
maxb.....that's a bit special.... "bzr multi-pull" is pulling the same branch over and over again!00:01
maxbToo many levels of symbolic links: u'/home/maxb/wc/bzr/bzr-svn/1.0/1.0/1.0/1.0/1.0/1.0/1.0/1.0/1.0/1.0/1.0/1.0/1.0/1.0/1.0/1.0/1.0/1.0/1.0/1.0/1.0/1.0/1.0/1.0/1.0/1.0/1.0/1.0/1.0/1.0/1.0/1.0/1.0/1.0/1.0/1.0/1.0/1.0/1.0/1.0/1.0/1.0/.bzr/branch-format'00:01
maxbwhich would be fine, except there's not a symlink in sight00:02
maxboh, yes there is00:03
=== lamont` is now known as lamont
beunovila, ping01:27
beunovila, what am I missing besides medusa to run all the tests?01:27
beunoMissing feature 'FTPServer' skipped 42 tests.01:27
beunovila, http://paste.ubuntu.com/329884/01:28
lifelessbeuno: python-medusa01:31
lifelessnot medusa01:31
beunohi lifeless01:32
beunolemme try that..01:32
beuno(would make a truck-load of sense)01:33
lifelessbeuno: (note that you can't run all the tests, ever).01:33
lifelessbeuno: because windows isn't linux and linux isn't windows.01:34
beunolifeless, I'm going to let other worry about windows for now01:34
beunoI get the same thing, sftp tests skipped01:34
lifelessbeuno: ftp or sftp ?01:35
beunolifeless, sftp01:35
beunoMissing feature 'FTPServer' skipped 42 tests.01:35
lifelesspython-medusa should have been it01:35
beunoit didn't  :/01:36
beunoI guess I can TDD anyway, and figure out the FTP part tomorrow01:37
lifelessbeuno: what are you working on ?01:37
beunolifeless, bzr-upload, going to implement a few new features01:37
beunostarting off with a .bzr-upload-ignores01:38
lifelessyou can check the feature availability test01:38
beunotell me more01:39
lifelessgrep for FTPServerFeature, I think it is01:41
lifelessin bzrlib.transports.ftp01:41
beunoftp/_gssapi.py:    if ftp_server.FTPServerFeature.available():01:42
beunofrom bzrlib.tests import ftp_server01:43
beunothere's a comment: # medusa is bogus under python2.601:44
beunocan't find anythin in apt with it though01:45
lifelesskeep pulling the string01:48
beunomaybe pyftpd01:55
beunovila, https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~beuno/bzr-upload/ignores/+merge/1534603:21
beunoI managed to get some decent coding after *months*03:21
beunoTDD and everything03:21
beunovila, I'm dissapointed you're not awake at 4:30am on a Saturday to review my branch03:23
beunoand I am also dissapointed in how long it takes Launchpad to generate a diff with no feedback at all03:24
=== Toksyury1l is now known as Toksyuryel
Glenjaminhi guys, i'm trying to convince the company I work at to choose bzr over git for future projects, and i'm wondering what my options are for a central repository with secure access control10:40
Glenjaminis there some way to proxy the dedicated mode of bzr serve through apache or similar?10:41
jszakmeisterYou might want to check out: http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/bzr.2.0/en/user-guide/http_smart_server.html10:44
jszakmeisterI've not tried it yet (just don't have enough 'roundtuits)10:45
thropehi - is it possible to pull/move a file from an unrelated repo preserving history?13:10
thropesorry pull or copy I mean13:11
thropeI would like to have be able to import a single file with history from another repo13:12
thropeI'm guessing not but wondered if there was any trickery with rebase or something that could do it13:13
jelmerthrope: You can use merge13:20
jelmerthrope, but that'll pull of the contents of the other repo13:20
thropeI guess I could branch the source repo, delete everything but the file I want, then merge? (acutally I didn't think you could merge unrelated branches)13:21
thropeI get bzr: ERROR: Branches have no common ancestor, and no merge base revision was specified.  when I test merging13:23
jelmeryou can merge unrelated branches by specifying -r0..-113:24
thropesame with bzr merge -r 1 ../a13:24
thropegreat thanks13:24
thropeonly thing is it pulls the whole history of other branch (i guess obvious) but I only really want to changes of that file13:29
binghey folks.  i'm looking for a volunteer to take a cvs tree, and a svn tree and merge them into a single bzr tree.  i know it can't be much fun, but i figure *somebody* has to like doing this stuff.13:49
thropemwhudson: another minor loggerhead thing... running another public instance at a nonroot url (but still https, apache proxypass)... if I go to https://www.host.net/bzr/ then everything works perfect but if I got to https://www.host.net/bzr (no trailing slash) then the repo links on the browsing page are broken (go to host.net/repo instead of host.net/bzr/repo)...14:52
thropeI tried playing with apache settings a bit, and have --prefix set in loggerheadd script; running the relative links patches from the other day14:52
Glenjaminwe're looking at possibly setting up bazaar for our office, and i'm looking into how to get an access controlled central repository with access only over an encrypted transport - currently i think my options are bzr+https with auth via apache, and bzr+ssh with a wrapper like http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~bzr-pqm/bzr/bzr.dev/annotate/head%3A/contrib/bzr_ssh_path_limiter - can anyone offer some...15:26
vilaGlenjamin: Looks like you already found the right bits, do you have more precise questions ?15:32
Glenjaminwell, what would be the performance implications of one or the other15:32
vilaThe performances should be roughly equivalent AFAIK, you're adding either SSL or ssh encryption anyway15:33
Glenjamini think the second option would allow me to supply per-branch permissions as well - but i'm unsure if this would screw up with file ownership15:33
Glenjaminmy main issue is that i've got to convince our sysadmin that either of these is better than the git equivalent :)15:34
vilahttp[s] implies a single user on the remote host whereas ssh allows you to either use a single one or several, it depends on how you configure things15:34
vilaWhat is the git equivalent on the admin side ?15:35
Glenjaminwell if we were using the https approach, i think we'd have to wrap it with http auth15:35
Glenjaminthere's either git-daemon, which is pretty much bzr serve, so no encryption15:35
Glenjaminor ssh, where there's a git-shell which is a bit like the python script i linked to above15:35
vilaRight, so both use a single account on the remote host for ssh right ?15:36
* vila thinks a single right should be enough...15:37
Glenjaminwell i was mostly expecting that each developer should have their own credentials, in the https case this would be done via apache, and for ssh it'd just be different user accounts15:37
beunovila, hi!15:38
vilabeuno: hey !15:38
vilaGlenjamin: so, if you go the several accounts route, you will encounter more problems to share, since the file system persmissions will come into play, what OS is used on the remote host ?15:40
Glenjamini suppose one user with multiple keys might be a decent compromise, so that each user has different credentials to log in15:41
vilathat's a good point ;) What release (just out of curiosity but also to check which bzr version is available there)15:41
beunovila, did you get my messages?15:41
Glenjamini think its jaunty15:41
Glenjaminbut i might be able to talk him into adding the bazaar ppa15:41
vilabeuno: not yet I presume, I haven't check my mail yet, but I've seen your messages here, I'll will look at that closely and soon, but may be not right now :-)15:41
vilaGlenjamin: gee, but you already know all the tricks ! Why are you asking questions :-)15:42
Glenjaminbecause its not me that needs convincing :)15:42
Glenjamini've been using bazaar for personal stuff, plus bzr-svn at work for a while15:42
Glenjaminwe're looking at using a DVCS for new projects, but everyone else is leaning towards git, mainly because of the visibility of github15:43
Glenjaminie. they want to use git because its probably more popular15:43
vilaGlenjamin: So, IMHP, the safer (as in: simpler, less trouble, hence raising less questions from your admin) is the single ssh account and the additional script15:44
Glenjaminmakes sense15:44
Glenjaminand then loggerhead proxied through apache for web browsing15:44
vilathe biggest question may be which workflows you want to allow, is it a single trunk on the host or also the ability for each dev to mirror its own branches or do you want team branches where several dev can commit too, etc15:45
Glenjamini think it'll be a nominated mainline per project, and then all development branches mirrored to the repo15:46
Glenjaminand there's no real reason i can see why some dev branches cant be shared15:46
vilabeuno: regarding pyftpd, I'm pretty sure I documented the URL to download from somewhere, there is no debian/ubuntu package AFAIK, but it's a single .py file15:46
vilaGlenjamin: then, would you restrict the sharing or should everybody be able to write everywhere ?15:47
Glenjaminhrm, ideally we'd want to be able to restrict some repos to certain users15:47
vilaDid you look at the bzr_access script too ?15:48
viladisclaimer: I haven't use either15:48
Glenjamini skimmed it earlier, loggerhead is having a fit any wont show it to me anymore :(15:50
vilaGlenjamin: Hey ! Are you related to Neil Martinsen-Burell ???15:50
Glenjamini'm not15:50
Glenjaminbut if i recall he's been doing some stuff on a bug i reported15:50
vilagelnjamin.co.uk having trouble with http authenticated access after redirection ?15:51
vilabug #395714 ?15:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 395714 in bzr "Redirect to location protected by HTTP auth fails" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39571415:51
Glenjaminthats the one15:51
vilaThat's weird, he seems to be able to reproduce the bug and I'm not :-/15:52
Glenjaminhrm, i'll update bzr on this machine and have a go15:54
vilaRegarding your remark about loggerhead, you mean you don't have the bzr sources locally ?15:54
Glenjamini'm aiming to replace the setup we have at the moment which is SVN over DAV with apache, where the devs dont have any other access to that box15:55
vilabzr_access should be far enough with a single ssh account then. At least that's how I understand its intent.15:56
vilabeuno: still there ?15:59
vilabeuno: good, enjoy your week-end :-D16:00
Glenjaminhrm, i think i'd only be able to get per-branch (ie. per-project) access control if i go back to the bzr+https approach16:01
Glenjaminthe ssh command bazaar sends to start up the hpss using ssh doesnt know which branch its after16:02
beunovila, kind of16:04
Glenjaminvila: updated to all the latest bzr releases, and i can still reproduce the bug16:25
Glenjaminwhich version are you using?16:25
vilaGlenjamin: lp:~vila/bzr/395714-auth-redirect16:26
vilathe bug is genuine, but Neil said even eith the fix in the branch above he still reproduces the bug16:26
j85wilsonI have, in my code tree, several directories which contain code which is compiled into executables.  The executables have the same name as the directories.  I want to ignore them, but "Regular expression patterns may not include named or numbered groups."16:32
j85wilsonIs there another way to do this?16:32
j85wilsonRE:\(.*\)/\1 in .bzrignore does not accomplish my goal.16:32
Glenjaminjust be explicit?16:33
j85wilsonDirectories get added frequently.  I don't want to have to, and don't want my users (physicists, we're writing analysis code, so my users are coders) to have to, edit .bzrignore all the time.16:33
Glenjamincould you change the build process to put all the executables in one /bin directory?16:35
j85wilsonI don't think so.  Too much of a break with history-weighted process.16:35
j85wilsonwait, maybe I've got an idea.16:36
j85wilsonnot sure if I've got the grouping syntax and such correct for python regex16:36
j85wilsonbut RTFMing.16:36
mathrickis anyone working on bzr-git currently?16:37
mathrickputting up with git is beyond my patience, I'd really like to have a sane frontend to that idiocy16:37
vilamathrick: jelmer is16:38
mathrickjelmer: my hero!16:38
mathrickis it any usable? Last I checked (long time ago), it wasn't16:38
vilamathrick: AFAIK, it is, with less and less restrictions (I don't know the details though)16:39
* mathrick goes to check it out16:39
beunovila, I sumbitted a merge proposal for the ignore feature in bzr-upload. I still can't get the testsuite to tun FTPServer tests though16:39
vilabeuno: if you're using python2.6 you need pyftpdlib16:40
mathrickseriously, git is just retarded16:40
* jelmer waves16:40
mathrickjelmer: hola!16:40
jelmermathrick, everything except for true push should be working16:40
mathrickcool, can I use it directly on a git-cloned repo, or do I need to go through bzr-git?16:40
beunovila, where do I get it from?16:41
* vila searching for the pyftpdlib URL16:41
jelmermathrick: you should be able to use it directly on a git-cloned repo16:41
* mathrick pants a little16:41
jelmermathrick, although that'll still have some quirks since there is no equivalent of the index in bzr16:42
mathrickjelmer: right now just getting me bzr missing with git will be way awesomer than plain git :)16:42
Glenjamini'm having trouble compiling bzr on windows - its saying cannoy find -lzdll, which i'm sure i've seen before and solved16:42
Glenjamindoes it ring any bells for anyone?16:42
jelmermathrick, that won't work on remote git repositories unfortunately though16:42
vilabeuno: as mentioned in bzrlib/tests/ftp_server/pyftpdlib.py : http://code.google.com/p/pyftpdlib/16:42
beunovila, where do I put it?16:43
vilabeuno: no debian/ubuntu packages AFAIK, but it's a simple py file, put it somewhere in your PYTHONPATH16:43
vila$HOME/lib/python  :)16:43
jelmermathrick: (it's impossible since the server doesn't provide enough data)16:43
mathrickwhy does it have to be so stupid and so popular?16:44
vilaGlenjamin: rings a bell too... should be mentioned in setup.py or one of its included files16:44
mathrickjelmer: so how does it handle that situation? Or does it not? :)16:45
vilaGlenjamin: or maybe you have to rename something.... isn't there a wiki page about building on windows ?16:45
beunovila, that worked!  (and they all passed)16:47
vilaGlenjamin: http://bazaar-vcs.org/WindowsInstall says:     *16:47
vila      Zlib - zlib123-dll.zip | Homepage Extract zlib123-dll.zip to temporary folder and copy zlib1.dll into C:\Windows\System3216:47
vilabeuno: you rock !16:47
Glenjaminah, thanks16:47
beunovila, would be nice to make a package for that  *wink*16:47
Glenjaminthere's about 6 different wiki pages for bazaar install on windows :D16:47
vilaGlenjamin: feel free to add comments pointing to the one that works for you ! It's a wiki :D16:48
Glenjamini'll test it first, i get the feeling that this step might be more for VS than GCC16:48
jelmermathrick: it can't unless somebody fixes the git smart server16:53
jelmermathrick, it'll simply tell you "not supported over git://"16:54
j85wilsonwell, I haven't been able to make that regex (or any variant thereof) work properly either.16:54
Glenjaminvila: right, finally managed to build the branch - i get a KeyError on 'protocol' now16:54
Glenjamini wonder if it might be simpler to use a defaultdict with None for auth16:54
j85wilsondoes anybody know why "Regular expression patterns may not include named or numbered groups."?  This seems a silly restriction to someone who doesn't know anything.16:55
vilaGlenjamin: grrr, I don't think so, the problem is I can't figure which codepath is involved in your case, can you provide me with a .bzr.log for a command run with -Dhttp (taking care of removing any auth header that may reveal your credentials (that includes Basic or Dihest related headers)16:57
mathrickwoah, I haven't visited the bzr page in a long time it seems16:58
* mathrick wonders at the shiny new look16:58
Glenjaminthat url isnt a real branch, its just an empty repository with http auth on16:58
vilaGlenjamin: -Dhttp will tell me :)16:59
vilaGlenjamin: you can send me the .bzr.log by mail if you prefer, if any credentials are left, at least you'll have only one culprit to track :)17:00
Glenjamini'm fairly sure there arent any valid credentials for that auth config anyway17:00
vilabzr-svn !17:01
vilajelmer: are you using the _urllib2_wrappers ability to follow redirections ?17:01
vilaGlenjamin: can you retry that with and additional --no-plugins ?17:02
jelmervila: no17:03
Glenjaminworks now17:03
vilaGlenjamin: ok, at least I know where to search (even if jelmer pretends to be innocent :-D)17:05
Glenjaminthe issues all stem from trying to access non-existant keys in the auth dict17:05
vilaGlenjamin: that's the apparent cause, a deeper one is that we shouldn't use that code path but one that create the auth dict correctly,17:06
vilahttp://pastebin.com/m241bae14 jelmer, you lied :-D17:08
vilathat's really funny because *I* should provide OPTIONS to jelmer so he can use it safely :)17:09
Glenjamin_urlib2_wrappers.py line 36017:09
vilaGlenjamin: look at the comment just above17:10
jelmervila: that's not using the redirections following code though17:10
Glenjaminthe comment just above says "containing at least..."17:10
Glenjaminand then creates dicts which clearly dont17:10
vilajelmer: yes it is, except we don;t have the same definition of redirections following code ;)17:10
vilaGlenjamin: that's because callers should do that (look at http/__init__ create_auth)17:11
vilathe redirection code in _urllib2_wrappers don't handle auth correctly (as that bug revealed) instead, callers are supposed to use the do_catching_redirections in transport/__init__17:12
vilajelmer: the bug is really that bzr http transport don't provide OPTIONS, don't you think ?17:14
beunovila, thanks for the review,r eplied17:15
jelmervila: yeah, HttpTransport should really have options17:15
vilafor those not understanding the joke, we had a discussion with jelmer about whether OPTIONS should be supported by bzr even if it's isn't required internally :D17:16
* vila feels dragged into working on bzr when he should be working on family backups :0)17:16
Glenjaminnow i remember why i gave up trying to follow this call chain when i first reported this one :D17:17
vilabeuno: about the README, I'm all for helping people find the relevant bits, but I'm against duplication since it leads to out-of-date info, how about putting the right pointers in the README ? Or separating the concerns and do that in another merge proposal ?17:18
beunovila, sure, I'll drop it from that branch17:19
vilaGlenjamin: yeah, the design is inherited from the python urllib2, in retrospect, it was a bad idea, but it helped building the actual implementation and all the related feaures: connection sharing, proxy support, various auth schemes, all of which weren't supported by urllib2 :-/17:20
vilaeeerk low batteries for keyboard, priority interrupt17:21
mathrickjelmer: I ran into some crashes: http://pastebin.com/m5b10d31d17:50
jelmermathrick, please file a bug17:54
sjamaanIs there a way to get bzr diff to output files which don't include the entire path?19:58
sjamaanie, I do bzr diff under foo/bar/qux and it generates a diff for file foo/bar/qux/mooh.c, instead of just mooh.c19:58
=== mordred__ is now known as mtaylor
eelikwill colocated branches aka fasces be supported soon?23:19
lifelesseelik: they aren't the same thing, and no one knows :)23:46
eelikHow they are different?23:46
lifelessfasces is a fullermd term to describe something he would like to see23:47
lifelesscolocated branches is a jelmer created term to describe something he would like to see23:48
eelikbut basically both describe the "git-style branches" where one working tree is shared by many branches in one directory?23:56
eelikThat's a feature I'd like to see...23:56
eelikSo there's actually no schedule for implementing either?23:57

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