
=== robbiew is now known as robbiew_
Ngdoes eucalyptus provide the EC2 meta-data service?00:10
smoserNg, yes00:49
smoserNg, eucalyptus does provide meta-data service, but only on 2 of the netwroking setups00:50
ruben23how to remove check package list n ubuntu server01:08
jmarsden|workruben23: Can you ask that a different way or be more specific?  What are you trying to achieve exactly?01:08
ruben23remove a package and check it list..of the package01:09
ruben23jmarsden|work: and verify if its unsinatlled already.01:10
jmarsden|workruben23: Ah, OK.  To remove it you can do    sudo apt-get remove PACKAGENAME01:10
jmarsden|workTo see if it is installed, try    dpkg -l PACKAGENAME     and if you see ii at the start of the output, it is installed.01:11
jmarsden|workruben23: If you want to remove it and purge all config info associated with it too, do   sudo apt-get purge PACKAGENAME    instead of remove.01:12
ruben23dpkg -| PACKAGENAME01:12
ruben23is that right..?01:12
jmarsden|workruben23: dpkg -l PACKAGENAME where l is the lower case letter L (say "ell")01:14
jmarsden|workruben23: Not a vertical bar | which is what you had.01:15
jmarsden|workruben23: I'd guess you need to use a better terminal font so you can see the difference :)01:15
ruben23 jmarsden|work: it not working..http://pastebin.com/m454defb201:18
jmarsden|workruben23: Please read what I wrote earlier.  dpkg -l where "l" is the lower case letter L  as in abcdefghijkl01:20
jmarsden|workYou are using a vertical bar which is incorrect.01:20
ruben23jmarsden|work: ok01:22
ruben23 jmarsden|work: how to revert back when i tried to upgrade a module then it went wrong for that versions, how do i roll back..to old version..?01:26
ruben23hi i have tried the apt-get upgrade and missed up one of my application, anyone can help how do i revert it..?01:30
ruben23hi anyone..?01:37
owh1Welcome to the Ubuntu Server personal help desk where we attempt to help you with your Ubuntu Server. Press 1 to continue.01:40
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:41
twbruben23: downgrading packages is not supported.01:41
twbruben23: in some cases, if you know what you're doing, it can be done, and usually isn't catastrophic (except for things like RDBMSs).01:42
twbOh, I see you're talking about "modules", so presumably this is related to apache or something, and I missed the start of the discussion.01:43
owh1Is there a particular problem you're trying to solve ruben23, or was there a whole discussion prior to me arriving here?01:43
ruben23twb:i have idea on this error------->http://pastebin.com/m11785a5d01:43
ruben23and this error also..--->http://pastebin.com/m6581c75a01:44
ruben23my whole system is down now hwihc used php and eaccelerator, what i ahve done earlier tried to do apt-get upgrade.01:44
twbruben23: did you install third-party PHP packages?01:44
ruben23twb: eaccelerator is install by tar file.01:45
twbruben23: I'm sorry, I will not help you with that.01:45
ruben23then i messed it up when i do the upgrade01:45
twbI suspect you need to get a new tar file for eAccelerator.01:46
owh1ruben23: Is it available as a Ubuntu package?01:46
twbowh1: not if the package has "accelerator" in its name.01:46
ruben23 owh1:ill do the package now but how do i remove the source install..?01:46
owh1ruben23: That depends entirely on how it was installed. This particular problem is why we keep telling people to use packages, rather than just install stuff from all over the place. My personal suggestion would be to find out what the installer from the original package did and determine if A) it has an uninstall, B) if there is an install log, C) if there is support from the author(s).01:48
owh1I realise this is probably time critical, but that's the best I can give you ruben23.01:49
owh1ruben23: One thought. What else was installed when you did the upgrade? Does any of it depend on this particular version of PHP? If not, you could uninstall the currently installed version of PHP, then install the previous version. Bear in mind that this won't actually fix anything - since it's an issue waiting to happen, but it's something you might investigate - note that if your install has lots of things that depend on PHP01:52
owh1ruben23: You could also install the PHP source, then compile eaccellerator yourself, but I doubt you'd get any help for that here.01:53
ruben23owh1:ok ill just recompile eaccelerator by package then trsy it again01:54
owh1ruben23: No need to compile PHP itself, all you're trying to do is get the eaccellorator binary.01:54
ruben23owh1: ive done it, it worked, now system is working and back to normal..thanks on the advice..02:07
owh1ruben23: Now document what you did, put it in the system administrator document file and use it next time - meanwhile go look for a packaged version :)02:07
ruben23owh1: ok, thanks02:08
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_csmithhi, i have a quick question about netboot03:14
_csmithcan i get it to install a base system with a server kernel, without all the x11/cups etc... junk?03:14
_csmithvia netboot - the servers don't have a cdrom03:14
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ScottKI haven't tried it myself, but I'm pretty sure you can.03:41
ScottK_csmith: Do they have USB ports?03:41
_csmithi think i found the trick03:41
ScottKIf they do, you can also use usb-creator to put the ISO on a USB stick03:41
_csmithif you type "cli" on the boot screen i think it may do a server install03:41
_csmithi thought it meant cli install process :\03:42
DoonzHey guys is it possible to mount a device to multiple folders?03:42
twbDoonz: you want the -o bind or -o rbind option to mount.03:43
_csmithnah, cli option installs all the shit, too03:46
ScottK_csmith: So take the server ISO and usb-creator and put the server ISO on a USB stick.03:46
ScottKusb-creator-kde if you like such things.03:46
billybigriggerDoonz, this is a little off topic, did you have a bro in the military?03:46
_csmithdoh, on a mac03:47
_csmithi have a 1gb flash drive around, will that do the trick?03:47
_csmithgot some docos on it?03:47
Doonztwb: thank you03:49
twbthe differences between the server and alternate installs are only the preseeds03:49
Doonzbillybigrigger: no03:49
twbYou should be able to extract those trivially by comparing the isolinux.cfgs on both isos03:49
twbFrom those, you can just type in the server CD's default preseed values at the alternate CD's boot: prompt,03:50
twb(From memory, the chief differences are the kernel flavour and the absence of language-pack-*)03:50
billybigriggerDoonz, i used to talk to a guy on irc with that nick, years ago, can't remember what channels though...where'd you get your name from? sorry for asking just that i could have sworn he was from edmonton03:51
_csmithexcellent tip, thanks twb i'll check it out03:51
twb_csmith: oh, I see you're netbooting -- that makes it even easier -- just copy the appropriate values into the pxelinux.cfg/default03:51
Doonzbillybigrigger: i was in the military03:51
twb_csmith: I think current server CDs also have a preseed FILE, which you can either copy into the pxelinux.cfg (see Debian Installation Guide's appendices) or supply via HTTP03:51
billybigriggeroh, did you ever send a message to some guy on irc telling him you were his brother and that you had died on a mission or something? :P03:52
_csmithwill take a look03:52
_csmithok found it03:54
ScottKbillybigrigger: I don't find that particularly funny.03:54
billybigriggerwell it wasn't meant to be funny, but it's true03:56
ScottKOK.  then I was confused by the :P03:56
maxagazhow to check the last install/upgrade on my system since a given date ?03:56
uvirtbotNew bug: #425386 in dovecot (main) "dovecot package missing dovecot-sieve LDA plugin" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42538603:56
billybigriggerbut sorry for the off-topic banter, just saw the nick Doonz and the host from edmonton, and it gave my memory a flashback03:57
Doonzbillybigrigger: no03:59
Doonzsorry maybe someone else?04:00
billybigriggerpossible i guess04:02
_csmithThanks heaps twb, i made myself a preseed file based on the ubuntu server one and modified the netboot menu config to load it via http04:16
_csmithseems to have done the deed04:17
twb_csmith: in the next release, you can supply the preseed file via TFTP.  Yaay!04:17
gnac_Are there any resources to help me migrate from one linux server (gentoo) to another (new ubuntu-server install)?  I know what I need to do to migrate apache, but postfix and mysql present additional challenges in data integrity.04:22
ScottKgnac_: For Postfix, with the exception of being chrooted by default, Ubuntu's Postfix works pretty exactly as upstream ships it, so to the extent Gentoo does the same, you should be able to reuse the same configs.04:24
toddtoddtoddi just deployed ami-1515f67c (Karmic 32 bit server), and try to login as ubuntu@ with the appropriate key, and keep getting:  Too many authentication failures for ubuntu -- any tips?04:26
gnac_ScottK: ty04:27
twbWhere does postfix chroot to?04:27
ScottKtwb: /var/spool/postfix/04:28
twbHm, so it doesn't create mboxes in /var/mail?04:29
twbOh, I guess only some of the postfix processes are chrooted04:29
mattgyverI configured RAID1 on my bios but am unclear if my install of Ubuntu 9.04 is configure properly, cant install grub 2 and see the device as /dev/mapper/pdc_bgfghjgbh2, does this sound right?05:22
twbmattgyver: you are using fakeraid.  Don't do that.05:25
mattgyvertwb, what do you suggest?05:25
twbmd RAID beats fakeraid05:25
mattgyver(sorry this is my first stint with this)05:25
jmarsdenmattgyver: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID05:32
mattgyverjmarsden, excellent i didnt see this but did see a different guide, thanks!05:33
jmarsdenYou're welcome.05:33
mattgyverjmarsden, I can use ext4 correct?  This guide is using ext305:35
jmarsdenmattgyver: Yes, you can use either one.  Most server admins are conservative about new filesystems though...05:36
jmarsdenAre you sure ext4's benefits for your application are worth the risk its newness inevitably brings?05:36
mattgyverWell, in my case this is really just an upgrade to an existing home server that i have setup, everythings running fine on ext4 on that box05:37
mattgyverI guess, at the same time its still kind of an experimental box so im okay with what it brings05:38
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owh1jmarsden: Thanks for the link to the bind9 documentation from yesterday. Reading it though only indicates that the behaviour of named-xfer is now included, but I've yet to find out how I can do a simple zone backup. Does this mean that I now need to become a bind9 expert to make a simple zone backup 8-)05:53
jmarsdenexpert?  Probably not.  Just set up a slave zone in your named.conf with the IP of an appropriate master server and it should pull the info in for you...05:54
owh1jmarsden: Doesn't that imply that I'm running a DNS of some sort, rather than a workstation where I'd like a backup of the zone data, or am I misunderstanding?05:55
jmarsdenowh1: Yes, but you can run a caching DNS server on a workstation just fine.  What is the value of a zone backup if you have no server to service it with anyway :)05:56
owh1I'm migrating the zone to different infrastructure, from a DNS server not under my control, to an ISP run DNS server where I have full web-control, just no access to the raw zone data. At the moment I have no way of determining if the previous DNS operator had some hosts or addresses defined that I know nothing about, which is why I wanted to do a zone level backup...05:59
owh1I'm wondering if I can do a full query using dig instead - one that gives back everything, that would suit the purpose too.06:00
jmarsdenAh, OK... I don't think dig will do that.06:00
owh1Yeah, I didn't think so either. Last time I recall trying with my own domain and not discovering the IP address of a defined host - knowing full well that it was there because I put it there :)06:01
jmarsdenIf you can control where the "old" DNS server will send full zone info to , you could use one of the free public secondary DNS servers to grab the zone info and then use its web interface to view it... but IMO yu'd do as well just to set up a little caching DNS server on your workstation and then make it a slave for the zone concerned.06:02
owh1I have absolutely no control over the "old" DNS server at all.06:03
owh1I have to do this for 20 odd domains :(06:03
jmarsdenSo how do you know it would permit you to use named-xfer to grab the zone, even if you had a named-xfer binary??06:04
owh1I don't. I also don't have such a binary to TIAS :)06:04
jmarsdenMost sane admins do not configure DNS servers to allow everyone to xfer the full zonefile these days.  if you want to tell me one of the domains I can TIAS for you :)06:05
uvirtbotNew bug: #490683 in net-snmp (main) "package libsnmp-base failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script killed by signal (Interrupt)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49068306:11
_rubenaww .. wiki.ubuntu.com down :(07:14
twb_ruben: FYI, I can confirm that here.07:26
jmarsdenI filed a bug on rt.ubuntu.com about it already.07:29
jmarsdenHmm, and it just came back.07:30
twbHeh, Ubuntu doesn't use LP for its internal BTS? ;-P07:31
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jmarsdentwb: I suspect it is too slow for real time sysadmin tickets like that.07:38
twbI wonder if anyone has actually deployed LP (now that it's AGPL'd) outside of lp.net07:38
jmarsdentwb: In private for testing, sure they have, I saw discussion about doing that in the couple of days following the open-sourcing of it.  In public for production use?  I don't know... perhaps not yet.07:40
twbIn production, but not necessarily publicly accessible07:40
twbe.g. my ISP uses rt, but I can't browse to their rt's web interface07:41
twbI'm not counting toy deployments07:41
uvirtbotNew bug: #490664 in samba (main) "Samba stopped working between 9.10 LiveCD and current installed system." [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49066407:56
_rubentwb: i also checked with http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/wiki.ubuntu.com ;)08:17
twbI hate that site.  The name is huge, it's .com instead of .net, and it's not "everyone" -- it only performs the test (ICMP or HTTP?) from one node.08:18
Shubuntuhi, i want to choose a control panel for a ubuntu server08:29
Shubuntuany suggestions?08:29
twbAs long as it's USB, any of them should work.08:30
alvinShubuntu: There is none. eBox is built for Ubuntu, but in my opinion it is too much oriented to Microsoft networks.08:37
Shubuntualvin,  so i'm basically screwed08:39
alvinShubuntu: No, why would you? The command line is still the best tool. (but I admit eBox looks nice)08:40
alvinShubuntu: And of course, I forget... There's Landscape, but it's not free.08:40
Shubuntualvin, i don't want to give command line access to people08:40
jmarsdenShubuntu: No, that's just his opinion.  Try ebox.  If you can't live with it, try any other panels you want, but be aware some are unsupported and some don't fit well with how Ubuntu/Debian manage packages and package upgrades.08:41
Shubuntui don't want something to manage packages08:41
Shubuntujust something that people can use for ftp, user, email, and website management08:41
alvinThat's the problem with all those control panels. None really fit in.08:42
jmarsdenShubuntu: a "control panel" tends to modify configuration files... which package updates also have to deal with...08:42
alvineBox can do user and email08:42
Shubuntucan ebox create virtual users and emails08:42
Shubuntuand set up proftpd virtual users?08:42
Shubuntuand create new sites and set their directories08:43
alvinUsers are ok, but it can not manage ftp. Take a look at their website.08:43
jmarsdenI don't use ebox :)   webmin can do those kinds of things but it is incompatible with Debian package management... so use at your own risk.08:43
alvinI think twb talked about some management tool a while ago. Let me see if I can find that one. I still have to test that too.08:45
twbThe official recommendation is that you learn to use the CLI08:45
twbI think08:45
jmarsdentwb:  Agreed.  But <Shubuntu> alvin, i don't want to give command line access to people08:46
twbAh, I missed that line08:46
jmarsdenwebmin (or something like it) used only for email/web virtual hosting setup, and good backups of /etc/ just in case, is probably his only real option given that constraint, I think.08:48
alvinShubuntu has a point. I install servers for a living and explaining ssh and adduser to Windows users can be hard. eBox can do a nice job there, but I wish it could handle NFS too and integrate even better with Ubuntu. (e.g. when you have an existing samba installation)08:48
Shubuntuis there a how to, to create my own control panel?08:48
twbI'm ashamed to admit that my boss makes me deploy webmin (and GNOME!) on customers' servers.08:48
Shubuntulike the things I want to do are limited08:48
Shubuntuif i find a good how to i'll code it myself08:48
Shubuntuthe requiremnets i have aren't as deep as webmin08:49
twbGiven that all they REALLY need is the ability to add/remove user accounts and such, I suggested using the gnome-system-tools tunneled with putty and xming32, but I didn't get budget approval to develop the idea08:49
alvinShubuntu: In that case, you're back to eBox. It's mostly perl and it 'should be' documented.08:49
Shubuntuwebmin does a whole lot of things I don't care to use08:49
Shubuntui looked it up08:49
Shubuntuit's horrible08:50
twbYou can suppress most of the webmin buttons from the end user's UI08:50
alvinok :-)08:50
jmarsdenShubuntu: It is pretty modular, you can deconfigure most of it...08:50
Shubuntuebox is one of the worst things i've ever seen08:50
Shubuntuvery bad documentation08:50
jmarsdenShubuntu: OK, you can write your own panel :)08:50
twbThe problem is that anyone clueful enough to build a web UI is already too clued to WANT a web UI08:50
alvinhmmm, gnome with NX? nxclient runs good on Windows. (But installing gnome on a non-xdmcp server? bah!)08:50
twbSo all the web UIs are by clueless buffoons.08:51
alvintwb: Nice theory :-) Could be true.08:51
twbNow, if you could get a web UI that read and wrote puppet manifests, that'd offload a lot of the backend effort to a separate tool, so the web UI could focus on the UI08:51
ShubuntuI just need like a how to08:51
jmarsdentwb: Some clueful people need to give away limited config access to servers to less-clueful people... that seems to lead towards development of a GUI for performing such tasks...08:51
twbAs it is, the backend code for webmin, at least, is utterly awful.08:51
twbjmarsden: yeah, I know.08:51
jmarsdenShubuntu: If you need a howto, you don't know enough to write your own panel.08:52
twbjmarsden: but normally I'd just give the less-clueful a VM or something, and let them shoot themselves in the foot08:52
Shubuntui wanna code either in perl, python or php08:52
Shubuntuand I do know some08:52
Shubuntubut still i need some guideline to follow08:52
Shubuntuand then modify things as i see fit08:52
twbjmarsden: either that or I'd write a menu-driven curses app, make it their login shell, and give them putty08:53
jmarsdenShubuntu: OK, take webmin or ebox and improve them into a panel you like :)08:53
Shubuntuthanks, i guess that's the extent of your help08:53
jmarsdenShubuntu: The chances of you finding a "howto write your own web control panel" howto are very small.08:54
twbjmarsden: for e.g. point-of-sale stuff, people I talk to are still perfectly happy with their DOS-based UIs, and hate it when they're replaced with web-based solutions.  As long as it's a TUI and not a line-oriented interface, they seem to be happy enough with text...08:54
jmarsdentwb: True, that could work.  But once people have used a web UI to add email users/set passwords, mess with their web sites, etc it would probably be hard to persuade them to use a text interface for those functions.08:55
twbI think it'd be easier to convince them than to fix webmin08:56
Shubuntuthe ideology of command line being good is unix, not web08:56
Shubuntuthe developers need to grasp that08:56
twbShubuntu: you're the developer, man.  If you think you can do better, I ain't stopping you.08:57
jmarsdenShubuntu: OK, you are a developer, so go for it :)08:57
Shubuntuit is not acceptable to expect end users to become os experts to be able to do web08:57
twbShubuntu: if you do a good enough job, I might even be able to get you some funding.08:57
Shubuntufor real?08:57
Shubuntuif i get money i'll do it08:57
Shubuntui'll create cream de la cream of all control panels if i get enough funding08:58
twbShubuntu: you get the money after you're done, if you do a significantly better job than the existing solutions, you solution is FOSS, and I can convince my boss that you'll stop developing it if you go back to your day job.08:58
Shubuntuand i'll make it all open source but well documented so people can modify and use08:58
twbShubuntu: it obviously wouldn't be enough to live on08:58
twbI mean, how do you think stuff like OpenLDAP gets developed?  Groups like Red Hat and MIT pay the FOSS developers to work on it.08:59
jmarsdentwb: Usually only after a version is created for free that mostly works...09:00
twbjmarsden: granted09:00
twbjmarsden: or gets open-sourced09:00
Shubuntui expect to be able to make a working version in 1 week09:00
twbShubuntu: then you're insane09:00
Shubuntuok if i set it up, I won't support antivirus and other things09:09
Shubuntuonly the web feature sets09:09
Shubuntui think it's not appropriate for people to try to cram everything into a control panel09:09
Shubuntucontrol panel should handle web related material09:10
Ngsmoser: ah right, so because I'm futzing around with SYSTEM I'm going to get a bit stuffed by ec2-init, aren't I ;)09:10
Shubuntuin my opinion web control panel shouldn't deal with system set up09:13
Shubuntuit should only be a front to configuration of behaviour09:13
Shubuntua mistake all these panels are making is they try to be a cross platform system control panel09:14
Shubuntuwhich is basically impossible09:14
Shubuntueven if they only develop for linux09:14
Shubuntuthe only way a control panel would be able to do such a thing is if it becomes a part of a kernel family09:15
twbShubuntu: well, they could offload the application of change management to a specialist backend like puppet or cfengine09:15
Shubuntuand everything is developed for it09:15
Shubuntuyep, or daemons09:15
Shubuntuand the control panel will act as a ui module only09:16
Shubuntuwhich makes it light09:16
Shubuntuand it won't need to have a lot of system specific object files09:16
Shubuntui do agree with the idea that linux is unix based and all root / admin management is better done using command line09:17
Shubuntuthat just goes with the philosophy of linux09:17
Shubuntuweb is a different feature09:17
Shubuntuand trying to drag web into the linux philosophy is a grave mistake09:17
alvinHow can one request a backport? I asked for libsys-virt-perl in a wishlist (bug 462688). It's set to Fix Released now, but that is only for Lucid and that's too far off.09:23
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 462688 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] libsys-virt-perl" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46268809:23
twbFive months is too far?09:26
alvintwb: of course! I want to use it on production machines.09:28
twbAs for me, I wouldn't use non-LTS on a production machine...09:28
alvintwb: Good point, but they are kvm servers, and our virtual guests crash on Hardy (and Jaunty). They don't crash on karmic, although karmic certainly has more visible bugs in other areas.09:29
twbYeah, I understand.  I was just grumbling, really.09:30
twbI don't actually know about Ubuntu backports, either09:30
crohakonSo, out of no where my apache2 server is not working correctly. If you go to server, it sends a file to the browser that is named somethingblahblah.part... when you download the file it IS the index.html file... but for some reason it does not load as a website unless you go domain.com/index.html  then it loads fine. Any suggestions?09:31
twbcrohakon: did you think to version control /etc (e.g. with etckeeper)?09:32
crohakonAnd it is only for the / directory. All sub-directories load the index.html or index.php fine09:32
crohakontwb, what do you mean version control?09:33
crohakontwb, got a wiki on the subject I can take a look at?09:33
twbcrohakon: apt-cache show etckeeper09:34
crohakonI have not done any upgrades09:35
crohakonI was moving around some of the directories for the websites, reorganizing, and after that I started having this problem.09:36
twb"I was cleaning up and there was this big file called `vmunix' that nobody seemed to be using..."09:37
crohakon=) This is a simple install of apache2, I was only organizing the files in var/www/ and it should not have caused an issue.09:38
twbClearly SOMETHING changed and broke it.09:38
twbThis is why version control (or even change management) is Good Juju -- it allows you to ask the system "what changed?"09:38
crohakonWhen you try to go to the domain it sends a file ---> 9TcSwWXi.~.part <--- the first part of the name is always just some random numbers and letters. If you download the file and open it, it is in fact my index.html file. If I got to domain.com/index.html it loads it just fine.09:39
twbcrohakon: I have no idea what "it sends a file" means.  Try curl -o/dev/null -v URL09:40
mdzsoren: proposed is the correct state for it at this point, I'd say. we'll plan the next chunk of work when we finish this one, and we can consider the rest of the blueprints which couldn't fit into alpha 209:40
mdzsoren: and you aren't a minion, you're an engineer09:40
twbcrohakon: the URL you /msg'd me works for me.09:41
Shubuntucrohakon, perhaps it has to do with mime types?09:41
Shubuntui know for a fact that, such things happen on a lot of file name that aren't recognized09:42
Shubuntusuch as doc files09:42
crohakonmime types? I have never messed with mime types. Got a good tutorial on it?09:42
crohakonoh my...09:43
crohakonI cleared my cache on my browser and all is working good... I feel like an idiot...09:43
* crohakon bows head in shame09:43
Shubuntucrohakon, http://httpd.apache.org/docs/1.3/mod/mod_mime.html#addtype09:44
sorenmdz: If that's how we're doing it, I'm not sure I understand difference between "Series goal" and "Milestone target" setting of blueprints. I thought setting the series goal was something like "We expect to work on this project to some extent for release X", while setting the target milestone was more about setting a deadline for deliverables.09:44
Shubuntuoh ok then09:44
crohakonI will read the link anyway, it is good knowledge to have. Thanks for the help guys. Sorry for my stupidity.09:45
Shubuntuyep, if in future you would like to create pdf, doc etc on yourserver, that would be useful09:46
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twbSuppose I am foolish enough to "ufw enable".  How does one later see the rules added at the "ufw level", as opposed to iptables-save?09:56
sorentwb: ufw status09:58
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twbOh.  Obviously it's not reporting anything because I haven't added any rules.10:01
twbThough it doesn't list the default policy for each chain...10:03
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sorentwb: ...because it's disable.10:05
sorenOh, sorry.10:06
sorentwb: ufw status verbose10:06
twbNah, still doesn't do it on 8.0410:07
twbThere's also some peculiar default rules...10:14
twbFor example, who the hell is ?10:15
jpds# allow MULTICAST, be sure the MULTICAST line above is uncommented10:18
twbOh, MDNS?10:18
twb(I'm still trying to get Emacs to let me in to look at the source files.)10:19
jpdsThat's what I'm reading in /etc/ufw/before.rules.10:19
twbThere we go, I just had to delete the hung ssh process.10:20
twbYeah, mDNS is
twbhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IP_multicast, and RFC 317110:22
lyhana8hi, my mysql-server-5.1 fail to start on ubuntu : http://pastebin.com/d36d3c13610:25
twbjpds: I'm also far less freaked out now I realize those --dports in the INPUT child chain are just -j RETURNing10:34
lyhana8how could I get more info on mysql-server start ?10:53
baccenfutter lyhana8: tail /var/log/mysql.err10:55
baccenfutterand mysql.log10:55
baccenfutterbut since it is failing, probably in .err10:55
lyhana8baccenfutter: they are empty11:19
markvandenborrein response to Matthias Gug's RFP, I just added nginx to the list of proposed promotions to main on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidServerSeeds11:22
markvandenborreI hope that's an appropriate way to make the suggestion11:23
Ngsoren: does EC2 not bring the metadata server up immediately with instances? the half an hour wait for it is... surprising... if you're running a UEC that doesn't seem to present metadata services ;)11:53
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baccenfutterlyhana8: have you checked syslog, dmesg, any logs that might contain detailed information about the fail?11:54
lyhana8nop, I just purge it to make a reinstall11:58
sorenNg: We have no clue how long it might be.11:59
sorenNg: Perhaps half an hour is too much. I don't know.12:00
sorenI /do/ know, however, that I'm absolutely starving.12:00
* soren goes to make some lunch12:00
Ngsoren: I was just futzing around at home and built a one-box UEC cloud in SYSTEM mode and I have to wait for the full timeout ;)12:00
lyhana8could the fact that /var/lib/mysql/ is a link cause trouble ?12:01
lyhana8baccenfutter: it was...12:03
mdzsoren: the only use of series goal is that it has access control. what counts is the set of things which are BOTH targeted for lucid AND milestoned for alpha 212:10
mdzeverything else is backlog12:10
sorenmdz: I see.12:15
sorenmdz: One problem I see with this approach is the burndown chart. The lucid one (as opposed to the lucid-alpha-2 one) will be quite misleading if we only accept stuff that's expected by alpha 2.12:17
mdzsoren: that's OK, we're reworking things as we go to accommodate the new model12:17
mdzwe don't plan the whole release in one go anymore12:18
mdzthe alpha 2 burndown chart is what counts12:18
mdzwe'll drive that down to zero, then start a new one12:18
mdzttx: as you touch the various specs, could you start setting jib to be approver for them?12:19
ttxmdz: sure.12:27
acalvohow can I do some test/benchmarks on network speed?12:49
acalvoI think I'm having issues in my lans, and some computers do not work as expected, and I'd like to identify where is failing12:49
baccenfutteracalvo: mtr?12:51
acalvodidn't heard of mtr12:51
acalvoI'll check it12:51
baccenfutterman mtr12:52
acalvoI've seen some packages called iftop12:52
acalvo!man mtr12:52
acalvoI'll give it a look12:52
alvinbaccenfutter: Yes, thanks. Didn't know that program yet. :-)12:55
alvinacalvo: You can also try iperf12:55
acalvolet's see12:57
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lunaphyte_hi.  i'm afraid i'm getting stymied by what i think is a simple permissions issue.  i can't seem to get dhcpd to read a file that i believe it should be able to.  if i could trouble someone to look at this pastebin, i'm hoping i'm just overlooking something basic.  http://pastebin.com/d65750913:20
bogeyd6lunaphyte a second, plz13:31
bogeyd6lunaphyte there is no group permissions on those files13:32
lunaphyte_bogeyd6: i think it does, no?  read permission for the group?  if i change the group to dhcpd, you can see it's able to read the file, which i think confirms that.13:35
smoserNg, yeah, if you dont have the metadata service, ec2-init is not going to be too happy.13:42
NgI'm not entirely sure why I don't, but I'm assuming it's because of SYSTEM13:43
smoser2 things you can do... a.) htere is a file /etc/ec2-init/is-compat-env that has 'compat=1' . you can  mount that image, and change it to compat=013:43
sorenNg: right.13:43
sorenNg: SYSTEM disables the meta-data service.13:43
smoserwell, i guess there is only that thing that you can do. hm...13:43
smoseri think that .b) was going to be that i plan for ec2-init to behave nicer in such a situation for lucid, or at least be able to give you other wasy around it.13:44
Ngsmoser: other than timing out sooner, I'm struggling to imagine a way it could reliably tell13:48
smoserNg, right. it really can't. thats the problem.13:48
smoserwe might just have to do some tests on ec2 and see how long is reasonable to wait.13:48
smoserright now i think its 30 minutes...13:49
Ngthat's what soren's comments in his python code suggest13:49
cyphermoxjust wondering, I've been seeing oidentd as a recommended inclusion in main on the /LucidServerSeeds wiki page, but I can't really think of a great use for it. Could somebody enlighten me? :)13:49
NgI didn't actually time mine to check, and I thought it had continued to fail from the console output, but it did actually finish booting at some point overnight13:49
sorenNg: It's really a very annoying situation. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Ideally, we want to only query the metadata service if we're on EC2 or UEC, but the only thing that reveals whether you are on EC2 or UEC or not is exactly whether or not there's a meta-data service.13:52
Ngsoren: we are, or are going to, run a bunch of automated testing on EC2 and UEC, right?13:54
Ngif the results of that could include a debug log from ec2-init that says how quickly the metadata service replied, you'd see fairly quickly whether it's *always* there when the instance boots and know how safe an assumption that is :)13:55
Ngif it's literalyl always right there and responds quickly, then a timeout of a few minutes seems safer13:55
tuxcrafterhello everybody13:57
tuxcrafteri upgraded my production machine to ubuntu 9.10 today13:57
tuxcrafterand now the network is unreachable as non root13:58
tuxcrafterso now almost all systems are down13:58
tuxcrafterdoes somebody know what is going on13:58
tuxcrafterwhy can i ping as root but not as non-root13:58
tuxcrafterif somebody has any hints just trow them :D14:00
tuxcrafteri am currently getting +100 mails a minutes that are now getting denied due to unable to resolve the domains the mails come from14:00
lunaphyte_ /etc/init.d/apparmor stop?14:02
lunaphyte_that's a huge wag.14:02
tuxcrafterlunaphyte_: i purged apparmor14:03
lunaphyte_hmm.  well, like i said, a huge wag.  :)14:03
tuxcrafterrebooted the system to be sure14:05
cyphermox<tuxcrafter> and now the network is unreachable as non root <--- completely unreachable or just ping?14:05
tuxcraftercyphermox: all non root processes14:05
azteechjust a thought, have you looked to see if you are part of the network group?14:05
tuxcrafterping does not work14:05
cyphermoxso you couldn't say, do w3m http://some.host.on.the.network/ /14:05
tuxcraftercyphermox: wha tis the netwerk group?14:06
tuxcrafteris this something new?14:06
smoserNg, it is not always "right there". thats why the retry-loop is in place.14:06
tuxcraftercyphermox: bind9 is running as non root and it is also unable to resolve14:06
cyphermoxI see.14:06
Ngsmoser: well that just sucks ;)14:06
sorentuxcrafter: If someone accidentally un-setuid'ed ping, only root would be able to ping.14:07
tuxcrafterpostfix is also not able to resolve14:07
smoserhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+source/ec2-init/+bug/308530 is the bug, Ng.14:07
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 308530 in ec2-init "Wait for network before downloading ssh credentials or user-data" [Critical,Fix committed]14:07
cyphermoxtuxcrafter, can you ping an IP directly?14:07
tuxcrafterlets test that14:07
cyphermoxtuxcrafter, you keep saying resolve, so we need to be sure :)14:08
tuxcraftercyphermox: ping
tuxcrafterworks fine as non root14:08
tuxcraftercat: /etc/resolv.conf: Permission denied14:09
tuxcrafterthat can not be good14:09
cyphermoxtuxcrafter: indeed14:09
tuxcrafter-rw------- 1 root dhcp 52 2009-12-01 15:04 /etc/resolv.conf14:09
cyphermoxit should be 644 afaik14:10
tuxcrafterchmod 644 /etc/resolv.conf14:10
lunaphyte_chown root.root as well.14:10
tuxcrafternetworking is up again14:10
Ngsmoser: presumably it never actually takes 30 minutes to appear though?14:10
smoserprobably not. otherwise we'd have seen it earlier. it is much shorter than that.14:10
lunaphyte_also, if you're using resolvconf, you might inspect the other associated files.14:11
smoserthe problem was basically that we were booting "too fast"14:11
tuxcrafterresolvconf was installed with the upgrade to 9.10 ...14:12
tuxcrafterlot and lots of mail incomming here :)14:12
[diablo]afternoon all.. guys, does anyone know if the fedora directory server has been ported to Ubuntu?14:12
smosersoren, for "set up X hosting account"14:15
smoserwere you doing personal accounts or "canonical" accounts14:15
sorensmoser: I don't know the difference anymore, sadly.14:16
smoserwell the difference, per what i was asking, was this a account like we have on ec2, that you and I both have acl to , and is attached to corporate credit card14:17
tuxcraftercyphermox: thanks for guiding me to the problem14:18
smoseror one that you'd not like attached to corporate credit card.14:18
smosererr... rather is it one that you'd rather me not have acl to, and attached to your credit card.14:18
tuxcraftergo to switch irc server :)14:19
tuxcrafter /go/got14:19
sorensmoser: Oh, no, I just set one up myself, with my own credit card, and will have to do the expense thing for all the different ones each month. Yay.14:26
smoserspeaking of which.. i probalby have an amazon november bill to process a14:28
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Linux-IRCHas anyone here set-up bind ?14:50
DoonzHey Guys, I just installed a new raid card. I built a raid 5 array. When i fdisk -l my drives heres the output. http://pastebin.com/d470e15e7 <-- is that correctly set up?14:54
lunaphyte_correctly set up for what?14:56
Doonzive never seen that message about 4000gb14:56
lunaphyte_is it a 4 tb disk?14:57
lunaphyte_then it is what it is.14:58
Doonzwell its 5x 1tb on a raid card in a raid 5 setup14:58
DoonzUse parted(1) and GUID14:58
Doonzpartition table format (GPT).14:58
Doonzi just followed the guide here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingANewHardDrive14:59
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DoonzHey guys i think i screwed up somewhere... I have a 4tb array but when i mount it it only shows up as 2tb15:14
kirklandttx: howdy, around?15:17
ttxkirkland: yo15:18
kirklandttx: okay, i almost have eucalyptus 1.6.1 merged15:18
kirklandttx: i have one patch that's generating some nasty conflicts15:19
kirklandttx: i'm wondering if its still necessary15:19
kirklandttx: 04-axis2c-1.6.0-rampart-1.3.0.patch15:19
kirklandttx: do you know anything about that one?15:19
kirklandttx: it's not very well documented at all15:19
* ttx looks15:19
kirklandttx: all the changelog says is:15:20
kirkland  * 04-axis2c-1.6.0-rampart-1.3.0.patch:15:20
kirkland    - Build against new Axis2/C+Rampart stack.15:20
ttxkirkland: looks like a build patch... did you test building without it ?15:21
kirklandttx: yes, i've just commented it out of the series for now15:22
kirklandttx: the build proceeds15:22
kirklandttx: i have some work to do with the debian/* packaging15:22
kirklandttx: seems we have "1.6-devel" hardcoded in a bunch of places that needs to be changed to "1.6.1"15:23
ttxkirkland: if it builds and the resulting package works, I'd just dump that patch...15:24
ttxsoren: ^ do you remember anything about that patch ?15:24
sorenIt came from Dan, I think.15:26
sorenkirkland: What's the problem with the patch, specifically?15:27
kirklandsoren: 4/7 hunks fail.  Of those 4, 3 are trivial to update.  1 is absolutely massive.15:28
kirklandsoren: before I put in any more effort porting that patch forward, I'm looking for some justification that it's still needed.15:28
kirklandsoren: there's very little documentation about that patch at all.  None inline above the patch, and a one-liner in the debian/changelog15:29
sorenkirkland: Which blob fails?15:29
ttxkirkland: well, if it builds without it, and the resulting package works, and Dan acks that it's not needed, just punt it15:29
kirklandsoren: the big one, 5th15:29
sorenkirkland: That's just in configure, isn't it?15:29
kirklandsoren: yes15:29
ttxsoren: yes15:29
sorenkirkland: It's autogenerated. Just ditch that bit, autoreconf, quilt refresh, win.15:30
kirklandsoren: okay, thanks.15:30
sorenEven better:15:30
sorenDitch it entirely, and move it to a separate patch at the very end.15:30
kirklandsoren: i'm getting rid of all patches ;-)15:30
kirklandsoren: using bzr15:31
sorenThat way, if multiple patches touch automake/autoconf stuff (not unlikely), they can be dealt with easily, and one just has to regenerate those bits once, separately (like $DEITY meant it to be done).15:31
sorenkirkland: Well... have fun with that :)15:31
sorenThere's a reason people don't keep autogenerated stuff in VCS. :)15:31
ttxhm, still strange that it would build without the rest of the patch15:32
ttxkirkland: you might want to ask dan about it, if it builds without the patch I see no reason to keep it.15:33
kirklandttx: i will15:33
kirklandttx: thanks15:33
kirklandttx: fwiw, they dropped it from the debian packages that they're rolling15:33
kirklandttx: and i can see that they integrated some of the functionality (sort of)15:33
sorenttx: Not really. Are you building in a sbuild/pbuilder or something?15:34
ttxsoren: i didn't test the build, kirkland did15:34
sorenkirkland: Are you building in a sbuild/pbuilder or something?15:34
kirklandsoren: right now, I'm just building with bzr bd locally15:35
kirklandI make it to the dh_install steps15:35
ttxkirkland: I committed my second euca sru fixes to the main ubuntu-karmic branch, btw15:35
kirklandttx: cool15:35
kirklandttx: are you going to upload to -proposed?15:35
sorenkirkland: In that case, configure probably gets rebuilt during your build anyway.15:36
kirklandsoren: right15:36
ttxkirkland: no, doesn't it need some CLEAN=1 fixes ?15:36
sorenSo it's not strange at all that it builds. :)15:36
kirklandttx: well, yeah, if we want to fix the non-determinism :-)15:37
kirklandttx: i'm hoping mathiaz might help with that?15:37
sorenWhat is this CLEAN=1 thing you guys keep talking about? /me is getting curious :)15:37
ttxkirkland: sure15:37
ttxsoren: if you really want to know...15:38
ttxsoren: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/eucalyptus/ubuntu-karmic/revision/72115:38
ttxAllows to keep VMs running when you restart the CC15:39
ttxmimics the init script behavior15:39
sorenttx: Ah, I see.15:39
ttxused to be /etc/init.d/eucalyptus-cc cleanstart15:39
ttxnow is start eucalyptus CLEAN=115:40
ttxa little confusing, given how not discoverable this is...15:40
ttxhence bug 46438415:40
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 464384 in eucalyptus "Not obvious a "Clean" restart is needed after config changes" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46438415:40
sorenttx: Ok, thanks. That explains15:42
lunaphyte_i hope it's ok if i ask for help again with my question from a few hours ago - http://pastebin.com/d657509 - i feel like i'm missing a basic permissions issue, but i'm at a loss.15:53
DoonzOk guys im kinda confused here. I just added a raid card and built a raid 5 array using 5 x 1tb drives. I formated it using mkfs.ext3. but its only showing as 2TB when mounted, any ideas?16:00
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baccenfutterDoonz: more details... it should be 4TB16:17
ReepicheepDoonz: you didn't happen to build the raid 5 with 3 of the 5 drives or have 2 hot spares or anything like that?16:18
Doonz0  Array_1  RAID 5  3.64 TB16:18
Doonzdumpe2fs 1.41.9 (22-Aug-2009)16:19
DoonzBlock size:               409616:19
Doonzbah bbl16:19
mjeansondoonz: the output of "sudo parted /dev/sdX print" would be useful16:20
jmarsdenDoonz: If you used a 1K block size, 2TB is the max size of an ext3 filesystem.  Does your application really require one filesystem larger than that?  Have you considered how you will back it up, how long it will take to fsck, etc ?16:55
jmarsdenDoonz: Also check you are using a partitioning method that allows such huge partitions... http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/fdisk-unable-to-create-partition-greater-2tb.html16:58
kirklandmathiaz: around?17:00
mathiazkirkland: o/17:09
kirklandmathiaz: hi there17:09
kirklandmathiaz: i was having some issues with the eucalyptus merge17:10
kirklandmathiaz: i'm trying something else now17:10
kirklandmathiaz: actually, the build17:10
kirklandmathiaz: let me try this first, and i'll ping you if still broken17:10
kirklandmathiaz: did you get your machine fixed?17:11
mathiazkirkland: yes :)17:11
kirklandmathiaz: \o/17:11
mathiazkirkland: and now I've got 2x500 Gb additional hard drives in there as well17:11
kirklandsoren: so all of that patch is auto-generated, or just the configure part?17:24
iooooorhow can I tar a folder and not get the whole directory tree in the tar file, just the files in a flat list?17:30
kirklandmathiaz: okay, http://paste.ubuntu.com/332470/17:35
kirklandmathiaz: that's what I'm hitting17:35
kirklandmathiaz: from line 3134, i'm wondering if that's something i can set in the debian/rules file?17:36
mathiazkirkland: shouldn't libmod_rampart.so.0 be a build-dependency of eucalyptus?17:37
mathiazkirkland: Note: libraries are not searched in other binary packages that do not have any shlibs or symbols file.17:38
mathiazkirkland: is rampart set correclty?17:39
mathiazkirkland: I'm not too familiar with that kind of things though17:39
mathiazkirkland: you may wanna ask in #ubuntu-devel17:39
kirklandmathiaz: yes, definitely a build-dep, and i have it, the so is on my system17:41
kirklandmathiaz: it has something to do with the ld lib path17:41
kirklandmathiaz: i've commented out a large, broken patch that affect this17:42
mathiazkirkland: where is the .so file located?17:42
kirklandmathiaz: i suspect there's more i need to do17:42
mathiazkirkland: hm - may be the patch is actually needed17:42
kirklandmathiaz: /usr/lib/axis2/lib/libmod_rampart.so.017:42
kirklandmathiaz: yes, at least part of it still17:42
mathiazkirkland: IIUC the patch was regenerating the configure files?17:42
kirklandmathiaz: well, part of it was a regenerated configure17:42
mathiazkirkland: /usr/lib/axis2/lib/libmod_rampart.so.0 - not sure if /usr/lib/axis2/*lib*/ would be searched for17:43
kirklandmathiaz: part of it touched other files though17:43
mathiazkirkland: what happens if you copy libmod_rampart.so.0 to /usr/lib/axis2/ ?17:43
mathiazkirkland: would the package build?17:43
kirklandmathiaz: let me try ...17:44
kirklandmathiaz: no, that didn't help17:48
mathiazkirkland: hm - and if you move libmod_rampart.so.0 to /usr/lib/ ?17:49
kirklandmathiaz: i'll try that (symlinking it there)17:50
mathiaznijaba: hi17:52
mathiaznijaba: do you know where I can find the list of -server packages that have a 5 year maintainance?17:52
mathiaznijaba: for hardy17:52
nijabamathiaz: ubuntu-maintenance-check project on LP17:53
nijabamathiaz: use the python version that mvo just uploaded17:53
kirklandmathiaz: still no go17:54
mathiazkirkland: always the same error?17:54
kirklandmathiaz: yeah17:54
rickspencer3smoser, hi, is getting a desktop in the cloud set up by alpha 2 feasible?17:55
* rickspencer3 is setting up work items of a217:55
kirklandsoren: can you please provide some detail as to how 04-axis2c-1.6.0-rampart-1.3.0.patch was created, and should be updated?17:56
mathiazkirkland: what does dpkg -S /usr/lib/axis2/lib/libmod_rampart.so.0 say?17:58
kirklandmathiaz: librampart0: /usr/lib/axis2/lib/libmod_rampart.so.017:59
smoserrickspencer3, the freenx is the biggest question17:59
rickspencer3smoser, can we just go with the google one?17:59
rickspencer3or is that the question?17:59
smosergetting an image built is 2 or 3 days work probably (the scripts have to be genericized to not include "-server")17:59
smoserthat probalby should be done... so i'm happy to do it.18:00
rickspencer3so what do I need to do after that?18:00
smoseri guess i'd just have to pick the neatx package from https://launchpad.net/~freenx-team18:01
smoserand then kind of just cross our fingers..18:01
mathiazkirkland: what's the (dropped) patch you're looking at?18:02
kirklandmathiaz: debian/patches/04-axis2c-1.6.0-rampart-1.3.0.patch18:02
kirklandmathiaz: i'm trying to get that applying cleanly now18:02
majukHiya fellas. Small problem. I just added a user with primary group ADMINS. The entry in /etc/passwd shows the correct default group for the user, but /etc/group does not list the user as a member. .......I do not know why this would be. Anyone care to enlighten me?18:06
majuk*correct default group GID, that is18:06
baccenfuttermajuk: if it is his def grp it doesn't show in group18:07
majukbaccenfutter! Ah. I see.18:07
baccenfutteror do you see the user root in /etc/group behind the group root?18:07
mathiazkirkland: hm - not sure if that would help this problem though. The patch mainly adds the correct linker flags to the targets18:07
mathiazkirkland: reading the build log it seems that the correct links are already uses18:08
mathiazkirkland: *used*18:08
mathiazkirkland: I think that what is missing is either symbols or shlib files for the rampart package18:08
kirklandmathiaz: yeah, that's what i'm seeing there18:08
mathiazkirkland: you  might have to fix the rampart package first, before being to build eucalyptus18:09
mathiazkirkland: http://www.netfort.gr.jp/~dancer/column/libpkg-guide/libpkg-guide.html18:10
mathiazkirkland: ^^ that should help you doing so18:10
kirklandmathiaz: cool, thanks mathias18:10
majukbaccenfutter! Nah18:11
kane_time for food, bbl &18:17
uvirtbotNew bug: #490951 in quagga (main) "quagga needs libreadline5" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49095118:24
kirklandmathiaz: okay, i confirmed with nurmi that that patch is no longer needed18:31
kirklandmathiaz: well, the bulk of it anyway18:32
mathiazkirkland: right - you may wanna confirm in #ubuntu-devel that adding a symbol|shlib file to rampart is the solution to your build problem.18:33
cjwhat's the process of getting a new version of lsb-release into hardy?18:42
cjthe current version breaks if we use a sources.list.d/foo.list with a uri unlike http://domain/ubuntu18:43
cjwe are keeping our repo in http://domain/packages/stable/ubuntu/18:43
cjit is fixed in lenny and karmic18:44
JanCcj: sounds like you want a backport18:46
JanCor maybe SRU18:48
cjJanC: perhaps, but I don't want to add the backports.org entry to sources.list if I can avoid it18:48
JanCI was talking about ubuntu-backports, but if you're pretty sure this won't break anything you could ask for a SRU (Stable Release Update) so that it goes into ubuntu-proposed and then later into ubuntu-updates18:50
cjalrighty.  where do I submit requests?18:50
JanCcj: and the SRU process is documented on the wiki18:50
cjokay.  google it is.18:51
JanC(I don't know exactly without looking myself ;) )18:51
cjhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates :)18:54
cjthanks for the tips.18:54
nijabasmoser: ping18:54
nijabasmoser: time to talk about this plugin thing?18:54
smoserok. sure.18:54
nijabasmoser: would be quiker here than through the wiki18:54
nijabasmoser: what I am seeing is something like:18:55
nijabaplugin/<name> as a type18:55
nijabawhere name is the name of a package to install18:56
nijabathen the payload of the mime section is some data to pass to the package once installed18:56
smoserhow do i know how to "pass to the package" for generic package18:56
smoserwhat does that mean for anacron , app-install-data , bridge-utils ...18:57
smoser(random assortment of packages)18:57
nijabasmoser: the idea is that a plugin is not a random package, but a package which as a command with its name18:57
nijabasmoser: is plugin/toto has a command toto that will accept data from stdin18:58
nijabasmoser: but you might have a better plan18:58
smoseri think i'm confused.18:59
smoseryou said "plugin/<name> as a type" "where name is the name of a package to install"18:59
nijabafor example this would be plugin/toto18:59
nijabawhich would install package toto18:59
smoserah. so seeing a 'part' that had 'type' of 'plugin/toto' would indicate that i do:19:00
nijabawhich contain a /usr/bin/toto command19:00
smoserapt-get install toto19:00
smosertoto < part-file19:00
nijabacommand which expect some data from stdin19:00
nijabasmoser: exact19:00
smoserthis seems to require that packages be generally crafted to have command == package name and command able to parse that input19:01
nijabasmoser: what do you think? seems fairly fliexible to me19:01
nijabasmoser: ok, how would you see that?19:01
smoserwell for your given example of 'toto'.  the 'toto' package might have a 'toto' command, but many do not have a binary in them named with package name19:02
smosermy plan for "insert plugin" funciontality was more like19:02
nijabasmoser: yes, I was assuming that plugins would be specially crafted19:02
smoserah. ok. i think i see now.19:02
smosermy plan was more along the lines of:19:02
smoser- a 'part' is of type 'plugin' is expected to be python code that implements a method 'register'19:03
smoser- the 'part' is then saved and made available to python, and its 'register' function called19:03
smoser- that 'register' function registers that it is interested in parts of type 'my-new-type'19:04
nijabasmoser: as the mime part is the actual code?  how does this differ from passing a script?19:04
nijabasmoser: how would I use a program that is not python?19:04
nijabasmoser: ie, ruby for example?19:05
smoserhm... i didn't thikn that it was all that big of a deal.19:05
smoserbaiscally, the main user-data-parser is in python, its plugins are python, and you can insert a plugin via user-data19:06
nijabaso, if i understand correctly, you wold have a 2 part mime19:06
smosermulti-part mime19:06
nijabapart 1 has type plugin/bleh, containing some python with a handler name register19:06
nijabait reigster type bleh/mytype19:07
nijabapart 2 is of type bleh/mytype19:07
nijabawhich it then process...19:07
smoserright. when part2 is processed, part 1 has already registered for that type of data19:08
smoserand so part 1 is called as the handler19:08
smoserfor it19:08
nijabasmoser: ok, how would you handle the following use case.  Nick wants to19:08
nijabaNick wants to use chef to configure his instance, passing chef all necessary info to do so.19:09
nijabaI would have to write a plugin in python that would be a wrapper to whatever chef expects?19:10
nijabaBut when (how) would I get chef installed?  from the python script?19:10
nijabasmoser: ok.  I see19:11
nijabasmoser: I guess if we provide some good example, your method is more flexible than mine.  sorry it took me so long to get it19:12
smosernijaba, i think that your generic "install package plugin" could be implemented fairly easily.19:14
smoserwe will have some examples, as my intent is that all the function we have will be done as plugins19:14
smoserie, the "#!" plugin, config plugin ...19:15
nijabasmoser: ok, thanks for taking the time to make me understand.  you might need to document the blueprint a bit more with an example so that it is a bit more obvious19:16
smoseri absolutely agree that documentation is needed :)19:17
sorenkirkland: Just the configure part was autogenerated, yes.19:53
kirklandsoren: okay, thanks;  turns out we should be able to drop this patch now19:53
sorenkirkland: To update it, ignore whatever does not apply and run autoconf.19:53
sorenProbably. It did, after all, come from upstream.19:54
kirklandsoren: as eucalyptus upstream has moved to this version of axis219:54
sorenGood for them.19:54
smoseri just booted a lucid UEC build on karmic UEC (using -proposed). also, lucid builds are on ec2 and work there.19:57
LichteI just followed the Docs on the website to configure mysql, and I also just turned off apparmor but I am getting a "is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server error".........any docs or help for this ??20:00
LichteI'm trying to connect from another machine using SQLyog20:01
pmatuliswhen using 'build-mkschroot' for karmic-i386 i get the following error:20:25
pmatulisErrors were encountered while processing:20:25
pmatulis rsyslog20:25
pmatulis ubuntu-minimal20:25
pmatulisE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)20:25
MagicFabpmatulis, broken packages - remove/purge/reinstall them, retry20:35
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lunaphyte_hi.  i'm afraid i'm getting stymied by what i think is a simple permissions issue.  i can't seem to get dhcpd to read a file that i believe it should be able to.  if i could trouble someone to look at this pastebin, i'm hoping i'm just overlooking something basic.  http://pastebin.com/d65750921:01
lunaphyte_it appears as though unless the file's group is the primary group for the dhcpd user, it's not able to read it.21:02
uvirtbotNew bug: #445990 in eucalyptus "Run instance fail with elasticfox" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44599021:37
zulmathiaz: glassfish is easy merge?21:44
mathiazzul: I don't know - seems like it.21:45
mathiazzul: I may be wrong though21:45
mathiazzul: why?21:45
zulmathiaz: nothing just commenting on it21:45
HypnozCan anyone provide some more guidance? I have some big apache logs, and trying to parse out how many times each IP has connected during that log. So far I have cat info.log | grep REMOTE_ADDR | grep -v 129 | grep -v 153 | cut -b49- | sort | uniq21:46
uvirtbotNew bug: #484217 in eucalyptus "create keypair allows duplicates" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48421721:46
uvirtbotNew bug: #490623 in eucalyptus "Object get with extra headers (if-modified-since, if-unmodified-since) does not correctly parse RFC 1123 formatted datetime" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49062321:46
Hypnozthat prints out a nice list of all the unique IP addresses in the log21:47
Hypnozbut now I want to see how many times each of those IP's appear in the log21:47
Hypnozlike a for each IP in list, grep $IP | wc -l21:47
Hypnozor something21:47
lunaphyte_sort | uniq, then grep | wc -l21:48
Hypnozgrep | wc -l manually for each IP in the output?21:48
lunaphyte_well, you could, sure, but that seems silly.21:49
lunaphyte_like you said - for each.21:49
Hypnozso how do i save that output of IP's to a list, then for each in that list do something21:49
HypnozI know how to for each in a list21:49
lunaphyte_use a variable21:49
HypnozI can save a list to one variable21:50
lunaphyte_for address in $(grep 'REMOTE_ADDR' info.log | grep -v 129 | grep -v 153 | cut -b49- | sort | uniq); do echo "${address}"; grep "${address}" info.log | wc -l); done21:51
lunaphyte_or such21:51
lunaphyte_assuming bash or posix21:51
Hypnozahh sub command, clever21:52
lunaphyte_command substitution.  you could write it to a var as well - same end result.21:52
Mickster04well, i can log into a samba share with windows, i cant log in, but can access as guest on ubuntu, but when i run smbclient //server/shared is comes back with and error BAD_NETWORK_NAME22:04
Mickster04any help?22:04
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HypnozDNS issue?22:25
Mickster04well...i dunno22:26
Mickster04thats the point?22:26
Hypnozno maybe that is why you're seeing BAD_SERVER_NAME22:26
Hypnozthis is a section at the end of my smb.conf22:27
Hypnoz[Netops Share]22:27
Hypnoz   comment = Global Netops Share22:27
Hypnoz   path = /u1/samba/NetopsShare22:27
Hypnoz   guest ok = yes22:27
Hypnoz   browseable = yes22:27
Hypnoz   writable = yes22:27
Hypnoz   create mask = 075522:27
Hypnoz   directory mask = 075522:27
Hypnozthe folder /u1/samba/NetopsShare is owned by samba:samba22:28
Hypnozwith 777 permissions22:28
Hypnozi'm not sure if thats exactly how its supposed to all be, but thats what worked for me22:28
Hypnozand make sure the server name is in DNS with the right IP22:29
Mickster04ooh ok22:29
Mickster04will try some of that stuff out22:29
Mickster04invalid user samba:samba22:30
Mickster04its under /srv/shared22:30
Hypnozsudo chown samba:samba /path/dir22:30
Hypnozgrep samba /etc/passwd22:31
Mickster04yeah invalid user22:31
Hypnozdoes the user exist?22:31
Mickster04why would it22:31
Mickster04and anyway i had it working without thast22:31
Hypnozread that. I believe I created a samba user, per like step 222:32
Mickster04step 2?22:32
Hypnozread that, middle of the page22:32
Hypnozbold section called "Create a Samba User"22:32
Mickster04thats what im on atm22:32
Mickster04but ill have a look at your site22:32
Hypnozi have workgroup = WORKGROUP22:36
Hypnozand security is commented out, so   ; security = user22:36
Hypnozmake sure you reload samba after changes, sudo /etc/init.d/samba reload22:37
Hypnozor restart, either way22:37
Mickster04well that hasnt worked?22:45
Mickster04whats udner your [share] bit?22:45
Hypnozanyone know a bash command that would pull out only the IP from this line22:47
Hypnoz[11-24-09 01:48:09] name = REMOTE_ADDR, value =
HypnozI was using cut -n49- or so, but timestamps seem to be different lengths22:47
Hypnozso i think i need to pull everything after the last space somehow22:47
lunaphyteawk '{ print $8 }'22:48
Hypnozlunaphyte: you're a damn good scripter :)22:49
Hypnozlunaphyte: also i msg'd you earlier but no response, what's the difference between echo $address and echo ${address}22:49
HypnozI ususally use {} to seperate out command seperated stuff, like rm -f {file1,file2,file3}22:50
lunaphytehmm, i guess i missed it.  most of the time, nothing - but it's a good habit to be in, for various reasons.22:51
lunaphyteyou can read up on parameter expansion if you're truly curious.22:51
Hypnozhard to keep them all straight, $`command` ${command} $(command)22:52
Hypnozyou know what each of those does?22:53
lunaphytewell, the back ticks are more "portable", most folks will say, so there's a benefit there, as an alternative to ${}.  but the third is command substitution, which is something totally different.22:53
lunaphyte(but only a benefit if you need portability.  otherwise, imo it's much harder to misread)22:54
HypnozVAR = $`command` evaluates the command in a subshell, and the result is saved to the variable right22:57
lunaphyteno need for the $22:58
Hypnozwhen i changed echo ${address} to echo $address nothing changed22:58
Hypnozso i'm not understanding what the { } might do22:59
Hypnozpretty good cheat sheet involving ${ } stuff23:00
lunaphytepe is powerful stuff.23:01
Hypnozseriously, this gets so complex no one could remember all this syntax23:04
lunaphytelots of practice can change that.23:09
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JanCHypnoz: $foobar is not the same as ${foo}bar  ;)23:22
garrythefishas i said, not enough real drilling23:23
HypnozI see, thanks Jan23:24
garrythefishthat's what's the problem with the lesbos at #ubuntu-women23:24
Hypnozit seems there's much more to it than just that though, inside the { } you can do a whole bunch of things, including replace, search, and substitute23:24
JanCgarrythefish: please behave23:25
Hypnozagreed. Obviously those girls would go to #ubuntu-ilovefishtacos. Please don't generalize23:26
JanCHypnoz: in bash, yes, but remmeber that not all of that works in every shell23:26
HypnozI'm already confused by all the options in ${ }, I haven't even started to look at $( )23:27
Hypnozor $(${`command`})23:27
Hypnozi think i just gave myself a bloody nose thinking about that too hard23:28
Daviey!ops | garrythefish23:29
jpdsDaviey: Yeah, here neither.23:29
Hypnozshouldn't you +b the ip not the username?23:29
baccenfutterseems garrythefish is also missbehaving in #ubuntu-de with the same foolish shit23:30
jpdsHypnoz: What IP?23:31
JanCmight be useful to warn the -de ops then23:31
HypnozI thought you could get the IP from doing /whois nick23:32
jpdsHypnoz: [!] garrythefish (Garry the Fish) [n=fisher@unaffiliated/garrythefish] has joined #ubuntu-server23:32
baccenfutterHypnoz: nope just the HM if not using a cloak23:32
Hypnozya thats what i see too...23:32
Hypnozmaybe i'm thinking old school irc23:32
Hypnozyou used to be able to get all kinds of info with a whois23:32
=== Jagged is now known as sedthet
=== sedthet is now known as Jagged
baccenfuttercloaks make banning easier though ;)23:43
baccenfutteror, let's say, more comfortable23:44
Hypnozcouldn't he just change his nick and rejoin the channel?23:45
baccenfutterHypnoz: he'd have to /msg nickserv logout23:47
baccenfutteras long as he keeps his n! he keeps his kloak afaik23:47
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testmycloaktestmycloak n=backenfu@c-base/crew/backenfutter23:49
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baccenfutterwhatever the +e flag does, it's the only thing that changes23:50
baccenfutterPici: he already has a whole bunch of +b23:51
Picibaccenfutter: that was a remove23:52
Picihes gone from freenode23:52
baccenfutterthey d-line the acc?23:52
baccenfutterhe went "heil hitler" in #ubuntu-de23:52
PiciI didn't see exactly, but that or a kline (which is network wide on freenode)23:52

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