billybigrigger | php | 00:11 |
billybigrigger | firefox is asking me to save a phtml file | 00:13 |
billybigrigger | while trying to read index.php | 00:13 |
billybigrigger | i have the addhandler line for php in my apache2.conf | 00:13 |
billybigrigger | dunno why its asking to save a phtml, i've never seen that before | 00:14 |
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk | ||
orudie | how can I check the processor info ? | 01:00 |
SynchronousFuRom | Is anyone familiar with vsftpd? I'm currently having an issue with every file I upload having no permissions. I want everything uploaded to my folder to be, by default, set to permissions of 777. | 01:28 |
zul | mathiaz: ping | 01:29 |
mathiaz | zul: hellow fellow canadiow! | 01:29 |
zul | mathiaz: bonjour! | 01:30 |
zul | mathiaz: i already got the python dependencies for landscape and ubuntuone and launchpad in the canonical-application-support spec | 01:30 |
mathiaz | zul: oh ok. | 01:32 |
mathiaz | zul: I though the blueprint had been folded into the seed discussion | 01:32 |
mathiaz | zul: I was wrong. I'll update the seed blueprint then | 01:32 |
zul | mathiaz: i dont think so | 01:32 |
zul | mathiaz: okies cool...besides I dont think you dont want to spend time writing 21 MIR and MIR for associated dependencies right? ;) | 01:33 |
mathiaz | zul: python-celementtree was considered to not be needed anymore | 01:33 |
zul | noted i think ctype is apart of python2.6 as well | 01:33 |
mathiaz | zul: python-svn - there was an action noted to talk to the LP team (IIUC) to check whether python-subversion would be ok | 01:34 |
mathiaz | zul: smartpm-core is already in main | 01:34 |
ajmitch | mwhudson would know about python-svn, he's been dealing with bzr-svn | 01:34 |
mathiaz | zul: and for asterisk I'd sync up with Daviey and the other devs involved in Asterisk | 01:35 |
mathiaz | zul: and I'm not sure about the outcome of drupal 6 | 01:36 |
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates | ||
zul | mathiaz: gotcha | 01:42 |
zul | mathiaz:i think drupalv6 was ok wwwconfig-common had to be stripped out though, whats everyone beef with wcconfig-common anyways? | 01:44 |
mathiaz | zul: you should ask the security team about wwwconfig-common | 01:44 |
mathiaz | zul: I don't think they're happy with having that package in main | 01:45 |
zul | mathiaz: i asked kees he wasnt sure why | 01:45 |
zul | <kees> zul: I wish I knew. it seems like a good thing to me. | 01:45 |
ajmitch | wwwconfig-common was meant to be deprecated about 4 years ago, iirc | 01:46 |
zul | with what? | 01:47 |
ajmitch | dbconfig-common, various other bits & pieces I think | 01:47 |
zul | bah | 01:47 |
ajmitch | it's not very helpful I know | 01:47 |
zul | i wonder how it fail if that dependency would be removed | 01:49 |
ajmitch | eg from 2005 mentions it as deprecated - there's not really a decent set of tools for packaging web apps | 01:49 |
ajmitch | wwwconfig-common usually handles the database setup & some apache mangling | 01:49 |
ajmitch | I see what you mean... drupal6 depends on both dbconfig-common & wwwconfig-common | 01:53 |
ajmitch | looks like the only bit used is a restart script, too | 01:56 |
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk | ||
billybigrigger | hey all | 03:21 |
billybigrigger | | 03:21 |
billybigrigger | anyone seen that before ^^^^ | 03:22 |
billybigrigger | perl is complaining about locale settings | 03:22 |
twb | billybigrigger: it's because your remote server hasn't got the appropriate locale(s) installed. | 03:22 |
twb | And because OpenSSH transmits local information by default. | 03:22 |
twb | Either unset LANG and LC_* when you log in, configure ssh not to send them, sshd not to accept them, or simply install the locales you need on your servers. | 03:23 |
billybigrigger | i see that now | 03:23 |
twb | I think it's something like language-pack-en | 03:23 |
twb | Personally I preferred the old way of compiling only what you need at install time | 03:23 |
billybigrigger | language-pack-en language-pack-en-base | 03:23 |
twb | Yeah | 03:23 |
billybigrigger | its junk though as i only need en_CA\ | 03:24 |
orudie | i'm trying to change the way my bash prompt looks by editting .bashrc in /home/username/.bashrc by adding line that looks something like this export PS1="\e[0;31m[\u@\h \W]\$ \e[m" and nothing changes :( | 03:24 |
billybigrigger | twb, anyway to remove all of the locales i don't need? | 03:24 |
twb | billybigrigger: you mean the en_* locales you don't need? | 03:24 |
billybigrigger | without remove the whole language-pack pkg? | 03:24 |
twb | AFAIK, no | 03:24 |
billybigrigger | dang | 03:25 |
billybigrigger | :) ah well | 03:25 |
billybigrigger | thanks | 03:25 |
twb | If you find out, let me know | 03:25 |
twb | I mean, short of installing localepurge or something... | 03:25 |
twb | Or writing dpkg 3.0 to understand i18n better | 03:25 |
billybigrigger | orudie, those changes *should* be immediate | 03:26 |
billybigrigger | orudie, maybe you have some invalid characters or something? | 03:26 |
billybigrigger | orudie, are you trying to do colors or something? | 03:28 |
billybigrigger | \e[0;31m[\u@\h \W]\$ \e[m | 03:28 |
billybigrigger | \e is fine...but right after.... [0 | 03:28 |
billybigrigger | ??? | 03:28 |
billybigrigger | should be \[0 | 03:28 |
thenetduck | do you know where I can find a good tutorial on how to install ssl ? | 03:41 |
thenetduck | no a hardy lts server? | 03:41 |
billybigrigger | check the server guide | 03:44 |
billybigrigger | | 03:44 |
uvirtbot` | New bug: #401782 in qemu-kvm (main) "please build a static version of qemu-arm 0.11.x in a separate binary deb" [Wishlist,Fix released] | 03:57 |
uzer | hello all, I am looking for a program to check pop mail and send an email based on who sends a mail | 04:27 |
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billybigrigger | anyone aware of some decent cheap vps hosts either in canada or us? | 04:42 |
twb | Why the hell would you need a statically-compiled qemu-arm? | 05:06 |
twb | Hmph, "2) build a static version of qemu-arm so the binary can be copied into an arm chroot" | 05:07 |
twb | ITYM debootstrap --include qemu or similar. | 05:07 |
orudie | hi, how do i enable rewriteEngine other then specifying RewriteEngine on in /sites-available/ ? | 05:50 |
billybigrigger | anyone know why i might not be able to telnet into port 25 to test postfix and smtp-auth? | 06:18 |
twb | billybigrigger: firewall, or postfix isn't binding on that interface/port | 06:30 |
twb | billybigrigger: you ought to use netcat instead of telnet, too | 06:30 |
twb | Otherwise people will think you're old | 06:31 |
billybigrigger | 250-AUTH DIGEST-MD5 CRAM-MD5 | 06:32 |
billybigrigger | tls isn't starting | 06:32 |
billybigrigger | i don't see STARTTLS anywhere | 06:32 |
billybigrigger | smtpd_use_tls = yes in /etc/postfix/ | 06:32 |
billybigrigger | twb, any ideas? | 06:32 |
twb | Um, if you're getting a 250 then surely it IS listening | 06:32 |
twb | And neither telnet nor netcat will STARTTLS, so of course you won't get past that point. | 06:33 |
billybigrigger | yeah, telnet/netcat on localhost 25 work | 06:33 |
billybigrigger | so i have to test from outside my server | 06:33 |
billybigrigger | Nov 24 23:33:30 server dovecot: Fatal: imap-login: Can't load private key file /etc/ssl/private/cakey.pem: error:0906A068:PEM routines:PEM_do_header:bad password read | 06:34 |
twb | billybigrigger: just specify the external interface when you netcat. | 06:34 |
billybigrigger | don't see why it can't auth with that key | 06:34 |
billybigrigger | postfix uses the same key no problems | 06:34 |
twb | Dunno about ssl keys. | 06:34 |
billybigrigger | billybigrigger@timmy:/etc/postfix$ netcat 25 | 06:35 |
billybigrigger | (UNKNOWN) [] 25 (smtp) : Connection refused | 06:35 |
twb | billybigrigger: so either your firewall is blocking it, or postfix isn't binding to that interface. | 06:35 |
billybigrigger | don't have a firewall setup | 06:35 |
twb | As ss(1) what postfix is binding to | 06:35 |
billybigrigger | that i know of | 06:36 |
billybigrigger | this is a 9.04 server image on a vps | 06:36 |
twb | *Ask ss(1) what postfix is binding to | 06:36 |
billybigrigger | it already had apache installed with all the latest jaunty updates...who knows what they did to it :) | 06:36 |
jmarsden | billybigrigger: sudo netstat -ntlp4 | grep :25 # on the server, outputs what? (find out what it is listening on) | 06:37 |
billybigrigger | what is ss(1)? | 06:37 |
jmarsden | billybigrigger: man 1 ss to find out :) | 06:37 |
twb | ss is basically the new netstat | 06:38 |
billybigrigger | tcp 0 0* LISTEN 32678/sendmail: MTA | 06:38 |
billybigrigger | ahh, i was using netstat as user, no wonder it wasn't showing me much | 06:38 |
billybigrigger | i need to practice up with netstat/netcat | 06:38 |
twb | btw, why does ss always use so much horizontal whitespace? I have to pipe it into cat to get something readable | 06:38 |
jmarsden | billybigrigger: OK... see that in there... that means it is binding only to localhost... not what you want. | 06:39 |
billybigrigger | mynetworks = [::ffff:]/104 [::1]/128 | 06:39 |
billybigrigger | jmarsden, :) thanks | 06:39 |
twb | 104? | 06:39 |
twb | IPv6 is wacky | 06:40 |
billybigrigger | should i just listen on ip4? | 06:40 |
twb | billybigrigger: do you use IPv6? | 06:40 |
billybigrigger | not at all | 06:40 |
jmarsden | billybigrigger: I'd look for the inet_interfaces line in /etc/postfix/ ... | 06:40 |
billybigrigger | inet_interfaces = all | 06:40 |
billybigrigger | inet_protocols = all | 06:40 |
billybigrigger | ok, just ran dpkg-reconfigure postfix and changed from all to ipv4 | 06:42 |
billybigrigger | still has the weird ipv6 address in mynetworks though | 06:42 |
billybigrigger | anywho | 06:42 |
billybigrigger | what does the /8 and /104 mean? obviously i need to add my servers ip address in there... | 06:43 |
billybigrigger | /8 is the class right? | 06:43 |
jmarsden | CIDR notation for a chunk of IPv4 address space. You can just put your Ip address on the line without a /nn | 06:44 |
jmarsden | Or you can do (same end result -- just one IP address) | 06:44 |
twb | 127/8 is the IPv4 loopback address range. It's a full class A address. | 06:45 |
twb | *address range | 06:45 |
* twb grumbles about code that treats differently from the rest of 127/8 | 06:46 | |
billybigrigger | hmm | 06:46 |
billybigrigger | added my ip/32, restarted postfix, ran netstat again and still only listening on | 06:46 |
twb | billybigrigger: try #postfix? | 06:47 |
billybigrigger | dead | 06:47 |
twb | Patience, grasshopper. | 06:48 |
billybigrigger | i asked there first...nothing but a bunch of /joins | 06:49 |
billybigrigger | :) | 06:49 |
jmarsden | billybigrigger: Check in /etc/postfix/master for anything that might be directing daemons to only listen on localhost ? | 06:50 |
twb | Possibly also dpkg-reconfigure postfix (after making a backup) | 06:51 |
twb | And postconf | grep | 06:52 |
jmarsden | postconf -n is probably enough (just look at what you have changed, not at everything) | 06:53 |
jmarsden | billybigrigger: If you want, pastebin the output of postconf -n somewhere and I'll take a quick look. | 06:53 |
billybigrigger | doh | 06:54 |
billybigrigger | tcp 0 0* LISTEN 32678/sendmail: MTA | 06:54 |
billybigrigger | 32678/sendmail: MTA | 06:54 |
billybigrigger | this vps is gay, has a bunch of stuff already preconfigured | 06:54 |
billybigrigger | not a clean fresh server install | 06:54 |
twb | billybigrigger: get rid of it, then | 06:54 |
billybigrigger | root 32678 0.0 0.1 66932 2344 ? Ss 18:23 0:00 sendmail: MTA: accepting connections | 06:54 |
twb | Incidentally, does that PID strike anyone as awfully covenient? | 06:55 |
twb | Oops, 2**15 is 32768, not 32678 | 06:55 |
jmarsden | twb: 32767 would be... 678?? | 06:55 |
billybigrigger | im lost now | 06:56 |
kaushal | hi | 06:56 |
kaushal | I get console-kit-daemon[3863]: WARNING: Error waiting for native console 13 activation: Invalid argument in the syslog. Any clue what could be causing this issue ? | 06:56 |
billybigrigger | tcp 0 0* LISTEN 7296/master | 06:57 |
jmarsden | kaushal: Invalid lines in /etc/syslog.conf, especially one that tries to send syslog output to tty13 ? | 06:57 |
billybigrigger | 250-STARTTLS | 06:58 |
billybigrigger | but i don't see... | 06:58 |
kaushal | I am running ok | 06:58 |
billybigrigger | 250-AUTH LOGIN PLAIN | 06:58 |
billybigrigger | 250-AUTH=LOGIN PLAIN | 06:58 |
jmarsden | billybigrigger: Did you get postfix listening on all interfaces? | 06:59 |
twb | jmarsden: clearly he did | 06:59 |
twb | 17:57 <billybigrigger> tcp 0 0* LISTEN 7296/master | 06:59 |
jmarsden | twb: well, that could be on localhost | 06:59 |
twb | No, then it'd be* | 06:59 |
twb | (Right?) | 06:59 |
jmarsden | Ah... OK. Yes, by that I meant the 250 stuff. | 06:59 |
kaushal | jmarsden: i dont see anything in syslog-ng.conf | 07:00 |
billybigrigger | <sep> my working postfix have ... tcp 0 0* LISTEN 5192/master keepalive (0.00/0/0) | 07:00 |
billybigrigger | from #postfix | 07:00 |
twb | kaushal: where's /dev/console pointing? | 07:02 |
twb | Oops, it's not a symlink | 07:02 |
twb | Hm, "invalid argument in the syslog." doesn't mean that console-kit-daemon is reading rsyslog.conf -- after all, that would be crazy | 07:03 |
jmarsden | kaushal: Others seem to have seen that kind of error in Ubuntu before, but no clear answers on the forums. Bug 244218 might be related? | 07:05 |
uvirtbot` | Launchpad bug 244218 in consolekit "console-kit-daemon segfautls and error "Error waiting for native console" (dup-of: 269651)" [Undecided,Incomplete] | 07:05 |
uvirtbot` | Launchpad bug 269651 in consolekit "console-kit-daemon crashed with SIGSEGV in g_str_hash()" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 07:05 |
ninnypants | I'm trying to use wordpress' wp_mail function to send mail but every time my code( runs the from value of the email is my mail server's domain, but it's sent from the correct email address. I have a proper mx records setup for the domain I'm sending from, and I talked with someone on here last night, and they said the From header in my code( was correct. Any id | 07:12 |
billybigrigger | loves how quickly it dies here :) | 07:21 |
ninnypants | yeah it makes things hard some times | 07:23 |
jmarsden | ninnypants: Are you (or your code) confusing the envelope address and the From: header ? The "From " header in unix mailbox format is not the same as the From: header line... | 07:24 |
ninnypants | probably this is my first server setup | 07:24 |
ninnypants | I just know that that is the way that you set up the headers for php's mail function | 07:25 |
jmarsden | I'm not familiar with wp_mail at all, but I've been running mail servers a long time (~15 years on Linux). If you send the mail using PHP's mail function rather than wp_mail, are the results different at all? | 07:25 |
ninnypants | let my try | 07:26 |
ninnypants | strangely yes not sure why because wp_mail uses php mail function but now I feel somewhat stupid for staring at it for a day and not checking that | 07:29 |
jmarsden | ninnypants: So now you need to recheck the docs for wp_mail to see what it is expecting that you are not doing, basically :) | 07:30 |
ninnypants | the code was coppied straight from the wp docs because the code I was using wasn't cutting it and nothing changed | 07:31 |
ninnypants | if you check out the example at the bottom of the page you'll see what I mean | 07:31 |
jmarsden | Assuming wordpress is open source, you could read the wp_mail code, to really see what it does differently. Maybe there is some config value somewhere that is looks at which you have not set? | 07:32 |
majuk | Hey guys, I'm looking for a way to instantiate a login.bat script on a per-group basis at login for Windows users (the groupings are on the server, not AD OUs). I found a doc that had some way to do this, but my google-fu is failing me. Anyone have an idea how to implement this? | 07:33 |
majuk | Oh, I'm using a Samba PDC. FYI | 07:34 |
jmarsden | majuk: I've never tried it, but would doing something like logon_script = scripts\%G.bat and having one foo.bat for each primary group name work for you? | 07:37 |
majuk | jmarsden! Hmmm... it very well might. | 07:37 |
ninnypants | jmarsden: it's using the PHPMailer class so not sure what's going on really never used PHPMailer before | 07:37 |
jmarsden | ninnypants: Well, can you get the desired resuly by just using the mail function instead? if so... ignore wp_mail, problem solved :) | 07:38 |
majuk | The doc I read did something to the effect of reading the group the user was in and then copying a GROUP.bat in USER.bat so then for the [netlogon] portion of samba, you only needed /PATH/TO/LOGINSCRIPTS/%U.bat | 07:38 |
majuk | jmarsden! ^^ | 07:38 |
majuk | But %G might work as well. I wonder how it would react if the user were in multiple groups though | 07:39 |
majuk | One way to find out! > | 07:39 |
majuk | > | 07:39 |
majuk | :D | 07:39 |
jmarsden | majuk: Sounds reasonable. I've done the %U.bat thing (a long time ago), but never had to deal with that per-group... %G is the users primary group. | 07:39 |
majuk | jmarsden! Ah, right. I forget there is a primary. I'm a relatively new admin. | 07:40 |
jmarsden | majuk: man smb.conf has all the info on those %X substitutions... I did man smb.conf before writing my first response to you :) | 07:40 |
majuk | jmarsden! There's a man for the .conf file? Doesn't that beat all. Thanks man, I'll take a look at that. | 07:41 |
twb | majuk: man -k is your friend | 07:42 |
majuk | twb! ZOMG, 4 years of using Linux, never seen that before. | 07:42 |
majuk | Awesome. Thanks guys. | 07:43 |
jmarsden | No problem. BTW... 4 years and you didn't ever do man man and read what was in there? :) | 07:44 |
majuk | LOL, no, no I hadn't. | 07:44 |
twb | majuk: then RUTE is your friend | 07:44 |
majuk | But now I will! | 07:45 |
majuk | twb! Nice, thanks for the recommendation. I'll have to peruse this sometime. | 07:46 |
majuk | I love IRC. : | 07:47 |
twb | majuk: you evidently aren't too bad, since you found it without asking for the URL | 07:47 |
majuk | twb! Well I know how to use Google. :) | 07:47 |
twb | Usually the conversation goes "RUTE." "RUTE?" "!RUTE" | 07:48 |
twb | FSVO RUTE | 07:48 |
majuk | Hahahaha, yea, I started in Gentoo, I'm used to doing some research before I ask questions, googling a term I haven't seen before is pretty par for IRC for me at this point. | 07:49 |
majuk | But anyway, thanks for the info. You guys, as always, are awesome. | 07:51 |
maxagaz | how to know which one of eth0 and eth1 the ppp0 interface is using ? | 08:58 |
yoshx | hello | 09:03 |
=== t3chi3__ is now known as t3chi3 | ||
Ng | maxagaz: why would ppp0 be using an eth interface? are you doing some kind of tunnelling? | 09:12 |
maxagaz | Ng, i' just trying to know what hardware is ppp0 using | 09:14 |
Ng | maxagaz: I'm not aware of that question being easily answered without knowing more about the setup. ppp0 is either talking to local modem hardware or is being tunnelled over a network device, but afaik you can't tell from the ppp0 interface itself where the other end is, you'd need to inspect the pppd process that created it | 09:21 |
majuk | If anyone is looking for policy setting examples that don't revolve around Window's silly GUIs, I just found a gold mine. | 09:31 |
majuk | | 09:31 |
=== georg is now known as kwork | ||
Vartan | hello | 11:01 |
Vartan | so i can actually add my server to the amazon cloud? so when i add a site it will be using the amazon servers also? | 11:01 |
soren | Vartan: It's not quite that simple. | 11:20 |
uvirtbot` | New bug: #488190 in unixodbc (main) "unixodbc doesn't cooperate well with freedts" [Undecided,New] | 13:01 |
ahasenack | erichammond: are you around? | 13:22 |
acemo | how do i mount the raid filesystem from a live cd? | 13:44 |
chuck_ | morning | 13:53 |
Daviey | afternoon chuck_ | 13:58 |
Zeboss | hello | 14:00 |
=== Zeboss is now known as Nexen|Zeboss | ||
=== chuck_ is now known as zul | ||
tdn | How do I use a pgsql database for authentication instead of /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow? | 14:09 |
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ivoks | anyone using NFS here? | 15:47 |
zul | yep | 15:48 |
zul | but not as complicated as you probably want it ivoks | 15:48 |
ivoks | well, my setup is basic | 15:48 |
ivoks | one nfs share, mounted on different ubuntu clients | 15:48 |
ivoks | users are in LDAP, so uids and gids are ok | 15:49 |
zul | pormap running? | 15:49 |
zul | portmap even | 15:49 |
ivoks | now, everything is working | 15:49 |
ivoks | it's just this problem that's been there always :) | 15:49 |
ivoks | when userA creates file, it creats it with it's umask | 15:49 |
ivoks | then userB can't change it | 15:50 |
yoshx | hello | 15:50 |
ivoks | now, i could change their umasks, but i do not want that, cause i'd like them to store files with 0660 permissions only on nfs share | 15:50 |
uvirtbot` | New bug: #488257 in samba (main) "package samba-common 2:3.4.0-3ubuntu5.1 failed to install/upgrade: " [Undecided,New] | 15:51 |
ivoks | that's doable with samba, but nfs doesn't have something like that | 15:51 |
ivoks | :/ | 15:51 |
zul | which version are you using? | 15:51 |
ivoks | v3 | 15:52 |
ivoks | but i think it applies for v4 too | 15:52 |
ivoks | i could use ACLs, of course... | 15:52 |
ivoks | or, forget about NFS | 15:53 |
ivoks | how do i set up a direcotry, on unix, which will force permissions on files created in it? | 15:53 |
ivoks | for example, each file created there should be 0660 | 15:53 |
ivoks | i do know how to do that with ACL | 15:53 |
ivoks | man, we should have ACLs by default in ubuntu | 15:54 |
ivoks | in any linux distro. | 15:54 |
ivoks | unix permissions are just to simple | 15:54 |
zul | I would use acl | 15:56 |
ivoks | there's no other way | 15:57 |
ivoks | and we moved acl to universe | 15:57 |
ivoks | bah, we suck | 15:57 |
ahasenack | why was acl moved to universe? | 16:01 |
ahasenack | I thought samba was very close to requiring it, i.e., many of its features don't work without acl support | 16:02 |
ivoks | i'll fight for its comback to main | 16:03 |
Nexen|Zeboss | i'm tryin' to build a UEC, and i was wondering if anyone know the minimum CPU specs for CLC and CC ? | 16:05 |
RiSkOo | alguien habla español? | 16:20 |
RiSkOo | :) | 16:20 |
uvirtbot` | New bug: #488285 in multipath-tools (main) "multipathd segfault" [Undecided,New] | 16:32 |
majuk | Hey guys, I have a functioning Samba PDC, but when ever a Windows user logs in, I get this message flood my /var/log/daemon.log. Any idea why? Googling failed me. | 16:56 |
majuk | Again, everything works, so this error doesn't seem to be affecting my user in any way, I would just prefer my logs weren't stuffed with this message. | 16:57 |
ruben23 | hi | 17:37 |
majuk | ruben23! Hola. Que paso amigo con queso? | 17:43 |
ruben23 | majuk:hi sorry cant understand | 17:44 |
majuk | ruben23! That means "Hello, my friend with cheese" | 17:44 |
majuk | Or, what's up, rather | 17:45 |
ruben23 | majuk:very nice.... | 17:45 |
ruben23 | majuk: are you a network admin..? | 17:45 |
Adam75 | CPU INTEL P4 2.6GHz, 80 Gb HD, 512mb ram.. will this do for a server? | 17:45 |
majuk | ruben23! EEEEEERRRRRRRGGGGGG, wrong, ask your questions and someone will help if they can. | 17:45 |
majuk | That was my 'wrong answer' buzzer, needs work. | 17:46 |
majuk | Adam75! Depends on what you're serving, chacho. | 17:46 |
Adam75 | majuk; I don't know yet. I'm thinking webserver or smth | 17:47 |
majuk | Adam75! Short answer: it should be fine. It's probably way over kill, in fact. | 17:48 |
\sh | majuk, depending on the load of the webserver... | 17:49 |
majuk | \sh! Precisely. Hence why that was the short answer. | 17:49 |
majuk | \sh! But if he doesn't even know what he's serving, that means he's not serving much of anything usually. | 17:50 |
majuk | So :P | 17:50 |
\sh | oh well.../me hasn't the "i need a server for home" users in mind ;) | 17:55 |
majuk | \sh! Indeed. | 17:56 |
zroysch | is there anyone around who is knowledgable in networking on ubuntu server | 18:05 |
zroysch | its getting very annoying to deal with this random disconnection that occurs when im connected to the server from the internet. | 18:06 |
bogeyd6 | yes i am zroysch | 18:08 |
zroysch | hi | 18:08 |
bogeyd6 | !ask | 18:08 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 18:08 |
bogeyd6 | !pastebin | 18:08 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic | 18:08 |
bogeyd6 | :)) | 18:08 |
zroysch | ok, i'll try to describe my circumstance | 18:08 |
zroysch | currently i'm at panera bread | 18:08 |
zroysch | ssh'd to ubuntu server (on home lan) | 18:08 |
zroysch | also connected to the mpd server | 18:08 |
zroysch | listening to icecast stream | 18:08 |
zroysch | it'll disconnect at random. | 18:09 |
bogeyd6 | the ssh or the icecast? | 18:09 |
zroysch | i ssh to the centos server, also on the home lan. it remains connected indefinitely | 18:09 |
zroysch | this behavior was repeated on university's network | 18:09 |
zroysch | and another restaurant | 18:09 |
zroysch | everything disconnects at the same time | 18:10 |
zroysch | for a minute or so | 18:10 |
zroysch | on the ubuntu problem server | 18:10 |
bogeyd6 | ok | 18:10 |
bogeyd6 | well there are lots of fault points to trouble shoot in the area. | 18:10 |
zroysch | when i'm at home on the lan (my laptop), it stays connected to the ubuntu server the whole time | 18:10 |
bogeyd6 | what does /var/log/syslog tell you | 18:11 |
zroysch | i dont see anything there regarding an ssh connection or any of the other connections i know are failing | 18:12 |
\sh | zroysch, check on your centos box /etc/ssh/sshd_config for TCPKeepAlive setting...if it's enabled, there you go on your ubuntu box...but man sshd_config tells you TCPKeepAlive is need to look at the ClientAliveCountMax | 18:13 |
bogeyd6 | so chances are it is either the network card in the server (assuming that this aint a virtual server) or the router/dsl modem is losing signal | 18:13 |
zroysch | its not a virtual server | 18:13 |
bogeyd6 | \sh that doesnt solve his icecast disconnecting | 18:14 |
zroysch | i was suspect of the server nic, but wouldnt it act the same while i was at home on the lan? | 18:14 |
bogeyd6 | zroysch yeah, but not as touchy on a lan as it does go over internet | 18:14 |
\sh | bogeyd6, if the centos box is on the same network as the ubuntu box...hmm.. | 18:14 |
zroysch | my home network is setup like verizon modem -> pfsense router/firewall -> ubuntu server | 18:15 |
zroysch | yes centos is connected to the same router | 18:15 |
bogeyd6 | i dunno, i think it has to be in that internet connection | 18:15 |
\sh | bogeyd6, then you would have the same disconnects on the centos box | 18:15 |
\sh | bogeyd6, or it's something like dhcp doing some re-requesting of ips in a faster interval | 18:17 |
\sh | if zroysch' server is getting it's ip via dhcp ;) | 18:17 |
bogeyd6 | usually the dhcp server will give the same lease | 18:18 |
\sh | as I'm not using dhcp for my home machine, I don't have disconnects... | 18:18 |
\sh | bogeyd6, usally | 18:18 |
\sh | but I'm running on linksys with ddwrt...and have no problem with the ubuntu boxes (which I only other linux here) | 18:19 |
zroysch | \sh: all servers in question are static ip'd | 18:19 |
zroysch | on the lan | 18:19 |
bogeyd6 | zroysch can you pastebin the contents of /var/log/syslog and | 18:19 |
bogeyd6 | let us know the url | 18:20 |
zroysch | \sh: #TCPKeepAlive yes | 18:20 |
zroysch | bogeyd6 | 18:21 |
bogeyd6 | server log is surprisngly clean | 18:22 |
zroysch | it just happened again | 18:22 |
zroysch | ssh: connect to host port 22100: Connection refused | 18:23 |
zroysch | now its prompting for a password again | 18:23 |
bogeyd6 | hah, i got an ip trying to bruteforce a username in my auth.log | 18:24 |
zroysch | connected | 18:24 |
zroysch | uh oh | 18:24 |
zroysch | fuck him. | 18:24 |
* bogeyd6 knows how to secure me some ssh | 18:24 | |
bogeyd6 | | 18:24 |
zroysch | i wish my auth.log said something important regarding the ssh disconnects | 18:24 |
zroysch | chinese bastard | 18:25 |
bogeyd6 | you can | 18:25 |
bogeyd6 | set your logging level in sshd_config | 18:25 |
zroysch | i did | 18:25 |
zroysch | its verbose | 18:25 |
bogeyd6 | set to debug | 18:26 |
zroysch | set | 18:26 |
bogeyd6 | restart ssh | 18:27 |
bogeyd6 | sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart | 18:27 |
bogeyd6 | disconnect and reconnect (if successful start) | 18:28 |
bogeyd6 | auth.log is where it is logging | 18:31 |
zroysch | right | 18:31 |
bogeyd6 | waiting for a disconnect? | 18:32 |
zroysch | always | 18:32 |
bogeyd6 | tail -f /var/log/auth.log | 18:32 |
zroysch | i'm all anxious with anticipation this time | 18:33 |
zroysch | theres gonna be a log with all the answers | 18:33 |
bogeyd6 | or no answer! | 18:33 |
zroysch | [365176.690020] TCP: Treason uncloaked! Peer xxx.xx.xx.xx:58985/49150 shrinks window 1453160483:1453162878. Repaired. | 18:34 |
zroysch | i get a shitload of these | 18:34 |
zroysch | imean a metric shit ton | 18:34 |
bogeyd6 | it means its shrinking the tcp window | 18:36 |
bogeyd6 | mostly we just wait for the disconnect and then see the errors leading up to it | 18:36 |
zroysch | Nov 25 13:31:15 userv sshd[23755]: debug1: server_input_global_request: rtype want_reply 1 | 18:37 |
zroysch | i guess this is my client's serverkeepalive doing its thing? | 18:37 |
bogeyd6 | yes | 18:37 |
zul | bah | 18:38 |
bogeyd6 | zroysch maybe if you stop the tail it will disconnect faster | 18:39 |
zroysch | | 18:40 |
zroysch | but i'm still connected | 18:40 |
zroysch | how/why is root connected? i never login as root | 18:41 |
bogeyd6 | ruh roh :( | 18:41 |
bogeyd6 | did you su root? | 18:42 |
zroysch | ubuntu doesnt even have a root i though | 18:42 |
zroysch | t | 18:42 |
bogeyd6 | !root | 18:43 |
ubottu | Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at | 18:43 |
bogeyd6 | but watch this | 18:43 |
bogeyd6 | !noroot | 18:43 |
ubottu | We do not support having a root password set. See !root and !wfm for more information. | 18:43 |
bogeyd6 | :P | 18:43 |
zroysch | i never set one | 18:43 |
zroysch | so i guess there isnt one. | 18:43 |
zroysch | my login i normally use has root access, but the username is not root | 18:43 |
\sh | sudo -i == you smell like root ;) | 18:43 |
bogeyd6 | when was the last time you did a "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade" | 18:43 |
zroysch | dunno | 18:43 |
bogeyd6 | check it out | 18:44 |
bogeyd6 | could be a solution to our problems | 18:44 |
zroysch | | 18:46 |
zroysch | that tell me anything? | 18:46 |
ivoks | yes | 18:46 |
ivoks | it says everything is ok | 18:46 |
zroysch | ivoks: everything is not ok. | 18:47 |
zroysch | bogeyd6: i have 5 days of uptime, so 5 days ago | 18:48 |
ivoks | i wasn't here from the begining, so i don't know what's your problem | 18:49 |
ivoks | but this log looks ok | 18:49 |
ivoks | if, of course, you do know who userveadmin is :) | 18:49 |
uvirtbot` | New bug: #488373 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (main) "mysql-server-5.1 does not include the InnoDB engine" [Undecided,New] | 18:51 |
zroysch | ivoks: yes i know him. i am him | 18:53 |
ivoks | awesome, so... what's the problem? | 18:53 |
zroysch | ivoks: the disconnects are happening at random, without my authorization. | 18:53 |
zroysch | from several locations on the internet | 18:53 |
bogeyd6 | zroysch who is smmsp | 18:53 |
zroysch | i dont know | 18:53 |
ivoks | zroysch: disconnects? | 18:54 |
zroysch | 24 packages can be updated. | 18:54 |
zroysch | 10 updates are security updates. | 18:54 |
zroysch | i guess i'll do it | 18:54 |
bogeyd6 | sendmail user | 18:54 |
bogeyd6 | zroysch plz do | 18:54 |
ivoks | your ssh connection drops? | 18:54 |
bogeyd6 | zroysch has it disconnected yet | 18:57 |
zroysch | bogeyd6 yes several times | 18:57 |
zroysch | i posted the pastebin from the tail on the one | 18:57 |
bogeyd6 | the last pastebin proved nothing of a disconnect | 18:58 |
zroysch | huh | 18:58 |
ivoks | are you running nscd? | 18:58 |
bogeyd6 | just showed closed as if you closed it | 18:58 |
zroysch | i didnt close it | 18:59 |
ivoks | bogeyd6: which pastebin is that? | 18:59 |
zroysch | | 18:59 |
zroysch | this one, i guess | 18:59 |
ivoks | nope, it's this one | 19:00 |
ivoks | | 19:00 |
alkisg | Is the following idea for passwordless ssh an acceptable way to control many standalone clients from a server? | 19:00 |
alkisg | 1) Create ssh keys for the root user on the server: sudo ssh-keygen | 19:00 |
alkisg | 2) Edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config on the clients, and specify: AuthorizedKeysFile /etc/ssh/authorized_keys | 19:00 |
alkisg | 3) Copy the public key of the server root user to the clients' /etc/ssh/authorized_keys | 19:00 |
alkisg | This way anyone with sudo privileges on the server could do: sudo ssh user@client and automatically logon there. | 19:00 |
alkisg | Any tactical problems with this approach? | 19:00 |
ivoks | anyway, neither of those show closed connection | 19:00 |
ivoks | zroysch: let's start from the beginning | 19:01 |
ivoks | zroysch: what is the problem? you randomly get disconnected from ssh? | 19:02 |
alkisg | That's to be used in a small classroom, with the teacher sitting on the server and controlling/administering the clients where the students sit. | 19:02 |
bogeyd6 | ivoks only when crossing on his internet connection | 19:02 |
ivoks | zroysch: does it show 'disconnected' or the connection just times out | 19:02 |
ivoks | do you actually get disconnected or it looks like connection 'crashed'? | 19:02 |
zroysch | ivoks: when connecting from the internet (tried 3 different locations), my connections get dropped at random (ssh, mpd, icecast) | 19:02 |
ivoks | describe 'dropped' | 19:03 |
ivoks | do you get disconnect or it just stalls | 19:03 |
zroysch | this ubuntu server is on my home lan. the same home lan that the centos server is on where my ssh remains connected | 19:03 |
ivoks | for example, with ssh | 19:03 |
zroysch | it disconnects, and i am given the prompt for my local machine again | 19:03 |
ivoks | do you get returned to your client prompt or terminal 'freezes' | 19:03 |
ivoks | ok | 19:03 |
ivoks | what kind of connection do you have from your home to your ISP? | 19:04 |
zroysch | its verizion fios.. | 19:04 |
zroysch | fiber to the house | 19:04 |
zroysch | a box outside that comes inside with coax to the verizon modem | 19:05 |
ivoks | i know what it is | 19:05 |
zroysch | then why did you ask | 19:05 |
ivoks | i asked what do you how, and i know what fios is | 19:05 |
ivoks | how? :) | 19:06 |
ivoks | have | 19:06 |
zroysch | yea, it was a weird way to ask i guess, so i was overly descriptive, as i thought its what you wanted | 19:06 |
zroysch | also, i believe not everyone gets fiber right up to their house | 19:06 |
ivoks | hm... | 19:06 |
zroysch | ok i just got a new kernel with the update | 19:06 |
zroysch | not sure if this is going to do anything but i'll reboot and see | 19:07 |
ivoks | zroysch: when it boots up, i'd like you to paste output from 'grep sshd /var/log/auth.log' | 19:08 |
ivoks | from one session | 19:08 |
bogeyd6 | awesome zroysch | 19:09 |
zroysch | im not sure what you mean by one session | 19:09 |
bogeyd6 | login to ssh and then repost auth.log | 19:09 |
ivoks | ssh into the server and wait until it drops connection | 19:09 |
zroysch | ok | 19:09 |
zroysch | rebooting | 19:10 |
zroysch | i gotta eat now | 19:10 |
zroysch | brb | 19:10 |
ivoks | heh | 19:10 |
ivoks | sshd doesn't disconnects him | 19:10 |
ivoks | i'm puzzeld by the fact that he gets his terminal back | 19:10 |
ivoks | otherwise, i'd bet on MTU | 19:11 |
bogeyd6 | ivoks he claims on local lan its no issue | 19:12 |
ivoks | therefor MTU or some kind of firewall on modem | 19:12 |
\sh | ivoks, how does it fit with the centos box not disconnecting? ;) | 19:14 |
ivoks | different mtu | 19:14 |
zroysch | maximum transition unit? | 19:14 |
ivoks | but on fiber, mtu of 1500 should be ok | 19:14 |
\sh | hmm...nic mtu should be always 1500, or? | 19:14 |
\sh | (ethernet to be more precise) | 19:15 |
ivoks | not always... | 19:15 |
jbernard | \sh: GigE supports jumbo frames | 19:15 |
ivoks | sometimes with cisco vpn you can get problems if your mtu is 1500 | 19:15 |
\sh | jbernard, yes...but your home dsl / cable modem won't have GigE ;) | 19:16 |
ivoks | \sh: this isn't dsl | 19:16 |
ivoks | it's fiber | 19:16 |
ivoks | zroysch: yes... could you try something? | 19:16 |
zroysch | at your service | 19:16 |
ivoks | zroysch: eth0 is the name of the interface? | 19:17 |
bogeyd6 | im not convinced its the server | 19:17 |
zroysch | yes | 19:17 |
bogeyd6 | im betting it has to be in the verizon modem signal or the firewall | 19:17 |
ivoks | zroysch: run 'sudo ifconfig eth0 mtu 1412' | 19:18 |
ivoks | let's give it some space :) | 19:18 |
bogeyd6 | wat | 19:18 |
bogeyd6 | dont do that | 19:18 |
ivoks | zroysch: on server, of course | 19:19 |
zroysch | yes | 19:19 |
zroysch | it was 1500 | 19:19 |
uvirtbot` | New bug: #248142 in backuppc (main) ""RsyncdUserName" missing from "CgiUserConfigEdit" in" [Low,Invalid] | 19:20 |
ivoks | i know | 19:20 |
ivoks | now observe if behaviour changed | 19:20 |
zroysch | centos server's mtu also 1500 | 19:22 |
ivoks | i belive it is... | 19:22 |
zroysch | i'm telling you it is | 19:22 |
ivoks | so, does connection drop? | 19:22 |
bogeyd6 | rotfl | 19:22 |
zroysch | will have to give it a minute | 19:22 |
ivoks | zroysch: by default, it's 1500 always | 19:22 |
zroysch | oh | 19:23 |
ivoks | Verizon FiOS expects an MTU setting of 1492. | 19:23 |
ivoks | there we go... | 19:23 |
ivoks | true, modem should do that, but it's verzion... expect unexpected :) | 19:24 |
zroysch | yea like a blown up gasline | 19:24 |
ivoks | ADSL also works on 1492 | 19:24 |
ivoks | but clients on LAN shouldn't have 1492, only the gateway | 19:24 |
ivoks | i've seen couple of modems that don't clam mtu | 19:25 |
zroysch | so i should set the pfsense router to 1492 | 19:25 |
ivoks | er... you have your own gateway? | 19:25 |
NorthByNorthWest | Hi! Desperately need help! My samba share, created with webmin cant be mounted... it just says "Cannot mount Window-share" | 19:25 |
zroysch | ivoks: well its a gateway for my lan | 19:25 |
zroysch | its the only computer connected to the vz modem | 19:26 |
ivoks | zroysch: it should have 1492 only on the modem side, on the eth side it should be 1500 | 19:26 |
ivoks | zroysch: the thing is that modem needs to do claming | 19:26 |
* \sh loves his linksys and /me loves cable ;) | 19:27 | |
ivoks | zroysch: so, does connection drops? | 19:27 |
zroysch | ivoks: not yet | 19:27 |
ivoks | that's 7 minutes | 19:27 |
ivoks | did it last that long before? | 19:28 |
bogeyd6 | NorthByNorthWest we dont support webmin here | 19:28 |
zroysch | its seemingly random | 19:28 |
ivoks | zroysch: it's not random, it depends on amount of data | 19:28 |
ivoks | zroysch: so, if you just log in, it won't drop that fast; but if you do just 'ps ax' it could drop in a second | 19:28 |
zroysch | ivoks: whenever i'm doing something in the terminal it seems to stay connected | 19:29 |
zroysch | its only when i go back to it after doing something else i find it disconnected | 19:29 |
ivoks | hm, interesting | 19:29 |
\sh | tcpkeepalive not set (first shot, and it's evil) and ClientAliveCountMax + ClientAliveInterval not set (which is a better alternative for SSHD) so modem (fw) drops connection when inactive (sometimes a standard doing of FWs) | 19:30 |
NorthByNorthWest | bogeyd6: Ok... screw webmin.... what if I pastebin the entry in the smb.conf? | 19:31 |
ivoks | NorthByNorthWest: go ahead | 19:31 |
\sh | webmin still alive? oh wow | 19:31 |
NorthByNorthWest | ivoks: this is just the share... need more? | 19:32 |
ivoks | right, if it disconnects on inactivity, then mtu might not help | 19:32 |
NorthByNorthWest | hmm... path missing? | 19:33 |
ivoks | lol | 19:33 |
NorthByNorthWest | ivoks: lol @ me? ;) | 19:33 |
ivoks | yes | 19:33 |
NorthByNorthWest | hehe... sometimes the solution becomes clear when describing it to someone else... | 19:34 |
ivoks | yes, that's very common | 19:34 |
ivoks | zroysch: so, still working? | 19:34 |
NorthByNorthWest | but Im a total samba noob... im just reading the other default shares in the file and making conclusions... | 19:35 |
zroysch | ivoks: so far so good | 19:35 |
NorthByNorthWest | ivoks: argh.... still cant mount | 19:35 |
ivoks | zroysch: that's 15 minutes now | 19:35 |
ivoks | NorthByNorthWest: did you restart samba when you added the path? | 19:35 |
NorthByNorthWest | ivoks: yes | 19:35 |
ivoks | NorthByNorthWest: /var/log/samba/log.smbd might help | 19:35 |
NorthByNorthWest | ivoks: doesnt tell me much... | 19:37 |
uvirtbot` | New bug: #300965 in backuppc (main) "updatedb.mlocate crashes the machine, when the backupcc-pool becomes huge" [Wishlist,New] | 19:37 |
ivoks | zroysch: if it works out, see if you can set mtu to 1492 on your gateway, but only on the modem connection | 19:37 |
zroysch | ivoks: ok | 19:38 |
ivoks | NorthByNorthWest: do other share have spaces in name? | 19:38 |
zroysch | not sure still why the centos machine would be ok with the 1500 though? | 19:38 |
ivoks | shares | 19:38 |
NorthByNorthWest | ivoks: *ahem* nooo... :-[ | 19:39 |
ivoks | zroysch: bad network configuration produces very strange behaviours | 19:39 |
NorthByNorthWest | ivoks: are underscores ok? | 19:39 |
ivoks | NorthByNorthWest: spaces are ok, iirc, but for testing remove them | 19:39 |
NorthByNorthWest | ivoks: yep... just removed spaces to begin with! | 19:40 |
NorthByNorthWest | ivoks: *gnarl* still not working... *chewing on my fist* | 19:40 |
ivoks | NorthByNorthWest: other shares work, and have same configuration? | 19:40 |
NorthByNorthWest | ivoks: should I pastebin the complete smb.conf? | 19:41 |
ivoks | NorthByNorthWest: sure | 19:41 |
zul | ivoks: want me to merge rhcs for you? | 19:42 |
ivoks | you can pm it to me | 19:42 |
ivoks | zul: from debian? no, i'll do it | 19:42 |
zul | ivoks:okie dokie | 19:43 |
ivoks | i have to add a patch 'exit 0' at the init script :) | 19:43 |
ivoks | right bellow #!/bin/sh | 19:43 |
ivoks | NorthByNorthWest: ? | 19:48 |
NorthByNorthWest | ivoks: its coming... doing copy-paste from a ssh terminal... | 19:48 |
ivoks | :) | 19:49 |
RoAkSoAx | ivoks, I think there's a way to make users save files in a specific directory and keep those files with the permissions of that folder... I just don't remember how to do it :P | 19:49 |
ivoks | there is. acl | 19:49 |
RoAkSoAx | ivoks, I think you can do that by not using acls, but just keeping permissions of file and folders. I remember I did that so long ago :) | 19:51 |
NorthByNorthWest | ivoks: finally... | 19:51 |
NorthByNorthWest | argh | 19:51 |
ivoks | RoAkSoAx: you can use setgid to keep group | 19:51 |
=== crohakon is now known as crohakon|afk | ||
NorthByNorthWest | hey WTF??? | 19:52 |
ivoks | RoAkSoAx: but that doesn't stop user of saving with permission she wants | 19:52 |
NorthByNorthWest | I pressed "Send" and it just killed all my input!!!! | 19:52 |
NorthByNorthWest | *ROOOAAARRRRR* | 19:52 |
ivoks | hit back | 19:52 |
NorthByNorthWest | *hulk is angry* *hulk smash* | 19:52 |
RoAkSoAx | ivoks, what about setting umask? | 19:53 |
ivoks | of course, but that then applies for all dirs | 19:54 |
ivoks | files | 19:54 |
RoAkSoAx | oh ok :) | 19:55 |
zroysch | Ivoks | 19:58 |
zroysch | Read from remote host xxx.x.xx.xx: Connection reset by peer | 19:58 |
zroysch | Connection to closed. | 19:58 |
ivoks | that's firewall cuting connection | 19:59 |
zroysch | so firewall needs mtu 1492 you say | 19:59 |
ivoks | on modem side | 20:00 |
ivoks | maybe there are too many connections for it? | 20:01 |
zroysch | what do you mean | 20:03 |
NorthByNorthWest | ivoks: well... mounted my local computers shared folder from the server instead... solved my problems for now... thanks for your help anyway! :) | 20:06 |
* ivoks busy | 20:06 | |
=== luis__lopez is now known as luis_lopez | ||
mathiaz | ahasenack: hi - were you able to test bind9 with the ldap dlz in karmic? | 20:35 |
ahasenack | mathiaz: no, I couldn't come up with the queries it needed for the sdb schema | 20:35 |
ahasenack | mathiaz: and the package needs a patch | 20:36 |
ahasenack | (bind) | 20:36 |
mathiaz | ahasenack: hm - isn't dlz and sdb two different things? | 20:36 |
ahasenack | mathiaz: yes, and my config was for the sdb one | 20:36 |
ahasenack | mathiaz: which is what the bind package in mandriva supported back then | 20:37 |
ahasenack | mathiaz: dlz works with customizing queries | 20:37 |
ahasenack | mathiaz: so it's possible to write a config for it to use the sdb schema | 20:37 |
ahasenack | mathiaz: in theory, that is | 20:37 |
mathiaz | ahasenack: ok - bind9 is built with the ldap dlz plugin | 20:37 |
ahasenack | mathiaz: right, so these were my two difficulties: trying to make it work with sdb schema and the patch to make it work with current libldap | 20:38 |
mathiaz | ahasenack: oh - so ldap dlz needs a patch to work | 20:38 |
ahasenack | mathiaz: let me find the lp bug for it... | 20:38 |
mathiaz | ahasenack: and ldap sdb needs to have the schema sorted out | 20:38 |
ahasenack | mathiaz: | 20:40 |
uvirtbot` | Launchpad bug 227344 in bind9 "bind-dlz and ldap api: invalid use of "%" character" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 20:40 |
mathiaz | ahasenack: great - thanks | 20:41 |
ahasenack | mathiaz: regarding the sdb schema, it was just an attempt from me to not have to change the schema from sdb to dlz, so I thought I would give it a try and see if I could make the dlz config read the sdb schema | 20:41 |
ahasenack | mathiaz: but I got a headache while trying to understand how dlz does its thing :) | 20:42 |
mathiaz | ahasenack: right. | 20:42 |
ahasenack | mathiaz: specially when I saw that it relies on ordering of results or something like that | 20:42 |
mathiaz | ahasenack: IIUC the different between sdb and dlz is that dlz can do local caching while sdb does not? | 20:42 |
ahasenack | mathiaz: maybe, I vaguely remember something about that | 20:43 |
ahasenack | mathiaz: and dlz is supposedly included upstream, | 20:43 |
ahasenack | mathiaz: but in a contrib/ directory still | 20:43 |
mathiaz | ahasenack: right - sdb is also in the package | 20:43 |
mathiaz | ahasenack: I think I'll go with sdb+local slapd replica | 20:43 |
ahasenack | mathiaz: what do you mean sdb is in the package? We have a bind package patched with sdb? | 20:44 |
ahasenack | I mean, sdb+ldap | 20:44 |
mathiaz | ahasenack: hm - I think so: contrib/sdb/ldap | 20:44 |
ahasenack | interesting, maybe it just needs to be enabled at build time or something? | 20:45 |
mathiaz | ahasenack: yeah - may be. | 20:46 |
ahasenack | erichammond: fyi, I was trying to rebundle your dapper amis today | 20:52 |
ahasenack | erichammond: got bitten by the tar bug regarding sparse files | 20:52 |
ahasenack | erichammond: dapper has tar 1.15.1, which is the exact borderline version for this bug | 20:52 |
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ahasenack | erichammond: I then downloaded latest tar from upstream, built it on a dapper machine and copied the resulting binary over to the running instance, adjusted PATH, and only then did the rebundling work | 20:53 |
Flare183 | I've got a load of log files in my /var/log directory, would it been safe to delete the oldest compressed .gz file? | 20:59 |
davidnetherlands | hi ubuntu server community, i got a question | 21:01 |
Flare183 | !ask | davidnetherlands | 21:02 |
ubottu | davidnetherlands: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 21:02 |
davidnetherlands | what are the recommended minimum hardware specs for a ubuntu 9.10 server (in terms of mhz or ghz, i know about RAM) | 21:02 |
ScottK | Flare183: As long as you don't need them. | 21:02 |
Flare183 | ScottK: Alright, just checking | 21:03 |
davidnetherlands | and my second question.. where can i find some info on installing a ubuntu server on a computer with 2 hard disks.. say i want one small hd for the system and one big hd for the content (/var/www) | 21:04 |
Italian_Plumber | i'm running 804 on a pentium III 500 | 21:06 |
Italian_Plumber | 512 MB Ram | 21:06 |
Flare183 | davidnetherlands: All you have to do for the second question, is partition it correctly | 21:06 |
davidnetherlands | yeah ok italian plumber.. i'm close to that one.. p3 600mhz 512mb | 21:06 |
davidnetherlands | so it should work | 21:06 |
Italian_Plumber | I don't see why not. I'd install hardy though, it's supported until 2013. | 21:07 |
Italian_Plumber | unless there's some awesome feature on karmic that you just have to have. | 21:07 |
Italian_Plumber | the big question is what are you oging to do with the server? | 21:07 |
davidnetherlands | flare183.. but during the installation i'm getting the partition screen.. and only later on (after this screen) i get to install a lamp server | 21:07 |
davidnetherlands | so how do i go about that? | 21:07 |
davidnetherlands | Italian_Plumber, i'm just experimenting arround with a nas.. a lamp server, maybe some ruby on rails | 21:08 |
Italian_Plumber | yeah your hardware should do just fine | 21:09 |
Italian_Plumber | I also have two hard disks | 21:09 |
davidnetherlands | thank you Italian_Plumber! | 21:09 |
Italian_Plumber | I installed hardy on the first one, not connecting the second one. | 21:09 |
davidnetherlands | ok | 21:09 |
davidnetherlands | and then? | 21:09 |
Italian_Plumber | afterwards, I connected the second one, mounted it in /media/data , and I was done. | 21:09 |
davidnetherlands | but what do you use your 2nd hd for? | 21:09 |
Italian_Plumber | extra storage | 21:09 |
Flare183 | davidnetherlands: all you have to do is setup the partition stuff right, and then sudo apt-get install the rest of the stuff | 21:10 |
Italian_Plumber | I use it as a torrent box, nas, internal DNS, and SVN server | 21:10 |
davidnetherlands | okay.. nice.. | 21:10 |
RoyK | how can I download a 'magnet' link from the ubuntu commandline? | 21:11 |
davidnetherlands | Flare183, how exactly? that is my next question.. where can i read something about 2 hard disks in a server setup? | 21:11 |
lenios_ | what's a magnet link? | 21:12 |
Flare183 | Ok, am I the only one that uses a server with a GUI? | 21:12 |
Flare183 | Because I have to use my server as my desktop | 21:12 |
lenios_ | you can install server softwares on ubuntu desktop | 21:12 |
Italian_Plumber | a server with a GUI is a desktop | 21:12 |
Italian_Plumber | a Desktop without a GUI is a server | 21:13 |
Flare183 | Yeah that's what I'm doing | 21:13 |
Flare183 | so yeah | 21:13 |
davidnetherlands | yeah okay.. i know about that | 21:13 |
Flare183 | But it seems like I"m the only one that does that | 21:13 |
Italian_Plumber | I used to do that here at work. | 21:13 |
Italian_Plumber | My desktop also a server | 21:13 |
davidnetherlands | haha, being unique is not always a bad thing | 21:13 |
Flare183 | Ahh ok | 21:13 |
Flare183 | Sweet | 21:13 |
lenios_ | i often have openssh-server on my desktop, i guess i'm unique too :p | 21:14 |
Flare183 | lenios_: Same here | 21:14 |
Italian_Plumber | sometimes the lines are blurred. | 21:14 |
lenios_ | kernel is not exactly the same on server edition and desktop edition | 21:14 |
Italian_Plumber | we have a server here at work with a GUI on it that really doesn't need one -- but the moron (my boss) that set it up didn't know that. | 21:15 |
lenios_ | but it shouldn't make any noticeable difference | 21:15 |
DragonLord | does a minimal installation of ubuntu server fit on 512Mb HDD? | 21:15 |
Italian_Plumber | dragon: no | 21:15 |
Flare183 | DragonLord: Tried it, no way | 21:15 |
Italian_Plumber | dragon: ... er well... that's a guess anyway. | 21:15 |
davidnetherlands | thanks guys, i'm gonna try it! | 21:15 |
davidnetherlands | bye | 21:15 |
DragonLord | Italian_Plumber, Flare183 ok | 21:16 |
Italian_Plumber | I wouldn't build any computer today without a 30-40GB hard drive. | 21:16 |
Flare183 | Italian_Plumber: I agree with that | 21:16 |
Flare183 | DragonLord: Np | 21:16 |
Italian_Plumber | I don't think you can buy a HD smaller than 80GB anymore. | 21:16 |
lenios_ | requirements for server editions are 128mB of ram and 1GB of hdd | 21:16 |
DragonLord | I got a thin client I want to use like a Mumble server and it has 512Mb "HDD" in it :) | 21:16 |
Italian_Plumber | yeah now that lenois says that, I am reminded that you need at least 128MB to run MySQL. | 21:17 |
Flare183 | haha I've got an old HP vetrca in here right next to me that I wish I could use as a server | 21:17 |
Flare183 | vectra* | 21:17 |
Flare183 | Its like dead ancient | 21:17 |
lenios_ | i have server edition on a 4G eeepc | 21:18 |
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erichammond | ahasenack: So you're saying that you have to use a non-dapper tar to bundle a dapper instance on EC2. | 21:21 |
lenios_ | usage is 23.1% of 3.19GB, for those wondering | 21:21 |
erichammond | hm, gone. | 21:21 |
Italian_Plumber | lenois: that's a base install of karmic server? | 21:24 |
lenios_ | with ssh server | 21:25 |
Italian_Plumber | oh... well ssh server .. .that's, what, 1MB? | 21:26 |
lenios_ | well, remove 1MB from 710MB then | 21:27 |
Italian_Plumber | yeah I tried running a LAMP server with 64MB of RAM... didn't happen. | 21:44 |
Italian_Plumber | it was a VM | 21:44 |
Flare183 | Italian_Plumber: I've done it with lower Memory | 21:44 |
Flare183 | 32MB' | 21:44 |
Italian_Plumber | really? see I figured it wasn't happening 'cause MySQL says it needs 128MB | 21:45 |
Flare183 | I've got an old dell, that I put Arch Linux onto it and I had to put A LOT of swap on it. | 21:45 |
Flare183 | Like I had to start using flash drives for swap haha | 21:45 |
Italian_Plumber | oh. I'm talking hardy | 21:45 |
Flare183 | Ahh ok | 21:45 |
Italian_Plumber | with conventional RAM | 21:45 |
Flare183 | ahh ok | 21:46 |
Italian_Plumber | yeah my regular setup is with 576 MB of RAM... it's an old PC that someone said was "too slow"... but it runs hardy just fine. | 21:47 |
Italian_Plumber | I just got the thing and installed hardy right over it. | 21:47 |
Italian_Plumber | ... and boom! instant server. | 21:48 |
Italian_Plumber | just add water | 21:48 |
Italian_Plumber | and watch it grow | 21:48 |
Flare183 | xD | 21:48 |
Italian_Plumber | now all I need are some big IDE drives | 21:51 |
Italian_Plumber | 'cause it has no SATA controller in it | 21:51 |
Italian_Plumber | or a PCI SATA controller | 21:51 |
Italian_Plumber | cheap, I know. | 21:51 |
Italian_Plumber | MAN it's quiet at the office today | 21:51 |
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qman__ | <Italian_Plumber> I wouldn't build any computer today without a 30-40GB hard drive. | 22:25 |
qman__ | my file server uses a 4GB drive for the system | 22:25 |
qman__ | and a separate raid for storage | 22:25 |
lenios_ | if it's only for the system, it might be better to waste 3-4GB to have a system up and running in case of hardware failure | 22:27 |
qman__ | lenios_, incidentally, several my storage drives failed on the same day, and I lost the RAID, while the 4GB root drive is still going strong | 23:20 |
qman__ | just can't kill those old quantum fireballs | 23:20 |
qman__ | bought new storage drives and built a second array, never even touched the root drive | 23:21 |
benedikt | ScottK: this spamassasin header thing is getting even weirder. Sometimes it doesnt show and sometimes it does. And i havent changed the config in the meantime | 23:25 |
ruben23 | hi anyone can suggest, how to rescue forgotten username and password on an ubuntu-server.. | 23:31 |
benedikt | ruben23: do you have physical access to it? | 23:37 |
ruben23 | yes | 23:38 |
benedikt | then reboot into a live environment (if it can take the downtime), mount your / and chroot to it and run "passwd <user>" | 23:39 |
\sh | ruben23, or just change your kernel boot line on grub: init=/bin/bash ... no password prompt..or boot the rescue system from ubuntu which is also on grub | 23:44 |
ruben23 | ok copy | 23:45 |
ruben23 | thanks | 23:45 |
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