
=== mac_v is now known as mac_v`afk
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=== mac_v is now known as mac_v`afk
=== mac_v`afk is now known as mac_v
* mac_v is away: Auto-away after 3 mins idle (gone at 26th Nov, 13:31:07)08:01
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kartookany onme08:04
=== mac_v is now known as mac_v-afk
kwwiimac_v: just answered your email08:49
mac_v_kwwii: ah , thanks :)08:49
kwwiithanks for the good work ;)08:50
kwwiiI've been really busy this week08:51
mac_v_kwwii: heh.. ;)  that will probably be the last update for Karmic , revs after that will be for Lucid08:51
kwwiisounds good08:52
kwwiiI'll get in touch once I know when/what/where/why ;)08:52
mac_v_lol ;p08:53
thorwildamn: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Wasp09:04
thorwili despise having some stuff directly in Incoming. historical reasons be damned09:13
thorwilbest of all, his LP user link is broken09:15
* mac_v scratches head... cant find the said theme 09:16
thorwilthere's an ongoing Rename just now09:16
mac_vthorwil: is Incoming just a preview location or  shouldnt the user include the theme?09:17
mac_vi was hoping to see what he had done to fix OOo ;)09:18
thorwilmac_v: Incoming should be just the parent for ..., Jaunty, Karmic, Lucid, ...09:18
mac_vthorwil: yeah , i got that :)... i meant ...> why didnt the user upload the theme09:19
thorwilmac_v: but since we already had long-going theme efforts right in there, we now have the rul that those can stay there and new ones can be added09:19
thorwilmac_v: but no theme should start out directly in Incoming09:19
mac_vyup , agreed ;)09:20
thorwiljust this morning i deleted 2 attachments to the backgrounds guidelines page09:22
thorwilpeople so blind to the structure, adding stuff where no one else does, irritate me to no end09:22
mac_vthorwil: i think we need to add a link to a how-to-use-wiki tutorial in the artwork page09:23
thorwilmac_v: feel invited to write it. the reading-impaired will kick you in the balls without knowing ;)09:24
* thorwil looks at the code of conduct he signed and shakes head09:25
mac_vthorwil: lol , I didnt mean i would write it .... i meant a link to somewhere in the web ... there must be a link for that09:25
* mac_v searches09:25
mac_vthorwil: something like this > http://ang.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:How_to_edit_a_page09:27
mac_vsometimes users just didnt know how to add the content09:28
mac_vor simpler > http://wiki.contextgarden.net/How_to_edit_wiki_pages09:29
thorwilmac_v: sure. but it would have to be a prefect match to our wiki. and where the heck to put that, so every newcomer will see?09:29
mac_vthorwil: yeah... where to put it is the real question ;p   i dont know :(09:30
mac_v!hi | almagest_divine09:30
ubottualmagest_divine: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu-artwork! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!09:30
thorwilmac_v: maybe bring it up on the list.09:30
mac_vwe have crappy bot questions...09:31
* mac_v goes to the -ops ;)09:31
mac_vbot responses*09:31
almagest_divineso? how are you?09:33
mac_v!hi is <reply> Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu-artwork! Channel for the community artwork team. Feel free to ask questions . Enjoy your stay!09:42
ubottuTo contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate09:43
thorwilmac_v: look at this attachment to our home page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=LINUX_155.jpg09:44
* thorwil wants notifications on adding and deleting attachments09:45
mac_v!contribute is <reply> For information on current team activity and on contributing to the Ubuntu Community artwork , Kindly read Wiki:  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork09:48
mac_v!contribute is <reply> For information regarding current Artwork team activity and about contributing to the Ubuntu Community artwork , Kindly read Wiki:  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork09:49
thorwilmac_v: you should have answered how you are to almagest_divine ;p09:53
mac_vthorwil: meh...  i like bots better ;p09:54
=== mac_v is now known as mac_v_
ubottuFor information regarding current Artwork team activity and about contributing to the Ubuntu Community artwork , Kindly read Wiki:  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork10:16
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu-artwork! Channel for the community artwork team. Feel free to ask questions . Enjoy your stay10:20
=== zniavre_ is now known as zniavre
almagest_divinewhat is the best ubuntu theme?13:25
zniavrethis one for sure : http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/zni3?content=8628513:27
almagest_divineany other theme? ;)13:29
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.13:30
mac_valmagest_divine: ^13:31
mac_v ;)13:31
almagest_divineby best i meant a nice theme13:31
zniavreit's ful of very nice theme on gnome-look.org13:33
almagest_divineyeah i was just viewing them13:33
almagest_divineok so i am done with #ubuntu-bots. they are really dumb.13:46
almagest_divinedoes ubuntu-studio has a theme of it own?13:47
zniavreyou got it inside synaptic you can try it easily13:47
almagest_divineok so it exists. great. i thought its just the wallpaper. thanks13:48
zniavreubuntustudio-theme , ubuntustudio-wallpapers  , ubuntustudio-icon-theme13:49
almagest_divineisnt it better than others? i am not conducting a poll. just asking13:50
zniavreubuntustudio-look installs all package needed13:50
zniavrei said the best one is mine   ^^13:51
almagest_divineyes i know but what is the second best?13:51
zniavrethere is not13:51
zniavrei do not know in fact13:52
almagest_divinewow thats really nice13:52
zniavrethere is plenty of nice theme let's try some and make your own idea13:52
almagest_divineso what is this channel about? artwork?13:52
almagest_divineok sure13:52
zniavreim not into artwork team13:53
almagest_divineme neither.13:53
zniavrei just want to learn design bases here13:53
almagest_divineomg i have the ubuntu studio theme already installed. i used to love it but never noticed the  name13:54
thorwilmac_v: so finally i have and idea on how the google wave scrollbars work, thanks to http://ignorethecode.net/blog/2009/11/15/google_waves_scrollbars/13:54
almagest_divinei have been to fedora-art but they were not nice people13:55
almagest_divinei just asked them a serious question and they got offended13:55
thorwilalmagest_divine: what was the question? :)13:56
almagest_divinei dont want to offend you too. but if you are asking for it so here it is13:56
almagest_divinei just asked them : who owns fedora?13:56
almagest_divineisnt that simple enough?13:57
almagest_divinethorwil: what do you think?13:58
thorwilalmagest_divine: maybe not as trivial as one might think, initially, but not a good reason to get offended13:58
mac_vthorwil: ah.. you should have got an account when you were at the UDS ;)  iirc popey/czajkowski still has a lot of them left :)13:58
almagest_divinethorwil: that is what i told them that this is a nice question.13:59
almagest_divineand at the end i found out nobody knew the answer. :)13:59
* mac_v hopes almagest_divine doesnt find out , that mac_v owns fedora ;p13:59
mac_vdamn it!14:00
almagest_divinewow thanks. let me inform them too14:00
thorwilalmagest_divine: i would guess fedora is backed by redhat, that they have a few employees directly working on it and it's likely they own the trademark14:01
almagest_divinethorwil: yes redhat is the only sponsor and has formed it so definitely redhat owns fedora14:01
almagest_divineit owns every copyright and logo of fedora14:01
almagest_divinewhen i told tham the truth, they got offended14:02
* thorwil gets coffee14:02
* almagest_divine suspects some internal conflicts between redhat and fedora team14:02
kwwiimac_v: ok, talked to pitti...he says we should put them in lucid first and then we can think about backporting at least two of the changes14:03
kwwiimac_v: essentially, they don't want to update without a very good reason14:03
mac_vkwwii: sure , no probs14:04
kwwiiso I'll add it to the release stuff for lucid14:04
kwwiiwhich keeps that on track anyway14:04
kwwiiand then we can make a branch for a possible karmic update14:04
kwwiiI think that we have a good chance of getting an update if we do it right14:04
mac_vkwwii: cool.. so you can just branch the main humanity and i dont have to anything right?14:05
kwwiimac_v: right14:05
mac_vgreat :)14:05
almagest_divinesome people talk divinity14:05
mac_valmagest_divine: whom did you ask actually? the artwork team? BTW , what was the actual intent of the question? just to know more about the company or gathering trivia for... ?14:06
almagest_divinewell its a long story. we were discussing something and this question arised14:07
almagest_divineand their answer was nobody owns us and we are free, and stuff14:07
almagest_divinethen i asked : who is redhat then?14:07
almagest_divinethey said redhat is just a minor sponsor nothing else14:08
kwwiiwell, just because redhat backs them doesn't mean anything special, really...they do get to do what they want a lot14:08
kwwiiI wouldn't make a big deal out of redhat "owning" fedora14:09
kwwiiNovell owns OpenSuse14:09
almagest_divinewell, tellme one thing. if you form a company and pay for its finances and own the right to everything and in the board of directors you have 5 out of 9 plus the chairman is yours who can turn down any deal or idea in fedora14:10
kwwiiif you want to be really free of all of that, install debian14:10
almagest_divinethen according to you who is the owner of your company?14:10
kwwiioh, they do own them. I'm not saying anything about that14:11
kwwiithey do not take part in every decision though14:11
kwwiiI mean, it is based on redhat code, so redhat is an upstream in that sense14:11
almagest_divinethey wont have enough time to look at each and every matter14:11
almagest_divineits a big company14:12
almagest_divinejust wants money14:12
kwwiiI think that if you look closely enough, everybody wants something out of this ;)14:12
* mac_v wonders why this topic is being discussed here ;p14:12
kwwiione way or another14:12
kwwiino doubt14:12
almagest_divinesorry for that14:12
kwwiiI just like to make pretty pictures :p14:12
almagest_divinei like to edit audio, video and images14:13
almagest_divinewell somebody that is drinking coffee right now asked me about the question14:14
almagest_divinei really like mark shuttleworth. a good entrepreneur14:15
almagest_divinehey why do people say not to install karmic now?14:16
mac_valmagest_divine: who says that ?14:16
* mac_v karmic works better for me ;)14:17
almagest_divinesome of my friends. that it has a lot of bugs14:17
mac_valmagest_divine: nah... all distros have bugs ... and all versions have bugs...14:17
almagest_divinemac_v: are you the channel admin?14:18
mac_valmagest_divine: nope14:18
almagest_divinewho is it then?14:18
almagest_divinei see people are good here.14:19
almagest_divinei dont know about the ones who are silent, but the ones who are talking are fine14:19
mac_valmagest_divine: oh no ,we aernt ;p we havent warmed up yet ;)14:20
almagest_divinemac_v: tell me before you warm up;)14:20
almagest_divinewhen you are about to warm up, tell me so that i can call duffy here ;)14:22
almagest_divinesee you again:) bye14:27
thorwilsomehow i have issues with being included in "good people" or some such14:40
thorwilmaybe it dates back to when some girls called me "nice" and it seemed to mean not-a-potential-mate14:40
kwwiinice is probably better than "good friend"14:52
thorwilprotected ubuntu trade dress? http://doctormo.wordpress.com/2009/11/25/ubuntu-trade-dress-derivatives/15:01

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