
cprofittdinda: you here?03:29
dindacprofitt: yip, just checking some emails03:29
cprofittnight all04:45
Steel__hi @ all13:15
pleia2FFEMTcJ: sorry, I've been swamped with work and things since returning from UDS, we will have a meeting next week even if I don't quite have a date yet :)13:50
FFEMTcJpleia2: its all good.. mornin Pendulum and doctormo14:08
doctormomorning FFEMTcJ14:10
pleia2doctormo: yeah, I missed the group photo :(14:12
doctormoAh, that explains it14:12
pleia2I was on crew that day and was putting up signs for the next session, didn't realize I was missing the photo14:12
doctormoHow are you pleia2? you've been quiet for a few days.14:12
pleia2doctormo: totally swamped with work this week14:13
pleia2out of the office last week, short work week this week, argh14:13
Pendulumpleia2: I seem to be hearing that sentiment from many people this week. (and not just people who were out last week)14:18
pleia2Pendulum: heh, I considered working this friday to catch up, but then realized that was crazy :)14:19
doctormopleia2: Aye, I admit to being in bed, trying to relax my foot and being a bit board.15:03
pleia2doctormo: healing up well, I hope?15:03
doctormoI think so, I've put every repair team on the job. :-D15:03
* FFEMTcJ has to work friday...15:24
FFEMTcJand maybe even tomorrow15:24
PendulumFFEMTcJ: the curse of working emergency services ;)15:31
Pendulumdoes it get you christmas or new years off?15:36
dindadoctormo: ping17:51
pleia2FFEMTcJ: time passes too quickly, rather than a formal edu fg meeting we'll just tack our stuff onto the regular BT meeting23:03
* pleia2 updated agenda on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/Meetings23:03
pleia2it's on Tuesday, December 1st at 22:00 UTC23:03
doctormopleia2: Do we have a meeting for the Learning project?23:06
pleia2doctormo: no, but we should schedule one to cover UDS stuff :)23:08
doctormoAye, what did we cover? I think I know what I'm up to, but mostly what we did was present and then I had a dialectic argument with dinda.23:09
pleia2well, your project is newish23:11
pleia2the the lp login goodness23:12
doctormoAye, at least I got to show it off at the lightning talk, that was fun, even though I was stammering all over the place.23:15
pleia2you did fine :)23:15
pleia2and at least your demo worked!23:15
* _marx_ notes Ubuntu User Days on agenda23:16
pleia2_marx_: yeah, so that's tuesday evening eastern us time23:16
_marx_2200 UTC = 1700 EST noted23:17
doctormopleia2: Ah well, I was rushing before I got on stage to set up the guest and make sure everythign was ready :-) worked.23:17
pleia2_marx_: less than an hour, especially with only 2 agenda items23:18
_marx_cool, no conflict w/LoCo team meeting23:20
_marx_is this an appropriate time and place to talk uud?23:23
_marx_another acronym eh23:24
_marx_k, there was a small group of people on my LUG discussing developing a syllabus for basic Linux classes23:25
pleia2would they be interested in this Learning project? or are they to general Linux rather than Ubuntu?23:25
_marx_being a LUG discussion this group included users of many distros23:25
_marx_it has since initiation roughly 2 months ago lost steam23:26
_marx_I've posted to the offlist thread asking if anyone would be interested in helping out with a uud23:27
_marx_had one reply23:27
_marx_one of the people in this small group is an employee of Forsyth County NC Library and has taught beginner classes for that other os23:28
doctormo_marx_: No reason why the materials you make for your LUG aren't simialr enough to share.23:28
_marx_doctormo: and visa versa23:29
doctormo_marx_: Just make sure it's CC-BY-SA or free'er, so we can share.23:29
_marx_no syllabus was developed, too many people too busy, but the library contact remains a good one23:30
_marx_he was one pushing for Ubuntu over Knoppix23:30
_marx_point: possibility of using public libraries here as a venue23:31
_marx_the LUG here is dominated by the founder who is not terribly new user friendly: he's quite personable in person but on the mailing list can best be defined as an ass23:33
doctormo_marx_: I'm about to write an interesting blog entry in the next few days all about the idea of "Suffering fools gladly"23:36
_marx_hum gladly is  the difficult part eh23:36
FFEMTcJpleia2: sounds good. ;-)23:36
_marx_doctormo: he is the _founder! to me he has a since of ownership group founded in '9723:38
_marx_in the last couple of years he has ran this group into the ground23:40
_marx_if we do an Hour event here I _will have a printed copy of the code of conduct23:41
* _marx_ crawls back into his corner23:42
doctormo_marx_: nah, you might need to sit down and talk to him over a buscuit and a port of tea. I know that at UDS someone went behind the back of one attendee to complain to jono, but that wasn't right because he found out and oh boy did it make things worse. Instead I tried to talk with him one to one and that seemed to work better.23:42
doctormo_marx_: btw, do you not have a LoCo near by?23:43
_marx_oh yeah, I took over the nc team a little over a year ago23:43
doctormo_marx_: then you have little to be concerned about then, your a completly different group of people with different needs and wants. :-D23:44
_marx_we're making progress but my area of the state is probably the weakest23:44
_marx_one to one's haven't worked with this guy23:45
_marx_well that is a very cool quit message23:57

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