
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)00:07
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)00:07
ubottuFloodBot4 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)00:07
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)00:07
=== tritium_ is now known as tritium
Al2O3hi, changed to port 8001 using osx and colloguy, typed 'test me' and tried to flood send me DCC a few files (I declined them).  Still can't rejoin #ubuntu.  any help here?01:19
Al2O3also, have MD5 (/Users/todd/Downloads/ubuntu-9.10-desktop-powerpc.iso) = fa2c5eb18dfb2e82fffa661fac75a240  is that correct?01:20
Al2O3I'm trying to get help on PPC PB 17", would like md5 for the DL I took off the website.01:20
PiciAl2O3: Can you please try the 'test me' thing again?01:20
Al2O3FloodBot1: Al2O3: Sorry, but I am unable to test you (are you using your usual nickname?). Please contact the operators (type « /topic » to find out how).01:21
Al2O3and this is my usual name.01:22
PiciCan you hold on a moment?01:22
* Al2O3 holding01:22
* Al2O3 wonders how long he will have to hold, he's leaking01:22
FlannelAl2O3: Try again please01:22
Al2O3should I refuse, or accept?01:23
Al2O3flood bots are trying to send me files now.01:23
FlannelAl2O3: Go ahead and refuse, it's not important.01:23
FlannelAl2O3: But you can rejoin #ubuntu now, thanks01:23
Al2O3all 4 refused01:23
Al2O3thanks guys01:23
Al2O3and gals01:24
FlannelHmm, we still missed it01:24
FlannelOdd indeed.01:24
PiciIt should have been a banforward01:24
* Pici shrugs01:24
FlannelPici: He's in there now, so maybe FB3 is confused?01:25
Flannel@bansearch Al2O301:25
ubottuMatch: Al2O3!*@*!#ubuntu-read-topic by FloodBot3 in #ubuntu on Nov 26 2009 00:07:23 (ID: 19826)01:25
MenZaoh lawd03:58
ubottuscunizi called the ops in #ubuntu (Archanamiya William_So)05:14
bazhangwilliam_so seems to be trolling05:19
* mneptok is on it05:19
bazhangI have arachnamiya in PM05:19
mneptoklucky you05:25
mneptokdoes DCC support Thorazine transfers yet?05:25
bazhangarachnimiya knows to /msg ubottu and has the factoids database. William_so has left the channel05:57
bazhanghave to step out for a couple of hours :/05:58
MenZaI'm watching McNuggets.06:09
ardchoilleandrina in #ubuntu needs a hint06:35
dholbachgood morning07:52
ikoniachanserv playing up a bit for me08:25
* jussi01 mubles something incoherent08:25
ubottuindus called the ops in #ubuntu (jjmartin talking on b**bies)09:31
Madpilotthe #u ops is fine09:32
mac_vhi. how do we add custom bot responses to Ubuntu-artwork?09:32
Madpilotthe syntax is something like "foo-#channel-name is bar"09:33
mac_vright now the response for !hi is very generic >  Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu-artwork! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!09:33
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:33
MadpilotI think the "hi" tell just takes channame as a variable, but pls don't quote me09:34
mac_vso i enter that from the channel, right? i forgot how to do it :(09:34
Madpilot" ubottu, foo is bar" should work09:35
* mac_v tries09:36
Madpilotbut I am seriously not up to speed on bot-tweaking these days. :)09:36
ikoniamac_v: what bot is in #ubuntu-artwork ?09:37
mac_vikonia: ubottu09:38
ikoniamac_v: oh really, than it should just be !factoid_name-#channel as mac_v suggested09:38
Madpilotis it and underscore or a dash btwn the tell and the channel specifier?09:39
ubottuIn #ubuntu-artwork, mac_v said: !hi is <reply> Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu-artwork! Channel for the community artwork team. Feel free to ask questions . Enjoy your stay!09:42
mac_vhrm , is that right?09:42
Madpilotmac_v, do "@login" here - the bot needs to know who you is09:43
ubottuThe operation succeeded.09:43
Madpilotlike that09:43
ubottuError: Your hostmask doesn't match or your password is wrong.09:43
Madpilotmac_v, are you an op?09:44
mac_vMadpilot: nope ;p09:44
Madpilotthe bot usually only takes orders from ops :)09:44
mac_vbad bot ;p09:44
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:45
Madpilotgah (again!)09:45
ubottuhi aliases: howdy, hello, hey, welcome - added by Seveas on 2006-07-11 17:20:25 - last edited by elky on 2009-09-14 11:13:2409:45
ubottuIn #ubuntu-artwork, mac_v said: !contribute is <reply> For information on current team activity and on contributing to the Ubuntu Community artwork , Kindly read Wiki:  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork09:48
mac_voops , that needs an edit09:49
ubottuIn #ubuntu-artwork, mac_v said: !contribute is <reply> For information regarding current Artwork team activity and about contributing to the Ubuntu Community artwork , Kindly read Wiki:  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork09:49
mac_vhmm , can i hang out till the factoids are added [so that i know when they are added] or would i get kicked out for idling ? ;)09:50
Madpilotfor that, you can probably hang out09:51
mac_vcool :)09:51
ikoniaI see no reason why not09:51
MadpilotI'd help if I weren't feeling very clueless about the bot right now, and if it wasn't almost 0200 local :)09:51
Madpilotheads up in #ubuntu - rabbitear is running very close to being kb'd. very close.09:53
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from rabbitear)09:54
Madpilotsod it09:55
Madpilotrabbitear is gone from #u. min. 2 day ban, he had plenty of warnings, not just from me.09:56
FlannelMadpilot: be sure to note the length in the BT so we know we can clean it :)09:58
FlannelEspecially considering I intend to be in a diabetic coma this time tomorrow.09:58
Madpilotis yankee turkey weekend coming up, isn't it?09:58
FlannelI'm not a big turkey guy, but yeah.09:59
Madpilotcanuckistani turkey weekend is mid October09:59
Madpilotwe're either more thankful, or less. nobody is quite sure. :)09:59
=== mac_v is now known as mac_v_
Madpilotcomment added re rabbitear and his 48hr min. ban10:02
MadpilotI like the MARK function on the bantracker, hadn't noticed that before.10:03
jussi01Madpilot: have you read the whole usage page, theres some pretty cool new stuff we (tsimpson mainly) have added10:04
Madpilotwhat, actually *read* the documentation? For real?10:04
jussi01Madpilot: yeps... its not _that_ hard...10:04
MadpilotI got started in Ubuntu on the docteam. "nobody reads what we write" was practically the docteam motto :)10:05
FlannelYou don't have to read the usage page.  Madpilot: Don't you read your emails?10:06
FlannelThere was an email about it like... a year ago!10:06
MadpilotI'm sure I did read it. A year ago.10:06
Madpilotjussi01, link to the usage page pls? not obvious on the bans page10:07
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu-ops's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots10:07
Madpilotjussi01, what's the channel-specific syntax again? !foo-#some-channel is bar?10:14
jussi01or !foo-#ubuntu-fi is <reply> bar ;)10:15
Madpilot!contribute-#ubuntu-artwork is <reply> For information regarding current Artwork team activity and about contributing to the Ubuntu Community artwork , Kindly read Wiki:  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork10:16
ubottuI'll remember that, Madpilot10:16
Madpilotmac_v, try that in -artwork10:16
* mac_v tries10:16
mac_vMadpilot: yup , the contribute works :)10:17
mac_vMadpilot: could you add the hi too?10:18
Madpilotmac_v, want to alias contribute & hi?10:18
mac_vhmm , no , i had added a different response for hi , let me check10:19
Madpilotfound it backscroll, no problem10:20
Madpilot!hi-#ubuntu-artwork is <reply> Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu-artwork! Channel for the community artwork team. Feel free to ask questions . Enjoy your stay10:20
ubottuI'll remember that, Madpilot10:20
Madpilottest that10:20
mac_vMadpilot: great , works... thanks :)10:20
Madpilotnp. thank jussi01 for getting me less confused :)10:21
mac_vthanks all... bye :)10:21
Madpilot2nd parrot-bot in #u in a few minutes10:31
ikoniaschwezzy`: hello10:41
ikoniaschwezzy`: I've forwarded you to this channel to ask you to remove your IRC automated response client scripts while in #ubuntu based channels10:41
schwezzy`my what now10:42
ikonia!give schwezzy` a test10:42
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:42
ikoniaooh, you appear to have disabled it10:42
ikoniaschwezzy`: my apologies, I've got you mixed up with someone else10:42
schwezzy`oh I only had my pub triggers enabled for about ten mins, I was doing some configuring on a different network10:43
schwezzy`sorry if it spammed the channel or something10:43
ikoniaok, I'll remove the ban for #ubuntu now10:43
ikoniaif you could keep them disabled while on this network in #ubuntu channels pelase10:43
schwezzy`yeah I'll add it to the blacklist10:43
ikoniaperfect, than you10:44
ikoniathe bans been removed, if you leave this channel and re-join #ubuntu, you'll be fine10:44
ikoniastraight away, re-enabled in #ubutnu10:45
Madpilotthe fun never stops :)10:45
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)10:50
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)10:50
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)10:50
ubottuFloodBot4 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)10:51
ubottuHey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel, tomaw, Gary, Vorian, PriceChild, niko or stew, I could use a bit of your time :)10:51
MadpilotAlijah just asked for a kline - DCCing something with a porn-file name10:52
jussi01Madpilot: see his quit...10:53
Tm_Tme just had a short nap... with nice nightmares ):10:54
jussi01Madpilot: [12:51:10] <-- Alijah (n=Alijah@ has quit (K-lined)10:54
Madpilotgood, missed that10:54
ikonianice big k-line in ##linux a minute ago11:14
ikonia@mark #ubuntu Meowpup using mint (confirmed in #ubuntu and ##linux) telling lies about using ubuntu to gain support, kicked as a warning after lies11:21
ubottuThe operation succeeded.11:21
MenZaubottu: tell alabd about crosspost12:05
ubottuPlease don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.12:06
ubottucrosspost aliases: crossposting - added by Pici on 2008-11-17 15:45:49 - last edited by Pici on 2008-11-17 15:47:2412:06
Madpilotubottu, deadbadger-#ubuntu-offtopic is <reply>The real story of Linux and badgers: http://www.strangehorizons.com/2004/20040405/badger.shtml12:09
ubottuI'll remember that, Madpilot12:09
MenZaMadpilot: I have often considered installing a system in a stuffed animal.12:13
Madpilotthere you go12:13
MenZaI just imagine it'd be, you know, quite difficult to ventilate.12:13
Madpilotget one of those super-low-power plugcomputer things, minimum of waste heat12:14
MenZa..could install a fit pc in one12:14
MenZabut that'd be no fun12:14
jussi01or just $arm pc12:14
FlannelYou should get it to ventilate by installing a diaphram and having the stuffed animal breathe.12:14
FlannelThat'd... be way too creepy.12:15
FlannelNow I want to do it.12:15
Madpilotwant pictures12:15
MenZaImagine having, like, a badger or similar with glowing red eyes (showing hardware activity), and a cute little button on the nose to turn it on/off.12:15
FlannelMenZa: Why have eyes when you could just have it dance?12:16
MenZaFlannel: You know what's even creepier?12:16
MenZaFlannel: I *know* you'd be able and willing to do it. That's what's freaking me out.12:16
MenZaAlso, do it.12:17
Madpilotya, apparently you've got all the electronics chops, Flannel. We want to see a breathing, dancing Linux-runnin' stuffed animal!12:17
FlannelMenZa: First I want to make a balcony for my Statler and Waldorf dolls12:17
FlannelI bought them like ... sheesh, six years ago now.12:18
FlannelI want to make them heckle me whenever I get email12:18
FlannelPerhaps I'll propose we install linux on a breathing badger to my LoCo12:18
ikoniadanger with limcore in #ubuntu-hardened, just had to bring him back under control12:19
MenZa-hardened? o_O12:19
Madpilotdo they have harder trolls in -hardened than the regular channels?12:20
MenZaEveryone interpreted that the same way as I did in -ot, aye?12:23
Madpilotnot so much, actually12:24
* MenZa shrugs.12:24
MenZa2009-11-26 12:22:36 UTC] < Asmodeus_> adn it will kill MenZa12:24
MenZa[2009-11-26 12:22:59 UTC] < Asmodeus_> i will help on that12:24
MenZaTm_T: What do you reckon, then?12:25
Madpilotwe were talking about bears, and mounting them on walls, and instaling Linux on them, and random goofy stuff. where'd you get a death threat from?12:25
FlannelMenZa: Perhaps he was responding to motorized?12:25
MenZaJudging by the discussion he was partaking in (with kernelLove), I doubt that12:26
FlannelThats the only alternative I could see12:26
MadpilotMenZa, going to say you overreacted in -ot...12:26
* MenZa will consider his decision for a bit.12:27
MenZaThanks for the input, guys.12:27
* MenZa appreciates.12:27
Zosimosi'm wondering, the sapart function on the bot, there is a certain person abusing this function12:27
MenZaZosimos: For the record, you don't have to be subtle here.12:27
Zosimosanything anyone could do about it?12:28
ZosimosMenZa i'm really not talking to you12:28
MenZaZosimos: You're in here, so you're talking to me, just as you're talking to the rest of the ops here.12:28
FlannelZosimos: This is the channel you can file said complaint in.12:28
MenZaMadpilot, Flannel - *summon*12:28
ZosimosMenZa had Asmodeus banned12:28
Zosimosbased on what he calls a death threat12:29
Zosimoswell not really banned12:29
Zosimosbut i didnt see a death threat12:29
Zosimosi just think MenZa is thick12:29
Tm_TMenZa: btw sorry I'm not in -ot so I was merely shaking my head on those lines12:29
MenZaTm_T: OK, got it.12:29
FlannelZosimos: So your complaint is "Menza is thick"?12:29
FlannelZosimos: I doubt that's the point you were attempting to get across, if you wouldn't mind clarifying.12:30
Zosimos04:22 < Asmodeus_> gruesome12:30
Zosimos04:22 < Asmodeus_> adn it will kill MenZa12:30
Zosimosbear arms killing menza12:30
Zosimosis a death threat?12:30
Zosimossounds more like a joke if you ask me12:30
ZosimosMenZa tkes his position far too seriously12:31
Zosimosand is thick, yes12:31
Zosimosvery thick12:31
FlannelZosimos: We can see that channel, we don't need a play by play, please file a complaint.12:31
Zosimosthat's my complaint12:31
FlannelZosimos: that he's "thick"?12:31
Zosimosremove that stupid sapart function12:31
Zosimospeople misuse it12:31
Zosimosand yes, that he's thick12:32
Zosimosit makes you part the channel12:32
Zosimospeople vote on it12:32
Zosimosbut the people voting12:32
MenZaMadpilot: /remove12:32
Zosimosreally arent that competent12:32
Tm_Tsomeone should explain how things works12:32
Zosimosdude, the part reason was12:32
Madpilotah. there's no voting for /remove, Zosimos12:33
Zosimosi know that people are voting on it somehow12:33
MenZaZosimos: No; I forced it.12:33
Madpilotand whoever issues the /remove can add any reason they want12:33
ZosimosMenZa, then you really dont need power in any channel12:33
Zosimosdoing crap for no reason12:33
MenZaZosimos: If you think so, I do suggest you file a complaint - that's what procedures are there for :)12:34
MenZa(Honestly, I do)12:34
FlannelZosimos: Thank you for making your case.  We're currently evaluating the incident.  Is there anything else we can help you with today?12:34
Zosimosthick, like i said12:34
Tm_TZosimos: personal insults won't help your case12:34
Zosimosyes, i cant find the end of my belly button12:35
Tm_TZosimos: sorry, I have no idea what you mean by that12:35
Zosimoshave fun good chaps, do i idle here or?12:35
FlannelZosimos: As you have no further business in here, please part now.  Enjoy the rest of your day.   Thanks.12:35
MenZaSo, I misinterpreted the situation is what I get from you guys.12:36
FlannelMenZa: Considering where he's going now, I'm not sure.12:36
FlannelMenZa: Like I said, that alternative was the only possible *other* meaning I could figure out12:36
MadpilotMenZa, I'd say the original situation in -ot, yes, you overreacted12:36
MenZaIt seemed fairly hostile, but I may very well have misinterpreted it12:36
MenZaMadpilot: I don't honestly see it as a question of whether I overreacted or not; I think it has more to do with the interpretation.12:37
MenZaMadpilot: I will *always* reserve the right to remove anyone who makes death threats, indirectly or directly, at anyone in the channel12:37
Madpilotfair enough, but in the context of the banter going on in the channel, I really don't see that as a death threat12:37
MenZaI'm *fairly* sure that conflicts with the CoC, the Guidelines, and Freenode policy12:37
MenZaSee, then it's a question of interpretation, which I'm still not sure whether I was right about :)12:38
MenZaSorry, that sounded condescending12:38
MadpilotZosimos doesn't strike me as the sort to be graceful about bygones, though.12:38
FlannelMadpilot: He's [ ] close to being banned again.12:38
FlannelAnd actually, had I know who he was earlier, I wouldve banned him instead of kicking him12:39
ikoniawho is/was he ?12:39
Flannelhis ident is marshall12:40
MenZaMadpilot: Honestly? I think he was just a troll waiting for the opportunity to find something to haggle about. It seems like an odd overreaction to suddenly file a complaint against me, even if I did make a bad decision.12:40
FlannelI removed him ... once? twice? yesterday, and a few months ago he was a blatant troll12:40
MenZaI already /whoi's and /who'd.12:40
ikoniaFlannel: thanks12:40
Flannelikonia: Check the BT for "marshall" and you'll see just him, AFAIK12:40
MenZaSomeone might want to correct Zosimos' tone, but I'm not going to do so. I don't want to *pick* a fight :)12:41
MadpilotMenZa, I think he was spoiling for a bit of trollery, and unhappily, you kind of provided an opening...12:41
* MenZa nods12:42
FlannelWe're spending way too much time discussing such a small thing12:42
MenZaYou can never evaluate decisions enough, Flannel - you get smarter each time ;)12:42
MenZaAnd, well, it's not like we have better things to do.12:43
Flannelikonia: He seems to pick a new nick every day or something12:43
Madpilotsee how well trolls derail things? :|12:43
MenZaThat was more of a bump than a derailing :P12:43
MenZaubottu: tell zosimos about freenode12:49
Madpilotgah, it's so late it's becoming early. must get the heck of this damn computer. see you all later.12:52
Madpilotnight. have fun.12:52
MenZamagnetron: Also, if I ever move to the US, I'll mount two bear arms on the wall and write '... the right of the people to ... bear Arms, shall not be infringed." --The Second Amendment'12:59
MenZaon a plaque.12:59
MenZabeneath it.12:59
FlannelMenZa: at least you didn't hit #u13:00
MenZano, no I didn't :P13:00
MenZaI failed, however.13:00
ikoniaPL|Snoozing: hi, I forwarded you to this channel as your IRC client as automated response scripts enabled13:34
ikonia!give PL|Snoozing an example13:34
* PL|Snoozing gives ikonia some speakers.13:34
ikonialike that13:34
ikoniacan you disable them please13:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about give PL13:35
PL|SnoozingIs there any way to disable for a single channel?13:35
PL|SnoozingIt's a perl script.13:35
ikoniaI guess it depends on your client, some can some can't although if I where you I'd consider disabling it totally as not many channels will welcome it13:35
PL|SnoozingHang on here...13:36
PL|SnoozingUm, how do I unload scripts on XChat?  I've never done that before.13:37
ikoniadepends on your client13:37
PL|Snoozingxchat 2.8.6 Ubuntu13:38
ikonianot an xchat user myself,13:38
PL|SnoozingWell, I'll look into unloading it before I come back.13:38
bazhangwindow -->plugins and scripts13:38
ikoniathank you13:38
PL|SnoozingOh you rock13:38
PL|SnoozingThere it is! ^_^13:38
ikoniabazhang often does13:38
PL|SnoozingTry the command now13:39
ikonia!give bazhang a test13:39
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:39
ikoniathat's looking more like it13:39
ikoniatwo minutes and I'll remove the ban forward in #ubuntu13:39
ikoniaPL|Snoozing: all done, if you leave this channel you'll be fine to rejoin #ubuntu13:40
MenZaPL|Snoozing: You could probably update the script itself, so that it checks if it's not #ubuntu13:40
PL|SnoozingI need to go back to sleep for a while, so I'll probably join later tonight or sometime this weekend.13:40
MenZaPL|Snoozing: one sec13:40
* PL|Snoozing waits13:40
MenZaPL|Snoozing: You might want to drop the |Snoozing bit of your nick13:40
PL|SnoozingMenZa, I'll make sure it's not there when I rejoin.13:41
MenZaExcellent :)13:41
MenZaSleep well.13:41
PL|SnoozingI have idled too much in there anywho, so I'll probably only come in for support in the future. :)13:41
PL|SnoozingCan I use the script sparingly in the offtopic channel, though?  Just curious...13:42
PL|SnoozingActually, no...I will disable the triggers before I reload it.  I don't really need them in the first place.13:43
PL|SnoozingIt gives me three buttons I can use.  Thank you for letting me know about the triggers.  I didn't know they were there in the first place.  I will part this channel now, and see you guys the next time I come to #ubuntu for help.13:45
jussi01nice when people are so co-operative. breath of fresh air. :D13:56
Tm_Tjussi01: you're suggesting my breath stinks?!13:58
jussi01Tm_T: yes!13:59
MenZajussi01: it really is :)13:59
MenZaI come to appreciate these people so much.13:59
MenZaI feel like running up to them and hugging them.14:00
Tm_TMenZa: just don't hug me when my wife is around14:00
* Tm_T hides14:00
Tm_Tbut yeah, I try to pull that politness out from people, it makes things more tolerable and easier to deal with14:01
MenZabazhang: he was a problem earlier, tooo14:09
MenZajust ftr14:09
MenZamight want to read the backlog here (only a few lines up)14:09
bazhangMenZa, quelle surprise!!14:09
MenZahe's just a troll looking for any opportunity.14:10
bazhangthat was fairly offensive imo14:11
bazhangEd54, hi14:13
Ed54i was BOB SAGET! banned for some script in #ubuntu14:13
bazhang the | is not a number!14:14
ikoniayou have a script that sends to the channel and also a private message14:14
ikonia!give Ed54 an example14:14
* Ed54 gives ikonia :ikonia!n=mattd@unaffiliated/ikonia PRIVMSG #ubuntu-ops :+!give Ed54 an example.14:14
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:14
ikoniaEd54: need that and any other scripts disabled to use the #ubuntu channles please14:14
Ed54not sure what that is14:14
ikoniaEd54: what client,14:14
bazhangwindow -->scripts and plugins14:15
ikoniabazhang: nice again14:15
bazhangscript day in xchat it seems14:16
Ed54i unloaded two that i don't know what they do14:16
Ed54any clue what triggers it?14:16
ikonia!give Ed54 another test14:16
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:16
ikoniathat does look better14:16
ikoniado y ou have any other scripts enabled ?14:16
Ed54yeah, random ASSMUNCHER! stuff like !rude that i use in other channels14:17
bazhang!hi | Ed5414:17
ubottuEd54: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu-ops! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!14:17
Ed54and that tourettes script ^14:17
MenZaelky: If he starts complaining again, I suggest a quick forward here.14:17
ikoniaEd54: please disable them also14:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about rude14:17
MenZaEd54: You should probably not use any of those in #ubuntu*14:17
ikoniaEd54: those will need to be disabled also please14:17
Ed54can you disable scripts for only certain channels?14:18
ikoniaa question asked not 30 minutes ago by another user, answer is I don't know, however #xchat will14:18
bazhangnot in xchat I dont think14:18
MenZaNot unless it's hardcoded in the script, I think.14:18
Ed54well i don't have time to change anything right now14:18
Ed54have to leave14:18
MenZaelky: He's been trolling for a while.14:19
bazhangthat last bit was too much (the washing army socks for 25 cents)14:19
elkyEd54, the only plugins/scripts that should be there by default are "perl" "python" and "tcl"14:19
ikoniaelky: what are you doing awake at this time14:19
* MenZa suspects another complaint be arriving soon.14:21
elkyikonia, supposedly trying to finish a presentation before tomorrow afternoon14:22
ikoniabest of luck !14:22
MenZaindeed, good luck elky14:22
MenZaAlso, guys, I think Z-whatshisface will return under a different nick. Have a look at the marshall ident ;)14:23
bazhangjust his tone will give him away14:24
MenZaI guess, yeah.14:25
bazhangusing ubuntu pxe instructions to install slax is ontopic?15:27
ikoniabazhang: no problem with that15:28
bazhangikonia, okay thanks15:28
ikoniaubuntu's a good pxe server15:28
ikoniaI use a RHEL box to install ubuntu15:28
tsimpsonLart usage information updated: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots#Lart%20plugin16:21
Tm_Ttsimpson: bah, I was just typing pretty much the same thing in #k ):19:01
tsimpsonso was Mamarok :)19:01
Mamarokso who tells emma to not start discussions in #k?19:05
tsimpsonMamarok: if you see her acting up, and don't want to step in yourself, I will19:07
Tm_TMamarok: what conversation?19:07
tsimpsonjust ping me if I don't look like I'm watching19:07
Mamarokthe one with Delano19:07
MamarokI only saw the end19:07
Mamarokas I was afk earlier19:07
tsimpsonthat was just 2 message in a flood of offtopic-ness, which is why I let it go19:07
tsimpsonif it continued...19:08
Mamarokyeah, it was not emma's fault neither, others discussed on media players and windows apps19:09
Mamarokbut don't hesitate to send Amarok support questions to #amarok, we can handle that there, used to it :)19:09
Mamarokespecially handling trolls :)19:09
ubottuIn #launchpad, jldupont said: ubottu: but a wiki is another step...20:32
guntbertplease have a look at munley in #ubuntu - it seems he is raising the temperature21:14
ubottun8tuser called the ops in #ubuntu (munley)21:36
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from munley)21:36

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