[03:16] im just wondering, why are all the floodbots in #ubuntu now? [03:28] they always were... [03:29] oh [03:29] then they're fighting... [03:29] :p [03:29] Why is there more than one? [03:36] pilif12p, in case of netsplits [03:36] ah [03:37] i see [03:37] one for each server? [03:37] not quite [03:37] there'd be like 15 floodbots if that were the case [03:37] (there's not) [03:38] oh [03:38] mozilla only has 2 server... but i guess freenode is about 5x bigger then moznet [03:49] um... and then some. [03:50] heh [03:51] 49971 users on when i joined [03:51] (here) [03:51] 1302 (There) [14:39] hi, could somebody please set up my cloak as ubuntu/member? my LP profile is here: https://edge.launchpad.net/~mathieu-tl [14:50] cyphermox: Sure thing [14:51] cyphermox: Is ubuntu/member/pdpc.supporter.active.cyphermox okay? [14:51] Thats usually how we setup dual cloaks [15:08] Pici, yes, it is [15:22] * m4v is lightly annoyed how some spanish LoCo channels are even less moderated than u-es [15:31] cyphermox: sorry for the long wait, I'm doing a few things at once, it shouldnt be much longer. [15:32] Pici, no worries, I'm quite busy here too :) [15:57] cyphermox: You're all set. Congrats [15:58] thanks [17:55] Hi, Just had an email come through on the Ubuntu IRC mailing list headed Kindly Enroll sent from bhagat.taran@***.com Does anybody know what its for, there's no message, just the title [17:58] DJones: I dont think its anything to worry about. [17:59] the same guy who asks people to fill in a birthday list? [18:00] Theres nothing in the message... weird. [18:00] I thought it looked like spam to be honest [18:01] Organization: dimondmines - weird. [18:02] Presumably I'm not the only person receiving it, if its gone to the list, i guess every subscriber has had it [18:04] DJones: it didn't drop into mailman's spam queue so we didn't get a chance to catch it before it hit the real list [18:06] Pici: Sounds a reasonable explanation, I'll treat it with the respect it deserves and press delete [18:07] DJones: Thats what I did [18:08] Thanks for checking anyway [18:15] *sighs* [18:17] d-coy doesn't want to stop highlighting/insulting me in several ubuntu channels, does any op want to talk with him? [18:20] m4v: you best ask the ops of those channels (I'm not sure which channels you're talking about) [18:21] or at least tell us which channels [18:21] eh, then it would be just #kubuntu, the other channels are LoCo and doesn't have much op presence [18:22] he's taking revenge over a ban I gave him in #ubuntu-es-offtopic [18:22] "revenge" [18:23] is #kubuntu managed bij the Ubuntu IRC team? [18:24] apparently it is [18:24] I guess i should go to #ubuntu-ops, I thought I wasn't needed [18:24] it* [18:24] m4v: you can try #ubuntu-ops for #kubuntu [18:26] well, I guess this channel might be okay too [18:26] yeah, but I'll only get him stop in #kubuntu, where he justs highlights me, in #ubuntu-mx he's a lot more rude [18:27] for #ubuntu-mx ask the -mx ops [18:27] #kubuntu-ops actually forwards to #ubuntu-ops [18:28] JanC: I know that. there's none at the moment [18:28] just a bot [18:28] might be useful if they got more ops then ;) [18:30] although, I'm the only op in #ubuntu-be currently, so I shouldn't tell any other locoteam that ;) [18:30] well, me & freenode staff in case of emergency [18:48] JanC: ok, problem solved at least in #kubuntu, thanks for your concern [18:49] now I should hunt down fetova for #u-mx [18:56] m4v: there are several other peopel with operator rights on the -mx channel [18:56] you can use the following command to get a list: /msg chanserv access #ubuntu-mx list [18:58] JanC: thanks, but usually I don't see the other ops, and I know fetova better. [18:59] of course if I see one I will contact [19:00] seems like "maggit", "leonel" & "MaoP" are registered as the main ops; if they are never on-line, then ubuntu-mx might want to change that to somebody who's on-line more often... [19:01] but whatever [19:01] not my business I suppose ;) [20:34] looks like i need a new cloak. Pici? [20:39] topyli: sure! [20:42] Pici, what do i do? reconnect? [20:43] * topyli needs to find his irssi [20:43] * erUSUL hands topyli a copy of his irssi. it is free software after all [20:43] topyli: You won't need to do anything... but there needs to be a freenode staffer around first so that they can process my request. [20:45] topyli: wooo [20:45] i like the "won't need to do anything" part [20:45] ohhh. thanks [20:48] topyli: congrats again, you deserve it [20:49] thanks for your support, very valuable [21:06] hm, wouldn't it be good to check the #ubuntu* channels for chanserv access list sanity? [22:51] JanC: that's one of the objectives we discussed at UDS: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Roadmaps/Lucid/IRCCouncil [22:52] tsimpson: I was also thinking about channels not managed by the IRC team [22:53] currently, some channels have 1 or 2 out of 10 people listed who are around sometimes [22:53] JanC: LoCo channels control their own access lists, for all other channels it's IRC Council [22:54] well, that's not true [22:54] though the effort will be on "core" channels [22:54] JanC: what's not true about it? [22:54] most "core" channels have their own access list currently [22:54] currently, yes. but soon we'll use LP teams [22:54] if you include core developer channels [22:55] ah, okay [22:55] "currently" is what I was looking at ;) [22:55] all core operators will be given access to all core channels, with capability for channel-specific ops too [22:55] it get's a little complicated there ;) [22:56] but we plan on getting the bot (ubottu) to manage the access lists, pulled directly from LP teams [22:56] well, it's easy enough to add the freenode staff & irc council people to ops currently [22:56] or ubuntu members (cloaked) [22:57] but not all ubuntu members should be ubuntu operators :) [22:57] but that's not always exactly what most people want [22:57] yeah, right [22:58] we'll be making a team for core operators, ones who should be ops in all core channels. there'll also be teams for specific channels, which the core team will also be a part of [22:58] there are a lot of ubuntu members I respect for their skills, but being an op is not always their strength ;) [22:58] so the bot will simply pull all all members (and sub-members) of a channels team, and update the access list from there [22:58] well, "simply" isn't quite true atm [22:59] but eventually, that's the goal [22:59] I'll keep an eye on it ;) [23:48] garrythefish (n=fisher@unaffiliated/garrythefish) has been spamming several channels with anti-female messages [23:49] JanC: Reported to staff. [23:50] tomaw: ^^ [23:50] jpds: I removed him [23:50] jpds: yeah, I know you saw already in -server [23:50] tomaw: Woohoo. [23:52] thanks tomaw [23:52] np