
gagitamy karmic doesn't detect sound hardware in compaq nc623002:13
gagitaanybody can help me please ??02:13
nhandlergagita: You should try #ubuntu for support02:15
gagitanhandler: okay02:15
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
czajkowskibaffling how folks end up in here for support10:09
FFEMTcJhehe czajkowski10:46
czajkowskiFFEMTcJ: hi10:46
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=== robbiew_ is now known as robbiew
=== Ubot-Tn is now known as MaWaLe
keesjdstrand_, mdeslaur: ready to do meeting?18:02
keesokidoky.  I'm on vacation this week.  should we swap with the 2009-12-14 week for duties?18:03
keesor is there some other way we should handle it?18:03
jdstrand_kees: mdeslaur said he'd take triage18:04
jdstrand_I'll take community18:04
mdeslaurI don't think we need to officially swap18:04
jdstrand_kees: we can fight it out next week18:05
keesright, which is the 2009-12-14 week's schedule.  I want to make sure I don't just skip out on doing triage18:05
keeser, ok18:05
keesI'll triage next week then18:05
jdstrand_ok, I'll continue with community next week then18:05
keesI'll likely be doing a kernel publication this week some time too18:05
keesI love my vague definition of "on holiday"  :P18:06
keescan someone coordinate with lamont on bind9 too?  I'd really like a PoC for that.18:06
* lamont looks up18:07
keeslamont: bind9 is public now. do you know of any PoC we can use for testing?18:07
lamontI haven't found any reproducer script at all18:07
lamontnot sure but what it might have been theoretical, maybe?18:08
keesoh.  hm, ok18:08
lamontthough from the writeup, I expect it was seen somewhere, just not with an attack per se18:08
lamonti'll poke upstream again18:08
keeshave you had a chance to do hardy and newer packages?  mdeslaur prepared the dapper backport18:08
keesI'll assume not.  :)18:11
keesmdeslaur: do you want to continue with bind9 since you've done the dapper bit already?18:11
mdeslaurkees: yeah, sure18:12
keesjdstrand_: you still there?  saw drop/reconnect there..18:12
jdstrand_I am here18:12
keesok, cool18:12
keesjust checking.  :)18:12
mdeslaurso, I'm working on lucid php5 now, and will start bind9 after18:13
mdeslauralso, I'm on triage18:13
mdeslaurthat's all for now18:14
jdstrand_I am on community this week18:15
jdstrand_I plan to look over the fake sync stuff and coordinate with stefanlsd as needed18:15
jdstrand_beyond that, I have a libvirt merge, ufw SRU, apparmor for ff branches (I now have commit access) and get back to rhc18:16
keesalright, so, lucid planning.  we've got a bunch of blueprints, but we didn't really show our "TODO" items, since we didn't know bloueprints would be turned into the burn-down chart stuff.18:17
jdstrand_I am almost caught up on email, and need to do irc backscroll18:17
jdstrand_beyond that, I need to go through all the blueprints (which I think we are going to discuss next)18:17
keescool, yeah, shall we do that?18:18
=== jdstrand_ is now known as jdstrand
jdstrandkees: sure18:19
keesok, so, I think we have two things to cover:18:20
kees1) what is *not* shown in blueprints that should be represented by our burndown chart?18:20
kees2) what priorities should we set for blueprints?18:20
keeswith #1, I know of sVirt and ufw work.18:21
keesand I've got mmap_min_addr work, and more PIE work18:21
mdeslaurshould we just add them to the catchall blueprint?18:22
keesthe PIE and mmap_min_addr work probably should go there, yeah18:22
keesbut it feels like sVirt and ufw might be better served by being separate.  jdstrand: is the sVirt stuff already shown in the lxc blueprint?18:23
jdstrandI finally read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WorkItemsHowto this morning, which helped18:23
jdstrandkees: I'm not doing lxc18:23
jdstrandkees: there was some confusion there I think18:23
keesjdstrand: right, absolutely.  I guess I meant the "bug 480478" item18:24
* kees goes to read that bug18:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 480478 in libvirt "libvirt's apparmor profile doesn't allow execution of /usr/lib/libvirt/libvirt_lxc" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48047818:24
jdstrandkees: there is no sVirt support for lxc, so it would require a *lot* of resources that we don't have (not to mention, upstream coordination for selinux)18:24
jdstrandkees: oh, that'll be fixed fast18:24
keesright, totally, I don't mean that -- that's totally unscoped.18:24
keesok.  is there any sVirt work beyond that bug?18:25
jdstrandkees: the sVirt stuff is <backingstore>, hostdev and state files18:25
keesah! right, I remember now.18:25
keesok, I think that since sVirt and ufw work both have long lists of things you want to get done, they should have their own blueprints.  is that cool with you?18:25
jdstrandthat all requires work, but I don't think anything crazy18:25
jdstrandkees: it is, though I am not completely sure on the approach18:26
jdstrandkees: eg, I have 3 libvirt items (see above)18:26
jdstrandI also need to do a merge and do regular maintenance of the driver18:26
jdstrandI guess the merge is TODO18:26
jdstrandbut the other shouldn't be tracked18:27
keesyeah, basically every action you can reasonably imagine at this point should get broken out into a work item.18:27
keeswhy shouldn't the other be tracked?18:27
jdstrandkees: cause 'regular maintenance' is a 'forever item'18:27
keesok, fair enough18:27
jdstrandwe track something that I can't close?18:27
keesyeah, good way to test a workitem.18:28
jdstrandI am not asserting that position-- I just don't have a firm grip on the new bp process18:28
jdstrand(though, it seems to make sense)18:28
keesno, I think that's correct.  regular maint work hasn't shown up in anyone else's burndown chart, I don't think.18:28
jdstrandso, with ufw, perhaps I'll just add the stuff to a new bp that I plan to work on?18:29
jdstrandmark it all TODO18:29
keesok, so if you can create security-lucid-libvirt-devel (or something) and security-lucid-ufw-devel (or appropriate) and add the items, we'll be good18:29
jdstrandthen the rest stays in the roadmap18:29
* jdstrand nods18:29
keessounds good.18:29
keesI just want our burn-down charts to do a reasonable job of approximating our devel work.18:30
jdstrandI do need to add firefox/apparmor to that list then18:30
jdstrand(the catchall)18:30
jdstrandsince I need to get it going in the 3.6 and 3.7 branches18:30
keesthe odd bit is how our team deals with devel work, though, and for that we need robbiew to tell us what a burndown chart means for us when we can't commit to all our devel tasks.18:30
* kees nods18:30
jdstrandwe at least can't commit to the strict time frames of the burndown18:31
robbiewnot sure if the burndown chart applies, but having the work items explicitly listed does18:31
jdstrandthere are some things we can commit to, surely, but it won't be the pretty diagonal line18:32
robbiewalso the Status view on the report.html file is a quick way to get a pulse on the progress18:32
keesour chart, btw, is here: http://piware.de/workitems/security/lucid/report.html18:32
* robbiew doesn't expect to see a pretty dotted line ;)18:32
robbiewthat is, no one is dinged for having to make tradeoffs between nice-to-have development work and required security updates ;)18:33
* kees wishes there was "essential" in addition to "open", "finished", and "postponed"18:33
jdstrandyeah, that would help express our situation better18:34
jdstrandthe burndown, doesn't have priorities at all18:35
jdstrand(maybe that is by design, I don't know)18:35
* kees nods18:35
jdstrandkees: so, as for '1'-- there may be a few things I'll add as I go through the bps18:35
keesrather, I nod in agreement with not knowing18:35
jdstrandkees: I can't think of anything else otoh18:35
keesjdstrand: right, totally.  I expect we'll hit stuff we didn't consider.18:35
jdstrandkees: so, 2'? (priorities)18:36
keesjdstrand: I tried to be conservative with items, "present fscaps to Debian", "refactor with Debian feedback", etc.18:36
keesright, so, for 2.  there was confusion in email about this.18:36
keesthe biggest issue, is, I think, the catchall priority, as some things are essential, and some are low, etc18:37
jdstrandyeah, I saw some of that-- I'll read through it all and try to try to be appropriate ;)18:37
jdstrandkees: well, maybe we should break out the essential items into its own bp?18:38
jdstrandsecurity-lucid-catchall-essential or some such18:38
keesjdstrand: I was pondering such a thing, yeah.  robbiew, does that make sense?  it also smells like overkill18:38
mdeslaurwhy not just prefix each item there with a priority18:39
keesmdeslaur: that seems like a better middle-ground for now.18:40
jdstrandwill that mess up the scripting?18:40
keesmdeslaur: it'll capture the information, and if we need to break out, we can do it mechanically18:40
mdeslaurwell, something like [mdeslaur] low - do this and that: TODO18:40
robbiewkees: +118:40
jdstrand[nick] (essential) text..: TODO18:40
robbiewafter reviewing it last night, I felt the same about breaking it out18:41
robbiewbut didn't want to freak anyone out by making that request ;)18:41
keesrobbiew: +1 to separate blueprints?18:41
* robbiew is doing too much multitasking :/18:42
jdstrandkees: so should we go through the catchall list for what should be essential?18:42
keesjdstrand: yes, though it sounds like we should make ...-catchall-essential, ...-catchall-high, etc,18:42
keesand move stuff appropriately.18:42
jdstrandthat's fine18:43
jdstrandkees: if we decide the prioritiies, I'll shuffle everything around18:43
keesjdstrand: ok18:43
jdstrandclean up on pam_apparmor: medium?18:44
jdstrandupstartify apparmor:  essential?18:44
kees(i'll take notes)18:44
jdstrandsplit apparmor profile loading to separate packages: ?18:44
jdstrandwhat does this mean exactly?18:45
keesit's technically part of AA upstartification, but it'll take a while18:45
keesaa itself needs to be upstartified, which includes changes to mountall (to get the securityfs mounted)18:45
jdstrandis this the kernel saying "oh, I have a profile for this executable, let's load it?"18:45
keesand the individual profiles should be loaded before starting various services.18:45
jdstrandsure, ok18:46
keesno, not kernel-triggered loading, but just upstart loading18:46
jdstrandswitch Firefox profile on for Lucid dev cycle: ?18:46
keesi.e. load dhcp profile in the pre-start to interface-up18:46
jdstrandfor dev, essential18:46
jdstrandfor release, err, 'not essential'?18:46
jdstrandwell, I tweaked that to say 'dev' anyway18:47
keesfor the evince/firefox bits, I think "high" for the tests, "medium" for the doing it18:47
jdstrandok, next...18:47
keesI'll split the fscaps between High and medium, I think18:47
jdstrandkees: why don't you take this next batch, since it is all assigned to you18:48
keesexecution blocking: high18:48
keesmmap_min_addr: medium18:48
keesmono stack: low18:48
keesexecstack list: essential18:48
jdstrandkees: hold on18:48
jdstrandexecution blocking: high -- is that EXE or nautlius, or both?18:49
jdstrand(and jar, et al)18:49
keesit's making sure that neither wine nor nautilus runs stuff18:49
keesexe is wine, desktop is nautilus18:49
kees(there are 3 tasks)18:49
jdstrandright, ok18:49
* kees nods18:50
keeswhat is "obtain a list of distros partner vendor apps support" ?18:50
jdstrandthat was seeing if a vendor just supports ubuntu and redhat, say, and then we tell them "oh, well, then you can enable these compiler flags, since we both already do that"18:51
mdeslaurkees: that was your idea :P18:51
keesah! right.18:51
keesuhm, medium.18:52
* jdstrand wonders about the difference between medium and low...18:52
jdstrandanyhoo, medium sounds fine18:52
keeslow is "hah, yeah, won't that be nice"18:52
keesat least, that's my take on it18:53
jdstrandheh, ok18:53
keesshould early EOL go to mvo?18:54
jdstrandI would think so18:54
keesUUSN: low18:54
keesearly EOL: high? med?18:54
jdstrandpush clamav from -backports to -security: essential (but a < lucid task)18:54
jdstrandkees: medium?18:55
jdstrandkees: but it feels weird assigning a priority for someone else18:55
keesright, but this is just our starting plan.  we can adjust.18:55
keesmotu process update: essential (since it is easy) ?18:56
* jdstrand nods18:56
keesok, I've rearranged catchall by priority and added tasks for creating the other blueprints.18:56
keesso, "create essential: TODO" followed by all the essential stuff to move there.18:56
jdstrandkees: sounds good-- this is in the whiteboard?18:57
keesyup.  that way the burndown chart will still work until the bps exist18:57
jdstrandok-- I assigned them to me for now18:59
jdstrandI plan to do the bp stuff today18:59
keesalrighty, are the other bps prioritized appropriately?18:59
jdstrandkees: screenlocking is the wiki page creation?19:00
keesjdstrand: correct19:00
keesjdstrand: a usable way to triage screenlocking issues.19:00
keesit is not getting the bugs fixed.19:00
keesthough tedg made it sound like many were fixed in karmic.19:00
jdstrandI think security-lucid-apparmor-usability is essential19:01
keeswow, really?  there were some big features in there.19:01
* jdstrand looks again19:01
keesI wasn't really comfortable committing to them all.19:01
jdstrandI was speaking of likewise and tunables as essential19:02
keesI don't see those items, should they go in the abstractions bp?19:02
jdstrand * dealing with tunables and likewise-open19:03
keesI'm confused, where is that from?19:03
jdstrandfirst item19:04
keesoh! in the description.19:04
keeserm... it's not in the workitems list.  :P19:04
jdstrandah right19:04
jdstrandI haven't gone through my bps yet19:04
keesI would say either move to workitem and leave it as "high", or move it to the catchall-essential.19:05
jdstrandmaybe I will break out tunables to another bp, eg security-lucid-apparmor-tunables19:05
jdstrandthen mark that essential?19:05
keesthat sounds fine to me19:05
jdstrandseems fine19:06
jdstrandsecurity-lucid-ubuntu-and-debian seems maybe 'medium', but low is ok if others think that is fine19:06
jdstrand(it isn't difficult anyway)19:06
mdeslauri think low until we find someone from debian who wants to help19:07
keesit's not difficult, but when compared against other stuff, it seemed like a "low".  if I'm in the minority there, we can raise it, I don't object to "med"19:07
jdstrandI don't care19:07
keeslow it is.  :)19:07
jdstrandok, so that should be it then, no?19:08
keesyeah, I think we're good.19:08
keesrobbiew: did you already do your "here's what we're doing" report, or is that still pending?19:08
jdstrandkees: so yeah, enjoy your time off and don't worry about blueprints this week :)19:08
keesjdstrand: awesome!  :)19:08
robbiewdid it for Foundations only19:09
robbiewprovided a link to mark for security19:09
* kees nods19:09
robbiewbut doubt he's had a chance to look through it today19:09
jdstrandrobbiew: I'll work on the security team ones today19:09
robbiewcool, thnx19:09
keesalrighty, thanks guys.  :)19:10
mdeslaurc ya kees!19:10
=== robbiew is now known as robbiew-afk
MootBotMeeting started at 13:47. The chair is Seeker`.19:47
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]19:47
Seeker`[topic] Test, please work!19:48
MootBotNew Topic:  Test, please work!19:48
MootBotMeeting finished at 13:48.19:48
ScottKUnless someone else was planning on using this channel (it's unscheduled), we'll hold a kubuntu-dev application meeting here in 5 minutes.19:54
st33medI was going to use it to talk to people about switching to Windows </sarcasm>19:56
Tm_Tst33med: we had that meeting earlier this month I think20:00
st33medOh, I guess I missed it20:00
st33medBill gates will not be happy with me20:01
MootBotMeeting started at 14:01. The chair is ScottK.20:01
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]20:01
ScottKapachelogger, Riddell, nixternal ?20:02
apacheloggerahoy ahoy20:02
ScottKOK.  That's two.  We need three for a quorum.20:02
ScottKJontheEchidna are you here?  That's all we need.20:05
JontheEchidnayay, 320:05
ScottKOK.  It's been 5 minutes and we have a quorum, let's stary.20:05
ScottKJontheEchidna: Where's you're application?20:05
ScottK[LINK] https://wiki.kubuntu.org/JonathanThomas/KubuntuDevApplication20:06
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.kubuntu.org/JonathanThomas/KubuntuDevApplication20:06
ScottKapachelogger and nixternal: You've reviewed this, right?20:06
* ScottK goes straight to questions ...20:06
=== Tonio__ is now known as Tonio_
ScottKExcellent.  Hello Tonio_.20:06
ScottKTonio_: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/JonathanThomas/KubuntuDevApplication20:07
ScottKJontheEchidna: If you're a kubuntu-dev, you'll have access to Kubuntu's seeds.  Any thoughts on that?  Have you done anything with seed changes?20:07
JontheEchidnaI have done some work with the Kubuntu seeds. let me see if I can find the bzr branch20:08
JontheEchidna^as part of the gtk-qt-engine -> kde-style-qtcurve transition20:08
ScottK[LINK] https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~echidnaman/ubuntu-seeds/mykubuntu20:08
MootBotLINK received:  https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~echidnaman/ubuntu-seeds/mykubuntu20:08
nixternalJontheEchidna: how closely are you working with Debian with the KDE packages? Are you contributing directly back to Debian in such cases?20:09
JontheEchidnaIn all honesty, working with Debian is not a strong point for me. I do, however, work with the Debian maintainer of the konq-plugins package20:10
JontheEchidnawe subscribe to the feeds to each others' vcs-es for the packaging20:10
ScottKJontheEchidna: After your seed change gets applied, how to you get the metapackage change in the archive?20:10
JontheEchidnaHmm.. let me see if I can remember20:11
* Tonio_ has an improvised network meeting... grrrrrrr... brb20:12
JontheEchidnaI know Tonio sponsored a lot of my packages during the transition20:12
ScottKJontheEchidna: It isn't essential.  If you don't know, that's fine.20:12
JontheEchidnaYeah, Tonio sponsored the changes I believe20:13
ScottKJontheEchidna: What should we be doing differently.  We advertised kubunut-dev has having a voice in technical direction of Kubuntu.  What would you change?20:13
JontheEchidnaIf more developers would look at the bug tracker more often, then that would be great.20:13
JontheEchidnaSometimes I feel that bugs fall by the wayside because nobody ever looks at them20:14
JontheEchidnaI know we have a limited pool of resources, but it gets frustrating at times20:14
rgreeningJontheEchidna: Do you have a proposal to make bug triage, solving more accessible for new entrants?20:14
* ScottK nods.20:14
ScottKI don't have any more questions.20:15
JontheEchidnawell in general it's not so much the triage, but what happens (or doesn't) after that20:15
nixternalJontheEchidna: speaking of bugs, when you upload a new package, do you see if the new upload may close already open bugs? I think many developers not doing this, is the reason for so many stale bugs that may no longer be an issue20:16
JontheEchidnaYeah, as one of the primary bug triagers I keep a close eye on bugs that new uploads release20:16
JontheEchidnasince I wear both developer and bug triager hats20:17
nixternalJontheEchidna: do you test every package for regressions prior to uploading? if so, what kind of process do you go through when testing?20:17
JontheEchidnaAfter I pbuild the package I install it to make sure it installs fine, then do simple stuff with the application20:18
* nixternal appologizes for not endorsing, I am bad at that for some reason20:18
ScottKnixternal: It's OK.  There's more tension if not everyone with a vote has pre-endorsed the application.20:18
nixternaltrue, that means I can play bad cop then :p20:18
ScottKTonio_ or apachelogger: Questions?20:18
apacheloggernothing here20:19
Tonio_ScottK: not for me...20:19
ScottKnixternal: Any more from you?20:19
apacheloggernixternal is bad cop so must have some more bad cop questions20:19
nixternalJontheEchidna: ScottK stated in the areas of imporvement -> "As with anyone, he could sometimes stand to be a bit more careful..." what are you doing now to be more careful that you might not have previously?20:19
nixternalof course I always have questions20:19
nixternalyou get good at this stuff after doing membership stuff for more than 2 years in the development arena :)20:20
nixternalplus dholbach and persia` aren't around, so they can't beat me to a question :)20:20
JontheEchidnafor the example here: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/kdelibs/ubuntu/revision/13020:20
=== robbiew-afk is now known as robbiew
apacheloggernixternal: lol20:20
nixternalJontheEchidna: what text editor do you use?20:20
JontheEchidnaI could have paid more attention to what debuild was saying20:21
nixternalI know with vim, it will highlight mistakes like that in the changelog20:21
JontheEchidnanixternal: nano20:21
* nixternal giggles a bit20:21
apacheloggerthat just made me shiver20:21
apacheloggeroh my20:21
ScottKYou totally should not have admitted that until after we voted.20:21
nixternalemacs has the mistake highlighting as well20:21
nixternalScottK: haha, I was thinking the same exact thing20:21
* apachelogger needs to become bad cop now20:21
* nixternal hands the club over to apachelogger...get to beatin'!20:21
* apachelogger is not going to tell the story about MS engineer praising emacs now20:22
* rgreening will miss the Kubuntu icon.. 20:22
apacheloggerI think we should get to a vote before everyone realises that JontheEchidna uses nano :P20:22
ScottKOK, any more questions before we vote?20:22
nixternalnone here20:22
nixternalnano here rather :p20:22
* apachelogger actually read nano :P20:22
ScottK[VOTE] JontheEchidna for kubuntu-dev (please only vote if you're in kubuntu-dev)20:22
MootBotPlease vote on:  JontheEchidna for kubuntu-dev (please only vote if you're in kubuntu-dev).20:22
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot20:22
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting20:22
MootBot+1 received from nixternal. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 120:23
apacheloggerMootBot: +120:23
MootBot+1 received from ScottK. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 220:23
MootBot+1 received from apachelogger. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 320:23
* ScottK looks at Tonio_20:23
Tonio_+1 :)20:24
MootBot+1 received from Tonio_. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 420:24
Tonio_of course20:24
* apachelogger is wondering why we vote anyway :P20:24
MootBotFinal result is 4 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 420:24
nixternalwoo, congrats JontheEchidna \o/20:24
apacheloggercongrats JontheEchidna20:24
ScottKJontheEchidna: Congratulations.20:24
MamarokCongratulations, JontheEchidna!20:24
jussi01congrats JontheEchidna20:24
nixternalany other business?20:24
* JontheEchidna edits his next changelog in notepad.exe20:25
nixternalvi vi vi20:25
rgreeningwine notepad.exe20:25
nixternalthe sign of the devil!20:25
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: that is going to get you into newline hell20:25
JontheEchidnaI kid :P20:25
* apachelogger reports bug about nano20:25
nixternalScottK: you gonna send out the email to all of the lists?20:25
ScottKnixternal: Sure.20:26
JontheEchidnaScottK: thanks a lot for organizing everything20:26
nixternalkubuntu-devel, ubuntu-devel, CC, TB, with a cc: sabdfl20:26
rgreeningthanks ScottK :)20:26
nixternaloh, ScottK and ubuntu-news :)20:26
apacheloggercookies to ScottK!20:26
* nixternal gets the dog from outside before it freezes20:26
MootBotMeeting finished at 14:26.20:27
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=== fader_ is now known as fader|away

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