
nhandlerWhat type of information will be available via anonymous access to the IRC tracker?00:00
PiciWe haven't made that decision yet.00:01
nhandlerPici: Ok, hopefully nothing too sensitive00:02
Picinhandler: of course00:02
ubottukostkon called the ops in #ubuntu (please kick helpmeplease)00:34
ubottutsimpson called the ops in #ubuntu ()00:36
bazhangtsimpson, congrats!00:36
bazhangwell deserved hall of fame :)00:36
FlannelWell, that was fun.01:37
macopeople who have n=root@  in their nick are supposed to be yanked aside, right?02:15
MenZathey are?02:17
tsimpsonnot necessarily02:17
bazhangnever heard that02:17
tsimpsonyou can set it to root without being root02:17
MenZaI normally just point out that they should not be running their IRC client as root02:17
tsimpsonI think we have02:18
MenZajust as a friendly reminder02:18
ubottuIt's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.02:18
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
CytotoxicUbuntu is cancer and as a result i must adapt. To adapt i will make cytotoxic t cells04:19
MadpilotCytotoxic, say again?04:23
elkydwhite, can we help you?04:26
dwhiteno, just browsing...04:26
dwhitethank you04:26
naliothCytotoxic: please respect our topic04:27
elkydwhite, if you're here to spectate whatever Cytotoxic is trying to pull, then that's not really appropriate. please do not spectate or idle here.04:27
Cytotoxicdwhite, dont listen to them they accuse me of trolling but i dont04:27
Cytotoxicso just kline me for another 3 days!04:28
elkythis channel has nothing to do with klines.04:28
CytotoxicI will wait here all night until tomorrow until i get klined04:28
CytotoxicNailoth kilined me before irc04:28
elkythat is because nalioth is a staff member. that's irrelevant to his being here.04:28
ubottuHey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel, tomaw, Gary, Vorian, PriceChild, niko or stew, I could use a bit of your time :)04:29
Cytotoxicmaybe they will kline me04:29
elkydwhite, goodbye.04:29
naliothdwhite: if you have nothing for us, please respect our topic04:29
ubottuHFSPLUS called the ops in #ubuntu-irc ()04:39
ubottuHFSPLUS called the ops in #ubuntu-motu ()04:41
ubottuHFSPLUS called the ops in #ubuntu-devel ()04:41
ubottuHFSPLUS called the ops in #ubuntu-server ()04:41
FlannelWhat a lovely person04:42
Madpilotnot in any of those channels myself - was that hfsplus spamming us, or him reacting to someone else hitting all those channels?04:44
naliothno, it was hfsplus asking for a kline04:44
MadpilotI figured as much.04:45
ubottuThe operation succeeded.04:46
naliothhfsplus = cytotoxic, btw04:46
naliothMadpilot: ^^04:46
Madpilota great surprise04:47
mneptok!ops-#ubuntu-devel is <reply>Help! Channel emergency! mneptok, Hobbsee, cjwatson, mdz, lamont, Keybuk, or thom!04:48
ubottuBut ops-#ubuntu-devel already means something else!04:48
mneptokubottu: forget !ops-#ubuntu-devel04:48
ubottuI know nothing about !ops-#ubuntu-devel yet, mneptok04:48
Madpilotsilly short-bus-riding bot...04:49
mneptokubottu no, !ops-#ubuntu-devel is <reply>Help! Channel emergency! mneptok, Hobbsee, cjwatson, mdz, lamont, Keybuk, or thom!04:49
ubottuI know nothing about !ops-#ubuntu-devel yet, mneptok04:49
ubottuHelp! Hobbsee, mdz, lamont, or Keybuk04:49
FlannelIf you ubottu it, you don't need the !04:51
mneptokops-#ubuntu-devel is <reply>Help! Channel emergency! mneptok, Hobbsee, cjwatson, mdz, lamont, Keybuk, or thom!04:52
mneptokubottu: ops-#ubuntu-devel is <reply>Help! Channel emergency! mneptok, Hobbsee, cjwatson, mdz, lamont, Keybuk, or thom!04:52
ubottuBut ops-#ubuntu-devel already means something else!04:52
mneptokubottu: forget ops-#ubuntu-devel04:52
ubottuI'll forget that, mneptok04:52
mneptokubottu: ops-#ubuntu-devel is <reply>Help! Channel emergency! mneptok, Hobbsee, cjwatson, mdz, lamont, Keybuk, or thom!04:52
mneptok!ops-#ubuntu-devel is <reply>Help! Channel emergency! mneptok, Hobbsee, cjwatson, mdz, lamont, Keybuk, or thom!04:52
mneptokubottu: !ops-#ubuntu-devel is <reply>Help! Channel emergency! mneptok, Hobbsee, cjwatson, mdz, lamont, Keybuk, or thom!04:53
ubottuBut ops-#ubuntu-devel already means something else!04:53
mneptoki give up04:53
ubottuThe operation succeeded.04:54
Madpilotubottu, no ops-#ubuntu-devel is <reply>Help! Channel emergency! mneptok, Hobbsee, cjwatson, mdz, lamont, Keybuk, or thom!04:55
ubottuI know nothing about ops-#ubuntu-devel yet, Madpilot04:55
Madpilotstupid bot04:55
mneptokubottu: ops-#ubuntu\-devel is <reply>Help! Channel emergency! mneptok, Hobbsee, cjwatson, mdz, lamont, Keybuk, or thom!04:55
ubottuI'll remember that, mneptok04:55
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:55
Madpilotwas just wondering if you had to escape the - or something04:55
MenZaoh lawd04:56
Madpilot... or maybe not...04:56
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! mneptok, Hobbsee, cjwatson, mdz, lamont, Keybuk, or thom!04:56
mneptokthat is decidedly unhelpful04:57
Madpilotwho runs the poor thing these days, anyway?04:57
ubottumneptok called the ops in #ubuntu-devel ()04:57
FlannelYou don't need to escape the -04:58
jpdsWoah, the blinken red lights are blinken.05:30
jpdsmneptok: you need to unforget ops-u-d, and then "no, ops-u-d".05:31
jpdsmneptok: ubottu never forgets and the factoid is kept in the database (SQLite powered tho), hence why it's refusing the new one.05:33
jpdsThat or something weird is happening.05:33
jpdsI have weeks worth of backups of the db tho.05:34
mneptokubottu: unforget ops-#ubuntu-devel05:36
ubottuI suddenly remember ops-#ubuntu-devel again, mneptok05:36
mneptokubottu, no, ops-#ubuntu-devel is <reply>Help! Channel emergency! mneptok, Hobbsee, cjwatson, mdz, lamont, Keybuk, or thom!05:36
ubottuI'll remember that mneptok05:36
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! mneptok, Hobbsee, cjwatson, mdz, lamont, Keybuk, or thom!05:36
mneptokjpds: i owe you a Coke05:36
Madpilothey, it works. silly bot.05:37
jpdsmneptok: Hey, no problem, come visit me in Montrel/London at some point. :)05:37
mneptokjpds: Montreal is likely for the PHPcon there.05:37
mneptok(and for a poutine fix from Dilallo)05:38
tsimpsoneveryone blames the bot05:41
tsimpson*learn to use it* ;)05:42
Madpilotso much simpler just to blame the bot :)05:42
Madpilotbesides, the 'stuff you tell the bot to forget isn't actually forgotten' thing seems... counterintuitive, at best.05:42
tsimpsonwell I didn't design it, I'm just lumped with unbreaking/maintaining it05:43
tsimpsonbut there isn't really a good one-word term for "forget something without forgetting it, but pretend that you have, unless I tell you not to"05:44
mneptokyeah, "completely borked beyond belief" is 4 words.05:54
jussi01tsimpson: +105:55
jussi01tsimpson: I guess ignore? but meh05:56
FlannelIt's not forgotten, it's marked as deleted.05:56
jussi01we have a whole list of instructions though05:56
mneptokFlannel: i'll try that approach as regards ex-girlfriends and my wife.05:56
Flannelmneptok: You'd probably want to not do it to your wife.  Lest you wind up with invalid aliases.05:58
mneptokFlannel: are you ... hitting on me?05:59
Flannelmneptok: What's not to love about http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/uncyclopedia/images/5/55/Mnepolo.png05:59
Madpilotoh dog, that image again... <whimper>06:00
jussi01Flannel: WHY!!!!!!!!!!!06:01
FlannelIt's uncyclopedia, what do you expect?06:04
macoLOL “Ubuntu, now with non-random OpenSSL keys”06:05
maco    ~ OpenSSL on Ubuntu06:05
maco“Ubuntu, now with random OpenSSL keys”06:05
maco    ~ OpenSSL-blacklist on Ubuntu06:05
ubot3openssl: Secure Socket Layer (SSL) binary and related cryptographic tools. In component main, is optional. Version 0.9.8g-15ubuntu3.2 (jaunty), package size 392 kB, installed size 836 kB06:05
ubot3openssl-blacklist: list of blacklisted OpenSSL RSA keys. In component main, is optional. Version 0.4.2ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 6189 kB, installed size 12240 kB06:05
* maco blinks06:05
jussi01maco: ubot3 takes ~ in here06:06
tsimpsonwell, that was contextual06:06
macojussi01: i see06:06
jussi01but then again, its still weird it did that..06:06
tsimpsonthat ones probably still running the code where !someing falls back to package lookup06:06
mneptokif anyone cares, my caption for that picture is, "my hair is luxurious. touch it."06:10
mneptokmakes me feel sorta Fabio-esque.06:10
jussi01mneptok: stop....06:11
Madpilotdo not mention That Picture. evar.06:11
* Madpilot watches the Dance of the Floodbots in #ubuntu.06:12
mneptokmy picture is *nothing* compared to photos of cr3 in the mankini during the Dublin sprint.06:13
* tsimpson things floodbot4 has issues06:14
macomneptok: wait, is that really you? this is the red leather pants conversation from the UW session?06:18
jussi01maco: scary thing is, I do beleive that is actually mneptok....06:20
macoyeah...just different hair06:21
macocan we put censor bars over his torso?06:21
bazhangmneptok, python06:22
macohahaha mneptok: dtchen refuses to look at you06:23
elkyi'm pretty certain that this conversation breaches at least one amendment of the Geneva Convention06:25
jussi01maco: most people who have seen that photo do...06:25
Madpilotelky, there's a clause in the Conventions against weapons-grade photography?06:26
elkyMadpilot, i figure it easily qualifies for 'cruel and unusual punishment'06:26
jussi01btw, I has wave invites if anyone still needs06:31
mneptokmaco: yes, that's me in the U/Rhode Island Theater Dept costume shop06:36
mneptokmaco: i had .... errr .... uhhhh .... "business" there06:37
mneptokc1995, IIRC06:37
jussi01btw, just for anyone who didnt see... http://hall-of-fame.ubuntu.com/06:45
bazhangthe bots attack of a week or so ago left some forwards of them to ubuntu-read-topic (and there are some much older ones as well): safe to remove from banlist? what about some of the various.freenode.net bans from more than a month ago that are no longer seen as being by an operator?06:47
jussi01bazhang: the bot attack ones should be removed after 14 days, if they are not, feel free to remove.06:48
bazhangjussi01, okay, thanks. What about the more than month old ones from various people that no longer show up in the banlist as from them06:49
jussi01double check the others against the bt, thattl tell you who the op is. for extra credit, have a look at the situatin, and if more than a month old and a straight ban, consider removal.06:49
bazhangjussi01, have done so (ie checked against the operator --some from Seeker` mneptok and a couple others ) a month to six weeks old06:50
bazhangerr the bantracker not operator06:51
bazhangdont want to tread on any toes but there are still roughly 260 some bans in the list06:51
jussi01yeah, perhaps make a list, unless you lok at the situation and feel they could easily be removed.06:52
bazhangthe last list I made was largely not dealt with06:53
jussi01bazhang: make sure I get it. Ill make sure peole doe something. and for extra brownie points here, make the list in a format somewhere that peole can tick off/remove the bans they removed from it.06:54
mneptokwhat we do for fun in Albuquerque - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNW9cYY4tqc07:24
tonyyarussomneptok: that is a heck of a lot of ladders07:30
tonyyarussomneptok: also, I'm a little bit amused by the "yeah, but can it run crysis?" comment.07:33
tonyyarussoI wonder how long it takes to boot a computer with that many nodes - I'm guessing they stagger them for power reasons.07:34
Madpilotso, *can* it run an FPS?07:36
tsimpsonif we ran ubottu from there, we wouldn't need a new bantracker07:36
mneptoktsimpson: right, because with that kind of CPU power, ubottu would crash in microseconds after every restart :P07:41
* mneptok tootles off to bed07:42
tsimpsonnah, because we could store the entire ban database in RAM ;)07:42
FlannelWe're turning the bantracker into a FPS?07:43
mneptokbeing an IRC op is like a text mode FPS.07:43
MadpilotFlannel, +107:44
Flannelmneptok: It'd be more like a MUD, but yes.07:44
jussi01wth is a MUD?07:46
Flanneljussi01: really?07:46
FlannelMUD is Multi User Dungeon07:46
* jussi01 is not a gamer07:47
Flannelthink of it like... zork, but online with other people, and... with combat.07:47
FlannelOnline RPGs, textmode.07:47
* mneptok sics a grue on Flannel 07:49
Flannelmneptok: I have my lantern!07:49
ubottuThe grue is a sinister, lurking presence in the dark places of the earth. Its favorite diet is adventurers, but its insatiable appetite is tempered by its fear of light. No grue has ever been seen by the light of day, and few have survived its fearsome jaws to tell the tale. Also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grue_%28monster%29 and seveas07:50
dholbachgood morning07:56
FlannelHowdy dholbach07:56
Madpilotyou know, to this day, when I walk through a dark part of the house, I think, "It is very dark. You are likely to be eaten by a grue."07:58
MadpilotZork has burned itself into some impossibly deep crevice of my mind.07:59
FlannelThat crevice is probably inhabited by a Grue07:59
Madpilotquite likely07:59
dholbachhi Flannel08:01
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
ubottubazhang called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (freenode-sucks)09:20
MenZathat was amazing.09:22
MenZatruly amazing.09:23
Madpilotthree of us for one troll. heh.09:23
bazhangSpiix seems to be giving dodgy advice in #ubuntu09:23
Flannelbazhang: Moreso than just sudo su?09:23
FlannelOh yep, debian deb files09:24
bazhangFlannel, ardchoille has been watching him for a bit, PM'd about it09:24
bazhangjussi01, not really interested in brownie points, just wanted to reduce the ban list.09:25
bazhangBacta, hi09:58
BactaI think we can both agree that it is now "a couple of days"?09:59
bazhangBacta, you were banned in #kubuntu and #ubuntu for being offtopic10:03
BactaAnd #ubuntu-offtopic?10:03
bazhangBacta, the ban in -ot I am not familiar with, it was related to ongoing trolling there iirc10:04
BactaI said (and I quote) "I'm here to troll"10:04
Bactaand 90 minutes later after the event I was banned10:04
bazhangBacta, lets cut to the chase10:04
bazhangBacta, this is not a one time incident but a series of incidents over a very long period of time.10:05
BactaThat is true10:05
BactaBut I feel my behaviour has been much better recently10:05
bazhangas such, even suggesting you are trolling is going to make you suspect, due to the very long history of doing so.10:06
BactaThat is true10:06
bazhangBacta, if you would like my take on it?10:06
BactaYes, go ahead10:07
bazhangBacta, stick to some of the non-Ubuntu channels for support for the near term.10:07
bazhangsimilarly #defocus or other chat channels for offtopic chat.10:08
BactaYou obviously have no clue what the word Ubuntu means do you?10:08
BactaSo I'm now officially banned for the forseeable future from the support channel of my OS of choice?10:08
bazhangfreenode is a very small community, and that being the case, we all bump into one another sharing various channels.10:09
bazhangBacta, that was my suggestion alone. Which you said you would hear out.10:09
BactaI'm guessing your an Ubuntu staffer10:10
bazhangBacta, you are more than welcome to speak to ikonia to get unbanned from those three channels.10:10
BactaSo what's the official verdict?10:10
BactaAnd no Freenode is not small, it's infact very large10:10
Bactaikonia doesn't want me PMing him10:10
bazhangBacta, not really interested in arguing with you10:10
BactaCan I wait here until he shows up?10:10
bazhangHoney catches more flies than Vinegar10:11
BactaI've got no idea what that means10:11
bazhangBeing Pleasant and Agreeable will get results moreso than being argumentative et al ^^10:12
BactaThat is true10:12
BactaCan you recommend an alternative Ubuntu channel for support questions? I know there are a number of them10:12
bazhangBacta, you can /msg alis list *ubuntu*  ; #freenode can advise on the further niceties of using -more and -less switches on that (ie to get more than 60 channels, the next 60, etc.)10:14
bazhangnot really sure myself, apologies10:14
BactaThere aren't many good ones unless I can speak spanish or are interested in kernels unfortunately10:15
jussi01Bacta: try ##linux and /msg nickserv info is usually pretty good for telling when someone is active10:15
bazhanggood luck Bacta10:15
BactaTrue but I am not allowed to PM ikonia so it would be good to respect his wishes10:15
jussi01Bacta: yes, however, you can see when he is active. then you could come here to talk about it10:16
BactaPerhaps I should stop using Ubuntu altogether10:16
BactaAnd take my work to a more hospitable distro10:16
BactaBecause while I have had a few issues in the past I've tried to improve and are less than impressed in this current situation10:17
BactaSorry if I offended anyone but I suppose I was just thinking aloud10:18
BactaI have apologized to ikonia for my behaviour towards him by the way10:18
jussi01Bacta: please don't troll.10:18
Bactajussi01: I am not trolling10:18
BactaI'm sick and tired of being told I'm a troll or being accused of trolling10:19
bazhangBacta, as he is not here, please don't idle, thanks.10:19
Bactabazhang, if you see him around feel free to pm me10:19
jussi01Ad Im sick and tired of enduring your trolling. you and elky have been in depth regarding this and I think we are both clear on the situation10:19
jussi01Bacta: Until we see a change in your behaviour, then in good concience to the rest of the ubuntu community we really cant unban you.10:21
BactaThat is ikonia's decision to make jussi0110:21
* ikonia wakes10:59
ikoniaI'll have a conversation with bacta see if some consensus can be sorted out (get input from elky too) as it seems harsh to ban him going forward but his beahviour nees to stop11:00
ikoniawhat a bad example11:06
ikonia10:07  * Bacta blows his troll horn11:06
ikonia10:07 <+Bacta> TROLLLLLLLL11:06
ikonia10:08 <+Levia> Bacta: Don't go start this again please11:06
ikoniain #defocus, after that was explained to him it's a bad thing to do11:06
elkyoh for....11:10
Madpilotpermaban, and forget the twit11:10
Madpilotold-school, I know, but it saves time and visits from the drama llama.11:11
elkythere's more to it than that.11:12
ikoniaMadpilot: just talking to him now11:12
ikoniasee if we can find a way forward11:12
jussi01just be careful. but I do tend to agree, if someone come in and causes issues, then its not so hard to reinstate the ban11:25
jussi01also, has anyone seen jack_sparrow recently?11:25
bazhangwhoa floodbots freaking out11:25
bazhangtriple 'don't flood" messages11:26
jussi01should be ok now11:29
elkybazhang, they were on panic alert from the split11:30
bazhangelky, okay thanks for the information.11:30
elkyalways freaks me when i come back and find them all opped up, until i scroll up and see the carnage11:31
bazhangelky, how are you feeling of late? improved I hope11:32
elkyi look human and consuming many less painkillers11:32
* jussi01 prods at ikonia... 11:32
bazhangwell human is good11:33
jussi01elky: is human?? I thought she was a bot... o.O :P :P11:33
bazhangexcept in cases of Mneptok11:34
elkyjussi01, look. i look human.11:34
ikoniawhat's anyones thoughts on giving limcore another shot in #ubuntu ?11:45
jussi01ikonia: Ive no issues. But please, if you are going to do it, it would be helpful if you could take ownership, record how we have him banned atme etc so if the ban needs to be reinstated...11:55
elkygrrrrrrr. i want 9.04's network manager back :(11:56
ikoniajussi01: understood11:57
* jussi01 just wants to sleep more... jet lag is killing me...11:57
ikoniajussi01: would it be do-able to have a operator meeting to see who can help out with what/where/when11:59
ikoniajussi01: that was clearly in the wrong channel - sorry11:59
* jussi01 turns 3 today.... In LP years that is! :D12:08
Tm_TI'm glad my karma is back to 0 now (;)12:09
jussi01Tm_T: how long have you had your LP account?12:09
Tm_Tjussi01: almost 4 years now12:10
Tm_TI thought I had it longer than that12:10
jussi01how long has it been around?12:10
Tm_Tgood question...12:11
Tm_TJanuary 200412:12
Tm_T...bad paste from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Launchpad_(website)12:12
topylimy karma is a terrific 11812:23
ubottuLjL called the ops in #ubuntu (Silver-Fox won't stop talking portuguese and, well)13:26
* maco hugs Pici14:20
ubottuerUSUL called the ops in #ubuntu (jimmy__)15:29
bazhangserverbot is luke16:26
mneptokelky: good to know you're on the mend.16:42
mneptokdbart: Richard Lanoszka is the owner of Silent Register if you need to escalate anything.18:34
mneptokww. sorry19:11
ubottuIn ubottu, randomaction said: !sync is an import of a package (usually from Debian) without any modifications. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SyncRequestProcess19:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sync19:27
ubottuHelpful information for filing a sync request can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SyncRequestProcess19:27
jussi01just found that19:27
jussi01was searching for it, I knew there was one somewhere19:28
jussi01!sync is <alias>syncrequest19:28
ubottuI'll remember that, jussi0119:28
ubottuFloodBot4 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)20:26
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)20:26
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)20:26
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)20:26
ubottuFloodBot4 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)20:27
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)20:27
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)20:27
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)20:28
ubottuFloodBot4 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)20:32
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)20:32
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)20:32
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)20:32
LjLoh dear lord.20:32
LjLthey're waiting until the +rR goes away20:33
* jpds hugs LjL.20:33
LjLalso, either 4 bots are one too many or i did something to the deopping parts of the code without realizing.20:34
LjLthey flood a *tad* too much during that.20:35
ubottuFloodBot4 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)20:35
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)20:35
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)20:35
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)20:35
LjLjpds, that's not really true though...20:37
LjL+C only blocks CTCP sent to nicknames, not channels20:38
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)20:38
tsimpsonKindOne: how can we help you?20:38
jpdsLjL: Having an anti-DCC channel mode would be awesome.20:38
LjLjpds: i think it's going to be available on seven20:39
LjLkeppi: that doesn't work in this channel20:39
tsimpsonkeppi: wrong channel20:39
LjLkeppi: you need to do it in #ubuntu-read-topic20:39
LjLkeppi: however, it probably won't work for a while20:39
KindOneIf i type "/join #ubuntu" i get sent to "#ubuntu-read-topic" and i have read the page it sent me too... and i dont use any of the clients20:39
LjLKindOne: you seem to use mIRC20:40
LjLKindOne: you still need to change your port, i'll see if i find documentation for that20:40
keppik thanks20:40
KindOneUm i have been using mIRC forever and have been in the #ubuntu channel for a few days and this is the first time this has happened20:40
LjLKindOne: there's a first time for everything, isn't there20:41
KindOnethat is true lol20:42
LjLKindOne: google isn't being immediately helpful about changing ports in the mirc interface20:42
LjLKindOne: i suppose /server irc.freenode.net 8001 will work, but won't stick20:42
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)20:42
ubottuFloodBot4 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)20:42
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)20:43
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)20:43
KindOnei can set my mirc to use that port be default for this server. but... will tha tfix the issue premently ?20:43
LjLKindOne: yes20:43
KindOnealright thanks20:43
LjLKindOne: at least until you change it back or use a different client, anyway!20:43
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)20:47
ubottuFloodBot4 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)20:47
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)20:47
LjLas soon as i can, i'll restart the floodbots to see if i can have them not flood-deop themselves.20:48
tsimpsonerm, is #ubuntu supposed to be +m?20:48
LjLtsimpson: well, kind of supposed20:48
tsimpsoneven with +rR?20:49
LjLtsimpson: the floodbots set +m when they get an attack while already being +R20:49
tsimpsonah, I see20:49
ikoniathese attacks seem to be quite common this month20:49
ikoniahas freenode annoyed someone  ?20:49
LjLtsimpson: in this case, the second attack wasn't *really* with +R already set... but to them it was20:49
LjLtsimpson: eh now it really shouldn't be +m anymore though20:50
LjLi think the bots are horribly confused at this point20:50
tsimpsonikonia: can you set -m please20:51
ikonia#ubuntu ?20:51
tsimpsonin #ubuntu yes20:51
tsimpsonthanks :)20:51
LjL(note: the floodbots aren't really supposed to function completely autonomously during attacks like this... they do their best, but there's a reason they call ops ;)20:52
LjLthey've removed +m themselves now, but it took them a long while20:53
tsimpsonyeah 5 mins20:53
LjLi know why too20:53
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ikoniaon it20:54
KindOnealright... i have been correncted through port 8001 for over 5 minutes and it is still not working20:54
tsimpsonKindOne: did you get it sorted?20:54
ikoniahi johnneylee what's20:55
LjLKindOne: i'm sorry, it'll probably not work for a while20:55
LjLit'll work after the attacks have stopped20:55
LjLfor now, they haven't20:55
johnneyleeI'm wondering if I can use the SpaceGhost nick.20:55
LjLjohnneylee: where you SpaceGhost previous to the attacks?20:55
KindOneso what? Ubuntu channel though i was DDosing them ?20:55
tsimpsonthat's not up to us johnneylee20:55
johnneyleeI think I had it earlier, not sure. Is it currently not being used?20:56
johnneyleeLjL yeah.20:56
LjLjohnneylee: you can, but you will have to wait a little while. i don't know just how long right now.20:56
tsimpsonKindOne: no, your router has a bug which makes it reset when it sees a certain string on the standard IRC port20:56
LjLplease, try now saying "test me"20:57
tsimpsonKindOne: we forward those effected to #ubuntu-read-topic so they can either fix the bug or work around it20:57
LjLKindOne, johnneylee ^^20:57
johnneyleeThat's fine. Are there actually any ubuntu ops in here that could answer my quesrion.20:57
johnneyleeI'm not worried with the exploit thing, I just haven't actually got the spaceghost nick.20:57
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KindOnetsimpson: i got a Linksys WRT54G Version 5.0 with the lastest firmware.20:58
LjLjohnneylee: uh, then if it's not related to the exploit, what does it have to do with ubuntu?20:58
tsimpsonKindOne: request the test in #ubuntu-read-topic to see if you're safe now20:58
LjLKindOne: perhaps you've got an overly old version of mirc then? mirc is also vunerable to what they're using20:58
johnneyleeWell, I was reading around and it said to ask ubuntu staffers if I could get the nick spaceghost.20:58
LjLtsimpson: eh, bit late now ;)20:58
KindOnei got mirc 6.35... the lastest version... released a little over a year now20:59
LjLtsimpson: can you op me in -read-topic so i'll give notices about them needing to wait20:59
LjLKindOne: well, then it's the router. either or.20:59
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johnneyleeHow would I manage to get a nick that is already registered but may be not used past the 60 mark?21:04
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LjLjohnneylee: you need to ask for it to be dropped in #freenode21:05
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mneptokjohnneylee: that nick will not be dropped, as it has been active recently21:08
tsimpsonjohnneylee: the place to ask about that is in #freenode not here21:09
tsimpsonTmBerg: can we help you?21:09
TmBergtsimpson: No. :)21:10
=== johnneylee is now known as SpaceGhostC2C
mneptokSpaceGhostC2C: anything else you need from ubuntu ops?21:13
mneptok!staff | demeknott is another DCC exploiter21:14
ubottudemeknott is another DCC exploiter: Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel, tomaw, Gary, Vorian, PriceChild, niko or stew, I could use a bit of your time :)21:14
ikoniaare these all bots  gylenova> I'm kurkoebnow on via (type: h)21:15
ikoniaannouncing who they are21:15
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tsimpsonikonia: I'm thinking they probably are21:17
ikoniathey are toast then as none are responding to pm21:17
LjLhow about mute them then21:17
mneptokSpaceGhostC2C: if you have no further business here, please /part21:17
LjLthat works too21:18
tsimpsonikonia: gylenova is definitely a bot21:18
ikoniayup - bots21:18
ikoniagetting the others21:18
LjLfor that matter, how about easing the bots' load a little by leaving +r manually set for a while?21:18
PriceyAre we looking after the channel or the bots here?21:18
ikoniabots are struggling21:19
ikoniaPricey: how's it going ?21:19
LjLPricey: before the bots were even around, attacks like this would warrant a long +r.21:19
LjLthe floodbots aren't intended to replace the ops.21:19
PriceyLjL: sure, so say "lets go +r for the channel"21:20
LjLPricey: read what i said again21:20
LjLPricey: before the bots were even around, attacks like this would warrant a long +r.21:20
PriceyLjL: My initial comment was before you said that.21:20
mneptokPricey: could you please k: demeknott?21:21
Priceymneptok: What for?21:21
LjLPricey: exploiting21:21
mneptok!staff | demeknott is another DCC exploiter21:21
ubottudemeknott is another DCC exploiter: Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel, tomaw, Gary, Vorian, PriceChild, niko or stew, I could use a bit of your time :)21:21
PriceyLjL: mneptok where?21:21
Priceymneptok: there's no need for a call to staff, I am here.21:21
KB1JWQHuh, I never got added to !staff. :-)21:22
mneptok14:08 [Freenode] Warning: Port sent with DCC request is a lowport (0, unknown) - this isn't normal. It is possible the address/port is faked (or maybe someone is just trying to bypass firewall)21:22
LjL[22:08:19] [CTCP] Received unknown CTCP-DCC SEND "klzm" 0 0 0 request from demeknott to Channel #ubuntu.21:22
mneptok14:08 [Freenode] DCC SEND from demeknott [ port 0]: totaptunk [0B bytes] requested in channel #ubuntu21:22
LjL[22:08:19] [CTCP] Received unknown CTCP-DCC CHAT "ciu65" 0 0 0 request from demeknott to Channel #ubuntu.21:22
mneptok14:08 [Freenode] Warning: Port sent with DCC request is a lowport (0, unknown) - this isn't normal. It is possible the address/port is faked (or maybe someone is just trying to bypass firewall)21:22
ikoniaKB1JWQ: easy to fix21:22
mneptok14:08 [Freenode] DCC SEND from demeknott [ port 0]: fencegype [0B bytes] requested in channel #ubuntu21:22
mneptok14:08 [Freenode] Warning: Port sent with DCC request is a lowport (0, unknown) - this isn't normal. It is possible the address/port is faked (or maybe someone is just trying to bypass firewall)21:22
mneptok14:08 [Freenode] DCC SEND from demeknott [ port 0]: klzm [0B bytes] requested in channel #ubuntu21:22
mneptok14:08 [Freenode] Warning: Port sent with DCC request is a lowport (0, unknown) - this isn't normal. It is possible the address/port is faked (or maybe someone is just trying to bypass firewall)21:22
mneptok14:08 [Freenode] DCC CHAT from demeknott [ port 0] requested in channel #ubuntu21:22
ikoniapoint taken mneptok21:22
Priceymneptok: I get the idea...21:22
mneptokPricey: ask and ye shall receive.21:23
KB1JWQ /kline mneptok21:23
KB1JWQDoh, damn leading space. :-D21:23
ikoniaPricey: it may not hurt if you have a moment to look at and they appear to be running automated bots that are annoucing spoofed addresses (not got more detail - hence request for help)21:24
PriceyI'll look into it, thanks.21:24
ikoniathank you21:24
topylimneptok, i just talked to monty properly for the first time. i've met him before, but not you know, properly21:26
topylihe's quite all right21:27
mneptoktopyli: indeed. where did you encounter him?21:30
ikoniaPricey: also 196-209-14-209-tbnb-esr-3.dynamic.isadsl.co.za I missed one, sorry21:30
Nachturnalhere for the manual test :)21:30
LjLbad timing21:31
topylimneptok, another company named Proactum irregularly does some bar meetings here in helsinki, when interesting people are around and wish to speak a little21:31
topylipub angleterre is this pub where they traditionally hold them. they also lure another free software company to pay for drinks, this time novell21:32
mneptoktopyli: hope you told him you know me. he'll take pity and invite you to dinner and sauna.21:32
topylimneptok, i wanted to tell him about you, but failed. he was distracted from time to time you know21:33
mneptokdid he bring salmiakkikossu?21:33
topylino, he just enjoyed novell's offerings21:34
mneptokhmmm ... might have been an impostor, then. ;)21:34
topyliwell, the open bar. but i think he had just long drinks21:34
mneptokOK, not an impostor. long drinks and easily distracted. that's Monty.21:35
topylihe did say two interesting things. the company has nobody like me working for them, and i agreed it should. second, the fund/charity/investing business/whatever has no research grant plan, because they have no connection to the academic world21:36
topyliboth things could be easily fixed by topyli, both at once even21:37
LjLtold an exploit victim to come here for explanations21:37
topyliLjL, i had forgotten you still have to troll here occasionally. isn't -ot enough? :(21:39
tsimpsonfor.... Trudell ban evading in #k21:39
tsimpsoncan staff do something?21:39
topylijust sayin' you know21:40
ikoniatsimpson: nice tag team21:40
* ikonia puts tsimpson on standby21:41
ikoniaTrudell: what brings you to this channel today ?21:41
Trudellwhy i was banned this time?21:42
ikoniaTrudell: because your ban had not been lifted in the channel and you where evading it21:42
tsimpson*this time*? you were never unbanned!21:42
Trudellwhy? i'm not invading21:42
ikoniaas in "dodging"21:42
Trudelli cant understand you21:43
ikoniaTrudell: I'll try to explain21:43
ikoniaTrudell: the other day you where banned from a lot of channels, including #kubuntu21:43
ikoniathe ban was never removed21:43
ikoniaso you are getting past the ban21:44
ikoniaso you have been removed from the channel while the ban is updated21:44
mneptokTrudell: why did you change the ident of your IRC client?21:44
tsimpsonand you keep changing you IP21:44
Trudellwhy not?21:44
tsimpsonand nick21:44
Trudellwhats the matter?21:44
tsimpsonto evade bans21:44
elkyuh... is that the real esr?21:44
tsimpsonand you know what you're doing because you join and say "<Trudell> I'm here again :-P"21:44
Trudelli think that you all are been stupid21:44
Trudellwhy not?21:45
ikoniaTrudell: that's fine - you're welcome to that opinion, the problem is you are banned from the channels so need to stay out of them21:45
Trudellits prohibited to join in kubuntu channel?21:45
ikoniaTrudell: for you - yes21:45
tsimpsonevading bans is against freenode policy, which you agree to by connecting to freenode21:45
Trudellwhy for me?21:45
ikoniaTrudell: because of your bad behaviour - the behaviour that got you banned21:46
tsimpsonbecause you refuse to follow the rules21:46
Trudella lot of persons have problems with karmic kernel21:46
ikoniaTrudell: no-one is disputing that21:46
Trudella lot of unsolved bugs21:46
ikoniaTrudell: no-one is disputing that21:46
Trudellso you said that i was trolling21:46
ikoniayou where21:46
tsimpsonyou spamming the our channels is tolling, yes21:46
ikoniayou where not reporting a bug, you where just shouting miss-leading information to put users off using ubuntu21:46
ikoniaTrudell: when asked to stop you joined other channels and did it21:47
tsimpsonyou coming in here and saying "<trudell> Microsoft bribes Ubuntu development team to make bullshit kernel to not run 3d cards or commercial games on Linux." is trolling, yes21:47
ikoniayou also insulted users in this channel21:47
Trudellso i report bugs or not?21:47
ikoniaTrudell: no21:47
Trudellwhy trolling, isnt true?21:47
ikoniaTrudell: it is21:47
Trudellusers not, you ops21:48
Trudellwwll ubuntu isnt freedom expression?21:48
ikoniaTrudell: your behviour is unacceptable, you do not stop when asked and then told to - so you cannot join the channels at this time21:48
tsimpsonif you think it's OK to act like that, then we don't want you in our channels21:48
ikoniaTrudell: no, ubuntu is an linux based distribtuoin21:48
tsimpson"freedom of speech" is a poor excuse for being abusive21:49
Trudellwhat ubuntu signs?21:49
Trudelli'm not abusive21:49
Trudellops are not commom users21:49
tsimpsonwhat's your point?21:49
Trudellyou are offended by what I said to you and not other users.21:50
tsimpsonno, I'm not offended. it's against channel rules and we are the ones who enforce that21:51
Trudellso what's the rules?21:51
tsimpson!guidelines > Tabmow21:52
ubottuTabmow, please see my private message21:52
tsimpson!guidelines > Trudell21:52
ubottuTrudell, please see my private message21:52
tsimpsonTabmow: sorry21:52
tsimpson!guidelines > Trudell21:52
TrudellI think this is personal between you and I operators.21:53
TrudellI think this is personal between you operators and me.21:53
Trudellubuntu has lost its meaning with the attitude of you operators.21:54
tsimpsonfeel free to not use #kubuntu21:55
Trudelli'm free21:55
topyliTrudell, for the record, "us operators" have nothing against you personally, none of us. please listen to what people are saying to you and i'm sure everything will work out and you will be able to re-enter any ubuntu channel you like21:56
Trudellyour anger only makes the kubuntu worse.21:56
Trudelltsimpson: your anger only makes the kubuntu worse.21:56
tsimpsonif you don't feel you can discuss this with me, there are other operators here who you can discuss it with21:57
Trudellso why you care?21:58
Trudelltheres no reason to i be banned21:59
MenZathere really isn't much point arguing with this one.22:06
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jpdsThe attacks cannot be halted.22:30
topylivery sorry about talking to ljl here what i should have said in pm. no excuse for that, just sorry22:31
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niko+r for some minutes isn't a bad idea ..22:40
tsimpsonwheegnawl is another bot22:40
ubottuFishscene called the ops in #ubuntu (wheegnawl)22:40
jpdsniko: Deal.22:42
jpdsErr, done.22:42
nikofor the moment they continue22:45
jpdsYoda, stop being.22:46
nikoalways under attacks.23:05
ubottuLjL called the ops in #ubuntu (YDNWK)23:05
Picibtw, it looks like that is the real esr.23:09
ikoniawhois esr ?23:33
ikoniawhat has he got to do with the attack ?23:34
nikoalways under23:35
MenZawait, ESR?23:35
Piciikonia: nothing, he was in the channel asking an ubuntu question.23:36
ikoniawires crossed23:36
tsimpsonikonia: do we still want +r?23:44
tsimpsonthere are nearly 70 people in -unregged23:46
topylispeaking of esr, as a very new newbie in 1997 or so, i was trying to configure fetchmail and failed. since esr is the maintainer (or was at the time), i simply wrote him email saying "your software must be buggy, it doesn't work" or something to that effect23:47
topylihe kindly replied right away, "i don't think fetchmail is very buggy, it's been quite stable for years no. please find a local linux user group, and have a good time"23:48
tsimpsonsomeone please set -r #ubuntu, it's been over an hour23:48
topylisomething like that23:48
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nikothere is a lot of dcc spam bot arround23:50
tsimpsonok, someone is watching23:50
nikoi will inform you when attack stop23:50
Piciniko: thanks23:51
tsimpsonthere must be someone/a bot watching #ubuntu for the -rR23:53
nikotsimpson: no, it's a network - wide attack23:54
tsimpsonniko: I forgot that -unregged is +m, so they can't attack there (hence why I didn't see anyone trying to)23:55
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