
jgoppertRAOF: I've been pounding away at this but can't figure it out. Can you explain how I should use uupdate, i'm getting the same error with it, if i go to the old source tree and do uupdate ../new-tarball.tar.gz00:13
RAOFjgoppert: The simple fallback is: unpack the new tarball, and simply copy the debian/ directory from the old package to the new directory.00:14
jgoppertok, i'll give that a shot00:14
jgoppertok so gdal 1.5 conflicts with gdal 1.6, can i just install the header files to /usr/include/gdal-1.6/* or something instead?00:31
superm1hm requestsync doesn't work for syncing from contrib does it?00:35
superm1(for a NEW package)00:35
RAOFjgoppert: Probably not, although this depends on the precise situation.  Generally you don't want parallel installable -dev packages (which is where the headers go).00:36
jgoppertok, well i want to package delta3d which depends on gdal1.6, so should i just install the so's?00:37
jgoppertRAOF: i guess maybe i could force a statically linked build of gdal and build delta3d against that?00:38
jgoppertlike just put the gdal source under a 3rd party folder on delta3d, might get kind of ugly though00:40
Laneysuperm1: should do, with the -n flag00:41
superm1Laney, i tried with the -n flag and it still didn't even find it in contrib00:41
Laneysounds like a bug00:42
superm1Laney, test@dell-desktop:~$ requestsync -d sid -n --lp libvdpau lucid00:42
superm1E: The package 'libvdpau' does not exist in the Debian primary archive in 'sid'00:42
RAOFjgoppert: Is there any particular reason why you wouldn't want to simply replace libgda's existing -dev package?00:44
Laneysuperm1: interesting, seems to be a bug in the lp import00:45
Laneyworks without --lp00:45
Laney(https://launchpad.net/debian/+source/libvdpau/+publishinghistory shows nothing)00:45
Laneyor its just lagging00:46
superm1well as i look closer we need to have a delta to it anyway00:46
superm1at least for now00:47
superm1so maybe i'll just upload it to NEW myself with that delta00:47
superm1it's stupid stuff too.  the maintainer doesn't want to drop a depends on something that is in contrib (for debian) / restricted (for ubuntu) because the package isn't useful without it he says00:48
ubottuDebian bug 558464 in libvdpau1 "Please don't put libvdpau1 in contrib" [Wishlist,Open]00:48
superm1wait what? Rejected:01:04
superm1libvdpau_0.3-1ubuntu1.dsc: Format is not 1.0. This is incompatible with dpkg-source.01:04
superm1how do i upload this to launchpad then?  it's format 1.801:04
ScottKsuperm1: Whine at #laundchpad-dev until they fix it.01:06
ScottKAlthough I didn't know about a 1.801:07
* ScottK thought it was 1.0 or 3.0 as valid choices01:07
lifeless3.0 support is coming01:07
lifelesswgrant has been working on it01:07
lifelessbut its not 'flick a switch' - its more complicated than that01:07
superm1oh it is 3.0, just it says 1.8 in .changes01:08
superm1debian/source/format says 3.001:08
superm1lifeless, so is there an ETA then?   does this means it's gonna fail just as hard on PPAs too?01:09
ajmitchit'll fail hard everywhere in LP until all the bits are in place01:09
superm1maybe for now so i can get this package in i should just revert it back to the old format for the ubuntu delta then01:10
superm1and hopefully whenever it gets merged and/or synced in the future launchpad will support it by then01:10
ScottKsuperm1: Will you have orig.tar.gz md5sum problems later if you do that now?01:11
* ScottK doesn't know enough about the new formats to know.01:11
superm1well luckily enough dont need to change the orig.tar.gz at all01:11
superm1so i dont expect so01:11
ajmitch.orig.tar.gz should still be the same, but there'll be a diff.gz again instead of .debian.tar.gz01:11
ajmitchthe main things to watch will be if it uses patches01:12
superm1not at this point01:12
ajmitchthen you may get away with uploading it as 1.0 format01:13
superm1yay. looks like i did get away with it as 1.0 format01:23
superm1so i'll just hope for now that by next time merging or syncing is necessary this is sorted out01:23
superm1oh this is probably why it didn't show up in the LP import yet too then01:24
ajmitchquite likely :)01:29
ajmitchone of those few times that you wish that debian wouldn't move so fast01:29
JontheEchidnait's not like the changes haven't been being discussed for long enough :s01:34
ajmitchlots of things get discussed & implemented several months/years later :)01:35
JontheEchidnaI guess Debian moving at a normal rate is considered relatively fast? :P01:35
ajmitchDebian moves when & where it will01:36
nigel_nbmaco: ping02:24
maconigel_nb: i cant talk right now. i just did a nice clean install of karmic on mum's computer and now it won't bot02:25
nigel_nbmaco: kewl, some other day then :)02:25
* maco throws pointy objects at GRUB02:25
* nigel_nb stands in GRUB's defence02:26
jgoppertRAOF: if i replace libgdal 1.5 with libgdal 1.6 won't that break a lot of dependencies in karmic?02:32
jgoppertcan anyone help, i want to package delta3d, but it depends on lib gdal 1.6, but karmic has lib gdal 1.5, whats the best course of action?02:34
ScottKjgoppert: Package it for lucid02:43
jgoppertScottK: lucid is still at libgdal 1.5, and i'm getting better at packaging but i'm not a pro yet, do i need a sponsor or something to do that02:44
ScottKjgoppert: Yes, you will, but if we're going to switch, now's the time to do the transition in Lucid.02:44
jgoppertdo i need to contact the debian maintainer? its got no ubuntu revision02:45
ScottKjgoppert: That would be smart.  We want to have the same versions in Squeeze and Lucid as much as we can.02:46
* jdong grumbles about clock accuracy with handbrake fetch stamps02:46
jdongit wouldn't have killed them to use md5sums as a decision maker for whether or not to refetch02:46
jdongok, build #8 of the evening. gym time while that chugs away02:47
jgoppertScottK: If i am trying to deploy delta3d for a small network is there anyway around moving them all to lucid after the package has been updated?02:49
ScottKjgoppert: You could backport the needed packages into a PPA02:49
jgoppertScottK: Ok that should work.02:49
jgoppertScottK: thanks02:50
ScottKYou're welcome02:50
jgoppertScottK: There are like 3 other libraries that delta3d depends on that aren't in ubuntu, should we just add them to lucid?03:06
ScottKjgoppert: Yes.  That would have to come first.03:07
jgoppertScottK: Can I recruit help somewhere, or a mentor to double check me and approve my packages?03:07
macoall sponsors are responsible for checking and approving package changes03:08
ScottKjgoppert: That's what we do here.  You can ask questions here anytime.  No need for a formal mentor to be assigned (although there is such a program)03:08
ajmitchthe debian gmaes team might be helpful as well03:08
ScottKjgoppert: ajmitch has a good point.  It's called the Debian Games Team, but it's really Debian/Ubuntu.03:09
jgoppertshould i package through debian first?03:09
ScottKbddebian: Are you still doing Debian Games stuff?03:09
bddebianNot as much as I should be but yes03:10
wgrantsuperm1: My 3.0 branch is approved. It just needs to be merged, which means I need to get a new dpkg everywhere, and blah blah blah urrrrghhhh messy.03:10
wgrantsuperm1: So it should be ready in a couple of days.03:10
ajmitchwgrant: that soon? excellent03:10
ScottKbddebian: jgoppert is interested in getting a game packaged for Lucid (and potentially Squeeze)03:10
ScottKbddebian: He's new, so be gentle.03:11
jgoppertthanks ScottK03:11
wgrantajmitch: LP 3.1.11 is meant to be happening on Wed 2200UTC, I believe.03:11
wgrantBut I need to check with $CANONICAL_PERSON how the dpkg upgrade on cocoplum is going.03:12
ajmitchhopefully without any problems or random segfaults03:12
* ScottK is struggling to maintain silence on the topic.03:13
ScottK"If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all" is an interesting theory, but really hard sometimes.03:13
ajmitchScottK: I've heard of problems with backporting dpkg in the past, it's nothing specific to LP03:14
ScottKajmitch: No, my struggle is more about how unprepared LP is for this and my thoughts about how reasonable it is they didn't prepare.03:14
ScottKI might also have some thoughts about how this reflects where distro support falls in their priorities, but I'm staying silent.03:15
ajmitchno, you're really not03:15
wgrantScottK: Well, I don't think anybody expected Debian to do it for many years.03:15
wgrant(however I agree with your distro support comment)03:16
ajmitchthe priorities seem to be enabling new & shiny ways to play with package branches at the moment03:17
lifelessdebian didn't expect to do it for years :)03:18
StevenKSo ScottK's problem is that LP people can't predict the future?03:18
ScottKIt's a release goal for Squeeze03:18
ajmitchlifeless: and of course there's the backlash against the change on d-d :)03:18
wgrantScottK: And release goals are always met...03:19
StevenKScottK: Hah. Strawman03:19
ScottKOf course they aren't always met.03:19
ScottKOTOH, it shouldn't have been a great suprise someone worked on it.03:19
* maco ^5 StevenK03:20
ajmitchit was a surprise that there's already talk of switching the default format already03:20
StevenKReally, this is Debian's fault for getting 4 ftpmasters in the same room for a weekend03:20
StevenKmaco: Heh, for which bit?03:21
macoStevenK: cant predict the future03:21
wgrantIt took all of not very long at all to implement it.03:21
ajmitchwgrant: main problem being that dpkg-source is run outside the chroot?03:21
wgrantajmitch: That's the buildd side of things, yes.03:22
wgrantBut that's lamont's problem lalalala.03:22
ajmitchlucky lamont03:22
* ajmitch would like try & get at least something landed into LP in the next release cycle03:24
StevenKajmitch: Ubuntu or Launchpad's? :-)03:25
ajmitchLP, I've got stuff ready to upload to ubuntu when I get time :)03:25
ajmitchin other news, loggerhead hates me when I try & open 10 tabs of individual revisions03:26
wgrantajmitch: They have a contractor working on that.03:27
superm1wgrant, spectacular, thanks04:06
pace_t_zuluanyone want to help with a debian sync request?04:12
pace_t_zuluor should i file a bug04:12
StevenKpace_t_zulu: File a bug04:13
pace_t_zuluStevenK, ty04:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 490193 in virtualbox-ose "Please sync virtualbox-ose 3.0.10-dfsg-2 (universe) from Debian testing (main)" [Undecided,New]04:21
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superm1can someone else take a peek at this buildlog?  I must be going crazy. i don't see why it wouldn't be able to find the freetype library: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/36246886/buildlog_ubuntu-lucid-i386.mythplugins_0.22.0%2Bfixes22924-0ubuntu0%2Bmythbuntu4_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz05:09
jmarsdensuperm1: That does look odd.  Does it build OK locally (in your pbuilder chroot or similar)05:20
superm1well the same source builds nicely on the PPA for intrepid, jaunty, and karmic daily.  i'm just setting up a lucid pbuilder locally to see05:21
jmarsdenOK.  So you might have found a bug in the libfreetype6 package for Lucid, or something along those lines.05:22
superm1there's a very small diff from the karmic to lucid freetype05:22
superm1but i wouldnt expect it to cause this kind of problem05:22
superm1oh it's a new version too05:23
superm1so that's gotta be where the problems are lying then05:23
superm1jmarsden, yeah it was a freetype bug.  amazing what a misplaced period does. http://pastebin.com/f29be441d05:37
superm1i'll upload that to lucid and send a patch to debian05:37
jmarsden:)  OK, glad you found it.   Seems slightly odd that debian/libfreetype6.files needed to be hand edited for the new release at all, really...05:39
jmarsdenI can see maybe adding some new lines for new files... but why edit that one?05:40
LucidFoxUgh... The copyright for so many of these files is written in French.05:46
LucidFox(2mandvd data files)05:46
LucidFoxUgh, the license terms for photo-libre.fr are:05:48
LucidFox"These photos are totally free and copyright free, but they can not be resold or used in any medium for commercial purposes."05:48
LucidFoxHow does "copyright free" mesh with "non-commercial"?05:48
* LucidFox deletes these files05:48
LucidFox...Gosh, this upstream needs to be educated what "free" as in free software means.05:56
LucidFoxlicense.txt for .png files: "All these events have been found on the internet and was under a free license allowing a free non-commercial redistribution. Other came from tuxpaint project (http://www.tuxpaint.org). If you own one or more images and you do not want it to be in this package you can write me at: gibault.stephane@wanadoo.fr and I will remove them."05:57
macoi assume they mean gratis all over that05:58
macosounds like multiverse05:58
LucidFoxWell, it depends on multiverse packages so it will go to multiverse anyway, but not before I clean up this copyright mess from "non-commercial" or unattributed image files.05:58
LucidFoxThe software itself is GPL2+.05:59
macowait a...does it... "i dont have the right to redistribute these, but lets pretend i do and that im giving you the right to do so"?06:00
LucidFoxmaco> I think the author just assumed that "non-commercial" is good enough to bundle with GPL software.06:10
macothat the GPL is a non-commercial license is a common misconception too06:11
FlannelLucidFox: How does "totally free" mesh with "but you can do X"06:13
LucidFoxFlannel> Ask the author of photo-libre.fr, I'm confused.06:13
LucidFoxSo... 9 themes distributed under a French-language free license, 9 from a non-commercial "free" photo site, 25 completely unattributed.06:14
LucidFoxIn short, I had to delete 34 out of 43 themes.06:14
hyperairsounds fun07:11
LucidFoxOkay, 2mandvd uploaded to REVU.07:24
LucidFoxIs there a way to subscribe to REVU package uploads by mail or RSS?07:47
nigel_nbmaco: got the computer working?08:09
macoi think so08:09
nigel_nbgreat :)08:09
nigel_nbhow many pointy things did u throw at it :P ?08:11
nigel_nbmaco: will you have the time to mentor me through MOTU?08:17
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akheronLucidFox: got any spare time? http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/jansson :)08:54
LucidFoxakheron> Just looked at it, was waiting for you to come back. :)08:55
akheronheh :)08:55
LucidFoxWhy is the -dev package so strangely declared? Contains soname number in the package name, and has Provides and Conflicts for libjansson-dev...08:56
LucidFoxWhy not just name the package libjansson-dev?08:56
akheronI mimiced it from somewhere08:57
akheronfrom some random debian documentation, I guess08:57
akheronI don't really know what's the best practice08:57
akheronthe library package has the SONAME in it's name, so why the -dev package doesn't have08:58
LucidFoxYou'll only need Provides/Replaces for transitions. It's better to name the package libjansson-dev and drop the Provides and Conflicts lines.08:58
akheronalso, I wasn't sure about the document ID for doc-base08:59
akheronis "libjansson" ok, or does it even matter as long as it's unique08:59
LucidFoxDoesn't, really. libjansson or jansson will do.09:00
akheronok, good09:00
akheronAny other notes? I'll upload a new one shortly09:02
LucidFoxakheron> Nothing else I can think of.09:09
akheronLucidFox: done09:38
LucidFoxThanks, looking...09:38
akheronIt seems that my "shortly" equals over half an hour :)09:38
LucidFoxakheron> The -dev.install file is still named libjansson0-dev.install.09:41
LucidFoxIt helps to build the package after making changes. ;)09:41
akheronI did but didn't quite check it09:42
akheronLucidFox: fixed09:53
* LucidFox downloads and builds09:55
LucidFoxakheron> Advocated!10:04
akheronLucidFox: thanks a lot! :)10:24
alkisgHi, I'm using dh_installexamples, and on postinst I'd like to gunzip one of the examples to /etc/my-package. But I've noticed that when the example is small, dh_installexamples doesn't gzip it! Is that true? Is there any standard way to uncompress/view a package's examples?10:46
LucidFoxalkisg> gzip is done in dh_compress rather than dh_installexamples, so you can call dh_compress -Xfilename to ensure that the file in question is never compressed.10:49
alkisgThanks, looking...10:49
alkisgAh, I see where's the limit: "...files in usr/share/doc that are larger than 4k in size..."11:02
LucidFoxScottK, I'm going to migrate quassel to dh 7 and --with=kde, and eventually add support for double builds. Would it be better to file both in one debdiff, or wait until the dh 7 version is uploaded and only then work on double builds?11:33
ScottKLucidFox: I'd prefer to see them as separate patches.  Also Quassel in git has switched to gettext from translations.  Next on my list was to switch to a gettextified quassel.  If you could look at that with the dh7 stuff it'd be much appreciated.11:35
=== neoXsys is now known as neoxsys
LucidFoxhttp://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/linux-libre <-- Wow, that's a slightly oversized diff.gz.11:55
ScottKLucidFox: I think the package is pretty much unsuitable for the archive in any case.11:56
* LucidFox nods11:56
* ScottK just left a comment to that effect on REVU.12:00
directhexLucidFox, OOo's is bigger!12:02
LucidFoxSeriously? What is in there, tons of big patches?12:02
directhexLucidFox, OOo is... complicated12:02
directhexLucidFox, in short, "yes"12:02
directhexopenoffice.org_3.1.1.orig.tar.gz 394,144.4 kB12:03
directhexopenoffice.org_3.1.1-5ubuntu1.diff.gz 96,076.5 kB12:03
LucidFoxIt's a shame that the best free office suite out there in something so out of touch with both GNOME and the Unix philosophy.12:03
directhexif memory serves, orig is a tar-in-tar of upstream sun OOo (actually 15 upstream tarballs)12:04
* LucidFox headdesks.12:04
directhexthe patch set is a 214 meg diff12:05
directhexincluding a uuencoded copy of an entire icon set12:05
directhex( ooo-build/src/ooo_oxygen_images-2009-06-17.tar.gz.uu                                            |317713 +++++++++)12:05
directhexthe diff is basically the entire go-oo patchset, including (e.g.) 334,000 lines of VBA test scripts12:06
directhexLucidFox, building OOo takes about 101 gig of space and 10 hours of core2duo12:08
* LucidFox O_O12:08
directhex10 not 10112:08
directhexoh, and lots of RAM too12:09
LucidFoxdirecthex, if the diff includes the entire go-oo patchset, why not just build off go-oo sources?12:17
directhexLucidFox, no such thing, go-oo is just a patchset. despite claims by some individuals on some gutter press12:18
directhexLucidFox, it's just a big honkin' patchset12:18
LucidFoxThey do provide a tarbal on go-oo.org, no?12:18
LucidFox* tarball12:18
directhexthe tarball contains their build system, but not the ooo source12:19
=== dyfet` is now known as dyfet
alkisgOn postinst, I'm generating a /etc/my-package/my-package.conf file. Upon uninstallation, when is the correct time to remove it? On prerm when "$1"=="purge"? (I'm worried about the /etc/my-package dir being correctly deleted if empty).12:45
alkisgOr should I manually check and remove the /etc/my-package dir on postrm if it only contains my-package.conf?12:47
alkisgHmmm I don't see prerm called with "$1" == "purge"... Only postrm: http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-maintainerscripts.html12:48
Laneywhy not postrm?12:51
Laneythat's when conffiles are usually deleted12:52
alkisgI think when postrm is called, the package files are already removed,12:56
alkisgso I wanted to delete it beforehand, so that dpkg would remove the directory by itself, if that directory was empty (/etc/my-package)12:57
alkisgWell I guess I can delete that directory myself, on postrm...12:57
LaneyI don't know if "Conffiles are deleted" is in the right place there...12:58
alkisgI only want to delete that file on purge, so I guess I don't have much choice... I'll do it on "postrm purge"12:59
alkisgThanks for the nice diagram! :)12:59
lfaraoneHow can have debuild run "autogen.sh" before running "configure" using CDBS?13:32
lfaraoneFigured it out, thanks.13:34
Laneyyou probably want the DEB_AUTO_UPDATE_* stuff instead, lfaraone13:35
Laneythat's the cdbsey way of doing these things13:35
lfaraoneLaney: how do I figure out whether I run libtoolize pre or post?13:37
LaneyI suck at this stuff13:37
lfaraoneAnd it looks like the script also runs "gtkdocize" as part of autogen.13:37
Laneywell, it depends why you want to reautogen13:37
lfaraoneLaney: upstream does not believe in shipping configure in git.13:38
Laneyas they should13:38
lfaraoneAnd their released versions are broken on the most recent version of GTK13:38
Laneyit might be right to just run autogen.sh then - I was thinking you were doing an autoreconf13:38
Laneyalternatively run it before you generate the orig (in your get-orig-source)13:39
lfaraoneLaney: so I could do that with "DEB_CONFIGURE_SCRIPT := ./autogen.sh13:39
Laneyuse a full path13:39
Laneyand make sure your clean target deletes the right stuff13:40
lfaraoneLaney: hm. now it builds, but "install" is giving me errors.13:41
lfaraoneLaney: http://paste.ubuntu.com/331694/13:41
Laneylfaraone: Looks like it repeats some filenames on the install line13:47
Laneywhich causes the error13:47
slytherinttx: there?13:51
ttxslytherin: yes13:52
lfaraoneLaney: hm. but it works when I "make install" it locally.13:52
lfaraoneLaney: how would I go about fixing that?13:52
Laneycheck the autotools files to find out why it happens ¬_¬13:54
slytherinttx: Are you planning to drop -gcj from recommends unconditionally in this cycle? There are no arch now where GCJ is main JDK. Also openjdk seems to work well on all arch.13:54
slytherinall as in the ones I have tested, i386, amd64 and powerpc13:55
ttxslytherin: yes, see https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/server-lucid-java-library-fixes13:55
slytheringreat, I will keep an eye13:55
ttxslytherin: though the change is not acceptable in debian so we need to find the best way of doing it (introduce delta or not)13:55
ttxslytherin: this is discussed in the spec, I'd welcome your input13:56
ttxslytherin: see 6.1 in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidJavaCleanupSpec13:56
ttxslytherin: in all cases we get rid of the arch:any trick13:58
slytherinttx: Will check.13:58
ttxslytherin: thx13:58
slytherinttx: By the way, I am not sure how reasonable this request is but in future we should probably have a separate java component in archive reorg. So that we get rid of these dependency problems.13:59
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LucidFoxScottK> bug #49034714:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 490347 in quassel "Migrate to dh 7 and --with=kde" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49034714:59
ScottKLucidFox: Diff looks good.  I'll try to get it uploaded tonight.  Thanks.15:06
bddebianHeya gang15:18
Laneyhi bddebian15:28
bddebianHi Laney15:52
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shankhshi i am learning packaging and I couldnt understand the *.ex files.Can anyone please explain it?Please16:40
Davieyshankhs: those are example files, generally you want to get rid of them.16:41
DavieyYou can use them as a template (if that file is needed)16:41
shankhswhen are templates neccessary?16:42
Davieymost of them are not required for most packages.16:42
Davieythey are ex(amples) :)16:42
shankhsDaviey: thanx i got it16:42
shankhsWhen i see the changelog of hello file(in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Basic ) i dont see any -0ubuntu1 or ubuntu written anywhere.Did I do anything wrong?Please16:45
shankhsi am following https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Basic16:46
shankhsMy changelog is totally different from this one https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Basic16:47
jpdsshankhs: Can you put your changelog's contents on paste.ubuntu.com?16:47
shankhsjpds: http://paste.ubuntu.com/331820/ i tried dch once16:49
jpdsshankhs: It looks like you're suppose to create the -0ubuntu1 entry, simply change the -1 to -0ubuntu1.16:58
shankhsjpds: thanx16:58
jdstrand_dholbach: hi! my ubuntumembers membership expired while I was on vacation. what is the best way to get it back? (my indirect membership via core-dev doesn't seem to give my cloaking, etc)17:47
dholbachjdstrand_: that's weird - just send a quick mail to community-council@lists.u.c and I'll unexpire you17:49
jdstrand_dholbach: ok, thanks17:50
jdstrand_dholbach: sent17:52
rcbwnkajdstrand_: Cloakes are just bad. You cannot be recognized after some years.17:52
Picircbwnka: A cloak is the text that replaces a person's hostname on IRC. Ubuntu members qualify for ubuntu/member/$username17:54
rcbwnkaWho cares ?17:55
rcbwnkaI thought the contributions made should be worth something. Not people taking cover ?17:55
rcbwnkaThey appeared 2003, right along with Beagle.EXE and other microsoft things17:56
lfaraonercbwnka: it's a nice touch.17:58
lfaraoneDo libpam plugins need to be named accoridng to their soname version? (ie libpam-rainbow2 vs libpam-rainbow)17:59
rcbwnkaNo, i shouldnt think so17:59
rcbwnkaso name is always "so" though ;)18:00
rcbwnkaBut, itll make it easy to keep track of. should you not do so your app will never (or should never) see the day of light18:01
rcbwnkaapp name: hello-there. Libname1: hello-there.1.x.x18:02
rcbwnkaOr better yet...18:02
rcbwnkaapp name: hello-there. Libname1: hello-there-1.1.x.x18:03
rcbwnkaapp name: hello-there. Libname2: hello-there-2.1.x.x18:03
rcbwnkaAs specific as possible18:03
lfaraonercbwnka: I mean should the package be named "libpam-rainbow2" or "libpam-rainbow"?18:04
rcbwnkawell, It seems to be a new version that will diverge enough from the original "rainbow" ?18:06
rcbwnkaTo be a mayor version upgrade/release ?18:06
rcbwnkaOtherwise just call it the same.18:07
rcbwnkaClient / server ?18:07
rcbwnkaThen dont change the name, add a min-client-version.18:08
rcbwnkarainbow six was a bit fun btw18:09
rcbwnkalfaraone: seems ok to you ?18:11
rcbwnkaWrite down what ever scheme you go for.18:12
randomactionDktrKranz: ping18:15
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DktrKranzrandomaction: pong18:49
randomactionDktrKranz: I'm going to request a sync of xotcl, are you ok with this?18:50
randomactionbug 39915718:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 399157 in xotcl "Please merge xotcl 1.6.3-2(universe) from debian unstable(main)" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39915718:50
DktrKranzrandomaction: sure18:53
randomactionok, I'll convert this bug18:53
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TLFwhere can I contact the developer of vmware-package package?20:20
TLFwell, anyways20:35
TLFtrying to install vmware-package 0.22 I'm getting: vmware-package:20:35
TLF Depends: libstdc++5  but it is not installable20:35
randomactionTLF: there's a bug filed about it (bug 459286)20:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 459286 in vmware-package "can not find dependencys" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45928620:37
TLFoh, thanks, ubottu20:37
randomactionanyway, this package was removed from Debian and will likely be removed from the next Ubuntu release20:40
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ScottKTLF: That needs an ancient version of gcc that we aren't supporting anymore. It should have been removed already.21:06
TLFScottK: and it is not possible to update the package?21:08
ScottKTLF: No.  It's not a Free software package, we only have binaries, no source21:11
TLFScottK: oh, I though it was a open source program to install the binaries (vmware=21:11
ScottKRight, but the binaries have to be built against a recent GCC and we don't have that21:12
TLFthat's ok then :)21:13
ajmitchfrom what I can see, vmware-package itself doesn't have the libstdc++5 dependency, which is partly why it didn't get picked up21:14
surfzoidi'm trying to build a package an have the following error : http://pastebin.com/d7eebf6e1  but my log file is http://pastebin.com/d673c4a7a i really don't see where i do an typo error22:24
surfzoidsomeone can give me a clue ?22:24
ajmitchsurfzoid: 1 too many spaces before the date22:26
surfzoidwhoa is it so strict !!22:26
ajmitchit can be :)22:26
ajmitchtry it, I may be wrong22:26
surfzoidajmitch: thanks22:26
ajmitchthe other problem can be using tabs instead of spaces before the *22:27
ajmitchusually there's a blank line after the line with the version information, though I'm not sure if it's required or not22:28
surfzoidwell, i discover the creasy stric build world :-)22:28
surfzoidajmitch: is there a tool or an scite plugin who check debian file syntax or at least colour them ?22:31
ajmitchthere are tools like dch which add the changelog entries, I use emacs however which has some modes for editing changelogs22:33
surfzoidthis is an know format like verylog ?22:33
surfzoidyes debian.changelog use an specif format or this a know one22:34
ajmitchit's a specific format documented in debian policy22:35
surfzoidif you take spec file for rpm, you can use shell syntax/format and color22:35
ajmitchhttp://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-source.html#s-dpkgchangelog has the details, it's fairly basic22:36
surfzoidso i will play more with luky :-)22:36
surfzoidhey seem okay with your few tip, thanks a lot ajmitch :-)22:37
surfzoiddebian world sound like an egg :-)22:38
ajmitchthere are lots of useful tools around for packaging though22:39
surfzoidyes, using a simple text editor (my favorite) is no easy22:40
surfzoidbye and again thanks22:42
=== NCommander is now known as Guest64268
jjleedoes the ppa build server actually install packages?  I assume not?  If it doesn't, what do you use for testing (install-)Depends?  Just debootstrap + apt?23:17
mannyvgeser, around?23:21
gesermannyv: yes23:24
mannyvhighvoltage, I have been using requestsync a but lately and I got annoyed at always having to go to launchpad to add a build log as an attachment after filing the sync request. So I modified it a little bit so I could specify a log on the command line.23:26
mannyvgeser ^23:26
mannyvstupid auto-complete, I always mess it up23:27
mannyvso then I thought why not try to get it into the package, so I have beenn working on it being able to send an attachment via email as well.23:27
jmarsden|workjjlee: You could set up a pbuilder chroot and install/test the PPA-built packages in that.23:29
jjleeyeah, just looking at that -- ISTR another one, can't seem to find it now23:29
jjleeanother tool, I mean23:29
geserjjlee: or try using puiparts for it23:29
jjleeother than cowbuilder23:29
jjleethat was it, thanks23:29
mannyvgeser, that is close to being done. The part I am grappling over is when it prints out a final copy of the email if it should print out, for review, just the body of the messageor include the attachment as well. I thought I would solicit an opinion from you since you wrote it23:30
gesermannyv: have you something ready to merge/review?23:30
jjleeso ppa server doesn't install packages?23:30
mannyvi wanted your thoughts re: my last message first, so I would no where to go with it23:31
jmarsden|workjjlee: No, the builders are build servers, AFAIK they do not install the stuff they build.23:32
jjleejmarsden|work: fair enough23:32
jjleewould be a nice feature :-)23:32
jmarsden|workjjlee: Maybe; you're supposed to test locally before submitting to a PPA anyway though :)23:33
jjleewell, it worked first time anyway :-)23:33
gesermannyv: the idea behind is to let the user an option to actually see what it send/submitted before it gets done, especially as it gets signed (when mailing)23:35
geserbut I don't have a strong opinion on it23:35
geserI've have to look up what it did before my recent modifications to requestsync23:36
mannyvgeser, yeah build logs tend to be long and scrolling through a whole log to see the message can be annoying. So i am thinking I will set it so it prints out the body of the email but not the attachment23:38
mannyvgeser, I also rewrote the email part so it uses the email package, you don't have an issue with that do you?23:38
geseras I didn't had to email attachments to LP till now, do you know which parts of the email need to be signed to let LP accept it? is the "normal" content enough and will LP add the attachment to the bug report?23:39
lifelessfor requestsync23:41
lifelessis target release optional or not ?23:41
Laneyit should be23:41
Laneybut the flag parser is a bit rudimentary23:41
Laneyso sometimes it is actually not23:42
lifeless$ requestsync -d unstable python-testtools23:42
lifelessE: Source package or target release missing. Exiting.23:42
lifelessshould I file a bug ?23:42
Laneya patch would be better ;)23:42
Laneybut yeah, file a bug if you like23:42
geserdepends, when using --lp it's optional (it can be looked up with LP API) but for mail it's needed23:42
LaneyI've come across some cases where it's not optional23:42
Laneywe should make it -u [ubuntu release]23:43
lifelessmm, --lp is happier, so I'll ignore the bug for now23:43
geseryes, when you omit --lp I don't know a way to look it up without LP API23:43
lifelessgeser: hard code it.23:43
Laneythat would ease the parser23:43
lifelessgeser: each release, update it.23:43
jgoppertI would like to get gdal from 1.5 to 1.6 in ubuntu. It already is in sid, who do I talk to?23:43
Laneyjgoppert: will they be around in parallel?23:44
Laneyif not, how big is the transition?23:44
jgoppertwell ScottK was saying the other night we should just go to 1.6 for lucid.23:44
jgoppertNot too big, I am just about done building 1.6 on my ppa.23:44
Laneyif it's small, you can handle it yourself23:44
geserlifeless: I thought about it, but then I (or someone) needs to update it short before the release (if we don't want to do a SRU for it)23:44
Laneyotherwise coordinate on the list23:44
jgoppertOk, so can someone look over my package on my ppa and commit it to lucid?23:45
jgoppertI had to back down a couple of dependencies to earlier library versions but it looks like config handled it just fine.23:46
lifelessgeser: its the same as all our dev tools.23:46
Laneyusually you would get those updated first23:46
lifelessgeser: debootstrap etc need changed too.23:46
jgoppertyeah... well its just libhdf5-dev, and libhdf4-alt-dev, unless those have more dependencies to fix :-)23:47
geseryes, but I prefer not to add another package to the list of packages that needs backporting for each new ubuntu release23:49
Laneylet's hope this 'ubuntu-release' tool gets written23:49
jgoppertwhat's it supposed to do?23:50
Laneyabstract this problem23:50
mannyvgeser, I just did a test and it only requires the email body be signed not the attachment23:51
gesermannyv: then IMHO it should be enough to just list the attachments (filename) before sending/submitting23:52
jgoppertif gdal 1.6 is in sid do i need to attach source tarball on my ppa build for karmic?23:53
Laneyis it a sync?23:53
mannyvgeser, sold =)23:53
Laneyjgoppert: did you see which version we have in lucid?23:53
jgoppertLaney: yeah 1.523:54
Laneysource package gdal?23:54
jgoppertwell where should i look, i went to ubuntu package search23:54
Laneylaunchpad or rmadison23:55
Laneyjgoppert: however, there is still transitioning to be done23:56
Laneysee http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/NBS/libgdal1-1.5.023:56
jgoppertok, nice, so how do i get it on my karmic ppa, pull the source, then build? Or is there a way to backport  from lucid?23:57
Laneyjust upload the source package with a ~ppa0 version suffix23:57
jgoppertok thanks23:57
Laneyhang on23:58
Laneyit didn't build yet23:58
Laney(due to the hdf stuff you mentioned earlier)23:58
jgoppertoh, well I guess my quick fix will work for my ppa till they clean it up23:59
Laneywhy "they"?23:59
Laneyyou could do it..........23:59
geserand who is "they"?23:59
jgoppertlol, because i'm trying to get like 6 libraries running to package delta3d, :-)23:59
jgopperti've got one person helping me though lol23:59

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