about?01:18
nixternalkind of01:22
DarkwingDuckJust wanted to let you know I figured out my BZR problem01:22
DarkwingDuckOh, and thanks for that link01:23
nixternalno prob01:32
nixternalI am installing lucid on my netbook now...I have a really bad head ache, and I don't feel like sitting in my chair to get some work done...so I will probably go and lay down with the lil one01:33
DarkwingDuckkk I'll talk later tonight01:33
nixternalthanks for the warning :p01:33
DarkwingDuckJust wait till I start kicking you docs.01:33
nixternalheh, had this netbook for a couple of months, and it has already been back to dell twice01:34
DarkwingDuckI read up there ^^ thanks for the +101:34
DarkwingDuckI didn't like the Dell... My Acer is nice01:34
nixternalI got my daughter the acer...i liked it...the dell mini 10v is nice01:34
nixternalI still think the best is the HPs01:34
nixternalyou can't beat their keyboard01:35
nixternalthe dell touchpad sucks ass though01:35
DarkwingDuckI think I'm going to keep Karmic on mine for now. I'm loading up Lucid in a VM01:35
DarkwingDuckYeah, HP has a VERY nice one.01:35
nixternalya, probably for the best right now...I am a bit sadistic01:35
DarkwingDuckI'm going to get a true tablet PC01:35
nixternalya, I will probably go for one soon01:35
DarkwingDuckrun some tests on there.01:35
DarkwingDuckAlso, it's just F-ing cool.01:36
DarkwingDuckand I think for a UI I'll modify KNE with a LCARS theme to solve my Star Trek love :D01:36
DarkwingDuckholy wow.... I forgot how big Eclipse was.01:37
nixternalheh...my eclipse setup is fairly large01:38
DarkwingDuckI just found out that bzr was a eclipse plugin01:38
nixternalya, but last time I used it, it was garbage01:38
txwikingernixternal: the new kernel has some problems01:39
DarkwingDuckI'll run a test but, I think I'll just edit then use the command line. It's kinda simple anyway01:39
nixternaltxwikinger: what kind of problems?01:39
txwikingersuspend and/or audio IIRC01:39
nixternali just used it in qemu and audio worked01:40
txwikingerrgreening knows.. he figured it out01:40
dtchenwhich HP?01:41
dtchenHP mini?01:41
dtchenif so, I have one I'm giving away (too much junk hw)01:41
nixternalthe new hp mini?01:41
dtchen11xx from about eight months ago, I think01:41
dtchenit's the same I mentioned some time back01:41
rgreeningdell mini is what I hav01:42
nixternalhrmm, i thought you could encrypt with the live cd01:42
dtchenyou can, but not by default01:42
dtchenyou basically need to do cryptsetup and everything from ctrl+alt+F2 iirc01:42
nixternal'Require my password to log in and to decrypt my home folder' is an option under the 'User Info' tab with the installer01:42
dtchenright, that's the ecryptfs home01:43
nixternalso I take it by setting that, then it encrypts my home directory? I didn't see an option anywhere else to encrypt the home directory01:43
dtchenthat's correct01:43
dtchenthat's a lot more usable than enciphered / imo01:44
dtchenmy machine is dog slow because of it01:44
Daskreechnixternal: If something happens to the OS install how do you get back your data?01:51
Daskreechor dtchen :)01:51
DaskreechMy computer seems to like to pull death scares on me every 6 months or so can I recover my data from out of an encrypted partition/home directory from a live CD by any means ?01:52
nixternali haven't had that type of death, plus most of the stuff on my machine is in a VCS somewhere and/or Dropbox01:58
nixternalactually, all of my stuff is version controlled01:58
dtchen^ what nixternal typed01:58
dtchenI rsync /var/lib, /etc, and ~01:58
dtchenwithin ~ I use bzr and git for standard xdg conffile dirs01:59
nixternali should prolly rsync, but I am so used to 'svn ci'01:59
macoi backup "dpkg --get-selections" and /etc on the same spare hard drive that holds my /home01:59
nixternali don't even do the dpkg --{get|set}-selections01:59
Daskreechnixternal, dtchen: Right that's never happened personally to either but can it be done?02:12
Daskreechkb9vqf: Lots of folks asking about your work indirectly on identi.ca02:13
Daskreechhi jjesse02:16
JontheEchidnaIf anybody wants to try out the sexy new kubuntu-notification-helper prebeta: https://launchpad.net/~echidnaman/+archive/ppa/+packages02:17
JontheEchidnaInstructions: Install kubuntu-notification-helper, reboot.02:18
JontheEchidnaAlternately, killall kded4; sleep 2; kded402:18
JontheEchidnaThen "kcmshell4 kcmkded" and start the Notification Helper service02:18
JontheEchidnaFeedback wanted. ;-)02:20
* tsimpson prefers "kquitapp" to "killall"02:20
JontheEchidnakded isn't a kapplication so that doesn't work02:21
tsimpsonit does02:21
* JontheEchidna tries02:21
tsimpsonyep, kded is exported in dbus02:21
tsimpson"kquitapp kded"02:21
JontheEchidnaoh, I always did kquitapp kded402:22
JontheEchidnawhich doesn't work, which is why I thought it didn't work. ;-)02:22
tsimpsonthe dbus names don't have the '4' extension02:22
kb9vqfDaskreech: any links? ;)02:22
tsimpsonguess it's not needed when you know only KDE4 apps export over dbus02:22
Daskreechkb9vqf: Just people asking if anyone still does KDE3 or where are the Kaffiene KDE3 packages02:23
kb9vqfOK; thanks for the heads up!02:23
Daskreechkb9vqf: I just keep pointing them to the Wiki page or to your repo02:23
kb9vqfWorks for me02:23
DarkwingDucknixternal: you still around?02:23
DarkwingDuckjjesse: you around?02:24
Daskreechtsimpson: What happens when KDE5 ships or KDE6? The Shortsightedness of it all !02:24
* kb9vqf likes that his work is still appreciated02:24
tsimpsonDaskreech: hopefully DBus will be long since dead :)02:24
DaskreechI hope it's appreciated enough that they help02:24
Daskreechtsimpson: replaced by?02:24
tsimpsonsomething less insane02:25
tsimpsonsomething usable outside of python...02:25
Daskreechwhich will of course be replaced by Kbus!02:25
tsimpsonDBus was a good idea, poorly implemented02:25
tsimpsonand a slight rip-off of dcop02:26
Daskreechwith less functionality02:26
nixternalDaskreech: yes02:26
DaskreechI hear. I'm not really an informed speaker for either02:26
nixternalhrmm, 0 probs with lucid on my mini 10v right now...sound seems to be working02:26
JontheEchidnaI did notice that the dbus python bindings didn't really translate to C++, or vice-versa02:26
nixternalerr, DarkwingDuck yes I am still here02:26
nixternalstill people with similar nicks02:27
Daskreechnixternal: Do I need to back up anything from the main install to get access to the encrypted section ?02:27
Daskreechnixternal: Ah thought you were answering me02:27
DarkwingDucknixternal: is there a list of the additions to the xml? IE: &kde;' ect...02:28
nixternalnot a single list, as those are stored in entity files that regularaly increase02:31
DarkwingDuckgot ya02:32
DarkwingDuckhey jjesse02:32
jjessejust got around, spent the evnening in the bookstore reading books and ignroing the world02:32
nixternalDarkwingDuck: you can see what we have in libs/global.ent and libs/kde-menus-C.ent02:33
nixternalkde-menus-C.ent are shortcuts for apps you use when launching an app from the KDE menu02:34
DarkwingDuckinstalling Lucid KNE right now.02:36
DaskreechAnything needs Doctoring?02:49
shtylmanrgreening: using chromium yet?03:22
nixternalScottK: hey, say I upload a package, lets say kubuntu-docs, to -proposed, -backports, or -updates...will the .pot files get sent over to LP for translations?03:23
ScottKnixternal: It goes when it hits -proposed, but not backports.03:23
nixternalahh, so that did get incorporated then...I remember back in the day it didn't happen03:24
nixternaljjesse and DarkwingDuck ^^ so in theory we could do updates03:24
DaskreechAnyone has Ubuntu installed?03:25
DaskreechWhere is the nautilus binary kept?03:25
nixternalthough I don't think we should...it totally defeats the purpose of a UI or string freeze then03:25
tsimpsonDaskreech: most likely /usr/bin03:27
tsimpsonhttp://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/i386/nautilus/filelist says /usr/bin/nautilus03:28
macoDaskreech: know the "which" command?03:29
nixternalDaskreech: apt-file list nautilus03:29
DaskreechNot actually on Ubuntu just a Gnomey system and it seems they forgot to install nautilus03:31
jjessewould be nice if we could do updates as there are a ton of bugs thatwerew reported during translating portion of things03:34
nixternalwell, i wonder why that happened...for 2 cycles nobody ever filed bugs like that...all of sudden someone got a translation bug up their ass03:35
nixternalthat shit should have been found 2 years ago03:35
rgreeningshtylman: haha03:35
nixternalwhy did the stupid ass bears pick cutler over vick?03:36
nixternali like how we trade kyle orton for jay cutler...jay cutler can't win if his life depended on it, and kyle orton is in first place, shoot he was like 6-003:38
nixternalright now, cutler has the new season record for interceptions...and we are just half way done03:38
nixternali figure he will hold the record of most interceptions in a career by the end of this year03:39
jjessenixternal: i'm not arguing against UI or string freeze, i'm arguing for the fact to fix bugs and other problemsthat crop up in docs03:40
nixternaloh wow, brett favre hold the record for the most touchdowns in a career and the most interceptions in a career..that is pretty impressive03:40
nixternaljjesse: I agree, but in the case of the bugs being filed, none are remotely grave...03:41
nixternalI have no problem with it from a packaging standpoint, as that is the easy work03:41
nixternalbut dealing with pulling in the translations (all the templates for each doc), building them out to xml, then testing to see if they are even 60% complete, deleting the ones that aren't, then building out all of the documentation, then going through the packaging...that is seriously 12 hours of work right there03:42
nixternalout of all the templates I download, I throw out 75% of them because they aren't even 60% translated03:42
nixternaland you can't have half translated docs, so there are a bunch of languages that are English only03:43
nixternalfor 2 years none of the translators said anything, and now all of sudden they want to do work on our docs...I am hesitant to really throw them a bone right now, but that isn't right for the users03:43
ScottKnixternal: Did it start last week?03:44
nixternalwhat's that?03:44
ScottKThe translation bugs?03:44
nixternalno, they started right after string freeze...ie. right when I went on vacation03:45
jjessenixternal got a bit lost in your rant but are you saying that no one used to file bugs during translation and now they are?03:45
nixternaljjesse: we would get 2, maybe 3 bugs before...and now we have 2503:45
jjesseall i know is that we should be able respond to those bugs to amke a better package03:45
nixternalhell, we have more bugs right now, than we had combined with previous releases03:45
nixternaljjesse: and I agree with you there03:46
nixternalbut the state of the translations in LP aren't even worth me spending 12 hours to even create a little bit better package03:46
nixternales, fr, de...they will benefit...the rest really don't03:47
nixternaland then all of the super old templates that got stuck somehow in LP, intermingle and cause whicked breakage when building out the translations03:47
nixternaland nothing beats fixing DocBook/XML tags that were translated too...and when you pull in the translations and run validate on them...95% need to be fixed in order to even build...that is a good 3 or more hours of work right there03:48
nixternalGNOME, KDE, every other major project...you file a bug report for a current document, it can get fixed for the next release only if in string freeze03:49
jjesseso how do we deal with bugs then?  just fix them in next version?03:53
nixternalthat's the way we have always done it03:53
ScottKjjesse: Maybe it's better to get the KDE4 docs right and then decide if they are worth an SRU or not?03:53
nixternalshoot, the KDE4 docs are worse than ours I think03:54
dtchenwhat's (or are) the blockers? Rosetta (in which case is Transifex an option)?03:54
nixternalthough the developers are starting to finally realize the DocBook/XML is easier than C++ :p03:54
ScottKI mean update ours to KDE403:54
jjessethey aren't bugs with the translatin ,they are bugs in the doc03:54
nixternalbut if we fix it in english, it needs to get re-translated03:54
nixternalor we can say screw you apachelogger, who cares if it isn't right for  you, works for me :p03:55
nixternalI am glad Dave is on board with Canonical concerning translations...I feel they are going to improve in the future...he has been busting his ass, and he will work with me, which is whicked awesome03:56
ScottKLucid translations are open.03:56
nixternalthey don't open to alpha 303:56
nixternalthey are importing templates right now03:56
ScottKNo, they're open now as I understand it.03:56
nixternalhrmm, I have an email from Dave on a bug report that says alpha 303:56
ScottKI may have misunderstood, but I thought I was told they were opened early this cycle.03:56
nixternalbut I swore I did read that they were already open in Lucid though03:56
nixternallike a blog post or something03:57
ScottKIf they are, you can fix docs bugs in English, upload to Lucid, get translations done, and then update Karmic.03:57
nixternalwell, lucid docs are getting rewritten from scratch03:57
nixternalit would be way to much of a pain to go through and update everything from kde3 to kde4 stuff03:58
ScottKIf the original stuff is broken enough, I don't see a problem with putting it in Karmic when you're done.03:58
nixternalthat is of course until I start working again...then who knows, we may only have an About Kubuntu doc and that's it03:58
nixternalScottK: I don't either, but Lucid will be out by then :)03:58
ScottKDepends on how fast jjesse writes.03:59
nixternaland Lucid will be KDE 4.403:59
nixternalhe works way to much...it can't be healthy03:59
ScottKWell I think KDE 4.4 is waaay closer to 4.3 than 3.5.04:00
nixternalhaha, true04:00
DaskreechWhich is faster Ubuntu or Kubuntu?04:03
nixternalif you google it, you can look at the phoronix results04:05
Daskreechhmm I know they do Ubuntu v Fedora and Ubuntu v Windows X pretty often04:07
Daskreech didn't know they did Gnome v KDE04:07
nixternalwell, you can do the test and upload to the phoronix global site04:09
nixternalI did a test of ubuntu and kubuntu last year04:10
Daskreechah I see04:10
DaskreechDoes the Phoronix test do do subsystem reporting04:10
Daskreechso we can track where slowishness occurs ?04:10
nixternalit does everything...you can add stuff to do that probably04:11
nixternalyou can even run a tracking server for that kind of stuff...I built one at my last job that would do daily performance tests of our appliance builds04:11
Daskreechhmm sounds like a paging call for the Doktors04:11
nixternalthe server would create all the pretty charts, compare with the day before, compare with stable, and compre with development...then when it finished doing that, it would email everyone04:12
DaskreechCan we get a Kubunut server for results ?04:12
nixternaland if there was a slow bit and it was your product, you would get yelled out :)04:12
nixternalI doubt it04:12
nixternalwe can't even get a Kubuntu server for surveys04:12
DaskreechWe can get people to run tests on all sorts of hardware and start profiling04:12
Daskreechnixternal: What kind of specs were on the server you set up?04:12
nixternalthe server was just a crap old computer04:13
jjessesorry got lost, what do i have to write?04:13
nixternalthe build systems were the same exact systems we sold...so there was nothing to blame but our code04:13
Daskreechand windows!04:13
DaskreechAnd Google!04:13
Daskreechand popey I guess04:14
nixternalwe were a Linux only shop04:14
nixternalwe used CentOS on all of our appliances04:14
DaskreechWell yeah that's obvious if you built the server04:14
Daskreechdoesn't stop me blaming Windows though :)04:14
nixternalhah, I had him using Kubuntu for a couple of days out at Mt. View04:14
DaskreechWas he interested in it?04:16
nixternaljust for a couple of days04:16
Daskreechand then?04:16
nixternalwent back to the dark side04:16
DaskreechFamilarity won?04:17
nixternalwell, he was using like 4.0/4.1, so I understand the pain he went through04:17
Daskreechso nixternal. What's the message you think we should get out for people who feel burned by Kubuntu ?04:19
DaskreechAh curses I gave claydoh a link I think last night04:19
nixternalwe need to let the distro be the message...it needs to speak for itself04:19
Daskreechah thats' partly true04:20
Daskreechit doesn't work but it's partly true04:21
Daskreechnixternal: kubuntuguide.org btw since documentation is under discussion04:21
Daskreechnixternal: http://ardchoille42.blogspot.com/2009/11/review-kde-one-year-later.html in regards to being burned04:22
ScottKDaskreech: His "OMG, we need to go back to KDE 3" rant would have ever so slightly more credibiilty if he'd at least know what the current version of KDE 3 is.04:24
ScottKI use Kate all the time and I can't recall the last time it crashed.04:25
DaskreechScottK: I know04:25
DaskreechI can't replicate anything that he says except Dolphin doesn't update04:25
nixternalDaskreech: interesting...just from glancing through that page, I see licensing violations, and non-new-user-friendly documentation04:26
DaskreechBut my point is that he has taken the time to come back to KDE to look at it04:26
DaskreechI can imagine there are quite a few who have not04:26
Daskreechnixternal: contact them. So far they are doing pretty good work would be nice to promote them some more but if they need things in line then they need things in line04:27
nixternalno it wouldn't be good to promote...I am looking for google ads or something04:27
nixternalwhy can't these people contribute to the damn project? instead they go off and do their own thing...only reason behind doing something like that isn't to scratch your own itch, but typically way for you to make some kind of money off of a project you don't even contribute to04:28
nixternalthose people can kiss off in my eyes04:28
jjessewhat do i have to do to get approved to join kubuntu-members in launchpad?  apparently according to nixternal i n ever applied04:29
Daskreechmaybe find out instead of impugning motives ?04:29
ScottKThen apply jjesse04:29
nixternaljjesse: you have to apply, and then go to a meeting and get interviewed :p04:30
nixternalbut if you speak to Riddell I am sure something can be done in your case...as there is a blatant mistake somewhere04:30
nixternalyou have been around here longer than I have04:30
DaskreechStuff like them having the Current version as Ibex on the front page means they are probably not quite in the fanatical must do better to get money mode04:31
DarkwingDuckugg... my eyes :D04:32
jjessepeople are burned by kubuntu?04:33
* ScottK hands DarkwingDuck some sunglasses until he can put the picture of nixternal away04:33
Daskreechjjesse: So the interweb says04:33
nixternalhrmm, interesting...Kate crashes, he can't view lxer in konqi...none of the problems I have...I read lxer a few times a day04:33
ScottKWell I think read the bad reviews for useful feedback, and don't worry about the rest.04:34
DarkwingDuckwho has been burned by kubuntu?04:34
DarkwingDuckafter using gnome for 3 years I switched happily04:34
ScottKIf people want their KDE by the people that do such a great job of it they convinced Linus to switch to Gnome, then they ought to use Fedora.04:34
ScottKDarkwingDuck: And we're glad to have you.04:35
DaskreechPeople who jumped in for 4.0 4.1, People who feel that it's generally a worse experience than Ubuntu People who say that canonical is trying to squash KDE so avoid Kubuntu etc04:35
DaskreechScottK: Yeah Fedora is always Fedora. The same reason it's appealing is the same reason it's a turn off04:36
nixternalahh, networking is horribly slow04:36
DaskreechIt compiled! Ship it!04:36
nixternaljust add 'ipv6.disable=1' to /etc/default/grub and all is peachy again04:36
DaskreechBluetooth doesn't work in Kubuntu Wi-Fi doesn't work in Kubuntu04:36
nixternalhis dolphin problem I have experienced when I used dolphin04:36
nixternalhe could have gone off on package management but didn't....the reason for the slow install is the whole ipv6/glib/whatever problem that is already known in karmic04:37
nixternaland switching off ipv6 for real fixed my slow network problems04:37
DaskreechThat doesn't explain why it's slow in Kubuntu but not in Ubuntu04:38
nixternalI will say this about Ubuntu though...I set it up for my neice and nephew, and plugged in this hokey 2wire usb wifi thing, and seriously in less than 10 seconds it was up and working..connected to their wifi and searching the web04:38
nixternalI never had to plug it in to eth0 at all04:38
DaskreechI'm probably a bad example since I do most everything from the command line but I pretty much always end up dropping to the command line to do stuff to help people04:39
nixternalwell, after reading Ian's closing arguments, I can say Ian is an idiot...and in a nice way :)04:40
nixternalKDE 3.5.9....ya, that was so edgy04:40
nixternal3.5.10 silly04:40
DaskreechStill however he took the time to come back and look. We need to get a message out once the Doktor has given the once over that tis time to look04:41
nixternali think i am going to quit contributing to open source, and just start writing very opinionated blogs on topis that are poory researched04:41
nixternaloh wait, my blog is already that04:41
Daskreechnixternal: Even funnier since Karmic does have 3.5.10 available04:41
DaskreechBut of course comments are not allowed there v_V04:42
nixternalthat's because Ian knew he was full of shizzy04:42
Daskreechin any case what areas do we need to hit at to say either we have arrived or we are getting there and getting there fast?04:42
DaskreechI know that KNM should be surpassing nm-applet so that's one thing04:43
DaskreechKDe bluetooth is still in need of some loving04:43
dtchennixternal: we need a new haters blog04:44
nixternalno matter what we do, we have that buntu thing in our name, and the jealous zealots will always attack and say X is better than Y04:44
nixternalsomeone tried to recreate the haters blog04:44
nixternalhe needs to make a comeback..I loved reading his blog04:45
nixternalhe is a contributer to open source too04:45
nixternalmet him at OLF last year04:45
DaskreechWho is trying to convince Jealous Zealots?04:45
Daskreech If you gave them honey and cake they wouldn't budge04:45
nixternalDaskreech: they are the only ones attacking04:46
nixternalthere are problems, but guess what, they are the same everywhere04:46
nixternalI have all of our competitors installed, and we all behave similar04:46
jjessei've applied04:46
jjessepending approval :004:46
ScottKJust wait until we ship pulse by default in Lucid +1.  You'll see the haters then for sure.04:46
DaskreechI'm not worried about attackers04:46
nixternalsome of our competitors are using our patches..the same ones they bitch about and then tell everyone they are as close to vanilla kde as you can be04:46
DaskreechFor those then yes the distro will speak04:47
nixternalwe get to do an april fools release this time...i say we put in arts04:47
DaskreechI'm more looking at people who have silently moved away and have no idea what's going on04:47
Daskreechthe other Buntu named distro has a nice web of distractons that happily sidelines us04:47
nixternalif they have moved away and have no clue what's going on, then how are we to give them a clue? if they have moved away, where are they now?04:48
nixternalwe don't target the ones who have ran and didn't follow along...we go for fresh blood04:48
ScottKDaskreech: I think the only way to get them back is to pretty demonstrably not suck.04:48
ScottKUntil we manage that, don't sweat how to tell them.04:48
nixternalexample would be, MS doing 1 commercial with their "I am a PC" clone...you saw that commercial for a week, and then it was gone04:49
DarkwingDuckPeople who left Kubuntu will always keep an eye on it. Once it gets better they will migrate back into the system04:49
nixternalwe need to let the OS speak for itself04:49
DaskreechWEll Desktop system in this case :)04:49
nixternalremember, developers != marketers04:49
Daskreechnixternal: true but you saw Aseigo's blog on communication04:50
nixternali read to many blogs04:50
Daskreechone thing that KDE itself does very well is communicate on "this is getting better"04:50
nixternalyou talking his negativity one?04:50
DaskreechSorry continuious communication04:51
Daskreech not just communication04:51
DaskreechFor KDE if something sucks normally the day or the week a patch goes in a blog pops up saying it's in it's being tested should be there by X release04:52
Daskreechapachelogger has been microblogging the KDE Ubuntuone client04:52
DarkwingDuckIs Byobu WM something new with 10.04 across the board or just KNE?04:52
DaskreechIt's gotten a lot of interest and changed the kinda Kubuntu is the blue headed stepchild when it comes to features chant into a more oh hey it's coming along pretty well when can I have it? kind of discussion04:53
DaskreechIf we can start some pretty steady updates as to what's being improved or looked at it shuld get more people into the groove of Kubuntu is progressing Lets stick around and see what happens04:55
nixternalif Kubuntu is the blue headed step child, then what is openSUSE's KDE? iirc didn't Novell let the great majority of people go who were working on it?04:56
DaskreechBut we don't care about the discussion around Novell and openSUSE04:56
Daskreechthey can worry about that04:56
nixternalI think there are just as many paid KDE people at Canonical than there are at any other company now, well except kdab04:56
nixternalwell, kubuntu is a blue headed step child is just silly...how many gnome developers does canonical have compared to kde developers?04:57
DaskreechRight so the discussion needs to change around it. As you said developers are not marketeres so let the development start doing some marketing04:57
nixternalon the ubuntu side, their volunteer community is larger than anyone elses that I can think of04:57
Daskreechas I said they have a nice web of distractions :-)05:00
Daskreechwe need to build our own05:00
nixternalwhat we need to do, is work on development...we need to stop trying to overload ourselves with tasks that can't get completed in time and then include them somehow05:00
nixternalwe need to stop picking alpha versions for our releases05:00
ScottKnixternal: A year ago Canonical had one KDE packager and no developers.  Today they have one KDE packager (primarily) and on KDE developer (primarily).  Progress.05:00
nixternalwe have a nice list of our patches and if they are required or not, and then we can review them and provide feedback...so that is an awesome start there05:01
nixternalScottK: they have 2 developers actually05:01
Daskreechnixternal: Right. Someone should blog about that05:01
nixternalthere is another one in hiding, at least Riddell blogged about him05:01
ScottKnixternal: I know Riddell develops too.  Do you mean someone else?05:01
nixternalyes, there is one more05:01
nixternalI totally forgot his name too...I am horrible05:01
nixternaland lets not forget about Canonical + KDAB :)05:02
DaskreechWhat about that?05:02
ScottKNot sure how much is going on there.05:02
* Daskreech hasn't been listening to that much05:02
nixternalScottK: actually quite a bit with couchdb and akonadi05:02
nixternalsebas blogged about it recently iirc05:03
ScottKI know there was a demo, but that's it.05:03
ScottKIf there's more, that's great.05:03
nixternalthey are still working on it05:03
nixternalit is one of their projects according to other kdab employees I know05:03
DaskreechUbuntu will ship with akonadi?05:03
nixternalno, for KDE work05:03
nixternalerr, Kubuntu05:03
nixternalerr, I have no clue05:03
nixternalI thought it was with the whole online services thing, ie. ubuntu one...but apachelogger is working on that it seems05:04
ScottKWell it was good to see Canonical pushing KDE tech at Gnome.05:04
DaskreechWhich KDE tech?05:04
ScottKThe new systray protocol.05:04
DaskreechAh yes that would be good05:04
nixternalwell, I don't know about pushing so much...Canonical is filled with smart people..when they see something good they tend to be open minded about it and go for it05:04
ScottKThe one that's in kdelibs-experimental in KDE 4.305:04
nixternalthey also enjoy living on the edge as steven tyler put it so well :)05:05
DaskreechWas there a response from GNOME?05:05
nixternalwould you expect one?05:05
nixternalsee, I don't think anyone should push stuff at KDE and they shouldn't push stuff at GNOME....collaboration of open-minds will prevail in the end05:06
nixternalif akonadi is the way to go..then awesome05:06
nixternalor the messaging stuff05:06
DaskreechWell I hear pushing of X at Gnome I would guess they can't just stand there without moving05:06
ScottKDaskreech: At least from the ones in the room, there was a bit of shock.05:06
nixternalor..notifications I meant05:06
DaskreechWell I mean they can Big solid feet and all05:06
Daskreechnixternal: Except the powers that be have shut down any work with akonadi05:07
nixternalI will play with GNOME devs for fun...GNOME just had a conference here in Chicago, of course I crashed it a little and gave them a bunch of Kubuntu CDs...they knew who it was right away and we all had fun05:07
nixternalthe desktop wars are so 199705:07
DaskreechScottK: at using it ? or the changes involved? Shock at what?05:07
ScottKI think they were suprised at the idea.05:08
nixternalwere they Canonical devs who were surprised?05:08
DaskreechThey are but even though Qt has been put as part of Freedesktop there is still an idea that no one should touch it05:08
ScottKNo, Gnome upstream people.05:08
DaskreechScottK: how long did that last?05:09
ScottKPretty much the entire session I think.05:09
Daskreechdamn it05:09
ScottKThey had a lot of questions and we had pretty good answers.05:09
Daskreechthey are probably going to do it again05:09
* nixternal wonders what is going to happen when they finally port growl to linux05:09
nixternalthey just released a version for windows and the developer said, "all we have left now is linux"05:10
Daskreechand Symbian!05:10
* Daskreech hears the sobs of the BSD sheep in the corner05:10
* JontheEchidna is sad that he missed half of the ayatana meeting at UDS05:11
nixternalok, I am going to crash for the evening....I think I will take one of my C++/Qt books to bed with me...Python has melted my brain :)05:18
jussi01hrm, Ive got a fun bug..06:50
jussi01running xinerama on fglrx. everything works fine, with the one exception of the internal mouse not being able to change screens. the external can do it fine, but you cant use the internal mouse to go from screen 1 to screen 2,06:51
jussi01anyone seen that before?06:51
Riddellnope, but then I've never used xinerama before06:55
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Riddellqt rc 1 uploaded, time to rebuild everything qtish since the beta08:48
Sputlet's hope ScottK manages to build quassel-0.5.1 then in time08:54
RiddellSput: how do you mean?08:58
SputRiddell: apparently, his package currently fails on Lucid, and quassel-0.5.0 doesn't work particularly well with the rc108:59
RiddellSput: 0.5.1 is in lucid and is building, I'm about to reupload it to build with rc 109:00
SputRiddell: ah, so maybe he managed to fix the issue with the missing libz :)09:01
DaskreechRiddell: can you figure this out? http://identi.ca/notice/1538482409:02
DaskreechAs far as I can guess we are discussing the File dialog in OO.o09:02
RiddellDaskreech: seems a reasonable guess, I can rarely make any sense of people's microblogs09:03
Daskreechhttp://identi.ca/conversation/15363039#notice-15401750 might be better09:03
* Sput loves ShowCo^WChoqok's "Show conversation" mode09:04
DaskreechI have no idea why the concept is that Dolphin needs to integrate with OO.o09:04
DaskreechSput: I know I just hate the API for it09:04
DaskreechOn the website you can get all past and future posts for a conversation based on a dent in time09:05
DaskreechThe API only allows you to get the past dents09:05
Sputah I see09:06
apacheloggerScottK, Daskreech: for what it's worth ... the new systray stuff is so superior to the old one that there is no way you would not want to implement it09:26
apacheloggernixternal: you dont want the storm of bitching when stuff that was translated needs to be retranslated :P09:29
Daskreechapachelogger: We want it implemented. Gnome devs however don't seem so sure09:36
apacheloggertheir fault, maybe I should do a fud video .... in how many ways the tiny kde4 systray is more awesome than the one from gnome :P09:37
apacheloggerindeed also better looking09:37
DaskreechStart off with better looking09:38
apacheloggerof course it is only better looking09:39
apacheloggerId just not call it by name, because FUD must be non-obvious :P09:39
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RiddellJontheEchidna: do you know why we build mplayerthumbs as a separate source package?11:51
ghostcubeehlo humans :)11:56
apacheloggerRiddell: it's non-official KDE, isnt it?12:30
Riddellit's part of kdemultimedia12:30
RiddellI uploaded it with it added now12:31
apacheloggerweird then12:32
RiddellI also kept libpulse-dev as a dependency from debian for kmix support, so we should watch out for that causing trouble12:33
Riddellhmm, I wonder how we differ that means we need kubuntu_01_suid_kppp.diff12:36
Riddellhmm, I wonder how we differ that means we need kubuntu_01_suid_kppp.diff12:41
rgreening_Riddell: ping13:03
Riddellhi rgreening_13:03
Riddellspec looks good at a glance, I'll get to a proper review when I've uploaded the outstanding merges13:04
rgreening_Riddell: cool. ty sir :)13:04
rgreening_Riddell: what about updating the blueprint to assign to myself?13:04
rgreening_so I can update it and begin working on it13:05
JontheEchidnaRiddell: it has a multiverse dependency13:06
Riddellrgreening_: you don't need to wait for the beurocracy to get on with coding :)13:08
RiddellJontheEchidna: that shouldn't make a difference, there's no build-dep13:08
JontheEchidnaoh, right. So the binary will just stay in multiverse13:09
Riddellyes, as long as the archive admin puts it there13:11
JontheEchidnaapachelogger, smarter: How would you feel about a kubuntu-notification-helper beta?13:18
JontheEchidnaWe could put packages in a PPA somewhere and maybe blog a little. Maybe send a message off to kubuntu-devel for a sanity-check on the code.13:19
JontheEchidnaBut as of now it should do pretty much everything we want it to13:19
smarterJontheEchidna: sounds good13:51
smarterrelease early and everything :)13:51
JontheEchidnaThe awsome thing is that we pretty much still have the full cycle to test things13:52
apacheloggerRiddell: do you have any idea what tricks KDE does to ensure a systray contextmenu is not overlapping the panelbar?15:00
RiddellI'm not aware of it doing any, I think the app just places the menu above the icon15:01
apacheloggerwell, I cant find any refernece to calling either15:02
apacheloggermaybe it is handled within qtsystemtrayicon15:02
Riddellupstream wants to know if it's acceptable to tag/release 4.3.4 and 4.4 beta at the same time15:31
RiddellI'm thinking not15:31
apacheloggerRiddell: I suppose they will only get binaries at release time for one then15:32
apacheloggeruha, nice... Riddell about the menu positioning ... qsystemtray icon (deriving from qwidget) passes the globalpos of itself, kstatusnotifieritem on the other hand does derive from qobject so I am a bit clueless as to how to make the menu properly aligned15:33
nixternalpersonally I would put a week, maybe even 2 in there, between them15:34
* apachelogger could just merge context menu and left click menu, since for use the latter only contains disconnect/connect15:34
apacheloggernixternal: usually it was a week IIRC15:34
Riddelltwo menus?  that's not good15:34
apacheloggerthat is how the gnome applet implements it15:34
Riddelldifferent right/left click menus makes agateau cry15:35
apacheloggerthe context menu holds context stuff, and the left click menu holds disconnect + status information15:35
nixternalwould be OK to do if say, on kde.org you announced 4.3.4, and you have dev.kde.org or such where you can announce 4.4 beta15:35
apacheloggerRiddell: hehe, one menu would also be more in line with knm15:35
apacheloggeruses same menu for left and right as well15:35
JontheEchidnaRiddell: I think that between the two of us we have the Qt rebuild done :)15:41
JontheEchidnaI've done universe up to right before rekonq15:42
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: please update your ubuntuone16:00
apacheloggerit should now actually work for the better part of non-auth stuff16:00
JontheEchidnauh oh16:01
apacheloggerI also revised the readme to suggest this state16:01
JontheEchidnaRiddell: you forgot the epoch in your Qt build-depend version for kde4libs16:01
apacheloggersomething about the trayicon size is a bit off though16:01
JontheEchidnaso it built against Qt 4.6 beta1, at least on i38616:02
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: do I still need the gnome client?16:03
JontheEchidnasigh @ bug 48214316:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 482143 in kdebase-workspace "Kubuntu 9.10, when booting after the logo disappears there is only black screen" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48214316:04
* JontheEchidna wants to break the CoC here16:05
ScottKWelcome al16:14
ScottKHey everyone ....16:14
ScottKI know al from #quassel and he knows a fair amount about both development and Debian style packaging16:15
ScottKHe's interested to help perhaps.16:15
JontheEchidnaWelcome. :)16:16
ScottKal: If you look at  https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuLucidSpecs you can get an idea of what we are planning on for this development cycle.16:16
ScottKWe just finished our developer's summit last week where we came up with these plans.16:17
alok thanks, i'll have a look at that later :>16:17
ScottKAnything in particular that interests you?16:17
ScottKStuff that annoys you enough to work on making it better?16:17
ScottKal: There is also a mailing list it's good to join.  Look for kubuntu-devel on lists.ubuntu.com.  It's pretty low volume.16:17
aldunno right now. i'd probably just need to check which unresolved bugs im subscribed to16:18
Riddellhi al16:18
RiddellJontheEchidna: hmm, did I forget the epoch on all my uploads?16:18
Riddellmm, I did :(16:19
ScottKal: On the off chance you don't know, Riddell is our fearless leader.16:19
macoi should probably join that mailing list16:19
althanks, i didn't know ;-)16:19
ScottKmaco: Yes.  Please.16:19
macoi tend to assume anything important will come up here anyway16:20
* txwikinger wonders if Riddell took a herding course while in Texas16:20
JontheEchidnaRiddell: don't feel too bad. I missed a few too.16:20
JontheEchidnaBut mostly I bumped the kdelibs5-dev build-dependency versions, so those will have to be re-rebuilt too :(16:21
jussi01cripes, ScottK you recruited a superstar... howd you manage that?16:22
RiddellQuintasan|Szel: where is your kdetoys merge?16:22
jussi01oh, and hiya al :D16:22
ScottKdtchen: Did the recordmydesktop sound issue you blogged about get fixed in the archive?16:22
macoScottK: i uploaded recordmydesktop for him16:22
ScottKmaco: Thanks.16:23
macohe's still waiting on a sponsor for libsdl16:23
ScottKjussi01: Simple: "It's your desktop, how would you like to help make it suck less".16:23
ScottKOK, maybe this evening.16:23
macook im subscribed now16:28
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: only for initial auth16:34
ScottKal: One other important point.  This spec list is stuff we've planned as a team to do.  It's no barrier to you doing other improvements of interest to you (my first feature was kmail configured by default for gpg and s/mime signing - no one else cared about that at all).16:48
alScottK: hehe, roger16:52
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: so what do you think? :P16:54
jtholmesanyone know what double layer dvd burner works well on 9.10 K3b16:57
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JontheEchidnaapachelogger: I never got the got the gnome client to work :(17:03
JontheEchidnawhat packages do I need for the gnome client?17:04
apacheloggerand ubuntuone-client-applet I suppose17:09
ScottKPresumably the ones it depends on or you should file bugs.17:09
Lex79Riddell: can you retry kdepim? https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdepim/4:4.3.3-0ubuntu217:09
JontheEchidna** (ubuntuone-client-applet:32668): WARNING **: couldn't communicate with gnome keyring daemon via dbus: The name org.gnome.keyring was not provided by any .service files17:10
* JontheEchidna files a bug17:13
JontheEchidnaSipping tea :D17:18
JontheEchidnaPretty neat17:20
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: go test the ubuntuone :P17:22
JontheEchidnaSo, you just move stuff to ~/Ubuntu One to test, right?17:22
apacheloggeror upload via webinterface17:22
apacheloggerthen it should be synced down17:22
JontheEchidnaI get nice "uploading" and "finished uploading" notifications17:22
JontheEchidnaI didn't get anything from either the gnome or kde applet when I deleted a file from the web interface17:23
* ScottK suggests one notification per file for enhanced user spamming.17:23
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: I no, but I dunno why17:23
yuriyi'm getting qt 4.6 installed for some reason.. where is it? experimental? that's the only thing i have at all, and it's commented out in my sources.list17:27
* ScottK waves to yuriy.17:27
yuriyheya ScottK17:27
ScottKIt's also in Lucid.  Any lucid sneak into sources.list?17:28
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yuriybut it's in kubuntu-ppa/experimental?17:28
ScottKIIRC yes.17:28
yuriyor backports maybe17:28
yuriyoh well17:29
yuriyhope nothing breaks17:29
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: am I supposed to get a kjob plasma notification when I transfer files?17:29
JontheEchidnaanyways, nice work on the applet17:35
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: no17:37
apacheloggeras decided yesterday I replaced that with the notification and indiciatin in the tooltip17:37
JontheEchidnaThe tooltip never changed from sipping tea for me17:39
* txwikinger wonders if anybody noticed that konqi is not launchpad compatible18:09
ScottKI'd put it the other way around.18:10
ScottKI've filed some bugs.18:10
txwikingerwell.. arora and ff work18:19
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: maybe the upload/download was too fast18:21
apacheloggertry adding a couple of large files18:21
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: yep, that's it18:26
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: techpreviewy enough?18:54
JontheEchidnafor a techpreview release?18:55
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: Yeah, I think it works well enough. It'd be nice if the gnome client wasn't needed at all, but at the moment it does work quite well18:58
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: well, it only needs it for initial auth, then only gnome-keyring19:00
apacheloggerboth are pretty much due to internal design flaws IMHO19:00
* JontheEchidna is having to convince the ubuntuone packagers that ubuntuone really does need to depend on gnome-keyring :/19:00
ScottKJontheEchidna: I think you just need to convince some core-dev.19:01
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: care to create the packaging bits?19:03
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: I could after I finish the beta release for knh19:04
Blizzznixternal: u here?19:04
apacheloggerall so betaish round here :P19:04
nixternalBlizzz: yes I am19:04
Blizzznixternal: great, hi19:05
Blizzznixternal: regarding the documentation things, i'd take config-desktop if it's ok19:05
Blizzzi did some german documentation in plasma some months ago so it is not completely new :D19:06
nixternalBlizzz: awesome! make sure you add your name to https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Documentation/Lucid/Todo :)19:06
Blizzznixternal: will do :) though i cannot start until next week19:07
nixternalBlizzz: that's fine :)19:09
apacheloggernixternal: btw, any nus on ubuntuone?19:10
JontheEchidnaIf anybody wishes to revu the kubuntu-notification-helper package: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?upid=707719:11
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: should be a native package19:12
apacheloggerwhy 0.4.85 anyway?19:12
JontheEchidnaI was thinking that 0.5 would be the first stable release19:13
ScottKapachelogger: Unless there's some chance it will go into Debian, 0.4.85 is find.19:13
JontheEchidnaWith 1.0 being the super-feature-complete release that uses a c++ RFC822 parser rather than our own and such19:13
apacheloggerScottK: that is not dch proof19:14
apacheloggeronly VERSIONubunuX works19:14
JontheEchidnaIn theory Debian could use the package19:14
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: I thought the reboot notification stuff depends on ubuntu-specific changes to dpkg?19:14
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: license in debian/copyright is wrong19:15
JontheEchidnaI'm not sure19:15
JontheEchidna(irt to the ubuntu dpkg stuff)19:15
apacheloggerwell, I do not think it is default behaviour19:16
apacheloggeralso I doubt debian is going to use apport19:16
apacheloggerso I find the likelyhood of going upstream rather low19:16
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: btw, I think your copyright lines need to be unified19:18
apacheloggeryours says "by Jonathan" whereas mine just says "Harald" :P19:18
apacheloggerpackage looks good19:18
* JontheEchidna tries to decide which would be better "by" or just name19:19
JontheEchidnaehm, throw a : in that last line somewheres19:19
nixternalyou know, I was looking at some wallpapers and thought that maybe we should hold our own wallpaper contest or something, and create a kubuntu-wallpapers package with them...like Ubuntu did with Karmic and like KDE has done in the past19:25
Blizzzi'd appreciate it19:31
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: revu updated19:36
apacheloggerok, my faltdude just went insane because of java19:39
apacheloggerhe is making windows startup sounds19:39
apacheloggeroh my oh my19:39
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JontheEchidnadammit, the PPAs have a wait of 5 hours :/19:45
ScottKJontheEchidna: NCommander can fix that for you.19:46
JontheEchidnaMy package would take all of 5 minutes to build too19:46
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: go make a ubuntuone package in that time :P19:50
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djsiegelhey seele20:13
djsiegelor seele_ :)20:13
djsiegelIs anyone in here interested in helping represent Kubuntu in the paper cuts project?20:14
txwikingerwhat does represent mean?20:15
Riddellhi djsiegel, did mean to talk to you about that at UDS20:15
Riddellseele did it last time so she's be the natural choice, but she's a busy sort so any other volunteers would be good20:16
djsiegelSo, I'm looking for someone willing to basically be my counterpart in the Kubuntu community.20:16
djsiegelBlog weekly about paper cuts.20:16
djsiegelHelp schedule kubuntu paper cuts in the milestones.20:16
djsiegelFind community members to fix paper cuts.20:17
djsiegelmake sure paper cuts land in Kubuntu on time20:17
txwikingerwell.. if you don't find anybody else ...20:17
* txwikinger is willing to do this... gives him a reason not to be such a lzy blogger20:17
djsiegeltxwikinger: I am really looking for someone to step up and work closely with me20:18
ScottKWhat's our equivalent of gwibber?20:18
ScottKIs that how you spell it.20:18
txwikingerScottK: choqok?20:18
macobad sput!20:18
Sputbah, evil markey20:18
Riddellgo go txwikinger20:18
Sputyou came up with the homonym!20:19
markeywhat, ChokeOnCock?20:19
markeythat wasn't my doing20:19
Sputmarkey: I will never be able to run choqok again without thinking about that!20:19
djsiegelSo, we want to schedule papercuts that affect kubuntu, and coordinate on "paper jams"20:19
markeyread it somewhere20:19
* txwikinger wonders if he should let his son on this channel20:19
djsiegelin 4 weeks we are doing a paper jam fixing problems with gwibber (microblogging)20:19
djsiegelso we need to coordinate to fix issues with the kubuntu equivalent20:19
txwikingerhaha paper jams are the bigger ones now ?20:20
djsiegelor if there isn't an equivalent, we need to find some other common ground20:20
djsiegeltxwikinger: paper jams are just groups of related paper cuts20:20
djsiegelkind of a sloppy metaphor, but whatever :)20:20
markeyKDE has many apps that have naming issues (especially with capitalization). fex: digiKam20:20
markeyRyan Paul wrote he has issues with getting that by his editors20:20
djsiegelmarkey: that could be the topic of an entire cycle20:20
djsiegelwow, if you could pull off improving application names...20:21
markeybecause in correct English, you have to start a sentence with a capital letter20:21
djsiegelthat could start a revolution20:21
markey"DigiKam has blah blah..."20:21
JontheEchidnaIt's the iPod curse^20:21
txwikingerexactly.. tell this to Apple20:21
JontheEchidnaiDon't know how to start a sentence with i20:21
djsiegelok, back on topis20:22
Riddelldjsiegel: one idea we had is that you'd try kubuntu for a day or more and find us some papercuts from an outsiders view20:22
markeybut seriously, repeating their follies doesn't help us ;)20:22
djsiegelRiddell: any outsider could help you identify those annoyances20:22
djsiegelI have so much work already...20:22
djsiegelmaybe someone could set up some user tests?20:22
djsiegelit only takes a cafe and an afternoon20:23
* txwikinger has some "outsiders" at home :D20:23
* apachelogger notes that JontheEchidna wanted to introduce an iEvent to kubuntu-notification-helper :P20:23
djsiegelwhile people are waiting for their lattes20:23
* txwikinger notes it should be a kEvent20:23
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: I have now changed that member to m_installEvent :P20:23
djsiegelok, txwikinger, can I make you in charge (and ScottK can help) of fining a kubuntu paper cut champion?20:23
djsiegelsomeone with some blogging skills and time :)20:23
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: ewww20:23
txwikingerdjsiegel: fine20:24
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: according to the conding standard of my C course I would have to make that install_event__20:24
Riddellrock on txwikinger20:24
djsiegelIf it's left up to me to find kubuntu paper cuts and find people to fix them according to KDE conventions and schedule them and follow up with developers and get patches reviewed and landed, I will fail20:24
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: in ubuntuone it would be ___install_event20:25
djsiegelok, txwikinger, here is the very start of the lucid kick-off: http://davidsiegel.org/100papercuts-karmic-lucid/20:25
apacheloggerbut oh my, camel + leading m_ is a bit weird :P20:25
djsiegelwe want to do a milestone for next thursday20:25
JontheEchidnaaren't prefixes of _ usually reserved for low-level things?20:25
Riddelldjsiegel: we weren't expecting you to find people to fix them20:25
djsiegelRiddell: well, I just need to know how the kubuntu paper cut pipeline is going to work20:25
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: It's the preferred style for the kdelibs coding style20:25
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: knh is not kdelibs though, is it? :P20:26
txwikingerdjsiegel: Milestone for fixing the first papercut?20:26
Riddelldjsiegel: txwikinger is an expert beastie triager, I'm sure he'll be able to dredge up some cuts20:26
djsiegelexactly what we need20:26
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: better derive from amarok's style ... which is based on kdelibs anyway20:26
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: just made more applicat_able20:26
JontheEchidnaI'll take a look at it20:27
djsiegeltxwikinger: so, you should blog somewhere with a lot of traffic about how the kubuntu community fits in with paper cuts for Lucid20:27
djsiegelI suggest we observe the same milestones20:27
djsiegeland schedule bugs together20:27
djsiegeland try to share the paper jams20:27
txwikingerdjsiegel: like Planet Ubuntu :D20:27
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: But first, I shall package ubuntuone-kde20:27
djsiegele.g., we do a "Microblogging" paper jam instead of a "Gwibber" paper jam20:28
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: How does a source package called "ubuntuone-client-kde" sound?20:28
djsiegeland we try to get a bunch of gwibber paper cuts, and some chotoq? cuts20:28
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: good for me20:28
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: I imagine this will all go upstream eventually?20:28
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: only goes ppa for now anyway :)20:28
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: need to poke upstream first20:29
txwikingerdjsiegel: ok.. I will look into the issue today after work20:29
JontheEchidnaok, the point is that the PPA package is going to be quite temporary20:29
apacheloggerwhich means first I need to get like a bln people in my back so that I can force upstream towards making all shiny for me :P20:29
djsiegeltxwikinger: awesome, look forward to hearing your plans20:29
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: well, it is a tech preview after all .. just need the deps all sorted out20:29
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: that said ... it needs to replace whatever ships the dbus service com.ubuntuone.Authenticate20:30
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: oh, what version should I give it? Would it be safe to use 0.1~git2009112420:30
apacheloggerubuntuone-client-gnome that would be20:31
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: 0.0 would be even saver I suppose :)20:31
apacheloggerthen we can go 0.0+something and 0.0something and 0.0.something :)20:31
Riddellversion number < 0 scare me20:31
Riddellit also has a habit of breaking scripts which assume it's not possible20:32
JontheEchidnaIt would be epic if an app had a version of "0"20:32
* apachelogger hates when scripts doubt the superior logic of mathematics!20:33
ScottKJontheEchidna: plasma-netbook is currently less than zero (0~something)20:33
JontheEchidnaWhat's the equiv. of svn export for git?20:34
Lex79Riddell: can you upload again kdepim from bzr? http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/kdepim/ubuntu/revision/9220:35
RiddellLex79: is that you fixing my mess-ups? :)20:36
Lex79Riddell: yep20:36
ryanakcaScottK (or anybody else interested in sponsoring): http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/bangarang20:37
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: so, ubuntuone-client-kde still needs ubuntuone-client-gnome for authentication, right?20:43
JontheEchidnaor technically the ubuntuone-client package20:44
JontheEchidnaor maybe both20:44
RiddellI'm going to put koffice 2.1 into kubuntu-ppa/backports now-ish20:44
apacheloggerbut it needs a replaces on -gnome, because it provides the same file for the dbus service20:44
apacheloggerjust that the one from -kde is obviously superior :P20:45
JontheEchidnaWouldn't it also have to conflict -gnome?20:45
apacheloggerit needs -gnome installed20:45
apacheloggerbut overwrites that one file from -gnome20:45
JontheEchidnaI thought replaces just say that dpkg can replace the file on upgrades20:45
apacheloggerwell, not, i just replaces conflicting files :P20:46
apacheloggerindependent of upgrading or not20:46
JontheEchidnaoh, ok20:46
apacheloggeranyhow that is a short term workaround until ubuntuone pushes a version with improved backend/frontend splitting20:46
ScottKRiddell: You should watch out.  maco is telling everyone in #ubuntu-women you're English.20:52
macoAM NOT20:52
macoi said Great Britain20:52
ScottKShow me logs?20:52
maco<maco> learned this last week.20:53
maco<maco> britain = england+wales20:53
maco<maco> great britain = britain + scotland20:53
maco<maco> uk = great britain + north ireland20:53
maco<Pici> maco: I was trying to explain that to someone yesterday but I forgot which was which20:53
maco<ScottK> Pici: People have tried to convince Ridell of that and failed.20:53
seele_djsiegel: yo20:53
maco<maco> czajkowski is from the Republic of Ireland, so she's not even UKish20:53
seele_djsiegel: i can do paperkuts again20:53
djsiegeloh nice20:53
ScottKseele_: He and I talked some about things being more unified.20:53
seele_ScottK: sounds good to me20:53
ScottKHaving a focus on 'microblogging clients' and not 'gwibber' for example.20:53
macoScottK: he was wearing a skirt on friday! he's not english20:53
seele_djsiegel: the hardest thing i had last time was finding people to actually work on them20:53
djsiegelseele_: that is the hard part20:53
djsiegelsame here20:53
* ScottK is reasonably certain it was a kilt.20:54
seele_maco: it's not a skirt, it's a kilt!20:54
djsiegelthis is the direction I want to go in20:54
macowhich is just Scottish-talk for "socially acceptable skirt"20:54
ryanakcaHaha... Why do they call it a kilt? Because the last person who called it a skirt got kilt :P20:54
djsiegelwe can change it a bit to make it easier for us to both follow a similar schedule20:54
ScottKNay.  It's broader than just Scotland.  Although rarer, kilts are also worn in Ireland a bit.20:54
seele_djsiegel: ok, i can check it out more tomorrow.. i've got one more class for the day20:55
djsiegelok cool, thanks20:57
djsiegellet me know what you think20:57
ScottKseele_: Note from the backscroll that txwikinger has volunteered to be your minion on this.20:57
seele_ScottK: cool21:01
ScottKEveryone should have a minion.21:02
seele_djsiegel: when does the countdown begin?21:02
ScottKAlthough when the minion's get minions, it gets complex.21:02
seele_oh, 12/0321:03
djsiegelseele_, yeah, next week21:05
djsiegelthe first three milestones/weeks are karmic leftovers21:05
djsiegelso we can just find unfixed paperkuts from last cycle21:05
ryanakcaDebian and Ubuntu have two different tarballs for the same version of knmap. Would it be possible to sync and get Debian's tarball instead?21:14
ryanakcanixternal: OK21:15
nixternalwe used to call that a fakesync back in the day...I am sure we still do21:15
Riddellyou have to do it manually though, not through archive admin21:15
ryanakcaAh, a fakesync has already been done. OK. In that case, I'll ask for a sync just because we don't have any changes left in Ubuntu :)21:16
ryanakcabug 48783321:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 487833 in knmap "Sync knmap 2.1-4 (universe) from Debian testing (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48783321:25
nixternaldamn, I just deleted all of my damn sent mail21:25
nixternalNightrose: the whole kde name change thing, was this an e.V. topic at all? was it voted upon or anything?21:41
Nightrosenixternal: no it was discussed on promo and devel list and blogs and then decided at the marketing/www sprint21:42
nixternalgonna take some getting used to...a ton of docs need to be changed now :)21:44
nixternalthough, I will always say what I have since 1997, KDE :)21:44
Nightroseheh yea21:44
Nightroseit will take some people a long time to get used to this21:45
Nightrosebut in the end it is the right thing21:45
nixternalit is still the 'Kool Desktop Environment'!21:45
Riddellta da http://www.kubuntu.org/news/koffice-2.1.021:45
Nightroseget off my lawn! ;-)21:45
NightroseRiddell: yay!21:46
* nixternal thinks we should look at KOffice for KNR instead of the overly bloated OOo21:46
* Nightrose agrees21:46
* Nightrose pats her poor 4 gig21:46
nixternalit just needs KWord and kspread21:47
jjesseactually it just needs kate :)21:47
nixternalI accidentally clicked on a .doc file earlier, and had no clue OOo was even rocking until about a minute later21:47
nixternalor we could do Google docs :p21:48
* nixternal runs and hides21:48
Blizzzaren't vim and sc good enough?  *ponder*21:51
dhillon-v10nixternal, hi :)21:56
dhillon-v10nixternal, I have a question about the audio section I am working on, how will that be organized21:58
nixternaldhillon-v10: take a look at the help:/kubuntu/musicvideophotos in Konqueror...it will be similar to that, but audio only apps....we will need to figure out which questions are FAQ concerning audio in Kubuntu, and attempt to cover them22:18
dhillon-v10nixternal, alright thanks so we are only going to cover ripping audio, playing audio and then the FAQ's22:19
nixternaldhillon-v10: ya, something like that just for that topic...sound type stuff, ie. drivers, hardware, and what not will go in a hardware topic, which is a scary one right now22:35
DarkwingDucknixternal: I was reading in the email chain... are we going to be able to get the docs fixed/backported into Karmic?22:36
Riddellthis amuses me http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EURONfIqJ6o22:54
freinhardhuh, koffice 2.1 in the update list, that's quick!23:07
Riddellwe don't slack off.  at least neversfelde doesn't23:12
apacheloggerRiddell: btw, any thoughts on how to implement the ubuntuone file sync stuff into dolphin?23:16
Riddellapachelogger: can't say I've thought about it, from which angle?23:20
apacheloggerRiddell: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elbcK8Moaew 1:2023:22
apacheloggerthe nautilus plugin provides nice visible feedback as to whether a file is in sync, and if connected to the server at all...23:23
apacheloggervisual feedback even23:23
apacheloggerRiddell: I don't think that is all to possible in kde right now... well other than via an on browsable kio slave, which is not as nice as the nautilus integration23:24
nixternalThe following packages have unmet dependencies:23:24
nixternal  kword-kde4: Depends: libwv2-4 but it is not installable23:24
nixternalE: Broken package23:24
nixternalE: Package libwv2-4 has no installation candidate23:25
dhillon-v10nixternal, this is like the 7th time I have had a plasma workspace crash, would it be possible to write the documentation if I move back to gnome and run kubuntu in a virtual machine23:26
dhillon-v10nixternal, kontact crashes almost all the time23:26
nixternalof course23:27
dhillon-v10nixternal, thanks I really love kubuntu but need a stable system though something I can work on23:27
Riddellapachelogger: it might be possible with the kfileshare stuff that rgreening has been looking at for smb23:27
nixternalRiddell: looks like the article for KOffice2.1 also needs to note for Karmic that you need the 'Kubuntu Beta Backports' PPA as well23:28
apacheloggerRiddell: I'll poke rgreening then, thanks for the input :)23:28
nixternalor move wv2 into Kubuntu Backports PPA23:28
dhillon-v10nixternal, bye23:28
Riddellnixternal: done23:29
nixternalyou are my hero :)23:30
nixternalheh...this whole time I thought I was running the latest KDE...I wasn't...a whole release behind23:34
Riddellnixternal: 0.0.1 releases behind, that makes it sound less bad23:56
nixternalhehe, true23:57

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