
mistahjchamchan how do you install cairo doc00:00
FCalderonmistahjc, he's talking about cairo-dock, not cairo doc, which is a toolbar for ubuntu00:00
mistahjcthats what i want that was a typeo on my part00:01
mistahjci meant dock00:01
FCalderonmistahjc, so you want to install ubuntu or cairo-dock?00:01
mistahjci have ubuntu 9.1000:01
mistahjcand want to install cairo dock00:01
FCalderonThere are the instructions to install cairo dock00:02
SeekerNLhow do I get the source of a app by apt-get ?00:02
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HamchanYou can find a .deb of the newest version if you google cairo dock, or you can get it through apt-get which is easier00:03
LjLSeekerNL: "apt-get source packagename"00:03
FCalderonSeekerNL, use apt-get source packagename00:03
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SeekerNLhmmm almost could have guesed that00:03
danobookor used man :)00:04
FCalderonSeekerNL, but you didn't :)00:04
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baeplease help! I upgrade to 9.1 and my partitions will not automount :(00:04
tylerSoft reset error!. Proceeds with RAID1 drive 1 not loading...00:05
FCalderonbae, which kind of partitions?00:05
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baeFCalderon, the root ext3 and possibly the swap00:05
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Tyler5-.- Need help, I think part of the reason is my motherboard but I need to figure this out. Soft Reset problem and RAID1 failure00:05
Tyler5can anyone help?00:05
FCalderonbae then how does it boot?00:06
baeFCalderon, I can mount manually, but not something i want to do every time :\00:06
Tyler5(raid 1 drive 1 fail)00:06
Lucho_33hi, can some one giveme a little help with starting and installing ubuntu?00:06
baeFCalderon, in recovery mode I do it manually00:06
baeand the weird thing is, I don't change any options.  I just call the mount point00:06
baemount -o remount,rw /00:07
Tyler5People can see my chat right?. Not trying to be rude, just want to make sure I dont have to register.00:07
i_is_brokeTyler5, ya00:07
FCalderonTyler5, yes, we read what you type00:08
i_is_brokejust be patient when someone knows they will help00:08
FCalderonbae, use pastebin and copy your /etc/fstab there00:08
Tyler5I'm hoping I wont have to recompile my kernel.. going to be a real pain if I do.00:08
Tyler5Heres my thread on the issue if anyone can help: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=134053200:08
baeFCalderon, pastebin?  (sorry dunno what it is)00:09
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dKingstonthe latest xubuntu uses what version of xfce?00:09
i_is_brokedKingston, 4.600:09
FCalderonbae pastebin.ca00:09
FCalderon!pastebin bae00:10
bastid_raZoraptitude --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages    gives me an error..  E: Regex compilation error: Invalid preceding regular expression00:10
LjL!pastebin | bae, FCalderon00:10
ubottubae, FCalderon: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic00:10
FCalderonlol, need to learn the sintax of each trigger ;)00:10
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate00:10
LjLFCalderon: the syntax is the same for all of them: !<factoid> | <nicknames>00:10
LjL!bot > FCalderon    (FCalderon, see the private message from ubottu)00:10
kristian1FCalderon: so i would have to use ntfs-3g?00:11
boscopwhy doesn't "amixer set Master on" unmute the volume?00:11
FCalderongot it00:11
FCalderonkristian1, if you're using ntfs, yes00:11
scxwhich ftp server is better: proftpd or wu-ftpd (if i want use per-user directories (/home/*/public_html))?00:11
FCalderonkristian1, but to the best of my knowledge, it's enabled by default00:11
Tyler5Still looking for someone that can help me solve my Soft Reset errors and RAID mirror issue, though I think if the softreset is fixed the raid will work again.. meh00:12
kristian1FCalderon: ok, thanks. wd tv here i come! :-)00:12
Allen-gdgd :)00:12
baeFCalderon, http://paste.ubuntu.com/330669/   you will be able to tell i've been tooling with it00:12
useronei am about to install totem-xine. it says this is a tranistional package. what does this mean?00:12
FCalderonbae as per your pastebin, the root is mounter, what isn't is the swap00:12
epinkyscx: public_html is Apache then ProFTPd00:12
FCalderonbae you need to remove the # in the 8th line00:13
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scxepinky: thx00:13
baeFCalderon, ok.  think thatll do it?00:13
FCalderonbae, yes00:13
baeFCalderon, ill give it a whirl.  ill be back00:13
FCalderonbae, unless your root partition's id changed, but that's something that rarely happens00:14
FCalderonbae, give it a try00:14
kayla folhey folks00:16
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kaylaCa someone help me get my Atheros wifi card working?00:16
amy_ hi00:17
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amy_can anyone tell me if ubuntu has got flash?00:18
boscopwhy doesn't "amixer set Master on" unmute the volume?00:18
baeFCalderon, no luck :\00:18
boscopit says it's on but it's not00:18
falseflag911amy_: yes, install it via add/remove progs00:18
amy_can i command it like using apt-get00:18
geniiamy_: Not by default. But you can install it and some other stuff like Java and codecs in the package ubuntu-restricted-extras00:19
kaylaMy atheros wifi card doesnt work... can someone help me figure it out and get it working?00:19
amy_so what type of command is it00:19
falseflag911kayla: i have ath wifi, but i'm useless at helping. what version of ubuntu do you have?00:19
kaylaXubuntu 9.1000:19
geniiamy_: You can use apt-get to install. (my last comment was a response to earlier question)00:20
epinkyamy_: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree00:20
kostkonboscop, try amixer set Master unmute, also amixer set PCM unmute00:20
amy_ok thanks00:20
useronei just installed totem-xine, and now my totem player doesnt work. synaptic says totem-xine is a 'transitional package'. what does this mean?00:20
echosystmwhats the difference between ubuntu alternate cli and server?00:20
falseflag911kayla: ok. i had my ath wifi working on jaunty, but not on hardy or karmic. you may want to somehow yank the modules and drivers from jaunty and install them in your current installation.00:20
geniiamy_: Make sure "restricted" repository is also enabled00:21
kostkonuserone, 9.10?00:21
echosystmis the server kernel innapropriate for desktop use?00:21
falseflag911kayla: but in saying that, i don't know if it works. i've done forum searches and seen nothing but bad news.00:21
useronekostkon: yes, 9.10 6400:21
amy_genii: how to enable it00:21
genii!repos | amy_00:22
ubottuamy_: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories00:22
geniiamy_: If you're working in command-line edit the /etc/apt/sources list and uncomment the appropriate ones00:22
kostkonuserone, eh, totem-xine has been deprecated so this is a transitional pacakge for peoiple upgrading from 9.0400:23
kostkonuserone, thus, totem-xine actually installs totem-gstreamers00:23
useronekostkon: i see. i just 'completely removed' totem-xine, and now totem works again just fine. i dont know what just happened, but its fixed00:24
kostkonuserone, :)00:25
boscopkostkon: I tried it but "amixer set Master unmute" seems to behave like "on" and the other results in: amixer: Invalid command!00:25
kostkonboscop, try installing alsa-utils then00:25
boscopkostkon: I have alsamixer, alsactl and alsa00:26
boscopis that enough=00:26
kostkonboscop, then use alsamixer00:26
Colonel_PanikHow does Ubuntu 9.10 install work? Does today's install differ from last weeks's or do you have the same older stuff installed and then update to todays 9.10?00:26
kostkonboscop, insteead of calling amixer. or if oyu want install gnome-alsamixer for a gui00:26
useronekostkon: i am trying to play a vob from my hdd. i have installed totem, mplayer, xine, vlc and even avidemux and still nothing plays it. any ideas?00:26
cdm10Colonel_Panik: if you install from the CD, you'll get 9.10 as it was at the time of the original release.00:27
boscopkostkon: No, I want a command that I can run on startup, no GUI, because on startup the volume is 000:27
cdm10Colonel_Panik: Then, you can install whatever updates may have come up.00:27
kostkonuserone, no :(00:27
cdm10Colonel_Panik: however, if you update online from 9.04 to 9.10, you will get the latest versions of everything.00:27
kostkonboscop, then install the package alsa-utils to get amixer00:27
kaylafalseflag911, I dont kow how to do that00:27
boscopkostkon: I have amixer00:27
jsubl2can empathy do photo sharing with a windows client00:27
kostkonboscop, sure?00:27
boscopkostkon: the commands I used were amixer commands00:28
GlowballI'm going to upgrade (finally) to 9.10, but I don't want to spend days to get back all the packages I need00:28
boscopkostkon: scroll back if you don't believe me00:28
GlowballSomebody once told me there was a way to save that list, so my question is: how?00:28
kostkonboscop, ok00:28
Colonel_Panikcdm10, the cd or the iso on ubuntu.com or are they the same? Does Ubuntu update the current iso.?00:28
useronekostkon: thanks anyway00:28
kostkonuserone, np00:28
cdm10cd means iso. No, the ISO is not updated.00:29
bastid_raZor!clone | Glowball00:29
ubottuGlowball: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate00:29
boscopkostkon: once I unmute it via a gui (the button in the panel) muting and unmuting via amixer works00:29
Colonel_Panikcdm10, thanks muchly!00:29
bastid_raZorGlowball: tell me if that works. i'm gettign errors on it.00:29
cdm10Colonel_Panik: no problem.00:29
kostkonboscop, hmm00:29
boscopkostkon: but as soon as I use the gui to mute it, or at startup, it doesn't work00:29
harejI am looking for a 1920x1080 rendition of the default desktop background from Karmic Koala. Google Images is not being useful. Where else may I find it?00:30
falseflag911kayla: it confuses me too. you can DL stuff from packages.ubuntu.com, but that's annoying when there are dependencies. i think you should read about the backports repo. apparently that has something to do with it.00:30
Glowballbastid_raZor: Creating the file, or using it to restore from it?00:31
Glowballbastid_raZor: Creating seems to work fine. Restoring.. I certainly hope so...00:31
bastid_raZorGlowball: the first aptitude command.. it did create the mypackages file?00:31
bastid_raZorGlowball: possibly, i'm  having typo's..00:32
LogicFanusing 9.04, I recently upgraded via Update Manager to the latest kernel (2.6.28-16) and now Volume Applet (2.26.1) no longer works at all.  Only using Volume Control allows me to change the volume at all00:32
GlowballBut on opening it, I see some words are split where they shouldn't..00:32
GlowballWell, at hyphens, that is00:32
LjLGlowball: uh, like what?00:32
Glowballalsa- *enter* base00:32
DasEi4Glowball: if you're doing an upgrade, you'll keep your current packages00:32
bastid_raZorGlowball: i have a failing harddrive.. that may possibly part of the cause00:33
DasEi4Glowball: or will you do a fresh install ?00:33
GlowballDasEi4: I know, but I'm freshly reinstalling ;)00:33
thenetduckhey how can I transfer a file from my desktop via ssh to my server in the command line?00:33
GlowballUsing my hard drive a little bit more efficiently00:33
DasEi4Glowball: then that won't work, as the versions differ, can only use it as a list00:33
GlowballAtm I have about 10GB unallocated space..00:34
DasEi4man scp | thenetduck00:34
fallorei'm using 9.10, and pressing a button while i move my cursor makes the cursor temporarily freeze. this does not happen on windows vista. any ideas?00:34
GlowballDasEi4: You're saying that it won't work because of differences in 9.04-9.10?00:35
DasEi4thenetduck: if you want to do it from inside ssh rsync is nice, too00:35
DasEi4Glowball: yes, as this list generates more then just the plain packet-names00:35
GlowballDasEi4: So what can I do to fix that?00:36
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »00:38
DasEi4Glowball: ah, I'm sorry, just saw the factoid changed from dpkg to the aptitudes variant, so I was wrong, no that will work, you get just the plain paketnames from that00:38
GlowballDasEi4: Ah, ok.. And what about the enters?00:39
SplungeCan i install Ubuntu on a external hard drive?00:39
scunizi yep00:39
ActionParsnipSplunge: sure00:39
DasEi4Glowballs: enters ? entrys ?00:39
Splungereally? is there a special command?00:39
ActionParsnipSplunge: the live cd has an option to install to usb00:39
odie5533How do I set WPA encryption from the terminal?00:40
ActionParsnipSplunge: provided your system can boot from usb00:40
Lucho_33Hi, can some one help me installing ubuntu?00:40
ActionParsnipodie5533: check the wpasupplicant docs00:40
Lucho_33I put the CD, it starts but neither mouse or keyboard works00:40
bobohey guys, when i export videos with avidemux to .mp4 or .avi, they always come up as unplayable. How do I fix thatt00:41
Iowan!install | Lucho_3300:41
SplungeOkay, how do i use a webcam with ubuntu?00:41
ubottuLucho_33: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate00:41
odie5533ActionParsnip: where is the conf file located?00:41
DasEi4Lucho_33: checked the cd (on another machine?)00:41
Lucho_33DasEi4 not yet00:42
Lucho_33ubottu tahnks00:42
DasEi4Lucho_33: unless it's very exotic hardware, bad burns are main reason for live/installer not working00:42
ActionParsnipLucho_33: try adding i8042.reset as a boot option00:42
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DasEi4Lucho_33: ubott.. is a ro-bot00:43
Lucho_33What? I´m so new to ubuntu00:43
ActionParsnipodie5533: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WPAHowTo00:43
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots00:43
ActionParsnip!bootoptions | Lucho_3300:43
ubottuLucho_33: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions00:43
Guest76796have any one added Vuze to gOS00:43
craig_skype crashes when i paste into it via gnome-rdp, any ideas what might be causing this?00:43
Lucho_33I think I´ll start burning a new CD00:44
SplungeOkay, how do i use a webcam with ubuntu?00:44
DasEi4!md5sum | Lucho_3300:44
ubottuLucho_33: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows00:44
ard1anDoes anyone know how to forward a port without a router just with a Cable modem, i need to ssh to my machine00:44
DasEi4 Lucho_33: and burn it slow00:44
bastid_raZorLucho_33: burn at the slowest speed.. 2x or 4x00:45
odie5533thanks ActionParsnip00:45
Lucho_33I burnt it at 4x00:45
cdm10ard1an: your modem is acting as a router -- google its model and instructions for how to port-forward with it.00:45
DasEi4ard1an: that's just the firewall then00:45
Tyler5I still need help for the following: Soft reset failure on hard drive and RAID failing to load a mirror.00:45
ard1ani use ubuntu00:45
Lucho_33Mother MSI KM4M-l00:45
ard1anhow about the firewall there ?00:45
Lucho_33may it be an old machine?00:45
cdm10ard1an: the firewall in the modem, which may be a NAT of some sort.00:46
DasEi4ard1an: ufw if enabled is default, ufw allow 2200:46
bastid_raZorard1an: also your ISP might block port 22. my previous ISP did.00:46
LogicFanusing 9.04, I recently upgraded via Update Manager to the latest kernel (2.6.28-16) and now Volume Applet (2.26.1) no longer works at all.  Only using Volume Control allows me to change the volume at all00:46
clearscreenWhy cant I use notification area on my 2nd monitor?00:46
ard1anyes i think my ISP might block00:46
DasEi4ard1an: want me to scan your ip ?00:47
bastid_raZorard1an: in that case use port 2222 or something similiar.. regardless you'll still need to port forward.00:47
zvacetLucho_33:  It should work but maybe some issues see http://www.google.com/cse?cx=012285703143635244993%3Ai9yr8qlpb18&q=+MSI+KM4M-l&sa=Search&siteurl=crunchbang.org%2Fubuntu-search-engine%2F00:47
ard1ani scaned my ip but there is no open port00:47
dave99are dvb - s card good to use00:48
bastid_raZorard1an: /etc/.ssh/sshd_config  edit this file and add a different port.00:48
prooriginal-awk comm uniq cmp rev cat cut ps declare df exec grep less more touch ln man pwd sort tar wc date df00:49
prowhat is the package where i can find those commands  original-awk comm uniq cmp rev cat cut ps declare df exec grep less more touch ln man pwd sort tar wc date df00:49
FloodBot1pro: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:49
zvacet!hi | pro00:49
ubottupro: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!00:49
Lucho_33I downloades the image from a torrent, now I am downloading it directli from the site... two hours yet... then I´ll burn it again and if does not work I will be coming back for more help00:49
Tyler5Absolutely nobody here knows how to fix a soft reset failure..?00:49
bastid_raZorard1an: you'll need to restart ssh .. sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart (i don't know how to restart it via upstart method)00:49
DasEi4bastid_raZor: still works so00:50
GillAbarbanelQuestion: How do I discover my screen's refresh rate? When I boot the login screen my screen goes into an "out of range" mode, and I have to blindly login. The problem doesn't seem to come from the resouloion, because 1280x1024 works. So I'm guessing it's Refresh Rate.00:50
zvacetLucho_33:  you can try alternate CD if you just started download00:50
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk00:50
zorzarhey, i have problems setting the dpi for X11 on my ubuntu 9.04 i did set DisplaySize in xorg.conf, but nothing changes00:50
ard1anbastid_raZor, what do you think can i use tor and edit this /etc/.ssh/sshd_config00:50
prowhat is the package where i can find those commands  original-awk comm uniq cmp rev cat cut ps declare df exec grep less more touch ln man pwd sort tar wc date df??00:50
lhjoin ubuntu-cn00:50
con-mandoes ubuntu have a character map?  I need to do a left to right override, alt+202E00:50
bastid_raZorard1an: i have no experience with tor.00:50
ard1anthe new hamachi is not supported for linux more :  (00:51
DasEi4ard1an: you will have to set up a proxy that connects to tor, privoxy f.e.00:51
=== dvz-_ is now known as dvz-
proyou can help me? please00:52
ard1anyes but to much work : ( im going to kick my ISP a**00:52
DasEi4hello: basic utils, located in /bin00:53
proi need the .deb package00:53
prowhere i find all utils commands00:53
con-manneed help with unicode on linux00:54
con-mandoes ubuntu have a character map?  I need to do a left to right override, alt+202E00:54
clearscreenpro: use apt-file00:54
GillAbarbanelQuestion: How do I discover my screen's refresh rate? When I boot the login screen my screen goes into an "out of range" mode, and I have to blindly login. The problem doesn't seem to come from the resouloion, because 1280x1024 works. So I'm guessing it's Refresh Rate.00:54
Picicon-man: If you're using gnome, look in Applications>Accessories>Character Map00:54
GillAbarbanelOops. Sorry about the double post.00:54
=== macOut is now known as mac9416
proman apt-file dose not exist00:55
clearscreenpro: install it first00:55
clearscreensudo aptitude install apt-file, then sudo apt-file update... then just locate your files using for example; apt-file search original-awk00:55
kreppnar_could anyone help me with a problem?00:55
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DasEi4hallo:these are essential packets of their own, one by one00:56
Iowankreppnar: ask00:56
teamcoltraOkay so if anyone who was following earlier knows... My compter isn't connecting to a wifi network, well I have traced it back to being a driver error... and followed a guide on how to fix it online. However, that didn't work, so I followed another guide to go back and fix the fix... and now my system can't even SCAN for a wifi network let alone connect to one00:56
kreppnar_when i go into a game in fullscreen..i lose the mouse cursor..and i can only use commands on the keyboarx00:56
kreppnar_but say if i am playing doom 3, which has a console. i push the ~ button and the console drops and i get my mouse back00:57
kreppnar_but once it goes back up my mouse disapears again00:57
kreppnar_on a fresh install i had no problem00:58
DasEi4hallo: some of them are in coreutils and other metapackages00:58
teamcoltraPosts followed: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=5711824&postcount=6 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=816780 http://art.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8399929 (and the page one)00:58
DasEi4ard1an: are you sure your modem has no fw ?00:59
kreppnar_any ideas?00:59
ard1ani dont know DasEi4 maybe00:59
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
ard1anits a Motorola00:59
zerqis there a gtk control panel thing to change trackpad settings, and/or at least have different settings from when a USB mouse is plugged in00:59
DasEi4ard1an: model ?00:59
itiliousanyone here know a good recommendation for PVR software on ubuntu?00:59
teamcoltrausr13, still around?01:00
longcatstupid channel01:00
bazhangitilious, mythbuntu01:01
bazhanglongcat, what is the issue01:01
longcatoh scratch that01:01
ssdfdfmy computer keeps crashing ... looked in kern.log this look suspicious ? Nov 29 01:54:06 mre-desktop kernel: [ 8763.332943] ath5k phy0: noise floor calibration timeout (2462MHz)01:01
ssdfdfNov 29 01:54:17 mre-desktop kernel: [ 8774.332884] ath5k phy0: noise floor calibration timeout (2462MHz)01:01
ard1anDasEi4, this one http://www.google.com/#q=Motorola+sb510ie&hl=en&sa=2&fp=25d2df88517031cf01:02
fallorei'm giving my 8 year old sister a computer with ubuntu on it to use, is there anything i should know/can do to make it more secure and easy to use for her?01:02
ard1anmotorola sb510ie surfboard01:02
bazhangfallore, might consider getting edubuntu on there01:02
kreppnar_good for learning at that age01:02
bazhang!info edubuntu-desktop01:02
ubottuedubuntu-desktop (source: edubuntu-meta): educational desktop for Ubuntu. In component main, is optional. Version 1.72 (karmic), package size 18 kB, installed size 48 kB01:02
fallorebazhang, you wouldn't happen to know what EoN is would you? your name looks familiar01:02
Out_Coldso what's this enterprise cloud thing?? is that for multiple server instances?01:03
proapt-file find comm give me a lot of things01:03
prowhat i need to write?01:03
clearscreenpro: you can narrow it down by searching for /usr/bin/comm instead01:04
itiliousbazhang, isnt mythbuntu a whole linux installation?01:04
clearscreenpro: in this case, it's in coreutils package :)01:04
Out_Colditilious, it can be01:04
probut i dowloaded coreutils but there isn't comm ps  uniq commads01:04
zerqfallore: netbook remix might be a good idea01:05
bazhangitilious, depends on you, you can make it such with backend and front end, what did you have in mind for 'PVR' if not a Tivo like set up01:05
zerqfallore: makes the UI very simple01:05
pro*there aren't01:05
itiliousi was going to use xbmc originally but mythtv i believe has the ability to record from an anolog signal right?01:05
clearscreenpro: then you didn't install it correctly.. the file /usr/bin/comm is definitely in the coreutils package01:06
itiliousthat is my main objective01:06
prook i reinstall it01:06
longcatSo I have some iptables rules and one of them is -A POSTROUTING -t nat -j SNAT --to <gateway>.  I want to forward a certain IP that uses this router to another gateway and used the same rule but -s <ip>.  However all the packets are still being forwarded to the original gateway, even the ones from <ip>.  What could be wrong here?01:06
bazhangitilious, not familiar with xbmc, though there is a PPA for it01:06
ssdfdfmy computer keeps crashing there a way i can find out why?01:06
blue1when I start xsane i get this message:  WARNING: Unhandled message: interface=org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable, path=/, member=Introspect  followed by:  failed to open device 'hpaio:/usb..." error during device i/o - suggestions?01:07
itiliousbazhang, i simply need any application that is linux noob user friendly to capture some analog video :)01:07
ardchoillebazhang: Is there a master list of all PPA's?01:07
bazhangardchoille, I think there is a search mechanism, perhaps a directory, let me check01:08
DasEi4ard1an: seems like no fw there, mind if I pm you ?01:08
RS-232I am trying to create a node in my module, and when I try to use node_object_prepare I get the following error: Fatal error: Call to undefined function node_object_prepare() in /var/www/drupal/sites/all/modules/Custom/ITWT/import_customers/import_customers.module on line 14601:08
ard1anno problem DasEi401:08
WallaceHow do I turn off the sound effect played when the login screen is displayed?01:08
longcatThese rules are not sending a certain source IP to an alternative gateway.  What am I doing wrong?  http://pastebin.com/mcda33a301:08
ardchoilleWallace: That setting is in the Login Window gui01:09
proi dowloaded now coreutils .deb and comm ps and cut and others commands are not there01:09
pronow ?01:09
Wallaceardchoille, I can't change the settings once I'm logged in?01:09
clearscreenpro: what does ls /usr/bin/comm say?01:09
zerqanyone recommend a good settings gui for trackpad?01:10
bazhanghttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas ardchoille here is something01:10
ardchoilleWallace: yes, it's in System > Administration > Login Window in the Accessibility tab01:10
ardchoillebazhang: Ah, that's great. Thanks for the link01:10
prols /usr/bin/comm say /usr/bin/comm01:10
bazhangardchoille, you're welcome :)01:10
ardchoilleWallace: under "Sounds"01:11
clearscreenpro: that means the file is installed, try a reboot01:11
Wallaceardchoille, I have only System -> Admin -> Login Screen which only has settings for enabling automatic login - no tabs of any kind, just two radio buttons01:11
prono man no... i know it is installed01:11
ardchoilleWallace: Are you on Karmic?01:12
Home-OSHello all01:12
Wallaceardchoille, can't remember the names, I'm on 9.1001:12
proi want get the package for bring it on my linux distribution01:12
AuToMaTiCCan you help me with my problem... When i install Ubuntu my screen appears like this http://img209.imageshack.us/img209/4893/issue.png and it freezes and gets stuck there01:12
ardchoilleWallace: That's Karmic. It seems they've changed that since Jaunty. Sorry about that.01:12
bazhangWallace, thats karmic01:12
proon my ubuntu it is installed comm  but i want get it for bring it on my linux disrtributon01:12
prounderstand ?01:12
clearscreenpro: yes, its the coreutils package, what more do you need to know?01:13
ardchoillebazhang: He wants to turn off the sound played when the login window is displayed01:13
Home-OSanyone heard of the new distro home-os?01:13
pronooooo ! on coreutilis there isn't comm !!!!01:13
kcj1993AuToMaTiC: is that windows?01:13
bazhangHome-OS, its offtopic here try #ubuntu-offtopic01:13
clearscreenpro: THERE IS01:13
AuToMaTiCright now yes but thats my bois01:13
Home-OSok thank buzhang01:13
clearscreendaniel@ubuntu:~$ apt-file search /usr/bin/comm01:13
clearscreencoreutils: /usr/bin/comm01:13
bazhangpro, no caps01:13
AuToMaTiCwhen im in bios installing it thats what appears01:13
proi dowloaded coreutils now01:14
AuToMaTiCi just screenshotted a video i took because its not uploading01:14
proi did cd bin01:14
proand there isn't comm01:14
kcj1993well this is a ubuntu support channel01:14
prothere isn't ps , uniq , and a lot of commands01:14
bazhangpro, explain, on one line, what you are trying to do01:14
Out_Coldpro, he is telling you it's in /usr/bin/ not /bin/01:14
ironfoot495lossoing cursor when machine is idling can someone tell me how to fix this???01:15
AuToMaTiCkcj1993: can i send you a video of whats appearing?01:15
Wallaceardchoille, ...and I couldn't see anything in sound preferences either01:15
proi have my linux distribution on pen drive01:15
kcj1993AuToMaTiC: try ##windows01:15
proand i want bring some command on it01:15
AuToMaTiCi dont think i can type when that appears01:15
bazhangpro, which version of Ubuntu01:15
AuToMaTiCi think its locked01:15
ardchoilleWallace: Maybe that change has something to do with the way Karmic handles things, many things are different than in Jaunty01:15
kcj1993oh sorry it is linux01:15
prowait ... i have ubuntu on my computer and i have my linux distribution on usb pen drive ok ?01:16
Jkesslerpro:  #ubuntu-engrish01:16
kcj1993lol my bad01:16
bazhangpro, which version of Ubuntu on your pen drive01:16
prono it is linux kernel01:16
prolinux kernel compiled01:16
mikepettwondering if anyone can help me get my ubuntu netbook remix installation started... I downloaded the file and followed the directions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick but it won't boot on my netbook. When I select the USB as the boot device it just boots windows normally ignoring the usb01:16
bazhangpro, you want help with the pen drive, correct?01:16
Out_Coldsmooth one Jkessler01:16
Jkessleri regged it months ago :P01:16
bazhangJkessler, dont do that.01:17
proi need to get comm , ps , uniq , grep commands on pen drive01:17
mikepettI'm also on a Mac computer, trying to make the usb for my other netbook which currently has windows on it.01:17
Out_Coldmikepett, there may be an option on boot priorities.. you should double checck the bios options01:17
prothose commands are not in coreutils package01:17
ardchoillebazhang: kinda sounds like he's building a LFS distro on the pen drive01:17
proi have dowload it now and i can't find them01:17
mikepettI'm selecting the USB as boot option, that's not the issue, I'm not preparing the USB drive correctly or something01:18
silensiusi have no space in /home how can'i move on oder disk my home partion01:18
bazhangpro, what are you trying to do with the pen drive, is it an ubuntu install on there, and if not, which linux distro01:18
Out_Coldmikepett, you may be enabling USB to boot but is it priority 1?01:18
promy pen drive work good  i need just some commands on the shell01:18
bazhangJkessler, dont advertise that channel again01:18
bazhangpro, please answer my question01:19
probaz is linux kernel compiled with shell  .01:19
mikepettdoesn't need to be... I can access the boot menu when the computer boots and then tell it to boot from USB just for that boot01:19
bazhangpro, so its not ubuntu01:19
proit is not01:19
georgeso how do we customize the grub01:20
ardchoille!grub2 | george01:20
ubottugeorge: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub201:20
AuToMaTiCubottu: can you help me out01:20
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:20
Out_Coldmikepett, ok so did you make the iso on the USB or did you just copy the file?01:20
ardchoilleAuToMaTiC: ubottu is a bot01:21
georgehey my network devices are unmanaged01:21
fallorehow do i unsuspend a computer01:21
silensiushow to move a full partition  " /home " to an other disk01:21
georgei mean i had used sudo pppoeconf01:21
mikepettI followed the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick which basically told me to run this command...01:21
georgeafter which this happend01:21
snoopyHello everyone.01:22
mikepettsudo dd if=/path/to/downloaded.iso of=/dev/rdiskN bs=1m01:22
georgeany ideas what i should do01:22
AuToMaTiCcan any1 assist me in installing the OS01:22
oldbstrdfallore: wiggle jiggle the mouse or press the enter key01:22
ardchoilleAuToMaTiC: Installing Ubuntu?01:22
bazhangpro, this is Ubuntu support only. try ##linux01:22
snoopyWhich version of Counter Strike works on Ubuntu 9.04?01:22
mikepett...which appears to execute correctly as I have ubuntu files on the usb drive after the command completes. I even see the autorun.inf file.01:22
ardchoille!install | AuToMaTiC01:22
ubottuAuToMaTiC: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate01:22
AuToMaTiCcan i show you a video01:22
Iowangeorge:  Is networking working in spite of warning?01:22
AuToMaTiCof whats going wrong01:22
falloreoldbstrd, that doesn't work.01:23
ardchoilleAuToMaTiC: The link the bot posted is the official info, try that first01:23
georgei mean i am just not able to even detect the networks01:23
oldbstrdfallore:  hit ctrl alt backspace01:23
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish
georgethe network manager shows it unmanaged01:24
Iowangeorge:  Does /etc/network/interfaces have more than 2 lines defining "lo"?01:24
ardchoilleoldbstrd: Firstly that is a bad way of restarting X, secondly that key combo has been disabled recently01:24
Out_Coldmikepett, are you running linux already?01:24
AuToMaTiCi have it semi installed ardchoille01:24
falloreoldbstrd, that didn't work either01:24
DaZardchoille: why bad? >:01:24
ardchoilleAuToMaTiC: Have you tried the troubleshooting section in the links the bot posted?01:24
georgeit has lots of lines01:24
ardchoilleDaZ: doesn't save stuff01:24
georgefirst is the auto lo01:24
mikepettno... right now the netbook I'm trying to install ubuntu on has windows xp on it, but I'm working from my Mac (this is where I downloaded the ubuntu iso).01:25
georgeand then auto eth001:25
snoopyWhich version of Counter Strike works on ubuntu? X_X01:25
maxagazsudo echo foo > bar doesn't workd, what else should i use ?01:25
georgethen it loopback01:25
oldbstrdsorry restart the computer and check all your settings before using suspend fallore01:25
georgethen wlan001:25
georgeadn its loopback01:25
georgethen dsl-provider and some more of its contents01:25
Jamedi am trying to set up wpa_supplicant, but it doesnt work if i use the wext-driver. I have a Broadcom BCM4312 wireless card. Which driver should i use instead?01:25
ardchoilleDaZ: If you're been working two days on a text doc and you hit ctrl+alt+bckspc, the text doc doesn't get saved and you don't get prompted01:26
Out_Coldmikepett, might need to turn the boot flag on the usb?01:26
DaZardchoille: not saving for two days is just stupid01:26
damo22what is the name of the software firewall in ubuntu?01:26
kaylaCan someone help me figure out how I can get my pictures off my Nikon Coolpix s220 ? I plug it in and notin happenes01:26
bazhangdamo22, iptables ?01:26
Out_Colddamo22, firestarter is the GUI01:26
bazhangsnoopy, check the appdb01:26
ardchoilleDaZ: True, but people do it so best to advise a better way just in case01:26
mikepettOut_Cold: very good possibility... how would I do that?01:26
bazhang!appdb | snoopy01:27
ubottusnoopy: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help01:27
Iowangeorge:  Those definitions are why they are unmanaged.01:27
georgeso what do i do01:27
DaZand most of the text editors do backups every few minutes01:27
georgei mean do i comment them all01:27
DasEi4!paste > ard1an01:27
Out_Coldmikepett, not sure on mac lol maybe check out some forums or a mac channel01:27
ubottuard1an, please see my private message01:27
mikepettOut_Cold: no problem... crazy thing is I did this before to get ubuntu on my daughters netbook, had no problems! Can't believe I can't figure it out all of the sudden. Has to be something stupid I'm over looking.01:28
mikepettOut_Cold: thanks for trying01:28
Iowangeorge:  You can comment out all but "auto lo" and "iface lo inet loopback" - may not fix all problems, though01:28
Out_Coldmikepett, it's always something small that makes you smack yourself afterwards ;)01:28
cdaviswhen make a change to an apparmor.d file, is there anything that needs to be done other than a restart of apparmor?01:28
georgei will do that then01:29
neverender13009im trying to get songbird and my ipod to work on ubuntu 9.10...and it works fine..lets me sync stuff to it..but then it'll only play the first 4 seconds of a song over and over...anybody know why this might be? I thought i did everything properly01:30
ardchoilleneverender13009: Kinda sounds like a "preview" optiion somewhere, just a guess01:31
neverender13009ardchille: preview option?01:31
ardchoillepreview the first few seconds of a song01:31
ardchoilleneverender13009: as I said, just a guess01:32
mistahjchey is it possible to install i tunes on my ubuntu 9.10 using wine or somthing01:32
Out_Coldardchoille, although it's usually 10 secs for a preview... but still a guess :p01:32
ubottuitunes is not available on Linux, but there are many audio player alternatives (see !players). For Daap clients (sharing music with other iTunes clients on the network), install banshee01:32
Out_Coldmistahjc, use something other than itunes.01:32
bazhangmistahjc, no01:32
neverender13009Ardchoille: well i can skip ahead to any point in the song..and it will play exactly 4 seconds from that point..but then it just reverts to playing that over and over01:32
kcj1993mistahjc: why do you want itunes01:33
ardchoilleneverender13009: ok, bad guess01:33
mistahjci have itunes music that i bought01:33
=== trism_ is now known as trism
bazhangmistahjc, aac format?01:33
mistahjcand my old roomate is sending me back myipod01:33
Out_ColdDRM music is a waste of time lol01:33
kaylacan someone help me figure out why my digital camera isnt being recognized??? I cant get my pictures off my camera01:33
ardchoilleOut_Cold: Comments like that aren't really productive here01:34
kcj1993DOWN WITH DRM!01:34
trismOut_Cold: items isn't drm'd anymore...01:34
trismOut_Cold: itunes I mean01:34
oldbstrdmistahjc: try atunes it is the itunes alt for linux01:34
poutinepirate everything01:34
mistahjcbazhag, can i rip my music on to bashee01:34
poutineit's 20x better when it's free01:34
bazhangpoutine, stop that01:34
Out_Coldkayla, if you plug it in does anything automatically show up?01:34
mistahjcbazhag i heard banshee was good01:34
q0_0pamarok is my favorite01:35
q0_0pand exaile01:35
bazhangmistahjc, what are you trying to do? rip aac to mp3? sync your ipod? both?01:35
racecar56mplayer :301:35
kaylaOut_Cold, nope nothing happens01:35
bizarrechaosamarok ftw01:35
racecar56the command line i am talkin' abouts.01:35
kcj1993how do you get amarok working01:35
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:35
racecar56not gmplayer in other words01:35
scunizikayla: is it a nikon?01:35
drygis there a terminal command to view the network IP of the computer?01:36
joshritgerI have an old Gateway solo 1450 laptop from around 2002, I have been trying to install xubuntu or a derivative of ubuntu on the laptop. The problem I am having is that with 8.04 my wifi card doesn't work, but with 9,04 and 9.10 the graphics are buggy. I get artifacting in 9.04 and a flashing screen in 9.10 but the wifi card works. I am currently installing 8.10 and want to know if I can still get the updates for it01:36
Iowandryg: ifconfig01:36
dryginternal ip, rather01:36
neverender13009are there any arguments as to why Amarok would be superior to Banshee or songbird? I'm tired of struggling with songbird on everything..01:36
scunizikayla: go to Places and see if it shows up there in the menu.. don't forget to also look in the "Removeable Media" section of Places.01:36
ubottuUbuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) was the ninth release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ - Release Notes: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/81001:36
mistahjci want to rip my mp3s of my ipod and put them on my comptuter there sync it so it has my itunes \01:37
bizarrechaosdryg: ip addr01:37
mistahjcan so i dont loose my money i put into this01:37
bazhangmistahjc, should do, I have used banshee in the past, depends on model of iPod01:37
Black_Phantomjoshritger, the death date of 8.10 is on April 201001:37
kaylascunizi, it doesnt show up there and I dont see a removable media... i have Xubuntu 9.1001:38
kaylaif that make s a ifference01:38
bizarrechaosput it in terminal01:38
joshritgerBlack_Phantom: thanks, I will make an apt on cd to back up the updates01:38
mistahjci have the first nano that playes videos 16gigs01:38
drygneither of those commands show an IP address01:38
joshritgerBlack_Phantom: do you have any idea why the graphics would have regressed with a newer release?01:38
Out_Coldkayla, you can check in the file browser and point it to /media/01:38
LucidGuyTrying to install Xen on an Ubuntu 9.10(karmic) system with no luck.  I'v installed (apt-get install) ubuntu-xen-server and a handfull of other xen-XXX packages.  To my knowledge I should have a xen kernel in place before starting up any VMs but the ubuntu-xen-server packages does not seem to have installed a xen kernel option.  This GRUB2 is not helping either.  Can someone point out what else I need?  What am I m01:38
Black_Phantomjoshritger, No problem; Good idea.01:38
scunizikayla: by the way.. I find it faster to pull the SD card and use a reader.. probably won't make a difference.. I have 8.04LTS right now.. Nikon also has a menu option to put it in "harddrive" mode or similar01:38
Black_Phantomjoshritger, what graphic card do you use ?01:39
mistahjcdoes that work for banshee01:39
jongberg1dryg: are you using ubuntu? what version?01:39
scunizikayla: might also be labeled usb01:39
SquideshiThe getting started help page for the system log viewer says to choose System Tools > Log File Viewer, but this isn't true in Ubuntu.01:39
bazhangmistahjc, you have ubuntu installed?01:39
mistahjcyes 9.10 full installed01:39
drygjongberg1, 9.04 on the box i'm working on01:39
joshritgerBlack_Phantom: I am not really sure, it is in an old laptop, some intel based card, not really sure which model01:39
bizarrechaosit will say inet next to the ip01:39
bazhangmistahjc, why not install banshee and try then01:39
jongberg1dryg: then the command ifconfig should work if done in the terminal01:40
mistahjcok i will but does it work with my ipod01:40
bazhangmistahjc, not sure, earlier models are more likely to01:40
joshritgerBlack_Phantom: how would I check this through the terminal?01:40
Black_Phantomjoshritger, try "sudo lspci |more"01:40
mistahjccool cool01:40
oldbstrdmistahjc: i would try a variaty of them so you get an idea01:40
nytek_how do you term off highlighting in rxvt01:40
mistahjccan do thanks guys01:41
mistahjcubuntu kicks ass01:41
boumacould someone advise the best way to backup a hdd before it fails, with dd ?01:41
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joshritgerBlack_Phantom: will try, to look it up, will take me a few min, currently installing it right now01:41
bizarrechaosthats the lo it should be under eth1 or eth001:41
boumaor should i use dddump ?01:41
Iowandryg: ifconfig -a should show all interfaces01:41
echosystmyou havent been using ubuntu for long have you mistahjc01:41
drygah never mind i found it01:41
echosystmit shows ;)01:41
mistahjci just said that so people are like yeahh01:41
Black_Phantomjoshritger, cool01:42
mistahjctrying to b funny01:42
ubottuTo re-enable the Ctrl-Alt-Backspace combination that restarts your X server see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/DontZap01:42
echosystmbouma, dd is fine01:42
Out_Coldubuntu is the best and worst of linux and it's fairly user dependent on that opinion01:43
echosystmdo you want to do it to an image or clone an entire disk or what?01:43
Guest8780Hello Guys I can not get qOS to recognice the hunday  model 90 monitor an ideas01:43
hfeistghow can i apply the 915 resolution patch to grub?01:43
FreeaqingmeJust had to fix 10 (windows) pc's. I'm loving linux...01:43
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kaylaok i dont have a card reader so that options is out for the moment01:43
echosystmif you want to clone an entier drive its just dd if=/dev/sdX of=/dev/sdY01:43
racecar56i have a HDD that testdisk can find ext3/2 partitions hiding in a non-partition-tabled area, how do i recover the contents of the partitions?01:43
Out_Coldkayla, what about the hard disk option? does your camera have that option?01:44
echosystmreverse the arguments to restore01:44
plitterhttp://matlab.pastebin.com/m4c2b85a3 could someone help me a bit, trying to use the saveas command in matlab but cant find the file afterwards01:45
echosystmcan anyone help me find a guide to setting up backlight/cpu throttling changes on ACPI events?01:46
echosystmor is this all set up in ubuntu by default?01:46
echosystm(i havent used ubuntu in a long while)01:46
Out_Coldkayla, I just pulled a usb internal card reader out of an old box that you are welcome to have.. just gotta pay S&H ;)01:46
Billiardechosystm: you can change the brightness when on battery in the power settings i think01:47
WizzupHi. I am using ethtool to set my internet speed to 100 Mbps instead of 10Mbps. Now I want it to be permanent... But how do I save it, without some nasty hack? In other words, does Ubuntu have a config file for this?01:47
kaylaOut_Cold, I dont see the hard drive option and i dont know that your card reader wil work,.... I have a laptop01:48
echosystmBilliard, I don't run gnome01:48
echosystmthis is a CLI install01:48
Billiardechosystm: ok01:48
WallaceAny idea where I can look for info on setting up a webcam on a compaq presario laptop?  It appears to be installed, but I can't seem to get a picture on it.  I've tried testing in ekiga, and my cam is listed, but the 'local video' options are greyed out - I've not managed to find anything on any forums that have helped01:49
WizzupI think I found it, nevermind01:49
Out_Coldkayla, yea won't work in a laptop.. can you open a terminal, unplug the camera, plug it in, then run dmesg01:49
boumabut i need to duplicate the partition table too! echosystm: should i dd the source sdb straight to the dest, sdc, sdc is larger, or should i create partitions and dd from partition to partition01:50
codeymandoes anybody know of any tool that will allow me to write on the desktop wallpaper01:51
zerqhttp://gothamist.com/2009/11/28/crooks_shoot_man_for_tv_but_its_too.php (..big for getaway car.. -_-)01:51
Guest8780Any help outhere with the hunday 90 monitor01:51
codeymansomething like paint/gimp working area (but as a wallpaper?)01:51
Black_Phantomcodeyman, edit the desktop wallpaper background with an image editor, even paint can do that lol01:51
Billiard!ot > zerq01:51
ubottuzerq, please see my private message01:51
boumaechosystm: can i copy the partition table from one drive to another?01:52
usr13kayla: tail -f /var/log/messages01:52
codeymanBlack_Phantom: I know that :) .. just wanted to know if I can do it without going through the paint like apps01:52
kaylaOut_Cold, http://paste2.org/p/53797701:52
Black_Phantomcodeyman, oh I see, are you actually trying to use the desktop for quick notes ?01:53
codeymanyes.. Just want to be able to write on the wallpaper as if it were a wall..01:53
Out_Coldkayla, what about sudo fdisk -l01:53
codeymanand I dont want to use any stick notes apps01:53
lockdcodeyman, you will need an application for that though01:53
codeymanlockd: app is fine as long as it is invisible to me01:54
lockdyou can really set anything as your root window and replace the gnome desktop, but I don't think that's what you want01:54
codeymanlockd: I know that.. I dont use gnome (I use wmii)01:55
codeymanso any app that can magically make my desktop writable would go great with the tablet01:55
hfeistgif i installed a custom grub in /opt/grub2 where do i put my grub.cfg?01:55
kreppnarcould i get some help with a fullscreen game problem?01:56
Adam75I installed gnome-do and docky ... then after restarting my computer I can't move my mouse proertly... Why? i've unticked them from my gnome-session-properties01:57
creeedI got an ip-adress from my dhcp-server ( and I cant use it to browse into the webserver as http: just localhost or are available!01:57
neon_besides tvtime is there another tv application, i can get my hauppauge tuner to work ok under mplayer but changing channels is cavemen dated01:57
creeedhow can I bind this ip to reconize my localhost?01:57
DBOAdam75, i kinda doubt there is a direct connection between the two01:57
kcj1993kreppnar:don't ask to ask, just ask01:57
kreppnarhaha well i just cant figure it out01:57
kreppnardoom 3, quake wars01:57
kreppnari get into the game01:57
Adam75DBO; You do? I think there is.. everythin worked fine.. before installing them01:57
kreppnarthen my cursor dissapears01:58
kaylausr13, Out_Cold , http://paste2.org/p/53798601:58
DasEi4creeed: from where to do you want to access the server ?01:58
kreppnarbut when i open the console in the game, i get my cursor back01:58
gluonmanI just put a new hard drive into my computer. When I start the computer, it's significantly louder than the other hard drive that was already in the computer. What can I use in Ubuntu that might help me diagnose the hard drive and see if the noise levels are a concern or not?01:58
DBOAdam75, did you try uninstalling them?01:58
creeedDasEi4, browser01:58
kreppnareven if its in a window mode01:58
Adam75DBO; How do I uninstall them from terminal?01:58
ardchoille!enter | kreppnar01:58
ubottukreppnar: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:58
=== TcP is now known as Guest67310
DasEi4creeed: network was the quest01:58
DBOAdam75, sudo aptitude remove gnome-do01:58
Adam75DBO; sudo dpkg -l | grep Gnome Do01:58
Adam75sudo dpkg -l | grep Gnome?01:58
Out_Coldkayla, sudo fdisk -l (lower case L)01:58
Black_Phantomcodeyman, I'm afraid there is no app for that so far on Linux, try searching within compiz plug-ins maybe ?01:59
Guest67310hey whats up room im having problems with virtualbox like setting it up seems to be somewhat difficult to me. I dunno why. But my problem is it wont boot any disk any ideas you guys01:59
DasEi4gluonman: smartmontools offer lot's of reporting, else get a live tool from the vendor01:59
creeedDasEi4, I just want to access my computer with the dhcp-ip-adress from the webbrowser!01:59
kreppnarany ideas?01:59
codeymanok.. I'll search.01:59
DasEi4creeed: from where ? inside the lan or from the inet ?01:59
LeempAnyone else find that flash SUCKS on linux? lol. It seems that 75% of the time flash refuses to accept input events (clicking, etc)01:59
Out_ColdGuest67310, did you set up an iso file as a cdrom image?02:00
Black_PhantomGuest67310, Did you download it from th reps. or from the website ?02:00
creeedDasda, inside the lan first02:00
Adam75DBO;  and for gnome docky?02:00
neon_besides tvtime is there another tv application, i can get my hauppauge tuner to work,  it works ok under mplayer but changing channels is cavemen dated02:00
gluonmanDasEi4, I'll give that a try. Thanks02:00
creeedDasEi4, I added the ip-address to the host-file bur no success!02:00
DBOAdam75, are you using standalone docky (the new one) or the old one that shipped with GNOME Do?02:00
scyxhi, does anyone have any experience with installing ubuntu moblin remix ontop of a karmic install? are there any instructions on how to do it, any known issues, is it even possible?02:00
Adam75DBO; I installed Gnome-DO first, then docky..02:00
Adam75DBO; I will try to reboot now after uninstalling gnome do02:01
DBOAdam75, sudo aptitude remove docky02:01
Guest67310out_Cold Black_phantom na i didnt set up the cdrom as an image and i downloaded it from the website the rep is ose and it doesnt have the usb boot02:01
DasEi4creeed: I still don't get you; you got two machines in a lan that you want to connect ?02:01
kreppnarneon_ kaffeine has a tv player support02:01
kreppnarneon_ try that02:01
creeedDasEi4, even in the same computer I cant access to the webserver when I use the ip-address, which I got from the dhcp server, I can just use localhost hostname or
kaylaOut_Cold, http://paste2.org/p/53799202:01
Adam75DBO; I'm rebooting now, I've just uninst gnome.do.. lets see02:01
Out_ColdGuest67310, you have the VM installed though?02:01
creeedDasEi4, bestimmt kannstu deutsch, oder?02:02
DasEi4creeed: you run a webserver on that, ja, ubuntu-de ?02:02
Adam75DBO; I can't click anything.. and my mouse is moving in strange ways02:02
Guest67310out_Cold yes its installed. really i dont know how to use it. i know at school i just open vmware and stick the cd in and click start and it automatically starts02:02
Guest67310im not sure what the problem is here02:03
Out_ColdGuest67310, you have a cd you want to boot or an iso file?02:03
Guest67310a cd02:03
DBOAdam75, did you reboot?02:03
Guest67310Out_Cold a cd02:03
kcj1993amarok won't play!02:03
Adam75DBO; uninst gnome-do didnt work02:03
DBOAdam75, not surprised02:04
=== Guest67310 is now known as TCP
Adam75DBO; uninstalled gnome docky now02:04
DBOAdam75, its just "docky" not "gnome docky"02:04
Out_ColdGuest67310, you need to set the options when you make a new OS setup. Which means you probably also have to create a new setup for an OS. I recommend starting off with the help menu ;)02:04
DBOAdam75, I should know, I wrote it :P02:04
Adam75DBO; I know, uninst.. docky.. nothing02:04
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kcj1993anyone know why?02:04
Adam75DBO; What can be wronng? ;/02:04
DBOAdam75, again not surprised, Docky doesn't screw with your mouse in any realistic way02:04
imtrynowwindow show 102:04
joshritgerBlack_Phantom: I got 8.10 to install on the laptop, I ran the command you told me to run to check the graphics chipset, and it is a intel 82830 chipset02:05
DBOAdam75, install any updates recently02:05
Guest72596Out_Cold when i click start i get Fatal Error: no bootable medium found02:05
zerqdoes i686 stuff run on Atom?02:05
Black_PhantomAdam75, try sudo aptitude remove gnome-do-docklets02:05
jazzencatzerq, so far as i can tell, yes.  I'm running i686 stuff on an ASUS Eee PC02:06
kcj1993what does i686 even mean?02:06
Adam75Black_Phantom; Trying now02:06
jazzencatReferes to a generation of x86 CPUs02:06
jazzencatyou have 386, 486 etc02:07
tokamHi, I use a notebook from dubai with german keyboard layout but i need some customisation because i am missing the # and the <> characters.02:07
Adam75DBO; I don't know.. I've rebooted comp several times.. just this time made it fuck up02:07
tokamhow could i set up my own combinations?02:07
Out_ColdGuest72596, that's because you have not set any options. when creating a new OS, you need to make a disk image and also add a cd drive to access if you are using a cd to install02:07
kcj1993my first computer was a 48602:07
DBOAdam75, for the sake of sanity, have you tried another mouse?02:08
jazzencatNow I need to see if I can get a customised e16wm running instead of the GNOME netbook interface.02:08
HilBillymine was a Sinclair.02:08
HilBillyat least first store bought computer.02:08
Adam75DBO; I don't have another mouse ,/02:08
kcj1993but i mean 486 from the 90's02:08
Adam75DBO; my mouse moves.. i just can't click anywhere and it doesn't move the way i want it to02:08
usr13tokam:  Here's mine:  #<>02:08
Guest72596Out_Cold lol all i had to do was edit my settings so that it will mount the cdrom drive02:08
DBOAdam75, can you be a little more descriptive about "not moving the way I want it to"?02:08
randy_hi all02:09
tokamwhat re u trying to tell me usr13? I need help to costumise my layout.02:09
randy_how is it going tonight02:09
Adam75DBO; Trying to move left causes it to move barely right02:09
usr13!hi | randy_02:09
ubotturandy_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!02:09
HilBillydang .. can't remember if the sinclair was 70's or 80's02:09
Black_Phantomjoshritger, one moment02:09
jazzencat80s iirc02:09
jazzencatearly 80s maybe late 70s02:09
joshritgerBlack_Phantom: np02:09
Out_Coldkayla, maybe try this out? http://www.koppenburg.org/D90/v1.html#mount02:09
scyxdoes anyone have any experience with installing ubuntu moblin remix ontop of a karmic install? are there any instructions on how to do it, any known issues, is it even possible?02:09
jazzencatMy grandpa had one02:09
DBOAdam75, I really think you need to find someones mouse to borrow to test with02:09
tokammy problem is, that i have no letter next to the german y (english z)02:10
Out_ColdGuest72596, sounds about right. you also need a hard disk image if you plan to actually install anything02:10
rippersup randy_02:10
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tokamand there we usually have this brackets in germany.02:10
trismtokam: perhaps something like this? http://hektor.umcs.lublin.pl/~mikosmul/computing/articles/custom-keyboard-layouts-xkb.html02:10
randy_hi ripper02:10
Adam75DBO; Works fine on my other computer..02:10
Black_Phantomjoshritger, how is the graphics working ?02:11
randy_hey ripper do you know about ubuntu 9.10 segfaulting on everything02:11
DBOAdam75, interesting... if it helps, I am completely stumped02:11
Black_Phantomdifferent than 9.04 and 9.10 joshritger02:11
tokamyeah thats it trism: but looks like it takes long time!02:11
ripperi've seen it segmentation fault on a few things, but not with EVERY action you do.02:11
jaypeteyok, so i've been searching all night and haven't found anything useful... does anyone know of just a simple program that will show what windows on the desktop are running? (sort of like a clickable alt+tab)02:11
randy_even update manger is segfaulting02:12
Out_Coldkayla, while it may not be a perfect solution, if it works, it works ;)02:12
thropehi - i just upgraded to 9.10 and get an imminent disk failure warning through a very nice graphical smart program - the only problem reported is "seek eror rate" - is this likely to be accurate or could it be a mistake in the sw?02:12
Black_Phantomjoshritger, try "sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-intel"02:12
joshritgerBlack_Phantom: the graphics run fine on 8.04 and 8.10, but the last two releases have video problems02:12
randy_does anyone else know about the segfault problem with ubuntu 9.1002:12
jazzencathow would i get to a console mode in 9.10UNR?  when i do ctrl-alt-del to kill the wm/de i only get options for  restart, shutdown, hibernate etc02:12
DaZrandy_: check your memory02:13
jazzencatrandy_, never run into it yet02:13
usr13thrope: http://www.hdsentinel.com/hdslin.php02:13
Black_Phantomjoshritger, I guess that is because they marked them as restricted drivers on 9.04 & 9.10, did you check 'Hardware drivers' in System > Admin > Hardware drivers and check if they were restricted ?02:13
randy_did memstat no errors02:13
ripperit seems memtest86+ would be in good order02:13
creeedhow can I access from my local machine to my webserver using the lan ip address (example
usr13thrope: sudo ./hdsentinel02:13
joshritgerBlack_Phantom: I checked for restricted drivers in the newer releases and got nothing02:14
rprthrope, run smartctl -A, It'll show you everything the drive is telling.02:14
Black_Phantomjoshritger, did you try "sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-intel" ?02:14
ripperrandy_, they are talking about you running memtest86+02:14
usr13jazzencat: Ctrl-Alt-F602:14
throperpr: ok - but I have all that info through the nice palimpsest utility02:14
ripperi have a copy02:14
jazzencatthanks, usr1302:14
randy_did last night no erros02:14
ripperwant me to bring it to you?02:14
me__hello, can someone help me install java, i am getting an error during the extracting phase: ./jre-6u17-linux-i586.bin: 366 .install.sfx.2472: not found02:14
joshritgerI am currently in 8.10, I can try 9.10 and that, but I have to load the live cd first to try it02:15
usr13creeed: ssh
Adam75DBO; Should i run recovery mode?02:15
ardchoille!java | me__02:15
ubottume__: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository02:15
Black_Phantomme__, are you compiling ?02:15
joshritgerBlack_Phantom:I am currently in 8.10, I can try 9.10 and that, but I have to load the live cd first to try it02:15
Black_Phantomjoshritger, I dont think you can test it on the live cd, since when you reboot ( which you need when you install the driver ) it will reset everything back02:15
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ripperrandy_'s memtest86 ran with no errors last night (he's my roomie) and were both confused about this.02:16
neon_besides tvtime is there another tv application, i can get my hauppauge tuner to work,  it works ok under mplayer but changing channels is cavemen dated02:16
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thropeusr13: hdsential reports Est. lifetime: 0 days - uh oh02:16
joshritgerBlack_Phantom: oh, didn't think of that, I will try reinstalling 9.10 and then try to instasll the intel driver how you told me to, I will let you know if that works02:16
randy_firefox, gache, update manager, all show segfault02:16
rprthrope, then you should be abl to tell if other parameters are high too. If it's only the seek error rate then maybe it's not too bad.02:16
DaZrandy_: strace something until it crashes and paste the log02:17
jaypeteyneon_: have you tried mythtv? i use it with a hauppauge tuner all the time02:17
rippermacd, you around?02:17
throperpr: everything else is fine - just seek error rate, but it reports imminent failure02:17
usr13thrope: Maybe it's time for a new one?02:17
Guest11682Black_Phantom: i am following the instructions here: http://www.java.com/en/download/help/5000010500.xml#selfextracting02:17
neon_jaypetey: mythtv setup is torture to say the elast02:17
Black_Phantomjoshritger, if it didnt we have a choice to download the driver from Intel's website and to compile it manually :)02:18
Black_PhantomGuest11270, what version are you using of Ubuntu ?02:18
neon_and yes, i tried it i have a hauppauge 1600, it works great under mplayer just changing channels is ridicously painful02:18
usr13neon_: what is wrong with changing channel via mplayer?02:18
neon_i have to use ivtv-tune command02:18
Guest11682Black_Phantom: how do i find out/02:18
rprthrope, the "imminent failure" is reported because the seek error rate is higher than the mfg likes.02:19
neon_i get the remote recognize with lirc but i can't change channels02:19
Guest11682Black_Phantom: 9.1002:19
joshritgerBlack_Phantom: ok, thanks, will be back after it installs02:19
gluonmanDasEi4, I'm not sure what to look out for in /var/log/messages after I run smartd02:19
Black_PhantomGuest11682, then just go to Ubuntu Software Center under Applications > search 'Java' and click install then everything goes on automatically02:19
throperpr: i dont really understand this line   7 Seek_Error_Rate         0x000f   027   026   030    Pre-fail  Always FAILING_NOW 323414151193402:20
thropebecause 27 is value, 26 is worst and 30 is threshold02:20
Guest11682Black_Phantom: there are many options..02:20
thropeso it looks like 27 is below the threshold... but perhaps im reading it wrong02:20
Black_PhantomGuest11270, to be more accurate "Sun Java 6 Runtime"02:20
Black_Phantomguest11682, to be more accurate "Sun Java 6 Runtime"02:21
s3ahow can you check/change how long sudo remembers that you entered your password until it decides to forget it?02:21
DaZs3a: man sudoers [;02:22
Guest72596Out_Cold Yea i have it installed it works perfectly now. in order for the virtualbox to boot off the cd virtualbox has to mount the drive in order to boot from it02:22
throperpr: it mustbe a mistake right? the raw value is  323414151193402:22
jaypeteydoes anyone know of a window picker program/applet/screenlet that would work in both compiz and openbox?02:22
Black_Phantoms3a, I assume it is 60 minutes02:22
Adam75Dbo--- mouse doesn work.. i just tried keyboard02:23
s3aBlack_Phantom, isnt it more like 5 min the default?02:23
rprthrope, the 027 is the seek error rate scaled to 100...0. 100 means perfect and 0 means dead. 30 is the limit that the mfg set. 27<30 so the SW issues the warning.02:23
Guest72596Out_Cold lol sorry dude didnt know i was reading old post. but hey thanks for the help.02:23
gluonmanHow can I check my harddrive to make sure it's reliable before I transfer my data to it?02:23
randy_http://pastebin.com/m318105a5  this is all I can get from strace my system froze up02:23
throperpr: oh right, lower numbers... got it.. makes sense then that it is below threshold... try to get it changed next week02:23
Out_Coldso i just installed a LVM partitioned server setup and on boot, i get that the /dev/mapper/media-root does not exist, that it's dropping to busybox shell... any ideas? i already went back and tried to repartition the LVMs02:23
Guest11682Black_Phantom: thanks! java is working now02:23
Black_Phantoms3a, do you actually want to change the time limit ?02:23
Black_Phantomguest116, Np:)02:23
usr13gluonman: http://www.hdsentinel.com/hdslin.php02:24
rprthorpe, the raw value doesn't mean anything unless you have drive manual. It's often bitfields, not just a count.02:24
s3aBlack_Phantom, no i dont lol, i just want to know for configuring other systems in the future02:24
usr13gluonman: sudo ./hdsentinel02:24
gluonmanusr13, I'll check that out.02:24
elchiludoguys i somehow changed the gdm login screen in karmic,i wish to change it back to its default,anybody know the command to reset it?02:25
s3aBlack_Phantom, well i do but not yet i just rather know things in advance02:25
s3aBlack_Phantom, (not on my system)02:25
DaZs3a: read the friendly sudoers manpage02:25
DaZit's in there.02:25
usr13elchiludo: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-10223.html02:25
Out_Coldfriendly and manpage don't go well in the same sentence02:26
throperpr: thanks for the help02:26
DaZit looks pretty decent imo02:26
elchiludo@usr13 it doesnt work like that in karmic,karmic took off the gdm customization for a faster boot02:27
Black_Phantoms3a, to make stuff easier/safer try "sudo su" it will make you root forever ( I guess not sure )02:27
con-manguys, my mouse doesn't like flash programs, it wont click the buttons its so bizzare.  I have no idea where to even start looking. Any ideas?02:27
throperpr: do you know if its worth unmounting or turning off the machine for the time being02:27
throperpr: its a while before I can get physical access02:27
Out_ColdBlack_Phantom, i think it's sudo -i02:27
s3ait is sudo -i02:28
Black_Phantomoh yeah, thanks Out_Cold02:28
con-mansudo su works as well02:28
con-manboth sudo -i and sudo su work02:28
Black_PhantomI just know su from debian :)02:28
s3awell i have su02:28
brian183can anyone help me get audio capture to work in vlc using a creative live notebook cam... I get video in VLC, cheese, skype but no matter what I can't get the audio off my webcam mic in VLC, I can tell i sound prefs that the mic is turned on. please help.02:28
con-manguys, my mouse doesn't like flash programs, it wont click the buttons its so bizzare.  I have no idea where to even start looking. Any ideas?02:28
s3aanyways given that i need to reasd alot, ill just do this later because i have homework02:28
brian183im running karmic02:28
Out_Coldcon-man, but acts differently than sudo -i... sudo su creates 2 commands while sudo -i does only 102:29
usr13elchiludo: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/XFree-Local-multi-user-HOWTO/automation_login_screen.html02:29
P67How does one fix the error concerning  "gdm-binary[7671]: WARNING: GdmDisplay: display lasted 0.278336 seconds02:29
con-manOut_Cold, is the end result not the same?02:29
rprthrope, if you're concerned for your data then I'd just unmount the drive and keep it spinning unless it makes noises02:29
Black_Phantombrian183, #videolan :)02:29
elchiludothats more like it!! thanxs @usr1302:29
Black_Phantombrian183, #videolan is made for VLC02:29
brian183fair enough02:30
Out_Coldcon-man, depends on the usage. i can't remember the exact differences but the sudo su can cause complications02:30
DaZcon-man: it's a bug in gtk2.1802:30
con-manDaZ, about the sudo stuff or my mouse not working in flash?02:30
usr13Out_Cold: Doesnt cause any complications, but the user might.02:30
DaZcon-man: explain me how can gtk be related to sudo <:02:30
con-manDaZ, so upgrade my gtk?02:31
P67How does one fix the GDM display erroring from the upgrade to 9.10?02:31
DaZcon-man: 2.18 is the newest02:31
con-manDaZ, so downgrade?02:31
DaZcon-man: so live with it02:31
DaZcon-man: does it sometimes work or only doesn't?02:31
con-manDaZ, its intermittent02:31
con-manDaZ, mostly doesn't but if I click enough times it works for a few clicks02:32
DaZcon-man: then it can be something else :f02:32
usr13DaZ: gksu - GTK+ frontend for su and sudo02:32
con-manDaZ, and its not something that I can live with, I may as well not have flash installed at all its so useless02:32
s3a(gksu for su and gksudo for sudo)02:33
DaZusr13: thank you, cpt. obvious02:33
DaZcon-man: 64bits?02:33
con-manDaZ, yessir02:33
DaZcon-man: are you using 64bit flashplayer or 32 through a wrapper? :f02:34
P67Is anyone known with the GDM Display errors, and willing to help out?02:34
con-manDaZ, how can I check02:34
randy_I ran strace on firefox and my system froze up ripper is ssh in my system and was able to unfreeze it should I try to run strace again02:36
gluonmanI ran some diagnostics on a harddrive I just installed in my computer. It says everything is fine, but it's electric discharges are really loud, like those old computers. Is there any reason to be concerned? Should I move the HDD to another spot?02:36
ripperheh my other ssh session locked up randy_ , was running strace on /bin/bash02:36
DaZcon-man: that's a hard question [;02:37
randy_damn it man what is up with 9.1002:37
DaZrandy_: it works for everyone else02:37
con-mananyone here know how I can check if I am running 64 bit flash or 32 bit flash with a wrapper?02:37
ripperDaZ, he has no memory issues.02:37
Out_ColdRaNdY, you could move to the user friendly windows 7 at $199.99 US02:37
usr13con-man: dpkg -L pkg-name  or  less /var/lib/dpkg/info/flash02:38
ripperwindows 7 is not worth using as hobo toilet paper.02:38
usr13con-man: dpkg -L pkg-name  or  less /var/lib/dpkg/info/flash*02:38
randy_that true ripper02:38
Unruly-1but who would spend $199.99 for Win7 when you can use Ubuntu at the cost of $0 and configure it to your own liken02:38
usr13con-man: dpkg -L pkg-name  or  ls /var/lib/dpkg/info/flash*02:38
Out_Coldvery true Unruly-102:39
* DaZ would.02:39
Out_Coldit just costs you lots of grey hair and several sleepless nights02:39
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!02:39
Unruly-1I've Ubuntu 9.10 and aside from minor Pulseaudio issues its running ok02:39
seniorizim having trouble booting my server when i have no HDD's connected (except the OS drive) it says it cannot boot from /dev/sdi1 ... why doesnt grub.cfg use UUID ? :(02:40
irnmnIs it unusual for a Ubuntu 9.10 x64 to suddenly and randomly FORGET how to use flashplayer?02:40
randy_for some reason my ubuntu keeps freezing up to the roint I have to hard boot02:40
randy_then today I got segfault on anything I tried to run02:40
P67Is anyone well aware of LVM2 based systems? I'm trying to set up a partition on a recently installed system (9.10) with normal partitions except for a big partition on an LVM base. However with 9.10 and 9.04 dmmod should be in the kernel. How can i find it?02:40
irnmnBooted up and my laptop has arbitrarily decided at first not to play any sound in Flash apps, and now it has chosen not to load them at all.  -No updates or installations were made in the past 2 days.02:40
DaZrandy_: is it like this since you've installed it?02:41
ripperDaZ, it happens randomly after updates02:41
]pablo[someone tell me why to switch to ubuntu from debian?02:41
randy_the freeze up started right after a freash install02:41
GNS3_userbetter icons02:41
randy_then today I got segfault errors02:41
seniorizis it safe to change /dev/sdi1 to the drives UUID in grub.cfg ?02:41
pilif12phey all. Do uyou know if its possible to use a WUSB300N to work on Ubuntu?02:41
eddie128Hi,  just wondering if anyone feels like helping me with a problem with a problem related to shutting down when using karmic, ck-kit, gnome and mythtv????02:42
Out_Cold]pablo[, i was using debian and i noticed that they use a lot of older "stable" versions of software. ubuntu uses new "stable" software02:42
uniqueim trying to smbmount and im using -o username=Guest but my windows computer has no password for my Guest account and smbmount is asking me for password02:42
uniquei try just hitting enter but it tells me Sorry, try again02:42
pilif12pWill it work out of the box, or do i need a driver?02:42
]pablo[Out_Cold: I use squeeze/sid so i should be up-to-date sorta, the only thing i see better with ubuntu is it saves you a lot of work by seamlessly integrating software02:43
con-mancon-man@con-man-desktop:~$ ls /var/lib/flashplugin-installer/02:43
]pablo[i.e. stuff works out-of-the-box02:43
con-mandoes that mean its 32bit with a wrapper?02:44
con-manusr13, con-man@con-man-desktop:~$ ls /var/lib/flashplugin-installer/02:44
randy_I did strace on firefox here is a link to what I got up til it froze  http://pastebin.com/m318105a502:44
Out_Cold]pablo[, i noticed several apps that were out of date but i was using lenny so maybe squeeze is more up to date02:44
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icerootcon-man: then you are using a 64bit linux but flash is only available at 32bit, so there is a program which makes it possible to use flash 32bit with linux 64bit02:45
lstarnesiceroot: flash is available for 64-bit02:45
icerootlstarnes: not in the repos02:45
lstarnesiceroot: but from adobe02:45
icerootlstarnes: i know02:45
pilif12pno one konws?02:45
con-maniceroot, my mouse doesn't work with flash programs, someone suggested the version of flash (32/64) might have something to do with it02:45
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icerootcon-man: never heard of mouse-problems with flash. sorry02:46
con-manwhy does my mouse not work this is annoying02:46
shengzihi, i've got a bunch of ram files (real player) and wmv files, which programme will burn them so i can play them on a DVD?02:47
usr13con-man: ls  /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/lib*02:47
con-manusr13, ls: cannot access /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/lib: No such file or directory02:47
usr13con-man:  apt-cache search flashplugin02:48
con-manusr13, con-man@con-man-desktop:~$ ls /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/02:48
eddie128Hi,   I'm new here.   I was hoping someone could help point me in the right direction.   I have a problem that seems new to the Karmic release so there is limited info on launchpad.  Is this a good place to ask for some pointers?02:48
usr13con-man: Ok, it's there.. should work.02:48
con-manusr13, sad times, my mouse hates me02:49
usr13con-man: Restart firefox02:49
con-manusr13, done it, loads of times02:49
arandIs the data contained in ~/.gconf/* exactly equal to their equivalent in gconf-editor?02:49
usr13con-man: A mouse like that out to hate you  :)02:49
usr13con-man:  apt-cache search flashplugin02:49
donavanthis system is slow it freezes alot02:50
Black_Phantomeddie128, just go ahead and ask :) if somebody knew the answer, you will get an answer02:50
donavanyou suck ass02:50
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!02:50
usr13!hi | pawan02:51
ubottupawan: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!02:51
pawancant mount volumes listed in fstab02:51
seniorizis it safe to change /dev/sdi1 to the drives UUID in grub.cfg ?02:51
pawanwaiting for kill02:51
usr13pawan: Pick one.02:51
pawani am currently on windows02:51
usr13that's why02:52
eddie128Karmic release now requires the user to authenticate on shutdown when another user is logged in.   Problem is mythbackend (MythTV) is always using a session (ck-list-sessions).   I don't want to give my girlfriend my password so she can't shutdown.   Any ideas on how to disable the new 'feature' or stop mythbackend from using a session?02:52
Dwade09hi all i have a bug for a game i play called uplink, it doesnt act right. http://pastebin.com/m6c7da646  is the link to the bug. its lines 21 and down.02:53
Out_Coldeddie128, multiple users logged in has needed sudo rights for a while. apparently it's not cool to shut out other users while they are using the system02:54
con-manusr13, con-man@con-man-desktop:~$ apt-cache search flashplugin02:54
con-manflashplugin-installer - Adobe Flash Player plugin installer02:54
con-manflashplugin-nonfree - Adobe Flash Player plugin installer (transitional package)02:54
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eddie128Out_Cold  For some reason Mythbackend uses a session though.   It's not a 'real' user.   I am the only one logged in.02:55
P67Oops :)02:55
usr13con-man:  sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree02:56
Out_Coldeddie128, maybe see if there is an appropriate group to add yourself to that allows shutting down without the password?02:56
DaZusr13: is plugin in the repo 64bit or 32? :f02:57
usr13con-man: If that doesn't work, try: apt-get install flashplugin-installer02:57
usr13DaZ: I don't know.  I don't know that it matters.02:57
con-manusr13, done restarted firefox didnt work, and flash-plugin installer is installed already02:57
DaZeh ;f02:58
eddie128Out_cold  I tried adding myself to groups,  no luck unfotuntately.    I don't see why mythbackend is the only process that needs to run its own user session.02:59
mikepettcool, got ubuntu netbook installed on my netbook... is there a getting started page or something that will tell me how to get flash, java, and the essentials up and going?03:00
drasticCan anyone help me with a web issue?03:00
zion711Hola  a todos03:00
josvukWhat's the magic about Network Connections and ppoeconf, why my dsl conection configured with Network Connections fail but went well with ppoeconf?03:00
zion711alguien hablar español03:00
bastid_raZor!es | zion71103:01
ubottuzion711: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.03:01
Out_Coldeddie128, maybe ask the myth guys? if they made it like that, they might have more answers than us03:01
Iowandrastic:  What kind of web issue03:01
kreppnari am having a problem with my fullscreen games. when i play a game in fullscreen my mouse cursor dissapears, and it re-appears when i drop down the console in game. what might be the problem?03:01
zion711ok gracias03:01
Out_Colddrastic, just ask man...03:01
drasticIowan: I'm obviously connected to the net, but web browsing isn't really working...03:01
fbdystangWhat karmic program can I use to write scripts?03:01
usr13con-man: Looking at http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10.html03:02
rrohbeckmikepett, help.ubuntu.com or ubuntuforums.com03:02
usr13con-man: And:  http://arstechnica.com/open-source/news/2008/11/adobe-starts-64-bit-flash-testing-with-linux-alpha.ars03:02
DasEi4fbdystang: any editor03:02
Iowandrastic:  In what way - can't find sites, slow...?03:02
con-manDaZ, what do I do with the .so file?03:03
curriegrad2004hey, I just got an issue here...03:03
josvukfbdystang: What sort of scripts? Bash scripts, python scripts, perl scripts? vi or emacs works for all of them.03:03
DaZcon-man: copy it to ~/.mozilla/plugins03:03
curriegrad2004apparaently I can't get a icecast server listening on port 80 with Ubuntu Server 9.1003:03
fbdystangDasEi4: Can you direct me how?03:03
usr13con-man: http://download.macromedia.com/pub/labs/flashplayer10/libflashplayer-
curriegrad2004did I do something wrong, or does it need additional configuration to get it working on port 80?03:03
usr13con-man: There you go ^^^03:03
drasticIowan: Sometimes it will work perfectly and other times entering an address or clicking on a link will just result in a blank page.03:03
drasticIowan: It's not isolated to specific sites or anything.03:04
usr13con-man: cp it to /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/03:04
DasEi4fbdystang: not to faar03:04
fbdystangjosvuk: I just want to run a program at certain times. Crontab doesn't seem to work and I assume someone has written a nice gui for this type of scripting03:04
rrohbeckfbdystang: http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/03:05
curriegrad2004anybody here can explain to me why port 80 isn't working on Ubuntu Server 9.10 when it comes to services listening on that port?03:05
curriegrad2004I've checked IPtables and ip6tables, seems like it's not blocking port 8003:05
usr13con-man: cp libflashplayer.so /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/03:05
rrohbeckfbdystang: install alarm-clock03:05
usr13con-man: Does it work?03:06
spOcan I have hdmi audio and audio port audio going on at the same time?03:06
spOi don't think i can, can i?03:06
con-manusr13, do I just restart firefox after that?03:07
usr13con-man: Yes03:07
Iowandrastic:  Intermittent and blank page doesn't sound like DNS problem (I could be mistaken)03:07
usr13con-man: May not even need to restart..03:07
usr13con-man: But probably do03:07
seniorizanyone here good with grub ? im trying to change /dev/sdi1 to the drives UUID... else it wont boot when my other drives arent connected03:08
rrohbeckcurriegrad2004: Maybe you have something listening on port 80? Use netstat -a.03:08
curriegrad2004turns up empty03:08
curriegrad2004nothing on www03:08
con-manusr13, didnt work >< do I have to remove the other installs of flash?03:09
DasEi4senioriz: sudo blkid03:09
curriegrad2004and this is a fresh install of ubuntu03:09
usr13con-man: Maybe so...03:09
curriegrad2004the only other thing I installed on there is gw6c03:09
con-manusr13, k03:09
seniorizsenioriz yea but should i just change it in grub.cfg ? switch root=/dev/sdi1 to root= the uuid ?03:10
rrohbeckcurriegrad2004: you have to be root to use a port <102403:10
curriegrad2004is there a way to overcome that limitation?03:10
usr13con-man: sudo rm /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/flashplugin-alternative.so03:10
curriegrad2004because I've got icecast installed using the defaults03:10
curriegrad2004so I don't think there's a reason to run icecast2 in root03:11
curriegrad2004CentOS did let me do that, but ubuntu server isn't letting me listen on port 8003:11
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rrohbeckcurriegrad2004: You can make the program owned by root and use SETUID (see man chmod.) Or use sudo.03:13
Guest6682Has anyone been successful with solving the "Kernel Panic - not syncing: VFS..." problem?03:13
randy_I am still here03:13
=== Guest6682 is now known as kevin___
kevin___Has anyone been successful with solving the "Kernel Panic - not syncing: VFS..." problem?03:14
kevin___I can't seem to find  a solution to this anywhere03:14
webbb82i jusgt installed firefox 3.6 beta 4 the other day and it launched just fine at first but now when i click on the firefox icon it wont launch it  ,if i del it and unzip it again then make a new launcher it will launch for a while then stop whats going on03:14
con-manusr13, now flash wont load at all03:14
curriegrad2004rrohbeck: icecast2 is owned by root03:14
rrohbeckkevin___, that's a generic message you see every time the kernel dies. Usually HW or driver problem.03:15
cowbudwebbb82: chances are when you are quitting firefox is still running but it isn't complaining that it is next time it stops drop to a terminal and do a ps auxww | grep firefox and see if it is still there03:15
kevin___rrohbeck, its definatly a problem closely related to Wubi and the latest uupgrades on 9.10 karmic03:15
seniorizDasEi4 should i just change it in grub.cfg ? change root=/dev/sdi1 to root= the uuid ?03:16
kevin___rrohbeck, i'm not alone w/ this problem -- its all over the forums but nobody has found a solution (see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/151146)03:16
webbb82cowbud, brian@netbook:~$ ps auxww | grep firefox03:16
webbb82brian     4451  0.0  0.0   3036   804 pts/1    S+   19:16   0:00 grep --color=auto firefox03:16
rrohbeckcurriegrad2004: But does it have the setuid bit set? ls -l should start with -rws03:16
joshritger1Black_Phantom: I tried installing the newest intel driver as you described, it said I had the newest version, I also found a fix I want to try that involves adding a line to xorg.conf, but I can't find xorg.conf in xubuntu 9.1003:16
scyxdoes anyone have any experience with installing ubuntu moblin remix ontop of a karmic install? are there any instructions on how to do it, any known issues, is it even possible?03:16
curriegrad2004great, icecast2 won't let me run in root03:17
cowbudwebbb82: try with grep -i firefox03:18
Greencoat1982Anyone able to helo=p with a virtualbox file sharing problem?03:18
bazhangscyx, there is a package ubuntu-netbook-remix in the repositories, not sure about the moblin remix having such a package, unless it is in a PPA03:18
webbb82cowbud, what will that do03:18
echosystmdoes anyone else find ubuntu packages are a bit bastardised?03:18
curriegrad2004rrohbeck: ERROR: You should not run icecast2 as root03:18
cowbudwebbb82: case insensitive if it is named Firefox it will show up03:18
rrohbeckkevin___: Sorry, I've never used Wubi.03:18
echosystmlike what is the point in pulling down gcj with open office03:19
Greencoat1982I have a windows 7 guest installed on my karmic ubuntu03:19
echosystmi mean, really03:19
echosystmits ridiculous03:19
Greencoat1982I have the guest additions installed and the shared folder created on my host03:19
DasEi4senioriz: no, fstab has to be altered, and look for /etc/default/grub, run update grub afterwards03:19
webbb82cowbud, its still searching03:19
cowbudechosystm: uh cause openoffice uses a lot of java also03:19
Greencoat1982but I cannot find the shared folder inside the guest network03:19
echosystmoh really cowbud? i never knew that03:20
cowbudechosystm: yeah if you don't install java you only get so much of the functionaliy03:20
seniorizlooks like changing to uuid worked.. nice ... why doesnt grub in ubuntu use uuid by default anyway?03:20
echosystmwho would have thought suns cross-platform office system would use their own programming language...03:20
webbb82in the firefox folder do i want to launch it with the file firefox or firefox.bin03:20
echosystm(im being sarcastic)03:20
Greencoat1982or can someone at least point me in the right direction, and not another link03:20
ardchoille!blkid | senioriz03:20
ubottusenioriz: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)03:20
webbb82or do i move the .bin file to the bin folder?03:20
seniorizyee i know03:20
echosystmif you have java-jre/jdk, ubuntu still pulls down gcj03:21
rrohbeckcurriegrad2004: You'll have to search the documentation. If it's supposed to run on port 80 there must be a simple way.03:21
echosystmwhich is moronic03:21
seniorizam just wondering why grub still uses /dev/sdX instead of UUID's by default03:21
seniorizseems weird03:21
cowbudwebbb82: just the firefox one it is a script that will load the bin one03:21
echosystmbecause its easier senioriz03:21
webbb82ok grep -i firefox is still doing somthing03:21
curriegrad2004okay, thanks rrohbeck03:21
seniorizeasier.. depends :p03:21
webbb82i think03:22
rrohbecksenioriz: Karmic install uses UIDs03:22
seniorizmine didnt03:22
cowbudwebbb82: you have to do ps auxwww | grep -i firefox not just grep -i firefox otherwise it will just sit there, hit ctrl-c03:22
Greencoat1982So no one has any idea abbout virtualbox here?03:22
webbb82it went down a line and it just blinking03:22
DasEi4senioriz: grub-install -v  returns ?03:22
echosystmwhats the issue Greencoat1982?03:22
rrohbeckGreencoat1982: I do but I missed your question03:22
Greencoat1982I am trying to move files from a windows 7 guest to my karmic host03:22
webbb82brian     4462  0.0  0.0   3036   860 pts/1    S+   19:22   0:00 grep --color=auto -i firefox03:22
webbb82thats wha i get03:23
Greencoat1982I have the guest additions installed03:23
echosystmuse samba03:23
Greencoat1982and the host shared folder created03:23
seniorizgimme a sec DasEi4.. comp not on atm, -v means version ? its 1.97 beta something03:23
cowbudGreencoat1982: share files in your host OS and then connect to the share via your guest03:23
Greencoat1982I have samba installed03:23
Greencoat1982but I cannot find the share from the guest03:23
keith_hello all03:23
Greencoat1982I look in the network tab but nothing is there03:23
echosystmmount it manually03:23
echosystmsmbmount or whatever, i forget the command03:24
DasEi4Greencoat1982: more a virtualboxquestion, guetextensions installed, define a shared folder, can drag them over, or even copy n paste when configured properly03:24
Greencoat1982Thats what I remembered from my older installs03:24
DasEi4senioriz: k then , 1 or higher is grub203:24
Greencoat1982but it doesn't seem to like this time03:24
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Greencoat1982I can't get the usb working either03:24
rrohbeckGreencoat1982: Add the host's IP address to \windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts03:24
cowbudGreencoat1982: start->run \\192.168.XX.XX will connect to your host you don't have to add the IP anywhere03:25
joshritger1how do I edit xorg in xubuntu/ubuntu 9.1003:25
joshritger1It doesn't appear to be there?03:25
DasEi4joshritger1: same as before03:25
Greencoat1982I can use the XX's?03:25
apersonjoshritger1, you should be able to create it03:25
cowbudGreencoat1982: no you have to know the ip of your host machine03:25
webbb82cowbud, what does that mean03:26
webbb82brian     4468  0.0  0.0   3036   804 pts/1    S+   19:25   0:00 grep --color=auto firefox03:26
keith_what quickest way to get two ubuntu machines  to files share on a home router?03:26
apersonjoshritger1, it's just not there, because it doesn't really need it, but it should respect any changes you put into it03:26
Greencoat1982ok I am not seeing the run command in windows 703:26
DasEi4joshritger1: much drivers have moved to kernel, but still xorg.conf is read03:26
apersonkeith_, samba03:26
cowbudGreencoat1982: type it in the little search bob once you click on the windows emblem03:26
webbb82is anyone els having problems with the new firefox 3.6 beta 4 launching after a fresh unzip it willl launch then stop launchin after a while03:27
keith_ok ill try that anything i shuld know befor hand?03:27
Greencoat1982ok, whats the command to show my ip in terminal in karmic again?03:27
joshritger1I guess the problem is that I have a flashing screen due to shotty intel drivers for the intel 82830 chipset03:27
rrohbeckGreencoat1982: ifconfig03:27
Greencoat1982and it would be the "inet addr:" right?03:28
joshritger1I have tried to edit xorg and it is not there, I tried to create it and get an error03:28
apersonjoshritger1, did you try to do it as the superuser?03:29
webbb82cowbud,  check this out this is what i get when i go to the folder firefox is in a launch it  http://pastebin.com/m5803b0db03:29
scyxbazhang: the moblin packages are in a ppa. but what i'm concerned with is that after installing them i might not be able to get back into the usual gnome session03:29
DasEi4joshritger1: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf     ?03:29
joshritger1aperson: yes, I used sudo03:29
apersonmaybe touch the file first?03:29
joshritger1When I do that I get a blank document03:29
apersonyou should03:30
apersonsince it isn't there03:30
joshritger1how do I get default settings for it, I just want to add one line03:30
=== ballzee is now known as Sinister
joshritger1the fix says to add03:31
joshritger1Option      "AccelMethod"  "XAA" to the devices section03:31
ironfoot495Hello I have a problem with not being seen on the internet .How can03:31
cowbudwebbb82: ./firefox03:31
apersonjoshritger1,sudo Xorg -configure03:31
ironfoot495I solve this?03:31
joshritger1aperson: I have tried that and get an error03:31
asdflkHello i need help i need to find a way to check to make sure my system installed properly alot of my software seems to not open such as gdebi wont open to install anything none of my administrative task's work i had to replace the sources.list file for apt to work if you can help me in this matter it'd be appreciated thanks03:32
kripzhow do i apt-get remove a program but keep all other programs that depend on it?03:32
webbb82nothing happened it just went down to the next row with no error and no firefox launch03:32
joshritger1I get an error that says server is already active for display 003:32
apersonjoshritger1, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ?03:33
asdflkany one?03:33
Flannelkripz: You don't.  Those other programs won't work without that program.03:33
apersonasdflk, someone will be with you in a bit, I'm sure03:33
kripzFlannel i need to remove apt's installed version and i want to compile it myself03:33
webbb82brian@netbook:~/Documents/firefox$ ./firefox03:33
asdflkkk thanks'03:33
cowbudwebbb82: makes me think it is running, are no other instances of firefox running?03:34
apersonasdflk, we can't all answer everyone right off :)03:34
Flannelkripz: If you want to do that, and keep those packages, you'll need to create a dummy package for firefox03:34
joshritger1aperson: that doesn't seem to do anything, it didn't show any output and the xorg.conf is sitll empty03:34
asdflki know i used to help in here03:34
apersonwell, if you have the file open yet, it won't show the changes, you have to re-open it03:34
webbb82i did killall firefox and it said no processes found03:34
apersonwebbb82, pgrep firefox | xargs kill03:35
joshritger1aperson: I opened the file after I entered the command03:35
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
asdflkim hoping this upgrade will fix it i forgot to upgrade after install03:35
hum_How can I program some graphics UI application on Ubuntu?03:35
hum_Is that Qt?03:35
ubuntuHello! How do i remove GRUB Loader?03:36
cowbudwebbb82: again you are assuming there are no capitols in the binary. do a ps auxwww |grep -i firefox03:36
apersonjoshritger1, hmm...  are you using any specific drivers?03:36
hum_I'd like to study programming on Ubuntu03:36
aperson!programming | hum_03:36
lockdwebbb82, cowbud: there are no capitals in the firefox binary, unless you're on a really weird distro03:36
joshritger1aperson: this is a default install, just installed about 45min ago, the problem is a blinking screen and it is slightly offset to one side also03:36
microlithhum_: that's a very vague statement03:37
ubuntuHello! How do i remove GRUB Loader? I use a HP Pavillon restore CD's03:37
apersonhmm.. could have sworn.  hum_ : gtk for gnome, but you can use qt if you'd like03:37
apersonjoshritger1, what graphics do you have?03:37
cowbudlockd: or using a binary?03:37
coz_joshritger1,  which video card do you have03:37
joshritger1aperson: I have tried 9.10 and 9.04, they both have a problem, but 8.10 works. Intel 82830 built into a laptop03:38
asdflkhum_ witch language?03:38
kev_can someone help me fix my sound on ubuntu x6403:38
lockdcowbud, haven't seen a firefox binary (even from a tarball) like that03:38
hum_that should be C or C++03:38
webbb82cowbud, ps auxwww |grep -i firefox gives me  brian     4604  0.0  0.0   3036   856 pts/1    S+   19:37   0:00 grep --color=auto -i firefox03:38
pdragon_can anyone tell me witch ubuntu distro cam with gcc 2.4 ?03:38
coz_kev_,    open a terminal   type  alsamixer    does it recognize the card?03:38
cowbudwebbb82: what other binaries do you hae in that directory? just firefox?03:38
cowbudwebbb82: or also firefox.bin try ./firefox.bin and see if it complains somehow03:38
bastid_raZorj/w 403:38
kev_yes it does, coz_03:39
pdragon_cowbud do you know id he chmod it ?03:39
asdflkhum_,  if your doing C/C++ yes qt will be fine03:39
asdflkwill do *03:39
coz_kev_,   ok  now look to see if any of sliders  are muted or turned all the way down03:39
hum_I see03:39
cowbudpdragon_: typically in a tarball your permissions are preserved if it wasn't chmod'd it would have complained with a permission denied03:39
hum_Thank you aperson and asdflk03:39
kev_coz_ nope... i checked that 3 times.03:40
pdragon_can anyone tell me witch ubuntu distro cam with gcc 2.4 ?03:40
hum_I am like a novice on linux so this question was needed03:40
asdflkhum_,  np just trying to help so my issue can be fixxed faster03:40
coz_kev_,   mm and under system/preferences/sound03:40
oYodo you know about pangocairo?03:40
apersonjoshritger1, http://www.insidesocal.com/click/2009/11/pulling-the-trigger-on-ubuntu-2.html03:41
webbb82cowbud, everything in the firefox folder is just what came with it03:41
hum_Thank you again bye ^^03:41
ironfoot495I have a problem with noone can see my machine how do03:41
ironfoot495i fix this?03:41
paddy_melonHey, does anyone know where I can get a dump of the Ubuntu wiki?03:41
kev_coz_  Yeap under that.03:41
cowbudwebbb82: I have no idea what all is in there and im not going to bother downloading it03:42
coz_kev_,  so nothing there seems out of whack?03:42
webbb82brian@netbook:~/Documents$ cd firefox03:42
webbb82brian@netbook:~/Documents/firefox$ ./firefox.bin03:42
webbb82bash: ./firefox.bin: No such file or directory03:42
kev_yea... maybe i dont have all of the mp3 codecs?03:42
coz_kev_,   it is also picking up the card there?03:42
joshritger1aperson: will take a loook03:42
apersonalso, joshritger103:42
aperson!grup2 | joshritger103:42
oYopangocairo sucks, linux sucks03:42
kev_Picks up two cards coz_ and i tried them both03:42
aperson!grub2 | joshritger103:42
cowbudwebbb82: you are going to have to either pay more attention to what is in that directory or provide more pastbins03:42
ubottujoshritger1: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub203:42
coz_kev_,   ok unless someone is more prificient with sound issues here ... I am going to suggest going to  #alsa channel or ##linux  as a last resort03:42
apersonthe info in that post isn't relevant to grub203:43
paddy_melonHey, does anyone know where I can get a dump of the Ubuntu wiki?03:43
joshritger1aperson: what do I need to edit grub 2 for?03:43
webbb82cowbud, did you want me to list all thats in there?03:43
coz_aperson,   what do you want to edit in grub2?03:43
upgrayeddum how do i change channel?03:44
kev_thank you coz_03:44
tLoFPhow well does Ubuntu handle NTSF? am I in danger when I am useing NTSF on a backup drive (external)?03:44
coz_upgrayedd,  where you type here.... type  /join #nameofchannel03:44
upgrayeddk thanks03:44
aishumoorthyhi all, pidgin and empathy are storin passwords in the plain text format.. is there anything which could make it stre password in the encrypted form...?03:44
cowbudaishumoorthy: nope03:44
goosemount: can't find /dev/sdb in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab03:44
gooseI don't understand why I'm getting this message D:03:44
=== lippy is now known as Guest11515
=== Guest11515 is now known as Guest75
goose/dev/sdb/ appears in ls /dev/sd*03:44
upgrayeddhow do i search for channels???03:45
coz_aperson,   you can start with  sudo gedit /etc/default/grub03:45
cowbudwebbb82: another option is to tell me what your launcher has in it..03:45
webbb82the firefox file?03:45
webbb82open in gedit and pastebin?03:45
aishumoorthyhi can anybody answer my question?03:46
cowbudaishumoorthy: i did and the answer is no03:46
coz_upgrayedd,  well  depends on your client  if xchat  go to Sever/List of channels03:46
trismaishumoorthy: at least with pidgin, see http://developer.pidgin.im/wiki/PlainTextPasswords03:46
upgrayeddwhat do i type in, plz just tell me03:46
coz_upgrayedd,  which channel do you want to join03:47
webbb82cowbud,  http://pastebin.com/m3367ddc103:47
upgrayeddany chanel03:47
aishumoorthywebb82: no just go to accessories->password and encryption-> then there is a folder <called passwords, just see the properties of each account, you can see the password..03:47
coz_upgrayedd,  well   as I said ...in the place you type for use to see  type      /join #alsa     for example03:47
coz_upgrayedd, rather where you type when you want us to see what you are saying03:48
ctmjrgoose what file system is on the drive your trying to mount03:48
ironfoot495I need a fix for broken nis packages.03:48
ironfoot495Can I get some help???03:48
paddy_melonHey, does anyone know where I can get a dump of the Ubuntu wiki?03:48
ironfoot495no one can see me on line??03:49
cowbudwebbb82: I menat the gnome laucher not tha t script03:49
coz_ironfoot495,   online where?03:49
kev_hrm should i remove pulse and install esound, coz_?03:49
coz_ironfoot495,   here?03:49
cowbudwebbb82: if that is all it points to then you need to actually install the firefox install for that to work at all look how it referecnes /usr/local/lib03:50
coz_kev_,  well   if you are on ubuntu 9.10 and you remove pulse  you are also going to stop certain sounds like mouse over previews03:50
ironfoot495coz_: well on the intranet you can see everybody on my network but me!03:50
gluonmanI tried to burn a liveCD (3GB iso file) to a DVD+R. But it said that the DVD+R only had 1.4GB of free space when the cover says its capacity is 4.7GB. It burnt anyway and said it was successful, but my computer is entirely unable to boot from the disc.03:50
webbb82how do i install the firefox folder03:50
gluonmanWhat should I do?03:51
coz_kev_,    if esound is what you want  then perhaps  ...as I mentioned... #alsa channle may have more help  or maybe an #esound channel...but would ask what the downside or removing pulse will do first03:51
webbb82cowbud, i was always told to just click on the firefox file03:51
coz_kev_,   I am not sure of all that pulse  will stop if removed  since it is being more and more incorporated into gnome03:51
ironfoot495coz_:I narrowed it down to nis packages but when I try to apt-get I get a error message saying packages are broken03:51
coz_ironfoot495,   ok  if on gnome open   /system/administration/synaptic package manager03:52
coz_ironfoot495,   then under  Edit    clic   Fox broken packages03:52
paddy_melonAnyone know where a dump of the Ubuntu wiki is? Please???03:52
ironfoot495ok bb!03:53
coz_ironfoot495,   rather  "Fix broken packages "  under the  "Edit" menu03:53
kev_i cant remember this old apps name it allowed you to install a bunch most used packages.. can anyone recall what im talking abougt?03:53
soreau@lart coz_03:54
DaZalien is for rpms ;f03:54
upgrayeddhey how do you change nappies03:54
kev_yea i just thought about that03:54
paddy_melon!joinchan #iphanaticsstaff03:54
upgrayeddcu my kid stinks03:54
coz_kev_,   alien   is not for installing a bunch of applictions but rather to turn rpm files into deb packages I believe03:54
paddy_melon Anyone know where a dump of the Ubuntu wiki is? Please???03:54
paddy_meloncome on03:54
bazhangpaddy_melon, dont advertise here03:54
soreau!lart coz_03:54
coz_paddy_melon,    I do not know03:54
soreauaww ;)03:55
cowbudpaddy_melon: your best bet is to use wget and mirror it I doubt there is a dump anywhere03:55
paddy_melonbazhang, it was a copying error03:55
DaZpaddy_melon: hack it03:55
bazhangsoreau, there is no lart in this channel, please take that to #ubuntu-offtopic03:55
paddy_melonDaz... ok... how?03:55
upgrayeddhey, how do you disable the firewall thing on google so i can look at porn?03:55
coz_soreau,  apparenlty no !lart   lol03:55
soreaucoz_: No larts added I guess03:55
coz_upgrayedd,   well there should be a "settings"   right there on google03:55
bazhangupgrayedd, that is not appropriate nor ontopic here03:56
fraxtilHow can I create a link to my home directory? It says I'm not allowed to create a symbolic link to it.03:56
upgrayeddk, thanks i'm gonna be jerkin the gerkin all night03:56
coz_upgrayedd,   top right   "iGoogle | Search settings | Sign in03:56
coz_upgrayedd,   you want  Search settings03:56
steebo72hi all03:56
coz_steebo72,  hey guy03:57
ironfoot495coz_: I tried what you suggewsted and reapplied apt-get install nis this is the results ->http://paste.ubuntu.com/330790/03:57
steebo72whats oin on?03:57
steebo72goin oops03:57
coz_ironfoot495,   ok did you try to install that via the terminal?03:57
coz_ironfoot495,   now in that same terminal type   sudo apt-get install -f03:58
awhatleyI made a big whopps03:58
coz_ironfoot495,  if that doesnt work then it may be uninstallable unless you jump through a few hoops03:58
webbb82now i get this  vrun-mozilla.sh: Cannot execute .03:58
Greencoat1982Can someone help me with setting up my sshd?03:58
Omen_20hi im looking to change gconf settings within a script. Some threads talk of using gconftool and others use gconftool-2. How do I know which to use? What is the difference?03:58
ironfoot495coz_: comprehend!!!03:58
nullbyteSetting up grub-pc (1.97~beta4-1ubuntu4) ...03:59
nullbyteerror: cannot read from `/dev/sdb'03:59
nullbytecan some one help me fix that03:59
nullbytesdb is what i am currently using03:59
nullbyteim assuming that it isnt unmounting before doing what its suppose to do04:00
ironfoot495cuz_: everything came up (0);04:00
trismOmen_20: at least in karmic, gconftool is just a link to /etc/alternatives/gconftool, which is a link back to gconftool-204:00
soreauOmen_20: You can try reading the manual by typing in your terminal: man gconftool04:00
coz_nullbyte,   I am still getting up to speed with grub2  you could ask in the #gttub channel04:00
coz_nullbyte,  sorry  #grub  channel04:00
nullbyteThanks coz_04:00
Greencoat1982How do I setup my sshd?04:00
nullbyte /etc/init.d/sshd start04:01
roger_hello I have rhythm box setup as preferred application for multimedia, however mp3s ALWAYS open with Movie Player, how can i fix this04:01
nullbyteGreencoat1982,  /etc/init.d/sshd start04:01
nullbyteNo one seems to be there04:01
coz_roger_,   you could right click an mp3 file   go to properties  and then  OPen with tab04:01
nullbytein #grub that is04:01
soreauroger_: Try right clicking on the mp3 in your file browser then click open with other application and select do this every time04:01
Greencoat1982that should work from terminal right?04:02
coz_nullbyte,    no one?04:02
coz_nullbyte,  or no one answering right away?  it is not #ubuntu  :)04:02
rrohbeckroger_, right click->Properties->Open With04:02
Greencoat1982it tells me command not found04:02
ironfoot495cuz_: I've tried 9.10 now 10.4 because they are relatively new there seems to be a lot of bugs. I really love there distro's but it's aggrevating.04:02
coz_nullbyte,  once you are used to the speeds of questions and answers here in #ubuntu other channels may seem a bit sluggish lol04:02
trismGreencoat1982: it is /etc/init.d/ssh (no d)04:03
ironfoot495cuz_: do you have any other ideas04:03
nullbytecoz_,  yes i know :D04:03
coz_ironfoot495,   no   not off hand I dont...sorry guy04:03
Greencoat1982still not found04:03
Greencoat1982where do I install it from?04:03
trismGreencoat1982: assuming you installed openssh-server04:03
coz_ironfoot495,  what exactly are you trying to install?04:03
webbb82cowbud, nothing about firefox is in usr/local/lib04:03
stevoironfoot, what did you want to do?04:03
ironfoot495that's ok I really apprectiate your help.04:03
Greencoat1982so apt-get openssh-server?04:03
coz_ironfoot495,  do you have a link for that application?04:03
trismGreencoat1982: yes04:03
ironfoot495cuz_: no!04:04
coz_ironfoot495,  what is the name of it??04:04
nullbytecoz_,  they said that my  kernel cannot access it04:04
nullbytewitch would be here04:04
coz_nullbyte,  oooo04:04
webbb82does anyone k now how to install the firefox that i got from the mozilla web site in the termianl rather then install it via synaptic04:04
nullbytei think my install went bonk04:04
ironfoot495cuz_: I'm not understanding the quetion??04:04
nullbyteshould i reinstall?04:04
soreauwebbb82: Why are you trying to do that?04:05
stevohey, nullbyte, you should be able to do stuff from like a live cd or DSL or sumthin04:05
coz_webbb82,  you might better off with the synaptic  however if you read the README file located in the pacakge it may be of help04:05
meianandhhi all, i m using HP dv6t laptop - installed Ubuntu - when i start the ubuntu - my wireless is not working... the wireless Led switch is not working... some one came across this issue04:05
webbb82because it wont launch04:05
nullbyte diablo45604:05
soreauwebbb82: What happens if you try running this in your terminal: firefox04:05
DasEi4webbb82: own you own risk can add daily build-repo to sourceslist04:05
coz_ironfoot495,   the  thing you tried to install that gave a  broken package error...what is that called??04:05
ubottuPackages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports.04:05
webbb82is there a way to force install the firexox 3.6 beta in ssynaptic04:05
ironfoot495cuz_: oh! nis04:06
coz_ironfoot495,  also if you type the first few letters of someone's nick  then hit tab  you will get the right spelling and that person's text will change colors04:06
soreauwebbb82: Open a terminal and type firefox then press enter to try and see what the problem is04:06
webbb82The program 'firefox' can be found in the following packages:04:06
webbb82 * firefox-3.504:06
webbb82 * firefox-3.004:06
webbb82Try: sudo apt-get install <selected package>04:06
FloodBot4webbb82: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:06
soreauwebbb82: Attempting to install a different version than what is offered in ubuntu repos will only complicate things04:06
itiliouswhy did my "places" turn into a folder called "bookmarks" ?04:07
ironfoot495coz_: ok!04:07
coz_itilious,  ah oh  what did you do ?04:07
coz_ironfoot495,  there you go :)04:07
soreauwebbb82: So you dont have firefox installed. Run this:  sudo apt-get install firefox-3.504:07
webbb82well i wouldnt have to do it that way but after i unzip the firefox file and click on firefox it will launch at first but stop working after a while04:08
trismwebbb82: you could add the ppa if you wanted https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ppa04:08
itiliouscoz_, nothing i thought they disappeared but it seems ubuntu just moved them all into a subsection labeled "bookmarks" why would it do this on its own?04:08
soreauwebbb82: That command should install firefox and fix your problem04:08
coz_itilious,  it wont do that on it's own.... can you take a screen shot of that and let me see it04:08
ironfoot495coz_: this is very disturbing I have so much to do but I've spent a lot of time trying to get the bugs out of this distro,04:08
coz_itilious,  upload the image to picpaste.com04:08
webbb82trism, i am tryin to install firefox 3.6 beta 404:08
colloguyHow can a file's contents, as read by gedit, differ from dd <file's block address>? I've run sync, and this is ext3 with metadata journaled only...04:09
trismwebbb82: they have 3.6 beta 5 in the ppa04:09
stevowebbb82,  you might actually be encountering a bug, as all betas have them04:09
roger_whats the minimum partition size for a full clean install of ubuntu 9.10..i had a 5GB...but it now its full...i honestly dont know what i did to fill it.. i dont dl anything04:09
coz_ironfoot495,  I understand  but I cant help unless I know exactly the pacakge name04:09
ironfoot495coz_: maybe I should have stayed with 9.04 server.:P04:09
roger_i was messing the system folders and may have copied pasted something in the wrong place04:09
webbb82whats the ppa for firefox 3.6 beta 504:09
stevoroger_, it is 4gb04:10
coz_ironfoot495,  are you on ubuntu server 9.10 now?04:10
ironfoot495package name?  no 10.4 but they both have the same MO.04:10
itiliouscoz_, ubuntu wont seem to let me take a screenshot while the menu is open04:11
ironfoot495coz_: I still have a running battle with grub too!04:11
coz_itilious,   open   applications/accessories/take screenshot   set the dealy for about 5 seconds04:11
coz_ironfoot495,  well grub2 is something I am still trying to catch up on04:11
ironfoot495let me see if I can find the packagew although I thought I gave that to you in the paste I forwarded.04:12
ironfoot495coz_: yeah I have to sit still and figure that out myself!!!04:12
orangeyhey all!04:12
epaphusHello, how can I encrypt ubuntu 9.04 entire filesystem?04:12
orangeyhow do I completely reinstall an important package like dbus?04:13
stevocoz_,  you gotta use ksnapshot, where you can delay a shot04:13
coz_steve,   also gnome screenshot does that as well04:13
stevoyea yea yea, kde sucks, BLA04:13
itiliouscoz_, http://picpaste.com/Screenshot_5.png04:13
drygFirestarter is just a frontend for iptables, correct?04:13
soreauorangey: Very carefully ;)04:13
coz_orangey,   gnome?  sysmtem/preferences/synaptic package manager///look up the application and right click  set to reinstall04:13
scunizi dryg a limited front end04:14
orangeycoz_: not working04:14
drygHow would I go about allowing inbound traffic on port 5900 without using Firestarter?04:14
orangeycoz_: My dbus config files are messed, but they're not being remade when I reinstall04:14
paddy_melonAnyone know a place to find a wiki dump of Ubuntu Wiki04:14
orangeyeven dpkg --remove --force-all with a subsequent install doesn't do it04:14
paddy_melonor how to make your own wiki dump04:14
scunizidryg: you doing remote desktop?04:14
drygTrying to.04:14
coz_orangey,  remove them first  then reinstall04:14
ironfoot495coz_:  I finnaly got samba configured right but now I'm being held hostage by is this it ->2.95ubuntu1?04:14
cdm102How can I diff a directory tree? diff -r compares the files -- I just want to compare filenames.04:14
stevopaddy_melon, I wish i knew how to04:14
orangeycoz_ That still doesn't seem to do it04:14
scunizidryg: all you should have to do is active access on the machine you want to get into.. you don't need to open any ports unless you're outside of your lan and trying to get in.. then you have to portforward in your router.04:15
epaphusHello, how can I encrypt ubuntu 9.04 entire filesystem?04:15
mikepetthow can I send the output of the play command (using sox in terminal) to a sound file?04:15
ironfoot495coz_: because this part of he error message I'm getting.04:15
paddy_melonso... no ideas?04:15
drygthe machine i want to get into is right next to me04:15
itiliouscoz_, know why my system would have changed to that for no reason?04:15
paddy_melonHow can I do a simple wiki dump? Possibly via wget?04:16
paddy_melonPlz help?04:16
drygits on the same wireless LAN04:16
Out_Coldepaphus, the easiest way is to do a fresh install with the alternate install disk04:16
scunizidryg: did you go to System>Preferences > Remote desktop and activate there?04:16
coz_itilious,   no   did you post the screenshot?04:17
drygi have not, hold on\04:17
itiliouscoz_, http://picpaste.com/pics/Screenshot_5.1259468018.png04:17
orangeyso, I'm trying to reinstall dbus so I can get the /etc/dbus-1 files04:17
orangeybut it won't do it04:17
orangeyany ideas?04:17
epaphusOut_Cold, do you know of a tutorial?04:18
ironfoot495I'm tired and need to rest but I sure would like to accomplih this before I retire for the evening.04:18
coz_itilious,  oh I see it set the Bookmarks under Places  but not the home directory04:18
coz_itilious,   hold on let me check04:18
apersonsteebo72, this is a support room, you can take idle chat to #ubuntu-offtopic :)04:19
apersonerr, nvm04:19
paddy_melonHow can I do a simple wiki dump? Possibly via wget?04:19
trismpaddy_melon: wget -r on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TitleIndex ?04:20
Out_Coldepaphus, there are many but the easiest way is to follow the onscreen installer and select guided-encrypted lvms04:21
esHello all, my system (running in VirtualBox) crashed while it was updating and stopped with xulrunner. I tried reinstalling and running dpk -- configure however apt always terminates with Bus Error while processing the post-installation script error 135 what should I do?04:21
paddy_melontrism, will that dump the entire wiki?04:22
epaphusOut_Cold, cool.. is that for the entire filesystem though?04:22
paddy_melonincluding pics04:22
coz_itilious,  is there a Bookmarks folder in the Home directory?04:22
mickster04hey theres no one on the server channel an i need to know if i can use a usb wireless network device to connect to a lan?04:22
itiliouscoz_, nope04:22
mickster04if so how do i set it up in terminal04:23
coz_itilious,  and the only thing that is a problem is that the Bookmarks listing showed up right?   can you right click that and delete it?04:23
trismpaddy_melon: well, you'll probably need to play with the arguments, but TitleIndex is supposed to link to every page on the wiki, so it will get all the pages (obviously it won't be a wiki anymore though)04:23
itiliousi want everythign in the bookmarks back to simply in the "places" menu, not a "sub-menu"04:24
paddy_melontrism... ok, thanks... do U know how people dump the official wiki and, mirror it?04:24
scunizidryg: did it work?04:24
trismpaddy_melon: the ubuntu wiki?04:26
mickster04ok i need to edit grub config from a live disk cos its set to 0 secinds wait an doesnt let me do anything ither than boot into w=one option, how do i fix it04:26
coz_itilious,   how many  bookmarks  are under  that BOokmarks submenu?04:27
paddy_melontrism, I mean people mirror the official Wikipedia and, I want to sort of mirror the Ubuntu wiki... so I want to know how the people do it with Wikipedia04:29
coz_itilious,  are you still here?04:29
coz_itilious,  if you have I think 5 or more bookmarks  they will be put into a Bookmark sub menu as you have there04:30
coz_itilious,  you can change that with a bit of work04:30
coz_itilious,  sorry I wasnt thinking earlier04:30
itiliouscoz_, got it, i just deleted some on the completely unnecessary links and it fixed as you said04:31
itiliousmakes sense why it would automatically make a folder like that and place the links there04:31
coz_itilious,  right because it is limited to 5  I believe before going into Bookmakrs  sub menu04:31
coz_itilious,  that can be changed with a little work04:32
esHello all, my system (running in VirtualBox) crashed while it was updating and stopped with xulrunner. I tried reinstalling and running dpk -- configure  and sudo dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq --force-depends xulrunner-1.9 but xulrunner is not installed nor unistalled and apt always terminates with Bus Error while processing the post-installation script error 135 what should I do?04:32
SeaPhormickster04, its now in  /boot/grub/grub.cfg04:32
anhtuproco ai vn ko :D04:32
trismpaddy_melon: well, wikipedia offers database dumps http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia_database so people just use those an install the wiki software04:32
anhtuproco ai vn ko :D04:33
anhtuproco ai vn ko :D04:33
anhtuproco ai vn ko :D04:33
anhtuproco ai vn ko :D04:33
FloodBot4anhtupro: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:33
itiliousthanks again for the help coz_ i'm out :)04:33
coz_itilious,  okie dokie :)04:33
drygscunizi, no, same error04:33
awhatleyhey i think im missing a step to getting my wireless working again04:33
es...and other people have this issue  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1026086 any idea ^^^ ?04:34
scunizidryg: on the machine your trying to connect with (the guest).. are you trying to use Applications>Internet>Remote Desktop or Termial Server Client?04:35
awhatleyhey guys, recently had to reload ubuntu but now i cant remember how i got my wireless to work04:36
jlabombneed some help with networking04:38
chuckfawhatley: did you use the restricted hardware selector?04:38
jlabombI can not see my ubuntu computers in workgroup but I see my windows04:38
awhatleyI dont know.. :(\04:39
coz_jlabomb,  ah oh    networking.... I fall short of that topic ... I cant help04:39
awhatleyi cant remember what i did04:39
jlabombwell thanks anyway04:39
awhatleyI can see it when i do lshw -class network04:39
jlabombis there anyone that can help?04:40
awhatleybut when i use my wireless network manager it says Can't find any wireless network interface.04:40
awhatleyCode : -304:40
chuckfawhatley: at a guess you need to install the hardware drivers04:41
colloguyOh wonderful answer-people, anyone know why cat <file> could differ from dd <file's block address>? (Data journaling off.)04:41
chuckftry alt-f2 then type in hardware drivers and launch that program04:42
Pirate_Hunter__Hi i've got two VB machines running ubuntu 8.04 and lamp for testing purposes, they have been setup just about the same, however the second one does not allow my site to be hosted. If you look at the output in my pastebin - http://pastebin.com/f21152b79 - there is a clear difference between both machines when running apache2ctl. Apparently my vhost isn't being show which is weird, so how do I go about fixing?04:42
=== lstarnes is now known as sheep
jlabombis there anyone that can help setup my network? I already have samba installed and under workgroup but I only see my windows computer in there04:43
scunizicolloguy: don't know that i have the answer but are you reading a text file?.. and if so perhaps dd uses utf8 as default and cat is using something different.04:46
colloguyscunizi: file is just contains the character '1'04:46
scunizicolloguy: and what are the differences between the two when read?04:47
colloguyscunizi: dd says " 1............ (lots of dots) "04:48
colloguyscunizi: cat says: ......{..Y......\.."....E (etc..)04:48
colloguyI'm doing dd | xxd and cat | xxd04:49
scunizicolloguy: ok.. xxd being the file name?04:49
colloguyxxd is the hex ed04:49
kevin___Has anyone been successful with solving the "Kernel Panic - not syncing: VFS..." problem?04:49
colloguylemme clarify04:49
colloguycat <filename> | xxd04:49
colloguydd if=<filename's block address> | xxd04:50
colloguycat could be gedit, doesn't matter04:50
scunizicolloguy: why you using xxd?  have you tried simply cat <filename> and dd if=filename's block address04:51
colloguyIf I don't pipe into xxd, it'll screw up my terminal04:51
colloguyscunizi: the version of the file that cat / gedit sees is not ascii04:51
scunizicolloguy: so this isn't a text file / ascii?04:52
colloguyscunizi: dd sees a text file. cat/gedit sees a non-text file04:52
colloguyscunizi: why do they see different things : /04:52
scunizicolloguy: I don't know anything about xxd.. what also concerns me is cat <filename> by itself would screw up your terminal .. doesn't make sense.. that might have someting to do with it.04:53
colloguyscunizi: I should make clear: the newer version of the file is non-ascii, the older version is ascii04:53
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colloguyscunizi: dd is seeing the older file (which was ascii), cat/gedit is seeing the new file (which is non-ascii)04:54
scunizicolloguy: but both have the same name?04:54
colloguyscunizi: They have the same name, yup.04:55
scunizicolloguy: different locations on the drive?04:55
colloguyscunizzi: Same path, and should be same block address on disk too04:55
scunizicolloguy: how can you have two different files, one ascii and one not with the same names in the same block locaton?04:56
colloguyscunizzi: I got one from the other, by shredding the original /usr/bin/shred04:56
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scunizicolloguy: so one was deleted?04:56
colloguyscunizi: That's exactly what's confusing me04:56
colloguyscunizzi: no, shred does not unlink the file04:56
colloguyscunizzi: it just writes over it04:57
scunizicolloguy: so one command is reading the shredded file and the other isn't.. that is wierd.. sortof makes sense though since dd is block level so it's reading the old file.. can you get the block numbers of the new file? could they be a bit different fromt the old file?04:58
colloguyscimizi: they're the same04:59
scunizicolloguy: I'd ask in ##linux as well.. this is a really strange one..04:59
princezudaHey, I need help getting my nvidia graphics card refresh rate up to 75 or higher. Right now it is at 59 and it's giving me a headache.05:00
colloguyscimizi: I used ls -i to get the inode, and istat to get the block address. They don't change, before and after the shred05:00
VoltageXhi, I'm trying to get rsyslog to write to a file based on a rule, the rule is triggering but it's not being written to file.05:00
scunizicolloguy: brb05:02
emanuxhello, my LAN connection is slow05:02
emanuxbut in my windows box is insanely fast05:02
VoltageXemanux: more information please. What speeds do you get?05:02
emanuxhere is the info05:03
snaythWhat is a better webcam app to use Ekiga or Skype ? ?05:03
princezudaHelp anyone??05:03
VoltageXsnayth: to speak to people on Skype you will need to use Skype ;)05:03
princezudasnayth: Skype might be shut down.05:03
VoltageXprincezuda: ekiga is not easy to configure, in any sense of the word.05:04
snaythprincezuda: What do you mean they might be shutdown?05:04
emanuxaccording to network history the bytes receiving is around 200 max05:04
emanuxand i can tell because when i browse firefox05:05
princezudasnayth: it is owned by ebay and it may be shutdown because they're being sued over intellectual property rights.05:05
emanuxcontent is slowly loaded05:05
VoltageXemanux: use a pastebin to post the output of "ifconfig" please (go into a terminal and type ifconfig)05:05
princezudaCan someone help me with my graphics card refresh issue.05:05
apersonis it alright for someone from the US to order from the EU store?05:05
VoltageXprincezuda: eBay's issues are not relavent here.05:05
emanuxok, wait a sec05:06
snaythVoltageX: Ah ok abit tired tonight - correct you are - It is best for both sending and receiving party's to use the same app whether it be Skype or Ekiga - Correctr?05:06
VoltageXsnayth: what?05:06
VoltageXsnayth: usually, both people *must* be using the same app05:06
princezudavoltagex: I know that, snayth just asked what app to use so I was trying to warn him or her about skype. I can't think very well while running ubuntu because my nvidia graphic card refresh rate is at 59. How may I change it?05:07
snaythprincezuda: Ah yes I think I remember seeing one of the cell companies complaining about the use of Skype or something to that effect...05:07
VoltageXprincezuda: refresh rate is determined by your monitor.05:07
VoltageXsnayth: that's a different issue, and still offtopic here.05:07
emanuxVoltageX: http://pastebin.com/d52ec886605:08
snaythVoltageX: I agree but sometimes you are told that certain questions etc are not exceptable in Off-Topic as well - So ?05:08
VoltageXemanux: are you connected with a wireless card, or via ethernet cable?05:09
snaythprincezuda: Thank you for the comment - I would rather have enough info to make a decision on which way to go.05:09
emanuxethernet cable05:10
VoltageXemanux: no issues there. Have you tried transferring files locally in your lan instead of testing internet connectivity?05:10
snaythVoltageX: So where is best this to be discussed in Off-Topic?05:10
emanuxlan transfer is ok05:11
Omen_20i was wondering. i see some tutorials use sudo sh when using echo on a file. Why is that, when it seems to work just fine with only sudo echo?05:11
emanuxthat's whay im confused05:11
VoltageXemanux: it may be a problem with your internet connection05:11
emanuxmy lan transfer is ok05:11
emanuxbut internet connection is slow05:11
emanuxand my windows box is fast05:11
VoltageXemanux: if you reboot *now* into Windows and test your internet connection, it works fine?05:11
emanuxactaully, i have another laptop running windows05:12
VoltageXemanux: I'm asking if it might just be a problem with your internet connection :)05:12
emanuxthat laptop is a little bit old05:12
emanuxam i dont know :)05:12
scunizicolloguy: sorry.. I was getting pressure to finish dishes.. I was thinking maybe there's something in cache that one of them is reading.05:13
emanuxif my internet connection just failing on ubuntu box05:13
colloguyscunizi: apologize? I should be thanking you, no one ever responds to my missives : ]05:14
emanuxis there a configuration i can tweak?05:14
scunizicolloguy: ah.. but you have such unusual missives :)05:14
colloguyscunizi: As suggested by someone in ##linux, I ran sudo /bin/sync, no dice05:14
emanuxor i have just be patient with the connection :)05:14
scunizicolloguy: how 'bout sudo updatedb05:15
VoltageXemanux: maybe a network config problem?05:15
colloguyscunizi: I've never heard of that before ... in what way do you want me to run it?05:16
scunizicolloguy: sudo updatedb05:16
VoltageXemanux: try a different cable or port?05:16
emanuxyeah, im trying it now05:16
colloguyscunizi: done. dd still reads the pre-shredded file05:17
rhorseit's a server like spotchat05:20
scunizicolloguy: I'm stuck :(05:20
colloguyscunizi: Does secure erase work for you?05:20
GamerKnighthey people05:21
scunizicolloguy: never tried it.. did you use it with sudo?05:21
kcj1993can some one help, global short-cuts don't work in amarok!05:21
colloguyscunizi: shouldn't matter, I own the file, and I can see the gibberish that it wrote, so it's working05:21
colloguyscunizi: so long as I use cat or gedit or anything, except dd05:22
imatechhello all!05:22
GamerKnighthaving problems with  a windows NTFS partition. i can read the data in ubuntu fine read/write. but i can not resize the disk using gparted. is there another tool i could use to test/repair the volume. i have no way to backup the data unless i can resize this partition. can anyone help.05:22
imatechI have a ubuntu vbox with a share that's full....05:22
scunizicolloguy: I'm sorry I don't have an answer (as promised in the beginning) but I like to try to logic these things out..05:22
imatechanyone know how to move it to a bigger drive?05:22
orangeywhere did the upstart jobs go?05:22
orangeyI'm looking for what exactly gets executed when I run "service gdm start"05:23
SeaPhorscunizi, did he try to cat a .bin file?05:23
colloguyscunizi: thanks for trying. I bet its some buffer that most programs look at, and shred writes to, but dd bypasses, that still needs to be flushed somehow05:23
zopiacWhen I login and AWN starts up, the DockbarX plugin doesnt load. I have to disable and then re-enable it from the AWN Preferences window :\05:23
zopiacDoes someone know how to make DockbarX for AWN work correctly?05:23
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vockI'm just trying to run the ubuntu mini-iso install off of a new partiton, however the iso file I have does not have a vmlinuz file, which all the guides i've read are pointing to, is that important? (using https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromLinux)05:24
scuniziSeaPhor: colloguy shredded an ascii file and in its place wrote a new file with the same info the original file had.  cat and dd read different files located in the same physical space on the drive.05:25
scuniziSeaPhor: dd reads the shredded ascii file and cat reads the newer file..05:26
colloguyseaphor: the shred should hve just written into the file, and apparently did according to cat and gedit. But dd still sees the old file05:26
bobohey guys, when I try to play a .mp4 file, gstreamer comes up with an error. How should i fix this05:27
colloguyseaphor: dd reads the old ascii file (with its pre-shred contents)05:27
SeaPhorwow... colloguy have you flushed the cache? i have to admit this is.... a weird scenario...05:28
Random832  is this just dd if=[the filename], or some other esoteric way to access the file? you said "block address" earlier05:28
colloguyseaphor: I did sudo sync05:28
colloguySeaphor: and I have the default data=ordered journaling, which I believe journals metadata only05:28
SeaPhorcolloguy, is it ext3 or ext4?05:29
colloguyRandom832: I got the inode from ls -i <filename>, and the block address from istat05:29
colloguySeaphor: ext3, data=ordered05:29
Random832and how do you pass that into dd?05:29
sergioola desde chile!05:29
Random832i've never heard of dd with anything other than a filename or a device name05:29
GamerKnightany idea how i could check an NTFS Volumn on Ubuntu. i can read/write to the drive. but gparted will not resize it becuase it says there is an error?05:29
oldude67!es | sergio05:29
ubottusergio: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.05:29
* R0_R1_R2 says Hi05:30
colloguyRandom832: sudo dd if=/dev/sda5 bs=4096 skip=$blockaddr count=105:30
cejasno spanish please05:30
colloguyRandom832: where blockaddr comes from istat05:30
oldude67sergio, denada05:30
oldude67cejas, i just sent him to the right channel05:31
R0_R1_R2Is there something like GNS3 with Switch support? - Or does GNS3 support Switches (IOS)?05:31
triss<triss> Can anyone help me real quick with a few questions05:31
triss<triss> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization05:31
triss<triss> to that ^05:31
triss<triss> I'm not being allowed to make the casper dir05:31
Greencoat1982is anyone up to speed with teh no audio problems with virtualbox?05:31
cejasjust kidding lol05:31
trisslol sudo05:31
trissdoesn't work05:31
R0_R1_R2Got stuck in a loop there05:32
trissI'm mounting the iso05:32
scuniziGreencoat1982: never had that issue.. you might ask in #vbox05:32
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trissbut I might be doing it wrong05:32
trissI actually did everything according to the guide05:32
SeaPhorcolloguy, look here, make sure there's nothing you missed- http://www.crazytrain.com/dd.html05:32
Greencoat1982I'm asking in there, but noone is talking05:32
colloguySeaphor: before the shred, my invocation of dd matches the contents of the file05:33
Greencoat1982So anyone in here familiar with vbox audio problems then?05:34
vockJust a question for booting off the karmic mini iso off a partition: The kernel vmlinuz seems to be missing, what should the kernel in grub be pointing to?05:34
trissError: Could not open mnt/casper/filesystem.squashfs, because No such file or directory05:34
trissI already obviously tried making the dir myself as root05:35
trissstill was not able05:35
Greencoat1982No one has a clue?05:35
trissmkdir: cannot create directory `casper': Read-only file system05:35
SeaPhorok, look at the basics, is this on the local drive, what are permissions of target...etc, other than that,, i'm at a loss too, not being there05:35
oldude67Greencoat1982, sorry my vbox sound is working fine.05:35
trissI'm mouting it wrong?05:35
Greencoat1982Thanks very helpful olddude6705:36
colloguyseaphor: I think I'm using it right :]05:36
oldude67Greencoat1982, what type of sound card are you using? mine is a ac9705:36
Greencoat1982I am using the HD audio from my soundcard, but its not the issue, the issue is inside the guest addition05:37
Greencoat1982the soundcard is configured correctley05:37
Greencoat1982nothing is wrong with the audio on the host05:37
oldude67well i have mine set to use the sound card for the host.05:37
Greencoat1982No, you have it setup to use a virtual soundcard05:38
oldude67no i have it set to use the 1c9705:38
Greencoat1982you are not directly using your soundcard in a virtual machine05:38
Greencoat1982I am leaning more towards just fixing this with a hammer05:39
oldude67yeah i have had my days with that type of thinking as well..especially with pulse.05:40
maxagazwhat does gateway mean ?05:41
oldude67maxagaz, means its not set05:41
maxagazoldude67, ok thanks05:42
ripperit's amazing how a bad strip of ram will screw a system up05:42
Gab_alguien conoce un ecualizador general para ubuntu?05:42
oldude67ripper, aint that the truth.05:42
ripperwhat tosses a wrench in this....05:42
rippermemtest on the ubuntu cd passed all the ram05:42
h3nhow do I change the system information05:43
maxagazoldude67, does it mean that setting the gateway *or* the iface in the route is enough ?05:43
oldude67maxagaz, what type of connection?05:44
maxagazoldude67, vlan05:44
oldude67maxagaz, sorry not sure on that..might ask the channel05:44
maxagazoldude67, and tun for vpn05:45
zerqmy ALPS trackpad is getting detected by X as "ImPS/2 Generic Wheel Mouse".. any ideas?05:45
zerqit's an hp mini 31105:45
GamerKnightcan i run and install refit, through ubuntu??05:45
zerqthe weird thing is tap to click and the side scroll function are working..05:46
judgenAnyone know where i can find a nice calculator for finding  10 colour divisions between #FFFBB1 and #FFF58F ?05:47
SwedeMikejudgen: that's not very hard, do you know how to count in hex?05:48
SeaPhorcolloguy, i think so too, thats why i'm saying look at the basics, its gotta be a variable or a parameter that we're not seeing here, -- hardware path, syntax, or other local issue,, other than that and not being there, i have no other help, i'm sorry05:48
judgenSwedeMike,  yup. But im lazy... and i need to calculate alot of gradients.05:48
colloguySeaPhor: nutters :]05:49
aaaoooaaawhats off topic's chat room again?05:49
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!05:49
colloguyOne of these days I'm gonna get my secure erase working on this OS...05:49
git__what is "secure erase"?05:50
colloguyshred, srm05:50
git__anyone here use encryption in Ubuntu?05:50
lstarnesgit__: encryption for what?05:50
colloguygit__: just truecrypt05:51
_nix_Hello, anybody know how to disable or password protect single user mode in Karmic?05:52
zerqditto truecrypt05:52
drasticAny idea why some websites are loading fine for me while others return a blank page? I'm on a fresh install...05:53
Billiarddrastic: which websites return a blank page?05:53
Billiarddrastic: behind a proxy?05:53
zerqwhat browser?05:53
drasticBilliard: Seemingly random sites, ubuntu.com works fine but ubuntuforums.org doesn't. Not sure about a proxy, but I am behind a router.05:54
drasticzerq: Firefox.05:54
drygI'm getting a bunch of blocked connection attempts on port 51413, all from unique IP addresses. Anyone know what this might be about05:55
drasticBilliard: The sites that work seem to change, as well, Google was working but isn't any longer...05:55
saprophyteHello, I am about to remove my ati video card and use my on board video (nvidia) for the driver support, my question is, do I need to change any settings in Ubuntu 9.10 before I do this, or will it auto configure itself on boot?05:58
Mr_PsychopathHi everybody.05:58
saprophyteis this channel +m?05:59
soreausaprophyte: No, you're just being impatient05:59
Billiarddrastic: do other computers on your network do this?06:00
git__does ubuntu support hotplug PCI?06:00
soreausaprophyte: After powering down and removing the card, you will need to use sys>admin>hardware drivers to install the proprietary nvidia driver. If you have the proprietary ati driver installed currently, remove it with the same method first06:00
Billiardgit__:  i didnt think pci was hotplug capable06:00
git__can i unplug my network card while my PC is running in Ubuntu?06:00
soreaugit__: I wouldn't try it06:01
git__Windows 2003 has PCI hotpluggable06:01
saprophyteno problem waiting, just making sure... actually i didn't mean +m i meant registered nick to talk, because I hadn't Id'd to nickserv yet06:01
git__i can remove a network PCI card while the OS is running and replace it with another network PCI card06:01
soreaugit__: no. it wont work06:02
|biovore|nope.. not unless it's hot plug.06:02
|biovore|which you probably don't have06:02
init[1]git__: make sure you keep some one to call 911 :P06:02
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oldude67i like sparks..lol06:02
camilo_hi there06:04
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camilo_can anyone help me getting rid of my windows xp?06:04
nicholas_you can't just delete its partition?06:04
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camilo_i don't know06:05
camilo_how can i do that?06:05
twobitswell i would be extra sure you want to get rid of it06:05
twobitsand make sure to back everything up06:05
camilo_yeah, there's no problem, it's a new computer06:05
git__dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda2 (windows partition)06:05
camilo_i'm on ubuntu netbook remix06:05
twobitsfrom linux06:05
gtechHey, I'm trying to compile gettext so I can compile network manager becasue I borked my ln settings by installing kwlan, but I'm getting some errors what was the ubuntu pastebin again?06:06
Snausagescamilo_: I use that too, love it06:06
MegaIRCI am trying to install Myth TV, http://www.mythtv.org/docs/mythtv-HOWTO-5.html says I should type cd mythtv-trunk but I get this error. sudo: cd: command not found. Any ideas?06:06
twobitssudo apt-get install gparted06:06
twobitsthat installs a partition editor06:06
git__camilo_, have u try chromeOS?06:06
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twobitswhen that's done, open that06:06
twobitsdelete the ntfs partition and you are good to go06:07
twobitssince you are on a netbook06:07
twobitsyou should note that you probably have a tiny (TINY) recovery partition06:07
twobitsI would advise that you NOT delete that one, in case something goes horribly wrong and you want to do a factory reset06:07
twobitsyou can also resize your ubuntu partition to take up the remaining space, I think06:08
ctmjrThermo|Laptop: what command are you typing exactly?06:08
twobitscamilo_: did you get all that?06:08
camilo_oh, great, i'll try that, thanks06:08
twobitsokay cool06:08
wrapsteris there a toolkit that will help me read chm files on ubuntu?06:08
shankhshi I have developed a .deb package and i would like to include my package in ubuntu repos , which irc channel will be best?06:08
shankhswrapster: xchm06:08
twobitsjust make sure not to delete the recovery partition and you'll be cool :)06:09
git__wrapster, xchm06:09
camilo_i'm sorry, it says it doesn't find the gparted package06:09
wrapstergit__ / shankhs : thanks06:09
camilo_i can't download it06:09
twobitsfor real?06:09
twobitsthat's weird06:09
git__camilo, gpart06:09
twobitsi can see it fine06:09
camilo_oh, gpart06:10
Thermo|LaptopSorry, What'd you say before I left, I am having connection issues.06:10
Ttech2Is it good idea to enable acl in ext4?06:10
ctmjrThermo|Laptop: what command are you typing exactly?06:10
git__Ttech2, only if u need it06:10
gtechHey, I'm trying to compile gettext so I can compile network manager becasue I borked my ln settings by installing kwlan, but I'm getting some errors http://paste.ubuntu.com/330846/06:10
Ttech2There are no known problems with enabling it?06:10
Thermo|Laptopctmjr: cd mythtv-0.2206:11
twobitsgpart != gparted06:11
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twobitsi recommended gparted cause it has a gui06:11
kcj1993casey@laptop0:~$ sudo echo "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/ppa/ubuntu karmic main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list06:11
kcj1993bash: /etc/apt/sources.list: Permission denied06:11
kcj1993why is it doing that?06:11
ctmjrThermo|Laptop: and it say's cd command not found?06:11
Thermo|Laptopctmjr: beau@beau-desktop:~$ sudo cd mythtv-0.22                  sudo: cd: command not found06:12
morpherhi. i just installed ubuntu 9.10. I have two drives each with 3 partitions of type "Linux raid autodetect". fdisk shows the partitions, but there are no device files for them (only for the drives themselves). e.g. /dev/sdb exists, but there are no /dev/sdb[123]06:13
bastid_raZorkcj1993: drop the first sudo and after >> sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list06:13
kcj1993am i on mute or something?06:13
kcj1993what do you mean?06:13
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!06:14
bastid_raZorkcj1993: or use gksudo gedit to edit the file.06:14
morpherkcj1993: that runs "echo ..." as root, and then tries to append it to the file as your user06:14
ctmjrThermo|Laptop: you do not need sudo to change dir just cd mythtv-0.22 if it is in the dir you are in else cd /mythtv-0.2206:14
bastid_raZorkcj1993: echo stuffhere >> sudo tee -a place.for.it06:14
Thermo|Laptopctmjr: Thanks, That worked :-)06:15
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gtechmorpher: I know dmraid is kinda iffy I've had issues with it, amateur advice but try to find another program for raid detection?06:15
ctmjrThermo|Laptop: now comes the hard part good luck06:15
morphergtech: i'm using mdadm06:16
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kcj1993thanks guys06:17
gtechmorpher: heh ygl man maybe someone else in here know06:17
gtechHey, I'm trying to compile gettext so I can compile network manager becasue I borked my lan settings by installing kwlan, but I'm getting some errors http://paste.ubuntu.com/330846/06:18
mark__I wish to share a printer to windows/mac clients (Canon IP4000) on ubuntu-server. I have installed samba & cups. Can I just connect the printer? what do I do about drivers .et.c.?06:18
camilo_can someome help me? i still can't install gpart06:18
camilo_it says it's not available but another package references it, that the package is missing, obsolete or available from another source06:18
NeoCicakHi all.. I've just installed ubuntu on my virtualbox... how can i ssh to it? when i tried to ssh to it, it says 'no route to host'06:18
gtechcamilo: sudo apt-get install gparted06:18
gtechcamilo: just run that06:18
mark__NeoCicak : Is the VM in bridge mode? *within networking06:19
git__camilo, u check if u are getting ur package from universe06:19
SwedeMikeNeoCicak: it's behind some kind of special NAT, you have to change the way it's connected to the network.06:19
NeoCicakmark : hmm... i didnt change any network setting...06:19
morphergtech: weird. if i run fdisk, hit "P" to print the partition table, and then "w" to save it (making no other changes), then the device files show up06:19
twobitscamilo what os are you running right now?06:19
camilo_ubuntu netbook remix06:19
mark__NeoCicak : the default is NAT, which is different to your main lan. Switch to "Bridged" power the VM on and take note of the new ip06:20
gtechmorpher: cool06:20
Crumblesdoes anyone know why the heck my windows virtualbox won't see my usb external hard drive? ubuntu sees it just fine...06:20
twobitsdoes that mean Georgia Tech by any chance :)06:20
NeoCicakmark: ah ok... thx.. i'll give it a shot06:20
camilo_i installed it with wubi, does that has anything to do?06:20
gtechtwobits: No, GabrielTech heh06:20
twobitsokay camilo06:20
mark__NeoCicak : Np. Good luck.06:20
NeoCicakthanks swedemike06:20
twobitsdeleting windows is an exceptionally bad idea06:20
gtechtwobits: I get that a lot06:20
ctmjrgtech: did you install build-essential06:21
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twobitswubi installs it on the windows partion, if i'm not mistaken (i might be!)06:21
gtechctmjr: no, are there any other dependencies I should think about?06:21
bastid_raZorCrumbles: virtualbox-ose doesn't support usb. grab the one from their website for usb support06:21
SwedeMikeCrumbles: you have to put your own user in the vboxusers group06:21
CrumblesI have the non-free one.06:21
Crumblesand USB is enabled06:21
twobitscamilo_: you need to install it to its own partition06:21
Crumblesmy own user in the vboxusers group?06:22
banjomoosehi folks. I have a program that allows services to be turned on and off, but how do I add more services to its list?06:22
SwedeMikeCrumbles: http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-to-Fix-VirtualBox-USB-Support-111715.shtml06:22
camilo_twobits: so i have to go back to windows and install it again?06:22
Guest312How can I fix Hp G605 notebook series with an Atheros Wireless connection? It worked when I was working with the Live CD. However, after installation it won't activate and receive  a signal. I am using Ubuntu Remix 9.10.06:22
cebWhich services are you trying to add and which application are you using to manage these services?06:22
ctmjrgtech: from the dir your compiling in sudo apt-get build-dep gettext06:23
cebbanjomoose: Which services are you trying to add and which application are you using to manage these services?06:23
Linuxrules007hey guy's i can't seem to get my ATI Radeon 9200 graphics card driver to work i've tried EnvyNG does anyone have suggestions on what i should do06:23
ctmjrgtech: it should install the dependencies06:23
gtechctmjr: I can't get the network settings working06:24
banjomooseceb: its under administration - services06:24
banjomooseceb: I'm trying to add midi support well turn it on and when I dont need it off06:25
cebDo you have a midi package in mind?06:25
Guest312I have not tried to install separately anything other than the network manager in the administration menu in Remix.06:25
ctmjrgtech: you have no internet to install the dependencies?06:25
twobitscamilo_: hold on a second, i might be completely wrong :P06:25
NeoCicakhow can i forcely remove a package using dpkg? i've tried dpkg -r <package> --force  but it still says 'Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should reinstlal it before attempting a removal'06:26
gtechctmjr: exactly I installed kwlan and it screwed up and uninstalled network manager so I'm trying to compile it06:26
Guest312I haven't checked if Madwifi or anything else is running the wireless connection. I'm using whatever the system default is so far.06:26
camilo_twobits hahaha ok man, i'm counting on you :)06:26
banjomooseceb: its timidity I also have fluid synth as well installed06:26
cebIf they are installed, and run as a syustem daemon, they should appear.06:26
mark__I wish to share a printer to windows/mac clients (Canon IP4000) on ubuntu-server. I have installed samba & cups. Can I just connect the printer? what do I do about drivers .et.c.?06:27
cebI could be wrong, but I believe the administration -> services panel lets you manage script in the folder /etd/init.d, which are the system services running on your system06:27
twobitsokay, basically you need to install it to it's own dedicated partition06:27
cebsorry, /etc/init.d/06:27
ctmjrgtech: do you have the install cd you used to install ubuntu?06:27
twobitsdo you know how to install it the non-wubi way?06:28
cebDoes timidity run as a system server, or do you run it each time as your user?06:28
banjomooseceb: not listed at all. is there another program I can intstall that doesn't it better :)06:28
gtechctmjr: heh no I'm away from home06:28
cebI am not too familiar with Midi, but we can get timidity going.  Have you got it running before?06:28
CrumblesSwedeMike: logging out now to test... brb06:28
gtechctmjr: if you could point me to a resource that shows me how to compile and find dependencies that'd be awesome06:28
banjomooseced: it doesn't run unless I use a commandline06:28
camilo_i tried with an .iso in a usb drive, but it didn't work06:28
camilo_i'll try again06:29
cebOK, so you run it as your user... the best option for you may be to add the command that you run at the terminal into your desktop session starup config06:29
twobitscamilo_: have you tried06:29
NeoCicakhow can i forcely remove a package using dpkg? i've tried dpkg -r <package> --force  but it still says 'Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should reinstlal it before attempting a removal'06:29
twobitscamilo_: unetbootin06:29
cebthen when you log in, timidity will be started.  You can disable timidity later if you wisj06:29
The_Parkersis there a way to access a computer in a lan throught the internet by typing in ip addresses in url bar in browser06:30
twobitsit works from windows or ubuntu06:30
banjomooseced: yes I have had it running. just remembering it can be tricky to what I did.06:30
camilo_is that a program?06:30
twobitsbasically, format the usb stick you want to use, then use unetbootin on that drive06:30
=== Guest312 is now known as patrick
twobitsit will create a bootable usb-stick from an iso06:30
The_ParkersIs there a way to access apache server in a lan without port forwarding06:31
twobitsalternatively you can use06:31
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banjomooseced: but I think it needs command line options  can't just run it empty06:31
cebbanjomoose: if you can find the command you ran, go to system => preferences -> Statup Applications (or Sessions)06:31
cebClick add and in the prompt put the full command, options and all in there06:31
twobitsusb-creator on ubuntu06:31
rhorseThe_Parkers: you would need an apache or ssh server on the host06:31
twobitscamilo_: if i may ask which model netbook are you using?06:31
camilo_i used the usb creator06:31
banjomooseceb: that was months ago on a old sytem that was deleted. I just installed a new sytem not long ago, and I'm using tux guitar I also have fluid synth as well06:32
GTG007ceb: do you know how to get ATI Radeon 9200 graphics card driver on ubuntu? i've tried EnvyNG but it didn't work any suggestions?06:32
CrumblesI love how Windows takes an hour to login if it can't find the domain06:32
Crumblesthat turns me on06:32
ctmjrgtech: well build-essential will give you most of the default dependencies but each package has it's own requirements that's where build-dep comes in handy but hold on a sec06:32
The_Parkersyes it is installed. but i dont have access to the router, so no port forwarding which would make it easy06:32
camilo_it's a samsung nc1006:33
cebGTG007: I have only ever run Nvidia.... your best bet is usually the forums for something like that.06:33
gtechctmjr:: kk06:33
GTG007ceb: thank you :)06:33
twobitscamilo_: do you have it set up to check your usb drive in the bios06:33
SilentDisthis is just a question, not a complaint.  The touchpad tap to click was disabled by default in upstream for 9.10.  I've re-enabled it, i'm just curious of the reasoning behind it :)06:33
banjomooseceb: what I would like to learn is how to add more services to service if that makes sense. I remember awhile ago something that did pick up anyting that was new06:33
camilo_how do i do that?06:33
The_Parkersis there a way to typs the ip address in url bar and get to the target computer06:33
rr72hey all, quick question: I installed 9.10 on an external and when I made it internal it can't find swap and i can't even swapon <PARTITION>06:33
twobitswell, when you boot up, usually you see this thing that says press (some key) for setup06:34
twobitsmash that key, and change the setting there06:34
patrick_Still hoping for someone whom might know a simple way to get my hp 605 laptop wireless card an atheros ar5100 to work? Worked from live cd. After installation failed.06:34
twobitsyou can google around for how to do that on your particular computer06:34
CrumblesSwedeMike: you are the farrking man.  That fixed it!!!!!!06:34
camilo_and the usb should be plugged in, right?06:34
twobitsbasically, when your computer boots up, it has a priority list of where it gets its bootup instructions06:34
cebBanjomoose:  If you want to add a service to Administration ->  services, you will need to install a package that adds a script in /etc/init.d/.  Timidity does not appear to do this, otherwise the option would already be there06:34
twobitsyou want to put your usb drive above your hard drive06:35
migg137why does my pannel have some parts in color when i made it transparent...06:35
patrick_Using Ubuntu Remix 9.10.06:35
camilo_ooh, alright06:35
twobitsalternatively you may be able to press esc twice06:35
themarmotI'm trying to get read my blackberry as a mass storage device, I've changed all the media card options to the correct settings but I still get a big nothing when I plug it in06:35
LachnessMonsterIf i have kde installed and gnome ( gnome was first)06:35
LachnessMonster Can i use the update manager to update to 9.10 ?06:35
twobitsor something and just select it06:35
camilo_i'll give that a try06:35
cebIf you really want it to show up, you can create your own script in there (/etc/init.d/timidity) but this is not recommended, this is a system directory for managing services, you will need to be root to fiddle around in there.06:35
ctmjrgtech: if your using karmic http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/network-manager06:35
twobitsthat's a feature on the eee06:35
twobitsnot sure if it's on the samsung ones or whatever :P06:35
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banjomooseced: I just took a look at chkconfig would that be worth installing?06:35
camilo_ok, i'm off to reboot, thanks a lot twobits, you've been a great help :)06:36
cebInstead, I recommend that you try preferences -> services.  This would be the best way for you to get timidity to start when you log in, using the same command you used before.06:36
twobitscamilo_: no prob06:36
cebYou can look at chkconfig.  It will help manage /etc/init.d scripts, like the admin -> services menu.  But there doesn't appear to be a timidity script there to manage06:36
gtechctmjr: beauty thanks a lot06:36
SineDeviancehey guys, in htop i've got about 30 instances of '/usr/sbin/console-kit-daemon'06:37
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SineDeviancewhat is this and why do i have so many?06:37
ctmjrgtech: your welcome06:37
themarmotSineDeviance: that's normal06:37
banjomooseceb: I just checked and I have a script in  /etc/init.d06:38
SineDeviancethemarmot, okay. thanks06:38
cebThen it may not have LSB headers06:38
zerqanyone know what to do if your trackpad is getting detected as a ps/2 mouse? :/06:38
ctmjrsergio:  /join #ubuntu-es06:38
themarmotI'm trying to get read my blackberry as a mass storage device, I've changed all the media card options to the correct settings but I still get a big nothing when I plug it in06:38
cebCan you check the top of the cript in that folder (should be all comments) and compare it to one that does show up in services06:38
cebYou may find a comment with a special structure that the administration -> services component is using.06:38
cebto identify the services06:39
banjomooseceb:  ahhh dam dont even know what lsb headers are. well I'll give chkconfig a shot you never know. I will check it out. thanks ceb have a good one :)06:39
banjomooseceb: I ran the script, but it just gave an error, I tried to find the error with demsg nothing showed up, maybe timidity needs to know where the soundfont is or something06:42
sharkiehi zuse06:43
zuse12345im awsome06:43
zuse12345im awsome06:44
sharkieI'm bored06:44
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MenZa!ot | sharkie06:44
ubottusharkie: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!06:44
sharkiek sorry06:45
crohakonHow can I record my desktop?06:47
AuToMaTiCCan someone help me http://img209.imageshack.us/img209/4893/issue.png06:47
MenZa!screencast | crohakon06:47
ubottucrohakon: Some programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Xvidcap, pyvnc2swf.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.06:47
crohakonrecordmydesktop records distorted videos06:47
AuToMaTiCwhen i install Ubuntu thats what my screen looks like http://img209.imageshack.us/img209/4893/issue.png06:47
MenZacrohakon: istanbul, wink, xvidcamp, pyvnc2swf are other things to try out.06:48
judgenIs there a alternative to the gnome notifications area?06:48
AuToMaTiCMenZa can you assist me?06:48
MenZaAuToMaTiC: Sorry, but I have no idea what the issue is. Or what's causing it.06:48
patrick_Any solutions for a simple fix for wifi detection on a hp g605 series laptop with an Atheros Ar5100 wireless card? It worked on live cd, hasn't since installation and upgrade on Ubuntu Remix 9.1006:48
SwedeMikepatrick_: upgrade to what?06:49
banjomooseHI folks got timidity working via command line sudo timidity -iA -B8,2 -Os but no luck with its started up script which just fails with  ALSA midi emulation fail06:49
AuToMaTiCSwedeMike can you assist me?06:49
patrick_I meant updates sorry.06:49
SwedeMikeAuToMaTiC: the kernel crashed. that picture doesn't say because of what.06:50
millertimek1a2m3can anyone tell me how to use the rm command to remove a directory in /opt?06:51
SwedeMikemillertimek1a2m3: rm -rf removes a dir recursively.06:52
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SwedeMikemillertimek1a2m3: next time do "man <command>" or "<command> --help" to get help.06:53
jongbergshi, what command if any that let's you verify the existence of email address..06:53
SwedeMikejongbergs: there is none.06:53
banjomoosesome of the man information can be useful and sometimes not so :) anyway off *waves* have fun06:53
millertimek1a2m3well i was running rm -d on it06:53
millertimek1a2m3thanks though. i was looking at a bash reference site at the same time06:54
SwedeMikemillertimek1a2m3: rmdir is the way to remove an empty directory06:54
millertimek1a2m3oh right06:54
AuToMaTiCSwedeMike is there anyway of finding out what caused the kernel to crash06:55
SwedeMikeAuToMaTiC: you can try to scroll up with shift-pageup and see if there is more information06:55
SwedeMikeAuToMaTiC: or if it's shift-arrowup, I dont remember06:56
AuToMaTiCill take a look right now06:56
princezudaHey I was here earlier saying I was having a problem with my graphics card refresh rate. I fixed it so If you'd like me to share how I did it I will.06:56
hshello every one06:56
l1nUx1z3rprincezuda, what problem did u have?06:57
hscould anyone help me please?06:57
SwedeMikeprincezuda: it's probably better if you share it in the forum so people can find it via google.06:57
l1nUx1z3rhs, whats the problem?06:57
hsi cant access my windows drives06:57
patrick_Appreciate any assistance on getting that wifi operational. Its my first time installing Ubuntu Remix on a customer's laptop. In the past I've used regular Ubuntu or Kubuntu, with some Mandriva installs. Usually I can fix these things quickly. Not this one.06:57
princezudaMy nvidia graphics card was set at 69 hertz refresh which was giving me a migraine. It took a couple hours but I got it up to 75 hertz. Swedemike can you point me to the forum please?06:58
l1nUx1z3rhs, what version of Ubuntu are you using, and what happens when you try to access your drives?06:58
Brentgrub sees my windows xp installation, but when i try to boot into it, i get "invalid signature"06:58
hsit says authentication is required, karmic koala 9.006:59
gener1ci wonder , is nixiepixel a real ubuntu user or is it a pub stunt?06:59
SwedeMikeprincezuda: http://ubuntuforums.org/06:59
l1nUx1z3rhs, do u wanna come on private chat, i can try and help u06:59
patrick_Hp605 with Atheros Card Ar5100 is not listed in the known supported wireless cards. Yet, I've had a lot of different cards that have worked in other Ubuntu editions in the past.06:59
hsyeah but how06:59
hsim new here06:59
l1nUx1z3ri've sent u an invite07:00
MenZa!pm | l1nUx1z3r, hs07:02
ubottul1nUx1z3r, hs: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.07:02
SineDeviancehey, does anyone know where i can get libgtk-1.2?07:04
Brentgrub sees my windows xp installation, but when i try to boot into it, i get "invalid signature", how can i fix this?07:04
ryan_mccainIm looking for an external USB DVD writer for my acer aspire one running ubuntu remix but want to make sure the DVD writer supports linux.. any suggestions?07:05
SineDevianceit's not present in the ubuntu repos anymore07:05
EMKOath5k phy0: noise floor calibration timeout (2457MHz)  i keep getting this and my wireless slows down so much in 9.10  i have to restart the networking every few mintues07:06
The_Parkersis it possible to install a vpn and access it behind a firewall without port forwarding07:09
ryan_mccainlooking for a usb dvd writer that is compatible w/ ubuntu remix for my acer aspire one netbook07:09
crohakonEvery program I try for recording my desktop I end up with distorted video.07:10
pk__i want to adjust volume of a machine from shell07:11
pk__help please07:11
MenZapk__: alsamixer07:11
Brentanybody know a good program to burn iso with?07:12
MenZa!burn | Brent07:12
ubottuBrent: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto07:12
patrick_Any ideas at all at refreshing and getting wifi to work with Ubuntu Netbook Remix 9.10? Lost connection after installation. Live cd I had connection. Have Hp G605 series laptop with Atheros Ar 5100 card.07:14
zerqanyone splain me how to get a trackpad detected when it's showing up as a ps/2 mouse07:14
Jaden007mi5I just installed ubuntu 9.10 and have no sound. I had sound perfectly on 8.1007:15
Jaden007mi5any help?07:15
EMKOath5k phy0: noise floor calibration timeout (2457MHz)  i keep getting this and my wireless slows down so much in 9.10  i have to restart the networking every few mintues07:17
Jaden007mi5Anyone here that can help?07:17
EMKOu have to wait untill somone wants to help u07:17
patrick_No problems with sound in new 9.10. In past I usually had to check the legacy sound box to enable it in settings.07:17
lstarnesJaden007mi5: what sound card are you using?07:18
patrick_Creative Legacy. This only the second ubuntu version I didn't have to check the output box in settings.07:19
sedomgHello, could someone help me with using Sed?  it has broken me.07:19
lstarnessedomg: what are you trying to do with it?07:20
patrick_The box in settings is the audigy analog digital output jack.07:21
sedomgistarnes:I have a very large text file with "\r"'s instead of carage returns.  I want to replace those with new lines.07:21
=== KindTwo is now known as KindOne
lstarnessedomg: you could use dos2unix instead of sed07:22
sedomgoh, ok.  let me google that.  =)07:22
lstarnessedomg: there's no need to google it07:22
Jaden007mi5my sound doesnt work on 9.10 but worked on 8.1007:22
lstarnessedomg: its syntax is just dos2unix file.txt07:23
Jaden007mi5i just instealled 9.10 and dont know what to do07:23
lstarnesJaden007mi5: what sound card are you using?07:23
Jaden007mi5istarned, hold on let me find out07:23
lstarnessedomg: you might need to use sudo apt-get install tofrodos07:23
patrick_Creative Legacy and usually I have to check or uncheck the audigy analog digital output jack to get it to work.07:24
valiohi, can anybody send me hidpoint for ubuntu 9.04 x6407:24
EMKOwow so far i unpluged my usb keyboard and the wireless speed has not droped in the last 10min07:24
=== reactor_ is now known as reactor
patrick_Check and uncheck your analog/digital jack setting in the mixer. It could help you, it has myself in the past.07:24
valiocurrently hidpoint download page is down http://www.hidpoint.com/download.html07:25
Jaden007mi5im trying to find out what card it is07:25
iikanyone familiar with postfix?07:25
Jaden007mi5but the laptop is a Gateway P-6860FX07:25
lstarnesJaden007mi5: use lspci | grep -i audio07:25
patrick_You might do a hardware check in your administration menu and see what the operating system is recognizing as hardware.07:26
GammaXThere a reason why kubuntu would make my hp super hot after not so long of usage?07:27
lstarnespatrick_: when talking to someone, make sure that you include their nick at the start of your messages.  Also, try typing the first couple letters of their nick then pressing TAB07:27
sedomgistarnes:Not having much luck with dos2unix.  I couldnt find it with apt-get.07:28
lstarnessedomg: tofrodos07:28
lstarnessedomg: is the package07:28
wolfAnyone around ?07:30
NA1LB0MBits insane how fast xp installs in vbox07:30
=== wolf is now known as Guest74332
=== Guest74332 is now known as ThePassingShadow
Jaden007mi5i missed my response07:30
Jaden007mi5i had to go get a drink07:30
ThePassingShadowMy Ubuntu panels are on the wrong side07:30
ThePassingShadowI have two displays07:31
ThePassingShadowAnd my panels are on the wrong display07:31
lstarnesJaden007mi5: go into a terminal and try using lspci | grep audio07:31
lstarnesJaden007mi5: oops.  that should be lspci | grep -i audio07:31
=== walter is now known as Guest50447
Jaden007mi500:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03)07:31
princezudaSwedeMike, I shared my fix in the forums http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8406120#post840612007:31
sedomgistarnes: It did not seem to help on the document.07:32
lstarnesJaden007mi5: what about lsmod | grep snd_hda_intel?07:32
Jaden007mi5snd_hda_intel          31880  207:32
Jaden007mi5snd_hda_codec          87584  2 snd_hda_codec_idt,snd_hda_intel07:32
Jaden007mi5snd_pcm                93160  3 snd_hda_intel,snd_hda_codec,snd_pcm_oss07:32
Jaden007mi5snd                    77096  16 snd_hda_codec_idt,snd_hda_intel,snd_hda_codec,snd_hwdep,snd_pcm_oss,snd_mixer_oss,snd_pcm,snd_seq_oss,snd_rawmidi,snd_seq,snd_timer,snd_seq_device07:32
Jaden007mi5snd_page_alloc         10928  2 snd_hda_intel,snd_pcm07:32
FloodBot1Jaden007mi5: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:32
Jaden007mi5my bad07:32
Jaden007mi5its a big thing. so how can i show it to u07:33
lstarnesJaden007mi5: read what FloodBot1 said07:33
selig5ThePassingShadow: if you enable the 'hide' buttons on the panels you can make them switch from one screen to the other.07:33
lstarnesJaden007mi5: have you checked to volume control applet?07:33
ThePassingShadowselig5, How do I do that ?07:34
SwedeMikeprincezuda: good work!07:34
jongbergs!info lamp07:34
ubottuPackage lamp does not exist in karmic07:34
lstarnes!lamp | Jaden007mi507:34
ubottuJaden007mi5: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)07:34
princezudathanks SwedeMike.07:35
lstarnesJaden007mi5: sorry, that should be for jongbergs07:35
lstarnesjongbergs: that message from ubottu should be useful07:35
sedomgistarnes: dos2unix did not seem to help on my document.07:35
lstarnessedomg: I saw; you don't need to repeat07:35
jongbergslstarnes: thanks, however im looking for another way of installing lamp package using apt-get07:35
lstarnessedomg: what about todos file.txt?07:35
selig5ThePassingShadow: right-click on the panel, select properties then click on the 'show hide buttons' option.07:35
lstarnesjongbergs: you could try sudo tasksel install lamp-server07:36
lstarnesJaden007mi5: just ignore what ubottu said07:36
lstarnesJaden007mi5: it was an error07:36
ThePassingShadowselig5: The problem is that it doesn't go into the proper position then07:36
ThePassingShadowI'll screenshot07:36
selig5ThePassingShadow: make sure you have the 'Expand' option selected, that might help...07:37
khelvanHello, is there an easy way to tell Ubuntu to use a particular application as default by file extension? For instance, to tell it to use VLC for .wmv files rather than defaulting to Mplayer?07:37
sedomgistarnes: todos did not seem to help on the document.07:37
jongbergslstarnes: thanks again for the tip07:37
doyouknowmattmovieplayer keeps on cutting out on 2 totally independent stations ive listened to for years on a regular business. It takes a long time to start and says that its buffering when it cuts back in, it takes like 15 seconds. Could anyone help?07:37
lstarnessedomg: it still has carriage returns?07:38
ThePassingShadowExpand IS highlighted07:38
doyouknowmattregular basis07:38
lstarnessedomg: my nick starts with a lowercase L.  you're using an uppercase i so my client doesn't think that you're talking to me07:38
ThePassingShadowselig5, http://up.ppy.sh/files/screenshot-1-0.png07:38
melikanyone here use terminator07:38
doyouknowmattmovieplayer keeps on cutting out on 2 totally independent stations ive listened to for years on a regular BASIS. It takes a long time to start and says that its buffering when it cuts back in, it takes like 15 seconds. Could anyone help?07:38
fulat2kanyone here using moblock?07:38
sedomgit doesnt have carriage returns.  I have a bunch of text \r i am trying to convert into carriage returns.07:38
Jaden007mi5do you have any clue whats wrong with it07:38
lstarnesJaden007mi5: pastebin the output of amixer07:39
Jaden007mi5i went into the sound settings and tryed all the input devices07:39
Ubuntu-BeginnerHello! anyone speak Indonesian here?07:39
lstarnessedomg: oh07:39
lstarnessedomg: sorry, I misunderstood07:39
Jaden007mi5how do i do that. i havent been on linux in a while and was not that good at it before07:39
melikanyone here use terminator?07:39
lstarnessedomg: try sed file.txt "s,\\\\r,\\r,g"07:39
lstarnesJaden007mi5: terminal07:40
Jaden007mi5i know that part07:40
lstarnesJaden007mi5: type amixer07:40
GamerKnightis there a way to run check disk (chkdsk) from within ubuntu07:40
lstarnesJaden007mi5: copy the output07:40
lstarnesJaden007mi5: paste it to http://paste.ubuntu.com07:40
Jaden007mi5i did07:40
lstarnesJaden007mi5: what's the link to the post?07:40
ThePassingShadowselig5, I think the problem is that my monitor isn't properly set to default07:41
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doyouknowmattfulat2k: if you get moblock to work on ubuntu, could you email me?07:41
Jaden007mi5istarnes: u mean this07:41
lstarnesJaden007mi5: yes, thanks07:41
wrapstertop |head 10 >output_file07:41
wrapsterand open output_file.. I see a lot of junk along with the data... I know thats coz of visual differencees07:42
lstarnesJaden007mi5: that looks like your mixer settings aren't the issue07:42
lstarnesJaden007mi5: I'll see if I can find any bug reports related to that model of sound card in 9.1007:42
wrapsteris there a way i can generate top output wich is fit enough to be written to a file?07:42
ThePassingShadowAnyone know how to set a default monitor ?07:42
Jaden007mi5okay. idk if this helps but it worked in 8.10. and not in 9.04 or right now in 9.1007:42
sedomgistarnes: That almost worked.  I am using vim (since it doesnt freeze on my large text file) and now they are all replaced with ^M.07:43
lstarnessedomg: that is correct.  Save the file and exit07:43
lstarnessedomg: vim displays a carriage return as ^M in blue07:43
doyouknowmattmovieplayer keeps on cutting out on 2 totally independent stations ive listened to for years on a regular basis. It takes a long time to start and says that its buffering when it cuts back in, it takes like 15 seconds. Could anyone help?07:44
Jaden007mi5theres only 2 problems i've seen so far. the sound and some flash problems like cant click pause button on youtube but can hit space to pause07:45
doyouknowmattit can totally ruin what im listening to07:45
noobhai all.07:45
ThePassingShadowAnyone good with displays ?07:46
lstarnesJaden007mi5: can you pastebin the output of aplay -l ?07:46
noobam ... have problemo07:46
noobam install ubuntu 9.10 on ibm t40, and am can't used wifi07:47
noobmy wlan card is cisco aironet07:47
khelvanNevermind - to anyone who is wondering, to tell Ubuntu to open a file with a different default application, just open Nautilus, right-click on the file, choose Properties, and choose the Open With tab.07:47
sedomgistarnes: maybe I used the wrong phrase then.  I am looking to insert a new line inplace.07:48
lstarnessedomg: not a carriage return?07:48
ThePassingShadownoob: You need the driver07:48
khelvanWhat do I need to do to play videos in Ubuntu that use the wmal audio codec?07:48
noobcan you, say step by step for fix my problemo07:48
laurusAnyone here use PCSX?07:49
ThePassingShadowI'm not good enough yet07:49
noobam gone strase for fix it07:49
sedomgistarnes: yeah, because the entire document is on one line and it is almost impossible to view.07:49
nomad77sedomg: try ctrl+c to toggle insert mode07:49
noobwhat you can do just talk to me07:49
lstarnessedomg: try sed "s,\\r,\\n,g" file.txt07:49
ThePassingShadowGo to Cisco's website07:50
lstarnesJaden007mi5: I'm still looking for a possible fix07:50
ThePassingShadowAnd look for your WLAN card's model07:50
noobam done do it07:50
Jaden007mi5okay. thanks for ur time07:50
wrapstercan anyone help me with it, pls?07:50
ThePassingShadowAnd for the Linux distribution07:50
noobwlan is Cisco Aironet MPI35007:51
wrapsteris there a way i can generate the o/p of top worthy of being wrttin to a file?07:51
sedomgistarnes: That worked perfectly.  Thank you, I really appreciate your help.07:51
noobam have some link, but am still don't know07:51
ThePassingShadowI don't know07:51
noobthis link am found : http://svn.gna.org/viewcvs/airo-wpa/trunk/07:52
noobcan you say to me how to test it,. with step by step07:52
ThePassingShadowI don't know what those files are07:52
noobtry to open it07:53
noobmaybe you can help me brotha07:53
nomad77 net-split i guess07:53
lstarnesJaden007mi5: try this: open /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base or /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf (whichever exists) then add this line: options snd-hda-intel model=gateway07:54
ThePassingShadowNO one can help07:55
ThePassingShadowMe or you07:55
khelvannoob - Where are you from? You might have better luck in one of the local support areas07:55
noobam from indonesia, but my local support like fuckpople07:55
lstarnesThePassingShadow: you just have to be patient.  If nobody has answered your question yet, try asking it again.  It is also possible that your question is somewhat uncommon so it won't be as easily answered07:56
noobnot like this channel07:56
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Jaden007mi5istarned im trying to get it to open in terminal>/07:56
lstarnesJaden007mi5: sudo nano filename07:57
Jaden007mi5i did sudo nane /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf07:57
Jaden007mi5i will paste it on the site07:57
nooboke jaden am will do07:57
lstarnesJaden007mi5: you don't need to paste the file.  just add "options snd-hda-intel model=gateway" to the end07:57
=== reactor_ is now known as reactor
Jaden007mi5will that fix it07:58
lstarnesJaden007mi5: I don't know07:58
Jaden007mi5i pasted it in but how do i save it to exit out07:58
khelvannoob, try this link: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=826233&highlight=aironet07:58
lstarnesJaden007mi5: but it is the solution that is most likely to work07:58
lstarnesJaden007mi5: ctrl+x07:58
dragonI'm looking for a tool to run disk sector check on a HDD.07:59
Jaden007mi5okay it saved now what07:59
dragonBasically, I booted using a LiveUSB on a computer with bad disk.07:59
nooboke khelvan, am will open that07:59
msleatheris there any effort to get clear to work with ubuntu? wwan i mean.07:59
lstarnesJaden007mi5: try sudo modprobe -r snd-hda-intel, then use sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel07:59
msleatherclear is cheaper than the other carriers08:00
msleatherby 30 dollars08:00
noobJaden007mi5 :http://paste.ubuntu.com/330890/08:00
lstarnesnoob: I don't think he needed a copy of that file from you08:00
Jaden007mi5im doing the sudo thing first hold on08:00
nooblstarnes : what mean08:01
doyouknowmattmovieplayer keeps on cutting out on 2 totally independent stations ive listened to for years on a regular basis. It takes a long time to start and says that its buffering when it cuts back in, it takes like 15 seconds. It almost ruins what I'm listening to. Also, when im listening to music, it no longer displays what song is playing and who the artist is. Could anyone help?08:01
Jaden007mi5kk i did it it said FATAL: Module snd_hda_intel is in use.08:02
Jaden007mi5on the first sudo and said nothing on the second08:02
nooblstarnets : http://paste.ubuntu.com/330890/08:02
Jaden007mi5i opened up the link u send me. what do you want me to do with that08:02
lstarnesnoob: I see it but I don't know what to do with it08:02
lstarnesJaden007mi5: just ignore it for now08:02
GodfatherofEireIs there any way to make an application persistent, so that if it gets closed out it starts up again (specifically gnome-do)08:02
lstarnesJaden007mi5: hold on08:03
nooblstarnes : am used sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf08:03
noob that form Jaden007mi508:03
lstarnesJaden007mi5: try rebooting.  let me know if it works08:03
nooblstarnes : my problem is mi wifi cannot detact on my ibm t4008:04
lstarnesnoob: I don't think that will help with your wifi problem08:04
NeoCicakdoes anyone know what canonical has done to 9.10 that makes the boot time takes __significantly__ longer than 9.04? i've just installed 9.04 inside virtualbox on a 9.10... and the boottime difference is so obvious08:04
doyouknowmattmovieplayer keeps on cutting out on 2 totally independent stations ive listened to for years on a regular basis. It takes a long time to start and says that its buffering when it cuts back in, it takes like 15 seconds. It almost ruins what I'm listening to. Also, when im listening to music, it no longer displays what song is playing and who the artist is. Could anyone help?08:04
khelvannoob, lstarnes was not talking to you when he wanted Jaden to open alsa-base.conf08:04
lstarnesnoob: I am sorry but I do not know how to fix your problem.  Someone else might know08:04
Jack_Ryanplease help me!08:04
selig5doyouknowmatt: you might want to try mplayer...08:05
Jack_Ryanmy computer just turned into ther terminal08:05
nooblstarnes : that's oke, am have all problem08:05
Jack_RyanI pressed ctrl+alt+F208:05
Jack_Ryanno idea how to get out08:05
noobkhelvan : what mean08:05
lstarnesJack_Ryan: try ctrl+alt+f708:05
NeoCicakam i the only one who regrets my upgrade to 9.10? i felt that 9.10 is a complete failure08:06
ubottuyes, I'm alive.08:06
khelvannoob - alsa-base.conf has to do with sound, not wifi networking. He was helping someone else, so you don't need to open that file. Follow the link I sent you, it should help you, before you try anything else.08:06
Jack_Ryanthat returned me to the plasmanoid desktop, but it is completely black08:06
sumodumoi like 9.108:06
om26erNeoCicak: then don't upgrade clean install08:06
NeoCicakom26er: that is not always practical08:06
alex87hey guys, after putting my computer to sleep the tuner card doesn't work until a reboot. can i restart just the device without restarting the whole computer?08:06
om26erNeoCicak: then don't upgrade08:07
Jack_RyanI'm on Kubuntu btw,08:07
NeoCicakom26er: i've been using ubuntu since 5.x ... and always did dist upgrade... and everything had always been working ok08:07
* Jack_Ryan has both08:07
NeoCicakom26er: i dont think you are answering the question :P08:07
om26erNeoCicak: OMG! so08:07
Jack_RyanI have acces to several ttyl things08:07
Jack_Ryanwhich I', not sure what are08:07
Jack_RyanI have irssi running08:08
om26erNeoCicak: you have been using ubuntu for so long and still you don't know how to get it working....08:08
Jack_Ryanmy computer looks like the commador computer screens08:08
GodfatherofEireIs there any way to make an application persistent, so that if it gets closed out it starts up again (specifically gnome-do)08:08
macoJack_Ryan: ctrl+alt+f708:09
Jaden007mi5i stuck my logitech g35 in and changed the output to it really quick and it worked. but my laptop speakers wont work08:09
Jack_Ryantried that08:09
Jack_RyanI pressed ctrl+alt+F208:09
Jack_Ryanthat returned me to the plasmanoid desktop, but it is completely black08:09
Jack_RyanI need to kill the plasmanoid desktop, but I don't know which process it is08:10
selig5GodfatherofEire: system-->preferences-->startup applications08:10
lstarnesJaden007mi5: I'm not sure what would be causing that08:10
noobhai am back08:10
GodfatherofEireAlso: a) why do I get a kernel panic after killing something from the console, and switching back to X?, and b) anybody know why ctrl alt esc was cut?08:10
macoJack_Ryan: to restart it "pkill plasmoid-desktop && nohup plasmoid-desktop &"08:10
Jaden007mi5my play and pause button works now08:10
macoJack_Ryan: note thats its plasmoid not plasmanoid08:10
noobhow to install linksys usbb54g on ubuntu08:10
moymoyGodfatherofEire: make a script, in it, put "#!/bin/bash" and the next line "gnome-do; $0" save it, turn it into an executable and use that script to launch gnome-do08:11
macoJack_Ryan: actually i think th process is plasma-desktop08:11
noobhow to install linksys usbb54g on ubuntu 9.10 on ibm t40 i mean08:11
=== reactor_ is now known as reactor
om26ernoob: you plugged it in and its not working?08:11
lstarnesJaden007mi5: there might be a bios setting related to it, but I'm not sure08:11
GodfatherofEiremoymoy, thanks08:11
noobnot working om26er08:11
Jaden007mi5Istarnes:  what profile for the selected device should i be on08:11
lstarnesJaden007mi5: I'm not sure08:12
Jack_Ryancan you repeat that command?08:12
GodfatherofEirebut, yeah, anybody know why they cut ctrl alt esc?08:12
Jack_RyanI'm stuck in Irssi, so I have to write it down08:12
Jack_Ryant scroll08:12
om26ernoob: plug it and reboot and then see if hardware drivers is proposing to installany properietry driver08:12
noobmy linuxs so many problemo. 1. wifi usb can't used 2. my music can't play well have error Resource not found.08:12
lstarnesGodfatherofEire: ctrl+alt+esc?08:12
macoJack_Ryan: pgup and pgdn to scroll08:12
alex87anyone know how i can reboot my v4l device?08:13
noobResource not found. < on rmxbox08:13
noobhow to fix it08:13
Jaden007mi5istarnes: well after i get my sound to work out of my laptop i wanna see if i can get alll 7 to 1 speakers to work in the logitech g3508:13
noobResource not found. if i play music with .mp308:13
GodfatherofEirelstarnes yeah, not sure when it last worked, I know it did in 8.04, and I'm pretty sure about 8.10. 9.04 I dont think so though08:13
lstarnesGodfatherofEire: don't you mean ctrl+alt+backspace?08:13
GodfatherofEireIstarnes, yeah08:14
lstarnesGodfatherofEire: I think that was an upstream change by Xorg's developers08:14
lstarnesGodfatherofEire: probably something about people hitting it accidentally08:15
macoGodfatherofEire: its configurable. upstream turned it off by default08:15
lstarnesGodfatherofEire: it can be reenabled08:15
macoGodfatherofEire: lstarnes is right on the reasoning08:15
=== reactor_ is now known as reactor
GodfatherofEireAlright, I'll just go and re-enable it then08:15
GodfatherofEireAs for a kernel panic on returning to X, I got nothin08:15
Jack_Ryandidn't work08:15
Jack_RyanI got this:08:16
g-codewhich is the best type of disk to make a live CD?08:16
Jack_Ryan[1] 88408:16
Jaden007mi5im so lost now08:16
om26ernoob: did you installed the audio codecs?08:16
Jack_Ryanis there a specific tty I should do this in?08:16
wubuntuSilly question..08:17
sumodumoyea silly08:17
dragon!dontzap | GodfatherofEire08:17
ubottuGodfatherofEire: To re-enable the Ctrl-Alt-Backspace combination that restarts your X server see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/DontZap08:17
wubuntuBut is there a way to get multiple wallpapers on dual desktops ?08:17
sumodumoummmmmm what?08:17
wubuntudual displays*08:17
dragon!sysrq | GodfatherofEire08:17
ubottuGodfatherofEire: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key08:17
GamerKnighthey people. is there anway i can fix this error in linux "Cluster accounting failed at 11573 (0x2d35): extra cluster in $Bitmap"08:17
om26er!hello | sumodumo08:17
ubottusumodumo: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!08:17
GodfatherofEirewubuntu, there is, but I cant think of what that is08:17
GodfatherofEiredragon, kernel panic, sysrq is useless08:18
GamerKnightits on an NTFS partition and i do not have chkdsk08:18
dragonGodfatherofEire, right. I don't think Ctrl+Alt+Bksp thingy will work in that case either.08:18
SmileDaycan not find my moniter info on ubuntu. how can i?08:18
Jack_Ryanis there a way to screen a web browser or something similar into terminal?08:18
Jack_Ryanor a way to access ther ubuntu forums?08:19
lonejackhi, does sombody know how can I remove menù setup and allow the system to rewrite it by the default? My problem is that actually under menu appllication->internet itisn't shown firefox. Thx08:19
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GodfatherofEiredragon, yeah, different problem though (the kernel panic one was with killing procs, the other with starting/stopping compiz)08:19
Random832lonejack, you using gnome?08:19
GodfatherofEireWell, killing them from the command line08:19
Jack_Ryanby the way this is KDE08:19
lonejackRandom832, yes08:19
Jack_Ryanbut I've got GNOME running under08:19
macoJack_Ryan: w3m08:19
macoJack_Ryan: by the way, #kubuntu exists08:20
om26er!enter | Jack_Ryan08:20
ubottuJack_Ryan: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!08:20
AuToMaTiCCan anyone assist me in my installing Ubuntu issue? http://img209.imageshack.us/img209/4893/issue.png08:20
Random832lonejack, rm -r ~/.config/menus08:20
macoJack_Ryan: im in there too but its a bit quieter there than here (i also use kubuntu)08:20
lonejackRandom832, thank you08:20
Random832or move it to somewhere else if you want a backup08:21
wubuntuAnyone else happen to know a way to get different wallpapers in dual monitors ?08:21
lonejackRandom832, I did it. Now is lost. thank you, I restart the machine, bye08:21
AuToMaTiCCan anyone assist me in my installing Ubuntu issue? http://img209.imageshack.us/img209/4893/issue.png08:21
ZabbadahuHello, I am having some installation problems. I was trying to install from a disk of the latest freshly downloaded version of ubuntu. Windows is installed currently and I want to wipe it out. I booted from the disk and ran the installer but when I got to the partition screen the HDD does not display it is only an 80GB SATA08:21
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.08:21
om26er!repeat | AuToMaTiC08:22
ubottuAuToMaTiC: please see above08:22
AuToMaTiCSee above where?08:22
frekuit means dont spam the channel08:22
om26erAuToMaTiC: trying 64-bit?08:22
AuToMaTiCi dont believe so08:23
Random832lonejack: you idn't have to restart - you can even just wait a few seconds usually, or go into the menu edit window and it'll refresh to the system default08:23
Random832oh he's gone08:23
AuToMaTiCcould that be the problem?08:23
SmileDayQuestion. can't my moniter info on ubuntu. How do I?08:23
om26erAuToMaTiC: it might be your system don't support 64-bit.?08:23
Random832SmileDay, Your question isn't clear - what are you trying to do with monitor info?08:23
* om26er don't know actually the cause08:23
AuToMaTiCit might not i usually use 32 bit but08:24
GodfatherofEireAuToMaTiC: try installing it outside windows08:24
HexyHey :) I've got a bit of an annoying issue that'd be great if someone could help with :). I installed ubuntu 9.04 on a friends computer, he tried to install a windows 7 dualboot on a seperate hdd on the same machine... so the windows bootloader overwrote grub. And I've popped in a livecd and tried to fix it, but I can't seem to do it properly.. anyone know how to fix this?08:24
AuToMaTiCi did08:24
GodfatherofEirewubuntu: try the "drapes" package08:24
AuToMaTiCthats just a screen shot08:24
AuToMaTiCcause i made a video08:24
wubuntuThanks GodfatherofEire08:25
wubuntuTrying now08:25
AuToMaTiCis ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso a 64 bit file?08:25
om26erAuToMaTiC: no 32-bit08:25
AuToMaTiCthats the one im currently using08:25
om26er!md5 | AuToMaTiC08:25
ubottuAuToMaTiC: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows08:25
MenZa!grub2 | Hexy08:26
ubottuHexy: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub208:26
GodfatherofEirewubuntu: its supposed to be used to change wallpapers at given intervals, but I think that does multimonitor08:26
MenZaHexy: There are instructions on how to recover GRUB there :)08:26
HexyAhh, it's 9.04, not 9.1008:26
wubuntuI can't find where it does08:26
wubuntuIf it does08:26
wubuntuYeah, I don't think so, sadly08:26
HexyMenZa, sorry, should've clarified that it was 9.04.08:26
MenZaHexy: Ah08:27
MenZa!grub | Hexy08:27
ubottuHexy: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.08:27
AuToMaTiCom26 its the right file08:27
MenZaHexy: There you go ;)08:27
Hexyyeah, I looked at those.. they didn't work.08:28
AuToMaTiCdo you know what the problem could be?08:28
GodfatherofEirewubuntu, looks like compiz could support it08:28
wubuntuHow do I install compiz ?08:28
AuToMaTiCgodfather have you seen this before? http://img209.imageshack.us/img209/4893/issue.png08:28
|_ockeany nerds up for a challenge?08:28
soreauwubuntu: Its already installed08:28
wubuntusoreau: That's what I thought08:29
Hexywhat kinda challenge :)08:29
om26erAuToMaTiC: which system are you using.08:29
soreauwubuntu: You probably will want to install ccsm to configure it though08:29
om26erAuToMaTiC: processor08:29
|_ockeHexy, i really want to find a really underground metal band08:29
wubuntuIs that a package ?08:29
AuToMaTiCWindows 7 but im installing out of windows08:29
|_ockeHexy, i had an album by them like 8 or nine years ago08:29
AuToMaTiCIntel Quad core 2.8308:29
om26er!ot | |_ocke08:29
ubottu|_ocke: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!08:29
SpacePigeonis there a folder that has links to the current theme's icons?08:29
|_ockei had only a 64kbps mp3 set08:29
|_ockei'm not trying to find the mp3s08:29
AuToMaTiC4 gigs of ram08:30
|_ockeim trying to find the band name08:30
soreauwubuntu: The only way to get different wallpapers on each viewport means you will lose your desktop icons08:30
Hexy|_ocke, PM08:30
GodfatherofEireAuToMaTiC, so you say you've tried booting straight to the hardware, not doing virtualization?08:30
AuToMaTiCyour saying through the bios correct?08:30
wubuntusoreau: That's a shame. But I guess it's worth it08:30
wubuntuThe only desktop icon I have is my Bin08:30
GodfatherofEirewubuntu soreau, I remember something where I got diff wallpapers on diff workspaces, with everything still there08:30
soreauwubuntu: IMHO, it makes for a cleaner looking desktop and of course the Desktop  directory remains in tact08:31
AuToMaTiClike i set my disk drive as the primary boot device08:31
wubuntusoreau: How do you set it up that way in the first place ?08:31
AuToMaTiCand ive tried it like that08:31
soreauGodfatherofEire: That was a hack of long ago, no longer possible08:31
AuToMaTiCive tried it where i install it on windows08:31
AuToMaTiCand have both choices and it fails there08:31
wubuntuGodfatherofEire: I wish you remembered08:31
AuToMaTiCits all ways http://img209.imageshack.us/img209/4893/issue.png to08:31
metalwolf_im trying to figure out a problem with my ubuntu install08:31
GodfatherofEireAuToMaTiC, or just use the bootmenu08:31
SpacePigeonin other words, where do applications look for icons?08:31
metalwolf_i cant get my bluetooth headset to work right08:32
GodfatherofEiresoreau, like, on 8.10?08:32
AuToMaTiCI have tried throught the bootmenu08:32
GodfatherofEirejust want to make sure were thinking of the same one08:32
soreauwubuntu: You will have to disable nautilus show desktop, be sure you are running compiz then set the wallpapers in ccsm>Wallpaper plugin08:32
soreauGodfatherofEire: Somethin like that08:32
Hexy:| I Need to get rid of some hardware.08:32
wubuntuThere's no other way ?08:33
soreauwubuntu: Not to my knowledge08:33
wubuntuThat's a shame.08:33
soreauHexy: Send it to mw08:33
Hexysoreau, you don't want this.08:33
soreauunless its more than eight years old08:34
Hexymost of it is old... 300-800Mhz boxes I can't bare to part with...08:34
Hexythey make great headless linux servers...08:34
ZabbadahuAny idea on what could cause a hard drive to not display when trying to install after booting from the disk08:34
soreauHexy: Damn! xD08:34
macosoreau: i dont think the D word is ok here08:35
soreaumaco: Probably not, but what can they do. Sue me?08:36
macosoreau: ban you?08:36
Zabbadahumaybe I should just make a small partition and install in windows then wipe windows off and format instead08:37
soreaumaco: It wouldnt be a big loss for me anyway. I do 99% support, 0.9% BSing and 0.1% other08:37
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macosoreau: ok. im just trying to tell you that child-friendly language is a rule here08:37
selig5Hexy: nice compaq deskpro...08:38
soreaumaco: I'm well aware of the rules and I bend them sometimes08:38
mattcenHey all, I believe there's a meta-package that depends on proprietary drivers etc (such as gstreamer-ugly etc), but don't know its name. Does anybody else know?08:39
macomattcen: ubuntu-retricted-extras ?08:39
mattcenmaco: That sounds like it...08:39
idefineif I create a Private folder (encrypted with ecryptfs) why does root have the authority to get to my files by just issuing an su username. Is there a way to prevent this?08:40
macomattcen: (gstreamer is codecs not drivers, by the way...drivers would be for like making your graphics card work at all)08:40
macoidefine: because logging in is what unlocks your directory08:40
mattcenmaco: Yes, sorry, that was a typo; I was in the 'driver' mindset because I just installed the Nvidia driver :P. That's the package I was looking for. Thanks a lot, you just saved me much fruitless googling :P08:40
idefinemaco: right, how can I stop that?08:41
RodenskyHello :) I'm trying to use Kopete but it won't connect to my WLM account (it connects to an @hotmail.com account, but not to @live.com)08:41
macoidefine: i dont think you can except to put your directory on a separate partition encrypted with lvm...maybe?08:41
=== nicholas_ is now known as twobits
topohi, Im having trouble with nautilus connecting to windows share08:42
Rodenskyit uses the same server and port as pidgin (messenger.hotmail.com 1863) but doesn't connect...08:42
topoit keeps asking for the password but im sure theres is no password for that share08:42
GodfatherofEiresoreau, wallpapoz, thats what i was thinkin of08:43
jeffjeffdejeffi have a lot of files in my photos folder that have -1.jpg as their file names (as they are duplicates).  how do i use the rm command to specify the deletion of these files?08:43
Zabbadahuany suggestions on a course of action to get the hard drive to register to install to it... I was thinking a hammer may help me08:44
mattcenjeffjeffdejeff: rm -- -*.jpg08:44
mattcenjeffjeffdejeff: the -- tells 'rm' that whatever follows *isn't* an argument, but a literal hyphen08:45
macojeffjeffdejeff: rm *-1.jpg08:45
macojeffjeffdejeff: mattcen's version would delete all files that start with - and end in .jpg ....which isnt what you asked for08:46
RodenskyI'm trying to use Kopete but it won't connect to my WLM account (it connects to a @hotmail.com account, but not to a @live.com). It uses the same server and port as Pidgin (messenger.hotmail.com 1863) but doesn't connect (unlike pidgin that does)... How can I solve this and connect to my @live.com account with Kopete?08:47
jeffjeffdejeffmaco: so your version would delete files that end in "-1.jpg"?08:47
|_ockeanyone want a challenge?08:47
mattcenAh yes, sorry, I misinterpreted the statement as having -1.jpg -2.jpg etc08:47
|_ockei need to find a band name08:47
macojeffjeffdejeff: yes, thats what you asked for, isnt it?08:47
=== wolf is now known as Guest68703
jeffjeffdejeffindeed it is. :)08:47
* mattcen has tried to overcomplicate the problem again :P08:48
macomattcen: that still wouldve required *-*.jpg and then every file with a - ending in .jpg would be gone. youd want to limit it to *-[0-9].jpg i think08:48
mattcenYep, that makes sense08:48
jeffjeffdejeffthat's great chaps.  thanks a lot. that seems to have worked in the folder i know i have lots of duplicates in.  how do i now go about identifying where else i might have files that end in -1.jpg?08:50
mattcenjeffjeffdejeff: find / -name '*-1.jpg'08:51
mattcenWhere '/' can be any directory to search inside, but of course searches the root directory as it is.08:51
mpontillojeffjeffdejeff: try "locate *-1.jpg"08:51
v_vhello. i installed ubuntu. then installed kde and lots of kde apps. now i am back to gnome. but it still shows kubuntu when starting the computer. the it takes more time to boot up. how to configure it?08:51
EMKOanyone know how to setup ubuntu so it auto reconnects to a wireless connection? currently everytime i change anything in my router that causes the routers wireless to restart the ubuntu computer wont auto reconnect08:52
jeffjeffdejeffthanks matcen. that worked.  is there now a quick way to rm the files that it just found?08:52
mattcenjeffjeffdejeff: Yep08:53
mattcenjeffjeffdejeff: find / -name '*-1.jpg' -exec rm {} \;08:53
mattcenthe pair of braces represents the file you've just found, and you need the \; to say "this is the end of what I'm executing as part of find.08:53
mattcenJust make sure you don't have any files you *don't* want to delete before doing that08:53
v_v2ok. a simple question. how to remove all kde ?08:54
jeffjeffdejeffso that kind of links the first command with the second and tells it to get rid of?08:54
ardchoillejeffjeffdejeff: it's a "seek and destroy" mission :)08:55
mattcenyou could look at it that way I suppose; the first command displays the files, the second command finds them, but doesn't display them. Instead it does whatever you tell it to in the '-exec'08:55
=== jongberg1 is now known as jongbergs
teolicyHi. Which recursive web site downloader can you recommend with Ubuntu? (similar to Teleport Pro for Windows)08:56
shiki-where can I ask help from a dev?08:56
shiki-#ubuntu-devel is NOT for that reason... sadly. so..any idea?08:56
ardchoilleThat command is missing a pipe anyway, isn't it?08:56
mattcenteolicy: you can potentially use 'wget'08:56
mattcenardchoille: Which command?08:56
macoshiki-: why do you need help from a developer as opposed to from anyone else who knows what theyre doing?08:56
ardchoillethat find and -exec08:57
shiki-well maco.. >> well... when someone will be here: I get an error when I try to prepare a package for PPA upload. I got some PPA aldy, but I cant figure this error out. It gives : "debuild: fatal error at line 1334: \ dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -d -us -uc -S -sa failed" when I use the "debuild -S -sa" command.08:57
teolicymattcen, wget -r is too bare bones for me; it will not modify HTML as necessary to make the downloaded material easily browsable offline.08:57
shiki-I just need some hint where to start ..where to find that line 1334..which line? which file? where?08:57
ardchoillenever mind, my bad08:57
mattcenardchoille: No. The entire process is done within find; find calls rm itself, it doesn't print the file names to stdout and then pass them to exec08:57
jeffjeffdejeffhmmm.  i got "find: missing argument to `-exec'" as a result08:57
mattcenWell that's interesting...08:57
macoshiki-: just as a test does normal "debuild -S" work?08:58
shiki-maco: sadly, nope08:58
mattcenjeffjeffdejeff: You had the \; at the end?08:58
ardchoillemattcen: yeah, -exec is an option of find, forgot about that08:58
macoshiki-: ok08:58
shiki-but found some hint now.. trying them08:58
mattcenteolicy: There's another option to wget that should do that... I'll see if I can find it08:59
macoshiki-: line 1334 of the debuild script, id guess08:59
Witch-King-VTcan you tell me a program to convert dvd to avi or mpeg or something like this08:59
AuToMaTiChttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=036PkhVBzwA Can you guys help me out08:59
shiki-Witch-King-VT: dvdrip / avidemux?08:59
wademurrayWitch-King-VT: Handbrake08:59
macoshiki-: what is it you're packaging? something not yet in ubuntu?09:00
Zabbadahusorry wrong window09:00
shiki-maco: yepp09:00
mattcenteolicy: wget -k. After the download is complete, convert the links in the document  to make them suitable for local viewing.09:00
shiki-maco:  MediaInfo. Maybe you heard about it09:00
v_vhello. how to remove kde clean09:00
teolicymattcen, aye, cheers.09:00
macoshiki-: do you intend to submit it to revu to get it added to ubuntu 10.04's repos?09:00
AuToMaTiCCan any of you guys help me out?? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=036PkhVBzwA09:00
shiki-maco:  "revu"?09:00
maco!revu | shiki-09:00
ubottushiki-: REVU is a web-based tool to give people who have worked on Ubuntu packages a chance to "put their packages out there" for other people to look at and comment on in a structured manner. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/REVU09:00
jongbergs!help | AuToMaTiC09:01
ubottuAuToMaTiC: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:01
=== JDGBOLT is now known as JD[AFK]
macoshiki-: if you package something and upload it there, it gets checked over and added to universe or multiverse09:01
mattcenjeffjeffdejeff: Well that's got me stumped. There's an alternative method if you want to try it.09:01
jeffjeffdejeffyes please.09:02
shiki-"dpkg-source: error: source package has two conflicting values" ..hmm09:02
macoshiki-: wanna go to #ubuntu-motu?09:02
jeffjeffdejeffuname@uname-desktop:~/Photos$ find /home/uname/Photos -name '*-1.jpg' -exec rm{}\;09:02
jeffjeffdejeffis what i did - just wanna check that's right before we try your other method09:02
mattcenYou need a space on either side of the {}09:03
mattcenThat'll be your problem09:03
naftilos76Hi everyone, could you please give me your advice? Qemu or Virtualbox for virtualization?09:03
falco_Hey guys I need help with resuming from suspend mode. Can anyone help me?09:03
jeffjeffdejeffexcellent work guys.  that's fantastic.  wish i could learn this stuff a little bit more easily.09:03
teolicymattcen, "zsh: bus error  wget -rk http://learnyouahaskell.com/chapters". Fuck. :)09:04
BlouBloufalco_: it usually fails in ubuntu, you must shutdown PC and restart it09:04
mattcenteolicy: I'd recommend going easy on the profanities there :S...09:04
ubottuThe Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete09:04
mattcenBus error; sounds serious.09:04
mattcenjeffjeffdejeff: I'd recommend...09:04
falco_BlouBlou it worked fine in mint 7 which is based on 9.04, since I installed 9.10 it doesn't work properly anymore.09:04
giantpunehey i have a quick noob question.  i have a device that connects to my computer and outputs data to a /dev/tty.  i am supposed to be able to access this data that it is outputting in a terminal.  how do a tell the terminal to listen to the /dev/tty?09:05
teolicymattcen, sorry, wasn't aware the F word is considered to harsh for #ubuntu; meant no harm.09:05
=== Guest68703 is now known as Pure
cgrozahello, pidgin does not login to yahoo...its saying AVAILABLE BUT NOTHING HAPPENS!!09:05
mattcenjeffjeffdejeff: I'd recommend http://en.flossmanuals.net/gnulinux09:05
=== Pure is now known as Impurity
BlouBloufalco_: I started with 7.04, and I always had this error. I reinstalled ubuntu few times and it continues failling09:05
falco_BouBlou it worked fine in 9.04, so I want it to work in 9.10 too09:06
v_vhello. how to remove kde ? ubuntu 9.10 ....     =>=09:06
mattcenteolicy: Well I'm not 100% sure what sort of language is permitted here, so I'm recommending erring on the side of caution :)09:06
BlouBlouv_v: sudo apt-get purge kubuntu-desktop kde-core09:06
ubottuAt the moment there are many pidgin users experiencing problems connecting to Yahoo IM, you can try changing your paging server to cn.scs.msg.yahoo.com (port 5050) and see if that helps.09:06
falco_mattcen no curse words allowed, they will go insane if you do09:06
=== Impurity is now known as ThePassingShadow
mattcenjeffjeffdejeff: That manual contains some *great* command line help, and is available in PDF also. It starts with the extreme basics, and goes to some really cool tricks that I didn't know about, and I consider myself a command line guru09:07
macoteolicy: yeah, the F word isnt allowed here. neither is the A word, either B word, the C word, probably the D word, the S word...09:07
jeffjeffdejeffthanks very much mattcen.  i'll have a browse.  it's funny wanting to be able to do things quickly rather than clicking through the gui in windows (previous example spot on).  it's just then finding out what you need!09:07
=== nikos_ is now known as bi28pagrati
mattcenThanks falco_ :)09:07
noobhelp me !!!!!!!!Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub09:08
noobBus 001 Device 004: ID 13b1:000d Linksys WUSB54G Wireless Adapter09:08
noobBus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub09:08
noobBus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub09:08
noobBus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub09:08
FloodBot1noob: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:08
mistahjchey i how do you force remove a program09:08
AuToMaTiCCan any of you help me out?09:08
mistahjcits not letting me delet frostwire i got rid of the songs on it it to09:09
noobhow do i install usb driver linksys wusb54g v409:09
noobon ubuntu 9.1009:09
psycho_oreosnoob, what is the fcc id on the dongle?09:09
noobmean ?09:09
psycho_oreosFCC ID: XXXXXXXXXXX09:09
psycho_oreosit should be printed clearly on the device09:09
noobhow command i used09:09
noobfor see i09:10
noobfor see it09:10
psycho_oreosno, you have to unplug it physically, then look around on the device09:10
mowglihi. i just installed ubuntu 9.10 on my laptop. it already had windows 7 installed. how do i change the default OS to windows7 and not ubuntu?09:10
noobCoscp Linksys Wireless-G09:10
switchgirlhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/330922/ http://paste.ubuntu.com/330918/ in ff when playing iplayer i get a segmentation fault and ff crashes no error message please can you  help? it's in chome too and other browsers09:11
=== jongberg1 is now known as jongbergs
falco_mowgli update grub menu.lst09:11
mattcenmowgli: Are you using Grub as your boot loader? or did you install using Wubi?09:11
mistahjchey do you force delet a program i need help deleting frostwire that has no songs on it09:11
AuToMaTiCmattcen can you help me out?09:11
Roastedwhats the command to see what gruops a user is assigned to?09:11
mowglimattcen what is wubi? no i download the 64 bit alternate iso09:11
mattcenAuToMaTiC: What do uoi need help with?09:11
psycho_oreosnoob, I'm not asking for the brand name or the model number of the device, I'm asking for the exact FCC ID09:11
MenZaRoasted: groups <name> iirc.09:11
AuToMaTiChttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=036PkhVBzwA <~~~ Is my problem09:11
mattcenmowgli: OK well it's to be assumed you are using Grub.09:11
mowgliyeah, it is grub at the boot menu09:12
Roastedmenza - okay, wow, this is driving me insane09:12
mowglii just dont know where to change the order of the OSes09:12
Roastedmenza are you a permissions whiz09:12
mattcenThe configuration for Grub is stored in /boot/grub/grub.cfg in Ubuntu 9.10 (it has Grub 2 as opposed to Grub 1)09:12
MenZaRoasted: perhaps, perhaps not. what's the issue?09:12
mowglimattcen: thanks. let me check that,09:12
MenZa(brb, will read up when back)09:12
noobpsycho_oreos : http://paste.ubuntu.com/330925/09:13
noobpsycho_oreos : http://paste.ubuntu.com/330925/09:13
BlouBlou!repeat | noob09:13
ubottunoob: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.09:13
mistahjccan anyone help me09:13
BlouBloumistahjc: ask your question09:13
mattcenmowgli: In that file you can 'set default="1"' (or some other number) to which OS you want to boot. The numbers start with 0 for the first entry, 1 for the second, and so on.09:13
Roastedmenza - I have 5 users on my system. Jason, Pam, Curt, and Tyler. The 5th is "User" whos my generic account for testing. I have 770 permissions on a folder, it is owned by jason:samba. User  IS NOT A MEMBER of "Samba", yet  User can read/write/execute in that folder. If It ake away group write access, User cannot write. This tells me User is a member of Samba - BUT HES NOTT09:13
meatbunswitchgirl, do u know cisco products?09:14
psycho_oreosnoob, http://spectrum.ksc.nasa.gov/fcc_id3.jpg <--- look at the one in red line09:14
AuToMaTiCmattcen did you look at it?09:14
mattcenAuToMaTiC: watching...09:14
mistahjchow do you delet a program that wont let you09:14
noobpsycho_oreos : FCC ID : Q87-WUSB54GV409:14
mattcenAuToMaTiC: Well I can't help you based on what I see there; for all I know it could be still thinking and get past it eventually09:14
AuToMaTiCoh lol09:15
switchgirlmeatbun, i know of them09:15
mattcenAuToMaTiC: Hold on a sec and I'll re-read what's there09:15
BlouBloumistahjc: sudo apt-get purge <programm>09:15
mistahjcyes i got it09:15
MenZaRoasted: hm, interesting.09:15
AuToMaTiCim pretty sure it woulda been done i have a fast processor and 4 gigs of ram lol09:15
RoastedMenza - hold on a second...09:15
mattcenAuToMaTiC: Ah sorry, it does look kinda serious... I don't know anything about those errors though...09:15
meatbunswitchgirl, do u know how to config inspection rule?09:15
AblateFor dual booting with Ubuntu second, how much of a difference in speed would it be for 100-150GB in on a 250GB drive compared to at the start?09:16
AuToMaTiCoh :[09:16
mistahjcwell thabks for your help anyway09:16
AuToMaTiCty tho09:16
switchgirlmeatbun, google can help you09:16
mistahjcbloublou your the man09:16
AuToMaTiCdo you know where i could find help with it?09:16
BlouBloumistahjc: and if you wanna remove porgramm librarys, etc..., try sudo apt-get autoremove <programm>09:16
meatbunswitchgirl, are u a real girl?09:16
MenZa!ot | meatbun09:16
ubottumeatbun: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!09:16
mistahjci will09:16
mattcenAuToMaTiC: The only thing I can suggest is to google for the text you see there.09:16
AuToMaTiCoh :/09:16
AuToMaTiCWould MenZa know?09:17
mistahjcyou smart guys should find a way to get itunes on ubuntu 9.1009:17
Roastedmenza - yeah Im lost man09:17
MenZaAuToMaTiC: Sorry, nope.09:17
mistahjcthen ubuntu would be the best09:17
MenZamistahjc: Why don't you use Rhythmbox?09:17
noobpsycho_oreos : FCC ID : Q87-WUSB54GV409:17
mistahjcaround no ne will ever take it down09:17
psycho_oreosnoob, the device should be working without you needing to install extra drivers09:17
Roastedmenza - jason@Area51:/media/storage$ groups user09:17
psycho_oreosnoob, I've heard you the first time with the fcc id already09:17
mattcenmistahjc: Why would we want iTunes on Ubuntu?09:17
Roastedright there, user is not a member of samba09:17
AblateItunes itself - could always try running through WINE.09:17
psycho_oreosnoob, no need to paste it twice09:17
noobbut not working on my ibm t40 am used ubuntu 9.1009:17
Samuli^Ablate, I'd wager not much, because it's the sequential readspeeds aren't that important in booting and and afaik, the access times aren't any faster in the start of the disc vs. end09:17
Roasteddrwxrwx---  7 jason samba  4096 2009-11-29 04:16 test09:18
Roastedpermissions of the folder he can write to09:18
MenZaRoasted: That *should* work. Has the user been a member of the group?09:18
mowglimattcen: it doesnt allow me to save the file .. i was trying to edit it gedit. and i had done sudo gedit /boot/grub/grub.cfg09:18
Roastedmenza - the user used to be a member of the group, yes.09:18
MenZa!gksu | mowgli09:18
ubottumowgli: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)09:18
psycho_oreosnoob, paste your ifconfig into pastebin09:18
Roastedmenza - since then Ive deleted the user and re-added him, and even still the problem persists.09:18
MenZaRoasted: Problem might be that you haven't logged out since then.09:18
mistahjcbecause do you people have ipods09:18
mistahjci need itunes09:18
MenZaRoasted: Hm, I see.09:18
Roastedmenza - oh really?09:18
MenZamistahjc: For what?09:18
mattcenThanks for that MenZa; I wasn't sure what to say about that :P09:18
Roastedmenza - I need to log out of my ubuntu sysstem?09:18
MenZaRoasted: indeed. group/permissions issues only take affect when you log in.09:19
MenZaRoasted: correct.09:19
Roastedoh, well imagine that09:19
Roastedmenza - if this works - youre the man!09:19
Roastedtrying now...09:19
mattcenmowgli: Use gksudo instead of sudo to run a graphical program.09:19
mistahjcbut have to work around it by using m friends computer with a differ itunes account09:19
noobpsycho_oreos : http://paste.ubuntu.com/330929/09:19
noobpsycho_oreos : http://paste.ubuntu.com/330929/09:19
MenZamistahjc: Why do you *need* iTunes?09:19
noobpsycho_oreos : http://paste.ubuntu.com/330929/09:19
mowglimattcen: that wont change anything!09:19
psycho_oreosnoob, no need to paste that multiple times09:19
MenZaPlease don't spam, noob.09:19
psycho_oreosnoob, no need to paste that multiple times09:19
mattcenmowgli: You sure?09:19
mowgliall it does it supress what i see in the cmd window09:19
nooboke thanks09:19
mistahjci have an ipod with bought music on it09:19
mattcenmowgli: Do you know how to use 'vi' or 'vim'?09:20
mistahjcmenZa is there an alternative to it09:20
MenZamistahjc: What iPod?09:20
psycho_oreosnoob, wlan1 should be your device09:20
ndowensIf I used the 64bit version, can I use 32bit software?09:20
mattcenoops wrong window :P09:20
mowgliok. i will use that them09:20
MenZaisonoooooo: What iPod is it?09:20
mistahjc3rd generation nano the square one09:20
drygI'm getting flooded by unique IP's on port 51413, any idea what's causing this or how to stop it?09:20
mattcenmowgli: Well the way *i'd* do it is to 'sudo vim /boot/grub/grub.cfg', but then I'm a CLI addict09:20
noobam so noob can you say step by step psycho_oreos09:21
MenZamistahjc: You're in luck. You can sync that with Rhythmbox or gtkpod.09:21
MenZa!ipod | mistahjc09:21
ubottumistahjc: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod09:21
mowglimattcen: ok, let me try that then. i'll keep a backup of the file.09:21
psycho_oreosnoob, what do you want to do with it?09:21
BlouBloudryg: sudo ufw enable | sudo ufw default deny09:21
mattcenmowgli: You could also use nano if you were more comfortable with it.09:21
mowglimattcen: do i need to do anything else after editing the cfg file?09:21
mowglino, i am fine with vim :)09:21
BlouBloudryg: then open manually ports09:21
mistahjc:) menZa how do i do it when my muscic is somewere else09:21
drygBlouBlou, they are being blocked already by iptables according to firestarter09:21
AblateThanks Samuli, I wasn't sure on the actual difference for edge/middle on the platter.  But it sounds like it wouldn't be worth reinstalling Windows as well.09:22
MenZamistahjc: What do you mean? Surely it's on either your iPod or your computer?09:22
mistahjcits on my ipod09:22
noobam want connect with wifi and that wifi used wpa / wpa2,09:22
Samuli^mowgli, grub.cfg is read-only for root two by default09:22
MenZamistahjc: You can sync it from your iPod to your PC.09:22
mistahjci have videos to09:22
Samuli^*for root too09:22
BlouBloudryg: if you use firestarter you can go to preferences > ICMP filter > and enable it without any exception, it block pings (DoS atacks and this things)09:22
nooband my my connection can't used09:22
mowgliSamuli^: :s no wonder it wont write09:22
MenZamistahjc: Have a look at the guide linked above.09:22
mistahjci dont have to rip it off09:23
mattcenSamuli^: Really? That's interesting. In that case mowgli, you'll need 'w!' to save the file09:23
ndowensIf I used the 64bit version, can I use 32bit software?09:23
mowgliSamuli^: so how do i change the default OS boot order?09:23
psycho_oreosnoob, well you can't connect to the router with both wired and wireless, I can see you already got ip address with wired but not with wireless09:23
MenZandowens: Er, I believe so, to a certain extent.09:23
mattcenmowgli: You can still edit the file, but you need to force the write, or change the file permission before editing09:23
AblateI think so, ndowens - just not the reverse.09:23
mowglii am apt-getting vim right now09:23
thisdotpheonixhi guys, i have installed x64 karmic in my PC but i am not able to install my 32 bit Cyberroam linux client in it because of which i am not able to connect to the net09:23
mowglii hate vi09:23
thisdotpheonixdoes anyone know the work around09:24
albertxiaoyuHow  to resize the Xterm in the Ubuntu  9.10?09:24
noobpsycho_oreos : my problemo is, yes am usud lan. am need used wifi am used ibm t40 my wifi card is Cisco Aironet MPI35009:24
ardchoilleIs there a quicktime plugin for firefox?09:24
MenZa!quicktime | ardchoille09:24
ubottuardchoille: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:24
nooband not work well on my ibm t4o09:24
unimatrix9hello there09:24
psycho_oreosnoob, huh? you want to use the internal wifi card instead of the wifi dongle?09:24
ndowensI know I can't run 32bit OS and run 64 apps09:25
unimatrix9what would be an html text decoder plugin?09:25
noobinternal wifi card of course09:25
unimatrix9i get this error09:25
mistahjccool thanks for the help09:25
drygBlouBlou, they _are_ being blocked, i'm just wondering how a million different IP's can be hitting the same obscure port over and over09:25
psycho_oreosnoob, well that chipset won't work with wpa2 I'm afraid, its fairly ancient09:25
thisdotpheonixcan anyone help me out09:25
ardchoilleMenZa: I meant within firefox09:25
unimatrix9'text/html decoder' plugin not found , anyone else has this, or has any tips about it?09:26
noobpsyscho_oreos : that not problemo, just try. am understand linux not so good with driver09:26
noobplease help09:26
noobhow do it09:26
MenZa!details | unimatrix909:26
ubottuunimatrix9: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."09:26
psycho_oreosnoob, I'm telling you, you can't use internal wireless card to connect wirelessly09:26
Samuli^mowgli, what are you trying to accomplish.. change the menu order or change the default os?09:26
psycho_oreosits not user or OS issue, its the driver/firmware issue09:26
mowgliSamuli^: change the default OS09:26
unimatrix9hmm, okey, visit http://www,apple.com/trailers and try to watch a mov video09:26
unimatrix9you get the error 'text/html decoder' plugin not found09:27
psycho_oreosnoob, unless you switch to wep or maybe wpa then you may have some luck09:27
mowgliand if possible, make the grub boot screen a little more lively than the black white09:27
unimatrix9hwo to solve this?09:27
mowgliit used to be blue white earlier09:27
Samuli^mowgli, wait a sec there's another file to do that and other things in grub209:27
mowgliSamuli^: oh great.09:27
noobYES THAT IS wpa can't used on thare09:27
unimatrix9bug report over here : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox-3.5/+bug/43499309:27
thisdotpheonixhello, is anyone looking into the issue09:27
mattcenI have to learn the new Grub2 file formats; they're so... alien :P09:27
MenZa!grub2 | mattcen09:27
ubottumattcen: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub209:27
MenZamattcen: very much so.09:28
unimatrix9any tips are welcome09:28
Samuli^ /etc/default/grub <--mowgli. Still need root priviledges obv.09:28
psycho_oreosnoob, and it basically tells you that there's no point in using that ancient card09:28
noobhow can i used wpa on internal wifi card, on ibm t4009:28
psycho_oreosnoob, simple as that09:28
fqhHi, can anyone connect to network wth ADSL under ubuntu9.10?09:28
DaZif grub configs have been moved to /etc09:28
psycho_oreosnoob, not with wpa2 and wpa2 != wpa09:28
remyoHow do you mv all files in a folder to the current directory mv sourcedir/* ./ doesn't seem to work09:29
DaZwill it work if i create separate /boot and reformat everything else? :f09:29
noobwhat mean !=wpa09:29
noobplease step by step. am love to try it09:29
psycho_oreosnoob, means its not the same... wpa2 is not wpa09:29
rumpel_noob, not equal09:29
mattcenOh, I never noticed that... grub.cfg: "DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE"09:29
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Juzmanremyo: Try: mv sourcedir/* .09:30
XuZeMHello. A few days ago I installed Ubuntu 9.10, so I'm pretty new to it. I want to install a driver for my video card (ATI Radeon Mobility 9600), but I can only find a 64 bit version. Is there anything to do about it?09:30
mowglinow let me reboot and check09:30
remyoJuzman: didn't work09:31
Juzmanremyo: Strange. :s09:31
noobpsycho_oreos : what i do for make my wifi card stable09:32
psycho_oreosnoob, what do you mean stable? you can't associate to WPA networks, I've just been searching up airo_cs support but there's none for WPA09:32
noobpsycho_oreos : ma used ubuntu 9.10, why it come bad09:33
remyoJuzman: I asked #unix, but no replys :( Guess its time for more googleing09:33
psycho_oreosnoob, it is not bad, its not the OS fault, you have an ancient hardware, simply put09:33
noobem. am find link but am don'tknow how to used it maybe you can help me, this is that link :http://svn.gna.org/viewcvs/airo-wpa/trunk/09:34
psycho_oreosthe driver is no longer developed and therefore support has ceased in its tracks09:34
fqhHello, all.09:34
livingdaylitefspot keeps crashing every time i open it09:34
noobem. am find link but am don'tknow how to used it maybe you can help me, this is that link :http://svn.gna.org/viewcvs/airo-wpa/trunk/09:34
noobpsycho_oreos : em. am find link but am don'tknow how to used it maybe you can help me, this is that link :http://svn.gna.org/viewcvs/airo-wpa/trunk/09:34
fqhAnybody is under ubuntu9.10 and using ADSL?09:35
noobpsycho_oreos : em. am find link but am don'tknow how to used it maybe you can help me, this is that link :http://svn.gna.org/viewcvs/airo-wpa/trunk/ please all friends help my problemo09:35
psycho_oreosnoob, why are you constantly bothering to use the same old wireless device? can't you use the wireless dongle? that cisco linksys wusb54g?09:35
psycho_oreosnoob, no need to paste that 3 times09:35
BlouBloufqh: yes09:35
noobthat the problemo, am love that, let's find the solution off it.09:36
noobam not want to change the wifi card am need to solve it, why windows can make it stable driver why linux not09:36
psycho_oreosthat's because cisco gave little to no support for driver on linux09:36
livingdayliteFspot crashes everytime i try to launch it09:36
psycho_oreoslinux wasn't seen as a major competitor at the time09:36
DaZand now it is09:37
livingdaylitepsycho_oreos: it still isn't a major competitor09:37
psycho_oreoslivingdaylite, comparing to what it was back then, linux has come a long way in terms of wireless standards09:37
XuZeMIs there a simple graphical way to get dual monitor working on ubuntu 9.10?09:38
XuZeMI'm totally new to linux, so please keep it simple :P09:38
livingdayliteF-spot crashes everytime i open it09:38
livingdayliteis F-spot like this?09:38
simplexioXuZeM: i have heard rumours about display setting in systetem->prefs09:39
DaZlivingdaylite: run it in the console09:39
GamerKnightHey guys one of my harddrive seems to be set to read only, its an NTFS drive. i have two of them. one i can access fine but the other is read only for some reason any help?09:39
DaZpaste the output after crash ;f09:39
fqh<BlouBlou>, I can't use ADSL under ubuntu9.10. I doubt if there is a bug. I can use ADSL under ubuntu8.04.09:39
livingdayliteXuZeM: look in 'Display'09:39
simplexioGamerKnight: ntfs is read only as default, you should use ntfs-3g to rw access ( or things were like that while ago )09:40
XuZeMI tried to enable the "Clone Screen" in Display, but nothing happens :S09:40
simplexioGamerKnight: but ntfs driver support write too, just mount with -o rw09:40
livingdayliteDaZ: http://paste.ubuntu.com/330946/09:41
livingdayliteF-spot crashes everytime i launch it. Output is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/330946/09:42
antarescan I install desktop version of karmic koala into acer aspire netbook?09:43
GamerKnightthanks simplexio i tryed sudo mount /sda/sdb2 /media/mounthere -o rw09:43
BlouBlouantares: you can, but has netbook suficient ram and core speed?09:43
GamerKnightsimplexio: but it didnt work09:43
antaresI dont know...yes i think...with live is ok09:44
DaZlivingdaylite: ati?09:44
BlouBlouantares: in that case try installing it09:44
antaresok thank...i try09:44
livingdayliteDaZ: no09:45
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DaZlivingdaylite: what theme do you use? :f09:45
livingdayliteDaZ: what theme?09:46
DaZgtk theme09:46
livingdayliteDaZ: darklooks09:46
aaron11Does anyone know why when I play my self played music there is a farting noise? This is realy annoying. Is there an audiacity channel09:46
flyguy97I want to create a custom live cd that contains sopcast player for a few of my co-workers. I want to remove any chance that they may screw up their computers, how do I remove all the installation options from a live cd?09:46
livingdayliteDaZ: no, New Wave - sorry09:46
DaZlivingdaylite: change to human <:09:47
thenetduckwoot im done!09:47
psycho_oreosnoob, that driver has been out of development for a while now, I highly doubt you can gain much from using it09:47
DaZlivingdaylite: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/f-spot/+bug/286544/comments/2409:47
keymoohi using 9.10 on a laptop: how do I stop bluetooth on boot? every time I boot bluetooth is switched on. i don't want that09:47
noob? am not uderstan psycho_oreos09:48
livingdayliteDaZ: hrmmm... interesting09:48
BlouBloukeymoo: boot only starts operative system, to stop bluetooth you need stop it from gnome config09:48
DaZi agree [;09:48
psycho_oreosnoob, that link you gave me not long ago is a git/cvs/svn repo of airo_wpa.. aironet support for wpa networks.. it has not been updated for two years now09:48
livingdayliteDaZ: that's crazy.... it works now09:48
macokeymoo: um BlouBlou is wrong09:48
wademurraykeymoo: Try disabling it in BIOS09:49
macokeymoo: system -> adminitraation -> services, you can turn off bluetooth there09:49
BlouBloumaco: well, services is part of gnome-managment09:49
noobso ?09:49
Samuli^keymoo, I've used ubuntutweak to change the services that start on boot-up myself.09:49
noobcan't we used it.09:49
noobor if not what wifi you recomend psycho_oreos09:49
macoBlouBlou: but its for configuring boot, not for configuring your gnome session09:50
psycho_oreosnoob, not without a decent understanding of linux internals09:50
puppetmaster_Hello everyone, Anyone familiar with dns management control panels < there is one name p4sa where is it's site> I have searched in google and nothing ?!09:50
noobam have linksys wusb54g09:50
BlouBloumaco: ah okay09:50
psycho_oreosnoob, that linksys wusb54g would serve you much better09:50
noobbut on my ubuntu 9.1009:51
keymoomaco, that location doesn't exist in 9.1009:51
fusion_I Am newbie to linux currently using ubuntu 9.04. i was using "sudo pon dsl-provider" to conenct internet. but some strange happens, after some time Connection automatically got terminated and on using plog it shows "Modems Hangup" what should i do???09:51
noobcan't used it wall09:51
macokeymoo: oh boo.09:51
psycho_oreosnoob, like I said before its listed as wlan1 so the device is working fine09:51
noobcan you say to me, step by step for install or used in on my ibm t40 ?09:51
balaufusion_, do you have a USB modem or a router?09:51
macokeymoo: sorry i havent used gnome since 8.1009:52
noobhow do i can do it09:52
psycho_oreosnoob, do what connect? you can't use wireless and wired simultaneously, I've said that before09:52
timaaarrreeehi all09:52
noobpsycho_oreos : how do i can do i, on ibm t40, with wusb54g linksys09:52
Kristof4ever Ubuntu ! :)09:53
psycho_oreosnoob, read what I said just then09:53
timaaarrreeewhos a n00b?09:53
psycho_oreosa newbie09:53
timaaarrreeei bet i am more of a noob09:53
balaufusion_, I'm assuming you used pppoeconf, have you tried to use the network manager DSL functionality before running pppoeconf?09:53
psycho_oreoseveryone had to start from somewhere09:54
craig_does anyone know where i can get help with skype?09:54
nooboke please say to me how step i do ?09:54
noobam a newbie09:54
psycho_oreosnoob, you're not making yourself clear.. do what exactly?09:54
noobmean ?09:54
KingWilliamHi people, question: I have an NTFS partition, but in Windows I dont have write access to some folders on that partition. Anyone knows where it goes wrong?09:55
keymooSamuli^, trying ubuntutweak now, thanks09:55
fusion_baalu: no, i only used "pppoeconf" only. to configure and use "sudo pon dsl-provider"09:55
psycho_oreosnoob, what do you want to achieve with that device?09:55
diegociao , come si chiamava quel programma per visualizzare graficamente lo spazio su disco?09:55
psycho_oreos!it | diego09:55
fusion_balau: no, i only used "pppoeconf" only. to configure and use "sudo pon dsl-provider"09:55
ubottudiego: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)09:55
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psycho_oreos!id | noob09:56
ubottunoob: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia09:56
Guest29718ah i'am sorry09:56
AzeotropeKingWilliam: Folders created in Ubuntu?09:56
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noobon my contry like fuckerchannel psycho_oreos. no body on thare am hate that channel09:56
KingWilliamAzeotrope: dont remember. the folders are very old, but i didnt have a windows for a long tome, so it is very possible09:56
psycho_oreosnoob, and your english is broken.. its very hard for me to talk to you09:57
AzeotropeKingWilliam: maybe some bads? And why do you use NTFS if you don't have win?09:58
noobam used translate.google.co.id09:58
noob:)) sorry but am hard to undertand what you say09:58
KingWilliamAzeotrope: I have a windows partition now, because I need it for work. I always kept my data on an NTFS partition just in case.09:58
psycho_oreosnoob, which is why I find you most of the time very repetitive :p09:58
psycho_oreosnoob, you don't like your localised support channel, yet you fight persistently with broken english in english only channel09:59
nooboke am will fix my english09:59
AzeotropeKingWilliam: I can't see why would you do that. Having NTFS in linux in not a very good idea.10:00
KingWilliamAzeotrope: So if I want to move some data from windows into my NTFS partition, I need to go ito ubuntu, open my Windows partition and grab the fileds from there to move them to my data partition. That is a little stupid right? :P10:00
fusion_I Am newbie to linux currently using ubuntu 9.04. i was using "sudo pon dsl-provider" to conenct internet. but some strange happens, after some time Connection automatically got terminated and on using plog it shows "Modems Hangup" what should i do???10:00
klownI am having an issue in 9.10 64bit, when I load wine, my screen color fades, and I cant figure out why, I've tried a search, and cant find anything related..any ideas?10:00
balaufusion_, could you run "sudo pon dsl-provider" and then "ifconfig" from the terminal and paste the result on http://pastebin.com/ please10:01
mac10it probably means wine is having some problems... the backgroud just kinda fades out right?10:01
LynoureHello. Is there despotify packaged for karmic?10:01
noobpsycho_oreos: How I can install ubuntu linksys wusb54g at 9:10 that I use on t40 ibm. I'm new in using linux, and please be given the steps to solve this problem.10:01
pharumsups ppl witch command show all the hdd in terminal and thay names ?10:01
KingWilliamAzeotrope: Let me put it this way. I have 3 partitions, 1 Ubuntu (holy partition), 1 Windows (Just in case), 1 Data partition (All my important data in NTFS to make it accessible from everywhere)10:01
klownmac10, everything fades, it only changes when I run nvidia config10:02
klownchanges back* excuse me10:02
psycho_oreosnoob, you have wired connection right? gigabit connection? that's already connected.. you cannot use the wireless (linksys) to connect to the same or another network10:02
fusion_balau: currently i am using windows as from linux i am unable to connect to internet. please wait 2 min10:02
psycho_oreosnoob, you must disconnect wired (gigabit) first10:02
mac10k i know what u mean... do u have wine setup right?10:02
KingWilliamAzeotrope: In the old days there was an EXT2/3 driver for windows, but ext4 for windows doenst exist :(10:02
AzeotropeKingWilliam: not really. use what suits you. But if you use linux more often than windows, i would search for a ext3 /etx4 software for windows.10:02
oCean_pharum: using "sudo fdisk -l" you wil see your disks/partitions10:03
klownmac10, as far as I know im not missing anything.  ive set up wine before, and it worked fine.10:03
noobpsycho_oreos : step by step please10:03
pharumThx mate10:03
* psycho_oreos shakes head10:03
noobpsycho_oreos : My machine will record the existence of wusb54g linksys, and the problem can not be connected with other words may imperfectly10:03
mac10hmm... i dont really use wine much so i dont really know, but i know whenever firefox hits a page with lazy coding it does the same thing.. do u have enough memory free?10:03
AzeotropeKingWilliam: doesn't win7 provide ext4 support?10:03
psycho_oreosnoob, using what software?10:04
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fakeerhow to set "vsftpd" to start with system boot? (does it do so by default?)10:04
KingWilliamAzeotrope: I only use windows for iPod touch and some software for work. But is irritating that I cant write to my data partition10:04
Billiardfakeer: i would think it would by default when you install it10:04
diego__hi!what is the name of program that show the space on disk? ( i use xfce)10:04
noobpsycho_oreos : am not using any software10:04
klownmac10, I have 4 gigs of memory, on a fresh install10:04
Billiardfakeer: otherwise use update-rc.d10:05
mac10thats not the prob then... I really dont know, sorry k10:05
rumpel_diego__, df -h10:05
icerootdiego__: df -h10:05
diego__no, a program the show a circle grafic10:05
klownmac10, thanks for your help :)10:05
fakeerBilliard: sorry....couldn't get the update-rc.d ?10:05
KingWilliamAzeotrope: But I dont want Win7. That would be raping my system ;)10:06
ubottunetworkmanager is an application to make (wireless) networking Just Work. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager10:06
rumpel_diego__, baobab10:06
psycho_oreos!networkmanager | noob10:06
ubottunoob: please see above10:06
Billiardfakeer: what?10:06
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KingWilliamAzeotrope: Its footprint is way to large to do some basic stuff. Win XP is good enough for what I do with Windows10:06
ubottunetworkmanager is an application to make (wireless) networking Just Work. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager10:07
fusionbalau: i have paste on pastebin, chek this http://pastebin.com/m6acfdb2a10:07
diego__ok,  there are other chances? (baobab it's not present in xubuntu )10:07
romvery often, nautilus doesn't show the whole content of a folder, and the mouse cursor is busy (in karmic), it worked fine in jaunty10:07
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romdo you have the same problem?10:08
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romI have to "nautilus -q" to resolve the problem (on my computer, on my girlfriend computer, and a colleague said he had the same problem)10:08
oCean_fakeer: there are several methods to work with "init scripts" (start/stop scripts in /etc/init.d) The vsftpd has a "sys V" type configuration. Manage those scripts by "update-rc.d and/or sysv-rc-conf"10:08
oCean_fakeer: however, vsftpd is set (after initial install) to start at each boot10:09
fakeeroCean_: thanks a lot..10:09
klownI am having an issue in 9.10 64bit, when I load wine, my screen color fades, and I cant figure out why, I've tried a search, and cant find anything related..any ideas?10:09
balaufusion ok, there should not be two ppp connections there. I think that one connection starts automatically when the connection goes up, the other is the one started with pon.10:09
fusion_balau: so what shloud i do?10:10
abhinayanybody had success in burning .dmg files? or at least converting .dmg file to .iso file ?10:11
balaufusion_, I think the best bet is to try to use network manager to manage your DSL connection. pppoeconf changed the /etc/network/interfaces file, so it needs to be restored in its original state.10:12
balaufusion_, and then you create a new DSL connection using the menus in the top-right network icon10:13
=== BlouBlou is now known as BlouBlou_
=== BlouBlou_ is now known as BlouBlou
balaufusion_, the /etc/network/interfaces file should contain only two lines: "auto lo" and "iface lo inet loopback"10:14
fusion_balau: how can i change that10:16
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kwyjibois there a way i can quiet my laptop's fan? it's running on high all the time under ubuntu10:16
fusion_balau: One More Thing : On My previous configuration setting by "pppoeconf" i set my connection on autostart at startup and right now it is working fine. i ill try with dsl connection too.10:18
git__i hate fan in laptop ... there should be one10:18
BlouBloukwyjibo: this is because your cpu is hot10:18
Dr_Williskwyjibo:  some brand/make laptops have extra tools you can get/install to controll their fans.10:18
git__we are moving backward in term of quality10:18
kwyjiboDr_Willis: but its just sitting there at a blank desktop. and it isn't that loud in windows10:18
Dr_Williskwyjibo:  for my AcerAspireOne there was a seperate fan controll/speed deamon.10:18
git__ SSD is a step forward10:18
kwyjiboits an acer laptop. low end.10:19
Dr_Williskwyjibo:  yes.. as i said theres  MIGHT be some exctra program that can controll it.10:19
kwyjibonot quite a netbook.10:19
fusion_balau: thanks and how can i change the /etc/network/interfaces/ which you were telling?10:19
balaufusion_, did you try not to execute "sudo pon dsl-provider" but let it connect by itself?10:19
Dr_Williskwyjibo:  you may want to check the forums.10:19
balaufusion_, if you want to change "/etc/network/interfaces" make a backup copy with "cp /etc/network/interfaces ~/interfaces.bak", then edit the file with "gksu gedit /etc/network/interfaces". Remove all the lines by putting a "#" symbol at the beginning of the lines. Remove everything except the two lines I mentioned before. Then save and quit.10:19
kwyjiboDr_Willis: I searched for a while, that's why I came here10:19
fusion_balau:no, should i try first disconnecting by using "poff"10:20
fusion_balau: and restart the system again and check?10:20
balaufusion_, if you restart then there is no need to do "poff"10:21
klownAnyone have any idea why wine would cause my entire system windows to fade until I open up nvidia config?  I cant seem to figure it out, and its driving me insane.10:21
kwyjiboDr_Willis: are these fan speed daemons unique to one model from one brand?10:21
Dr_Williskwyjibo:  they can be. It also depends on the chipset/fan controller in the laptop10:21
balaufusion_, after you restart, you don't run "pon" and see what happens.10:22
kwyjibowould it help if i found you the model?10:22
Dr_Williskwyjibo:  I would put in 'modle name fan control ubuntu' in google and see what comes up.10:22
Jordan_Uklown: Fade?10:22
fusion_balau: let me try doing so.lets me see wether it connect automatically or not.  please wait.10:23
klownJordan_U, it kind of seems like it goes to 16bit color, but everything is still there.  if you understand what I mean10:23
Jordan_Uklown: Screenshot?10:24
klownJordan_U, sec10:24
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fusion_balau: internet connects automatically10:25
balaufusion_, great, and how long did you have to wait before "Modem hangup" ?10:26
fusion_balau: no problems till now. do you have an idea what is going on?? why was it is getting disconnect using "sduo pon dsl-provider". and about modem hang-up it is random. i was facing same problem in ubuntu 9.10 due to which i degrade to ubuntu 9.04.10:27
rumpel_"pon" is an irritating term o.O10:28
balaufusion_, maybe the problem is that when you do "sudo pon ..." you have two connections, ppp0 and ppp1, that interfere with each other with unpredictable behavior10:28
KEFIRhello guys, could you tell me how to make /opt/lampp/htdocs directory and all sub-directories readable,writeable executable to everyone and how to make sure it worked?10:30
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BilliardKEFIR: just the directories or files too?10:30
icerootKEFIR: you dont want to use 77710:30
KEFIRfiles too10:30
fusion_balau: please check this. http://pastebin.com/d22b2bed5 this is when Internet connect automatic.10:30
klownJordan_U, heres a normal pic10:31
janisozaurKEFIR: they have their permissions set for a reason10:31
KEFIRyep I used sudo chmod 777 path/* is it correct?10:31
fusion_balau: can we stop autostart internet connection and only start it when i want??10:31
icerootKEFIR: dont use that10:31
icerootKEFIR: and its not correct10:31
Dr_Willisscary - kicking security features in the head like thaat. :)10:32
EMKO_anyone know how to get lirc working? i had it working in a older ubuntu but today i got 9.1010:32
balaufusion_, it is possible but I never did it. I have to check how to do it10:32
klownJordan_U, a screen shot shows there is no issue ;/10:32
mlissnerDoes anybody know how to get m4a's to playback in banshee?10:32
fusion_balau: ohk. i ill too try to find out. thanks10:33
Jordan_Uklown: I was afraid of that10:33
Jordan_Uklown: Can you take a photo?10:33
KEFIRiceroot: so what to use instead?10:33
clockwerx_hey, just upgraded to karmic, sound is now kaput - anyone want to point me at a troubleshooting guide?10:34
klownJordan_U, no, I cant, sorry10:34
icerootKEFIR: nothing. i said 777 is bad so i dont support it10:34
KEFIRa+w then you mean&10:34
balaufusion_, I think that the file that connects automatically is /etc/ppp/pppoe_on_boot, if you remove the line related to dsl-provider it should not connect.10:34
balaufusion_, but I'm not sure10:34
Jordan_Uklown: See if it still happens if you disable/enable compiz10:34
icerootKEFIR: dont change permission, there is a reason for it10:34
=== reactor_ is now known as reactor
Hannibalhi all10:35
Hannibali have a quick question10:35
KEFIRbut that's why my webserver showing me 403 forbidden at localhost10:35
jozefkinstall.py crashes. can't install ubuntu. any idea?10:35
KEFIRit's all about file permissions I think10:35
Hannibali just installed latest ubuntu.. came with .14 kernel... i need .16-rc1 ketnel10:36
Hannibalthe system is unusable atm10:36
Hannibaltrying to get root fs on sd card10:36
Dr_WillisKEFIR:  i think the directories should be owned by the proper user (the web server) in this case.10:36
Hannibalsdcard support is in the .16-rc1 >= kernel10:36
klownJordan_U, you mean the visual effects and such?10:36
Hannibalcan anyone help me?10:36
Jordan_Uklown: Yes10:36
icerootKEFIR: yes, read about chown, not chmod10:36
iceroot!enter | Hannibal10:37
klownJordan_U, when I switched from none, to anything else, my taskbar and such disappear10:37
KEFIRoh thanks a lot guys10:37
ubottuHannibal: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!10:37
Hannibali just installed latest ubuntu.. came with .14 kernel... i need .16-rc1 ketnel. i'm trying to get sdcard support.. support is in the .16 kernel... help?10:37
Dr_Willislatest kernel here i got is 2.6.32-1510:38
Dr_Willisoops .31 Imean..10:38
balauHannibal, I never did it, but you need the linux .deb package with the correct version (.16-rc1) and install it. If you can't find the .deb package already compiled then you need to recompile a kernel yourself10:38
KEFIRDr_Willis:Do you mean I need to set user that runs webserver as the owner of htdocs dir?10:38
=== Tim is now known as Glowball
Dr_WillisKEFIR:  thats how i think it normally works. and the web server is its own user10:38
Jordan_UHannibal: What do you mean .16-rc1? That versioning isn't used for the Ubuntu portion of the version10:38
Dr_WillisKEFIR:  but its been ages since i last messed with this10:38
KEFIRah almost got it, thanks a lot)10:39
GlowballMy hard drive, which I formatted last evening, seems to have 35GB of space used10:39
Glowballformatted to ext4*10:39
BilliardGlowball: how did you format it10:39
GlowballBilliard: With GParted10:39
Hannibalbalau: ah ok.. so basicly boot into the livecd.. d/l the .deb,/chroot and use dpkg for install?10:39
Jordan_UHannibal: What happens currently when you try to install Ubuntu 9.10 to an sdcard? I have done it with the stock kernel10:40
HannibalJordan_U: bios doesn't boot from sdcard...10:40
Hannibalthus the need for kernal support10:41
balauHannibal, well if your system is already installed and running I don't think you need to boot from livecd10:41
lonejackI don't know why from last my upgrade firefox icon is lost. When I go under appli->internet ff isn't shown. Have I to insert it manually? Thank you in advance..10:41
Dr_WillisGlowball:  5% of ext2/3/4 is reserved by default - thats tuneable via the 'tune2fs' command10:41
Hannibalbalau: its not running :p thats the problem10:41
GlowballDr_Willis: Ah. Reserved for what?10:41
Dr_WillisGlowball:  root/system recovery ussage. set it to 1% if you want.   or less..10:42
Hannibalmeh i should get some sleep10:42
Hannibal3:00 am10:42
Hannibali'll take a stab at this later10:42
Hannibalthanks tho balau and Jordan_U10:42
Jordan_UHannibal: You mean grub support? By the time you are in the initrd it doesn't matter what the bios can or can't read and before that it's grub that needs to be able to load the kernel and initrd into memory10:42
GlowballDr_Willis: Ok, I will, ty :)10:42
Dr_WillisGlowball:  depending on you rneeds/system. :)  Just a data disk  - you could set it very low, or 0. for your root drive..i wouldent set it to 010:42
lonejackI don't know why from last my upgrade firefox icon is lost. When I go under appli->internet ff isn't shown. Have I to insert it manually? Thank you in advance..10:42
Dr_WillisGlowball:  the setting ONLY takes effect after you use tune2fs, then reboot also..10:43
GlowballDr_Willis: It's data only10:43
KEFIRcould anybody tell me how to stop nginx webserver and switch it's autoloading off10:43
HannibalJordan_U: it goes through initrd i have the /boot on a partition on my internal drive... the / is on the sdcard10:43
Jordan_UHannibal: That should work fine with the stock kernel10:43
utrrrongeebHannibal: Does your BIOS try to boot off the SD card, or is it ignored?10:44
HannibalJordan_U: when i boot, i'm presented with busybox10:44
Hannibalutrrrongeeb: ignored.. sony screwed me over with this vaio10:44
utrrrongeebHannibal: So where's Busybox coming from? (if not the SD card)10:44
jozefkinstall.py crashes. can't install ubuntu. any idea?10:45
Hannibali would assume initrd/whatever is in /boot10:45
Jordan_UHannibal: Is the UUID in your root= line correct?10:45
HannibalJordan_U: i have no clue on how to check it... its been a while :p10:45
Jordan_UHannibal: blkid10:45
HannibalJordan_U: ok... i'll doubble check10:46
utrrrongeebjozefk: Is this the install CD?10:47
jozefkyes. i downloaded it twice, butrned it twice but still the same10:47
HannibalJordan_U: the partitions on the memorycard doesn't even show up10:48
ubottunetworkmanager is an application to make (wireless) networking Just Work. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager10:48
Jordan_UHannibal: Try "ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/"10:48
Dr_Willisjozefk:  i perfer to make bootable flash drives - to install from. For mymachines that can boot from flash drive10:49
pharummate's how to register here ?10:49
RussellAlanBest method for turning a ubuntu kde version into media server.10:49
RussellAlanWhat is..?10:49
Pirate_Hunterhow do I exit rdesktop without stopping the VDR at the sametime, I've tried control+C except that killed my VB as well?10:49
HannibalJordan_U: same... and they're pointing to /sda1->410:49
utrrrongeebjozefk: Sorry, I don't know much about the installer. The closest I can guess is that the CD is corrupted anyway, or something about your hardware or configuration is crashing it.10:50
jozefki can't boot from USB. only if I start booting from CD and to continue from USB but not sure if it is possible with ubuntu10:50
Dr_WillisRussellAlan:  install some media server service - or file shareing service.. depending on the details of what you are 'serving' to.10:50
Jordan_UHannibal: What is the linux device name for the sd card?10:50
jozefkhardware? only if my cdrom is dying10:50
KEFIRwhat should I do if when using 'top' utility, if it shows only first n of processes10:50
HannibalJordan_U: it was rathor long /mcb soemthing...10:50
jozefki boot parted magic from USB but CD was inside at the same time. booting started from CD and continued from Flash :)10:51
jozefknot sure if such kind of things are possible with ubuntu10:51
HannibalJordan_U: i'll boot to my livecd...10:51
RussellAlanwhat script can i look for to do a network test mb/s down and mb/s up through ssh10:52
Jordan_Ujozefk: You can put grub2 on a CD with a script that will search for and add options to boot Ubuntu iso's10:52
jozefkdo you have some instructions for that?10:53
utrrrongeebjozefk: You could try checking the integrity of the CD image you downloaded, and the CD you burned. (I recently experienced installing Debian on a CD drive with errors. It worked, eventually.)10:53
Dr_WillisI just hand-made a flash drive with grub2 to boot iso files. :) havent seen any automated scripts for that. (yet)10:53
* jj5 is trying to build the gnuchess-5.07 source package but make is failing like this: http://pastebin.com/m4e06efae10:54
jozefki check the integrity and it passed without errors10:54
Jordan_Ujozefk: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=128860410:54
=== NiSoOo is now known as Guest42298
nighthawk2018I got a question about mkisofs. How can I specify the dvd-video region while compiling an image?10:55
Amigadudegrub is giving me "error: out of partition"10:55
Jordan_Ujozefk: You can get grub2 pacakges with lua support from https://launchpad.net/~jordanu/+archive/supergrub10:55
Dr_WillisGrub2 is showing its potential :) yes.10:56
Jordan_Ujozefk: I also plan to add this functionality to super grub2 disk eventually but since I've been buisy I have no idea when I will actually get to it10:56
Amigadudewas left with just the background after trying to start a movie playing... ctrl+alt+del did sod all as did ctrl-alt-f1 so I hit the reset button10:57
HannibalJordan_U: sorry for the wait... my cd drive is unreasonably slow :/10:57
norenhi guys i am having trouble starting sound after a minimal install on my laptop10:57
jozefki need to read this instructions at least twice before i understand them10:57
norenaplay -i says no soundcard found10:57
jozefkwith parted magic it was very simple10:58
noreni have got the alsa installed do i need some extra app also10:58
KEFIRhow to view all processes which have definite string in their name?10:58
HannibalJordan_U: mmcblk010:58
HannibalJordan_U: and mmcblk0p1 would be the resier_fs root partition10:59
norenwhen i do a complete xubuntu-desktop it works out of the box.... i am tring to figure out what m i missing10:59
Jordan_UHannibal: Reiser4?10:59
jozefkbut thanks for the link. i hope this can help me to start booting from CD and to continue from flash11:00
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP311:00
cemilhi everyone11:00
HannibalJordan_U: i guess so.. i didn't check the version there.. whatever the standard install has atm11:00
cemili have a problem11:00
cemiland i need help11:01
cemilmy problem is video tearing11:01
noren!ask | cemil11:01
ubottucemil: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:01
nighthawk2018I got a question about mkisofs. How can I specify the dvd-video region while compiling an image?11:01
Jordan_UHannibal: Do you plan to use this on many computers or just one?11:01
KEFIRubottu: do you have a macro to say this:-D11:02
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:02
HannibalJordan_U: lspci tells me that: 0b:03.1 SD Host COntroller: Ricoh Co Ltd R5C822 SD/SDIO/MMC/MS/MSPro11:02
cemili do not know wht's happening but the rearing is really annoying when i play video11:02
HannibalJordan_U: just 1, my lappy11:02
ortsvorsteher!bot | KEFIR11:02
ubottuKEFIR: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots11:02
utrrrongeebKEFIR: You mean something like 'ps -ef | grep "searchterm"', where 'searchterm' is what you're looking for?11:02
KEFIRgot it already11:02
jozefki installed windows 7 and didn't get any error. and i used the same dvd-rom11:02
Dr_Willisnighthawk2018:  you did check the mkisofs docs/homepage/forum/faq?  I cant imagine why you want to set a region11:03
HannibalJordan_U: http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/How_to_get_the_internal_SD-CARD_working looked promising to me...11:03
Jordan_UHannibal: Try editing your grub.cfg and change the root=UUID=7b3b2234-2ec0-4f44-9b2f-6af0b9375127 to root=/dev/mmcblk0 ( or whatever it is )11:03
nighthawk2018I do not want to set a region,. but for some reason one is created for me, while using the mkisofs11:04
HannibalJordan_U: ok, however it has to the partition, correct? not the device itself11:04
Jordan_UHannibal: Yes, the partition11:04
lxuser_cemil, whats rearing?11:05
cemillxusersorry i mean video Tearingf11:05
jozefkif I understand good those instructions are for booting from flash not from CD11:05
_newbie3in ssh what is the command to search for a file over a certain size?11:05
cemilvideos tear11:06
EMKO_anyone here use lirc?11:06
=== _newbie3 is now known as RussellAlan
Dr_Willis_newbie3:  in the 'shell' you could use the 'find' command  with the proper options to do that11:06
lxuser_cemil, so the videos lag when you play them?11:06
=== lxuser_ is now known as trijntje
Amigadudeanyway to start a filesystem fix from grub recovery11:06
utrrrongeebI've heard Wubi doesn't allow hibernation because of corruption to the host hard disk. Can a Wubi-based system be safely hibernated if I turn off Wubi swap and use an SD card as swap?11:06
Jordan_Ujozefk: They are instructions for booting cd images ( .iso files ) from a flash drive11:06
RussellAlanso "find help"11:06
utrrrongeebRegarding Wubi hibernation, would it be safe to try what I described above if the root and host filesystems are remounted read-only?11:08
cemillxuser_: you mean it plays slowly?11:08
norenDr_Willis, help me troubleshoot my sound prob.... http://pastebin.com/f7209cb9d <<11:08
jozefkok. i'll must to try. then I need to copy the iso file to the flash drive. just not sure how can I boot my flash drive when I don't have that option in my BIOS. guess I'll boot LiveUbuntu first or something11:08
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Dr_Willisnoren:  i know very littel about sound trouble shooting. Ive rarely had sound issues on my 5 PC's11:08
klownMy video driver shows to be activated, but does not seem to be working, I cant change visual effects, and have issues running games, is there any other way to check and see if it the driver is actually enabled (Nvidia gtx 260)11:08
Jordan_Ujozefk: You would install grub to a cd ( so you would have to modify the instructions slightly and use grub-mkrescue )11:09
oCean_RussellAlan: like "find /path/to/start -size +512M" will list files >512M. Use -size -512M to list files <512M etc11:09
norenDr_Willis, do u know any command to probe and capture sound card11:09
jozefk:) that's what I was thinking about too :) instructions are for booting from flash not from CD. I need to boot from CD and then from flash. that page says opposite I think11:10
Dr_Willisnoren:  alli know would be mentioned at the !alsa and !sound factoids i rarely mess with sound11:10
izziklown: in cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf is driver nvidia ?11:11
norenjozefk, even i dont have but wen you boot with the flash drive plugged in my bios shows an extra harddisk so u can check urs if it does the same11:11
HannibalJordan_U: buzy box again11:11
norenActionParsnip, are u there ??11:12
jozefkthat would be cool11:12
HannibalJordan_U: ls /dev | grep mm shows nill in initramfs busybox11:12
jozefki'll check it. thanks for suggestion11:12
klownizzi, yes, the driver is nvidia11:12
norenguys is there a separate channel for ubuntu -minimal installs ??11:12
izziklown: have you restart x after the nvidia install?11:13
Jordan_UHannibal: I don't know then, sorry11:13
jozefki have a external usb DVD-Rom but same thing, can't boot from it :(11:13
klownizzi, yes, several times, and no changes11:13
HannibalJordan_U: thanks i appricate your time11:13
Hannibalnight all11:13
ortsvorsteherjozefk, did you looked at bios, is it able to boot from usb?11:13
trijntjececil: I dont understand what happens when you play a video11:13
izziklown: weird11:13
trijntjecemil, ^11:13
klownizzi, I'm going to try another restart.11:14
izziklown: but no errors in your log?11:14
jozefkdidn't see that option in bios. but i'll double check. i have some PXE or something like that. but don't even know what that means :)11:14
trijntjecemil, also: what video format, what video player do you use?11:14
cemilhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Screen_tearing just click the picture11:14
ortsvorsteherjozefk, is it an older pc? which hardware you use?11:15
Dr_Williscemil:  ive also noticed that depending on the video/player the 'video output' used and video post processing options can reduce 'tearing'11:15
jozefkpentium IV 3.2GHz HT, 2GB RAM11:15
ortsvorsteherso have a look at bios. may there is an option to boot from usb11:15
jozefknot now but later. now i'm in the office11:16
cemili use vlc totem11:16
klownizzi, no change at all, same issues11:16
norenDr_Willis, one more thing i got i686 kernel sud i get back to i386 kernel as i feel its bit slower, is it normal ??11:16
jozefkI spent half a day yesterday trying to install ubuntu :)11:16
jozefkwent to sleep 2am11:16
izziklown: maybe it is your nvidia module thats not okay11:17
Dr_Willisnoren:  I doubt if it would be that noticeable.   Im on all 64bit machines here. so havent messed wht the other kernels in ages11:17
RussellAlanthanks oCean_11:17
klownizzi, its the ubuntu proprietary driver11:18
izziklown: try sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak11:18
norenjozefk, i installed my ubuntu from pen drive (usb) its not a separate option in bios my laptop just shows an additional harddisk when booting with pen drive plugged in11:18
izziklown: and then: wget -O NVIDIA-Linux-x86-pkg1.run http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-us11:18
jcduttonDoes anyone know of a tool that can convert a text file of hexdecimal numbers into bytes ?11:18
izziklown: and then: sudo sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-pkg1.run11:19
jozefkdidn't see that option but my pen drive was pluged in all the time. will see what BIOS says11:19
izziklown: if you using the 1386 version of ubuntu :)11:19
ravengercan any body help me with db2.exc11:19
jozefkby the way I never used ubuntu before. just now I see how nice it looks like :) but I'm linux user for many years already11:19
ortsvorsteher!anybody | ravenger11:20
ubotturavenger: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?11:20
ravengerdb2.exc installation11:20
jozefkand I like the ext4 support11:20
klownizzi, im using the 64bit version11:20
izziklown: ah okay11:20
izziklown: me to and it works here11:20
linux99how to create bootable windows usb drive from ubuntu11:20
klownizzi, did you install the same drivers?11:20
Dantonicare there any programs available to play Blu Ray in linux?11:20
izziklown: no I used the ubuntu drivers11:21
norenjozefk, u might get a expandable + sign in front of harddisk which u can arrange as per ur boot options !!11:21
izziklown: can you paste your xorg.conf into pastbin?11:22
Dantonic!blur ay11:22
Dantonic!blu ray11:22
FloodBot2Dantonic: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:22
jozefkwill reboot with pen drive plugged in and go to see all options in BIOS11:22
ortsvorsteher!bot | Dantonic11:22
ubottuDantonic: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots11:22
norenjozefk, BOL11:22
DantonicI'd like to bay a blu ray drive to play movies on my system... what will I be able to use for it... Anyone do that?11:23
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic11:23
jozefkbol? what is that stands for?11:23
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP311:23
Jordan_Ujozefk: If you just want to boot one iso image ( rather than making a cd that will find iso images automatically ) that's pretty easy. If you ask me again here on wednesday or email me at jordan dot uggla at gmail I can make you an iso that will do it11:23
norenbol best of luck :)11:23
klownizzi, http://paste.ubuntu.com/330992/11:23
ravengerdoes anybody help me with this error "E: db2exc: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1"11:24
jozefkwhen do you want me to email you?11:24
jozefkok. thanks noren :)11:24
ravenger this error came while installing db211:24
Jordan_Ujozefk: Any time, I may not get back to you before wednesday though11:24
klownizzi, if i download the 64 bit version from nvidia and install that, should it work correctly?11:25
jozefkOK. I'll email you11:26
izziklown: yes why not, I putt some extra info on your pastebin11:26
handjobHi all. I've got problem playing .wmv files. If i start mplayer from GUI it plays sound only but when started form command line it works well. Once I have solved this problem but damn i forgot how. Here is passthebin of mplayer-cli http://pastebin.com/f306b4bd3.11:26
ravengerdoes anybody help me with this error "E: db2exc: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1"  this error came while installing db211:27
KEFIRwhat's wrong here http://pastebin.org/5836611:28
jozefknice to see such a big community here.11:28
klownizzi, i do not see any additional information on the pastebin11:28
izziklown: moment please11:28
ravengerdoes anybody help me with this error "E: db2exc: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1"  this error came while installing db211:29
izziklown: try this: http://technologycrowd.com/2009/11/10/add-nvidia-driver-190-42-to-64-bit-ubuntu-karmic/11:29
ardchoillewhy do people go the long way around to install the nvidia drivers?11:31
ravengercan anybody help me with this error "E: db2exc: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1"  this error came while installing db211:31
m1dlghow do I make WINE see my USB serial ports?11:31
ardchoillesudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-96 && sudo nvidia-xconfig11:31
ardchoilleThat's all I ever needed11:32
ardchoille!repeat | ravenger11:32
ubotturavenger: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.11:32
fasaxcHi, I'm looking for some help to debug launchpad bug 448811.  My DiBcom an2235 DVB tuner stopped working after upgrade to Karmic -- w_scan doesn't find any channels any more.  If I boot to a Jaunty live CD it works fine so it's definitely a regression.11:32
Samuli^ardchoille, all I ever needed was to enable restricted drivers when prompted :)11:32
Samuli^well... 5.10 was a little different.11:32
ardchoilleSamuli^: That has never worked on any of my 10 computers11:32
om26er1can i create a usb bootable of windows vista or windows 7 from ubuntu11:33
pendlarenHi, while upgrading to Karmic, an error occured on console-update, and after boot I can't get X started. Any suggestions?11:33
ravengerardchoille: what11:33
Dr_Willisom26er1:  ive seen guides for making such things.  check in #windows   perhaps11:33
igor_\server irc.freenode.net11:34
ardchoilleravenger: See the factoid the bot posted for you11:34
izzipendlaren: you can open a terminal?11:34
klownizzi, I'm trying that now.  thank you.11:34
pendlarenizzi: sure, running irc from terminal now :)11:34
KEFIRone gui program returns this: http://pastebin.org/5836611:34
izziklown: I hope that this works for you :)11:34
ravengerardchoille: k i got it11:34
KEFIRwhat should I do&11:34
=== geo is now known as geo05
igor_\ server freenode11:35
izzipendlaren: its your upgrade okay?11:35
dAlfa89_igor_, you're already here buddy11:35
icerootizzi: / instead of \11:35
falco_I need help, Resuming from suspend mode causes trouble D: and it didn't in 9.0411:35
kirgiHello, new to this chat / support. Got a problem with my microphone. I have configure it, during 2 weeks it worked. then today stopped working. In fact I can make it worked 4 seconds and then stops. (In windows works perfectly). The conf is: alsa 1.1.21 and I have choosed Internal Audio. Any idea if I am doing somethihng wrong?11:35
izziiceroot: ?11:35
kirgiI have Ubuntu 9.10.11:35
ardchoilleigor_: you're on the freenode network now. What are you trying to do?11:35
ongznghttp://ongzng.wordpress.com/  <--- zapraszam11:36
icerootizzi: irc-commands starts with / not with \11:36
klownizzi,  iceroot ment igor :P11:36
icerootizzi: ah, sorry11:36
izziklown: :)11:36
oCean_ravenger: regarding the post-installation script error, there are some entries in launchpad showing problems during upgrade: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/db2exc-amd64/+bug/18953811:36
ardchoilleongzng: Please don't do that11:36
dAlfa89_iceroot, fix yo' tab-complete (:11:36
icerootdAlfa89_: its fixed, always using the person which writes at last11:36
pendlarenizzi: It said it would try to return to 9.04, I think, but some command I ran to check version said 9.1011:37
izzipendlaren: dpkg-reconfigure11:37
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falco_Is anyone specialized in Suspend problems with ubuntu?11:37
pendlarenizzi: On boot, I get "One or more of the mounts listed in /etc/fstab cannot yet be mounted" - no hits on google for that11:38
iceroot!anyone | falco_11:38
ubottufalco_: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?11:38
klownI am specialized in problems for ubuntu..creating them though, not fixing them ;/11:38
falco_iceroot I need help, Resuming from suspend mode causes trouble D: and it didn't in 9.0411:38
pendlarenizzi: I'll try dpkg-reconfigure11:38
izzipendlaren: yes your upgrade was not finischt11:38
icerootfalco_: write some usefull details (hardware) to the channel11:38
kirgiAnyone knows how to configure the sound / microphone in ubuntu 9.10. And how can I start the application with all devices?11:39
roloI have anjuta, but I can't use synaptic to install autogen etc. can somebody help me11:39
falco_iceroot, laptop MH45-u-004nl. Hardware specifications here: http://support.packardbell.com/nl/item/index.php?pn=PC31Q00786&t=140911:39
pendlarenizzi: "Please specify a package to reconfigure"?11:39
icerootfalco_: to the channel11:39
izzipendlaren: pa11:39
izzipendlaren: -a sorry11:39
pendlarenizzi: ah.. right11:39
klownizzi, i need to restart, ill let ya know how it goes.  thx again11:39
izziklown: :)11:40
ardchoillependlaren: Does this help? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=130176611:40
falco_iceroot the motherboard is made by packard bell, MH45-u-004 motherboard.  Audiosysteem Realtek ALC272 Realtek 8102 Netwerkcontroller Mobile Intel GMA X4500 gfx card11:40
icerootfalco_: i am not the channel11:40
falco_the motherboard is made by packard bell, MH45-u-004 motherboard.   Audiosysteem Realtek ALC272  Realtek 8102 Netwerkcontroller  Mobile Intel GMA X4500 gfx card11:41
falco_or do I have to say something?11:41
icerootfalco_: ask a question with your problem and details to the channel, all in one line11:41
thinkertinkerHi i am using ubuntu 9.04 i get the following error while compiling the purple-plugin_pack    /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -l  what does that mean?11:42
pendlarenizzi: stopped quite soon, "update-alternatives: error: no alternatives for iceape-flashplugin" :(11:42
falco_When I resume from suspend mode, I cannot re-enter suspend mode, I can not shutdown properly, I can not11:42
izzipendlaren: and apt-get install -f11:42
falco_sorry, accidentally pressed enter11:42
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klownizzi, seemed to load the drivers, but im still having an issue running wine.  i thought that would fix it.11:44
falco_When I resume from suspend mode, I cannot re-enter suspend mode(it locks the screen instead), I can not shutdown properly, when I press power button it doesn't respond(it should go into suspend mode), Ctrl Alt Delete doesn't respond(it should open shutdown window) I've got an MH45-u-004 laptop with intel GMA X4500 graphics, AC272 audio and realtek 8102 network controller.11:44
pendlarenardchoille: Thanks, checking out that option as well11:45
pendlarenizzi: Thanks, will try that11:45
izziklown: wine its not my specialisation :)11:45
ardchoillependlaren: are you trying to install flash in a browser?11:45
klownizzi, thanks for your help with the driver issue :)11:45
falco_iceroot is that better?11:45
pendlarenardchoille: No, upgrading from 9.04 to 9.1011:45
georgemaglarascairo dock loads for me twice. why?11:46
nyhain the gnome menu, how can I create a menu item that runs a terminal application as root/su?11:46
erUSUL!rootshell | nyha11:46
ubottunyha: Using !sudo with single commands is preferable in most circumstances. However, if you really need a root shell, use « sudo -i » (other variants of this commands are redundant and/or potentially dangerous)11:47
dstaubsaugerhi, how can i use the radeonhd graphics driver in karmic? all howtos tell me to edit the xorg.conf file which is not present. where can i configure X to use radeonhd instead of radeon (i'm using an r500 chip)11:47
kirgiis there a way to check if there is hardware conflicts with sound?11:47
Consul_Falxmy KDE has just reported that my HDA Intel ALC660VD sound driver has been removed.. wether I want to cleanse settings as well... I haven't ordered the removal of the driver!!! and moreover sound does still work... o.O11:49
Samuli^dstaubsauger, you should have xorg.conf but it would be mostly empty because most things are autodetected now. You can still put line in xorg.conf and it'll override the autodetection11:50
falco_When I resume from suspend mode, I cannot re-enter suspend mode(it locks the screen instead), I can not shutdown properly, when I press power button it doesn't respond(it should go into suspend mode), Ctrl Alt Delete doesn't respond(it should open shutdown window) I've got an MH45-u-004 laptop with intel GMA X4500 graphics, AC272 audio and realtek 8102 network controller.11:50
balaunyha, right-click on the menu -> Edit menus. Then reach for the entry you want to change, click "Properties" and add sudo at the beginning of the command and "Application in Terminal" in the selection.11:50
dstaubsaugerSamuli^: as i said, there is no /etc/X11/x.org.config in my karmic O.o11:50
Samuli^dstaubsauger, try /etc/X11/xorg.conf that's what I have :)11:51
nyhabalau: to simple, I have tried that.11:51
erUSUL!gksudo | balau nyha11:51
ubottubalau nyha: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)11:51
dstaubsaugerSamuli^: in karmic?11:52
balaunyha, well, I tried and it worked for me using a simple "sudo top" command. I don't know what you're doing.11:52
Samuli^yes, I can't verify now but I'm 80% sure.11:52
sclahahow can i voice chat through yahoo in ubuntu 8.04????can anyone help help me11:52
balauerUSUL, I understood that nyha wanted to run a terminal application, so I suggested sudo instead of gksu. Hope it's the same.11:53
nyhabalau: senario: my app is in /test/appname/app. i need to run: xterm as root, cd to appdir and run app..11:53
pendlarenizzi: apt-get install -f fails on first line with console-update, which was the package that failed in the initial upgrade as well11:53
erUSULbalau: afaics he wants « gksudo gnome-terminal »11:53
sclahahow can i voice chat though yahoo in ubuntu 8.04?????11:54
dstaubsaugerSamuli^: no xorg.conf there http://pastebin.ca/169235611:54
Samuli^dstaubsauger, it seems the nvidia drivers make that file, that's why I have it. You can just make your own and X will read it11:54
falco_When I resume from suspend mode, I cannot re-enter suspend mode(it locks the screen instead), I can not shutdown properly, when I press power button it doesn't respond(it should go into suspend mode), Ctrl Alt Delete doesn't respond(it should open shutdown window) I've got an MH45-u-004 laptop with intel GMA X4500 graphics, AC272 audio and realtek 8102 network controller.11:54
pendlarenizzi: sorry.... console-setup11:54
erUSULbalau: nevermind, i see now11:54
izzipendlaren: paste your error to pastbin11:55
Diablo[A_G]c'è qualcuno che può aiutarmi in italiano?11:55
dstaubsaugerSamuli^: is there some kind of basic xorg.conf for karmic which i can copy and modify?11:55
sclahahello no one here to help me??????????????????11:55
balaunyha, if you choose "Application in Terminal" it already opens a xterm-like terminal, but it runs it in your home directory. Maybe you could create a simple script and run that from the menu.11:56
Samuli^dstaubsauger, you can make one with Xorg-configure I think. Otherwise just google xorg.conf perhaps with "radeonhd" or something.11:56
dstaubsaugersclaha: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=yahoo+voice+ubuntu !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11:56
balauDiablo[A_G], go to #ubuntu-it for italian chat11:56
pendlarenizzi: I'm not able to copy-paste in terminal mode, I think? :-/11:56
nyhabalau: I added xterm -e "su -c 'cd /dir/to/app && appname'" but the xterm close... I'll add ;bash in the end and hope for the best.11:56
falco_When I resume from suspend mode, I cannot re-enter suspend mode(it locks the screen instead), I can not shutdown properly, when I press power button it doesn't respond(it should go into suspend mode), Ctrl Alt Delete doesn't respond(it should open shutdown window) I've got an MH45-u-004 laptop with intel GMA X4500 graphics, AC272 audio and realtek 8102 network controller.11:57
izzipendlaren: ctrl f8?11:57
balaunyha, write ./appname instead of appname11:57
izzipendlaren: sorry ctrl c ofzourse11:57
dstaubsaugerSamuli^: hm thanks, i'll try11:57
nyhabalau: :P11:57
dang3rou5erUSUL, how can i add my usr to all the groups my root is in11:57
erUSULdang3rou5: there is no root in ubuntu11:58
pendlarenizzi: "terminal" was perhaps a bit wrong. Console would be more correct.11:58
dang3rou5erUSUL, my prob is sound not working in my user but is working with root !! how to solve this11:58
erUSULdang3rou5: and in normal installs root does not belong to extra groups becouse he does not need to.11:59
izzipendlaren: in your console ctrl c?11:59
izzipendlaren: sorry thats not working :) argh, Iḿ dooing 3 things now11:59
erUSULdang3rou5: add you user to audio group? audio pulse pulse-rt pulse-access11:59
eni23hello guys. i've got an mp3-player archos3, and i cannot mount it. when i plug it in this appears in /var/log/messages  : http://pastebin.com/m285d2ca611:59
pendlarenizzi: No worries :)11:59
izzipendlaren: but above in your console12:00
linxehhow can I change the keyboard layout used for virtual consoles on 9.10 ?12:00
dang3rou5erUSUL, how to add to other group and which all groups do i have to add12:00
eni23but i can mount the player sometimes in vmware12:00
izzipendlaren: its ctrl shift c12:00
erUSULdang3rou5: sudo adduser $USER audio12:01
nyhabalau: the problem now is that the terminal close rigth after the app has run...12:01
ardchoilledang3rou5: Before you go doing something that may no be necessary, what are you trying to accomplish?12:01
sclaha<dstaubsauger>there is no answer which can solve my probs12:01
balaunyha, try xterm -e "cd /dir/to/app && sudo ./appname && read"12:02
wrapsteranyone has any idea how to redirect the output of top to a file?12:02
erUSULdang3rou5: i can show you my "id" wait a minute12:02
nyhabalau: will do12:02
wrapsteri kinda need it urgently..12:02
balaunyha, it should pause at the end and you need to press enter12:02
linfochange channel12:03
balauwrapster, top -n 1 &>top.log12:03
roloI type in terminal sudo apt-get install build-essential libgtkmm-2.4-dev autogen automake libtool intltool libglademm-2.4-dev12:03
zvacetwrapster:  maybe top >txtfile12:03
linfoalguien habla espanol12:03
erUSULdang3rou5: this are the groups i'm in  groups=> 4(adm),20(dialout),24(cdrom),25(floppy),29(audio),30(dip),44(video),46(plugdev),107(fuse),109(lpadmin),115(admin),125(kvm),127(sambashare),128(libvirtd)12:03
balauwrapster, the -n 1 runs it just one time and then exits12:03
wrapsterzvacet: tried that12:03
erUSUL!es | linfo12:03
ubottulinfo: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.12:03
nyhabalau: worked like a charm..12:03
roloand I get12:03
rolodpkg: parse error, in file `/var/lib/dpkg/status' near line 30728 package `xrgb':12:03
rolo Configured-Version for package with inappropriate Status12:03
roloE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)12:03
FloodBot2rolo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:03
FloodBot5rolo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:03
pendlarenizzi: installed gpm, trying to copy now12:03
dang3rou5erUSUL, ok now how to add them for mine12:04
Samuli^wrapster, normal top > file doesn't work?12:04
nyhabalau: can I get this working with gnome-terminal?12:04
erUSULdang3rou5: i told you already12:04
izzipendlaren: okay12:04
linfojoin #ubuntu-es12:04
wrapsterbalau:  the probelm is it writes a lot of phoney chars like sohttp://pastie.org/71895112:04
erUSULdang3rou5: this --> sudo adduser $USER audio12:04
wrapsterSamuli^: sent out a pastie pls have a look at it...12:04
linfoj #ubuntu-es12:04
erUSULlinfo: with a / --> /join #ubuntu-es12:04
balaunyha, gnome-terminal should have the -x option12:04
Samuli^wrapster, I'm not on linux right now12:05
nyhabalau: I get "an error greating a child process"12:05
rolohow do I install anjuta on ubuntu12:05
wrapsterSamuli^: look at the pastie.. it might help you12:05
balauwrapster, use -b option also12:06
wrapsterhmm ok12:06
pendlarenizzi: http://pastebin.org/5837712:06
wrapsterbalau: thank a lot.12:06
izzipendlaren: moment12:06
munleyI'm back12:06
munleyIs there anybody out there?12:07
izzipendlaren: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/console-setup/+bug/45544612:07
munleyI am back from some others12:07
munleyI ah.. I was trying others, now I am back to embrace Ubuntu12:08
kirgiIs there a way to check if tere is a sounds card conflicts and if there are more than one, then deleted the wrong one?12:08
izzipendlaren: I must take a shower now, back soon as possible12:08
rolo sudo apt-get install build-essential libgtkmm-2.4-dev autogen automake libtool intltool libglademm-2.4-dev DOES not work12:08
rolocan somebody help me?12:09
balaunyha, I'm trying but it does not seem to work for me either...12:09
kirgican somebody help, pls12:09
erUSUL!doesntwork | rolo12:09
ubotturolo: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.12:09
rololet me paste the error message then12:10
nyhabalau: even cd /dir/to/app && sudo ./appname && read as command and tick run in a terminal give me that error12:10
rolodpkg: parse error, in file `/var/lib/dpkg/status' near line 30728 package `xrgb'12:10
roloConfigured-Version for package with inappropriate Status12:10
roloE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)12:10
erUSULrolo: that's better ty12:11
rolowhat do i do?12:11
erUSULrolo: « sudo cp /var/lib/dpkg/status-old /var/lib/dpkg/status » and cross fingers hopping the old copy does not have the syntax error12:12
balaunyha, the first problem is "cd" that you can replace with the --working-directory=DIRNAME option12:12
nyhabalau: nice, ill try that.12:12
khunthow do i get into recovery mode?12:13
balaunyha, the second problem is that "read" is not recognized, maybe "cat" instead, but you need to close it with ctrl-d or ctrl-c12:13
Dhinakaranyone help me in solving a problem in ubuntu12:13
balaunyha, the third problem is that && does not work. We're unlucky here. I suggest putting it into a script and executing that.12:13
BlouBlou!anyone | Dhinakar12:14
ubottuDhinakar: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?12:14
munleyDhinakar, what''s your problem?12:14
DhinakarI have samtron 56v monitor12:14
binarypleasehow do i connect my ipod classic to Exaile
Dhinakarbut in display preference It cant get detected12:15
roloI did that ERusul12:15
nyhabalau: still give me the error about childprocesses12:15
DhinakarI can have 1152x768 resolution12:15
rolowhat now?12:15
munleyWhat's your montior like?12:15
erUSULrolo: done12:15
Dhinakarcant have 11528768 resolution12:15
judgenAnyone know how to install Descent 3 on x86-64?12:15
roloanjuta still won't let me make a new project12:15
binarypleasehow do i connect my ipod classic to Exaile
Flannelbalau, nyha: `/full/path/to/program | less` is what you were looking for12:15
Dhinakarcant have 1152*768 resolution12:15
Dhinakarsamtron 56v12:15
khunthow do i access recovery console in karmic12:15
Dhinakar15 inch12:16
munleysamtron 56v......... let me check12:16
binarypleasecan someone help me with exaile12:16
pendlarenizzi: Thank you, that last post mentioning locale was a good hint!12:16
DhinakarI can have only 1024*76812:16
nyhaFlannel: ?12:16
izzipendlaren: I hope thats your upgrade works then12:17
pendlarenizzi: the evaluation of `locale` returned a few errors, so I had to fix /etc/default/locale12:17
balauFlannel, nice, but it does not work with gnome-terminal. nyha, he's suggesting to replace that read with the "| less"12:17
izzipendlaren: cewl12:17
erUSULrolo: but the apt error is gone12:17
Dhinakarthis is my problem12:17
munleyWhat is its maximum specification?12:17
rolook now it works fine thanks a lot12:17
pendlarenizzi: apt-get install console-setup seemed to continue with a lot of other tasks (e.g. Firefox 3.5 installation)12:18
Dhinakar1024*768 is what I can have12:18
Dhinakarbut I want 1152*768....12:18
=== med2 is now known as FiremanEd
pendlarenizzi: hopefully dpkg-reconfigure -a and perhaps apt-get install -f and dist-upgrade works out now!12:18
izzipendlaren: yup I hope it also :)12:19
SuperPiiI accidentally zoom in my desktop. how do I return it to its normal state?12:19
munleyDhinakar, Can you get to Display Preferences?12:19
balaunyha, ok I got it, you need to create a file "command.sh" containing "cd /dir/to/app && appname | less" and do gnome-terminal -x bash /path/to/command.sh12:19
* izzi is taking a bath12:19
nyhabalau: from a gnome-term I can run "gnome-terminal --working-directory=/path/to/app -e 'sudo /path/to/app/app && read'"12:19
munleyin Display Preferences, you can set 1152x76812:20
Dhinakarin display preference I says "unknown monitor" and only maximum of 1024*76812:20
nyhabalau: and it works as a menu item to :D12:20
balaunyha, ok glad it works :)12:21
munleyunknow monitor... ahmmm........12:21
Dhinakaronly have 1024*768 option as maximum12:21
munleyso it cannot detect your monitor12:21
munleyDhinakar, Do you have money on you now?12:21
Dhinakar 1152*864 I have used this in MS windows12:21
DhinakarI dont have money and all12:21
cXhristianI have a problem12:21
DhinakarI am a student12:21
munleyso.. you like your monitor very much12:21
dAlfa89_Dhinakar, have you got the correct drivers installed, or are you using the vesa drivers?12:22
munleybut you wouldn't and can't buy a new onw12:22
munleywell..... it beats me, 'cause I am very lame on computers12:22
munleysorry, can't help you12:22
cXhristianCan someone help me?12:22
cXhristianI cant install ubuntu12:22
DhinakarI have xserver-xorg-intel12:23
munleysorry I am the hunted one too, I've been hunting by all those high-tech12:23
dAlfa89_cXhristian, can you provide more details?12:23
ActionParsnipcXhristian: did you md5 tst the iso you downloaded?12:23
cXhristianwhen I try to run the setup it cant find it12:23
cXhristianActionParsnip, yes12:23
DhinakarI have installed drivers12:23
nyhabalau: problem... the first app started as it should, the next one that is a python script dont... :(12:23
ActionParsnipcXhristian: does the disk pass self test?12:23
munleyDhinakar, maybe try Ubuntu 64bit, maybe it could solve your monitor problem12:23
cXhristianIt cant find it12:24
ActionParsnipcXhristian: find what?12:24
cXhristianthe disk12:24
fornixcan i execute a 32 bit executable on my 64 bit ubuntu system? my ISP dialer client is a 32 bit executable. I want to use this in my 64 bit ubuntu :(12:24
Dhinakar https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+question/9205612:24
Dhinakarthis is my problem... can anyone helpp...12:24
kkeis there some console tool that will guess the language of input file/stdin? i'd like to run this against my spam folder to see if there are any messages in my own language12:24
ActionParsnipcXhristian: can you put my ame at the start of lines, see how my text to you is highlighting, thats no accident12:24
balaunyha, is the app executable? if not, maybe you need to do "sudo python /path/to/app"12:25
ActionParsnipcXhristian: if yuo put the CD in a windows system does it autorun12:25
cXhristiando i have to use a cd?12:25
ActionParsnipcXhristian: type my name at the start of lines, you can use tab complete12:25
ActionParsnipcXhristian: no you can use USB12:25
cXhristianactionpasnic i dont have any cds12:25
dAlfa89_!usb | cXhristian12:26
ubottucXhristian: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent12:26
cXhristiani dont have any usb either12:26
ActionParsnipcXhristian: or are you wanting to use wubi to install ubuntu inside windows12:26
cXhristianim using a disk12:26
ActionParsnipcXhristian: define "disk"12:26
ActionParsniplike an internal hard drive?12:26
ActionParsnipok so the boot floppy is then booting what?12:27
ActionParsnipcXhristian: type my name at the start of lines please12:27
cXhristianactionpasnip i dont understand what you mean12:28
ActionParsnipcXhristian: type Actionp then pres tab, it will complete for you12:28
cXhristiannot working12:28
ActionParsnipcXhristian: ok lets imagine the ideal scenario, so the floppy boots to whatever it has, what is supposed to the n happen12:28
cXhristianinstall lniux?12:28
ActionParsnipcXhristian: no PRESS tab, the key on the keyboard12:28
cXhristiani dont see any tab12:29
mka 12:29
ActionParsnipcXhristian: well i gathered that, but from what? PXE, ISO file12:29
cXhristiani put a iso file on the floppy12:29
cXhristianbut its not working12:29
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP312:29
ActionParsnipcXhristian: the floppy is 700Mb, a floppy can hold 1.44Mb12:29
mkacXhristian, a floppy is so small to fit an ISO12:29
cXhristianbut i put the iso on it12:30
cXhristianshouldnt it work?12:30
ActionParsnipcXhristian: so no yuo didnt put it on a floppy12:30
ActionParsnipcXhristian: its impossible12:30
cXhristianbut its there12:30
cXhristiani swear12:30
=== jku_ is now known as jku
ActionParsnipcXhristian: you cant fit 700Mb of data on a disk which will only hold 1.44Mb12:30
mkacXhristian, It's not all of it then, burn the ISO in the CD or DVD12:30
cXhristiani dont have any cd or dvd12:30
=== Anon476 is now known as ajay-tech
Dhinakar https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+question/9205612:31
ActionParsnipcXhristian: buy or steal one, you can get them for cheaper than a pack of smokes12:31
mkacXhristian, do you have a CD/DVD drive?12:31
ActionParsnip!hi | scx12:31
ubottuscx: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!12:31
cXhristiani dont want to steal12:31
cXhristianand im poor12:31
scxi am looking for SFTP client (gtk+2 OR Qt)12:32
cXhristiani just want to use a os without viruses12:32
mgv2when the torrents work the internet gets stuck - there is anything to do???12:32
dAlfa89_cXhristian, do you have Windows installed?12:32
scxi use GNOME12:32
ActionParsnipcXhristian: you can use a USB / SD Card to install with too if you have one spare12:32
mkacXhristian, as ActionParsnip has suggested, borrow an ubuntu CD from a friend12:32
cXhristianall of my friends use windows :(12:32
cXhristianand i said i have no usbs :(((12:33
mkacXhristian, you need a blank CD first and burn the ISO onto it12:33
ajay-techcXhristian so what is your problem?12:33
cXhristiani dont have any CDSSSSS12:33
cXhristianim poor so i cant buy any12:33
* Acid coucou12:33
cXhristiani only have floppies12:33
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD12:34
ManDayty ubottu12:34
cXhristianwhat is ubottu?12:34
mkacXhristian, forget floppies, they will take you nowhere12:34
Dr_WilliscXhristian:  a channel bot.12:34
ManDaymy best friend12:34
eni24hello everyone. why i can't mount my device: http://pastebin.com/m285d2ca612:34
ajay-techhave you thought about getting one through shipit if posiable?12:34
dAlfa89_cXhristian, if you have Windows, mount the iso with DaemonTools and install via Wubi12:35
cXhristianso i cant use floppies?12:35
mkacXhristian, so that I am in the same page as you, do you have a CD drive?12:35
cXhristianyou should add support for floppies12:35
cXhristianthat is why i want to use floppies12:35
ajay-techso cXhristian are you trying out linux?12:35
Dr_WilliscXhristian:  i doubt if adding floppy support is going to happen any time soon.12:35
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »12:36
ajay-techbecause yuo might be able to install it in virtualbox if you want to test it out12:36
cXhristianwhat is virtualbox?12:37
Dr_Willis!vbox | cXhristian12:37
ubottucXhristian: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox12:37
cXhristian?? :(12:37
Dr_Willisvirtualbox lets you run an OS inside an OS. :)12:37
mkacXhristian, so your ISO is on your windows operating system now?12:38
ChrisTXwow really?12:38
cXhristianis that possible?12:38
ChrisTXhow does it work?12:38
ajay-techa program that you can virtualise an os and run it in a windowed enviroment in windows or linux or mac os x12:38
Dr_WilliscXhristian:  if it wasent possible.. why would we be saying to use it?12:38
cXhristianim not sure12:38
ActionParsnipcXhristian: you can use floppies if the systemcabn't boot from CD to make the CD boot, You can also use PXE boot to boot and install from network12:38
Dr_WillisChrisTX:  it emulates a pc, inside software.12:38
cXhristiani thought it was possible to use floppies so im not sure if this ubuntu work12:38
Dr_WillisI cant recall very many linux disrtos these days that are installable from floppies any more.12:39
ChrisTXreally? now do I also get a virtual graphics card then?12:39
Dr_Williseven TInyCore Linux  is 10mb.12:39
Dr_WillisChrisTX:  it emulates all the hardware.. yes.. you would get linux in a 'window' on the wndows machine12:39
ajay-techi have it right now12:40
ChrisTXwow so can I somehow bundle the virtual graphics card any the one in pc then? so I would get better graphics?12:40
cXhristianwow this dounds really cool12:40
Dr_WillisChrisTX:  you are confused about how vbox works.. go read its homepage and test it out12:40
Dr_Willisits free.. so you have little to lose.12:40
mkacXhristian, ActionParsnip Dr_Willis what if cXhristian intalls ubuntu via Wubi inside windows? He has no CD drive, no USB slots, not sure about the PXE thing?12:40
ChrisTXyeah Im really confused now12:40
ajay-techexcept download limit lol12:40
oCean_cXhristian: read up on virtualisation: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_machine and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paravirtualization12:40
Dr_Willismka:  i dnt think you an do a wubi install that way12:41
ActionParsnipmka: worth a shot12:41
cXhristianwikipedia is too advanced for me :(12:41
Dr_WillisId rather use Virtualbox then Wubi any day. :)12:41
ChrisTXIve seen ubuntu videos on youtube, but it seems their installations were broken, their windows were all shaky12:41
ActionParsnipmka: good idea (even if wubi is the devil spawn)12:41
Dr_WillisChrisTX:  thats a feature.12:41
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP312:41
dAlfa89_ChrisTX, it's the Wobbly Windows feature of Compiz12:42
ChrisTXbut how to get them to stand still then?12:42
ActionParsnipcXhristian: download and use wubi, it will install ubuntu as an app under windows and will giove you a dualboot (of sorts)12:42
Dr_WillisChrisTX:  you disable the feature12:42
cXhristianwow cool12:42
ChrisTXbut dont I loose functionality then?12:42
cXhristianbut how do i get this wubi?12:42
giggseyAnyone know of any good bandwidth monitoring tools for SNMP based devices, that can graph each host every minute12:42
ActionParsnipcXhristian: it has massive shortcomings but its an option12:42
giggsey(that displays the graphs in the browser)12:42
ManDayis there any way to learn what of my partitions are logical and what are primary from df?12:43
cXhristianbut i want a working ubuntu :(12:43
ActionParsnipManDay: sudo fdisk -l    will tell you12:43
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.12:43
ManDayfair enough Aciid_12:43
ManDaysprry ActionParsnip12:43
ChrisTXwhat? ubuntu is a windows application now?12:43
ChrisTXIm now really confused12:43
ajay-techjus wubi12:43
cXhristianhow can i run an os inside windows? i dont understand this :(12:44
dAlfa89_ChrisTX, there are many different ways to install Ubuntu, inside Windows is just one of them12:44
ActionParsnipManDay: rerd the output, it will show you an extended partition and how the logical partitions occupy it12:44
Dr_WillisTime to go read about wubi. and virtualbox.  I would try virtualbox first.12:44
mkacXhristian, it will be a working ubuntu but it will have some  "minor" issues12:44
cXhristianbut i want it to be working12:44
dAlfa89_I don't mind Wubi  ):12:44
cXhristiani dont want viruses12:44
ajay-techwith virtualbox you can run it inside windows but with wubi you can choose at startup12:44
ActionParsnipChrisTX: no it will use some filespace on the ntfs and use that to install with12:44
mkacXhristian, no viruses12:44
cXhristianbut i dont want viruses12:44
Dr_WilliscXhristian:   so go read up on WUBI and try it out.12:44
ActionParsnipChrisTX: its god awful12:45
ChrisTXwhat is ntfs ?12:45
ChrisTXI thought I was running windows12:45
cXhristianbut what if windows gives my ubuntu viruses? :(12:45
ajay-techit wont12:45
dAlfa89_cXhristian, Windows can't read the Ubuntu disks12:45
ManDayActionParsnip, how can i find out about the fs on each partition?12:45
mkacXhristian, if you need full-blown ubuntu consider buying a CD drive in future12:45
cXhristianwindows is still installed12:45
ActionParsnipChrisTX: ntfs is the windows filesystem12:45
opiusI have some  troubles with the live cd of xubuntu.. Running from usb. The problem is i can't run apt-get, any web browser etc..12:45
ManDayfdisk just states "linux" as fs, ActionJacks_12:45
trisquelbuenos dias12:45
ChrisTXwhat ubuntu runs in my windows' filesystem but windows cannot read it?12:45
ManDaymuchos gracias12:45
usr13cXhristian: Ditch windows and you ditch the virus12:45
ChrisTXsounds like I would loose my data12:45
ActionParsnipManDay: the right hand colomn says12:46
cXhristianyes but i cant install ubunti without windows12:46
Dr_WillisChrisTX:  it boots to linux, windows is just the boot loader to boot the wubi OS.12:46
ManDayActionParsnip, it says "Linux"12:46
ManDaythats not an fs12:46
ManDayan fs would be something like ext2 ext3 reiser etc12:46
ChrisTXwhat do boots have to do with computers now?12:46
ActionParsnipManDay: sudo parted -l    is a little more descriptive12:46
usr13ChrisTX: back up your data12:46
ajay-techopius have u tried reinstalling to the usb?12:46
cXhristianim so confused :(12:46
cXhristiani just want linux12:46
ChrisTXhow am I supposed to backup my data if it destroys my files12:46
opiusajay-tech. I can't at the moment12:46
ChrisTXI dont get it12:46
ManDayno way to get that info from an ordinary system tool? cant believe it! ActionParsnip12:46
evgohi all12:47
dang3rou5how can i reinstall alsa12:47
ActionParsnipManDay: define "ordinary"12:47
ActionParsnipManDay: parted tells you the fs12:47
Samuli^ChrisTX, the windows installation version makes a file on your disk the ubuntu uses as a harddrive.12:47
ManDaysomething that everyone has installed - like, f.e. fdisk12:47
opiusajay-tech. I'm trying to add boot records to my hdd's (dual booting mac os x with ubuntu). Neither of my drives can boot12:47
ManDayi dont have parted12:47
cXhristiani want to install ubuntu alone, but you guys tell me to use windows12:47
ChrisTXnow ubuntu is a file?12:47
ActionParsnipManDay: parted is part of a default install12:47
cXhristian :(12:47
ChrisTXreally what is it now12:47
ActionParsnipcXhristian: then you need a CD12:47
cXhristianbut i dont have any12:47
Dr_WilliscXhristian:  then go get some blank cd's and a drive12:47
ManDayActionParsnip, i got less than the default install12:48
ActionParsnipChrisTX: it CAN be if you use wubi12:48
ManDaybut fdisk is something id consider ordinary12:48
ManDayanyway, nothing but parted?12:48
Dr_WilliscXhristian:   you have been given the options - so decide what you want to do.12:48
FloodBot3l0cu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:48
ChrisTXwow it can run my computer and be a file12:48
FloodBot4l0cu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:48
usr13troll alert12:48
FloodBot2l0cu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:48
ActionParsnipManDay: well you can run: mount    and it will tell the type there too if its mounted12:48
ChrisTXsounds like it is awesome12:48
dAlfa89_wut just happened.12:48
Samuli^ChrisTX, it is awesome :)12:48
ChrisTXIve seen something else cool on youtube12:48
ManDaymount -ls ActionParsnip is fine12:48
ChrisTXsome guys had a 3d cube12:48
opiusWhen i look in parted, both my internal and external drives have boot flag, and efi partitions12:48
ChrisTXwith fishes inside12:48
ChrisTXhow do I get that?12:48
ActionParsnipManDay: if you run: sudo apt-get install parted     you will get the command, its part of a standard ubuntu install12:49
dAlfa89_ChrisTX, it's a Compiz effect12:49
ajay-techwell the cube is easy it is just compiz12:49
opiusIf i only could get firefox running..12:49
ChrisTXwhat's compiz?12:49
ajay-techbut the fishes is a plug in12:49
ManDaythe standard ubuntu is crazy bloated12:49
cXhristiani want that12:49
ajay-techa desktop manager12:49
guntbertkeyboard problem: my layout: generic 105, german no dead keys, after upgrading to karmic I lost all symbols which need altGr (euro, pipe, at,...)  in GUI apps - in terminal everything is fine12:49
SkippythekangooHi everybody12:49
usr13opius: What is wrong with firefox?12:49
ManDayif i new how to make another distro like puppy or gentoo work with the ubuntu repos id go there12:49
ActionParsnipChrisTX: install video drivers so you have 3D accelleration, you can then run: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager12:49
ManDaysadly i dnt12:49
=== dang3rou5 is now known as noren
ajay-techhi skippy12:50
ActionParsnipusr13: poor ram use for one12:50
ActionParsnipusr13: slow rendering compared to webkit based browsers12:50
SkippythekangooI have a eeepc with the ubuntu and a ugly desktop...12:50
mkaManDay: you can use "sudo blkid" to check filesystem types12:50
ChrisTXnow firefox is bad, too?12:50
cXhristiani have a question12:50
usr13ActionParsnip: O12:50
ajay-techugly as in how?12:50
ChrisTXI was going to use it on ubuntu12:50
cXhristiancan i run internet on unbuntu?12:50
SkippythekangooI need a "normal" ubuntu desktop12:50
mkacXhristian, yes12:50
Dr_WillisManDay:  the next generation of puppy is supposed to somehow use the ubuntu repos.. but i gave up on puppy12:50
cXhristiani can?12:50
ActionParsnipChrisTX: you can, there are many many browseers available for linux12:50
mkahi, donita12:51
ajay-techso you have the netbook version12:51
ManDayDr_Willis, yes im too fine with an ubuntu minmal install12:51
norenActionParsnip, can u help me out with sound trouble...... my aplay -l say sound card not found12:51
donitaHi mka and all12:51
ChrisTXyeah I know that from windows12:51
cXhristianah im so confused :((((12:51
oCean_i say we have ourselves trolls visiting12:51
ChrisTXit already confused me there12:51
Skippythekangooajay-tech: yes12:51
ChrisTXbut now Im even more confused12:51
ActionParsnipnoren: i suck at sound issues dude, never had a single sound issue12:51
Halitechnoren, what kind of soundcard do you have?12:52
cXhristianso you are sure that if i install ubuntu as a program on windows it wont get infected?12:52
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP312:52
Skippythekangoohow can I change this interface without reinstall12:52
mkaChrisTX, what confuses you?12:52
usr13cXhristian: no12:52
ChrisTXkind of everything12:52
Samuli^ChrisTX, firefox isn't "bad" and it's included in ubuntu12:52
norenActionParsnip, how can i reinstall alsa and configure my system to use it12:52
ActionParsnipChrisTX: you have choice in linux, you dont have to use the default apps12:52
usr13cXhristian: use vbox to install windows in Ubuntu12:52
Dr_WillisSkippythekangoo:  install the ubuntu-desktop package and  check the netbook forums - they tell how to get a normal desktop going12:52
cXhristianbut i thought windows was infected12:52
mkacXhristian, it wont as long as you dont try to infect it yourself12:52
ActionParsnipnoren: use what?12:52
cXhristianbut what if windows infect vbox?12:52
ChrisTXone says it isnt bad and other one says it is12:52
Samuli^usr13, no.. use the wubi12:52
ChrisTXhow could that not confuse me12:53
SkippythekangooDr_Willis: all right, I try this12:53
mkacXhristian, who said windows was infected?12:53
ActionParsnipChrisTX: you will get that with every single software available12:53
usr13cXhristian: It won't12:53
cXhristiani read it on some webpage12:53
norenActionParsnip, i meant use in the system12:53
cXhristianit was there i heard about ubuntu12:53
ChrisTXso how do I know which one is good then, like on windows?12:53
ActionParsnipnoren: use what in the system?12:53
cXhristianso i want to have ubuntu12:53
usr13cXhristian: Download the ISO12:53
RobotFreakHello all, I have got a problem, I wanted to read a forum, but suddenly I am banned from the ubuntu forums but I didn't do anything there the last months! Most of the times I visit the Dutch forum, and I can visit that normally.12:53
RobotFreakI even don't know if I've got an international account! Does anybody know how to solve this misunderstanding?12:53
mkacXhristian, it's not infected but more vulnerable to viruses than Linux and MAC OS12:54
Samuli^ChrisTX, just use what ever browser you want. firefox is the default in ubuntu and it works like a charm for most all people12:54
ActionParsnipcXhristian: go download wubi and use that to install it12:54
ajay-techalmost 12 am in australia12:54
cXhristianwhat is mac os?12:54
ajay-techon apple computer12:54
ActionParsnipChrisTX: you try them and judge for yourself12:54
ChrisTXbut isnt that a lot of work?12:54
oCean_guys, stop feeding the trolls12:54
opiusmacintosh os12:54
Halitechnoren, what sound card do you have and what kind of computer?12:54
norenActionParsnip, right now i dont have sound in my system i thought reinstalling alsa might help so i wanted to know how can i complety remove and then reinstall alsa12:54
cXhristianSo i need a apple computer to install mac on linux?12:54
cXhristiani mean mac on windows12:55
cXhristiansorry :(12:55
norenHalitech, i am using Acer laptop inbuit soundcound12:55
opiususr13 , nm i got firefox up and running..12:55
ActionParsnipcXhristian: no you can install on ibm compatible systems too (what people call "a PC")12:55
FlannelcXhristian: This topic is offtopic for this channel, please find a more appropriate venue to continue.  Thanks.12:55
Samuli^oCean_, I kind of got the same impression.12:55
usr13opius: very good12:55
ActionParsnipnoren: i told you, i dont know how to fix sound issues12:55
Halitechnoren, open a terminal and run lspci and use pastebin to give us the output12:55
cXhristianok, but then i dont want a mac12:55
cXhristiani want linux12:55
dAlfa89_oCean_, I don't think it's a question of trolls, just stupidity12:55
mkacXhristian, first thing first, Wubi12:55
cXhristianbut i cant find download link12:56
ActionParsnipcXhristian: go use wubi, you wuill get ubuntu without need for any extra disks12:56
Halitech!pastebin | noren12:56
ubottunoren: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic12:56
ActionParsnipcXhristian: http://wubi-installer.org/ download and run that12:56
norenHalitech, i know abt pastebin here goes http://pastebin.com/f35bb86da12:56
Dr_WillisFirst hit on google for 'wubi' also. Wow. :)12:56
ChrisTXwow I just downloaded that wubi12:57
RobotFreakHello all, I have got a problem, I wanted to read a forum, but suddenly I am banned from the ubuntu forums but I didn't do anything there the last months! Most of the times I visit the Dutch forum, and I can visit that normally. I even don't know if I've got an international account! Does anybody know how to solve this misunderstanding?12:57
ChrisTXand antivir says it's a virus12:57
=== xcombelle_ is now known as xcombelle
ChrisTXhelp me I downloaded a virus12:57
ActionParsnipcXhristian: its the big link in the middle of the screen12:57
opiususr13, Do you know a possible fix for running apt-get on live_usb , if i get an error stating Type "root:x:0:" is12:57
Dr_WillisChrisTX:   or your av program is wrong.12:57
cXhristiani downloaded it12:57
cXhristianbut its asking for the iso12:57
=== timber_ is now known as timber
cXhristianbut i already put the iso on the floppy12:57
grawityRobotFreak: Maybe #ubuntu-ops can help with that? I don't know if they deal with the forum though.12:57
opiususr13, not know in /etc/apt/sources.list12:57
ActionParsnipcXhristian: you can tell it to download the iso for you12:58
ChrisTXDr_Willis how can you tell?12:58
cXhristianbut i dont want to redownload :(12:58
ChrisTXit wont let me install ubuntu12:58
RobotFreakThanks grawity, I'll try that!12:58
Halitechnoren, it looks like its seeing the sound card but its got 10 modules loaded for it, you need to unload the ones you don't need12:58
ChrisTXwhat can I do?12:58
Dr_WillisChrisTX:   disable your av software12:58
ActionParsnipcXhristian: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download12:58
ChrisTXhow do I do that?12:58
Samuli^cXhristian, put the iso image to the folder you run wubi from12:58
grawityRobotFreak: If not - there still should be a "Contact" link in the forum somewhere.12:58
Dr_WillisChrisTX:  no idea. its your software.12:58
norenalsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory..12:58
cXhristianbut the iso is one the floppy12:58
RobotFreakGrawity, yes there is a link, but it asks me to log in :P12:59
Samuli^cXhristian then make an image out of it12:59
norenHalitech, how to figure that out12:59
Dr_WilliscXhristian:  you did NOT put a 600+MB iso file on a floppy disk.12:59
mkacXhristian, the ISO on your floppy is INCOMPLETE12:59
ActionParsnipcXhristian: no its not. its a 700Mb ISO file12:59
ChrisTXit says clamwin when I click it12:59
ChrisTXyou know how to disable it?12:59
Dr_WillisChrisTX:  time to read the docs for that software then.12:59
Halitechnoren, I would guess probably the snd-hda-intel is the one you want12:59
cXhristianbut where is my iso then12:59
donitaHi Dr_Willis12:59
cXhristianif its not on my floppy12:59
donitaHi Dr_Willis, it's me13:00
mkacXhristian, ISO size, as you have been told already, is 700MB and the floppy size is 1.44MB13:00
oCean_ActionParsnip: it's pure trolling behaviour, bud13:00
Dr_Willisdonita:  wow! :) it is?13:00
norenHalitech, yes it is13:00
ChrisTXhttp://www.clamwin.com/content/view/18/46/ <- that's it13:00
Samuli^guys... stop wasting your time with cXhristian13:00
cXhristianbut where is my iso then!?13:00
ChrisTXhow do I disable that13:00
Samuli^troll is a troll13:00
Dr_WillisChrisTX:  time to read the docs for that software then.13:00
Halitechnoren, ok, then I think its sudo rmmod and the name of the ones you want to remove13:00
NditionUbuntu netbook remix is awesome13:00
donitaYou were trying to help me13:00
cXhristianwhat is a troll?13:00
ActionParsnipoCean_: thng is i'm not going any where today and have nothing better today, if I feed it enough it will burst13:00
mkacXhristian, I thought you have the ISO in your hard drive13:00
donitanow I am all right13:00
ChrisTXwhere do I find them?13:00
cXhristianyes but then i put it on the floppy13:00
ChrisTXIm really confused13:00
Dr_Willis ChrisTX | http://www.clamwin.com/content/view/18/46/ <- that's it13:01
cXhristianbut you guys said i couldnt do that13:01
mgv2where does evolution contacts are saved on ubuntu one?13:01
oCean_ActionParsnip: ok, we'll see13:01
ChrisTXah I found it13:01
mkacXhristian, go to http://ubuntu.com and download a new ISO if you no longer have one13:01
Nditionbtw if I would like to have a remote access to my server, should I go with an openssh server software?13:01
ChrisTXlet me start wubi again13:01
cXhristianbut it took my 2 days to download :(13:01
mgv2when the torrents work the internet gets stuck - there is anything to do???13:01
Dr_WillisNdition:  if you want ssh access.. yes.13:01
Samuli^tough luck cXhristian13:01
ActionParsnipcXhristian: download the iso and wubi using the links I gave you can then install ubuntu as an app in windows. there is no need for any floppies13:01
ActionParsnipoCean_: i'd give it 2 hours13:01
lstarnesmgv2: you could try limiting the bandwidth of the torrents in your torrent client13:01
cXhristianbut its taking so long13:01
mkacXhristian, of course it is  a big file to download every now and then13:01
ChrisTXit gives me an error message now13:01
Skippythekangoothx for all13:01
ChrisTXWubi has stopped working...13:02
NditionDr_Willis What else can I use then to remotely access the server?13:02
ChrisTXPlease wait while Windows investigates the problem13:02
ChrisTXwhat shall I do now?13:02
cXhristianim starting to think that this ubuntu isnt so good13:02
ActionParsnipcXhristian: it will depending on connection speed, its a large piece of data. Its an entire operating system13:02
Dr_WillisNdition:  ssh will proberly handle all you really need to do. and it is WORTHWHILE to learn ssh very very well13:02
ActionParsnipChrisTX: windows isnt supported here13:02
NditionDr_Willis okay, thanks!13:02
Dr_WillisNdition:  depends also on what sort of stuff you want to do to the server13:02
mkacXhristian, search for it in your machine, I believe it is still there13:03
ChrisTXI want to install ubuntu and you say windows is not supported13:03
ChrisTXnow really13:03
cXhristianwhen i got my computer it was easy to install windows, but i cant install ubuntu :(13:03
NditionDr_Willis it will mainly be a ftp!13:03
ChrisTXyou just tell me it's not supported13:03
* l0ckd0wn is away (I'll reach in and take a bite out of that shit you call a heart)13:03
ChrisTXI think that's not fair13:03
ActionParsnipChrisTX: yes, if you have a windows virus in windows you should join ##windows13:03
Dr_WillisNdition:  ssh can  replace ftp in many (if not most) cases13:03
* bleah say hello13:03
ChrisTXno it crashes now13:03
ChrisTXI just want to install ubuntu13:03
mkacXhristian, how did you install windows? you dont have a CD drive13:03
gioQualcuno sa aiutarmi per questi inconvenienti? Da poco tempo su consiglio di qualche amico sto ho provato13:03
gioad installare i vostri sistemi operativi. Ora sto utilizzando ubuntu KK13:03
gio9.10 su un notebook sony PCG-FR215S PENTIUM 4 2,66 GHz 1G RAM.13:03
FloodBot2gio: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:03
LjL!it | gio13:03
ubottugio: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)13:03
cXhristiani just started my computer13:04
cXhristianand then it installed windows13:04
mkaI give up13:04
jugglehi guys..is it possible to make Vista cds from a Vista Dvd?13:04
ActionParsnipChrisTX: make sure you md5 test the wubi.exe you downloaded13:04
duffydacksounds like a shrinkwrap install.. thtats not really an install..13:04
Flanneljuggle: Try ##windows13:04
HalitechcXhristian, it "installed" windows or it did the initial setup after buying a store bought computer?13:04
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ChrisTXwhat is md5 ?13:04
ActionParsnip!windows | juggle13:04
ubottujuggle: For discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents13:04
ActionParsnip!md5 | ChrisTX13:05
ubottuChrisTX: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows13:05
cXhristianit installed windows13:05
juggleFlannel:,Ok thx13:05
cXhristiani made a user account13:05
ChrisTXok let me try13:05
ChrisTXthank ubottu13:05
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP313:05
ActionParsnipoCean_: plus flannel is here so can take appropriate action if its deemed so13:05
ChrisTX266367C6636110753E232D4C28CBF235 it gives me that number13:05
NditionDr_Willis is there anything particular I should be aware of when I install and configure the ssh server that's not covered in any guide?13:05
ChrisTXis my file ok now?13:05
cXhristianit seems i cant install ubuntu13:06
LjLChrisTX: why do you troll so?13:06
ChrisTXwhat do I do13:06
ChrisTXI mean what does this number tell me?13:06
LjLChrisTX: posted a made-up md513:06
ChrisTXplz help me installing ubuntu13:06
ReggyLovewhen extracting fines from passworded rar files the content is viewable while extracting, but when the password prompt cones on screen the files are gone. is there a way to bypass the password ? (Copying the folder while extracting works, but only for part of the file/files)13:07
ActionParsnipChrisTX: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes have the correct hashes, if they don't match those then the file is corrupted13:07
ChrisTXwhat made-up md5 ?13:07
LjLChrisTX: 266367C6636110753E232D4C28CBF235 <- this made-up md513:07
ChrisTXno, it gave me that13:07
LjLno, it didn't13:07
ActionParsnipLjL: may just bew the MD5 of a corrupted file ;)13:07
ChrisTXbut it did13:07
ChrisTXyou're doubting now what my computer tells me13:07
LjLActionParsnip: an md5 or 33 characters?13:07
xeeHi, I'd like to create a deb of a newer version of a package, is there some guide that I can follow?13:07
ActionParsnipLjL: err, maybe not eh :(13:07
oCean_LjL: I say we got trolls visiting13:07
LjLoCean_: definitely13:08
ChrisTXdude learn 2 count13:08
cXhristiancould someone explain to me what a troll is13:08
ChrisTXit is an MD513:08
LjLChrisTX: i don't need to count, i have wc -c.13:08
ChrisTXthen fix your wc13:08
ChrisTXit is an md513:08
grawityLjL: And I have Python, which says it's 32 characters.13:08
grawityLjL: wc -c counts the newline t oo.13:08
ChrisTXand 0x0D13:08
ChrisTXmakes 1 byte13:08
ChrisTXso plz13:08
FloodBot4ChrisTX: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:08
grawityChrisTX: So plz learn to use punctuation.13:09
ChrisTXit took you now 40 minutes to find out13:09
ChrisTXthat u got trolled13:09
elkyno, we knew long ago.13:09
elkyChrisTX, going to behave?13:10
ChrisTXdunno @ that wc -c guy13:10
ChrisTXlearn how 2 use linux13:10
stephanwie bekomme ich nen festen eintrag in die resolv.conf?13:10
LjLstephan: #ubuntu-de13:10
elkystephan, english please :)13:10
LjLhe's right though :( i'm an idiot13:10
cXhristianwhy was i kicked?13:10
elkycXhristian, because you were misbehaving. are you going to behave now?13:11
mgv2where does evolution contacts are saved on ubuntu one?13:11
stephanhow can i add a static nameserver into resolv.conf?13:11
cXhristiani thought i behaved good13:11
stephanwas that english enough?13:11
elkyLjL, not idiot, just desperate to bring down capone.13:12
mkaChristTX: please show some respect towards others. We are all learning and helping one another here. no one is better and no one should be laughed at.13:12
grawitymka: ChristTX is not here.13:12
mkagrawity: ok thanks for point out13:13
bleahhi guys13:13
bleahi have a problem13:13
bleahon may laptop13:13
bleahmy proc frequency is 1 ghz13:14
bleahits a t3400 mode on 2.1613:14
mkacXhristian, did you solve  your problem?13:14
LjL!enter | bleah13:14
cXhristianno :(13:14
ubottubleah: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!13:14
bleahhow can i make to work on this frequency13:14
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gionon riesco  ad andare su un canale italiano qualcuno mi sa dire come fare?13:15
mkableah, using ubuntu?13:15
oCean_!it | giuppy13:15
ubottugiuppy: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)13:15
bleahyes , 9.1013:15
LjLgio: /join #ubuntu-it13:15
ubottugio: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat13:15
LjLmka: he's asking how to join the italian channel.13:16
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mkaLjL: ok13:16
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mkableah: you say your laptop is CPU is 2.16GHz but it operates at 1GHz?13:17
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bleahyes , http://paste.ubuntu.com/331050/ please see there13:17
cXhristianI think Im going to buy a mac. Maybe it will work better than ubuntu13:18
dAlfa89_That man disgusts me.13:18
Dr_Williscant afford a cd...  :) but going to buy a mac.. :P13:19
ActionParsnipoCean_: victory is mine :D13:19
LiCeThi all13:19
AdamI don't want my mounted external hdd to end up on my desktop, how do i make it now appear there?13:19
mkableah: you need to disable frequency scaling13:20
Dr_WillisAdam:  clarify that a bit..    You seem to be asking for 2 differnt opposite things.13:20
erUSULAdam: in gconf-editor in the app>nautilus> you can toggle the show volumes in desktop13:20
trayzzAdam Ubuntu Tweak has a lot of options for those stuff, you might wanna give it a shot13:20
mkableah: but that has a negative impact in your battery13:20
Dr_WillisUbuntu Tweak - is worth grabbing :)13:20
AdamerUSUL; and trayzz thanks alot :-)13:20
ActionParsnipAdam: Alt+F2 and type gconf-editor. Navigate to apps/nautilus/desktop and check the box for 'volumes visible'.13:20
oCean_ActionParsnip: maybe. I'd rather not feed the trolls.. anyway, they're gone now :)13:20
ActionParsnipoCean_: i had all day, its sunday so i have time. if i was busy i'd just ignore them ;)13:21
Dr_WillisoCean_:  im not sure they were smart enought to be trolls.. perhaps   smurfs...13:21
mkaDr_Willis, hahaha, maybe a Mac is cheaper than a CD!!13:21
bleahmka , and how i do that ?13:22
NditionMac is damn overpriced13:22
shengzihi- i want to clone ubuntu/win dualboot to another disc - anyone has any experience with clonezilla?13:22
centerpointhow can i download chat log of this chanel each day??13:23
Dr_Willisshengzi:  i was reading up on 'fsarchiver' tool (not in the repos) the other day. it has some neat features for doing that also13:23
Dr_Willis!log | centerpoint13:23
ubottucenterpoint: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/13:23
shengziDr_Willis, will i be running it from a live cd?13:24
ActionParsnipNdition: lots13:24
gioQualcuno puo' aitarmi ? ho provato13:24
gioad installare i vostri sistemi operativi. Ora sto utilizzando ubuntu KK13:24
gio9.10 su un notebook sony PCG-FR215S PENTIUM 4 2,66 GHz 1G RAM.13:24
FloodBot4gio: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:24
oCean_bleah: the cpu has scaling capabilities. You might want to add "cpu frequency scaling monitor" applet to your panel13:24
Dr_Willisshengzi:  its included on the latest 'system rescue' live cd's -  for arvhiveing a whole system. a live  cd is proberly the best way to do it13:24
Nditionalthough I like iPhone after it's jailbroken :P13:24
norenActionParsnip, Dr_Willis i got my sound card working again :)13:24
duffydackshengzi, I use CZ all the time.. what do you want to know13:24
ActionParsnipnoren: awesome13:25
Dr_Willisnoren:  see.. you dident need our help! :)13:25
oCean_bleah: through that applet you can set your scaling preferences (default "on demand")13:25
LjLgio: 1) non floodare, 2) scrivi /join #ubuntu-it13:25
Halitechnoren, did removing the extra modules fix it?13:25
norenDr_Willis, i went to the alsa channel :)13:25
Dr_Willisnoren:  you are now the channel sound expert.13:25
shengziduffydack, i have a dualboot ubuntu/win7 on an old sic- i bought a new disc and would like to transfer the dual boot to the new disc and get rid of the old ...,is that possible?13:25
norenHalitech, it seems the kernel modules were not loaded so loaded the intel module and it got fixed13:26
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duffydackshengzi, sure.13:26
Dr_Willisshengzi:  you wish to 'clone' the old hard drive (totally) over to the newer hard drive?13:26
Halitechnoren, ok, looked like it was loaded, guess I read the info wrong13:26
Dr_Willisshengzi:  this in a desktop or laptop machine?13:27
shengziDr_Willis, yes13:27
Dr_Willisshengzi:  you could just plug in both hd;s and use them both. :)13:27
giocosa significa floodare??13:27
norenActionParsnip, Dr_Willis : is there a way to get the alternate cd iso in the flashdrive and install frm it normally13:27
mgv2where does evolution contacts are saved on ubuntu one?13:27
mgv2when the torrents work the internet gets stuck - there is anything to do???13:27
shengziDr_Willis, i'm afraid the old disc is dying - i want to use it as storage space only13:27
Dr_Willisnoren:  im not sure that unetbootin works with the alternative cd.13:27
shengziduffydack, when i boot clonezilla do i choose device to device? also will it clone grub as well?13:28
Dr_Willisshengzi:  you could plug in both hd's  boot a  live cd  that has that fsarchiver tool, or other tools... clone #1 to #2. then  make system boot from the new. verify that it works.. then  erase the old.13:28
ActionParsnipnoren: sure if you have a windows system flapping around theres a hndy too for it: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/create-a-ubuntu-9-10-live-usb-in-windows/13:28
norenI got it in the pendrive other day with unetbootin but it only helped me boot the laptop i wanted to do a minimal system install but it started netboot from it13:29
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duffydackshengzi, yes..13:29
shengziDr_Willis, fsarchiver has a gui ?13:29
duffydackshengzi, dont forget to change the UUID in fstab tho13:29
Dr_Willisshengzi:  http://www.fsarchiver.org/Main_Page   theres also otehr tools13:29
Dr_Willisshengzi:  it dosent really need one.13:29
darksectornoren: or unetbootin13:29
Dr_Willisshengzi:  you could do it with 'dd' but are the 2 drives identically sized? or different?13:29
norenActionParsnip, no my prob is different i got the system to boot wiith the alternate disjk but cud not install directly to the laptop it started netboo and started downling from the intrnet13:30
Dr_Willisshengzi:  read up on --> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=500621  also13:30
shengziDr_Willis, the new one is larger13:30
Dr_Willisshengzi:  if you use dd. it will not use all of the new disk. you would then have to use gparted Iimagine to resize the existing filesystems to use all the new hd13:32
duffydackshengzi, clonezilla makes it super easy to clone, and adapts to larger drives.13:32
bleahthx for help guys13:32
=== ballzee is now known as Sinister
duffydackshengzi, just my opinion of course.13:32
AdamWhen opening my external HDD in xbmc the client tells me "error 2: share not available". How can I fix so that box doesn't appear? everything is working fine but that box comes along13:32
ActionParsnipAdam: is it mounted?13:33
shengziduffydack, will clonezilla name the partition the same way ubuntu does?13:33
AdamActionParsnip; I can browse the movies, it just comes anyways13:33
Dr_WillisAdam:  be sure the drive is mounted via fstab perhaps - when the system boot, not on first access.. and check the xbmc forums.13:33
AdamDr_Willis; the drive is mounted cuz i can browse thro it and launch files13:34
bradpitt!id | cewe_gokil13:34
ubottucewe_gokil: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia13:34
ActionParsnip!caps | gio13:34
ubottugio: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.13:34
alvernhey all) how can i test that my video drivers work fine?13:35
duffydackshengzi, it clones everythng..13:35
LjLgio, ma la capisci o no che qui si parla inglese, e che per l'italiano devi parlare in #ubuntu-it, e che comunque non c'è bisogno di urlare o spammare?13:35
Dr_WillisAdam:  thers 'mounted beor you even login,' then theres mounting when you first access it..  I always put a proper fstab entry in for my ntfs drives.   What filesystem is  the external HD? it may be some xbmc error/bug thaat we cant really trouble shoot here.13:35
ActionParsnip!it | gio13:35
ubottugio: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)13:35
AdamDr_Willis; I'm guessing it's fat32..13:36
Dr_WillisAdam:  you may want to install/run the 'ntfs-config' tool  that might set some settings right where the error may go away.. but then again.. it might be some odd bug in xbmc13:37
duffydackshengzi, http://www.tuxradar.com/content/how-clone-hard-drives-clonezilla13:37
ActionParsnipDr_Willis: provided the data is readable it should be ok13:37
AdamDr_Willis; Thanks alot for your assistance, I will try that13:37
Dr_Willisive found XBMC to be.. well.. flakey :)13:37
shengziduffydack, thanks13:38
Nditionhm, is webadmin any good?13:40
Halitech!webmin | Ndition,13:40
ubottuNdition,: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.13:40
Nditionoh, I see13:40
AdamDr_Willis; I've ticked the "Activate writingsupport for the external device"13:40
ubottuebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox13:40
Nditionthanks Halitech13:40
LjLgio: scrivi in minuscolo.13:40
HalitechNdition, welcome13:40
Rav-Xj/ ubuntu.pl13:41
AdamDr_Willis; Same error even after adding that thing you reccomended13:41
duffydackshengzi,  if you are using ext4, make sure you get the right clonezilla.  the ubuntu based (experimental) one13:41
Dr_WillisAdam:  time to check the xbmc forums/guides/channels then.13:41
darksectorI have a question regarding, mysql, I am not able to enter mysql gives me error ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'username'@'localhost' (using password: NO)13:44
bleahhow can i make changes in login dates , i mean i want to not ask for password at login13:44
gioplease i have installed ubuntu 9.10 but after stand-by monitor doesen't ani more end i must reset  and olso same application like es. amule shot down without click. i ave notebook pentium 4 1 g ram13:45
Dr_Willisbleah:  you mean you want GDM to auto login to a specific user?13:45
Dr_Willisbleah:  thers a setting in the login manager tool to allow that. check system -> admin13:46
darksectorok got it13:46
kensanataLooking at the CompizConfig Settings Manager: What to do I need to get a Mac OX Exposé effect when hitting f9? The Expo Plugin shows me the workspaces, not the windows.13:49
erUSULkensanata: is the Scale plugin in the windows management section13:49
erUSUL!ccsm | kensanata13:49
ubottukensanata: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz13:49
AdamDr_Willis; I solved it13:50
kensanataerUSUL: Thanks. I'm already looking at CCSM, so the package info is not necessary. :)13:50
aarHi, if I've got files A to Z and I want to delete files B, M and Y, would it be safe to do: "rm B; M; Y" ?13:50
LjLaar: without the ";"13:50
aarLjL, OK thanks13:50
kensanataerUSUL: Cool, works as advertized. :)13:51
erUSULkensanata: ;P13:52
Dr_Williswhaat weird filenames....13:52
Dr_Willissounds like a homework problem to me. :)13:53
Julia_how can I remove ip address using ifconfig?13:54
stanleyhello guys ... i am using 9.1 with gnome , Where can i configure, that it shows me the "print successfull" popup ?13:54
HalitechJulia_, sudo ifdown eth013:54
stanleyJulia_: try sudo ifconfig del eth0
=== emma_ is now known as emma
stanleyahm sudo ifcnfig eth0 del 172....13:55
zeeblehi. on ubuntu 9.10, how do i install thunderbird 3.x betas?13:56
dAlfa89_How can I get the BSSID of a wireless router?13:56
stanleydAlfa89_: using the admininterface of your router, router=ubuntu ?13:57
whileimhereHi. I was wondering if anyone had a suggestion for a free wiki host? I want to start a wiki for advmame.13:57
stanleywho knows how to config the printer-status-popups ?13:58
Cork[home]how do i prevent ubuntu 9.10 from loading xwin on boot? (preferably without uninstall gnome desktop)13:58
unop_whileimhere, http://wikidot.com13:59
zeebleCork[home]: try update-rd.d -f gdm remove14:00
Julia_stanley, Halitech no, it won't work. ifconfig del is not working and ifconfig eth1 down disables it14:00
Julia_I need to remove IP address14:00
stanleyJulia_: ifconfig eth0 del ... tried ?14:00
Julia_kind of didn't work14:01
HalitechJulia_, disabling it will remove the IP address :)  what exactly are you trying to do?14:01
stanleywhich interface is your ipadresse ?14:02
stanleyeth0:0 eth0:1 etc ?14:02
Cork[home]zeeble: done, doesn't change anything14:02
stanleymaybe you gotto enter ifconfig eth0:1 del14:02
stanleysudo ifconfig of cause14:02
zeebleCork[home]: well, next time you boot, gdm/x.org wont start14:02
zeebleCork[home]: did you try restarting already?14:02
ManDayWhat's the difference between the GENERIC and the IMAGE-GENERIC and the VIRTUAL and the 386 KERNEL? Which one do I need?14:03
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=== hashdfeydents is now known as issyl0
pendlarenizzi: Thanks for your help, at least I've managed to start X now :) Seems to be an issue with compiz, but that is less critical :)14:05
zeebleany tips on grabbing a thunderbird 3.x beta .deb from somewhere for karmic?14:06
izzipendlaren: cewl14:06
AdamHow do I change icon on a specific file in ubuntu?14:09
yasserhello every body14:09
yasserim new in this place14:09
zeebleCork[home]: did X start up all by itself again?14:10
konniI have a problem getting xsane to work... can somebody help me, please? -> http://paste.pocoo.org/show/153634/14:10
Cork[home]zeeble: sorry my client crashed on me14:10
grawityzeeble: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ppa and https://launchpad.net/~fta/+archive/ppa14:10
mkayasser, feel at home14:10
Cork[home]zeeble: yup, i've rebooted after doing that before14:10
zeeblethanks, grawity14:11
zeebleCork[home]: and X started up?14:11
Cork[home]zeeble: update-rc.d -f gdm remove; rcconf removing x11-common; renaming gdm in init.d14:11
Cork[home]nothing works :/14:11
jribAdam: right click -> properties -> click on icon14:12
meho_rHi. Any mods/admins of ubuntuforums.org here by chance? Recently got "Sorry. The administrator has banned your IP address. To contact the administrator click here" message. What to do? I can't login to contact admin :(14:12
kostkonmeho_r, better ask at #ubuntuforums14:13
zeeblehm. the only thing in /etc/init.d/ that i can see is gdm. and dunno why removing it doesnt stop your X14:13
Adamjrib; I right click the icod anythign about n.. it's spotify.exe .. no such option given. Only properties.. and on there I can't fin14:13
konniI have a problem getting xsane to work... can somebody help me, please? -> http://paste.pocoo.org/show/153634/14:13
Adamjrib; no such option given when in properties after right clicking spotify.exe14:13
jribAdam: left click on the icon14:13
Adamjrib; oh, yes i'm so stupid14:14
Cork[home]zeeble: same here, thats why i'm complexed :)14:14
meho_rkostkon: Yeah, I'm trying ATM, seems pretty inactive though :/14:14
ManDayFirefox or Firefox 3.5 - that is the question. anyone got the answer?14:14
kostkonmeho_r, ok14:14
Adamjrib; but the icon doesn't follow the icon into my Docky bar - why?14:14
ihcushey guys! how do i remove the password for network manager ...i mean ..i enter a password to connect to the network everytime i log in ...14:14
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jribAdam: I don't know about docky14:15
Guest39115guys. Now I  start with Live CD Ubuntu 9.04, how I can start in Graphic mode?14:16
Adamjrib; It doesn't follow anywhere.14:16
Adamjrib; I add it to panel and boom the icon is gone there14:16
shyam_kthere is no dict-freedict-eng-eng package?14:16
Guest39115how to start Graphic mode in CLI?14:17
Cork[home]zeeble: any more ideas?14:17
HalitechGuest39115, startx?14:17
ihcushey can you please help me ..14:17
shyam_kGuest39115: i guess you are at one of the ttys then try startx14:17
Guest39115i try it14:17
ManDayCan I install ubuntu-standard withtout installing, lets say, popularitycontest?14:17
zeebleno idea, Cork[home] .. what i told you is the way i would get it to work. but obviously it doesnt work14:18
Ducuchuhola! hablan español?14:19
Ducuchues q tengo un problema..14:19
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.14:19
Ducuchuthx!!! :)14:19
shyam_kdict.org is giving english-to-english explanation on words.. i wanted the same thing offline but surprisingly its not seen available on the repo!14:20
giuseppe_76ciao a tutti14:20
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)14:20
ManDayCan I install ubuntu-standard withtout installing, lets say, popularitycontest?14:20
HalitechManDay, I think you would have to do a custom install but you should be able to select what you want and don't want that way14:21
ihcushey how do i remove the login password for a network applet.... please14:21
AdamI'm in /usr/share/applications and I want to edit files, but path is owned by root. How do I edit this file ?14:21
ManDayHalitech, what I was hoping for in aptitutde is selecting a meta pack such as ubuntu-standard but exclude certain parts14:22
shyam_kis there any other channel for dictd?14:22
jribAdam: the icon only gets changed in nautils then I suppose.  If you right click on the panel icon (launcher) you can edit that as well.  Why do you want to edit files in /usr/share/applications/ ?14:22
ManDay(enforfing deps)14:22
HalitechAdam, gksudo gedit <path/to/file> or in a terminal sudo nano <path/to/file>14:22
Adamjrib; thats the only way it changes on all places (from what i've read)14:22
Pirate_Hunterhow do I exit rdesktop without killing the client as well, ive tried ctrl+c but that will also kill the client running which is annoying?14:22
HalitechManDay, don't think it will work that way14:22
jribManDay: you can use equivs or edit the source package for ubuntu-standard and remove the dependency yourself.  Note that when popularitycontest is installed you are asked whether you want it enabled or not14:23
ManDayjrib, right, editing the source is always a last resort14:23
jribAdam: then the apps are broken.  It shouldn't matter since when your changes get added to ~/.local/share/applications/14:23
ManDayi was just hoping for something more included in apttitutde14:23
icewatermanhi, nautilus is supposed to support obex:// links but unfortunately it does not anymore in karmic. is there any fix for this?14:24
jribAdam: you can use sudo to edit if you want but make a backup14:24
rrobertoe ae14:24
ulathHi, does anybody knows wich package i need, that i can develop kde4 apps in kdevelop 3.5? when i open the "new project" wizard, i only have an empty category kde414:25
zeebleto install adobe air apps, do i have to run the adobe air environment as root or as normal user?14:25
GlowballAfter reinstalling, I can just copy-paste my present home directory and remain all settings, right?14:25
jribGlowball: and make sure permissions are okay14:25
ihcushello can any one help me please...14:25
Glowballjrib: Basic permissions aren't?14:25
jribGlowball: your current user may have uid X but your new user in the new install may have uid Y not necessarily equal to X14:26
Adamjrib; Okay.. then probarly wont do it.. It's a file launched by Wine.. when it comes in the docky the docky uses the standard icon. And that icon is so ugly.14:26
ManDayWhat was that other thing besides WPA supplicant that I 'd need for a working WPA2 connection?14:26
Glowballjrib: Ehm, that wouldn't be a problem in a 1 user system, right?14:26
jribAdam: no harm in trying, those .desktop files are just text files, but the .desktop files in ~/.local/share/applications/ should take precedence if you are running docky as your user14:27
konniI have a problem getting xsane to work... can somebody help me, please? -> http://paste.pocoo.org/show/153634/14:27
jribGlowball: if they are both the first user you created, sure14:27
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Glowballjrib: Ok, ty :)14:27
GlowballKarmic/ext4, here I come :)14:27
GlowballOh, and not to forget GRUB 214:27
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GlowballI'll probably be back in an hour with a bunch of problems ;P14:28
zeebleyeah, that's a complete #$#$14:28
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zeeblegrub2 i mean14:28
zeeblegood luck14:28
=== tdawgedogg is now known as josty
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ulathdoes anybody knows wich package i need, that i can develop kde4 apps in kdevelop 3.5? when i open the "new project" wizard, i only have an empty category kde414:30
=== honesthacker_ is now known as honesthacker
jostycan somebody help me with this samba share issue...all my other drives share fine via samba but i have a external usb that plugs in and it shows it for samba share but gives me an error when i try to acces it14:30
Adamjrib; I'm using gksudo gedit /usr/share/applications/"Wine Windows Programstartare"14:30
Adamjrib; I see no information when in the gedit14:31
jostyerror code 0x8007004314:31
jribAdam: the file usually ends in .desktop.  Just let the shell tab complete the name14:31
ActionParsnipjosty: does it show in : sudo smbtree ?14:31
jostyactionparsnip: yes14:32
jostyand i can see it when i look for shared files on network in windows 714:32
ActionParsnipAdam: use: gksudo gedit /usr/share/applications/Wine\ Windows\ Programstartare    to handle the spaces14:32
jostybut it just says i cant access it after i click it14:32
ActionParsnipjosty: is it suitably mounte?14:32
jostydont know what that means14:33
AdamActionParsnip; I'm in the file now, I see nowhere to edit the icon once again14:33
Adamjrib; I'm in the file now.. can't see anywhere to edit it14:34
ActionParsnipAdam: i'd use tab completion to finish the file name14:34
jribAdam: read your ~/.local/share/applications/"SAME FILE NAME"  as a reference14:34
Adamjrib; options given: type, name, exec, mimetype,nodisplay, startup notify14:34
Adamjrib; I'm in the file already14:34
jribAdam: read your ~/.local/share/applications/"SAME FILE NAME"  as a reference14:34
ActionParsnipjosty: well do you have read access to the data, the partition is mounted but does it give appropriate access14:34
jribAdam: ~ means /home/YOUR_USERNAME14:35
BluesKajhey folks14:35
ActionParsnipjosty: you can check by running: munt14:35
Adamjrib; I know.. nvm just wanted to know how to change the icon once in the wine.desktop14:35
jostyum...i dont have the drive in fstab...its external so i just plug it in and it automounts in /media14:35
z0manifestsorry to bump in quickly, "How do I change init modes when in Xorg using the terminal?" :)14:35
z0manifestmuch appreciated14:35
ActionParsnipjosty: check the mount options are good14:35
ActionParsnipjosty: have you websearched the error code?14:36
Dr_Willisz0manifest:  what are youy trying to acomplizh? ubuntu dosent use runlevels/init modes like many otehr disrtos do14:36
erUSUL!runlevels | z0manifest14:36
ubottuz0manifest: In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.14:36
jostyna i think it has to do with permissions though14:36
jribAdam: you need to add some Icon= line but since you already changed the icon as your user in the local version, you can just read the corresponding file in ~/.local/share/applications/ and copy it to the /usr/share/applications/ one14:36
ActionParsnipjosty: the codes are telling you whats wrong, you should have websearched that before asking in here14:37
jostysorry...asking google now14:37
Dr_Willisz0manifest:  and one of the first things  changing init levels  would do (in other disrtos) would stop the GDM service - thus shutting down X.14:37
z0manifestWell been wanting to make sure I can get into Text mode so I can use the dpkg-reconfigure xsever-xorg.  Just o make sure that it doesn't interferre during the configuring14:37
jostyactionparsnip: /dev/sdk1 on /media/My Book type fuseblk (rw,nosuid,nodev,allow_other,default_permissions,blksize=4096)14:37
Dr_Willisz0manifest:  go to the console, use 'sudo service gdm stop'14:37
erUSULz0manifest: in karmic « sudo stop gdm »14:38
z0manifestThanks Dr_Willis, I feel sheepish hehe14:38
Dr_Willisz0manifest:  of course xorg.conf gets read only when X starts up14:38
z0manifestah yes14:38
z0manifestwhich is why I wanted to make sure i was in text mode any :)14:38
z0manifestgoing to try that now ^^14:38
Dr_WillisIm not sure that dpkg-reconfigure  xserver-xorg even works  the same as it used to14:38
ActionParsnipjosty: looks fine to me, try the error code14:39
erUSULDr_Willis: not much it writtes out a very barebones xorg.conf14:39
Il__Matteohi everybody! i'm on Ubuntu KK and i've installed thunderbird + webmail and hotmail plugins in order to access my hotmail account. Inbound messages are ok, but i cannot write from that Thunderbird account. Error says (translation from italian): "Message delivery failure. Message could not be delivered due to a failure in connection to SMTP localhost. Server could not be available or may refuse smtp connections." What should I14:39
ManDay_What'S the name of the package which provides the graphical login screen?14:39
Il__Matteodo? thanks!14:39
teigneuxhi all14:39
erUSULDr_Willis: Xserver -configure works better nowadays14:39
shyam_ki found dict-gcide an english-english dictionary;-)14:40
z0manifestI have friend who has been having trouble with a SiS graphics chip in a laptop.14:40
erUSULDr_Willis: Xorg -configure14:40
z0manifestBelieve that there is abug in the hardware14:40
ActionParsnipAdam: if its your wine menu you are wanting to play with look in ~/.config/menus14:40
z0manifestThanks for that erUSUL :)14:40
shyam_kalso interestingly i couldn't find a plain way to make gnome-dictionary display the results from all available dictionaries or a set of dictionaries.. but emacs' dictionary mode does it by default!14:40
z0manifestI'm off to expriment and probably blog this later :)14:41
Dr_Willisevery time  i ever hear 'SiS' mentioned.. its always alongside the words 'problem, troble, or dont work' :)14:41
wakeupok hi14:42
konniI have a problem getting xsane to work... can somebody help me, please? -> http://paste.pocoo.org/show/153634/14:42
mazda01sorry to ask here but has anyone messed with dual booting win 7 and xp and ubuntu?14:42
Adamjrib; I've added the icon line but it didnt work gah14:42
ActionParsnipmazda01: lots, your next question will yield more useful info to you14:42
wakeupI installed 9.10 a while ago, and it installed some really ugly GRUB 1.97beto somewhere without asking. HOW DO I GET RID OF THIS THING?14:43
mazda01i think i may have screwed up, i need to know how to manually change the win 7 boot manager selection screen so i can select to boot win xp instead of 714:43
Beccycan anybody help me? (I'd like to have icq on my knoppix)14:43
Dr_Williswakeup:  clarify what you mean. 9.10 defaults to useing grub2 and it has a simple text menu. You can set a background image/tweak it if you wanted to14:43
Dr_Willis!grub2 | wakeup14:44
ubottuwakeup: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub214:44
ActionParsnip!grub2 | mazda0114:44
ubottumazda01: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub214:44
jostyactionparsnip: not finding anything that can help...i want to add it to my fstab...how do i find its uuid?14:44
ActionParsnip!blkid | josty14:44
ubottujosty: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)14:44
mazda01i am booting to live cd right now, and would like to manually change some file so the boot selection screen times out in about 30 secs instead of instantly. i chose a hdd to install 7 on that had tons of other stuff, not thinking it would format the disk i stopped the install right when I realized so now I need to change the boot order so I can get into xp and see if my hdd still has the old stuff onit.14:44
BluesKajIl__Matteo, make sure you have your local host smtp setup to deliver thru your ISP like :" smtp1@yourISP.it "14:45
mazda01ActionParsnip, i am asking about win 7 boot loader if you read my question14:45
wakeupDr_Willis: its not about the looks, its about the fact that I dont want that shitty boot manager, I want my old good grub back14:45
Dr_Williswakeup:  then check the wiki/forums and reinstall the old grub. I will stick with grub2. Good Luck14:45
ActionParsnipmazda01: then you are in the wrong channel14:45
ulathdoes anybody knows wich package i need, that i can develop kde4 apps in kdevelop 3.5? when i open the "new project" wizard, i only have an empty category kde414:46
gutt1sorry but i have a hibernated windows 7 partition14:46
ActionParsnip!windows | mazda0114:46
ubottumazda01: For discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents14:46
gutt1and i need to open that ntfs part in ubunut14:46
ActionParsnipmazda01: if you'd read the channel message you'd see this is ubuntu only support14:47
Dr_Willisgutt1:  if you want to access your ntfs filesyst4ms from linux. its best to NOT hibernate/suspend windows.14:47
Dr_Willisgutt1:  You should boot to windows and shut down normally.14:47
gutt1but i killed the bootloader14:47
Il__MatteoBluesKaj, thanks! :) but where do i set up that?14:47
Dr_Willisgutt1:  you may need to run the ntfs-3g command and manually mount the things  to get full access to them.14:48
mazda01hence why I wrote, " sorry to ask here but has anyone messed with dual booting win 7 and xp and ubuntu"14:48
gutt1the bootloader was on the drive ubuntu is now on14:48
gutt1so i cant boot windows14:48
gutt1i have tried that14:48
ActionParsnipmazda01: its still offtopic14:48
gutt1it says it is not a valid ntfs14:48
Il__MatteoBluesKaj, Webmail (i guess it's "localhost") just has a fixed list of servers14:49
gutt1but i know my stuff is there14:49
Dr_Willisgutt1:   You might of done a typo in the command. Or the drive/fileysstem may be currupted/encrypted or somthing14:49
mazda01ActionParsnip, i understand. I see offtopic questions asked and answered here. i just thought i'd give it a try. thanks anyway14:49
BluesKajIl__Matteo, thunderbird/edit/accountsettings/outgoing server14:49
ActionParsnipmazda01: the win7 bootloader isnt supported here14:49
gutt1if it is corrupted14:49
gutt1how can i fix it in ubuntu14:49
thiebaudemazda01, i use to do a ubuntu winxp dual boot14:50
Dr_Willisgutt1:  best bet would be to use a windows cd to try to fix it.14:50
gutt1i have no cd14:50
Dr_Willisgutt1:  or see what ##windows has to say on the topic14:50
ActionParsnipmazda01: if you install grub to boot all 3 then we can help14:50
gutt1is it on irc.ubuntu14:50
Dr_Willisgutt1:  its a chennal on this server.. yes...14:50
gutt1ok thanks14:51
OSGUIAnonfor dual booting fixing bootloader questions..14:51
OSGUIAnongo to14:51
untitledis there a way I can install xorg 1.7 in ubuntu karmic?14:51
Dr_Willisuntitled:  i think theres some PPA repos of newer xorg versions.  Use with caution14:51
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jostyactionparsnip: i was right i guess...i added the external usb drive to the fstab and now i can access it fine....thanks for your help man14:52
mazda01ActionParsnip, understood but trying to fix a boo-boo before installing grub14:53
jribAdam: yeah, you should just read docky documentation on how it determines the icon14:53
untitledthere is no..14:56
Il__MatteoBluesKaj, do you know thich port Hotmail needs, please? :°14:58
BluesKajIl__Matteo, no srry :(14:58
giuseppe_76Aiuto come si scaricano file da xchat?14:58
Il__Matteogiuseppe_76, vai su #ubuntu-it14:59
BlouBlou!fr | giuseppe_7614:59
ubottugiuseppe_76: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr14:59
Il__Matteo!it | giuseppe_7614:59
ubottugiuseppe_76: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)14:59
semecan anyone give me a hand with kvm/qemu... I've setup a virtual machine but for some reason my user doesn't have permission to setup network devices and I can14:59
semeand I can't figure out what perms to give my user14:59
Davidovhi to all14:59
Il__MatteoBluesKaj, ok, i'll try to google... :°15:00
BluesKajIl__Matteo, I use gmail, you can transfer all your contacts etc to it without having technical issues15:00
rohdefdoes Ubuntu One require Ubuntu for usage, or could I for example use Mac OS and Windows too, so I can create a more complete experience?15:00
Il__MatteoBluesKaj, I use gmail too, but i need an address for seriours stuff, which has always been hotmail.15:00
Davidovsomeone konws how to expand a 8gb rar compressed file ? trying to expand in Ubuntu I obtain a 4gb decompressed file !!15:00
BluesKajhotmail for serios stuff, you must be kidding :)15:01
DavidovIl__Matteo--> gmail is not seriuos ???15:02
BluesKajhotmail is very unreliable here in Canada ..it keeps crashing on our ISP , that's why I still use pop315:03
BluesKajour ISP uses hotmails servers15:04
ActionParsniprohdef: the code for the client is open, so why not15:04
BluesKajpop3 is the old servers that the ISP still is bound by regulations to provide to it's long time customers\15:04
rohdefActionParsnip, but then I need to recode it myself :S well I guess I'll look for another backup method then15:05
ActionParsniprohdef: you could, or websearch for someone whom already has15:05
AdamI'm using Google Earth.. but text is so small so i can't read anything.. how to make it bigger?15:05
rohdefActionParsnip, I'll give it a try, thanks15:06
magmarulesGuys anyone knows of a dock that actualy behaves like the osx one ?15:06
saszaAdam which webbrowser you use?15:06
Adamsasza; not webbrowser.. the google-earth.. i use firefox otherwise15:07
magmarulesI keep seeing docks that have nothing to do with the osx one. They may look like it and have stupid effects that serve no purpose, but i see no dock that actualy groups my windows by apps, shows me the minimized windows and activetes windows when i press and app15:07
oCean_Adam: font size is in Tools > Options menu iirc15:08
JukosHey, what's the best linux game EVER?15:08
saszasorry i thinking about google-maps15:08
magmarulesAnyone knows of such a dock? so far docky from gnome do seems the more sane one =/15:08
frogzooJukos: nethack15:08
grawityJukos: Most will reply "nethack" (or something similar)15:08
AdamoCean_; same for google earth? :o15:08
JukosThanks :)15:08
faintofheartsQuake 3.15:08
oCean_Adam: yeah, tools  > options > 3d view i think15:09
AdamoCean_; problem is i can't see shit when opening google earth15:09
Adamit's extremly small15:09
oCean_!best | Jukos15:09
ubottuJukos: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.15:09
AdamoCean_; Do you have it installed?15:10
oCean_Adam: not currently15:10
ActionParsnipi'd have shot for penumbra15:11
Il__MatteoBluesKaj, thanks anyway.15:11
greg70Dear room:  I have a webdav connection to files at work.  I can transfer most files.  But I cannot transfer OpenOffice files--I get a "not found" error when I try to copy them to my local drive.15:12
dAlfa89_Did I hear me some Penumbra? :D15:12
greg70does anyone know why this would be so?15:12
BluesKajIl__Matteo, did you try to set the smtp up in thunderbird , if you have it setup in windows , just copy the settings15:12
ActionParsnipdAlfa89_: oh yes lots :)15:13
EMKOI cant get irw to show my remote commands mode2 works and i can creat lircd.conf with irrecord but when i try sudo irw /dev/lirc0 i get connection refused15:13
dAlfa89_ActionParsnip, I love Penumbra, apart from the fact it scares me so supremely  ):15:13
greg70Webdav cannot move OpenOffice files in Ubuntu?15:14
fuct_onionMy volume is always 'unmuted' when I resume from sleep or startup, even if it was muted prior to sleep/shutdown.  Using 9.10.  Any ideas?15:14
ActionParsnipdAlfa89_: once you realise you can kill the dogs with the pickaxe quite easily its less scary15:14
dAlfa89_ActionParsnip, you can? I've been throwing rocks at them...15:14
dAlfa89_ActionParsnip, and the Tuurngait in Black Plague?15:15
ActionParsnipdAlfa89_: yeah man, go give em hell, the AI isnt too great so you can woop em15:15
ActionParsnipdAlfa89_: only played the PB demo but bought the first one, kicked ass15:16
dAlfa89_ActionParsnip, I have all 3, but don't bother with the third one  ):15:16
Il__MatteoBluesKaj, i formatted my hdd15:16
ActionParsnipdAlfa89_: gotcha15:16
greg70Excuse me, but does anyone know why webdav would fail with ODT files in particular?15:16
ActionParsnipgreg70: log a bug15:17
BluesKajIl__Matteo, so you dumped windows ?15:17
greg70You believe it is a bug?15:17
sevenseekerin gnome, my top level bar (forgot the name) is gone somehow, how do I get it back?15:17
fab_heys guys15:17
grawitysevenseeker: The top panel? Try this...15:17
ActionParsnipsevenseeker: right click desktop -> add panel15:17
ubottuTo reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »15:17
ManDayhow can i prevent aptitude from automatically selecting "recommended" packages and such? I really want to install only the bare essentials for a certain app!15:17
ActionParsnipsevenseeker: you can add anything you like to it15:18
sevenseekerActionParsnip: I don't see that option15:18
bird_i want to dual boot ubuntu with mac os x but a idont know wherei can get os mac os?15:18
greg70It has worked in the past, I am sure.  Also, I can move PDF files and (gasp) DOC files without problem.15:18
cesar_boHello since I upgrade to karmic, I ear glitches on the sound randomly ... I think is a pulseaudio problem issue, I can't find in google something about this. Anybody has the same issue?15:18
Il__MatteoBluesKaj, dumped? :°°° i guess it means i deleted it. yes. just ubuntu. and the hotmail thing sucked also in windows. :D15:19
ActionParsnipsevenseeker: http://linux.about.com/library/gnome/blgnome4n2d.htm15:19
greg70I have gltches in the opening sound with Karmic on my laptop. I haven't tried Karmic on the desktop yet.15:19
ManDayHow can I prevent aptitude from selecting uneeded packages such as recommended ones for installation??15:20
FloodBot4maester: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:20
semeanyone here familiar with kvm/qemu15:20
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cesar_bogreg70 I have the same issue, I am trying to google the problem but fin nothing15:20
sevenseekerActionParsnip, thank you15:20
BluesKajIl__Matteo, I suggest you go to your ISP webpage and find the tutorial for setting up email programs , I'm sure they have one.15:20
semeIsorry if thats a lame question but I'm trying to find someone to talk about kvm/qemu and I can't find anyone in hte kvm channel15:20
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BluesKajIl__Matteo, if you want to use thunderbird15:21
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greg70cesar_bo: is it the webdav problem you mean?15:21
Il__MatteoBluesKaj, yes, probably i have to use the ISP smtp.15:21
giuseppe_76winrar on ubuntu?15:21
cesar_bogreg70: no, is about the sound glitches15:21
ActionParsnipgiuseppe_76: sudo apt-get install rar unrar15:21
Il__MatteoBluesKaj, it sucked also on evoution email, too :°15:22
ActionParsnipgiuseppe_76: you can then use: rar x file.rxr    or fileroller will also be able handle rar files15:22
greg70Ah.  I think it may be the laptop.15:22
ActionParsnipgiuseppe_76: rar x file.rar   sorry15:22
greg70in my case15:23
GlowballHi again :)15:23
GlowballOn Karmic now ^^15:23
cesar_bogreg70: I has jaunty before and has no glitches, It just apears when I Upgrade, I found a bug in launchpad, you could give it a look https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/47937515:23
NixotI need help regarding my sound15:23
NixotI'm using Hardy, and when I play SDL Fitzquake, the sound is really crackly15:23
GlowballSo I have my list with packages I saved before reinstalling, how can I import it into syntaptic?15:23
Fujoorhey guys, i have a real annoying problem, recently when i installed xubuntu on my netbook, the windows open in the left upper corner, i cant see no window borders15:24
Fujooranybody who knows whats wrong?15:24
ActionParsnip!clone | Glowball15:24
ubottuGlowball: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate15:24
GlowballActionParsnip: Ty :)15:24
Xaevomy ubuntu 9.10 64 bit server fails to boot, what can be wrong?15:25
Xaevoit just hangs15:25
ActionParsnipXaevo: at what point? can you log on?15:25
Xaevono, i can't log in15:25
Xaevoi can login to root via recovery mode15:25
NixotI have a problem regarding sound - I'm using Hardy, and when I play SDL Fitzquake, the sound is really crackly.. what's wrong?15:25
XaevoNixot: sound buffeR?15:25
ActionParsnipXaevo: edit the boot to not show splash, you can then watch the boot instead of the stuipid bootsplash rubbish15:26
NixotPerhaps, Xaevo... how would I go about changing it?15:26
Fujoormy windows keep opening up in the left corner without any border, whats wrong?15:26
XaevoNixot, dun ask me, i'm quite new to linux15:26
NixotEr... ok15:27
ActionParsnipXaevo: press e on the kernel line, change the option so it doesnt say splash or quiet15:27
Xaevoit says both15:27
ActionParsnipXaevo: remove them, you can now watch the boot15:28
ard1anHey im having trouble with my Webcam, when i type lsusb the model is "Microdia PC Camera (SN9C325)"15:29
GlowballActionParsnip: That actually doesn't seem to be working, I get a huge list 'Couldn't find any package whose name or description matched "..."'15:29
XaevoActionParsnip, it doesn't say anything at the point where it hangs15:29
ard1anHow can i get the drivers for Linux ?15:29
ActionParsnipXaevo: well you know where it hangs now15:29
greg70Is there a channel for webdav issues?15:29
GlowballActionParsnip: But at least I have got a list of packages, I can do it manually too, probably I don't even need half of them anymore ;)15:29
ActionParsnipGlowball: thats the way to mirror packages between systems15:29
XaevoActionParsnip, no i don't, it always hangs after starting the services15:30
GlowballAnyway, first two packages that are going down: Wicd and XChat. Brb.15:30
LidbackHello, hope to get some small help here. I have 2 monitors. 1. is the comp-monitor. 2. is the tv-monitor. How do I make a program automaticly start on my tv-monitor? I have tried DISPLAY=:0.1 but no luck :/15:30
kostkonXaevo, put this in your .bashrc:  SDL_AUDIODRIVER=pulse15:32
Xaevokostkon, what does that help me with a server boot issue?15:32
kostkonXaevo, wrong nick sorry15:32
GlowballEhm, at all packages in Ubuntu Software Centre, I get the message "Not available in the current data"15:33
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rethushi there, i have installed xubuntu. so i have made a apt-et -y upgrade... and after this, the machine doesnt start... seems that have to install a new kernel15:34
ard1anHow do i install Microdia PC Camera (SN9C325) ?15:35
Dr_Willis!webcam | ard1an15:35
ubottuard1an: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras15:35
archangelpetrois there a command to find out what's using a certain tool? 'mono' is running, and i'm not sure exactly what's using it15:35
B|astercan you use a usb floppy drive when installing ubuntu?15:35
Dr_WillisB|aster:  You might be able to boot from the floppy.. but im not sure what you would do with it to actually start/do the installing15:36
ironfroggy_i just upgraded to 9.10, and I suddenly find firefox missing my profiles. all dozen or so of them. is there any known way to restore this?15:36
grawityarchangelpetro: pgrep -lf mono -- should show the entire command line.15:36
Dr_Willis!install > B|aster15:36
ubottuB|aster, please see my private message15:36
ironfroggy_i was already running 3.5 exclusively, before the upgrade.15:36
archangelpetrothanks grawity15:37
JohnGhi guys i am trying to compile through TEXMAKER a .tex file and see it in PDF form but it's not working15:37
JohnGi have change xdpf to evince15:37
archangelpetrograwity: haha, irony.. i figured it might be.. it's my iRC client15:37
grawityarchangelpetro: What IRC client is that?15:38
archangelpetroit's a new one, i've not had before15:38
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GlowballAh: I first had to open Synaptic and reload the package list. It might be a good idea to do that automatically from the Software Centre in the next release?15:39
GlowballAnyway, it's working now, so I'll be back in a few minutes :)15:40
archangelpetrograwity: smuxi  is the irc client15:40
rethushi there, i work a long time with linux, but i'm new with ubuntu15:40
rethusquestion: after update i found a new Kernel on grup, but this kernel doesn't start... and i see no errors on screen...15:41
rethushow can i find out whats wrong?15:41
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rethusnew kernel ist on xubuntu 9.1015:41
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rethusnow i have boot with my older one
cbrookinsDoes anyone have experience with mounting smbfs with fstab and smbmount?15:43
rethuson suse i had a error-screen on bootup, or if i press CTRL+F1215:43
Dr_Williscbrookins:  many of us do.. ask a more specific question and see who anwsers15:43
cbrookinsOkay, when I mount using fstab and create folders and files my user and group permissions are not set correctly, when I use smbmount, all permissions are set just fine15:44
cbrookinswhat is the difference?15:44
disappearedngHow do I use commnad line to access a .deb15:44
grawitydisappearedng: dpkg -i <file> to install it.15:44
Dr_Willisdisappearedng:  clarify what you mean by 'access' ?15:44
Dr_Williscbrookins:  you may need to set the exact dmask/fmask/ options  when using fstab.15:46
CrumblesI have an image that I just made from dd and I was able to mount the image I made and browse it. How can I get photorec to recognize this image to scan it for deleted files now?15:46
chakieany hints for my wife's karmic that doesn't boot after a normal package update?15:46
Dr_Willisbut ive never uses smbmount (that i can rember)15:46
chakie"udevadm trigger is not permitted while udev is unconfigured"15:46
chakiesvgalib: cannot open /dev/mem15:46
chakieand then it drops to a busybox shell15:46
chakieand grub is totally dead, you can't activate the normal menu by pressing Esc15:47
chakieseems to be a common bug based on some googling, but no answers15:47
chakie#358654 in launchpad15:47
chakieany hints?15:47
FloodBot4chakie: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:47
chakieFloodBot4: got a life :)15:47
legend2440chakie: to get the grub menu hold down the Shift key15:47
legend2440chakie: at boot15:48
chakielegend2440: when booting is says to click Esc...15:48
chakielegend2440: nope, no change15:48
GlowballActionParsnip: Well, that's most probably the reason why the terminal command didn't work too!15:48
HexxehHi, can I ask a question about Lupin here or is there a seperate channel for that?15:48
legend2440chakie: ok she did a upgrade not a clean install?15:48
* Dr_Willis wonders what Lupin is15:49
cbrookinsDr_Willis, I didn't try that. Thanks.  I set it as user,auto,exec. Those settings work for a second hdd that gets mounted using fstab. Any reason why it wouldn't with a smb share?15:49
HexxehDr_Willis: https://launchpad.net/lupin15:49
mgv2why does the torrents completly slowing down the internet on my pc?15:49
chakielegend2440: yes, just a normal safe-upgrade of available packages for a running karmic15:49
ActionParsnipcbrookins: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=255872&highlight=mounting+shares15:49
Hexxehmgv2: Probably because they saturate the upload bandwidth on your connection, reduce the upload speed limit and you might find the situation improves.15:49
cbrookinsmgv2: set you upload limit lower15:49
cbrookinsActionsParsnip: Thanks, I will look it over.15:50
legend2440chakie: ok i see  Shift key is for  grub215:50
aarHi, I just printed to file using a program I opened with wine but I can't find the file now. Where should I be looking?15:50
chakielegend2440: it prompts to press esc, then counts down 2s or so and then fails15:51
chakielegend2440: and does not bother whatever is pressed or held down15:51
mikebuntuanyway to stop network manager applet from asking for password everytime I start my computer with auto-login? I'm on 9.10.15:51
chakieshe's not a happy camper now15:51
grawitymikebuntu: Remove the keyring's password (set it to an empty one).15:51
grawitymikebuntu: Run Apps --> Accessories --> Passwords and Encryption Keys.15:51
Dr_Willisaar:  depends on where it  tried to save to. could be your home directory or somewhere under ~/.wine15:52
chakieno update she's ever done from 7.04 onward has gone ok15:52
mikebuntugrawity, thanks! I'll check it out.15:52
Dr_WillisI always do clean installs.. :)15:52
chakieand the ubuntus are just getting more and more unstable15:52
aarDr_Willis, I'm searching there but haven't been able to find it yet. What would the file be called?15:52
Dr_Willisaar:  no idea.15:52
ActionParsnipchakie: never had an issue15:53
Dr_Willisaar:  tell it to print to file again and pay attention towhere it saves to?15:53
Crumblesnevermind, figured it out.15:53
chakieActionParsnip: that does not really help here, ok15:53
aarDr_Willis, it doesn't say where it's saving to -- there's no prompt.15:53
Dr_Willischakie:  neiter did your last comment..15:53
ActionParsnipchakie: well you are saying they are getting less stable and i'm saying they arent15:53
chakieActionParsnip: we've five systems that we've updated from 2006 or so, and they all have had problems15:54
chakieActionParsnip: so i have some statistics to look at15:54
chakieanyway, nobody seems to know how to help her15:54
ActionParsnipchakie: try a clean install, see if its better15:54
chakieActionParsnip: doh, that's what we don't want to do...15:54
Dr_Willisor try the various fixgrub wiki pages. Perhaps install the old grub.15:54
chakieActionParsnip: a single package fails (udev) and it's a clean install?15:55
ActionParsnipchakie: is there a bug logged for it?15:55
chakienothing can be installed on it, it gives a busybox shell after grub fails. not really a full running system15:55
chakieActionParsnip: yes15:55
chakieActionParsnip: 35865415:55
ActionParsnip!bug 35865415:55
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mikebuntugrawity, not sure what to do there... just changed the only key I saw to nil and restarted. Network manager still asked for password, it was my wifi pass that I deleted.15:57
ActionParsnipchakie: seems: sudo dpkg-reconfigure udev   fixes it15:57
chakieActionParsnip: yes, but where?15:58
Dr_Willismikebuntu:  first tab/are where it says Passwords:login -> right click. set them to be blank. and it dosent ask15:58
chakieActionParsnip: in the busybox prompt?15:58
chakieActionParsnip: it does not boot...15:58
Dr_Willischakie:  boot a live cd,  and chroot in to the installed system. would be one way15:58
ActionParsnipchakie: sure, or try booting to recovery root console15:58
ActionParsnipchakie: also run: sudo update-initramfs -u -k 2.6.31-14-generic15:58
rethushow can i get a kenrel-module loaded every bootup?15:59
ubottuTo compile modules and drivers that are not bundled with the standard kernel,  for more info /msg ubottu kernel  , install the relevant package, usually called "<modulename>-source", and run « sudo module-assistant » (you will have to do this again after kernel updates). To prevent specific modules from loading, see /msg ubottu blacklist15:59
mikebuntuDr_Willis, ahhh, think I got it now. Thanks!15:59
aarDr_Willis: ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/temp15:59
ActionParsniprethus: add it to /etc/modules15:59
chakieActionParsnip: how could that be done? not too familiar with crash recovery15:59
ActionParsnipchakie: when grub loads, select recovery mode, then select root15:59
Dr_Willismikebuntu:  yea - people dont think toright click on that entry15:59
rethusDr_Willis: only sudo module-assistant ?15:59
chakieActionParsnip: grub gives no chance to intercept16:00
chakieActionParsnip: no menu, doesn't listen to Esc as it should. not possible16:00
chakieActionParsnip: as i've tried to say16:00
Dr_Willisrethus:  not sure. Ive not had to mess with modules in ages.  the factoid also mentioned /etc/modules16:00
ActionParsnipchakie: press esc at boot, you should get the menu, or you can boot to live CD and chroot to the installed system16:00
chakieActionParsnip: we don't get any menu16:00
rethusDr_Willis: i have installed asterisk and need to load module dahidi at boot-time.16:00
mike_Dr_Willis, worked! Thanks again!16:00
ActionParsnipchakie: then chroot will help16:00
chakieActionParsnip: it doesn't listen to Esc16:01
rethusin suse it was in /etc/sysconfig/kernel16:01
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Guest21981grawity, thanks for pointing me in the right direction!16:01
Dr_Willisrethus:  then try the /etc/module file like the factoid suggests. or modprobe it from /etc/rc.local16:01
aitorholaa buenas16:02
bobohey guys, my dvd's won't mount. what should i do16:02
ActionParsniprethus: gksudo gedit /etc/modules16:02
hanasakianyone know a good, free / cheap service I an use for my outgoing email?16:02
rethusDr_Willi: modprobe are not my solution, cause it should loaded autmaticly on every boot16:02
ActionParsniprethus: type the module name(s) and the bottom of the file and press enter on the end of the last module name you add to end the line, save and close gedit, it will now be loaded at boot16:02
Dr_Willisrethus:  modeprobe command in rc.local WOULD load it at boot..  as would adding it to /etc/modules16:02
aitoralgo para ubuntu16:02
aitorhay alguien16:03
ActionParsnip!es | aitor16:03
ubottuaitor: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.16:03
VCooliohi, could someone with the gedit latex plugin check the command for Latex -> PDF for me (the one that opens the pdf in an external viewer)?16:03
rethusDr_willis: ah, i see its inserted automaticly16:03
tricksy-hobbitwow linux is so confusing rofl16:03
aitorquiero instalar algun programa par apoder grabar una imagen16:03
Dr_Willistricksy-hobbit:  no its not.16:03
ActionParsniptricksy-hobbit: only due to ignorance16:03
aitoren cd16:03
ActionParsniptricksy-hobbit: i'm sure you know windows quite well but have used it many years16:04
Guest21981this may sound weird, but when thunderbird plays my new mail notification sound it opens a music player to play the sound (weird). I have to then close the music player everytime. Anyway to make it play without external player?16:04
aitoralgun español16:04
ActionParsniptricksy-hobbit: so you cant compare your experience of many years of windows compared to a short spell on linux16:04
boboHey guys, my dvd won't mount. How do i fix that16:04
Guest21981....it's just a standard mail sound that comes with ubuntu.16:04
cbrookinsThank you Dr_Willis and ActionParsnip, that forum post worked great.  Everything is working as needed.16:05
chakieargh, can't even find the live cd images16:05
Dr_Williscbrookins:  great.. err.. what was the problem? I frogot..16:05
smithnaHi, has anyone used canola2 on ubuntu?  I installed it via the ppa from launchpad, and it starts up but it only has audio/vidoe/photos buttons (no settings) and selecting anyone of those brings up a blank page -- with no way to exit16:05
ActionParsnipbobo: what if you run: sudo mount /media/cdrom016:05
boboit says something about wrong fs type16:06
ActionParsnipsmithna: is there a ~/.canola2 folder?16:06
ActionParsnipsmithna: rename it, then rerun the app16:06
smithnaoh, sorry -- its' named just .canola16:07
PlughGuest21981: what type of sound file is it trying to play?16:07
ActionParsnipsmithna: fine, just rename it16:07
Denzilcan someone help me :) got a lill prob with ebox16:07
boboActionParsnip: it says it's write protected (its a home movie dvd) and something about wrong fs type, bad superblock on dev/sr0, and bad option16:07
bobodenzil: dont ask to see ifyou can ask a question. just ask the question.16:08
klappibobo: look up you fstab which fs types there are defined for cdrom016:08
ActionParsnipbobo: you dont mount video dvds16:08
Guest21981Plugh, it's a wav file, one of the defaults built in.16:08
smithnaActionParsnip: Done, trying it now16:08
boboActionParsnip: I was able to mount one yesterday and I copied it and stuff16:08
ActionParsnipbobo: just run an app like mplayer or vlc and tell it to play the DVD16:08
Denzilwell my prob is, i've setup a DHCP server with it, on my ubuntu with gnome interface. But it doesnt seem to give the internet connection through..16:08
boboActionParsnip: That's the problem, it won't mount so they don't see it16:09
legend2440chakie: if she has been upgrading since 7.04  it may be time to do a clean install16:09
Denzilcurrent setup: router/modem => server with ubuntu and ebox => pc's16:09
chakielegend2440: for a debian based system? why+16:09
ActionParsnipbobo: you dont mount need to mount it, video dvds are read as raw16:09
PlughGuest21981: Odd. I have thunderbird play a .wav and it doesn't bring up an external program to do it.16:09
Denzilhow can i let it put through the internet connection?16:10
ActionParsnipDenzil: make sure the orrect gateway is part of the dhcp message given to the clients16:10
boboActionParsnip: oh ok my bad. but anyways, i can't see it when i go to computer, and VLC won't play it because it can't open it16:10
Denziland how do i do that? :P16:10
boboklappi: how do i open fstab?16:10
Denzilsorry, im a kinda newb to linux, first time so..16:10
Guest21981Plugh, hmmm, maybe it's a bug... I'm using thunderbird 3 beta16:10
ActionParsnipDenzil: check the dhcp server settings16:10
smithnaActionParsnip: No change  :{16:11
ActionParsnipsmithna: i'd contact the package maintainer if its from a ppa16:11
ActionParsnipsmithna: maybe if you run it with gksu16:11
klappibobo: you dont need i didnt know it was a video media which is not mountet under linux but played with a video player app16:11
bobooh oj16:12
boboBut anyway, i mean shouldn't the VLC at least be able to detect it and me be able to at least see it in the COmputer folder?16:12
Denzilits setted up like this:16:12
PlughGuest21981: Possibly. I had that for a while in a different distro I was using but since 3beta wasn't also available for Windows at the time I've stuck with 216:12
cbrookinsActionParsnip: Why is that post under Outdated Tutorials and Tips?16:12
Denzildefault gateway: eBox, search domain eBox's domain linux.lan, primary nameserver local eBox DNS16:13
Denzilif i put on the gateway of the router (ip) it says it isnt in the network?16:13
ActionParsnipcbrookins: no idea, you can teach ubottu if you like16:14
Guest21981Plugh, I see... thanks for trying16:14
ActionParsnipDenzil: can you ping IPs?16:14
boboklappi: But anyway, i mean shouldn't the VLC at least be able to detect it and me be able to at least see it in the COmputer folder16:14
Denzilhmm, i can ping to the gateway with wireless16:14
Denzilbut i cant ping to the gateway wired..16:15
ActionParsnipDenzil: can you ping web based IPs16:15
ActionParsnipDenzil: or names16:15
Denzilwireless yes16:15
Denzilwired, nope16:15
guitar-maniacHEY! cant enable DVD playback, i have installed libdvdcss2.. w32codecs didnt install. dont know why16:15
VCooliono one with gedit latex plugin? I lost the command behind Latex > PDF, please check for me in edit > preferences > plugins > latex plugin16:16
mzawieskahey i am trying to save something in /var/www and it says permision denided How can I save it16:16
ManifestHi, how do I unlock the keyring?16:17
Denzilmy ubuntu home server has 2 internet interfaces Eth0 and Eth116:17
jadakrenmzawieska: you need to apply ownership of yourself to the directory, or add yourself to the www-data group16:17
prohello how i run a scrit on the start ?16:17
Denzili use Eth0 to connect to the gateway16:17
Denziland Eth1 for the network16:17
arguedmzawieska: use gksudo nautilus16:17
mzawieskajadakren, how can i do that where should i go?16:17
Denzilthe server it self, seems to have a internet connection16:17
prohey i want run a script on start what i have to do ?16:18
ActionParsnippro: you can add it in startup items if its to be ran after logon16:18
ActionParsnippro: you can add it to /etc/rd.local if it needs running before log and as root16:18
ubottuTo add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot16:19
prowhat means startup items?16:19
ActionParsnippro: things that run at startup....what else can it possibly be?16:19
jadakrenmzawieska: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP16:19
prooh my god  pratically where are  i have to wirte that my script run on the start?16:20
ManifestHow do I unlock the keyring?16:20
FANDERhi guys, I heard many people say that Linux has autocopy! How is that?!16:20
klappipro: startup of upstart is used under ubuntu as init replacement16:20
jadakrenpro: things that run after gdm and before desktop appearing16:20
ActionParsnippro: anywhere, you just tell the startup thing to run it, there isnt a specific place to store it16:21
prowhat means init repalcenment ?16:21
proi need to put my script where ?16:21
ActionParsnippro: dont sweat that. id it to be ran after logon or before?16:21
ManifestHow do I unlock the keyring?16:21
coz_FANDER,  that is an extension which allow you to select text and it's automatically copied to the clipboard16:22
Dr_WillisManifest:  you mean set it where you dont need to enter a password?16:22
ManifestDr_Willis: Yep16:22
ActionParsnippro: ok then put the script in /usr/bin    then call it in /etc/rc.local16:22
xps-juanhola gonorreas16:22
Dr_Willisapplication -> accessories -> keys/passwords -> right click where it says  paswords:login   set a blank password16:23
ActionParsnippro: make sure the top line has #!/bin/bash and is marked as executable too16:23
Dr_WillisI think the bot needs this on a factoid16:23
ActionParsnipDr_Willis: teach her then ;)16:23
Plughwhere are the files that tell gdm what sounds to play when it is ready for a user to log in?16:23
ActionParsnipDr_Willis: !factoid is some_description16:24
trayzzis there a file which saves the gui preferences for nautilus?16:24
probut i can't put it in etc/rcS.d/ ? like a symbolik link ?16:24
trayzzis there a file which saves the gui preferences for nautilus? ..and if so where is it?16:24
Dr_Willispro:  the yse of rc#.d stuff is slowly gettting removed in favor of using upstart16:24
jadakrentrayzz: gconf-editor16:25
Denzilproblem isnt fixed..16:25
ActionParsnippro: i'd leave that due to your obvious newness to the OS, rc.local will run the script once all the other boot levels have run but before GDM loads16:25
MayaThello :)16:25
probut i tryed to put it there but it don't work16:25
Denzili added a gate way in ebox with eth0 which is directly connected to my router/modem. It has a static IP, i've configured eth1 on the way, that he uses eth0 was gateway.. but it still doesnt work, what to do??16:26
smithnahmmm...   I ran canola from a terminal and noted a crash with ecore.c_ecore_animator.pxi && earlier (with power save) ecore.c_ecore_timer.pxi16:26
trayzzjadakren thanks, my problem is that nautilus starts with the default layout and i thought it might be due to wrong user rights..16:26
ActionParsnip!ics | Denzil may help16:26
ubottuDenzil may help: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php16:26
Tk_Lwhat's the command to move a Folder from one directory onto another ?16:26
proi did ln -s myscript  link    in /etc/init.d/rcS.d16:26
usserTk_L, mv16:26
jadakrentrayzz: define 'default layout'16:26
probut does not work16:27
trayzzlike application font, size, etc16:27
coz_FANDER,  are you sure you want autocopy?16:27
MayaTi still cant connect to the internet with USB modem vodafone HSDPA/3G/GPRS... help me pls.. :)16:27
jadakrentrayzz: gconf-editor is a gui frontend to edit the gconf.xml file16:27
coz_FANDER,  what would be the advantage for you?16:27
Dr_Willispro:  the format of scripts in  the rc#.s stuff is very exacting. and unless you are going to  make it use the start/stop/restart commands in the script. You may as well just launch it from /etc/rc.local16:27
jadakrentrayzz: which lives somewhere in a users home folder16:27
klappiDr_Wilis: ack16:28
trayzzjadakren, i wonder though if it's due to file ownership or if it's something else..started like a day ago for the first time16:28
Denzildoes that work allong with ebox? since i wanna use a DHCP server..16:28
Dr_Willispro:  and the use of   init.d/rc#.d is slowly getting phased out16:28
Denzilnot just an internet trough out server..16:28
rethuswhere is the php.ini under ubuntu?16:28
coz_FANDER,  if you want to see how this may work simply highlight some text and then middle click where ever you want to paste it16:29
jadakrentrayzz: have you tried killing the nautilus process then restarting it while you have system-monitor open to show open files?16:29
Dr_Willisrethus:  try 'locate php.ini'16:29
jadakrentrayzz: thus showing you which files it's using16:29
rethusDr_Willis: returns nothing16:29
jadakrentrayzz: in any case the gconf stuff lives in ~/.gconf16:29
rethusi have installed php5-cgi16:30
MayaTwho have an experiance with USB modem here?16:30
MayaTemm.. i still cant connect to the internet with USB modem vodafone HSDPA/3G/GPRS... help me pls.. :)16:30
Dr_Willisrethus:  then either you dont have one.. or its not called by that name.. or you need to update the locate database if you JUST installed  that package. 'sudo updatedb' then try again16:30
proi can't find inittab where is ?16:30
gooseis there a "ps" function that I can use to sort the processes by memory usage? all of a sudden my processor power is being all devoted to...something, but I don't know what, I only have xchat and firefox open16:30
Oddbiocan someone tell me how I can set firefox to scroll when I do a mouse wheel click?16:30
Dr_Willispro:  ubuntu dosent really use the inittab any more  its using the upstart init system.16:30
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/16:30
Denzilu know, ill ask my teacher of school, since i'm learning to be a mediatechnologic, he must now how to set up a correct ubuntu dhcp server..16:30
Oddbiopro: try a "locate inittabe" in your terminal16:31
trayzzjadakren, i get some error messages: trayzz@tray:~$ nautilus&16:31
trayzz[1] 962216:31
trayzz(nautilus:9622): Eel-CRITICAL **: eel_preferences_get_boolean: assertion `preferences_is_initialized ()' failed16:31
trayzz** (nautilus:9622): WARNING **: No marshaller for signature of signal 'UploadFinished'16:31
FloodBot4trayzz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:31
coz_Oddbio,  that should be by difault  but let me check16:31
Denzilallthough, thanks for the help!16:31
rethusDr_Willis: php5 themself is not installed... i only need php5-fastcgi16:31
Oddbiocoz_: I thought it was too, but mine doesn't do it.16:31
rethusor have i to install php5 too?16:31
trayzzjadakren, i tried it now, got some error messages16:31
Dr_Willisrethus:  i know nothing about php.  so no idea16:32
ActionParsnipOddbio: its in mouse settings, i'm not sure FF has its own setting. I can't heck as I don't use the browser personally16:32
jadakrenrethus: yes16:32
trayzzjadakren I'll send you a private message if you don't mind16:32
Dr_Willis!find php.ini16:32
rethusDr_Willis: i got it...16:32
ubottuFile php.ini found in dh-make-php, kolabd, php5-common, rkward16:32
jadakrentrayzz: pastebin the error message here instead16:32
coz_Oddbio, are you using flash?16:32
Oddbiocoz_: not right now, but I have it installed.16:32
jadakrenrethus: you;d best follow the steps for php5 here : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP#Using Apache16:33
guntbert!pastebin | trayzz16:33
ubottutrayzz: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic16:33
Elizabeth168I can't connect and external monitor through S-Video, does Ubuntu not support that?16:33
coz_Oddbio, ok  I know there is sometimes an issue for some people  who have flash installed  that prevents the mouse wheel from scrolling... one work around in maybe <<  to install the firefox plugin named  "flash block"     is this not scrolling  just by doing a search?16:33
Dr_WillisElizabeth168:  i use svideo out all the time here on my Nvidia cards16:34
jadakrenElizabeth168: port connection is a function of your video drivers not ubuntu16:34
trayzz!pastebin trayzz@tray:~$ nautilus&16:34
trayzz[1] 962216:34
trayzz(nautilus:9622): Eel-CRITICAL **: eel_preferences_get_boolean: assertion `preferences_is_initialized ()' failed16:34
FloodBot4trayzz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:34
trayzz** (nautilus:9622): WARNING **: No marshaller for signature of signal 'UploadFinished'16:34
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:34
Elizabeth168where would i be able to find that driver?16:34
coz_Oddbio,   I also installed    "grab and drag"  for firefox   it pretty nifty16:34
Dr_Willistrayzz:  pastebin is a web site.. you go to it and put your output there. Not here.16:34
Oddbiocoz_: I already have flashblock on16:34
Dr_Willisekontsevoy:  youve not mentioned what video card you are using16:34
jadakrentrayzz: 1. goto paste.ubuntu.com 2. paste into text field there 3. get url result and paste it here16:34
trayzzDr_Willis: ok i got it16:34
theshadowAlright, I can't figure out when this happened because I haven't needed it for a while. But Sometime in the last few updates to the soundsystem, firefox and/or flash something has gone wrong where any flash video will randomly stop playing audio and firefox will jump to using 136% of the CPU according to top.16:35
trayzzjadakren, i posted it in a textfile: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/642705/nautilus.txt16:35
coz_Oddbio,  ok  install      grab and drag    this allows  you to click and drag to scroll  but I am still searching for other solutions so hold on16:35
AzeotropeI am testing cron with the command mplayer -loop 0 /home/me/mp3.mp3 as root and it won't start (i can run the command from terminal). in my regular user crontab it starts but it won't loop, it plays just once16:35
Oddbiocoz_: you mean click and drag like a pdf document scrolling?16:35
ActionParsniptheshadow: yeah it likes doing that, its a pretty shoddy browser imho16:35
coz_Oddbio,   yeah just like that16:35
Oddbiocoz_: well I like just clicking my middle mouse button once, and then all I have to do is move my mouse up or down to get it to scroll16:36
coz_Oddbio,  except it seems to be more prificient in firefox than in pdf click and drag16:36
ActionParsniptheshadow: is your ubuntu 64bit?16:36
theshadowActionParsnip: no16:36
coz_Oddbio,  understood... let me do a little searching here hold on16:36
legend2440Elizabeth168: what video card you have?  are you on Karmic?16:36
michasHi, is it possible to tell the new GDM to use the configured X keyboard layout, instead of using just (a pretty random) one of the choose box?16:36
trayzzjadakren restarting nautilus worked16:36
Oddbiocoz_: ok, thank you very much16:36
ActionParsniptheshadow: ah, ok cool16:36
usserAzeotrope, does the command work without cron? is /home/me your home directory? pastebin the crontab line16:36
trayzzjadakren, i wonder what it was though16:37
jadakrentrayzz: errors are a symptom of runnin nautilus from commandline.. don't worry about them16:37
ActionParsnipmichas: it can be defined in xorg.conf16:37
jadakrentrayzz: not relevant to your problem16:37
axisyshow do I play this ? http://www.apple.com/imac/the-new-imac/#small16:37
axisysit says i need quicktime installed16:37
Elizabeth168I am on Karmic, and just a second, i'll check on the video card16:37
PholiousAnyone here ever had a problem with MySQL query browser on ubuntu? used to work fine, when I try to start it up today, and enter my password it closes the login window but doesn't open the query browser itself, it isn;t in the system monitor either16:37
rethushow can i find out, which service is run on port 80 now?16:38
usseraxisys, vlc plugin or mplayer plugin should be able to play qt videos16:38
jadakrenaxisys: tell us the version of ubuntu you are running16:38
michasActionParsnip, xorg.conf is configured correctly. but GDM does not care about that layout. :(16:38
rethusi wan't to start lighttpd, and he sayd port is in use16:38
axisysjadakren: 9.1016:38
Azeotropeusser: yes, it works16:38
jadakrenaxisys, have you installed restricted extras yet?16:38
axisysjadakren: i think so.. not sure how to double check tho16:38
trayzzjadakren: i'll see if it reappears but for now it's fine.. thanks alot mate16:38
usserAzeotrope, what is the crontab line you're using?16:39
jadakrentrayzz: welcome16:39
usserAzeotrope, how often do you want it to run?16:39
xh_hi! i am running `sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg` but nothing happens, no output is displayed and i get back to the console; why is that?16:39
rethushow can i find out, which service is run on port 80 now?16:39
jadakrenaxisys: dpkg -l | grep restricted16:39
theshadowI think its flash. Cause in chromium flash is actually what jumps to 140% of cpu16:39
axisysusser: i have mozilla-plugin-vlc installed16:40
guntbertrethus: lsof -i should tell you16:40
Azeotropeusser here it is 38      18      *       *       *       mplayer -loop 0 /home/azeotrope/Music/24.mp316:40
usseraxisys, hm maybe you need packages from medibuntu16:40
axisysii  ubuntu-restricted-extras              36                                         Commonly used restricted packages16:40
jadakrenaxisys: or you can open synaptics up and search for restricted-extras16:40
sampohello, does anyone knows how to use the infrared remote control of a dvbt usb television device?16:40
usser!medibuntu | axisys16:40
axisysjadakren: ^16:40
ubottuaxisys: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org16:40
legend2440Elizabeth168: in terminal type   lspci | grep -i vga    to find out what video card you have16:40
Azeotropeusser: i want an alarm, every day at 716:40
BluesKajtheshadow, I found FF3.5 to be crashy and a cpu hog on my setup , besides not rendering some pages properly , so I switched to chromium-browser which runs very efficiently now and can import all of your bookmarks which makes less painful16:40
rethusguntbert: say not the port, but looks like lighttpd is running.16:41
* NaxoneZ nas16:41
rethusguntbert: but if i do lighttpd -f /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf stop it tells the error port 80 is in use16:41
coz_Oddbio,   also you could go into    about:config  in firefox   then enter   mousewheel  to see if any of the settings have been turned off accidentally16:41
axisysjadakren: it looks installed16:41
JRWRI'm looking for a script (going to run on a Linux webhost) that can mirror a FTP dir to the local, thing is i have a list of files that i wish NOT to mirror, any such program exist? (the list is about 10k long)16:41
usserAzeotrope, the above line will run the command at 6:38pm every day16:41
Oddbiocoz_: trying that now16:41
hatok as of now i have two partitions on my local hard drive that of which being ubuntu  linuxnd windows, now i ask you is there any way to access files that i have saved on my Linux partition from windows and vice versa access files that i have saved on my windows partition form Linux?16:41
axisysusser: i am pretty sure i have added medibuntu repo16:41
coz_Oddbio,  mousewheel.enable_pixel_scrolling;   true16:42
guntbertrethus: please !pastebin the output of lsof -i16:42
jadakrenaxisys: ok same thing for me...i think (assumptions) that apple are checking specifically for quicktime16:42
usserAzeotrope, did you actually test it with say, run every 2 minutes?16:42
Oddbiocoz_: yup, it's set to true16:42
coz_Oddbio,   mousewheel.horizscroll.withcontrolkey.sysnumlines;   true16:42
Azeotropeyes, i know, i am trying to test it16:42
coz_Oddbio,  mousewheel.horizscroll.withmetakey.sysnumlines;  true16:42
sampo hello, does anyone knows how to use the infrared remote control of a dvbt usb television device?16:42
axisysi just found this16:42
coz_Oddbio,  mousewheel.horizscroll.withnokey.sysnumlines; true16:42
usserAzeotrope, */2 * * * * something like that16:42
theshadowBluesKaj: right chromium does run better but the fact is this surge of resource usage only happens in flash which didn't happen before and it definitely didn't randomly stop playing audio.16:42
axisysjadakren: ^16:43
FloodBot4axisys: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:43
rethusguntbert   http://pastebin.com/df55ddbb16:43
Dr_Willis!lirc  | sampo16:43
Dr_WillisHmm No lirc factoid either.16:43
Azeotropeusser: also, when running in the terminal that command the sound is verybad16:43
Oddbiocoz_: all are set to true16:43
axisysthat was not a flood.. that bot needs to be fixed16:43
jadakrenaxisys: this might be of use to you later on : http://freshmeat.net/projects/quicktimeforlinux16:43
Elizabeth16832MB ATI Radeon 750016:43
rethusguntbert: i can do thousend times lighttpd stop, he write [OK], but if i write start, he write port is in use16:43
coz_Oddbio,   mm then I am puzzled   you might try going to  #firefox  channel to check there... if they have a  solution let me know16:43
usserAzeotrope, also i had an issue where cron didnt know about $PATH, so naturally it couldnt find the executable name, try putting the full path to mplayer in crontab16:43
Dr_Willisaxisys:  depends on how the bot saw it :)  it may be lagged16:44
Oddbiocoz_: well I have some set to false.. they aren't horizscroll though16:44
axisysjadakren: thanks16:44
axisysDr_Willis: heh16:44
chris83hello is everyone familiar with a ubuntu server16:44
BluesKajtheshadow, chromium handles flash better than the new FF16:44
Oddbiocoz_: same names, but without the horizscroll in there16:44
coz_Oddbio,  right same here  I can  screenshot this for you to be sure16:44
usserAzeotrope, the horrible sound would be a problem with mplayer itself not sure how to troubleshoot it16:44
chakiewe did a live cd, chroot, dpkg reconfigure as per #358654 but same thing16:44
Oddbiocoz_: no it's ok16:44
usserchris83, yes16:44
Dr_Willischris83:  they exist.. yes.. ask a more specific question perhaps.16:44
Oddbiocoz_: I just thought it might work enabling them because horizscroll = horizontal scroll, but I want to scroll vertically...16:45
jadakrenaxisys: ok solved. 1. open your movie player (totem) 2. file > open location : http://movies.apple.com/media/us/mac/imac/2009/tours/apple-imac-design_video-us-20091022_r320-9cie.mov16:45
guntbertrethus: the part :www is the port, but I never used lighthttpd - you can try to stop it and then have a look with lsof -i - is it still running/listening?16:45
coz_Oddbio,   ok I have scrolling so take a look just in case   http://dl.dropbox.com/u/132551/Screenshot-about%3Aconfig%20-%20Mozilla%20Firefox.png16:45
legend2440Elizabeth168: open system>administration>hardware drivers   any drivers there that you can activate?16:45
jadakrenaxisys: i think you need someting for firefox from the repos to make that show up in the page16:45
rethusguntbert: lighttpd is allway there- nevertheless i stopped him16:46
coz_Oddbio,   for    mousewheel.withnokey.numlines   you can change the default from 1  to 616:46
Elizabeth168it says no proprietary drivers are in use on this system16:46
axisysjadakren: so u have a ff plugin that gave u the full path of the movie ?16:47
jadakrenaxisys: no i was using chrome, and just viewed the  source16:48
andylife!list please16:48
Oddbiocoz_: all of my settings there are exactly the same as yours16:48
legend2440Elizabeth168: i hate to say it but you may be out of luck. i had a radeon 9500 and tv out stopped working after jaunty upgraded the xorg-server. i had to switch to an nvidia card to get tv out working again16:48
coz_Oddbio,  mm  ok    go to #firefox and see if they have a clue16:48
axisysjadakren: gotcha...so do u like chrome ?16:48
Oddbiocoz_: alright thanks for all your help16:48
coz_Oddbio,  let me know if you find the solution for this16:48
Elizabeth168ahh, ok, thank you16:48
coz_Oddbio,  could be someone may have a similar issue16:49
Oddbiocoz_: sure16:49
rethusguntbert: i have killed him, now it works16:49
jadakrenaxisys: yes16:49
aalexIs is ok to upgrade tto a newer version using update-manager when I am in a fail-safe xterm session ? Will that need something like dbus, which might not be running ?16:49
jadakrenaxisys: ok even better solution : sudo apt-get install mozilla-mplayer16:49
sampoDr_Willis: I did  "make", and "make install"...next step?16:50
gothiceHEY! Is it possible to zpgrade UBUNTO to KUBUNTU from the KUBUNTU CD? ;)16:50
Dr_Willissampo:  run it...  I guess...16:51
Supermiguelgothice, apt-get install kde-desktop16:51
Dr_Willisgothice:  you can install the kubuntu-desktop package if you want both16:51
gothiceSupermiguel: Thanks. I just have the CD and no internet connection.16:51
samposudo lirc?16:51
Dr_Willissampo:  lirc has  some rather detailed docs on setting it up. depending on the device. My remote on my laptop sort of works...16:52
gothiceSupermiguel: MEans, HOW 2 upgrade with the Kubuntu CD?16:52
MayaThello i am new on ubuntu-linux, my problem is i still cant connect to the internet with USB modem vodafone HSDPA / 3G / GPRS... help me pls.. :)16:53
darkehm what is the dutch channel?16:53
Picidark: #ubuntu-nl16:54
Pholiousis there a way to make a key-combination in ubuntu that is linked to the 'show desktop' function?16:54
joaopintoMayaT, there is a know bug wich some USB 3GB models, better search on launchpad, there is a workaround16:54
AzeotropeI am testing cron with the command mplayer -loop 0 /home/me/mp3.mp3 as root and it won't start (i can run the command from terminal). in my regular user crontab it starts but it won't loop, it plays just once16:54
truepurpleIs there a channel for more general PC help?16:54
darkthank u Pici ;-)))\16:54
rethushow did i start mysql in ubuntu?16:54
sampoDr_Willis: well, I have the dvb-t arctec device with a ir remote that doesn't say it's manufacturer...16:54
rethusin /etc/init.d i have no mysqld script16:54
darkdont work Pici.. iam newbey16:55
Picidark: typ: /join #ubuntu-nl16:55
IdleOnetruepurple: #hardware, ##windows, #linux depending what you need16:55
darki shall try16:55
Dr_Willisrethus: try  the 'service' command. it may be moved to using upstart  scripts. Thus no init.d scripts16:55
darkok that works! thanks!!16:55
axisysjadakren: yeah.. looks like mplayer plugin is a better choice.. however i am getting gstreamer error "GStreamer encountered general stream error".. time to google it I guess :-)16:56
grawityDr_Willis: Upstart got rid of /etc/rc?.d/ -- but not of /etc/init.d/16:56
rethusDr_Willis: what for a service-command (iM new on ubuntu i didn't know it)16:56
hathow can i share files between partitions?16:56
truepurpleI need help figuring out how, if possible, to make a USB flash drive boot when the cmos's only USB option is FDD, which I understand stands for floppy disk drive16:56
Dr_Willisrethus:  sudo service WhATEVER start   or 'sudo service status'16:57
jadakrenaxisys: also didnt work for me16:57
guntbertrethus: nice :) (I was on the phone... )16:57
Dr_Willistruepurple:  try it and see if it boots with that option?16:57
sampoIR-receiver inside an USB DVB receiver as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.7/usb1/1-1/input/input816:57
MayaTjoaopinto, where?16:57
PascatI'm having a screensaver problem.16:58
Mark21Hello, I did install Ubuntu 9.10 alternate and now I want to use the remote desktop server (it is using VNC for as far as I can see). Now I try to connect to it and I see a message about that I am connecting. The problem is that the only screen I get is: Please wait - Initial screen loading...16:58
jadakrenaxisys: but... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76668316:58
pappadochi i am an extreme noob to this OS and cant seem to figure out why i cant watch my dvd, i downloaded the app and it says i might need permision to open a file or something but im not sure. Also can i turn off the thing where it asks for my admin PW all the time?16:59
joaopintoMayaT, launchpad.net, search on bug reports16:59
dhrubahi all17:00
[k]liqis there anyway to do a chkdsk /f to a ntfs from ubuntu17:00
Dr_Willispappadoc:  you cant watch a comerical dvd due to the 'copy protectin' the companies put on them.   You may want to install vlc, to play them with. and install the dvd playback files from the medibuntu repositories.17:00
=== dhruba is now known as dexter__
MayaTjoaopinto, ok i try searching there17:00
usser!dvd | pappadoc17:01
Dr_Willis[k]liq:  its best to let windows do ntfs checking.17:01
ubottupappadoc: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats17:01
[k]liqI corrupted the hd now I can't do a clean install of xp until the hd is chkdsk z/f17:01
pappadocok cool ty17:01
usserpappadoc, and yes there is a way to turn it off, but it's strongly advised against17:01
Dr_Willis[k]liq:  the xp cd should be able to do that.17:01
pappadocah ok17:01
pappadocthanks so much u guys rock17:01
[k]liqdr willis once it starts loading the drivers I get a setup could not finish due do hd corruption17:02
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[k]liqit says to run chkdsk /f17:02
=== dark is now known as SpookY
Eslamwhich is a good program for make video capture from the screen17:03
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading17:03
Guest95557anyone what do you think about 9.10?17:04
SmokeyDhey everyone, does anyone know which compiz plugin uses the alt-up keyboard shortcut?17:04
jadakreninb4 !troll in 5...4...3...17:04
nAhIaNEei Kon Ajob Duniay Ashlam !!!17:04
frybyeGuest95557: generally = great...17:05
jadakrenSmokeyD: you need to specify what the effect is17:05
frybyenAhIaN: I dont think those are being manufactured any more...?17:05
mOrO^Will the 64bit Koala add any performance to my 64bit system? I have the 32 bit Koala installed.17:06
Eslamwhich is a good program for make video capture from the screen (i try XvidCap and gtk-recordMyDesktop)17:06
AzeotropeI can't execute this command in crontab mplayer -loop 0 /root/Music/navy.wav (as root). command owrs in terminal just fine17:06
SmokeyDjadakren: sorry, it was alt-shift-up and it shows me the open windows next to eachother17:06
coz_Eslam,   gtk-recordmydesktop17:06
duffydackSmokeyD, scale17:06
coz_Eslam,  other than that    ...linux is not up to standards with screencapture utilities17:06
nAhIaNfrybye: what ???17:06
jadakrenSmokeyD: that is the tile plugin17:06
pappadocis there a limewire equivalent for ubuntu?17:06
grawitypappadoc: Frostwire, gtk-gnutella.17:06
coz_Eslam,   there was   seom/yukon  but that is difficutl to compile and run17:06
Eslamcoz_ thanks but it's not take a sound capture17:06
ubottuGnutella clients: GTK-Gnutella (GTK, stand-alone), gifTui, giFToxic (GTK, based on giFT), Apollon (KDE, based on giFT), mldonkey-gui (GTK, based on MLDonkey), KMLDonkey (KDE, based on MLDonkey), !Limewire, !Frostwire (Java, not in the !repositories) - See also !P2P17:07
legend2440!screencast | Eslam17:07
ubottuEslam: Some programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Xvidcap, pyvnc2swf.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.17:07
coz_Eslam,   that's about it guy.... linux doesnt have good screencasting software17:07
frybyenAhIaN:  -Eei Kon Ajob Duniay Ashlam !!!= also what?17:07
gp5stso, i'm trying to install ubuntu on my netbook: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick17:07
axisysjadakren: success!! playing by just clicking any trailer..awesome! gecko player it is!! oohoo!17:07
jadakrenSmokeyD: i mean scale17:07
PascatI have ubuntu 9.10, and set up the screensaver to lock the screen. However, whenever something moves, and the screensaver shuts off, the screen goes black. Completely black. Typing in the password and hitting enter works however. Also, sometimes when I lock the screen, the 'login' dialog will display, but there will not be any way to click on any of the other buttons, like Switch user or logout...17:07
gp5stbut i can't get it to boot from the sd card17:07
mOrO^Eslam, Ive heard good things about Istanbul17:07
axisysjadakren: thanks so much!17:07
jadakrenaxisys: ok17:07
SmokeyDduffydack, jadakren: thanks17:07
nAhIaNfrybye: ohh I'm using windows right now, never mind17:08
jadakrenaxisys: seems chrome will make use of those plugins for firefox too17:08
nAhIaNfrybye: trying to install my edge modem on ubuntu but cant find the driver17:08
frybyenAhIaN: fine but what has -Eei Kon Ajob Duniay Ashlam !!!- got to do with it-..?17:09
alabdGood day everyone , java.com files are affiliated with sun , also openjdk , is there any java installer is not affiliated with sun for ubuntu ?17:09
gp5stany ideas?17:09
Pascatand the easy user-switcher thingy that had Empathy, I removed Empathy, but now it won't load anymore...isn't there a way to make it work with Pidgin like before?17:09
Nixothello all... when I open windows programs in a terminal through wine it crashes with a strange error17:09
nAhIaNfrybye: forget it brother, its a mirc script, its auto greeting msg when I enter a room17:10
coz_Nixot,   you might get more responses in  #wine channel    but  since I dont use wine at all I know I have nothing to offer you   sorry17:10
mkagp5st: you have GRUB on an SD card?17:11
Jeruvyneed some help getting two ethernet cards working together in harmony.  They work separately fine.  I'm guessing its a routing issue or iptables.17:12
gp5stmka: that's not part of the directions, no it doesn't have grub, i assumed it was part of the image17:13
nAhIaNcan anyone tell me which edge modem supports linux ???17:13
bcjIs there a way to rebuild the MBR on a drive such that I can rename partitions?17:13
=== BlouBlou is now known as BlouBlou_
=== BlouBlou_ is now known as BlouBlou
bcjI want to swap /dev/sdb1 and /dev/sdb217:13
mkagp5st: what is on the SD card then?17:13
nAhIaNcan anyone tell me which edge modem supports linux ???17:13
gp5stmka:the contents of the netbookremix iso, dd'd to the disk17:14
gp5stas per the instructions17:14
Oddbioam I correct to assume that if I am using Ubuntu 64-bit that the ubuntu software center will automatically download the 64-bit version of applications?17:14
leoncamelI want know, why karmic remove a lot of packages ? comparing with jaunty ?17:14
nAhIaNcoz_ can u tell me which edge modem support linux ?17:14
Pascat:/ Nobody can help with my user switcher problem?17:14
bcjOddbio: Yes17:15
mkagp5st: last time I did this was unsuccessful but that was 5 years ago. anyway did you try to get your BIOS to boot from your sd card?17:15
PlughPascat, we can't know that until you state the problem.17:15
Oddbiobcj: awesome thank you17:15
coz_nAhIaN,   not sure guy   you might get a better response in ##linux  channel ...although being the weekend I dont know who is there17:15
gp5stno, it just boots into windows17:15
leoncamelWhy ? Why ? WHY ?17:15
bcjOddbio: Your machine will only download the packages that are applicable to your architecture.17:15
Alan502Good day :) im trying to execute a *.i386 file (Urban Terror to be specific), apparently i have to right click it, go to properties and check the "Is executable" box. I have already checked it but when i click the file it keeps prompting me to choose a program to open it. Would you help me please?17:16
Oddbiobcj: does it work the same way when I do  "sudo apt-get install" from the terminal?17:16
gp5stmka: no, it just boots into windows17:16
bcjOddbio: Yes17:16
mkaNixot: dont execute windows applications with ./ call wine to run your applications like "wine tyr-quake.exe"17:16
bcjOddbio: Without providing any special flags, apt will download the right package.17:16
grawitymka: What's wrong with ./ ?17:16
Oddbiobcj:  :)17:16
ActionParsnipmka: you can if its marked as executable, the system will recognise the windows binary and throw it at wine17:17
gp5stmka: when i plug the drive into my mac it says it's a fat32 fs labeld ubuntu-netbook remix17:17
alabdIs there any JRE installer is not affiliated with sun for ubuntu ?17:17
ActionParsnipmka: ./ can be used providing the binary is in the terminals pwd17:17
mkaActionParsnip, grawity, gp5st: ok I didnt know that ubuntu is so intelligent!17:17
gp5stmaybe it'd be easiest to just boot into windows and run wubi17:17
grawitymka: It works in any distro - just sudo sysctl fs.binfmt.misc.register=":DOSWin:M::MZ::/usr/bin/wine:"17:17
ActionParsnipalabd: icedtea is an alternative17:17
PascatI removed Empathy to have Pidgin, and the Easy Switcher applet refuses to load. Also, the switcher window (When you're trying to do switch user) is unclickable (and my sister, whom I let use another account on my system does not know how to use keyboard shortcuts) Also, when recovering from the screensaver(using the Matrix one if it matters) it will go back to a black screen.17:18
mkagp5st, sorry17:18
grawitymka: A generic Linux kernel feature. Only it seems to be enabled by default in ubuntu.17:18
AzeotropeI can't run command in crontab. In the terminal they work fine but... won't start in cron jobs17:18
gp5stmka: no problems; better to take something that works but isn't what i was looking for than to waste mine and other people's time17:18
grawityAzeotrope: What is the crontab line you use?17:18
bcjAzeotrope: Could it be a permissions issue?17:18
bcjJust an idea.17:18
uniquei did "sudo mount -t cifs //ip/dir /mnt/dir" but after i reboot i have to redo that command... is there anyway for me to mount my windows share on boot?17:18
klappiAzeotrope: try using full paths with the commands17:18
socommHaving problems with juniper vpn client and ubuntu 9.1017:19
socommit was working fine with 9.0417:19
mkagp5st, you dont have a CD?17:19
grawitybcj: User's crontab runs with same privileges as that user.17:19
socommanyone have similar problem?17:19
ActionParsnipPascat: easy switcher isnt in karmic yet afaik17:19
gp5stmka: netbooks don't have cd drives17:19
PascatI installed from the Karmic CD and it was there o.o17:19
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grawityunique: Add it to /etc/fstab -- like this "//ip/dir /mnt/dir cifs credentials=/path/to/creds/file 0 0"17:20
n00phaving a problem with default install of ubuntu 9.04, trying to set up an ethernet connection. static ip or DHCP, both stay connected for a small amount of time then drop, repeatedly.17:20
Guest84664wa wa17:20
mkagp5st, what do you use now for internet?17:20
n00panyone have any idea what's wrong?17:20
uniquewhat should be in the credentials file?17:20
grawityunique: Two lines, like this:17:21
ActionParsnipn00p: when it drops, run: dmesg | tail17:21
uniquei have no password im just using my Guest account to login to my windows17:21
gp5stmka: wifi from dsl, why?17:21
n00pahh, duplex mismatch :)17:21
grawityunique: Ah. Then just don't specify the credentials= option. "//ip/dir /mnt/dir cifs auto,defaults 0 0"17:21
ActionParsnipthat'll do it17:21
mkagp5st, I meant to ask which OS are you using now17:21
n00pthankyou. how do I go about changing that?17:21
Pascatanyway...the user switcher thingy. The one you have when you do "Log out" and "switch user" will not allow to click.17:21
=== Nightw0lf is now known as Nightwolf
dartheyya guys17:22
dartanyone here??17:22
darti got my hands on a very fine distro17:22
dartreally loving it17:22
FloodBot5dart: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:22
dartit's an RC but still it is good17:22
SnausagesAnyone know the deal with intel atom cpus?  I'd like to know why some software tells me I have a 1 cpu machine, yet other software says it's 2 cores.  I think it's all working correctly, I'm just interested in learning about the discrepancy17:22
mkadart: how fine is it?17:23
alabdActionJacks_: Icedtea is a temporary fork of OpenJDK , and opendjk is affiliated with sun , yes ?17:23
usser_Snausages, cat /proc/cpuinfo, how many cores do you see?17:23
BassoI run 64 bits ubuntu and its reporting 3.5gig memory? :317:23
mzawieskawhat is the ajax channel anyone knows?17:23
erUSULSnausages: maybe is just one core with HT (hyperthreading)17:23
usser_alabd, openJDK is not affiliated with sun in any way17:23
socommDisregard, I figured it out.17:24
tumiiWhat is the main difference between 32 and 64-bit ubuntu?17:24
Bassohow can i see if im running 64bits ubuntu?17:24
c3live just installed 9.10 on my eee 1000H, and the 2-finger-scroll (and middle mouse klick) does not work. how do I fix this?17:24
Bassois there a 64 bit stamp somewhere?17:24
Greencoat1982Does anyone know how to play quicktime video with drm in ubuntu17:24
RoastedI need help from a permissions guru :(17:24
gp5stmka: mac os on my laptop, windows is on the netbook17:24
mzawieskaajax channel on irc any1 knows?17:24
Supermiguelwhat can i use to test my hd read and write speeds with a live ubuntu cd????17:24
mkatumii: 32 is for a 32-bit machine and 64 is for a 64-bit machine17:24
Pascatuntil the Flash/java plugins are available in 64bit... I'm not bothering with 64bit Linux eh.17:24
usser_Basso, uname -m17:25
Plughmzawieska: No need to repeat your question so quickly.17:25
Snausagesusser: it lists 2 1-core processors17:25
Xaevohow to set up a SMB Share for /var/www ?17:25
tumiimka: ... i knew that but there is much difference, like program support or?17:25
Xaevoon Ubuntu 9.10 server?17:25
Greencoat1982I bought some tv episodes on itunes, but it won't let me play them in Karmic17:25
Bassousser_: thanx mate17:25
Plughmzawieska: I was just starting to reply with saying it might be #ajax but you should just type /list channels and check the list17:25
Greencoat1982and trying to run the video in itunes in a virtual machine runs real crappy17:25
bcjGreencoat1982: Apple don't want to play nice with really open source software.17:25
mkagp5st, I was gonna say try System -> Administration -> USB Startup Disk Creation17:25
Greencoat1982I know apple doesn't but is there no work around yet, other than trying to get it to run in a vbox?17:26
PlughNot all machines can boot off USB memory sticks17:26
mkatumii: first if your machine is already 32 bit, dont bother about 64 bit ubuntu17:26
gp5stmka: i have a vm i could try that17:26
gp5stugh, widnows doesn't like the format of my disk, how did mac os read it then?17:27
RoastedGuys - permissions question - I have a folder with 775 permissions, so others DO NOT have write permissions. The folder is owned by jason:samba. "User" is NOT in the group samba, yet he can write to the folder just fine. What the heck???17:27
tumiimka: -.- my machine is 64 bit but TELL ME IF THERE IS DIFFERENCES, I am not n000b on computerz17:27
dartmka, it's better than ubuntu to say the least17:27
Plughgp5st: Take a look at http://www.ve3syb.ca/software/bootableusb.html17:27
guntbertmzawieska: /msg alis list *ajax* should help17:27
gp5stroasted: i don't understand teh question17:27
dartit's based on ubuntu btw17:27
joaopinto!caps | tumii17:27
IdleOne!ot | dart17:27
ubottutumii: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.17:27
mkadart: stop lying17:27
ubottudart: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!17:27
gp5stroasted: the owner has permission to write to it...17:27
Roastedgp5st - right17:28
Roastedand so goes the gruop samba17:28
Roastedthats it17:28
Roastedjason + samba members can write17:28
Greencoat1982erg Me thinks apple is rotten to the core17:28
FloodBot5Roasted: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:28
dartwhy do you think i am lying17:28
mkatumii: I heard people using 64 bit machines crying about some softwares e.g. FLASH17:28
Roastedyet,  my user named "user" can write and hes NOT a member of Samba....17:28
gp5stroasted: ah17:28
tumiimka, nah ill just instal that 32 bit17:28
mkatumii: but I am a 32 bit guy so, I cannot be helpful17:28
guntbertdart: it doesn't matter if you are lying or not - its just off topic here17:28
gp5stroasted: what can "user" do?17:29
Greencoat1982Perhaps I'll start my own computer company and call it Orange17:29
mzawieskacan some1 help me with this code..i got it off the http://w3schools.com/ajax/ajax_database.asp idk how to put it togather to see the ooutput to figure it out on my program http://w3schools.com/ajax/ajax_database.asp17:29
kensanataIs there a free alternative to Dropbox? I just realized that propietary server means "not available on macppc architecture"...17:29
tumiimka, okay I have had 32-bit Ubuntu17:29
regulator1Hi.  I have an Ubuntu 9.10 system that I have already installed and customized.  I would like to add full disk encryption.  Ideally, this would have been done at install time with the alternate install CD, but I didn't know about it at the time.  All of the HOWTOs seem dated and insufficient.  Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can do this?  I think the best path might be to back up the system with a file backup program, then17:29
Roastedgp5st - he can write to the folder... yet he doesnt have write permissions....17:29
tumiiill just install that17:29
Xaevohow to set up a SMB Share for /var/www on ubuntu 9.10 server edition?17:29
mzawieskahttp://pastebin.com/d45f23e7e this is what i got17:29
Snausagesmka: I've seen many people in here asking about getting flash & sound to work in 64-bit...  sounds to me like 64bit is something to leave alone unless you really need that computational space17:29
grawityXaevo: "man smb.conf"17:29
gp5stplugh: thanks; i'm going to try the usb-creator first then that if it doesn't work17:29
bcjSnausages: Nope17:30
gp5stroasted: you mean create files in the folder17:30
joaopintoregulator1, the best path is filesystem backup+recreate the fs with encryption+restore17:30
ShockFhi im looking for an vga driver as the only resolution i get at the moment is 800x600 can anyone help me17:30
Roastedgp5st - yes, he has full blown permissions from what I can tell.17:30
kensanataregulator1: There's a ca. 400 char limit to messages on this server, so your message ended with"a file backup program, then"17:30
mkaSnausages: I guess the same too17:30
gp5stroasted: and ls -ld is drwxrwxr-x ?17:30
Plughtumii: The main difference? That would be the amount of memory one can address in 64-bit vs. 32-bit. Some drivers/programs may not be available in 64-bit (yet).17:30
bcjSnausages: I run 64 bit Ubuntu and have had no problems what so ever.  I use sound, Flash Java, Firefox, etc without problems.17:30
guntbertmzawieska: I wouldn't expect too much help with *that* *here*17:30
Roastedgp5st - if I take away write permission frmo the folder, user cannot write to the folder any longer. But the group is samba. Hes not a member of samba. Ahhhhhhhh this kills me.17:30
tumiiPlugh: okay ill just stick with 32 bit17:30
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto17:30
bcj64 bit has been pretty reliable for a while now.17:31
regulator1Sorry.  The rest:then reinstall it using the alternate install CD, then restore.  I am new to Linux, so I am unclear on whether my original OS with all its customizations can write over the new one that I installed with the alt. install CD, so that I have my original OS with all of its customizations and my data files on my new encrypted partitions.  Any ideas?  Also, if this is the way to go, please recommend a backup package that wou17:31
dartcya guys17:31
dartnite all17:31
gp5stroasted: i'm lost, if you take who's write permissions17:31
mzawieskai know but no1 is responding to me on ajax17:31
Roastedgp5st - I actually lied, the folder has 770 permission, drwxrwx--- 48 jason samba 4096 2009-11-29 05:2917:31
Snausagesbcj: yeah I imagine it's trouble-free in some configs, just as the 32-bit is...  but from the volume of traffic in here it certainly seems to be harder to achieve that config than with the 32bit setup17:31
DarsVaedahow do i activate onboard?17:31
Roastedgp5st - If I take away write ability from the group. The group is samba. If I take away write ability from the group, my user named "user" can no longer write.17:31
Plughgp5st: ok, good luck. I don't know what usb-creator is but the bootableusb page are the info that worked for me when other instructions failed. At least, when I had a machine that could boot off a usb stick.17:31
kensanataregulator1:"a backup package that wou" -- ...ld do the job? :)17:31
Roastedgp5st - that suggests hes a member of the group samba.17:31
Roastedgp5st - but hes not :(17:31
Roastedjason@Area51:/media/storage$ groups user17:31
Roasteduser is only a member of the group "user"17:32
guntbert!enter | Roasted17:32
ubottuRoasted: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!17:32
Roastedguntbert - sorry, terminal did it17:32
Roastedcouldnt change it or I woulda17:32
guntbert!pastebin | Roasted17:32
ubottuRoasted: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic17:32
kensanataregulator1: I would copy the entire filesystem to an external disk using rsync, boot from a disk, change the filesystem to encrypted, and copy it back (skipping the installation of a temporary system).17:32
bcjIn general I would suggest that if you have a 64 bit machine you give 64 bit Linux a go - if you have problems simply submit a bug (and help improve Linux) and if you really need stability, move back to a 32 bit system17:32
Roastedguntbert - no thanks!17:32
gp5stroasted: never say couldn't:-p you could paste to a text file and edit first17:32
RoastedI know17:32
gp5stroasted: hmmm17:32
bcjIf we don't submit bugs nothing gets improved17:32
Roastedbut this chat enrages me with people who are so whiney17:32
Plughtumii: If you want to get adventorous, you can go for 64 bit. If you aren't that experienced with Linux, it would be best to stay 32. You might notice much difference anyway for most routine things.17:33
guntbertRoasted: please do keep to the rules17:33
gp5stplugh: it's an ubuntu util that prob just does everything on that page:-p17:33
kensanataregulator1: But I confess this seems very tricky to me. :)17:33
tumiiPlugh: I have used linux for some time but if flash still does not work properly(?) with 64 bit so ill just stay with 3217:33
regulator1kensanata: so the disk I should use is the alternate install disk, and  it will let me encrypt the partitions without having to install a system17:33
uniquegrawity: i did try  "//ip/dir /mnt/dir cifs auto,defaults 0 0" and with /path/creditials" and in the credentials i have username=Guest and domain=ip and neither one worked..17:33
Plughgp5st: ok. I'll look it up at some point to learn more about it.17:33
Roastedguntbert - Ill be sure to do that. Thanks for keeping tight on my backside to make sure I do.17:33
ShockFVGA compatible controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 771/671 PCIE VGA Display Adapter17:33
Roastedgp5st - see where Im confused now?17:34
kensanataregulator1: I'm not sure about the Ubuntu disks. All I can offer is general advice on the process itself.17:34
grawityunique: If you don't specify "credentials=" in fstab, then the creds file is not checked17:34
Roastedgp5st - jason:samba... 770 perms... user can write... user should fall under the category of "other users"17:34
uniquei tried without credentials and with credentials17:34
Azeotropegrawity: 07      19      *       *       *       mplayer -loop 0 /root/Music/navy.wav  is my root crontab line. command works in terminal, i also have a killall mplayer command in cron taht works17:35
Plughtumii: Flash, video drivers, PDF readers have all been issues in the past under 64-bit. With evince, PDF reader may no longer be an issue. I think I've seen references to Flash for 32-bit but can't be sure. Sometimes the issues are handled by keeping a bunch of 32-bit libraries on the machine in addition to all the 64-bit stuff. I wanted a 64-bit only environment.17:35
Stavroshow can i browse for files on the network without mounting the shares first?17:35
gp5stroasted: yeah, one would think17:35
kensanataregulator1: Make sure you create a working backup. Ideally you would make sure you can boot the backup before proceeding. Do you think you can do that somehow?17:35
kwyjibohello. i did a bad thing and can't find how to fix it. i was dual-booting ubuntu/windows and wanted to remove ubuntu from the system. so i booted from the livecd, ran gparted. removed the linux partitions, grew the NTFS partition and rebooted. now the system doesn't boot. it gives a grub text error. heeeelp. :<17:35
Roastedkwyjibo - just do a repair on windows17:35
Alan502Good day :) im trying to execute a *.i386 file (Urban Terror to be specific), apparently i have to right click it, go to properties and check the "Is executable" box. I have already checked it but when i click the file it keeps prompting me to choose a program to open it. Would you help me please?17:35
grawityAzeotrope: cron runs in background, as a daemon. It does not have access to your Xserver, and probably cannot play audio either (no access to pulseaudio)17:35
jribkwyjibo: do you no longer want to use ubuntu?  Just windows?17:36
kwyjiboon this machine yes.17:36
erUSULkwyjibo: ask in ##windows how to fix the windows mbr from a windows install cd disk17:36
Roastedkwyjibo - grub overwrites the windows boot loader so windows + l inux have the ability to boot. It essentially "crashes" the boot loader. Do a repair on windows and itll re-add the windows boot loader, allowing windows to boot17:36
ShockFcan any one help me find a vga driver for this please VGA compatible controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 771/671 PCIE VGA Display Adapter17:36
alabdwhich one of gcj and gij has JRE plugin for browsers  ...17:36
kwyjiboerUSUL: there is no windows install disk. it uses a recovery partition17:36
erUSULShockF: the driver comes with the system.17:36
Thunder_Dropis it possible to print through wine?17:36
ShockFerUSUL : then why cant i get a resolution above 800x60017:36
erUSULkwyjibo: find one ...17:36
Xaevohow to create a SMB share for the SPECEFIC map i have, /var/www ?17:37
norenhi there17:37
Guest84664i inst 9.10 w/ wubi with win7. can't get ntfs conf tool to enable read write in ubunto17:37
grawityGuest84664: Add the Win7 partition to /etc/fstab manually?17:37
ZaNeIuMi got slow newtorking spees when i installed ubuntu 9.10, and i'm not familliar with linux at all, when i copy over a file to my desktop from my smb share on my other windwos system i get about 3MB/s17:37
Azeotropegrawity: when i had 9.04 same command worked as root.17:37
Guest84664k thx17:37
Xaevohow to create a SMB share for the SPECEFIC map i have, /var/www ?17:38
norenhi erUSUL cud u please check this and tell me what specific graphic driver i sud get http://pastebin.com/f1fc7587a17:38
Stavroscan i access files from the network as if they were local?17:38
Xaevoon Ubuntu 9.10 Server17:38
grawityGuest84664: UUID=blahblah-blah-blahblahblah-blah /media/windows ntfs-3g auto,fmask=0111,dmask=0,utf8,uid=1001,gid=1000 0 017:38
Xaevodo not give me a MAN command17:38
grawityGuest84664: Use "sudo blkid" to find out the UUID.17:38
ZaNeIuMbut if i leave ubuntu and boot with windows then i get 11MB/s from system to system17:38
mkakwyjibo: are you on the live CD now?17:38
kwyjibomka: yes17:38
Roastedxaevo - you have to install samba, and edit /etc/samba/smb.conf to add a share within the config file. The "path" of the share would be to /var/www/whatever/your/share/is17:38
regulator1kensanata: I can use clonezilla to image the system just in case I ruin it.  I don't think that this type of backup is suitable for restoring my old system onto the new partitions because it will write back the nonencrypted image17:38
ZaNeIuMis there something i need to ajust in my ubuntu network settings?17:38
mkakwyjibo: you can resize your windows to create a small partition17:38
erUSULnoren: VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics Device (rev 02) <<<< intel17:38
XaevoRoasted, i have samba installed, i can just link to the folder? thanks!17:39
kwyjibomka: ?17:39
mkakwyjibo: and format that little partition  to ext317:39
n00psudo ethtool -s eth0 speed 10 duplex full <-- to set eth0 duplex to 10baseT FD right?17:39
ShockFerUSUL : can you help me to get a resolution above 800x600 ??17:39
mkakwyjibo: and then put /boot/grub files into it17:39
norenerUSUL, are there any specific driver to be found for that ?17:39
Roastedxaevo - more or less, yeah. You have to add users through terminal as well as samba users. Then edit the smb.conf so samba knows what path is the samba folder.17:39
mkakwyjibo: and make those files boot windows17:39
kwyjibomka: how do i put boot/grub files on it17:39
patricidioI'm using ubuntu 9.10, and have just installed amarok 1.4 as explained in http://www.dwasifar.com/?p=84917:40
Roastedxaevo - like on my system, samba points to /media/storage, so thats my path. With yours itll be whatever your path is.17:40
mkakwyjibo: I can show you later17:40
Guest84664grawity thx17:40
mkakwyjibo: you simply copy the ones of the live CD17:40
regulator1kensanata: If I backup using a file-based backup program, will it be able to overwrite the running OS and replace it?17:40
Thunder_DropIs it possible to print through wine?17:40
gp5stroasted: how did you make "user"17:40
mkakwyjibo: and do a grub-install afterwards17:40
patricidioduring the install, I've noticed that one of the suggested packages is amarok14-engines, but it doesn't exist, is that a problem?17:40
gp5stroasted: you said this was a mac os issue?17:40
vendikhi everybody17:40
mkakwyjibo: and then modify the menu.lst17:40
Roastedgp5st - no, this is between windows/samba/and my linux box17:41
vendikI am executing an upgrade to Karmik and I am stuck17:41
invitingdopemanwad up computer nerds17:41
Roastedgp5st - in order for samba to work, you must have a local user on that server, as well as a "asmba" user17:41
invitingdopemansounds fimilliar17:41
Roastedgp5st - so when I log in from an XP computer as "user", its as if Im logged in to my linux box as user. If I write files, theyre owned by me, etc17:41
mkavendik: get to the point17:42
Alan502Good day :) im trying to execute a *.i386 file (Urban Terror to be specific), apparently i have to right click it, go to properties and check the "Is executable" box. I have already checked it but when i click the file it keeps prompting me to choose a program to open it. Would you help me please?17:42
n00psigh... sudo ethtool -s eth0 speed 10 duplex full <-- to set eth0 duplex to 10baseT FD right?17:42
Roastedgp5st - So I was messing around with permissions. If I restrict my samba share to not allow "user" to write, hed get access denied. Well, he didnt... He was able to write.17:42
invitingdopemananybody know how to get some nice audio settings17:42
=== velcroshooz_ is now known as velcroshooz
Budshey guys, im currently running ubuntu 9.04.. id like to upgrade to linux mint 8 (based on 9.10)  without a complete loss of data. (no dual boot)17:42
vendikMka he's looping trying to get adobe-flashpugin trying to connect to archive.canonical.com17:42
coz_invitingdopeman,  nice audio settings?17:42
vendikmka connection timeout17:43
coz_invitingdopeman,   I am not sure what you mean exactly :)17:43
guntbert!mint | Buds17:43
ubottuBuds: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), crunchbang (support in #crunchbang)17:43
mkavendik: that sounds like a network problem17:43
Budslinuxmint support is a joke17:43
RoastedBuds - youll have to format it and put Mint on. The only way to install a new operating system without losing data is if you organize your partitions with root/home on different partitions. That way you could format ubuntu, install mint, and your home directory would be perfectly fine.17:43
ShockFok so im looking for a driver for VGA compatible controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 771/671 PCIE VGA Display Adapter that will let me have above 800x600 resolution i had it before and id like it again please17:44
Budsthank you, roasted.17:44
invitingdopemanextened audio settings17:44
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.17:44
gp5stroasted: so this is over the network?17:44
Roastedbuds - I hear ya man, and mint being ubuntu based is pretty much on the same lines anyway17:44
diddyIs there any way I find out whether I am running a 64 or 32 bit version of Ubuntu?17:44
Budswhich is why i came here =P17:44
jribdiddy: uname -m17:44
Roastedbuds - look into splitting your partitions that way. I use 20gb for Root and the remainder for Home.17:44
mkavendik: maybe the server is down, did you try alternate repositories like medibuntu?17:44
gp5stroasted: are the user ids and group id's the same on both machines?17:44
coz_ShockF,  mm let me see if i can find the deb package for the SIS dirver17:44
invitingdopemana different type of sound settings17:44
Roastedbuds - that way I can format root, install whatever linux OS I want, and I leave home alone (meaning I DONT format it)17:44
ShockFcoz_ : thanks alot17:44
skeletalGuys, i have a doubt. How can I do a SCANDISK in my windows partition? ( ps: But, i would like to do it just in my LINUX.)17:45
Budsyou have your home on a completely different parition?17:45
vendikyes but pinging the site or trying wget I still get connection timeout while I can navigate through the web17:45
Roastedgp5st - both machines? Theres only 1 linux box here... *shrug*17:45
Roastedbuds - yes, I have a 500gb drive. 20gb root, and 400 something gb as home17:45
grawityskeletal: if it's FAT32, fsck.vfat /dev/sdXY (where sdXY is the Windows partition)17:45
diddyjrib, thx17:45
grawityskeletal: If it's NTFS - fsck.ntfs-3g17:45
invitingdopemanhow can i sudo sound settings17:45
Roastedbuds - that way I have the ACTUAL linux install on root, and ALL of my personal data, settings, music, documents, etc on home17:45
Roastedbuds - that way I can nuke my root partition, leave home intact, an d still have all of my data17:46
coz_ShockF, you also might want to read this while I search   http://www.winischhofer.eu/linuxsispart1.shtml17:46
skeletalOh, great I will go try it. Thanks.17:46
Roastedbuds - its just very important when you go a manual editing of the partitions in the installation menu while installing linux that you "mount" your home partition as HOME, but DO NOT format it.17:46
mkagrawity: does a fsck of FAT32 and NTFS work on linux?17:46
Roastedbuds - so when you're about to hit install, make sure Root is mounted as / and is checked to format, and  home is mounted as home and not checked to format.17:46
gp5stroasted: oh, you said it was a samba share17:47
abadabad00Does anyone know a good channel to ask questions about logical fallacies?17:47
Roastedbuds - its pretty easy when you get the logic behind it, but just make sure you dont have that checkbox next to home to format it :P17:47
Roastedgp5st - it is, but the other machine is a windows box.17:47
Budsroasted - interesting, and i should be able to mount home in a partition manager without data loss?17:47
Roastedgp5st - I dont believe windows deals with all of that17:47
mkavendik: then the server is down17:47
grawitymka: for FAT (all versions), fsck.vfat (aka dosfsck) from dosfstools is quite old, and quite reliable.17:47
Roastedbuds - the thing is, if you mount it as home during the partitioning when you install a linux OS, home will automatically mount each time you boot up without you even rea lizing it.17:47
Thunder_DropIs it possible to print through wine?17:48
vendikmka :(17:48
grawitymka: For NTFS - ntfs-3g tools (ntfsprogs package) are very good too, now.17:48
vendikand I cannot complete the upgrade17:48
ShawnRiskhow do I switch from Windows Vista to Ubuntu?  I think that it will speed up everything for the people who use the computer.   Any websites?17:48
Budsroasted - would i be better off upgrading to 9.10 and then installing the mint config files from the mint repository, lol.17:48
mkagrawity: can you then defragment FAT32 in linux?17:48
jribShawnRisk: do you want to dual boot or just ubuntu?17:48
Roastedbuds - more or less, if you mount "home" as home during the linux installer, you wont notice a difference from before. root/home on the SAME partition and root/home on DIFFERENT partitions, you wont notice a difference. Its just a matter of convenience so if you  nuke a linux install, your personal stuff isnt gone.17:49
grawitymka: *shrug* Never had to.17:49
Roastedbuds - Well, I know mint is ubuntu based, but I'm not sure how that plays out with crossing over like that. If it were me, I'd consider this a good time to re-vamp your hard drive.17:49
ShawnRiskjrib: I want to get rid of Windows Vista and move to Ubuntu.  The reason being Windows Vista is making the computer unusable.17:49
Roastedbuds - meaning I'd back up all of your data on external hard drives17:49
grawitymka: I try to use FAT as rarely as possible... even my pendrive is NTFS.17:49
jribShawnRisk: ubuntu.com, download a .iso, burn it, put it in the disk, reboot and follow directions :)17:49
dergringoHow do I turn on/off bluetooth by bash script?17:49
Roastedbuds - then nuke your entire hard drive, just format it. And set up your partitions like I said, with say 20gb root, and the remainder as home.17:49
mkagrawity: I understand17:50
ShawnRiskjrib: how do I save a few files, like documents?17:50
Roastedbuds - THEN install linux mint from a clean install, mount root to /, and home to home, and afterwards bring your data back to the drive.17:50
jribShawnRisk: you should back them up somewhere (even if you aren't installing ubuntu)17:50
Thunder_DropIs it possible to print through wine?17:50
coz_ShockF,   this is all I could find...the deb package links all seem to be dead   http://www.winischhofer.eu/linuxsisvga.shtml17:50
Roastedbuds - its a beeyotch to set up since you have to format the drive, but with a new version of linux coming out every 6 months, its VERY convenient to just blam - nuke root, install newer version, oh hey look my 360gb of data is still here! That's niiiiiice :P17:50
jribThunder_Drop: try #winehq17:50
ShawnRiskjrib: create another drive and put them on there?  Or is there another way?17:51
jribShawnRisk: use a flash drive or something17:51
noobHi. I have done configuration in ubuntu, now I'll try to play the kernel and I am afraid there is a fatal damage on my ubuntu, and I want to make or make my ubuntu can run on flash disk. and if the run on the flash disk with exactly the results I have ubuntu this modification. ada yang tau will step?17:51
ShawnRiskjrib: wish I had one17:51
mkaI want to install htop and fslint on jaunty by I am not getting them17:51
ShockFcoz_ : ok ermm is there anything i can do?17:51
jribShawnRisk: burn it to a disk?17:51
ShawnRiskjrib: put them on another computer by network?17:51
Budsroasted - yes thats very true, seems like a pain in the initial setup like most things, but probably worth it in the long run.17:51
jribShawnRisk: use the cloud?  Sure that works too.17:51
noobHi. I have done configuration in ubuntu, now I'll try to play the kernel and I am afraid there is a fatal damage on my ubuntu, and I want to make or make my ubuntu can run on flash disk. and if the run on the flash disk with exactly the results I have ubuntu this modification. have anybody know that step by step ?17:51
RoastedGuys - is there a command I can run in terminal to see WHAT groups are on my system and what GID's are assigned to them?17:52
coz_ShockF,  that page has a download area   and there may be a deb package listed there17:52
Roastedbuds - yeah man, wanna hear something else interesting with advanced partitioning?17:52
Pascatok, made a post on the forum about my problem ^_^17:52
ShockFok thanks17:52
jribShawnRisk: https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/installation-guide/index.html if you want something to read, but it's very easy to just follow the screen's instructions17:52
Pascatcan I post the link here?17:52
gp5stroasted:so you're testing this with the user user. not from the windows machine?17:52
gp5stroasted: so you're logged in as user and copying files to the share17:52
coz_ShockF,   or compile it according to their intructions   but other than that I am not sure  ...you could also try the ##linux channel to see if they have other alternatives17:52
skeletalgrawity: Man, i have installed here the ntfs-3g tools, right? But, what i need for do my scan in windows?17:52
Roastedbuds - I've been an ubuntu user for a long time. So my partitioning on my drive was Vista/Ubuntu Root/Home. Well, I REALLY wanted to try out KDE land with Kubuntu, but I didnt want to nuke Ubuntu. SO, I downsized my home partition by 20gb, so I had Vista/Ubuntu Root/Home/20gb Unallocated.17:53
ShockFcoz_ : ok thanks17:53
mkaPascat: go ahead17:53
RoastedBuds - then I installed Kubuntu on the other 20gb unallocated. Within Kubuntu, I mounted my home directory there.17:53
ShawnRiskjrib: thanks17:53
guntbertPascat: better tell us the problem *here* - in 1 line if possible17:53
coz_ShockF,  if you do find the deb pacakge ...let me know17:53
jribShawnRisk: no problem17:53
PascatThere are many problems that are related to my installation of ubuntu >.<17:53
RoastedBuds - what's that mean? If I boot to Ubuntu, my home directory is linked. If I boot to Kubuntu, my home directory is linked. Two differently installed operating systems that work independently, but share the same personal data.17:53
Budsroasted - why not just install the WM on the existing ubuntu17:53
deuceim noob17:53
ShockFcoz_ : i will do17:54
skeletalwhere ii found the fsck-ntfs3g  guys?????17:54
RoastedBuds - I thought about that, but I didnt want to change nuking my Ubuntu install because I have it set up as a file server so I like my uptime to be optimal. I installed Ubuntu + KDE WM on a spare PC I have here and it didnt go well.17:54
=== usser__ is now known as usser
RoastedBuds = after further usage tho, I think something is wrong with that spare rig in general, though.17:54
noobcan you help me deuce > for make or mastering my os on flashdisk17:54
LetsGo67How do I edit my GRUB?17:54
Roastedbuds - but nonetheless, my point is I have TWO operatting systems sharing the same home directory, thanks to keeping my home directory on a separate partition.17:54
Budsroasted - i also have had trouble with that process in the past, although now it seems to have worked out most the bugs.17:54
noobor clone my os to flashdisk, like nlite if am used windows17:54
Roastedbuds - just thought it was cool to even have the ability to do something like that.17:55
mystery1234Hello everyone17:55
Roastedbuds - it worked great on my work laptop, just not on my spare desktop, but like I said, it acts really weird with video issues. Google Earth makes it flash like its a distro, its strange.17:55
Roastedgp5st - sorry man, IM doing this from the XP computer, BUT I have to "log in" to my server17:55
Roastedgp5st - so Im using my logign for "user" to log in to my server17:55
ussernoob, http://www.geekconnection.org/remastersys/remastersystool.html17:55
coz_noob,   yes remastersys may be what you want17:55
noobam will try you link usser17:56
LetsGo67How do I turn off ACPI?17:56
protocol2is there a way to lock the kernel I currently use from being overwritten by an update?17:56
ShawnRiskjrib: the computer has amd mobile sempron would that be okay?17:56
gp5stroasted: is it possible that the samba config is doing something weird? like it's just using that for auth and then writing it on it's own as another user/proc?17:56
coz_LetsGo67,   try here   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=9542517:56
Alan502Good day :) im trying to execute a *.i386 file (Urban Terror to be specific), apparently i have to right click it, go to properties and check the "Is executable" box. I have already checked it but when i click the file it keeps prompting me to choose a program to open it. Would you help me please?17:56
fbianconi!grub2 |LetsGo6717:56
ubottuLetsGo67: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub217:56
Budsroasted - so basiclly, i want to start off creating a new 20g partition for root, and install the new mint distro to that to start out?17:57
noobbrb usser am will try you link :) thanks b 417:57
Alan502i've been googling for quite long =P17:57
aalexSeems like update-manager crashed while I was dist-upgrading to 9.04... Now, X doesn't launch at all. What should I do now, a fresh install, or try apt-get distupgrade using the shell?17:57
skeletalhelp me guys17:57
ussernoob, good luck17:57
Roastedgp5st - It may be, but I REALLY dont believe it has anything to dowith samba. I have samba set to simply allow/deny access to shares. From there, its the linux permissions on the folders that allow users to write, read, execute, etc17:57
jribShawnRisk: that's fine17:57
mystery1234My firefox keeps freezing my computer. I think it may be flash or something. What should I do.  Most times i have to power off my computer and reboot when this happens. Can someone help?17:57
ShawnRiskjrib: i that really slow?17:57
gp5stroasted: are you sure about that?17:57
Roastedbuds - That's what I would do. I use 20gb for root, which is kind of big. I think Im using up 6 gig of space on my root partition, and I have every program installed known to man.17:57
Roastedbuds - But I like to be generous, so I stick with 20gb17:57
jribShawnRisk: i386 if you want to use 32bit and amd64 if you want to use 64bit.  How much ram do you have?17:58
Roastedbuds - so if it were ME, I'd set up 20gb root, and the remainder as home17:58
Roastedbuds - its also a good idea to add swap in there17:58
Budsroasted - yea im working this out on a macbook pro so i might lessen it a bit17:58
Roastedbuds - 1gb swap/20gb root/400gb home, or whatever17:58
mkaPascat: as you were told earlier here, it is better you state your problem here so that anyone who knows your problem helps you17:58
Roastedgp5st - Yeah, when I change group permissions on my linux box, that's when things change.17:58
sumodumoyou double boot?17:58
Budsroasted - should i try to work out these partitions from a boot disk or is it safe to do it from here17:58
Roastedgp5st - that leaves me to believe its a permissions issue, not a smaba issue17:58
gp5stroasted: that's what makes me curious, maybe the samba user/proc is writing the files17:58
Roastedbuds - from here? what does from here mean... are you on ubuntu on the macbook?17:59
TukeI have had a weird issue, maybe someone has some ideas. Sometimes when I boot up my 9.10 I have a constant load average of 1-4 when normally I get about 0.05 right after boot up. When it happens it persists until I reboot and it is happening more and more frequently. Also the system is constantly extremely slow of course. I have been running top, htop and iotop to try to see what might be running to consume my resources but can't seem to s17:59
ShawnRiskjrib: it is almost 3 years old but 512 MB17:59
gp5stroasted: hence why you can't write if samba doesn't have access17:59
ShawnRisk1.80 ghz17:59
Budsroasted - yes 9.04 on a macbook pro17:59
Roastedgp5st - Well, Im checking the GID now of the group, because I had this setup on Ubuntu and I installed Kubuntu next to Ubuntu and tried to mimic my setup.17:59
Roastedgp5st - so after you mentioned GID's Im wondering if thats the issue17:59
mkaPascat: Anyway I couldnt understand your stuff. but if I was to suggest quick measures, disable password lockout with screensavers, disable compiz as well17:59
jribShawnRisk: should be ok17:59
Roastedgp5st - so Im creating a "samba2" group with a different GID to see if that group acts like ti should.17:59
jribShawnRisk: you probably want to use i38618:00
Roastedbuds - you cant edit partitions when you currently are using them, so youll have to do it from the livecd. You can do it from the actual installer CD to o.18:00
Roastedbuds - just make sure, back your stuff up prior to doing this - formatting crashes everythinggggggggggggg18:00
mkaI have to sleep good people, cheers!!18:00
gp5stroasted: i just thought maybe the other box was sending differn't uid/gid, but samba should deal with that well i thought? idk18:00
Roastedbuds - as well as make sure in the future if you reinstall a newer linux OS to "mount and format root" and "mount BUT DO NOT format home"18:00
bakarati'm looking for a new phone, but i need it to be able to sync properly with ubuntu (preferably nokia phone, or a linux based one), any suggestions?18:01
mystery1234does anyone know how to fix firefox freezes18:01
PascatI don't want to disable password lockout with screensaver. :/ I don't want to give my sister access to my desktop :/18:01
Budsroasted - yea def, im acctuallly thinking about trying the upgrade to 9.10 then try to work with the mint files from repository, if that does fail ill just nuke it and start out with your method.18:01
RoastedBuds - there ya go, that sounds fair enough18:01
RoastedBuds - regardless backing up your files never hurts. I have 4 hard drives in my desktop that do backups twice a day!18:02
Budsroasted - my desktop just rocks 1 TB and a 500g =P18:02
sumodumohow do u autoback up yHD?18:02
sumodumoi have a 1.5 T18:02
Roastedbuds - Im about to upgrade to TB drives18:02
sumodumofor 100$18:02
FloodBot5sumodumo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:02
Roastedbuds - Im currently running 500/500/250/25018:02
Roastedbuds - 250gb drives are for network storage (backups of the other pcs in the house, light duty users)18:02
Budsroasted - prices have dropped dramaticly with TB HDs, def worth it now.18:02
Roastedand the 500s are for me, 1 to use vista/linux on, the other to back up my home dir18:03
Roastedbuds - Yeah, tell me about it. Its hard to justify tho cause I buy them in pairs.18:03
Roastedso even a cheap TB drive means ouchie to the pocket since I buy x218:03
ShockFcoz_ : xf86-video-sis it should be in the repo and have to use apt-get to find it ive no idea how though :P18:03
khensthothmystery1234: Does turning of desktop effects alleviate the Firefox freezing problem?18:03
Budsroasted - yea, so im just looking through synaptic right now, i acctually see the gnome mint menu and update manager in the 9.04 repositorys. Probably a good sign considering the menu is all i really want =P18:04
Roastedbuds - well there ya go then, sounds like a plan18:04
axisys_how do I remove an app from applications -> internet -> app ?18:05
Budsroasted - gunna get started ill let you know if i end up raping my menus18:05
Roastedsounds good, good luck!18:05
jribaxisys_: right click on the ubuntu icon -> edit menu18:05
axisys_jrib: sweet! thanks18:06
alabdTriskelios: how to make firefox to use installed icedtea plugin ?18:06
gp5starg, so i made the disk fat32 and used the usb-creator program and it doesn't even recognize the disk at all, it just asks if i want to format it18:06
zedkappaneed help with python, is there any python channel?18:07
zedkappaor the like?18:07
trismzedkappa: that would be it, you need to register your nick to get in18:07
zedkappaok thanks!18:07
chmacI'm hearing only garbled, static sounding sound from my laptop. I hear system beeps ok, but no other sound. Any suggestions on how to test?18:08
BluesKajgp5st, that's why it's asking , you need to format it to ntfs to make it work18:08
chmacI tried cat blah > /dev/audio and it produced output, can I cat a wav file to /dev/audio?18:08
alabd how to make firefox to use installed icedtea plugin ?18:08
gp5stblues: it's fat32!18:08
git__chmac, you can cat a wave to /dev/audio18:08
git__but you won't hear anything acceptable18:08
chmacgit__: lol18:09
gp5stblues: idk, hold on18:09
axisys_everytime i click google earth  i get this notice as a pop message .. http://pastebin.com/d74ebed8918:09
chmacgit__: I was about to download a wav after your first message :-)18:09
axisys_any idea how to fix it ?18:09
chmacgit__: Do you know if there's anything I can cat straight to /dev/audio that will sound intelligble?18:09
n00pok this is driving me nuts. can nobody here help me? I'm using mii-tool to force eth0 duplex to 10baseT-FD and getting at least a stable connection but still no success. ethtool won't do this. why not?18:09
NallemanI would like some hint how to set up a  backup sync  _from_ my windowsmachine _to_ my ubuntu machine using wireless network.18:09
jribalabd: bottom right corner of firefox should let you select the plugin it uses, or "touch" the files for the plugin, or uninstall the other plugins, or use « update-java-alternatives » on the command line18:09
B3rz3rk3rNalleman, that will take forever is you are planning to do full backups18:10
fcuk112Nalleman: dropbox?18:10
NallemanB3rz3rk3r, plan is to only sync the backup with rsync or similar18:10
Nallemanfcuk112, how does it work?18:11
kensanataNalleman: Why don't you just start with rsync?18:11
fcuk112Nalleman: it synchs a folder across machines and is cross platform.18:11
fcuk112Nalleman: 2GB of storage is free.18:11
Nallemankensanata, I dont know how to set it up. please help me if you know how.18:12
kensanataNalleman: If possible I'd mount the Windows drive via a local (cable) network first just to save on transfer time.18:12
n00pam I going to have to request help a 4th time?18:12
GlowballIs libdvdcss2 not available yet?18:12
guntbert!patience | n00p18:12
ubottun00p: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.18:12
usserfcuk112, its a goddamn overkill for a backup, backing over the internet when the machines are in the same room18:12
kensanataNalleman: Which part? Here are the rsync commands I used to backup parts of my Mac OSX systems. http://www.emacswiki.org/alex/Backup18:12
Nallemankensanata, yes. that is a minor problem. the problem is to mount the remote folder in my file system18:12
n00pubottu, fair enough, but I've been here for 40 minutes, googling and trying different things.18:12
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:12
ShawnRiskjrib: how do I save firefox forms before I switch to ubuntu?  I have a few numbers saved but I don't want to lose them18:13
n00perr, guntbert18:13
jribShawnRisk: I don't know.  There used to be a migration app that ran during install but I am not sure if that is still true18:13
Hans_Henrik"sudo dir -R /sys" there's a bunch  of files that's ignored. likewise, when i "search for files" in the GNOME desktop /sys/, there's a bunch of files it wont find (problem likely related), so only way to find all files is to browse them manually.. any1 know how to fix?18:13
ShawnRiskjrib: ok18:13
fcuk112Nalleman: use this link for extra 250MB space.18:13
jribHans_Henrik: why are you using dir?18:14
fcuk112Nalleman: https://www.dropbox.com/referrals/NTE3MjA2Mjk18:14
jribHans_Henrik: what do you want to accomplish?18:14
guntbertn00p: did you try to ask in ##networking yet?18:14
khensthothShawnRisk: You can just copy your whole firefox profile in Windows, and paste it into the Ubuntu one later if you want to.18:14
fcuk112usser: it works fine for me, easy to setup imo.18:14
fcuk112usser: and it's very quick and instant.18:15
ShawnRiskkhensthoth: would that save all the banking numbers that I filled out?18:15
Nallemanfcuk112, thanks.18:15
usserfcuk112, i have a dsl :) thats why im pissed18:15
venomhi I'm new here " can anyone tell me how to run windows games on ubuntu I have a Interl GMA 4500 " ? plz18:15
khensthothShawnRisk: Most likely.18:15
erUSUL!wine | venom18:15
ShawnRiskkhensthoth: okay18:15
ubottuvenom: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu18:15
TukeIs this the right place for asking questions on performance issues, or is there a better channel for that?18:15
erUSUL!appdb > venom18:15
ubottuvenom, please see my private message18:15
Kellurhi all! Where do I need to put startup script to be run as root?18:16
mars_is this a only hardware support channel?18:16
fcuk112usser: not sure what u mean, isn't dsl supposed to be quick?18:16
jribmars_: no18:16
khensthothShawnRisk: Refer http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Profiles for the location of your profiles in Windows and Ubuntu18:16
jribmars_: it's support for ubuntu18:16
venomi have it but when I run a game with it ( POP 2008 ) I hear the sound but with a Black screen18:16
Roastedguys really weird permissions issue here. I created 3 groups. Same members in all 3 groups, samba5, samba7, samba8. The number at the end if the GID they have - 1005, 1007, 1008, etc. 1007 REQUIRES root priviledges for me to change, yet all 3 are IDENTICAL. What gives?18:16
ShawnRiskkhensthoth: looking18:16
patricidiohi everyone18:17
patricidioI'm using ubuntu 9.10, and have just installed amarok 1.4 as explained in http://www.dwasifar.com/?p=84918:17
FANDER!autocopy @ FANDER18:17
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:17
patricidioduring the install, I've noticed that one of the suggested packages is amarok14-engines, but it doesn't exist, is that a problem?18:17
FloodBot5patricidio: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:17
agent42Hans_Henrik: tried "select more options"->"show hidden and backup files"?18:17
jribRoasted: change what?  Show us a pastebin of the commands you are running, and what you expected differently18:17
Nallemanfcuk112, 2 gb18:17
FANDERguys what's the extension for autocopy?18:17
mars_hey jrib, how can i talk addressing to you, like you just did?18:17
LjLFANDER: what IS autocopy?18:17
MayaTemmmm... need some help, who have an experiance on Vodafone HSDPA / 3G / GPRS .. how to setting at ubuntu-linux.. pls pm me okey.. tq :(18:17
gp5sti think i need a new usb reader?18:18
jribmars_: you just put my nick in the front of what you say :)18:18
jrib!tab | mars_18:18
fcuk112Nalleman: not enough?18:18
ubottumars_: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.18:18
Roastedjrib - Im  not running commands. Im setting the group assignments in the GUI. It just errors out and says I dont have sufficient priviledges. When I went to terminal, I can run chgrp samba5 test, chgrp samba8 test, but I NEED to run sudo with chgrp samba7 test. Theres something about that GID, 1007, thats being stupid18:18
gp5stusb sd reader i mean18:18
FANDERLjL: when you select text, it copies it automatically18:18
Nallemanyes. but no 250 mb extra, but its cool18:18
jribRoasted: what do you want to accomplish?18:18
fcuk112Nalleman: eh, did you use the link i gave you?  strange.18:19
LjLFANDER: uh, and what do you mean by the extension for it?18:19
venomplz anyone ?!18:19
Roastedjrib - Well, I have 3 groups, all identical. And 1 requires root to change. I want to know why that one group requires root when theyre all identical.18:19
mars_jrib, perfect, ty. u guys ar so helpful and patient!18:19
FANDERLjL: (06:22:17 PM) coz_: FANDER,  that is an extension which allow you to select text and it's automatically copied to the clipboard18:19
jribRoasted: ... change *what*?18:19
Roastedjrib - when I assign that group to a folder.18:19
Nallemanfcuk112, probably you get 250 extra ? :)18:19
usserfcuk112, slow as hell here18:19
jribRoasted: you always need to be root to change group ownership18:19
Roastedjrib - I need root priviledges to assign samba7 to a folder, yet I can assign samba 5 and 8 to it just fine18:19
fcuk112Nalleman: haha no it should be both of us :)18:19
Roastedjrib - no, you dont, not if you own the folder in question - which I do18:19
Roastedjrib - this is all the same folder too btw18:20
jribRoasted: show me in your pastebin18:20
Roastedjrib - same folder, 3 groups, 2 work, 1 needs root, yet theyre identical18:20
Roastedpastebin of what18:20
Nallemani will try it out anyway18:20
fcuk112usser: it depends what you're synching i guess, if you're synching 700mb movies i would expect it to take a while.18:20
norenhi there, can i safely test if my monitor cud support higher ressolution Intel Corporation 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics Device (rev 02) but i am only getting 1024 X 764 ressolution18:20
jribRoasted: show me you changing the group of a folder to samba5 without using sudo and then trying the same thing with samba718:20
Roastedjrib - hold that thought...18:21
RoastedI just got the error...18:21
Roastedfor all of them... wow...18:21
venomPOP 2008 run with black screen ?!18:21
ShawnRiskkhensthoth: thanks18:21
venomso Prototype18:22
jribRoasted: though you are right you don't need root to change group owner, I thought you did18:22
Roastedjrib - if you need to be root to change group ownership, EVEN if you own the directory, why, oh why, does nautilus and dolphin both have the option for it in the gui18:22
khensthothShawnRisk: No problem.18:22
Roastedjrib -okay wow, yeah all 3 are erroring out on me now18:23
jribRoasted: pastebin18:23
Roastedjrib - I changed the group in the gui though... and it was only one that errored out....18:23
dang3rou5sorry got dc so i m asking again18:23
Roastedk one second18:23
dang3rou5hi there, can i safely test if my monitor cud support higher ressolution Intel Corporation 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics Device (rev 02) but i am only getting 1024 X 764 ressolution18:23
gp5stroasted: you only need to be root if you're not in that group, i think18:23
Roastedgp5st - thats what I thought. What hte hell is happening with permissions on my system.18:23
Roastedthis is driving me insane18:23
Roastedsamba is acting weird, users can write to places they shouldnt be allowed18:24
RoastedI cant perform simple actions without root when I KNOW I dont need root for this18:24
Roastedthis all doesnt make sense...18:24
ubottuXRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1218:24
usserRoasted, did you add yourself to all those groups? did you logout/login after you added yourself?18:24
Roastedusser - lol....18:24
Roastedusser - YES, I added myself, NO I did not log out.18:24
Roastedman I suck18:24
Roastedbe right back18:24
usserRoasted, eh you should :)18:24
venomthanks anyway18:24
jribusser: good catch -- didn't know that about changing groups18:25
usserjrib, hehe :)18:25
chmacgit__: Turns out there's a bug to do with muting and unmuting pcm mixer, causes static until I change the volume after unmuting18:25
MatBoyis there and ideal centralized system for packagemanagement for servers that you can run in your own network ?18:25
chmacGlad to have found an easy fix :-)18:26
ShawnRiskjrib:  one last question:  is moving to ubuntu going to make the computer faster?18:26
bradpitthi.. does anybody here can help me? i have installed lubuntu desktop on top of ubuntu, and i have wicd error so i can't connect to internet by lan or wireless. thank you18:26
ardchoilleShawnRisk:  Faster than what?18:26
jribShawnRisk: ubuntu is definitely going to be lighter than vista.  If you find gnome too slow, you can try xfce or something like fluxbox or openbox18:26
ShawnRiskjrib: I can't use kde?  I like that better18:26
dAlfa89_Ew, Vista18:27
Roastedjrib, usser - bingo. logging out did it18:27
ardchoilleShawnRisk: Oh, I would say definitely18:27
ShawnRiskardchoille: in terms of performance18:27
gadget3000I hate vista18:27
Roastedusser - question though, if Im setting up groups on a major production linux server, if I log out/back in, it doesnt mess up any processes or connections that people may have to the server at that time does it?18:27
jribShawnRisk: kde will probably be about as resource hungry as gnome.  You can install kde after installing ubuntu by installing the "kubuntu-desktop" package, but if you haven't burned a disk yet, you may want to grab the Kubuntu iso that sets up kde by default18:27
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »18:28
BluesKajgadget3000, there's no need to diss other OSs , we don't care18:28
Roastedjrib, shawnrisk - I have ubuntu 9.04 and kubuntu 9.04 dual booting on the same computer. I did a memory test from fresh boot and compared them18:28
jadakrenFANDER: that clipboard dump on highlight is part of X1118:28
Roastedjrib, shawnrisk - Gnome/Ubuntu, fresh boot no startup applications running was using 382mb of RAM, whereas KDE/Kubuntu, same scenario, was running 274mb of RAM. Surprisingly, KDE is indeed a bit slimmer than Gnome.18:28
Roastednever woulda thought that18:28
qwdis there a command that will show me the model of my dvd drive?18:28
jadakrenFANDER: it isn't an 'extension'18:28
bkwWhat else than sound-juicer can I use to rip audio cds to mp3?18:29
jribqwd: maybe lshw18:29
agent42dang3rou5: System -> Preferences -> Display18:29
ShawnRiskRoasted: which one is faster?18:29
Roastedshawnrisk - theyre both equally fast, in my opinion18:29
blzEvery time I install ubuntu karmic the sound works out of the box and then suddenly stops.  i can't figure out what is causing this, or how to fix it.  Can anybody help?  I don't even know where to start.18:29
Roastedshawnrisk - I simply prefer KDE land though based on preference, so I stick with kubuntu.18:29
blzI should also mention that i've never had sound issues on this hardware with past versions18:29
Norrinsudo kextcache . . . .18:29
jadakrenbkw: 1. opne synaptics 2. type in search field "cd rip" 3. ????18:29
Norrinarchive would be too large; aborting18:29
dang3rou5agent42, i meant how can i do it frm console18:29
Roastedblz - I hate to say it, qutie a few issues arose with karmic18:29
Snausagesblz: mine stopped once, came back when I rebooted18:29
cbrookinsShawnRisk:  Check out http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1155961, minimal desktop so that you can add only what you want18:29
Roastedblz - I karmic wont see all 4 of my hard drives properly, so Im skipping that release :(18:30
Norrin"archive would be too large; aborting" - anyone know what the problem is?  can't get the command to run & pretty sure I can't reboot now....18:30
usserRoasted, on a production server, no users should be logged in period18:30
ShawnRiskRoasted: is GNOME or KDE easier for someone who is using this for the first time?  Not me but someone else18:30
blzRoasted:  Damn.  that's a pretty big issue18:30
Roastedusser - I mean CONNECTED to it.18:30
agent42dang3rou5: sorry, I don't know18:30
blzit works perfectly except for this sound bug18:30
Budsroasted - 9.10 upgrade (2 hours remaining) lol18:30
qwdjrib: thanks, that worked! turns out I did choose the best one :)18:30
Roastedusser - what if the server is a samba server and users are working on it and I have to add groups and stuff.18:30
usserRoasted, you had problems only because you were sitting in front of the server testing stuff.18:30
Roastedusser - then log out/back in to activate the changes. Those samba users dont see a diff?18:30
Roastedusser - but still, this scenario can be applied to a production server.18:31
Norrinfrom du - "257M/System/Library/Extensions" - the directory is 257MB... is that too big??18:31
usserRoasted, so you go ahead and do that, next time those users login they will get the new changes18:31
blzUnder sound prefs > hardware, I see no hardware18:31
Roastedusser - ah okay, I just wanted to make sure logging out/back in wouldn't ruin anybody elses current connection.18:31
bradpitthi.. does anybody here can help me? i have installed lubuntu desktop on top of ubuntu, and i have wicd error so i can't connect to internet by lan or wireless.18:31
Roastedbuds - ha, yeah man. Takes a while to do upgrades :P18:31
dAlfa89_Samba does my head in, it won't let me access my Windows shares, but lets Windows see Ubuntu's18:31
Roastedbuds - thats another reason I stay away from them18:31
Norrinbradpitt: this isn't #ubuntu18:31
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blzSame with input... output says "dummy output"18:32
Roastedyes it is?18:32
blzNorrin: it's not?18:32
BluesKajNorrin, could have fooled me18:32
usserRoasted, but regardless any/most changes on a server would require root so. And the fact that one user of the system, say it was root, logged in/logged out shouldn interrupt anyones workflow. If it did, that would "some awesome multiuser" OS18:32
bradpittNorrin : ha..ha18:33
Norrin<- epic fail18:33
Roastedusser - good point, but hey - figured I'd ask NOW while I'm playing iwth a test server instead of later when it counts :P18:33
usserRoasted, no its definetely a valid point18:34
usserRoasted, also might want to change the gid sticky bit on that directory that you're sharing, because by default all new files created by samba users will get username:username ownership, whereas you want username:sambagroup ownership18:35
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Roastedusser - the gid sticky?18:35
Roastedusser - im in kde now and I see in dolphin it has that option, but I dont know what it means18:35
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OmniCitadelso is there an easy way to see what channel an access point I am joining is on?18:36
blzHas anybody else experienced sound issues in Karmic?18:36
Freeaqingmeblz, define 'sound issues'?18:36
AndyGraybealhow do i install the dev packages on ubuntu?  (are they included in the ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso ?)18:36
blzFreeaqingme:  sound suddenly stops working despite never having a problem on earlier versions of ubuntu18:37
usserRoasted, it basically means preserve group ownership, ie say directory is owned by username:priviliged. now every linux has a primary group for any given user, on ubuntu primary group is the same as the username. by default all the files that the user creates are owned by user and his primary group18:37
blzyeah i should have specified =)18:37
sumodumoso u guys dont like the new 9.1???????18:37
usserRoasted, gid allows you to preserve the group ownership of any given directory18:38
blzsumodumo:  i like it except my sound suddenly broke =(18:38
Roastedusser - oh okay, so if the setgid option is set, it forces the group on all files/folders created in there?18:38
usserRoasted, exactly.18:38
sumodumoblz: what happend?!18:38
heatercan someone please help me with nvidia driver install. the last few times ubuntu would kick the graphics into "low graphics mode"18:38
Roastedusser - but, does it preserve permissions? For example, if I have 775 perms, group has full control, others do not. If a user is in the others category, would he inherit the 7 perms from the group?18:38
diddyFolks, I just installed the 64bit version of Ubuntu 9.10 and I am watching a movie on video.google.com. However, the play/stop button or any other button does not respond to my clicks.18:39
Roastedusser - I just want to make sure if I stick the group to it t hat thats ALL that sticks. I dont want to be giving "others" anymore access than the octal r ights I have assigned (in the example, it would be 5 perms = r-x)18:39
blzsumodumo:  excellent question.  I have no idea.  My sound hardware has always played nice with ubuntu, but its seems as if there's some sort of regression.  It worked at first and then mysteriously... no sound.  I can't figure out what caused it18:39
timothy__Roasted, if the other user is a member of the group18:39
timothy__he will get the 7 rights18:39
usserRoasted, no perm are permissions they dont change just like that, you have to explicitly chmod it18:39
Roastedusser, timothy - okay I understand18:40
Roastedusser - whats the thing for sticky th o? In dolphin I have an option for setgid AND sticky? how ar ethey different?18:40
sumodumoblz: hmmmmmm i dunno then. i just installed ubuntu like 1 week ago. and i love it18:40
tumiiHow can I enable my dual screen? The other one is on my integrated GF8200 and the other one works good on a separate 8800 GTS. What should I do on nvidia settings? Both screens are detected, but I cant use the 2nd one18:40
dang3rou5what is the best ressolution that i can get with inter chip display controller  i got18:40
blzsumodumo:  I like it a lot too... except for this18:40
usserRoasted, there's uid sticky bit, it does something else, i forgot what18:40
n-iCeany ideas? in netboox remix, installing: " can't mount /dev/loop1 on /cow"18:40
usserRoasted, you need gid one18:40
dang3rou5 Intel Corporation 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics Device (rev 02) but i am only getting 1024 X 764 ressolution18:41
Roastedusser - so to keep the group for all files/folders, just setgid, and leave sticky alone?18:41
usserRoasted, and if its a test server i'd start using the command line :)18:41
usserRoasted, yep18:41
sumodumowie gehts?18:41
heatercan someone please help me with nvidia driver install??? the last few times ubuntu would kick the graphics into "low graphics mode" i have the commands to install just remember there being something i need todo before i can install it18:41
timothy__tumii, i think your problem is that you have two 2 gfx cards18:41
usserRoasted, better do it now than on a production server where all you have is command line18:41
diddyWhat is the problem with Flash in Firefox and Ubuntu 64bit?18:41
Do[k]Ho`does someone use ubuntu netbook remix ? I don't know how to manage gnome panel icon ...18:41
Roastedusser - well, I already know how to use terminal a lot. I was previously using g+s with chmod to do this.18:41
=== fridim_ is now known as Guest7827
Roastedusser - Im just getting used to the KDE gui now and I have more options in the KDE gui than I had in GNome.18:42
tumiitimothy__ but it does work with windows18:42
Roastedusser - so Im just trying to figure out what commands I previously used in terminal apply to the settings I have in dolphin now.18:42
usserRoasted, hm. thats debatable :)18:42
sumodumowhy does it seem like evertime i enter this channel everyone has problems with ubuntu??????18:42
Roastedusser -Hey, my eyes dont lie. More options here in KDE land. Didnt have them in Gnome. :P18:42
timothy__yeah it should work18:42
ussersumodumo, because its a support channel if no one had problems the channel wouldnt be here18:42
ShawnRiskI hate vista with a huge head18:42
timothy__have you tried with the standard gnome screen utility?18:42
MatBoyis there any landscape software that you can run in your own network and which is open source ?18:43
erUSULsumodumo: it happens to me everytime i enter a hospital... everyone is sick18:43
timothy__did you make sure the mirroring option is not selected?18:43
n-iCeany ideas? in netboox remix, installing: " can't mount /dev/loop1 on /cow"18:43
usserMatBoy, no landscape is canonical proprietary tool, only available for money18:43
sumodumoerUSUL oh i see. i dnno. i just use the forums18:43
MatBoyusser: no alternative yet ?18:43
blzyayyyy problem solved!18:43
usserMatBoy, depending what you want to manage, how you want to manage it18:44
MatBoyusser: packages for sure... configuation not really needed18:44
MatBoyusser: some overview and packagemanagement :)18:44
usserMatBoy, for me all i need is my own local custom repository and ssh18:44
sara11how i can download flash video like youtube , yahoo ? plz18:44
MatBoyusser: yes true... that is needed actually but sometimes some webbased sql based app can be nice for monitoring and so on what packages are installed18:45
PsmiffyHi all18:45
vikhello, I need qc-usb webcam driver, and I get errors compiling it myself. Is there a .deb package for it? Could it be available in any repository?18:45
heateris some one available to help with an nvidia graphics driver???18:45
tumii-heater what is your problem18:45
cgrozahello i want to install debian... but i dont know how to install it...it will install just like ubuntu or i have to type commands?18:45
erUSULsara11: download? there are a few good firefox extensions for that18:45
Psmiffycould someone help me with my slow wireless connection on ubuntu 9,10??18:45
sumodumowhats the difference between debian and ubuntu?18:45
tumii-two different OSes18:45
erUSULsara11: if you want to see them online install ubuntu-restricted-extras18:45
erUSUL!debian | sumodumo18:46
ubottusumodumo: Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!18:46
=== dgr is now known as dgr_Away
cgrozahello i want to install debian... but i dont know how to install it...it will install just like ubuntu or i have to type commands?18:46
heatertumii: the last few times i have tried to install the driver it puts ubuntu in low graphics mode, i remember someone here helped me once and they had me remove something before i started the install18:46
usserMatBoy, yes thats true, but then again i can always run ssh `cat myclients` "dpkg -l | grep packagename"18:46
=== dgr_Away is now known as dgr
sara11reUSUL ok if i want to download it ?18:46
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tumii-heater, I can't help you then, on me all drivers have worked like charm :/18:46
erUSULcgroza: ask in #debian18:46
usserMatBoy, to see if a specific package is installed on my clients, my infrastructure is not that big so it works for me18:46
ShawnRiskI am switching over to Vista as soon as I copy over a few more files, and backup firefox.  I am so sick of Vista18:46
heatertumii: if i follow the directions?18:46
tumii-heater, hmm. How you instelled the drivers=18:47
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Roastedusser - something is weird here bro18:47
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usserRoasted, what is18:47
MatBoyusser: ah ok :)18:47
MatBoyusser: how many machines ?18:47
heatertumii: i download the compatable one from nvidia, then i kill X, then i sh the package, then run the package18:47
Roastedusser - jason:samba owns a folder. 770 permissions. "user" is not a member of samba, yet he can do whatever he wants in that folder. Write, delete, etc.18:47
usserMatBoy, about 50 now with more coming up, i'll see how it scales. but i think i'll also be looking into something more suitable pretty soon :)18:48
tumiiheater: You couldn't find the drivers from System -> Administration -> Drivers (or something similiar)18:48
heatertumii: they are not powerful enough to run the frontend for my media server18:49
tumiiheater: ah then, have you tried google'ing your problem?18:49
diddyDoes anybody know how to get Flash to work on Ubuntu 9.10 64bit?18:49
n-iCeany ideas? in netboox remix, installing: " can't mount /dev/loop1 on /cow"18:49
usserRoasted, hm pastebin your smb.conf, pastebin the results of cat /etc/group | grep user18:49
heatertumii: yea :( ill keep looking though18:49
tumiiheater: okay, do that. I haven't experienced much problems on Nvidia Linux drivers at all18:50
heatertumii: alright, thanks for your help18:50
tumiiheater: okay18:50
tumiiheater: your welcome, though I think i was not even much help for you18:50
MatBoyusser: hehe, keep me updated... I'm here 24/36518:51
Roastedusser - theres my smb.conf http://paste.ubuntu.com/331238/18:51
n-iCeany ideas? in netboox remix, installing: " can't mount /dev/loop1 on /cow"18:51
APERSONhow would I go about removing all shadows from compiz?18:51
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Roastedusser - grep user http://paste.ubuntu.com/331239/18:52
APERSONor I should say, what do I put in the Shadow Windows box in ccsm18:52
sumodumoAPERSON: isnt there a showdow option. just untick it18:52
chi__hi, i run a router with access to the internet at 10.0.x.xx and another router providing w-lan to the house at 192.168.x.xx. clients from the w-lan get dhcp and use therefore 192.168.x.xx ... HOW can i make them acess  and get acess to the internet??????? please help18:52
Snausageshey aperson18:52
APERSONsumodumo, not that I know of18:52
Psmiffycould someone help me with my slow wireless connection on ubuntu 9.10??18:52
tumiiI got my dual screen working, but how do I expand the desktop from 1st to the second screen?18:52
icerootchi__: router is ubuntu?18:52
usserRoasted, is user the real name of the user in question, also which share in smb.conf are you testing?18:53
chi__iceroot: desktop PCs running as router (
icerootchi__: so the router is a ubuntu-system18:53
Roastedusser - the name of the user Im testing is indeed "user" and Im using the "test" share18:53
sumodumois it possilbe to get itunes to run on wine? cuz i seen lots of ppl saying it does and it doesnt18:53
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erUSUL!appdb | sumodumo18:54
ubottusumodumo: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help18:54
iceroot!appdb | sumodumo18:54
usserRoasted, hm let me try it over here18:54
roger_Hello, i think tranmission torrent program crashed, it says I have to terminate process? how do I do this? I know winxp has the CTR ALT DEL end process, how do i do this in ubuntu18:54
* erUSUL wins18:54
chi__iceroot: one ubuntu system- dhcp and forwarding to internet. and a hardware router providing w-lan for other clients - and is connected to the desktop pc...18:54
MatBoyusser: that will be a challenge to find btw18:54
erUSULroger_: pkill transmission18:54
chi__roger_: $ps ax | grep -i PROGRAM_NAME18:54
Roastedusser - I guess what I should do is log in as usser on my system to make sure its a system level thing and not samba.18:55
Roastedand see if I can write to that directory18:55
chi__roger_: man kill18:55
ActionParsnipyo yo yo18:55
icerootchi__: then let the router be part of alle networks you need (eth0, eth0_0 and so on) and enable ip_forwarding (google for it, its something like echo 1 > /proc/somethingwithip18:55
ardchoilleWhen in firefox, I page down to scroll. When I want to follow a link I use TAB key but that makes the tabbing start at the top of the page even if I have page down'd to the bottom of the page18:55
ardchoilleIs there a way to have firefox start tabbing where I currently am in the page?18:55
computa_mikeHello everybody!...  I've just tried installing Art Manager using Ubuntu Software Centre, and it complains ..The action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated sources.  But this is being installed from the Ubuntu Repositories... so are the Ubuntu Repositories untrusted ?18:56
roger_what is difference between man kill and pkill transmission18:57
usserRoasted, thats strange, my setup here errors out saying i dont have permissions to access the folder http://pastebin.com/f68141093 http://pastebin.com/f43cdf6cf18:57
chi__iceroot:  mm the hardware router is doing DHCP and i CANT change it (it comes with user-account only- borrowed from company - company sittings are active). so if i change my desktop router to the same domain, i will have two PCs doing DHCP ... thats bad right?18:57
usserRoasted, first pastebin is ls -al on the share second is my smb.conf, the share is at the bottom18:57
erUSULroger_: man kill will open the documentation of the command kill18:57
RobynHello.  I can't get flash to work in firefox.  I have the latest version, but youtube still tells me I don't have it.18:57
ActionParsnipcomputa_mike: can you close software centre and run: sudo apt-get update    use http://pastebin.com to give the output if you see any errors18:57
chi__roger_:  do you know '$' and '#' ?18:58
ActionParsnipRobyn: can you use http://pastebin.com to give the output of: dpkg -l | grep flash; dpkg -l | grep gnash; dpkg -l | grep swf18:58
Roastedusser - hmm....18:58
computa_mikeActionParsnip : right - i'll give it a go18:58
roger_nope im a winxp noob18:58
usserRoasted, i dont think you really need taht double security of valid-users, system permissions should take care of a simple setup like yours or mine18:58
ActionParsnipcomputa_mike: I think you have a PPA you havent added the key for18:58
roger_thanks pkill worked18:58
ActionParsniproger_: xkill is good too if the command is gui ased18:59
computa_mikeActionParsnip: I only have the Ubuntu sources18:59
freaky[t]lol http://www.ibiblio.org/harris/500milemail.html <-- about some mailserver admin who got told that ppl have problems sending mail farer than 500 miles ;P18:59
ActionParsnipcomputa_mike: lets see what it says18:59
usserRoasted, sorry didnt explain further, when i try to access test folder owned by ru:ru as dcherniv it denies me permission to view it18:59
chi__roger_:  $ means: do it as normal user # means try to do it as root. both symbols mean. type the following words into a commandline18:59
Roastedusser - Im wondering if theres something wrong with the GID.18:59
RobynActionParsnip - http://pastebin.com/m284c26c218:59
Roastedusser - Im adding a samba1 group with a different GID to see if that gives the same error.18:59
Roastedbrb, logging out/in19:00
noobwhat mean roger19:00
computa_mikeActionParsnip: cool - it's done... I'm pasting the output to Pastebin...19:00
bobertdosIn Karmic (Gnome), is there a file similar to .Xauthority or something that longs in permissions?19:00
ActionParsnipRobyn: ok use this: sudo apt-get --purge remove adobe-flashplugin; sudo dpkg -P gnash-common mozilla-plugin-gnash ; sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree19:01
gabbahanybody here got vlc working with ffmpeg when converting with aac audio codec? I just compiled ffmeg with aac support (--enable-libfaac --enable-libfaad), but STILL vlc tells me my ffmpeg lacks support for mpeg aac! I don't understand why!19:01
ActionParsnipRobyn: you downloaded the plugin from adobe.com didnt you?19:01
bobertdosThe issue is that I lazily updated Firefox 3.6 beta 4 and now it's stuck in elevated permissions.19:01
computa_mikeActionParsnip: hmm... Pastebin complained that it tripped the spam filter...19:02
csandhide list19:02
Robynactionparsnip - can I paste that as one line in terminal?  And I just tried, package manager told me i had a more recent version19:02
ActionParsnipcomputa_mike: try: www.pastie.org19:02
ActionParsnipRobyn: thats the idea ;)19:02
ActionParsnipRobyn: all that is one command19:02
computa_mikeActionParsnip: ok.19:02
sumodumomy VLC player lags when i play it full screen anyone know whats the problem?19:02
Roastedusser - okay, we have 2 samba groups, samba and samba1, samba is 1005, samba1 is 100719:03
ManDayWhenever I'm trying to install ubuntu I get an error for isntalling x11-common: debconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process: Resource temporarily unavailable and subsequent errors - I really need help with that!19:03
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »19:03
tumiiHow can I expand my screen to "one big desktop" ?19:03
Roastedusser - samba1 works as performed. I get denied. samba does not. I can still access.19:03
ActionParsnipsumodumo: did you install your video drivers?19:03
Roastedusser - which begs the obvious question - WTF?19:03
sumodumoACTIONPARSNIP: well it didnt lag couple days before. it just started to lag now19:03
tumiiHow can I expand my screen to "one big desktop" ?19:04
Rods_TigerIs there a way of setting up a ubuntu installation on a usb drive that knows whether to go into UNR or normal ubuntu according to whether I'm using it on a netbook or a thing that isn't a netbook?19:04
Robynactionparsnip - it ran, no errors.  I assume I'll need to restart firefox?19:04
bobertdos!xrandr | tumii19:04
ubottutumii: XRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1219:04
computa_mikeActionParsnip: ok - it's at http://www.pastie.org/71938919:04
ActionParsnipRobyn: yes that will load the plugin19:04
RobynActionparsnip - If I don't come back, it worked ^_^ thanks!19:05
APERSONtumii, Xinermama19:05
sumodumoActionParsnip: well it didnt lag couple days before. it just started to lag now19:05
usserRoasted, hm. im not really sure, messed up permissions or something and i wouldnt use samba group at all if i were you, it could easily be some sort of special system group.19:05
ActionParsnipsumodumo: did you get some updates and get a new kernel?19:05
usserRoasted, anyway i gots to go good luck19:05
tumiiHow i get xinerama to work then?19:05
sumodumohmmmmmmm i dont think so. i also reinstalled it.19:05
ActionParsnip!xinerama | tumii19:05
ubottutumii: xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead19:05
sumodumoActionParsnip: hmmmmmmm i dont think so. i also reinstalled it.19:06
ircuserHow to add a directory to "vsftpd" (/srv/ftp/) when the directory is actually on an external hard disk (outside of "/srv/ftp/") and which can be accessed? How to do it?19:06
grawityircuser: Symlink.19:06
ManDayWhenever I'm trying to install karmic I get an error at installing x11-common: debconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process: Resource temporarily unavailable and subsequent errors - I really need help with that!19:06
ActionParsnipsumodumo: whats the output of: lspci | grep -i vga19:06
jadakreni love the word lag....such a concise and exact word19:06
gabbahanybody here got vlc working with ffmpeg when converting with aac audio codec? I just compiled ffmeg with aac support (--enable-libfaac --enable-libfaad), but STILL vlc tells me my ffmpeg lacks support for mpeg aac! I don't understand why!19:06
=== crunchbang is now known as Guest86944
jadakrennote the sarcasm19:06
Guest86944Im using Crunchbang Linux. Will I be able to use drivers I used in Ubuntu because its based off of it?19:07
ActionParsnipircuser: you can symlink the folder to the folder on the other drive19:07
ActionParsnipGuest86944: its not supported here19:07
APERSONGuest86944, take it to cruchbang's channel19:07
sebsebseb!crunchang |  Guest8694419:07
ircuserActionParsnip: it's a software??..I am googling it19:07
ActionParsnipircuser: its a special kind of file to link to another file or folder19:07
sebsebseb!crunchbang |  Guest1127019:08
ubottuGuest11270: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), crunchbang (support in #crunchbang)19:08
AndyGraybealare the ubuntu dev files located on the ubuntu 9.10 workstation cd?19:08
computa_mikeActionParsnip: couldn't IRCuser  also mount the folder at that point?19:08
ActionParsnipircuser: the system just sees the folder as a folder but the OS and kernel see a link to another folder, if you copy data to the symlink folder, it will actually be stored on the linked folder19:08
ircuserActionParsnip: yes.. any tutorial you would like to point me to?? Or googling should help?? Will there be permission isssues to be addressesd?19:08
ActionParsnipcomputa_mike: could also do that19:08
sebsebsebGuest11270: the other guest left, so that went to you instead19:09
tumiithanks i got it working19:09
ActionParsnipircuser: the syntax is: ln -s /path/to/thing /path/to/link19:09
armornickircuser: there's lots of tutorials for it but I recommend doing it with midnight commander19:09
ircuserActionParsnip: My Ubuntu is on 30 GB partition and that folder that I want to put in /srv/ftp is 180 GB19:09
armornickircuser: it makes it a lot simpler and safer19:09
ircuserarmornick: thanks..installing midnight commander19:10
ActionParsnipircuser: thats fine, provided its mounted you can symlink the folder as you wish19:10
Il__Matteoback again, guys. :) ubuntu 9.10, hp photosmart c3180 printer. how do i invert page order printouts, so that the last printed page will be the first page to read? it used to work in win. thanksssssssss in advancccccce!19:10
armornickircuser: it's a terminal app though, so if you want to do it via gui, it depends on what desktop environment you're using19:10
hailazdo you speak turkish19:10
jadakrenircuser: btw ctrl shift dragging a file/folder in nautilus will also create a symlink19:10
ircuserActionParsnip: thnks.....i m going to try it19:11
sebsebseb!tr  |  hailaz19:11
ubottuhailaz: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.19:11
ActionParsnipIl__Matteo: in administration -> printers  right click and see what comes up (if properties is an option, go for it)19:11
tumiiHow can i TwinView for 3 screens?19:11
ActionParsnipIl__Matteo: might be an option in the app you are printing from19:11
jadakrenircuser: you also want to be careful about symlinking a child folder of a protected parent folder...i don't think it inherits its permissions19:12
computa_mikeActionParsnip: Hi - I've just tried reinstalling ArtManager - it now works... looks like the sudo -apt-get update fixed it.19:12
=== tumii- is now known as tumii
bobertdosAllow me to rephrase. Is it normal for Karmic to not have a .Xauthority file? In any case, I don't have one in my home directory.19:12
computa_mikeActionParsnip: well- it's still installing... but it got further than 3% like it did last time19:12
ActionParsnipcomputa_mike: good stuff19:13
Il__MatteoActionParsnip, none of them :° do you manage to print the way i explained?19:14
trismbobertdos: in karmic they moved .Xauthority to /var/run/gdm/something-your_username_here/database...you can extract in back with the xauth command though19:14
bobertdostrism: Perfect! Thanks!19:15
norenhi there ActionParsnip :: How can i swithc my kernel from i686 to i38619:15
ActionParsnipIl__Matteo: no, just using logic. Is it not an option in the app you are printing from?19:15
grawitynoren: Does Ubuntu even have a i386 kernel? Those CPUs are just too old, i thought.19:16
ActionParsnipnoren: not sure dude, the installer picks the kernel you should use by default. i386 would remove a tonne of functionality from your CPU (i386 doesnt even have MMX)19:16
Il__MatteoActionParsnip, is logic an application or the thing in our skull? ;) anyway, no. FFox doesn't have such an option. and i may need to print from there, just like i've done right now19:16
ircuserarmornick: Gnome19:17
ActionParsnipIl__Matteo: skull ;) very weird.19:18
norengrawity, ActionParsnip oh i see i read in one forum that ubuntu installs i386 by default. i had done a minimal install but dont know how i got i686 kernel. now i feel that my laptop is lagging, may be its something else which is buggin gthe system19:18
ActionParsnipIl__Matteo: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26382019:18
computa_mikeIl__Matteo: I think there is an option in the printing for Firefox - Doesn't Collate perform the function that you want?19:18
poyklrTrying to connect Verizon's Pantech UM175 NetworkManager 0.7, under Hardy.  When I try to connect to it in NM, it returns immediately & says "Network connection has bee disconnected".  When I try to add new connection for device, NO Verizon service shows up - only ATT & Sprint (GSM vs. CDMA?).  Any suggestions?19:18
Il__Matteocomputa_mike, i need to do it notwithstanding the application from which i print19:19
ircuserjadakren: No, my Ext Hard Disk has got permissions...19:19
ManDayWhenever I'm trying to install karmic I get an error at installing x11-common: debconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process: Resource temporarily unavailable and subsequent errors - I really need help with that!19:19
vikhello, I cannot compile any package, I would appreaciate help19:19
subichani'm a newbie and i'm told I should "set LC_ALL=C for sorting" and I don't have a clue as to what this means.. can somebody help me?19:20
armornickvik: what does it say when you try to compile something?19:20
Neremorhello! I have alsa-utils installed, but the command "asoundconf" can't be found... any ideas whats wrong?19:20
Il__MatteoActionParsnip, maybe that link is useful, let me take a look! :)19:20
agent42anybody here using empathy? how to search in conversation text?19:20
vikarmornick, http://pastebin.com/m6a72c82219:20
computa_mikeIl__Matteo: I think the Collate option may be provided by the standard printing functionality19:21
RoastedQuestion - I'm having a problem with the GID of one of my groups. I have "Samba" with a GID of 1005. Jason:Samba owns /media/storage/test with 770 permissions. Even users not in the group can write to that directory. Yet if I apply "Samba1" with a GID of 1007 as the group, suddenly the permissions are working accordingly. WTF is wrong wtih Samba with GID of 1005?19:21
jadakrenircuser: yes, so parentFolder ( not publicly viewable) -> childFolder... (assumed to be private due to parent folder)19:21
poyklrI've been looking around on the net for instructions before I came here, but nothing seems to apply.19:22
poyklrIt works fine in my son's F10 box. He just plugged it in and it worked, no configuration needed. So, I know it's not the device.19:22
poyklrI'm trying to get it to work on my Dell mini 10.19:22
norenActionParsnip, grawity :: i cant play anything even with vlc after i upgraded to 9.10 any suggestion19:22
sebsebseb!language > Roasted19:23
ubottuRoasted, please see my private message19:23
Roastedare we 5 years old?19:23
Roastedholy good God19:23
adamhow do i get back to ##linuxchannel ???19:23
sebsebsebRoasted: hmm19:23
om26er!hi | aceruser19:24
RoastedQuestion - I'm having a problem with the GID of one of my groups. I have "Samba" with a GID of 1005. Jason:Samba owns /media/storage/test with 770 permissions. Even users not in the group can write to that directory. Yet if I apply "Samba1" with a GID of 1007 as the group, suddenly the permissions are working accordingly. WTH (H for Heck) is wrong wtih Samba with GID of 1005?19:24
ubottuaceruser: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!19:24
Roastededited for kindergarten ruleset19:24
sebsebsebRoasted: well swearing in the channel is against their rules19:24
armornickvik: I don't get everything in that error, but it seems like there's either something wrong with your kernel configuration or with the needed libraries19:24
SyniqHi. My dead keys have suddenly decided that they should be enabled by default, and I have to use Alt Gr to get the normal keys.  Anyone know how to get the normal behaviour back, as itś highly irritating.19:24
Il__Matteocomputa_mike, sorry, i don't find any "collate" similar options in italian19:24
ConstantineXVIHow would you use ffmpeg to convert a MKV to a MP4 without re-encoding the contents?19:25
c3live just installed 9.10 on my eee 1000H, and the 2-finger-scroll (and middle mouse klick) does not work. how do I fix this?19:25
ircuserjadakren: so, you mean i need to symlink entire external hard disk (My Passport dir)  available to my LAN friends? I want to share on FTP just Movies (/media/My Passport/Movies) and want it to be pointed by movies as in /srv/ftp/movies19:25
aceruserI have a pc where the wireless lan works under windows7, now I installed ubuntu and when I click on the network icon in the status bar, no wireless connections are shown...19:25
aceruserhow can I fix this?19:25
aceruserI want to connect to my wireless network19:25
Zabbadahuhas anybody run into an installation issue where the HDD does not register when trying to boot from the disk?19:25
armornickaceruser: which wireless chip?19:25
ActionParsnipConstantineXVI: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=54854719:26
jadakrenircuser: no what I am saying is that don't expect childFolder to be hidden to other users if you symlink it to a publicly available place on the main drive19:26
Il__MatteoActionParsnip, that link is useful, but i have to change the ppd document and have no permissions on that folder. what is the command to have free access, plz?19:26
Jeruvy!wifi | aceruser19:26
ubottuaceruser: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs19:26
pol-arhi. is there a channel dedicated to gambas?19:26
poyklranybody have any verizon evdo experience?19:26
norenConstantineXVI, ffmpeg -i <input.mk> <output.mp4>19:26
VCoolioSyniq: check your keyboard layout (system > preferences / admin > keyboard)19:26
ActionParsnipZabbadahu: when you are in the live CD run: dmesg | less     and read19:26
Snausagesc3l: I don't know the exact answer to your question, but I can tell you that it has to do with the trackpad driver.  The default one doesn't support multitouch gestures, I don't know which one you might need to regain support.19:26
jadakrenircuser: that is if you have parentFolder setup to be hidden or non-accessable due to permissions19:26
ircuserjadakren: oh..i had gotten it all wrong then :-) .. no issues.. i want "movies" and inside to be fully visible19:27
adamaction parsnip i was just in ##linuxchannel and now i cant seem to find it again19:27
c3lSnausages, at least that leads me on the right direction. thanks =)19:27
BillHarristo do a clean install of karmic, is it (still) better to use the alt install CD?  I just upgraded from jaunty, which crashed ~every day or two, and karmic froze within a couple of hours.19:27
ActionParsnipadam: find what?, use tab to complete my nick ;)19:27
jadakrenircuser: this is what i meant by symlinked folders do not inherit their source parent folder permissions....19:27
sebsebsebBillHarris: doing a clean install of Karmic rather than an upgrade from jaunty is a good idea19:27
sebsebsebBillHarris: after all many people got issues19:28
ActionParsnipBillHarris: both desktop and alternate are equally good, alternate installs in a text based system so is faster as you do not have to boot an X based system19:28
sebsebsebom26er: @ me?19:28
adamActionParsnip : i was in a channel called ##linuxchannel i think and now i cant find it again19:28
jadakrenircuser: infact i don't think folders inherit their parent folders permissions anyway19:28
om26ersebsebseb: yes19:28
BillHarrisActionParsnip: thx19:28
sebsebsebom26er: good :)19:28
BillHarrissebsebseb: thx19:28
SyniqVCoolio: Itś the same layout I've been using for years - United kingdom International (With Dead Keys).  Itś been functioning normally up until I booted my laptop about 20 minutes ago, and the modifiers and default keys have switched.19:28
ActionParsnipadam: yes, but what is "it"?19:28
Roastedwhos an absolute genius with permissions?19:28
adamActionParsnip : the cannel19:28
ZabbadahuActionParsnip: Thanks will check that out19:28
armornickadam: try the channel ##linux19:28
ActionParsnipRoasted: state your issue and the channel will reply if itr can19:28
SyniqHence why Iḿ getting Iḿ and itś instea of I'm and it's. :p19:28
RoastedQuestion - I'm having a problem with the GID of one of my groups. I have "Samba" with a GID of 1005. Jason:Samba owns /media/storage/test with 770 permissions. Even users not in the group can write to that directory. Yet if I apply "Samba1" with a GID of 1007 as the group, suddenly the permissions are working accordingly. WTH (H for Heck) is wrong wtih Samba with GID of 1005?19:29
sebsebsebBillHarris: np, oh and if you download the ISO from FTP/HTTP  good idea to md5sum/sha1sum before burning to CD, if you got the torrent your probably ok.19:29
BillHarrisI do have a separate /home; will the desktop install let me keep those? (I do have a backup, but I'd like not to need it)19:29
sebsebseb!md5sum > BillHarris19:29
ubottuBillHarris, please see my private message19:29
ircuserjadakren: yeah19:29
om26er!repeat | Roasted19:29
* Syniq reboots to see if itĺl magically fix itself.19:29
ubottuRoasted: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.19:29
Roastedoh my God, get over it ow26er19:29
ActionParsnipadam: gotch. simply type /j ##linuxchannel    where you normally type text19:29
ircuserjadakren: ran this "sudo ln -s Movies /srv/ftp/kaleidoscope" it didn't work..returned 550 error19:29
norenActionParsnip, my vlc crashes how can i find the entry in the dmesg19:29
adamActionParsnip : thanks alot19:29
sebsebseb!attitude | Roasted19:29
ubottuRoasted: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines19:29
Roastedcry more19:29
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)19:29
webushi to all19:29
jadakrenircuser: first folder argument is wrong19:29
ActionParsnipnoren: why do you always ask me? ask the channel. If I know I will reply19:30
webushow i can remove open-jdk from apt-get ?19:30
jadakrenircuser: i assume you are running that command in the folder holding your token Movies folder ?19:30
ircuserjadakren: yeah19:30
norenActionParsnip, ok :(19:30
jadakrenircuser: then it needs ./ infront of it19:30
ActionParsnipwebus: sudo apt-get --purge remove open-jdk    (or whatever the package is called). Then run: sudo apt-get --purge autoremove19:30
om26er!ignore > om26er19:31
ubottuom26er, please see my private message19:31
GnuBeeHi!  I have a problem upgrading Ubuntu One.  The payment fails, even though I tried two different cards.19:31
Il__Matteohmmmmm, how do i become administrator in a way that i freely change all of the files without further asking of permission? :)19:31
VCoolioSyniq: the dead keys part is where it comes from; I have the same but I see that as a useful feature; don't know why this didn't happen to you before, that is the error, not that it's working now19:31
ActionParsnipIl__Matteo: sudo -s19:31
armornickGnuBee: use dropbox19:31
GnuBeearmornick, What is dropbox?19:31
Il__MatteoActionParsnip,   thx19:31
sebsebsebGnuBee: they have a channel #ubuntuone19:31
ActionParsnipIl__Matteo: will give a root console using your users settings19:31
BillHarrissebsebseb: yep, used md5sum for years.  thx for the reminder.19:32
GnuBeesebsebseb, Thanks!19:32
sebsebsebBillHarris: might want  to start doing sha1sum as well :)19:32
sebsebsebGnuBee: np19:32
ircuserjadakren: " sudo ln -s Movies./ /srv/ftp/movies" again 550 error19:32
ActionParsnip!info dropbox19:32
ubottuPackage dropbox does not exist in karmic19:32
BillHarriswhat incantation lets me see virtual terminals?  They're there, but since sometime in Jaunty, they're black on black.19:32
ircuserjadakren: Even tried this .. " sudo ln -s Movies/ /srv/ftp/movies" again 550 error19:32
jadakrenircuser: sudo ln -s ./Movies /srv/ftp/movies19:33
BillHarrissebsebseb: thx19:33
sebsebsebBillHarris: np19:33
Il__MatteoActionParsnip, but i want it to have effects from here to eternity, and not only for a certain console session ;)19:33
VCooliois the current keymap setting stored somewhere? how to retrieve it? I think "setxkbmap us" skips features I have now19:33
ActionParsnipircuser: try: cd /srv/ftp; sudo ln -s /path/to/Movies .19:33
jadakrenircuser: /srv/ftp/movies is where you want the fake folder to be or is it where the movies actually are located?19:33
csabaI cannot start pulseaudio, it says the port is already in use. Which port number does pulseaudio use anyway?19:34
BillHarriswill a desktop install use my current /, /boot, and swap partitions and let me keep my /home partition, or is that better done from the alt install?19:34
armornickIl__Matteo: bad idea, since you risk breaking everything19:34
sebsebsebBillHarris: you can set up the partitions how you want to with the desktop CD19:34
VCoolioBillHarris: normal install can do that too, just don't format /home19:34
GnuBeearmornick, I am on Karmic - I don't think it has dropbox - whatever that is?19:34
om26erBillHarris: desktop does the same i guess19:34
ActionParsnipIl__Matteo: then you'd have to log on as root which is neither supported nor encouraged. Having full uncontrolled access over your system is one reason why windows gets so many issues. Its also one of the reasons its not used or encouraged. Once your system is up and running you very infrequently need your password19:35
bobertdosSo I lazily (improperly) updated Firefox 3.6 beta 4 and I think I consequently got it stuck in elevated permissions. I already chown'd everything back to root, chmodded to take executable permissions away from group and user, even forced .Xauthority to rebuild, but it's still stuck.19:35
clandestine_jGnuBee: It's an external program http://www.getdropbox.com19:35
armornickGnuBee: you have to install dropbox from the site dropbox.com since it's semi-proprietary19:35
topoHi, Its there any way to reset gnome keyrings to its original config19:35
BillHarrissounds like I can use either; thanks.  Try2 for karmic (try3 would be sid)19:35
armornickGnuBee: but it comes with better support and a voting system for new features19:35
clandestine_jGnuBee: I use it also and like it very much19:35
sebsebsebbobertdos: that's not really Ubuntu support19:35
grawitytopo: Remove ~/.gnome2/keyrings/login.keyring19:36
GnuBeeclandestine_j, is it an alternative for the gnome-client ?19:36
ActionParsnipbobertdos: what about if you rename ~/.mozilla19:36
sebsebsebbobertdos: or it is, nevermind19:36
Il__MatteoActionParsnip, and armornick: i'm not 8 y.o. :D anyway, what's the difference between having a full uncontrolled access and inserting password every given time? i guess there's no difference. the amount of damage i can do is the same :D19:36
bobertdosActionParsnip: I'll give it a try19:36
BillHarrisIl__Matteo: you might be surprised :-)19:37
RoastedMay I ask my question again for newcomers who arrived in the Ubuntu chat? Or would I get scolded for posting it again?19:37
konbonis it possible to run fluxbox on ubuntu 9.10?19:37
clandestine_jGnuBee: No, it's a file sync/share idea like ubuntuone.  2GB free then a pay program for space after that.  It has multiplatform clients so you can run it on Linux, Windows and Mac (if those are relevant to you).  They have good support and it has reasonable throughput for syncing19:37
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om26erRoasted: ubuntuforums.org19:37
Roastedalready posted, thanks though!19:37
miromanythkonbon: Sure why not. It's in the repo's.19:38
armornickIl__Matteo: the password makes you think twice before doing it19:38
BillHarrisIl__Matteo: I have known someone to do the 'rm -r *' trick at / by accident / inattention (don't try this at home, folks)19:38
GnuBeeclandestine_j, How much is it?19:38
RoastedQuestion - I'm having a problem with the GID of one of my groups. I have "Samba" with a GID of 1005. Jason:Samba owns /media/storage/test with 770 permissions. Even users not in the group can write to that directory. Yet if I apply "Samba1" with a GID of 1007 as the group, suddenly the permissions are working accordingly. WTH (H for Heck) is wrong wtih Samba with GID of 1005?19:38
ActionParsnipIl__Matteo: yes but you have to use sudo AND type the password to allow it, if you log in as root then any and all apps you run will also run as root. If you foolishly launch a web browser with flash or java and they contain malicious code, or the site contains malicious javascript, it will wreak havoc on the system as it has full reign over the system, if it only runs as user its access will only be limited to $HOME19:38
konbonmiromanyth: Thanks for the info :)19:38
GnuBeeclandestine_j, ahh .. I found the pricing link. ..19:38
sebsebsebRoasted: it's ok to ask your question again after a while, as long as your also doing it in a sensible way19:38
LimCorehi, what is a good live cd distro,  intended mostly to ssh -X to other server?   1) works well on laptops (drivers for sound, gfx, etc)   2) saves power well    3) boot up quickly?19:38
clandestine_jGnuBee: https://www.dropbox.com/pricing19:38
miromanythkonbon: Not a probelm.19:38
armornickIl__Matteo:  and in the small chance that you get a virus, the creator can do ANYTHING19:38
Roastedsebsebseb - I understand. I just know this chat is unusually sensitive towards certain things. I didn't want to offend anybody.. again.19:39
sebsebsebRoasted: well you can ask in a stupid way to,  but it might not be as helpeful19:39
ircuserjadakren: /srv/ftp is there. i want a link or fake folder in this directory ... ur command created a link which on clicking showed the movies folder as in /srv/ftp/Movies but not from my browser when i accessed it..19:39
Il__Matteoand what about the same thing, but just restricting it to a folder?19:39
GnuBeeclandestine_j, Yeah .. about the same as Ubuntu One ... I guess I would prefer paying canoical though.19:39
ActionParsnipIl__Matteo: its not to annoy you or to make the system harder to use, its for genuine system security and stability but some people think that nice easy use is more important than system security and fewer issues19:39
bobertdosActionParsnip: no change.........It doesn't really bother me browsing this way, I just know it's a bad idea. It IS my fault, since I was just being lazy :P19:39
GnuBeeclandestine_j, Also, the ubuntu one client is free software, I think. (Not the server, though)19:39
armornickIl__Matteo: right click a folder and set the permissions19:39
LimCoreHow to login from linux laptop A to linux server B (in same LAN)  so that I will have full desktop (not just ssh -X) ?  I think it was called XDHCP or something... in gdm, kdm...19:39
Il__Matteoso obvious :D19:40
ircuserActionParsnip: didn't work...created a link in folder there but was not accessible from browser19:40
clandestine_jGnuBee: Yeah, I've not tried ubuntuone, but it might be good too.  Let us know if you like it :-)19:40
ActionParsnipbobertdos: its a real bad idea. Did you download the tar.gz and install that way or did you use the repo?19:40
ActionParsnipircuser: can you see how symlinks work now?19:40
sebsebsebRoasted: any three letter abrivations are unlikely to be of much help in your question by the way19:40
Neremorwhy the hell is it impossible to make something easy in linux? It took my 1 minute to setup my 5.1 system in windows. i'm trying for over 5 months now in ubuntu! no offense, but why?!19:40
armornickLimCore: remote desktop19:40
GnuBeeclandestine_j, So far I like it, but I need the 50GB upgrade, and the site has an error when I try to pay using credit card.19:40
jadakrenircuser: becuase you now need to change the permissions on the fake folder to be view able by all... try : sudo chmod 775 /srv/ftp/Movies19:40
LimCoreNeremor: try forums, also alsa19:40
Roastedsebsebseb - pardon?19:41
ActionParsnipNeremor: http://ubuntulinuxhelp.com/the-simple-way-to-get-51-surround-sound-audio-working-in-ubuntu/19:41
bobertdosActionParsnip: The tar. I've done it a thousand times over the past few years. I just didn't feel like updating it the way I know I should.19:41
ircuserActionParsnip: yeah...I will try on net... thank you guys... if I keep on asking commands this way I won;t learn anything :P19:41
kraitoscan anyone recommend a movie player?19:41
sebsebsebNeremor: depends on the distro, and the user what they are trying to do,  if things are  easy or not19:41
ircuserjadakren: thanks...19:41
Il__Matteoand the whole admin thing reminds me of the Vista "security policies"... ;)19:41
sebsebsebRoasted: I mean I don't think you should put WTH or anything like that in your question19:41
magdatohello, someboy knows whay can i connect emesene?19:41
LimCorearmornick: what do you mean? I do NOT want vnc (that transports entire screen parts bitmaps)19:41
ActionParsnipbobertdos: use: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ppa   much easier19:41
magdatowhy cant*19:41
f00lkraitos: VLC19:41
Roastedsebsebseb - I understand. Kindergarten ruleset. Gosh I keep forgetting...19:41
f00lapt-get install VLC19:41
ActionParsnipircuser: good way to learn, jeeves is your friend too :)19:41
acerusermy wireless is not recognized at all!! I don't see a wireless card using lspci19:41
armornickLimCore: I'm sorry but that's the only thing I know that allows you to have full control over another pc19:41
ActionParsnipaceruser: use: sudo lshw -C network19:42
sebsebsebRoasted: also it usualley helps to be polite and such, when asking for help with something19:42
kraitosf00l, i mean that's similar to amarok.19:42
webushow i can view all installed packages in my system over apt-get ?19:42
dAlfa89_How do I share multiple locations using Samba? Using multipe "[share]" or "path =" strings doesn't work19:42
BillHarrisAny tips on getting virtual terminals to work in karmic (i.e., not black on black)?19:42
Roastedsebsebseb - editing WTH out of my question isnt polite?19:42
acerusernow what?19:42
jadakrenLimCore: suggestion : freeNX or maybe the linux version of rDesktop = xcrmdcp19:42
bobertdosActionParsnip: well, would you look at that......I didn't know they posted the daily builds like that....thanks19:42
aceruserit says ether interface19:42
aceruserby nvidia19:42
LimCorejadakren:  "xcrmdcp" ?19:43
Il__MatteoActionParsnip, i guess use AND issues is better than no use and no issues19:43
jadakrenLimCore: allows you to run X over ssh19:43
LimCorethere is no such thing as "xcrmdcp"19:43
sebsebsebRoasted: I am not o p here :) ,but  if you check out their  COC and make sure your following it,  you will probably get further in here, when it comes  to getting help19:43
jadakrenLimCore: pendantic19:43
ircuserjadakren: chmod: cannot operate on dangling symlink `/srv/ftp/movies'19:43
LimCorejadakren: what?19:43
sebsebseb!coc > Roasted19:43
ubottuRoasted, please see my private message19:43
jadakrenLimCore: you are being pendantic19:43
acerusernow what?19:44
LimCorejadakren: you told me to use "xcrmdcp" and there is no such thing.19:44
Rods_TigerIs there a way of setting up a ubuntu installation on a usb drive that knows whether to go into UNR or normal ubuntu according to whether I'm using it on a netbook or a thing that isn't a netbook?19:44
ActionParsnipIl__Matteo: its just a smarter choice19:44
LimCorejadakren: what you wanted to say previously? perhaps you made a typo19:44
SyniqVCoolio: Nono, I like the dead keys.  I just want them to activate on AltGr presses, not as the default setting. :p  And the reboot hasn fixed it. :(19:44
Roastedsebsebseb - I'm just going to stop asking questions in regard to this chat, because it's beginning to make me relatively sick, to be honest.19:44
RoastedPM closed19:44
con-manhow do I type something from the character map?  it says U+008419:44
con-manin windows thats alt+008419:44
kraitoscan anyone recommend a movie/video player that is similar to amarok?19:44
sebsebsebRoasted: PM closed?  this is not a pm19:44
aceruseris my wireless card windows only or something?19:44
Il__MatteoActionParsnip, it's incredible how i came up to this just to set my printout options as inverted.19:44
jadakrenLimCore: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/XDMCP-HOWTO/index.html19:44
Roastedwhatever that thing is19:45
ActionParsnipkraitos: banshee19:45
LimCorecon-man: one possiblity would be to use  gucharmap application19:45
SyniqBeing able to type naïve properly is good. ;)19:45
ActionParsnipIl__Matteo: c'est la vi19:45
SyniqTht said, the only one that seems to have switched is ´...19:45
sebsebsebRoasted: oh what the bot sent you19:45
Il__Matteoyeah, and life sucks ;)19:45
Roastedsebsebseb - yes19:45
kraitosActionParsnip, do you know of any other?19:45
VCooliocon-man: try ctrl+shift+u, then 0084 then space19:45
LimCorethanks jadakren19:45
Snausagesaceruser: which wireless card is it?19:45
jadakrenLimCore: you know of this ? using xMing on windows you can running linux apps remotely19:45
SyniqHmm.  ´ and ` are the ones which have switche.19:45
ActionParsnipcon-man: try holding alt-gr then type that number, then release alt+gr19:45
sebsebsebRoasted: it seems you don't really care about  any of the rules and such for the channel,  and you also seem to be making that clear when asking for help,  which isn't exactly helpful19:46
con-manActionParsnip, what is "gr"19:46
LimCorejadakren: I need thist only for  linux -> linux actually.  From linux A  I want to use X applications on linux B.  I can use ssh -X but I do not get the "desktop" thing, thats only problem19:46
ActionParsnipcon-man: not gr. ALT-GR is the name of a key on the keyboard19:46
jadakrenLimCore: will still work. but one thing first : are you aware of what the ssh + screen combo is for ?19:46
ActionParsnipcon-man: its usually the right alt19:46
hanasakihow can I find the max resolution that my chips will do in graphics?19:46
GnuBeeDoes canoical have some kinda support?19:46
con-manActionParsnip, ?19:46
theTroyI have tried to hibernate the computer, but it failed and was trying to do it for half an hour at least. I hard-rebooted the system and now I am getting : "could not mount a filesystem" error. Any help please?19:46
topoHi, nautilus suddenly stopped accessing my windows shares it asks for a password19:46
Roastedsebsebseb - It's not that I don't care about the rules. I just get annoyed when people are unusually picky. I post in a lot of chats here, a lot. And this one sticks out by a mile in regard to being whiney. Other users in other chats say the same thing.19:46
con-manActionParsnip, that doesnt work either19:47
LimCorejadakren: what do you mean?  We want to run graphicall applications19:47
jadakrenLimCore: i know. but you can't maintain sessions with xdcmp like you can with screen19:47
jadakrenLimCore: or like you can with rdesktop19:47
ubottuThe official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org19:48
LimCorejadakren: you mean that the session will close on server when client disconnects? that is fine19:48
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sebsebsebRoasted: well this channel is more strict, than many others, for example, but as I already said I am not o p,  I was just trying to give you some helpful advice,  so that when there is someone that can help with your issue,  you will actsaully be able to get some wehwhere19:48
Snausagesjadakren: oh gotcha...  when you break a xdcmp link all the apps in it get dumped too...19:48
armornickwhat the? this isn't #ubuntu ?19:48
=== Quagmire is now known as Guest95812
topoHi, nautilus suddenly stopped accessing my windows shares it asks for a password, it works with smb4k19:48
jadakrenLimCore: google : ubuntu xdmcp howto19:48
sebsebsebarmornick: yes it is19:48
Roastedsebsebseb - I understand. But like I said, what I mentioned above still stands. OP or not, when people pick over things that actually just don't matter... at all... it just gets old. It happens here all too often.19:49
LimCorejadakren: Im a bit lazy to be honest, but I know a lot about overall linux; can you just give me what to type on server and what to type on client if you remember it?19:49
armornicksebsebseb: I was confused because that bot said the ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu ;)19:49
zimHi all. I am looking at setting up a server running two or three virtual servers on what should I be looking at reading about?19:49
sebsebsebarmornick: oh ok19:49
ActionParsnipGnuBee: yes its supported here. Or do you mean phone support?19:49
sebsebsebRoasted: I know what you mean, I think19:50
jadakrenLimCore: no. been a long time.19:50
armornickzim: depends on what kind of server19:50
jadakrenLimCore: i'm lazy too19:50
GnuBeeActionParsnip, Well .. there has to be a reason the payment fails, but the webpage doesn't give any hints.19:50
ActionParsnipGnuBee: there is paid for support at: http://www.ubuntu.com/support/services19:50
hedkandihow do I add a new menu to my Applications menu?19:50
GnuBeeActionParsnip, I tried with two different creditcards.19:50
jadakrenLimCore: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18944519:50
hedkandievery time I add one in the dialog it becomes invisible19:50
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armornickhedkandi: right click the menu and there should be an option19:51
zimarmornick: prob a web, mail, dns. the reason for Virtualization is it will make them nice and portable.19:51
ActionParsniphedkandi: run alacarte19:51
GnuBeeActionParsnip, I guess I just need to talk to some sales people, so I can ṕay for the upgrade.19:51
ActionParsniphedkandi: you can add / remove items as you wish19:51
hedkandithere is an option but they don't show19:51
armornickzim: I don't know about dns and mail, but for a webserver look at apache19:51
hedkandithe dialog magically decides to unshow them19:51
hedkandiof its own accord19:51
yoshilappiwhats the new x restart irt isnt alt + ctrl + backspace anymore19:52
Hanibalgood afternoon everyone19:52
zimarmornick: sorry you missed the point I have (real servers) doing the job what I am looking into is the Virtualization platform19:52
hedkandiyou try it: add a menu called "Utility" to the application menu and try to get it to show19:53
abdullahhi world19:53
zimwhat is the best/stable/opensource Virtualization to use in a production enviroment?19:53
GodfatherofEireIs there any way to force GDM back to what it was in 9.04 and before in 9.10?19:53
sebsebsebGodfatherofEire: yes19:53
armornickzim: well, virtualbox is pretty good19:53
theTroyI have tried to hibernate the computer, but it failed and was trying to do it for half an hour at least. I hard-rebooted the system and now I am getting : "could not mount a filesystem" error. Any help please?19:53
GodfatherofEireSebsebseb, using aptitude or do I have to get the .deb package?19:54
sebsebsebGodfatherofEire: ,but it's not as simple a just installing the legacy GDM,  I tried to doing with some other details, but didn't  get far19:54
Hanibali need to get the latest kernel (.17) from a livecd enviroment and on to my /boot partition... can anyone direct me to a tutorial or help walk me through it?19:54
zimarmornick: I have used VBox on my laptop is it the best for servers too>19:54
yoshilappiwhats the new x restart irt isnt alt + ctrl + backspace anymore19:54
GodfatherofEiresebsebseb, how so?19:54
armornickzim: it's one of the best, in my opinion19:54
ActionParsnipHanibal: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get --reinstall linux-image19:55
ActionParsnip!info linux-image19:55
armornickyoshilappi: there is none19:55
ubottulinux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (karmic), package size 3 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia all)19:55
sebsebsebGodfatherofEire: according to  ActionParsnip  and someone else for that matter,  slim is a rather nice log in screen,  I haven't tried it yet, but  can get nice themes for it I looked on the website, and it seems it could even be set up so you get a differnet  theme each time you log in19:55
Neremoris there a way to reinstall the alsa sound modules? i tried to install the intel driver manually and overwrote all alsa modules. now i need to replace them with the original ones provided via adept19:55
armornickyoshilappi: control-alt-backspace is disabled because of emacs users19:55
arkanabarI'm using openbox and a minimal install that somebody configured for me, but I now need to disable repeat on qweasd -- how to?19:55
yoshilappiarmornick: there used to be alt + ctrl + backspace what happened to it19:55
GodfatherofEiresebsebseb, slim?\19:55
yoshilappiarmornick: how do i enable it?19:55
om26eryoshilappi: alt+prntscr+k19:55
sebsebsebGodfatherofEire: it's not in the repo19:56
ActionParsnipyoshilappi: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-enabledisable-ctrlaltbackspace-in-ubuntu-9-10-karmic.html19:56
jadakrenyoshilappi: system -> preferences -> keyboard. then : [layouts tab -> layout options button down bottom]19:56
armornickyoshilappi: google the dontzap app19:56
jadakrenyoshilappi: then expand "key sequence to kill the X server"19:56
GodfatherofEiresebsebseb, I figured. Is it basically legacy GDM for 9.10 though (in terms of personalization, etc)?19:56
sebsebsebGodfatherofEire: Kubuntu  KDE 4's  KDM is also nice, and that's in the repo19:56
sebsebsebGodfatherofEire: the old GDM is in the repo for Karmic, but needs setting up some how19:57
GodfatherofEiresebsebseb, I dont mind setting it up19:57
dwrudyAny idea how I would / could go about applying this patch? I've applied patches to PHP files before, but never to client-side files. I have no idea where I could even find the original file TO patch! http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=2801117&group_id=8874&atid=30887419:57
dwrudyI'm running Ubuntu and am trying to get my iPod Touch to be recognized / sync with Linux. I have to recompile gvfs. and when I run ./foo.sh, one of the things it complains about is: configure: WARNING: You are using a libgphoto2 version earlier than 2.4.7. To work with gudev, you must apply the patch in http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=2801117&group_id=8874&atid=30887419:58
RRockonI have a bit of a problem. None of my IDE devices work. I can't even boot linux from a CD because of this. I'm running 9.1019:58
aceruserthis is making me insane.. I cannot find the ubuntu-restricted-extras package in synaptic??!19:58
sebsebsebGodfatherofEire: Slim  is better, well unless you want a bit of sound on your log in screen as well19:58
dAlfa89_How do I share multiple locations using Samba? Using multiple "[share]" or "path =" strings doesn't work19:58
om26eraceruser: not possible i guess19:58
sebsebsebaceruser: oh well, so just install it using the terminal?19:58
aceruserdoesn't work either19:59
om26eraceruser: sudo apt-get update19:59
GodfatherofEiresebsebseb, well I'm trying to get it to tie in with the system theme, which would require the gdm theme, so, would slim support it?19:59
geniiaceruser: You have the "restricted" repository enabled first?19:59
ActionParsnipdAlfa89_: i can give you my smb.conf19:59
HanibalActionParsnip: i just did a clean install... mmc card support isn't in the kernel, my /boot is on a small partition on my hdd, everything else is on my sdhc SDCard... it would appear that karmic's kernel currently has (.14?) the GNU numbering... I need at leaset (2.6.17-rc1) of the gnu numbering of kernels, inorder for my mmc slot to have my root device... see:  http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/How_to_get_the_internal_SD-CARD_working19:59
OmniCitadelI am trying to perform the following: Cable Modem -- (ETH0) Ubuntu -bridge- (ETH1)- Xbox. Normally bridging network connections is easy in windows, however I have never done such a thing in linux... Google gives me only a few results... any one have any experience doing bridging in linux?19:59
zimdAlfa89_: pastbin your smb.conf file19:59
ActionParsnipdAlfa89_: you just have multiple shares defined19:59
GnuBeeOH .. now I managed to pay!19:59
sebsebsebGodfatherofEire: well  you could make your own silm theme.  the system theme??19:59
sebsebsebGnuBee: for what?20:00
ActionParsnipdAlfa89_: http://pastebin.com/f1370443e20:00
canoemoose@OmniCitadel - Firestarter'll set it all up for you20:00
om26erHanibal: after installing on the memory card insert the memory card into a usb card reader and then boot20:00
GodfatherofEiresebsebseb, well, the appearance. not using the default or I wouldnt be changing the log on20:00
ActionParsnipdAlfa89_: just have another share (see bottom of the file)20:00
GnuBeesebsebseb, ubuntu one upgrade.20:00
sebsebsebGnuBee: ok20:00
OmniCitadelcanoemoose is firestarter a package?20:00
GodfatherofEiresebsebseb, also, would it get rid of the secondary loading bar?20:00
om26erHanibal: then sudo gedit /etc/initramfs-tools-modules20:00
zimdAlfa89_: is the downloads share working?20:00
canoemooseyes, it is20:00
om26erHanibal: then sudo gedit /etc/initramfs-tools/modules20:00
OmniCitadelsweet thanks20:01
GnuBeesebsebseb, Apparently they don't accept "Dankort", allthough its on their list.  At least it worked when I tried using VISA instead.20:01
ActionParsnipdAlfa89_: http://pastebin.com/m79cc2906 I added an extra share20:01
sebsebsebGodfatherofEire: you mean the  Ubuntu logo in the centre of the screen, and then after that,  how it says Ubuntu with the sand theme?20:01
ActionParsnipdAlfa89_: thats all there is to it, you must restart samba after to reload the config20:01
om26erHanibal: http://om26er.blogspot.com/2009/08/install-ubuntu-on-acer-aspire-one-sd.html20:01
canoemoose\OmniCitadel it's a firewall config that also handles connection sharing20:01
Hanibalom26er: i don't believe i have a card reader handy, i'll try my camcorder... it might show up as a usb-mass, i'll go check... but is it possiable to chroot from a livecd and do it here?20:02
GodfatherofEiresebsebseb, the loading bar after you log in, and before it actually shows you the desktop20:02
dAlfa89_ActionParsnip, that's what I did, I'll try again with different locations and settings, see if it works20:02
sebsebsebGodfatherofEire: it's actsaully, becasue of the new boot up stuff, including the log in screen,  that I decided to use another distro instead for now :)   and I got much nicer boot up :)20:02
OmniCitadelcanoemoose: thanks I have some googleing to do now20:02
ActionParsnipdAlfa89_: really good way to do it btw, you can ssh in, add a share, restart the service and POOF another share20:02
canoemooseno probs20:02
Hanibalom26er: ah, thanks20:02
sebsebsebGodfatherofEire: after I put in my user name and password in Karmic,    it just logged me in20:02
GodfatherofEiresebsebseb, better yet, all I really need out of 9.10 is the Ubuntu one.would the deb  package install on 9.04?20:02
chinmaya_nYour session only lasted less than 10 seconds20:02
Il__Matteook, guys, the best compromise is: sudo nautilus :D20:03
Zabbadahuis it bad for a system to take 20 minutes to load into the live ubuntu off of the amd 64 bit disk20:03
dAlfa89_ActionParsnip, the server in this case is my laptop, so I can transfer files between all of my systems, it's right here (:20:03
chinmaya_nYour session only lasted less than 10 seconds..... does anyone know ab't this?20:03
sebsebsebGodfatherofEire: Yes you can do Ubuntu One in 9.0420:03
GodfatherofEiresebsebseb, alrighty then, then I'll do that20:03
Il__Matteoanother issue for you kind helpers. how to i reduce the definition of idle time from 10 minutes to 5 or less mins?20:03
sebsebsebGodfatherofEire: still got a 9.04 CD?20:04
* Syniq grumbles about not being able to file a bug report because the stupid edge server has a timeout lower than his 3G stick can load the page.20:04
GodfatherofEiresebsebseb, yep, or rather, I will in a few minutes20:04
chinmaya_n"Your session only lasted less than 10 seconds"..... does anyone know ab't this?20:04
Rods_TigerIs UNR mostly the same as ordinary ubuntu except for the user interface, or are they quite different underneath?20:04
GodfatherofEireOr more like 3020:04
jadakrenMatteo: actually : gksudo nautilus20:04
sebsebsebGodfatherofEire: good idea to md5sum/sha1sum before burning contents to CD, well if you downloaded from a torrent rather than HTTP/FTP it's probably ok20:04
ActionParsnipdAlfa89_: thats cool, make sure you use ssh so you can modify the file without having to take a walk ;)20:04
sebsebseb!md5sum > GodfatherofEire20:04
ubottuGodfatherofEire, please see my private message20:04
Il__Matteojadakren, what's the difference?20:04
geniiZabbadahu: I suppose it depends on the speed of your cd-drive and possibly RAM size, CPU speed, etc. A 2x cd-drive for instance on a system with less than 1Gb of RAM can be almost intolerably slow20:05
manashi all20:05
manasi need help20:05
sebsebsebGodfatherofEire: if you want to be really sure it's a good download, you can do both checks20:05
GodfatherofEiresebsebseb, yeah, i'm using torrents, not that, and I've got pleeenty of CDs20:05
ardchoille!gksudo | Il__Matteo20:05
ubottuIl__Matteo: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)20:05
zimdAlfa89_: http://pastebin.com/m1daab5aa20:05
jadakrenMatteo: something about where sudo places the session data etc etc20:05
adamdoes anybody have an example xorg.conf for 9.10 i can have please?20:05
clandestine_jmanas: is that pronounced man-ass or ma-nas?20:05
dAlfa89_ActionParsnip, laptop on lap, desktop on desk (: I don't know anything about SSH'ing yet20:05
manasi downloaded the macOS theme20:05
sebsebseb!ask |  manas20:05
ubottumanas: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:05
ActionParsnipGodfatherofEire: also run the CD verier once booted to the CD20:05
chinmaya_n"Your session only lasted less than 10 seconds"..... does anyone know ab't this?20:05
sebsebseb!details |  manas20:05
ubottumanas: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."20:05
zimdAlfa89_: thats all you need then copy and edit below it for the next one20:05
manasits a zip file20:05
om26erHanibal: i have already reported this at launchpad would be great of you comment there so it might get fixed in Lucid Lynx https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/initramfs-tools/+bug/47748220:05
manasbut how do i  install it20:06
ActionParsnipdAlfa89_: on the server run: sudo apt-get install openssh-server20:06
Zabbadahugenii: it is an Athlon 3200+ with a gig20:06
zimdAlfa89_: have you set a samba password for andy?20:06
ActionParsnipdAlfa89_: you can then connect using: ssh username@servername20:06
GodfatherofEireActionParsnip, i would, if I was worried about it (i.e. http/ftp dl), but I usually dont, havent had a problem yet20:06
sebsebsebGodfatherofEire: what do you want exactly,  I am a little curious, you can tell me in pm20:06
dAlfa89_ActionParsnip, I'm guessing I'll need to chmod the target folders, so Windows can access them?20:06
ActionParsnipdAlfa89_: you can then issue commands like you were sat at the system20:06
ActionParsnipdAlfa89_: not at all20:06
manasand by the way it's MANA-s20:07
sebsebsebGodfatherofEire: regarding your boot up20:07
ActionParsnipGodfatherofEire: it takes a minute to check and will rule out bad media as a possibility if you get issues20:07
SyniqAnyone around who knows about fixing bugs in keyboard layouts? :(20:07
nitrohaxSyniq> like what kind?20:07
om26er!anyone | synegy3420:07
ubottusynegy34: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?20:07
SnausagesSyniq: bah, I fought a bloody battle with that, got nowhere.20:07
manashow do i install a theme i Ubuntu20:08
GodfatherofEireActionParsnip, I know, but I'm not too worried20:08
ActionParsnipdAlfa89_: you can use: sudo smbpasswd -a $USER    on the server to add authorisation to the share, this will authenticate you as a username (which is why my smb.conf has allowed users ;))20:08
ActionParsnipGodfatherofEire: your call, i'd check20:08
Neremorhello! I removed all alsa kernel modules for soundcards. is there a way to reinstall them via apt?20:09
ZabbadahuActionParsnip: I finally got into live and ran dmesg | less20:09
Syniqnitrohax: Iḿ using the UK Intl. w/ dead keys layout, and itś inverted the function of @ and ¬ with their dead keys.  All the other dead keys work correctly - that is, when I hold down Alt Gr and press them.  These two have suddenly beccome the default action on those keys, and I haven done anything to the settings to make this so.20:09
SyniqAnd grrr.20:09
ActionParsnipZabbadahu: cool, what does it say about the PATA / SATA controller20:09
geniiYou might want to do sudo smbpasswd -e name       after the -a part20:09
clandestine_jmanas: try this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-129768.html20:09
Syniq*I'm, it's, haven't20:09
manasi downloaded the mac OS theme, how do i install it, its a zip file20:09
Hanibalom26er: ah shounds good :) will do now20:09
ActionParsnipmanas: unzip filename.zip20:09
erUSULNeremor: reinstall the kernel package and maybe linux-backports-modules-alsa-karmic-generic20:10
nitrohaxSyniq> let me check some things. You using 9.10?20:10
Syniqnitrohax: Yes.20:10
Neremorwhich kernel package?20:11
guntbertSyniq: do you have a file .xmodmap... ? rename it - then log out/in20:11
ZabbadahuActionParsnip: looking it is a big list lol20:12
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nitrohaxI was just going to tell him to go system>prefrences>keyboard and look at the mapping it has for him20:12
ZabbadahuActionParsnip: I also burned an alternate install just incase it is a raid issue20:12
ActionParsnipZabbadahu: yes, its your system loading. read what it says20:12
Syniqguntbert: Not in ~/20:12
nitrohaxcause on that the ' is the @ with alt gr20:12
Syniqnitrohax: Not on my local copy. :(20:13
ActionParsnipZabbadahu: you may also want to run: sudo fdisk -l    to see what partitions can be seen20:13
guntbertnitrohax: sorry, didn't mean to step in20:13
SyniqTop left to bottom right, the order is @|´'20:13
SyniqThe bottom row is inverted.20:13
guntbertSyniq: ok, then my ideas are spent :-(20:13
SyniqWell, transposed.20:13
SyniqSame with ¬ and 2.20:13
nitrohaxguntbert> oh no prob at all. if you got a better one go for it. I'm just good at basic stuff20:14
VirusTBAyone know of a good LIVE CD to run test's on a HDD?/20:14
andresmhhow do you make this part of the user interface smaller? http://i.imgur.com/kBdNJ.png20:14
Syniqshift+2 is giving me the umlaut, which is also on altgr+[20:14
ZabbadahuActionParsnip: yes it was not coming up with anything last night with the i386 version20:14
guntbertnitrohax: in this case I only suggested what worked in a similar case for me a few hours ago...20:14
nitrohaxf you go into the keyboard lay out options it should have the options to change that, from the layout options20:14
nitrohaxguntbert> hey, sounds good. I'll write that one down for it too. THANX!20:15
Syniqnitrohax: I've already been through those, and can't see anything to change this. :(20:15
aceruserwhy do I need to run apt-get update.. why doesn't ubuntu do an update automatically?20:15
Syniqandresmh: Nice photoshopping. ;)20:16
ActionParsnipZabbadahu: ok do the controllers get detected and are the drives seen in the dmesg output20:16
nitrohaxaceruser> what are you trying to update?20:16
guntbertaceruser: thats the updating of the database20:16
andresmhSyniq, what do you mean? :)20:16
grawityandresmh: He likes the freehand circle.20:17
VirusTBAyone know of a good LIVE CD to run test's on aHDD?/20:17
nitrohaxSyniq> you have a query20:17
geniiVirusTB: Ultimate Boot CD20:17
Syniqandresmh: Mouse-written "Too tall!" :p20:17
dAlfa89_ActionParsnip, www.pastebin.com/m3abb1a88 - Windows is still only seeing one share, and that's not even the right one now20:17
ardchoille!sysresccd | VirusTB20:17
ubottuVirusTB: SystemRescueCd is a Linux system on a bootable CD-ROM. It contains a number of admin tools including gparted and partimage. http://sysresccd.org/Main_Page20:17
TommiHHi! I'm experiencing problems with configuring GUFW to allow connections to Transmissions. I've used the preconfigured settings for Transmission in GUFW add rule menu, but Transmission still says the port is closed. What to do?20:17
SnausagesVirusTB: all depends on what kind of test you want...  I do fine with an ordinary ubuntu flash stick that has smartmontools on it20:17
SnausagesTommiH: is there any other router or firewall between you and the internet?20:18
VirusTBSnausages:  well I just got a USED HDD off ebay, I want to test it to the MAX!  I got it got cheap :P  (1TB for $47)20:18
ActionParsnipdAlfa89_: the paste is blank20:18
andresmhSyniq, hehe, I did it with by enabling the Annotate compiz plugin20:18
TommiHSnausages: Yes, I have a Buffalo Wireless router.20:18
VirusTBardchoille:  I don't want to rescue my ssystem, I just want to test it,20:18
SnausagesTommiH: ok, are you using NAT on that buffalo?20:19
ZabbadahuActionParsnip:  I found one it says ata1: SATA Link up 3.0 Gbps (SStatus 123 Scontrol 300)20:19
VirusTBgenii:  I head of that  ult. boot cd before never used it20:19
ActionParsnipZabbadahu: ok does it give it a disk name like sda20:19
SnausagesVirusTB: yeah, the rescue cds will have disk utils on them.  I would advise hitting it with smartmontools and pulling the reports it can give from its extended test.20:19
VirusTBSnausages:  smartmontool's runs frma USB?20:19
TommiHSnausages: Well, that's a good question. How can I find out?20:19
dAlfa89_ActionParsnip, woops, minus the www.20:20
VirusTBwhat's SMART/  System>Administration>Disk Utility  ??20:20
SnausagesVirusTB: the software runs when booted from a usb device.  The drive needs to be connected via sata, esata or ide20:20
ActionParsnipdAlfa89_: did you run: sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart       after editting the file?20:20
VirusTBSnausages:  ah sweet sounds like that I need, where can I find it??  I got enough USB's for use, and the drive is SATA20:21
SnausagesTommiH: it's almost always fastest just to ask whoever set it up, but another way would be to determine your IP address as it appears to you, and compare that to how it appears to the outside world.  Look up your own, and then hit whatismyip.com or similar service and compare.20:21
om26ermy friend is using ubuntu and he cannot set his screen resolutions to 1280*1024 but can get 1360 768 he is using nvidia 7100 and he was able to get the desired resolution in winXP. he is using nvidia driver 18520:21
chinmaya_n"Your session only lasted less than 10 seconds"..... does anyone know ab't this?20:21
ZabbadahuActionParsnip: no it is giving an error ata1.00: failed to IDENTIFY (I/O error, err_mask=0x4)20:21
ActionParsnipZabbadahu: there is your issue, websearch for that to see what it means20:22
Paullo_EU Tomo in this server have a chanel justo for socialize? Orgutxi [nº27259]20:22
canoemooseom26er: what drivers is he using?20:22
VirusTBom26er:  I think that has something to do with the screen he is using20:22
Paullo_on this server have a chanel justo for socialize?20:22
TommiHSnausages: Ok, gonna check that out, thanks!20:22
om26erVirusTB: works in XP20:22
ActionParsnipZabbadahu: your drive may need boot options or it may be failing, the websearch will show you. You could also default the BIOS to failsafe options20:22
slimjimflimhi, i tried the following instructions, but when i use for an ip i get 192.168.47 instead and yes i ran sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart:  http://codesnippets.joyent.com/posts/show/31920:22
dAlfa89_ActionParsnip, yep, would it take time to properly update it's locations?20:22
om26ercanoemoose: nvidia 18520:22
slimjimflim...trying to set up a static ip20:22
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VirusTBom26er:  I got a 17" screen and I can't display Wide screen20:22
slimjimflimit worked before20:23
VirusTB17" screen is like 4:5 ration I think om26er20:23
ActionParsnipdAlfa89_: as soon as the service is restarted it should be fine. Try a reboot20:23
ZabbadahuActionParsnip: the drive is currently 100% NTFS with XP on it that boots fine20:23
canoemooseVirusTB: not necessarily.20:23
blzDoes anybody know if Transmission supports magnet links?20:23
Paullo_on this server have a chanel justo for socialize?20:23
Xodiaci need help on installing a game can someone please help me the game is unknown horizons and i got the sixty four bit i extract it but what do i do then20:23
Xodiacis there a deb file for it that i can download20:23
om26erVirusTB: the native resolutions of the lcd are 1280 102420:24
om26erbut still20:24
nitrohaxXodiac> are you running Wine?20:24
guntbertPaullo_: #ubunu-offtopic or #defocus come to mind20:24
ActionParsnipZabbadahu: the websearch will show you whats going on20:24
Xodiacnitrohax: no i got the linux version20:24
canoemooseom26er: There's a way of forcing the correct resolution in xorg.conf20:24
SnausagesVirusTB: probably the easiest way is to download the ubuntu netbook remix image and write it onto a 1gb (or larger) USB stick...  then boot from it, install smartmontools via synaptic, and use it.20:24
om26erhere is the xorg file http://pastebin.org/5849520:24
dwrudyif I need to append a bunch of text files together, can I just do $cat file 1 - file 2 - file 3 > newfile.txt?20:24
Xodiacnitrohax: its a tarball and i have tried the one where you get it from the update20:25
SnausagesVirusTB: doesn't matter if your rig is a netbook or not, it will work well enough for disk testing20:25
jribdwrudy: what is the '-' for?20:25
geniiXodiac: They have Ubuntu-specific instructions for their repo on their page at http://www.unknown-horizons.org/site/index.php?page=download20:25
Subbycan somebody help me with an ./configure error? http://paste.ubuntu.com/331283/20:25
ActionParsnipXodiac: tar zxvf unknown-horizons_2009.2_linux_x64_python2.6.tar20:25
VirusTBSnausages:  ok don't mean to be a retard but how do I get an netbook remix image? ?? no more Mininova20:25
guntbertdwrudy: omit the '-'20:25
ActionParsnipXodiac: make sure the terminals pwd is the same as the files20:25
canoemooseom26er: follow the instructions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=132423920:26
slimjimflimanybody know how to set up a static ip on jaunty?20:26
blzDoes anybody know if Transmission supports magnet links?  I can't seem to open them20:26
dwrudyoh ok, thanks guntbert20:26
ActionParsnipXodiac: so if you use firefoxes retarded default of saving all downloads to the desktop you will need to run: cd ~/Desktop    first20:26
canoemooseIt worked for me forcing the output on my 19" LCD from my netbook20:26
SnausagesVirusTB: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download-netbook20:26
XodiacActionParsnip: the problem im having is when i extract it there is no make or make install20:26
clandestine_jslimjimflim: /etc/network/interfaces is the file to edit20:26
guntbertdwrudy: no problem :)20:26
geniiXodiac: Where they have "$distribution" in the deb line, use jaunty or karmic or whatever's appropriate20:26
clandestine_jslimjimflim: http://codesnippets.joyent.com/posts/show/31920:26
XodiacActionParsnip: right i know that part just after extracting it and getting to work20:26
gary1hello all20:27
ActionParsnipXodiac: read the install instructions in the file20:27
Xodiacgenii: do i do karmic or karmic with the dollar sign20:27
geniiXodiac: Just karmic20:27
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XodiacActionParsnip: i dont know where its at i tried looking for it and its not there i looked in the docs folder20:27
slimjimflimclandestine_j: yes, i used those precise directions and i even restarted networking, but instead of getting i get
nitrohaxblz> i'm checking right now20:27
ockonalHi guys, I've already installed Gentoo, but after installing xorg-server my mouse and keyboard don't work. I have: INPUT_DEVICES="evdev mouse keyboard synaptics" in make.conf. What I did wrong?20:27
VirusTBSnausages:  thannk you so much, will be back after I come across issues :P will read some documentation now20:27
Xodiacgenii: or is it with a space karmic or no space20:27
ActionParsnipXodiac: let me see what i can find20:27
XodiacActionParsnip: k20:28
acerusermy wirless network card is not recognized!!20:28
clandestine_jslimjimflim: do you have A) multiple NICs, B) subinterfaces ?20:28
slimjimflimockonal: you should be asking in #gentoo, not here20:28
jribockonal: wrong channel?20:28
slimjimflimclandestine_j: no20:28
blznitrohax; thx.  i click on them in firefox and nothing happens20:28
geniiXodiac: eg: deb http://packages.unknown-horizons.org/karmic release main20:28
dAlfa89_ActionParsnip, I restarted the laptop, still not working, it's still trying to access the share folder, rather than documents and music, as I defined in smb.conf20:28
clandestine_jslimjimflim: can you pastebin /etc/network/interfaces20:28
Xodiacgenii: okay i will try that20:28
nitrohaxblz> try adding them manually in transmission20:28
Xodiacgenii: and what about the other one20:29
VirusTBSnausages:  one last thing, how to I  QUICK format an disk in Ubuntu?20:29
Subbycan somebody help me with an ./configure error? http://paste.ubuntu.com/331283/20:29
ActionParsnipXodiac: looks like you just run setup.py20:29
slimjimflimoh shit, typo, clandestine_j lemme try again20:29
ActionParsnipXodiac: or run_uh.py20:29
gary1just installed ubuntu 9.1 and the sound fades out.....don't know what to do20:29
blznitrohax:  oh i didn't realize that could be done20:29
blzhow does one do that?20:29
XodiacActionParsnip: o okay20:29
clandestine_jslimjimflim: it's always a typo :-)20:29
trismblz: they are planning on having it implemented by 1.80 http://trac.transmissionbt.com/ticket/209620:29
SnausagesVirusTB: oh that one I don't know, sorry20:29
XodiacActionParsnip: thanks man20:29
acerusermy wirless network card is not recognized!!20:29
bjorne_mke2fs -t ext4 /dev/disk20:29
clandestine_jaceruser: and?20:29
nitrohaxblz> open it up and then go to torrent and new20:30
geniiXodiac: Same principle applies. The instructions are all there on that page20:30
aceruserhow do I get it to be recognized?!20:30
bloodWhat is the command "mv" example: mv -v mpfr-2.4.120:30
tgmaceruser: lspci |grep irless | pastebinit20:30
Xodiacgenii: okay thank you20:30
clandestine_jaceruser: what type of wireless card, system, Ubuntu release?20:30
jribblood: mv moves files20:30
Snausagesaceruser: which wireless card, in which computer?20:30
acerusertgm: nothing appears20:30
=== hunter is now known as PSYHERMES
guntbertblood: move/rename files, see man mv20:30
kekaleblood, also for renaming files20:30
blznitrohax:  i'll try that.  trism:  thanks for the heads up.  can you recommend a client that supports them?  I tried deluge, and the torrents never managed to start20:30
tgmaceruser: lspci20:30
DarkBlindXhelp!!, GNU Grub version 1.97~beta 4 error20:31
acerusertgm: the only thing I see is a nvidea ethernet controller20:31
tgmaceruser: lspci |grep irless20:31
DarkBlindXhelp!!, GNU Grub version 1.97~beta 4 error20:31
ActionParsnipaceruser: if you run: sudo lshw -C network    you can wesearch for guides. If its a broadom 43xx you can use this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx20:31
bloodthx, and also, what is the correct syntax for tar -jxf. It seems that the letter j is doing nothing for me.20:31
lilidoes anybody here can help me? when i try to boot ubuntu, i often failed at grub. and it's left _ blinking and i have to hard reset the computer. i really confused with what causing this. is this a problem with ubuntu or hardware?20:31
acerusertgm: nothing20:31
VirusTBDarkBlindX:  we hear you! patients... also try room #grub20:31
tgmaceruser: Are you sure you have one?20:32
erUSULblood: tar xf file.tar20:32
aceruserit is a new computer... it has the wireless build in.. worked under windows7 , now I have ubuntu installed20:32
ockonaljrib: yeah, sorry..20:32
tgmaceruser: What is it?20:32
clandestine_jaceruser: what model?20:32
clandestine_jslimjimflim: did that work better?20:32
slimjimflimclandestine_j: still not working.  http://pastebin.ca/169298020:32
SnausagesActionParsnip: hah, I had that card in my acer and couldn't figure it out, never found that page...  so I spent 20 minutes swapping out the wireless module for another one that just worked.20:33
aceruserdon't know20:33
nitrohaxaceruser> maybe you have to add the windows wireless driver for it?20:33
MyWayhi, i've set chmod g+srwx /mydir but when i cp a new file into mydir it doesn't take the chmod rwx, why?20:33
VirusTBcan I ghost 3 partitions of an SATA HDD to an IDE HDD??20:33
clandestine_jslimjimflim: can you show me the output from "ifconfig" in pastebin20:33
aceruserallready installed20:33
Xodiacgenii: uh thank you it worked20:33
slimjimflimclandestine_j: yea, but i'm on another router now20:33
geniiXodiac: np20:33
SnausagesVirusTB: as long as you're not trying to put 10lbs of sugar in a 5lb sack you should be fine20:33
slimjimflim192.168.2.* where the other one is 192.168.1.*20:33
tgmaceruser: Open a terminal.  Type lspci   hit ENTER key   look for wirless indentification   scroll up if need be using keystrokes  Shift-PageUp20:33
tgmaceruser: Tell us what it is.20:34
clandestine_jslimjimflim: when you were getting that wrong IP, could you still access the network or were you offline?20:34
ActionParsnipSnausages: i just ask ubottu ;)20:34
acerusertgm: nothing there20:34
slimjimflimclandestine_j: http://pastebin.ca/169298520:34
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DarkBlindX[ Minimal Bash-like line editing is supported. For the first word, tab lists possible command completions. Anywhere else tab lists possible device/file completions. ]20:34
mgv2my firefox froze - what do i do?20:34
tgmaceruser: Give us make and model of PC20:34
slimjimflimclandestine_j: i could still access the lan, it's not connected to the wan though anyway20:34
om26ermgv2: kill20:34
jainerkai have only one question, will be thankfull if someone help me - how to start ubuntu with wifi card off? When it's on i see blank screen (console work fine), netbook hp mini-note20:35
om26ermgv2: sudo killall firefox20:35
ActionParsnipVirusTB: both are IDE technically ;)20:35
acerusertgm: medion 885820:35
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slimjimflimclandestine_j: lemme get ifconfig from when i'm on the other router, brb20:35
VirusTBSnausages:  ok great!  I think I will do that then. I got an 120GB IDE (would b good for my WinXP. Win_7, and Ubuntu program files).. and then I'll use two 1TB HDD in RAID for DATA! :D20:35
=== Guest25505 is now known as johnnie
mgv2om26er, ok20:35
nitrohaxI'm not trying ot be an idiot here, but is the wireles light on? OR the switch for aceruser20:35
VirusTBActionParsnip: huh20:35
=== johnnie is now known as dognips
acerusernitrohax: there is no wireless light20:35
tgmaceruser: And  you don't see anything in the ouptut of lspci thiat describes a wireless network adapter?20:35
ActionParsnipVirusTB: its a technical thing. All drives have IDE20:36
VirusTBSnausages: ghosting it wouldn't mess up my GRUB would it?20:36
aceruserl n20:36
aceruserl .20:36
VirusTBActionParsnip:  ohh lol ok....20:36
aceruseronly an ether net20:36
Peloanyone have a clue what resolution to use if i want to use an old 19" television for a monitor ? so I get a decent picture , meaning I can read the txt on the monitor ?20:36
nitrohaxaceruser> do you see the option tab on the top right?20:36
om26ercanoemoose: thanx for the link. sent him and working on it20:36
mgv2why after closing firefox in non history mode i cant restore the tabs?20:36
ZabbadahuActionParsnip:  found some info need to research20:36
ActionParsnipZabbadahu: have fun fellah20:36
canoemooseom26er: No probs, glad I could hep20:36
aceruserI have good experiences with ubuntu, but with this install there is nothing but trouble..20:36
Rods_TigerIs UNR mostly the same as ordinary ubuntu except for the user interface, or are they quite different underneath?20:36
canoemoosepelo: is it a standard definition TV?20:36
slimjimflimclandestine_j: http://pastebin.ca/169298920:36
mgv2can i play this file somehow? http://www.mouse.co.il/CM.articles_item,404,209,42702,.aspx20:37
om26erRods_Tiger: i really wanna know that20:37
VirusTBSnausages: Action wil I think I will need some help later on this week.. I will try  to ghost my 3 Partitions from an SATA drive to an IDE drive, and set up two 1TB HDD in raid! :D20:37
boodroscotchHi everyone20:37
aceruserthe nvidia driver won't install either20:37
om26er!hi | boodroscotch20:37
ubottuboodroscotch: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!20:37
boodroscotchI'm having troble with booting windows20:37
TuTUXGRods_Tiger: 1st one20:37
aceruserinstallarchives failed20:37
Pelocanoemoose, yes it is20:37
boodroscotchI uninstalled Ubuntu and now NTLDR isn't coming up20:37
ZabbadahuActionParsnip: not likely it says it may be a bridge chipset problem I need to research the mobo specs and see if that is the problem20:37
boodroscotchjust a ROM screen20:38
sergiu14hello, how to install glibc with debug info on ubuntu?20:38
canoemoosepelo, experience tells me it's not possible to do.20:38
tgmaceruser: Try the Function Key combination to toggle it on.20:38
nitrohaxaceruser> i had this same thing going for a while on an acer and it was a simple fix done in the bios20:38
Pelocanoemoose, what's the closest you'Ve come ?20:38
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grawityboodroscotch: Do you have the Windows CD? Boot from it, choose "Recovery console", type "fixboot" and "fixmbr"20:38
acerusertgm: what combination is that?20:38
VirusTBwhich RAID is the one where it makes an EXACT copy of another drive? RAID 1? RAID 0 ?20:38
tgmaceruser: I do not know.  Do you have an owner's manual?20:38
boodroscotchgrawity: sadly, No :(20:38
BadmuppetRAID 120:38
TuTUXGVirusTB: raid 1 is mirror20:39
aceruserinstallarchives failed, what about that???!!20:39
boodroscotchI was wondering If i could boot it with GRUB220:39
lolmaus^I have manually compiled a library (in repository that library is outdated). Should i do something for aptitude to know that the library is there and shouldn't be replaced?20:39
clandestine_jslimjimflim: hmmm so that IP is coming up with the exact interfaces file you initially showed me?20:39
slimjimflimclandestine_j: yes20:39
grawityboodroscotch: If you have grub, you can tell it to chainload ntldr.20:39
sergiu14hello, how to install glibc with debug info on ubuntu?20:39
canoemoosepelo: My MythTV box is outputting to a standard-def TV, and although the MythTV interface is readable (it was designed to be) everything else isn't and I administrate it through SSH.20:39
aceruserI might revert to windows7... :)20:39
VirusTBTuTUXG:  so RAID 1 is wwhere HDD 1 = HDD 2 exact copy20:39
grawityboodroscotch: But like you cannot boot Linux directly with ntldr, you cannot boot Windows NT directly with grub.20:39
TuTUXGVirusTB: yes20:39
boodroscotchhow can I install grub?20:39
shane2peruok, I made a document in the Ubuntu Community docs, and now I can find it!  :)  Do they get removed?20:40
clandestine_jslimjimflim: try commenting out the hotplug lines and then "/etc/init.d/networking restart"20:40
* grawity tries to copy ntldr from his /dev/sda20:40
tgmaceruser: iwconfig20:40
VirusTBTuTUXG:  but does he system/machine see it as ONE drive?  or Two drives?20:40
TuTUXGVirusTB: 1 raid array20:40
tgmaceruser: What does iwconfig say about your wireless interface?20:40
ShawnRiskhow do I uninstall Windows Vista and put on Ubuntu?20:40
aceruserno wireless extensions20:40
geniisergiu14: Maybe libc6-dbg20:40
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VirusTBTuTUXG: array"? o_0 ?20:40
sergiu14k, thx20:40
TuTUXGVirusTB: you'd better read the wikipedia of raid if you want more info20:40
MyWayhi, i've set chmod g+srwx /mydir but when i cp a new file into mydir it doesn't take the chmod rwx, why?20:41
bloodShawnrisk, the ubuntu install cd should let u format/partition windows off the disk20:41
tgmaceruser: Did you try the Function Key combination to toggle it on?20:41
nitrohaxShawnRisk> put in the ubuntu cd and install it will reformatt and delete windows vista20:41
shane2peruShawnRisk, just backup all your data and boot off the Ubuntu CDRom and use the whole disk, it will delete Windows for you.20:41
om26erShawnRisk: run ubuntu setup and format vista drive and install ubuntu on that i gues20:41
Pelocanoemoose, that's pretty much the type of setup I'm looking for/at , I'M setting up an old comp as a media center in my living room, right now I'M vnc ing into it, but it's an nvidia card and I'm tring to figure out the best output I can get20:41
Badmuppetdoes anyone know of a good english to turkish translator20:41
ShawnRiskom26er: ok20:41
VirusTBTuTUXG:  Wiki is worst place to get info :( but yet reliable.... any n everyone edits/vandalizes a wiki20:41
TuTUXGVirusTB: raid = redundant array of inexpensive disks20:41
tgmaceruser: Or what ever switch there is on the device that is supposed to turn the wifi on / off....?20:41
om26erBadmuppet: translate.google.com20:41
jribMyWay: what you said is kind of vague.  What are you trying to do?  Show us what commands you used on pastebin if you believe something is not doing what it is supposed to20:41
Lucho_Hi, can some one help me?20:41
TuTUXGVirusTB: i'd say the wiki page for raid is pretty good20:41
om26er!help | Lucho_20:42
ubottuLucho_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:42
aceruserI might try going into the bios..20:42
bloodLucho, we can rty20:42
canoemoosepelo, I'd give you my xorg.conf, except that box is at home and I'm at uni and they block my VPN ports :p20:42
shane2peruok, I made a document in the Ubuntu Community docs, and now I can find it!  :)  Do they get removed?  Do those get rotated?  could someone just delete my entire howto?20:42
aceruserthere is no switch20:42
Lucho_I'm starting ubuntu from the live CD and it does not recongnizes the mouse20:42
mgv2how can i download myspace files to mp3???20:42
Badmuppeti need something more accurate than that20:42
Out_Coldso i am trying to play with my iptables yet I get this error ~$ sudo iptables-save > /etc/iptables.rules20:42
Out_Cold-bash: /etc/iptables.rules: Permission denied20:42
chris83When installing DNS//Apache//Mail Server Do you recommend no-ip.com if you cant get a dnamic ip for a dns/mail server to host your own web//mail//irc server20:42
TuTUXGVirusTB: wiki may be not so helpful when it comes about politics or other useless stuff20:42
om26erLucho_: is it the touchpad or actually the mouse?20:42
VirusTBTuTUXG:  ok will read up on RAID 1 now20:42
chris83sorry static*20:42
tgmaceruser: So it just stays on all the time?  (Most all modern notebooks/laptops have a switch for the wireless device.  Are you sure?20:42
grawityOut_Cold: The redirection (>) is handled by your shell, before it calls sudo.  That's why it fails.20:43
Pelocanoemoose, thansk anyway, I'll do the trial and error bit ,20:43
TuTUXGVirusTB: ;)20:43
MyWayjrib: i did chmod g+srwx /mydir, so every new file i create in /mydir has these access, but if i do cp /newdir/myfile /mydir/myfile it gets only g+r, why?20:43
slimjimflimclandestine_j: no good20:43
canoemoosepelo, if you're using the non-free Nvidia drivers, just play with the resolutions available until you find somehting readable.20:43
Lucho_om26er no, it is a serial mouse on a desktop PC20:43
Out_Coldgrawity, so just go root?20:43
MyWayi want it to have rwx automatically20:43
Rods_TigerThat's interesting then, if UNR is essentially a user interface difference with the same ubuntu underneath, then I wonder if there's a way of installing an ubuntu to a usb drive that can be switched between UNR or desktop versions of the interface, and better still, if it can figure it out by itself?20:43
dognipsDCC SEND aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa20:43
FloodBot1NOTICE - The above was an exploit attempt that may have disconnected some users. Please ignore it, or type « /msg ubottu exploit » for more information.20:43
VirusTBTuTUXG:  ah damn! I need to make sure my Motherborad supports RAID 1 :(20:43
grawityOut_Cold: Yes. sudo -s, or whichever method you like.20:43
Pelocanoemoose, thanks20:43
slimjimflimclandestine_j: i also get this when restarting networking: siocdelrt: no such process20:43
canoemoosepelo, I think i'm running it at 1024 x 76820:43
Lucho_om26er I think that the problem may be with the serial port20:44
om26erRods_Tiger: there was desktop switcher app but now i can't find it20:44
tgmaceruser: Look in the owner's manual or what ever documentation you have for the PC for some information about the wireless device.  If you can tell us what kind of wireless device you have, we might be able to help you, otherwise, no.20:44
bloodi crashed the terminal.20:44
om26erLucho_: may be have you tested that port before20:44
clandestine_jslimjimflim: ok, let's try straight from the command line: "sudo ifconfig eth020:44
clandestine_jslimjimflim: disregard20:44
Rods_Tigersometimes I use the usb drive installation on a netbook, other times on a big old-fashioned computer20:44
VirusTBHow do I get the Model number of my  motherboard while runnin ubuntu from a Live CD???/20:44
billy951hey does anyone here have any knowledge on ddwrt?20:44
Lucho_om26er how can I do that? I'm completely new to linux20:44
TuTUXGVirusTB: ubuntu support software raid20:45
bloodvirusTB, can u look at ur devices?20:45
billy951im trying to set up my router in client mode to no avail20:45
om26erLucho_: no.. was the serial port working before.. i mean20:45
DarkKnightis there someone who can help me with complete reinstall sound in 9.04?20:45
slimjimflimclandestine_j: http://pastebin.ca/169299820:45
Out_ColdDarkKnight, back up everything20:45
bloodbilly951, is it locking u out?20:45
slimjimflimbilly951: yea i'm working on it right now too20:45
billy951locking out?20:45
DarkKnightOut_Cold: not reinstall20:45
clandestine_jslimjimflim: that error has to do with the MAC address usually - try adding: hwaddress ether 00:16:36:21:76:ca20:45
billy951its just not working lol20:46
clandestine_jslimjimflim: in /etc/network/interfaces under your eth0 entry20:46
Lucho_om26er yes, it works perfectly in windows...20:46
slimjimflimclandestine_j: k20:46
billy951ive changed all the configs to the tee of the documentation and still no luck20:46
Out_ColdDarkKnight, oh.. i missread..20:46
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tgm!info hardinfo20:46
ubottuhardinfo (source: hardinfo): Displays system information. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5c-1ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 242 kB, installed size 688 kB20:46
VirusTBblood:  Devices as  Systems> ???/20:46
bloodbilly951, i would think u need admin privledges to change anything on ur router.20:46
clandestine_jslimjimflim: that MAC address is just the one I got from your initial ifconfig fyi20:46
billy951i have admin privelages20:47
billy951i've installed the dd-wrt fw20:47
Lucho_om26er it is that machine the one i`m triyng to get to work and mouse is working right20:47
RRockonI just updated my system and using the new kernel drops me to a BusyBox. Something about a timeout waiting for root20:47
clandestine_jslimjimflim: and then of course restart networking20:47
Out_ColdRRockon, i had that when trying to do a fresh server lvm install20:47
Out_ColdRRockon, i had to do a fresh desktop install without lvms20:48
tgmVirusTB: hardinfo20:48
Out_Coldit's an option for advanced partitions20:48
om26erLucho_: which version of ubuntu?20:48
tgmbilly951: What are you trying to do?20:49
Rods_Tigerthere isn't a UNR channel specifically here is there?20:49
Out_Coldbut same thing, the boot loader couldn't findd my root drive and i was dropped to a busybox shell20:49
slimjimflimclandestine_j: that did the trick20:49
slimjimflimwhy do you think it did that?20:49
sqklhello it seems I have a very "awkward" problem. While everything works flawlessly on my laptop when I right-click on the ubuntu sign next to the applications and I press "Edit Menus" nothing happens. I tried to find a console command to see any error messages but I could find any. Can anyone help? I am using ubuntu 9.1 with Gnome 2.28.120:49
Out_ColdRods_Tiger, possibly what's unr?20:49
RRockonOut_Cold: I just checked in gParted and apparently my root disk doesn't use lvm20:49
Lucho_om26er 9.10 I downloaded it yesterday from the official site and run the CD test all right20:49
f0gHi. I'm trying to get this verizon WWAN usb thing working on this Inspiron mini, and it's giving me trouble. NetworkManager autodetects it, but when I try to connect it it, it instantly returns "connection disconnected"20:49
f0gAny ideas?20:49
dAlfa89_!unr | Out_Cold20:49
ubottuOut_Cold: Ubuntu Netbook Remix is a slightly altered version of Ubuntu, optimised for small screens. For more information, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UNR - support in #ubuntu20:49
Slurpeeanyone figure out how to get 9.10 to work with AR5001 Wireless Network Adapter ?20:49
Out_Coldthen i guess this is the support channel20:50
f0gI've already tried following several online guides, but no luck.20:50
Neremori'm using pulseaudio, but i only get sound from the two front speakers. I have an intel onboard soundcard which supports 5.1 for sure (tested under windows), but pulseaudio only uses the output for the front speakers. any idea what to fix?20:50
clandestine_jslimjimflim: Good. So what happens sometimes is that the hardware address gets dropped from the kernel - not sure why - and so the network device gets confused about what it is.  Does the computer have wireless and wired by any chance?20:50
slaytonis anybody here familiar with ldap? I'm following the guide on ubuntu.com but there are some minor syntax errors20:50
om26erLucho_: seems to me that this bug is milestoned for ubuntu's next release  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/casper/+bug/9068 but read this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto20:50
slimjimflimclandestine_j: yea, but there's no driver for it20:50
f0gIs there a way to update networkmanager and just networkmanager?20:51
slimjimflimclandestine_j: i'm gonna have to rebuild the kernel to get it working...install from source20:51
f0gI'm in Hardy still.20:51
RRockonOut_Cold: I was also having some issues where linux doesn't see any of my IDE devices, could it be related?20:51
slimjimflimclandestine_j: haven't gotten around to that yet20:51
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clandestine_jslimjimflim: Yeah I figured.  The kernel knew enough that you had two network interfaces, but not enough to keep them separate.  By specifying the HW address you were able to force association to that specific interface20:51
Out_ColdRRockon, possible but i doubt it. you could try a live cd and see if you can boot from your root drive?20:52
tgmSlurpee: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Atheros20:52
RRockonOut_Cold: The IDE issue prevents me from using Live_CDs20:52
slimjimflimclandestine_j: ok well thanks for the help20:52
RRockonthey too drop to a BusyBox20:52
Rods_TigerI can't really work with the installation fixed to either UNR or big ubuntu, because I can't restrict the usage of the ubuntu installation on the usb drive to just one or the other type of machine. Switching it would be useful, switching it automatically would be better20:52
clandestine_jslimjimflim: I see that a lot in largish linux routers - i.e. 10+ interfaces20:52
Out_ColdRRockon, are your jumper settings correct?20:52
RRockonI got to install using an USB drive, but I don't have it handy right now20:52
clandestine_jslimjimflim: no problem, we're always here to help20:52
Out_Cold**and bios20:52
RRockonShould be, everything works fine in Windows20:52
WadoTGWhat Citrix client should I use if I am running 9.04?20:53
Out_Cold**and bios20:53
Out_Coldmay just be a weird hardware mess?20:53
Black_PhantomHi, I can't Request Free CDs from shipit anymore, but I really need one this time because my laptop wont read the ones I burn for some weird reason !20:53
andresmhHow do you shorten the height of the File Browser's location bar?20:53
RRockonI don't know. Could be... I'd expect linux to make heads or tails out of it though20:53
tgmBlack_Phantom: what CD burning software are you using to burn the ISOs to CD?20:54
TuTUXGBlack_Phantom: if you have a flash drive, you can create a bootable usb20:54
Out_ColdRRockon, you could always try another distro and see if that's the issue. debian is always stable, or suse or redhat20:54
RRockonDebian doesn't boot either. I tried20:54
tgmRRockon: You have private message.20:55
guntbertBlack_Phantom: did you !md5sum check your image before burning?20:55
Black_Phantomtgm, I used every possible possibly way man, I was frustrated I used like 10 softwares including Nero, nothing helped, I even checked everything with the md5. But for some weird reason it cant read them, but it can read the official ones Canoncial send20:55
f0gIs there some magical step I'm missing here?20:55
tgmRRockon: What is your hardware?20:55
Black_Phantomguntbert, yes20:55
geniiWadoTG: Perhaps look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CitrixICAClientHowTo20:56
ubottuLDAP is the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. For more information, installation instructions and getting clients to authenticate via LDAP see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenLDAPServer20:56
Um_cara_qualquerwhat program runs .jnlp ?20:56
RRockonASROCK X58 mobo, Intel I7... I think I had the 260... and 6Gigs of DDR3 RAM, got a 1TB SATA disk and an IDE CD/DVDROM and additional HD20:56
WadoTGgenii: thanks will give it a go20:56
Black_PhantomTuTUXG, I dont really have one right now :/ but i will purchase one soon, there is not any other solution ?20:57
MyWayi want that all new files created under /mydir will get automatically rwx chmod, how can i do?20:57
Out_Cold6 Gb.. a shame that doesn't get used20:57
Badmuppetwhats this floodbot rubish20:57
RRockonYeah a little20:57
RRockonI've yet to top it though, so I'll consider it "built for the future" :)20:58
Um_cara_qualquerdoes anybody knows which program can execute .jnlp extension?20:58
janisozauri have a few JPGs, how do i combine them into one pdf?20:58
Out_ColdRRockon, ubuntu only sees 3 gb of that20:58
TuTUXGBlack_Phantom: or you can try to burn the disk from your friend's pc, for myself i'd always use a flash drive since it's pretty easy to create20:58
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Out_Coldjanisozaur, i know there are pdf creators but the last one i tried looked very complicated20:59
Snausagesjanisozaur: probably easiest to open them all in a word processor or page layout tool and then print to pdf20:59
mkaRRockon, can you please state your problem again?20:59
Black_PhantomUm_cara_qualquer, I entered ".jnlp" in wikipedia and I was redirected to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_Web_Start20:59
slaytonis there a way to list of recently installed packages?20:59
Out_Coldjanisozaur, Snausages idea is better20:59
janisozaurSnausages: er... that sounds extremely simple. never thought of that :D. thanks20:59
RRockonmka: Well, ubuntu doesn't see any of my IDE devices. Can't boot from a liveCD or it drops into Busybox. With the new kernel I can't even boot anymore, it says it times out looking for root20:59
Black_PhantomTuTUXG, hmmm thanks man but what could be the reason ??? it used to read them before I even tried using different brands of CD-Rs21:00
Black_PhantomTuTUXG, might be some driver problem ?21:00
sqklhello, I can't seem to get alacarte to work. Only way to get it work is by using "sudo alacarte" but even in this case the changes are not stored21:00
TuTUXGBlack_Phantom: i have really no idea, it could be your cd-rom's problem, or the disk's problem21:00
mkaRRockon, are you using grub2?21:01
sqklcan somebody hint anything that I might be doing wrong?21:01
TuTUXGBlack_Phantom: personally i haven't burn and cd/dvd in a long time...21:01
Out_ColdBlack_Phantom, TuTUXG or the burning, or lack there of21:01
RRockonmka: I think so. I clean installed 9.1021:01
Black_PhantomMake note my desktop can read them, but my laptop, like it doesnt detect them at all21:02
TuTUXGBlack_Phantom: burned* any* cd/dvd21:02
Out_Coldmka, i did a server install yesterday and also got the busybox because it couldn't find root. but mine was because i was using lvms. i solved my issue by using regular partitions21:02
mkaRRockon, ok, I am not familiar with that, but cant you tell grub to load the older kernel for now?21:02
RRockonmka: This is how we're talking right now ;)21:02
MyWayi want that all new files created under /mydir will get automatically rwx chmod, how can i do?21:02
guntbertRRockon: crazy idea: maybe your IDE socket on the MoBo got loosened?21:02
Rods_TigerI've burned 9.10 cd images recently that went ahead and worked on the machines I put them in, so the images do actually do the job.21:02
jribMyWay: use ACLs21:03
RRockonguntbert: Everything works on my windows install, so that's not it21:03
Black_Phantomthere is no way to to request a free CD ? the latest one that works here in 8.04 LTS and to install 9.10 on my laptop I upgrade it all the way from 8.04 ;/21:03
jribMyWay: and "rwx chmod" is ambiguous21:03
MyWayjrib: doesn't chmod work?21:03
jribMyWay: sure, but that means you have to execute chmod...21:03
mikejetOh my, Gimp is a pile of junk these days.21:03
guntbertRRockon: I said "crazy" :-)21:03
MyWayread write and execute to the group, jrib21:03
mkaRRockon, do you know the equivalent of menu.lst in grub2?21:03
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MyWayi thought that using chmod g+srwx /mydir i could do it21:04
Styx``did you hear about the Ubuntu-Party in Paris during this week-end ?21:04
guntbert!ot | Styx``21:04
Out_ColdBlack_Phantom, even if you do get to request a new cd, you will probably solve your problem faster than it ships21:04
ubottuStyx``: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:04
RRockonmka: No I don't21:04
jribMyWay: if you want *every* file you create to have rwx for the group, then you can just change your user's umask.  But if you want it to be specific to a directory you must use ACLs. +s on a directory just means files under it will get the same group, nothing about permissions21:04
Styx``ok thanks :)21:04
TuTUXGBlack_Phantom: Out_Cold is right...21:04
TuTUXGBlack_Phantom: it could take a long time for the shipment21:05
Black_PhantomOut_Cold, true, then I will purchase a new flash drive :)21:05
MyWayi'll read about acls then, thanks jrib21:05
Black_PhantomTuTUXG, any guide on how to install using flash driver ( I know how boot from it in BIOS )21:05
jribMyWay: you need to add the acl option in your fstab and read « man setfacl » and « man getfacl »21:05
Out_Cold!usb > Black_Phantom21:06
ubottuBlack_Phantom, please see my private message21:06
opiHi guys, do anyone of you know how to blank Network Manager configuration? I have someone on the phone who messed badly, and clean slate would do a trick.21:06
TuTUXGBlack_Phantom: check out the program called unetbootin21:07
herlahris there some kind of utility for the terminal that allows to change directories in such a way: typing "cd xxx", will show u list of all directories that are called/have/begin with "xxx", no matter where they are located in the file system, and let you select which on you want?21:07
TuTUXGBlack_Phantom: it could run on both win and linux21:07
TuTUXGBlack_Phantom: but first of all you need to make sure your laptop support boot from usb device21:07
sergiejjest ktos21:07
sergiejonly in english21:07
Black_PhantomTuTUXG, it does, I saw it once 'Boot from USB flash memory'21:08
opisergiej: yup, go to #ubuntu.pl21:08
mgv2how do i add a contact to an email with evolution?/21:08
talldaveI am getting a message that my IP address has been banned from Ubuntu Forums. Any Ideas why or how I may get this sorted?21:08
Black_Phantomdo I have to download a different ISO ? or its the same oen ?21:08
TuTUXGBlack_Phantom: you can use the one you got21:09
Out_Coldtalldave, release your ip and renew or talk to an op21:09
jribtalldave: #ubuntuforums21:09
Black_PhantomTuTUXG, cool ok thanks alot :)21:09
RRockonmka: Why, what did you want to know?21:09
Black_Phantomthanks all21:09
mkaRRockon, I thought I could be of help21:10
VCooliohi, could someone with the gedit latex plugin check the command for Latex -> PDF for me (the one that opens the pdf in an external viewer)?21:10
bloodi forgot the sudo command when i unzipped :s21:10
talldaveOut_Cold: i am on a mobile broadband connection from three uk, with a dynamic IP address, still get same error21:10
mikejetwhy is my clock always 2 minutes fast, even when ntp is installed?21:10
tgmRRockon: Yea, how far does it get in the boot process?  (Maybe it is salvagable...)21:10
LimCoreopi: lol, Ubuntu.pl? his nick really sounded like .cz .lt or .ru21:10
Out_Coldtalldave, /join #ubuntuforums21:11
RRockonDoes it log that?21:11
mkaRRockon, for example in grub1's menu.lst you can tell which kernel to load and specify the root partition21:11
tgmRRockon: Does it start to boot and hang?21:11
TuTUXGmikejet: try a different time server21:11
RRockonI get the neat ubuntu logo21:11
Out_Coldtgm, as soon as it looks for / it fails..21:11
tgmRRockon: I think you can hit Esc  and it tells you what is happening.21:11
RRockonthen that stays on for a bit long, screen goes black, flickers a little (like, off-black and blank-black) and I get a busybox21:11
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gp5sthellp all; i'm having trouble with gammu/wammu as my compy won't accep the passcode i gvie it21:11
mkaRRockon, and if ubuntu does not get the root partition, it panics and drops you into a shell21:11
tgm(Someone correct me if need be..)21:12
gp5sti tried the standard ones21:12
tgmwhat is a busybox?21:12
Out_Coldash shell21:12
tgmRRockon: sounds like it is just not loading up the video.  Is the video card ok?21:13
RRockonThe card is fine21:13
Out_Coldtgm, i had similar issues and it was not related to the video21:13
tgmOut_Cold: What was it?21:13
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shane_does anyone know where to set options now?  used to be: /etc/modprobe.d/options.conf seems that has changed in koala.21:14
Out_Coldcrud...... RRockon completely remove your IDE drive.21:14
tgmRRockon: If you hit Esc during the boot process, (when you see the Ubuntu logo), it will scroll some messages on the screen telling you what is happening, which will give you / us clues as to what is failing.21:14
Out_ColdRRockon, unplug and try21:14
h3ni'm having trouble connecting to the internet on my webserver can anyone help?21:14
hikenboothello if a package doesnt have support for powerpc and I want to convert the package using "alien" from an rpm...how would i do this?21:15
tgmRRockon: Oh, is it not even booting the CD?21:15
keiyaHey! How can I either change the colordepth to 256, or make a program running in Wine /think/ I have?21:15
RRockonit gets to the boot menu fine21:15
RRockonI can run memtest fine21:15
tgmh3n: We can try.21:15
RRockonbut starting the installer or the livecd fails21:15
tgmh3n:  What seems to be the problem?21:15
guntbert!pl | pszemoo21:15
ubottupszemoo: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.21:15
tgmh3n: What does  ifconfig  tell you?21:16
shane_ok, does anyone know how to modify boot options?21:16
h3ntgm: i can type in the url and get to it, but on the actual machine, i cant get to the internet21:16
Tygrys825I need some help with fstab & mounting21:16
guntbert!boot | shane_21:17
ubottushane_: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto21:17
=== RRockon_2 is now known as RRockon
h3ni cant ping or anuthing21:17
tgmshane_: I think you just hit Esc just as grub comes up and then e to edit and you edit the kernel line.21:17
tgmshane_: There you go    ^^^^21:17
RRockonAlright, let me check what it's saying at boot...21:17
h3ntgm: ifconfig looks normal21:17
tobiaszany idea why AWN doesn't display the dock or anything?21:17
lostinspace_46The auto-complete in my terminal seems to not be working. Any suggestions?21:17
Tygrys825I want to mount partitions at boot up, but also be able to move files to trash when deleting; instead of deleting forever21:17
shane_Thanks guys!!! I wasn't specific enough, I think guntbert got it with the bot. :)21:17
tgmh3n: Then what is the problem?21:17
h3ntgm: i cant access the internet21:18
tgmh3n: Can you ping the router from it?21:18
guntbertshane_: that was my crystal ball :-)21:18
h3ntgm: yes21:18
littlebearh3n: can't access the internet, can you ping google.com?21:18
tgmh3n: cat /etc/resolv.conf21:18
h3nlittlebear: no21:19
tobiaszany idea why AWN doesn't display the dock or anything?21:19
fxhpWhat should my ubuntu 9.10 release output when I do uname -a?21:19
tgmh3n: route -n21:19
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lostinspace_46The auto-complete in my terminal seems to not be working. Any suggestions?21:19
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RRockoncurious, it boots now21:19
littlebearh3n: I'm guessing it's your router failing to forward your request to internet, try login to the router as admin and check the firewall rule21:19
Out_Coldfxhp, mine says Linux sageworks 2.6.31-15-generic #50-Ubuntu SMP Tue Nov 10 14:54:29 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux21:19
zerqfxhp: mine says: Linux three 2.6.31-15-generic #50-Ubuntu SMP Tue Nov 10 14:54:29 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux21:19
tgmh3n: Do you have proper nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf21:19
Out_Coldhaha zerq21:19
zerqOut_Cold: beat me to it ;/21:20
RRockonnothing changed, but it boots fine with the new kernel21:20
talldaveWhy would I get a message that my IP address has been banned from Ubuntu Forums?21:20
Out_ColdRRockon, so you are solved?21:20
littlebearh3n: oh, btw, add nameserver router IP address to your /etc/resolv.conf21:20
tgmlittlebear: First, he needs to check if he has proper default gw and nameserver.21:20
RRockonuh... I guess so21:20
h3ntgm: yes21:20
littlebeartgm: yes that's what I was thinking21:20
Out_Coldi take all the credit haahaha21:20
tgmtgm: Can you poing the nameserver?21:20
tgmtgm: Can you ping the nameserver?21:21
tobiaszany idea why AWN doesn't display the dock or anything? If I type avant-window-navigator it starts and when I close the terminal it disappears21:21
tobiaszI don't want it to be that way21:21
Out_Coldtobiasz, that's your issue21:21
tgmh3n: Do you see your router's IP in the output of:  route -n21:21
Out_Coldtobiasz, open it with Alt-F221:21
h3ntgm: yes i ca, the nameserver is my routers ip in resolv.conf21:22
tobiaszthat sucks21:22
Out_Coldtobiasz, when you open it in terminal it stays active only as long as that terminal is active21:22
tgmh3n: can you ping the nameserver?21:22
h3ntgm: yes its there21:22
tgmh3n: can you ping the nameserver IP that is listed in resolv.conf?21:22
h3ntgm: yes21:22
tobiaszOut_Cold I know that but I didn't know how to explain my problem, how do I make that dock start on login?21:22
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archangelpetroanyone had problems with video and VLC/movieplayers on ubunturemix? i've downloaded the restricted codecs package, but still video seems not to work21:22
tgmh3n:  is the nameserver also the IP of the router?21:23
Out_Coldtobiasz, add it to start up list in the admin menu21:23
h3ntgm: yes21:23
littlebearh3n: um.. try putting your knetworkmanager or what ever your network manager to auto , match the IP of router with name server and gateway21:23
tgmh3n: host av.com21:23
tgmh3n: Does host av.com  return ip addresses?21:23
Out_Coldtobiasz, sorry it's System > Prefs > Startup apps21:24
h3ntgm: yes, mine21:24
tgmh3n: What?21:24
ssamhikenboot, alien can't turn x86 to powerpc, only x86 rpm to x86 deb. the only option is to recompile the program from source (if the source is avalible)21:24
h3ntgm: and yahoos domain21:24
littlebearh3n: yours? O.o, that's not good21:24
lesshasteis there a channel for netbook remix?21:24
tgmh3n: host google.com21:24
h3noh i see21:24
tobiaszthx Out_Cold21:24
Out_Coldnp tobiasz21:25
lesshasteor anyone knows when/if a karmic version will be available?21:25
Out_Coldlesshaste, this is the channel21:25
Satan911Hi. I need help with Ubuntu 9.10. I received the CD and I'm running Ubuntu from the CD (no installation on HD). It seems my WiFi device is recognized cause I can there are 4 networks available to connect. However on windows there are 6 networks including MY network which is not showing on Ubuntu. I tried connection "to hidden network" but with no success. I don't understand why some networks are showing but not mine. I also trie21:25
lesshasteOut_Cold: ok :) when/if will karmic be available for netbook remix?21:25
h3ntgm: it doesnt pull up the ip but googles hostmask i guess21:25
Snausageslesshaste: there is a 9.1 UNR, I use it now.21:25
herlahris there some kind of utility for the terminal that allows to change directories in such a way: typing "cd xxx", will show u list of all directories that are called/have/begin with "xxx", no matter where they are located in the file system, and let you select which on you want?21:25
lesshasteSnausages: oh!21:25
Out_ColdSatan911, what wifi card do you have? that could be a drivers or compatibility issue21:26
tgmh3n: What?  hostmask?21:26
lesshasteSnausages: which page actually tells what the latest version is?21:26
tgmh3n:  can you ping av.com21:26
lesshasteSnausages: I am browning the netbook wiki but haven't come across that page yet21:26
tgmh3n: ping av.com21:26
Satan911I have a Linksys Cisco WiFi USB. It works great on Windows AND I can see some networks on Ubuntu (i see 4 on Ubuntu but 6 on Windows)21:27
h3ntgm: i cant it says unkownhost av.com21:27
Snausageslesshaste: http://www.ubuntu.com/  look at the orange text at left under the gray box21:27
hikenbootssam in this case i forgot to mention i am talking about the source rpm21:27
Infin1tyi'm trying to set my Synaptics touch pad, ever since upgrading to karmic (which i curse everyda) i'm having problems, this time i can't see the touchpad as i want (i can't use it as it's slow and unusable) i tried using gsynaptics but i get the SHMConfig thingy, i do have it in hal and i can see it works (via hal) so what's ubuntu up to this time?21:27
h3nunkown host*21:27
Satan911I also have a built-in card but it's broken and disabled.21:27
tgmh3n: What is the output of       route -n21:27
h3ntgm: this will take a sec21:27
lesshasteSnausages: thanks!21:27
Out_ColdSatan911, you can increase your TX power which is pretty much signal strength but don't ask me how21:28
ssamhikenboot, ok, not sure about alien and source rpms. still might be better to find the source tar.gz. what is the package21:28
lesshasteSnausages: what are you running it on?21:28
tgmOut_Cold: iwconfig21:28
TuTUXGherlahr: you can pipe the output of tree to grep ...21:28
Satan911I have a really powerful router that. The signal strengh is 100% on Windows21:28
Snausageslesshaste: aspire one.  I really like it!21:28
Out_Coldtgm, well i know it's in there.. but i'm not certian of the command21:28
lesshasteSnausages: interesting.. I was going to get the toshiba nb205.. is the aspire better?21:28
tgmOut_Cold: man iwconfig21:29
Out_ColdSatan911, ubuntu may be underpowering your wifi21:29
Satan911Anyone can tell me how to install this package: http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/net/ndisgtk  with the source. There's no configure / config or make file21:29
Snausageslesshaste: no clue what the toshiba you mention is...  I got this because my macbook died and I needed a portable machine in a hurry...  the corner store had these in stock.21:29
Satan911Then why can I see my neighbor networks?21:29
Rods_TigerOn my fixed ubuntu machine the wireless on any channel never goes above 15% strength. I think that's just the way it is in linux.21:29
lesshasteSnausages: aha :) so not too much research went into it21:30
Snausageslesshaste: no not much21:30
lesshasteRods_Tiger: no that's not right21:30
benediktis there any way to remove a metapackage (kubuntu-desktop) and all packages it contains, without removeing packges that are needed?21:30
Rods_Tigerit's how it's been since I started using ubuntu21:30
tgmSatan911: Are you unable to see your own ?21:30
lesshasteRods_Tiger: it will depend at least on the wireless driver21:30
Satan911Yea. That's the problem21:30
Snausageslesshaste: I tried to get it going with leopard and I sorta did, but it wasn't very reliable so I repaved it with ubuntu and haven't looked back21:30
tgmSatan911: Does your wireless router broadcast it's essid?21:30
lesshasteSnausages: cool21:30
ron-l-j"The most important tip I can offer to new users is to learn the command line. if you are limited to the GUIs, you see the system through a glass,darkly" Richard Stallman21:30
Satan911Not sure but I guess it does.21:31
Rods_Tigerthe ubuntu computer is sitting right next to the homehub, on the same small table, and the most it can get is 10-15% on a good day.21:31
tgmSatan911: Do you know the essid of your wireless router?21:31
lesshasteron-l-j: His spelling and punctuation is terrible! :)21:31
guntbertron-l-j: true but still off-topic21:31
Rods_TigerI just assumed that's normal21:31
lesshasteRods_Tiger: that sounds like either a hardware problem or a driver issue.. which driver?21:31
tgmSatan911: Then we can not help you.  Sorry.21:31
archangelpetroanyone had problems with video and VLC/movieplayers on ubunturemix? i've downloaded the restricted codecs package, but still video seems not to work21:32
hikenbootssam thats what i am doing now but the script i am using to install it is conveluted and is using some magic to transfer it to a chroot21:32
zerqlesshaste: my dad has the nb205 and it's very nice.. although I don't like the big battery back if you have the 6-cell in.. but it gets like 7-9 hours o_o21:32
Rods_Tigerthat richard stallman chap must be an idiot then - that's the wrong way round21:32
Rods_Tigerlesshaste - no idea21:32
Satan911But look.. It's showing on Windows, it works fine on Windows and OS X. I can see other networks on Ubuntu and not mine..21:32
lesshastezerq: oh.. the 7-9 hours is only with some big battery pack?21:32
lesshasteRods_Tiger: ah :)21:32
Satan911Also can you tell me how to install this package please: http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/net/ndisgtk21:32
zerqlesshaste: I ended up getting the hp mini 311 because of the nvidia ion chip.. sacrificing battery life for some half decent gpu power and a little nicer screen21:32
herlahrTuTUXG: ok, but i'd still have to type the full path in order to change directory, no?21:32
Satan911Without apt-get of course cause I don't have internet connection.21:32
tgmSatan911: Then you DO know the essid.  Right?21:32
zerqlesshaste: well I've only ever seen it sold with the larger (6-cell I believe)21:33
lesshasteSatan911: google essid before they start shouting at you :)21:33
ron-l-jarchangelpetro Have you ran through the medibuntu hoe to ?21:33
Snausageslesshaste: mine came with a 6-cell pack that bulges out the back, but it makes an awesome handle and it's still very light compared to the old one21:33
zerqlesshaste: but I think you can get a 3 cell also from Toshiba if you want less weight/size/batt life21:33
ron-l-jhow to :d21:33
tgmSatan911: Does your router use encrypted authentication?21:33
lesshastezerq: ok thanks21:33
lesshasteSnausages: ah cool21:33
guntbert!ot zerq21:33
tgmSatan911: What is your wireless card?21:33
bloodwhats the command to delete a file?21:33
TuTUXGherlahr: I guess so, if the prefix is not the dir you are currently in21:34
lesshasteblood: rm21:34
Snausageslesshaste: I typically get 3-5 hours but I'm not that conservative with usage21:34
tgmSatan911: Tell us the make and model of  your wireless card.21:34
bloodlesshaste: thanks21:34
muhahahahttp://www.lemuria-box.eu/ go flood that21:34
lesshastetgm: you need to tell people how to get info like that.. this is #ubuntu21:34
ron-l-jblood rm is delete for a file or to remove a dir21:34
muhahahahttp://www.lemuria-box.eu/ go flood that21:34
muhahahahttp://www.lemuria-box.eu/ go flood that21:34
muhahahahttp://www.lemuria-box.eu/ go flood that21:34
Satan911tgm; I'm pretty sure that's the name: Linksys WUSB600N Dual-Band Wireless-N USB21:34
archangelpetroron__: what's the link?21:34
tgmSatan911: lspci |grep ireless21:34
mrbookCan someone help a newbie21:34
lesshastemrbook: only if they want to play poker21:35
ron-l-jblood " rm my file " or " rm /thisdirectory21:35
benediktmrbook: just ask21:35
* lesshaste apologises21:35
Rods_Tiger15% signal is fine - as long as it's not 0%21:35
mrbookI have Ubuntu running using Virtual Box hosted by Windows XP Pro.21:35
guntbertblood: you want to have a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal , I guess :)21:35
tgmSatan911: Bring up a terminal window and type:   lspci |grep ireless21:35
mrbookI can't seem to get my integrated webcam to work. Any ieas21:35
ron-l-jman rm21:35
Satan911I'm on Windows now. Can't use IRC on Ubuntu if I don't have internet21:36
Satan911But I'll boot in Ubuntu after I get enough support.21:36
Snausagesmrbook: I'll guess that you need to tell virtualbox how to present that usb device to your VM.  I don't know how to do that in virtualbox.21:36
dAlfa89_When it comes to SSH'ing using PuTTY, can I move files from the Ubuntu box I'm in to a local Windows directory?21:36
ConfuziusSatan911, just grab an ethernet cable while you troubleshoot wireless, will be much easier and less frustrating21:36
epinkylesshaste: you mean "apologize" ?21:36
tgmSatan911: You can turn off security on your router and that might just enable you to connect.21:37
lesshasteepinky: which country are you from? :)21:37
Satan911Don't have any lol. Was looking for one but they are all used.21:37
Satan911I'll keep looking. But please can anyone tell me how to install this specific package: http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/net/ndisgtk21:37
ConfuziusdAlfa89_, you need sftp, from windows use the program winscp and use your ssh login/pass21:37
ron-l-jadd hock transfer files to machiene X21:37
kekaleSatan911, try setting your ssid to visible if it is not already.21:37
lesshasteepinky: I say no to your invading zeds!21:38
Satan911It is visible.21:38
tgmSatan911: Confuzius has the best solution, use a wired connection until  you get things figured out.21:38
dAlfa89_Thanks Confuzius (:21:38
Satan911And I tried conenection to "hidden network" too21:38
bloodsudo rm /file ???21:38
tgmSatan911: Turn off security on the router.21:38
ron-l-jsatan911 what type of wireless router do you have ?21:38
the_madmanHello everyone.21:38
=== Berzerker- is now known as Berzerker
ron-l-jblood yes21:38
Satan911I hate problems like that. If NO networks would showing I'd be looking for drivers but some are.. that's frustating.21:39
tgmSatan911: Turn of WPA21:39
kekaleSatan911, do you have a usb stick available? (Or you could download the package to an ntfs partition of course as well)21:39
ron-l-jblood where "rm" means remove and "/" meas directory21:39
the_madmanSo every time I start my computer, it comes up with the error message, "Your display, keyboard and mouse could not be detected properly" or something like that.21:39
mrbook1Snausages-- When I run "Cheese" the little blue light comes on them I get these color bars. When I see the blue light come on I would expect the webcam is detected.21:39
ron-l-jblood if you want to delete a picture call me you would type rm me21:39
herlahrTuTUXG: haha :) if it's the directory im currently in why would i waste my time doing all that21:40
Satan911I hava the package on Ubuntu.. the .tar.gz file with the source. But it has no configure or config file and I don't know how to install the package form this source21:40
the_madmanThing is, they all work fine and clicking, "cancel" will lead to X starting successfully.21:40
ron-l-jblood if you want to delete a directory calld mypictures you would type rm mypictures21:40
bloodron -l -j, its not working :(   ...   it says without the "/"file its a directory. if i put the /back in the '/file' it says that there is no such file or directory. its bizzar21:40
TuTUXGherlahr: sorry was quite sure about your question..21:40
herlahrTuTUXG: ok21:40
kekaleSatan911, go to http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/i386/ndisgtk/download and download the .deb file21:41
ron-l-jblood type "ls" to see the files in your directory21:41
the_madmanAny way to get rid of that error message? It's getting rather irritating...21:41
Out_ColdSatan911, first off see if you can find the package in the synaptics cuz although building is easy, it's not always recommended21:41
kekaleThe on ubuntu, run dpkg -i /path/to/thedebyoudownloaded.deb21:41
tgmSatan911: You will need to install some kernel packages in order to compile from source.  And then you unpack the tarball and cd into it and do ./configure  make and make install   etc.21:41
Jamedblood: to delete directories use rm -r foldername21:41
SnausagesHow do I set up VLAN tagging in ubuntu?21:41
kekaleSatan911, sorry, prefix it with sudo of course21:41
bloodwhat is the -r?21:41
Satan911Thanks Out_Cold.21:41
=== cp is now known as Guest51321
Jamedblood: recursive21:42
Satan911I couldn't find the .dep file. That was a bit dump.21:42
ron-l-jblood -r is a switch that meas recursive21:42
Satan911Only had the source21:42
tgmSatan911: But the package you downloaded more than likely is pre-compiled for Ubuntu and you can install it via the package manager, (once you get online).  I suggest you connec to wired network and get online, these things are easy once you are online.21:42
Satan911Anyway I'll boot in Ubuntu and I'll try a few things. Might come back later. Thanks for your help.21:42
PyroPheliais it possible to use gnome rdp from an OS X machine?21:42
Satan911Yea if I can't get anything working I'll find a cable21:42
tgmSatan911: Anytime.21:43
ron-l-j  By default, rm does not remove directories.  Use the --recursive (-r or21:43
ron-l-j       -R) option to remove each listed directory, too, along with all of  its21:43
ron-l-j       contents.21:43
TuTUXGPyroPhelia: it's possible but you need get gnome installed on osx21:43
bloodjamed: thx21:43
archangelpetroron__: i insdtalled w32codec andthe libdvdcss2 package, but i still have the same problem21:43
Jamedblood: did it work?21:43
archangelpetroron-l-j: i insdtalled w32codec andthe libdvdcss2 package, but i still have the same problem21:43
PyroPheliatutuuxg, like in a virtual machine?21:43
bloodjamed, yup21:43
Jamedblood: np then :)21:43
TuTUXGPyroPhelia: plus some other libs, it's could be pretty messy21:44
ron-l-jarchangelpetro what file are you trying to play ?21:44
TuTUXGPyroPhelia: no, not from a vm21:44
PyroPheliaI just wanted a os x client that could log into an ubuntu system running gnome21:44
ron-l-j rm - remove files or directories21:44
archangelpetrobleach7.com any one of the AVIs from there ron-l-j21:44
ron-l-j -f, --force21:44
ron-l-j              ignore nonexistent files, never prompt21:44
TuTUXGPyroPhelia: why not just use ssh? or vnc?21:44
tgmPyroPhelia: OSX already has ssh21:45
PyroPheliaI know, and ssh is always there, but I need some visual to show the people who are paying for the server.  they're not cli friendly21:45
tgmPyroPhelia: ssh user@192.168.1.x21:45
ron-l-jok then you need to add lib file to play avi's21:45
PyroPheliaI know to use ssh, that's not the issue21:45
TuTUXGPyroPhelia: vpn or vnc then21:45
JukosGood vide editor for ubuntu?21:45
PyroPheliai'm looking at vnc now, thanks21:46
tgmPyroPhelia: GUI on a server?  Why do you need it?21:46
ron-l-jsudo aptitude install ubuntu-restricted-extras21:46
mrbook1Can some one help me get my integrated webcam to work21:47
PyroPheliatgm, again, for the people paying for it.  it's complicated21:47
tgmPyroPhelia: But you can install x11vnc on the server and use thightvnc on the client21:47
tgmPyroPhelia: vncviewer 192.168.1.x21:47
TuTUXGmrbook1: you'd like to check with the virtualbox forum or irc21:47
tgmfor example %%21:47
JukosBest video editor for Ubuntu?21:48
tgmPyroPhelia: on the server issue command    x11vnc -forever21:48
archangelpetroron-l-j: looks like i sorted it, thanks a lot :D21:48
tgmPyroPhelia: Default is no password.21:48
arguedJukos: Pitivi imo21:49
bloodhow can i stop a terminal process?21:49
PyroPheliawait, tightvnc doens't have a osx client, so i'm assuming I use the java client?21:49
bloodyes plz21:49
ron-l-jarchangelpetro   :D21:49
tgmPyroPhelia: apt-get install x11vnc  #on the server21:49
TuTUXGPyroPhelia: chicken vnc21:49
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TuTUXGPyroPhelia: that one is pretty popular21:49
PyroPheliaah ty21:49
tgmPyroPhelia: and then apt-get remove x11vnc when your done.21:50
bloodhow can i kill a terminal process...?21:50
DaZblood: ^c21:50
tgmblood: pkill21:50
DaZor kill/pkill/killall21:50
blooddaz, sry i saw that, thx21:50
PyroPheliahopefully after they see what i've done they'll leave me alone and I can bump the system down to run lvl3, but who knows21:50
tgmblood: kill <pid>21:50
bloodi couldnt type anything :s21:50
mr_mustardmy firefox fonts now look thinner and uglier comparing to rest of the desktop, after I installed kubuntu-desktop. that was the last big change I can remember... anyone got a similar issue?21:50
TuTUXGblood: ctrl+c21:51
osrechi, just had a quick question: i have a window list displayed on my bottom panel, but the color between a selected and unselected window is so little that I am often searching for the selected window! is there a way for me to customise this to make it clearer? thanks21:51
dAlfa89_Can you SSH from an entirely different network, or is it only on LAN?21:51
tgmblood: Ctrl-c21:51
DaZmr_mustard: are you using kde?21:51
bloodTuTUXG, thx21:51
mr_mustardDaZ, no, but it is also installed21:51
bloodtgm, thx21:51
TuTUXGdAlfa89_: you can ssh from anywhere..21:51
kekaledAlfa89_, as long as there is routing and as long as the firewalls permit it, you can ssh anywhere.21:52
ron-l-jblood pkill or use top21:52
bloodDaz, thx :)21:52
ron-l-jtop will show you all running processes21:52
dAlfa89_kekale, if I were to log in from school, I'm guessing I'd need to forward the necessary ports on my router so the school network thinks it's okay?21:52
Caesihi all, how can I turn off the notifications (e.g. when somebody goes online in Pidgin etc.) at the top right corner of the screen? thanks!21:52
kekaledAlfa89_, and you should have the outgoing port 22 open at the school's end.21:53
dragonWhat happens if I, intentionally or unintentionally, empty the /var/cache directory? Will it break something?21:53
PyroPheliabtw, what's the default fs in the latest release of ubuntu?21:53
FarssiHi i removed some packages and my apache stopped working, I get this in error log "libgcc_s.so.1 must be installed for pthread_cancel to work" but i have the file in /lib/. What am I missing?21:53
TuTUXGPyroPhelia: ext421:53
dragonPyroPhelia: ext421:53
dAlfa89_kekale, is port 22 necessary? WinSCP lets you choose the port number, so I wondered..21:54
ChousukedAlfa89_: well, whatever port your ssh server listens to21:54
kekaledAlfa89_, it's not necessary by any means, it's just the default.21:54
ChousukedAlfa89_: 22 by convention.21:54
TuTUXGdAlfa89_: you can set ssh on any ports you like21:54
kekaledAlfa89_, and you can forward any port from your router to the 22 on your box.21:54
jebblueCaesi right click the Pidgin icon and select Preferences, see if what you want to do is in there21:54
boscopwhy does the volume indicator show a negative dB number?21:54
boscopand 0dB when it's at 100%21:54
dAlfa89_Thanks guys, it should be interesting tomorrow (:21:55
Out_Coldcan someone help troubleshoot my vnc? I am trying to ssh to the server and vnc from there, the "# tightvncconnect -display 1 localhost:590021:55
Out_Cold" produces "can't open display 1"21:55
Out_Cold** i tried 0 also21:55
jhaigI'm looking to set up an extremely simple laptop for an elderly gentleman so that he can just write letters.  The machine is very low spec (700MHz and 384Mb memory).  Is XFCE still the most lightweight desktop?  Is there a very simple Ubuntu variant, for this sort of thing?21:57
tgmOut_Cold: vncviewer 192.168.1.x21:57
Out_Coldtgm, i was told to ssh then vnc?21:57
Xodiachow can i use alsa instead of pulse it seems im getting errors that its being used by another program21:57
Xodiacis alsa better or pulse21:58
=== gdb_ is now known as gdb
tgmOut_Cold: DISPLAY=:0.0 ; vncviewer 192.168.1.x   #if you are in ssh shell.21:58
dragonI'm thinking of setting up apt-proxy on a server and every workstation, and point them all to a common cache directory on the server through nfs. Does it sound reasonable?21:58
klappijhaig: you can also try ldx21:58
tgmOut_Cold: Just got back from the kitchen.  What are you trying to do?21:58
Confuziusjhaig, http://www.planetwatt.com/ very light ubuntu based distro with lxde21:58
Out_Cold: / "/usr/bin/vncviewer: 28: java: not found21:59
Out_Coldssh then vnc21:59
Out_Coldi have the restricted extras installed21:59
cafreeWhat package(s) do I need to install for MKV support?  I had mplayer support with 9.04.21:59
DaZisn't mkv just a container? :f22:00
TuTUXGcafree: try install w32codecs22:00
TuTUXGDaZ: it is22:00
tgmOut_Cold: Do you have a vnc server turnd on?  (On the PC you are trying to initiate a vnc session into)22:00
cafreeTuTUXG, separate install, outside the repos?22:00
trismcafree: I would guess libmatroska022:01
jhaigklappi: Confuzius: Thanks.22:01
Caesijebblue: thanks, it's not there, it's an Ubuntu setting though I don't know where it is22:01
cafreetrism, I have that.  Thanks though22:01
=== les is now known as Guest62602
Out_Coldtgm, yea i am just checking the java right now..22:01
TuTUXGcafree: it should be in the repo22:01
tgmOut_Cold:  x11vnc -forever  #On  the target PC22:01
Confuziusjhaig, there were people on the forums talking about using it on a 100mhz pentium with 192mb ram, so you should be fine with it22:01
jebblueCaesi check the Sounds tab22:01
dethaddri updated my system from jaunty to koala and it seems to be slower, any one have some advice?22:02
cafreeTuTUXG, I must be searching the wrong ones then....22:02
ayeizajedievning all22:02
TuTUXGcafree: i think it's in the restricted repo, so make sure it's enabled22:03
Out_Coldtgm i'll assume that's rebootable?22:03
OSGUIAnonhi everyone22:03
tgmjhaig: You might also consider xubuntu22:03
cafreeTuTUXG, it is22:03
trismcafree: it is in the mediabuntu repos22:03
IyunkateusI'm trying to remove all of the Kubuntu stuff from my computer, which is regular GNOME Ubuntu, how can I make sure I don't screw up anything outside of Kubuntu?22:03
tgmOut_Cold: What?22:03
cafreeall repos in software sources appear to be checked22:03
dethaddri updated my system from jaunty to koala and it seems to be slower, any one have some advice?22:03
trism!mediabuntu | cafree22:04
Out_Coldthe command is persistent?22:04
trismcafree: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu22:04
ayeizajedineed to install driver for ATI Radeon 3400m22:04
ayeizajedianyone got any advice22:04
Out_Coldtgm, sorry if i reboot that machine i need to run the command again?22:05
tgmOut_Cold: x11vnc  #Is good for only one session     x11vnc -forever   #is for multipul sessions, but if you exit the terminal that you ussued the command from, it will turn off the vnc server as well.22:05
=== OSGUIAnon is now known as Demyon
Demyonhello everyone im new around here22:05
tgmOut_Cold: Yes.  but you can put it in a startup script.22:05
Out_Coldok cool thanks22:05
jhaigtgm: It has xubuntu on it already, but it is quite old and I don't know whether it is still the most lightweight.22:06
tgmOut_Cold: You can put it in /etc/rc.local22:06
caponhi all22:06
Paulus1hello, my ubuntu is kind of slow, especially watching movies. They are slower then normal and shock sometimes. I dont get why this is, you'd guess my computer is good enough: amd x2 4000+, 1gb ddr2 800, ati radeon HD2600XT, and i enabled the driver! so whats wrong with my pc!?22:06
Demyonso everyone here uses ubuntu 9.10??22:06
crashdata9.10 here22:06
=== crohakon|afk is now known as crohakon
tgmjhaig: :Probably is not the most lightweight, but light enough for 700MHz machine.22:06
VCoolioIyunkateus: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome22:06
Ashfire908I'd like to record the sound output of an application (via pulse), how would I do that?22:06
Demyonwat 9.10??22:06
jhaigStill on 9.04 for the moment :-)22:06
epinkyOut_Cold: the target machine is Karmic? I ask because there isn't /etc/gdm/gdm.conf anymore.22:07
Demyoni asked for them to send the CD, its really usefull22:07
miklosdid they fix the emachine wifi driver thing in 9.10?22:07
Out_Coldepinky, yes both are22:07
tgmjhaig: 9.04 is fine.  Just keep it updated.22:07
cafreetrism: thanks, that helped me find the codecs, though it didn't solve my problem.  do I need to figure our what's being contained to solve this problem?22:07
Demyondont know22:07
caponcan somebudy help  me? I can not use my wireless card anymore XD It ses that the wireless is disabled...22:07
dethaddri am also having issues with my toolbar. all my open apps are tucked into the lower left corner in little slivers22:08
Snausagescapon: have you tried enabling it from the network tool?22:08
Ashfire908Demyon, not everyone. people are not required to run the latest, I think versions get 18 months before supporte is dropped (even longer with the LTS releases)22:08
miklosanybody uses acer emachines,?22:08
epinkyOut_Cold: are you using x11vnc?22:08
Snausagesmiklos: I use one22:08
caponsnausages, i dont know how it works XD22:08
bloodI need help with this symlink error: http://pastebin.com/m54f6229322:08
jhaigtgm: I know.  I'm actually waiting for 10.04 which, I believe, will be LTS and I am going to go straight to that.22:09
Snausagescapon: try right-clicking on the network tool in the menu bar, see if it says wireless disabled and hit the checkbox to enable it again22:09
crashdatahow do i register my nick?22:09
Paulus1hello, my ubuntu is kind of slow, especially watching movies. They are slower then normal and shock sometimes. I dont get why this is, you'd guess my computer is good enough: amd x2 4000+, 1gb ddr2 800, ati radeon HD2600XT, and i enabled the driver! so whats wrong with my pc!?22:09
Out_Coldepinky yes22:09
DaZcrashdata: talk with the nickserv22:09
Iyunkateuscrashdata: /msg nickserv help register22:09
Demyoni wanted to ask if someone knows how i can install a game called Dekaron EU?22:10
spidoraHelp! My screen resolution is stuck on 800x600 and it's making me crazy.22:10
caponsnausages, it is not possible to click on the chekbox22:10
spidoraI already tried editing the xorg.conf22:10
Demyoni heard it can not work cuz it has gameguard22:10
Snausagescapon: something else is wrong then.  It used to work? what has changed?22:11
Ashfire908Demyon, is it a windows game?22:11
=== tyler is now known as tyler5
IyunkateusDemyon: Is it a game you bought?22:11
Xodiaci need help on getting my fglrx working i have a Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07)22:11
Xodiacis there anyway i can get it to work22:11
tyler5Hello, I need RAID help. Can anyone help me.22:11
epinkyOut_Cold: then you'll need to edit /etc/gdm/Init/Default and /etc/gdm/custom.conf, if you want to have VNC as a service22:11
Demyonits free online22:11
bloodspidora: /system/preferences/display22:11
caponsnausages, i tused to work before, I havent used this pc for 1 month, and how does the eth0 only work22:12
IyunkateusDemyon: Wine can't always run everything22:12
Paulus1hello, my ubuntu is kind of slow, especially watching movies. They are slower then normal and shock sometimes. I dont get why this is, you'd guess my computer is good enough: amd x2 4000+, 1gb ddr2 800, ati radeon HD2600XT, and i enabled the driver! so whats wrong with my pc!? thanx!22:12
crashdatatyler5: i'm running raid 022:12
Xodiacmy compiz fusion works and games like wolfenstien but it seems to lag and my laptop can perform a whole lot better than that22:12
gerardo_hola tengo problemas con los repositorios de karmical como lo puedo solucionar22:12
spidorablood: already tried that. The only option is 800x600. Me so crazy.22:12
spidoragerardo_: #ubuntu_es22:12
tyler5crashdata: Any experience with RAID1?22:13
Ashfire908Demyon, Wine might work, but it's not perfect. Wouldn't suprise me if it catches fire and crashes.22:13
Jamedspidora: what graphic card do you have?22:13
Demyoni tried on playonlinux too22:13
=== dalekx is now known as DaLeKx
bloodspidora: u may be able to update ur videocard driver22:13
crashdatatyler5: it should be the same...what's the problem? are you doing software raid or you have your own raid hardware?22:13
capon Snausages,so?22:14
spidoraJamed: Intel onboard...22:14
mgv2how can i really doing this recording of soundcard?22:14
VCooliocould someone with the gedit latex plugin check the command for Latex -> PDF for me in the plugin preferences (the one that opens the pdf in an external viewer)?22:14
sburwoodI prepared a usb key to install Karmic onto my EEE 1005HA.  I think that I missed out on something in the preparation, because when I try to boot off of it, I get a message that the operating system is missing22:14
Dantonicon 8.10, any idea why I get this error?  sudo: add-apt-repository: command not found22:14
XodiacJamed: could you help me get fglrx working i have a Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07)22:14
tyler5crashdata: I unplugged a drive to test redundancy, the array continued to work so I plugged it back in. Now its not loading the mirror (it should be 2/2 | UU but its 2/1 | U_) and even after I re-added the drive to the array and it re-synced, on reboot it shows the same thing!. It's software RAID.22:14
Dantonichow do I add that command?22:14
dethaddri updated my system from jaunty to koala and it seems to be slower, any one have some advice?22:14
Ashfire908Demyon, if you want to run windows games your best bet is a linux/windows dual-boot. Nothing runs like the native OS.22:15
zleapadd-get should that be apt-get22:15
Jamedspidora: strange, the correct driver should be installed by default. you should try what blood suggested22:15
spidoraJamed, blood: 'Device' in Screen section of xorg says ""VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8378 [S3 UniChrome] Integrated Video""22:15
Satan911Hey I got it. I installed a driver for my other WiFi card manually.. Actually surprised it worked.22:15
sybaritendoes anyone know where i can find a tutorial on how to upgrade from Hardy to something newer?22:16
JamedXodiac: fglx is an ATi driver, not an Intel one22:16
Demyonbut i dont quite know how to andle it so im not sure if i did it right xD22:16
dwrudydethaddr: I would suggest a fresh install. Koala is pretty slow for me too, and I also did an upgrade (although I did not run it very much before the upgrade): http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/abnormally-slow-computer-772285/22:16
spidoraJamed: My old monitor died in a puff of smoke, so I just installed my new flatscreen. The only problem is that the resolution won't change.22:16
DantonicHow do I install a repository from the command line in Ubutu 8.10?22:16
XodiacJamed: o is there any way i can make my video card perform a lot better22:16
sybaritenthis is a headless machine22:16
rob0917 anyone getting the mtts-corefonts error22:16
sburwoodI don't know.  I have Intrepid and want Karmic.  I want to know where to find instructions on preparing a usb key for my EEEPC22:16
dwrudyI started that topic... and when I can get around to it, I'll probably try doing that.22:16
JamedXodiac: no, there is only one open source driver for Interl which is installed by default22:17
XodiacJamed: or test the three d in any way with a program, do you think i can get an actual video card manager like ccc or nvidia22:17
crashdatatyler5: I havent worked with software raid before. it sounds like u've done what could've been done....could be just a bug in the program22:17
DaLeKxhi, a have problem with aMSN, Help Me22:17
XodiacJamed: well its not bad thank you22:17
tyler5crashdata: This is a test setup so its not like anything vital is at risk, but I'm intending on setting up a 2x80GB RAID1 array and a 2x500GB RAID0 array with a 1.5TB backup drive for both that _will_ house vital data so I need to know how to fix this -.-22:17
JamedXodiac: afaik theres no such programm for intel22:17
antimicrosoft315for the record- I'm running Ubuntu 9.10 on a Pentium 322:17
rstob911Dantonic: look here  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu22:17
XodiacJamed: o22:17
miklosI got a new acer e725 and had some issues: wifi worked on jaunty but cable ethernet didnot, after suddenly it changed  wifi stoped working ,the cable thing worked...22:18
tyler5crashdata: doubt its a bug, each time it reboots the array continues to say the drive is degraded -.-22:18
Jamedspidora: whats the native resolution of your monitor=22:18
XodiacJamed: well thanks for the help i guess i just use to using ati video cards22:18
sburwoodif anyone wants to answer my question, please tell me22:18
spidoraJamed: Intel onboard "VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8378 [S3 UniChrome] Integrated Video"22:18
OSGUIAnonanyone here know anything about dofu?22:19
Dantonicrstob911 so it's wget?22:19
Ashfire908sburwood, sure one sec22:19
Jamedspidora: not the videocard, the monitor22:19
bloodspidora: it seems that ur pc is not detecting the monitors resolution22:19
spidoraJamed: I am unsure of the native resolution.22:19
rstob911Dantonic: yes22:19
dragonIdeas about setting up debtorrent?22:19
Jamedspidora: have no clue then, sorry22:19
crashdatatyler5: try reposting your question again. i haven't messed around with software raid.22:19
dragonDocs? Links?22:19
miklos got a new acd kde issues with plasmaty has driver aner e 725 with dualboot xp and jaunty and xp wont shut down,jaun22:19
tyler5crashdata: thanks anyway.22:20
Ashfire908sburwood, you grabed the netbook remix, right?22:20
spidorablood: It's one of those shit chinese flatscreens that was on sale at Walmart on black friday. It's a "SanSui"22:20
Rabbitbunny2So, I have my server over there across the room, I'd like to screen +x my irssi session. How do I get it to boot into screen without touching anything?22:20
sburwoodI tried that, but also the desktop of Karmic22:20
Dantonicrstob911, so I'm following some instructions on how to install freenx, and one of the lines I'm supposed to enter is:  "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:freenx-team"  How would I add that repository with wget?22:20
bloodspidora: i found this site   http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-adjust-screen-resolution-on-ubuntu.html22:20
crashdatatyler5: good luck, sometimes the answer is probably very trivial...22:20
steven__Evening all.  After updating to 9.10, my Rocketfish bluetooth keyboard and mouse work great. . . for about 15 min. Then It disconnects and I have to shut down and reconnect manually.  any help?  Thanks!22:20
sburwoodI downloaded the iso onto my desktop computer22:21
tyler5I have a RAID1 array and tested the redundancy by removing one drive, it worked flawlessly!. Now I re-plugged it in and am trying to re-sync with the array but each time I reboot it continues to only load one mirror and says that the drive is degraded!.22:21
tyler5Please help.22:21
arunvkumarkchow can i change gdm theme in karmic koala22:21
lostinspace_46The auto-complete in my terminal seems to not be working. Any suggestions?22:21
rstob911Dantonic: it would be my guess22:21
sburwoodI then used usb-creator to make the usb key22:21
tr_After installing karmic from alternate cd, CLI only I installed gnome and gdm, but gdmsetup doesn't show theme choices, I installed gdm-themes too22:21
Rabbitbunny2sburwood: Ask your question on one line.22:21
sburwoodbut I have the impression that I'm missing something22:21
tyler5I have a RAID1 array and tested the redundancy by removing one drive, it worked flawlessly!. Now I re-plugged it in and am trying to re-sync with the array but each time I reboot it continues to only load one mirror and says that the drive is degraded!.22:21
VCoolioDantonic: in 8.10 add-apt-repository is not used yet; wget is just to download stuff; you need to add the deb and deb-src lines to /etc/apt/sources.list and then add the key, then 'sudo apt-get update'22:21
Ashfire908sburwood, and?22:21
Rabbitbunny2tyler5: Repeating too often.22:21
epinkyDantonic: you need to edit /etc/apt/sources.list, I think "sudo add-apt-repository" only works for ppa. Check this link https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/CommandLine22:22
DantonicVCoolio, I see thank you22:22
Dantonicthanks epinky, VCoolio, rstob91122:22
sburwoodyou know that when you load a correctly prepared usb key, you get extlinux-ro and casper-rw?  I don't22:22
VCoolioDantonic: here is a link that explains some more https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA/InstallingSoftware22:23
Snausagestyler5: sounds like the resync isn't working.  Some RAID1 systems can only do a blind resync, takes hours...  are you rebooting before the resync completes?22:23
mikloshow to install the originel intel wifi driver in jaunty?22:23
sburwoodand when I boot off of my usb key, it tells me that the operating system is missing22:23
tr_Is there a better place to ask about a minimal Ubuntu install?22:23
ActionParsniptr_: sure22:24
crashdatahowcome its not possible to create a floppy bootdisk?22:24
Flanneltr_: What are you looking for?22:24
blood tr_: just install ubuntu 0.1?22:24
ActionParsnipcrashdata: it is22:24
crashdataactionparsnip: what program do i use?22:24
Rabbitbunny2blood: That's not how it works.22:25
tyler5Snausages: Resync shows completion, it takes roughly 1.4 hours to resync my 250GB HDD array so... yeah... its getting annoying ^.^22:25
steven__Does anybody have any hints about keeping a rocketfish bluetooth keyboard and mouse connected in KK?22:25
ActionParsnipcrashdata: you can use the floppy to boot CD for systems which can't boot CD: http://www.knoppix.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=5034422:25
tgmblood: 1.0 is out of date.  Try 9.1022:25
tr_I installed a cli only install from 9.10 alternate, then installed gdm gnome and gdm-themes, now gdmsetup doesn't show tabs for themes22:25
bloodI dont think there is a "minimal" ubuntu distro22:25
Ashfire908sburwood, So you got the usb-creator.exe off the remix iso and used that?22:26
Flanneltr_: The new GDM doesn't support themes yet, as far as I'm aware22:26
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD22:26
Flannelblood: Sure there is, you install the base system without a GUI22:26
tyler5Snausages: Here is one of the threads I made about this issue, it details my kernel log on bootup. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=134053222:26
FlannelActionParsnip: that's just the minimal CD, not a minimal install22:26
ActionParsnipblood: theres also ulite22:26
crashdataactionparsnip: my problem is not booting CD the problem is for some reason my Raid0 and Win 7 woun't let me have a dual boot22:26
tr_Flannel: ok, so maybe I downgrade to the legacy gdm if I want themes.22:26
bloodtr_: does that help?22:26
rstob911blood: yes there is a minimal  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD22:27
crashdataactionparsnip: i know back in the old linux days we can have lilo/grub on the floppy22:27
trismtr_: you can do a command line install with the alternative cd, which is pretty small22:27
Rabbitbunny2blood: xubuntu. headless. LXDE.22:27
tr_blood: yeah, that is probably my issue22:27
Flannelrstob911, blood: that's merely a minimal CD, not a minimal install.  The "minimal" install is available on the minimal CD or the alternate CD.22:27
Snausagestyler5: you're in deeper than I know how to fix, sorry22:27
tyler5Snausages: thanks anyway :)22:27
sburwoodI opened usb creator and put the iso file in the one part and put the usb key in the place in usb-creator and asked it to do its thing.  It came back telling me that it had done its thing and that the key was prepared22:27
ScabbyMadmanwhat would be the best way to create a symlink from /dev/ttyUSB0 to /dev/ttyS4 everytime I plugg in my usbserial adapter?22:27
ActionParsniptr_: look into ulite, its very minimal22:27
tr_trism: yeah, that's what I have done... i thought that was the issue, but apparently its a function of the newer version of gdm22:28
Flanneltrism: That's what he said he did.  Please pay attention, it's dangerous when you provide support without doing so.22:28
spidorablood: looks like 800x600 is the only available resolution. Thanks for the article.22:28
arunvkumarkc1how can i change gmd theme in karmic22:28
jacobianAnyone know why my audio is in double time?22:28
tr_Ok, thanks all, wife says "time to go" laters22:28
Paulus1my envyng wont start, anyone can help me with that?22:28
jacobianI have no idea how it happened22:28
Flannelarunvkumarkc1: The rewrite of GDM doesn't support theming yet.22:28
Dantonicthanks again epinky, VCoolio, rstob911 everything works!22:28
jacobianIt was working perfectly fine for ages22:28
DragginGood evening/morning - can anyone assist me in setting up a network boot so I can reinstall an operating system on a netbook with no CD ROM...?22:29
ActionParsnipScabbyMadman: sudo ln -s /dev/ttyUSB4 /dev/ttyUSB022:29
tgmScabbyMadman: ln -s /dev/ttyUSB0 /dev/ttyS422:29
jacobianAnd now everything is chipmunk22:29
epinky!yay | Dantonic22:29
ubottuDantonic: Glad you made it! :-)22:29
tgmScabbyMadman: But is that really what you need?22:29
Rabbitbunny2What keyword would I need to feed Google to get it to show me how to get my 6.10 server to boot, logged in and showing screen?22:29
arunvkumarkc1Flannel: Then there is no way to change gdm theme???22:29
hacker_kidim looking for a wireless g/n usb adapter that just works, i dont mind reinstalling a driver or two, any suggestions?22:29
ActionParsnipScabbyMadman: any symlink is: ln -s source destination22:29
bloodspidora: np.22:29
hikenbootwhere are devices are usb thumb drives connected to ? fdisk -l doesnt show them ...this is on powerpc arch22:29
trismFlannel: sorry, I just came back, guess I didn't read back far enough, my mistake22:30
ScabbyMadmanActionParsnip, tgm That far I get but I want to automate the link so  a regular can use the device without su'ing to root, making the link...and so on ...22:30
Flannelarunvkumarkc1: I don't believe there's an easy way, no.22:30
tgmRabbitbunny2: Can you re-phrase your question?22:30
scuniziRabbitbunny2: 6.10 is end of life. you might need to upgrade.. you're not even receiving security updates anymore22:30
ActionParsniphikenboot: unplug the device, wait 10 seconds, connect the device, wait 10 seconds, then run: dmesg | tail22:30
bloodhikenboot: check in media22:30
Rabbitbunny2scunizi: It's internal use only, I don't care.22:30
arunvkumarkc1Flannel: If it is a difficult one.. no prob... I'll give a try!!!:)22:30
ActionParsnipScabbyMadman: the link will always be there, it will be a broken link until the modem is connected22:31
DragginI basically need to know how to create a share on my one PC and sort of set it as the 'default path' to look in when my netbook does a LAN boot (which it has the capability to do by default)22:31
Rabbitbunny2tgm: I want it to boot, log itself in, and show me the process 'screen', asif I had logged in and typed 'screen irssi'22:31
ScabbyMadmanActionParsnip, not on a hardware reset,22:31
tgmRabbitbunny2: What is it doing?  Whereis it hanging?22:31
sburwoodI don't understand what I have done wrong or what I haven't done right, but I know I am missing something22:31
ScabbyMadmanActionParsnip, that symlink gets cleared every restart22:31
tyler5Snausages: I wonder if you have to take the Array offline before resyncing?....22:31
Rabbitbunny2tgm: It's waiting for me to log in?22:31
tyler5Snausages: No idea.22:32
scuniziRabbitbunny2: tgm he wants the server to auto login22:32
bloodsburwood: ur probably right ;)22:32
ActionParsniphikenboot: if ts not showing in fdisk -l   the dmesg will show why its not showing. If it has been in a windows system i suggest you reinsert it and use the "safetly remove hardware"22:32
Ashfiresburwood, hmm. Didi you format the drive first? Also, please append my nick to your messages so I can find them easier.22:32
tgmRabbitbunny2: You don't need to log in as long as the server is running, that is all that counts, right?22:32
FlannelRabbitbunny2: You can get irssi to do it's thing with your screenrc22:32
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tgmRabbitbunny2: Why do you need to login?22:32
arunvkumarkc1Flannel: I think u also don't know how to change the gdm theme in karmic?????22:32
ActionParsnipScabbyMadman: i think /dev is on tempfs, yuo could add the symlink creation bit in /etc/rc.local22:33
Rabbitbunny2tgm: Because it's sitting across the room and sometimes I reboot it via ssh.22:33
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sburwoodAshfire, how do I format it in Linux?  I haven't found that.  I know that Windows has that.22:33
tgmRabbitbunny2: What is it not doing that you need it to do?22:33
Rabbitbunny2Flannel: Yeah, I have it running screen when it boots, just not showing it on the monitor.22:33
ScabbyMadmanActionParsnip, thanks Ill have a look22:33
Rabbitbunny2tgm: logging in by itself.22:33
Ashfire908sburwood, oh, you are in linux?22:33
boobsbrhow can I get karmic to recognize usb 2.0 devices?22:33
tgmRabbitbunny2: Loging into what>?22:33
Rabbitbunny2tgm: tty122:34
FlannelRabbitbunny2: Er, if you have it running when it boots, aren't you already doing what you want to accomplish? or am I misunderstanding22:34
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ScabbyMadmanboobsbr, it ought to already recognize usb2 unless youre  on old hardware22:34
sburwoodI have 2 computers, both running Intrepid.22:34
tgmRabbitbunny2: not gonna happen and do not see why you need it to.22:34
rob0917the ubuntu-software-center in karmic will say a application didn't install correctly but then it shows up in the menu and when i restart the software center it shows the application is installed. is this a bug?22:34
hikenbootActionParsnip, curious its dmesg says its a scsi device...how would i format it22:34
tgmRabbitbunny2: It is a server, right?22:34
sburwoodAshfire, I have a desktop that can access Internet and an EEEPC 1005 that can't find wifi22:35
Rabbitbunny2Flannel: I want it shown on the screen when it boots, Sometimes i want to watch top, or irssi, or scripts I write. As it is i have to walk over there, login, steal the screen session, then come back over here and multiplex it for control.22:35
ActionParsniphikenboot: use: gksudo gparted22:35
FlannelRabbitbunny2: Aha.  You'll want to set it up to auto-login, and then reattach it22:35
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Ashfire908sburwood, open Computer, right click the drive, format.22:35
boobsbrScabbyMadam, my mobo is a MSI DKA 790GX, which is not old. but all external usb 2.0 storages always get slow speeds, and dmesg shows the devices as usb 1.122:36
epinky!it > enzo22:36
Rabbitbunny2Flannel: Is there another word for when it doesn't have X? it's CLI only, but Google only tells me about haxoring gdm.22:36
ubottuenzo, please see my private message22:36
boobsbrScabbyMadman: my mobo is a MSI DKA 790GX, which is not old. but all external usb 2.0 storages always get slow speeds, and dmesg shows the devices as usb 1.122:36
Ashfire908sburwood, use fat (the non-linux kind). Then try making the usb.22:36
FlannelRabbitbunny2: You're wanting to log into a tty (or specifically, a getty) automatically.  I know you can, because I helped someone set it up a few years ago.22:36
sburwoodAshfire, when I tried to install Karmic on the desktop, I got an error message that initrd was too big.22:37
ScabbyMadmanboobsbr, do you have a utility called hal-device-manager ?22:37
epinky!it | enzo22:37
Ashfire908sburwood, how much ram?22:37
ubottuenzo: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)22:37
Rabbitbunny2Flannel: Thanks, that22:37
Rabbitbunny2's lots of keywords i can use.22:37
sburwoodAshfire, I right click on the usb key but no option to format it22:37
sburwood1 GB DDR2 on the EEEPC22:37
FlannelRabbitbunny2: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/autologin-without-gui-374338/  looks good (no need to compile stuff, read down further), although that's not the method I remember using22:37
boobsbrScabbyMadman: nope, only hal-device22:38
Ashfire908sburwood, I meant the desktop22:38
akavugh, anyone know a good guide for Apache config?22:38
ActionParsnipboobsbr: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/17723522:38
sburwoodAshfire, 1 GB DDR2 on the EEE and 1 GB DDR1 on desktop22:38
aziz_how to change the user name?22:38
tgmRabbitbunny2: ~~22:38
ScabbyMadmanboobsbr, sounds odd...and other  usb2 devices also only perform at usb1x speeds?22:38
Flannelaziz_: Go to users and groups and you can change it22:38
Flannelakav: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP22:39
Hanibalhey everyone, another quick question: is there anything in grub that can have menus like isolinux?22:39
aziz_how to go to the user groups?\22:39
sburwoodAshfire, I'm unmounting the USB from the EEE to the desktop22:39
Flannelaziz_: System > Administration > Users and Groups22:40
boobsbrScabbyMadman: I don't have any other usb devices besides keyboard and mouse...22:40
Ashfire908sburwood, ok (i don't care what type). Uh, find the usb drive's /dev file and you could run sudo mkfs.msdos [device]22:40
akavFlannel: Was just looking at that. It's not clear on how to enable an additional site (in my home dir) without disturbing the existing config.22:41
Paul5hello, when i press envyng it doesnt start, what could it be? THNX!22:41
ScabbyMadmanboobsbr, ActionParsnip left a  good link see above22:41
sburwoodAshfire brb22:41
boobsbrActionParsnip: I tried loading ehci_hcd but the module does not exist22:41
Flannelakav: What do you mean by additional site?22:41
ActionParsnipHanibal: this guide may help: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2     you can even make it look like this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=grub2.theme.bennett.png22:41
tgmRabbitbunny2: This looks to be of interest:22:41
akavFlannel: In addition to the default in /var/www22:41
ActionParsnipboobsbr: that will be why then ;)22:41
tgmRabbitbunny2: http://forums.debian.net/viewtopic.php?t=2933322:41
HanibalActionParsnip: :o thanks22:42
Rabbitbunny2Flannel: Okay, I think I can do that.22:42
Flannelakav: Right, but what are you using it for/wanting it to be URL-wise, etc22:42
ScabbyMadmanboobsbr, what does lsusb -vv say please use pastbin22:42
Rabbitbunny2tgm: reading22:42
boobsbrActionParsnip: I have usb_storage and usbhid loaded though22:42
akavFlannel: Using it for local testing/development of a Zend framework PHP site.22:42
HanibalActionParsnip: however i believe i'm on grub legacy, due to the fact that i also have a win7 on my other partition there fisrst22:42
akavFlannel: URL is not that important22:42
Flannelakav: would whateverurlyouarenow/~username/ suffice?22:43
sburwoodAshfire, how do I figure out the /dev for my UDISK?22:43
akavFlannel: Sure, localhost/~user/ is just fine.22:43
ScabbyMadmansorry boobsbr that lsusb -v22:43
ActionParsnipHanibal: not sure there, i dont use themes or stuff like that22:43
sburwoodAshfire, the properties doesn't mention it22:43
tgmRabbitbunny2: Looks to be something like:   1:2345:respawn:/bin/login -f YOUR_USER_NAME tty1  #in ittab22:43
Flannelakav: If so, you can just throw stuff in ~/public_html/ (and make sure it's readable by www-data user), if you want something different, the way to create additional virtual hosts is by copying /etc/apache2/sites-available/default to /etc/apache2/sites-available/whatever-else and then modifying it (And a2ensite whatever-else to link it to sites-enabled)22:44
andresmh_How do I install  libstdc++5? I tried sudo apt-get install libstdc++5 but it doesn't find it. I also searched in synaptic but no luck22:44
boobsbrScabbyMadman: http://paste.ubuntu.com/331352/22:44
akavFlannel: ~/public_html is enabled by default??22:44
tgmRabbitbunny2: Or:  1:2345:respawn:/sbin/mingetty --autologin root tty122:45
Ashfire908sburwood, I take it the drive's mounted to /media/UDISK. run mount. It will give the what devices are mounted where. (this stuff doesn't apply in karmic, there's a disk utility program).22:45
Flannelakav: I believe so.  You can double check by making sure userdir.conf and .load are in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/22:45
Flannelakav: If they're not, simply sudo a2enmod userdir and restart apache22:45
boobsbrActionParsnip: I have searched for ehci_hcd on karmic posts but haven't found anything22:45
kekaleFlannel, or you can do sudo a2enmod userdir22:45
HanibalActionParsnip: thanks :)22:46
kekaleoopsy, you're on top of that :)22:46
ScabbyMadmanboobsbr, looks like youdo have a usb2 hub onboard. What happens when you cold boot your machine with the device plugged in?22:46
boobsbrScabbyMadman: still get usb 1.1 speeds22:46
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akavFlannel: Sweet, the a2enmod userdir command was the key. It hadn't been enabled yet.22:47
akavFlannel, thanks!22:47
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epinkyandresmh_: I think it's libstdc++6 now22:47
xo_Hello.  Since Karmic came out I have not been able to wrap Firefox with padsp.  I've searched daily for a remedy for this with no success.  Does anyone know of a fix for this yet?22:47
scuniziany suggestions for a package in the repos that will access Remember the Milk?22:47
Flannelakav: That effectively just symlinks stuff from mods-available to mods-enabled, a2dismod (ENable, DISable) will disable stuff too, when you want to do that.22:48
duffydackI cant for the life of me get virtualbox`s VRDP thing to work.... whats up with it???22:48
LjL!it | enzo22:48
ubottuenzo: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)22:48
geniiscunizi: Isn't there a Firefox addon for that?22:48
andresmh_epinky, yeah, but a java app requires libstdc++5 to run22:48
duffydackI1m trying the terminal server client program and rdesktop and it wont connect.22:48
blue1my scanner is returning this error:  WARNING: Unhandled message: interface=org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable, path=/, member=Introspect  IT WORKED FINE in 9.04 and WIN XP -- what's up with this?22:48
sburwoodAshfire, I did that - after umounting /dev/sdb1 (which was with /media/UDISK22:49
scunizigenii: I don't know22:49
andresmh_can libstdc++5 and 6 coexist or do I have remove one to get the other one?22:49
bobrown`I'd like to fix a bug in gnome-terminal.  What's the easiest way for me to compile it locally?22:49
xo_padsp worked perfectly with Firefox in Jaunty...22:49
LjL!souce | bobrown`22:49
Ashfire908sburwood, ok, so format it now.22:49
LjL!source | bobrown`22:49
ubottubobrown`: You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html22:49
ActionParsnipblue1: run: lsusb    websearch for the 8 character hex IS for the scanner22:49
System33whenever i run any game (native OR wine, doesn't matter) i lose sound in the whole system and i have to restart pulseaudio to gain audio back. any ideas?22:49
scunizigenii: but I'll look.. thanks for the suggestion22:49
epinkyandresmh_: afaik libstdc++5c won't work on Karmic, you can make a logical link with "sudo ln -s /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6 /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.5"22:50
Flannelscunizi: RTM is apparently based on google gears, and tasque apparently is a desktop client for GNOME for it (and is in the repos)22:50
enzoposso avere aiuto in italiano ?22:50
LjLenzo: scrivi /join #ubuntu-it22:50
ActionParsnip!it | enzo22:50
ubottuenzo: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)22:50
ZaNeIuMis there something i need to ajust in my ubuntu network settings?22:50
xo_scunizi: gnomedo is a neat program that allows quick access to RTM if that's the kind of thing you're looking for22:50
ZaNeIuMi got slow newtorking spees when i installed ubuntu 9.10, and i'm not familliar with linux at all, when i copy over a file to my desktop from my smb share on my other windwos system i get about 3MB/s22:50
ZaNeIuMbut if i leave ubuntu and boot with windows then i get 11MB/s from system to system22:50
FloodBot5ZaNeIuM: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:50
kalehi, i need some help to get my system booting ... i moved the system from one disk to another, but it will not boot anymore22:50
sburwoodAshfire, I did ... I think.  Was it just sudo mkfs.msdos /dev/sdb1 or rather /media/UDISK?22:50
blue1ActionParsnip: this is what I got:  Bus 003 Device 002: ID 03f0:3f11 Hewlett-Packard PSC-1315/PSC-131722:50
Fishy-what programs do i need to put netbook remix on usb?22:50
bobrown`LjL: thanks.  Grabbing the source with apt-get is easier than pulling it from a git repository?22:51
enzocome faccio per andare su #ubuntu-it ?22:51
Ashfire908sburwood, you need to give the device file.22:51
LjLenzo: SCRIVI /join #ubuntu-it22:51
BobPenguinhey guise anyone else having problems with file uploads? I can't upload videos to youtube nor pics to flickr from any browser...22:51
epinkyenzo: chiedette a #ubuntu-it, questo canale solo l'inglese "/join #ubuntu-it"22:51
sburwoodAshfire, that means /dev/...22:51
ActionParsnipblue1: great, see what that brings up. Maybe there is a bug with the version of sane you have with the scanner22:51
andresmh_epinky, I did the symbolic linking but I don't think it liked it. I got this /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.5: version `GLIBCPP_3.2' not found22:51
LjLbobrown`: i don't know, but by grabbing it with apt-get you'll get the same version that's in ubuntu, and it's certainly not difficult. have you read that page? it also specifies how to build it22:52
andresmh_I found the .deb package for libstdc++5, will it break my karmic if I install it?22:52
blue1ActionParsnip: did you not get my last message?  Bus 003 Device 002: ID 03f0:3f11 Hewlett-Packard PSC-1315/PSC-131722:52
Ashfire908sburwood, sorry, yes.22:52
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ActionParsnipblue1: yes and i responded22:52
sburwoodAshfire, now, do I need to do something before and or after usb-creator?22:52
BobPenguinhey guise anyone else having problems with file uploads? I can't upload videos to youtube nor pics to flickr from any browser...22:53
ActionParsnipblue1: websearch the output22:53
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Ashfire908sburwood, you *shouldn't* have to.22:53
blue1ActionParsnip: okay - well honestly -- I don't know where to go from here22:53
bobrown`LjL: yes, just read the page ... downloading now ... will try compiling in a minute or two ....22:53
boobsbrScabbyMadman: looking at ActionParsnip's link, how do I load ehci_hcd on karmic64? the module does not exist on my installation22:53
ScabbyMadmanboobsbr, seems that the usb stuff is builtin in the kernel22:53
sburwoodAshfire, so usb-creator should suffice so I will see casper-rw and extlinux-ro?22:54
ActionParsnipblue1: copy the output and paste it into www.ask.com or www.yahoo.com or whatever and you will find guides or a bug report22:54
ScabbyMadmanboobsbr, i.e the controller modules22:54
Ashfire908sburwood, where did you hear you need those folders?22:54
boobsbrScabbyMadman: so, I got no hopes of getting decent usb speeds?22:54
epinkyandresmh_: install compat-libstdc++, compat-libstdc++-devel and libstdc++-devel, install everything about libstdc++22:54
bobrown`LjL: I got an error ... hash sum mismatch.22:54
ScabbyMadmanboobsbr, I wouldnt  give so easily22:54
Ashfire908sburwood, just wondering. And you can't format while mounted.22:54
ScabbyMadmanboobsbr, do you have another usn2.0 device lying around?22:55
Paul5anyone knows why my envyng wont start up?22:55
ScabbyMadmanboobsbr, do you have another usb2.0 device lying around?22:55
itch_Hello. Any one here experienced with MTP and willing to give a bit of help ?22:55
geniiscunizi: A few different methods of RTM monitoring are also shown at http://maketecheasier.com/accessing-remember-the-milk-from-your-ubuntu-desktop/2008/06/0922:55
ZaNeIuMis there somthing i can check for in my network settings?22:55
boobsbrScabbyMadman: just an external hd formatted in ext3 and an ipod formatted on fat3222:55
sburwoodAshfire, I admit (you should have noticed a long time ago) that I am a n00b.  I had a friend who works in the computer dept at the hospital where I work prepare the Intrepid usb key22:55
xo_Anyone know how to get padsp to work with Firefox in Karmic?22:55
ScabbyMadmanand the ipod does it also show as 1.1usb?22:56
scuniziThanks Flannel and xo_ .. maybe on my more uptodate machine.. this lappy is still running 8.04 until the next lts22:56
sburwoodAshfire ... and when I plug in his key, it shows both of them22:56
ZaNeIuMis linux generally slow when using smb shares?22:56
ScabbyMadmanZaNeIuM, relative to what?22:56
ZaNeIuMbut if i leave ubuntu and boot with windows then i get 11MB/s from system to system22:57
scunizigenii: yep saw that link.. might be tough to do on 8.04 but I'll check it out .. thnaks22:57
ZaNeIuMi get about 3MB/s when im in ubuntu ScabbyMadman22:57
AdysI got a process (pid 6120) which is resisting everything. uninterruptible, waiting on request_wait_answer22:57
Adysi tried kill -9, xkill, everything22:57
Adysany idea?22:58
sburwoodAshfire, so, while netbook would be safer for an EEEPC, I want to be able to use it for the laptop.  Also, when I tried to install Karmic on the desktop, on reboot, it told me that the initrd was too big.  What does that mean?22:58
Ashfire908sburwood, eh, there are worse people than you. I don't have a usb install drive on me, but those folders could appear after you first boot with it. I could bore you with what those folders are for, but they shouldn't be needed.22:58
ScabbyMadmanZaNeIuM, have you tweaked the smb.config?22:58
ZaNeIuMno i am not familliar with linux at all22:58
Ashfire908sburwood, I would recommend netbook remix for a netbook, and desktop for laptop.22:58
epinkyAdys: if "sudo kill -9" didn't kill it, nothing will do it22:59
ScabbyMadmanZaNeIuM, you can twiddle a few settings to  improve  performance22:59
Adysyea that didnt :\22:59
ScabbyMadmanboobsbr, what gives?22:59
sburwoodAshfire, would using the wrong one threaten to damage the netbook?23:00
ZaNeIuMif even i could find such a file, i'd not be able to edit in in linux, if i was in windwos thats a different story.23:00
Ashfire908sburwood, again, I could bore you with what initrd does, but I guess the initrd is the wrong size/corrupt, or it's too big and can't be loaded.23:00
ActionParsnipAdys: sudo kill -9 6120    will stop it dead, no questions asked23:00
Adyswell it didnt23:00
LimCorehow to get UPS mustek 600 to work?23:00
blue1ActionParsnip: I am trying to file a bug  on launchpad - but I am in a circular loop I'll try tomorrow.23:00
ZaNeIuMScabbyMadman what should i change, where is the file?23:00
ScabbyMadmanZaNeIuM, so you do not admin the samba box yourself?23:00
sburwoodAshfire, and is there a way to repair initrd to be the right size?23:00
bloodsudo ln -s //media/sdb1/tools $Rain/tools23:00
ActionParsnipZaNeIuM: try uncommenting the tcp no delay line23:00
mgmuscarii can't find any new information on flash bugs in 9.10 64-bit... anybody know any recent information on this? using the latest flash player from adobe hasn't resolved either 1) choppy flash video or 2) inability to click on flash buttons for me23:00
ScabbyMadmanActionParsnip, took the worda out of my mouth23:01
ZaNeIuMActionParsnip on the linux box, or the windwos system?23:01
Ashfire908sburwood, no, you can use one on the other. just that netbook is designed to work better on a small screen like a netbook. Desktop is clunky on a netbook, while netbook remix is a bit clunkly on a laptop23:01
AdysActionParsnip: well it didnt23:01
ActionParsnipZaNeIuM: the line that says: socket options = TCP_NODELAY      on the linux system23:01
ScabbyMadmanZaNeIuM, he means on the linux box23:01
scuniziI'm having issues opening text files with "Document viewer"  .. it reports bad mimi type.. gedit opens it though.. Is this typical of document viewer?23:02
Ashfire908sburwood, I don't know that error, so I don't even know if that's it. Did you install desktop on the desktop?23:02
sburwoodAshfire, thanks for your patience23:02
mark__Hello, I've just added another network to my system. how do I set it up? how do I know what ethxx it is?23:02
ZaNeIuMwhere is this file to edit?23:02
bloodhow do i delete a symlink?23:02
sburwoodAshfire, yes I did23:02
mark__Hello, I've just added another network to my system. how do I set it up? how do I know what ethxx it is? - running ubuntu server 9.0423:02
ActionParsnipZaNeIuM: gksudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf     as uncomment the line, then run: sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart23:02
boobsbrScabbyMadman: I'm sorry, the ipod is acting funny23:02
bloodmark__ should be automatic detection23:02
ScabbyMadmanActionParsnip, should we tell ZaNeIuM about  the  slick config utility found in the swat utility?23:03
zechsdoes anyone have any idea why xubuntu goes back to the long in screen when I use certain programs or go on certain websites. the program is Wah!cade for mame, and on firefox certain websites after extended time or just going to them initially make this happen.23:03
boobsbrScabbyMadman: ok, same slow speeds on the ipod23:03
ActionParsnipScabbyMadman: i don't use it, i use the conf file, its simple enough23:03
Ashfire908sburwood, it's either a hardware, grub, or initrd file issue. That's all I can guess for. I'm looking up the error now.23:03
mark__blood : thats what I thought, however I've edited /etc/network/interfaces and changed the eth0 to eth1, but its not working23:03
mgmuscariis there some way to set the nice level for the flash plugin?23:03
JukosGuys, best C++ compiler for Ubuntu?23:04
ZaNeIuMActionParsnip what does this mean?  as uncomment the line23:04
krazykrivdawhat is ubuntu23:04
ScabbyMadmanboobsbr, so have you also tried booting from a livecd of ubuntu and then  plugging in the devices?23:04
bloodJukos: GCC?23:04
JukosI'll check it out23:04
boobsbrScabbyMadman: no, haven't tied it out yet. will do next time I get a chance to reboot23:05
ActionParsnipZaNeIuM: in that file there is a line which says "# socket options = TCP_NODELAY"   remove the "#" character, save thew new file and restart the service23:05
ZaNeIuMkrazykrivda: An operating system based on linux23:05
* shrike-9 cumprimenta23:05
ZaNeIuMok thank you very much23:05
ActionParsnipZaNeIuM: in linux a # means ignore the text to the right23:05
bloodmark__ my eth0 changes when i chant the port i connect to on my router.23:05
krazykrivdawhat's the connection to android23:06
ScabbyMadmanboobsbr, other than that you could take the config file from the .boot dir and roll your own kernel but set the options for the usb interfaces tobe modules instead of builtins23:06
ZaNeIuMah, like rem was to the commodore 6423:06
ActionParsnipZaNeIuM: indeed23:06
Flannelscunizi: tasque probably didn't exist for Hardy (It certainly wasn't in the repos), but its depends look low even, you could try backporting it23:06
Flannel!prevu | scunizi23:06
ubottuscunizi: prevu is an automated, personal backporting utility. Check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Prevu for more details23:06
sburwoodAshfire, I just tried the usb key on the EEE, and still the missing operating system error23:06
boobsbrScabbyMadman: you mean compile the kernel and set the options with menuconfig?23:06
ScabbyMadmanImagine a gentoobuild on a commodore 64 with 2 cassette drives23:07
ScabbyMadmanboobsbr, yes23:07
itch_Does any of you managed to connect a MTP mp3 player to your 9.10 Ubuntu distro ?23:07
ScabbyMadmanor boobsbr make xconfig23:07
ZaNeIuMso you think that will bring me up to full speed like i was getting when i booted to windows, i was then getting 11MB/s as apposded to using ubuntu at 3MB/s23:07
epinkymgmuscari: nice flash?, mmmm, maybe you can "nice" or "renice" your browser23:07
scuniziFlannel: thanks.. I'll look at it.. repos definetely don't have it.. compiling came up with errors due to old version dependancies..23:07
Ashfire908sburwood, if memory hole is an option in your bios it looks like you should disable it (on your desktop). Still looking.23:07
mark__blood : how do I know what the new nic name is? such as eth0, 1,2 e.t.c.23:07
ActionParsnipScabbyMadman: you can run a cli based distro on an atari st23:07
krazykrivdareally really random.. does anyone know anything bout HD radio23:07
mgmuscariepinky: yeah... i'm trying renicing firefox to no avail :'(23:08
mark__blood : using ubuntu-server, no X23:08
boobsbrScabbyMadman: ok, only did that once to get reiserfs support on 7.10 but wth, why not give it a try23:08
Flannelscunizi: prevu makes everything simple... especially if you don't have to backport any depencencies (which may or may not be the case)23:08
mgmuscarinot all flash videos are choppy... codec problem?23:08
keiya__How can I change the color depth to 8-bit, or at least make an application in Wine think I did?23:08
ninjaIII'm working on some linux hardening; We've debated everything  from chroots to kvm... selinux... we're looking to host apache  with *SQL, ssh, ftp, etc... basically a web server23:08
ScabbyMadmanActionParsnip, yeah  theyre motorola 60 series cpus23:08
ScabbyMadmanthats 68 series23:08
ninjaIIAny ideas on making a secure web server?  My biggest fear is if someone finds a 'sploit in our kernel23:08
keiya__ActionParsnip: You can run one on the Nintendo DS, too. And certain toasters.23:08
LimCoreninjaII: why not just use openbsd23:08
mgmuscarito anyone running 9.10... is this video choppy for you? http://www.artlies.com/films/world-builder.html23:08
epinkymgmuscari: sudo nice -n -20 firefox &23:09
c-promptmgmuscari firefox?23:09
bloodmark__: Eth0 is just the name, its setting can varry. am i right?23:09
mgmuscarifirefox or chromium23:09
ninjaIILimCore: BSD vs Linux... the kernels themselves are assumed to be safe, but afa a security compromise goes, I wager they're both the same23:09
Flannelscunizi: Oh, I take that back.  There's some mono bindings that don't look like they'll behave themselves23:09
ActionParsnipepinky: -20, woah thats not gonna be good23:09
LimCoreninjaII: linux kernel is not so safe. OpenBSD is better23:09
mgmuscarii'm using the latest alpha release of the 64 bit flash player from adobe... thought that would help, didn't23:09
Ashfire908sburwood, did you run a checksum on your netbook iso?23:09
c-promptthe 10.1 version23:09
boobsbrScabbyMadman: do you think this is problem is the same reason I get the same speeds on eSata?23:10
LimCoreninjaII: serious security -> #openbsd23:10
sburwoodAshfire, I can't find memory hole on the EEE23:10
ActionParsnipmgmuscari: firefox is rubbish with ram, chromium is way better as is arora23:10
samBlandcan some one help we work out why i keep crashing , not sure what im looking for23:10
mgmuscarialso tried turning off CPU scaling and setting both cores to 2.53GHz...23:10
ScabbyMadmanboobsbr, hard to say23:10
sburwoodAshfire, run a checksum ... What does that mean?  I can't run a marathon23:10
epinkymgmuscari: ActionParsnip: ok ok, sudo nice -n -10 firefox &23:10
Ashfire908sburwood, no, no the hole is for your desktop.23:10
mgmuscariActionParsnip: flash is choppy in chromium as well23:10
=== naruto_cs is now known as PeTuNiO_21
LimCoremgmuscari:  this video (http://www.artlies.com/films/world-builder.html) is fluid for me on ubuntu 9.10  quad core nvidia23:10
mgmuscarirenicing it makes no difference23:10
mgmuscarihmmm i wonder if it could be fglrx23:11
bloodwhere are symlinks created/stored23:11
sburwoodAshfire, ok,, but I can't look at the desktop now, as it's the only thing that connects to the Internet23:11
DaZmgmuscari: watch it in mplayer ;f23:11
ActionParsnipmgmuscari: flash just sucks with ram23:11
mgmuscarii don't think ram is my problem... i've got 4gb23:11
Ashfire908sburwood, but you can run a program no? :) Obviously you didn't it's to check if the iso file is vaild (checking the hashsum of the file is what it is supposted to be, hence checksum)23:11
sburwoodAshfire, so I would need to disable the memory hole in this desktop for initrd to "shrink" to an acceptable size?23:12
mgmuscariff is only consuming 12% cpu right now. i'm wondering if this has something to do with codecs or video drivers23:12
boobsbrScabbyMadman: funny, now nautilus lists the speed at 40 MB/s but going down23:12
tyler5I have a RAID1 array and tested the redundancy by removing one drive, it worked flawlessly!. Now I re-plugged it in and am trying to re-sync with the array but each time I reboot it continues to only load one mirror and says that the drive is degraded!.23:12
LimCoreninjaII: at least use grsecurity23:12
LimCoreninjaII: I would look at that topic but I do not have time now.  Would you like to join me? limcore@jabber.org23:12
sburwoodAshfire, please give me the command to run23:12
sburwoodAshfire, for the running of the checksum23:12
Ashfire908sburwood, no, the bios option doesn't shink it. It looks just to cause an issue.23:13
Ashfire908sburwood, one sec...23:13
bloodwhen did 9.10 arive??23:13
LimCoreblood: 1 full of bugs month ago23:13
Flannelblood: The end of October23:13
ActionParsnipmgmuscari: i get 10% less cpu use using flash compared to firefox23:13
sburwoodblood - end of October23:13
bloodi c23:13
deviant-routehello, i'm trying to install winff, but i keep getting this error "winff: Depends: ffmpeg but it is not going to be installed23:13
boobsbrScabbyMadman: could this be a fragmentation problem? maybe one of the drives is dying?23:13
asdf25does anyone have Starcraft running at native performance in wine or cedega? there's a lot of lag in mouse responsiveness for me23:14
mgmuscariActionParsnip: there isn't any difference between chromium, firefox, or epiphany in this case23:14
sburwoodLimcore, what do you mean about bugs?  Is my initrd problem one such bug?23:14
mgmuscariit's either the flash player binary from adobe, a video/audio codec, or fglrx23:14
blue1ActionParsnip: got bug filed:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xsane/+bug/490132  thanks for your help!23:14
mgmuscarii've seen a few bug reports related to this, but all of them were related to the intel video drivers... i'm using fglrx so i don't see a connection there23:15
ActionParsnipmgmuscari: tried arora or kazehakase23:16
Ashfire908sburwood, run md5sum on the iso file. You will get a md5 sum for the file (it will be a mess of letters and numbers). for the 9.10 netbook remix it should be ed6e77587b87fe0d92a2f21855869f0023:16
howieI just plugged in a usb mouse, how do i load drivers for it?23:16
GodfatherofEireI dont suppose there's a list of PPAs anywhere?23:16
mgmuscariActionParsnip: pretty sure changing browsers isn't going to make a difference23:16
ActionParsniphowie: doesn't need any23:16
Ashfire908sburwood, info on it is available from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM23:16
bloodunles he has IE ;)23:16
ActionParsnipmgmuscari: possibly23:17
howieActionParsnip:  its not working23:17
mgmuscariare there any settings for the flash player that i can tweak? it doesn't seem very configurable23:17
mgmuscarii'd like to try changing the rendering mode or turning hardware acceleration on/off23:17
tyler5I have a RAID1 array and tested the redundancy by removing one drive, it worked flawlessly!. Now I re-plugged it in and am trying to re-sync with the array but each time I reboot it continues to only load one mirror and says that the drive is degraded!.23:17
linuxguy2009Anyone know if the developers are trying to fix all the bugs in pulseaudio integration in the 9.10 release. Ive installed on 3 different machines and all 3 experience many sound issues. Im crossing my fingers that its fixed by 10.04 LTS or I fear I may have to jump ship.23:18
mgmuscarityler5: sounds like you need to fix it from your raid bios23:18
kaletyler5: software or hardware raid?23:18
VampJosephhi I was wondreing how i burn the ubuntu image in a way that will avoid errors?23:18
tyler5kale: Software23:18
mgmuscarilinuxguy2009: my solution to problems with PA this time around was to run it as a system daemon and lower its niceness23:19
kaletyler5: good23:19
tyler5kale: Not BIOS or dedicated :)23:19
kaletyler5: mdadm --examine <thedisk>23:19
skylermediai'm new to ubuntu and want to install a software. how do i install from the ubuntu software center when it doesn't offer an "install" button?23:19
LimCoreanyone knoes how to use UPS?23:19
VampJosephi burned at x2 but i ended up creating a bootable coaster23:19
LimCorehow to get usb-to-serial working?  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8410035#post841003523:19
Ashfire908VampJoseph, avoid buffer underruns. it will kill the disc.23:19
linuxguy2009mgmuscari: Hmm thats over my head. I should probably google that huh?23:19
tyler5kale: Command not found.23:20
VampJosephok thnks23:20
Ashfire908VampJoseph, You check the iso?23:20
kaletyler5: apt-get install  mdadm23:20
GodfatherofEireAnybody know the OO.o Launchpad PPA url?23:20
sburwoodAshfire, the netbook was the correct checksum23:20
VampJosephyeah it's fine23:20
mgmuscariyeah, fiddle with your /etc/pulse/daemon.conf and /etc/pulse/default.pa23:20
VampJosephgot it frmo the official site23:20
tyler5kale: already installed =/23:21
linuxguy2009Does 8.04.3 LTS use pulseaudio? If not Im about to go back to that release.23:21
kaletyler5: oh, output of "id" please23:21
Ashfire908VampJoseph, no I mean did you checksum it?23:21
linuxguy2009Or even distro shop.23:21
sebsebseblinuxguy2009: yes it uses pulseaudio23:21
tyler5kale: uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root),1(bin),2(daemon),3(sys),4(adm),6(disk),10(wheel) context=root:system_r:unconfined_t:SystemLow-SystemHigh23:21
bloodvampjoseph: what software are u using to burn, perhaps a more reliable 1?23:21
kaletyler5: which mdadm23:22
Ashfire908VampJoseph, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM23:22
tyler5kale: mdadm-
kaletyler5: run the command "which mdadm"23:22
Jaden007mi5i have no sound on ubuntu 9.1023:22
tyler5kale :/usr/bin/which: no mdadm in (/usr/kerberos/sbin:/usr/kerberos/bin:/usr/bin:/bin)23:23
kaletyler5: and /usr/bin/which does nothing?23:23
VampJosephAshfire908: oh yeah said there was 1 error in one file23:23
SvensonNabend an alle23:23
tyler5kale: It's weird, it was working fine earlier. I used it to start rebuilding the array a hour ago..23:23
mgmuscariwell, i'm gonna give up on my flash problem for now23:23
Ashfire908VampJoseph, the error was with the iso you are using?23:24
kaletyler5: sorry, please answer the question ...23:24
epinky!de | Svenson23:24
ubottuSvenson: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.23:24
Jaden007mi5any help on the sound problem in 9.1023:24
Ashfire908sburwood, havn't forgot about you... just a moment,23:24
Svensonoh.. sorry23:24
VampJosephAshfire908: I guess, I burned it with magicISO23:24
tyler5kale: /usr/bin/which mdadm does nothing. /usr/bin/which brings up a list23:24
SireOrion_google wave invite giving away23:25
VampJosephI'm installing Ubuntu on a virtual machin and the image seems to be fine23:25
Ashfire908VampJoseph, did you check the md5sum against the one here to see if it's right? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes23:25
SmnLpzanyone can recomend me a good graphic program to manage my grub2 config file?23:25
kaletyler5: heh, sorry, i meant /usr/bin/mdadm23:25
VampJosephoh no, I checked the disc for errors from the disc boot menu23:26
tyler5kale: Nothing, I think its not working because I am rebuilding the array atm23:26
kaletyler5: please do not think, please find out23:26
Ashfire908VampJoseph, Did that give an error?23:26
devinis this new gdm temporarily? or here to stay? why would they cut the more useful features23:26
VampJosephAshfire908: it just said that there was 1 error in 1 file23:26
tyler5kale: I used sudo mdadm /dev/md0 -a /dev/sdb about fourty minutes ago and it worked fine :)23:27
MythGuyHow do I go about mounting my Ubuntu 9.10 ext4 .disk file in windows?23:27
* kale shoots sudo23:27
* jrib sudo shoots kale23:27
bloodmythguy: thats unsupported23:27
Ashfire908VampJoseph, check the iso file you downloaded. if the md5 doesn't match, your iso file is corrupt and you need to redownload it.23:27
lstarnesMythGuy: I don't think windows support ext423:27
tyler5kale: current status: http://pastebin.com/d5c0c1ad023:27
kaletyler5: status of mdadm?23:27
samBlandI keep freezing and crashing , found this in syslogs what it mean Nov 29 17:47:39 mre-desktop kernel: [16867.334869] ath5k phy0: noise floor calibration timeout (2462MHz)?23:28
kaletyler5: or status of mdstat23:28
MythGuyWhat has the best shot of doing it?23:28
tyler5kale: mdstat.23:28
loshadevin: it's apparently a complete rewrite, so it's probably here to stay, and will get its features back (plus new ones) in the future...23:28
kaletyler5: what i need to know is if the mdadm binary is working23:28
fedeI'm having troubles with the autokey application. I get an error when i launch it like this : Unable to connect to EvDev daemon:23:28
kaletyler5: when you ran the "id" command, how did you tun it?23:28
Ashfire908MythGuy, I've looked at doing that. I could barley find a way to mount ext3 via third party drivers, and no support for ext4 at all. Everything I found was sketchy.23:28
duryodhanhi .. I have 2 computers , both running ubuntu and one of them I am playing songs .. I want the other to be able to listen to them over the network, I enabled 'Allow Network Access' in padevchooser on the server, what do I need to do in the client ? I can't see 'connect' or something anywhere23:28
fede¿Does anybody knows how to solve this problem23:28
tyler5Kale: Ah, mdadm is in a different place. /sbin/mdadm23:29
tyler5kale: let me do the command now23:29
kaletyler5: sorry, i cannot help you23:29
owen1how to rm all hidden folders?23:29
MythGuyAshfire908: Oh well. Thanks anyway.23:29
DaZowen1: .* ?23:29
ActionParsnipMythGuy: maybe: http://www.diskinternals.com/linux-reader/23:29
Ashfire908sburwood, sorry. Are you using the usb startup disk creator program and if so what options did you use?23:30
tyler5kale: http://pastebin.com/m344c5f0523:30
tyler5kale: There you go23:30
duryodhanowen1: easiest is to tick on 'show hidden folders' and delete them .. rm .* could cause serious messes23:30
duryodhan(in nautilius)23:30
sburwooddidn't see any options23:30
sburwoodAshfire, didn't see any options23:30
MythGuyActionParsnip: Thanks for the link. I'll try it out!23:30
owen1DaZ: works, thanks23:30
ActionParsnipMythGuy: i dont use windows so cant assure success23:30
loshaMythGuy: I was unhappy with windows ext2 'support' and don't know of any ext4 support. The best solution is probably to serve the disk contents over the net via smb...23:31
owen1duryodhan: i use the terminal. rm -r .* did it.23:31
tyler5kale: sorry about that :/23:31
Ashfire908sburwood, at the bottom. look for discard on shutdown.23:31
lstarnesowen1: why did you remove them?23:31
MythGuylosha: I'm trying to fix GRUB. Ubuntu isn't boot at all, so that's not an option.23:32
duryodhanowen1: .* also includes .. and . , I don't know what exactly happened there , but I hope your computer isn't bombed23:32
tyler5kale: Any idea?23:32
kaletyler5: how did you run the "id" command?23:32
loshaMythGuy: you can't boot a live cd?23:32
duryodhanDaZ: that was not something nice you told owen123:32
Ashfire908MythGuy, use a live cd. I think there should be a repair option, though it might be on the alternate disk now.23:32
LimCoreHow to build kernel?23:32
sburwoodAshfire, so I should discard on shutdown?23:32
LimCoreHow to build kernel - the ubuntu way23:32
DaZduryodhan: because...?23:32
ActionParsnip!kernel | LimCore23:33
ubottuLimCore: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages23:33
duryodhanowen1: I am just hopeful that since you didn't do -f , you might be safe23:33
Ashfire908sburwood, try that? I don't know. Can you boot other usb drives with your netbook>23:33
duryodhanDaZ: .* also includes the current dir and the parent dir23:33
duryodhanDaZ: try ls -d .*23:33
tyler5Kale: I typed in id, then id mdam.. not to knowledgable in that area =/23:33
VampJosephashfire908: it says they're different23:33
owen1duryodhan: you are right, but i get this: rm: cannot remove directory `.'23:33
sburwoodAshfire, yes, but only the one that I had made for me23:33
yester64*question: are steam/hl2.exe games not running under wine? my css always quits.23:33
owen1duryodhan: so i guess it's ok23:33
Ashfire908VampJoseph, yep, your ISO file is bad. redownload it.23:33
kaletyler5: so, you are running as root in a terminal, and NOT using something like "sudo id"23:33
ActionParsnip!appdb | yester6423:34
ubottuyester64: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help23:34
lstarnesowen1: you do realize that a lot of stuff requires the hidden files in your home directory, right?23:34
tyler5kale: Yeah, because this is just a test setup atm.23:34
Ashfire908sburwood, ... I'm sorry, I don't know why it doesn't work.23:34
ActionParsnipyester64: maybe there are some cheeky settings you need23:34
MythGuyActionParsnip: I installed with the Wubi installer. The Linux "partition" is a disk image. Would a Live CD even be able to fix the wubi disk?23:34
tyler5kale: sudo id23:34
tyler5uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root),1(bin),2(daemon),3(sys),4(adm),6(disk),10(wheel) context=root:system_r:unconfined_t:SystemLow-SystemHigh23:34
yester64thx guys.. i'll check this out.23:34
owen1lstarnes: yes. it wasn't my home.23:34
mlissnerHi, has anybody had any problems with external drives showing up twice in the mount applet for the panel?23:34
kaletyler5: ok, rest of commands are for root23:34
Ashfire908sburwood, Random stab, the usb creator has a format function, have you tried that too?23:34
ActionParsnipMythGuy: not sure, i dont use wubi and really disagree with the idea23:34
VampJosephashfire: i installed it on a virtual machine and the image was working fine23:35
kaletyler5: mdadm --misc --examine /dev/sdb23:35
sburwoodI did try install-mbr as well as syslinux with my usb key23:35
loshaMythGuy: unfortunately, wubi isn't very popular, so we don't have nearly as much experience with it as we do with regular installs... :-(23:35
Ashfire908VampJoseph, Doesn't matter, it's bad. And were you using easy install with vmware workstation>23:35
tyler5kale: http://pastebin.com/m156559023:36
DaZduryodhan: http://wklej.org/id/219935/23:36
VampJosephAshfire: no Sun VirtualBox23:36
DaZyou're wrong [;23:36
VampJosephfull install23:36
Ashfire908VampJoseph, oh, ok. Still, the iso is bad. if it works it's only because you are lucky.23:37
MythGuyActionParsnip: I disagree with a the Wubi install concept too. Unfortunately, it was the only viable option to keep family from getting upset.23:37
tinelhi all, I have a problem with my sound card "Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 03)", absolutely no sound on ubuntu 9.10....any help?23:37
ActionParsnipMythGuy: install to USB. Its a proper install but doesnt touch the internal disk23:37
ActionParsnipMythGuy: or CF / SD Card too23:37
tyler5kale: does that help?23:37
kaletyler5: your array consists of a partition and a whole unpartitioned disk?23:38
VampJosephI got it from the site so where do I get a good copy?23:38
FIReunamd64/intrepid box here - trying to install libgtk2.0-dev  but -" Depends: libgtk2.0-0 (= 2.14.4-0ubuntu1) but 2.14.4-0ubuntu2 is to be installed"23:38
FIReunwhat do I do? I tried disabling proposed and backports, but I still get the ubunbu2 package23:38
Ashfire908sburwood, finally, try picking the device in the creator but the one without the number at the end.... Might work...23:38
MythGuyActionParsnip: Good idea! Thanks.23:38
tyler5kale: When the RAID was setup, I had one partition on both disks mounted with / and it was fine on reboots23:38
tyler5kale: but when I unplugged sdb to test redundancy - and it was fine, by the way - and plugged it back in it wont be active anymore23:39
tyler5kale: raid shows degraded before re-sync.23:39
kaletyler5: look at what you pasted: spare   /dev/sdb ... active sync   /dev/sda123:39
loshaMythGuy: or try a virtualbox/vmware solution...23:39
kaletyler5: which is possible, but unlikely what you meant23:39
GodfatherofEireAnybody know how to get synaptics search function to work properly?23:39
Ashfire908sburwood, if those things don't work, I don't have a clue what to do... and also I need to work on my mass of homework...23:39
duryodhanDaZ: my bad23:39
methodswhen i boot into safemode it has an option to rebuild / fix a broken pkg system... what is the command line call for this ?23:40
sburwoodAshfire, thanks.  And I hope your homework goes better than my progression on the learning curve of Linux23:40
ActionParsnipFIReun: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk+2.0/2.14.4-0ubuntu2/+build/852289/+files/libgtk2.0-0_2.14.4-0ubuntu2_amd64.deb23:40
GodfatherofEireUsually it works fine, but after a fresh install it acts up, and will only search the packages initially installed23:40
mazda01created a virtualbox for win 7 within jaunty. i gave it 20gb hdd and 800 mb of ram. my mouse freezes just moving it across screen. i also don't have sound. any suggestions?23:41
tyler5kale: mdstat used to show active raid1 sda1[1] and sdb[1] (or something like that) and had under blocks [2/2] [UU]23:41
VampJosephAshfire: I downloaded the image from the website, so where do i get a non corrupt copy?23:41
ActionParsnipFIReun: install that, run: sudo apt-get -f install    then try again23:41
tyler5kale: now it shows [2/1] and [U_], indicating a drive is not active :).. anyway, its almost done recovering.23:41
dakiiIs there anyway for an nvidia user to set a custom screen resolution?23:42
loshaMythGuy: it's a long shot, but you may be able to do something with lvpm running from a live cd http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=438591. It's not for beginners though, I'd say....23:42
Ashfire908VampJoseph, you are assuming that ~700 MB of data has no way of getting damaged when going over the internet but the official server's iso can easily be wrong. Just redownload.23:42
kaletyler5: is it a new drive, one you just added?23:42
mark__I've just added a hard drive to my ubuntu-server - How do I view the files within the terminal?23:42
ActionParsnipdakii: use nvidia-settings23:42
GodfatherofEiremark__ ls <folder>23:43
mazda01mark__, did you mount the hdd yet?23:43
tyler5kale: I started the raid with both drives, unplugged sdb to test redundancy and plugged it back in after the system booted up, but it wont go active anymore even after re-sync23:43
dakiiActionParsnip how do I get to those?23:43
FIReunActionParsnip: that'll work, gratz23:43
tyler5kale: It's the same drive, same install, but re-sync just isn't working apparently.23:43
kaletyler5: which is understandable23:43
loshaVampJoseph: or if you know how, use torrent with the iso you have. That way, just the corrupted blocks will get re-downloaded....23:43
mazda01mark__, you need to mount it first, then you just run an ls command on the folder you mounted it to.23:43
mark__I typed mount sda5 -- but its already mounted. I'm not sure whats on the drive. I just want to view the root.23:43
andyzammyhello everyone! i'm trying to upload some photoes onto facebook but every time, firefox crashes - i think it has something to do with the java? can somebody help me out please?23:43
ActionParsnipdakii: its installed as part of the proprietary driver23:44
ActionParsnipFIReun: easy websearch, kid ;)23:44
FIReunActionParsnip: and yet, I get the same error /:23:44
kaletyler5: linux kernel looks for a "linux raid autodetect" marked partition when it assembles the raid. since none is found it is started in a degraded state each time.23:44
GodfatherofEireCould I get some help with fixing synaptic's search function?23:44
tyler_dhow do I tell which device my dial-up modem is?23:44
bloodadnyzammy: perhaps update java23:44
tyler5kale: Finished, heres the stats now: http://pastebin.com/m7333f95d23:44
kaletyler5: the solution is to make a partition on sdb as well and make the partition type "FD"23:44
tyler5kale: big difference23:44
ActionParsnipFIReun: could force install the deb maybe, you have the dep23:45
andyzammyblood: how do i do this? i thought java is updated automatically in the ubuntu updates?23:45
mark__mazda01 : It's already mounted (sda5) but unsure on how I can view the files. is it something like ls /sda5?23:45
AshfireVampJoseph, the mirror you got the file from (the main website will make you use a mirror to spread load) *could* be wrong, but that's very unlikely. I have to go now, so you will need to get help from someone else. But just try redownloading.23:45
FIReunActionParsnip: I was looking at it from the other side, figuring if libgtk2.14.4-0ubuntu2 were out, I'd have apt'd it23:45
MoweeHi, is someone tried to play with Virtualbox?23:45
FIReunActionParsnip: the deb installed, not sure why libgtk2-dev isnt going23:45
* FIReun digs23:45
mazda01mark__, it got mounted to just /sda5? i doubt it. what does the mount command show?23:45
bloodandyzammy: it probably is then, but to make sure u could use the sympaticpackagemanageer23:45
tyler5kale: On reboot, thats lost and I have to re-sync again. Would making that partition fix it?23:45
ForestBearhow many ubuntu related channels are there?23:45
kaletyler5: yes23:46
mark__mazda01 : oh wait, it says "it's already mounted on /boot23:46
bloodandyzammy: Or the firefox ur using could be out of date, then again it wouldmake sence that there would be java errors23:46
ForestBearwhat's the non-question related ubuntu channel??23:47
andyzammyblood: which package am i looking for (there are a few java packages installed), and what version should it be?23:47
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:47
tyler5kale: ah, didn't realize that...23:47
tyler5kale: This has to be done on every re-sync?23:47
mark__mazda01 : but unsure on how I access it? how do I find what it is mounted as?23:47
kaletyler5: no23:47
mazda01mark__,  are you sure it got mounted to /boot? that sounds very weird!!23:47
rom10I am trying to use partimage and want to mount windows xp folder, this command mount -t smbfs // /mnt/samba23:48
tyler5kale: So why does it have to be done now?. I could reboot and the raid was fully active until I unplugged the SATA from the drive..23:48
mark__mazda01 : I think it means it was mounted at boot.23:48
kaletyler5: this has to be done to make the linux kernel detect the raid partitions and assemble them. another solution is to assemble from an initrd23:48
rom10I am trying to use partimage and want to mount windows xp folder, this command mount -t smbfs // /mnt/samba giving an error23:48
mazda01mark__, then in the mount command, tell me what folder /dev/sda5 is mounted to.23:48
kaletyler5: for some obvious i'm not running ubuntu myself, so i cannot answer that23:48
ActionParsniprom10: you forgot the username and password23:49
tyler5kale: I'm running CentOS myself.23:49
mazda01mark__, if it were mounted it would say something like this: /dev/sda1 on / type ext3 (rw,relatime,errors=remount-ro) BUT NOT WITH THESE SETTINGS23:49
mark__mazda01 : /dev/sda5 on /boot type ext223:49
rom10It didn't ask me for that23:49
kaletyler5: tried it once at a lecture, never touched it since ...23:49
plut0anyone got a fix for the X high cpu usage on 9.10?23:49
rom10I want to use partimage to create an image of ubuntu on the network to my winxdows xp folder23:50
tyler5kale: I have the option to use CentOS or redhat for what im going to do with the server, so im going with centos :)23:50
kaletyler5: what is your goal with the server?23:50
rom10mount -t smbfs // /mnt/samba  giving me an error of file system23:50
tyler5kale: Webserver, with Cpanel/WHM. Sadly cpanel only supports two distros as far as I know23:50
johnson_brom10: try with -t cifs23:51
kasFailed to load nvidia module - need help23:51
ZaNeIuMActionParsnip: sudo: /etc/init.d/samba: command not found23:51
kaletyler5: does it have source code ;-)23:51
ActionParsnipZaNeIuM: gksudo gedit /etc/fstab23:51
ActionParsnipZaNeIuM: fstab isnt a command, its a config file23:51
mazda01mark__, then you would just do ls /boot/23:52
ActionParsniprom10: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/linux-networking/8632-smbfs-fstab.html23:52
rom10 johnson_b: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on //,23:52
tyler5kale: Nope.23:52
kaletyler5: you're in over your neck then ...23:52
tyler5kale: ?23:52
git__yo yo23:52
ActionParsnipZaNeIuM: the file /etc/fstab isnt a binary, its a config file23:53
mark__mazda01 - it can't be that drive then. That seems to be the boot partition. I've just done "sudo blkid" and have a /dev/sda1/ could that be it?23:53
tyler5kale: http://www.cpanel.net/23:53
andyzammywhich ff version is considered out of date?23:53
ZaNeIuM[18:02] <ActionParsnip> ZaNeIuM: gksudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf     as uncomment the line, then run: sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart23:53
ActionParsnipandyzammy: 2.0 is my guuess23:53
ActionParsnipZaNeIuM: yes23:53
ZaNeIuMi did the 1st part, but when i did the 2nd part i got that error23:54
johnson_brom10: should be sudo mount also23:54
ActionParsnipZaNeIuM: what error?23:54
rom10I already tried that23:54
ubottufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins - See also !firefox-3.523:54
mark__mazda01 : mount - /dev/sda1 = sda1 is not listed in tstab23:54
tyler5kale: What the hell..23:54
Berzerker-lol very funny23:54
tyler5kale: http://pastebin.com/m86d2af923:54
kaletyler5: well, its your time to waste, i'll jump outta here and waste some time in #gentoo23:55
tyler5kale: How can it even be active in the read with no partition!/23:55
andyzammyi'm trying to fix a problem where my facebook image uploader keeps crashing ff. is version 3.0 adequet for this? it used to work then just stopped.. im guessing a java problem?23:55
wlodihi lads, I have a thing there: I have a laptop connecting to the web (eth0) and I would like to have a guest sharing the internet connected (win xp through wlan0). And my question is: is it really possible?? I've been trying for few hours now and I'm about to smash the computer now. Any help?23:55
ActionParsnipandyzammy: yes it uses java23:55
ZaNeIuM sudo: /etc/init.d/samba: command not found23:55
kaswhat do i do when i get an error message ' failed to load nvida driver23:55
ActionParsnip!ics | wlodi23:56
ubottuwlodi: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php23:56
mazda01mark__, you all over the place. you jsut said you added a hdd to your computer. you obviously need to know what device it's seen as. what size is the disk? determine size, tehn run sudo fdisk -l and you'll see the device name for the partition you want to view.23:56
wlodi<ActionParsnip>:tried that:)23:56
ActionParsnipwlodi: any guide you find will basically say that23:57
TheCheezei have a question regarding internet connection sharing as well23:57
andyzammydoes anybody know what my problem could be thats causing this?23:57
ganjanautyoutube is working in totem! yay!23:57
andyzammyor how to fix?23:57
=== clay_ is now known as ClayG
=== Berzerker- is now known as Berzerker
ganjanauti was starting to worry that i was going to have to install flash :)23:57
TheCheezein theory, could i use my laptop, which receives wireless internet, to share that connection with a device such as a PS2?23:57
mark__mazda01 : ok, i was mistaken, as I thought it was sda5, this seems to be boot drive. I can confirm the drive is sda1 now. Sorry for confusion.23:57
ActionParsnipandyzammy: uninstall java and reinstall, you can also use the .bin file to manually install it23:57
ActionParsnipTheCheeze: sure23:57
ClayGwhere is the config file that tells ubuntu what to run when it starts, programs that start before a user logs in ?23:58
subichanplease i really need help with this issue because it seems i won't be able to solve the mystery on my own.. i have a program called moses, it's a machine translation system.. now to speed up decoding (i.e. translation) one can binarize translation files.. the command pipeline to do such a thing is cat phrase-table | sort | specific-moses-command-here ..... now in the docs people are told that they must set LC_ALL=C prior to running the pipeline in order23:58
subichan to sort properly.. now MY problem is that someone binarized the files for me, and now i can't translate stuff with french diacritical letters23:58
ActionParsnip!boot | ClayG23:58
ubottuClayG: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto23:58
AlphaWive crashed ubuntu23:58
AlphaWwhen upgrading to 9.1023:58
wlodiActionParsnip: when I try to do this in Firestarter I'm getting an error about wlan023:58
AlphaWim back under netbsd23:58
subichananybody can explain to me what LC_ALL=C actually means ?23:58
andyzammyActionParsnip: the results i get from google are really confusing - would you be able to explain how i uninstall java please?23:58
ZaNeIuMActionParsnip: sudo: /etc/init.d/samba: command not found23:58
TheCheezeActionParsnip, do you know how i would go about finding out the IP that the laptop assigns so I can program it into my PS2's software?23:59
epinkyAlphaW: of course it runs netbsd23:59
ActionParsnipandyzammy: search in software centre and remove java23:59
ClayGActionParsnip, exactly what I needed! Thanks alot23:59
mazda01mark__,  so you just added this hdd and it's /dev/sda1? that seems weird also but ok. now issue the mount command and see if it's mounted anywhere.23:59
andyzammyActionParsnip: what is sw centre?23:59

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