
* _marx_ spousal unit says [forcefully] "move away from the computer"00:01
doctormoI don't see quit messages, what did it say?00:25
_marx_ "cd ~/real-life"00:26
cprofittpleia2: what is a 'driver' in reference to an Ubuntu project?01:08
pleia2cprofitt: context?01:09
pleia2oh, user days01:10
pleia2"DRIVER: If someone is coordinating this objective and helping those involved to deliver on their actions, list that person here (optional)."01:10
cprofittgot it...01:10
cprofitthad not heard that term listed afore01:10
cprofittI added some suggested classes...01:10
pleia2all based on: http://www.jonobacon.org/2009/11/10/creating-a-roadmap-for-more-successful-teams/01:10
cprofittwhen will the dates be set?01:11
pleia2we used this roadmap format for a whole bunch of UDS things01:11
cprofittJono is a smart man...01:11
pleia2hopefully at the BT meeting on Tuesday01:11
pleia2Jan 23rd is looking to be the target though01:11
cprofittI agreed with most of what he said... documenting the commitments is one of the areas we still need to work on and improve01:11
cprofittI bookmarked that page when it first passed me on the twitterverse01:12
cprofittooh... a Saturday...01:12
pleia2yeah :)01:13
cprofittI might be able to do a class -- just have to see how our tz setup goes01:13
pleia2I was thinking 12-22 UTC01:13
cprofittI am in need of a desktop bookshelf -- where does one find those?01:13
cprofitt22 UTC = 5pm EST01:13
pleia2desktop bookshelf?01:13
cprofittyeah... a bookshelf that sets on your desk...01:14
cprofittnot sure what to call them..01:14
cprofittI have one and it is too small01:14
* pleia2 calls it a "pile" :)01:14
cprofittI have 10+ books I need for reference that do not fit in my current setup01:14
_marx_cprofitt: i'm a carpenter, where are you, perhaps I could make you one01:15
* _marx_ knows it's shocking, carpenter using ubuntu, but true01:17
cprofittpleia2: it looks like this -- http://i45.tinypic.com/2utncwi.jpg01:18
doctormoheey cprofitt01:19
cprofitthey doctormo01:19
cprofittI am trying to re-org my space01:19
cprofittI have too many books...01:20
pleia2cprofitt: ah, nice... yeah01:20
_marx_hm, yep way too small01:20
cprofitt_marx_: got any suggestions?01:21
_marx_well what's below what you have in that photo?01:22
cprofitta wall... then my desk and a filing cabinet01:22
cprofittI have another bookshelf -- but it is out of reach01:22
cprofittI keep my non-current books there01:23
_marx_and you don't have a copy of "Running Linux"01:23
* _marx_ measures one he built last year...01:23
cprofitt... build...01:24
cprofittI could do that...01:24
cprofittif I could find another one of those I would be good too... but I can't find anything like it anymore01:24
_marx_ah okay01:24
cprofittI have but one corner of my house... kids and wife have the remainder... so I have to organize effectively01:26
_marx_k: 12 3/4" deep x 2' wide x 31" tall: 3 shelves with the upper one spaced to just hold cd's01:28
cprofittooh... that would be nice... I could skip the top shelf or make it for something else... all my CDs are .flac now01:29
_marx_or go a little taller01:29
cprofittcan not go too tall... the Tick needs to be seen01:29
_marx_i used good grade 3/4 plywood, actually leftover stain grade01:30
_marx_sitting on the floor? not on top of a desk?01:32
cprofittsigh -- I am throwing out memory...01:35
cprofittooh... keep this though... PC4200 512MB laptop ram01:35
* _marx_ just recycled sparc5 and sparc20 hardware01:36
_marx_20" monitor weighed close to 50 pounds01:38
cprofittooh... nice.01:40
cprofittI always wanted a sparc01:40
_marx_ah these were ancient dude, good learning machines 7-8 year ago but _very old now01:41
cprofitttrue... but you had them01:41
cprofittthat is what counted01:42
_marx_debian worked best on them :-)01:42
_marx_ubuntu wasn't around back then01:43
pleia2I have an ultra10 as my firewall <301:56
_marx_ultra10 firewall! cool use of old hardware02:47
pleia2_marx_: yeah, it's running Debian and I tossed a couple pci nics in it02:48
pleia2runs like a tank :)02:48
_marx_sun hardware in my experience has been just rock solid well designed; the clips that held the hd's in the old pizza box sparcs beat anything out there in the mid '90's03:01
nigel_nbdoctormo: I'm finally back and kicking ;)03:46
nigel_nbwill work on the bzr module today03:46
doctormoAh damn I missed nigel05:06
doctormopleia2: Hey are you still up?06:51
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FFEMTcJAnyone need a google wave invite?22:12

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