
=== robbiew is now known as robbiew_
lifelessjames_w: ^00:03
james_wlifeless: "which is better?" <- I'm not sure which choice you are referring to?00:10
james_wand yes, it knows how to sync]00:10
lifelessok, cool.00:11
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lifelessjames_w: can you make lp:~lifeless/debian/sid/python-testtools/debian lp:debian/python-testtools then ?00:29
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slangasekKeybuk: hum, the latest bootchart assigns all the disk usage to init? :)01:31
Keybukslangasek: yeah, something wrong there ;)01:51
KeybukI suspect ureadahead isn't working properly01:51
Keybukand in a very strange way01:51
Keybukoh, I see what I've managed to do02:09
Keybuk*no* idea why init is spinning though02:09
Keybukthat's very strange02:09
Keybukmust be something ptracey02:10
Keybukit's not disk usage02:11
Keybukthat bright red means something else02:11
nixternalbright red isn't a good color to see in relation to a hard drive02:12
Keybukstopped/uninterruptable I think02:12
Keybuknah, it's bootcharts way of trying to highlight a bad/dead process02:12
Keybukthe init job is failing because the process doesn't exist02:12
nixternaloh, I was thinking the fail led's on some drive cages02:13
Keybukbut I guess isn't trapping out of ptrace properly02:13
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Keybukslangasek: I'm going to go find joey hess02:41
Keybukand explain to him that "--" is not meant to be syntactically vital02:42
Keybukwho does he think he is?!02:42
KeybukTom Lord?02:42
lamontNov 30 19:49:48 staypuff pulseaudio[6813]: module-console-kit.c: GetSessionsForUnixUser() call failed: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Spawn.ExecFailed: Failed to execute program /lib/dbus-1.0/dbus-daemon-launch-helper: Success02:50
lamontwhat an interesting errno02:50
Keybukusually means "where did I stash that errno, I'm sure I had it here somewhere"02:57
Keybukmost common mistake02:57
Keybuk  if (! working) {02:57
Keybuk    free (shit);02:57
Keybuk    perror ("argh");02:57
Keybuk  }02:57
Keybuksince free can, of course, modify errno ;)02:57
lamontKeybuk: though nothing is supposed to set errno to zero.02:58
lamontother than the app, of course.02:58
lifelesslamont: uhm, actually.02:58
lamontbut hey, you know, that's just errno standards...02:58
lifelessThere is at least one syscall that does02:58
* Keybuk can think of quite a few that do :p02:59
lamontlifeless: according to the manpage?02:59
lamontmind you, I gave up on believing that bit of the spec some time ago02:59
lifelessoh, thats right02:59
lifelessreaddir is what I was thinking of02:59
lifelessand its just nasty03:00
lifelessend of dir - return NULL and 'errno is not changed'03:00
Keybukcan also be03:01
Keybuk  int saved_errno;03:01
Keybuk    :03:01
Keybuk  if (! working) {03:01
Keybuk    return -1;03:01
Keybuk  }03:01
Keybuktype thing where you forget to save the errno03:01
lifelessslangasek: hi03:14
lifelesslamont: did you comment on that kernel-img.conf bug?03:14
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lifelessslangasek: I've been keeping an eye out, and lamont and poolie have also had upgrade-to-karmic, look no hooks in kernel-img.conf symptoms.03:15
slangaseklifeless: I don't think lamont ever commented on it; he sent me a private url to a tarball instead, which I've had zero time to go chase down03:15
lamontwhich bug again?03:16
lamontslangasek: which file did  you like?03:20
slangaseklamont: IIRC I asked for you to send the contents of /var/log/installer, yes?03:20
lamontbut that has lots of files03:20
lamonthow much if any sensitiveish data is in there?03:20
slangasekdepends on how private you consider your partition layout tobe03:21
lamont /proc/cpuinfo: model name       : QEMU Virtual CPU version 0.9.103:22
lamontlol wut?03:22
slangasekdebconf is smart enough not to leave any passwords there03:22
lamontso attach all said files to the bug?03:23
slangasekwell, a tarball will probably be less painful for all :)03:23
shtylmanfor anyone that was interested in following along: http://www.shtylman.com/archives/15403:25
lamontthar.  posted^H^Hing03:25
lamontand yeah, tarball is less work all around03:25
slangaseklamont: ta03:26
lifelesslamont: thanks03:26
lamont(910.0 KiB, application/x-tar)03:26
lamonttotal win03:26
slangasekStevenK: libapache2-mod-auth-pam is trying to sneak yada back into main ;)03:30
lamontslangasek: so the ~1build1 version of bind9 should get autosync'ed over with the non ~ version, right?03:35
slangaseklamont: I think so, yes03:49
godanehey everyone03:51
godanei was wondering if you going to put the new squashfs 4.0 with lzma in your kernel03:52
godanethis may allow you guys to have more space03:53
slangaseklamont: well, your broken /etc/kernel-img.conf is not the same as lifeless's04:04
slangasekwhich package was it that included the late fix in karmic for the terminal bell?  seems to have regressed for me in lucid04:06
lamontslangasek: woot? :(04:07
lamontanyway, bed.04:07
LucidFoxIs there a cleaner way to get the upstream version in debian/rules with dh 7 other than dpkg-parsechangelog?04:07
slangaseklamont: add the hook lines to your file by hand, and be merry :)04:07
lamontslangasek: did that a few days back04:09
slangasekok :)04:09
dtchenslangasek: libgnome. bug 7701004:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 77010 in alsa-lib "Overuse of system beep without volume control" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/7701004:11
slangasekdtchen: hum, ok; but libgnome is still at the karmic version, so that doesn't seem to be the package to blame in lucid?04:13
dtchenslangasek: do your mixer element strings match between 2.6.31 and 2.6.32?04:15
dtchen(i.e., from 'amixer')04:15
slangasekanswering that question seems to require me to reboot, yah?04:16
dtchenI'll trawl the commit, one sec.04:16
dtchennope, not kernel-side, no need to reboot04:17
dtchen(the beep rework won't land until 2.6.33)04:17
slangasekSimple mixer control 'Beep',004:17
slangasek  Capabilities: pvolume pvolume-joined pswitch pswitch-joined04:17
slangasek  Playback channels: Mono04:17
slangasek  Limits: Playback 0 - 1504:17
slangasek  Mono: Playback 0 [0%] [-45.00dB] [off]04:17
slangasekdtchen: should I file a new bug about this, and if so, on what package?04:19
dtchenslangasek: in Sound Preferences's Sound Effects tab, what is the Alert volume set to, and is Enable window and button sounds ticked?04:21
slangasekdtchen: alert volume is maxed out; 'enable window and button sounds' is not checked.04:22
dtchenslangasek: are you using metacity or compiz?04:22
slangasekdtchen: I've also disabled the noises now by disabling the bell in the gnome-terminal config04:22
dtchenslangasek: looks like pulseaudio, then. bug 30117404:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 301174 in pulseaudio "Use proper sound event instead of system beep" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30117404:23
dtchenyou can try 'pactl unload-module module-x11-bell'04:24
slangasekdtchen: no change in behavior04:25
dtchenslangasek: err, I misread. That was for non-metacity, anyhow.04:26
dtchenslangasek: well, I can't see anything at a first glance. The only other package I haven't checked is libcanberra.04:27
StevenKslangasek: Bah!04:28
StevenK"yada is moving, kill it!"04:28
ScottKOnly 14 reverse build-depends.04:29
ScottKNone that I care about either ....04:29
slangasekdtchen: huh - I see libcanberra has a new version in lucid, but seems odd that the problem would be there when I'm only seeing problems with the terminal bell04:34
dtchenslangasek: no, I'm pretty sure it isn't libcanberra. That was the only part that I hadn't checked when I had responded.04:35
dtchenit doesn't seem to involve any changes from linux upward through pulseaudio, however.04:35
ajmitchStevenK: I'm surprised you haven't removed, burnt & blacklisted it from ever entering the archive04:38
slangasekhmm, there's a thought04:39
ScottKThree archive admins makes a quorum, right?04:40
mathiazcjwatson_: hi - why is john in both supported-misc-servers and supported-sysadmin-common?05:04
mathiazslangasek: is it correct to say that every package that will be on the -server isos are listed in http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/germinate-output/ubuntu.lucid/server-ship?05:14
LLStarkshi. i'm noticing that pybootchartgui won't function without bootchart installed.05:35
LLStarkswhy does pybootchart now conflict with bootchart?05:35
slangasekmathiaz: dunno, sorry05:57
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dholbachgood morning07:39
pittiGood mornin07:47
slangasekjames_w: lp:debian/laptop-mode-tools is lagged behind the archive by about a month and a half (lp:debian/sid/laptop-mode-tools is, however, current)07:49
* slangasek waves to Germany07:49
macoand *now* all of germany has arrived07:53
* fagan waves from Ireland07:57
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* pitti dist-upgrades and gets a debconf question "Various snmp software needs extracted MIBs from RFCs and IANA"08:09
pittioh, sure, those MIBs are said to be veery tasty!08:10
dholbachmdke: thanks08:23
ArcI just want to point out08:28
ArcUSE="python3" emerge portage08:28
ArcGentoo uses Python 3 now08:28
Arcand compiles packages which support Py3 for both Py2 and Py3 at the same time08:28
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cjwatson_mathiaz`: john> I have no idea, try bzr blame or similar ...09:54
cjwatson_mathiaz`: not everything on the server image is in server-ship, no; you have to follow the inheritances in the STRUCTURE file too09:55
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Arcwhat are the current plans for Py3 in Ubuntu?10:00
ArcGnome 3 with 10.10 is an obvious hard deadline to getting at least many of the python packages >> py3, but is that just going to be flipping a switch?10:01
macoArc: if you wait til its daytime in our tz, you may get an answer10:10
pittipy3 will certainly not be the default in 10.1010:11
pittiit's available in the archive, though (for quite a while already)10:11
macodoes fedora even have py3? one of my friends said he hated ubuntu package naming because of the sonames in library package names....and then later switched from fedora to ubuntu because it meant py2.6 and py3 could be parallel installed10:13
StevenKmaco: But 2.6 and 3 are version numbers, not sovers :-P10:16
macoStevenK: its 5am i dont know the difference10:17
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directhexStevenK, in python terms, what's the difference?10:39
lifelessthey are nearly different languges.10:40
lifelesssomething, - probably 80% - of packages haven't updated to support python 3 at all10:40
macolifeless: i think directhex is asking the diff between version and so-version in python10:40
tkamppeter_pitti, hi10:41
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pittihi tkamppeter10:41
directhexmaco, my point is, given it's not compiled, the target python version is the closest thing to soname versioning10:42
macodirecthex: fine by me. as i said, im too tired to figure out a difference10:42
directhexmaco, have you considered this advanced device w/ a duvet & pillows on it?10:42
macoyeah yeah im goin im goin10:43
tkamppeterpitti, it is about a build failure of HPLIP: See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hplip/3.9.10-2ubuntu1/+build/1371109/+files/buildlog_ubuntu-lucid-i386.hplip_3.9.10-2ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz10:47
tkamppeterpitti: I have already uploaded 3.9.10 to Lucid earlier and it built correctly.10:47
pittitkamppeter: this seems to be quite an obvious error, tough10:48
tkamppeterpitti, now it is not able any more to run dh_installman. The changes done in the meantime do affect the man pages.10:48
pittiapparently the debian/foo.manpages specifies a nonexisting file?10:48
tkamppeterpitti, hp-devicesettings.1 is present.10:50
pittitkamppeter: what does the .manpages file specify, and where is it present?10:50
tkamppeterIt simply says10:51
tkamppeterin one of its lines.10:51
tkamppeterIt is debian/hplip-gui.manpages, by the way.10:51
tkamppeterThe man page is present in the root of the source tree.10:52
tkamppeterIt builds locally for me, but on the buildds it fails.10:52
tkamppeterAnd it seems to build on Debian.10:53
pittitkamppeter: so what does debian/hplip-gui.manpages specify for the manpage in question? what's the full line?11:04
tkamppeterThe full line is11:07
tkamppeterNothing more.11:08
tkamppeterpitti: ^^11:08
pittitkamppeter: that seems to be correct then; try DH_VERBOSE=1 dh_installman -i to see what it does?11:09
tkamppeterLocally it works:11:10
tkamppeterDH_VERBOSE=1 dh_installman -i11:10
tkamppeterinstall -p -m644 hp-devicesettings.1 debian/hplip-gui/usr/share/man/man1//hp-devicesettings.111:10
tkamppeterpitti, if I do rm -rf debian/hplip-gui/usr/share/man11:14
tkamppeterand try again, the man pages also get successfully installed. dh_installman does11:14
tkamppeterinstall -d debian/hplip-gui/usr/share/man/man1/11:14
tkamppeterto create the needed directory then.11:15
pittitjaalton: do you know whether XBACKLIGHT is supposed to work on intel? I only get "No outputs have backlight property", but I'm also using xorg-edgers11:15
pittitkamppeter: so what happens if you don't remove the dir before?11:15
btmpitti: do we need to split the patches in bug 488115 into seperate patches to get the SRU reviewed?11:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 488115 in ruby "ruby garbage collector segfaults under certain conditions" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48811511:19
pittibtm: the current patch is about 20 times bigger than it should be11:19
btmpitti: hahaha. so yes then.11:20
pittiso if we have other bugs reported against ruby, they should be referenced in the changelog as well, so that they can be reviewed/tested individually11:20
pittibut seriously, I strongly advise to not do such things in the first place11:20
pittido some careful minimally invasive patches to just fix one or two bugs at a time, get them verified, and to -updates11:20
pittiwith a patch like this, we can hardly ever say whether it breaks something11:21
tkamppeterIs it possible that more recent versions of dh_installman do not create the directories any more?11:21
cjwatsontkamppeter: no11:21
pittitkamppeter: as you see, it calls install -d, which creates the dirs11:21
cjwatsonor at least it's astonishingly unlikely11:21
tkamppeterLocally, I get the man pages successfully installed both with and without explicitly creating the directory.11:22
pittitkamppeter: you have to reproduce the failing case with DH_VERBOSE, not a working case11:22
cjwatsonand in any case that error message is not that the target directory doesn't exist11:22
cjwatsonthe error message says that the source file does not exist11:22
tkamppeterpitti, then it seems I will have to load a Lucid pbuilder at first.11:22
cjwatsonit literally just tried to open the file and it wasn't there11:23
pittitkamppeter: it doesn't look very lucid specific to me, though11:24
pittitkamppeter: is the manpage created during package build, or shipped in the orig.tar.gz?11:24
StevenKcjwatson: As per the desktop-lucid-une spec, unr.<release> is moving -- do you think it belongs in ubuntu.<release>, or shall I create netbook.<release>?11:28
tkamppeterpitti, the .orig.tar.gz seems to generate it.11:29
pittitkamppeter: s/generate/contain/ ?11:29
tkamppeterpitti, perhaps Lucid executes some stuff in another order11:29
cjwatsonStevenK: I think netbook.<release> is more suitable11:31
tkamppeterpitti, they get generated by the install-stamp: rule in debian/rules.11:31
pittitkamppeter: ah, then I suppose that the arch-independent packages are generated first, before the arch-dep install rule11:32
tkamppeterThe binary-indep: and binary-arch: rules run dh_installman11:33
tkamppeterCan I make these two rules dependent on install-stamp: to force the needed order?11:33
tkamppeterI think in general these rules should only get executed when the installation is completed.11:34
pittiat first sight this seems to make sense11:34
tkamppeterpitti, it could even make sense to be this way by default.11:36
pitti"by default"?11:36
cjwatsonStevenK: or maybe even ubuntu-netbook.<release>?11:37
tkamppeterAre these db_ helpers not generally supposed to be run after "make install"?11:37
pittitkamppeter: as long as people insist on writing the same (buggy?) debian/rules manually over and over (i. e. not using dh7 or cdbs), there is no "default" :)11:37
cjwatsontkamppeter: install-stamp is not a required target in debian/rules. If you want inter-target dependencies, you *have* to specify them yourself11:37
cjwatsonespecially for targets that are specific to your debian/rules file11:38
pittitkamppeter: some might well work before, but in general most of them make more sense after the install target, yet11:38
cjwatsoneven 'install' is not a required target, come to that11:38
pittitkamppeter: but install-stamp is just a convention, not something that buildds even understand (or dpkg-buildpackage)11:38
tkamppeterpitti, cjwatson, broken debian/rules from Debian maintainer which simply worked by accident for all the time ...11:39
pittiseems like it11:39
tkamppeterFor me it looks like that the quickest solution is to force order by this dependency, the best solution would that the Debian maintainer redesigns the debian/rules file.11:41
cjwatsonforcing the order is entirely correct and not a workaround at all11:41
cjwatsonthere's nothing intrinsically broken about a rules file written in that way, when the inter-target dependencies are correct11:42
cjwatsonthe smarter helpers tend to centralise things such that we can fix bugs in a single place, but it's not actually wrong not to use them :)11:42
btmpitti: uploaded new debdiff to bug 488115 that contains two small patches to fix segv bugs with corresponding lp bugs.11:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 488115 in ruby "ruby garbage collector segfaults under certain conditions" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48811511:55
ograThe following packages have unmet dependencies:12:02
ogra  lightsoff: Depends: seed but it is not installable12:02
ogra  swell-foop: Depends: seed but it is not installable12:02
* ogra scratches head12:02
* ogra wonders what in ubuntu-desktop pulls in webkit stuff12:03
davmor2ogra: software center?12:05
davmor2ogra: only guessing12:05
davmor2ogra: ubiquity too12:06
ograoooh, right, the new slideshow stuff12:06
ograthanks, i didnt think of that12:06
cjwatsoninterestingly ubiquity-frontend-gtk doesn't actually depend on python-webkit or anything ...12:07
cjwatsonev: is that an oversight?12:07
evbecause ubiquity can function just fine without the slideshow12:08
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cjwatsonhmm. just feels odd that there's no mention of it in the control file. Maybe a Suggests or something?12:10
cjwatsonor even Recommends given that we want the slideshow in Ubuntu12:10
cjwatsonthe odd thing I think is that the slideshow essentially only works by accident because python-webkit is in desktop12:11
cjwatsonwhich feels odd to me somehow, although I don't know the best fix12:11
evwell, we could just add python-webkit to the seeds as well, but I'm equally fine with a Suggests or Recommends.12:16
evI just wanted to make it as easy as possible for derivatives that didn't want the slideshow12:17
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lamontdear firefox.  why is it that every morning when I get on my computer, your window is dead-n-gone _AGAIN_??12:41
lamontno core file, no nothing.12:41
StevenKI'd suggest the OOM killer, but it's somewhat suspcious it's always firefox12:43
tjaaltonpitti: so running 'xbacklight -get' fails? works for me with the karmic versions12:47
cjwatsoncould somebody in the desktop team deal with MIRing 'seed', please? reasonably urgent since CD builds are failing due to this12:47
tjaaltonpitti: of course -set works too12:48
tkamppeterpitti, about the HPLIP I have found the cuase of the problem. HPLIP is running itself to generate its man pages and this is done by the debian/rules script, instead of letting "make install" do it). I think I will remove that unneeded part.12:48
pittitjaalton: right, that gives said error message12:54
pittitkamppeter: ah, good12:55
pittitjaalton: if it's generally supposed to work on intel, then I just blame the xorg-edgers packages :)12:55
tjaaltonpitti: yep :)12:57
pitticjwatson: it's only required by the "lightsoff" package, AFAICS, and we don't even intend to install that by default any more; thanks for pointing out, on my list now12:57
cjwatsonpitti: lightsoff and swell-foop12:58
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=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
mr_pouitw/w 2013:48
goldinsis there a howto recompile packages the dpkg way? I know you start with apt-get source [package]13:56
cjwatson(in the directory that apt-get source creates)13:57
cjwatsonsee manual pages etc. for more details13:57
goldinsthe debian administration guide for this thing tells an outright lie14:03
goldins"of course we did miss out any editing of the package to make it build differently, but if you know already you need to rebuild a package to change its options, or bahaviour, you will know how to do that!" -- I don't want to edit the package, just change the options passed to the configure script. How do I do that?14:04
bdrung_mdeslaur: you fixed the security issue of libgd2 in the stable version, but it is not fixed in lucid.14:10
cjwatsongoldins: edit debian/rules14:10
cjwatsongoldins: you *need* to edit the package, even if that isn't what you *want* to do :-)14:10
goldinscjwatson: I see! thanks again14:11
mdeslaurbdrung_: correct...we track issues that are not fixed in lucid. If the package doesn't get synced or merged with debian, we'll release an update to it long before lucid releases.14:16
bdrung_mdeslaur: thank for the info.14:18
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* ttx painfully tries to get a bzr branch from LP... it's... slow... today...14:32
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cjwatsonpitti,sabdfl: TB meeting?15:02
cjwatsonhaven't seen Keybuk around15:02
sabdflcjwatson: thanks, incoming15:07
h4writerMacSlow, ping16:06
MacSlowh4writer, pong16:06
h4writerhi MacSlow, it's about bug #489414, if you think it is easier to debug over chat, go ahead...16:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 489414 in notify-osd "Wrong icon gets used" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48941416:06
MacSlowh4writer, hm... maybe somehow your from-source installs messed up the system-wide icon-cache16:10
h4writerSo removing the cache would solve it?16:11
MacSlowh4writer, hm... awn installs (or used to install) icons in /usr/share/hicolor maybe those override everything else16:13
h4writerMacSlow, I have no /usr/share/hicolor folder16:14
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=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
MacSlowh4writer, awn used to have a plugin replacing notification-daemon... maybe that's "getting in the way"16:14
MacSlowh4writer, but that would not explain why you still see notificatino-bubbles rendered by notify-osd16:15
h4writerI have had notification-deamon, but I removed it16:15
h4writer*had notification-deamon in jaunty, upgraded and removed it in karmic16:16
MacSlowh4writer, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/36182432/Schermafdruk.png clearly is rendered by notify-osd16:16
h4writerMacSlow, yeah it is definitly notify-osd ;-)16:16
MacSlowh4writer, do you know malept or moonbeam in #awn?16:17
Arcpitti: so what is the plan to support both py2 and py3 versions of packages until then?  or is Ubuntu basically dying for Python developers overall?16:42
ArcGentoo did this through slotting; each major.minor python version gets its own slot now, so even if you have py2.5 2.6 and 3.1 packages which support all will be compiled and installed for all16:43
ScottKArc: Debian and Ubuntu share a system for supporting multiple Python interpreters.16:44
ArcScottK: and that is?16:44
ScottKCurrently a lot of stuff doesn't particularly work on Python 3, so we don't see a great rush.16:44
Arcis it not generally understood that developers use Ubuntu too?16:45
ScottKThat's why we ship python-3.116:46
Arcbut do you, for example, ship cherrypy for py3?16:47
Arcor sqlalchemy, or even wsgi16:47
kklimondaArc: there is no stable release of sqlalchemy that supports python 3.x16:48
kklimondaArc: and that's similar for most libraries and applications16:48
ScottKI'd expect after Lucid there will be a lot more of a push to support Python 3.16:48
Arckklimonda: im using sqlalchemy on py3 right now.16:49
ebroderArc: Then you're using a prerelease version16:49
ebroder0.6 isn't the stable release yet16:50
Arcso? it will be by the time my software is ready to release16:50
Arcdevelopers need to target tomorrow, not today, or the entire community plays a continual game of catch-up16:50
ArcUbuntu doesn't support packages for tomorrow, or today, but yesterday.  there isn't even an option to install new versions of libraries16:51
ArcI'm frustrated that at the end of 2009 I still have to maintain my Gentoo workstations and on my colocated servers because Ubuntu fails to meet my needs as a developer16:52
ScottKArc: This channel is for development of Ubuntu, not complaing about it.  I think you probably want #ubuntu-offtopic.16:52
ArcI was hoping that this may be useful feedback, but I guess it'll be ignored16:53
ebroderThere was a valid point in there - do we have an answer yet for dealing with python 3 packages? Most of the things that have "Python 3 compatibility" just work after you run them through 2to3. Separate source packages?16:54
ScottKIt's not that I don't understand your problem (or care) but that there's a lot of extra work involved in supporting what you ask for and we really don't have the resources.16:55
cjwatsonhe's left16:55
ScottKebroder: We have other, more pressing, problems in the Debian/Ubuntu Python stack.16:55
ScottKAh.  Thanks.16:55
cjwatsonI believe we have a general expectation of python3-* binary packages16:56
cjwatsonand separate source packages if they need more than 2to316:56
* ebroder nods16:56
kklimondaScottK: btw, how can we (and by we I mean 'me') help with Python stack if you need more resources?16:57
ScottKkklimonda: Well at the moment the blockers are primarily not resource driven.  Once we get Python 2.6 into Debian and work on a new Python policy moving forward, then I think there will be more to do.16:58
ScottKkklimonda: I was more responding to his complaints about lack of development versions of libraries than Python specifically.16:59
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mathiazcjwatson: hi - I'm looking at the ubuntu-server package set in lucid17:31
mathiazcjwatson: libgtop2 is part of it - why?17:31
mathiazcjwatson: seems to be gnome related17:32
cjwatsonsomething depends or build-depends on it. check germinate output17:32
mathiazcjwatson: and what's the difference between the ubuntu.lucid and platform.lucid seeds?17:32
cjwatsonthe package sets are unlikely to be tightly closed in the way you expect17:32
cjwatsonplatform.lucid is stuff that's shared between flavours17:33
mathiazcjwatson: is the former only used for iso/image creation?17:33
cjwatsonerr - no?17:33
mathiazcjwatson: ok17:33
cjwatsonmathiaz: libapache2-mod-perl2 build-depends on libgtop2-dev17:36
mathiazcjwatson: how did you find that information?17:37
cjwatsonI grepped germinate output17:37
cjwatsoncjwatson@rookery:/home/ubuntu-archive/public_html/germinate-output/ubuntu.lucid$ grep ^libgtop2 *17:37
cjwatsonor you can run germinate yourself locally17:37
mathiazcjwatson: great - thanks!17:38
mathiazjdstrand: hi!17:44
mathiazjdstrand: where is the list of server supported files for hardy?17:45
superm1mathiaz, moving lilo to universe might have implications for installer, and it's rdepends list tons of kernel packages17:46
mathiazsuperm1: right - I think that point was mentioned during the UDS discussion - the notes are unclear - cjwatson may have said it was ok though.17:47
mathiazsuperm1: if you have other concerns for lilo don't hesitate to add it to the wiki page17:47
superm1mathiaz, i was gonna add those comments last night (if they weren't there), but couldnt get to the wiki page.  nothing else comes to mind though17:48
cjwatsonI'm unsure about lilo17:49
cjwatsonif we remove it from main, that will indeed basically take out that installer component as well, which is currently an option17:49
cjwatsonthat may be OK, we just need to be aware it's a pretty firm commitment!17:49
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jdstrandmathiaz: hi! it has not been generated yet18:04
jdstrandmathiaz: ie we have this http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/dapper-lts-server-supported.txt, but not one for hardy yet18:06
mathiazjdstrand: ok - has the list been generated by hand?18:06
jdstrandmathiaz: I think it is mostly automated. see seed-report in UCT18:11
mathiazjdstrand: ok - thanks.18:11
kirklandmvo_: howdy, around?18:12
kirklandmvo_: i'm having a few issues merging/building eucalyptus for Lucid, looks like problems with librampart18:12
kirklandmvo_: i noticed that you're the maintainer ;-)18:12
kirklandmvo_: hmm, well, you're listed as the maintainer, but have no changelog entries; perhaps I'm mistaken :-)18:14
keesmathiaz: the dapper supported list was reviewed by hand, yes.  it required a lot of seed splitting18:16
keesmathiaz: hardy will likely require the same attention.18:16
kees(as will lucid, etc)18:16
mvo_kirkland: I helped soren with rampart, but he took over then18:28
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kirklandmvo_: okay, thanks!18:32
kirklandmvo_: i'm having a build issue with eucalyptus that I *think* I can solve with a symbol|shlib file in rampart18:33
kirklandmvo_: i was looking for someone to confirm this with18:33
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maxbjames_w: Could I get an UDD nudge for missing import subversion 1.6.6dfsg-2 ?18:52
Laneymaxb: file bugs: lp/udd18:55
james_whi maxb.19:07
james_wsorry for the delay, done now19:07
maxbThanks. Is there anything I can do to assist in figuring out why it happens?19:07
maxbAnd for that matter, is the importer code open-source?19:09
jonodidrocks, are you planning on making a panel applet Quickly template?19:09
slangasekkirkland: what exactly is the build issue?19:09
kirklandslangasek: http://paste.ubuntu.com/332545/19:10
kirklandslangasek: any help would be *much* appreciated19:10
kirklandslangasek: I've spent my entire day so far on this19:10
slangasekinteresting error; one sec19:10
james_wmaxb: most of the logic is in bzr-builddeb, the stuff that polls LP is a couple of hacky scripts19:11
didrocksjono: not sure, as the panel will be deprecated in GNOME3, I'm waiting for the replacement model19:11
kirklandslangasek: thanks for looking; standing by ....19:11
slangasekkirkland: the issue is that the library is installed in /usr/lib/axis2/lib instead of /usr/lib; this a) is probably an FHS violation, b) requires passing a -l option to dh_shlibdeps if you *really* want to do this (and assuming the rpath is correctly set) - but I suggest fixing a) instead19:12
slangasekall shared libraries in Ubuntu are supposed to be installed to /usr/lib, and that appears to apply here19:13
jonodidrocks, the panel is in a state of flux, but indicators are not going away though19:13
kirklandslangasek: cool, thanks19:13
kirklandsoren: any idea why you chose to install rampart to /usr/lib/axis2/lib ?19:14
slangasekkirkland: oh, the dpkg error even tells you that the binary has no rpath set - so yeah, as built this would never work anyway19:14
didrocksjono: I'll log a bug to remind me to take a look at that. But gedit plugin is on a higher priority for 0.4 (next January) :)19:15
slangasek(setting rpath might fix the shlibdeps problem; moving the library to /usr/lib is still preferred)19:15
jonodidrocks, np :)19:15
jonowas just curious :)19:15
* didrocks logs a bug as a reminder :)19:16
kirklandslangasek: okay, i'll fix up rampart, and pass the debdiff by you for verification19:16
kirklandslangasek: i haven't done too much library work19:16
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slangasekkirkland: the key bit is probably just setting --prefix=/usr instead of --prefix=/usr/lib/axis2 in debian/rules; there's probably some other cleanup to do of various extra symlinks, though19:18
kirklandslangasek: okay, i'm looking into that now19:18
slangaseklrwxrwxrwx root/root         0 2009-10-12 10:57 ./usr/lib/axis2/include/axis2-1.6.0/rampart_token_processor.h -> ../../../../include/rampart-1.3.0/rampart_token_processor.h:  do not want19:18
kirklandslangasek: i was wondering if a set of symlinks in /usr/lib/ might suffice?19:18
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slangasekoh damn; we really need that link farm, because the include option we use is -I/usr/lib/axis2/include/axis2-1.6.019:19
kirklandslangasek:         cd debian/$(cdbs_curpkg)/usr/lib ; for x in axis2/lib/*.so*; do ln -s $$x; done19:19
kirklandslangasek: something like that19:19
slangasekthe /usr/include/axis2-1.6.0 looks redundant then, however19:20
slangasekkirkland: mumble; that part needs fixed up to make sure we really get our links in /usr/lib19:20
slangasekoh, that's what you're doing, so... right19:21
slangasekwell, no19:21
slangasekthe current linkage is only because of the modules/ subdir19:21
slangasekif you set the prefix right, the main lib should land in /usr/lib automatically, and the modules fixup just needs adjusted to not include axis2/lib in the path19:21
slangasekoh, that will install to /usr/modules, hah19:22
slangasekyeah, so s/ln/mv/ :P19:22
kirklandslangasek: fun19:22
slangasekkirkland: --prefix=/usr/lib/axis2 --libdir=/usr/lib, I think19:23
slangasek(and shame on upstream for this build system)19:24
* kirkland tries19:24
kirklandslangasek: um ... are you sure about that?19:24
kirklandslangasek: should it be: --prefix=/usr/lib --libdir=/usr/lib ?19:25
kirklandoh, hmm19:25
slangasekno, I'm sure it's not that :)19:25
kirklandslangasek: i see now19:25
kirklandslangasek: yeah, my bad19:25
kirklandslangasek: okay, building/testing19:26
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slangasekkirkland: doesn't work, because the upstream build doesn't use --libdir as God intended19:30
kirklandslangasek: my build agrees with you19:30
kirklandslangasek: arg... and this package does not debuild repeatedly cleanlyh19:30
kirklandwhat a mess19:30
slangasekkirkland: well, quick-and-dirty will be to just move the files around in the debian/rules target19:32
slangaseklibrampart.so* to /usr/lib; libmod_rampart.so* symlinked to /usr/lib from the axis2 dir (because there's a modules.xml used by axis2 which I guess needs to be in the same directory as the files)19:32
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kirklandslangasek: why mv and not ln ?19:33
slangasekbecause there's no reason for librampart to be in a subdir of /usr/lib at all19:34
deryckjcastro, ping19:34
slangasekthe only reason to leave libmod_rampart in a subdir is the modules.xml that references it19:34
slangasekmodule.xml, rather19:35
kirklandslangasek: gotcha19:35
kirklandslangasek: okay, well i had build an ln'd one in the meantime; i've built/installed that; testing the eucalyptus build now19:35
kirklandslangasek: if that works, i'll go back in and mv those .so's around19:35
jcastroderyck: pong19:36
mathiazcjwatson: in the germinate output, what's the difference between all and all+extra?19:37
slangasekinteresting that the utility lib provides no .so link at all19:38
kirklandslangasek: \o/  it built!!!19:39
kirklandslangasek: that's the first time this build has completed for me in ~1 week!!!19:39
jcastroslangasek: I think I just ran into the japanese symbol for death.19:39
* kirkland hugs slangasek 19:39
jcastroslangasek: fscking it now19:39
slangasekjcastro: heh19:39
slangasekkirkland: eep19:40
kirklandslangasek: http://paste.ubuntu.com/332560/19:40
kirklandslangasek: that was my quick/dirty fix19:40
slangasekkirkland: minor buglet I just noticed, btw: linking to -lmod_rampart is actually the wrong thing to do, we should be linking against librampart.so instead... :)19:40
kirklandslangasek: now i'll try to clean it up a bit19:40
slangasekthe symbols it uses are provided by the utility lib - the only reason this links against -lmod_rampart is that this is the only .so available (!)19:40
slangasekso if rampart were fixed to provide librampart.so, and eucalyptus were then fixed to use -lrampart, all the libmod_rampart symlinking could be tossed19:41
kirklandslangasek: hrm, okay ...  there seems to be too many options on the table for me right now19:42
slangasekkirkland: understood - don't let me get in the way of your progress19:42
kirklandslangasek: i am going to have to modify both rampart and eucalyptus at this point19:42
kirklandslangasek: if you have a preferred methodology, let me know which it is ;-)19:43
kirklandslangasek: but i want something that can get my eucalyptus build going today-ish19:43
james_wmaxb: failure information is now available at http://package-import.ubuntu.com/failures/.bzr/failures/19:43
james_wmaxb: I had to work out how to bypass loggerhead so that I could make it public19:43
james_wsorry for not doing that early19:43
slangasekkirkland: well, the right thing to do here really is to have librampart-dev provide /usr/lib/librampart.so, *not* libmod_rampart.so, and have eucalyptus link to -lrampart19:43
slangasekkirkland: but that doesn't need to be addressed right now19:43
james_wI'm going to file an RT now to take down loggerhead as we don't need it and to just serve the logs directly19:44
kirklandslangasek: okay19:44
slangasekkirkland: doing it the way it's done now does incur some overhead because eucalyptus never uses anything that's in mod_rampart itself... but I suppose the overhead is negligible, all things considered ;)19:45
sorenkirkland: Yes.19:46
sorenkirkland: Give me a second, it's going to take me a bit to phrase this tactfully.19:47
kirklandslangasek: gotcha19:47
sorenkirkland: Axis2/C and Rampart/C are both rather new to the notion of being installed in a manner roughly corresponding to the FHS. Some might even say that they're not quite there yet.19:48
sorenkirkland: I may or may not be one of the people of that opinion.19:48
slangaseksoren: right, we covered that in the interim19:48
slangasek11:31 < slangasek> prglibdir=$(prefix)/lib19:48
slangasek11:31 < slangasek> DIE19:48
sorenWell :)19:49
sorenRight, and the point is that none of the projects that use axis2 have the faintest clue where to find things if we put them were people who are used to dealing with sensible libraries expect to find things.19:50
sorenNamely with libraries in /usr/lib or /usr/lib/axis2 and headers in /usr/include/axis2 or whatnot..19:50
kirklandslangasek: I *think* this covers your first suggestions -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/332570/19:50
kirklandslangasek: http://paste.ubuntu.com/332571/19:51
sorenSo in order to adhere as much as possible to the FHS while doing as little work as possible and not confusing the heck out of every project depending on them, I opted for the slightly odd ball directory layout, sprinkled with a metric ton of symlinks.19:51
sorenThe end result is a train wreck, but the starting point was a natural disaster.19:52
kirklandslangasek: hmm, based on what soren is saying now, i'm wondering if ln might be preferred over mv19:52
maxbjames_w: How do you configure loggerhead to do that? (Hierarchical display of a big directory tree of branches)  I tried to make it do that for me, and failed!19:56
slangasekkirkland: since nothing else depends on librampart.so (because it can't), mv won't hurt any other projects, and will be beneficial in the long run19:56
kirklandslangasek: ack; done19:57
kirklandslangasek: i'll be uploading shortly ;-)19:57
kirklandslangasek: anything else lowhanging with this mess that I should clean up while I'm in here?19:57
james_wmaxb: loggerhead has a serve-branches script that I think does it19:57
slangasekkirkland: hmm, /usr/lib/libmod_rampart.so.0 -> axis2/lib/libmod_rampart.so.0 - not axis2/modules/rampart/libmod_rampart.so.0?19:58
maxbjames_w: And should I be concerned that there isn't a 'subversion' failures file?19:58
james_wmaxb: well, subversion has caught up now, so normally that would be correct19:58
slangasekAFAIK, axis2/lib/libmod_rampart.so.0 was itself created by the debian/rules, and we can get rid of that indirection19:58
james_wmaxb: it does mean that I'm not sure why the upload was missed19:58
kirklandslangasek: true19:59
james_wmaxb: I don't suppose LP backdates the publishing record creation date to the time of the Debian upload when it is imported?19:59
maxbThat sounds entirely plausible20:00
james_wthat would certainly explain it20:00
slangasekkirkland: here's what I would do: http://paste.ubuntu.com/332577/20:00
maxbInteresting that there's a zero-length failures file for python-defaults, but no branches in launchpad for it20:01
kirklandslangasek: hmm, why the for loop over a single file?20:02
sorenkirkland, slangasek: The current state of things is the result of a long, long night of trial-and-error. If you guys can get it to be sensible and still have stuff build *and* run against it, more power to you :)20:02
slangasekkirkland: ask soren, that's just me editing what was already there :)20:02
james_wmaxb: the zero length files are holders20:02
sorenslangasek: Sorry, what?20:03
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slangaseksoren: the "for x in librampart.so" at http://paste.ubuntu.com/332577/20:03
james_wmaxb: when codehosting ran out of space I was asked to pause the imports, and haven't asked it to try all those yet20:03
maxbah, ok.20:03
james_wmaxb: most of those are ones that we may want to use older branches for, but I think the best way to deal with it might be to import them all, and then overwrite the ones that we wish to do that for20:04
sorenslangasek: Err.. Good question. I think perhaps in an earlier version, it iterated over more than just the one file, and when I removed the other(s), I didn't notice there was just the one left, and just left the loop there.20:04
sorenslangasek: That's my best guess. I have no actual recollection.20:04
sorenOf anything. Ever.20:05
slangaseksoren: fair 'nuff, doesn't really matter :)20:05
slangasekI have now looked at this package name long enough that it has decomposed in my brain into "the library containing parts of rams"20:06
kirklandslangasek: many thanks for your help20:07
kirklandslangasek: i had not made much progress until our conversation20:07
cjwatsonmathiaz: extra is "stuff that came from the same source package as something that's seeded, but isn't seeded itself"20:32
mathiazcjwatson: could all be considered a good list of all packages in main, with the (multiple) reasons why they're in main?20:38
pittiKeybuk: I uploaded your udev today, and CK; works fine20:48
Keybukpitti: I saw, great :D20:49
pittihah! DeviceKit-disks is obsolete!20:50
ebroder...that didn't take long20:50
Keybukthere were more input_id changes in GIT head since I last pulled, do you want those uploaded too? :020:50
cjwatsonmathiaz: I'm afraid not20:50
pittiKeybuk: would be nice, yes20:50
Keybukpitti: oh, that reminds me, I noticed last night that you removed the "and started hal" from gdm.conf ... that was a bad idea :p20:50
cjwatsonmathiaz: "all" is all the packages seeded *in the flavour of Ubuntu you're looking at*20:50
slangasekpitti: huh, obsoleted by what?20:51
pittiKeybuk: eww, oops; I better put that back for now20:51
cjwatsonmathiaz: but main = Ubuntu + Kubuntu + Edubuntu + Xubuntu + ...20:51
mathiazcjwatson: right.20:51
Keybukpitti: X seems to spin if it doesn't have it though :)20:51
Keybukpitti: so don't worry about putting it back20:51
pittislangasek: just renamed; but I was curious how people would jump at it :)20:51
cjwatson(actually not all the specific examples I listed but you get the idea)20:51
KeybukI was just surprised :D20:51
slangasekpitti: heh20:51
mathiazcjwatson: that would be enough though - I'm trying to get a list of package in main "related" to the server team20:51
Keybukslangasek: iz now udisks20:51
pittislangasek: since DeviceKit is no more, it's now renamed to "udisks"20:51
slangasekbuh?  DeviceKit is no more?20:52
slangasekcrack fiends, the lot of them20:52
KeybukDeviceKit was stillborn20:52
pittislangasek: it only existed for a couple of weeks20:52
cjwatsonmathiaz: it's actually Ubuntu + Kubuntu + Edubuntu + UNR, right now20:52
ebroderSo it's all udev now?20:52
KeybukI think the first release was the week before LF Collaboration Summit last year20:52
slangasekthe crucial couple of weeks that led us to shipping it in 9.10? :)20:52
Keybukand at LF Collaboration Summit we had that udev security bug where you could send messages over netlink to it20:52
Keybukand we went "ooh, didn't know you could *do* that"20:53
Keybukfixed the security bug20:53
Keybukthen actually extended udev to *use* that functionality20:53
Keybukthen we didn't need the DeviceKit daemon anymore20:53
cjwatsonmathiaz: sure, that's enough. Bear in mind that it only gives you the first reason though. If you want everything, look in rdepends/ in the output of a full germinate run20:53
slangasekso devicekit-power is also gone?20:53
Keybukslangasek: we didn't ship DeviceKit in 9.10 I don't think20:53
mathiazcjwatson: oh - cool.20:53
Keybukmaybe 9.04 briefly20:53
cjwatsonslangasek: we shipped DeviceKit-* in 9.10, but not DeviceKit itself20:53
Keybukslangasek: devicekit-power will be upower I think20:53
slangasekoh, you mean the daemon specifically, ok20:53
Keybukthe design is quite nice now20:54
superm1seriously devicekit is no more?20:54
Keybukthe kernel deals directly with hardware, and sends update events via uevents to udev20:54
Keybukudev does basic processing of them and maintains a db of extra information20:54
Keybukand sends further update events out back over netlink to things like udisks, upower, PulseAudio, NetworkManager, Upstart, etc.20:55
* ajmitch can't keep up with all these moving pieces20:56
slangasekthings are converging on an architecture20:57
slangasekpreviously, they weren't20:57
slangasekthis is an improvement :)20:57
sebnerslangasek: hi! Can you tell me the percentage of  main <-> universe packages? My grades at university are thanking ;D20:57
superm1but this also means an app that needs to work on say 3 releases needs to know how to talk over dbus to udisks, and then if they want karmic support devicekit-disks, and if they want jaunty support HAL20:58
superm1 /shrug20:58
Keybuksuperm1: so don't do that then :)20:58
Keybukwrite your app to support lucid20:58
Keybukwhich is an LTS20:58
slangaseksebner: zgrep -c ^Package: /var/lib/apt/lists/*lucid_*Packages ?20:58
sebnerslangasek: not on ubuntu right now :(20:59
sebnerhi pochu :)20:59
slangaseksebner: 6707 binary packages in main (on amd64), 22277 in universe20:59
pochusebner: yo :)21:00
ionkeybuk: Re: <http://people.canonical.com/~scott/daily-bootcharts/>, it could be neat to have a system that upgrades the system in small parts (e.g. dividing the upgrade at the points where apt would do separate dpkg invocations) and measures a new entry for that list after each part, pointing out which packages were upgraded. So, instead of daily bootcharts, we’d have a bootchart roughly for each upgradable upload.21:00
Keybukion: whuh?21:00
Keybukhow would that help anything?21:00
slangasekhe wants 'bootchart blame' :)21:00
sebnerslangasek: cool thanks!21:00
kirklandslangasek: wow, 1/4 are in main ...  i had no idea that percentage was so high21:00
slangasekkirkland: I blame UEC ;)21:01
* kirkland ducks, covers21:01
Keybukit's generally pretty obvious what's to blame for any major change21:01
kirklandslangasek: i suppose i did serve that one up to you, underhand21:01
kirklandIs there anyone around with buildd super powers might be able to increase the priority of https://edge.launchpad.net/~kirkland/+archive/ppa/+build/1374891 ?21:20
pittikirkland: nudged21:24
kirklandpitti: thanks martin!21:24
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dipponaught[awayim trying to create a debdiff of the linux-image-2.6.32-6-generic sources (directions from wiki://PackagingGuide/Recipes/Debdiff) but debuild -S overwrites the original stuff. how do i increment my version from linux_2.6.32-6.8 to linux_2.6.32-6.9?21:54
Keybukdch -i21:55
Keybukthough it's harder with the kernel stuff ;)21:55
Keybukthink you have to edit debian.master/changelog instead21:55
Keybukand if you increment the version, you'll run into the ABI CHECKER OF DOOM21:55
dipponaught[awayyeah i did the dch -i but no avail... whats that?21:56
KeybukI suggest reading through the kernel packaging knowledge base21:57
dipponaught[awayand on the same note is there a debian/ubuntu prefered way of enabling the boot menu? (beside editing grub.conf or whatver)21:57
dipponaught[awayok will do21:57
dipponaught[awayugh. i assume ur referring to the wiki page of the kernelteam?21:58
dipponaught[awayugh. tmi.22:00
dipponaught[awaythe wiki isnt really helping. no mention of debuild anywhere. the closest I can find is "submit patches to Linus"...22:06
dipponaught[awayIim pouring over FAQ right now)22:06
dipponaught[awayok, so does changing the debian/changelog change the version thats built?22:10
dipponaught[awayheh, Bug #444683 : Document need for "-c debian.master/changelog" arguments to dch -i.22:12
dipponaught[awayKeybuk: thanks22:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 444683 in linux "Document need for "-c debian.master/changelog" arguments to dch -i." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44468322:12
kirklandcjwatson: hrm, ubuntu-server dailies seem to be missing22:30
jdstrandsoren: I'm close to having the libvirt merge done22:31
jdstrandsoren: fyi-- with a small change to the 9007* patch, I am able to get the test suite to work as well22:31
sorenjdstrand: On the buildd's?22:32
sorenjdstrand: The eventtest unit test only fails on the buildd's.22:32
sorenOnly on systems with a kernel with a HZ=100 setting.22:32
jdstrandsoren: I was just looking at that-- I didn't fix it22:34
jdstrandsoren: I had a different failure cause daemon-conf dies if the unix socket is in too deep of a directory22:34
sorenjdstrand: Yeah, don't worry about it.22:34
sorenjdstrand: Oh.22:34
sorenjdstrand: Sounds like fun.22:34
jdstrandsoren: well, I worked around it in the test22:35
sorenjdstrand: I'll take a stab at the eventtest thing tomorrow.22:35
jdstrandsoren: I report the failure, but don't 'fail=1'22:35
jdstrandsoren: I need to test the merge, which I hope to do today/first thing tomorrow22:35
jdstrandsoren: you'll see it wasn't the most straightforward merge when you see the changelog ;)22:36
cjwatsonkirkland: have you checked the logs?22:36
jdstrandsoren: it took a bit of time22:36
kirklandcjwatson: nope ...22:36
* kirkland does that now22:36
kirklandcjwatson: thanks22:36
cjwatsonMissing debootstrap-required nih-dbus-tool22:37
cjwatsonMissing debootstrap-required ureadahead22:37
cjwatsonwhich amounts to "priority: required and the seeds aren't in sync, pls fix"22:37
cjwatsontwo possible fixes depending on desired state22:38
pittimeh, who broke ubuntu-dev-tools -- NameError: name 'EDGE_SERVICE_ROOT' is not defined22:41
cjwatsonkirkland: I'll look tomorrow if it's still breaking; too late for me now22:42
kirklandcjwatson: sure thing, no worries22:42
kirklandcjwatson: it's not urgent for me22:43
kirklandcjwatson: just making sure someone was aware22:43
* soren calls it a day22:44
* Daviey tends to be more accurate and call it a "Tuesday"22:46
jdstrandsoren: fyi-- I'm going to add a patch to disable eventtest for now22:52
jdstrandsoren: that will get it building and into the archive while you work on the proper fix22:52
jdstrandsoren: I'll ping you when I upload the merge22:52
jdstrandsoren: it's looking more like first thing tomorrow for me...22:53
tjaaltonlifeless: you created la_AU, but upstream refused to include it. now our libx11 has some sort of support for it, and it's never going upstream (or debian). Shouldn't the patch be dropped from libx11 for lucid?22:57
tjaalton(upstream glibc refused it..)22:58
lifelesstjaalton: upstream are bigoted :)22:58
lifelesswe carry other patches they reject22:58
tjaaltonbut our glibc doesn't have that either?22:58
* slangasek creates a separate la_US translation team to put all the 'z's back where they belong and take out the extra 'u's23:00
tjaaltonat least the changelog doesn't mention it23:01
lifelesstjaalton: try the locale, it works :)23:01
lifelessthough the x11 support has glitched, I need to fix it.23:01
tjaaltonso we are going to carry it forever?23:01
lifelessthat was my understanding when pitti landed it. Its not the first such thing.23:02
tjaaltonwell it's one of the (very) few X libs that can't be synced as of now23:02
lifelessyou could push it to debian, if thats what you mean.23:02
tjaaltonthey won't accept it23:03
tjaaltonwe discussed it briefly23:03
lifelessI'm on a call at the moment, I can't give you proper attention now, sorry.23:03
tjaaltonok, np23:04
tjaaltonI should be in bed anyway..23:04
slangasekKeybuk: seen that pybootchartgui and bootchart aren't co-installable?  (pybootchartgui Provides: bootchart-java, bootchart Breaks: bootchart-java23:05
garrythefisha bunch of lesbos banned me from #ubuntu-women. can't believe it23:05
slangasekgarrythefish: I suggest you apologize for the preceding remark if you don't want to find yourself banned from here as well23:06
garrythefisheeh, what now?23:06
slangasekif you think it's appropriate to denigrate members of the Ubuntu community as "a bunch of lesbos", I have an inkling of why they would have banned you23:07
ionslangasek: It’s just a troll. Let’s not indulge it. :-)23:08
garrythefishyour mother is a troll23:08
slangasek!ops garrythefish23:09
slangasekbot fail23:10
garrythefishwhat's that? a type of garlic?23:10
slangasek!ops | garrythefish23:11
ubottugarrythefish: Help! Channel emergency! mneptok, Hobbsee, cjwatson, mdz, lamont, Keybuk, or thom!23:11
garrythefishion: your mom screwed your dad to death before your birth23:11
garrythefishhmm, i can confirm they are lesbos. want evidence?23:12
=== robbiew_ is now known as robbiew-afk
kklimondait looks like the number of ops have decreased lately?23:15
garrythefishnope, its just a drinking holiday :P23:16
slangasekion: labelling everyone who behaves poorly on IRC a troll is necessarily polarizing; I think it's far preferable to express expectations clearly on the off chance that the offender is capable of modes other than "antisocial idiot"23:16
slangasekgarrythefish: no, because the sexual orientation of anyone who banned you is irrelevant to this discussion, and whether or not you happen to be correct, it's inappropriate for you to make it a point of discussion23:17
garrythefishis it?23:17
garrythefishif you show me that rule in written form, i'll be convinced23:18
garrythefishmaybe its one of the reasons they behave like that23:19
Piciwas afk, sorry23:20
pittithanks Pici23:20
sbeattiePici: thanks23:20
porthosePici, ty :)23:21
chrisccoulsonwell, he was a pleasant character :-/23:21
kirklandso what's the secret in karmic to drop to the grub2 menu?  i thought it was holding ESC ....23:24
kirklandslangasek: thanks23:25
* mneptok returns clad in the golden raiment in which he was born23:37
mneptokugh. trollfest.23:37
ajmitchmneptok: yes, you missed it, though there wasn't really anything funny about it23:39
chrisccoulsonand he's been visiting all the other channels now, leaving similarly vulgar comments23:40
mneptokajmitch: i guess it's "funny" in the same way tumors are "funny"23:40
ajmitchpretty much23:40
Keybukslangasek: already fixed that23:51
slangasekKeybuk: ah, stuck on the buildd, ok23:53

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