
=== asac_ is now known as asac
[reed]micahg: have you all not been getting complaints about mozilla bug 521495 ?04:56
ubottuMozilla bug 521495 in ImageLib "moz-icon:// protocol does not work with SVG icons" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=52149504:56
[reed]I would expect that to be a major issue04:56
micahg[reed]: just one AFAIK04:56
asacbug 4907912:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 49079 in tuxpaint "Tuxpaint prints garbage to postscript printer (Brother HL 2700 CN)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/4907912:07
asacbug 49079212:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 490792 in xulrunner-1.9.1 "ARM/Thumb interworking support missing from nanojit" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49079212:07
asacfta: was the asm fix committed?12:30
asacwasnt sure from the mails i got last night12:30
asacchromium that is12:30
asacbug 48835412:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 488354 in xulrunner-1.9.1 "NS_InvokeByIndex in xptcinvoke_arm.cpp is not Thumb-2 safe for Lucid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48835412:31
ftaasac: yes, should be in today's tarball18:50
ftai had to pull some strings, and they'll try to auto-generate that file at build time, but for now, the fix is back18:51
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[reed]asac: I assume you'll upstream those patches?19:22
asac[reed]: ?19:34
asacarm patches?19:34
asacfeel free to take them and forward etc.19:34
[reed]mozilla bug 530087 seems to have some stuff19:36
[reed]though, I'd recommend separate patches19:37
asacbug 53008719:37
asacmoz bug19:37
asacon a call19:37
asac[reed]: would be nice if someone would post _why_ things get backed out20:02
[reed]I agree20:02
[reed]in general, people do20:02
asacnow we dont know what the status is ;)20:02
asaclet me take a break and then see whats up with the arm bugs filed by dmart20:03
asacbacking out bug 530087 due to talos segfault on maemo20:07
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 530087 could not be found20:07
asacbug 53008720:10
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 530087 could not be found20:10
asacbug 48835420:11
asacbug 49079220:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 488354 in xulrunner-1.9.1 "NS_InvokeByIndex in xptcinvoke_arm.cpp is not Thumb-2 safe for Lucid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48835420:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 490792 in xulrunner-1.9.1 "ARM/Thumb interworking support missing from nanojit" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49079220:11
asac[reed]: first bug of those has a patch for thumb2 support ... second one probably suggests cherry picking the fix landed on 1.9.2 to 1.9.120:15
asacnot sure what about the bug you mentioned20:15
[reed]the patch for the bug I mentioned includes something similar to the thumb2 support patch20:15
[reed]if you look at the patch carefully20:16
asac[reed]: so yeah. maybe thats the reason for the crashes20:16
asactoo new instructions they should be guarded by __thumb__20:16
asaclike the one posted in the first bug20:16
asacfta: so positive about copying todays chromium to native PPA?20:30
asace.g. patch is in et al?20:30
ftaasac, let me check20:51
ftaasac,         .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits20:54
asacfta: do i need and depends etc. too?20:57
asacor just karmic/lucid is good enough to build it?20:57
ftaasac, er, what do you mean?21:02
asacfta: https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-security/+archive/nss3.12.3/+build/137487121:04
asacfta: i mean: do we need any build deps not in the archive?21:05
asacmaybe deting the other packages from the ppa would avoid that in futzure ;)21:05
asacpython- ... ia32-21:05
ftano, nothing21:07
bdrungasac: is there an reason for m-d to extract the xpi file into a special directory and copy it then to it's target directory?21:13
asacbdrung: best i can think of is that unzip behaves rogue if you just unzip it to an existing tree21:18
asaci remember there were issues21:18
asacbut cant tell what21:18
micahgasac: you saw firefox 3.5.6 build 1 was tagged, right?21:28
asaci thought build2 was approaching21:32
[reed]and possibly build321:35
micahgah, you guys have better intel than I do :), I just watch the tags21:36
asaci need to get this all-in-one-package-wonder thing going ;)21:42
asacactually i think i should just commit it.21:43
asacit worked reasonably well21:43
asaconly things missing was making it more adept on handling the "still use xulrunner and system libs" case21:43
micahgasac: is this for lucid or for everything?21:46
asacfirst lucid ... then the rest21:47
bdrungasac: do you know which packages were affected? i would like to merge both steps to one. adding some switches to unzip can resolve the problems.21:52
asacbdrung: i have no idea. if it works well, then go for it :)21:55
asacone point is that we usually have to clear all the upstream files first ... but that sounds unrelated21:55
bdrungasac: we can remove them later, too.21:58
bdrungasac: we use unzip -o (o for overwrite) to avoid interaction.22:00
bdrungthis was maybe the reason for trouble22:00
bdrungasac: do you know how to find executable files (and no, not by checking the exec bit)?22:02
asachmm i think we figured the -o22:02
asacgo ahead ;) ... if there are regressions we know where to find you22:02
bdrungyes ;)22:03
ftadtchen, is the p-a that makes flash a cpu pig?22:15
micahgasac: http://feeds.arstechnica.com/~r/arstechnica/index/~3/IMqEchfv4-U/commonjs-effort-sets-javascript-on-path-for-world-domination.ars22:38
asacyeah. they probably dont see the obvious: there is no js engine ;)22:44
asacat least none that can be supported ;)22:44
micahgI can't imagine the security nightmares if js becomes mainstream on the desktop22:53
dtchenfta: I don't understand your question23:06
ftadtchen, in ff and chromium, when i visit some sites with flash, my cpu gains ~25% to 50% and never goes down.23:10
ftadtchen, with chromium, it's easy to see it's the flash plugin, because it has its own process23:10
ftabut not everyone is seeing that, so it looks like my sdl issue23:11
dtchenif an app requests very low latency, PA is happy to grant that, and cpu usage will skyrocket23:17
dtchendoes chromium have a native pulse backend yet?23:20
ftahm, not sure23:21
ftaasac, http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=2911823:40
ftadtchen, alsa only23:55

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