
rickspencer3robert_ancell, how is your scanner app coming along?00:01
robert_ancellrickspencer3, good, I spent monday's swap day adding multi page supprot00:02
rickspencer3so are you think replacing xsane in Lucid?00:03
robert_ancellthat is the plan :)00:03
robert_ancellat least try it in the alphas and see what the feedback is00:03
robert_ancellhopefully get some user testing done if the design team has the time for it...00:04
dtchenrickspencer3: hi, I've been pinged about reenabling flat volumes for 10.04. What are your thoughts?00:04
rickspencer3dtchen, I need to educate myself before I offer an opinion00:04
rickspencer3apparantly the feedback from users about that was not so good, thus the disabling00:05
dtchenrickspencer3: yes, confusion and all, but upstream PA is convinced that the misperception can be overcome by reading00:05
rickspencer3you mean users reading documentation?00:06
rickspencer3has anyone ever watched a user use a computer?00:06
rickspencer3I mean no disrespect to upstream or to users ...00:06
rickspencer3but in my experience, users do not read00:06
rickspencer3they want to learn by doing, and if they can't learn something by using it, they consider it "crap"00:07
rickspencer3dtchen, what is your opinion, if you don't mind me asking?00:07
dtchenyes, sadly that part is pretty obvious given the amount of heat I've received across the blogosphere. Mostly FUD, but heat nonetheless.00:07
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dtchenrickspencer3: personally it's useful but really relies on a perfect convergence of good (hardware|drivers)00:08
dtchenrickspencer3: slomo pinged me in here about it; I'd like to get his opinion about it, too00:08
rickspencer3dtchen, pulseaudio is working quite well for me in Karmic00:10
dtchenyou've been lucky :-)00:10
rickspencer3dtchen, btw, don't worry about haters on the Internet00:11
rickspencer3I sure take plenty of heat from them, I can't help noticing how many people *don't* actually contribute00:12
rickspencer3but feel they know an aweful lot about delivering a distro00:12
dtchenoh certainly. It just ends up feeding back into upstream's misperceptions, although Luke and I have been pushing back a lot harder these days.00:14
rickspencer3in any case, if flat volumes requires a perfect alignment of hardware and drivers, and you don't see that happening, I don't see how we can commit to shipping it00:15
rickspencer3oth, if we want to turn it on for a while soonish and see what feedback we get, this would be the right time in the cycle to discuss that00:15
TheMusoI agree 100% with users not bothering to read documentation.00:17
rickspencer3hi all, I'm moments away from logging off until next Monday00:24
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rickspencer3TheMuso, robert_ancell feel free to call if something comes up, probably wont' be online much00:24
robert_ancellrickspencer3, have a good time off!00:25
rickspencer3robert_ancell, thanks, it's much needed!00:25
* rickspencer3 will look for new scanner tool on Monday00:26
rickspencer3(only half joking)00:26
rickspencer3robert_ancell, it occurs to me that time for expense reports is next week, good chance to get lots of canonical folks o try your scanner tool00:26
robert_ancellrickspencer3, good idea00:27
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pittiGood morning07:15
didrocksHello pitti07:16
didrocksmorning huats08:33
didrockspitti: do you have any pointers on your straciatella session work (for guest session, I guess)? I want to work on the desktop UNE session08:34
pittididrocks: guest and stracciatalla are quite different concepts; for UNE you probably want to look at the stracciatella one08:35
pittididrocks: pointers> not really, except for the source package itself; it should be quite obvious, though08:35
pittiit's by and large a .desktop file08:35
didrockspitti: ok, I'm looking at the source package right now. Very similar to what I had in mind08:36
pittiand a new session script which wraps gnome-session with an env var08:36
pittidoes UNE use gnome-session as well?08:36
pittior has its own session program?08:37
didrockspitti: not sure. At first glance, it should use gnome-session but I need to confirm first (building a VM right now)08:37
pittiif g-s, we probably need to change gnome-session package itself and make its .desktop files test the session type08:37
didrockshey vuntz!08:37
pittibonjour vuntz, comment vas-tu?08:37
didrockspitti: ok08:37
vuntzpitti: long hacking night, with some satisfying code in the end :-)08:38
didrocksgnome-panel? :)08:38
pittierm, I meant, "tres bien!"08:38
vuntzpitti: what do you mean with "make its .desktop files test the session type" ?08:38
vuntzdidrocks: nah, some opensuse stuff08:38
pittivuntz: like, don't start a panel or nautilus in a netbook session08:39
pittithose are started by g-s from gconf keys right now, right?08:39
vuntzah, it's just a matter of having other desktop files providing Panel and whatever nautilus uses08:39
pittiand some others are autostart .desktop files08:39
vuntzso just drop somewhere a .desktop file with X-GNOME-Provides=filemanager;panel; and voilĂ !08:40
vuntz(as long as the .desktop file is in a directory with a higher priority than /usr/share/applications)08:40
* didrocks gives a try and will ping pitti and vuntz when needed :)08:41
mac_vhi.. why is the winbind package not installed by default?09:11
mac_vthere is a bug filed for that , any specific reasons?09:12
* mac_v wonders if everyone is still on US time ;)10:03
seb128US people probably10:04
pittiwell, it's not really necessary to have by default10:04
seb128hello pitti10:04
* pitti waves to seb12810:04
seb128pitti, is seahorse-agent working for you in lucid?10:04
pittiyes, apparently10:05
pittiwell, I didn't reboot/restart after today's dist-upgrade yet10:05
seb128it's not working since uds there10:06
seb128I get a pinentry dialog10:06
seb128env | grep GPG -> gpg-agent10:06
seb128not seahorse10:06
pittiapparnetly you have gnupg2 installed?10:06
seb128and the thing doesn't keep the token for my session10:06
seb128but for half an hour or something10:07
seb128it was installed in karmic too10:08
mac_vseb128: could you translate > Bug 487980 , Bug 487986 ... or comment on the bug asking the reporter to edit the bug in english...   I'm not sure If i reply in english he/she would understand :)10:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 487980 in hundredpapercuts "Ubuntu 9.10 KK: Interfaz demasiado grande..." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48798010:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 487986 in hundredpapercuts "Ubuntu 9.10 KK: Emulador de Nintendo presenta fallas en sonido" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48798610:27
seb128mac_v, it's not a language that I speak...10:28
mac_vseb128: oh.. it thought that was french... ah , nvm ;)10:28
seb128mac_v, no it's not ;-)10:29
mac_vlol... my french has *not* deteriorated ... i thought i had forgotten so much i couldnt understand a word ;p10:30
seb128pitti, do we still need to have user stories, etc in specs?10:35
pittiseb128: I don't care about them for most specs, where the rationale is obvious10:35
seb128ok thanks10:35
pittilike, desktop startup speed> forget it10:35
seb128I hate writing those when the purpose is clear10:36
pittiseb128: I am still interested in them for e. g. a rhythmbox -> banshee switch10:36
pittibecause there it matters for justification10:36
seb128pitti, doh, sorry for the user stories question before11:07
seb128I'm just reading your email now and you were quicker than me again ;-)11:08
* pitti changes his performance review to "answers questions before seb128 can raise them"11:08
* seb128 hugs pitti11:09
seb128pitti, spec ready for review = review or pending approval?11:41
seb128the "definition" for the blueprint11:41
seb128ok, I set it to review11:41
seb128pitti, https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-lucid-gnome-geoclue on your plate, I've drafted it for records but it's off map already for lucid...11:42
seb128desrt played with geoclue at uds and it's not ready11:42
pittiok, thanks; I'll put it off the lucid list then11:42
seb128pitti, thanks11:42
seb128pitti, should I bother drafting the gnome3 one? it has been a discussion about GNOME changes coming this cycle and what we do for those11:44
seb128pitti, ie it's "informational"11:44
seb128I can write the record in the whiteboard but I don't fancy writing a wiki page for nothing11:45
pittiseb128: are there any work items for us in this cycle?11:45
pittidon't bother then11:45
seb128it's decisions on versions we will use11:45
pittithat sounds like work items :)11:45
seb128and some note about where we need to be careful11:45
pittipackage version foo:11:45
pittibut still doesn't require a wiki page11:45
seb128package GNOME 2.30 for everything but...11:46
pittiso having just a list of things to watch out for/do seems sufficient11:46
seb128ok thanks11:46
seb128I will just use the whiteboard for this one11:46
pittiin general, keep it as simple as possible :)11:46
seb128I like that ;-)11:46
asacTheMuso: dtchen: where is the pulse packaging branch located?12:13
asacthe core-dev one seems to be out of date?12:14
seb128didrocks, there?12:21
seb128pitti, about https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-lucid-compiz-effects12:25
seb128pitti, do we need a real blueprint wiki, or is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lucid/CompizDefaults good enough?12:25
pittiseb128: fine for me, but it's not pointing out what to do for lucid; these would need to become work items (which we need anyway)12:28
pittiso, that plus WIs -> good12:28
seb128pitti, I've added the wis to the whiteboard already ;-)12:28
pittihm, what are djsiegels's settings?12:30
seb128pitti, the bzr just before in the whiteboard12:31
pittiI see12:31
seb128it's basically a collection of gconf settings12:31
pittican I assign that spec to you?12:31
pittiapproved then12:32
pittiseb128: btw, https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-lucid-default-apps is ready for review, too :)12:32
seb128pitti, thanks12:32
didrocksseb128: here now :)12:51
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seb128didrocks, do you want to be drafter for une session?12:52
seb128I saw you started on the wikipage12:52
seb128I'm drafter on the blueprint now but I'm happy to change that to you12:52
didrocksseb128: I can do it if you want as I'll certainly implement it12:53
didrocksshould be quickly done12:53
seb128didrocks, thanks12:53
seb128didrocks, not sure how busy you will be in the next weeks, should somebody take over your merges for lucid?12:54
seb128ie I was looking at clutter-1.0 yeasterday12:54
seb128should be easy, but it would be nice to send your change to the bts12:54
didrocksseb128: yeah, I prefer to focus on UNE session first if you don't mind and I'll have not so much time next week12:55
didrocksthanks :)12:55
didrocksseb128: I still can do those on universe, but for main/desktop set, as I don't still don't have any access, waiting for cjwaston's answer, it's more a waste of time to ask you to sponsor them, that's why I think it's better not waiting for me :)12:59
seb128didrocks, sponsoring is easy nowadays, I only debsign and upload for oyu13:00
seb128but if you are busy I can handle those no worry13:00
didrocksseb128: I'll ping you if I have some time to do it. The only one you can sponsor is vino as it was my testcase for upload right yesterday13:01
seb128I didn't sponsor it on purpose, keeping it as a testcase13:01
didrocksok :)13:02
asacTheMuso: there?13:05
mvoseb128: is there something like gconftool --dump --only-if-different-from-schema-default?13:15
seb128mvo, not that I know about no13:15
mvohm, ok. I check what I can do with python13:16
seb128mvo, trying to backup compiz settings?13:17
seb128mvo, reading .gconf/apps/something is sort of doing that13:17
mvoseb128: yes, well, sort-of. first trying to get a diff from the ones we currently use compared to the ones that djsiegel has13:18
seb128mvo, gconftool-2 --config-source=xml:readonly:/home/mvo/.gconf --dump /apps/compiz13:20
seb128mvo, gconftool-2 --config-source=xml:readonly:/home/mvo/.gconf --dump /apps/compiz, try that one13:20
mvoseb128: cool, will do13:20
seb128mvo, well, that will read user changes13:22
seb128so that might not do the "if user_value != default_value"13:22
seb128but that's the best idea I've right now13:23
mvoyeah, it gives me too much. I try some gconf python now13:23
tseliotpitti: I've replied to your questions in the proprietary drivers spec. Feel free to move my answers to another place if you find their position to be confusing13:24
pittitseliot: thanks13:37
mac_vmvo: if backing up your compiz profile is the only thing you are looking for , you could do it , using ccsm13:38
pittididrocks: oh, cool:13:41
pittiArchive Upload Rights for ubuntu-desktop: package set 'ubuntu-desktop' in lucid13:41
pittithe "lucid" one was missing yesterday13:41
pittidoes it work now?13:41
seb128chrisccoulson, do you fancy try upload rights?13:59
seb128should be working now, not sure if you have anything to upload though13:59
kklimondais archive reorganization scheduled for this cycle?14:00
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i can try it, but i need to find something to upload first14:01
seb128chrisccoulson, don't bother if you don't have anything pending, next time you have something14:01
seb128chrisccoulson, bug #487224 maybe14:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 487224 in gnome-power-manager "Depends on notification-daemon but should Recommends instead" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48722414:03
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, i can try that14:03
chrisccoulsoni really need to start doing some merges tonight really14:04
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chrisccoulsonseb128 - my g-p-m upload was accepted14:15
seb128pitti, I guess what you are interested in for startup time is work items, right?14:16
seb128chrisccoulson, rock on!14:16
pittichrisccoulson: yay!!14:18
seb128chrisccoulson, didrocks, kenvandine: you can upload14:18
pittiseb128: sure14:18
pittiand Robert, too14:18
seb128pitti, ok, ready to review for you then14:18
slomoseb128: did you sync vala already? also, why is it in main? is something in main depending on it already or just because it's nice to have? :)14:18
seb128pitti, yes, he's not around though, I will tell him tonight when he joins14:19
pittiseb128: I didn't take a look at the foundations wiki page yet; it has some desktop-ish bits, too, right?14:19
seb128slomo, not yet, will do that now, it's not in main but there was some mir because things want to build-dep on it14:19
kenvandineseb128, cool, thx!14:19
pittislomo: it's not?14:19
pittithere's an approved MIR for it, but it won't get promoted until something actually pulls it in14:19
pittion that note, I played with vala on the flight back home14:19
pittiquite nice, although horribly underdocumented14:20
pittiI like it14:20
kenvandinepitti, cool14:20
seb128pitti, fundation, I captured what was on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FoundationsTeam/BootPerformance/Lucid/Desktop14:20
seb128pitti, I didn't look at the X part though14:20
kenvandinei gotta finish these specs so i can start writing something real14:20
seb128pitti, should I?14:20
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slomopitti: oh it's not, right... i thought someone yesterday said it was in main :)14:21
seb128slomo, I said the security team made the testsuite fail a requirement for main14:21
seb128so we are proactive there ;-)14:21
pittiseb128: if there's something for us to do Xorg-wise, we should have WIs, yes14:21
seb128pitti, ok, I will try to figure that's not something we discussed during the session at uds14:22
slomoseb128: oh, ok :)14:22
chrisccoulsonslomo - i did the MIR for vala when tracker started using it, and i was packaging tracker from GIT. this was before i realised that the distributed tarballs all have the vala code compiled anyway14:27
seb128speaking about mir, does anybody fancy doing some of those?14:30
seb128we need some new libraries for gvfs14:30
seb128libiphone for example14:30
seb128pitti, ok, captured xorg wis for desktop speed and sent it your way now14:31
pittiand upload fu announced to -desktop@14:34
pittiseb128: you rock, thanks14:34
seb128pitti, you rock too, thanks ;-)14:34
* seb128 hugs pitti14:34
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seb128somebody cleaned the desktop-lucid-default-apps gobby document...14:46
pittioh, does that mean the spec is cancelled? :-)14:48
seb128pitti, is that a lame try to sneak away from this one? ;-)14:50
kenvandinei guess that means we ship gimp :)14:50
seb128pitti, approved btw14:50
* seb128 done with first round of drafting14:50
* pitti bids farewell to gimp, chess, and tetravex14:51
seb128time to update the mini 10 to lucid and start bootcharting14:51
seb128and do some packaging work14:51
pittiseb128: yay14:51
kenvandinehave fun seb128!14:51
seb128I will ;-)14:51
pittiseb128: try removing the pulse xsession.d and upgrade to mvo's new compiz14:51
* kenvandine wants a mini 10, but will wait and see what arm devices come :)14:51
seb128I'm eager to try how much speedup the compiz do14:51
seb128pitti, right, will do14:51
kenvandinetired of using the portuguese keyboard on my classmate14:52
kenvandinevery hard to use vi :)14:52
pittikenvandine: what keeps you from switching to US?14:52
mvoseb128: its ftbfs because of some kde4 issues :/14:52
kenvandinethe keyboard? i can't find one14:52
kenvandinei use the right layout14:53
kenvandinebut the keys are a bit funky14:53
kenvandineif i used it everyday i would get used to it, but i only use it when i travel14:53
seb128mvo, not cool14:54
kenvandineit only bothers me in vim, but i use vim allot14:54
seb128try emacs?14:54
* seb128 runs14:54
kenvandinei bet that would suck just as much on this keyboard :)14:54
* kenvandine <3 vim14:55
kenvandineseb128, does your mini 10 have ssd?14:55
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seb128bah, almost 60meg to install bootchart...15:54
pittiseb128: pybootchartgui FTW15:54
pittiavoids the java stuff15:54
pittiand works just as nicely15:54
seb128Keybuk, ^ which one do you use?15:54
Keybukbootchart-java :)15:54
Keybukthough it doesn't work in lucid15:55
Keybukso I may actually switch to finally using (and fixing up) the python one15:55
seb128Keybuk, is pybootchartgui buggy?15:55
seb128worded differently I don't care about what is running I want something I can use to bootchart lucid desktop and start boot speed work15:55
seb128less to download is better if the python one works15:56
Keybuksettle on the python one15:58
pittiI have used nothing else in the past half year, and Keybuk didn't harass me for sending bad charts ... yet15:59
KeybukI'm going to use that on the daily bootcharts I think15:59
Keybukfor a while, it gave ugly output15:59
Keybukbut I fixed that15:59
Keybukand never got around to switching myself ;)15:59
seb128ok thanks15:59
seb128much faster to get indeed ;-)15:59
seb128doesn't work out of the box on karmic?16:04
seb128I rebooted and nothing in /var/log/bootchart16:04
seb128it's there now16:05
seb128it was probably processing datas16:05
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pittimvo: ooh, arch-build gone from update-notifier \o/16:22
* pitti hugs bzr-bd16:22
mvopitti: yeah, pretty much gone from all stuff since some time, bzr bd ftw!16:23
pittimvo: what causes autoreconf to be called now?16:25
mvoits not done automatically anymore iirc16:26
pittiso how does bzr bd -S work then?16:27
seb128mvo, alter! how do I use an usb stick as a source for update?16:30
seb128I did apt-cdrom add it16:30
seb128but it doesn't find packages on it16:30
mvopitti: eh, sorry. bzr-builddeb/default.conf has "pre-build = autogen.sh"16:30
seb128it's a current lucid iso writen on the key16:30
mvoseb128: just copy the debs to /var/cache/apt/archives16:31
seb128I can't use the key as a cdrom?16:31
mvoseb128: that should work too, its just a bit tricky, easiest is probably to just make /cdrom point to it16:32
mvoso edit fstab, point /cdrom to the stick apt-cdrom add16:32
seb128I did apt-cdrom add -d mountpoint16:34
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seb128there is not a lot of deb on this image16:36
seb128mvo, how does the "dist-upgrade from cd" magic works?16:37
seb128everything is in the casper image no?16:37
mvoseb128: is this a regular cd? then it won't :/ only alternate or dvd iamges16:38
seb128oh ok16:38
seb128I though we had prompt for "new ubuntu version detected do you want to upgrade" for a while16:39
seb128I used to get those16:39
seb128nevermind then16:39
seb128I will just try a lucid install16:39
mvoseb128: hrm, odd. I can not reproduce the compiz build failure in a clean chroot16:44
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mptHi and471!17:16
and471mpt: thanks for mentioning me at the software-center presentation, I watched it the other day :-)17:16
mptah, you're welcome17:16
and471mpt: hehe it was quite a suprise to have my name suddenly pop-up on screen :-)17:16
and471mpt: I have a question about the application details view17:17
and471mpt, at the moment we display a throbber until the image is loaded17:17
and471mpt, is this neccessary, or can we have the image just fade in17:17
and471mpt, I think it looks a bit better17:17
mptand471, without seeing it, my inclination would be to keep the throbber. But do you have a throbberless demo branch on LP I could try?17:18
and471mpt: not yet17:18
and471mpt: I was just doing some work on making the throbber we use, be the one from the gtk theme17:19
mptah, cool17:19
and471mpt: I have done this for all throbbers except for this one, and I wanted to check I needed to do the work :-)17:19
and471mpt: would a video of it suffice?17:20
mptand471, I think pushing a branch would be just as easy, and more thoroughly testable, than a video17:20
and471mpt: okay17:21
and471mpt: it just a bit of a hacky remove of the throbber atm, that is why :-)17:21
and471mpt, here is the branch (may have to wait for it to update) https://code.launchpad.net/~rugby471/software-center/appdetails-experiments17:24
KelderPHas anyone experience with an jaunty-karmic upgrade a system which is configured in an Active Directory environment?17:31
mptthanks and471 -- I need to try that with a really slow Internet connection17:34
mptmvo, what was that trick you used to make screenshots load slowly?17:34
seb128Keybuk, your uds bootchart was on the mini10?17:35
seb128mines are quite different17:35
seb128copying those online, one sec17:35
seb128Keybuk, http://people.canonical.com/~seb128/bootchart17:37
Keybukyour lucid one looks like mine17:38
Keybukexcept you have sreadhead not ureadahead17:38
Keybuk(which explains the extra few seconds faster mine is <g>)17:38
Keybukthey just 403d17:38
KeybukI can't see the charts now :(17:40
Keybukbut if you add the ubuntu-boot PPA for karmic, you get ureadahead too17:40
KeybukI include that in my charts because it's going to be uploaded ANY DAY NOW17:40
seb128Keybuk, ok thanks17:41
seb128I won't bother about karmic17:41
seb128just keep that box on lucid uptodate and measure weekly progress17:41
KeybukI mean for lucid17:41
seb128right, my comment was about the ubuntu-boot ppa17:42
KeybukI need to upload the separated out libnih to lucid17:42
Keybukbut the lucid valgrind is a *lot* pickier17:42
Keybukso I need to update my suppressions file for my tests to pass17:42
Keybukyeah, I put ureadahead in ubuntu-boot ppa for lucid too - until I upload it to lucid proper17:42
seb128Keybuk, at what point do you consider the box loaded?17:43
Keybukwhen both the CPU and I/O charts fall flat17:43
seb128after the gnome-panel colored bar at ~26s?17:43
KeybukI've got a bit of Python that works it out from the .tgz17:43
Keybuksince I ripped half the code out of pybootchartgui to make that bit of Python17:43
KeybukI'm going to plug it back in and upload17:43
seb128ok, cool17:44
Keybukyeah, 26s on yours17:44
and471mpt http://superuser.com/questions/66574/how-to-throttle-bandwidth-on-a-linux-network-interface17:44
Keybukneed to backport python-support to hardy17:45
and471mpt: I think there are some problems with the code (the image isn't loaded), however I could work it out17:51
mvompt: you can either use trickle or (simpler) just apply a small patch in the code that adds a sleep at the right place17:55
mvoand471: hey!17:55
and471mvo: hi there17:55
mvoand471: I guess I need to merge your branch :)17:55
and471mvo: if you wouldn't mind :-)17:56
Keybukdaily@zelda:~$ python /home/scott/guess-time.py 20091116/max/max-lucid-20091125-2.tgz17:56
KeybukTotal boot: 24.9617:56
KeybukKernel:     4.2517:56
Keybuk           (1.72)17:56
KeybukPlumbing:   3.2617:56
KeybukX:          4.0117:56
KeybukDesktop:    13.4417:56
and471mvo: just wait17:57
and471mvo, there is one thing I need to push17:57
Keybukseb128: http://people.canonical.com/~scott/guess-time.py17:57
and471mvo: okay pushed now17:57
Keybukseb128: could you run that over your chart for comparison17:57
mvoand471: merging now17:58
mvoand471: you removed all the progress.pngs?17:58
and471Keybuk, that link gives a 40417:58
seb128Keybuk, trying, I've fixed the permission issue btw sorry about that17:58
and471mvo: yup17:58
and471mvo, I am using one file now17:59
mvoaha, nice17:59
and471mvo, all the frames are in one file now17:59
and471mvo, a png17:59
seb128Keybuk, and what and471 says17:59
* Keybuk puts it in public_html instead of calling it pubic_html17:59
seb128Keybuk, http://paste.ubuntu.com/327864/18:03
Keybukseb128: that's on the lucid tgz?18:03
seb128I didn't keep the karmic ones18:04
Keybukprobably a bit lax on where it says it stops then18:04
seb128I've reinstalled the box was faster than upgrading18:04
Keybukin the script, change the 3.0s to 2.0?18:04
mvoand471: thanks, that I a bit to review! I will do it tomorrow morning and merge/mail you about it18:05
* mvo needs to leave early today18:05
Keybukactually I guess I should actually find the first interval where the load is <25% *and the average for the next 3s is <25%18:06
Keybuknot just an average 3s18:06
Keybukthanks :)18:06
and471mvo, sure I understand18:06
* mvo waves18:11
seb128_pitti, got what I was saying before disconnection?18:26
pittigood night everyone!18:41
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seb128TheMuso, do you plan to drop the pulseaudio wrapper in lucid?21:05
dtchenit was already dropped in bzr21:11
dtchenogra's upload didn't merge in those changes; I'll work on that now21:12
TheMusoOgra couldn't find the bzr branch? Its in the debian/control file and shows up in apt-cache showsrc pulseaudio. :S21:15
dtchenwell, reading his ping in ubuntu-devel, it looks like he saw it but was unsure how to proceed21:17
dtchenand IRC is really the worst way to reach me during USA east coast business hours due to a direct collision with my work hours :/21:18
seb128I think somebody said it was not uptodate21:18
dtchenbzr is 100% current with upstream's stable branches21:20
dtchenit isn't 100% current with HEAD; I have a separate bzr branch for that21:21
TheMusoRight, makes sense.21:22
dtchenok, branch updated21:36
TheMusodtchen: thanks21:45
seb128hey robert_ancell!22:07
robert_ancellseb128, hey, just upgraded to lucid.  gobject-introspection seems broken :(22:07
seb128right, good news is that you can fix it22:08
seb128uploads work for desktop team now22:08
seb128or probably I didn't check if those are in the desktop set22:08
Amaranthseb128: Looks like the compiz without a shell script has been uploaded, did you see any speedup with it?22:12
seb128Amaranth, no but it failed to build first and got retried and built on i386 only so far22:12
seb128I will try again tomorrow22:13
Amaranthhrm, wonder why it failed22:13
Amaranthoh, that explains the flood of messages from launchpad :)22:14
seb128kde transition apparently...22:14
Amaranthah, dang22:15
Amaranthyeah I see the log now22:15
AmaranthIt failed to find the stuff to build kde4-window-decorator and didn't bail at that point so dh_install failed instead22:15
seb128time to go to bed there!22:18
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seb128robert_ancell, no need to ask sponsoring for gnome updates, just upload now ;-)22:19
AmaranthHrm, where is the GNOME-Do guy when you need him?22:29
AmaranthI always forget his name :)22:29
dtchenAmaranth: Jason, IIRC22:34
Amaranthno no, I know who DBO is :)22:34
Amaranthdjsiegel or something22:35
AmaranthI guess he is handling compiz settings in lucid so I need to talk to him before I drop extrawm from the defaults so we can push compiz-fusion-plugins-extra out to universe22:35
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