
=== asac_ is now known as asac
asacchromium build still going on arm/karmic ... http://identi.ca/notice/1569998619:07
armin76asac: its going to fail19:11
asacno :)19:11
asacplace your bets :)19:11
asacgood that armin76 is here :)19:12
armin76asac: if you're talking about building natively, its going to fail19:14
armin76i tried it already19:14
* lool bets on armin76! ;-)19:15
armin76asac: also i hope if you're building it natively, that you have a lot of ram/swap19:15
armin76512m of ram is not enough19:15
asacarmin76: what build flags did you try?19:17
asaci have 8g swap :)19:17
asacwe dropped nacl stuff and also disabled v8 snapshotting now ... still building after 1.5h :) ... not sure how long it would take though ... probably like 18h19:19
armin76asac: failed for me at 5 hours @ 1.0GHz19:20
armin76asac: i did what that doc said as well19:20
asacok :)19:20
asacwe will see19:20
armin76it failed because it tried to build due to wanting to compile a file with sse2 stuff19:20
asaci am not really confident that it will work :)19:20
armin76it failed due to wanting to compile a file with sse2 stuff19:21
asachmm ... maybe a bad snapshot? :)19:21
asacanyway lets see ... if you say that it took 5 hours we are probably still a bit away :)19:21
asacdid you file a bug?19:21
armin76asac: upstream hasn't tested it natively, so thats kinda explains it :)19:22
armin76nope i haven't, i have to do other stuff19:22
asacso thats why i am doing this now :)19:22
armin76like for example, fixing ff on sparc, which you haven't done! :)19:24
asacsparc is close to zero prio :2~)19:24
asacfor me at least ;)19:24
asaci am not even sure that ubuntu desktop can be installed atm for sparce19:25
asaccan it?19:25
armin76no clue, no ubuntu here :)19:26
armin76anyway, let's keep on topic :)19:26
asacarmin76: what arm board are you testing on?19:27
armin76asac: i tested it on sheevaplug and mv78100 with 3g of ram, all of them armv5te, i don't have the luck you guys have :)19:28
armin76fta: you work for ubuntu now?19:43
ftafor ubuntu? if you mean for canonical, no19:44
armin76http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8164532 <- lolz20:09
cwillu_at_workrootstock question:  I'm being prompted for the root password to log into a maintenance shell, but it's not matching the one I entered when I made the image.  Is this a useful place to ask?21:10
cwillu_at_workI'm actually puzzled as to why it's asking for a password at all21:11
* cwillu_at_work pokes ogra with a stick21:15
* cwillu_at_work hacks at /etc/shadow21:20
* cwillu_at_work parties like it's 196921:21
asaccwillu_at_work: file a bug ;)21:59

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