=== Traveler is now known as Guest24702 [01:19] could having multiple a records on my domain cause my mailserver to timeout? [01:20] its hard to test if secure connections are working on the mailserver, as it sits there and connects forever [01:20] thefrozencanuck.ca. 1800 IN A [01:20] thefrozencanuck.ca. 1800 IN A [01:22] eventually, when thunderbird prompts me for a login password, it connects instantly [01:23] Nov 27 01:22:15 li127-132 dovecot: imap-login: Login: user=, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip= [01:23] eek [01:23] that looks like poop [01:23] Nov 27 01:22:15 li127-132 dovecot: imap-login: Login: user=, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip= [01:23] what are your MX records? [01:23] i take it rip= means that attempted timed out [01:24] mail.thefrozencanuck.ca. 925 IN CNAME thefrozencanuck.ca. [01:24] thefrozencanuck.ca. 1800 IN MX 10 mail.thefrozencanuck.ca. [01:24] smtp sending is timing out [01:25] right now im trying to test imap/smtp without authentication [01:25] mail.thefrozencanuck.ca is? [01:25] yeah [01:25] mail.thefrozencanuck.ca is X.Y.Z.U? [01:26] ? [01:27] epinky, i don't understand [01:28] ip of mail.thefrozencanuck.ca? [01:28] mail.thefrozencanuck.ca. 1538 IN CNAME thefrozencanuck.ca. [01:28] thefrozencanuck.ca. 1538 IN A [01:28] thefrozencanuck.ca. 1538 IN A [01:28] it's confused it think :) [01:28] is the server's ip [01:29] is old [01:29] like 4 days old [01:29] Have you set up mail servers on and ? [01:29] doesn't seem like it wants to detach itself from my domain [01:29] yeah, 139.247 is my home ip...not running any services on it anymore [01:29] 212.132 is a vps i bought a few days ago [01:29] godaddy's domain manager just doesn't want to seem to let go of the old ip [01:30] then remove thefrozencanuck.ca. 1538 IN A [01:31] i deleted that a record days ago [01:31] when i added the new one [01:32] or add it like: [01:32] Total DNS: (Available) [01:32] ARecord @ [01:32] CNAME mail @ [01:32] CNAME www @ [01:32] CNAME ftp @ [01:32] MX @ mail.thefrozencanuck.ca [01:32] that's all the records i have [01:32] thefrozencanuck.ca. 1800 IN MX 20 mail2.thefrozencanuck.ca. [01:33] i only have the one mail server [01:33] mail2.thefrozencanuck.ca won't point anywhere [01:33] unless you want me to point it to the server's new ip? [01:34] mail.thefrozencanuck.ca. 1538 IN A [01:34] mail2.thefrozencanuck.ca. 1538 IN A [01:36] thefrozencanuck.ca. 1538 IN CNAME mail.thefrozencanuck.ca. [01:44] wtf [01:44] as soon as i deleted the all my records, all A, CNAME, and MX records.... [01:45] immediatley points back to my home ip [01:47] huh? "billybigrigger> yeah, 139.247 is my home ip...not running any services on it anymore" [01:49] no i mistyped [01:49] yeah thats right [01:49] wow im confusing myself haha [01:49] is my server's ip [01:50] is my home ip === chuck_ is now known as zul [02:15] Im having trouble getting mysql and mail services working any ideas [02:15] its a new install if that helps [02:16] X-M4-X: You'll need to be much more specific -- what packages did you install, how did you configure them, what do you mean by "having trouble" -- what exactly works, and what does not work? [02:17] rapache is working excelent i have never had apache 2.2 work this great..........mysql 5.1 community is the package i installed and i don't know where to begin for mail right now [02:18] X-M4-X: How did you install mysql 5.1? sudo apt-get install mysql-server right? [02:19] apt get-install mysql-5.1-community [02:20] now i have entered the command you have given [02:23] There does not seem to be an official Ubuntu package called mysql-5.1-community that I can see. mysql-server is the metapackage that installs the version of mysql server appropriate for the version of Ubuntu you are running, and the related packages it needs. So... did it work for you? [02:23] the command you gave did work [02:24] Good :) [02:24] jmarsden: I bet his -community package just Provides: mysql-server, so it's a noop :P [02:25] X-M4-X: For mail, you just need basic single domain SMTP and POP3/IMAP ? Have you set up a mailserver on Linux before? [02:26] i had one on windows vista however i am strait noob to linux. i was advised to switch [02:27] OK. Which version of Ubuntu Server are you running? [02:27] newest one i believe 9.10 [02:28] OK. Then sudo apt-get install dovecot-postfix should install both dovecot and postfix for you. [02:29] BTW, to find out for sure which version of Ubuntu you have, do lsb_release -d [02:32] i have like 3 Fails and 4 ok's [02:33] when it was trying to listen it said fail [02:33] pastebin what you really saw and tell the channel the URL, so we can see the exact text, please [02:33] !pastebin [02:33] For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic [02:34] kk [02:40] The places fail are noticed are highlighted http://devteamsn.pastebin.com/f523369b8 [02:44] X-M4-X: "Fatal: listen(, 143) failed: Address already in use" [02:44] X-M4-X: that means dovecot can't start because something else is already using port 143. [02:44] X-M4-X: Um... did you previously try to install some sort of IMAP daemn... [02:44] *daemon [02:44] X-M4-X: use ss -l or netstat to find out what. [02:45] Maybe i was entering codes for security purposes almost 10 seconds after it installed so ill find out [02:47] X-M4-X: if you don't know whether or not you already tried to install an IMAP daemon, you should probably learn to keep much better notes of what you do as you admin your server :) [02:47] *:imap2 [02:47] maybe i do lol [02:48] Please speak English... what did you install that does IMAP, before you installed dovecot-postfix ? [02:49] I have no idea maybe sendmail [02:49] No, that's an MTA. Seriously, keep better records! If you really don't know, what does sudo netstat -ntlp4 |grep :143 output? [02:51] mailagent [02:51] ssmtp [02:51] hey just a suggestion: now that some computers have kms, and hence full res terminal terminals maybe putting a background image would be good [02:52] X-M4-X: That is the output of sudo netstat -ntlp4 |grep :143 ... I don't think so. [02:52] obviously ubuntu logo related. [02:52] just so people know its powered by ubuntu [02:52] oh no its not those are two things i saw in the terminal that had anything to do with mail [02:53] So... what does sudo netstat -ntlp4 |grep :143 output? [02:53] workin on it now [02:54] X-M4-X: Try to follow instructions and not guess at stuff... twb and I both suggested you use netstat... [02:54] Actually I prefer ss now ;-) [02:57] hmm tcp 0 0* LISTEN 1519/portsentry [02:57] X-M4-X: OK, so why are you running portsentry on a port you want to use for IMAP ? [02:58] Stepping back, why are you running portsentry at all? [02:59] I used yolinux.com for a linux server security tutorial and i just followed it had no idea that it was going to conflict with my incomming/outgoing mail servers [02:59] If you don't need it, sudo apt-get purge portsentry seems called for. sounds like a rather old tutorial... don't follow tutorials you do not fully understand. [03:00] portsentry rocks! [03:00] It is i just now see "apache 1.3" [03:01] X-M4-X: OK, so sudo apt-get purge portsentry and then restart dovecot and you should be much closer to a working mail server. [03:01] how would i restart? forgive me i am new to this [03:02] epinky: portsentry was cool in 1999, but we are now in 2009... what real benefit does portsentry bring today on an appropriately configured Ubuntu server? [03:02] X-M4-X: sudo service dovecot restart [03:02] ah thank you [03:03] it didnt fail [03:04] jmarsden: I know sendmail is also very old XD [03:04] X-M4-X: Good. Now you can read the Ubuntu Server Guide, and maybe follow that with some general linux documentation such as http://tldp.org/LDP/intro-linux/html/intro-linux.html so you can get a bit more up to speed. [03:05] alright now i can configure php & mysql and than purchase cpanel & whm [03:06] Ewww. If you really must :) Stick with supported open source solutions on your server if you can. [03:06] the postfix/dovecot sections in the server guide don't really give a working mailserver either [03:06] :) [03:06] else i wouldn't have been asking a million questions in here the last couple of days [03:07] billybigrigger: Or maybe you didn't quite follow them exactly? I'll test them in a VM, I suspect they will work just fine for me :) [03:07] well if you know of a good client access panel and web host manager thats open source let me know lol [03:07] followed that guide a few times, yet it hasn't resulted in a working server yet [03:07] maybe i've done so much mucking around with configs i'm way off base now [03:08] who knows [03:08] billybigrigger: long time no see. Do you know howtoforge - good general tuts for standart server config [03:08] If you find specific errors, please report bugs against the sever guide so we can get them fixed. [03:08] tomsdale, howdy [03:08] X-M4-X: I'm not about to deal with all the details, but which ones have you tried, and how do you define "good" in this context? [03:09] yeah i used to follow howtoforge alot, wanted to give the server guide a go [03:10] good would be cpanel to me however there was one i had on my windows vista xampp weak server and lots of people loved, i think it was called zpanel only issue is it needed zend optimizer to be installed to the server [03:10] X-M4-X: Well, if you define "good" as one commercial product, then of course you can't find a "good" open source panel :) [03:11] lol so true [03:12] A customer needs to demonstrate that RAID5 is too slow for his "write lots of little files" workload. [03:12] Is there a better benchmarking tool for this than bonnie++? [03:12] twb: Dtrace? [03:12] phoronix? [03:12] twb: Well, that customer's workload is the best benchmarking tool for that workload :) [03:13] i probably just sacrificed speed of my server lol [03:13] installed gui and web browser [03:15] Ugh. Now you have a not-quite-server hybrid machine. Ask any gui-related questions in #ubuntu not in here :) [03:16] lol ill purge it later [03:17] Im going to take a chance here and say for dns server it would be apt-get install dns-server? [03:17] X-M4-X: Stop guessing and read the Server Guide :) [03:18] Oh yeah i forgot i had that open [03:21] do you not need 2 machines for dns? [03:21] a primary and secondary? [03:21] i dont think so [03:22] billybigrigger: For authoritative servers, yes (there are free secondaries around if you need one). For a DNS server for your local use, you only need one machine. [03:23] Thanks for that bit of information...now i know if i ever need an authoritative server [03:34] billybigrigger: you dont need 2 machines for dns [03:34] billybigrigger: but it helps if you want some redundancy when serving dns to the outside world [03:36] i do need thet [03:37] its pretty easy [03:37] X-M4-X: Did you do that when you ran your services using Vista? If so, you should probably do the same on Linux. [03:38] no i just used one server with simple DNS plus and it worked perfectly [03:38] Then you don't "need" two servers for Linux -- one server will get you at least the same level of redundancy you had before. [03:41] lol [03:42] someone just tried to dos me [04:02] jmarsden, ok im following this guide for the last time [04:02] :) [04:03] sudo postconf -e 'smtpd_tls_key_file = /etc/ssl/private/server.key' [04:03] sudo postconf -e 'smtpd_tls_cert_file = /etc/ssl/certs/server.crt' [04:03] sudo postconf -e 'smtpd_tls_CAfile = /etc/ssl/certs/cacert.pem' [04:03] I'm following it and documenting my progress and seeing how much of it I can script :) [04:03] billybigrigger: wrong window :) [04:03] do i need to supply a CAfile if i did a self signed cert? [04:03] or just tls key and cert [04:03] billybigrigger: Just follow every step of the guide and don't worry about it. [04:04] im getting an error [04:04] At what point? [04:04] cannot load Certificate Authority data: disabling TLS support [04:04] i can pastebin the rest [04:04] it's postfix complaining about the CA cert [04:04] but i didn't create a CA cert, just self-signed [04:05] so i was wondering can i remove the smptd_tls_CAfile from main.cf [04:05] or will i disable TLS that way [04:05] ? [04:05] So... you didn't actually follow the guide... and now you are complaining about an error... hmmm. [04:05] no [04:05] the guide gives you an option to create self signed cert, or use a CA [04:05] i've tried the CA every time, and thought i'd go with a self signed this time around [04:06] You misread it, it give syou a list of commands to type and the refers to to a separte doc for "more details" on self signed keys. Itr does not say "so skip all the above and read this"! [04:07] Whether you are getting a certificate from a CA or generating your own self-signed certificate, the first step is to generate a key. [04:07] i generated the key, and the self-signed it [04:07] what else do i need to do? [04:07] self-sign it, and run it through CA? [04:07] I thought we were debugging the guide. To do that we need to start at the top of the guide and work through it, not deviating from what it says. [04:07] That is what I am doing. [04:08] ok, i generated my key, all is fine there... [04:08] I just got to the sudo /etc/init.d/postfix restart after the end of the cert part and it worked fine... OK. [04:08] which cert part? self signed? [04:09] The whole part. I did not read the "more details. You are using the 9.10 Server Guide, right? [04:09] yeah [04:09] did you create a CA or self sign the cert? [04:09] So tell me where it offers you two options, CA or self signed, on that page? [04:10] You can now submit this CSR file to a CA for processing. The CA will use this CSR file and issue the certificate. On the other hand, you can create self-signed certificate using this CSR. [04:10] I created a CA, because that is what the guide says to do. [04:10] there's the option [04:10] right above Creating a Self-Signed Certificate [04:11] jmarsden, ........ [04:12] so what am i supposed to do? create a CA then? [04:12] is that the *proper* way? even if the guide gives the option? [04:12] If it works, then move on :) Either way should work fine. [04:13] well back to my original question.... [04:13] billybigrigger> do i need to supply a CAfile if i did a self signed cert? [04:13] because postfix is now complaining it can't find the CAfile, since i entered this into postconf, from the guide [04:13] billybigrigger> sudo postconf -e 'smtpd_tls_CAfile = /etc/ssl/certs/cacert.pem' [04:14] which obviously doesn't exist [04:16] I'd try without it then. [04:16] the guide also gives the option to use cryus or dovecot sasl with smtp-auth [04:16] which one do YOU use? [04:16] dovecot [04:16] i' [04:16] hmmp [04:16] i tried cryus this time [04:16] actually I think the whole guide could be simplified to use the new dovecot-postfix package as a starting point... but that's a discussion for after we test the guide as it now is :) [04:17] ok, according to the guide...once i see this from ehlo mail.thefrozencanuck.ca my testing is done and i SHOULD have a working smtp server... [04:17] 250-STARTTLS [04:17] 250-AUTH LOGIN PLAIN [04:17] 250-AUTH=LOGIN PLAIN [04:17] 250 8BITMIME [04:17] right? [04:17] Probably, I can't make progress through it right now because you are asking too many questions too quickly :) [04:17] i see that perfectly...yet i still cant sendmail through thunderbird [04:17] hehe sorry for the q's [04:18] this guide needs a good thorough read-through [04:18] or a re-write [04:18] Can you send mail using (for example) date |mail -s "My test" user@someplace.else.com [04:18] from the server itself. [04:18] And that read through is what I was trying to give it... [04:18] no, because -bash: mail: command not found [04:19] :) [04:19] you mean while i'm netcat'd into port 25? [04:20] well, easier to sudo apt-get install heirloom-mailx # but you can test that way too [04:21] not good with smtp commands :) [04:21] Then do what I suggested and sudo apt-get install heirloom-mailx [04:21] is it in universe? [04:22] It's "just there" for me, when I run apt-get install, so I'd say yes it must be in universe or main :) [04:22] 9.10's apt sources come with universe disabled..so [04:22] got it now [04:23] jmarsden, ok that worked [04:23] sent a test to my hotmail account [04:23] From: billybigrigger@mail.thefrozencanuck.ca [04:24] where is the from header read? [04:24] ie i want @thefrozencanuck.ca [04:24] is that myhostname = mail.thefrozencanuck.ca [04:24] Talk about impatience! You have not yet got your mail server working... why are you trying to customize it already? [04:24] .... [04:24] :-O [04:25] haha sorry, i am impatient today [04:25] So how did you set up Thunderbird to authenticate when sending mail out via your mailserver? [04:25] just had my last cup of coffee just over an hour ago, and have been smashing my head on my desk for a few days over postfix/dovecot [04:25] Other than denting the desk, results of that operation are not reliable. [04:26] server: mail.thefrozencanuck.ca port: 25 username: billybigrigger secure authentication: yes connection security: starttls [04:26] tbird's settings [04:26] OK, and what error do you get from Thunderbird when you try to send mail using that connection? [04:26] it times out [04:27] billybigrigger: postfix is evil. :( [04:27] high five on that one [04:27] OK. So.. from the machine running Thunderbird, can you telnet to port 25 of your server? [04:27] * MenZa slides billybigrigger a mug of hot coffee. [04:27] Stay strong. [04:27] billybigrigger: You can set up sendmail if you prefer it and think it would be easier :) :) [04:27] jmarsden, no, because my ISP blocks 25 [04:27] which is why i need to setup submission on 587 [04:27] So then of course Tbird times out! [04:28] That is an invalid test of your server. [04:28] should i keep the same settings in tbird and just change the port to 587 then? [04:29] tcp 0 0* LISTEN 4396/master [04:29] Once you have the port 587 on the server opened, yes. Eo you have an MX record for your server already in place? So if I email billybigrigger@thefrozencanuck.ca is shoukd reach your server's port 25? [04:29] $ dig mx mail.thefrozencanuck.ca === erichammond1 is now known as erichammond [04:29] mail.thefrozencanuck.ca. 1800 IN CNAME thefrozencanuck.ca. [04:29] thefrozencanuck.ca. 150 IN MX 10 mail.thefrozencanuck.ca. [04:30] jmarsden, no because i haven't gotten imap/imaps configured, smtp is outbound, which you know already [04:31] So... you didn't go through the guide all the way, and you are complaining about things not working and are trying to reconfigure stuff?? Hmmm. [04:32] BTW I can't get to port 25 on from here, and I can get to lots of other SMTP servers OK... [04:32] So are you sure it is your ISP doing the port 25 blocking, not something at the server end? [04:32] tcp 0 0* LISTEN 4396/master [04:32] tcp 0 0* LISTEN 2072/sshd [04:32] tcp 0 0* LISTEN 4396/master [04:33] only services i have setup so far are ^^^ [04:33] ssh and postfix [04:33] i am too tired i think im just going to use this server to make my own site hold up [04:33] billybigrigger: And no firewall or packet filtering anywhere in play at all, hardware or software? [04:33] no [04:33] * billybigrigger checks iptables [04:34] no rules set [04:34] And the server IP is ? [04:34] no, where did you get that ip from? [04:34] dig mail.frozencanuck.ca +short [04:35] PING thefrozencanuck.ca ( 56(84) bytes of data. [04:35] Ah, I left out the "the" :| [04:35] :P [04:37] jmarsden, ok, another thing with this guide, the dovecot.conf doc's state if you want to use smtp-auth, which im assuming i do, enter protocols = none in the dovecot.conf [04:37] OK, your server is accepting mail on port 25 just fine. I just sent you a test using it. See if it is in /var/mail/billybigrigger [04:38] yeah i got it [04:38] accepting on 25, i thought imap/imaps pop3/pop3s accept mail on 143/993 etc.. [04:38] ??? [04:39] i thought smtp 25 was for outbound mail [04:39] They do. I was sending to you, so I sent *to* your SMTP server. My mail was outbound to your port 25. [04:39] Sounds like you are confused. [04:39] very [04:40] SMTP is all about moving email around the Internet from mail server to mail server. That is what it does, transport mail. SMTP == Simple Mail transport Protocol. [04:41] imap just moves it from maildir through smtp then? [04:41] err dovecot [04:41] POP3 and IMAP are for email clients who prefer not to use a shell account on your server and read email with the mail command (!), to have a way to get the mail to their local (non-server, perhaps non-Ubuntu) PC or laptop or whatever [04:41] fair enough [04:41] haha [04:42] so technically, i could run my mailserver just fine the way it is [04:42] i love this [04:42] if i wanted to send/recieve all my mail through a shell [04:42] billybigrigger: Sure :) [04:42] but who wants that? :P not i [04:42] If you only need that, you do not need dovecot at all. [04:42] no, what i'm really going for here is a roundcube/atmail setup for webmail [04:42] Im going to purge the gui's [04:43] X-M4-X: Yay :) [04:43] stupid thing is, i never had this much problems setting up mail at home on my vm server [04:43] maybe i just need to have a smoke break...i'll brb [04:43] OK. [04:43] lol i need a coffee break but i gotta wait a few hours [04:45] I feel like the gui just slows the server wayyyyyyyyyyyyy down [04:46] That might be a sign it lacks RAM? [04:46] But, don't add the GUI back anyway :) [04:46] Im adding more ram too :) [04:47] yeah................. now i remember why i added the gui [04:48] No, learn to use Linux from the shell prompt, it will server you better in the long term anyway. [04:49] I need to go AFK to eat with family... back in a while... [04:50] kk [05:08] jmarsden, still alive? [05:11] god this is HELL [05:12] is there a command to show all services? [05:12] * MenZa quickly refills billybigrigger's coffee mug. [05:12] hehe [05:12] X-M4-X: All active services, or all possible installed services?? [05:12] MenZa, thanks, but im on pepsi now :P [05:12] * jmarsden is back [05:12] all active [05:12] Eurgh, horrible substitute, billybigrigger! [05:13] yeah i don't drink much of it [05:13] dr. pepper FTW! [05:13] X-M4-X: sudo netstat -nl [05:13] dang thats alot [05:14] X-M4-X: Many of those are only listening on localhost, or on unix sockets, etc. [05:16] Ugh i shouldve left the GUI until i downloaded a panel to the document root folder [05:16] well im not re adding it now [05:16] X-M4-X: Why? Download the file using wget and untar it with tar ... what's the problem? [05:17] Thats what it was [05:17] im writing that command down [05:18] im trying to get into the document root and i forget what was it /var/www ? [05:18] Unless you changed it, yes [05:19] ok now i will download the cpanel and prey something doesnt mess up on me...if i did everything in mysql right it shouldnt [05:20] * genii hunts down his prey, the elusive coffee [05:25] lol i cant seem to rename that one file [05:25] X-M4-X: what exactly are you typing and what is the result? [05:26] rename -n index.html?404=Y index.html syntax error (eval 1) line 1 near index. [05:27] X-M4-X: quote the filename, ? is a special char. mv 'index.html?404=Y' index.html # should work [05:27] What is with rename -n, mv is shorter to type :) [05:28] ok thanks i now know that the site i was downloading from is now parked [05:29] X-M4-X: I don't think there is an "unpack remote website" command, so I can't help with that :) [05:29] lol === dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates [05:51] ugh anyone know what to do to unpack tar -e isnt working right [05:51] or at all [05:52] WHat is the file you are untarring named ? [05:52] webcp-0.5.7.tar.gz [05:52] tar zxf webcp-0.5.7.tar.gz [05:53] Where did you get the idea of -e from, by the way? [05:53] Did you try man tar [05:54] I don't think tar *has* a -e option... :) [05:55] i think he was thinking of unrar -e [05:55] Ah, maybe. [05:55] yeah..um its wanting to download every php file [05:56] http://socomgods.ath.cx/webcp/web [05:56] Is the apache php module enabled? I've helped someone with that issue before, but I forget the fix! [05:57] wait its not downloading php files its oi_gCQZv.part [05:57] what the hell thats not even listed as a file on the server [05:57] It may be just the index file you are having an issue with?? [05:57] index.php or whatever it is called? [05:58] X-M4-X, make sure php5 is located in /mods-enabled/ [05:58] and you might need to add the include for it [05:58] php that is [05:59] X-M4-X, /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/ [05:59] LOL you are a step ahead of me [05:59] i thought you were having a problem with index.php wanting to download, and not open [06:00] it is its downloading and not executing on the server [06:00] anyway.../etc/apache2/mods-enabled/ should all be symlinks of /etc/apache2/mods-available, same goes with sites-enabled and sites-available [06:00] X-M4-X: If you do echo -e "" >phpinfo.php in /var/www/ can you then browse to it and see the output OK? [06:01] (In other words, let's test to see if it is all .php files that are the issue, or just the index.php file) [06:01] might need to add an addhandler line for php in php.ini too [06:01] dude..........i dont even know how to open files [06:01] i remember having to do that just the other day with .phtml files [06:02] billybigrigger: Slow down, one thing at a time :) [06:02] i'm just stating what i had to do the other day when i had the problem of firefox wanting to download index.php as a .phtml file [06:03] billybigrigger: Yes, but it is too much for a newcomer to handle all at once :) [06:03] X-M4-X: If you do echo -e "" >phpinfo.php in /var/www/ can you then browse to it and see the output OK? [06:03] fair enough, i appologize for jumping into the conversation [06:04] I dont know how to do that [06:04] too much caffeine today :-O [06:04] ^^ i need some of that [06:04] X-M4-X: Error: "^" is not a valid command. [06:04] X-M4-X: You have a ssh shell into your server, or are typing at the server console, right? [06:04] X-M4-X, copy and paste that command into your terminal [06:04] i have both running [06:04] it will create a file called phpinfo.php with everything between " and " in it [06:05] X-M4-X: So you need to become root using sudo -s, then cd /var/www and then type the command echo -e "" >phpinfo.php [06:05] as billybigrigger says that creates a little test php file. [06:06] a very helpful test file i might add :P [06:06] billybigrigger: Was it *you* I worked on this for some time ago? :) [06:06] oh very possibly [06:06] :) [06:06] last time i remember you helping me was in jaunty+1 compiling kernels iirc [06:07] i could be wrong though [06:07] billybigrigger: I don't think that was me. [06:07] fair enough [06:08] X-M4-X: So, do we have a file named phpinfo.php in /var/www yet? [06:08] not yet [06:08] ssh is being gay [06:08] im just gonna do it via terminal [06:11] Ok still no [06:11] what's the problem X-M4-X ? [06:12] SSH is being weird and terminal has become in a loop [06:12] i reset the system [06:13] what was that code again? [06:14] What was being displayed on the console before you reset it? Maybe we need to fix that, first? :) [06:14] it just kept saying ">" over and over [06:14] never even stopped even after unplugging the keyboard that was very weirf [06:14] weird* [06:15] echo -e "" >phpinfo.php [06:15] and i think i know whats up with ssh [06:17] it just repeted the code i inputed [06:18] Did you forget the last part, >phpinfo.php [06:18] *is making sure he put it in right* [06:18] copy/paste is beautiful :) [06:19] i love the way gnome ubuntu handles copy paste, highlight text, and middle click to paste...pure awesomeness :P [06:19] What should normally be 2 second cut and paste into SSH has become a 20 minute task, and we're not there yet :) [06:19] now its wanting to download phpinfo.php [06:20] * billybigrigger has a funny feeling libapache2-mod-php5 isn't installed [06:20] OK, so all files are affected. Let's try sudo a2enmod php5 [06:20] about 3 hours ago when i got here it is a brand new fresh install [06:21] During the server install, what tasks did you select ? LAMP? [06:21] idk ive slept since the install [06:22] And you didn't document your install process... [06:22] OK, what did sudo a2enmod php5 do? [06:22] i got caught up in watching tv lol [06:23] If that's how seriously you take learning Ubuntu server, you'll soon have a real disaster on your hands :) [06:23] ERROR: php5 does not exist [06:23] :-O [06:23] hello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! weve found the problem i bet [06:23] https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/php5.html [06:23] better crack a can of dr.pepper and wipe the sleep from your eyes :P [06:24] OK, so let's do sudo tasksel install lamp-server [06:24] So we install Apache, MySQL and PHP (of whichever of them are missing), and we'll try from there. [06:25] billybigrigger: Those instructions are a bit long, I just ask tasksel to do all the work for me :) [06:26] fair enough [06:26] ^ [06:26] i prefer manual installing that is all [06:26] php is actually a breeze to install [06:26] X-M4-X: Any better now? [06:27] better than the postfix/dovecot doc's imo tehehe [06:27] havnt done it yet had to kick my cat off the tower [06:29] still asking me to download [06:29] Did you restart apache after installing the PHP packages? [06:30] well that would be a good idea wouldnt it....i forgot to do that [06:30] sudo service apache2 restart [06:30] done [06:31] OK, now retest [06:31] now its not asking me to download [06:32] So now it works, at least for phpinfo.php . Good :) [06:32] phpinfo works setup.php located at socomgods.ath.cx/webcp/web/setup.php still wanting to be downloaded [06:33] No, it doesn't it says: web://cp setup script [06:33] Error: Web://cp is not configured correctly. Please check your settings. [06:34] You got it to execute? [06:34] I browsed to it and this is what I saw, yes. [06:34] my systems messing up than [06:34] Reload it, maybe your browser is caching? [06:35] yep [06:35] So now you "just" need to fix webcp and you're all set :) [06:35] ok is ubuntu server based on debian? [06:36] Yes, in that Ubuntu as a whole is based on Debian. [06:36] But since I don't think you are a Debian expert/power user, I'm not sure how much that helps you out :) [06:37] well im done for tonight..........i have to get sleep as tomorrow is black friday i have to be up in like 3 hours [06:37] later [06:38] OK, goodnight :) And do read a Linux tutorial or three when you can, such as http://tldp.org/LDP/intro-linux/html/intro-linux.html [06:38] jmarsden, 1 more question for ya before you head to bed? or hang yourself in the bathroom [06:38] i bet your sick of q's aren't ya? :P [06:38] OK ... go for it... [06:39] ok, i have dovecot setup now, i can login with thunderbird to my mail server via imaps, now from my house i can't netcat to mail.thefrozencanuck.ca 25, but i can on submission port 587 [06:39] OK. [06:39] That sounds like your ISP doing its thing with port 25. [06:39] just in tbird, using port 587 using a username, with secure authentication and ssl/tls won't connect [06:39] it just times out [06:40] So SMTP auth seems to be broken or something... wait a sec... [06:40] when i ran ehlo in netcat, i ended up seeing 250-starttls, but not 250 auth lines [06:40] like i did when i tested smtp [06:43] If you test using openssl s_client -connect mail.thefrozencanuck.ca:587 -starttls smtp # you should see them. [06:46] so my problem lies in tbirds settings [06:46] (BTW that is in effect a "really smart netcat" which does STARTTLS for you). [06:46] Well,... maybe. timing out is definitely odd. [06:46] You can do the openssl s_client thing from the same machine Thunderbird is on, right? and the openssl s_client works? [06:47] yeah [06:48] OK. And Thunderbird is being told to use starttls on that connection, and to authenticate with a username and pw. I'm not sure what is wrong there... [06:50] In Thunderbird, you set the "secure connection" radio button to "TLS", right? [06:50] i might state im on tbird 3.0 [06:50] Ah... I only have 2.x here, it might have different dialogs. [06:51] its either none, starttls, or ssl/tls [06:51] its on ssl/tls [06:51] Ah, no, set it to STARTTLS and try again. [06:52] ssl/tls is for connections which always are SSL-encrypted. Port 587 only uses the crypto after seeing a STARTTLS command... [06:52] Sending of message failed. [06:52] An error occurred sending mail: Unable to authenticate to SMTP server mail.thefrozencanuck.ca. The server does not support any compatible secure authentication mechanism but you have chosen secure authentication. Try switching off secure authentication or contact your service provider. [06:52] with STARTTLS ^^^^ [06:52] Well, that's better in a sense. At least the two machines talk to each other now. [06:52] What do you have set regarding authentication exactly? [06:53] wow [06:53] now it works [06:53] wtf hehe [06:53] :) [06:53] i thought i had tried every combo in the smtp settings :P [06:53] Apparently not. [06:54] nope [06:54] thanks :) [06:55] No problem. [07:01] sigh... [07:01] test sent from hotmail still hasn't been recieved... [07:02] Nov 27 06:56:05 localhost postfix/smtpd[8154]: connect from bay0-omc4-s7.bay0.hotmail.com[] [07:02] Nov 27 06:56:05 localhost postfix/smtpd[8154]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from bay0-omc4-s7.bay0.hotmail.com[]: 554 5.7.1 : Relay access denied; from= to= proto=ESMTP helo= [07:02] Nov 27 06:56:05 localhost postfix/smtpd[8154]: disconnect from bay0-omc4-s7.bay0.hotmail.com[] [07:02] sigh.... [07:03] You didn't tell postfix you are @thefrozencanuck.ca, you told it you are @mail.thefrozencanuck.ca [07:03] ooooh misleading [07:03] Email to billybigrigger@mail.thefrozencanuck.ca should be received fine by you. [07:04] the test i sent to hotmail showed up as @thefrozencanuck.ca [07:04] Then you half configured your system one way and half the other, I suspect. [07:05] If hotmail shows you the RFC822 headers and smtp enveope headers, read them on that msg and look for where the msg really came from :) [07:06] rejected again [07:08] got er :) [07:08] any webmail clients i setup should be able to use port 25 right [07:08] i just need to use submission from home [07:08] seeing as port 25 is not blocked on my server [07:08] thanks for all the help jmarsden i finally got a working mail server :P w00t [07:09] Right. OK. BTW, try something like sudo postconf -e 'mydestination = mail.thefrozencanuck.ca, thefrozencanuck.ca, localhost, localhost.localdomain' [07:09] k [07:09] So your mailserver believes it should accept mail for user@thefrozencanuck.ca [07:10] ok [07:10] But for now... goodnight :) [07:10] myhostname = thefrozencanuck.ca [07:10] too? [07:10] or mail./ [07:10] mail. [07:10] I would leave that alone. [07:11] it was working with mail. [07:11] i'll leave it then [07:11] Right. You want it to work with both, so just adding the shorter one to mydestination *should* be enough. [07:11] k [07:12] right on [07:12] good night j [07:12] Goodnight. [07:26] New bug: #489071 in bind9 (main) "Bind9 unable to compile with DLZ due to static version request for libdb-4.2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/489071 [07:58] any reason the packages linux-image-server and linux-server are being "kept back" on 8.04 lts? [07:58] or is the default update behaviour to never touch kernel packages? [08:53] mdz: Any particular reason I'm not the assignee of https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/server-lucid-automated-testing ? I'm mostly asking because the burndown chart gets a bit confused by a bunch of work items assigned to some dude called "nobody". [09:22] soren: nobody usually does the work [09:30] acalvo: Yeah, nobody's quite the rockstar. [09:31] I am. [09:32] sure twb, you always are [09:32] I am a rock star. I rock out. [09:36] rock out loud then [11:22] <\sh> soren, any reason why we shouldn't use && package puppet 0.25.x and friends for lucid? [11:23] <\sh> s/package/sync from sid/ [11:47] \sh: would it require a sync of ruby, too? [11:47] * twb is guessing [11:47] <\sh> twb, looks like it's using still ruby 1.8 [11:47] Good-o [11:47] <\sh> (looking on p.d.o. unstable puppet) [11:50] <\sh> twb, I was just thinking about it...cause 2.5.x is the way to go [11:50] I would really hate puppet if the alternative wasn't cfengine... [12:03] <\sh> twb, that's why I tried puppet..and love it, because it has no hatefull syntax like cfengine ;) [12:04] <\sh> for me cfengine is like nagios, and puppet is like opennms...powerful but easy to use ;) [12:05] Puppet annoys me because I don't like putting puppet (or python, for that matter) on every host. [12:05] Er, s/puppet/ruby/ [12:06] Particularly because the hosts (e.g. CentOS 4) I deal with usually need an out-of-band ruby === georg is now known as kwork [12:08] That, and $cow-orker tells me that it completely fails to cope with different versions of puppet on different hosts, i.e. you are forced to either keep everything at the version of your oldest distro, or forced to backport a newer puppet to those old boxes. [12:24] <\sh> twb, as a sysadmin + package maintainer I do say: backport the version you are using on your master...so this helps...we did that yesterday [12:25] \sh: that network was a collection of FC1 through to CentOS5 [12:26] Backports = not fun [12:26] Oh, and the central server was of course the oldest one [12:26] <\sh> twb, ah...such an environment we don't use here...everything runs on the same OS + release...which helps [12:26] Yep, I agree [12:27] I would be a lot less annoyed with puppet if I was deploying it in a homogeneous environment, especially if all the hosts were in a single rack rather than in different countries [12:30] <\sh> hehe :) [12:54] morning === mtrudel_ is now known as cyphermox [13:56] smoser: ping [14:01] i think he is still on his holiday or donig black friday shopping [14:01] zul: hm, he doesn't appear in the magic away list. [14:03] ttx: ah so it doesnt [14:16] Pfft, crazy Americans. [14:16] Black Friday may refer to: [...] Black Friday (shopping), day after Thanksgiving Day [...] Black Friday bushfires, a day of devastating bushfires in Victoria, Australia [14:31] ttx: should I put in the whiteboard why a package got rejected during the review? (python-celementtree) [14:34] \sh: I have no opinion on the subject. [14:34] \sh: I was just on a different mission when I did that upload. :) [14:39] twb: There are (IIRC) more than one Black Friday just in Ireland. [14:40] zul: I'd not enter into too much detail in the whiteboard, but yes. Maybe use spec for details [14:40] Wouldn't surprise me in the slightest [14:41] k [15:12] New bug: #489215 in net-snmp "snmpd sigserv" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/489215 [15:31] hi.. need help ..Eucalyptus.. elasticfox.. putty instance access.. having key problems === fahadsadah is now known as Guest51643 === soren` is now known as soren [15:36] hi.. need help ..Eucalyptus.. elasticfox.. putty instance access.. having key problems === mjau is now known as gamla_kossan === Guest51643 is now known as fahadsadah [16:01] any idea why apt-get dist-upgrade isn't working on a Feisty box I'm trying to upgrade? [16:10] jonny_boy27: feisty hasn't been supported in a long time [16:10] I know it's not supported, that's why I want to upgrade my box ;) [16:11] jonny_boy27: well, apt-get dist-upgrade won't upgrade to a _newer_ release [16:11] no? I was under the impression that it would [16:12] oops, I meant intrepid, not feisty [16:12] I got my 8 and 7 mixed up :P [16:13] !dist-upgrade [16:13] A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. Please see !upgrade for the proper release upgrade methods. [16:13] oh! well, yes, intrepid is still supported, and apt-get dist-upgrade should pull in intrepid updates [16:13] !upgrade [16:13] For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading [16:14] aah, got it [16:16] soren: Dude! https://code.launchpad.net/~mdeslaur/vmbuilder/centos-support === dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk [16:34] hi all i'm trying to set up postfix/dovecot on my new VPS. Here is what i see in mail.log after sending a test mail from my gmail to a user account on the box http://dpaste.com/125926/ === dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates [16:55] * matrix i need a decoder tool for buy ioncube decoder [16:57] New bug: #489275 in postfix (main) "package postfix 2.6.5-3 failed to install/upgrade: le sous-processus nouveau script pre-installation a retourné une erreur de sortie d'état 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/489275 [17:04] in your experience what's the best log analyzer for squid cache proxy server? [17:14] orudie, seems like you missed a step somewhere [17:14] orudie, did you follow the server guide === dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk [17:37] billybigrigger, i have debian server, but i followed ubuntu guide :) [17:39] did you install dovecot? [17:39] yup [17:39] its running [17:40] pastebin your main.cf [17:40] from postfix, and your dovecot-postfix.conf === dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates [17:43] billybigrigger, http://pastebin.com/m4c5a6235 [17:44] and your dovecot.conf [17:44] what dovecot package did you install? [17:44] billybigrigger, yup just a sec [17:44] dovecot-common or dovecot-postfix? [17:45] billybigrigger, i cant find dovecot-postfix.conf [17:45] billybigrigger, dovecot-common [17:45] then you must have installed dovecot-common [17:45] dovecot.conf is the one then [17:46] billybigrigger, i cant fit it in my terminal shell :) [17:46] billybigrigger, to paste it [17:46] ok [17:46] open in nano or vi or whatever [17:46] look for mechanisms = [17:47] should be mechanisms = plain unless you have outlook clients, then you need to add login [17:47] billybigrigger, mechanisms = plain login [17:47] then search for "socket listen {" [17:48] the master { section should be all commented out [17:48] and in the client { section....find path = /var/spool/postfix/private/auth-client [17:48] billybigrigger, http://pastebin.com/m3a05ee1f [17:48] change your path to match ^^^ [17:48] and restart dovecot [17:49] tail the mail.log as you try and resend your test email [17:51] billybigrigger, so this path is wrong ? path = /var/run/dovecot/auth-client [17:52] billybigrigger, thats what the ubuntu server guide says and i just checked /var/run/dovecot/auth-client exists [17:52] https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/postfix.html [17:52] Configuring SASL [17:53] Next you will need to edit /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf. In the auth default section uncomment the socket listen option and change the following: [17:53] path = /var/spool/postfix/private/auth-client [17:53] mode = 0660 [17:53] user = postfix [17:53] group = postfix [17:53] straight from the guide bud [17:54] path = /var/spool/postfix/private/auth-client is what i have on a working server [17:54] billybigrigger, yes i see that you are right, but i just checked the path and the file aut-client is not there , but the directory path is there just no auth-client [17:56] billybigrigger@localhost:/var/spool/postfix$ sudo ls private/ [17:56] anvil bounce defer error lmtp maildrop proxymap relay rewrite scalemail-backend tlsmgr uucp virtual [17:56] auth-client bsmtp discard ifmail local mailman proxywrite retry scache smtp trace verify [17:58] Nov 27 16:19:50 server postfix/smtpd[28314]: warning: SASL: Connect to private/auth-client failed: No such file or directory [17:58] billybigrigger, :) [17:58] ^^ is from your error, which means /var/run/dovecot/auth-client doesn't exist either [17:58] billybigrigger: Error: "^" is not a valid command. [17:59] billybigrigger, so you do have auth-client i dont [17:59] look in postfix/main.cf smtpd_sasl_path = private/auth-client [18:00] thats from my setup [18:00] thats where your error is coming from [18:00] so what should i check ? [18:01] billybigrigger, locate auth-client [18:01] /var/run/dovecot/auth-client [18:01] The smtpd_sasl_path configuration is a path relative to the Postfix queue directory. [18:01] which guide are you following? [18:01] https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/index.html [18:02] err [18:02] https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/postfix.html [18:02] not that one [18:02] ok, well your reading the same guide as me [18:02] it's all in there [18:02] yeah i've been looking [18:02] there [18:02] for the past 3 days :) [18:02] if your reading that guide... [18:02] in /etc/postfix/main.cf smtpd_sasl_path = private/auth-client [18:03] and in /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf path = /var/spool/postfix/private/auth-client [18:06] billybigrigger, smtpd_sasl_path = private/auth-client says /etc/postfix/main.cf [18:06] billybigrigger, my config [18:09] and your dovecot.conf [18:09] * genii sips [18:11] billybigrigger, http://pastebin.com/m3a05ee1f [18:12] ok, path = /var/spool/postfix/private/auth-client [18:13] billybigrigger, is it normal to change the path even though the file doesnt exist ? [18:13] works for me [18:13] although i'm not on debian [18:13] but reading a guide on debianadmin.com shows path = /var/spool/postfix/private/auth [18:13] try it [18:14] what's the worst thats going to happen? [18:14] the same error? :P [18:14] i'd # comment that line out and insert a new one so you have the old path to revert back to though [18:14] billybigrigger, ok i'm gonna try it now [18:15] remember to tail -f /var/log/mail.log while you send that test message [18:16] billybigrigger, http://pastebin.com/m1d4b97dc [18:17] path = /var/spool/postfix/private/auth-clien [18:17] clien? [18:17] :) [18:17] yeah i saw i fixed it [18:17] :) [18:19] billybigrigger, good news http://pastebin.com/m754d2401 [18:20] in postfix/main.cf what does mynetworks = [18:20] billybigrigger, new error but i think its still not complete [18:20] !logs [18:20] Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/ [18:21] oh [18:21] not mynetworks [18:21] billybigrigger, :) [18:21] orudie, make sure mydestination= is setup properly [18:22] mydestination = mail.rootforum.net, server.wtfever.net, localhost.wtfever.net, localhost [18:22] is what you have [18:22] this is what it SHOULD look like [18:22] mydestination = rootforum.net, mail.rootforum.net, server.wtfever.net, localhost.wtfever.net, localhost [18:23] otherwise you need to send mail to @mail.rootforum.net [18:23] but i imagine you want to send mail to @rootforum.net [18:23] billybigrigger, yes :) [18:25] billybigrigger, ok i just changed the line [18:28] billybigrigger, http://pastebin.com/m4ea07950 [18:28] all is good then [18:29] billybigrigger, thanks a lot, do you mind to see if i can connect with thunderbird [18:29] ? [18:29] sure [18:30] billybigrigger, i keep getting connection refused from thunderbird [18:30] billybigrigger, trying to add mail account to thunderbird :) [18:30] what protocols are you using? [18:31] imap imaps pop3 pop3s? [18:31] billybigrigger, i Only want to use pop3 [18:31] billybigrigger, but i'm not sure whats setup :) [18:32] what do you mean your not sure? [18:32] YOU set it up [18:32] :P [18:32] I've installed ubuntu server on a machine without a monitor. Do I have to login to that machine before it will start sshd and other processes, such as LAMP, and what not, or does it do it automatically and is fine sitting at the login screen? [18:32] t0rc, ssh should be installed/started on first boot [18:33] orudie, sudo netstat -ntlp4 |grep LISTEN [18:33] billybigrigger, so even though it is sitting at the: login: whatever screen, it should be running sshd? [18:34] yeah [18:35] orudie, that netstat command will tell you whats open and accepting connections on your server [18:35] So if I picked, "do not configure network at this time" during installation, do I need to go configure the network now? or would it automatically figure out it needs DHCP? [18:35] hehe [18:35] t0rc, your going to need to plugin a monitor and configure networking before you can ssh [18:35] dammit lol [18:36] all right; how do I go about configuring the network then? [18:37] billybigrigger, http://pastebin.com/m74837440 [18:38] t0rc, can i ask why you didn't setup dhcp on install? [18:38] orudie, do you see dovecot listed there? [18:39] i would say you don't have any protocols in use :P [18:39] edit /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf and look for protocols = [18:39] restart dovecot and run netstat again [18:40] billybigrigger, well I had it in a different room at the time of install and it wasn't connected to the LAN [18:40] t0rc, ahh [18:40] t0rc, honestly i've never setup networking from scratch [18:41] but....i imagine you could start at /etc/network/interfaces [18:41] billybigrigger, dovecot.conf shows protocols = none , which protocol do you recommend ? [18:41] billybigrigger, i Only want to use pop3 [18:41] :P [18:41] billybigrigger, yeah, it works for me on the other server , but do you recommend perhaps to use something else ? [18:41] i use imaps [18:42] billybigrigger, indeed, thanks. Do you know of a way to prevent external access to the machine? Say, I want to block all IPs except local ones? [18:42] t0rc, iptables [18:43] iptables --list should show any rules you have set...by default there all set to accept [18:43] you could change it to deny, and add an exception for your lan [18:44] billybigrigger, so to define pop3 , the line should say: protocols = pop3 or protocols = POP3 ? [18:46] hello i need help setting up mysql [18:50] orudie, pop3 [18:50] k i gotta run [18:50] payday so i need to get some bills paid and some shoppin [18:50] later [18:51] billybigrigger, later thanks for help [18:52] as soon as i changed protocols = none to protocols = pop3 , I get error Can't use mail executable /usr/lib/dovecot/pop3: No such file or directory [18:52] Fatal: Invalid configuration in /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf [18:55] Can someone tell me how to edit files? Please,, it would be helpful thing to know [18:57] X-M4-X use nano [18:57] nano? [18:57] X-M4-X: use vi or nano (with sudo if necessary) [18:58] !nano | X-M4-X [18:58] X-M4-X: Text Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code [18:58] thanks now i can enter the incluedes for webcp === MianoSM is now known as mianosm [18:59] and enter mysql information [18:59] !mysql | X-M4-X [18:59] X-M4-X: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) [18:59] :PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP [19:02] * bogeyd6 sexors ubottu [19:03] !mysql error access denied for root@localhost using password NO [19:03] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [19:05] hi [19:05] so dont i need to enter my password? [19:08] X-M4-X not if you are the root user, there is typically no password for root@localhost [19:09] however if you are any other user you will not be able to use root@localhost [19:09] !root | bogeyd6 [19:09] bogeyd6: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo [19:10] !noroot | guntbert [19:10] guntbert: We do not support having a root password set. See !root and !wfm for more information. [19:10] root password isnt existant unless you set it, you will not be able to do anything [19:10] !sudo | X-M4-X [19:10] X-M4-X: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE) [19:10] bogeyd6: so why did you ask X-M4-X "if you are the root user" [19:11] guntbert please re-read said lines from my client and then make a rational decision [19:11] I always just log in as root to my server its easier [19:11] X-M4-X not supported here brah [19:13] i need to get into mysql and set up webcp [19:15] X-M4-X i dont even know how to use webcp :) [19:16] me neither i would install cpanel but its not free [19:18] you gonna have to check their websitre [19:19] cpanel isnt free so i would find it nulled but thats illegal and i dont feel like getting raped in prison [19:20] X-M4-X http://www.web-cp.net/forums/login.php?redirect=../chat.php === luis__lopez is now known as luis_lopez [19:32] orudie, you still having pop issues? [19:33] orudie, i don't think your following the guide to well :) [19:33] https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/dovecot-server.html [19:33] To install dovecot, run the following command in the command prompt: [19:33] sudo apt-get install dovecot-imapd dovecot-pop3d [19:33] if your never going to use imap or imaps, don't install dovecot-imapd [19:34] billybigrigger, i installed pop3d and autheticated through thunderbird, now trying to figure out outgoing server [19:34] are you trying to connect from home? [19:34] yup [19:34] hehe [19:35] port 25 issue ? [19:35] i don't know your isp, but most isps block outbound port 25 [19:35] yeah [19:35] ISP ? [19:35] ok [19:35] you need to use the submission port [19:35] 587? [19:35] ie, edit /etc/postfix/master.cf and uncomment the submission stuff and restart postfix [19:35] yeah [19:35] then tell tbird to connect on 587 [19:36] This is a good general practice even if 25 isn't blocked. [19:36] how do i add a mail account, [19:36] submission inet n - - - - smtpd [19:36] -o smtpd_tls_security_level=encrypt [19:36] -o smtpd_sasl_auth_enable=yes [19:36] -o smtpd_client_restrictions=permit_sasl_authenticated,reject [19:36] -o milter_macro_daemon_name=ORIGINATING [19:37] i uncommented all that , is that right ? [19:37] A lot of public internet providers like ISPs and hotels transparently redirect port 25 through their MTAs even if they don't block it. [19:37] yeah [19:37] billybigrigger, [19:37] ok [19:37] orudie, yes [19:37] ScottK, good to know [19:38] so don [19:38] err. [19:38] so don't even bother using port 25, just setup all clients to use smtp 587 [19:38] is what your saying [19:39] billybigrigger: For mail client to MTA submission, yes. [19:39] For some legacy MS clients you may also need SMTPS on port 465. [19:40] outlook & windows mail ftw! [19:40] bahaha [19:40] billybigrigger, ok, i did that still having trouble with outgoing in thunderbird, however its giving a new error now about connecting to smtp server [19:40] are you using secure connection and STARTTLS? [19:40] or ssl/tls? [19:41] i have tbird setup on mine to use 587, with NO secure auth, and STARTTLS [19:42] guys i love my server lol [19:42] tbird 3.0 that is, im sure 2.0 is similar in dialogs, but maybe worded different [19:43] billybigrigger, seems all ok now , was my thunderbird input [19:43] billybigrigger, you have no idea how thankful I am [19:44] meh [19:44] i was in the same boat as your for the last couple of days :) [19:44] billybigrigger, the only thing that I want to do still is spamassasin and antivirus [19:44] just passing what i learned from mr marsden :P [19:45] https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/mail-filtering.html [19:45] is your best bet :P [19:45] hey can i add an account to dovecot, is there a default one i can use to test on? [19:47] ? [19:48] unless you have setup virtual users, then just add a user to your system [19:48] user@yourdomain.com [19:48] I got my mail server to finally accept connections however i need to add an account.......thanks [19:48] use your non-root account [19:49] mdeslaur: You must be mad :) [19:49] X-M4-X, orudie did you both setup aliases for your root account? [19:49] ie, all mail sent to root@yourdomain.com forwarded to your non-root email [19:49] no [19:50] billybigrigger, nope [19:51] Ok i tried doing root@devhost as in devhost being the servers hostname and it pops up again asking for a username [19:52] look into /etc/aliases [19:52] ie. webmaster: root, then on a new line root: yourusername [19:52] any mail to webmaster@ or root@ will be forwarded to your non-root mailbox [19:53] cd /etc/aliases not a directory [19:55] maybe i should look in mail name? [19:55] actually i never set up aliases maybe i should do that first? [19:56] /etc/aliases is a file, not a directory :) [19:56] Look in it with less /etc/aliases or edit it with nano /etc/aliases or whatever editor you prefer [20:00] k well postmaster: root is the only line in the file [20:01] X-M4-X: You should probably add a line that says root: xm4x and then run sudo newaliases (where xm4x is your username on the machine) [20:02] ok ill try that [20:04] ugh [20:04] asking for credentials [20:05] Who is asking for what credentials when? [20:07] anyone here using libvirt with kvm? I had a test setup with two machines, where live migration was working... [20:07] and now it's busted, and I'm not sure why. [20:07] the VM moves, but it's DOA at the other end. [20:07] kvm is running, and you can connect to the console (serial and vnc), but the OS is hard locked. [20:09] unit3: I've used KVM, but only on a single physical server. Did you try asking in #ubuntu-virt ? [20:09] oh, no, didn't know the channel existed. I'll head there, thx. :) [20:09] No problem. [20:13] billybigrigger, i added line root: user right under webmaster: root [20:13] billybigrigger, any services to restart ? [20:13] can anyone point me in the right direction on how to change the hostname on my 9.10 server? [20:14] i've modified /etc/hosts, /etc/hostname, used hostname , and it always changes back on reboot [20:14] this is on the default ec2 image [20:19] ok i think i figured it out [20:20] jmarsden: hi, whats the purpose of KVM device [20:20] There's a kvm device? As in /dev/kvm ?? Or do you mean, a keyboard/video/monitor switch? [20:22] jmarsden: yeah, what KVM you mention about..? [20:23] Oh, that wasn't a device. In that context, KVM is a technology for running virtual machines. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM [20:23] jmarsden:ok sorry.. [20:23] can i just not require authentication for testing purposes ?? [20:24] authentication for what service(s) for what purposes? Like -- no passwords at all on all logins? Bad idea :) [20:24] email [20:24] Are you talking SMTP auth, or for ldap/pop3 login? [20:24] no auth required on incoming and outgoing server [20:26] You could turn off SMTP auth (which should only be needed when you want to have the server relay a message to a remote domain)... then you'd have created an open relay and would get on various blacklists rather quickly...! [20:26] Why is SMTP auth a problem for your testing? [20:26] I cant login to the mail server for anything [20:27] Then you need to fix that. Can your (non-root) user receive mail over SMTP OK? [20:27] i cant login with either one to any email client [20:28] That doesn't answer my question. You don't need to log in to send email to someone (otherwise you would be able to send me email unless I have you my password...!) [20:28] *gave [20:29] CAn you telnet to port 25 of the server and send an email to youruser@yourdomain.com and have it be delivered to that user? [20:29] no it is asking for a username and password to be able to access the mail server [20:29] That does not sound correct. Is this server on the Internet? Can you tell me its IP address and the user@domain.com email address of a user on that server? [20:30] So i can test it from here. [20:30] i can put it on the internet give me a few minutes to get the ports forwarded for smtp and whats the imap port? [20:31] 143, but I don't need that one on the Internet. However, I have to go and do some real work for a client fairly soon... === luis__lopez is now known as luis_lopez [20:34] ok well the ip is user is admin@devhost [20:35] domain should just be devhost if not try admin@devteamsn.com [20:36] Ok, let's see what I can find... [20:37] Um. 256 is not a vaild 8 bit number... [20:37] *valid [20:37] So that is not an IP v4 address [20:38] oops sorry its 246 lol [20:41] Do you *really* have a username of admin on that machine? and it really has a domain name of devteamsn.com ? It shows up as ubuntu.localdomain in the SMTP banner... [20:42] I am not being prompted for a password to send you email, BTW. I just keep getting told the email user I am sending to does not really exist, basically... [20:43] Really? how in the .......im switching mail clients and how do you find ubuntu.localdomain i thought i changed that [20:43] telnet 25 and read the banner :) === dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk === dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates [20:44] I have to go, will probably be back here in a few hours... recheck your configuration carefully. Look through everything sudo postconf -n outputs for anything you don't expect... [20:55] * X-M4-X afk [21:11] ahhhhh [21:12] i have a problem running bzr stat onan nfs4 share... anyone? [21:12] Im about to purge and reinstall the entire dovecot-postfix package [21:13] i have a problem running bzr stat on an nfs4 share... the command just hangs.... help anyone? [21:20] anyone here [21:20] me [21:21] you know the mail server right? [21:21] !dovecot [21:21] IMAP and POP are protocols for fetching email. The officially-supported server in Ubuntu is Dovecot (packages "dovecot-imapd" for IMAP, and "dovecot-pop3d" for POP) - See also !MailServer for information on the SMTP protocol [21:22] i need to know how to change ubuntu.localdomain === dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk [21:27] X-M4-X https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/email-services.html === dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates === RoyK is now known as Guest55951 [21:53] * soren calls it a day (and week) [22:16] New bug: #489384 in samba (main) "package samba-common 2:3.4.0-3ubuntu5.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/489384 [22:26] thanks but that failed [22:32] soren: oh? that qualifies me as being mad? :) [22:34] apt-get updates [22:34] oops [22:35] wrong keyboard [22:35] its always a good idea to run that command? === dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk [22:38] i have an emi image that i am trying to get running with eucalyptus 1.6 on karmic. the image was modified from euca-ubunut-9.04. the disk size is 1.5G, but when i try and do a euca-run-instance with m1.small, it dies do to (not enough disk space on VM of type instance i-xxxxxx). but if i use c1.medium is deploys just fine. is the disk space for c1.small really 2gig as euca-describe-availability-zones verbose says? [23:31] New bug: #489398 in drbd8 (universe) "Unable to use use LVM with DRBD block devices as PV" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/489398 [23:34] hello [23:35] anyone using Ubuntu with Linux Virtual Server (LVS) for load balancing?