
=== Richie is now known as WelshDragon
FFEMTcJpopey: ping01:04
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popeyFFEMTcJ: pong08:56
FFEMTcJpopey: can I PM?11:04
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ScottKOh, right.14:00
* ScottK can attend server team meetings again.14:00
* mathiaz waves14:01
chuck_geez its early for a meeting14:02
=== chuck_ is now known as zul
mdzgood morning14:02
MootBotMeeting started at 08:02. The chair is mdz.14:02
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]14:02
mdzkirkland, smoser, ping14:02
mdzDustin said he would be here14:04
mdzI think smoser may be on holiday14:04
* nijaba waves14:05
mdzlet's get started14:05
mdz[topic] Review ACTION points from previous meeting (ttx)14:05
MootBotNew Topic:  Review ACTION points from previous meeting (ttx)14:05
* ttx scrambles the list14:05
ttxkirkland to add a recipe covering virsh to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM/VirtManager: Done14:05
mdzI wasn't able to attend the previous meeting14:05
* ttx tries again14:06
ttxACTION: nurmi to help investigate/validate/fix bugs 455625, 460085 and 46115614:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 455625 in eucalyptus "Eucalyptus Loses Public IP Address" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45562514:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 460085 in eucalyptus "memory leak; rampart_context not freed (memory leaked per connection)" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46008514:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 461156 in euca2ools "User data is not parsed correctly by Eucalyptus in some cases" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46115614:06
ttxnurmi is not around14:06
ttxI didn't have time to check progress on those bugs yet14:06
mdz455625 has been marked invalid upstream14:06
mdz461156 is Fix Committed upstream14:07
mdz460085 is Fix Committed in Ubuntu14:07
ttx460085 still needs a fix on eucalyptus side14:07
mdzso it looks like they have all been dealt with upstream14:07
mdzhmm, ok14:07
mdzI didn't look at that one14:07
ttxI'll look into that last one before tomorrow14:08
* stgraber waves14:08
ttxto be sure to communicate to Eucalyptus anything we might be missing.14:08
ttx[ACTION] ttx to review status of bugs  455625, 460085 and 461156 for any missing info14:08
mathiazttx: does that mean we're preparing another SRU for UEC in karmic?14:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 455625 in eucalyptus "Eucalyptus Loses Public IP Address" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45562514:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 460085 in eucalyptus "memory leak; rampart_context not freed (memory leaked per connection)" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46008514:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 461156 in euca2ools "User data is not parsed correctly by Eucalyptus in some cases" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46115614:09
ttxbeh, can't action :)14:09
mdz[ACTION] ttx to review status of bugs  455625, 460085 and 461156 for any missing info14:09
MootBotACTION received:  ttx to review status of bugs  455625, 460085 and 461156 for any missing info14:09
ttxmathiaz: yes. The memory leak and the userdata are still on the list14:09
mdzmathiaz, we can discuss that on tomorrow's conf call14:09
mdzany other actions from last time?14:09
ttxACTION: mathiaz to compile a list of easy merges for publication14:09
mathiazmdz: I'm almost done on generating the list of easy merges for publication14:10
mathiazI've finally figured out how to do that with bzr and package branches14:10
mdz[action]  mathiaz to compile a list of easy merges for publication14:10
MootBotACTION received:   mathiaz to compile a list of easy merges for publication14:10
ttxthat's all.14:10
mdz[topic] Check blueprint status and progress for the week (mdz)14:10
MootBotNew Topic:  Check blueprint status and progress for the week (mdz)14:10
kirklandttx: i have covered Virsh and Virt-Manager in the documentation14:10
mdzthe list I'm using for this is:14:10
mdz[link] https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+specs?searchtext=server-lucid-14:10
MootBotLINK received:  https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+specs?searchtext=server-lucid-14:10
ttxkirkland: yes, that action was already completed last meeting14:10
kirklandmdz: i'm here now14:11
ttxkirkland: bringing it up was a cut/apste error, sorry about that14:11
mdzthis is not ideal, because it has some false positives (desktop and foundations blueprints)14:11
mdzbut it has all of ours as well14:11
mdzif anyone knows a better way to get this out of LP, let me know14:12
mdzin my, er, spare time, I'm working on the blueprints API ;-)14:13
ttxalso the assignee can be different from the drafter, so you should check https://blueprints.launchpad.net/~YOURNAMEHERE/+specs?role=drafter14:13
mdzall of the server-lucid-* blueprints on that list should be moved into Drafting status14:13
mathiaz^^ this is even better :)14:13
mdzttx, there is some way to do that with a universal URL, /+me or something14:14
mdzmathiaz, yes14:15
mdzmany of them are still New or Discussion, so please update yours14:15
mdzkirkland, I reviewed what you submitted and sent feedback14:16
mdzthe others, I'm waiting for you to tell me they're ready for review14:16
mdzyou can do that by setting them to Review status when you're ready14:16
mdzI've sent email explaining what I'm looking for in the completed blueprints14:16
kirklandmdz: thank you14:17
kirklandmdz: i'm fixing up now14:17
mdzall of them should be completed by the end of this week14:17
ttxsmoser: o/14:17
kirklandmdz: i clearly "missed" on the user stories ... do you have a favorite blueprint that has intriguing user stories?14:18
mdzdoes anyone feel they have too much to finish in that time?14:18
zulnot I14:18
sorenI think I'll manage.14:18
ttxmdz: I do, but we already discussed that.14:18
mdzkirkland, I don't have a blueprint to hand, but you can look at the stories on the requirements pages14:19
mdzI mentioned them in the email14:19
kirklandttx: mdz: I see that I'm the drafter of UEC-testing, mathiaz is the assignee ... I didn't realize I was responsible for drafting that one until just now14:19
mdzwhere there is an internal requirement behind the blueprint, I've already written the user stories for you14:19
mdzas a means of capturing the requirement14:19
kirklandmdz: right, I thought i followed that closely enough;  i'll try again14:19
mdzthere are also loads of articles to be found with google about how to write user stories14:20
mdzkirkland, right, I believe that's because mathiaz couldn't be in the session, but you were14:20
mathiazkirkland: yes - I wasn't in the session dealing with UEC testing14:21
=== robbiew_ is now known as robbiew
mdzif you can't get it done, now is the time to mention it, because we could find someone else who was there14:21
mdzI know you're off the rest of the week14:21
kirklandmdz: i was planning on fixing up the 2 I did write, writing up my year-end-review results, and enjoying the rest of my day off14:22
mdzwho else was in the UEC testing session on Friday?14:22
ttxmdz: I was, I think soren was as well14:22
mdzthis is on the critical path, so it still needs to be done this week14:22
mdzsoren, can you take it?14:22
kirklandmdz: ttx: I'll do it14:23
mdzsoren, ayt?14:23
mdzkirkland, OK, you can negotiate with soren separately if you find you need to hand it off14:24
mdzany other questions or considerations regarding blueprints?14:24
mdzotherwise, I'll expect everything to be ready for review first thing Monday morning14:25
mdz[topic] Assigned and to-be-assigned bugs: http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/team-assigned/canonical-server-assigned-bug-tasks.html (mdz)14:25
nijabamdz: should "community" blueprient be following the same process as well?14:25
MootBotNew Topic:  Assigned and to-be-assigned bugs: http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/team-assigned/canonical-server-assigned-bug-tasks.html (mdz)14:26
sorenSorry, someone was at the door..14:26
* soren catches up14:26
mdznijaba, all blueprints should follow the same process14:26
nijabamdz: I know ScottK and maybe ivoks had a few14:26
=== imlad is now known as imlad|away
mdz[link] Assigned and to-be-assigned bugs: http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/team-assigned/canonical-server-assigned-bug-tasks.html (mdz)14:27
MootBotLINK received:  Assigned and to-be-assigned bugs: http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/team-assigned/canonical-server-assigned-bug-tasks.html (mdz)14:27
sorenUm... Yeah, I think I was in the UEC testing session. Think.14:27
mdznothing assigned to the team at the moment14:27
mdzthere are a bunch of bugs there which are still targeted to Karmic14:28
mdzlooks like they're all Eucalyptus related14:28
mdzso I assume those are SRU candidates, as opposed to 9.10-targeted bugs which slipped14:29
mdzprobably they should be targeted for LL as well, but I don't think it's too important14:29
ScottKWhat's the link to the process we're supposed to be using for spec tasks?14:29
ttxsome of those aren't candidates for SRUs -- I'll clean up14:29
ttxhmm, they show up wrongly in the list... they are wontfix for karmic14:30
mdzScottK, do you mean the work items?14:30
mdzttx, ah, ok14:30
ScottKmdz: Yes.14:30
ttxbug 438631 and bug 45581614:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 438631 in eucalyptus "eucalyptus-nc needs an upstart job" [Wishlist,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43863114:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 455816 in eucalyptus "When installing a UEC cluster, the prompt for the private interface is displayed after the "Installation complete" dialog" [Medium,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45581614:30
ScottKI heard something about using bugs for burndown charts, but haven't seen specifics on how this process is supposed to work.14:30
mdzScottK, it's working the same way as in karmic for the moment, I don't think the bugs-as-work-items bit is completed yet14:31
ScottKmdz: OK.  Thanks.14:31
mdzi.e. the work items go in the status whiteboard14:31
sorenI had never heard of this until Rick Spencer demoed it at UDS. This was in widespread use in Karmic?14:32
mdznothing else jumps out at me from the bug list14:32
ttxsoren: the desktop team was using it14:32
kirklandmdz: i'm also trying to verify the eucalyptus SRU14:32
sorenttx: Ok.14:32
mdzand the mobile team has adopted it as well14:32
mathiazsoren: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WorkItemsHowto gives an overview of this process14:33
mdzmathiaz, ah, thanks, I was trying to find that link14:33
kirklandI reinstalled my UEC yesterday;  i have some strange behavior that I emailed nurmi about; i'm not ready to approve/decline the SRU package yet, though.14:33
mdz[topic] work item tracking14:33
MootBotNew Topic:  work item tracking14:33
kirklandmathiaz: ^14:33
mdz[link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WorkItemsHowto14:33
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WorkItemsHowto14:33
sorenmathiaz: Neat, thanks.14:33
mdzany other questions about work items?14:33
mathiazmdz: some work items can't be defined in some of my blueprints14:34
mathiazmdz: example: write MIR for the list of agreed packages14:34
mathiazmdz: which depends on agreeing on the list of packages first14:34
mdzmathiaz, I suggest creating work items for each of the proposed changes14:35
mathiazmdz: that means that the list of work items will probably evolve over time14:35
ttxmathiaz: and adding it later will make it look like feature creep14:35
ScottKmathiaz: The list will evolve over time.14:35
mathiazmdz: are we trying to get all work items defined now?14:35
mdze.g. "discuss moving foobar to universe" would be one work item, and "move foobar to universe (if agreed)" would be a second work item14:35
mdzmathiaz, yes, as closely as we can estimate up front14:35
ScottKLast cycle on desktop stuff where I used this the tasks started out a few high level ones and got broken into more detail over time.14:35
mdzif some of them can be skipped, it's easy to skip them later, but we don't want to forget any14:36
mathiazmdz: hm - ok. Does this mean there can be 20+ more work items in one blueprint?14:36
mdzit is possible to add them later, but usually this indicates that work was overlooked14:36
mdzmathiaz, you can add as many as you like, up to whatever the limit is for the status whiteboard14:37
mdzit's definitely >2014:37
mathiazmdz: well - in this situation is that more investigation needs to be conducted in order to define more WI14:37
mdzmathiaz, if there are natural groupings, you could group them14:37
ttxmathiaz: I'd do 4 sets14:37
mdze.g. discuss the package changes related to backup, then make the agreed changes for those packages14:38
mdzbut it needs to be more than one work item, because even having the discussion will take more than 1-2 days14:38
ttxmathiaz: obvious, potentially harmful, etc14:38
ttxthen have one WI to delimitate the sets14:38
mathiazmdz: ok14:38
ttxand discuss / MIR for each set ?14:38
mdzwe'll learn from this as we go, since this is our first time through this process14:38
mdzfind out what works best, and adopt that for next time14:39
ttxmdz: ideally work items could be weigthed14:39
mathiazttx: well - not knowing how many packages will be considered makes it hard to define the number of set14:39
mdzthe most important thing is that the list is at approximately the right level of granularity, so that we make steady progress through the list14:39
mdzit will never be perfect14:39
ttxmathiaz: it's still slightly more accurate than defining nothing.14:39
* mathiaz agrees14:39
ttxthat's how I did it for the java dependencies14:40
mdzttx, if you can't think of any other way, you can split them up arbitrarily14:40
ttxlast cycle14:40
mdze.g. if something is probably 4 days work, you could do "implement foo #1", "implement foo #2", etc.14:40
mdzbut we should only do that as a last resort14:40
ttxmdz: yes.14:40
mdzmathiaz, remember, it just needs to fit into a 1-2 day chunk of work14:41
mdzthey don't all need to be exactly the same size14:41
* mathiaz nods14:41
mathiazI'll update the list of work items with your suggestions14:41
mdzthe errors should average out14:41
mdzi.e. we're just as likely to overestimate as to underestimate, we hope :-)14:41
mdzok, anything else on this topic?14:42
mdz[topic] Weekly SRU review (mathiaz)14:43
MootBotNew Topic:  Weekly SRU review (mathiaz)14:43
mathiazthere is one bug nominated for hardy14:44
mathiazbug 42681314:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 426813 in net-snmp "snmpd dies after requests with snmpwalk" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42681314:44
mdzkirkland, whoops?14:44
kirklandmdz: i was discussing the Eucalyptus SRU earlier14:45
mdzkirkland, that's OK14:45
mathiazzul: ttx: seems like a good candidate for an SRU?14:45
kirklandmdz: I see that conversation belongs here14:45
zulmathiaz: looking14:45
ttxmathiaz: yes14:45
zulmathiaz: im going to start tagging them so they are easily searchable in launchpad14:46
mathiazbug accepted for hardy14:46
mathiazzul: well you can use LP searches14:46
mathiazzul: or do you wanna tag the sru-potential?14:46
mathiazzul: in which case they should just be nominated14:46
zulmathiaz: yes that what I was thinking14:46
mdzmathiaz, zul, how would that be different from a nomination?14:46
MootBotLINK received:  http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ubuntu-server-team/fixedbugs.ubuntu-server.2009-11-16.html14:47
mathiaz^^ this is last week fixed released bugs - anything worth in there?14:47
mdzmathiaz, that list looks a week old14:47
mathiazmdz: yes - that was during UDS14:47
mathiazmdz: we haven't processed it yet14:47
zulmdz: when its fixed in lucid then we can just close it and add a tag like "sru-potential" and talk about it during the weekly meetings14:47
mathiazmdz: as we hadn't a meeting last week14:48
mathiazzul: nominating them for the proper the release would do the same thing14:48
mathiazzul: as we're reviewing the list of nominated bugs during the meeting14:48
zulmathiaz: okie dokie14:48
mathiazok - so anything SRU worth on http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ubuntu-server-team/fixedbugs.ubuntu-server.2009-11-16.html?14:49
mdzmathiaz, so we should have 2 weeks worth of bugs, no?14:49
ScottKFor Universe, nxvl is working on some courier stuff that will be SRU worthy once it's resolved and there is a havp fix in work that should also qualify.  Both packages are currently very broken in Karmic.14:49
mathiazmdz: yes - 2 weeks of bugs -> 2 lists14:49
zulmathiaz, #479955 might be14:49
mdzmathiaz, ah, ok14:49
mathiazbug 47995514:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 479955 in samba "winbind authentication fails after karmic upgrade" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47995514:49
mathiazScottK: are the bugs nominated/accepted for karmic?14:50
zulactually its already been nominated14:50
ScottKmathiaz: I think not yet, but they are both still unfixed in Lucid.14:50
mathiazScottK: ok - so lucid first :)14:50
ScottKFor havp the patch is still being reviewed and last I heard nxvl was beating he head against the wall over courier.14:51
mathiazok - let's move on to the second list:14:51
MootBotLINK received:  http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ubuntu-server-team/fixedbugs.ubuntu-server.2009-11-23.html14:51
mathiazanything SRU worth on this one^^?14:51
zulthe ucf dbconfig-common is pretty easy to fix and probably SRUable14:52
zulbug 42465314:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 424653 in dbconfig-common "I cant desintall phpmyadmin completle the database" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42465314:52
zulshould be fixed for jaunty at least14:53
mathiazzul: well - it doesn't seem too critical for jaunty now14:54
mathiazttx: ^?14:54
mathiazanything SRU worth on the two lists above?14:54
zulim not exactly sure how to reproduce it though14:54
ttxmathiaz: yes, I'd say that's not important enough14:54
mathiazok - let's move on then14:55
MootBotLINK received:  http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ubuntu-server-team/acceptedbugs.ubuntu-server.latest.html14:55
mathiazwhat the progress on these bugs?14:55
mathiazI think I need to add how long the bug has been assigned to this table14:56
mathiazto measure whether things get stalled (which is the goal of this list)14:56
mathiazI don't know I can extract the date of assignement from LP though14:56
zuleither in  -proposed or in -updates or waiting for users to test14:56
mathiazzul: all of them?14:57
mdzok, we're almost out of time, can we close the SRU topic?14:57
mathiazwhich reminds me that I should add the status of the bug as well14:57
mathiazmdz: yes14:57
mdz[topic] Meeting time14:57
MootBotNew Topic:  Meeting time14:57
mdzA few people mentioned this meeting time was less than ideal for them14:57
mdzlast I checked, Maria was working on finding a better time, and I asked her to work directly with you on it14:58
mdzwhat was the outcome?14:58
mdz(she's on holiday right now, so I can't ask her)14:58
ScottKIt's way better for me since I'm generally unavailable on Tuesdays.14:58
mathiazmdz: I haven't heard of maria on this topic14:58
mdzkirkland, I believe you were one of the people with an objection14:59
mdzthere was an email thread at the end of October14:59
kirklandmdz: yes, this time is very bad for me14:59
kirklandmdz: i've spoken with maria, filled out the survey again14:59
kirklandmdz: the day of the week is fine; it's the hour that's a problem14:59
kirklandmdz: one hour later would solve my conflict15:00
mdzkirkland, please work with maria to find a better time15:01
mdz[topic] AOB15:01
MootBotNew Topic:  AOB15:01
kirklandmdz: okay15:01
ScottKWho was working on the SpamAssassin update?15:01
ScottKThis is, I think, a very important topic for Lucid and I'd like to make sure we track it.15:01
mathiazScottK: IIRC Daviey investigated it15:02
mathiazScottK: I don't know the the outcome of the session though15:02
ScottKIt sounded like we'll want to update, but we need to make sure of this.15:02
ScottKmathiaz: Could we make sure this gets added to something as a work item so it doesn't get dropped.15:03
mathiazScottK: that should be documented in the blueprint15:03
ScottKmathiaz: What blueprint?15:03
mathiazScottK: and the whiteboard of the blueprint (mail-server stack?) updated15:03
ScottKI don't think we have one explicitly for this.15:03
ScottKmail-server-stack was a Karmic blueprint.15:03
ScottKThe one I'm working on is about package integration.15:04
mathiazScottK: well - if there is work to be done in Lucid and you'd want it to be tracked, I'd suggest to file a blueprint15:04
mathiazScottK: and create the necessary work items in the whiteboard15:04
ScottKmathiaz: I think it's important, but I really don't have time to deal with it.  It's in Main.  Please assign someone to deal with it then.15:04
mathiazScottK: could the spamassassin be added to the mail-related blueprint you're working on?15:04
ScottKmathiaz: It could if someone is going to do the work.15:05
mathiazScottK: right - documenting what needs to be done will make it easier for someone to pick it up later15:05
ScottKI don't mind having it in there for tracking, but I really don't have time to develop a relationship with another upstream (and that's what I think this will take)15:05
mathiazScottK: defining a work item doesn't mean *you* need to do it15:05
ScottKThat's fine then.15:06
mdzok, we're over time, can we adjourn?15:06
mdzthanks, all15:06
MootBotMeeting finished at 09:06.15:06
=== imlad|away is now known as imlad
* mvo looks around16:01
* robbiew waves16:02
MootBotMeeting started at 10:02. The chair is robbiew.16:02
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]16:02
* ScottK waves.16:03
* robbiew had zero time for an agenda this week....sorry :/16:03
robbiewhad this whole UDS thing last week16:03
robbiewplus Canonical seems to think I need to review my employees every 6 months :P16:04
robbiewKeybuk: slangasek: around?16:05
ScottKrobbiew: It'd be nice we could add libdb to the release coordination items with Debian and someone look into that.  The fewer versions we bring into the LTS the better.16:07
cjwatsonKeybuk was arguing about udev on #ubuntu-devel earlier :) I think slangasek is on leave16:07
loolhe is16:07
cjwatsonwe're in sync on db right now, but it wouldn't hurt to know about future planned transitions16:07
ScottKrobbiew: For some value of someone != me.16:07
Keybukrobbiew: yup16:08
robbiew[TOPIC] Lucid blueprints/specs16:09
MootBotNew Topic:  Lucid blueprints/specs16:09
robbiewwe are reviewing Lucid commitments next week...so I need specs written this week16:10
robbiewotherwise I'll have to defer them for Manic Monkey16:10
* robbiew bets someone will think that's the real name and blog it16:10
KeybukManic Minotaur!16:10
* lool thinks Monkey sucks -- we already had Gibbon16:10
robbiewMythic Minotaur16:10
robbiewMammoth Mammoth16:11
Keybukdamnit, we should have had Buffalo Buffalo for B16:11
loolWe should start all meetings with some brainstorm on $dist name; it's much more fun  :-)16:11
robbiewwe are also using burn-down charts this cycle16:12
MootBotLINK received:  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/WorkItemsHowto16:12
robbiewwhich mean more work upfront for planning work items, but will make it a LOT easier to track progress16:12
robbiewand know when we are getting into trouble16:12
cjwatsonI've only used it for one spec so far, but it didn't seem too onerous16:13
robbiewyeah...pretty easy16:13
robbiewI've done a few already16:13
* Keybuk already had a Work Items section in his blueprints16:13
Keybukso should be easy to copy over16:13
* robbiew already copied some for you ;)16:14
robbiewI'll also be prioritizing all the work items for Lucid16:14
Keybukthough mine aren't really 1-2 days things ;)16:14
robbiewwell....they could be broken down into 1-2 day things16:14
robbiewwhich might be useful in realizing the actual work effort16:15
KeybukI was more meaning "Mine" to be things I have to do ;)16:15
robbiewbut it's not an exact science...and the charts aren't the only thing I would use to gauge progress16:16
robbiewI'd like to have as many blueprints milestoned if possible16:17
cjwatsonis an equivalent of that slide that said which milestones were for which purpose up somewhere?16:17
robbiewthe iteration stuff is not that relevant for us16:18
robbiewat least in my opinion16:18
robbiewexcept for things the products have targeted16:19
robbiewlike the server installer stuff ;)16:19
robbiewfor Alpha 216:19
cjwatsondo we have a full list of those?16:19
cjwatsonnot that many work days from here to Alpha 2 :-/16:19
loolOf lucid foundations specs?16:19
robbiewyep...were posted to ubuntu-devel I think16:19
loolI think workitems.py will look at https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/?searchtext=lucid-foundations16:19
cjwatsonlool: no, of things that come from product roadmaps16:19
cjwatsonI hope foundations-lucid rather than lucid-foundations16:20
robbiewfor specs targeted to UDS Lucid16:20
loolcjwatson: It doesn't matter16:20
lool(foundations-lucid, lucid-foundations, lucid foundations...)16:20
robbiewfor specs targeted to the actual Lucid release16:20
robbiew"foundations lucid" should work fine16:21
robbiewin the searcg16:21
cjwatsonright, I mean things that we are going to get sat on for not delivering by alpha 2 because they're in a product roadmap16:21
* robbiew will forward the alpha 2 deliverable emails to the team 16:21
loolcjwatson: A bunch of bps on that page have milestone == alpha-216:21
cjwatsonok, thanks16:21
cjwatsonif that's a sufficient indicator, great16:21
lool(NB: workitems.py will skip over the mobile and dx specs on that list)16:22
robbiewI should point out that some of the specs we had for UDS Lucid were from karmic, so a foundations-karmic search is also suggested16:23
cjwatsonlooks like the list I'm looking for is just UEC installation right now?16:24
robbiewfwiw, I'll be going through each UDS Lucid blueprint this week...to be sure we've deferred or targeted it16:24
cjwatsonwhich is a surprisingly short list but ok16:24
cjwatson(looking at https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+milestone/lucid-alpha-2)16:24
robbiewthere may be a few software-center  related items as well16:25
robbiewbut need mvo and mpt to prioritize that stuff first ;)16:25
* mvo has this on his list16:25
Keybukrobbiew: just reviewed my specs, the work items actually all look pretty reasonable16:25
Keybuk(size wise)16:25
robbiewand we can add more if we want...or even target something to alpha 1 (though I discourage it)16:25
Keybukif anything, they're 1-2 hours not days16:25
robbiewcool, thnx16:25
Keybukand I've moved some milestones16:26
robbiewI think I've got a pretty good handle on our work items...but just need to defer the ones I know we can't do and prioritize the others16:27
KeybukI moved the experience stuff up to alpha 1 :p16:27
Keybukbecause I don't want it as a noose over our heads throughout the cycle16:27
robbiewdon't worry about prioritizing...but feel free to defer if you know there's no way it can be done this cycle ;)16:27
* robbiew was going to do that...but didn't want you to think I was pressuring you ;)16:28
Keybuksince it's "apply patches we already have and upload a package we already have"16:28
cjwatsonI might chuck in ubiquity-auto-update since the code for that is written16:28
cjwatsonmight as well make our stats look better :)16:28
* robbiew is all for that16:28
robbiewobviously we don't want to tackle all the easy ones first...but if the code is mostly written, throw that bad boy in early!16:29
robbiewokay...that's all I really have this week16:30
robbiewanyone have anything else they want to cover?16:30
Keybukrobbiew: any reason why some specs are assigned to the team rather than individuals?16:30
Keybukwhich is it supposed to be?16:30
robbiewif an individual is doing all the work items...then assign to that person16:31
robbiewif multiple people involved, assign to the team16:31
robbiewthe drafter should always be a person...and I consider the lead for that particular blueprint16:31
Keybukdesktop-lucid-boot-experience should be assigned to DX?16:32
robbiewwho is the assignee now?16:33
Keybuknot sure how much overlap there is with the foundations one ;)16:33
Keybukwe are16:33
Keybukfoundations covers the X transition already16:33
KeybukI figured desktop boot experience is once X is up16:33
Keybukand is all about gdm/desktop fades16:33
robbiewassign to dbarth16:33
robbiewand let him figure it out16:34
robbiewI don't want to assign to other teams...since they may have different methods16:34
robbiewwill either be DX or Desktop..or combination of both...though i think DX should own that portion16:34
Keybukwork items and milestones done too :)16:35
* robbiew should probably invite gary lasker to these meetings :/16:35
robbiewbut he starts with us next week16:35
cjwatsonwill he be entirely software center, or will we be able to snag him for the occasional other thing too?16:36
robbiewheh...that's mvo's call ;)16:36
robbiewbut I suspect he can be used in other places as well16:36
mvojust software-center ;)16:36
robbiewsame with barry...once he starts16:37
mvoI guess he also has a word in this :)16:37
robbiewI'm sure doko wants barry to himself...but that isn't realistic or fair to barry16:37
* mvo wants a bit of barry too16:38
robbiewanything else?16:39
robbiewoh...get your expenses in as soon as you can16:39
KeybukI have some GOOD NEWS! :p16:39
robbiewheh...go for it16:39
Keybukrobbiew: can you approve the last remaining one of mine? :p16:39
robbiewI'm waiting to see if we get free registrations since we sponsor16:40
* Keybuk has the daily bootcharts, kernel boot graphs, installer logs and installer bootcharts stuff working at home on both minis16:40
robbiewif so, you can get lca to refund16:40
Keybukrobbiew: ah, right16:40
Keybukso if we were to ever get a new daily on cdimage, they'd both wake up and make pretty charts :p16:40
cjwatsonKeybuk: do you have the recipe for installer bootcharts lying around? I want to start doing that in non-automated cases too16:40
robbiewand post where?16:41
cjwatsonnew daily> MINE MORE DISK16:41
Keybukrobbiew: they'll be on people.canonical.com/~scott/daily-bootcharts/16:41
Keybukinstaller logs will be people.canonical.com/~scott/daily-installer/16:41
Keybuk(not rsync'd yet, but that's just a formality to finish up later)16:41
cjwatsonactually, I want installer bootcharting to be a boot option at least during development, so that I don't have to customise CDs :)16:41
Keybukcjwatson: err, I have a shell script that stuffs bootchart into the casper initramfs - and a success command that turns it into a tarball and scps it somewhere <g>16:41
Keybukbootcharting installer requires some care16:42
Keybukit's amazing how quickly you can fill /dev16:42
cjwatsonactually I'd be happy with a way to turn on "boot"charting at a certain point16:42
cjwatsonsince I really just want to use it as a glorified process profiler16:42
* robbiew is working on more minis for Keybuk...I suspect we won't hear anything this week due to the US holiday16:42
cjwatsonso I guess I kind of have that already16:42
Keybukrobbiew: I can click a button on the Dell website and get some ;)16:43
robbiewyeah...but then we have to pay ;)16:44
robbiewI'd prefer free ones16:44
Keybukfree candy for all!16:44
robbiewbut understand time is of the essence here16:44
robbiewif it sounds like it's going to be a long time, then we can buy them...and I'll take the free ones :P16:44
Keybukrobbiew: I'm sure rick's team want some too16:44
robbiewgood point16:45
robbiewand dbarth16:45
robbiewbut rick will need them the most, I suspect16:45
robbiewbah...there goes my netbook cloud :P16:45
st33medJust my two cents (sorry if I am interrupting) but bootcharts, if you guys are talking about the repository programs, would have to be modified to stop at GDM start. Otherwise, the chart becomes somewhat unintelligible16:45
Keybukst33med: ?16:46
Keybukwe don't want it stopped when gdm starts16:46
Keybukwe want the entire desktop login too16:46
st33medOh ok16:46
* st33med shuts up16:46
Keybukour boot performance goals are to a visible desktop with no cpu or disk activity16:46
Keybukthe reason boot chart runs longer is to make *sure* that we're really finished ;-)16:46
robbiewyeah...we're not like windows ;)16:46
ogranote that the mobile team is about to pull bootchart into the armel live images for doing casper profiling until beta, would it make sense to use it on other arches too ?16:47
robbiewwe mean to a USABLE desktop ;)16:47
Keybuk45s just happens to be longer than all the sleeps pitti keeps putting in <g>16:47
Keybuk(to hide things from me)16:47
ograi.e. in all default development images16:47
st33medBut I have a hard time reading the charts, the characters become jumbled in some others.16:47
Keybukst33med: that's probably your svg renderer16:48
robbiewokay...let's wrap this up!16:49
MootBotMeeting finished at 10:49.16:49
st33medAnd sorry if I interrupted :)16:51
robbiewst33med: no worries16:51
robbiewthat's why we have the meeting publicly ;)16:51
st33medAnd not in some super secret nuclear bunker16:51
st33medThat's for the plans against MS :D16:52
st33medrobbiew, what team are you guys anyway?16:52
Keybukst33med: yeah, I've seen lots of renderings like that16:54
KeybukI think that's the python one on karmic?16:54
Keybukthe render got a whole lot sweeter in lucid by the looks of it16:55
st33medThat looks much better. I can actually tell where the text is pointing to XD16:56
KeybukI have a cute python program that overlays lines for the interesting points16:57
Keybukmy thing to do this evening is to try and port that into pybootchartgui itself16:57
Keybukso it'll cut the chart when it actually goes quiet16:57
Keybuk(three seconds of activity < 25%)16:57
Keybukand draw red lines when X starts and stuff16:57
st33medThat would be nice.  The logs become bloated by the end of boot sequence16:57
st33medOf course, that could only be bad if there is some startup bug in which it stalls boot for more than three seconds16:58
st33med*cough*ndiswrapper in edgy*cough*16:58
Keybukthis evening because jet lag hit me today so I spent the morning playing Assassin's Creed II instead of working <g>16:59
* marjo waves17:00
MootBotMeeting started at 11:00. The chair is marjo.17:00
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]17:00
pedro_hello folks17:00
arahey all17:00
marjoQA Team Meeting17:00
* fader_ waves.17:01
marjo# SRU testing -- sbeattie (Steve Beattie)17:01
marjo# Bugday highlights -- pedro17:01
marjoSpecs at http://piware.de/workitems/qa/lucid/ (ara)17:01
marjoWelcome back from UDS Dallas17:02
marjoThanks to everyone who participated. It was a very productive UDS for the QA Team17:02
marjo[TOPIC] SRU testing -- sbeattie17:03
MootBotNew Topic:  SRU testing -- sbeattie17:03
sbeattieSRU activity got subdued a bit last week due to UDS.17:03
sbeattieBut activity over the past two weeks has still been pretty high.17:03
sbeattieSRU Activity for the past two weeks (since 2009-11-11)17:03
sbeattie* karmic: 26 new packages in -proposed and 47 packages pushed to -updates.17:03
sbeattie* jaunty: 8 new packages (gst-plugins-bad-multiverse0.10, ipsec-tools, kaffeine, linux, nut, pulseaudio, rxvt-unicode, totem) in -proposed and 8 (clamav, kvm, landscape-client, linux, pulseaudio, totem, tzdata, update-manager) packages pushed to -updates17:03
sbeattie* intrepid: 1 new package (ipsec-tools) in -proposed and 1 package (tzdata) pushed to -updates17:04
sbeattie* hardy: 2 new packages in -proposed (sun-java5, sun-java6) and 3 packages (lilo-installer, tzdata, virtualbox-ose-modulesk) pushed to -updates17:04
sbeattie* dapper: 1 new package in -proposed (sun-java5) and 1 package (langpack-locales) pushed to -updates17:04
sbeattieThanks to Philip Muskovac,  Victor C., Antonio J. Garcia, Simon Jagoe, Simon Déziel, Jonathan Thomas,  Gunther Stengl, Ilya Barygin, Jamie, StepLg, Matthew Flaschen, Steve Dodier,  Bryan McLellan, Laurent Bonnaud, Evan Broder, Eladio Gálvez, Benjamin Drung, kwurzel, David Trask, madbiologist, Gergely Imreh, John Koskie, Danyi Dávid, Esteban, and others for testing SRUs in proposed over the last two weeks.17:04
sbeattieAssistance in testing SRUs is always welcome, come join us in #ubuntu-testing if you'd like to help out.17:04
sbeattie(that's all I've got for SRUs)17:05
marjo[TOPIC]  # Bugday highlights -- pedro17:05
MootBotNew Topic:   # Bugday highlights -- pedro17:05
marjothx Steve17:05
pedro_we don't have a scheduled bug day for the current week but....17:06
pedro_qense (from the bugsquad) proposed one for the next one17:06
pedro_the target will be translations17:07
pedro_yes, translations we'll be concentrated on the bugs of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-translations/17:07
marjook pedro17:07
marjosounds good17:07
pedro_organization is going to happen soon, so stay tuned to planet ubuntu and the mailing lists  for more news about it17:07
arapedro_, is those bugs for wrongly translated strings? or for lang-packages?17:08
pedro_ara, the first one17:09
arapedro_, nice17:09
pedro_otherwise we might need to go to each langpack to select bugs17:09
pedro_which might take a bit longer to do17:09
pedro_dpm suggested to go for the first target though17:10
pedro_marjo, that's all from here17:10
marjopedro_ thx!17:10
marjo[TOPIC] Specs at http://piware.de/workitems/qa/lucid/ (ara)17:11
MootBotNew Topic:  Specs at http://piware.de/workitems/qa/lucid/ (ara)17:11
araI have seen that some charts has been started to be generated for blueprint work items17:11
araI would like to know how do we now which ones exactly are being included17:11
araand how to get new items included in the chart17:12
sbeattieara: I think bdmurray was working with pitti to get qa items included.17:12
sbeattie(I think bdmurray is on holiday today)17:12
marjoi think we can specify them to pitti17:13
marjobdmurray and I are working with pitti17:13
aracan we get the current list?17:13
marjoara: right now, there's only one, so get your items to me or send them to pitti directly17:14
marjojust make sure they are for lucid, though17:14
aramarjo, OK, thanks17:14
aramarjo, well, as soon as you approve mines, I will pass them to pitti17:15
marjoyes, agree17:15
marjofolks: anything else on this topic?17:15
aramarjo, OK, thanks. i was getting confused about this17:15
marjofolks: any new agenda items??17:16
fader_I'd just like to sound a distant early warning about Alpha 117:17
fader_I know there were people asking what they could do to help test Ubuntu17:17
fader_ISO testing is a great way to make a huge difference and is quick to get started with :)17:17
marjo[TOPIC] Alpha 1 preparation17:17
MootBotNew Topic:  Alpha 1 preparation17:17
marjofader_ thx for the reminder and early warning17:18
marjofolks: any new agenda items?17:19
marjoif not, i propose we adjourn the meeting17:19
marjogoing once17:19
marjogoing twice17:19
marjomeeting adjourned17:19
marjothx everyone!17:20
fader_Thanks all17:20
marjocya next time17:20
MootBotMeeting finished at 11:20.17:20
arahappy thanksgiving day for US folks! See you on Friday!17:20
pedro_thanks all17:20
marjoara: thx!17:21
=== fader_ is now known as fader|lunch
popeyFFEMTcJ: sure18:25
=== fader|lunch is now known as fader_
* stgraber waves20:00
highvoltagehi! sorry just got a bit distracted while making some coffee20:02
highvoltageare we all here?20:02
stgraberdo we have a working link to some kind of agenda ? :)20:04
highvoltagehmm, I wasn't aware of that particular page20:04
highvoltageyes stgraber20:04
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
highvoltageAs most of you have probably noticed, the Edubuntu Council Elections haven't started yet20:07
highvoltageand it might not completely run as originally planned since we only have 6 nominations20:07
highvoltagewhich is understandable since we're quite a small team20:08
highvoltagewe're currently talking to the CC and we might end up making it a confirmation vote and have all 6 nominees form the new EC.20:08
highvoltagestgraber: did you perhaps get a chance yet to ping cj watson for the extra casper image that we'll require?20:10
stgrabernope, not yet20:10
=== nixternal_ is now known as nixternal
stgraberI'll have to check if we have enough space at the moment first so I don't make the DVD build to fail by doing so20:11
highvoltagehi nixternal20:11
stgraberhi nixternal20:11
* highvoltage checks if there are daily builds yet20:11
alkisgThat's for including an LTSP image?20:11
highvoltageoh there is, wow20:12
stgraberhighvoltage: there's20:12
stgraberI'm receiving a build email every morning about it :)20:12
highvoltagestgraber: couldn't the alternate part be dropped already?20:12
stgraberhighvoltage: depends if we want to support moodle installation or not20:12
* alkisg built an ubuntu live dvd with LTSP on it, both chroot and image, at less than 1 Gb (along with many other apps). squashfs removes duplicate files and saves a lot of space...20:13
stgraberhighvoltage: if yes, then we'll need to tweak the seeds for that so only the server part is included and desktop is dropped from the alternate part20:13
highvoltageI thought it would be nice to drop the d-i installer part completely, but I suppose it would be nice to be able to have an out-of-the-box moodle, etc option20:15
highvoltagestgraber: moodle is easy enough to install after the system is installed though isn't it?20:15
stgraberI think so yes20:16
highvoltagein previous releases there was an option to install a classroom server20:16
highvoltagewhich would basically install schooltool and moodle, etc20:17
stgraberright, that's what I was thinking of keeping as text installer20:17
highvoltageI guess there could be two options from the cd installer again, "Install Desktop or Application Server" and "Install Classroom Server"20:18
highvoltagethe naming could probably tweaked to be a little bit more intuitive20:18
nubaehah... I joined ubnutu-meeting20:18
nubaewhere I was alone...20:18
highvoltagenubae: heh, welcome20:19
nubaethen I realised, there are no nuts in ubuntu, maybe some fruitloops20:19
nubaebut no nuts ;-)20:19
highvoltagehmm, where's sbalneaves20:20
nubaebtw... sorrty to interject in the middle of a conversation... but has anyone had a chance to see opensuse 11.2-edu?20:20
highvoltagenubae: can you point to a release announcement / notes?20:22
nubaewell, I did a blog report about it: www.nubae.com20:22
nubaetruble with a pic though20:22
nubaelett me look for release note too20:23
highvoltagesbalneaves wants to handle the CD building stuff for Lucid, so I wondered if he would be interested looking into Ubiquity and how we could package something that would be run close to the end of an installation that would do most of the LTSP stuff in the target system20:23
nubaeits imrpessive.... well thats an understatement...its like shockingly complete and functional20:23
highvoltageI think the earlier in the cycle we can sort out the LTSP/LiveCD stuff the more nicer things we can fit in afterwards20:24
stgraberhighvoltage: sounds good, we need to have a ltsp chroot built and copied some place on the DVD, a small script written so one can start LTSP from the Live session and finally a change to ubiquity so we can choose to install LTSP or not20:24
nubaepicure is working on my site now if intereted to take a look20:25
nubaeits damn smooth looking20:25
highvoltageyeah I think the script to start LTSP from the CD will be quite simple compared to getting the right things in ubiquity20:26
highvoltagenubae: heh, we should add an opensuse-edu meeting just for you in the future :)20:26
nubaeI'd like, if possible, to wok on some of the universe addiitions that were not possible due to lack of spae20:26
nubaehighvoltage, sorry for being amember of both, but in the long run I believe it will benefit us all20:27
highvoltagenubae: that would be great, we have a basic list already if you'd like to review/expand on it20:27
highvoltagenubae: no need to apologise!20:27
nubaewould we handle them as ini packages or seeds like has been done with primary, teritiry, etc'20:28
highvoltagenubae: they could just be slotted into the current metapackages, tasks, etc, since we don't really have to distinguish between main and universe anymore20:28
nubaeand the other area I'd like to focus on is artwork.. both icons, wallpapaers (I have 4 ready themed ones already that some of u have seen)20:29
nubaebut all in all, I would love  a complete visual rep of what edubuntu is20:29
highvoltagewell we do since things in main can't depend on things in universe, but we can include universe packages on the DVD so the metapackages could probably all go to universe as well20:29
nubaecause thats what the public sees20:29
highvoltagenubae: I haven't seen it yet, mind posting some links to the list?20:30
nubaeyes no prob.. let me see its up somewhere I know.... basd on humour children could get...20:30
nubaelet me get the link20:31
alkisgHow would the LTSP chroot be embedded in the CD, since it isn't part of some package? And, aren't all things inside the squashfs image copied to the target system? So, the chroot would need to be *uninstalled* when the user doesn't want LTSP (not installed when the user selects it, as that's the default action, right?)20:31
highvoltagealkisg: right, so it wouldn't include a directory for a chroot, but just the squashfs image20:31
nubaeits an area we can give openuse  run for its money... their website design is not all that great and the dont really have original icon set and themes20:32
highvoltagealkisg: that would be built seperately from the livecd squashfs on the same build server, and then be included on the disc as a seperate squashfs filesystem than the casper one20:32
alkisghighvoltage: would that be *outside* of the squashfs image?20:32
highvoltagealkisg: it would indeed20:32
alkisgOK, if that's possible from a technical aspect, I don't see many problems in getting live LTSP ready for Lucid...20:33
highvoltagealkisg: yeah the canonical guys will have to make some modifications on the build servers for the extra squashfs, that may be a factor that's slightly out of our control20:34
highvoltagealkisg: but the actual livecd system shouldn't be too much of a problem20:34
highvoltagealkisg: we want to be able to install ltsp from a live system as well, that's where it gets more challenging20:34
alkisg"as well"? So the text installer will also be there?20:35
highvoltage"as well" as in, in addition to be able to run it from the livecd20:35
stgrabernope, we'd likely drop the text installer. Ubuntu alternate would still be there for text install of ltsp20:35
highvoltagethere will be a text installer but only for a classrrom server if you want to run moodle, etc (possibly schooltool again when that's available again in ubuntu)20:36
alkisgI guess a mounting of the squashfs image over /opt/ltsp/i386 would suffice for the chroot to be copied to the final system, won't it?20:37
highvoltagestgraber: oh, I thought you wanted to keep the text installer for a classroom server20:37
stgraberhighvoltage: yes, for classroom srever20:37
stgrabernot LTSP or Desktop20:37
highvoltageok, I just wanted to make sure we're in sync there :)20:37
highvoltageso for ubiquity we'd basically want some way of asking the user if they'd like LTSP installed, if they don't want it the additional packages should be removed, and if they do we need to extract/copy the ltsp data and run a few things like ltsp-update-{kernels,sshkeys}20:41
highvoltageI'm not sure how installing things like dhcpd will work on the build servers, I've run into some problems installing it in a chroot before but I'm sure that could be fixed20:41
stgraberwell, it works with the text install20:42
alkisgI don't think dhcpd should be preinstalled in the live dvd20:42
stgraberso it shouldn't be that bad with the GUI install20:42
stgraberdhcpd will be preinstalled but just not running by default20:42
stgraberand in fact, ubiquity doesn't install things, it copies everything and removes some stuff20:43
alkisgWhy not install ltsp-client-standalone from the DVD *only* when the user selects that he wants LTSP?20:43
highvoltagealkisg: on a livecd install, something is either installed or not, things that are not desired on the target system (usually language packs and internationalisation) are then removed at the end of the installation20:44
alkisg(i.e. as part of an ubiquity step)20:44
highvoltagealkisg: so dhcpd has to be installed on there, just not running by default20:44
=== fader_ is now known as fader|away
highvoltageI'll ping the list again to update the edubuntu doodle schedule for the next few weeks so that we can plan our meetings more in advance20:47
highvoltagedeciding on the next week's meeting time on a week-to-week basis is still a bit short notice for people, and it's hard to plan for people who can't make the current meeting20:47
stgraberwould be great indeed20:48
highvoltageother thatn that I don't think we have any urgent meeting items to discuss20:49
highvoltagethere's a lot of other things but it would be nice to have bigger meeting turnout for that20:49
highvoltagelike our website and the wiki!20:49
highvoltagedholbach suggested a wiki-hug-day for edubuntu, I think that could work with some good co-ordination20:50
highvoltagebut we'll have to decide what we want and set up some basic guidelines before hand so that contributors know what to do20:50
highvoltageotherwise we might end up with someone reshuffling half the wiki again :)20:51
highvoltageanything else?20:51
stgrabernot on my side20:51
highvoltageok, meeting adjourned... *BONG*20:52
alkisgThanks :)20:52
=== Ng__ is now known as Ng
highvoltage(we'll still be in #edubuntu afterwards if anyone is interested in joining)20:53
stgraberI guess we'll probably have our next meeting just after we know who the next EC members will be20:53
stgraberanyway, got to go, see you all later20:54
nubaedarn missed half conv trying to upload images20:55
nubaeanyway they'll be there soon20:55
nubaeare there any ideas on iconic themes?20:55
nubaeI mean... we can go realllly younh20:55
nubaewe can go more hip/cool for the teens20:55
nubaeor we can go more casual so that it fits audiences for unis too?20:56
highvoltagenubae: I *really* like the breathe icon theme, although it's probably not the most edubuntu-centric theme there is20:56
highvoltagenubae: anyway, let's move this to #edubuntu20:56
nubaeok, sorry to just but in20:56
* alkisg would like an option for keeping the default ubuntu theme :)20:56
=== wgrant_ is now known as wgrant
sbalneavSOrry, was in a real-life meeting21:21
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