
sladenKeybuk: what are the dotted lines?00:06
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Keybuksladen: useful points00:14
Keybukwhere we do budgeting00:14
Keybukend of kernel/initramfs00:14
Keybukstart of X00:14
Keybukstart of gdm session00:14
Keybukend of boot00:14
sladenKeybuk: they do look useful; could you try adding a vertical label for which each one is00:17
ccheney`does google use android to track traffic patterns? i've noticed the traffic data for the US seems much better than it used to be, and probably better than is actually being tracked by highway departments00:24
ccheney`and there are weird gaps that would lead me to believe phones might be being used as a source of the data00:24
lifelessccheney`: yes00:24
lifelessccheney`: they blogged about it.00:25
lifeless"It takes almost zero effort on your part — just turn on Google Maps for mobile before starting your car — and the more people that participate, the better the resulting traffic reports get for everybody."00:26
ccheney`lifeless: ah cool, i couldn't find the article00:27
ccheney`lifeless: now with google maps navigation lots more people will be using it :)00:28
ccheney`regular google maps app wasn't all that useful00:28
Keybuksladen: I don't see the point00:28
Keybukthe lines already meet the appropriate process00:29
sladenKeybuk: the output becomes significantly more useful to people other-than-yourself if it's annoted00:30
sladenKeybuk: the more information processing you can farm out to other people, the less explaining and work you need to do for yourself00:31
Keybuksladen: and the more time I spend adding annotations ;)00:31
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Keybukif only it were open source, then you could add your own features00:32
KeybukOH, WAIT00:32
sladenKeybuk: upload/publish it and I will00:34
Keybuksladen: I already have00:36
Keybukbzr branch lp:ubuntu/pybootchartgui00:36
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Keybukcjwatson: http://people.canonical.com/~scott/daily-installer/01:33
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AmaranthStupid KDE transition breaking compiz builds :/03:47
ScottKAmaranth: Qt upstream that does a post-beta binary incompatible change.03:52
ScottKNot actually even KDE's fault.03:52
AmaranthScottK: hrm, I don't think we do all that when GTK+ changes the ABI during development03:53
ScottKGenerally Qt doesn't break ABI except on major version updates, so I gather this was some kind of mistake as the 'fixed' ABI is compatible with 4.503:55
matgeekI am just curious about creating IPv6 readiness blueprint for Lucid Lynx  I am a Debian Developer experienced in networking, having developed OSPF for zebra/quagga, and extensive IPSEC administration and configuration experience under linux.05:26
ScottKmatgeek: You'll probably get more of an answer during regular European or US working hours.05:40
matgeekScottK : Thanks, I will try later.  One of the problems with living in NZ....05:53
ScottKmatgeek: You might also try #ubuntu-server.  Perhaps more interest there.06:02
siretartcomponent mismatches smells fishy: a lot of multimedia packages (libfaac, mplayer, xvidcore) try to get promoted to main for no understandable reason. at least not to me.06:37
pwnguinwho should i bug about firefox apparmor profiles, -security or -mozilla team06:41
pwnguin102923.396229] type=1503 audit(1259217826.151:207): operation="exec" pid=25141 parent=25079 profile="/usr/lib/firefox-3.5.*/firefox" requested_mask="::x" denied_mask="::x" fsuid=1000 ouid=0 name="/usr/bin/liferea-add-feed"06:44
pittiGood morning07:33
Hobbseemorning pitti!07:34
cjwatsonsiretart: kdemultimedia Recommends: mplayerthumbs07:35
pittihey Hobbsee, how are you?07:38
Hobbseepitti: studying :(07:39
Hobbseepitti: last exam tomorrow07:39
pittiHobbsee: oh, all the best then!07:39
Hobbseethanks :)07:39
spmHobbsee: which is why you're on irc? :-) and yes, Good Luck!07:39
Hobbseespm: well..  ;)07:40
Hobbseespm: trying to put a bit of a break in between doing one, and studying for the next one ;)07:40
spmsounds fair to me!07:40
pittisuperm1, ScottK: package set questions> I'm afraid I need to discuss that with cjwatson once he's back from vacation; the overlaps are intended, but I'm not sure why some key packages are missing07:43
pittiso I'll answer next week07:43
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cjwatsonpitti: I was back from vacation yesterday07:44
cjwatsonpitti: but I do not see the questions you're responding to in my scrollback07:45
pitticjwatson: oh, oh u-devel@, wrt. "ubuntu-desktop team members can now upload"07:45
pitticjwatson: I actually noticed the same: gnome-panel can't be uploaded by -desktop, only by -core; but it is in http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/germinate-output/ubuntu.lucid/desktop07:48
pitti(I understood that the package sets are derived from seeds?)07:48
dholbachgood morning07:52
mvohey dholbach!07:52
dholbachhi mvo07:52
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cjwatsonpitti: indeed, but gnome-panel also builds a library that's used all over the place, so *shrug*07:57
pittiah, ok07:58
pittiso it's due to the overlap with xubuntu, etc.07:58
cjwatsonoverlaps don't cause something to go to core07:58
cjwatsonit's because the reverse (build-)dependency chain from libpanel-applet leads into core, somewhere along the line07:58
cjwatsonthe test is "can you break core by uploading this source package?"07:59
cjwatsonsince gnome-panel really is a fairly fundamental platformish package loosely disguised as desktop, I don't feel too bad about it07:59
pittiok, thanks for the heads-up08:00
pitticjwatson: what defines "core"?08:00
cjwatsonI think superm1 has found at least one genuine bug08:00
pitticore> minimal and standard seeds?08:01
pittihm, no, that wouldn't grab panel08:01
cjwatsonplatform.lucid/(required,minimal,boot,standard,d-i-requirements,installer,build-essential,language-packs,supported-(development,kernel,(hardware,installer,network,sysadmin)-common)) right now08:01
cjwatsonwe can change some of that, but I think reducing down to standard would be too far08:02
cjwatsonbesides, build-dependencies do still tend to suck in a lot of the world surprisingly quickly08:02
cjwatsonlook at the build-dep graph for just the kernel sometime :)08:02
pittiI just wondered where this is defined08:03
cjwatsonin a branch I need to push somewhere more sensible than cocoplum:~cjwatson/packagesets/08:03
pittiit's a miracle that it doesn't pull in gtk -- yet08:03
pittiah, seed_sets in packageset-report08:04
rosseraI'd like to learn C, have you any suggestion?08:41
directhexrossera, a good textbook. and somewhat offtopic for this channel08:43
rosseraI see. thanks08:46
matgeekHi!   I am a DD that wants to help out with IPv6 support in Ubuntu, testing Lucid for functionality.  Is there a blueprint for any of this ples?  May I write one?08:56
pittihey matgeek; I don't think that we specifically discussed IPv6 at UDS; my gut feeling is that problems with it should be handled through bug reports, unless there's some large architectural change that you plan?08:59
matgeekpitti:  No,Just want to vet functionality. Create a how to.  Pull a few IPv6 auto address functionality packages from universe to supported.09:01
matgeekpitti: IPv6 is coming quickly here in NZ.  My ISP is running trials.  I have the background and expertise to do this sort of work.09:02
pittigreat to hear that it's getting some real-life adoption!09:03
matgeekpitti:  Have developed and maintained OSPF for a router and zebra/quagga.  Ran IPSEC for NZ EEC using openswan.09:03
matgeekpitti:  I have what s needed to do this properly.09:04
pittithat's great, thanks for looking into that09:04
matgeekpitti: Who would I talk to to organise this?09:05
pittimatgeek: until there are concrete bug reports, I'd say that discussing it on ubuntu-devel@ would be best09:06
pittito make some more IPv6 literate people aware, and coordinate testing09:07
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matgeekpitti:  Is there a place in the Ubuntu community wiki to start organising some documentation?  I want to document how to set up lucid for this, as well as create patches for any show stoppers that I find.09:08
pittimatgeek: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPv6 is a starting point, so feel free to create https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPv6/Testing or something such09:09
matgeekpitti:  Cool!  Thanks!  I will start from there.  Testing basic IPv6 on lucid, and how it would run on home lan etc.09:13
matgeekpitti:  We need to get Ipv6 smooth as to maintain Ubuntu's reputation.09:14
* pitti wishes that German T-Online would finally offer IPv6, too09:14
faganIPV6 still hasnt got around enough so its kinda hard to test09:15
matgeekfagan:  Yes I know, but I think I can make sure that lucid works well enough out of the box.  Within a year we will be seeing a lot more IPv6.  I just want to make sure that all the basica packages needed are supported etc, and file bugs where needed, and fix show stoppers.09:18
fagantrue but do a lot of testers have IPv6?09:19
matgeekfagan:  Not yet.  I am a Debian Developer with a background in networking, IPSEC, and zebra/quagga OSPF development.09:23
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matgeekfagan:  should be able to test things using few virtual machines, and map things out.09:23
faganI dont think virtual machines can emulate them09:24
* fagan checks 09:24
pittihm, host <-> VM should work with IPv609:24
pittibut kvm doesn't set up interfaces on the host side by default09:25
pittiI think there's a way to do that, though; I'm sure that kirkland would know :)09:25
matgeekpitti:  Already doing it with kvm!!.  I will keep quiet for a few days, and get back after exploring more, there looks like there may be quite a community using   IPv6 with Ubuntu.09:29
pittiogra: still remember the modprobe -b change that you did to pm-utils ages ago? I forwarded that to https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=25254, but there's no explanation why the change was done09:31
ubottuFreedesktop bug 25254 in General "respect module blacklists on resume" [Normal,New]09:31
pittiogra: what was the actual problem there? (rationale is that a module which was loaded before should be loaded afterwards)09:31
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apwMacSlow, yo ... i hear you know about OSD10:22
MacSlowapw, sadly ;)10:23
apwMacSlow, does OSD take any X grabs in its life cycle showing popups etc?10:23
MacSlowapw, no10:23
apwMacSlow, just had a permenant hang of my OSD (and got a core off it), trying to understand how it can trigger unresponsivness in applications which don't use it10:24
apwi've added the core to bug #34744410:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 347444 in notify-osd "OSD hangs up applications leading to them greying out" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34744410:25
apwits getting more and more frequent over time10:25
MacSlowapw, the only bug I know of (and have not yet been able to fix) is it stalling something on DBus10:25
apwit seems supprising gnome-terminal would use dbus, but anything is possible10:26
MacSlowapw, I even asked DBus-experts about possible causes for this... no clear answer as of yet10:26
apwso do we know what osd is trying to do when it goes non-responsive?10:27
* apw is suspicious that its going non-responsive when its queue gets large10:27
pittiapw: I take it I should add https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/LucidTasks to kernel work item scanning?10:27
apwpitti, yep that is the roll up ... i meant to tell you about it10:28
ograpitti, -b makes modprobe respect the blacklist files10:28
MacSlowapw, nope10:28
pittiogra: right, but why?10:28
apwMacSlow, well there is a core file on the bug now, of it mid hang, so we should be able to tell from that right10:28
ograpitti, well, if a module is blacklisted i dont want it to be loaded10:28
pittiogra: if a module was loaded before suspend, shouldn't it be loaded after resume, regardless of blacklisting?10:28
MacSlowapw, an isolated test-case triggering this bug in notify-osd would be a good start... sofar nobody was able to provide such10:29
ograpitti, but it shouldnt be loaded before suspend, if it was, thats wrong ...10:29
apwMacSlow, i have tried hard to get it, and i get it about once a week on average, and cannot find a simple trigger for sure10:29
ograunless i misunderstand what a blacklist is for10:29
pittiogra: right, but if it is, you apparently loaded it manually10:29
pittiblacklist should be for suppressing auto-loading10:30
pittibut pm-utils just restores the situation as it was before suspend10:30
ograit didnt when i supplied that patch10:30
pittiogra: I thought it was for not loading blacklisted module dependencies, etc.10:30
ograif thats different today then the -b isnt needed10:31
pittiogra: ok, thank you10:31
pittiapw: so it is on http://piware.de/workitems/kernel/lucid/report.html now10:31
apwpitti, most excellent10:32
pittiapw: right now, wiki page WIs can't have assignees (not sure where to fit them in), so they appear as "nobody"10:32
pittiif you have an idea/request how to add an assignee to it, I'm fine to add it10:33
pitticould e. g. be "assignee:apw" or so10:33
pittibut it needs a prefix or other special marking, otherwise any word in a table row could be considered an assignee10:33
apwpitti, well for my purposes i exposed INPROGRESS and added allowed it to be INPROGRESS apw10:33
apwpitti, though the other option would be to simply follow the current plan [apw] at the beginning of the descriptio10:34
pittithat would work too, right10:34
apwpitti, does it work now?10:34
pittinot  with current workitems.py10:35
pittibut I can hack it in10:35
pittiwhere the middle .* would be the assignee10:35
apwyeah that is what i am doing as things stand10:36
apwmy version of your workitems doesn't flatten INPROGRESS to TODO as i care which are being worked10:36
pittiI'll fix that as well10:37
apwpitti, i am also parsing out the wiki pages in a slightly differnt way10:37
apwone which lets me see the titles of the sections so our page shows up as four sections on my report10:37
pittiapw: oh, hang on, it just looks for DONE/POSTPONED, and treats everything else as TODO10:38
pittiso it works with INPROGRESS10:38
apwfor my purpose i need to tell them appart at the consumer of that API so i've frigged it to keep that too10:38
apwi use the same data to produce this:10:38
apwnote the two tables below your burn down chart10:39
apw<pitti> (TODO|INPROGRESS|POSTPONED) (.*) ||   <-- note that this is probabally needs to be10:39
apw(TODO|INPROGRESS|POSTPONED)( (.*))? ||10:40
pittiok, added10:43
pittiapw: http://piware.de/workitems/kernel/lucid/report.html -> one less for "nobody", one more for you now10:44
apwpitti, 'yay'10:44
apwpitti, how do you determine the owner of the blueprnt, doesn't seem to be a workitems.py call for it :)10:45
pittiapw: it's done in get_blueprint_workitems()10:46
pitti    assignee_re = re.compile('<a href="https://.*launchpad.net/~([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)" class=".*person">')10:46
pitti            m = assignee_re.search(l)10:46
pitti            if m:10:46
pitti                default_assignee = m.group(1)10:46
pitti(yay screenscaping)10:46
apwpitti, how does that hit the assignee and not any of the other people in there10:47
apwthere are what 4 names on that page?10:47
pittiapw: the check above it10:48
pitti        if '<dt>Assignee:' in l:10:48
pitti            found_assignee = True10:48
pittiit's really a quick'n'dirty hack10:48
apwahh ...10:48
apwok i don't have that in my version10:48
pittibut I didn't feel like setting up proper XML parsing and xpath10:48
apwcould you zap me a new one :)10:48
apwheh no, i am sure its close enough10:48
apwpoint me at a new copy, can't remember how i got the previous one even if it was 2 days ago10:49
pittiapw: http://piware.de/bzr/bin/workitems.py10:50
pitti(it's also on WorkItemsHowto)10:50
pittiit's a bzr branch, too (although that has all my other ~/bin/ crap)10:50
apwsorry i am soo lazy10:50
pittiapw: np :)10:50
apwyou interested in being able to get status and title for each group in the wiki page?10:50
apwi've got a fn which looks at the wiki page as a collection of groups not one big group10:50
pittigroup -> any heading?10:51
pittiyes, that could be useful10:51
pittiin the report, the wiki page could appear as one line per wiki page section instead of just one line for the entire page10:51
apwyeah i am using the == xxx == as the title of the blueprint, the text before the table as the blueprint status: text, and the table as you do10:51
apwyeah thats exactly what i do in my lucid status page10:52
pittiif the Kubuntu guys tweak their page a bit, it'd work for them, too10:52
apwthe last four groups in the two tables are the sub sections in the wiki page10:52
apwi'll clean up what i ahve here and send it back to you so you can see what i am doing10:54
pittiapw: I think I'll register a proper project for it on LP now, and create a branch with workitems.py, the chart generator, etc.10:58
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pittigosh, blocker: how to name it10:59
apwpitti, hehehe10:59
apwsomething burner10:59
apwit makes them happy right ... so manager-upper10:59
apwbah hard11:02
apwcall it off, too difficult11:02
pittiI know, boring11:02
apwpitti, there is a standard way to say 'i am a program' isn't there?11:04
pittiyou mean #! ?11:04
apwnormally main is included in something like 'if package == 'main':' so you can use it as a library11:05
pittiif __name__ == '__main__':11:05
apwcould we get that added :)  so i can use it as a library :11:05
apwyeah that thing11:05
pittisure; let me finish set up the branch, etc., then I'll commit it11:05
pitti$ bzr commit -m 'workitems: check if called as a program'11:06
jussi01cjwatson: may I just remind you about the change to the Ubuntu Studio iso status mails that we talked about at UDS.11:10
apwpitti, is there an appoved syntax for more than one assignee?  [foo] [bar] or [foo, bar] or ?11:12
pittithere's no concept for this right now11:12
pitti[canonical-kernel-team] perhaps?11:13
pittiit'd need a DB schema extension11:13
pittihttps://launchpad.net/work-items-tracker set up, with bzr get lp:work-items-tracker11:13
pittiyou can commit11:14
apwpitti, ok thank will avoid multiple users for now :)11:14
apwpitti, most excellent i now have assignee's across the board11:20
pittiwiki howto page updated11:23
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
cjwatsonjussi01: you mean making them not be sent when there are no problems? I did that a few days ago11:49
jussi01cjwatson: I received no problems found both today and yesterday11:51
fastaI installed glibc-doc, but apropos printf doesn't return the right manpage.11:52
cjwatsonfasta: printf(3) is in manpages-dev not glibc-doc11:53
cjwatsonjussi01: huh, odd11:53
fastacjwatson, ok, thanks. Is there some easy way to know that next time?11:53
jussi01cjwatson: yeah, curious. just for clarification, this is a mail with the title: Ubuntu Studio daily CD health check 11:54
jussi01Ive received it every day for a long time ;)11:54
cjwatsonfasta: packages.ubuntu.com, or you could just use manpages.ubuntu.com11:54
cjwatsonjussi01: fixed11:54
jussi01cjwatson: excellent. thank you.11:55
cjwatson(properly this time, tested)11:55
fastacjwatson, then I am curious what exactly you typed in on packages.ubuntu.com.11:57
cjwatsonfasta: *I* didn't, because I knew the answer11:57
fastacjwatson, ok, ok. One should be able to ask the packages.ubuntu.com system "manpage printf" and get the right answer.11:58
fasta(that doesn't work, btw)11:58
cjwatson"Search the contents of packages" -> Keyword "printf.3" -> "packages that contain files whose names contain the keyword"11:58
cjwatsonfasta: manpages.ubuntu.com is much, much better at that particular kind of thing11:58
cjwatsonsince, you know, you then get the man page too11:58
cjwatsonit's a bit too specific for packages.u.c11:59
cjwatsonmanpages.ubuntu.com tells you which package it's in, too11:59
fastacjwatson, ah, nice. That was what I needed.11:59
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apwsomewhere there is a report on bugs which have upstream links, can anyone remember where it is?12:17
cjwatsonapw: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+upstreamreport12:21
apwcjwatson, thats the summary, somewhere there is a breakout12:23
apwby upstream bug #12:23
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cjwatsonStevenK: your cdimage changes are OK as long as we never need to rebuild old ubuntu-netbook-remix images (because you've removed the ability to do so). You broke the #! line in make-web-indices, though12:45
cjwatsonStevenK: please let me know when you do the unr -> netbook seed collection change, as that's going to involve changes in a bunch of places12:45
slnrI have a problem with my ubuntu desktop12:50
slnrIn installation of some package I screwed up my desktop12:50
slnrby mistake uninstalled the gtk12:50
slnrMy desktop is now not appearing12:50
slnrhow to solve the problem?12:51
ebroderslnr: This isn't a support channel - if you need help using Ubuntu, you should ask in #ubuntu12:51
slnrSure I shall login and contact that channel12:54
twbLooking at LTS+1 today, I notice an "abrowser" which appears to be the equivalent of Debian's iceweasel.  Where can I find an explanation for why Ubuntu chose to unbrand Ubuntu in a different way to Debian?13:00
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Keybukooh, second ubuntu theme music of the day from upstairs13:12
Keybuktwb: isn't "firefox" our equivalent of "iceweasel"?13:13
sorenKeybuk: We have an unbranded version of Firefox.13:17
sorenKeybuk: That is not to say that our version of Firefox is unbranded, but rather that we have an unbranded version as well as the branded version.13:18
twbOh.  I assumed firefox-branding was there as part of a transition, because you were tired of MoCo being asses.13:19
cjwatsontwb: as I understand it, it's because we're based off upstream rather than Debian (because Mozilla wanted us to do a better job of patch forwarding in order to use their trademark), and calling it "iceweasel" implied that we were based on the Debian package13:19
twbcjwatson: that makes sense13:19
cjwatsonand we didn't want to maintain two entirely separate packages, but rather one with tweakable branding13:20
twbFrom what I've seen of the Debian packaging, the bit that isn't xulrunner is pretty small anyway13:20
cjwatsonthis was a while back, I don't know what it would be like if we did it now13:24
StevenKcjwatson: Yeah, I broke it on purpose. And yes, the unr -> netbook change requires LP and tasksel changes too13:28
jdstrandpwnguin: re firefox and apparmor> file a bug against firefox-3.5, and tag it with 'apparmor'. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingApparmor for details13:31
souffledevmkfs.ext4dev. what exactly does it do besides creating an ext4 fs?13:53
souffledevas opposed to mkfs.ext413:53
souffledevexperimental; now that's something13:57
cjwatsonpitti: do I need to poke you for a regeneration when we *add* work items, as opposed to completing them?14:00
pitticjwatson: in general, no; however, you should poke me when you are "by and large" done with setting up WIs, so that I can trash the db and start over, or alternatively adjust the start position of the trend line14:01
pittiby default it starts at the #done value of the first day14:01
pittiI expect that I'll remove all the DBs next Monday and from then on we start to really track them14:01
cjwatsoncody-somerville: could you please change platform.karmic -> platform.lucid in xubuntu.lucid/STRUCTURE?14:06
cjwatsonsuperm1: could you please change platform.karmic -> platform.lucid in mythbuntu.lucid/STRUCTURE?14:06
cjwatson(it would be great if core-devs could change that ...)14:06
* cjwatson wonders if it would be feasible for python2.4 to build-dep on emacs23 rather than emacs22 ...14:07
cjwatsonand indeed python2.5 as well14:07
Davieycjwatson: Is that on lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/platform.lucid ?14:11
cjwatsonDaviey: xubuntu.lucid14:12
cjwatsoner, specifically lp:~xubuntu-dev/ubuntu-seeds/xubuntu.lucid14:12
cjwatsonor lp:~mythbuntu/ubuntu-seeds/mythbuntu.lucid14:13
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Davieycjwatson: pushed, lp:~mythbuntu/ubuntu-seeds/mythbuntu.lucid rev 118514:18
Davieysuperm1: ^^14:18
cjwatsonDaviey: thanks14:21
primes2hwhois saix714:27
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tormodKeybuk, from our discussion last night I still don't understand why drm initialising/gdm starting works on intel and not on radeon14:42
Tm_Ttormod: I heard there's been similar issues with nVidia too14:42
Tm_Twell, don't know if similar but some issues anyway14:43
tormodI wonder if there some specific tweaks somewhere, or if its just that intel has KMS by default or is loaded earlier14:43
pittitjaalton, tseliot: I upgraded to xorg-edgers today, and it seems to completely have forgotten about transparency; all the icons etc. look weird; known?14:47
tjaaltonpitti: what driver?14:49
pittitjaalton: intel gm94514:49
tjaaltonok. I don't run edgers myself, so can't tell if it's known or not :)14:50
tjaaltonprobably mesa has changed14:50
* tseliot doesn't run -edgers either14:50
pittiok, nevermind14:50
pittiI just need to run it to test the udev patches14:51
tormodpitti, todays -intel has https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2503114:51
ubottuFreedesktop bug 25031 in Driver/intel "rendering and color corruption since 14109abf" [Major,New]14:51
pitti'zactly that14:52
tormodI held back -intel for weeks because of this, but I guess more exposure and noise can help :)14:52
tjaaltonoh, not a dri driver bug after all14:52
tormodpitti, you can still d/l the old build from the PPA14:56
pittitormod: thanks14:59
pittiyay, hal-free xorg14:59
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cjwatsonpitti: what have I missed to get foundations-lucid-ubiquity-partitioner-optimisation to show up on the burndown chart?15:08
mannyvif anyone is around and cares to weigh in on a strategy , I would like/am willing to write a little script that takes the difference between two debdiffs. debdiff  ver1 vs ver2 and debdiff ver1-ubuntu# vs ver2. This would leave only ubuntu changes that have not been incorporated into ver215:14
cjwatsonmannyv: interdiff15:15
cjwatson(patchutils package)15:15
mannyvcjwatson, I have tried interdiff  and I get this error 'interdiff: Error applying patch1 to reconstructed file'15:16
nixternalkirkland: you around to lend a hand with an enrypted disk that I can't access...something blew up last night :(15:17
mannyvof course I cant rule out that i have called it incorrectly but i have tried a few different ways15:17
Keybukmannyv: interdiff requires that you turn thrice widdershins and annoint the computer with the yolk of a furling egg15:19
mannyvKeybuk, i was telling maco just the other day that despite everyones claim computers really are run on magic. glad you agree =)15:21
KeybukI think the problem is that patch1 and patch2 have to have a common base15:23
Keybukyou can't take two slightly different based patches and interdiff them15:23
Keybukbzr is easier ;)15:23
ionYeah, definitely use a VCS.15:23
mannyvwell i use it to help me see if a package can be synced15:24
Keybukbzr can help there too ;)15:24
mannyvim listening15:24
Keybukbzr diff --old lp:debian/pkg --new lp:ubuntu/pkg15:24
ebroderwhoa - that's awesome15:25
Keybukebroder: you can branch, you can commit, you can push (if you have upload rights)15:25
Keybukjames_w is made of awesome15:25
ebroderKeybuk: Wait - uploads via bzr push works now? Shiny15:26
Keybukebroder: no, you still have to separately dput15:26
Keybukthat's one of the last key pieces (dput with bzr)15:26
nixternalkirkland: don't worry about it...I am just gonna reinstall...most of my stuff was under one vcs or another, so it shouldn't be all that devistating15:26
ebroderdo what does it mean to push to lp:ubuntu/pkg? or are you saying that i can push to my own branch?15:26
Keybukebroder: it publishes the code *with revision control history*15:27
Keybukso if you merged from debian15:27
Keybukand added other patches15:27
Keybukand committed each separately, then the push means the next person to branch gets your history too15:27
Keybukotherwise if you just upload, you get a new revision that contains your entire upload as one diff15:27
ebroderKeybuk: interesting. so if i push to lp:ubuntu/pkg, and then upload, will there be an additional no-op commit from the dput?15:28
cjwatsonmannyv: then fix interdiff rather than writing a new script, please :)15:29
ebroderi guess it doesn't create the commit if there's no diff or something?15:29
cjwatsonwe don't need multiple programs for the same job that are broken in different ways15:29
cjwatsonbut yes, there's bzr too15:29
cjwatsonpatch1 and patch2 don't *actually* have to have a completely common base for interdiff to work; there's a good deal of heuristics in there15:30
cjwatsonbut sometimes it does run into trouble15:30
mok0I'd like to change the kernel personality of my workstation to server. What's the best way to do that?15:32
pitticjwatson: o_O but it's already there?15:33
cjwatsonpitti: hmm, I guess the delay was just longer than I expected; I swear it wasn't there when I asked15:35
pitticjwatson: it's not running hourly yet, since that would spam everyone with "blabla has no work items" every hour15:35
pitti(please tell me when to move it to hourly)15:35
cjwatsonebroder: zero-change commits won't happen, and if you tag the upload commit in bzr then it won't even try15:35
cjwatsonpitti: for foundations, I can cope with mail spam15:35
pitticjwatson: does that mean "do it"? :-)15:36
cjwatsonyes please, assuming it's a separate cron job for each team15:36
pittiit is; done15:37
sbalneavtkamppeter: ping15:45
mok0Hm, that was easy15:54
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zubin71Hello, i`d like some help16:19
zubin71any1 here?16:19
Tm_Tzubin71: help is generally done in #ubuntu16:20
zubin71Tm_T : https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts/+bug/48876916:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 488769 in hundredpapercuts "No stars or dots when entering a password in textmode, terminal (sudo)" [Undecided,New]16:20
zubin71ubottu : i was looking at the same16:20
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:20
Tm_Tzubin71: what about that?16:21
zubin71Tm_T : wont changing a termios value do the trick... a modified sudo?16:21
ionIt’s a feature and GUI programs should do the same IMO. :-P16:23
zubin71Tm_T : make a getch() using getchar() with modified termios values; display * instead of nothing...16:23
Tm_Tzubin71: you should tell that in bug report, right?16:24
zubin71Tm_T : im sorry but i dont know how to submit bug reports or contribute? :-(16:24
zubin71Tm_T : could you help?16:25
zubin71cjwatson : thnkx but i generally get only a few hours more online for today... could sm1 whos done it gimme a crash course... id appreciate it if you could...16:26
Tm_Tzubin71: basically, get yourself launchpad account and comment in that bug report16:26
zubin71Tm_T : done16:27
zubin71Tm_T : commenting as we speak16:27
zubin71Tm_T : done16:31
Tm_Tzubin71: good (:16:32
Riddellpitti: work-items-tracker will still work with the same wiki table format Kubuntu used in karmic?16:42
pittiRiddell: yes, it does; you can now additionally specify an assignee right after the status, but that's it16:58
pwnguinjdstrand: I tried but LP decided to timeout instead =(17:00
tkamppetersbalneav: hi17:04
kirklandpitti: nixternal: here now, briefly17:07
kirklandnixternal: don't need my help now?17:07
nixternalkirkland: nah, I just reformatted my system17:07
nixternalneeded to grab some files before doing so, but oh well...I kind of like having a clean system :)17:07
kirklandnixternal: ;-)17:08
kirklandnixternal: was it lvm encryption?17:08
pittikirkland: enjoy turkey day!17:08
nixternalmy system almost caught fire last night...so hot I could have cooked a turkey on it...it shut down, but when I went to fire it up, it would just freeze on encrypted /home...went to the livecd and tried fixing it, but nothing I tried work17:08
nixternalso, I gave up :)17:08
nixternalit was encryption from the alt cd17:08
Riddellpitti: how do you mean specify an assignee after the status?  previously we had it before the status https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo/Karmic17:08
nixternalI don't know all, heck any, of the encryption termonology...I am quite stupid in that arena :)17:08
pittiRiddell: in karmic, wiki pages could not have an assignee17:09
pittiRiddell: it was sort of arbitrarily invented by apw17:09
zubin71any idea where the password input is taken in the sudo package?17:09
pittiRiddell: well, they could have one, of course, but it wasn't parsed into the work item tracker17:09
Riddellpitti: so I should just swap those two columns around?17:10
pwnguinzubin71: likely pam_unix.so17:10
zubin71more specifically, any idea where verify_user() is defined?17:10
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pittiRiddell: right now it understands || TODO jr ||17:11
pittiRiddell: if you want it to keep in a separate column, we need to invent syntax like assignee:jr17:11
pittiRiddell: we don't know which column is the assignee otherwise17:11
ogramumble ...17:12
ograwhy is brasero uninstallable17:12
Riddellpitti: ok that's fine with that syntax17:13
Riddellpitti: is a blank cell correctly interprited as not started?17:18
pittiRiddell: yes17:18
pittiRiddell: anything other than "DONE" or "POSTPONED" counts as "TODO", since people were using "WIP" and such17:18
ograpitti, WIP ? why not WHIP ? :)17:20
* pitti -> off for today17:30
MsMacoebroder: remember all those version string changes on openafs? Bug 48867517:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 488675 in openafs "karmic: openafs update fails: Error! DKMS tree already contains: openafs-1.4.11 (dup-of: 463429)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48867517:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 463429 in openafs "[Jaunty, Karmic SRU] openafs-modules-dkms' postinst fails repeatedly when headers missing" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46342917:34
ebroderMsMaco: Yeah - what about them?17:35
ebroderthe version string changes were for module-assistant, not dkms17:35
MsMacoebroder: so is it working out to one version string makes m-a happy and the other makes dkms happy and they cant agree?17:36
MsMacoim getting rather confused17:36
ebroderno, dkms was always unhappy17:36
ebroderthe version number changes didn't make it happy17:36
ebroderthe fix to 463429 should make dkms happy, though17:36
MsMacoi thought dkms was happy before and is now unhappy17:37
ebroderno, openafs-modules-dkms has always been unhappy after the first time it fails17:37
zubin71https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sudo/+bug/488864 ; please help find a suitable location for the file17:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 488864 in sudo "Source file check.c has a pending TODO. TODO suggests taking input for lecture() from a file specified." [Undecided,New]17:38
ebroderzubin71: uh...isn't that the lecture_file setting?17:38
zubin71ebroder : oh! sorry... my mistake...17:39
sbalneavtkamppeter: Hey there, sorry, was in a meeting.  I'm digging into bug# 307471...17:40
sbalneavSo, part of the problem associated with this bug has to do with the entire pstopdf subsystem.17:40
sbalneavSpecifically, the fact that pstopdf completely ignores/strips any %%IncludeFeature directives.  In fact, it ignores most %%'s.17:41
sbalneavSo what I was wondering was: what was the purpose of moving to the pstopdf system in the first place?  What problem were we trying to solve by doing that?  And, more specifically, what will I break if I adjust some mime.convs to have OPenOffice.org files bypass the pstopdf, and simply pass through the pstops filter?17:43
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tkamppetersbalneav: The PDF workflow was introduced as PDF is a more modern format: More reliable to tell pages apart to do page management (n-up, selected pages, ...), more compact, better color management support, ...18:12
tkamppetersbalneav: I was not aware that there are programs which implement page overrides (option settings valid only for certain pages) in their PostScript output.18:13
MsMacoebroder: hey congrats18:15
ebroderMsMaco: Thanks :)18:19
ebroderTime to celebrate by breaking openafs :-P18:20
sbalneavtkamppeter: OpenOffice would be one for sure.  Multi-bin printing is a required feature for most businesses18:21
sbalneavI've developed a patch for the pstops bug.  I can develop a patch to have openoffice.org bypass the pstopdf filter, and go directly on to pstops.  Would this be OK?  I'll file a separate bug & patch for that one.18:23
ebroderHmm...how do I join ubuntu-universe-sponsors? I swear there was an "apply to this team" button before I got added to motu...18:44
tsimpsonebroder: it's a restricted team, which mean only a team administrator can add new members18:49
ebrodertsimpson: Huh, I guess it is. I suppose I'll e-mail the team owner, then18:50
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tkamppetersbalneav: Can you put up all your patches somewhere? Then I will check.19:47
sbalneavtkamppeter: Yes, I'll add the patches (when upstream approves them) on Bug 307471.  I'll file a separate bug for the mime.convs issue, and reverence that from the bug as well.  I'll attach the patches to the bugs.20:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 307471 in cupsys "Multi bin printing broken in OpenOffice.org due to cupsys pstops filter bug" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30747120:05
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Wandaroundanyone active?21:33
Wandaroundhi there anyone active?21:38
Tm_Twhy asking?21:38
Wandaroundi''l take that as a no.21:38
Wandaroundhi there21:38
Wandaroundi just wanted to say to the dev team....21:38
Wandaroundevery time i use the live cd it resets my clock to GMT21:39
Wandaroundi live in australia21:39
Wandaroundi have to go back and reset the clock myself when i reboot to doze21:39
Wandaroundits not a huge issue.... just something to put on a todo list21:39
beunoWandaround, sounds like you need to file a bug21:40
Wandaroundwhere do i do that21:40
Wandaroundand how?21:40
Wandaroundi am a noob with ubuntu21:40
Wandaroundfound the channel21:45
lamontneat.  it would appear that karmic gdm totally ignores non-passwd users...22:56
seb128lamont, what do you call non passwd users? and what do you call totally ignores there?23:05
lamontpasswd:         compat db <-- seb12823:07
lamontthe users defined in 'db' seem to be, um, missing23:07
seb128lamont, if you type the user and password in "others" does it work?23:08
seb128lamont, what is the uid used there?23:08
lamontwell, the only thing on the screen is the uid=1000 user, which is locked out, and no option to change that23:08
lamontremind me how to turn off the display of the users and make them type their username?23:08
seb128you should have an "other" entry23:08
lamontno menu at all23:09
seb128in the user list?23:09
lamontjust one user23:09
lamontaccess prefs and shutdown/restart options on the bottom pannel bar23:09
seb128at the bottom of the user list you should have a "other..."23:09
lamontpanel even23:09
lamontI have no user list23:09
lamontI have a blob that is the one user23:10
lamontor the machine name... (that being the user name for the uid=1000 user)23:10
lamonton the bright side, this is the kids computer, not the wife23:10
seb128lamont, http://www.ubuntulinux.fr/public/Graphismes/karmic/gdm910.png23:11
seb128it should looks similar to that23:11
lamontdoesn't.  let me grab a photo23:11
seb128robert_ancell, ^ do you know about cases where "others" is not displayed?23:12
* robert_ancell reading23:13
robert_ancellseb128, no, afaik it should always be displayed23:14
seb128lamont, the new gdm lists only uids >= 100023:19
seb128but dunno why you don't have the others item23:19
lamontseb128: http://people.debian.org/~lamont/IMG_0267.JPG23:19
lamontuids in question are 2500-2505 or so23:20
lamontiz jaunty machine upgraded to karmic23:20
seb128the theme you get is not the ubuntu one either23:20
lamontand prolly started life as feisty or gusty, maybe as late as hardy23:20
lamontand getting dragged to thanksgiving dinner23:20
seb128lamont, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdm/+bug/44512323:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 445123 in gdm "No GUI option to disable face browser" [Wishlist,Triaged]23:21
seb128lamont, there is the gconf command to switch to text entry in that bug23:21
seb128lamont, enjoy23:21
lamontthanks - that'll get them past the immediate pane23:21
lamontpain, too23:21
dtchenhmm, isn't 'bzr revert' supposed to revert the most recently committed rev?23:55
dtchenoops, wrong channel23:55
cyphermoxdtchen, i think you mean bzr uncommit23:59

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