
TheMusochrisccoulson: When doing a merge, please pass the version number of the last Ubuntu package version to dpkg-buildpackage with the -v flag, so we get the Debian changelog entries in the changes file when you upload.00:45
chrisccoulsonTheMuso - no problem00:47
faganhmmm are we going to revisit the decision to get rid of EOG now that the F-Spot developers fixed the viewer?00:54
faganwheres rickspencer3 when I need him :)00:56
* fagan will find him tomorrow 00:57
TheMusofagan: He is off till Monday.01:00
faganoh thanksgiving I forgot01:01
faganthanks TheMuso :)01:01
faganIt can wait01:01
lifelessTheMuso: please fila  bug on bzr-builddeb to do that automatically.01:44
pwnguinanyone know how to turn firefox debugging output on?06:39
pwnguinstrike that, incontravertial proof found06:41
pittiGood morning07:33
ajmitchmorning pitti07:41
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seb128good morning there08:34
pittihey seb12808:34
seb128hello mr pitti08:35
seb128how are you?08:35
pittiI'm great, thanks! I'm in  the middle of implementing jockey-hotplug-support :)08:35
pittiso depending on when mvo gets around to approving it, I might have it working even before approval :-P08:35
pittihow are you?08:36
* pitti hugs mvo08:36
seb128oh, apparently robert_ancell made good use of upload rights this night!08:36
seb128I'm good thanks08:36
mvopitti: is it ready for review yet? I can do it now, its a nice change from wirting specs ;)08:37
pittimvo: pending approval since yesterday08:37
pittimvo: should take you two minutes or less, I figure08:37
mvopitti: thanks, done08:41
pitti\o/ danke08:41
didrocksgood morning there08:46
pittihey didrocks08:48
didrocksGuten Morgen pitti08:48
* pitti mumbles about the "dbus.exceptions.DBusException: org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.Error.Failed: Error parsing subject struct" he gets in lucid now08:48
pittidoes anyone else get that in lucid, too, when calling jockey-gtk ?08:48
seb128hey didrocks08:53
seb128pitti, yes08:53
seb128pitti, yes, get the same error there, "dbus.exceptions.DBusException: org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.Error.Failed: Error parsing subject struct"08:53
didrockslut seb12808:57
didrocksSo, regarding gconf tweaking, I see that in the variable are either ENV_MANDATORY_PATH or ENV_DEFAULTS_PATH (I guess, we should use MANDATORY for UNE as we don't want the panels to be changed)09:01
didrocksThe issue is that /etc/gconf/2/path "include" them (waiting for a tree path like in ~/.gconf). So xml files generated by udpate-gconf-defaults aren't read.09:02
didrocksWe can either tweak update-gconf-defaults to add an option to export to a directory tree structure or add a new "xml:readonly:ENV_GCONF_MANDATORY_SESSION" in /etc/gconf/2/path. What's the best option to your opinion?09:02
didrocksoh, I can maybe try something else, one sec09:04
seb128gconf should be smart and understand both formats09:04
seb128bbib, restart after upgrades09:04
seb128pitti, btw did you read my messages about bootchart yesterday evening?09:28
pittiseb128: about pybootchartgui? we discussed that quickly, yes09:29
seb128pitti, no, about me storing regular charts from now on the same url09:29
pittiah, no, I missed that09:29
seb128I will keep uploading bootcharts from my mini10v09:30
seb128at least weekly ones09:30
seb128but maybe extra charts for noticable changes, etc09:30
seb128lucid yesterday was 26s to boot, almost 15 seconds for desktop09:30
seb128I'm doing a new one now with compiz and pulseaudio updates09:30
pittilucid is a second longer than karmic? shame09:34
pittiseb128: oh, can you please install ureadahead?09:34
seb128I want to stick with lucid09:35
seb128and not start diverting09:35
seb128if that's what we should use somebody should land that in lucid09:35
pittiwe'll use that09:35
pittiit's in karmic-proposed and about to go to -updates09:35
seb128ok, good, so I will wait for it to be used ;-)09:35
seb128I've cleaned the karmic install there anyway09:36
seb128pitti, I might try the u version later but for now I want to measure the impact of the compiz and pulseaudio changes09:37
seb128and I don't want to add extra changes to the equation09:37
pittialso, I guess sreadahead works reasonably well on SSD09:38
seb128my laptop stoped creating bootchart images on lucid for some reason09:40
seb128there are only .tgz since I upgraded09:40
seb128oh, I'm using the java version there09:41
* seb128 switches to the python one09:41
=== mac_v is now known as mac_v_
pittimvo: would you mind having a quick look at http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/update-notifier/ubuntu/revision/541 to see whether I forgot something in the structure?10:08
* mvo looks10:09
pittipre-build = ./autogen.sh10:09
pittimvo: ^ so that's the trick :)10:09
mvopitti: yeah10:09
mvopitti: I wrote that on irc yesterday, but maybe it got lost10:09
mvopitti: looks good to me10:12
didrocksseb128: I think I caught the issue. Even if I export ENV_MANDATORY_PATH before executing gnome-session in the shell launched by .desktop file, gconf is probably initialized differently. This environment variable isn't in its /proc/<pid>/environ (all environment variable in the gnome-session wrapper aren't in gconfd environment)10:12
pittimvo: thanks10:13
* pitti sends lucidwards10:13
didrockspitti: consequently to ^, your GDMSESSION isn't useful in gnome-stracciatella (GDMSESSION seems to be exported by default from <GDMSESSION>.desktop)10:14
seb128didrocks, it's probably because gconf is dbus activated10:14
pittididrocks: I don't understand, I'm afraid10:15
seb128didrocks, why isn't GDMSESSION useful?10:15
seb128it works for ie notify-osd10:15
seb128GDMSESSION is correctly set for gnome-session10:15
didrocksyes, GDMSESSION is exported by default from <name>.desktop. I'm speaking about the gnome-stracciatella wrapper10:15
didrocks(the wrapper export GDMSESSION before running gdm-session)10:16
didrocksbut GDMSESSION can already be set by default from the desktop file10:16
seb128that doesn't make sense10:17
seb128gdm is the one exporting this variable10:17
seb128not the .desktop10:17
didrockslet's say I create a gnome-foo.desktop executing only gnome-session in /usr/share/xsessions/10:20
didrocksI got an GDMSESSION=gnome-foo, right?10:20
seb128gdm sets it10:21
didrockswhat I mean is that I don't understand why in gnome-stracciatella, GDMSESSION is exported before executing gnome-session10:21
didrocks(/usr/bin/gnome-stracciatella is executed by /usr/share/xsessions/gnome-stracciatella.desktop)10:21
didrocksand that's the only thing the wrapper does10:22
seb128oh you mean we could drop a line10:22
seb128that's possible10:22
seb128having an extra export doesn't make me not sleep at night though...10:22
didrocksI tried and it works10:22
seb128maybe old gdm didn't work the same way10:23
didrocksok, but that troubled me because for une, I tried to add an extra value and I only saw one in gconf environment (GDMSESSION) :)10:23
seb128and we didn't clean that since10:23
seb128open a bug I guess ;-)10:23
didrocksok, I'll clean that. But that doesn't help me for gconf initialisation :/10:24
seb128diverting gconf config is not something trivial10:25
seb128I expected it would be hacky,create troubles...10:25
didrocksyeah, that's why setting the environment variable would have been the less messy for other desktop sessions10:26
didrocksI just wonder if anyone has tried once setting one of those two environment variables and get it works :)10:30
seb128no reason it wouldn't work10:31
seb128but you need to have gconfd have it set10:31
seb128and it's not trivial since we dbus active gconf10:31
didrocksyes, I understand what's the matter is, I'm trying to find a way to achieve this10:33
seb128use .gconf.path?10:35
didrocksif I do that, every sessions will inherit UNE-desktop gconf values, not only "une desktop" session10:36
seb128what do you need to change exactly?10:37
didrocksthe idea was to add UNE default gconf values like one panel, one workspace only to get a une default experience10:38
didrocksa bad solution would be to set those values (without touching ~/.gconf) in the wrapper one after another :/10:39
seb128didrocks, you don't want to set those values or the normal session will get them too10:45
didrocksok so, that doesn't solve it. The only solution is to get this environment variable into gconfd so that the additional gconf values are only read on UNE desktop session10:47
seb128or to code patch things10:47
didrocksseb128: opening /usr/share/gconf/${GDMSESSION}.path for instance during default value loading?10:49
seb128is GDMSESSION sets for the gconf env?10:50
didrocksI think I'll do this10:50
seb128pitti, mvo, Amaranth: not good11:06
seb128lucid takes 5 seconds longer to boot today11:06
seb128seems compiz doesn't register to the session since the update11:06
seb128so gnome-session goes: wait wait wait wait wait wait timeout11:07
seb128pitti, mvo: http://people.canonical.com/~seb128/bootchart/seb128-dellmini-lucid-20091126-28.png11:08
seb128on a good note compiz.real was starting after 4 seconds11:09
seb128and compiz starts after 2 seconds now there11:09
seb128so we won 2 seconds with the wrapper drops for compiz and pulseaudio11:09
pittiWTH is the long delay from gtk-window-decorator?11:10
seb128what I just wrote before11:10
pittiuntil panel is started?11:10
seb128compiz doesn't register11:11
pittiis it importnat to have the WM running before we can start nautilus/panel/etc.?11:11
seb128gnome-session does that because it's supposed to be efficient11:11
seb128avoid having theme flickering etc11:12
seb128and to have the cost of getting things drawned once with no theme and then moved and themed11:12
seb128ie, start g-d-s and wm first11:12
seb128and then applications11:12
seb128pitti, mvo: there is something else weird there11:36
seb128the compiz bar activity divided by two or something11:37
pittiseb128: for https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-lucid-suspend-quirks-halsectomy I used the existing Halsectomy page and work items; please let me know if you prefer a real spec wiki page11:37
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
seb128pitti, no I'm fine with the whiteboard, thanks11:37
pittiseb128: oh? I just see a single block11:38
pittiseb128: the "spec" link points to wiki.u.c./Halsectomy which has the details11:38
* pitti -> lazy, and rather prefers working on the actual code11:38
seb128pitti, the bar was around 8 seconds yesterday11:39
seb128it's much shorter today11:40
seb128the colored part I mean11:40
seb128pitti, well updating a wikipage or items on a whiteboard is about the same work or I don't understand the question?11:40
cassidyseb128, hi. Would be cool to fix https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/telepathy-gabble/+bug/488709 in Karmic. We just add a chat with the admin of this server and removed it from git but that won't help if it's still in Karmic11:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 488709 in telepathy-gabble "Please remove hard coded jabber file proxy" [Undecided,New]11:41
seb128in fact wiki tend to be much slower to respond that blueprint edit11:41
seb128cassidy, looking11:41
seb128bah it's a shame than firefox does much better a displaying images than eog11:42
pittiseb128: "understand the question" > what was the question?11:43
seb128pitti, why would a wiki page be easier?11:43
pittiseb128: I meant that I didn't leave the blueprint entirely without a wiki link11:43
pittiseb128: I keep the work items in the whiteboard, of course11:43
seb128"* pitti -> lazy, and rather prefers working on the actual code"11:43
seb128was that related to the wiki discussion?11:43
seb128sorry I'm just being confused11:44
pittiseb128: sorry, no; I meant, I didn't create a new spec wiki page to repeat the same informatino than on Halsectomy in a different format11:44
seb128is there some spec of mine you suggest changing?11:44
seb128I didn't do that either11:44
pittiseb128: no, just pointing it out because you are the approver of that :)11:44
seb128oh ok11:44
seb128now it makes sense11:44
seb128I though you were using your spec as an example to make a point about the login speed one11:44
seb128pitti, it's all good, no need of a real wiki page11:45
seb128cassidy, how is this list of servers built? is there some other which might turn problematic?11:48
cassidyseb128, it has been built from http://coccinella.im/servers/servers_by_proxy_bytestreams.html11:50
cassidyseb128, I'm about to fix a bug that should reduce the nb of query (only query proxies when we actually need them)11:51
seb128cassidy, are those supposed to be public proxy servers?11:51
seb128so why is using that one an issue?11:51
seb128if the guy doesn't want users he shouldn't made a public proxy11:51
cassidythe admin of this server claims he hasn't be asked to be on that list11:52
cassidyand he has a fair point saying that having a proxy open doesn't mean to you want all the Ubuntu and Fedora users to use it :)11:52
seb128well, he runs a public proxy, anybody is free to use it...11:52
cassidyI agree, but also understand his point, that's a big difference now that lot of people are using Empathy11:53
seb128I'm still unsure about that11:54
seb128we don't want to play upload every day because servers changes or admin want users or not11:54
seb128would it possible to build that list dynamically somewhat and not have it in the source?11:54
seb128is the issue that the server is used there?11:55
cassidyseb128, we are investigating a better solution11:55
seb128or is it that the bug you are fixing DoS servers?11:55
cassidylike have proxy.collabora.co.uk and do DNS balacing or something11:56
seb128in which case I would rather recommend fixing the DoS issue11:56
seb128ie will the server use still be an issue once the overuse is fixed too?11:57
cassidyI suspect it will. As more and more people are going to use file transfer and tubes11:57
seb128I will fix that one and wait for you guys to fix the collabora proxy thing later ;-)11:58
cassidywe are thinking atm about implemeting a better solution11:58
seb128np, thank you for pointing the bug11:58
seb128I'm not subscribed to gabble11:59
cassidyIt's a bit my fault, I didn't realise that the gain of popularity of Empathy would cause such issue11:59
cassidyseb128, we are about to remove all the proxies and set our own (not deployed yet)12:08
cassidyplan is to ask to server admin if they mind to be added12:09
cassidyand we'll add them using DNS round robin12:09
cassidyso maybe you should wait for this patch before doing the upload12:09
seb128cassidy, how long do you think it will take?12:10
seb128I've the sru ready for upload12:10
seb128but I don't really care either way12:10
seb128I like your solution better though ;-)12:10
seb128but if it takes some weeks and the guy get really angry meanwhile...12:11
cassidyhopefully server will be up today but it will probably take a will before we got the reply from admins12:11
seb128I will you decide since you talked to the admin12:12
Keybuksomeone freed up some space on antimony12:13
* Keybuk just heard the ubuntu jingle from upstairs12:13
seb128Keybuk, hey12:14
seb128Keybuk, do you have a box where boot was blocking on antimony disk space?12:14
Keybuknew cdimage12:14
Keybukmust have just rsync'd and one of the minis just installed it and booted12:14
seb128ah ok12:15
seb128speaking about mini12:15
seb128we won 2 seconds today with compiz and pulseaudio wrappers drop12:15
seb128and have an extra 8 seconds due to compiz registration which broke on the way12:15
seb128you might want to chase mvo about the new compiz issue ;-)12:15
Keybukyou win some, you fail some12:17
seb128I'm wondering why seahorse-daemon is in this chart12:17
seb128I though we stopped installing it by default12:17
seb128hum no12:17
seb128I confuse it with the agent12:18
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
pittiseb128: FYI, I removed the xorg/hal work item from desktop-lucid-startup-speed and linked the separate spec as a dependency13:08
Keybukpitti: Michael Frey on the OEM team has built some Xorg packages with the current set of udev replacement patches applied13:16
Keybukhopefully they'll generally do the right thing13:16
pittioh, great13:16
pittiKeybuk: I wrote a spec about it yesterday13:16
pittibryce said that jcristau's patches don't apply well to our current one and wanted to wait for 1.713:16
Keybukwhen is that coming out?13:16
pittiI have some udev rules which port the keyboard/synaptics fdis13:17
pittiKeybuk: unsure, I just know "couple of weeks"13:18
Keybukthe patches applied fine here btw13:19
Keybukit's mostly just adding a new backend after all13:19
pittiKeybuk: you took them from http://cgit.freedesktop.org/~jcristau/xserver/ ?13:20
pittiI'm happy to build one and then beat my udev rules into shape13:20
KeybukI took them from the mailing list13:20
Keybuklooks like the same set though13:20
pittiyou don't happen to have built .debs, do you?13:22
KeybukMichael probably does13:22
pittiok, great13:23
Keybuk(ChickenCutlass on #oem)13:23
seb128pitti, ok good13:25
Keybuknot that I mean to rush13:26
Keybukbut we don't have many alphas to test things ;)13:26
pittiKeybuk: ah, it's in the status area of https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-lucid-xorg-halsectomy13:31
* pitti looks at PPA13:31
Keybukand ripping HAL back out of X is the kind of thing we really want to test ;)13:31
Keybukand is one of the really important cards in the boot speed house ;)13:33
pittiI think I'll wait for Michael to wake up and test his packages13:35
pittino need to spend time on fixing the patches if he already did13:35
Keybukyeah, this week is "everyone's on holiday" anyway :)13:35
pittioh heck, right13:35
pittinothing in https://edge.launchpad.net/~mfrey/+archive/ppa anyway13:36
pittiKeybuk: ah, they apply just fine to xorg-edgers; trying that13:50
pittibryce: do you know why xorg-edgers has server 1.7.99 while we are actually heading for 1.7?14:05
pittii. e. are we deliberately using the previous version, or is it just a weird numbering scheme?14:05
Keybukthat compiz bug screwed up my bootcharts ;-)14:13
Keybukit goes idle while compiz is running, so they get cropped14:13
seb128and mvo doesn't seem to be around today14:16
seb128maybe Amaranth will show up soon ;-)14:16
KeybukI fixed them14:16
KeybukX got the xkbcomp patches?14:17
seb128Keybuk, it did14:18
seb1282 days ago14:18
Keybukthat made a big difference!14:18
Keybukif you're on chromium, you can see the Xorg graph drop!14:19
Keybukdid the -nr patches go in too?14:19
seb128what chromium has to do with that?14:19
seb128they both did in the recent upload14:19
Keybuksweet, so when we use plymouth, another 1s or so should magically vanish14:20
Keybukseb128: Firefox can't render SVG in <img> tags14:20
Keybukso you don't see the cute graphs at the top of the daily-bootcharts URL14:20
seb128I just see a table14:20
seb128but that's enough to see the 1 second xorg drop14:21
seb128and the extra 8 seconds for desktop14:21
mvoseb128: I was just ignoring you ;)14:23
seb128mvo, I see ... no tea for you!14:24
mvoseb128: I get back to it, I just need to finish some other stuff14:27
seb128why is jockey-gtk on Keybuk's chart...14:27
seb128mvo, no hurry, thanks14:27
seb128pitti, ^14:27
seb128pitti, did you drop the sleep for starting jockey?14:27
Keybukjockey seems to be using a lot of CPU there14:28
Keybukbut that could be just python startup14:28
Keybukappearing to take a long time because the CPU is busy being used elsewhere14:29
KeybukI don't think that should be updating cache or anything14:29
Keybukpost-install, I have:14:29
Keybukdbus-daemon --system14:30
Keybukjockey-text -u || true14:30
Keybukjockey-text -c || true14:30
Keybukkill $(cat /var/run/dbus/pid) || true14:30
Keybukrm -f /var/run/dbus/pid /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket14:30
Keybukwhich should force a jockey cache update before the first reboot ;-)14:30
Keybukat least, that's the ide14:31
seb128Keybuk, why do you need to do that?14:34
Keybukotherwise on the first boot jockey updates its caches and stuff14:34
Keybukand that shows up14:34
Keybukthere's a broadcom wireless card in them thar minis14:35
pittiurgh, xorg-edgers looks scary14:42
pittiseb128: I didn't no14:42
pittiseb128: but jockey shouldn't be called at all any more, except on very first startup14:42
pittiI think we can drop even that one once it's integrated in the installer14:42
Keybukpitti: how does it decide what "first startup" is?14:43
pittibut the sleep is currently done within jockey indeed, so we'd still have the interpreter startup14:43
pittiKeybuk: presence of /var/cache/jockey/check14:43
Keybukpitti: would the shell code I pasted above create that?14:44
pittishould, yes14:44
Keybukjockey-gtk only appears on today's14:44
pittiunless jockey wouldn't actually write it if it didn't detect any drivers; I need to  check that14:44
Keybukand on both SSD and HDD14:45
Keybukthat implies a software bug ;)14:45
Keybukpitti: both should have the broadcom wireless14:45
pittione odd thing might be that jockey is currently broken completely14:45
pittidue to some polkit-1 regression14:45
pittidbus.exceptions.DBusException: org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.Error.Failed: Error parsing subject struct14:45
pittibut I'll keep it on my list14:46
Keybuklet me check14:48
Keybukno jockey output in debug log14:48
pittiso it couldn't ever write that cache file on a fresh install14:48
pittijockey-text --list14:48
pitti^ does that work for you?14:49
pittiI bet it raises an exception14:49
Keybukno idea14:49
Keybukthe machines wipe themselves after install14:49
pittiKeybuk: well, I bet it's that14:50
Keybukoh, wait14:51
Keybukthey only wipe the MBR :p14:51
* pitti installs udevified x.org and holds his breath14:53
Keybukpitti: you were quite correct14:53
KeybukI got that PK error14:54
Keybukpitti: remember the x11_driver thing ;)14:54
Keybukthat's important14:54
pittiKeybuk: yes, I have my udev rules in place14:54
pittithings use evdev, except the touchpad which uses synaptics14:54
pittiand it knows my keyboard layout, too14:54
* pitti pulls trigger, brb (hopefully)14:54
Keybukgood luck :D14:55
* pitti grins evily14:58
pitti lshal14:58
pittiCould not initialise connection to hald.14:59
pitti(II) config/udev: Adding input device "AT Translated Set 2 keyboard" (/dev/input/event4)14:59
pitti(II) config/udev: Adding input device "AlpsPS/2 ALPS DualPoint TouchPad" (/dev/input/event11)14:59
pitti(II) LoadModule: "synaptics"14:59
Keybukit worked for me on the mini 10s too15:00
Keybukpitti: SHIP IT!15:00
pittithat's xorg-edgers crack of the day15:02
pittiwith a "nice" intel bug15:03
pitti(II) LoadModule: "synaptics"15:03
ubottuFreedesktop bug 25031 in Driver/intel "rendering and color corruption since 14109abf" [Major,New]15:03
pittibut it's good enough for testing the udev rules stuff15:03
pittiCaught signal 11 (Segmentation fault). Server aborting15:04
pitti^ oh, and I guess this needs to be fixed, too; but details.. :-)15:04
pittiKeybuk: anyway, I think if we get that, we can move hal from upstart job to dbus-activation15:04
Keybukit's nice to know that sanity first-passes work though15:04
pittiso that it's not in the critical path any more15:04
Keybukpitti: to be honest, I'd rather leave HAL disabled for a while ;)15:04
Keybukmake it really obvious what's using it and encourage them to fix it15:04
Keybukthen do the activation thing later on15:04
pittihttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Halsectomy has a pretty complete list15:05
pittilike, gdm itself15:05
Keybuksure, but it's amazing how things show up you didn't know about15:05
pittibut that's on my list15:05
pittiKeybuk: by not starting it at all, we'd screw the Kubuntu guys pretty thoroughly, though15:06
KeybukI like to think of it as them screwing themselves by not keeping up ;)15:08
pittiin a new PPA now15:11
pittiKeybuk: actually, I think we can do something different15:12
Keybuksuch as?15:13
pittiKeybuk: we have three remaining rdepends on a standard install now, AFAICS: xserver-xorg (see above), gdm (will fix), gparted15:13
pittiit doesn't seem too hard to make it fall off the CD completely15:13
Keybukmake sure it falls off the CD you mean?15:13
Keybukand flag it if it ever comes back?15:13
Keybukthat works for me15:13
pittihm, gparted -- that's in the live system for rescue love15:14
* pitti wonders if we could just sell palimpsest as a replacement15:14
Keybukisn't gparted used by ubiquity? :p15:15
pittilibparted is15:15
pitti(I think)15:15
pittiI don't have hal running now15:15
pittiand it does detect my internal partitions15:15
pittiit doesn't react to hotplugging any more, though15:16
Keybukit'd be really nice to have those patches in on the sooner timescale ;)15:16
Keybukthough obv. they depend on a new X :p15:16
pittithe gdm one doesn't15:16
Keybukthe code I read through looked like it should just fine15:16
pittiI'll look into this now15:16
Keybukthe X code that is15:16
pittiX code?15:16
pittiKeybuk: above I was speaking about gparted15:17
* pitti goes to unhalify gdm15:17
KeybukI was going to say, the X code looked right, and reacted to udevadm when I played15:17
Keybukudevadm working is important15:18
Keybukotherwise how else does one un-stick one's mouse when empathy steals it? :p15:18
* pitti tries hotplugging15:18
pittiworks like a charm15:18
Keybukit's amazing how we're getting awesome functionality while removing code :p15:20
JanCthe installer uses libparted, and I think gparted can work without hal now15:28
JanCI think curtis has a patch for that in gparted git15:29
JanChttp://git.gnome.org/cgit/gparted/commit/?id=d9b892a73f2f078ae6314c4925b438e43fe4392e --> should be in GParted 0.4.815:36
pittiJanC: oh, that's just for locking hal/dk-disks15:36
JanCI don't think GParted uses hal for something else?15:37
pittiJanC: without hal I apparently loose hotplug detection15:37
JanCI don't think GParted does any detection of new disks while it's running?15:37
pittioh, it doesn't? well, then it's fine15:38
pittiJanC: confirmed; I have to press control-r after hotplug either way15:51
pittihush, away with the hal dep then! :-)15:51
JanCup to 0.4.7 it depended on the hal lock mechanism, since 0.4.8 it can use both15:52
* pitti confirms http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=55802215:53
ubottuDebian bug 558022 in gparted "gparted: Please don't depend on hal; just use it if present" [Normal,Open]15:53
pittiJanC: it didn't "depend" on hal before either15:55
pittiif hal-lock/hal isn't even there, no reason to lock it15:55
pittiJanC: thanks! (uploaded)15:55
JanCpitti: no problem, I host/admin the GParted forum, so I somewhat have to know about most of what is going on with GParted development  ;)15:58
mptkwwii, are text[NORMAL] and fg[NORMAL] GTK-specific?16:21
kwwiimpt: they are defined in gtk, yes16:23
mptkwwii, so the details about using them can't go in the Icon Naming Specification?16:23
kwwiimpt: no, not realisticaly without an explanation16:24
mptkwwii, I've just completed http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/SymbolicIcons16:24
kwwiinot all desktops use the same number/names of variables anyway16:24
seb128yeah for chrisccoulson, didrocks and robert_ancell uploads!16:25
and471mvo : was there anything wrong with the code?16:25
chrisccoulsonheh, i thought i should start doing some merges now, after not doing very much all week16:26
mvoand471: nothing wrong, I just would like to see a bit of cleanup on the bits that contruct the spinner from the single image. its currently using hardcoded sizes (24, 72)16:27
mvoand471: I meant to send a mail about it, but got caught up in other stuff :/16:27
and471mvo: does it? I thought I replaced them..16:28
mvoand471: oh, let me check if I really got the lasted rev then16:28
and471mvo: is that all? in which case I shall fix it now16:28
and471mvo: no I am sure you did, I probably left out something16:28
* mvo merges again16:29
mptkwwii, is that useful for you?16:29
kwwiimpt: yes, it is well written, somehow I think I could help explain it better16:29
mvoand471: animatedimage.py is still havng the hardcoded sizes, it would be very nice to fix that16:29
mptkwwii, it's a wiki page, go to town :-)16:29
and471mvo: okay16:30
mvoand471: I had something else too (something equally small :)16:30
and471mvo: sure16:30
mvoand471: give me a sec to remember16:30
mvoand471: is "fixed1" actually used? in the ui file? it not referenced. or is it a trick to get gtk to layout as you want it to layout?16:31
and471seb128: have you seen the new version of gThumb? look's pretty slick, I am sure there will now be an argument about f-spot vs gthumb http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2009/11/new-gthumb-linux-plugins-f-spot-killer.html16:31
kwwiidobey: erm, how can I get a login for the freedesktop wiki? and/or do I have one and not know about it?16:31
and471mvo: nope, the tab page needs some widget inside it, or it doesn't display it, so I just used that, you can change it if you like16:31
seb128and471, total code write, urg, doesn't seem something for a lts16:32
and471seb128: yup but it certainly doesn't make it an easier decision :-)16:33
mvoand471: thats fine, I was just curious if it was deliberate or a left-over :)16:33
and471mvo: okay I shall clean that up and push16:33
seb128and471, decision is easy looking to this webpage, we keep what we have16:34
seb128and471, it still doesn't have timeline nor export to flickr, etc16:34
seb128and it's not tested16:34
seb128new codebase16:34
seb128nothing we want for a lts16:34
and471seb128: okay okay... :-)16:34
mvoand471: setup_database_rebuilding_listener() appears to be duplicated, could you please check that16:35
and471mvo: okay16:35
mvoand471: nice that you added the sepeartor :)16:35
* mvo likes that16:35
and471mvo: what's that?16:35
and471mvo: one thing before I eat, in my branch I added some code that makes */- lists actual HTML lists, however the RegEX is not quite right, it leaves the '*' or '-' at the beginning of the list item. Could you look at this as I have no clue at regex's16:37
mvoand471: yeah, I can have a look16:38
mvoand471: I will most likely also move the code that does the subpixbuf() in ShowImageDialog and AnimatedImage into a single function, afaics its the same code16:38
mvoand471: please let me know when I can re-merge (and thanks for working on it!)16:39
mvoseb128: compiz is running twice you said in your bootchart? so it re-execs itself?16:43
seb128mvo, no, I said it doesn't register to the session16:44
seb128mvo, http://people.canonical.com/~seb128/bootchart/seb128-dellmini-lucid-20091126-28.png16:45
seb128see the 8 seconds waiting16:45
seb128I guess it's the "gnome-session waits for compiz to send registration ack which it doesn't"16:46
mvoseb128: hm, I do not see currently how the no-wrapper patch changes this16:46
* mvo looks deeper16:46
mvoseb128: gnome-session did not change in any way?16:46
seb128but gnome-session is picky on who registers16:47
seb128the binary naming change could make a difference16:47
seb128let me look in gnome-session if we hardcode compiz.real16:47
* Amaranth hides from seb12816:47
Amaranthoh, yeah16:47
seb128Amaranth, that's from Keybuk you should hide16:47
* Amaranth blames gnome-session16:47
Amaranthbut hey, 2 second win :)16:47
AmaranthI wonder why I never noticed the problem16:48
seb128what problem?16:48
AmaranthProbably because I have so much crap running my bootcharts are crazy anyway16:48
Amaranthgnome-session stalling waiting for compiz to respond16:48
seb128it was not there before your upload ;-)16:48
AmaranthI've been using it since I initially wrote the patch though16:49
Amaranthbut my boot times fluctuate a lot anyway, I need to do a clean install and not install web servers16:49
seb128gnome-session doesn't seem to hardcore anything16:50
Amaranthmvo: changing gtk/gnome/50-compiz-desktop-key.xml.in won't actually do anything since we ship the metacity version of that file16:51
AmaranthWhich is a change you made, actually :)16:52
mvoAmaranth: could it be this:16:53
mvoif [ ! -z "$DESKTOP_AUTOSTART_ID" ]; then16:53
AmaranthI thought gnome-session would just call compiz with --sm-client-id16:54
AmaranthIt did back when we made session save/restore work16:54
seb128gnome-session will run whatever is in the desktop16:54
mvo50-compiz-desktop-key.xml.in> right, that can go away I think16:54
mvoAmaranth: hm, I have no idea if/why it does not use sm-clinet-id, seb128?16:55
mvoor maybe vuntz knows?16:55
seb128vuntz, ^16:55
Amaranthlooks like metacity was fixed to look for DESKTOP_AUTOSTART_ID back in 200716:56
Amaranthwhich means this isn't a gnome-session rewrite problem16:56
* Amaranth adds similar code to compiz16:58
and471mvo: ah yes the separator :-)16:58
mvoAmaranth: \o/16:59
mvoAmaranth: I have dinner now, but I check back in some minutes16:59
seb128Amaranth, you rock ;-)16:59
* mvo hugs and471 along the way16:59
and471mvo: hehe16:59
seb128mvo, enjoy!16:59
vuntzmvo, seb128: I have no clue how you start compiz :-)17:00
seb128vuntz, set the session key to  "compiz"17:02
Keybukvuntz: "carefully"17:02
seb128and have no wrapper17:02
seb128ie just run the compiz binary17:03
seb128session key = required component wm17:03
* Amaranth builds and tests17:05
* Amaranth wonders how to see if this helps...17:05
and471mvo: about the hardcoded values, is this any issue? The path to the icon is hardcoded (softwarecenter-progress.png) and so therefore it won't change17:05
mptmvo, hi, how's the showing-all-packages stuff going?17:06
Amaranthmpt: He went to dinner :)17:06
vuntzso gnome-session can't really pass --sm-client-id since, well, it doesn't know if apps support --sm-client-id17:06
Amaranthbrb, rebooting for bootchart17:08
jwm1I just upgraded to Karmic and my dual monitor system isn't going -- can anyone help?17:08
and471mvo: I have removed the duplicate function and per above I think it is now ready to merge :-) If not, please email me17:08
jwm1or should I be making this inquiry elsewhere?17:09
mptmvo, when you're back, can we discuss these work items?17:09
seb128Keybuk, the login target will be hard to get ...17:11
seb128with no desktop effect and no nautilus running we still do 7 seconds17:11
seb128so it's not only a matter to speed those17:12
mptseb128, that's why we have geniuses to work on it17:12
seb128and we will not bring them to no time17:12
Keybuk4 of those seconds are the weird gap to gnome-session17:12
Keybukthat means you're just 3s17:12
Keybukwhich is 1s under your budget ;)17:12
KeybukI didn't randomly invent numbers17:12
seb128mpt, oh, we got that, good I had the feeling it was just plain old stupid desktop guys there! ;-)17:13
Keybukif you remember the flight to brussels, I did a 10s boot17:13
Keybuknow we're just redoing it in packages17:13
Amaranthseb128: If gnome-panel starts less than a second after compiz does that mean it's fixed?17:13
seb128Amaranth, yes17:14
mac_vseb128: pitti: mpt: why hasnt Bug #194472 been fixed in Ubuntu? Upstream has added the option to show stars if the Distribution chooses , but still it hasnt been fixed?17:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 194472 in sudo "Please enhance the sudo explanation message" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19447217:14
AmaranthI guess I get to upload now, let's see if I remember how17:14
seb128Keybuk, I was not in brussels but still, that will be though, those are not random gaps no17:14
pittimac_v: simply because nobody got around to doing it in karmic17:14
mac_vlol ;)17:14
seb128Keybuk, it's just that gnome-session order starts17:14
Keybukactually that's all stuff before gnome-session17:15
seb128Keybuk, like it takes 1 second to g-s-d to set themes, etc17:15
Keybukstarting one at a time to set environment17:15
Keybukneat hack to fix that17:15
mac_vpitti: then could you schedule it for Lucid? so that we dont forget again? :)17:15
Keybukdecide the environment and tell them ;-)17:15
mptmac_v, no idea. Presumably someone needs to change the package to set the pwstars option by default17:16
mac_vhehe , david rejected it as a papercut twice .. and a similar bug got filed again today ;)17:17
pittimac_v: I assigned it to me for now, but it's really loooow prio17:17
mac_vpitti: yup , sure its low.. thanks :)17:17
seb128Keybuk, I only see a one second gap before gnome-settings-daemon there17:17
seb128g-s-d takes some 1 second to set themes, etc17:18
chrisccoulsonyou see a 1 second gap between gnome-session starting and g-s-d starting?17:18
seb128then wm starts17:18
Keybukthis shows it quite well17:18
Keybukthe red dashed line is drawn where the session starts17:18
seb128chrisccoulson, http://people.canonical.com/~seb128/bootchart/seb128-dellmini-lucid-20091126-28.png17:18
Keybukactually, look at 20 sorry17:18
Keybuka lot of that gap before compiz is quite easy to remove17:19
Keybukrather than do17:19
Keybukstart prog 117:19
Keybukprog 1 inits17:19
Keybukprog 1 does stuff17:19
Keybukprog 1 listens on a socket17:19
Keybukprog 1 sets environment17:19
seb128yours is weird17:19
Keybukprog 1 start prog 217:19
Keybukprog 2 ...17:19
Keybukpre-set all the environment variables17:19
Keybukand start prog 1, 2, 3, 4 in parallel17:20
seb128the one I did today has only 1 second before g-s-d start17:20
Keybuktoday's gnome is a bit off17:20
KeybukI'm not trusting it until I see repeatability on that :p17:20
Keybukbecause other things are broken17:20
seb128I did some 25 charts today17:20
seb128and the current ones don't have compiz17:20
Keybukthere's still >1s after ssh-agent17:20
seb128g-s-d starts some 1.5 seconds after gnome-session17:20
Keybuk1.5s is almost half your budget17:21
Keybuk1.5s is a *LONG* time17:21
Keybukwhat is happening in those 1.5s ?17:21
seb128I don't debate that17:21
Keybukare you really doing over 7.5 trillion operations?17:21
seb128I agree we can win those17:21
seb128but my current chart is 7 seconds without nautilus running17:21
seb128so we still have 1.5s with no compiz nor nautilus nor x11 scripts...17:21
chrisccoulsonthe delay between gnome-session starting and g-s-d starting is gconfd starting up17:22
seb128we will need to add nautilus back17:22
chrisccoulsonthats the first thing that gnome-session does17:22
Keybukyour chart has 3.5s between the session starting and the window manager starting17:22
Keybukthat 3.5s should be 017:22
* vuntz hates people working on gnome-session because it creates lots of highlight event in irc for him ;-)17:22
cassidyseb128, did you already upload the gabble patch ?17:22
Keybukchrisccoulson: no it isn't17:23
seb128cassidy, no17:23
Keybukthe 3.5s is *before* gnome-session is started17:23
Keybukit's the ubuntu Xsession.d directory17:23
seb128there is over 1 second wanted there17:23
seb128g-s-d setting the theme etc17:23
seb128gnome-session start those in order17:23
seb128theme first, then wm, then rest of the world17:23
Keybukthe g-s-d 1s is the bit I think is necessary of that17:24
cassidyseb128, hang on then, I'll have a nice patch for you improving the whole proxy management17:24
* Amaranth crosses his fingers and runs dput17:25
seb128cassidy, thanks17:26
Amaranthwell nothing exploded...17:26
Amaranth[ubuntu/lucid] compiz 1:0.8.4-0ubuntu5 (Accepted)17:26
* Amaranth cheers17:26
seb128Amaranth, congrats!17:27
Amaranthand now I must run, going to a thanksgiving dinner17:27
Amaranthseb128: thanks, hopefully it actually fixes the problem :)17:27
seb128I will tell you once it's available there17:27
pittiI'm off for today, still some gdm debugging to do, and then dinner/cinema17:30
seb128pitti, enjoy17:30
seb128pitti, I'm taking a swap day tomorrow17:31
seb128so don't freak out if I'm not around17:31
cassidyseb128, would be awesome if you could apply https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/telepathy-gabble/+bug/488709/comments/3 asap17:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 488709 in telepathy-gabble "Please remove hard coded jabber file proxy" [Low,Fix committed]17:37
cassidyso admins will stop bitching at us :)17:37
seb128ok, will have a look17:37
seb128Keybuk, ok, I moved Xsession.d away17:37
seb1288 seconds for desktop17:37
cassidyseb128,  this patch has been reviewed and merged upstream btw17:37
seb128with no Xsession.d, no compiz, no nautilus17:38
seb128Keybuk, we will do what we can but my view is that it's going to be hard17:38
seb128especially that everybody is busy with other things, ie nobody will be able to do that full time17:38
KeybukI didn't say it would be easy17:39
seb128and we need a better backup plan than drop nautilus and compiz17:39
Keybukyour priorities are between you and Rick ;)17:39
seb128that's clearly not enough ;-)17:39
Keybukmutter is a reasonable replacement for compiz17:40
Keybukand it's arguable that desktop icons aren't a feature we care about ;)17:40
seb128Keybuk, well those 8 seconds are without compiz and no nautilus at all17:40
seb128ie I removed it from the session components17:41
Keybukseb128: bootchart?17:41
AmaranthSo 8 seconds is the goal?17:42
AmaranthKeybuk: mutter is slower and does less :)17:43
seb128Keybuk, http://people.canonical.com/~seb128/bootchart/seb128-dellmini-lucid-20091126-52.png17:43
KeybukAmaranth: 4s17:44
Keybukseb128: you still have 1s before gnome-settings-daemon starts17:44
Keybukand 3s before most other things17:46
Amaranth4 seconds for the whole desktop? impossible17:48
KeybukAmaranth: why?17:48
Keybukxfce comes up in 1.5s17:48
seb128xfce does nothing17:49
seb128it has no menu by default17:49
seb128no applet17:49
Keybukno, it does everything that gnome does17:49
Keybukas far as just about everyone except gnome developers are concerned17:49
Keybukyou have a panel17:49
Keybukit has clock and network and stuff on it17:49
Keybukand a button to get your apps17:49
seb128I've tried xfce during the sprint and honestly you can't compare both17:50
seb128to add a GNOME applet you need a wrapper which takes some several meg of ram17:50
seb128and you need one wrapper running by applet17:50
seb128their places menu is just ugly17:50
seb128their clock has no locations17:50
Keybukit takes 1.5s ;)17:51
Keybukyou've got 417:51
Keybukthat's almost three times as long17:51
seb128I don't think it's a good trade or something users want17:51
Keybukfrankly, it really sounds like you don't even want to try17:51
Keybukso I suggest you talk to your manager17:51
seb128user prefer taking 10 seconds to start and have something nice17:51
seb128I didn't say I don't want to try17:52
AmaranthHow long do we take right now?17:52
Amaranthsubtract the 8 second compiz stall and what is the number?17:52
seb128I would not have turned my netbook to a test box otherwise17:52
Keybukhttp://people.canonical.com/~scott/daily-bootcharts/ has the numbers17:52
seb128it's just that I'm pretty sure we will not hit the target17:52
Keybukdesktop is 13-14s currently17:52
Amaranthppc, ia64, and armel just FTBFS compiz17:53
seb128let's be realistic17:53
Keybukseb128: with that attitude, we won't hit the target17:53
seb128we can try but I don't want to promise things we will not deliver17:53
Keybukif you think it can't be done, you need to talk to your manager, and he needs to talk to Mark17:53
KeybukI know it can be done17:53
seb128I've been doing that17:53
Keybukit's just hard17:53
seb128there is no way we can do that with 1 GNOME maintainer this cycle17:54
seb128they moved our second maintainer to oem17:54
seb128reaching that target is not a side work some hours a week17:54
seb128but you are right I should talk to my manager rather17:54
Keybuksure :-)17:55
KeybukI was surprised by that rotation17:55
AmaranthDoesn't gnome-session do everything /etc/gdm/Xsession does?18:00
mnemojono: was it decided at UDS which Firefox release that will go into Lucid?18:03
AmaranthKeybuk: your netbook isn't using KMS?18:04
Keybukit is18:04
Keybukthough bear in mind that usplash does KMS "wrong"18:04
=== robbiew_ is now known as robbiew
Keybukyou still go back to KD_TEXT before X18:05
* Amaranth heads out18:07
mvompt: no changes in non-apps since we talked last18:19
mvompt: work items - give me a minute, I need to prepare18:20
mvompt: non-apps> the de-duplication of pkg/apps is still a tricky buisiness18:20
mvompt: http://paste.ubuntu.com/328687/ that would be my ordering (most important to least important)18:25
mvompt: maybe with history one higher up, not sure18:26
mvompt: foundations-lucid-software-center-repository-based-index is hard and we could live without, also its very nice to have18:26
=== paul_ is now known as paul
mptmvo, here's mine: http://paste.ubuntu.com/328690/18:27
mptso we agree on #118:28
mvompt: not bad :)18:28
mptwe differ mainly on the LP-related ones18:28
mvompt: history requires some work on apt to be really useful, otherwise it will be limited to stuff that you installed via the center. but I agree that its not very important (also nice to have)18:29
mptmvo, is that the sort of work David might be interested in?18:29
mvompt: possibly, also he has already taken on some other challenges18:30
mvompt: the libapt bits are hopefully not that hard, but might get a bit fiddly with the details18:30
mvompt: i think we should move it up, but make a target of opporunity or something. having some design mockups would be nice too18:31
mptWell I definitely don't think it's more important than ratings and reviews :-)18:31
mvompt: repository based indexes can be #2, I'm fine with that18:31
mvo#5 then maybe?18:31
and471mvo: (about the history stuff, in my history branch, there is parsing of the dpkg.log and an xml file that sofwtare-center can generate)18:31
mvoand471: I would like to move that into libapt, because it known what actions belong together. the disadvantage of dpkg.log is that its hard to tell what operatons where one "transation" (apt run)18:32
mvoand471: using dpkg.log is of course nice and the best we have for now18:32
mptmvo, I'm assuming for both repository-based-index and ratings-and-reviews that it will involve a bit of work from our part, and then a lot of work from the LP team while we work on other things. The main reason I put them high up is so that we unblock the LP team.18:32
and471mvo: yup sure, just a proof of concept :-)18:33
mvompt: right, so lets move history above -backend and I think we are mostly set18:33
mvoand471: :) I still have not had a chance to look at this branch :/18:34
* mvo wants more time18:34
and471mvo: hehe18:34
mptmvo, sounds good to me. What does -backend involve? I.e. "support packagekit session API elsewhere on desktop" means support it where, exactly?18:35
mvompt: the session api should really be not part of that spec18:35
mvompt: the idea is to provide a compatible (dbus) api  to PK so that stuff like nautilus can request installation of e.g. mime type based software18:36
mvompt: glatzor was working on this, I think he made some good progress. but it really does not belong into this particular spec :)18:36
mvompt: for some of the above specs I put workitems in, feel free to adjust/update with your own18:38
mptmvo, I saw that, thanks, I think I'll see if I can get some advice from rickspencer3 on how to integrate that with bugs that need fixing etc18:39
mvoI think you can just add bugnumbers to it and leave the assignee out18:40
mvobut I have not used it that much myself18:40
mptmvo, http://paste.ubuntu.com/328698/18:41
mptmvo, I mean bugs that are outside of any of those blueprints18:42
mpti.e. work items in general18:42
mvompt: looks good now to me18:42
mptthanks mvo, I'll CC you on the reply18:43
mptmvo, now you've got me thinking about de-duplication of packages and applications18:49
mptmvo, one rule might be: If the package for application X is the only package that Depends: on package Y, then package Y should be hidden inside X18:50
mvompt: interessting idea, for idea like this I can generate you code that tests this idea relatively easily and output what would be hidden. doing that in a realtime search is a bit more tricky though ;)18:53
mptmvo, that seems like it might require several iterations of trying it out, like the subcategories will18:54
and471<and471> mvo: about the hardcoded values, is this any issue? The path to the icon is hardcoded (softwarecenter-progress.png) and so therefore it won't change18:56
and471<and471> mvo: I have removed the duplicate function and per above I think it is now ready to merge :-) If not, please email me18:56
Tm_Tin my mind hardcoded paths are always unwanted unless there's really good reason18:58
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seb128hey robert_ancell22:36
robert_ancellseb128, hey22:36
seb128robert_ancell, did you need anything from me on the gir issue? or did you just copy me the email for information?22:37
robert_ancelljust for information.  I'm still not sure what to do but Joss pointed me to a document where gir policy has changed.  Will need to patch some packages22:37
seb128which ones?22:39
seb128we should just rebase on Debian22:39
robert_ancellgnome-games :)22:40
robert_ancellI think there were some others....22:40
faganbug hugger is awesome :)23:14
* fagan was just playing about rick"quickly"spencer3 did a great job23:15
AmaranthMy package got rejected because someone else uploaded an ubuntu5 compiz package? :/23:21
faganAmaranth: bump the number then or just ask the person who uploaded the newer one23:23
AmaranthFirst I have to figure out who uploaded the newer one23:23
AmaranthAnd then beat them up for not pushing to bzr first :)23:23
seb128Amaranth, no it didn't23:24
Amaranthseb128: I got a rejected email from launchpad23:24
faganLook at the bzr changelog Amaranth23:24
seb128Amaranth, https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/1:0.8.4-0ubuntu523:24
seb128you uploaded twice?23:24
Amaranthanyway, yay23:25
seb128dunno then23:25
seb128but your upload made it23:25
faganis this for lucid23:25
Amaranthseb128: Did you try it?23:25
TheMusoAmaranth: according to lucid changes you uploaded ubuntu5.23:26
faganI got a failed upgrade of compiz23:26
seb128Amaranth, no but I can do that now23:26
* fagan checks 23:26
Amaranthfagan: Failed how?23:26
faganI have compiz.ubuntu5 and I get a could not calculate upgrade error and there are no other updates23:27
Amaranthfagan: I need more details :)23:28
AmaranthIt may be the Qt transition..23:28
* fagan gos looking 23:28
* fagan realised that it would be a lot easier to find the info if he upgraded through terminal23:30
fagancompiz-wrapper is the problem23:31
faganits asking to be removed23:32
seb128why asking?23:32
seb128did you divert that one?23:32
seb128why would a package ask to change content...23:32
faganCalculating upgrade... Done23:33
faganThe following packages will be REMOVED23:33
seb128could you copy the error there?23:33
seb128or on paste.ubuntu.com23:33
Amaranthfagan: It's supposed to get removed23:34
Amaranthcompiz-core Conflicts/Replaces it23:34
seb128_I was saying23:37
seb128_could you copy the error there?23:37
Amaranthseb128_: There is no error23:37
AmaranthIt is wanting to remove compiz-wrapper is all23:38
seb128_oh ok, good23:38
faganwhen I try to do it in the update manager it gives a failed to calculate upgrade error23:39
* fagan gets the exact error 23:39
faganThe only problem I can see is compiz-wrapper23:39
faganseb128: ^^23:39
faganAmaranth: is that not a problem?23:40
Amaranthfagan: Nope, compiz-wrapper is not used anymore23:40
faganOh ok23:40
AmaranthThat's the point of the changes I've been making :)23:40
* fagan just thought it was used 23:40
faganMy bad23:40
Amaranthseb128: Did it help?23:50
seb128_Amaranth, it seems23:52
seb128_I will confirm with a bootchart next time I reboot23:52
seb128_but starting a guest session takes some 5-6 seconds now23:52
seb128_so it seems good23:52
Amaranthso with a warm cache we're close to the goal :)23:54

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