
bjfdtchen, I've only seen one (just received about 30 minutes ago) , have there been more?00:00
dtchenbjf: prior to UDS, I think00:01
bjfdtchen, will seach my email box, feel free to CC me on anything you feel relevant00:01
dtchenbjf: thanks00:02
* bjf will be back on later...00:02
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bjf-afkdtchen, just went through my email again, I have today's CC and "Reporting for duty!", were there others?01:14
dtchenbjf-afk: I think that's all01:15
dtchenalso, I wasn't able to follow the codec session during UDS-L, but snd-hda-intel does accept a codec "patch"01:16
dtchenparm:           patch:Patch file for Intel HD audio interface. (array of charp)01:19
dtchenso, between passing a patch via /lib/firmware{,/$(uname -r)} and hda-verb, hw enablement shouldn't be a blocker01:20
bjf-afkdtchen, sounds good, I'll go back and review those emails, between UDS and out all last week I don't remember much01:25
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bjf## Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting - Today @ 17:00 UTC - #ubuntu-meeting16:47
bjf##      agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Meeting16:47
bjf## Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting - in 5 minutes - #ubuntu-meeting17:55
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akheronis there a way to re-create mainline kernel builds?19:11
akheronI can't find source packages for them, so I don't know where to get debian/19:12
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=== BenC1 is now known as BenC
phferrelNoticed an IGMP v3 report issue on several machines running 9.04/avahi-daemon 0.6.23 and one machine running 9.10/avahi-daemon 0.6.25.  Affected PCs are transmitting two IGMP joins for the same group (  One packet is destined to the correct MAC/IP (0100.5e00.0016 / and the other is incorrect (0100.5e00.00fb /  Is there a bug open on this issue?21:20
Keybukapw: looks like your kernel works for me too21:31
Keybuk# readlink /sys/class/graphics/fb0/device/driver21:31
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apwKeybuk, cool.  i'll clean it up, and maybe make it optional, and get it into lucid22:01
apwKeybuk, i assume thats all you needed from the kernel to get your 'non-wait fbcon' boot speedup ?22:01
Keybukno, still need whatever it is that moblin are patching i915 to make that come up faster22:02
Keybukthe vga16fb stuff was for plymouth on non-kms22:02
apwKeybuk, yeah the speed stuff is separate22:03
apwi mean thats all you needed so you didn't need 'wait 5s and then assume there isn't one' mode for non-kms22:03
Keybukno, still need that22:04
apwtseliot and sconklin are looking at the performance patches, they seem good patches performance wise, crap attribution etc wise22:04
* apw tries again22:04
Keybukstill need to force a wait for a framebuffer in the initramfs22:04
Keybukbecause the next initramfs script starts plymouth22:04
apwbut this change is enough to mean you can always wait for one and it'll always appear?22:05
Keybukmeans the wait won't be that long22:05
Keybukwe know we'll always have a framebuffer22:05
apwgood stuff.  i am watching the other patches, there seem to be several seconds overall for the stack tseliot has ... just need intel to admit they are their patches22:06
uukevhi, Is the file "linux_2.6.31.orig.tar.gz" here: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/2.6.31-15.50 the source of my karmic kernel or are there any patchs applied to this?22:25
ukevHow can I find out if a kernel patch is in the ubuntu kernel?22:44
dtchenukev: the source is retrievable in a number of ways. If you have a corresponding deb-src line, apt-get source linux-image-$(uname -r). You could also dget https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/primary/+files/linux_2.6.31-15.50.dsc . Patches are applied; see the diff.gz for raw and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/UbuntuDelta/Karmic for an overview of the delta. Finally, the source is browseable at http://kernel.ub23:13

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