
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
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=== YDdraigGoch is now known as Richie
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FFEMTcJThere is supposed to be a meeting isnt there/10:05
czajkowskiwhich kind ?10:06
FFEMTcJAsia Oceania10:06
lifelessperhaps. let me check the wiki apge10:09
lifelesspersia: ping10:10
lifelesselky: ping10:11
lifelessamachu isn't online10:11
lifelesslet me send a mail10:11
FFEMTcJSounds good10:11
=== juliux_ is now known as juliux
=== juliux is now known as Guest76509
lifelessFFEMTcJ: sorry, noone seems to be around. next meeting will be in two weeks, but you're welcome to wait here for the rest of the hour just in case folk do show.10:19
popeyor add yourself to one/both of the other membership boards and attend theirs if they are sooner10:24
FFEMTcJpopey: ;-)10:24
leoquantFFEMTcJ you did add yourself to the america's membership board aswell?10:25
FFEMTcJleoquant: they didnt get to me on the last meeting, so i was gonna try this one..10:26
FFEMTcJdunno when it'll be tho10:26
leoquantlifeless there aren't any reserves who could lead membership approvals ad-hoc?10:29
lifelessleoquant: we're not quorate right now.10:30
FFEMTcJhow many does that take, out of curiosity?10:32
leoquantFFEMTcJ afaik 410:33
FFEMTcJlifeless: if you meet the # you need, please ping me..10:36
* popey volunteers if you need me lifeless 10:37
lifelessamachu: hi there, meeting was an hour ago ;)10:58
amachulifeless: yes10:59
amachuwas there a quorum?10:59
lifelessthere was Me! and that was all :(10:59
=== asac_ is now known as asac
amachulifeless: ok. sorry for not making it. held up in a medical check up..11:14
amachufine let me make it remind all..11:14
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
MootBotMeeting started at 06:59. The chair is NCommander.13:00
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]13:00
* NCommander waves to ogra persia StevenK asac davidm JamieBennett dyfet GrueMaster 13:00
JamieBennettI'm here13:01
plarswhat? not at me?13:01
* ogra is here13:01
* GrueMaster snores loudly.13:01
NCommanderand plars13:01
plarsyou hurt my feeling13:01
ograhow about you do that call before the startmeeting in the future (like we ask every week since ages :P )13:01
NCommanderogra, will do13:01
ograthanks :)13:02
ograsince it can take a while to get everyone to show up...13:02
NCommanderplars, I apologize, by time I realize I forgot a name, you already responded :-/13:02
plarsNCommander: heh, was kidding13:03
asacNCommander: hi13:03
* ogra wonders if GrueMaster is to jetlagged to show up :)13:03
NCommander[link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Meeting/2009/2009112413:03
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Meeting/2009/2009112413:03
asacodd ... calendar disagrees with time13:03
plarshe responded earlier13:03
NCommanderasac, Google and daylight savings don't agree13:03
ograasac, yeah still DST issues i think13:03
ograthough i got a proper reminder today ... didnt have that the last times13:04
NCommander[topic] Action Item Review13:04
MootBotNew Topic:  Action Item Review13:04
NCommander[topic] ogra to report back on midori usability13:04
MootBotNew Topic:  ogra to report back on midori usability13:04
ograwe did that at UDS13:04
ogradone ...13:04
NCommanderthen there's one action item that didn't get answered13:05
NCommander[topic] asac to talk to Nokia on their optimizations to gecko13:05
MootBotNew Topic:  asac to talk to Nokia on their optimizations to gecko13:05
asacyes. so UI frontend is closed source as it seems13:05
ograobsolete after the UDS decision ?13:05
asacso that makes it unsuitable13:05
ograi mean we decided on chrome already anyway13:05
asacogra: well. for touch screen we still need something13:05
NCommanderogra, fair enough13:05
asacbut not urgently13:05
ogragrab-n-drag for chrome then :)13:06
NCommanderSpec Review13:06
NCommander[topic] Spec Review13:06
MootBotNew Topic:  Spec Review13:06
NCommander[link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/LucidSpecifications13:06
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/LucidSpecifications13:06
* ogra is still fiddling with all of his13:06
NCommander[topic] ARM: properly support alternate images in addition to live  (NCommander)13:06
MootBotNew Topic:  ARM: properly support alternate images in addition to live  (NCommander)13:06
asaci dont think we should go through all the specs here as most stuff is still drafting13:06
asacunless you have specs you really want to discuss now13:06
NCommanderIf that's the case, I'm willing to skip specification review if everyone here agrees13:07
asacso from my side: i reviewed a few that were set to review and dropped comments and set back to drafting13:07
* StevenK appears13:07
asacif you disagree with the comments i made (usually just minor adjustments)13:08
asaclet me know ;)13:08
ograand we should switfch back to use LP for spec listing13:08
ograusing a wikipage just duplicates work13:08
asactwo more things:13:08
NCommanderasac, I disagree you moved a spec to Drafting over work items alone13:08
asacNCommander: work items usually reflect implementation details13:08
davidmNCommander, the spec is not done without work items13:08
NCommanderdavidm, it has work items13:09
ograall we need ?13:09
plarsthat's all mine are waiting on, filling in the work items this morning then they are ready for review13:09
asacNCommander: i would like the work items to be complete before saying spec is ready to go ;)13:09
asacanyway so two more things:13:10
NCommanderasac, my issue is that I can't give any more specific than a general overview of what I intend to do until i get into it specifically and know what I need to do specifically13:10
asaca. if you have specs that you want to impelement for lucid that are not accepted for lucid let me know13:10
ogralike stacked squashfses ?13:10
* ogra doesnt get how we missed that one13:10
asacb. if you have drafted a spec that were accepted for lucid but have no assignee lets discuss that off-meeting13:11
asacwe need to find an assignee13:11
asacogra: yes. we can check that after the meeting13:11
asacNCommander: ok thats fine.13:11
ograNCommander, you can make that a work item ;)13:12
ogra"research possibility of bleh"13:12
asacNCommander: if you say you cannot split the work items up then there is not much you can do expect adding a work item like ogra said13:12
NCommanderasac, lets discuss this out of the meeting13:12
NCommanderI rather not run over this week13:13
asacthat was the idea13:13
asacmove on13:13
NCommanderDoes anyone else have any spec-related discussion to bring up?13:13
NCommander[topic] UNR Status13:14
MootBotNew Topic:  UNR Status13:14
ogradrop that ?13:14
plarsno reason to keep it now13:14
ograturn it into "image status" or something13:14
asaci would think so, yes.13:14
NCommander[topic] Image status13:14
MootBotNew Topic:  Image status13:14
* ogra didnt test yet13:14
ograalso how do we want to handle images this time13:15
NCommanderImage builds have failed consistantly on armel due to pulse and the kernel metapackage being broken13:15
ogralast round we had one responsible person per arch13:15
ogranot sure thats possible once we have more images13:15
ograwhich we are likely to get soon13:15
NCommanderogra, probably best to have one person assigned to report status on a specifically SoC13:15
NCommanderLets cross that bridge when we get to it13:16
asachow do image build failures get communicated?13:16
* ogra misses sponsoring on the agenda btw, that should have been added a month ago13:16
asace.g. are there FAIL mails send?13:16
NCommanderogra, I was told to remove it13:16
asacNCommander: ?13:17
ograasac, the responsible person needs to research the details of the failure anyway, so i personally look at the logs every day for my responsibilities13:17
JamieBennettasac: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/13:17
NCommanderasac, the live image buildsystem dumps logs on people.canonical.com13:17
asacNCommander: where exactly?13:18
NCommanderasac, you can also get livefs build falure emails by asking cjwatson to put you on the list (I get them for xubuntu)13:18
ograNCommander, you were told to skip it for end of the release, but we decided to have a rolling topic for sponsoring13:18
ograthe ftbfs list is for single packages only13:18
NCommanderasac, http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/livefs-build-logs/lucid/13:18
asacNCommander: thx13:18
ograhas not much influence on image building usually13:18
NCommanderI looked at the FTBFS at pulseaudio13:18
ograNCommander, hmm13:18
NCommanderTwo major issues13:18
ogracould you mention that in a channel somewhere in the future13:18
* ogra is just doing the same13:19
NCommanderFirst, -march=armv6 is forced on the commandline which breaks with compiler13:19
ograbut if you are doing it already, i'll stop13:19
ograi think its just reverting my patch13:19
NCommander(it tried to do armv6+thumb2, and fails miserably)13:19
ograjust drop it completely13:19
NCommanderogra, that doesn't fix the issue13:19
ograwas only for karmic, as i stated in the changelog13:19
ograwell, then fix it :)13:20
NCommanderThe second problem is that pulse has handwritten ARM ASM as of the latest upstreams13:20
ograthats why the flag was added13:20
NCommanderIt uses conditional instructions in a method thats incompatible with Thumb213:20
ograanyway, we're off topic13:20
NCommanderogra, I'm discussing on why image fails are breaking, I don't see that as off topic13:20
ograand the url above isnt the image build logs13:20
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/cd-build-logs/ubuntu/lucid/13:21
ograthats for image builds13:21
NCommanderasac, ogra er, yeah, that's livfefs-rootfs (which is needed for live CD's): http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/cd-build-logs/13:21
NCommanderoh, ogra beat me to it13:21
ograhttp://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/livefs-build-logs/lucid/ is only livefs13:21
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/livefs-build-logs/lucid/ is only livefs13:21
ograthe build system will re-use yesterdays livefs if the livefs build failed13:22
ograso it doesnt have any influence on the actual image build (apart from producing a broken image)13:22
NCommanderogra, someone needs to fix pulse by either making the compiler not build it with Thumb2, or fix the handwritten ASM. Its three instructions in a macro, so it shouldn't be too difficult13:22
ogra(which you can only find out through a boot/install test)13:22
ograNCommander, go ahead, all yours13:22
ograi have to do spec work for the rest of the week13:23
NCommanderogra, I'm AFK after Thursday for two weeks.13:23
NCommanderI'll look at today, but if i don't crack it, someone else will have to take this up13:23
ograstill, pulse is off topic, lets keep that for after the meeting13:23
asacNCommander: maybe there is a legacy compiler flag or something?13:23
asacanysway lets move that offline13:23
JamieBennettNCommander I can take a look tomorrow, send me the details of where you are in an email and I'll pick it up13:23
NCommanderasac, there is, haven't tested it yet.13:23
StevenKasac: That isn't it13:23
NCommander[topic] Sponsoring Status13:24
MootBotNew Topic:  Sponsoring Status13:24
* NCommander didn't sponsor anything during UDS, but planning to spend some time on the sponsoring queues before taking off13:24
ograi guess there is a lot of merges that can be sponsored13:24
StevenKOne I get over my jetlag enough to remember my passphrase, I will13:25
asacwho of the team has upload rights?13:25
ograbut given that our main focus is specs this week we should probably skip it until we start active archive work again13:25
ograasac, depends... main or universe ?13:25
NCommanderasac, I'm MOTU. ogra, and StevenK are core dev13:25
asaci guess me, StevenK: ogra: NCommander (universe?) ...13:25
asacok thanks13:25
ogradyfet is on his way to motu ... and JamieBennett too i guess13:26
NCommanderasac, when i do sponsoring though, I'm usually in the backport queue since I'm the only one in ubuntu-backports versus the general queue however13:26
ograNCommander, just make sure its on the sponsoring list that davidm uses13:26
ograso we get it counted13:26
NCommanderogra, it won't show up due to the way backports are counted.13:26
davidmogra, correct13:27
asacogra: what list is that? isnt that dholbach?13:27
ograi think so13:27
davidmasac, yes dholbach generates the report13:27
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~dholbach/sponsoring/13:28
asacok move on?13:29
NCommander[topic] Any Other Business13:29
MootBotNew Topic:  Any Other Business13:29
ograwe should have something about the ARM specific seed/launcher/etc on the agenda in the future imho13:29
NCommanderogra, I added ARM Image Status to the items list13:30
NCommanderI can boil that down to ARM Status13:30
ograimage != apps13:30
ograwe have our own app list now13:30
ograso we should track them13:30
NCommanderogra, so Image Status, and ARM Status?13:30
plarswe're accumulating a decent backlog of arm related bugs13:31
ograimae status and "ARM apps list status" i'd say13:31
plarsmany of them need triaging still, but there may be some easy ones to take care of there13:31
plarshttps://bugs.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-armel if anyone has time to take a look, would be good to start whittling it down13:31
NCommanderplars,  a ton of them was the ubuntu-iso-tester being fixed13:31
ograor "ARM UNE seed status"13:31
* NCommander finally think he got all 100 or so emails from that.13:31
ograi'm not sure how much we care about jaunty bugs13:32
plarsNCommander: I'm looking at the actual list, not the bugmail13:32
ogradavidm, ??13:32
plars[LINK] https://bugs.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-armel13:32
MootBotLINK received:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-armel13:32
plarsI moved several over yesterday, still a few that are probably arm specific and not subscribed yet.  I'll work on that today after blueprints13:33
asacjaunty bugs feel kind of unimportant if they are confirmed to be fixed in karmic/lucid13:33
asacof course depends on the severity and what our consumers expect13:33
ograright, but we have a bunch that are open in jaunty only ... should we close them ?13:33
davidmogra, unless it's been 18 months we care, if they are critical and are SRU candidates.13:33
NCommanderasac, my general rule is if they/re SRU worthly, we SRU it13:33
davidmif not we don't care13:34
asacsure. if we have a patch at hand thats a safe bet13:34
* ogra really doubts we'll find the time to even work on them13:34
persiaIf they aren't critical, please leave them open as "known bugs", so that potential jaunty users can see the issues ahead of them.13:34
asacor set them to won't fix if they are not SRU candidates?13:35
asaceither of that works for me13:35
ograi'd just like to see the list be smaller and show the ones we can actually put time in13:35
asacogra: that should be handled through "Importance"13:36
ograkeeping all the jaunty bugs we wont fix seems to just crowd the list13:36
asacHigh or higher -> we care13:36
asacmedium or below -> we usually dont care -> either open or set to won't fix teaching user about the SRU policy etc.13:36
persiaUm, please don't.  "Won't Fix" implies there is a reason they should not be fixed, as opposed to just that they aren't going to be fixed because nobody got around to it yet.13:36
persiaJust leave them as open tasks with nobody assigned, and if someone wants to do it, they can.13:36
asacpersia: i think won't fix is used to invalidate targetted bugs13:37
asacbuy the release team13:37
asacdont think its completely off ... if you report a bug you will still see them as duplicate suggestions13:37
persiaasac: That and also to indicate that something will never be done (some gnome-desktop type bugs)13:37
NCommanderpersia, the jaunty task can be set to Won't Fix13:38
NCommanderBut for a lot of packages, an SRU patch does apply with minimal work to jaunty13:38
persiaNCommander: I'm asking that it not be *unless* there is some reason it should not be fixed.13:38
asacpersia: so we are just talking about jaunty task ... not the main task13:38
NCommander(if the issue existed in karmic)13:38
persiaJust because you're too lazy/busy to do it doesn't mean someone else won't do it.13:38
ogratake bug 42826313:38
ubottuBug 428263 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/428263 is private13:38
ograthats unfixable in jaunty without backporting the whole of mono13:38
asacif the bug is fixed in lucid and we decide we dont fix it in jaunty i dont see why we shouldnt set the jaunty task to wont fix13:38
ograhmm, bad example :P13:39
asaclike you confirmed, its used by release team to deny targeted bugs13:39
NCommanderogra, of course, but there are other bugs which the same patch fixes it across multiple versions.13:39
ograthere are also several gcc/toolchain related bugs that are automatically fixed with a newer toolchain13:39
persiaFor that example, I agree "won't Fix" is the right answer, because it's just too invasive to fix it.13:39
persiaThe difference being "bug which can't be fixed sensibly" vs. "bug which nobody got around to fixing, and nobody currently plans to fix".13:40
ograand we surely wont backport toolchains13:40
asacpersia: bugs with medium or below prio are "too invasive" by definition for an SRU13:40
asaci suggested that high or critical bugs stay open in any case13:41
persiaasac: Interesting argument.  You're suggesting that any old task which isn't approved for SRU should inherently be "Won't Fix"?13:41
plarsso if it is disqualified as a target for SRU, then it should be won't fix, if it's a possibility (or even if there is doubt about whether or not it could be SRU) it should be kept open13:41
asacpersia: having an open task for jaunty usually means: "approved for SRU" .. unless its set to wont fix13:41
asacremember only folks with bugcontrol can approve nominations13:42
asacso accepting a nomination usually means: yes, this is a bug that should get fixed in the task (aka SRU)13:42
persiaOK.  That makes sense to me.  It's stuff which won't get fixed no matter how many people volunteer.13:42
plarsasac: you need more than that actually, I think you have to be in drivers13:42
persiaIt's somewhere between those, but it's messy.  Let's ignore that for now.13:43
asacpersia: more or less yes. there might be exceptions if there is a patch at hand we can take as ride along. but we also dont want to encourage community folks to put their time in such bugs13:43
asacso seting to wont fix would be a reasonable step for medium or below targetted bugs imo13:43
asacanyway if we cannot get consent here lets discuss after meeting13:44
NCommanderFinal topic I have13:44
persiaasac: I'm presuming we're discussing bugs already fixed in newer releases (where even a patch won't make it SRU-worthy).13:44
persiaI agree patches are useful, but they belong to current-dev-release unless it's an SRU bug.13:44
NCommanderI'm not going to be here for two weeks after this meeting. persia already agreed to run the meeting for the first week of Decemember13:44
asacpersia: right that was what ogra ment afaict. bugs that are jaunty only but are not SRU candidates13:45
NCommanderI'm looking for a volunteer for next week13:45
* persia suggests using dates, to avoid confusion13:45
persia1 December needs a volunteer13:45
persia8 December is covered13:45
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
NCommanderNo volunteers?13:46
asacI can take that if noone else wants to do it ;)13:46
NCommanderasac, seems you get it by default13:46
ograsorry, line dropped ...13:46
asacNCommander: where do you put the (now updated) "default" agenda items?13:46
asacNCommander: right ;)13:46
NCommanderasac, I just edit the wiki page to reflect what we actually covered.13:46
asacNCommander: link?13:46
NCommanderasac, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Meeting/2009/20091124#preview13:47
NCommanderI usually post it at the start of the meeting.13:47
asac(sorry, still ned to catch all resources ;))13:47
ograSponsoring Statusemsv ?13:47
asacNCommander: do we have a template for that?13:47
NCommanderasac, no13:47
ograwe copy over last weeks and edit usually13:47
asacyeah. template is similar easy ;)13:48
asacbut ok13:48
ograor NCommander does as our -meeting chair13:48
NCommanderasac, I'll create the pages in advance for you13:48
NCommanderyou just need to filli n the blanks for next week13:48
asacNCommander: rock ;) ... do you usually send out reminder mails?13:48
NCommanderasac, yes, to ubuntu-mobile13:48
ograto the mobile list13:48
NCommanderMinutes also go to the same place13:48
NCommander(as I discovered during UDS)13:48
ograright, thats new13:49
NCommanderogra, well, its more remembered versus new :-)13:49
ograyou didnt do that in the past13:49
ogranew for *you* :)13:49
asacok thanks13:49
NCommanderogra, fair enough13:49
NCommanderanything else to cover?13:50
NCommanderif not, I'm going to close the meeting13:50
MootBotMeeting finished at 07:50.13:50
asacthanks all!13:50
* GrueMaster returns to sleep.13:51
=== porthose__ is now known as padpuck
=== padpuck is now known as porthose
* kees looks around for DMB meeting15:00
* tseliot is waiting for the same reason15:01
* porthose is waiting for the same reason15:01
Keybukkees: who's driving?15:02
keesKeybuk: not sure; the only agenda I can find is referenced from the TB agenda.15:02
KeybukDMB: compiz-related upload rights for Travis Watkins (approved by MC)15:02
KeybukDMB: core-dev reactivation for Daniel Chen15:02
KeybukDMB: core-dev application for Marc Deslauriers (approved by MC)15:02
KeybukDMB: Apply upload rights: Charlie Smotherman (porthose)15:02
Keybukthough I don't feel that two is in any way quorate15:02
keesup to 3!  :)  heya pitti15:04
KeybukI think we can go with three15:04
pittisorry for being late15:04
Keybukany more is just greedy15:04
* Keybuk recalls pitti said he'd chair <g>15:04
mdzI am here, but I didn't know this meeting was happening15:04
MootBotMeeting started at 09:04. The chair is pitti.15:04
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]15:04
Keybukmdz: well, _if_ you'd turned up at the last TB meeting ... <g>15:05
pittimdz: we agreed to it on last TB, and I sent it to u-d-a@15:05
mdzit's not on my calendar, the platform calendar, the fridge calendar or any other that I look at15:05
mdzpitti, bah, so I'm supposed to keep up with mailing lists during the second half of UDS? ;-)15:05
Keybukmdz: that sounded like volunteering an action to me <g>15:05
pittiright, sorry about that; will poke people to add to fridge next time15:05
mdzis this meant to be a recurring time slot?15:06
mdzif so, it's not very good for me15:06
Keybukyes, afaik15:06
pittiwe didn't decide on that really15:06
pittijust that we need one to process the current backlog15:06
=== robbiew_ is now known as robbiew
Keybukit makes sense to have a regular slot15:06
Keybukso that if there is agenda, we cover it15:06
Keybukif there's nobody waiting, we simply don't hold the meeting15:07
pitti[TOPIC] DMB meeting time15:07
MootBotNew Topic:  DMB meeting time15:07
tseliotis there going to be another meeting on November 26?15:07
pittimdz: it's the same time slot as TB; should we have a different one more convenient for you then?15:07
keesI would prefer it not be any earlier, but I'm otherwise generally open.15:07
pittitseliot: certainly not for DMB?15:08
pittifor me, I'm also fine with the current slot; bit earlier/later WFM15:09
Keybukmdz: there's nothing on your calendar at this time?15:10
tseliotpitti: ah, right, that will be for MC15:10
Keybukpitti: I suggest we move on15:11
Keybuklet's keep the current time for now15:11
pitti[ACTION] pitti to mail DMB about meeting time discussion15:11
MootBotACTION received:  pitti to mail DMB about meeting time discussion15:11
Keybukon the simple basis that everyone else is here :p15:11
pitti[TOPIC] compiz-related upload rights for Travis Watkins15:11
Keybuk(who's not on holiday)15:11
MootBotNew Topic:  compiz-related upload rights for Travis Watkins15:11
pittihey Amaranth15:12
KeybukAmaranth: are you here?15:12
pittithe MC recommended Amaranth for compiz-related upload rights15:12
Keybukhe has also been re-added to MOTU15:12
pittihttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/TravisWatkins/MOTUDeveloperApplication has an additional endorsement by mvo15:12
Keybukthe application simply says "compiz-related" packages, but does not provide a list of such packages15:13
Keybukyes it does15:13
pittisee wiki page15:13
Keybukright where it says "List of compiz packages"15:13
pittipersonally, I know Amaranth from #ubuntu-desktop, he's quite active there nowadays15:13
Keybukindeed, and he's been one of the most active community packagers on those packages according to Launchpad15:14
* kees nods.15:14
KeybukI am happy to +1, even in his absence15:14
pittikees, Keybuk: does either of you have particular questions to him?15:15
kees+1 on the basis of active, good, endorsed work on this focused set of packages.15:15
* pitti takes that as a "no"15:15
keesI don't.  :)15:15
Keybukthis seems a simple matter of giving someone permission to upload without their sponsor15:15
Keybukand their sponsor has explicitly given their endorsement15:15
pitti+1 from me as well, based on previous work and personal experience15:15
Keybukpitti: do you know how to do the LP magic?15:15
pitti[AGREED] compiz-related upload rights for Travis Watkins15:15
MootBotAGREED received:  compiz-related upload rights for Travis Watkins15:15
pittiKeybuk: unfortunately no; cjwatson still has an action item for documenting this15:16
pittido you?15:16
Keybukok, then cjwatson gets the actions for doing it15:16
pitti[ACTION] cjwatson to enable upload privileges for Amaranth for list of packages in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TravisWatkins/MOTUDeveloperApplication15:17
MootBotACTION received:  cjwatson to enable upload privileges for Amaranth for list of packages in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TravisWatkins/MOTUDeveloperApplication15:17
kees(revision 3)15:17
pitti[TOPIC] core-dev reactivation for Daniel Chen15:17
MootBotNew Topic:  core-dev reactivation for Daniel Chen15:17
* pitti pinged dtchen15:18
pittihe applied directly to DMB15:18
pittidoes anyone want to ask him questions, and thus shuold we wait for him?15:18
* pitti doesn't, he has enough recent experience with him15:19
keesI'd like to know the history about how/why core-dev was removed for dtchen, but it wouldn't stop a vote from me.15:20
geserdidn't dtchen simply expire?15:20
Keybuk(just looking that up)15:21
pitti(AFAIK it was a matter of "time out" due to lack of time)15:21
keespitti: yeah, that's my vague memory as well.15:21
Keybukright, in which case we should interview to find out more15:21
pittiKeybuk: oh, is there logged history?15:21
Keybukpitti: no15:21
Keybukin these cases, we've talked to the candidate to ask for more information15:22
Keybukeven if it's just "ran out of time, but have some now"15:22
pittihttps://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-lib/+changelog https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+changelog https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+changelog15:22
pittiok, sounds like we should postpone to the next meeting and explicitly invite him then15:23
Keybukpitti: agree15:23
keesyeah, I'd like to know a little more about his plans for upstream coordination.15:23
pitti[ACTION] pitti to invite dtchen for next DMB meeting15:23
MootBotACTION received:  pitti to invite dtchen for next DMB meeting15:23
pitti[TOPIC] core-dev application for Marc Deslauriers15:24
MootBotNew Topic:  core-dev application for Marc Deslauriers15:24
pittiapproved by MC15:24
pittimdeslaur: hi15:24
mdeslaurhi everyone :)15:24
Keybukmdeslaur: you're currently a MOTU and one of the Ubuntu Security Team engineers15:26
Keybukwhat kinds of things do you intend to do in main?15:26
mdeslaurUpload rights to main would permit me to fix security issues in the dev release, and also, there's proactive security stuff that I would like to do15:26
mdeslaurI fix a lot of bugs in AppArmor user-space15:27
mdeslaurand would like to further apparmor profile development work15:27
mdeslaurin the future, I would like to start working on authentication also15:27
mdeslaurof course, I also have interests in other things that are not security related15:28
mdeslaurbug fixing, for example15:28
pittimdeslaur: how many main packages do you get sponsored on average?15:29
mdeslaurI'm guessing around 30-40 uploads per cycle, although I could look it up15:29
mdeslaurand this is on different packages15:30
pittiI guess most of these are sponsored by kees/jdstrand?15:30
mdeslaurkees, jdstrand, zul, and you probably sponsored a couple15:31
pittiI remember a few, yes15:31
* nixternal looks in15:32
pittimdeslaur: it's a week before feature freeze, and there's a major new apparmor version released upstream which you would like to get because of some new feature; what are your next steps?15:32
zulyeah I have sponsored a few15:32
mdeslaurpitti: I would review the changes to make sure the new version wouldn't introduce regressions in our dev release, I would make sure Debian has it as well so we don't have problems when they do get it. I would test it in a VM to make sure nothing seems to break, and would merge it from debian.15:34
mdeslaurpitti: does that answer what you were looking for?15:35
pittimdeslaur: please also mention it in your team'srrelease report for "planned major changes", so that the release team gets aware of it and has  it in mind when looking at regression bug reports15:36
mdeslaurpitti: sounds good, will do15:37
keesI don't have any questions; I'm already a fan of mdeslaur's careful work.  :)15:38
pittiI'm done, too15:38
Keybukpitti: I'm done15:38
pitti[VOTE] adding Marc Deslauriers to core-dev15:39
MootBotPlease vote on:  adding Marc Deslauriers to core-dev.15:39
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot15:39
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting15:39
MootBot+1 received from pitti. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 115:39
keesbig +1 from me, based on daily experience of his great work.15:39
MootBot+1 received from Keybuk. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 215:39
MootBot+1 received from kees. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 315:39
MootBotFinal result is 3 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 315:39
pittimdeslaur: congratulations, and thanks for your great work!15:39
mdeslaurcool! thanks guys!15:40
* mdeslaur dances around the room and high-fives his cat15:40
pitti[TOPIC] DMB: Apply upload rights: Charlie Smotherman (porthose)15:40
MootBotNew Topic:  DMB: Apply upload rights: Charlie Smotherman (porthose)15:40
porthosehello DMB :)15:40
pittithis isn't actually DMB matter, we just need to apply the ACL15:40
Keybukthe MC unanimously recommends Charlie Smotherman for upload rights for15:41
KeybukQuickplay, Upnp-Inspector and Pylirc.15:41
Keybukaction -> cjwatson?15:41
pittiactually, I think I figured it out15:41
keessounds right15:41
pittiI'll try to apply the ACLs for porthose and Amaranth myself, and if that fails, ask cjwatson15:41
pittiporthose: hello!15:41
porthosepitti, hi15:41
pitti[TOPIC] AOB15:42
MootBotNew Topic:  AOB15:42
pitti10 seconds15:42
Keybuknone :)15:42
pitti[TOPIC] chair for next meeting15:42
MootBotNew Topic:  chair for next meeting15:42
Keybukshould match TB chair15:42
pittithanks everyone!15:43
pittiI'll follow up to the application mails15:43
MootBotMeeting finished at 09:43.15:43
geserdoes the DMB have a plan/schedule for the DMB/MC merging? or is this TB area?15:43
pittigeser: TBH, I'd wait with that until cjwatson and the other DMB members are back15:43
pittii. e. in two weeks; would that be ok for you?15:44
* nixternal notes that it is fine with him15:44
nixternaldholbach: ^^15:44
dholbachsounds good - we could probably try figuring out all the open issues via email already?15:45
pittiKeybuk: yep, edit_acl.py bends to my will; actually quite easy for per-package15:47
pitti$ edit_acl.py -p cjsmo -s pylirc add15:48
pittiI just couldn't figure it out for packagesets15:48
Keybukpitti: cool15:49
Keybukgeser: I think we need a whole town hall thing for that15:50
Keybukthere's a lot of opinions15:50
nixternalopinions are like as...well you know :D15:53
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=== bjf__ is now known as bjf
bjfRoll Call17:59
* manjo here 17:59
* cking is here17:59
* ogasawara waves17:59
* gnarl thinks 1min to early17:59
* manjo brb 17:59
* rtg waves18:00
* apw arrives18:00
* sconklin is here18:00
MootBotMeeting started at 12:00. The chair is bjf.18:00
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]18:00
bjfSettle in folks, I'm expecting this one to be a little longer than usual as we work our way through a new agenda18:00
bjf[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Meeting18:01
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Meeting18:01
* manjo back18:01
bjf[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/LucidDetail18:01
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/LucidDetail18:01
bjf[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Lucid18:02
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Lucid18:02
bjf[TOPIC] Lucid Release Status: Bugs (Release Meeting Bugs / RC Milestoned Bugs / Release Targeted Bugs18:02
MootBotNew Topic:  Lucid Release Status: Bugs (Release Meeting Bugs / RC Milestoned Bugs / Release Targeted Bugs18:02
ogasawaraRelease Meeting Bugs (0 bugs) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Lucid18:02
ogasawaraAlpha 1 Milestoned Bugs (11 bugs) - https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+bugs?field.milestone%3Alist=2144318:02
ogasawara * 2 linux kernel bugs - https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/linux/+bugs?field.milestone%3Alist=2144318:02
ogasawara * 0 linux-fsl-imx51 bugs - https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/linux-fsl-imx51/+bugs?field.milestone%3Alist=2144318:02
ogasawara * 0 linux-ec2 bug - https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/linux-ec2/+bugs?field.milestone%3Alist=2144318:02
ogasawara * 0 linux-mvl-dove bugs - https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/linux-mvl-dove/+bugs?field.milestone%3Alist=2144318:02
bjf[TOPIC] Lucid Release Status: Milestoned Features18:02
ogasawaraRelease Targeted Bugs (50 bugs) https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+bugs18:02
ogasawara * 4 linux kernel bugs - https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/linux18:02
ogasawara * 0 linux-fsl-imx51 bugs - https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/linux-fsl-imx5118:02
ogasawara * 0 linux-ec2 bugs - https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/linux-ec218:02
ogasawara * 0 linux-mvl-dove bugs - https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/linux-mvl-dove18:02
MootBotNew Topic:  Lucid Release Status: Milestoned Features18:02
ogasawaraMilestoned Features - https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+milestone/ubuntu-10.0418:02
bjfany comments on any of that?18:03
apwno much in the way of bugs on lucid, as expected18:03
ogasawarayup, still early in the cycle so nothing too exciting18:03
bjf[TOPIC] Blueprints: kernel-lucid-kernel-decision (apw)18:03
bjf[LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-lucid-kernel-decision18:03
MootBotNew Topic:  Blueprints: kernel-lucid-kernel-decision (apw)18:03
MootBotLINK received:  https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-lucid-kernel-decision18:03
apwOk as those who were at UDS are aware we have chosen 2.6.32 as our kerenl18:04
apwwe still need to announce it formally on ubuntu-devel which is going to occur this week18:04
bjfdoes '..' mean your done or there is more to follow?18:05
bjf[TOPIC] Blueprints: kernel-lucid-bug-handling (ogasawara)18:05
bjf[LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-lucid-bug-handling18:05
MootBotNew Topic:  Blueprints: kernel-lucid-bug-handling (ogasawara)18:05
MootBotLINK received:  https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-lucid-bug-handling18:05
ogasawaraThanks to apw, summary of work items listed in the whiteboard at https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-lucid-bug-handling18:05
ogasawaraI'll get this blueprint/spec cleaned up and drafted for approval.18:06
ogasawarabjf: done18:06
bjf[TOPIC] Blueprints: kernel-lucid-sru-policy-review (smb, ogasawara)18:06
bjf[LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-lucid-sru-policy-review18:06
MootBotNew Topic:  Blueprints: kernel-lucid-sru-policy-review (smb, ogasawara)18:06
MootBotLINK received:  https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-lucid-sru-policy-review18:06
apwogasawara, yep, they are my take on the items, please clean them up and update the whiteboard18:06
apwand the status page will magically update18:06
apwthe review is done, we just need to close out updateing the docs18:07
apwand its then done18:07
gnarlbjf, Beside of the new policy being accepted not much update yet18:07
bjf[TOPIC] Blueprints: kernel-lucid-review-of-ubuntu-delta (apw)18:07
bjf[LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-lucid-review-of-ubuntu-delta18:07
MootBotNew Topic:  Blueprints: kernel-lucid-review-of-ubuntu-delta (apw)18:07
MootBotLINK received:  https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-lucid-review-of-ubuntu-delta18:07
apwjust been through the list of things to update and enumerated them18:07
apwwe'll start the process of pulling them up to date shortly18:07
gnarlapw, And we get together about patch review?18:08
apwgnarl, ack we have that on the list too ... forgot... its on the task list18:08
bjf[TOPIC] Blueprints: kernel-lucid-kernel-config-review (apw)18:08
bjf[LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-lucid-kernel-config-review18:08
MootBotNew Topic:  Blueprints: kernel-lucid-kernel-config-review (apw)18:08
MootBotLINK received:  https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-lucid-kernel-config-review18:08
apwok thats mostly done18:09
apwwe identified some anomles and those need tracking and applying18:09
bjf[TOPIC] Blueprints: kernel-lucid-kms (sconklin)18:09
bjf[LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-lucid-kms18:09
MootBotNew Topic:  Blueprints: kernel-lucid-kms (sconklin)18:09
MootBotLINK received:  https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-lucid-kms18:09
sconklinAndy has updtaed the docs.18:09
sconklinThere is one issue that worries me, and I'll be investigating18:10
apwwe have a couple of work items on that one, one easy the other needs some work18:10
sconklinThe nouveau driver devels ask thatthe entire drm stack from nouveau be brought in with the driver18:10
sconklinand this may break other drivers, notably intel18:10
sconklinbut it's too early to know much18:10
apwi hope that noone else is doing that18:11
apwwe'll have to investigate what is in fedora18:11
sconklinI'm going to see what fedora did and where they pulled from18:11
bjf[TOPIC] Blueprints: kernel-lucid-suspend-resume (manjo)18:12
bjf[LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-lucid-suspend-resume18:12
MootBotNew Topic:  Blueprints: kernel-lucid-suspend-resume (manjo)18:12
MootBotLINK received:  https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-lucid-suspend-resume18:12
manjothe pm-utils package was fixed by the foundations team18:12
manjoto rotate logs18:12
manjoI need to start working on adding hooks18:12
manjoto let apport report the frequency of suspend/resume failure18:12
manjoI need to set some time aside with ogasawara  and learn the triage scripts18:13
manjoso that I can start looking in to common failure points18:13
manjoin the bugs18:13
ogasawaramanjo: ack, I've got a few ideas of scripts for you to use18:13
apwmanjo, can you try and add those as tasks to your blueprint whiteboard if they are not already there18:13
manjoogasawara, great... I believe we can do it after thanks giving hols18:13
manjoapw, ack18:13
bjf[TOPIC] Blueprints: kernel-lucid-apparmor-development (jjohansen)18:14
bjf[LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-lucid-apparmor-development18:14
MootBotNew Topic:  Blueprints: kernel-lucid-apparmor-development (jjohansen)18:14
MootBotLINK received:  https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-lucid-apparmor-development18:14
jjohansenThe plan is to pull in the version being pushed upstream on the next push, I have been working on the audit refactor to address Eric Paris's NAK, and then I have some new feedback from Tetsuo to address.18:14
apwjjohansen, when are you thinking you'll have the next upstream push ready?18:14
jjohansenI also need to update the spec a bit more18:14
jjohansenapw: it should happen this week18:14
apwcool.  if you can publish that as a branch too (against mainline) then i can pull it into lucid18:15
jjohansenwill do18:15
bjf[TOPIC] Blueprints: kernel-lucid-new-kernel-on-lts (rtg)18:15
bjf[LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-lucid-new-kernel-on-lts18:15
MootBotNew Topic:  Blueprints: kernel-lucid-new-kernel-on-lts (rtg)18:15
MootBotLINK received:  https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-lucid-new-kernel-on-lts18:15
rtgI don't have much to do on this for awhile.18:16
bjfrtg, should we pull it from the agenda? It will keep coming up every week.18:16
apwthe only thing that i see needing doing was documenting18:16
rtgyep, until it becomes more topical18:16
bjfrtg, ack18:16
apwwhat we said we would be supporting, then its dead till M18:16
bjf[ACTION] Pull this topic from the agenda18:17
MootBotACTION received:  Pull this topic from the agenda18:17
rtgapw, well, the day after Lucid releases we have to get started on it18:17
apwyeha thats what i mean, its 'we will do this for M' and wait for M to open18:17
bjf[TOPIC] Blueprints: kernel-lucid-boot-performance (apw)18:18
bjf[LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-lucid-boot-performance18:18
MootBotNew Topic:  Blueprints: kernel-lucid-boot-performance (apw)18:18
MootBotLINK received:  https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-lucid-boot-performance18:18
apwthere are two bits here, there is the work csurbhi is looking at for initramfs18:18
apwand there are some other patches i have under test ...18:18
csurbhiyes, i am working into the rootfs population18:19
manjoapw, any change for server kernels ?18:19
apwwe're way over budget still, but we have some avenues18:19
csurbhiwhether this could be done in parallel right now18:19
jjohansenand pulling apparmor out of the initramfs18:19
apwyep that too18:19
jjohansencurrent loading is .4 sec18:19
* apw adds this as a task on the boot speed thing18:19
apwand marks it in-progress18:19
jjohansenso pulling AA is 1/4 of what we need to hit our target18:20
bjf[TOPIC] Other Release Tasks: Lucid Audio Support (bjf)18:20
MootBotNew Topic:  Other Release Tasks: Lucid Audio Support (bjf)18:20
apwjjohansen, ack thats awsome18:21
bjfI've been making contacts upstream, setting expectations w.r.t. daily builds, etc.18:21
bjfI'm off this week and will get serious about it first then next.18:21
apwbjf i'll put together an audio task list18:21
apwas a seed for you, you can update the file later when you have full lists18:21
bjf[TOPIC] Other Release Tasks: Lucid Better Power Mgt (amitk)18:21
MootBotNew Topic:  Other Release Tasks: Lucid Better Power Mgt (amitk)18:21
manjobjf, I don't see amitk18:22
ckingrun out of power?18:22
bjf[TOPIC] Other Release Tasks: EC2 Lucid Kernel Status (jjohansen)18:22
MootBotNew Topic:  Other Release Tasks: EC2 Lucid Kernel Status (jjohansen)18:22
manjoprobably gone to by more batteries18:22
jjohansenI pulled down the latest version of the patches against 2.6.32 this morning and I am working through the diffs (50+ patches), I'll post a pull request when I am done with it18:22
jjohansenamitk was meeting with a contractor18:23
apwjjohansen, i asume we have a few ec2 tasks18:23
apwperhaps they need their own list ?18:23
jjohansencouldn't hurt18:24
bjf[TOPIC] Lucid Misc. (apw, all?)18:24
bjf[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/LucidMisc18:24
MootBotNew Topic:  Lucid Misc. (apw, all?)18:24
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/LucidMisc18:24
apwmostly these are arm things18:24
apwand little things, like checking if we have updated trees, nothing urgent or to report18:24
bjf[TOPIC] Status: Lucid (apw)18:24
MootBotNew Topic:  Status: Lucid (apw)18:24
apwWe have just rebased to 2.6.32-rc8 and all is building18:25
apwwe are waiting on an -ec2 kernel else we are replete with kernels18:25
apwotherwise its quiet, its early in the cycle18:25
bjf[TOPIC] Security & bugfix kernels - Jaunty/Intrepid/Hardy/Others (smb)18:26
MootBotNew Topic:  Security & bugfix kernels - Jaunty/Intrepid/Hardy/Others (smb)18:26
smbDapper:   2.6.15-55.80 (security)18:26
smbHardy:    2.6.24-25.63 (security)18:26
smbIntrepid: 2.6.27-15.43 (security)18:26
smbJaunty:   2.6.28-16.57 (updates)18:26
smbKarmic:   2.6.31-15.50 (updates)18:26
smbSecurity update in progress. After that, the pending stable update for18:26
smbKarmic is supposed to go to proposed.18:26
bjf[TOPIC] Incoming Bugs: Regressions (ogasawara)18:27
MootBotNew Topic:  Incoming Bugs: Regressions (ogasawara)18:27
ogasawaraCurrent regression stats:18:27
ogasawara * regression-potential bugs: 39 (up 3) https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bugs?field.tag=regression-potential18:27
ogasawara * regression-release bugs: 53 (up 11)  https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bugs?field.tag=regression-release18:27
ogasawara * regression-update bugs: 12 (up 3)  https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bugs?field.tag=regression-update18:27
ogasawara * regression-proposed: 2 (up 2) https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bugs?field.tag=regression-proposed18:27
ogasawaraI'm still reviewing regression-potential bugs to see if they should be moved to regression-release or if they've been resolved.18:27
gnarlDid those in proposed get there newly?18:27
bjf[TOPIC] Incoming Bugs: Bug day report (ogasawara)18:27
MootBotNew Topic:  Incoming Bugs: Bug day report (ogasawara)18:27
ogasawaragnarl: I think one is not a real regression-propose bug (but I only had a quick glance)18:28
apwdon't think we've had a bug day for a bit with UDS et al18:28
ogasawaraWe'll start resuming Kernel Bug Days in two weeks (ie Tues Dec 8).  I'll send email.18:28
gnarlogasawara, Well, now its not anymore... :-/18:28
manjoogasawara, ?18:29
ogasawaragnarl: the other is a regression-proposed for lucid18:29
gnarlWouldn't that be potential?18:29
manjoogasawara, I understood we will have no more bug days ...18:30
ogasawaragnarl: right, I believe it should be s/regression-proposed/regression-potential/18:30
ogasawaramanjo: we're still going to have bugs days, just not in the format where each developer is assigned a specific list18:30
gnarlogasawara, ok ack18:30
* ogasawara cleans both bugs up to avoid further confusion18:31
bjf[TOPIC] Open Discussion or Questions: Anyone have anything?18:31
MootBotNew Topic:  Open Discussion or Questions: Anyone have anything?18:31
manjonone here18:32
bjfI like the '..' to indicate done and would like everyone to start using it18:32
apwjust to say we are starting to use the new burndown stuff18:32
apwso the contents of the status page is all generated now18:32
apwyou should be adding sensible tasks to the whiteboard of your blueprints18:33
apwand those will propogate to the status as magic18:33
apwpitti will be sending out some information later18:33
apwbut the short of it is18:33
apw<text about what and where you are in broad brush>18:33
apwWork Items:18:33
apwand it'll all work18:33
sconklinis there a way we can show that we have taken a task?18:34
apwstatus is TODO, DONE, INPROGRESS18:34
apwmove it inprogress i guess18:34
apwwe may need to get more clever later, but generally tasks on a blueprint are the owners unless otherwise mentioned18:34
apwthough i do have a bunch on other peoples18:34
apwyou can add (LOGIN) to the end of the description, ie before the :INPROGRESS18:35
apwanyone has any questions do ping me in irc18:35
ckingapw, perhaps this needs documenting in a wiki page somewhere18:35
bjfapw, after I see an example or two, i'll manage18:35
apwyep there is meant to be docs from pitti already, should have them this week18:36
sconklindone for the kernel startup time whiteboard18:36
bjfsounds like that's all...18:37
bjfgoing once18:37
* manjo 3 happy thanksgiving to all 18:37
bjfgoing twice18:37
MootBotMeeting finished at 12:37.18:37
ckingthanks bjf18:37
ogasawarathanks bjf, especially since you're supposed to be on holiday today18:38
apwbjf, yeah you should have said before the meeting not after!18:39
bjfapw, just an hour (40 minutes) not a problem18:40
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Generated by irclog2html.py 2.7 by Marius Gedminas - find it at mg.pov.lt!