
=== YDdraigGoch is now known as Richie
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pittiGood morning08:03
* bryce waves to pitti08:08
pittihey bryce08:08
pittibryce: so you think hal-less X.org would actually be feasible for lucid? from the ML and mjg59's comments it seemed that it would be too hard08:09
brycepitti, I don't really think it is feasible without incurring a considerable number of regressions08:09
brycepitti, however keybuk felt it had to be done regardless08:10
brycepitti, so I'm unclear as to what to do and could use your direction on this one08:11
pittibryce: for normal mice/keyboards it shouldn't actually be hard; I'm mostly concerned about those wacom things08:12
pittiTBH I have no idea how those work08:12
pittifor normal mice/keyboards, I'm happy to build a test X.org server in a PPA with the patch, and with the Ubuntu specific bits to set the keyboard layout08:12
brycemostly I'm concerned with the manpower that'll be required to chase down and fix regressions this change may cause08:14
pittibryce: do you know of other "weird" input devices that we need to be concerned about?08:15
pittitouch screens seem to be represented as normal mice08:15
pittiI have a Joystick, we can test those as well08:16
bryceanything where we have some fdi files, I guess those will need changed into udev rules08:16
pittibut the basic task is actually quite simple: get the input device list from the kernel (lsinput-like), augment it with some properties like keyboard layout, and poke it into X08:16
pittiright now, it's udev -> hal -> X.org, and we'd just skip the middle man08:17
brycefor wacom, I've contacted the wacom driver developer about it08:17
pittikeyboard layouts are well understood, they just need to be grabbed from /etc/default/console-setup for us08:17
pittione problem I know of are options for the synaptics driver08:18
brycewe'll need xserver 1.7 but once we're on that, there is a fixed -wacom available we can use08:18
pittiwell, 1.7 is the plan anyway, right?08:18
pittibryce: so, I don't see a principal reason why the synaptics options couldn't become udev properties instead of hal properties08:18
bryceright (and not coincidentally)08:18
pittiit might not be the cleanest solution, but it will work08:18
pittiin the long run, those options should maybe get back into xorg.conf08:19
pittior an xorg.conf.d/50-synaptics or so08:19
pittibut anyway, converting that synaptics fdi file into an udev rules file to slam the parameters to the touchpad input device seems entirely feasible08:20
didrockshey bryce and pitti08:20
pittibonjour didrocks! comment vas-tu?08:20
bryceheya didrocks08:20
pittibryce: I reopened the BP for now08:21
didrockspitti: sehr gut, und du? :)08:21
didrocks(not sure of my german though)08:21
pittididrocks: tres bien, merci!08:22
pittididrocks: your German is perfect :)08:22
didrockspitti: ahah, if I only use few words... ;)08:23
pittibryce: want me to write some udev rules to produce sth. like on http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.freedesktop.xorg.devel/2108 ?08:26
brycepitti, sounds good08:26
pittibryce: so, I think if we are going to do this, we should do it soon, to see where the regressions are08:27
pittiso how about:08:27
pitti1. apply the patch soon (by alpha-1), pitti to create udev rules for keyboard layout, etc.08:27
huatsmorning everyone08:28
pitti2. update to new wacom driver and test it (who could do this?)08:28
brycewhen's alpha-1?08:28
pitti3. at alpha-3, make the call to revert (because of regressions), or keep08:28
pittibryce: hm, december 10th08:28
pittiperhaps alpha-2 then08:28
bryceok that sounds more doable08:29
pittibryce: I don't think that the original patch requires 1.7 (just the new wacom does)08:29
pittibut ICBW, I didn't try to apply it yet08:29
bryce#2 has as pre-requisite merging in xserver 1.7 (and all of its protos and libs that it depends on)08:29
brycetrue the udev patch may work against what we have now for xserver08:30
brycein which case I can probably slap it in tomorrow08:30
pittibryce: does Alberto or you have a wacom device for testing?08:33
pittior Timo?08:33
bryceI sent Alberto a tablet, and I've got one myself08:34
bryceI think Timo has one but am not certain08:34
tjaaltonI have a waltop, not proper wacom08:35
tjaaltonand it doesn't work with the driver in karmic08:35
tjaaltondon't know if it ever will08:35
pittibryce: options in xorg.conf> http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.freedesktop.xorg.devel/210808:36
brycepitti, oh -evtouch supported devices probably will also break when we move away from hal08:36
tjaaltonthe brand name is aiptek media tablet 10000U08:36
pittibryce: oh, do we use that? at least the "fake" touchscreen in kvm is just a normal evdev mouse; we could ask ogra to check on his real touchscreen08:39
pittiit's in universe, hmm08:39
brycepitti, yeah all the touchscreen stuff is in a really sorry state08:41
tjaaltonjcristau (the author of the udev patch) said that the only missing bit is recognizing a synaptics device08:41
brycethe hal changes will just make it sorrier08:41
tjaaltonbecause now it's done by matching input.touchpad, but udev doesn't have that AIUI08:42
brycetjaalton, ogra told us in the touchscreen session that he'd fixed up -evtouch to work with hal, and added some fdi's for it08:42
tjaaltonbryce: I meant synaptics08:42
bryceoh gotcha08:42
pittitjaalton: well, hal has to figure it out somehow, too (IIRC it looks at the types of events  it can produce and sets this capability)08:42
pittitjaalton: no reason that this bit cannot become an udev callout to set the property, if we need it08:43
tjaaltonpitti: right08:43
tjaaltonbut not there yet ;)08:43
pittiI can write that bit08:43
tjaaltonI guess that's why it's not merged upstream yet08:44
pittiI'd probably just stick it into udev proper, into some extras/08:44
pittionce it works08:44
tjaaltonwhat ML did you refer to where it was said to be hard to drop hal?08:47
* pitti tries to remember08:48
pittitjaalton: I think it was from mjg59, probably somewhere on devkit-devel@08:48
tjaaltonpitti: thanks, I'll check that out08:48
pittiat that time I thought we didn't want to backport that stuff, and that wacom would be too big of a problem for lucid08:48
pittitjaalton: he basically said that "xorg is not ready for this yet, so we'll have to keep hal for the next cycle"08:49
tjaaltonwacom does it's own hotplugging now, and set's up the device according to what the kernel says it has08:49
brycetjaalton, had a chance to look at what we need to do for getting xserver 1.7 in lucid?08:51
tjaaltonbryce: only ~6 libs to go, then updating xorg & xorg-server08:51
tjaaltonthere are more libs to upload to unstable when jcristau has time (maybe tomorrow), then the rest of the proto's can go too08:52
tjaaltonuploading them now would make the xserver unbuildable08:52
tjaaltonso they need to go in at the same time08:52
* bryce nods08:53
pittibryce: do you know if there's a newer patch than the original one proposed by Julien in http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.freedesktop.xorg.devel/2108 ?08:54
brycehmm, not spotting it08:55
pittibryce: it's not in that thread, but there were some discussions how to improve it08:55
bryceseems not to be in git yet08:56
bryceat least, not in master08:56
brycebingo http://cgit.freedesktop.org/~jcristau/xserver/08:57
brycepitti, ^ newer stuff there08:57
pittibryce: I'm working on creating udev rules now (a default "evdev for everything" corresponding to 10-x11-input.fdi, and one for "synaptics" corresponding to 11-x11-synaptics.fdi)08:59
AnAntHello, when I attempt to install gnome-shell (in karmic), I found that it wants to pull several -dev packages, is that a bug ?08:59
mac_vAnAnt: the Ubuntu version is old , its better you use the upstream version09:03
AnAntmac_v: is there a PPA ?09:04
mac_vAnAnt: hmm , there is a ppa mentioned in this thread > http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1305154 , but its pretty easy to build from upstream version itsefl09:06
mac_vAnAnt: its just like 4 commands to install from upstream and you get the shell ;)09:07
AnAntmac_v: ok, but why does the deb package depend on -dev packages ?09:07
AnAntdepend or recommend09:07
mac_vAnAnt: hmm odd, it doesnt show the -dev packages as depends for me09:08
AnAntattempting to install gnome-shell says that it will install a number of -dev packages09:09
tseliotpitti: please keep me informed about your progress with the udev rules for synaptics as a patch of mine in synaptics makes use of 11-x11-synaptics.fdi for setting quirks09:19
pittitseliot: I was going to transform the existing quirks to udev rules, too09:19
tseliotpitti: great, I would like to see the that file when it's ready09:21
* tseliot is glad that we won't have to deal with corrupted fdi cache any more :-)09:22
mac_vmpt: hi.. is there a blueprint for the -symbolic icons?09:34
mptmac_v, not as far as I know. If you like, you could register one with me as drafter, kwwii as assignee, and ivanka as approver09:36
* mac_v scratches head... needs to figure out how to draft a blueprint ;p09:37
mac_vmpt: its a blueprint in xdg naming specs or...?09:41
seb128good morning there09:42
pittihey seb12809:42
didrockspitti: my girlfriend has a wacom tablet, so she can test it too if you ping me.09:42
didrockshey seb12809:42
seb128hey pitti didrocks09:42
mac_vmpt: yay... no work for me ... there is already one , >https://blueprints.launchpad.net/icon-naming-spec/+spec/extra-icon-namespace09:42
* seb128 overslept09:42
pittiseb128: jet lag FTW?09:43
seb128sort of, I had no issue going to sleep09:43
seb128but I wanted to finish syncs and it took me ages09:43
seb128so I went to bed quite late and sleep through ;-)09:44
mptmac_v, cool, thanks09:44
didrocksseb128: take care of having some good rest before the week-end this week :)09:45
mptgood morning glatzor09:47
glatzormorning mpt!09:49
cviorelhi everybody!09:49
glatzorsorry for saying good bye to you personally, but I haven't seen you on friday09:49
cviorelI keep receiving this message during boot up: One or more of the mounts listed in /etc/fstab cannot yet be mounted:09:49
cviorelon did not find a good solution on ubuntu forums09:50
mvohey glatzor09:53
glatzormorning mvo09:55
glatzormvo, the sessioninstaller is nearly complete. I am currently adding the ability to install PackageKit catalogs09:56
mvoglatzor: woah, sweet09:56
* mvo hugs glatzor09:56
mvoglatzor: just give me a shout when its ready and I will package/upload09:57
glatzormvo, it isn't any rocket science. just providing simple dialogs and some basic python-apt stuff :)09:57
mvoglatzor: its still sweet :)09:57
mvoand useful, great to have09:58
* glatzor is away peeling potatoes09:59
pittibryce, tseliot: I think I figured it out; I'll mail you (and julien)10:21
tseliotpitti: great, thanks10:21
bryceI've got the touchscreen spec mostly drafted -- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Blueprints/Touchscreen10:21
brycetseliot, btw, I also drafted up the proprietary driver spec, but you may want to review that10:22
tseliotbryce: sure, I was about to ask you about that one10:22
brycetseliot, sure shoot10:24
tseliotbryce: I wanted to know who would deal with that wiki page as per pitti's email. You've already given me an answer ;)10:25
tseliotbryce: also, we're not going to use alternatives, are we?10:26
brycetseliot, isn't that what was decided at UDS?  Was there subsequent discussion to the contrary?10:27
* tseliot would be happy with a clean up and with better documentation of the packages10:27
tseliotbryce: from what I remember pitti said that weird things can happen with alternatives (not that diversions are any better)10:28
tseliotso I took that as a no10:28
tseliotmaybe I misunderstood10:28
brycetseliot, ahh, I think we addressed that concern - some of your comments resolved his worries10:29
bryceguess happy pitti smiles didn't transfer through the mike10:29
tseliotbryce: ah, ok so my promise about the hooks for the nvidia-installer was convincing then :-)10:30
tseliotvery well10:30
pittiwe just make sure that the maintscripts apply enough force to not leave dangling alternatives behind10:30
pittiusually the user can override the system default10:30
tseliotpitti: do you mean "override" with update-alternatives?10:31
pittitseliot: I don't know alternatives handling very well; I try to stay away from it like the plague :)10:31
tseliotas the nvidia-installer won't be capable of doing such things10:31
tseliotpitti: diversions are not fun either, I assure you ;)10:32
tseliotI'll do my best to come up with something sane this time10:32
tseliotwell, sane is a big word when dealing with this kind of packages...10:33
pittitseliot: good luck!10:33
tseliotthanks, I'll need it ;)10:34
pittibryce: so if we really attack xorg halsectomy, I guess I should work on suspend quirks halsectomy, and dropping hal from the few remaining gnome bits :)10:34
tseliotbryce: the wiki pages look good to me10:35
pittibryce: I mailed the udev rules and updated the whiteboard; do you see anything else which needs to be converted for a first test?10:35
bryceI will try to take a look at getting jcristau's xserver patches packaged tomorrow maybe10:35
tseliotpitti: would suspend quirks work with udev? This is something I will need for OEM stuff too10:35
pittitseliot: they wouldn't go into udev; Victor and I plan to put them into a text file straight into pm-utils10:36
pittinothing else uses them10:36
pittiand udev is not appropriate for this kind of information10:36
pittitseliot: Victor wrote a script to convert the fdi into a simple text format10:36
tseliotpitti: and what is that loads the text file so that the system knows how to suspend?10:37
pittitseliot: pm-suspend/pm-hibernate10:37
tseliotyes, of course10:37
* bryce rotfl's at GOTO's10:37
pittiso you don't need to worry about them at all any more10:37
pittiit will "just happen"10:37
tseliotthat's good10:38
pittibryce: my initial rule was one big one, but I found that this doesn't work for some reason:10:38
pittiIMPORT{parent}="ABS", ENV{ABS}=="?*"10:38
pittiwith two separate rules it works10:38
pittiiz udev bug10:38
=== asac_ is now known as asac
pittihey asac11:09
pittiasac: do you still remember your pm-utils patch "90-nm-proper-wakeup.patch" which adds a --print-reply?11:09
asacpitti: yes11:09
asacwhats up?11:09
pittiasac: that's not in upstream yet; did that get forwarded upstream? or was it only a hack?11:10
asacits definitly a workaround11:10
asacnot sure if it should go upstream11:10
asacbasically without --print-reply the process might exit too early and no message gets send out11:10
asacafaik the --print-reply workaround was posted to the dbus mailing list11:11
pittiasac: would you mind posting it to https://bugs.freedesktop.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=pm-utils ? I'd like to commit it to Debian as well, etc.11:12
pittibut we shouldn't keep such hacks forever without at least having it forwarded11:13
asacmaybe its fixed by now11:14
pittiasac: oh, it's already in Debian, too, so I'll keep it for now; but the final fate of it would still be interesting11:25
asacas i said. it was a bug in dbus ... which is known upstream ;)11:25
asac(to dbus upstream at least)11:26
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seb128hey slomo12:05
slomohi seb128 :)12:05
seb128slomo, do you think you could make the vala build run the testsuite and break on error?12:05
seb128that's the only diff we have in ubuntu12:06
seb128we could sync if debian was doing that too ;-)12:06
slomoseb128: no, the testsuite fails if dbus can't be started... which is the case in some debian buildds :(12:06
seb128are you sure?12:06
seb128we didn't get any build issue during the karmic cycle12:07
seb128though soyuz != debian buildds12:07
slomothe ubuntu buildds are much more easy to handle than debian's :)12:07
slomoyou even have writable home directories ;)12:07
seb128pitti, ^ any opinion?12:07
seb128having to merge this one every time is annoying12:08
seb128but making the build fail on testsuite errors was a mir requirement by security team12:08
seb128I guess I should talk to kees again about this one...12:08
slomoseb128: i could add something to debian/rules to only make the testsuite fatal on ubuntu12:08
seb128slomo, that would be nice of you ;-)12:08
pittiseb128: right, would be nice to have the test suite working12:09
pittiubuntu buildds have problems with d-bus too, though12:10
slomonow i only need to wait until git.debian.org works again ;)12:10
pittislomo: hm, I have pushed several bits in the last hour12:10
seb128pitti, do you know if we have a meeting today btw?12:10
pittiseb128: I guess we do12:11
seb128ok, thanks12:11
seb12817:30 local right?12:11
slomopitti: works now :)12:13
slomoseb128: you can sync 0.7.8-2 from debian/unstable later12:13
seb128slomo, thanks!12:14
slomobtw, who's responsible for pulseaudio in ubuntu? :)12:14
seb128slomo, TheMuso and dtchen12:18
slomodtchen: are you going to enable flat volumes again for next release?12:21
slomoseb128: uploaded :)12:22
slomoseb128: btw, the dbus tests didn't work in my pbuilder chroot ;)12:23
seb128slomo, rock on, thanks again!12:23
seb128slomo, do you think flat volumes are a good idea?12:24
seb128we got many bugs from confused users while it was on12:24
slomoseb128: definitely a good idea, yes. and those bugs should all be fixed now, at least in every gnome/gstreamer application (it's a bit sad that nobody forwarded the gstreamer related bugs upstream though)12:25
pittiwhat does flat-volumes do?12:26
seb128pitti, I think it makes channels volume move in a sync way12:26
seb128ie when you change volume you change master and pcm together12:26
slomopitti: http://0pointer.de/blog/projects/oh-nine-fifteen.html  first part12:27
seb128slomo, well there is still some users or card having saturation issues12:32
seb128which is probably driver or hardware issue but when you force all channels to act in a sync way you remove the ability to workaround those easily12:32
seb128ok, I'm away for debugging my uncle computer12:58
seb128I'm not far so feel free to call if something is needed, otherwise I should be back in 1 or 2 hours...12:58
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
pittidid anyone actually see "[pitti away: lunch]" and "[pitti back: gone 00:39:00]"? I hope these are just local messages from my IRC client (got a major update yesterday) and they don't get echoed to the channel13:27
chrisccoulsongood afternoon everyone13:27
pittihey chrisccoulson13:29
chrisccoulsonhey pitti, how are you today?13:29
pittiI'm great, how about you?13:29
chrisccoulsonyeah, i got quite a good night sleep last night, and enjoying my 2 weeks off work too :)13:30
Laneypitti: no, no sign14:08
pittiLaney: thanks14:09
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rickspencer3jcastro good morning15:08
pittidtchen: can you hop into #ubuntu-meeting?15:18
tgpraveen221can anyone tell me in how many hours the desktop team meeting starts15:51
kenvandinetgpraveen221, it was canceled for today16:02
seb128so karmic 0 - win xp 2, grrrrr16:04
seb128trying to install karmic on my uncle box is a fail16:07
ccheney`seb128: what kind of problem?16:07
seb128the first install ubiquity crashed16:09
seb128there was a ntfs partition change dunno if that was due to it16:10
seb128after running it again it was saying that no OS was installed16:10
seb128it scared me for a moment I though it destroyed the win install16:10
ccheney`oh :-(16:10
seb128after reboot install worked correctly16:10
seb128the first did the disk changes after all and working...16:10
seb128but after reboot no grub16:11
ccheney`oh, weird16:11
seb128so there is a karmic installed and no way to boot it now16:11
seb128I decided I spent enough time on that today16:11
seb128will go back an another day16:11
ccheney`did it have no grub but booted properly back into xp immediately?16:11
seb128known issue?16:12
ccheney`i don't know, sounds like it either didn't install or somehow installed to the linux partition instead of the mbr (if that is possible)16:12
seb128there is 2 disks in the box16:12
seb128karmic was installed on the second one16:13
ccheney`oh ok, or a 3rd option it installed to the mbr of the second disk16:13
ccheney`i haven't ever tried installing to a second hard drive before, so not sure what it tries to do in that case16:14
pittiI think I did once16:16
pittiand back then there was some confusion about which MBR it installs to16:17
pittiseb128: next time you are at your uncle, have a look into the bios; all halfway recent BIOSes should allow you to select the hard disk order on boot16:19
seb128pitti, ok thanks16:19
pittiin the best case, the installer picked up the win partition and added it to grub16:20
seb128otherwise is there a way to just re-do grub install?16:20
pittiand all you have to do is to try booting from the second hda first16:20
pittiwith grub 1 there was "grub-install /dev/sda"16:20
pittiand according to --help it should still work for grub 216:21
pittibut I never used it with grub 2 manually16:21
seb128other story is that new ipod + ubuntu = fail ...16:21
seb128not ubuntu specific16:21
seb128but neither the ipod nano 5g nor the itouch works16:22
seb128db changes and libgpod need changes, upstream is on it though16:22
seb128and I can't get the touch to connect to wifi16:22
seb128apple = fail16:23
pittirickspencer3: did you send the "team meeting cancelled" to everyone or just me?16:23
seb128pitti, ok, thanks16:23
rickspencer3pitti, I sent it to the list16:23
seb128no team meeting?16:23
pittirickspencer3: I only see me in To:16:23
seb128I need to filter those out somewhere16:23
seb128there land in middle of thousand of launchpad bug emails16:24
pittirickspencer3: ah, through LP magic?16:24
seb128launchpad = noise so far for me16:24
rickspencer3and then seb128 filters it out16:24
pittiseb128: for me it's "To: Martin Pitt <martin.pitt@ubuntu.com>", and no X-LP-Bugs: stuff16:24
seb128I'm wondering if I should have 2 lp account16:24
seb128one for "work" and one for bug spam16:24
rickspencer3I could just recreate the list locally, but I forgot to back up my lists on evo last time I reinstalled, and the lp page is right there and so easy16:25
* pitti gently points seb128 to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToFilter16:25
seb128pitti, I've filters thanks, I just need a new one for this case16:26
pittirickspencer3: I added tseliot to that team16:26
seb128I'm already putting assigned bugs, etc on the side16:26
rickspencer3pitti, ok16:27
rickspencer3looks like the rotations starts officially Nov 30th16:27
* rickspencer3 just got mail16:27
tseliotI got that email too16:27
pittihey bryce16:28
seb128urg, "finish merges"16:31
seb128is that a "continue merges" or are those supposed to be done now?16:32
* seb128 still has tons of those to do16:32
* rickspencer3 whip cracking noises16:32
pittiseb128: there's no immediate deadline for it16:32
pittiseb128: it was just a gentle reminder "those still exist, too" :)16:33
pittibut this week, drafting blueprints has higher urgency16:33
seb128the after sprint+uds stack of tasks is exiting and depressing... ;-)16:35
pittiI hope that was meant to mean "exciting" :)16:36
* pitti hugs seb12816:36
* seb128 hugs pitti16:36
seb128not sure, add this to the burn-out chart ;-)16:37
bryceseb128, agreed16:37
* seb128 kicks launchpad16:39
seb128stop sending me a zillion email each time somebody runs apport-collect16:39
seb12821 emails by run16:39
seb128it's ridiculous...16:40
pittirickspencer3: ^ how many "whip crack noises" should we account for every assignee on the burn-out chart?16:40
seb128pitti, could be tar.gz those on client side...?16:40
pittiseb128: in theory yes, but that woudl make them even less convenient to look at?16:40
seb128I guess it will make people complain about that making thoses harder to review though16:40
* pitti wants those condensed in one mail16:41
pittibut fortunately there is a "delete thread" key in mutt16:41
* seb128 too16:41
seb128well, I don't want to delete the thread16:42
seb128I use my bugboxes archive to find bugs16:42
seb128quicker than using web search16:42
brycepitti, it would be lovely if the apport-collect emails had some text or tag we could make procmail rules for to exclude them...16:44
brycealthough I admit I've pretty much given up on my bug inbox16:44
brycehmm, no meeting today? or did daylight savings get me again?16:45
pitti-        bug.addAttachment(comment='',16:45
pitti+        bug.addAttachment(comment='apport-collect data',16:45
pittibryce: ^ like so?16:45
pittibryce: meeting was cancelled, see Rick's recent mail16:46
brycepitti, yeah16:46
pittibryce: it's not a mail subject, though16:47
pittiso you have to filter on the body16:47
pittiaddAttachment() doesn't have a subject field16:47
brycepitti, yeah that would be better but body filtering is doable16:47
bryceerf, wish I'd known the meeting was canceled, I'd have not gotten up early ;-)16:48
pittibryce: committed16:48
bryceseb128, ^^ there you go16:49
bryce# Notifications of apport data collection16:50
bryce:0 B:16:50
bryce* ^apport-collect data$16:50
brycehaven't tested it, but think that's the right procmail rule for this16:50
pittihm, I guess what you really want is to get the first one in your regular bug mailbox16:51
pittiand all others to /dev/null16:51
pittiso perhaps the first one should have a different comment?16:51
pittiat least I want to know that people added new info16:52
pittioh, hang on16:52
pitti    print'   short text data...'16:52
pitti    bug.newMessage(content=part.get_payload(decode=True),16:52
pitti        subject='apport-collect data')16:52
pittithat would be it16:53
pittiyou can just look for "Subject: apport-collect data" and route that to your regular bug mailbox16:53
pitti(already there, in karmic)16:53
pittiand change above rule to /dev/null16:53
pittijust don't overdo it, otherwise you'll get "/dev/null: No space left on device" :)16:54
brycepitti, I got one of those usb dongles that expands your /dev/null space16:56
pittiI saw those next to the subspace radio transmitters at Fry's, but they were sold out16:57
brycethey're quite handy - when it fills I just throw it in the trash and buy a new one16:57
kenvandinepitti, does your workitems script scrape all blueprints for lucid or specific ones related to desktop?16:58
pittikenvandine: lucid-targetted ones which match the pattern desktop-lucid-*16:58
pitti(the pattern is configurable, of course)16:59
kenvandineok, should we add dx and ubuntuone?16:59
kenvandinethe plan is to have workitems in those blueprints for tasks that affect the desktop team16:59
pittishould they appear on the desktop team's chart, or get their own reports/16:59
kenvandinei think our chart16:59
kenvandinebut might be cool to have separate reports17:00
kenvandineso we can track each team seperately17:00
kenvandineand aggregate that into a toplevel burndown17:00
pittiI think so, too17:00
seb128kenvandine, I did a list of dxteam tasks already17:00
kenvandineas work items?17:01
seb128kenvandine, based on the sprint week, I emailed it to pitti and rickspencer317:01
kenvandinedbarth said he would have all their work items in by end of next week17:01
rickspencer3kenvandine, yes, but we have some work items as well17:01
seb128well, that was sort of why I intended the sprint17:01
seb128my list is desktop team side17:02
seb128no dxteam side17:02
kenvandinewe want to track dxteam and u1 for tasks that will affect the desktop17:02
seb128ie "get new packages in lucid, patches nn softwares for indicators changes, etc"17:02
kenvandineeven if they are doing the work17:02
seb128I didn't do that17:02
jtholmesanyone know of a double layer or blue ray dvd that will work well with 9.1017:05
seb128pitti, good to see new uploader approvals but when will those be effective?17:19
pittiseb128: for these three they are already17:19
seb128and ubuntu-desktop?17:20
pittiI still don't know how to set those17:20
seb128not that having Amaranth uploading compiz is not great17:20
seb128but I want chrisccoulson and didrocks uploads17:21
seb128that would reduce our sponsoring load a lot17:21
seb128is somebody else going to look at those?17:21
pitti$ ./edit_acl.py -p ubuntu-desktop query17:21
pitti== All rights for ubuntu-desktop ==17:21
pittiArchive Upload Rights for ubuntu-desktop: package set 'ubuntu-desktop' in karmic17:21
pittiArchive Upload Rights for ubuntu-desktop: package set 'ubuntu-desktop' in lucid17:21
pittiseb128: cjwatson is17:21
pittibut I wonder if above output doesn't mean that it already works17:22
pittisomeone could try?17:22
seb128oh, maybe it works17:22
seb128chrisccoulson, didrocks: ^17:22
seb128pitti, thanks17:22
pittimythbuntu-dev and kubuntu-dev are displayed to work, too17:23
pittikenvandine: so if you have something to upload, please try17:23
kenvandinei don't at the moment17:24
pittisame result for "./edit_acl.py -p ken-vandine query"17:24
pittiso, upload away :)17:24
kenvandineupload with dput? or is there some magic tool?17:24
pittikenvandine: just like into ppas, just not with "dput ppa" :)17:25
* pitti pulls desktop bzr trees to see whether there's something UNRELEASED17:25
seb128there is ton of updates and merges to do17:25
pittirickspencer3: you know that this means that you now have unrestricted GNOME upload rights :)17:25
seb128easy to pick one ;-)17:25
* rickspencer3 uploads lolz17:26
chrisccoulsonseb128 / pitti - thanks17:27
seb128pitti, we need to be careful, GNOME might be switched to quickly over night17:27
chrisccoulsoni need to start doing 2.29 merges soon :)17:27
seb128chrisccoulson, ;-)17:27
seb128chrisccoulson, how are you and your family doing?17:27
seb128the mother and baby are back already?17:27
chrisccoulsonseb128 - good thanks. we had our first trip together to the supermarket today17:28
chrisccoulsonwhich was quite a lot of hassle!17:28
seb128nice ;-)17:28
kenvandinechrisccoulson, i remember that17:28
seb128so now you can say goodbye to sleep17:28
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, i think i said goodbye to that quite a while ago ;)17:29
chrisccoulsoni'm sleeping occasionally in the daytime at the moment, when the baby sleeps17:29
chrisccoulsonbut i can't really get used to that!17:29
brycechrisccoulson, congrats!17:31
chrisccoulsonbryce - thanks:)17:32
pittiwow, asac is fast -- http://piware.de/workitems/mobile/lucid/report.html17:32
brycechrisccoulson, boy or girl?17:32
chrisccoulsonbryce - girl, 8lb 1oz17:32
seb128you guys should really use metric systems ;-)17:33
brycechrisccoulson, nice :-)17:33
chrisccoulsonheh, i'm too used to imperial ;)17:33
bryceseb128, 0.123 m^317:34
* seb128 sights17:34
chrisccoulsonseb128 - she weighs 3.656 kg ;)17:34
seb128I was just looking for an online converter17:35
seb128that speaks to me now, thanks ;-)17:35
chrisccoulsoni didn't know how much she was in kg until i just worked it out there17:35
chrisccoulsonthat means she is lighter than our cat!17:35
brycechrisccoulson, last night our 3 mo old boy slept from 10pm to 7am, after eating 6oz (~180ml).  A record!17:35
chrisccoulsonbryce - i bet you're quite pleased about that!17:36
brycemy son was 6lb 8oz at birth, a little guy.  But he picked up weight and is almost 11lb now17:36
brycechrisccoulson, well I wear ear plugs, so...  ;-)17:36
brycemama was happy tho!17:36
chrisccoulsonour girl feeds for about an hour, then we change her nappy and try and put her to bed, but she screams the house down and the whole cycle starts again ;)17:37
chrisccoulsonthen she sleeps from about 7am17:37
chrisccoulsonalthough, she slept for 2 hours last night17:37
brycechrisccoulson, yeah good burping is the key17:37
brycechrisccoulson, for us, wrapping him up tightly in a blanket helped a lot to get him to rest17:38
brycehmm, probably we need #ubuntu-babies ;-)17:38
chrisccoulsonheh, we might try that, but she was already quite hot last night17:39
bryceok back to bug mail17:39
chrisccoulsoni should probably turn our heating system down a little17:39
brycechrisccoulson, http://www.thehappiestbaby.com/17:39
chrisccoulsonthanks, i'll have a look at that later ;)17:40
=== bjf__ is now known as bjf
* dobey needs a superior python hacker's brain to pick18:24
and471mvo : hello18:26
and471mac_v :hi there18:27
dobeykenvandine: ping18:37
dobeyhi seb12818:37
seb128seahorse agent seems to not be used in lucid18:37
seb128hey dobey, had a good trip back?18:37
dobeyyeah. no delays or anything :)18:37
kenvandinedobey, hey18:38
dobeyand i upgraded the second leg of my flight to first class :)18:38
dobeyand gave the guy next to me a karmic cd18:38
dobeykenvandine: hey, since i know you're in my timezone... can you teach me how to get a debdiff between two revisions of a package?18:39
seb128debdiff old.dsc new.dsc18:39
dobeycool beans18:40
kenvandinewhat seb128 said :)18:40
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dobeydoes my last comment in bug 487710 make sense to you guys?18:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 487710 in ubuntuone-client "Missing dependency on gnome-keyring" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48771018:40
kenvandinedobey, if it depends on it to run18:42
kenvandineit should be a depends imho18:42
kenvandinewhich might not be great for other desktop environments18:42
kenvandinei would rather have u1-client drag in a bunch of deps and function than blow up18:42
dobeykenvandine: well i'd raher fix the dependencies properly. we depend on the library, which depends on the daemon, so the library dependency seems wrong to me18:43
kenvandineis there ever a case where the library is used without a daemon?18:44
dobeyi don't think so18:44
dobeythe library is basically just wrapping the protocol18:44
kenvandinei would think so18:45
seb128dobey, could the code just say "no gnome-keyring fallback to other method"?18:46
pittirickspencer3: work item stuff set up, wikified, and announced; please let me know if something still doesn't work for you18:46
dobeyseb128: for lucid we're going to move to python-keyring which abstracts the keyring stuff out, and works with gnome-keyring, kwallet, osx, and win, and a couple other storage formats18:47
rickspencer3pitti, ok .. but I can't promise I'll get to it today... might have to wait until Monday18:47
pittirickspencer3: sure, no hurry18:47
rickspencer3pitti, is there something specific that it would help if I looked at it today?18:47
pittirickspencer3: no, just making sure that I covered everything you need18:47
seb128dobey, what I'm saying is that you might have case for libgnome-keyring being used and no gnome-keyring running18:47
dobeyseb128: so i'm not sure how we'll express that exactly in the packaging, but looking at the deps in karmic, they seem wrong anyway18:47
rickspencer3thanks pitti18:47
seb128if you can check for that a runtime18:48
* rickspencer3 is typing as fast as possible18:48
pittirickspencer3: we have by-milestone tracking, assignees, and documentation how to move WIs into different phases on the whiteboard18:48
dobeyseb128: yes, but that gives a different error, and really, it should be getting activated by dbus18:48
rickspencer3pitti, as usual, you did an awesome job ... thanks18:48
rickspencer3(I can confidently say without even looking ;) )18:48
kenvandinedobey, but you  can see that it fails to fire with dbus and handle that exception18:49
kenvandinenot sure what the fallback should be18:49
dobeythe fallback would be "fail"18:50
dobeyand that is much less of a concern to me right now :)18:50
pittirickspencer3: eww, pitivi needs hal, too? *sigh*19:02
rickspencer3to detect video cameras?19:03
* rickspencer3 notes that pitti has it out for pitivi19:03
pittijust responded to the bug :)19:03
rickspencer3I think we should *not* deliver anything new that relies on hal19:03
rickspencer3like, isn't that exactly the opposite direction we are trying to go?19:04
* pitti -> dinner19:05
pittirickspencer3: right19:05
pittirickspencer3: well, we can change hal to start on demand instead of on boot19:06
kenvandinei bet we can get that fixed19:06
pittithat will take out most concerns19:06
pittibut I suppose it should be easy to port it19:06
rickspencer3right, but I think if distros are moving away from HAL, now is probably a good time to get pitivi fixed anyway19:06
rickspencer3pitti, can you please just rewrite the code real quick before you go for dinner?19:07
rickspencer3I need a break, that wasn;t even funny19:07
* rickspencer3 goes to get some lunch19:07
seb128dobey, did you get my comment before?19:12
seb128dobey, in any case python-gnomekeyring should at least use a Recommends19:13
dobeyi guess i didn't get your comment, no19:15
dobeybut i don't think it's at all useful without gnome-keyring installed19:16
dobeyas i understand it, uninstalling something from a Suggests/Recommends should in no way break the thing that lists that dependency19:16
seb128" which would make gnome-keyring installed by default19:25
seb128 not sure between Depends or Recommends19:25
seb128 ie I'm not sure if some software might use gnome-keyring but fallback if it's not running in which case the user might be able to stop the daemon..."19:25
seb128" which would make gnome-keyring installed by default19:25
seb128 not sure between Depends or Recommends19:25
seb128 ie I'm not sure if some software might use gnome-keyring but fallback if it's not running in which case the user might be able to stop the daemon..."19:25
seb128dobey, ^19:25
dobeyseb128: well, i'm not sure what cases do a fallback AND require that libgnome-keyring0 be installed and used, though19:27
seb128well has libgnome-keyring an api to know if gnome-keyring is running?19:27
seb128libtracker for example doesn't require tracker to run19:27
seb128it's up to application to be smart about the service running or not19:28
seb128in which case a Recommends = install by default but let user able to opt out is correct19:28
dobeyif the application itself has to do extra things to handle that, the API is wrong, or the developer doesn't want to depend on the keyring, and is doing something else anyway if the library isn't there19:29
dobeytracker isn't a vital system service (yet)19:30
dobeygnome-keyring is19:30
seb128you can't uninstall a library you built again19:30
seb128ld will be really unhappy and you software will not run...19:30
seb128I agree that in 99% of cases you want gnome-keyring running19:30
seb128I've seen subversion has a counter example today though19:31
seb128they have code using gnome-keyring or fallbacking to text storage otherwise19:31
seb128Recommends should be enough it will install it by default19:31
seb128which mean only user who decide to remove gnome-keyring can complain19:31
seb128and that would be their fault19:32
dobeyif you want to depend on the keyring NOT being available, then you need to dlopen() the library, and fall back gracefully19:32
dobeywhich is what python does19:32
dobeywell it's already installed by default19:32
seb128it's installed by default on ubuntu19:32
dobeyit's installed by default if you install python-ubuntuone-client19:33
seb128but having a recommends would mean that anybody installing python-gnomekeyring would get gnome-keyring19:33
dobeybecause it depends on python-gnomekeyring, which depends on libgnome-keyring0, which recommends gnome-keyring19:33
seb128so your bug is notabug19:33
dobeyor do recommends only get handled for the requested package?19:33
seb128if somebody decide to remove recommends it's their fault19:33
seb128to be honest I've no strong opinion19:34
seb128we can add a strong depends in lucid19:34
seb128and wait to see who complains19:34
brycepitti, btw desktop-lucid-xorg-driver-selection-for-nvidia-hardware needs added to our list of stuff to do for lucid19:34
brycepitti, it's a deferred blueprint from karmic, but came out as a requirement from the KMS session19:35
dobeyseb128: ok. i'll look into it19:44
kenvandineseb128, the gnome-keyring issue with python-ubuntuone-client isn't really a problem for ubuntu-desktop, but kubuntu and others that don't include gnome-keyring by default19:53
kenvandineso having the depends would ensure it works19:53
seb128kenvandine, right, still trying to figure if the lib should depends or recommends the server though19:58
seb128ie there is a case for libgnome-keyring being used but optional19:58
seb128like if (keyring_running) use it; or use other method to store...19:59
pittirickspencer3: heh; well, I suppose it's some two hours of work to port it19:59
pittibryce: did you really mean to assign that one to me?19:59
seb128oh, we can assign specs to pitti? ;-)19:59
pittiseb128: technically yes, I just don't think it will help much, given my existing workload :)20:00
brycepitti, oops20:00
seb128pitti, no fun if that doesn't me you are going to fix those20:00
brycepitti, I only read the first letter of words apparently20:00
seb128pitti, I was going to assign you the "make gnome boot in 0.3 seconds" spec now ;-)20:01
* seb128 hugs pitti20:01
pittiseb128: sure, I'll make it 0.1 seconds, and add a sleep 0.220:01
seb128anyway enough trolling, time for dinner20:01
pittiseb128: enjoy!20:01
pittibryce: ah, approver?20:01
brycepitti, ahh I see the problem - on the blueprint view page it lists Approver / Drafter / Assignee.  When you click edit, the edit page lists them in the reverse order Assignee / Drafter / Approver20:01
pittiusability bug! papercut!20:01
brycethose insidious launchpad guys strike again20:02
bryceheh, if only anyone would look at blueprint bug reports20:03
brycepitti, anyway fixed20:03
brycepitti, I don't know if we have a blueprint for tracking the boot performance stuff but I updated the status for work items at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FoundationsTeam/BootPerformance/Lucid/X20:04
pittibryce: we'll use the wiki page from foundations, yes20:05
pittiit already has desktop bits20:05
didrocksseb128: I've uploaded the vino merge. Let's see if I will be striken by thunder... hum no... denied permission :)20:16
* pitti crosses fingers20:22
didrockskicked off :(20:22
pitti"kick off" == "start", doesn't it?20:23
didrockshum, I used this word the wrong way so20:23
didrocks"Signer is not permitted to upload to the component 'main'."20:23
didrocksI should run for core dev someday. It will be easier…20:24
pittibut this is supposed to work20:24
didrocksis vino seeded in the desktop track?20:25
pitti$ ./edit_acl.py -p didrocks query20:25
pittiArchive Upload Rights for ubuntu-desktop: package set 'ubuntu-desktop' in karmic20:25
pittiArchive Upload Rights for ubuntu-desktop: package set 'ubuntu-desktop' in lucid20:25
pittididrocks: it certainly should, but I don't know how to check20:26
brycehaha we can replace gimp with `firefox http://pixlr.com/editor/` ;-) ;-)20:27
pitti== All uploaders for package 'vino' ==20:27
pittiArchive Upload Rights for ubuntu-core-dev: package set 'ubuntu-desktop' in karmic20:27
pittiArchive Upload Rights for ubuntu-desktop: package set 'ubuntu-desktop' in karmic20:27
pittididrocks: in theeeeeeory it should work20:27
pittididrocks: mind forwarding the reject to cjwatson and ask about it?20:28
didrockspitti: no pb, doing it now20:29
brycehmm actually that works pretty good for redeye removal20:30
didrockspitti: sent, let's wait :)20:32
didrocksI've pushed the bzr branch during this time20:33
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pittididrocks: colin is on holiday this week20:44
seb128bryce, f-spot does that too now20:44
seb128pitti, he was around today so he might reply when passing by20:45
seb128pitti, no hurry anyway20:45
didrockswe'll see…20:46
seb128didrocks, you bother doing ... in utf now? ;-)20:47
didrocksseb128: always when I'm on my GNU/Linux computers (ie not at work ;))20:48
didrocksseb128: only huats is always using « ... » :)20:48
seb128how do you do it?20:48
didrocksseb128: with the default French keyboard: Shift + Altgr + ,20:49
seb128doesn't work there...20:50
didrocksseb128: which keyboard setup do you have?20:51
didrocks« France Autre » ?20:51
seb128didrocks, ok works now20:53
seb128I had France without autre20:54
didrocksoh, ok :)20:54
bryceseb128, does f-spot have the 'pinch' functionality?20:54
didrocksyou can also use AltGr + W and AltGr + X to get true « » :)20:54
seb128bryce, what pinch does?20:56
bryceseb128, hard to explain... "double-chin remover" is maybe a better description ;-)20:59
seb128ok, I guess f-spot doesn't have that20:59
seb128it has those: crop; red-eyes reduction; desaturation; sepia tone; straighten; soft focus; auto color; adjust colors21:01
mannyvseb128, the tomboy merge FTBFS21:03
seb128I've noticed21:03
seb128I'm doing the 1.1.0 update now21:03
seb128I will have a look to that too21:03
mannyvi ran interdif on the patch i submitted and the one on launchpad21:04
mannyvi think part of the patch was missing21:04
mannyvthere is the interdiff21:04
mannyvthe dirs file got deleted from the patch21:04
mannyvits all the way at the bottom21:05
seb128it's all fixed in bzr already21:05
seb128I forgot to bzr add the new ones...21:06
seb128the changelog change is normal21:06
seb128there is no point to keep tons of old changelog21:06
seb128doing the summary in the new version is enough21:06
mannyvok that is good to know21:06
seb128mannyv, sorry about that21:07
seb128mannyv, http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Bzr is worth reading too...21:07
seb128mannyv, http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Bzr is worth reading too...21:07
seb128it has details on how to use bzr for packaging21:07
seb128it makes easier to merge your changes21:08
mannyvso on merges  if it is in bzr you want me to merge it that way?21:09
seb128as you want21:09
seb128it makes work easier but debdiff works too21:10
mannyvi had one question about that, it says to commit every change. Does that mean if in the merge i change debian/rules and debian/changelog, and add delete a patch those will be 3 different commits?21:10
seb128I've no strong opinion on that21:10
seb128I would tend to say that upgrades or merges are easy enough to be one commit21:10
seb128then if sponsor has comments you do an another update21:10
seb128and reviewing the change is just reading that new commit21:11
seb128which is easier than dealing with debdiffs stacked21:11
pittigood night everyone21:13
seb128'night pitti21:14
Amaranthhmm, compiz upload rights21:50
* Amaranth prepares an 0.9 git snapshot21:50
* Amaranth runs21:51
* TheMuso looks at Amaranth. You have upload privileges, not upload rights. We all earn the privilege to upload to Ubuntu without someone looking over our shoulder. :p22:02
rickspencer3 robert_ancell TheMuso good morning22:06
rickspencer3did you get the email to the effect that there's no Eastern Edition today?22:07
robert_ancellrickspencer3, hey, sure did22:07
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=== eeejay_away is now known as eeejay
seb128hey robert_ancell22:25
robert_ancellseb128, hey22:25
seb128robert_ancell, how are you doing? managed to get over jetlag?22:26
robert_ancellseb128, hasn't been bad this time :)22:26
seb128good ;-)22:26
seb128still no news from eom guys?22:26
robert_ancellHR says change over on the 30th22:27
seb128ok, good22:27
seb128still one week to get desktop work done ;-)22:27
* seb128 points robert_ancell to the topic for updates, etc22:27
robert_ancellyeah, that's the plan :)22:28
TheMusorickspencer3: Yes, thanks.22:30
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