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neel_hi i need some help with a OMAP3 board06:09
neel_hi i need some help with a OMAP3 board06:29
amitkneel_: what help?06:29
neel_oh hi07:07
neel_sorry you still there amitk?07:07
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loologra, asac: I'm writing an email summarizing my research and thoughts on the UDS session we had on debootstrap/qemu-arm; I was writing this as an email to you two, should I send it to some ML instead?14:00
loolI'm not sure ubuntu-mobile@ is good for this, and people might lack context, but I would also like this to be archived so that I can point to it during discussions14:00
loologra_: 15:00 < lool> ogra, asac: I'm writing an email summarizing my research and  thoughts on the UDS session we had on debootstrap/qemu-arm; I was  writing this as an email to you two, should I send it to some ML  instead?14:04
lool15:00 < lool> I'm not sure ubuntu-mobile@ is good for this, and people might  lack context, but I would also like this to be archived so that I  can point to it during discussions14:04
ogra_hmm, i was planning to put a TODO item for that into the spec14:05
ogra_probably just add it to the wikipage ?14:05
GrueMasterasac: wrt mobile-lucid-arm-lib-tests, the issues I'm running into are mainly poor/out of date documentation and the way the system is designed.  Each test build requires the LSB build environment, which is a set of library stubs.  This is generated partially from a database of functions.  I just got the mysql database up and running (poor documentation) on my desktop, need to get my dove to connect to it.14:25
GrueMasterAfter I get database connectivity, I need to figure out how to populate the database with info on arm.  Right now it has none.  Once I get that, there is a script in the build_env source tree to generate new code for arm.14:26
asacGrueMaster: right.14:26
asacsounds like a plan14:27
asacremember to document what you do to setup etc.14:27
GrueMasterHeh, yea.14:27
asacin that way if you get blocked we can have someone else helping you ;)14:27
asacwithout much communication14:27
asacthis is an important spec for us ...14:27
GrueMasterI already have an email in to the linux foundation and key developers of LSB.  I hope to hear from them this week.14:28
asacGrueMaster: maybe add progress and things we are waiting for to the whiteboard too14:29
GrueMasterI could, but it is mostly trial and error at this point.14:30
asacGrueMaster: right. what i meant was: asked XXX for clarification; waiting for reply ...14:30
asacso we know that we are waiting for something14:30
asacbut do it like you prefer14:30
GrueMasterPart of the problem is that while I can get a daily snapshot of their database, they are using an old version of mysql.14:30
asacwe will review this spec at least weekly ;)14:30
GrueMasterI'd rather not say I'm waiting for them.14:31
GrueMasterI prefer to continue hacking at this while waiting for them.  That way I'm still making some progress.14:31
asacGrueMaster: have you found/documented the source trees by now?14:31
GrueMasterYes, I think I have.  let me check.14:31
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GrueMasterThe only link I don't have is for the ABI tests, and any other tests we may add/replace.14:32
asaclool: the idea was to document your qemu approach somewhere ... either mailing list or even in the spec14:33
asacGrueMaster: add what you have for now. and maybe split those things in separate work items ;)14:33
GrueMasterBut the ABI test is a simple script that compares the old libs with the new ones.14:33
asacso we can document that there is progress ;)14:33
asacok have to do lunch and stuff14:33
asacwill be back in 1h or so14:34
ogralunch is a good idea !14:34
GrueMasterI have a dental appoinment in 2.5 hours.14:34
loolasac: Yeah that's why I was wondering where14:42
loolasac: But I didn't think of the wiki and will copy that to the wiki now that I finished typing it14:43
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