
mechcozmohi, i'm having a problem where my backend cannot scan for channels04:05
mechcozmorunning mythbuntu 9.1004:06
ripperdahey guys, I have a question related to saving movies on a remote nfs mount; specifically, not getting the artwork to appear properly for these videos05:12
ripperdaI ripped dvds to my local machine and downloaded metadata; all of the artwork/covers/etc pulled up properly05:12
ripperdaI then started moving some of the movies to an NAS, and now I don't see any of the artwork05:12
ripperdaI'm curious how the video is bound to the artwork. I did notice that the videos (still visible in mythtv, as I did update the video paths) no longer have metadata. I re-downloaded the metadata, but still can't see artwork05:15
superm1ripperda, so it depends on if they were in a storage group originally06:37
superm1if they're in a storage group, then the artwork gets stored in a separate storage group i think06:37
superm1if they were "local" (i put that in quotes because NFS / SMB mount is treated the same way), then you need to set the place to store the artwork in mythvideo settings on every box06:38
superm1there's probably a few ways to cheat that come to mind06:39
superm11) NFS/SMB mount the NAS on the backend, and then set that path to your storage groups06:39
superm1of course that might be a ton of unnecessary overhead06:39
superm12) NFS mount a common path for all frontends to grab/store the artwork from06:40
superm1you might want to raise this in #mythtv-users too, those people might have some more generic ideas06:40
mechcozmohello, my Mythbuntu 9.10 install is not able to detect channels07:01
mechcozmoi've seen this is a bug, but is there a workaround?07:02
foxbuntumechcozmo, thats a more specific bug related to a specific tuner card iirc, its more likely a configuration issue.07:15
mechcozmofoxbuntu: the tuner is a PVR50007:16
foxbuntumechcozmo, what are you trying to do when you say "detect channels"07:16
foxbuntumechcozmo, that is a very well supported card07:16
mechcozmofoxbuntu: "scan for channels" gives "no lock", stays stuck on one station07:16
mechcozmoi believe this to be the right URL07:17
foxbuntumechcozmo, are you trying to scan ATSC/QAM with that?07:17
mechcozmono, scan set to us-cable07:17
foxbuntumechcozmo, is your PVR500 using the RG6/Coax connectors or Composite Connections for video input?07:18
mechcozmofoxbuntu: Coax07:18
mechcozmofoxbuntu: it downloaded the Schedules Direct (trial subscription) data, but without channel freq. info, MythWeb doesn't seem to be able to match them up07:19
mechcozmoor mythfilldatabase hasn't run properly07:19
mechcozmoeither way, can't hit "watch live TV"07:20
foxbuntumechcozmo, I dont follow...07:20
mechcozmofoxbuntu: sorry, got a bit ahead of myself07:20
foxbuntumechcozmo, does your cable co. have a "on-demand" channel?07:21
mechcozmofoxbuntu: no07:21
ripperdasuperm1, thanks, got distracted and need to head out. I've saved your comments off and will play around with things a little more tomorrow, to better understand how things fit together07:21
mechcozmofoxbuntu: during backend setup, Step #407:21
mechcozmofoxbuntu: choose the tuner on either /dev/video0 or /dev/video107:22
foxbuntumechcozmo, one sec have to switch to another laptop for a sec...brb (working tonight)07:22
=== aliby- is now known as aliby
mechcozmofoxbuntu: no problem07:22
foxbuntumechcozmo, ok, when you chose the tuner, which device type did you select? Analog V4L Device or IVTV?07:24
foxbuntumechcozmo, thats wrong, and the reason your tuner doesnt work07:25
foxbuntumechcozmo, that is an IVTV tuner07:25
mechcozmofoxbuntu: oh07:26
foxbuntumechcozmo, no big deal...common mistake07:26
mechcozmofoxbuntu: yeah... it is an MPEG-2 encoder... seemed like the right option07:26
foxbuntumechcozmo, yeah...the MPEG option is for something feeding an MPEG feed to mythtv, not for a tuner that encodes to MPEG...I know its a fine line...but its a big difference on the way MythTV handles it07:27
mechcozmofoxbuntu: if the system knows i have a PVR500, can't it probe and auto-add the card?07:28
mechcozmoto avoid such issues?07:28
foxbuntumechcozmo, there have been many development discussions about that very subject, but at this time there isnt any real solution, its a far more complex issue than it looks, however there is some working being done to make the setup much easier to start with07:29
mechcozmofoxbuntu: same problem now, it has stopped at channel 1207:30
mechcozmofoxbuntu: Status: Scanning us-cable 12 No Lock07:30
mechcozmofoxbuntu: 0% Signal Strength, 5% Scan07:30
foxbuntumechcozmo, iirc the us-cable freq setting is actually QAM thus the "no lock"07:31
foxbuntumechcozmo, go back and set the default freq to us-bcast (broadcast) and try the scan again07:31
mechcozmofoxbuntu: same thing07:33
mechcozmofoxbuntu: "Scanning us-bcast 12 No Lock"07:33
mechcozmofoxbuntu: btb?07:34
foxbuntumechcozmo, is the coax cable running from the wall direct to the PVR500 or is it running through the cable box first?07:36
foxbuntumechcozmo, also, are you on digital (not HD) cable or standard cable07:36
mechcozmofoxbuntu: no cable box... just really basic cable07:36
mechcozmofoxbuntu: not HD either07:37
foxbuntumechcozmo, ok...brb...trying to fix stupid servers in the office...07:37
mechcozmofoxbuntu: ah, those are always fun07:38
mechcozmofoxbuntu: hello?08:28
map7_What's the easiest way to setup a remote frontend under Mythbuntu 9.10?12:52
tmkthey hey14:24
tmktwho was the guy looking for the answer to the remote control issues with 9.10 / hvrf-160014:24
tmktfound the answer this morning well documented14:24
tmktRob_Z: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1043882&highlight=hvr-1600&page=314:24
MythbuntuGuest24Hi all...I've just installed v 9.10 (I'm a linux novice - only dabbled before). I have a graphics card with vga and s-video tv out. The tv initially shows the bios check and the mythbuntu logo but then goes blank when mythbuntu kicks in properly. I've tried setting to 4:3 rather than 16:9 in myth settings. In ubuntu I've tried changing to 640 by 480 at 60hz (as low as I can go). No luck. Any thoughts? Than17:54
superm1MythbuntuGuest24, so in the installer did you install the proprietary nvidia driver?17:56
MythbuntuGuest24I remember it gave me some choice and I chose the proprietary option...don't think it was called n-vidia however, maybe it was called ATI...but not the open source option anyway17:57
superm1ah okay. so what's the model of this card?17:57
superm1it's possible that the ATI driver doesn't support it (although the installer thought it did)17:58
MythbuntuGuest24hmmm it was a Radeon something17:58
MythbuntuGuest24runs on AGP17:58
superm1look at "lspci | grep VGA"18:00
superm1that should hopefully tell you the model number18:00
MythbuntuGuest24thanks one moment18:01
MythbuntuGuest24Radeon 7000/VE18:04
superm1that won't work with the proprietary driver18:04
superm1so you'll want to do one of two things18:04
superm11) Reinstall (if you aren't that invested into the system yet)18:05
superm12) remove fglrx-kernel-source, xorg-driver-fglrx and /etc/X11/xorg.conf (it'll work with a blank file)18:05
MythbuntuGuest24sounds good - happy to reinstall18:06
MythbuntuGuest24but what option...should I just choose the open source one then at that choice?18:06
MythbuntuGuest24star you are - I'll give it a go :o)18:07
superm1no probs18:07
MythbuntuGuest50Hi...I've installed 9.10 but can't get the tv out working...my tv initially shows the bios check and then the mythbuntu logo after which it goes black. I came on here for some advice earlier and suggestion was I try reinstall choosing the open source video driver this time. Last time I tried the other proprietary option but same problem. My graphics card is an ATI Radeon 7000/VE running on an AGP slot.19:33
MythbuntuGuest50I've tried changing the resolution to 640 by 480 at 60Hz and tried changing the control centre settings to 4:3 ratio and PAL-I (UK). Wonder if I'm missing something19:34
MythbuntuGuest50But nothing shows on tv even if I've quit out to the Ubuntu desktop so I guess I have a driver problem.19:35
mechcozmohello, my Mythbuntu 9.10 box will not detect channels when asked to "Scan for Channels"22:35
henrik_Is there anyone who knows why I'm getting bad signal strenght on a hauppauge pvr 1300 card, the signal in the cable is messured to 75% of signal power and 90 % of quality, but in mythtv it only showes up at about 39% signal.23:20
henrik_I'm on a newly installed 9.10 all updates done, a new v4l is compiled to fix the bug with it not beeing able to scan for chanels.23:20
henrik_the version I have is:23:21
henrik_05:05.0 Multimedia video controller: Conexant Systems, Inc. CX23880/1/2/3 PCI Video and Audio Decoder (rev 05)23:21
henrik_05:05.1 Multimedia controller: Conexant Systems, Inc. CX23880/1/2/3 PCI Video and Audio Decoder [Audio Port] (rev 05)23:21
henrik_05:05.2 Multimedia controller: Conexant Systems, Inc. CX23880/1/2/3 PCI Video and Audio Decoder [MPEG Port] (rev 05)23:21
henrik_superm1, anything you know anything about? what you don't know is not worth knowing.23:26
mechcozmohenrik_: how do you fix V4L?23:53
mechcozmohenrik_: i'm having the same problem with my 9.10 box being unable to scan for channels23:53
henrik_well not that hard.. first you download headers and build essentials..23:59
henrik_sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) build-essential23:59

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