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jdongah quadrispro just left.00:22
jdongI was gonna hand out today's amusing SRU debdiff of the day award00:22
ajmitchjdong: that is an interesting way to do it00:27
micahgjdong: what's the procedure where there's a version in proposed and I have another patch?00:29
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micahgjdong: sorry if I missed your response00:33
\shdamn...for our rollout tonight, we needed the new  puppet release from karmic...good that I have a buildserver00:36
ajmitch\sh: working late?00:37
jdongmicahg: wait for the SRU to fully verify and go into -updates00:37
jdongand then start the new SRU against that.00:37
micahgjdong: ok, I guess I can't do my SRU then until the other one goes through00:38
\shajmitch, software rollout tonight :) so nightshift :(00:38
jdongmicahg: correct00:38
micahgcan I prepare and test on top of it in a PPA?00:38
ajmitch\sh: luckily rollouts for me wouldn't take that long00:39
\shajmitch, 32 BL465cG5 + 16 DL385G5P + 16 DL365G5 + some other crappy machines named fujitsu siemens00:40
\shajmitch, god knows, that I'm an automation fetishist .. FAI + Puppet rocks00:40
ajmitchwell you'd want at least some automation with that many machines00:41
\shajmitch, but two drbd splitbrains on some database machines keeps my blood pressure up ;)00:41
ajmitchyou can't get too bored or they'll replace you ;)00:42
\shajmitch, teamlead of us didn't want automation...good that I'm not compatible with those PoV and I'm not following my boss...no clue this guy00:42
ajmitchhe wants everything done & repeated ad nauseam on every machine?00:43
\shajmitch, yes00:43
ajmitchI guess if he wants to spend a week doing it..00:44
\shajmitch, that was former world order here00:44
ajmitchnow it's work for 1 evening & relax for a week, I hope :)00:45
* ajmitch wonders if the new package sets are visible in the LP UI00:46
\shajmitch, next update is already knocking at our door00:47
nhandlerajmitch: You can view the package sets here if you want: http://people.canonical.com/~cjwatson/packagesets00:48
* nhandler isn't sure how up-to-date that is though00:48
ajmitchnhandler: thanks, I was just waiting for bzr to give me a branch to dig into it :)00:49
wgrantajmitch: No, no UI.00:49
wgrantAlthough one might spring up soonish, since the schema is finalised.00:50
ajmitchif someone has time & cares enough for it00:50
ajmitchI'm just trying to understand how this'll affect various upload rights00:50
wgrantComponent permissions override all, so this is a purely additive move.00:51
ajmitchlooks like those package sets needs a bit of refining00:53
ajmitchI'd have expected ubuntu-server to include apache2, and not packages like gst0.10-python :)00:54
cdahmedehi'm interesting in creating and maintaining packages for ubuntu... I have one year experience with linux.. but not much for packaging00:57
cdahmedehwhere do I start ?00:57
cdahmedehI know how to compile programs and manage dependencies00:57
cdahmedehI mainly interesting in creating packages that are requested by users but not yet included in the default repos00:58
ajmitchthe packaging guide is a good start for that00:59
ajmitchit's linked from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing#Preparing New Packages01:00
cdahmedehfor a beginner .. what type of programs should i start packaging ? should I avoid big programs that have fancy installation methods01:01
cdahmedehand just stick to the ones that work with make and make install ?01:01
cdahmedehuntil i get more experience ?01:01
ajmitchmost of them will be based around autotools, something more complex will probably lead to frustration01:02
cdahmedehi guess i will need to keep contact with both ubuntu and debian packagers01:03
cdahmedehbecause the packages need to be included first in debian and then ubuntu01:03
cdahmedehright ?01:03
ajmitchit's generally suggested to do it that way01:04
cdahmedehis there a specific category where package maintainers are lacking ?01:05
cdahmedehwhere the is help needed ?01:05
cdahmedehthere is*01:05
ajmitchprobably more with fixing bugs than bringing in new packages :)01:06
cdahmedeh:) !01:06
cdahmedehfilling bugs are very important very true01:07
cdahmedehmost people don't realise that the developers are quick at fixing after reporting them01:07
cdahmedehso they don't even file the report01:07
cdahmedehand sometimes the bugs need to be reported at the proper website. it's not always launchpad01:08
cdahmedehanyways.. i will start reading the documentation on my time01:09
cdahmedehand see what packages i can start with01:09
cdahmedehthank you very much01:09
ajmitchalright, there's often people around here if you have questions01:10
cdahmedehok.. any other irc channels that i should frequent for this type of stuff ?01:10
ajmitch#ubuntu-devel, but here is more appropriate for general questions01:11
cdahmedehtake care01:12
meoblast001if i make a Linux-Libre deb, what would i have to do to get it into the repos?01:14
mannyvfabrice_sp, around?04:35
ScottKmeoblast001: What is it?04:35
fabrice_spmannyv, 'morning :-)04:36
meoblast001ScottK: Linux-Libre?04:36
mannyvshould be 'night here :-)04:36
ScottKmeoblast001: Yes.04:36
meoblast001it's Linux with all the nonfree components (hex firmwares) stripped04:36
meoblast001the FSFLA (FSF Latin America) made it04:36
meoblast001and they maintain it as well04:37
mannyvi was wondering, since you have been the one to sponsor almost all of my sync requests, is attaching the build log helpful for you04:37
mannyvis it something i should keep doing?04:37
ScottKmeoblast001: I think the non-free firmware is already separated into a separate package in Ubuntu, so I'm not sure what the point would be.04:38
fabrice_spmannyv, I always build again the debian package (I don't trust what sponsoree attach, except the debdiff :-D )04:38
ScottKmeoblast001: There's even a free software only option in the installer if you want to avoid all non-free stuff.04:38
fabrice_spI was think about a script that make that in a automatic way (even subscribe to the launchpad bug report :-D )04:38
fabrice_spmannyv, ^04:38
meoblast001ScottK: from my understanding, this is not a fully free Linux04:39
mannyvto make attaching the build log automatic?04:39
meoblast001ScottK: by "free software only" that means everything except for Linux from what i'm told04:39
ScottKmeoblast001: Then file bugs.  It should be.  I don't think carrying an entire duplicate kernel is a great idea.04:39
meoblast001ScottK: the bug is already known of04:40
ScottKmeoblast001: That was once the case, but there's a separate restricted linux-firmware package.04:40
meoblast001there has to be a seperate kernel package04:40
ScottKmeoblast001: Is it filed in Launchpad?04:40
meoblast001the firmware is in many cases compiled into the kernel04:40
meoblast001ScottK: yes04:40
fabrice_spmannyv, no: to get the package from Debian (dget), and compile it. I also always install it, and try to play with it, but that part cannot be made automatically04:40
mannyvfabrice_sp, oh because u was going to say i have actually modified my version of requestsync so that i can do that, works with launchpad api but not email yet04:41
meoblast001ScottK: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/37067504:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 370675 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] Linux Libre kernel" [Wishlist,In progress]04:41
ScottKmeoblast001: IIRC what this is about is removing the ability to use non-free firmware if a user chooses to and not actually removing firmware.04:41
ScottKmeoblast001: I mean bugs against the existing kernel.04:41
meoblast001oh no04:41
RAOFmeoblast001: How is that different to the ongoing Debian project of shifting the firmware out of the kernel and into linux-firmware?04:41
ScottKRAOF: Much of which we've already done.04:42
RAOFScottK: Indeed.04:42
meoblast001i know gNewSense shifted to LinuxLibre04:42
ScottKRAOF: It's about removing the ability to use non-free firmware at all.04:42
RAOFScottK: In what way does that make the kernel more free?04:42
ScottKRAOF: It doens't04:42
meoblast001i haven't looked through all of Linux's source, but i know that if there wasn't still a problem with it, LinuxLibre wouldn't still be under development04:42
ScottKmeoblast001: That's an interesting way to look at the problem.04:43
meoblast001i'm not going to lie, i haven't looked through all the code of Linux04:43
fabrice_spmannyv, a "Sponsor this" script would make sense :-) It would unsubscribe u-u-s, subscribe you, mark as in Progress, and load the "wishlist" importance :-D I njeed to have a look at ubuntu-dev-tools, or whatever is his name04:43
ScottKmeoblast001: It takes a significant maintenance commitment to keep an alternate kernel tree in sync with the Ubuntu kernel.  There is a group that does this already for the Ubuntu Studio real time kernel.  I doubt we would be willing to accept yet another kernel without a team to keep it updated.04:44
fabrice_spmannyv, and check what exists04:44
meoblast001ScottK: i did read though that the shift of firmware out of the kernel into seperate packages is the longterm goal, but until then (it isn't completed yet), a seperate kernel, LinuxLibre, exists04:44
mannyvfabrice_sp, sounds like a good idea, i would like that... if i could sponsor04:45
ScottKmeoblast001: If there is still non-free firmware in our kernel, it's a bug.  Just identify what needs to be moved (in bug reports) and it should get dealt with.04:45
RAOFThinking of (potentially) non-free (kinda) firmware, I wonder how we're going to deal with nouveau.04:46
fabrice_spmannyv, :-D All comes with time ;-)04:49
mannyvfabrice_sp, yeah im not trying to rush it, i still have a lot to learn about how everything fits together04:50
fabrice_spmannyv, after participating to a full release cycle, everything makes sense :-) And we all have a lot ot learn ;-)04:51
meoblast001RAOF: i know a Nouveau dev, he said it's coming along well04:57
meoblast001RAOF: they will have it deblobbed in a few weeks04:57
nxvlScottK: courier is complaining about 2 .mo files04:58
nxvlScottK: did you know anything about it?04:58
nxvlScottK: the error is a sanity check in the rules file AFAIK04:58
ScottKnxvl: Nope.04:58
nxvlScottK: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/36034994/buildlog_ubuntu-lucid-armel.courier_0.63.0-1ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz04:58
ScottKnxvl: I'd suggest a bad merge and something got duplicated, perhaps.04:59
nxvlScottK: /build/buildd/courier-0.63.0/debian/tmp/usr/share/locale/{de,sv}/LC_MESSAGES/pcp.mo04:59
nxvlScottK: it seems to me that it's a translations something04:59
ScottKIt is.04:59
ScottKnxvl: I'm not sure what to do about that.05:07
fabrice_spbug 487876 has been rejected, because the orig tarball is different between Ubuntu and Debian, and I've been asked to do a 'fakesync'. Where can I find information on how doing a fakesync?05:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 487876 in checkgmail "Sync checkgmail 1.13+svn43-1 (universe) from Debian testing (main)" [Wishlist,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48787605:20
fabrice_spis it like a 'false' merge (ie. no changes in Ubuntu)?05:21
StevenKfabrice_sp: I knew that was going to come up :-)05:22
fabrice_spsorry to bug you about htat StevenK :-)05:22
StevenKfabrice_sp: The first step is find out why the orig tarballs are different05:22
fabrice_spit's my firs fake sync ;-)05:22
fabrice_spit's becaue the date of the man directory (the day it has been exported, it seems) :-/ but the content is the same05:27
fabrice_spso I think the Ubuntu orig tarball can be substituted with the Debian one05:28
fabrice_spStevenK, ^05:29
ajmitchthe problem is that there's already a version with that tarball in the archive05:31
fabrice_spthat's where the fakesync comes, I suppose05:32
ajmitchso you can't just go from one ubuntu revision to a new debian revision, keeping the upstream version the same with a different tarball05:32
mannyvfabrice_sp, i have been looking at these two tarballs and i cannot find any differences05:33
fabrice_spmannyv, neither do I :-)05:33
mannyvScottK, ^05:33
ScottKmd5sum tarball.orig.tar.gz05:34
fabrice_spso ajmitch, how do you perform this 'fakesync', knowing that there is no difference right now between the 2 packages (debian directory)05:34
ScottKYou'll get different results.05:34
mannyvsorry ScottK ignore tha05:34
fabrice_spis it worth it? The fakesync. Maybe, we should just wait for another new upstream version05:35
ScottKfabrice_sp: Take the Ubuntu tarball, unpack it, add the debian/dir from the Debian version of the package, and then add an ubuntu1 entry in debian changelog that says * Fakesync due to different orig.tar.gz md5sums05:36
ScottKSo you end up with the Ubuntu tarball and the Debian packaging in one source package.05:36
ajmitchwhat ScottK said ^^ (I got distracted by shinies)05:37
fabrice_spok. thanks to all!05:41
mannyvfabrice_sp, i still wonder why they have different md5sums. I untared both of them into separate directories and  and checked the md5sums for each file individually and they are identical. I guess they must  have tared or gzipped differently?05:43
fabrice_spmannyv, the date of the man directory is different05:43
fabrice_speverything else is identical :-)05:43
mannyvfabrice_sp, nice spot!05:44
mannyvso out of curiosity if we can see that the only difference between the two is the date of a directory, why can't we just sync with the debian version?05:49
ScottKBecause once an orig.tar.gz is in the archive, we don't allow it's md5sum to change.  It's a security/archive consistency feature.05:49
ScottKIt's not a big deal, just fakesync until the next upstream and then sync for real when that's in Debian.05:50
mannyvScottK, i was just curious to know why. There are so many little things that are not really written anywhere (or at least the major first exposure documents) so it helps for my own note keeping/memory05:54
LucidFoxGrr. This upstream promised me that he would ship a copy of the GPL in the next release. Out it comes, with no GPL file in sight again.05:57
micahghow long does something last in -proposed before it's pushed to updates?06:00
fabrice_spmannyv, don't get scared about strange things happening to bug 488227: I'm experimenting with python and lp integration :-)06:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 488227 in software-properties "IndexError: list index out of range" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48822706:01
ScottKmannyv: As I mentioned, security and archive consistency.  While verified non-differences like this are harmless, the md5sum check gives us a good way to make sure the contents of a package release don't change once they are in the archive either accidentally or on purpose.06:01
fabrice_sphmm, 48842706:02
micahgScottK: how long does something last in -proposed before it's pushed to updates?06:03
StevenKmicahg: Roughly 10 days or so06:03
StevenKmicahg: But it needs a few people to say it's good, and no one saying it isn't06:04
micahghmmm, what if something's been there 3 weeks?06:04
ScottKmicahg: Is it marked verified?06:04
micahghmm, let me see06:04
ScottKIt's minimum time and tested both06:04
micahgah, no one verified06:05
micahgit's not my patch, but I want to push one through after it06:07
fabrice_spmicahg, just test then that it's fixing the bug, and it will make it quicker :-)06:08
micahgfabrice_sp: it's actually one of your SRUs :)06:09
fabrice_spmicahg, really?06:09
micahgfor UIM06:09
fabrice_sptell me which, and I'll check06:09
micahgbug 46028006:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 460280 in uim "package uim-qt3 (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/uim.mo', which is also in package libuim-data 1:1.5.6-0ubuntu1" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46028006:10
micahgI'll be back in about an  hour06:12
fabrice_spok: I'll check that it's really fixed in -proposed06:12
micahggreat, thanks, then I can work on getting my fix into -proposed06:12
mannyvg'night  all06:17
fabrice_spg'night mannyv06:21
fabrice_spjdong, one more SRU: bug 481732 :-)06:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 481732 in luciole "Webcam acquisition does not work on luciole under karmic" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48173206:34
cjwatsonajmitch: the package sets are generated from seeds. If there's weirdness, it just reflects weirdness in the seeds and the archive. apache2 is in core because stuff all over the place needs it07:39
ajmitchcjwatson: fair enough, I assume these will just get cleaned up over time as needed07:41
cjwatsonsometimes it's intrinsic07:43
LucidFoxIf the upstream tarball includes Qt .qm translations, should I remove them and generate them from .ts files during build, or leave them as is?07:43
cjwatsonthe ubuntu-server package set isn't "everything that's useful on the server", it's "things that don't affect the whole world and that are used on the server"07:44
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ajmitchit's mostly my misunderstanding of what the package sets are then :)07:44
dholbachgood morning07:52
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siretart`hey folks!08:24
dholbachhey siretart, siretart`08:27
siretart`I should probably just shut down my irssi client and convert fully to rcirc...08:28
highvoltagegood morning08:31
highvoltagesiretart`: people often lose a whole day when switching IRC clients :)08:32
dholbachhi highvoltage08:33
highvoltageheya dholbach08:33
DktrKranzhighvoltage: and sometimes a whole server, (iptables + ENTER key pressed too quick) :)08:38
highvoltageDktrKranz: heh :)08:40
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gaspafabrice_sp_: are you planning work on hk_classes?09:36
slytherinHas anyone seen this weird problem of blank fstab file? I found a bug on LP but there is no info on how to fix it.09:41
m4rtinslytherin: this is not really the correct channel; try the main ubuntu channel09:57
flowercan I make a backport for a amd64 using launchpad? I have a 32 bit myself09:57
micahgflower: PPA questions should be in #launchpad09:57
flowerusing this method: http://pastebin.com/m6fa3a5e109:57
m4rtinanyone have any information about progress on the main sponsor queue; submitted a patch almost 2 weeks ago with no further comment (appreciate that last week was hectic)09:58
slytherinm4rtin: I don't expect anyone there to know about this. Anyway, this is usually the channel I lurk in so I asked the question.09:58
slytherinflower: PPAs build binary for i386, amd64 and lpia. All you have to do is upload the source package.09:59
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micahgslytherin: that's what I said in #launchpad :)10:00
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slytherinttx: there? need to discuss porting of jug to Debian11:08
ttxslytherin: yes11:09
slytherinttx: the C files in the source do not have specific copyright notices. But the CREDITS file mentions who provided which code. Is that acceptible?11:10
* ttx looks11:11
ttxslytherin: istr Tatu Saloranta holds copyright11:13
ttxslytherin: that's why I only mentioned the others in the "Authors" list11:13
* ttx looks deeper11:13
slytherinttx: overall. But it looks like these files were contributed by other people. Check release-notes/CREDITS11:13
ttxIn most cases that CREDITS is more about someone pointing out a defect rather than contributing a chuck of code11:14
ttxrelease-notes/README lists real authors11:15
slytherinbut in this case it actually lists who contributed the code11:15
slytherinin any case, do you have any idea if files without copyright are acceptable?11:15
ttxslytherin: "Leonid Kunin: suggested adding 2 constructors (that were missing)"11:16
ttxlooks like a bug report rather than written code11:16
ttxslytherin: well, they were accepted in Ubuntu, so they should certainly be acceptable11:17
ttxslytherin: though we would very much prefer clear copyright info11:17
slytherinDo you think I should mail upstream?11:18
ttxslytherin: If you can link every C file to an author in CREDITS, I think it's acceptable11:19
slytherinttx: then that is already done.11:19
ttxslytherin: mailing upstream cannot hurt, but I wouldn't block on that :)11:19
slytherinttx: You wouldn't, but FTP masters in Debian might. :-)11:20
ttxmight. :)11:20
alkisgHi, a packaging question: I'm looking to make 2 packages, one "server" and one "client" (to be installed in school servers and clients respectively). Those two packages will share some source code. What would be better, using a different debian directory for each package, or using a single debian directory and a single control file for both of them?11:35
joaopintoalkisg, if they are both build from a single source you should use a multi binary package, a single debian generating multiple .debs11:37
alkisgjoaopinto: Thanks. I'd like to build from the same code tree. But, if I change something that only affects the server package, wouldn't also the client package bump to a new version, with no changes at all?11:38
joaopintounless you see foresee the need for different sources for each of the components11:38
alkisgE.g. I change my-server.py, so I get a server 2.0 package, why should the client also get to 2.0 version since my-client.py wasn't changed?11:39
alkisg(sorry my English is a little poor...)11:39
joaopintoalkisg, it would, I believe you can force a specific version for the target binary package, but never tried11:40
joaopintobumping the version because a piece of the source was changed is common and not usually a matter of concern :)11:40
alkisgCould I just upload only the server package to launchpad?11:40
alkisgNo it's not the version per se that concerns me, it's the unnecessary client updates11:41
slytherinalkisg: only source packages are uploaded. binaries are build on build servers.11:41
alkisgE.g. if the package is 1 Mb, all the clients will download and install 1 Mb without anything changed...11:41
alkisgslytherin: ah, so both would be build, right ... :-/11:41
slytherinalkisg: don't people read changelog before applying updates?11:41
alkisgWell, nope, teachers don't do that :) (PPAs also don't help, the changelogs don't show up to the update manager)11:42
alkisgThanks - I'm not looking to innovate here, I was just looking for the usual solution11:42
joaopintoalkisg, you have to choose, either you have extra work by keeping two different source packages, or you force both components to be upgraded11:43
joaopintoalkisg, 1MB is a big binary :P11:43
alkisgIt's just some Kb, it was a figure of speech :)11:43
joaopintoalkisg, and do those few KBs justify the extra work :) ?11:43
alkisgNope :)11:43
alkisgAm I right in that both of the packages will share a common changelog?11:44
alkisgI.e. "version 2.0: updated server.py" ==> will that show up in the client package?11:44
joaopintoalkisg, packaging changelog yes11:44
alkisgOK, thanks guys for clearing all that up for me. Much appreciated! :)11:45
joaopintoalkisg, and if you have common code, you probably want to move that to a lib* :)11:46
alkisgEhm, and the lib would be build from the same control/changelog as well, right?11:46
joaopintoalkisg, right11:48
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timmihello, what do need to change to make this build:12:07
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pmceneryI'm trying to build a package from scratch which requires an environment variable to be set. The environment variable is to define a directory used during the build process. I am seeeing this near the top of debian/rules: SmartEifel=$(CURDIR)/serc.build12:09
pmceneryThis variable seems to be getting lost before the make command is run. Is there another way I should be doing this?12:10
cyphermoxpmcenery, try it as "export SmartEifel := $(CURDIR)/serc.build ?12:14
gesertimmi: try adding python-setuptools to your Build-Depends12:15
pmcenerycyphermox: thanks. I am using CDDBS. Should that be above or below the "include" lines?12:15
cyphermoxpmcenery, I don't think it matters12:16
pmcenerycyphermox: thanks... that has worked!12:21
cyphermoxpmcenery: np :)12:21
pmceneryAre there any guidelines about when/how packages should be split into lib* and any other packages like doc?12:22
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cyphermoxpmcenery, there are13:19
cyphermoxpmcenery, you should look at the Debian Policy Manual... if you give me a sec I'll get you a link13:20
cyphermoxpmcenery, http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/13:21
cyphermoxpmcenery, it's chapters 8 and 12; globally you'll want to separate your libraries in libname1 (lib<soname> packages, with the development files (.h, .la, etc) in libname-dev, and your documentation in name-doc or libname-doc13:27
pmcenerycyphermox: thank you for that. I'll check it out13:34
pmceneryI just picked a package from the debian WNPP and have started packaging it. I think I have got quite far. I probably didnt choose the easiest one there. I'm now looking into resolving issues where it doesnt do a standard make install :(13:38
slytherinis there any list of package sets in archives as per new reorg? I am wondering how java packagea are classified.13:49
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patrickcageHi all - I'm completely new to IRC so be patient with me please :-)15:46
patrickcageI would like to start helping to contribute back to the Ubuntu Community, anyone have advice?15:53
patrickcageBTW, I am not a programmer :-(15:54
SevenMachinesi suppose the best first step is reporting bugs(?)16:03
SevenMachinesor if/when you feel more comfortable, triaging bugs16:04
mannyvpatrickcage, ^ i was going to say the same thing16:05
mannyvpatrickcage, also if you speak multiple languages you can contribute translations16:05
researcher:-[Hello everybody16:37
hyperairsomething the matter?16:40
researcherhow can I speka to one or many here?16:41
hyperairyou're speaking to one here16:42
hyperairwhen more people appear, you may speak to many here16:42
researchercan I expect some help here about edubuntu?16:42
hyperairif it's to do with development, probably16:42
hyperairfor support, i'd point you to #ubuntu16:43
hyperairor #edubuntu even16:43
researcherwanna a picture  to stay at the bottom of the screen  while a kid logs into edubuntu and studies16:43
hyperairright, for those kinda questions, it's best to ask in #edubuntu. (i don't know the answer)16:44
researcheri will join edubuntu16:45
patrickcagemannyv, thanks for your input (sorry for delay was away from pc)17:24
patrickcageSevenMachines thanks for your input too17:24
SevenMachinesno worries, good luck!17:25
hedkandii have TWO packages yes two on revu and I'm here to advertise them and get people to look at them17:50
hedkandiThe first is a gui editor for rss feeds called rssedit17:50
hedkandiThe second is a command-line app for querying the gnome-keyring daemon17:51
hedkandiboth are written in C++17:51
hedkandiaren't they great!!17:51
hedkandithe latter is called gkp17:51
hedkandiThe world of linux SO needs this fine software!17:52
hedkandiokay well I'm going back to work. work work.17:52
=== chuck_ is now known as zul
* popey wonders if someone can help him with a packaging issue. 19:07
popeyI have a package which builds for karmic and jaunty for my ppa and using pbuilder-dist, just fine19:07
popeybut it barfs when building for hardy with a debhelper error..19:07
jmarsdenpopey: What version of debhelper does it need?19:07
av`popey, which compat level did you specify?19:08
popey debhelper (>= 4.0.0),19:08
av`popey, seems that dh doesnt support the level you used to build that package19:08
popeyits not my package19:08
popeywhere is the level specified?19:09
av`popey, debian/compat file19:09
popeyit says 719:09
popeyshould it be a lower value for hardy?19:09
av`hardy got an old dh release so yes19:09
av`lower it and you're done19:09
av`to something <= 619:09
ajmitchif it needs debhelper 7 features, then you need to have debhelper 7 available19:10
jmarsdenIf debian/compat is 7, then your Depends on debhelper that says debhelper (>= 4.0.0)  needs adjusting.19:10
av`ajmitch, I don't think this is the case19:10
av`I guess he will be just fine with having it at level 619:10
av`or even lower19:11
ajmitchav`: nor do I, but it took a couple of minutes for me to fetch the build failure :)19:11
av`ah ok, np then :)19:11
av`jmarsden, your approach is not the best one19:12
av`jmarsden, if he's building for hardy is better to lower the compat level19:12
av`not the dh level itself19:12
popeythanks for being super quick and helpful everyone!19:12
av`np :)19:12
av`and have fun packaging!19:12
jmarsdenav`: The point is that the compat level and the Depends should be the same, right... compat says 6, Depends: should be on 6 also...19:12
popeyav`: I'm really enjoying it tbh :)19:13
popeybuilt a few bits and bobs for people, nothing major, but it's all good19:13
av`jmarsden, yes, but he is not packaging anything that will go into the archive19:13
av`it's for his own purpose19:13
=== RainCT is now known as RainCT_
jmarsdenav`: OK.19:13
av`so I guess popey doesnt care about proper packaging :)19:14
popeyone day19:14
=== RainCT_ is now known as RainCT
av`popey, just train a lot19:14
av`and you'll make it19:14
av`popey, anyway just remember that the compat level should go along with the dh version19:15
popeywill do19:16
av`popey, you specify into debian/control19:16
av`popey, so if you lower the dh level on debian/control you need to lower the compat level19:16
av`as well19:16
leonelhello ... I have a package  https://launchpad.net/~cherokee-webserver/+archive/ppa   but this package generates a  /var/lib/cherokee/graphs  I need that this directory get chowned  by   www-data   I've added a chown to debian/rules but no luck ..20:45
flowerwhat is the orig.tar.gz file?20:48
av`leonel, have a look at dpkg-stateovveride20:49
av`flower, is the tarball that contains upstream files20:49
flowerav`: and diff.gz?20:50
av`flower, the modifications you added20:51
leonelthis is how the  rules are ..20:51
av`flower, the diff that gonna be applied to the orig20:51
flowerav`: right, and the *.dsc?20:51
av`flower, usually contains some data, like the source format, the maintainers, the build-depends, the md5sums of other files etc20:52
leonelav`: do you mean  to  add dpkg-stateoverride20:52
leonelav`:  to debian/rules ?20:52
av`leonel, read the man page of dpkg-stateoverride :)20:52
av`leonel, you'll know how to use it, which syntax it uses and much more20:53
leonelav`:   no man page and package installed  looking for that man page somewhere else  thanks20:53
av`leonel, http://man-wiki.net/index.php/8:dpkg-statoverride20:54
av`leonel, or read the docs on debian developers references20:54
leonelav`: thanks20:55
av`leonel, np :)20:55
ajmitchlooking for dpkg-statoverride rather than dpkg-stateoverride will help :)20:56
leonelplop .. thanks20:57
av`ajmitch, lol yes, I misspelled it20:57
leonelreading the docs  when I first install my package where do I tell apt-get / dpkg to run  dpkg-statoverride ?? in  debian/rules ??20:58
av`leonel, yes, that's something that should be ran into debian/rules20:59
leonelav`:  statoverride better be run from  a postinst script right ?21:05
av`leonel, not sure, never used it myself yet, I know that these kind of work can be done through it21:06
av`but never hacked more with it21:06
av`maybe ajmitch can help you, don't know his personal experience with it though21:07
av`leonel, but I guess it's quite the same, be sure you run it in the proper target in debian/rules and it should do the trick21:08
leonelav`: thanks21:09
av`leonel, but the Debian Developer referenfers have some more hints21:11
av`leonel, using chmod or chown it's not that nice, since it won't work after upgrading the package21:11
av`leonel, it work for the first package but if someone tries to upgrade it, what you wanted won't happen again21:12
av`that's why we have dpkg-statovveride for these kind of stuff21:12
leonelav`: thanks21:13
av`leonel, np21:13
leonelyou did not see that ....21:30
* ajmitch wipes memory of any such *publically-logged* information21:32
surfzoidsorry, i already asked the question but forget the link, where synaptic take the source of screenshot ?21:33
* popey needs to file a "needs-packaging" bug but isn't sure of the process..21:35
popeyfor a package to go to debian and ubuntu, wondering what the best thing to do is21:35
surfzoidi used the lauchpad21:35
c_kornwhere does packages.ubuntu.com take the translated descriptions from ?21:36
c_kornsurfzoid: synaptic and software center take it from here: http://screenshots.debian.net/21:38
av`popey, open an ITP bug21:39
popeyon debian?21:39
surfzoidc_korn: thank you21:39
av`popey, if you gonna take care of having it done personally21:39
av`popey, yes21:39
popeyI'm not a dd though21:40
popey(clearly) :)21:40
av`popey, mentors.d.o is meant for that :)21:40
surfzoidc_korn: that s mean if i would like to see a screenshot of my own software how i proceed ?21:40
popeyinvalid domain21:40
c_kornsurfzoid: if you upload it there it should appear in synaptic/software-center21:41
av`d.n sorry21:41
av`popey, when the package its ready, register to that service21:41
av`popey, and upload it there, then set it as 'Needs Sponsor: yes'21:41
av`and then wait21:42
surfzoidc_korn: the problem is, my two software are not in the database of http://screenshots.debian.net/21:42
RainCTc_korn: https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+source/app-install-data-ubuntu21:57
RainCTsurfzoid: I'm afraid you can't set a screenshot for it if the package isn't in Debian21:58
surfzoidRainCT: héhé yes and few week ago i asked to build them in ubuntu, that means they also go in debian if they are build21:59
av`surfzoid, what do you mean with 'if they get built, they go to debian also'?22:02
surfzoidi must admit, i m new in deb world and be confuse between ubuntu and debian,22:03
surfzoidif an ubuntu maintener build my soft, we will see them in ubuntu and debian too ?22:03
ajmitchno, it's the other way round - packages added to debian end up in ubuntu22:04
surfzoidso the launchpad where we request to build a package need to take it from debian .22:05
av`surfzoid, not sure what you mean22:06
av`synced packages are taken from Debian, that why we have a process called Debian Import22:07
av`merged ones too, but we apply Ubuntu changes in them22:07
av`e.g we merge any remaining delta into the package and we upload it22:08
surfzoidav`: so it is diff than the one i used : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/443398 ?22:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 443398 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] MonoOSC" [Wishlist,New]22:09
av`surfzoid, you are a bit confused, aren't you? :)22:10
surfzoidisn't it :D22:10
av`have you made that package already?22:11
surfzoidav`: http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/surfzoid:/DebianUbuntu/22:11
av`I don't see any diff, orig, dsc file attached to the bug, moreover new packages are handled through REVU22:12
surfzoidall this files are here http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/surfzoid:/DebianUbuntu/22:12
av`again that's a repo, so it usually store already built stuff22:13
av`e.g it's a binary repo only, no sources22:13
av`if you want to have it in Ubuntu, you need to send it to REVU22:14
av`and then wait for a review of two Ubuntu Developers22:14
surfzoidav`: where is REVU ?22:14
av`surfzoid, http://revu.ubuntuwire.org22:15
surfzoidi don't see how to use it, too mutch info , really kill info22:18
c_kornRainCT: thanks23:02

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