
=== israel is now known as rene
rajguys is the ext4 bug in ubuntu 9.10 still present?00:00
madcheezeratatim, no, what i mean is, are you using windows?00:00
madcheezeratatim, i see you arent tho00:00
ratatimmadcheeze: should i get on a windows machine to create the flash boot drive?00:00
HillshumWhat could cause apt to hold back upgrades?00:00
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sebsebsebmaco: and I already knew that having a seperate /home tends to make re installing easier,  and it's good advice to give to people :)00:00
ratatimmadcheeze: yeah no windows for me00:00
madcheezeratatim, i havent used ubuntu to create it before, i have always used windows. my windows machine is the one that takes the beating...00:00
ratatimmadcheeze: haha well i'll go to the schools computer labs and make a boot disk that way. I won't lose my stuff will i? when i upgrade?00:01
madcheezeratatim, are you sure its the whole .iso folder?00:01
sebsebsebraj: which one?  the one where big data might get currupted?00:01
ratatimmadcheeze: its the raw file i downloaded from a mirror site00:01
cedriczgHi again ubuntu community00:01
ratatimmadcheeze: i haven't done anything to it00:02
madcheezeratatim, then it should be the full .iso file. it should find it. if it doesnt, i cant help you without looking at it. maybe someone else here can.00:02
ShawnRiskhow do I remove one package only and not the all the other packages that go along with this.  Like I want to remove wpasupplicant as I want to stop this from running all the time.  Any ideas?00:02
sebsebsebmaco: (irelivant, but when did I actsaully find out that Ext4 in 9.04 can be a bit dodgy hmm)00:03
ratatimmadcheeze: i'll just go get onto a windows machine and create a pendrive boot disk. You've been a great help. thanks00:03
cedriczgThis month I have gone updating online from 8.04 to 8.10, then 9.04 and now will go at last to 9.10.00:03
sebsebsebraj: have a look at the 9.10 release notes00:03
cedriczgDid anyone face any major problems on online update from 9.04 to 9.10 ?00:03
mdgShawnRisk: Hi!  How's it going?00:03
madcheezeratatim, sorry, i didnt help you very much00:03
macosebsebseb: there were bugs filed..00:03
ShawnRiskmdg: good and you?00:03
sebsebseboh raj is gone already00:03
mdgShawnRisk: I can't complain.00:03
madcheezehas anyone else had problems with the updates locking their system up?00:03
mdgShawnRisk: did you get your wireless working?00:04
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ratatimmadcheeze: you were a big help. you reminded me of unetbootin. if i wouldn't have found that out again i'd be in way over my head still. I need to learn command line...00:04
sebsebsebmaco: yeah  Ext4 bug reports00:04
ShawnRiskmdg: it is closer to being solved but not solved yet00:04
ShawnRiskmdg: want to help?00:04
madcheezeratatim, im still learning too. you always learn something new using linux. windows makes you dumb as well as osx...00:05
mdgShawnRisk: I just found a post a little while ago about broadcom and using a bcmwl driver - let me find the link...00:05
ShawnRiskmdg: nice00:05
tehloki_okay, i've successfully reinstalled grub after deleting the ntfs and fat32 partitions.00:05
ratatimmadcheeze: haha yeah i couldn't agree more00:05
tehloki_should i keep my (now working) ubuntu install or wipe my HD and start with windows installed and THEN reinstall ubuntu00:06
ratatimmadcheeze: have a good night. i'm sure i'll be back if i get stumped.00:06
sebsebsebtehloki_: which version of Ubuntu?00:06
mdgShawnRisk: Post #3 - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1330657&highlight=Broadcom00:06
sebsebsebtehloki_: so you just put Grub 2 on and it's working?  you upgraded from 9.04 before that?00:07
mdgShawnRisk: which driver is installed right now?00:07
ShawnRiskmdg: just to update you I reinstalled Ubuntu to get it working again, and now what I am trying to is get the Access Point to work out.  I setup the ESSID, Encryption Key and Channel.00:07
tehloki_sebsebseb: my 9.10 install is working. installing win7 fucked up my MBR somehow. I wiped out the windows partition and reinstalled grub2 and now my ubuntu install can boots00:07
sebsebsebtehloki_: if 9.10 is working for you, well keep that install for now I guess :)00:07
mdgShawnRisk: sticking with wep?00:07
ShawnRiskmdg: Broadcom B43 wireless driver00:07
tehloki_sebsebseb: i'm trying to install win7 too00:08
sebsebseb!language |  tehloki_00:08
ubottutehloki_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.00:08
sebsebsebtehloki_: oh dear00:08
ShawnRiskmdg: for the time being, I don't want to switch yet.00:08
sebsebsebtehloki_: if you re install Windows 7 (Vista version 2)00:08
sebsebsebtehloki_: it will go over the part of Grub 2 that's in your Master Boot Record00:08
ShawnRiskmdg: I have to go outside to do the garbage, can you pm me that is easier I don't want to lose the message00:08
macotehloki_: ubuntu install always goes last if you want working grub00:08
riverfr0zenHi there. Just upgraded to karmic and I'm noticing the audio from my line-in source is delayed by a couple of seconds. Any thoughts?00:08
mdgShawnRisk: I can understand that - its quite an ordeal working through wireless setup.00:09
tehloki_even if i reinstall grub?00:09
mdgShawnRisk: okay00:09
macotehloki_: windows doesnt like admitting it has to share00:09
tehloki_okay i'll just format.00:09
sebsebsebtehloki_: Then you would have to re install Grub and that can be a right pain00:09
macotehloki_: if youre ok with reinstalling grub, go ahead00:09
sebsebsebtehloki_: was this an upgrade from 9.04 or not?00:09
tehloki_well i did but it didn't work last time00:09
ShawnRiskmdg: if I get WEP working than I can move over to WAP when I get time00:09
macotehloki_: just saying, if you always install windows before ubuntu, you can avoid playing around with grub00:09
tehloki_yes sebsebseb00:09
tehloki_wait no00:09
sebsebsebtehloki_: an upgrade?00:09
tehloki_i upgraded, it broke everything, i reinstalled00:09
sebsebsebtehloki_: or clean install?00:09
tehloki_so this is a clean install.00:09
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sebsebsebtehloki_: oh ok so Ext4 and working Grub 2 for you, but no Windows 7 :D00:10
xNinjahello...i was connected with no problem in my laptop through wireless...but after plugging a cable i cant connect to internet...i think the route has been changed or something !?00:10
sebsebsebtehloki_: yeah basically what maco says,  I wonder if Microsoft did it on purpouse so Windows overwrites the MBR on install like it does00:10
sebsebsebtechhelper1: says not said,  anyway uhmmm what do you use Windows for?00:10
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tehloki_well it didn't just overwrite the MBR with its own bootloader, it corrupted it.00:10
mdgxNinja: click on your networking icon and see if it shows wireless or ethernet cable is being used00:11
sebsebsebtehloki_: Is that a reasonably new computer, hence Windows 7?00:11
sebsebsebtehloki_: How much RAM?00:11
macosebsebseb: i think MS just doesnt care to fix it00:11
xNinjamdg can we do that in command prompt ? i am ssh to that pc00:11
sebsebsebmaco:  could be00:11
sebsebsebtehloki_: ok :) good00:11
sebsebsebtehloki_: and you got the Windows 7 DVD yes?00:12
tehloki_sebsebseb: yes00:12
sebsebsebtehloki_: good00:12
tehloki_so i'm going to wipe out my drive now and try installing win7 THEN ubuntu 9.1000:12
sebsebsebtehloki_: you should be able to virtual machine it inside Ubuntu :)00:12
sebsebsebtehloki_: hold on00:12
mdgxNinja: try "ifconfig" in a terminal (no quotes) This will tell you waht networking interfaces are setup.00:12
riverfr0zenHow do I get rid of pulseaudio in Karmic?00:12
sebsebsebtehloki_: Virtual machines are awesome, well depending on what you want to do, for most Windows stuff oh yes they are awesome :)00:12
tehloki_sebsebseb: i'm a bit of a gamer, will that work well enough00:12
sebsebsebtehloki_: games hmm00:13
tehloki_i'm just going to win7, ubuntu with partitions00:13
DoctehI run my linux partition in virtualbox occasionally00:13
sebsebsebtehloki_: well  Virtualbox 3.0+  has some Direct3D 8 support00:13
Doctehworks great when i dont want to reboot to do package updates00:13
sebsebsebtehloki_: that you could try, if you got some 3D games, plus you can get stuff working in Wine etc00:13
xNinjamdg i have eth0 and wlan1 connected each has different ip range eth0 192.168.3. / wlan1
tehloki_sebsebseb: doesn't sound like much fun.00:13
sebsebsebtehloki_: ok00:14
sebsebsebtehloki_: when you re installed before, did you do a seperate /home I guess not?00:14
jcpi'm having an issue getting my cron script to run correctly00:14
mdgxNinja: okay.  So now you are wanting to use the wireless?00:14
usser!ask | jcp00:14
ubottujcp: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:14
sebsebsebtehloki_: well those can be really good to have, and it's much easier to set them up on a clean install of Ubuntu00:14
cornflakedoes anyone know how to get an internal microphone to work?00:14
jcpi have the following line: */5 * * * * echo 'tick tock...' &>> /home/jcp/development/lib/scripts/logs/cronlog.txt00:15
xNinjamdg yep00:15
jribjcp: and?00:15
Altreus[Hireme]google has so far told me that a radeon 9200 isn't going to work on 9.10...00:15
jcpand it doesnt seem to work, nothing gets appended to that log file, and there are no errors in /var/log/cron.log00:15
sebsebsebtehloki_: so I suggest doing that :)  and  ok sure,  re install,  Windows 7 first, then put Ubuntu on00:16
Gaming4JChey all, having a possible trojan problem with wget. Can anyone tell me the md5sum of wget on their Ubuntu 9.10?  "md5sum /usr/bin/wget"?00:16
jribjcp: you should create a bash script and just run that.  I bet crontab gets interpreted through sh00:16
mdgxNinja: I'm tryint to think of the command to disconnect eth0 and restart wlan100:16
usserjcp, cron doesnt like redirections etc, put the line in a bash script00:16
nemoGaming4JC: which processor?00:16
nemoGaming4JC: x86 or 64?00:16
xNinjamdg no i just need the route right command00:16
charles`_is there a way to override my dns server but still use network-manager?00:16
sebsebsebtehloki_: dual boot :)00:16
charles`_(and dhcp)00:16
nemolinux-64:~$ md5sum `which wget`00:16
nemodcb32f8346aa75f8220ca6c6008d3464  /usr/bin/wget00:16
nemoGaming4JC: so. did you get trojaned? :)00:17
mdgxNinja: I'm kinda lost - you mean an ssh command?00:17
Gaming4JCnemo: thanks, strangely no the md5hash check matches.00:17
xNinjamdg route add gw or something like that00:17
ProteusI'm putting together a new box and I'm thinking of buying an ATI 5850 but I've never used ati cards (this new) with linux and I'm concerned about driver support. does anyone here have first hand experience with the new radeons?00:17
xNinjayes ssh command00:17
Gaming4JCnemo: I've still no idea why it was running as root and wouldn't respond to pkill.00:17
nemoGaming4JC: they compromised md5sum too ;)00:17
Gaming4JCnemo: never thought of that? o_O00:18
jcpusser: i'm just testing to see if the cron script is running in the first place. i'm trying to debug a job thats supposed to be running every 15 minutes, which isnt, and i think the culprit is cron00:18
nemoGaming4JC: um. wget is probably used by the updater00:18
nemoGaming4JC: could simply be some background fetch that stalled00:18
nemowhy it isn't responding to pkill... dunno, were you running the kill as non-root?00:18
Gaming4JCnemo: possible, but it's strange some of the binaries it downloaded. And I did run it as sudo00:18
Gaming4JCnemo: how about "ls -lc /usr/bin/wget"00:18
Gaming4JCfor modification date.00:18
nemo-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 241680 2009-10-08 23:12 /usr/bin/wget00:18
korogiannosHi.  I have tried this before and gone wrong.  I have windows7, now freshly installed ubuntu. they both boot, now i've installed the updates in ubuntu I need to choose "Configuring grub-pc" should I "keep the local version currently installed"?  I think I chose the package maintainers one last time and needed to repair win7.  I don't have the win disk so must get it right00:19
nemoGaming4JC: how on earth would date help? we presumably installed at different times00:19
jribjcp: just check for mail from cron00:19
sebsebsebkorogiannos: which version of Ubuntu?00:19
Gaming4JCnemo: If the file was modifed at a different time00:19
nemoGaming4JC: you might want to run a rootkit checker00:19
Gaming4JCnemo: I ran unhide, seemed to be crashing on karmic00:19
mdgxNinja: like a "bind address" command?00:19
madcheezeGaming4JC, use antivir its great..00:19
nemoGaming4JC: chkrootkit00:20
sebsebsebkorogiannos: so brand new install,  just doing the updates?00:20
Gaming4JCnemo: ok I'll give that one a try00:20
madcheezeGaming4JC, great for what it does. use the usb stick version00:20
Proteusdoes anyone know how well ubuntu/linux in general supports the new ATI cards?00:20
nemoGaming4JC: of course, I'm a bit puzzled how you could get compromised in first place - bad repos or bad ssh password?00:20
Gaming4JCnemo: the strange thing is it downloaded 14MB and the files were anything from dlls, to images00:20
sebsebsebProteus: ATI cards tend to be an issue with Desktop Linux, because of their lack of support00:20
Gaming4JCnemo: I've no idea, bad repos perhaps.00:20
nemoGaming4JC: hm. UbuntuOne synchronisation?00:20
korogiannossebsebseb: yup. I installed before and had to use the windows disk to repair windows boot.  now I've fresh install again.  It went wrong when I installed updates to grub last time too.00:20
nemoGaming4JC: uh. maybe ies4lin ?00:21
Gaming4JCnemo: I don't use Ubuntu One and yes it downloaded windows exe, some dll, and some other stuff in a packet log.00:21
madcheezewhat is the consensus on the ubuntu one? am i better off using something like dropbox?00:21
Gaming4JCnemo: I don't use winetricks or ies4lin00:21
brovahow can i use grep to search ONLY up until the first ":" in the /etc/passwd00:21
nemomadcheeze: I use my own home server for a dropbox00:21
nemomadcheeze: but the synchronisation is kind of fun to play with anyway.00:21
sebsebsebkorogiannos: I think I am correct,  but maybe not.   the local version currently is installed is the one that is on there right now.  The package maintainers version will be any update to Grub 2.00:22
jribbrova: search the man page for "stop"?00:22
jcpjrib: see this is the problem, i see no signs of errors anywhere. no mail from cron, nothing in the log, but its clear the scripts i have in the crontab are not being run00:22
jcpi can run the scripts manually and they work fine00:22
jribjcp: desktop ubuntu doesn't install an mta by default, did you install one?00:22
brovajrib: ok. you have helped me before i remember you lol00:22
jribbrova: hi :)00:22
Gaming4JCnemo: Do you know if cron runs any updates in the background, and even if it does why would it download dlls? o_O00:22
nemoGaming4JC: do you have open ssh? :)00:22
Gaming4JCnemo: nope.00:22
jribbrova: what do you actually want to accomplish?00:22
Gaming4JCnemo: As far as I know I'm not running any servers lol.00:23
nemoGaming4JC: what's your IP? can I scan you from outside?00:23
korogiannossebsebseb: all works fine now, should I keep the local one?00:23
sebsebsebkorogiannos: it should be ok to do either option00:23
Gaming4JCnemo sure feel free to scan00:23
nemoGaming4JC: hopefully you use reject and not drop - drop is such false security...00:23
sebsebsebkorogiannos: I was typing your answer, before I even got that question00:23
jcpjrib: that could be the problem, im going to look into that now00:23
Proteussebsebseb, so basically, for good desktop support my only choice is going with an nvidia card? how bad is ati support really?00:23
nemoGaming4JC: your current IP is same?00:23
Gaming4JCnemo: get the query, yes.00:23
jribjcp: debian uses exim by default which I like, but there are lighter ones too00:23
brovajrib: im trying to search for user names and display the information from the /etc/passwd file based upon command line arguements, problem is right now that when i type user as a command line arguement awell it also finds directories00:24
nemoGaming4JC: ugh. you use drop - this will take a while...00:24
ZaNeIuMi'm no longer seeing my connection status un the upper riight cormer of my screen, how do i det it back?00:24
jribbrova: can you show an example?00:24
xNinjamdg thanks anyway :D00:24
sebsebsebProteus: some of the Nivida cards get issues to,  I think like the very latest or maybe the really realy old ones.  However Nivida are known to have the best Desktop Linux graphics support.   ATI  = problems usaulley or that's the impression I get anyway from being here in this channel enough times00:24
Gaming4JCnemo: Why is it better to reject than drop, lol?00:24
ZaNeIuMits not in the add a pannles box ether00:24
brovajrib: i will paste bin everything i have so far00:24
thiefI want to repartition my drives so I can have more space on the linux one (I will suck it from a ntfs partition). what is the most reliable program around to do it?00:24
korogiannossebsebseb: Thanks.  Not sure what went wrong last time.  Is this the right place to ask about comparing the "side by side difference between versions"? or is that another IRC room? I can't afford to have it brake now I've lost my windows disk...00:25
madcheezethief, gparted00:25
nemoGaming4JC: well, I just don't see drop offering any significant advantages in security, and it is a PITA for legitimate connections00:25
Altreus[Hireme]Where can I download previous versions of ubuntu?00:25
sebsebsebkorogiannos: Sure you can ask abou the Ubuntu versions in here.00:25
Altreus[Hireme]specifically jaunty00:25
thiefmadcheeze, I will check it out, thanks00:25
jribAltreus[Hireme]: releases.ubuntu.com00:25
madcheezethief, no prob00:25
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sebsebsebAltreus[Hireme]:  What's up with Karmic?  http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.0400:26
Altreus[Hireme]sebsebseb: google tells me to give up trying to get my radeon 9200 working under karmic00:26
sebsebsebAltreus[Hireme]: good idea to md5sum/sha1sum your ISO before burning contents to CD.  the code you compare to is in the list of files00:26
sebsebsebAltreus[Hireme]: if you downloaded from torrent it's probably fine though00:26
bobbyiHello, I'm trying to install Ubuntu 9.10 on my friend's Desktop.  It gets to the login screen, but freezes when trying to load up the desktop.  I ctrl-alt-f1 to a terminal and startx -- :1 and it starts to load the desktop but freezes.  I notice the top and bottom bars aren't rendered correctly when I switched back to terminal after startx command.  He has an nvidia geforce 7800 GT, is there something I need to do to configure X c00:26
sebsebsebAltreus[Hireme]: that's ATI isn't it?00:27
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magmarulesguys anyone knows a way to configure shadows in compiz so that windows have larger shadows then menus?00:27
brovajrib: http://pastebin.com/d478316cb00:27
Altreus[Hireme]sebsebseb: yes.00:27
sebsebsebProteus: see above what  Altreus[Hireme]  put00:27
sebsebsebProteus: yet another ATI  graphics card issue00:27
Altreus[Hireme]sebsebseb: it is older than the minimum that the fglrx drivers support, according to the wiki00:27
carlosati is meh00:27
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Proteussebsebseb, I've heard about ATI's bad drivers for years but I've also heard that they were trying to get their act together and have dedicated delopment for linux. I saw that newegg was going to have 5850s back in stock tomorrow....it would suck to have to wait for nvidia to finally get around to releasing their mid-range fermi card00:27
Bolvadur2BobbyShaftoe: have you installled the drivers?00:27
Altreus[Hireme]sebsebseb: this thread told me not to bother http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1121222&page=200:28
Bolvadur2bobbyi: : have you installled the drivers?00:28
brovajrib: the problem is, if you run the script, that it will highlight the /user/00:28
BluesKajbobbyi, install the nvidia-glx-185 driver00:28
sebsebsebProteus: well  most Nivida cards work great in Desktop Linux :)00:28
sebsebsebProteus: ATI that's not the case, and I guess same thing for Intel00:28
bobbyican I install with apt-get?00:28
Altreus[Hireme]unfortunately I can't afford a new nvidia card, which is why I'm using free stuff to do it00:28
BluesKajyes, bobbyi00:28
Altreus[Hireme]unfortunately, free means old ATI stuff00:28
bobbyiok, I will go try that now.  Thank you very much00:28
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jribbrova: I see.  You probably want to match something like '^$x'00:29
jcpjrib: what kind of configuration is needed once i've got sendmail installed?00:29
silent_hHas anyone else noticed that the Firefox menu fonts are HUGE if you leave your fonts at 10pt?  Other GTK apps are normal - only Firefox renders them huge...00:29
hyper89linux is confusing00:29
sebsebsebAltreus[Hireme]: well  overall for many 9.04 is really the better release, not 9.10,  plus that's fine to use that  online,  when it's still being supported and your getting the security updates00:29
bobbyiI assume I need internet access to install the driver?  (i.e. won't be found on CD)00:29
jribjcp: I don't think I've ever installed sendmail, but usually it should just work for local mail (exim asks you using debconf)00:29
hyper89why is linux confusing?00:30
sebsebsebhyper89: Hello what's up?  What's the problem?00:30
silent_hhyper89: it can be, but what's your current problem?00:30
sebsebsebhyper89: What do you want to do?00:30
Bolvadur2hyper89: it's a conspiracy00:30
hyper89just hard to learn i guess im a newb still00:30
madcheezeati is fine. you just end up having to compile the driver from scratch. thats what linux is all about isnt it?00:30
hyper89need to do more reading i assume?00:30
sebsebseb!new | hyper8900:30
jribhyper89: check out help.ubuntu.com00:30
ubottuhyper89: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com00:30
sebsebsebhyper89: Ubuntu Pocket Guide as well :)00:31
BluesKajbobbyi, it's possible that the live cd contains the right kernel module driver00:31
silent_hyou mean learning basic stuff like making your way around the desktop environment?00:31
brovajrib: THANKS :D00:31
sebsebsebhyper89: np00:31
Bolvadur2hyper89: no you need more tweaking and stuff... trying to break your system doing fancy stuff :P00:31
jribhyper89: one of the best ways to learn is to install an extra copy of ubuntu in virtual box and go crazy experimenting there00:31
madcheezejrib, you hit that one on the head...00:31
sebsebsebhyper89: what  Bolvadur2  put jokeingly I think, isn't  exactly helpful00:31
Proteusmadcheeze, compile from scratch? do the open source drivers support the 5850s?00:31
assoguerozen_sxamagodi q lag isso aqui00:31
hyper89i do have it on a VB ;)00:31
brovame and hyper are both in the same college course actually00:31
silent_hyes, because then you can break it really bad and it doesn't matter :)00:31
jrib!br | assoguerozen_sx00:31
ubottuassoguerozen_sx: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.00:31
sebsebsebhyper89: hmm with Windows as host?00:31
hyper89i just find it more difficult, cause i dont read ENOUGH on this stuff00:32
hyper89yes windows as host00:32
madcheezeProteus, yes, but i havent found one that works out of the box with opengl and all. thats why there is alot of info around the web about it00:32
jordydWill I risk confusing the package manager if I modify /opt ?00:32
sebsebsebhyper89: that can be ok for trying to get a feel for it, but really it should be the other way round :)00:32
jribjordyd: no, package manager shouldn't install stuff to /opt anyway00:32
jordydjrib: Cool, thanks.00:32
silent_hhyper89: anything in particular causing you problems or confusing you, or just in general?00:32
jribjordyd: you can always check if a package is responsible for a file by using « dpkg -S »00:32
higuy2071gah! im stuck at version 8.04 of ubuntu and i can upgrade out of it, can anyone with some expertiese walk me through upgrading?00:32
hyper89in general, i think i just need to practice more00:32
madcheezeProteus, use virtualbox in your windows partition, and install ubuntu on it. tweak it, make it the way you want, then move over to ubuntu and get it working the way you like...00:32
hyper89which what i dont do00:32
jrib!upgrade > higuy207100:33
ubottuhiguy2071, please see my private message00:33
silent_hfair enough - well good luck :)00:33
sebsebsebjrib: beat me to it :)00:33
jribhiguy2071: make sure your options aren't ignoring non-LTS releases00:33
Bolvadur2higuy2071: when you are in 8.04 and want to update, I recommend doing it from cd and doing a fresh install.00:33
silent_htook me a long time before I was comfortable enough to switch over 100%00:33
jordydjrib: I want to install something there manually. (not in the repos)00:33
sebsebsebhiguy2071:  uhmm might want to stay with 8.04 for now00:33
Altreus[Hireme]sebsebseb: cool, jaunty it is then :)00:33
Rajasunmadcheeze: how is ati fine if as said so many users seem to have problems with its cards but not so with nvidia on linux?00:33
sebsebsebhiguy2071: since if you do you can upgrade directly to 10.04 when it comes out at the end of April00:33
madcheezeRajasun, the problem is with the driver support.00:33
jribjordyd: yeah, /opt and /usr/local/ are the two good places for that (personally, I use /usr/local/ if it has a "unixy" structure and /opt otherwise)00:33
jcpis there a way to tell the last time a script was run?00:34
sebsebsebhiguy2071: no Grub 2 or Ext4 when doing the upgrade though, but that's not a big deal00:34
madcheezeRajasun, thats why you have to manage it yourself.00:34
Bolvadur2higuy2071: I updated 2 computers from 8.04 to 9.10 and it took hours and in the end both systems rendered a bit more sluggish than they should be compared to a fresh install00:34
jribjcp: I doubt it00:34
higuy2071i want to do a fresh install, but ive heard you shouldnt skip in upgrades00:34
thiefwhen I right-click the NTFS partition on GParted, most options, including resize, are disabled, why is that?00:34
higuy2071i want to be at 9.1000:34
snnwHello, I have a problem with ecryptfs. I'm trying to mount a private home directory under Jaunty from a dual-booted Karmic. Mounting the private directory seems to succeed but no files actually show up in ~. Could somebody help me troubleshoot, please?00:34
sebsebsebAltreus[Hireme]: do the ISO check I mentioned :)00:34
madcheezeRajasun, you want to learn linux, and be good at it? then learn how to compile a driver, and manage it. that will teach you mostly all you will ever need to know about linux00:34
jribhiguy2071: if you do a fresh install it doesn't matter if you skip of course00:34
silent_hhiguy2071: a fresh install is a good idea rather than upgrading through all those versions -- just make sure you back up your stuff first!00:34
Bolvadur2higuy2071: download and burn the 9.10 cd and install it from scratch00:35
Rajasunmadcheeze: why is it that nvidia seems to do a better job at that without user intervention i.e. needing user to "manage it himself/herself"?00:35
madcheezeRajasun, compiling a driver is not for the feint at heart...00:35
jordydjrib: Well, it specifies /opt, I'm not about to complain if it doesn't cause problems. :) I generally install things into /usr/local/ as well.00:35
urizen 00:35
higuy2071jrib: how do i uninstall this old version?00:35
sebsebsebhiguy2071: if you really want 9.10, I suggest doing a clean install,  because of what I just mentioned  no Ext4 and Grub 2 on upgrade, and also how many people got issues after upgarding 9.04 to 9.1000:35
jribjordyd: what are you installing by the way?00:35
korogiannossebsebseb: MANY THANKS!  The local version did it.  Now both windows and Ubuntu boot, Ubuntu especially fast.00:35
Proteusmadcheeze, my shtick is evolutionary algorithms and computational biology, I mainly need OpenCL support. OpenGL would be nice, but it isn't essential. Is getting solid opencl support for these cards in linux already there or is it hopeless?00:35
silent_hthe installer will allow you to use your entire hard drive, effectively overwriting the old install00:35
silent_hwhich is why you need to back up everything00:35
jribhiguy2071: just tell the installer to overwrite it during the partition setup00:35
Rajasunmadcheeze: why is it that nvidia seems to do a better job at that without user intervention i.e. needing user to "manage it himself/herself" 9 out of 10 instances that is?00:35
sebsebsebkorogiannos: ok good :)00:35
sebsebsebkorogiannos: now just remember to use Ubuntu mainly :)00:35
jribhiguy2071: you lose data of course if you don't have backups00:36
sebsebsebkorogiannos: and have as the one that boots up by default :D00:36
higuy2071jrib: is there an option to do that while installing?00:36
madcheezeRajasun, because they are a bigger entity and can support it better than ati. remember, ati is the amd of graphics... they dont have the support channels and body that nvidia has00:36
korogiannossebsebseb: For everything except a few games with my flatmates :)00:36
jribhiguy2071: yeah, during the partition setup00:36
silent_hhiguy: yes, what he said ;)00:36
madcheezeProteus, i dont know about opencl. i dont use it. thats getting deeper than i would like to go00:36
sebsebsebkorogiannos: ok00:36
madcheezeProteus, at least for now00:36
jordydjrib: clojure-mode, slime, and swank-clojure. I am installing from here: http://riddell.us/tutorial/slime_swank/slime_swank.html00:36
justcopdpkg --configure -a fixed my problems, can someone please explain to me what exactly that did?00:37
korogiannossebsebseb: Thanks again. I bid you farewell00:37
higuy2071jrib: thank you :)00:37
silent_hhiguy2071: but again, we can't stress enough to make a backup of your data first00:37
higuy2071i dont have any data haha00:37
silent_hthat works then :)00:37
madcheezeRajasun, if you want an easy install, use nvidia. if you want to work on it, use ati.00:37
jordydjrib: Well, actually, minus the slime because I already have that.00:37
silent_hyou can just tell the new installer to "use my entire hard drive" and it will do the rest for you00:37
ten80pHello, I keep getting DRDY ERR and ICRC ABRT messages when i access my sata disk .. there was no problem when the disk was connected to usb, and the disk works fine on windows, any ideas?00:37
madcheezeProteus, same for you, if you want to work on it, and compile the driver, then use ati, if you want something that will generally work out of the box, then use nvidia00:38
Rajasunmadcheeze: so by what u have said and the truth about the relative ease of nvidia cards for most on linux vis-a-vis those from ati, don't you think your original statement that linux is all about compiling is not true but only applies to certain circumstances e.g. certain (not all) ati cards?00:38
silent_hten80p: try going to the "Places" menu, and see if the drive shows up there -- when I use eSATA on mine I have to mount it manually (since it is considered an internal drive)00:38
ten80ponce i enter x with the drive installed the whole OS hard locks [9.04]00:39
madcheezeRajasun, a .inf is the a .inf file. you just have to build it to work with linux. so no, the truth is that ati is just as good. but the driver support sucks. its like buying an italian sport bike in the us, and expect great support... it just doesnt happen00:39
Proteusmadcheeze, I'm ok with working on it if I need to but could you point me in the direction of the relevant info?00:39
silent_hten80p: hmm, is it just a data drive or are you trying to boot the OS from it?00:40
ten80pno, OS is on another drive00:40
madcheezeProteus, what relevant info would you like?00:41
ZaNeIuManyone know how to get back the ichon in the upper right corner that told me my connection status? it went missing00:41
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sebsebsebZaNeIuM: right click and add to panel? or reset panels to default00:42
sebsebseb!panels | ZaNeIuM00:42
madcheezeZaNeIuM, right click the bar at the top, and click add to panel, then go choose your network monitor00:42
ubottuZaNeIuM: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »00:42
silent_hit's called the "indicator applet"00:42
thiefwhen I right-click the NTFS partition on GParted, most options, including resize, are disabled, why is that? I weant to shrink the NTFS to make the ext3 bigger00:42
ZaNeIuMits not the pannels00:42
Proteusmadcheeze, well, anything pertaining to getting support for things like opencl and opengl on a new ATI card via released tools or compiling custom drivers or whatever00:42
ZaNeIuMok ill try that thx00:42
silent_hten80p: sorry, don't know how to fix your problem, but it does look like others have reported the same error codes00:43
Rajasunmadcheeze: thing is nvidia users dun need to compile their drivers on linux for most instances, whereas quite a few ati card owners may need to. Thus defined as such i.e. relative enduser ease, nvidia is a betterthan ati and doesn't require compilation of drivers and so said linux isn't all about compiling. At least that isn't the instance for nvidia users and enough ati users in Ubuntu right?00:43
=== jherraez is now known as JTRIP
ten80pi have seen many others with this problem, i think i will give up and put the hdd on windows00:44
cyclichi! I just want to create a video clip for an mp3 song that has just a picture on it...that is all! what software can I use?00:44
madcheezeProteus, http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Installation_Guide00:44
ShawnRisk1I missed everyone00:44
ZaNeIuMsebsebseb: i did that, and its still not there00:45
madcheezeRajasun, thats because nvidia has put time into their drivers for open source support. ati has not.00:45
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ZaNeIuMi reset it in the treminal00:45
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mareka ja mam problem  z wyłaczaniem kompa00:45
madcheezeProteus, like i said, if you want something that will work out of your box, then use nvidia.00:46
Bolvadur2does anyone recommend XFCE on a bare install? or some other DE? (not flux)00:46
snnwI know this channel is very busy, but could someone look at my problem with ecryptfs. ^^^00:46
ZaNeIuMbut still got no network status00:46
Proteusmadcheeze, thanks for the link though, I'll have to go through this.00:46
sebsebsebBolvadur2: XFCE tends to get recommended in here for computers with old hardware not much RAM etc00:46
madcheezeRajasun, same for you. if you want something to just work, then use nvidia. i have my reasons for using ati, and one is because i favor the underdog. thats why i always use amd vs intel.00:46
ShawnRiskI seem to not be able to connect to wireless but I am able to see the wireless networks that are nearby me.  Everytime I try to connect to my wireless router it just keeps coming back with having me enter the password over and over.  Using WEP.  What do I do to fix this?00:46
spydonCan I see which nfs folders that are shared on another computer anyhow?00:47
madcheezeShawnRisk, version of ubuntu?00:47
madcheezeShawnRisk, gnome or kde?00:47
squircle!ask | snnw00:47
ubottusnnw: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:47
Bolvadur2sebsebseb: I know, I actually got lots of ram but want something snappier than gnome00:47
cynic__does anyone know how to create a simple video clip for an mp3 file with one of the Ubuntu software? I just want to put a picture through the whole song00:48
sebsebsebBolvadur2: XFCE, Fluxbox, LXDE,  etc00:48
ShawnRiskmadcheeze: gnome00:48
snnwsquircle: I was actually referring to my question above.00:48
squirclesnnw: aah, sorry00:48
ZaNeIuM i no longer have network monitor in my upper taks bar, it dissapeared and i reset the pannels but it still dont show up, how cani run it manually?00:48
dabadoowhats a good ftp client?00:48
madcheezeShawnRisk, be sure that the key is open key, and that the authentication is 64 and 128bit.00:48
sebsebseb!ftp |  dabadoo00:48
ubottudabadoo: FTP clients: Nautilus (Places -> Connect to server), gFTP, FileZilla (for !GNOME); Konqueror, Kasablanca, KFTPGrabber (for !KDE); FireFTP (for Firefox); ftp, lftp (for !cli) - See also !FTPd00:48
snnwsquircle: you don't happen to be an ecryptfs guru, do you? XD00:49
sebsebsebdabadoo: gFTP00:49
Bolvadur2sebsebseb: Ive used flux, openbox, awesome, gnome, kde4, lxde (masonix) and... um... plain cli00:49
spydon!nfs | spydon00:49
ubottuspydon, please see my private message00:49
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squircle!opinion | dabadoo00:49
ubottudabadoo: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.00:49
Bolvadur2sebsebseb: some interesting other des you've used?00:49
Athenis there a way to make a 'gnome-terminal' command open a terminal maximized ?00:49
trismBolvadur2: I'm using icewm00:49
sebsebsebBolvadur2: I have used stuff, but I tend to use  Gnome or KDE,  there's icevm and what not as well00:50
sebsebsebBolvadur2: loads of window managers out there00:50
Bolvadur2trism: ty I forgot about icewm00:50
ShawnRiskeveryone else can help?00:50
sebsebsebBolvadur2: in fact I tend to run  Gnome with some KDE apps,  except the last few days I been using KDE 4 and not on Ubuntu00:50
sebsebsebBolvadur2: last few days or so00:50
marshaShawnRisk: I'm back00:51
=== marsha is now known as mdg
boss_mcWoo! Karmic clean install!  Now, is there a way to loop the line in to the speakers, like there was in Jaunty?00:51
sebsebsebboss_mc: not sure what your trying to do, but certain things that worked fine in Jaunty don't in Karmic00:51
Bolvadur2boss_mc: do you mean record the stuff you are listening to?00:52
boss_mcsebsebseb: no, just pass the input straight to the output00:52
sebsebsebboss_mc: uhmm that was in reply to Bolvadur2 ?00:52
boss_mcsebsebseb: yes00:52
sebsebsebthought so00:53
Bolvadur2boss_mc: gl00:53
sebsebsebBolvadur2: gl I guess00:54
sebsebsebwrong one00:54
sebsebsebboss_mc: that was for you00:54
mr_danielhow can I send a message to the ubuntu notification sysem? which command line tool can I use for this?00:54
squircle!enter | sebsebseb00:54
ubottusebsebseb: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!00:54
sebsebsebsquircle: uh huh00:55
sebsebsebaltough right now it hardly matters00:55
sebsebsebsince the channel isn't that busy00:55
squircletrue, this is the least busy i've seen it in months00:55
sebsebsebsquircle: yeah last few days it hasn't been that busy, and I been thinking about possible reasons for that00:55
jorikthe world is out of noobs00:56
rob0917is there a channel to share ubuntu experiences?00:56
sebsebsebjorik: hmm00:56
lhx /j handbrake00:56
sebsebsebjorik: I think I know what you mean as a joke, but hmm00:56
jazzencatI am trying to make a bootable USB drive using usb-creator and a ubuntu iso.  i click format on /dev/sdb entry and a /dev/sdb1 pops up but i can't continue after that either nothing happens or i get a dbus error if i try to open the usb drive00:56
trismmr_daniel: you can use notify-send in the libnotify-bin package00:56
sebsebsebjorik: I assume you were jokeing00:56
sebsebseb!noob |  jorik00:56
ubottujorik: Acronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.00:56
squirclesebsebseb: well, i'm going to have to ask all my ubuntu server questions in here 'cause #ubuntu-server is so empty00:56
jorikyes, i was joking... the world will never be out of noobs00:56
snnwAh, time to repost my question :)00:56
snnwI have a problem with ecryptfs. I'm trying to mount a private home directory under Jaunty from a dual-booted Karmic. Mounting the private directory seems to succeed but no files actually show up in ~. Could somebody help me troubleshoot, please?00:56
jazzencati have rebooted and tried using disk utility to erase it...00:56
sebsebsebrob0917: Yeah I guess so00:58
sebsebseb!ot |  rob091700:58
ubotturob0917: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!00:58
sebsebsebrob0917: or you can pm me and we can share some experiences if you want00:58
squirclecan anybody suggest a good postfix-dovecot-spamassassin-clamav (or any of the above) comprehensive tutorial (since #ubuntu-server is dead)?00:59
ikus060Hello, I need you help here. I'm french and I don't know what is the right expression to talk about the index you found at the end of a book that containt a list of keyword and at which page it's referenced into the book.00:59
sebsebseb!fr |  ikus06000:59
ubottuikus060: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr00:59
Billiardsnnw: you sure you have files that should be there?00:59
ProfOakIs anyone having flash issues in ubuntu 9.10 (64 bit)?01:00
joriksquircle: http://www.howtoforge.com/virtual-users-domains-postfix-courier-mysql-squirrelmail-debian-lenny01:00
sebsebsebProfOak: probably quite a few people01:00
jorikwrong distro, but im sure they have it for ubuntu01:00
snnwBilliard: .profile should be there, right? It isn't.01:00
ikus060sebsebseb, do I look like someone that need help in french .. no. I want the name of the thing in English ..01:00
spydonDoes anyone know if its possible to list all remote shares on an NFS-server?01:00
Billiardsnnw: did you create .profile ?01:00
sebsebsebikus060: ok :)01:00
Billiardikus060: glossary?01:00
squircleikus060: you got the name right, an index01:00
ProfOaksebsebseb: Is it a popular issue? I was afraid I was alone.01:01
sebsebsebProfOak: Flash issues are reasonably common with Ubuntu01:01
squirclejorik: yeah, but that's courier... i found a pretty good one here: http://craigballinger.com/blog/2009/07/postfix-dovecot-mailserver-on-ubuntu-904-jaunty-jackalope/01:01
sebsebsebProfOak: since  it's not open source01:01
ikus060Billiard, a glossary it's more a list of keyword and it's definition .. isn't it ?01:01
sebsebsebProfOak: Adobe's one01:01
squirclejorik: i'm just going to massively fail when i try to set up clamav and spamassassin01:01
snnwBilliard: Not that I can remember. But I'm quite sure .gnupg/ and .ssh/ should be present.01:01
Billiardikus060: i have no idea really, but he already said index, :)01:01
squircleikus060: a glossary lists the word definitions, an index is a list with page references01:01
joriksquircle: thats done in postfix, should be alright01:01
sebsebsebProfOak: what's the acstaul issue?01:02
squirclejorik: at least i know where to come for help :)01:02
Billiardsnnw: well, try to make some files there, unmount it, see if the files disappear, mount it, see if the files are there again01:02
ikus060squircle, ok .. then it's an index.  Anybody know a good tool to create this kind of index ?01:02
Bolvadur2spydon: think not. just use static ips and keep a list with ips and paths to shared directories01:02
ikus060I've try OpenOffice, but it doesn't seems to have this functionality01:03
ProfOaksebsebseb: Well I never had anything like this in previous installs. Sure, fullscreen flash is kinda slow sometimes, but my problem is that for half the flash videos/games/whatever I can't use my mouse to interact with the flash. (ie press the pause button on youtube)01:03
snnwBilliard: When I try to create a file (.profile), I get permission denied.01:03
effigyam i terrible at google or is there no ubuntu software for downloading mp3s like soulseek for windows?01:03
Flare183ikus060: It does I've used it before I just don't know exactly how to do it again.01:03
jorikeffigy: soulseek is for linux01:03
sebsebsebikus060: There's KOffice and Abiword as well by the way01:03
spydonBolvadur2: too bad, do you know if there is a standard share created somewhere when you install the nfsserver?01:03
sebsebsebikus060: and for spreadsheets so not what you want to do, but  Gnumeric01:03
gluedoes synaptic steal the lock on dpkg even if its not in the act of installing something01:03
Billiardsnnw: you dont have write access, you can try to create it with sudo, just to see if its actually getting mounted01:04
Billiardglue: yes i think so01:04
kbpcould anyone using ubuntu 904 please check that php5-curl repo is broken?01:04
Bolvadur2spydon: by default no. as it would create security risk :)01:04
effigyjorik: really?  i only saw the windows exe on their download page01:04
sebsebsebProfOak: ok that's in FIrefox?01:04
spydonBolvadur2: good :)01:04
ikus060sebsebseb, thanks, but I don't think spreedsheets will solve my problem here ..01:04
sebsebsebikus060: that was the second thing01:04
Flare183effigy: I'm pretty sure its in the repos01:05
ProfOaksebsebseb: Good point, I haven't tried it with anything else. Yes it is in firefox.01:05
Bolvadur2spydon: you only need to change (install) exports and fstab, that's it01:05
sebsebsebikus060: the first thing  was two programs,  that you could use for your index01:05
Orpheei wanna learn about about linux how it works and how can i modify it any1 knows any good guides online?01:05
snnwBilliard: Hmm, when I try to umount (`ecryptfs-umount-private`), I get a message saying "Sessions still open, not unmounting".01:05
sebsebsebikus060: I wanted to mention Abiword and Gnumeric together, since they go together01:05
ikus060sebsebseb, yeah .. I know .. I will look into it .. maybe the creation of index is easier using Koffice01:05
sebsebsebikus060: ,but you don't have to have both installed etc01:05
Billiardsnnw: are you inside the directory? your current directory is?01:05
ZaNeIuMwhere is the network maniger applet located, it no longer runs on my taskbar01:05
sebsebsebikus060: or Abiword yeah01:06
ikus060or Abiword .. :)01:06
sebsebsebProfOak: from my expereince with FLash01:06
Bolvadur2installing the xfce4 metapackage atm :)01:06
sebsebsebProfOak: on Ubuntu,  but not your issue01:06
ProfOaksebsebseb: Getting opera to test it, but any advice until then?01:06
snnwBilliard: running pwd I get /home/snnw/. This is within a chroot in /mnt/jaunty/.01:06
Flare183!newusers | Orphee01:06
ubottuOrphee: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com01:06
sebsebsebProfOak: Flash gets issues in Firefox sometimes, but works fine in Epiphany and Galeon and so on01:07
effigyFlare183: oh okay, i'll keep searching then01:07
Billiardsnnw: you cant unmount a directory which you are currently inside01:07
sebsebsebProfOak: sudo apt-get install  epiphany-browser if you just put eiphany you get a game01:07
sebsebseb!browsers | ProfOak01:07
ubottuProfOak: Browsers available for Ubuntu: Firefox (GTK, Gecko engine), Konqueror (KDE/Qt, KHTML engine), Epiphany (GTK, Gecko engine), Dillo (GTK), w3m (terminal-based), Links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !man page), edbrowse (command-line), Opera (Qt, proprietary)01:07
Orpheethanks guys it was really bugging me that i did not know anything about how an os works:)01:08
ProfOaksebsebseb but epiph is based off the same engine as ffox?01:08
Flare183effigy: http://faq.slsknet.org/index.php?action=artikel&cat=1&id=4&artlang=en01:08
sebsebseb!new |  Orphee01:08
ubottuOrphee: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com01:08
sebsebsebOrphee: Ubuntu Pocket Guide as well :)01:08
snnwBilliard: Ah, good point.01:08
ratatimCan someone tell me why I can't find the .iso image in the directory it is in when using unetbootin on 8.04?01:08
Orpheei got the links thanks :)01:08
snnwBilliard: Although, after `cd ..` and `ecryptfs-umount-private`, I still get "Session still open, not unmounting".01:09
sebsebsebOrphee: oh the links were already done, but the guided wasn't01:09
effigyFlare183: thank you :x01:09
Flare183sebsebseb: Nah, I got it it before you01:09
Flare183effigy: Np01:09
puffHow do I set up a lexmark S 1625 network printer?01:09
Flare183to it*01:10
squircle!lexmark | puff01:10
Orpheei got it thanks01:10
ubottupuff: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows01:10
sebsebsebFlare183: yeah I missed it,  but  looked at stuff that I missed,  things got a tiny bit more busy in here, than a little while ago,  enough busy to miss things01:10
boss_mcsebsebseb: Bolvadur2: Huzzah! Installing gnome-mixer let me unmute the input and now it works again!01:10
glueare there any webapps that let you buy a beer for someone over the internet01:10
Flare183sebsebseb: That's true.01:10
=== EcKstasy is now known as JNSamuel
JPSmanwhy is there no man page for set?01:10
sebsebsebboss_mc: ok good01:10
Flare183!ot | glue (o.O)01:11
jribJPSman: it's a shell built-in, try "help set"01:11
ubottuglue (o.O): #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!01:11
ratatimCan someone tell me why I can't find the .iso image in the directory it is in when using unetbootin on 8.04?01:11
squircle!patience | ratatim01:11
ubotturatatim: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.01:11
gluewell the reason i'm wondering is because there are a few people in this channel that i'd like to buy a beer for helping me01:11
ratatimsquircle: sorry haha01:11
Billiardsnnw: you are completely out of the directory? and no files are open inside of it?01:12
jrib!cookie | glue01:12
ubottuglue: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!01:12
squircleit's alright, i'm looking in to it :)01:12
sebsebsebjrib: that's meant to be to the helpers01:12
ratatimsquircle: thanks :)01:12
squircleglue: send them some $ over paypal?01:12
Bolvadur2boss_mc: thanks for letting me know01:12
squircleratatim: are you having trouble locating the iso image to download for ubuntu? or... have i got your question completely wrong?01:13
ratatimsquircle: i have the .iso downloaded. when i try to make a boot up flash drive with unetbootin it's nowhere to be found. Even when i'm staring at it on my desktop01:14
snnwBilliard: Yes01:14
ratatimsquircle: should i redownload it?01:14
squircleratatim: you mean the image you downloaded magically disappeared/01:14
glueratatim: it's on your desktop?01:14
gluels -l ~/Desktop01:14
ratatimsquircle: Unetbootin can't find it. it's still there01:14
squircleratatim: aah01:15
ratatimglue: yes it's on my desktop. that's where i downloaded it to01:15
gluethis is just a shot in the dark, but what are the permissions on it01:15
ratatimglue: haha beats me. i don't know command worth a dang01:15
korogiannos2 questions.  How can I have a (not the windows, another) ntfs partition mount automatically on boot (with the icon on desktop too) 2nd can I hide certain files/directories? eg "pagefile.sys" "$RECYCLE.BIN" "System Volume Information"?01:15
squircleratatim: ls -l ~/Desktop01:15
ratatimsquircle: should i enter that command or what? haha01:16
squircle!fstab | korogiannos01:16
ubottukorogiannos: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions01:16
squircleratatim: yep :) go into the terminal and enter that01:16
squirclekorogiannos: that answers the first part... the second part is a bit tricker, and I don't know the answer01:16
snnwBilliard: If it helps, I seem to remember "Sessions still open, not unmounting" comes up when logging out of a VT, while still logged onto GDM or a different VT.01:16
karthikis GOS still popular ?01:17
korogiannossquircle: That's enough to get me started. Thanks01:17
ratatimsquircle: It says command not found01:17
ratatimi copy and pasted what you put01:17
squircleratatim: ls (LS) <space> <dash>l (L) ~/Desktop <enter>01:17
snnwBilliard: Actually, I just confirmed that.01:17
noisecontrolonline to help out with basics :)01:17
squircleratatim: ls -l ~/Desktop01:17
Flare183isonoooooo: ????01:18
ratatimsquircle: ok now what? haha i got it right that time01:18
benc1how do I kill a process?01:19
Flare183benc1: kill01:19
ratatimIt shows the .iso on there01:19
JPSmanbenc1: kill -9 pid01:19
JPSmanbenc1: where pid is the processes ID01:19
benc1JPSman: thanks01:19
benc1JPSman: what is -901:19
Flare183ZaNeIuM: ?????01:19
noisecontrolJPSman - also - if you want to process kill a process by name - all copies of it01:19
noisecontrolpkill process01:19
hRbkill dash 901:19
hRbno more CPU time01:19
squircleratatim: it should say something like -rwxr-xr-x 123 ratatim users01:19
Bilgekill -9 -101:20
squircleratatim: does it say -rwxr-xr-x?01:20
ratatimsquircle: it says: -rw-r--r-- 1 swedishfish swedishfish 730662912 2009-11-30 11:47 ubuntu-8.10-alternate-i386.iso01:20
Flare183ZaNeIuM: oddworld?01:20
hRbKill-9: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fow7iUaKrq401:20
squircleratatim: that's the problem01:20
ratatimsquircle: haha what is?01:20
benc1JPSman: I'm using: 'sudo kill -9 beam.smp'01:20
ZaNeIuMoh that works for most missing applets01:20
squircleratatim: it can't read the file 'cause it doesn't have the permissions lol01:21
gOLDfeeshHey I have a sound problem. Ubuntu Karmic 64 Bit, and I have pulse audio. For some reason my sound applet is gone too01:21
benc1JPSman: and getting: 'ERROR: garbage process ID "beam.smp".'01:21
JPSmanbenc1: is is beamp.smp's process id?01:21
squircleratatim: type chmod -v 755 ubuntu-8.10-alternate-i316.iso01:21
squircle!hi | Dougdoug401:21
ubottuDougdoug4: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!01:21
plitteris there a way of making scfigure come in at a specific point? i've tried with \begin{SCfigure}[][h!], H, h, and still it comes above my section headline01:21
ratatimsquircle: ok01:21
Dougdoug4How come Ubuntu 9.10 is called Karmic Koala01:21
JPSmanbenc1: run ps aux | grep beam01:21
squircleratatim: it should say "changed mode of file to -rwxr-xr-x"01:21
Dougdoug4I mean, Ubuntu 9.04 was Jaunty Jackalope.. what changed lol01:22
ratatimsquircle: it says this: chmod: cannot access `ubuntu-8.10-alternate-i316.iso': No such file or directory01:22
ratatimfailed to change mode of `ubuntu-8.10-alternate-i316.iso' to 3704 (rwx--Sr-T)01:22
squircleDougdoug4: A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I-J-K-L01:22
Dougdoug4No I mean01:22
Dougdoug4Why did they change it from upgrading from 9.04 to 9.1001:22
squircleratatim: right, sorry... stick sudo in front of that (sudo chmod -v blah blah)01:22
JPSmanbenc1: that should tell you the process ID of anything called beam01:22
benc1JPSman: I'm getting a long command as a result01:22
Dougdoug4was ubuntu 8.10 Jaunty Jackalope?01:22
usserDougdoug4, not sure what you mean, every 6 months is a new release, no 8.10 was intrepid ibex01:23
ratatimsquircle: haha okie dokie01:23
Flare183Dougdoug4: Because Ubuntu is a on a 6 month release cycle01:23
squircleDougdoug4: 9.04 was jaunty01:23
benc1JPSman: got it. thanks01:23
gOLDfeeshDougdoug4, that was 9.0401:23
Dougdoug4hm....... ok01:23
gOLDfeesh8.10 = intrepid01:23
Dougdoug4what are they going to name ubnutu 10.401:23
Flare183!lucid | Dougdoug401:23
ubottuDougdoug4: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+101:23
ratatimsquircle: it's still saying the same thing01:23
JPSmanhRb: what????  kill -9 lol01:23
squircleratatim: it asked you for your password and everything?01:23
Dougdoug4what about01:23
squircle!enter | Dougdoug401:24
ubottuDougdoug4: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:24
ratatimsquircle: yes it did01:24
squircleratatim: wow, i'm an idiot01:24
ratatimsquircle: no you aren't haha01:24
hRbJPSman, good old nerdcore01:24
squircleratatim: sudo chmod -v 755 ~/Desktop/ubuntu-8.10-alternate-i386.iso01:24
squircleratatim: (i got the directory wrong :) )01:24
* squircle is just a lil' special01:24
jimmy51_ howdy.  i want to do some quick and dirty 3d CAD.  what app should i use?01:25
Flare183jimmy51_: QCAD01:25
ratatimsquircle: here is what i got: mode of `/home/swedishfish/Desktop/ubuntu-8.10-alternate-i386.iso' retained as 0755 (rwxr-xr-x)01:25
squircle!opinion | jimmy51_01:26
ubottujimmy51_: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.01:26
squircleratatim: try again in unetbootin01:26
squircleratatim: should work now01:26
ratatimsquircle: will do01:26
jimmy51_Flare183: hmm... i thought qcad was 2d only.  i'll check again01:26
Flare183jimmy51_: oops01:26
Flare183jimmy51_: Blender is 3D01:26
* Flare183 is sorry01:26
Dougdoug4!ubuntu 10.1001:26
Dougdoug4!ubuntu 10.401:27
Flare183Did the bot just die?01:27
ubottuHere I am, brain the size of a planet and you expect me to respond to a ping? How depressing.01:27
ratatimsquircle: still nothing. when i search for it i can either choose "computer" or "root" root contains "desktop" and there is nothing to be found01:27
get_a_clueis there a document that i could read, where once i was finished reading this document, i would no longer be a retarded linux user, and instead would be mediocre or mediocre++01:27
squircleratatim: root, i'm assuming is /root, which is root's home directory. click "computer" and navigate to /home/yourusername/Desktop/01:28
kostkonget_a_clue, nope01:28
squircleget_a_clue: if you find one, let us know!01:28
ratatimsquircle: ok i'll give that a shot01:28
greezmunkeybetter than There you are, brain the size of a pea, pinging me!"01:28
get_a_cluekostkon: so i should just keep coming here to ask my dumb questions?01:28
kostkonget_a_clue, yeeapp01:29
jimmy51_Flare183: i'll install blender and check it out01:29
Flare183jimmy51_: Alright01:29
squircleget_a_clue: we're very loving people01:29
ratatimsquircle: when i click on "computer" it only shows the filesystem directory. is it somewhere in there?01:29
get_a_clueok, well, good to know01:29
squircleratatim: there should be a folder called "home", and then one with your username, and then one called Desktop01:29
Flare183get_a_clue: All you have to do is ask :P01:29
ratatimsquircle: found it!!!! haha i feel silly01:30
Flare183ratatim: Nice one XD01:30
squircleratatim: it's ok, so do I; I didn't even ask that question in the first place!01:30
squircleratatim: glad it worked out though :D01:30
ratatimsquircle: thank you so much! lets hope nothing else goes wrong01:30
squircleratatim: if it does, you'll know where to come :)01:31
ratatimsquircle: haha yeah. i tried doing this on a windows machine and it kept freezing while trying to extract and copy files... the computer labs here on campus blow01:31
Flare183ratatim: Get your own computer ftw01:32
squircleratatim: oh, the fun times i've had with netbootin.... (sarcasm, sarcasm)01:32
justcopdpkg --configure -a fixed my problems, can someone please explain to me what exactly that did?01:32
ratatimsquircle: with the usb boot creator on 8.10 i won't need netbootin again01:34
squircleratatim: that's the beauty of it01:34
benc1can I ping a server locally?01:34
Flare183benc1: Yes01:34
Blue1benc1: ping <servernamegoeshere?01:34
korogiannossquircle: care to walk me through adding "/dev/sdb2 on /media/DATA type fuseblk (rw,nosuid,nodev,allow_other,default_permissions,blksize=4096)" to fstab (and later sharing it on a windows network) either that or some way to set up remote access to this machine.  I'm a little "elsewhere" at the moment and am leaving the country for a while.  I need to set this up for my brother and his wife before I leave (or remotely, soon)01:34
Flare183benc1: ping localhost01:34
ZehavaZMI have installed ubuntu studio, all of my sound works properly accept for hydrogen so far.  Any hints what to check next?01:34
* Blue1 resists smarminess01:35
squirclekorogiannos: sure, can we do it via PM?01:36
benc1is it just keep pinging?01:36
Flare183benc1: yup01:36
Flare183benc1: until you press control+c01:36
benc1cool :)01:36
korogiannossquircle: That would be much appreciated01:36
=== get_a_clue is now known as streblo
Ububeginhow to check what graphic card I am using01:40
Flare183Ububegin: lspci01:40
Flare183Ububegin: on the terminal01:40
gbramwellIs there a way to manhandle 9.10 into generating a grub.cfg file?01:40
madcheezehey does any one have a suggestion on a resource monitor that runs in full transparency?01:40
Flare183madcheeze: gkrellim Might01:41
UbubeginFlare183: "01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Unknown device 718701:41
Ububegin01:00.1 Display controller: ATI Technologies Inc Unknown device 71a7" ... I got this01:41
con-manwhy does my numpad not work even though the light is on?01:41
madcheezeFlare183, not a gkrellm fan. ive used that one, and i didnt really like it01:41
madcheezeFlare183, any other one?01:41
Flare183Ububegin: I don't what to tell yeah01:41
Flare183madcheeze: Um screenlets I think has a applet that will let you01:42
madcheezescreenlets? ok i will check it out..01:42
madcheezeFlare183, thanks!01:42
UbubeginFlare183: Hmm, do i have install some driver...01:42
Flare183Ububegin: jockey-gtk01:42
Flare183!info jocket-gtk | Ububegin01:43
Flare183!info jockey-gtk | Ububegin01:43
ubottuUbubegin: Package jocket-gtk does not exist in karmic01:43
ubottuUbubegin: jockey-gtk (source: jockey): GNOME user interface and desktop integration for driver management. In component main, is optional. Version 0.5.5-0ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 8 kB, installed size 160 kB01:43
Flare183yyz: Connection problems?01:44
snnwBilliard: Are you still here?01:45
yyzFlare183: sorry about that, I was finishing up a script for bitlbee and just testing it out.01:45
Flare183yyz: Ahh ok01:45
Flare183yyz: No problem01:45
Billiardsnnw: im here now01:46
KurtKrautI need someone running Ubuntu 64 bits to install the package fping. It seems this package is properly installed in 32 bits but not in 64 bits (suid missing). Could anyone help me?01:46
snnwBilliard: Are you still helping me on the ecryptfs problem?01:47
Billiardsnnw: did you get it unmounted?01:47
kevin147Hey Flare183.01:47
snnwBilliard: no.01:47
plitteris there a way to force scfigure to come under a section heading?01:47
Billiardsnnw: what was the error message again?01:47
=== usuario-master is now known as vu
snnwBilliard: "Sessions still open, not unmounting"01:48
snnwBilliard: I mentioned this above: If it helps, I seem to remember "Sessions still open, not unmounting" comes up when logging out of a VT, while still logged onto GDM or a different VT.01:48
andresmhmy built in webcam stopped working in cheese and in other apps that have access to it01:49
andresmhshould i submit a bug using ubuntu-bug cheese?01:50
Billiardsnnw: are you accessing that mounted directory in any VT right now?01:50
Flare183andresmh: That's a good idea01:50
snnwBilliard: No. Isn't there a command to check which files are open?01:51
Billiardsnnw: lsof01:51
ChogyDan1andresmh: it stopped working in all apps?01:51
puffI  tried to use System/Administration/Printing/New to add a new printer, selected LPD, entered the IP address, clicked "probe", now that gnome dialog is hung, doesn't redraw, been like that for 20-30 minutes now.01:51
brovadoes anyone know the name of the mac osx for linux skin name? i used to have it but my hdd died :'(01:53
brovaim talking about the one that actually LOOKS EXACTLY like osx and not similira01:53
snnwBilliard: lsof /home/snnw/ from chroot returns a warning about /home/snnw/.gvfs, but no open files.01:53
andresmhChogyDan, I think so. I have another app that uses the webcam but it's a not very common app. Is there another popular app I should try?01:53
brovafound it01:54
snnwBilliard: From outside of the chroot, no files listed.01:54
brovaits called mac4Lin if anyone was curious01:54
ChogyDan1andresmh: gstreamer-properties01:54
plitterbrova: aww, was just going to give u this http://www.howtoforge.com/mac4lin_make_linux_look_like_a_mac01:54
benc1I have a failed dns cached on my ubuntu server. How do I clear it from the cache?01:55
andresmhChogyDan1, It worked. It opened up a huge window with the live stream from my webcam01:55
brovaplitter: much appreaciated anyways though :D01:55
brovaplitter: my linux teacher called me a hacker when he saw me running it LOL01:56
ChogyDan1andresmh: try something random for me:  change the resolution in gstreamer01:56
PlughI have a desktop and laptop both running Karmic. They are both working ok but the desktop doesn't play the sound when its ready for a user to log in and it won't show a users face file image. Any ideas why these two things don't work on the desktop?01:56
puffI suppose I could check netstat and kill the process that's trying to connect to the printer's IP address.01:56
andresmhI don't see where to change the resolution ChogyDan101:56
plitterbrova: hehehe, you should milk the situation and ask him if he wants help getting it;)01:56
gemilangneed help,  i have download java for linux. how to install it?01:57
brovaplitter: actually i asked him if he knew what backtrack 4 was :D LOL01:57
ChogyDan1gemilang: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin01:57
brovaplitter: day 1 he yelled at me for logging in as root using sudo. he thinks im the devil, im sure of it01:57
Skyturnredlol the security @ my school is soo weak...01:58
hou5tonIs there a difference between the Open Source Edition of Sun VirtualBox in Synaptic, and the Sun VirtualBox on the Sun website?01:58
Skyturnredi wish they used linux not windows01:58
ChogyDan1andresmh: Edit > Preferences > resolution01:58
plitterbrova: your lucky you have a linux teacher, wish i had one:P01:59
jribhou5ton: ose doesn't let you use usb01:59
Billiardhou5ton: there is an open source and non opensource version in the repos, non opensource has some more features01:59
Plughhou5ton: The one on the Sun web site might be newer but you would have to check version numbers01:59
Hodapphou5ton: OSE lacks the USB passthrough and maybe the VRDP server.01:59
andresmhChogyDan1, oh, cheese now works even without changing resolution. Is as if just testing the webcam with gstream-properties fixed it.01:59
snnwBilliard: I just got ecryptfs-umount-private to not return any errors. (I forgot about dev, proc and sys bind mounts...) But '.profile', which I created earlier, didn't disappear.01:59
brovaplitter: im taking a college course though where my entire career will be linux in the future. computer systems anaylst02:00
gemilangChogyDan1, appear gemilang@gemilang-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin02:00
gemilangReading package lists... Done02:00
gemilangBuilding dependency tree02:00
gemilangReading state information... Done02:00
gemilangE: Couldn't find package sun-java6-plugin02:00
FloodBot4gemilang: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:00
Billiardsnnw: ok, so it wanst really mounted there afterall?02:00
hou5tonso ... it seems like I should get the non opensource version ... and ... do I need usb passthrough???02:00
lumpki:off topic: where can I find a channel to discuss politics?02:00
gemilangOk sorry02:00
roddoghas joined02:00
ChogyDan1gemilang: make sure you have multiverse enabled02:00
snnwBilliard: apparently not.02:00
ChogyDan1lumpki: ##politics02:01
Rajasungemilang: enable your multiverse repository to install sun-java6-plugin02:01
Plughlumpki: /join ##politics02:01
tehloki_sebsebseb: update, decided to go with wubi under win702:01
gemilanghow to enable?02:01
tehloki_works like a freakin charm02:01
andresmh 02:01
Hodapplumpki: ##politics, if you want to discuss it with tinfoil hat wearers, violent racists, and Internet libertarians that are so stupid you want to cry and then go back in time and kill Ayn Rand.02:01
nztali have a ati video card.  i'm using the latest fglrx driver for it from the ati site.  when i open gnometris the part of the window that should be the game background, as a mirror of that which was behind it on the desktop, the frame is drawn ok, but the game area, isn't.  anyone know how i can fix this ?02:01
Skyturnredlol i restarted ubuntu about 3 times in a row completely bewildered why it kept freezing... my mouse was unplugged02:02
hou5tonBilliard:  will the non opensouce let me use USB?02:02
ZaNeIuMi got two appets that no longer load up when i start the computer02:02
lumpkiHodapp: hmmm, maybe i'll just try wikipedia02:02
ZaNeIuMthere both set in the start up, but they still no longer start up02:02
plitterbrova: nice:) doing physics and would like to be able to write my own programs for the stuff i figure out, seems to take a while to learn though:P02:02
ZaNeIuManyone have any ideas02:03
Skyturnreddoes anyone know of any programs to help you memorize stuff, like poems?02:03
Rajasungemilang: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list then append multiverse to the official repo deb line like this: deb http://sg.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ karmic main restricted universe multiverse02:03
andresmhHow can I bring XChat back to the foreground after it has been iconified into the system tray?02:03
Billiardhou5ton: yes it will02:03
Skyturnredi have to memorize a poem for english but i absolutely SUCK at memorizing. i even tried the stacking strategy02:03
greezmunkeyZaNeIuM: did you try to run them manually?02:04
Billiardandresmh: click it?02:04
gemilangOk will try right now02:04
ZaNeIuMgreezmunkey: yes, they do run manually02:04
andresmhBilliard, oops, let me rephrase my question:02:04
PlughZaNeIuM: You could remove and reinstall the applets and see if it outputs a message saying why they won't start (ie. file name or location changed, or dependency is not installed or is out-of-date)02:04
andresmhHow can I bring XChat back to the foreground, using a keyboard shortcut, after it has been iconified into the system tray?02:04
Rajasungemilang: then afterwards, run sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install sun-java6-plugin02:04
ZaNeIuMbut when i reboot there not there again02:04
benc1can I clear the local DNS cache without restarting anything?02:04
UbubeginUnder the resolution setting, i cant set my ubuntu to widescreen resolution... But can i just edit xorg.conf and enter in the resolution values...02:05
sumeetbaliSodaPhish_, you online?02:05
benc1I have a bad dns entry that was updated and I need it to be reflected02:05
hou5tonBilliard:  ah ... the nonopensource version isn't in Synaptic .... so ... I need to figure out how to get it from Sun, I guess?02:05
Billiardhou5ton: its in the package manager, you might have to add the multiverse or universe repo, not sure02:06
ChogyDanhou5ton: just go to the download on the website02:06
Billiardhou5ton: im pretty sure its in the repos, but you can get it from their site too02:07
ZaNeIuMPlugh: i just removed the volume controll indicator, but how do i now add it.... :S where the heck is it?02:07
RamraidUbubegin: Do you have resolutions  in your xorg.conf to comment if you do then yes02:08
Jack21hey does anyone use vlc on the new ubuntu?02:08
plitteris there a way to force a section to come on the top of the page in latex? or a way to make my scfigure go under the section headline? i've tried with \begin{SCfigure}[][h!], H and h02:08
plitterJack21: i have it installed, why?02:08
Jack21my laptops screen fades , even when playing movies in vlc02:09
ybeddyjJack21, i do02:09
ybeddyjsame here02:09
greezmunkeybenc1, unless you install it there is nothing in Ubuntu that caches dns02:09
Jack21i mean it fades normally , but i am sure its not supposed to happen during vlc playback02:09
madcheezeJack21, you have power options, and you need to turn off the one that fades the screen.02:09
ybeddyjvlc doesnt seem to interface with the power management02:09
Jack21damm that sucks that i have to do it manually everytime02:10
snnwBilliard: my wifi is a bit flaky today, did you receive my last message?02:10
kostkonJack21, you can try caffeine02:10
Jack21so no real automatic solution then ?02:10
Billiardsnnw: i dont think so02:10
PlughZaNeIuM: Right click panel, Add to panel...   It should be in the list02:10
ybeddyjmadcheeze, media players should auto change power management during playback02:10
Jack21yea that stuff usually keeps me going when i am tired02:10
ViridianFireso is it true that there is a problem with wireless in 9.10?02:10
snnwBilliard: apparently not, I said.02:10
kostkonJack21, https://launchpad.net/caffeine02:10
kostkonJack21, nice app02:10
Jack21ok cool thanks02:10
Billiardsnnw: yea i got that02:11
ZaNeIuMPlugh: i tryed that a long time ago its wasnt there02:11
Jack21what is caffeine for ?02:11
gemilangRajasun, after appear source list then?02:11
kostkonJack21, check the url i gave you. all the info is there02:11
ZaNeIuMthere is no volume controll or network manger02:11
Jack21oh cool thas just what i need thanks02:11
madcheezeybeddyj, i thought that was a setting you had to setup inside of vlc...02:12
Jack21can i install directly from synaptic manager?02:12
PlughZaNeIuM: network manager is "NetworkManager Applet"02:12
Billiardsnnw: are you using encryptfs source and destination with the same directory?02:12
Rajasungemilang: check to see what u have for your official Ubuntu repo deb line...do u see things like karmic main restricted universe multiverse02:12
Guest11918Hi, I'm having problems with a Ubuntu 8.04.1 LTS installation using Wubi on XP02:12
Jack21madcheeze , i tried looking for a setting but cant find it02:12
ZaNeIuMi know its not in my list02:12
kostkonJack21, no, either download the deb or add the ppa and then install it using synaptic02:12
Jack21kostkon ok cool02:12
madcheezeJack21, let me see on mine02:12
hou5tonBilliard:  ChogyDan  ... got it from the site ... they had it all ready to go for all the different versions of Ubuntu02:12
thiefis there any hex editor that let me open /dev/sad1, read-only is enough, and search for something? I lost a file.02:12
johnzornubuntu wants 4gigs of free space on / to upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10. I can't free up that much space is there anything I can do to get it to upgrade in pieces instead or maybe something else?02:13
gemilangRajasun, nope02:13
ViridianFireso can anyone help me with wireless? I can't connect02:13
ZaNeIuMits not in the pannles but it was in the startup untill i removed it02:13
ChogyDanjohnzorn: hmm, sudo apt-get clean?02:13
gemilangdeb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hardy-security universe02:13
PlughZaNeIuM: Add custom item? What I see running here is "nm-applet" and "gnome-volume-control-applet"02:13
Jack21btw , the new ubuntu software centre is cool . but some monkeys left out a basic download speed display , and a time left thinggy maybe02:14
PlughZaNeIuM: Those are what I see from ps aux02:14
greezmunkeythief, dd may be your only choice there, but I couldn't tell you how...02:14
madcheezei definitely like the software download thing. i think they got that from the android market type idea..02:15
madcheezei like it whereever it came from02:15
PlughJack21: There are other "basic" things missing from Karmic. Program to select what sounds play for certain events, program to customize the gdm log in screen02:15
ratatimWhen in BIOS and trying to boot from USB drive should it be on top or can it be below the internal hdd?02:15
greezmunkeythief, and even if that would work, I doubt you could reconstruct your file...02:15
madcheezeJack21, installing vlc really quick...02:15
Guest119188.04.1 LTS used to work, but no more. And because it was installed under Windows using Wubi and is not a separate hd partition, I can't stick in a CD and reboot.02:15
Rajasungemilang: for everyone's sanity, sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list -> replace all in that file with http://pastebin.com/f17923def02:15
thiefgreezmunkey, I probably can, it fits on 4k02:16
Jack21madcheeze what do you mean ?02:16
thiefgreezmunkey, I see if I can do something with dd, thanks02:16
Jack21Plugh:why did all this stuff get left out ?02:16
Skyturnredpossible to clone a drive in 10 minutes?02:16
PlughJack21, I'm not the one to ask.02:16
Rajasungemilang: then run sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install sun-java6-plugin02:16
gemilangRajasun, can i using software package manager to install java?02:16
Jack21hmm maybe the log in screen changed a lot?? it looks quite advanced02:16
BilliardSkyturnred: how big of a drive?02:17
Jack21though my old log in screen was amazing02:17
Jack21it was a red background02:17
Skyturnredumm... about 100 gigs only02:17
Jack21with a woman02:17
tsunamihey, i restarted a server that i primarily use vnc with but vnc doesn't get activated until after someone logs on.  Is there a way i can kick vnc off via an ssh connecton??02:17
PlughLogin screen doesn't look that different other than graphics.02:17
BilliardSkyturnred: i think it will be longer than 10 minutes, but idk02:17
PlughBut, I was using a different distro before that had much of that.02:17
Jack21naked :) ,, but really creative/arty/erotic ,, loved my log in screen , but have to say that in 9.10 the log in screen is actually good02:17
Rajasungemilang: u can after adding the multiverse and while doing it also the restricted and universe repositories02:17
SkyturnredBilliard: k thanks02:17
Rajasungemilang: and then sync your sources02:18
gemilangRajasa, thank you. will try right now02:18
ZaNeIuMi removed the applet from the startup setting and now i want to readd it, but where are the applets located?02:18
snnw1Billiard: That was my internet completely dying...02:18
Billiardare you using a layover mount for encryptfs?02:18
Billiardsnnw ^02:19
Billiardsame source and destination directory02:19
Rajasungemilang: no probs...just that I prefer commandline tools for package management needs that's all02:19
jtismeanyone have any experience with LG blu ray burners02:19
PlughZaNeIuM: /usr/bin/nm-applet, /usr/bin/gnome-volume-control-applet02:19
gemilangRajasun, after i save source list, then back to command line..... it works02:20
ZaNeIuMthanks i hope this works02:20
PlughZaNeIuM: good luck02:20
Rajasungemilang: glad to hear02:20
hou5tonBilliard:  ChogyDan  ... hmmm ... I have VirtualBox installed .... but where is it?02:20
snnw1Billiard: I'm not sure. The jaunty installer (alternate cd) set this up. How can I determine if I'm using a layover mount?02:20
gemilangRajasun, :)02:20
ChogyDanhou5ton: reboot02:20
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Rajasungoing off to grab a bite bbl02:20
hou5tonand I changed my group permissions to include it02:20
Billiardsnnw1: is the mount in your fstab?02:21
loshajtisme: no, but I would expect them to look pretty much like all other burners as far as the OS is concerned...02:21
hou5tonChogyDan:  ok02:21
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ChogyDanhou5ton: really?  I thought the installer handled that02:21
jtholmeslosha, thanks02:21
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madcheezeJack21, there is a bug02:21
madcheezeJack21, hang on let me linky you02:21
snnwBilliard: No, it's not listed in fstab.02:22
Billiardsnnw: mount it, and check mtab02:22
snnwBilliard: no mounts listed for /home/snnw/02:22
madcheezeJack21, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vlc/+bug/42888402:23
Billiardsnnw: how do you mount the encryptfs?02:23
snnwBilliard: ecryptfs-mount-private. Oddly enough, it doesn't ask for a passphrase anymore. It did the first time.02:23
gemilangRajasun, is that Okay even im using ubuntu 8.04, cause in http://pastebin.com/f17923def is for 8.10?02:25
Billiardsnnw: whats the full command you use?02:25
snnwBilliard: just `ecryptfs-mount-private`02:25
Billiardsnnw: ok, im not familiar with ..-mount-private02:25
madcheezei didnt know that vlc would disable the power options... but it makes sense...02:26
Rajasungemilang: damn!...replace all references from karmic to hardy02:27
hou5tonThanks to all who helped me get virtualbox installed.02:27
gemilangRajasun, Ok02:28
nigtvHi, I was wondering about printable/DIY ubuntu boxes like the kind you would get if you bought it, but google searches seem to be incredibly useless, as the only strings i can think of are "ubuntu box" and "ubuntu packaging", both of which obviously turn of totally irrelevant results in large numbers02:28
ChogyDanhou5ton: yw02:28
AkaM80TheWolfHey guys.  I just installed Ubuntu Server 9.10 onto an old Dual PIII server onto a 9GB SCSI drive.  The install goes perfectly fine, but upon reboot, server will not boot, says no OS found.  I confirmed that my bios is set to boot from that SCSI drive.  I've searched but haven't come up with any answers.  Thanks.02:28
snnwBilliard: According to /home/snnw/README.txt: http://paste.ubuntu.com/332067/02:28
nigtvif anyone knows if this has been done or not it would be greatly appreciated02:28
mgmuscarifor future reference, how do i figure out what display my X session is running on so that i can save it when my window manager crashes.... i tried localhost:0.6 and xxx:0.6 where xxx is my hostname, but no dice trying metacity --replace --display= from a TTY02:28
ChogyDannigtv: you want it preinstalled?02:28
andresmhIs there a way to trigger with the keyboard the equivalent of clicking on a system tray icon?02:28
nigtvChogyDan: i mean like you can buy ubuntu in the store, and it comes in an official package, with graphics and such, I was wondering there is a way to print those out, or something like that02:29
nigtvso i can essentially make my own packages that resemble the official ones02:29
Rajasungemilang: if u r to use the official repos i.e. for updating your install and installation of new apps, changing all mention from karmic to hardy in that sources.list from pastebin wil be fine...just double check to see the rest have hardy repos e.g. gstreamer02:29
nigtvmainly, I just want the official images, it doesnt have to be in the context of making your own package fo rit02:30
nigtvfor it*02:30
Billiardsnnw: the command doesnt give any error?02:30
ChogyDannigtv: one sec, I may have something02:30
nigtvthank you02:30
gemilangrajasun, will see now. thank02:30
snnwBilliard: no, no output whatsoever.02:30
nigtvalso, if there is a place to buy JUST the packaging material02:30
nigtvbut that seems unlikely02:31
ChogyDannigtv: here we go: http://spreadubuntu.neomenlo.org/02:31
Billiardsnnw: do you have a directory, ~/Private02:31
Rajasungemilang: np...excuse me while I finish up on my meal02:31
snnwBilliard: no02:31
ratatimWhen I boot from a USB drive to upgrade linux, the USB drive isn't on top of the HDD and shit on the BIOS menu. I heard that it needs to be for a proper install. What do I do?02:31
nigtvratatim: language :/02:31
hrihow to hide the volumes in ubuntu02:32
ChogyDanratatim: you are booting from a usb to do an upgrade?  Are you doing a clean install?02:32
nigtvChogyDan: `this is perfect thank you02:32
Billiardsnnw: sorry, idk, dont know much about encryptfs-mount-private02:32
nigtvhri: you can unmount them02:32
AkaM80TheWolfHow do I boot to a SCSI drive installation?02:32
hrinigtv: i want to totally hide it from computer02:32
jadamsI have a hauppage pvr-150 plugged in.  I can see it in lspci (Internext iTVC16, MPEG-2 encoder).  However, /dev/video[0,1,25,33] are all just different modes on my webcam.  I don't see anything from the pvr in /dev.  Can someone help me debug it further?02:32
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ratatimnigtv: english. haha02:33
nigtvhri: well if you dont want it to ever be used you could disconnect it, but if you want to use it sometimes, you can unmount it, and/or take it off of the automount list02:33
ratatimnigtv: is that what you meant?02:33
snnwBilliard: it appears to be a wrapper around mount.ecryptfs_private02:33
nigtvratatim: no you cussed lol02:33
axionixanyone know how to change the colors of mutt's interface? i can only seem to change the colors of messages with muttrc02:33
c0ldWhat kind of coding is this \x16\x1C\xCD\x0A\x4A\xD4\xE1\x7F\xAC\x3D\x4B\x84\x1F\x3D\x9E?02:33
nigtvah shoot where is the automount list02:33
ratatimnigtv: hahahaha oh i apologize. i'm a tad bit frustrated02:33
hrinigtv: i cant understand02:33
ChogyDanc0ld: hex?02:34
axionixc0ld: thats unicode02:34
nigtvhri: not an english speaker?02:34
c0ldok thanx02:34
ravI just installed 9.10 , receiving "A hard disk may be failing" error as soon as it boots up. Never had an issue with the drive before, was recently running 8.04 on it.  Anyone know a fix for this ?02:34
hrinigtv: not that much02:35
nigtvIf you do not want to have the volume show up on its own, you can tell ubuntu to unmount it, uhm02:35
leaf-sheeprav: The fix? Get a new hard drive.  Also, run a smart checking on your drive.02:36
nigtvhard to describe02:36
hrinigtv: after unmount it will be shown in the computer i want to not shown in the computer also02:36
nigtvhri: you could just unplug it?02:36
ravleaf-sheep, run a smart checking?02:36
hrinigtv: thanks02:36
linxehrav: S.M.A.R.T.02:36
leaf-sheeprav: Let me find you the package.02:37
nigtvi think he was talking about in thunar02:37
nigtvoh well02:37
linxehinstall smartmontools02:37
ZaNeIuMlotsa wierd happenings in linux-ubuntu, is this normal for linux in general?02:37
linxehsmartctl -a /dev/sda02:37
linxehor whatever02:37
leaf-sheeprav: gnome-disk-utility for GUI. :o02:38
ravleaf-sheep,  thanks, i'll give it a shot02:38
ZaNeIuMone day i have sound, the next day i no longer have the icon02:38
ZaNeIuMkind of frustration, esp when all you know is windows02:38
leaf-sheeprav: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Smartmontools02:39
elspethi'm trying to upgrade from jaunty to karmic, I seem to have a problem02:39
elspethno desktop after restart ... i'm stuck in terminals.02:39
leaf-sheeprav: You only need to do the command, not adding script for shutdown or email.02:39
elspethwhere should i be looking for error messages?02:39
snnwBilliard: When I run, /sbin/umount.ecryptfs_private || echo $?, it returns '1'. No error messages though..02:39
snnwBilliard: Is there someone else who could help me further with ecryptfs and the associated tools?02:40
elspethapt-get upgrade complains about deskbar-applet while unpacking libdeskbar-tracker02:41
ChogyDanelspeth: can you post the errors?02:41
elspethChogyDan: um. how does one copy and paste from a terminal again? I can't remember, it's been a while02:41
ChogyDanelspeth: what is the main complaint?02:42
elspethChogyDan: no x windows.02:42
elspethwell, that's the complaint i have.02:42
Jack21madcheeze: hm in the link it says its an ubuntu bug ,, not vlc ,, but who knows ,, caffeine works as a temp solution02:42
ChogyDanelspeth: missing dependency?02:42
Ben64whats up? why am i getting only 5000B/s from synaptic?02:42
c0ldOk how would I go about decrypting this \x16\x1C\xCD\02:43
elspethother than that, running apt-get upgrade gives "trying to overwrite /usr/lib/deskbar-applet/deskbar-applet which is also in package deskbar-applet"02:43
ChogyDanelspeth: you should rename that file02:43
elspethbefore it exits with "errors were encountered while processing /var/cache/apt/archives/libdeskbar-tracker ..."02:44
elspethChogyDan: to deskbar-applet.old or similar?02:44
ChogyDanelspeth: it always says that if you get an error.    yeah02:44
elspethoh, goodgood. lemme give that a go.02:45
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mdgShawnRisk: I made it02:45
ShawnRiskI am trying to setup a WPA wireless network connection in Ubuntu 9.10, but not sure how to do this.  Any ideas?02:46
elspethChogyDan: well, that fixed that problem ... now dist-upgrade is barfing.02:46
ShawnRiskmdg: want to try again?02:47
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elspethChogyDan: "couldn't configure pre-depend openoffice.org-core for openoffice.org-filter-binfilter, probably a dependency cycle."02:47
elspethChogyDan: anything i can do other than apt-get remove on openoffice?02:47
elspethsorry to be a pain, i'd just like to get my system back to something a little more usable :/02:48
ChogyDanelspeth: maybe remove -binfilter02:48
mdgShawnRisk: what we know so far is that you are using WPA now and when you try to access your network you are asked for a password and get into a loop right?02:48
shane2peruok, my laptop is running hot all the time, does anyone else have this issue with koala?  I have Radeon HD 3100 ATI graphics card, any thoughts??02:48
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ShawnRiskmdg: right02:48
elspethChogyDan: thanks! dist-upgrade is now going02:49
elspethsorry to be so clueless.02:49
mdgShawnRisk: no matter what password you use, you just keep getting asked for a password right?02:49
ChogyDanelspeth: clueless?  you arent doing that bad02:49
mdgDoes anyone know if 9.10 (I dont' use it yet) asks for a keyring password first when setting up a network?02:50
shane2peruno ATI people out there?  or no overheating going on?02:50
shane2perulet's try this angle, anyone running Ubuntu on with ATI graphics card (Radeon)??02:51
elspethChogyDan: maybe it's a side-effect of spending a week around some very clueful people ...02:51
ussershane2peru, ati has a tool for clocking down/up the video card for linux02:51
ChogyDanelspeth: hehe, I see  :)02:51
shane2peruusser, ahh, there we go, ok, do you know the name of that?02:51
dotblankhey is it possible to swap the shift and control keys?02:51
EpamekCan anyone help me with getting my wireless et up on my newly-installed macbook w/ koala?02:51
mdgDoes anyone know if there are changes in network setup in 9.10?02:51
shane2peruusser, this laptop has been the pits with Ubuntu/Linux in general since I bought it02:51
EpamekIt only displays wired connections in networkmanager and doesn02:52
ShawnRiskmdg: no one knows02:52
Epamekt detect any missing or uninstalled drivers (or any drivers at all) in hardware manager02:52
mdgShawnRisk: perhaps we can find something in the ubuntu wiki02:53
PlughEpamek: What wifi device is in your laptop?02:53
ctmjrjadams: you sure it does not show up in /dev/video if the drivers get loaded that is where it will be if it has digital tuner then it will be in the dvb folder also02:53
mdgI think I lost use of my pageup/down keys ....02:53
ussershane2peru, hang on lemme see what its called.02:54
tacosbellosNeeding help with a ATIVA digital photo frame, does anybody own one in here?02:54
shane2peruusser, I searched the repos, and didn't seem to find anything02:54
mdgShawnRisk: as soon my updates have run, I will check out the networking forum on ubuntuforums02:55
ShawnRiskmdg: ok02:56
luomo1Hey, I can not connect to my modem through LAN connection on Ubuntu 9.10.02:56
AwaDoVhello everybody02:57
AwaDoVi have a problem .. Can anyone help ?02:57
PlughAwaDoV: Not until you state the problem.02:57
KB1JWQ!ask | AwaDoV02:57
ubottuAwaDoV: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:57
mdgShawnRisk: maybe you can help luomol while we are waiting02:57
javatexanhey guys and gals02:58
dabadoohehe this is a first02:58
AwaDoVi can't view full screen in youtube ?02:58
ShawnRiskluomo1: what have you tried?02:58
dabadooim using gftp (x) and i connect to the remote site fine.. but i cant connect to my local directory??? WTF02:58
bxrdjadadow - what browser?02:58
DaZAwaDoV: are you asking us?02:58
AwaDoVyead DaZ02:59
javatexanwould it be a better idea to go back to a 32bit install of ubuntu?  from time to time I have trouble getting things to work properly....why is it taking so long for apps to migrate over to 64bit.  LOL...02:59
DaZyou can't.02:59
pilif12pwhats the init file?02:59
UnNaturalHighhas anyone here used the kernel PPA?03:00
ChogyDanUnNaturalHigh: which ppa?03:00
mdgShawnRisk: I'm off to ubuntuforums...03:00
luomo1ShawnRisk:I have my network card of broadcom b43xx seris. So i cant connect to my wifi. So i thought initially it is better to connect through lan but i cant connect with that also.I have done iwconfig03:00
ShawnRiskmdg: ok03:00
UnNaturalHighChogyDan, http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/03:00
pilif12pi was told to ask about it from #httpd03:01
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AwaDoVhey DaZ are you here ?03:01
ChogyDanUnNaturalHigh: neat03:01
DaZi'm not03:01
iOmletteluomo1: Which b43xx chip do you have?03:01
UnNaturalHighluomo1, chances are you just need to download the firmware for your card and you will be good to go03:02
AwaDoVoh you are Amazing to answer while you aren't here :D03:02
ShawnRisksame as me03:02
iOmletteYup, that one is supported.03:02
Plughpilif12p: Need more context to answer that question. Init file for what?03:02
ShawnRiskluomo1: I have the same03:02
iOmletteI'd suggest linuxwireless.org for information.03:02
pilif12pPlugh: i dunno. they just told me to edit it to get apache to start up on boot03:03
luomo1from where i have to download the firmware and how to install.03:03
UnNaturalHighluomo1, http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/b43#device_firmware03:03
Plughpilif12p: /etc/init.d has the startup files.03:03
iOmletteInstallation instructions should be at the site, too.03:03
Plughpilif12p: you can also use chkconfig to see what will start on boot03:04
Plughpilif12p: chkconfig --list03:04
UnNaturalHighluomo1, look to the part that says "You are using the b43 driver from linux-2.6.25 or newer"03:04
AwaDoVi can't view full screen in youtube.com ... can you help guys ?03:04
Plughluomo1: I have one of those in my laptop. I found some info about setting it up. let me see what I can find.03:04
Ben64AwaDoV: get a faster computer? :S03:04
Bolvadur2if I compile a kernel do I get the headers as well or do I need to compile them also?03:05
Ben64AwaDoV: what cpu you have?03:05
Plughluomo1: IIRC, there was a utility I used to get the firmware. something to do with bm43-fwcutter I think.03:06
AwaDoVceleron 2.803:06
ShawnRiskPlugh: I got that and it works, but when I connect to the network I want, the internet doesn't work03:06
jadamsctmjr, apparently the drivers didn't get loaded then.  How could I tell?  I read the PVR150 works out of the box in karmic, and I no longer have to install ivtv...is that true?03:06
luomo1Plugh: is that utility available already in Ubuntu or i have to download that03:08
PlughShawnRisk: Its working great on my laptop. Once I installed the firmware files (which I had previously grabbed while trying to use Fedora on the machine), Ubuntu recognized the hardware, asked me if I wanted to use the proprietary drivers, and I was running in no time.03:08
ctmjrjadams: from what i understand you are correct it is supported  you might install ivtv-utils03:08
ShawnRiskPlugh: me too but nothing is working for me03:08
Plughjadams, ivtv-utils has the extra bits to do some of the channel changing. My PVR-150 is working fine. i have heard there can be different, and non-supported, boards that label themselves as PVR-150. Not sure now true that might still be.03:09
nemokillall pulseaudio;vlc03:09
nemoonly way to get vlc to play DVDs without stuttering03:09
ShawnRiskmdg: any luck?03:09
* nemo sighs03:09
mdgShawnRisk: all I am seeing under networking wireless forum - not seeing anything about a password loop03:10
wahbenhi all03:10
wahbenI have a clean Ubuntu Karmic 9.10 install and DVD playback is very jerky03:10
mdgShawnRisk: some are using b43-fwcutter and some are using bcmwl03:10
travisI like dogs03:10
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ShawnRiskmdg: I am connected but can't get on internet03:11
nemowahben: using vlc? :-/03:11
greezmunkeyGuest55587, I'm sure they like you too.03:11
wahbenDVD Player is connected with IDE cable, computer has 1 gb of ram, 64 mb graphic card ram, why is DVD playbaclk so jerky?03:11
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mdgShawnRisk: not sure what the problem could be03:11
wahbennemo, I have tried VLC / mplayer  with XV / GL outpt03:11
wahbenplayed around with cache, nothing seems to do it03:11
ShawnRiskdoes anyone else?03:12
mdgShawnRisk: can you connect and disconnect at will?03:12
nemowahben: does mplayer play smoothly if you use -ao null ?03:12
HillshumIs there a good way to find what package provides a certain file?03:12
Plughluomo1: Might be a separate package but I was using Fedora at the time I ran the tool to obtain the needed firmware files03:12
_csmithhi, i have a question about netboot - I can't seem to stop it from installing x11, cups and a bunch of desktop junk - is there any way to only get it to install the "base" system?03:12
MaXubuntuhello guys03:12
nemowahben: also. what graphics card model?03:12
racecar56my computer won't load the 9.10 live cd, it goes into an infinite loop of blackscreening and then popping up the loading bar screen, and loops03:13
_csmithi'm currently going through an "expert" install at the moment... just wondering if that'll help things?03:13
ShawnRiskmdg: no03:13
racecar56what's wrong03:13
racecar56MaXubuntu: hi03:13
PlughShawnRisk: Have you configured your Wifi link with the needed settings (ssid, password, type of link - wpa/wep/...)?03:13
nemoracecar56: tried disabling acpi/apic on boot menu?03:13
wahbennemo: it's onboard... let me find out what graphical card03:13
racecar56nemo: let me try that.03:13
nemoracecar56: also maybe "only free software"03:13
racecar56nemo: k03:13
nemoracecar56: all 3 should be options in boot menu03:13
mdgis there a karmic koala wiki?03:13
racecar56nemo: i'll go check it out03:13
nemowahben: lemme know about -ao null - maybe it is the program I love to hate03:13
ShawnRiskPlugh: yes03:14
wahbennemo: graphic card is onboard radeon according to lspci03:14
nemowahben: ah. ATI03:14
nemowahben: ok. using fglrx?03:14
PlughShawnRisk, and you are seeing the device under Network Connections?03:14
wahbennemo, not sure about that... is that a package I should install?03:14
ShawnRiskPlugh: which devices?03:15
nemowahben: probably03:15
nemowahben: System->Administration->Hardware Drivers03:15
OddbioIs there an easy way to test different versions of a program. For instance, I reported a but with Wine, using wine version 1.0.1, and someone asked me to test with version 1.1.33. Could I get version 1.1.33 seperately? Or should I just update to it, and then is there a way to revert back to 1.0.1 if I find 1.1.33 unstable??03:15
PlughShawnRisk, System -> Preferences -> Network Connections03:15
nemoOddbio: well. you could enable the winehq repo03:16
wahbennemo: how to I skip to the middle of a film with mplayer - cli? I need to test later than generic...03:16
nemoOddbio: then, disable it03:16
nemoOddbio: in any case yes, you can revert in synaptic package manager03:16
mdgShawnRisk: https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/internet/C/faq-keyring.html03:16
nemowahben: -ss 5:0003:16
nemowahben: seeks to 5 minutes03:16
* pilif12p waves to nemo03:17
Oddbionemo: if I dissable it, that will go back to wine 1.0.1 that ubuntu currently uses? I didn't think it would be that simple03:17
greezmunkeyOddbio, you could alwas install VirtualBox, and a fresh ubuntu VM, then test all you want.03:17
MaXubuntuhey guys u guys know command for nickserv to resend your  registration e-mail?03:17
mdgluomo1: https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/internet/C/modem-connect.html03:17
nemoOddbio: no. but it is almost that simple03:17
wahbennemo, still jerky aith -ao null03:17
nemoOddbio: just go to the package in synaptic and install it03:17
pilif12pMaXubuntu: Try #freenode03:17
wahbennemo, ill try to install fglrx.... see if it fixes something03:17
nemowahben: yeah. I suspect is just you need graphics accel03:17
nemowahben: on plus side, you'll get compiz too.03:17
wahbennemo, makes sense, because it has trouble rendering GTK actually...03:18
vengerwhat will happen at the end of the support window on intrepid?  will the repos vaporize or will they still be there to rust over for some time aftwards?03:18
wahbenill try that and be back if need is be :-) thanks for your help. peace03:18
nemovenger: you should still be able to install the packages, they just won't get patched for compromises03:18
* nemo waves back to pilif12p 03:19
_csmithIs there a way for me to install ubuntu-server via netboot?03:20
Carboranethe floodbots are fighting for dominance?03:20
_csmitheverything i try it starts to pull down x11 and all that junk03:20
HillshumI'm having an issue with checkgmail, I get http://paste2.org/p/54142803:20
mdgShawnRisk: here's a link to troubleshooting wireless:  https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/internet/C/troubleshooting-wireless.html - you might want to work through each step, even though they don't all apply to you03:20
PlughRegarding bm43 and WiFi --> http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/b4303:21
=== MaXubuntu is now known as MaXlMuS
CarboraneSo there's the menu at System -> Preferences -> Sound, is there a way to change those options through the console?03:21
nemoCarborane: 9.04?03:23
gbear14275I don't seem to be able to uncompress a .7z file... anyone got any pointers?03:23
Carboranenemo: aye03:23
nemoCarborane: alsamixer03:23
nemogbear14275: 7z03:24
nemogbear14275: should be prompted for package. is in repos03:24
gbear14275yeah... nemo dl'ed all the 7z stuff from synaptic but no go03:24
nemogbear14275: ... 7z x filename03:24
gbear14275its the new tomato firmware 1.27... anyone else having problems with it?03:25
ShawnRiskI am going to give up03:25
PlughShawnRisk: Is your router configured to only accept connections from certain MAC addresses?03:26
PlughShawnRisk, Also check the log files of the WiFi router for messages to see if it is seeing an attempt by your WiFi device to connect03:28
nemoShawnRisk: are you having issues connecting to your wifi?03:28
nemoShawnRisk: one question - does your password have an ' in it?03:28
nemo(wifi passphrase)03:28
ShawnRisknemo: nope03:28
nemooh well.03:28
ShawnRiskI am giving up forget, I can't use ubuntu it is driving me nuts03:29
ShawnRiskall I need to do is connect to the internet and it is not leetting me in03:29
racecar56nemo: it seems it doesn't make a difference03:29
racecar56nemo: :(03:29
nevets04What is that bar with info in it called in irc. I.E in here it's: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | IRC Guidelines: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | FAQ: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FAQ | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu.com | Karmic is released! http://www.ubuntu.com/download & http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/91003:29
nevets04woah sorry, dint know it was so long03:30
nemoracecar56: you're not using one of the beta CDs are you?03:30
racecar56nemo: no03:30
vengernevets04, /topic03:30
ShawnRiskif someone could help help me, I would be so much happy, I want to get this done today03:30
PlughShawnRisk: If you have the drivers installed and Ubuntu is seeing the device, its all a matter of configuration. Check the router to see if it has logged a connection attempt from the mac address of your wifi device.03:30
racecar56nemo: it's a 9.10 cd03:30
nemoracecar56: well. if 9.04 boots, you could install that and upgrade from that03:30
racecar56nemo: i'll try it.03:30
nemoShawnRisk: I thought you said you'd given up. That disinclined me to even think about it further :-p03:30
PlughIts time to go play with the cat. bbl.03:31
ShawnRiskI was joking :P03:31
nemoShawnRisk: how was I to know? or even care? channel is noisy enough without nonsense03:31
MaXlMuShello guys03:31
itiliousanyone here know some easy to use video capture software for a linux noob ? :)03:31
nemoShawnRisk: anyway. using ubuntu 9.10 default?03:31
ShawnRisknemo:  true03:31
ShawnRisk9.10 default03:31
MaXlMuSbunch of linux noobs like me here makes me feel at home03:31
nemoShawnRisk: can you show me the output from dmesg after an attempt to make a connection?03:32
nemoShawnRisk: (pastebin it)03:32
nemoShawnRisk: (dmesg is on the commandline)03:32
nemoitilious: video capture - you mean for recording your desktop?03:32
nemoitilious: or recording from video in on a card?03:32
itiliousnemo, the latter03:33
itiliousi'm using the leadtek 2000xp rm03:33
itiliousican see the video input just fine with TVtime, just can't find an easy enough application to be able to capture it in ubuntu03:33
sezotoveanyone know how to make a bootable winXP flash drive?03:33
Doonzhey is it possble to mount say /dev/sdb1 to multiple folders?03:33
nemoitilious: not something I'm terribly familiar with, but try searching synaptic for v4l or video4linux packages?03:33
nemoitilious: just a thought03:33
nemoDoonz: I'm pretty sure that's a yes, is possible to mount something in multiple locations...03:34
nemoDoonz: I have a distinct recollection of reading, then trying that :)03:34
nemoDoonz: just curious though - why would you do that?03:34
nemosezotove: that's a ridiculously hard thing to do. I've looked into it :(03:35
sezotoveis it?03:35
nemosezotove: there are some writeups online, but it is non-trivial03:35
sezotovewhy is it so darned hard03:35
nemosezotove: 1) is proprietary. 2) see (1)03:35
nemosezotove: WinPE can supposedly be setup on USB though03:35
nemobut again, was a PITA03:35
itiliousnemo, i can't even get vlc to recognize the card in capture mode03:35
nemoI was looking into it for work, decided I couldn't be bothered. not enough incentive03:35
racecar56nemo: i remember it couldn't boot 8.10, it went into an infinite black screen with the "spinning wait" cursing03:36
taurenI'm trying to install 9.10 server onto a system I've configured using the mobo's built-in Adaptec HW RAID1 to mirror 2 drives.03:36
racecar56nemo: *cursor03:36
nemoitilious: vlc would not have been my first choice, but ok :)03:36
racecar56nemo: O_o03:36
sezotoveWinPE ill look at it03:36
taurenBut when I get to partitioning disks, it tells me no root filesystem and errors out.03:36
nemoracecar56: you could get more info if you booted with the splash and quiet options removed03:36
racecar56nemo: anyway i'm trying 9.04 now03:36
nemoracecar56: do the noapic acpi=off at the same time...03:36
ShawnRisknemo: pastebin.com/d380e3f9b03:36
nemotauren: ohhhh03:37
Doonznemo i have a 5tb raid 5 array that i would like to mount in /home/user/raidsets/array_1 and then from there have a directory structure  under /home/user/a03:37
racecar56nemo: 9.04 locked up the computer03:37
nemotauren: I know where this is going :D :D03:37
taurenhere's what i'm trying to do:  use mobo HW RAID1.03:37
racecar56nemo: and numlock wouldn't turn on03:37
nemotauren: you know how those mobos claim to have HW raid?03:37
nemotauren: it is A LIE03:37
racecar56nemo: now i'll try noapic acpi=off.03:37
taurenThis is a Supermicro server board though03:37
nemotauren: it is basically the RAID equivalent of winmodems :( :(03:37
racecar56nemo: with 9.0403:37
=== lipsin__ is now known as lipsin
taurenUbuntu detected Serial ATA RAID and asked if I wanted to use it.03:37
nemotauren: if you say so. I have no familiarity apart from fact that several "server class" computers at work have that failing03:37
nemotauren: ummm. hmmm. I'm still skeptical. but ok :)03:38
taurenok, that's good to know03:38
nemotauren: that's my tentative diagnostic03:38
taurenI've used software raid in the past with no issues03:38
taurenmaybe i should just stick to that.03:38
nemotauren: that's what we ended up doing :D03:38
nemotauren: hell, if the OS is going to do the heavy lifting *anyway*03:38
Doonzmaybe im going about this wron03:38
nemotauren: maybe I can find the article I was reading on this. one sec :D03:38
taurennemo: so what's the best way to get mirroring and lvm set up?03:38
taureni know how to do it in centos03:39
Doonzmaybe i should mount dev/sdb1 _. /home/user/a home/user/b03:39
taurenbut the ubuntu installer isn't as friendly03:39
ShawnRisknemo: any ideas?03:39
nemotauren: sorry, machine we setup that way was slack - no ubuntu familiarity on this front03:39
sezotovewell how about this is there a way to make my flash drive be seen in a VM?03:40
nemotauren: actually, I'm trying to remember why I stepped into this noisy channel. so many questions03:40
GnewtAre there any differences between Ubuntu server/desktop other than the lack of desktop environment server-side?03:40
taurennemo, ok.  i'll try to do software raid first i guess.03:40
nemoShawnRisk: ... I'm still waiting for you to give me what I asked for03:40
ShawnRiskI did03:40
Bolvadur2I am going to compile the kernel but "make menuconfig" doesnt work. Am I doing it wrong?03:40
nemoShawnRisk: ah. sorry. missed that.03:40
nemoShawnRisk: understandable, I hope you realise :)03:40
* nemo reads 03:40
git__hi nemo03:40
infidel2when i type 'mount' it shows '//mypc/public on /mnt/mypc type cifs (rw,mand)' yet when i "ls /mnt/mypc" it says "cannot access /mnt/mypc: No such device or address". What gives? i have a line in my /etc/fstab for it: //mypc/public  /mnt/mypc cifs iocharset=utf8,credentials=/home/infid/.smbcredentials,uid=1000 0 003:41
johnson_bsezotove: i run Vbox and i have folder i put symbloc links to things i want to share ... flash drive03:41
racecar56nemo: failure: it does the same ol' lockup03:41
infidel2and i can access it find with smb://mypc/Public03:41
nemoShawnRisk: [ 2446.360046] wlan0: authenticate with AP 00:26:50:6c:81:5903:41
nemo[ 2446.560061] wlan0: authentication with AP 00:26:50:6c:81:59 timed out03:41
nemoShawnRisk: my tentative diagnostic is that you have MAC filtering on the router03:41
axisyshow do I install acroread and acroread plugin on 64bit karmic? apt-get find nothing03:41
Zsocihi there! how is it possible to install ubuntu,with the base system only?03:41
racecar56Failrar? xD03:42
nemoShawnRisk: I'm going back to what Plugh said - check your router logs03:42
sezotovejohnson_b:How did u do that im running virtualBox as well03:42
ubottupdf is the Portable Document Format created by Adobe; viewable in GNU/Linux with xpdf/kpdf/okular/evince, and also adobe reader (free download, but closed source)03:42
mattcenGnewt: There are different packages available on the install media (CD/DVD), including (but not limited to) the desktop environment.03:42
racecar56nemo: i wonder why this is happening..03:42
nemoracecar56: remove quiet and splash, enable acpi=off noapic03:42
nemoracecar56: then watch the boot03:42
racecar56nemo: will try03:42
mattcenGnewt: I'm not sure of exactly what packages are different, but in any case, they both use the same repositories, so there's no problem installing them except the use of an internet connection03:42
=== tyler is now known as Sunrex
taurenif i want to use software raid1 with lvm on top of it, is it still true that I need a small non-lvm partition for /boot?03:43
bradleywhats up guys03:43
SunrexHow do you add in a replacement hard drive for RAID1?03:43
taurenthat was the case a number of years ago.03:43
SunrexI re-synced, but it has no active partitions =/03:43
ChicoI need help installing software...03:43
banisterfiendhey guys, my accounts are being hacked how do i find out information about the person doing it? their ip address is   i would just liek to know what city they're from, because i have a feeling it's a friend of mine. Also perhaps what system he is running, just info i could use to figure out who this asshole is03:43
ShawnRisknemo:  can you pm what you are saying?03:44
sezotovegoogle the ip03:44
nemoShawnRisk: I prefer you speak in-channel so other people can comment.  For one thing, my tolerance limit for this channel is fairly short03:44
sezotoveit should give you a rough estimation03:44
nemoShawnRisk: I'm about to go find something more fun to do like play Hedgewars03:44
Sunrexbanisterfiend: google whois IP to find the provider, then mail/email the provider for further details.03:44
ChicoCan anybody help me?03:44
kaskiMy internet is way slower in Ubuntu than in Windows, (I'm dual-booting) any suggestions?03:44
johnson_bsezotove: there a lot on web about it short and sweet is to open setting share machine folder and the open share from in vbox03:44
ShawnRisknemo: I missed what you said as there is too much going on in the channel03:44
mattcenChico: Which software are you trying to install, and which verson of Ubuntu are youy running?03:44
bradleykaski what browser are you using03:45
Zsociis it possible to install ubuntu with the text only base system?03:45
sezotoveThanks Johnson03:45
nemoShawnRisk: I used your name with everything I said. scroll back. it will be highlighted03:45
ChicoI'm trying to install Sony Vegas Platinum 9. I'm on Xubuntu 9.10 or whatever the latest is.03:45
kaskibradley: its equally slow on firefox and epiphany03:45
SunrexWhy does nobody here know anything about RAID?03:45
SunrexI've been asking for help for over half a week now with no solution and only TWO responses.03:45
ChicoI have the latest (Not beta) Wine03:45
LiverbonesHowdy, people.03:45
nemoSunrex: ask tauren :)03:45
kaskiHello Liverbones03:45
Sunrextauren: You know much about raid?03:45
taurennemo:  haha!03:45
Sunrexassuming hes a person here :)03:45
nemo22:42 < nemo> ShawnRisk: I'm going back to what Plugh said - check your router logs03:46
mattcenChico: Ah so you want help with *wine*. That's a different story; I've never had much luck getting things working well on Wine.03:46
LiverbonesI just have a quick question about Upstart jobs.03:46
taurenSunrex: what do you need?  not sure i can help03:46
ChicoI just wish they'd run these softwares. Why don't they?03:46
mattcenChico: Does winehq say it's compatible with Sony Vegas?03:46
racecar56nemo: ...it worked this time03:46
nemoracecar56: mm.03:46
ChicoI looked it up on winehq and it said it's possible03:46
racecar56nemo: it's on the desktop now.03:46
mattcenChico: because Sony can't be bothered supporting linux because (sadly) it's such a minority operating system03:46
nemoracecar56: well. maybe the issue was w/ the bootsplash :)03:46
LiverbonesIn order to remove a job from Upstart (say, usplash) could I simply rename the .conf file for it? Would that work, while keeping the file usable?03:46
ChicoBut it's confusing me and I couldn't get the first step done :s03:46
racecar56nemo: it "freezed" (but didn't lock up) for a while, maybe the bootsplash was off.03:47
Sunrextauren: short explanation, I have a raid1 setup. I unplugged a hard disk to test redundancy, plugged it back in after booting and testing (shut down when plugged in) and it said degraded array, fine. Re-synced, worked. Rebooted. degraded again. I checked sfdisk, and its not partitioned!. What the heck.03:47
racecar56nemo: wait a minute i said that wrong03:47
=== peter is now known as Guest79114
racecar56lol i can too disappear03:47
ChicoDoes anybody know much about Google Chrome OS?03:47
Sunrextauren: So I'm assuming I have to re-partition it... how would I go about doing this for a raid1 array?03:47
ChicoIsn't it Linux based?03:47
Majorsettting up ubuntu 9.10 for blind friend. I got orca to start on startup, but all it reads is jubberish to her... Can't we have it set so it reads HTTP pages to her or something.  Please excuse my frustration.03:47
banisterfiendChico: no but i know about you and i like you............alot03:47
nemoChico: a wimpy linux live CD autodetect of HW + the chromium browser? :)03:48
ChicoAlot is not a word.03:48
ChicoIt's a lot, silly.03:48
nemoChico: including all of the chromium browser's bugs? :D03:48
racecar56nemo: it "froze" for a second doing something in the terminal and i think the bootsplash was disabled at the time, giving it the effect that the computer locked up. maybe it's because i added the boot parameters properly this time.03:48
taurenSunrex: ahh, sorry i can't help you there...  i'm just trying to figure out how to install raid103:48
kaskiMy internet is way slower in Ubuntu than in Windows, (I'm dual-booting) any suggestions?03:48
taurenSunrex: onto 2 new drives in a new system03:48
nemoChico: supposedly you can get to a shell on it and muck about, despite their not making it easy...03:48
ChicoI just know that my friend despises Chrome OS.03:48
racecar56nemo: i don't know but i want to try 9.10 with the same trick again03:48
nemoaaand. that's all I know. it seems like a silly idea03:48
Majorit would be cool to have orca read whatever is under the cursor or something03:48
Gnewtmattcen: Thanks! So, say I wanted a DNS/SMB/rTorrent/HTTP/Asterisk server that I could also admin with a monitor, I could use Ubuntu desktop for that?03:48
racecar56nemo: ...if it doesn't work, then i'll to the install 9.04 > upgrade to 9.10 trick.03:49
slam_anybody using 9.10 (karmic) as a guestOS in VirtualBox??03:49
Sunrextauren: Software?. Centos?. Centos is easy, you can do it in the GUI :) heres a link: http://www.flmnh.ufl.edu/linux/linux_software_raid.htm03:49
ChicoWell, first of all, I'd be pirating this software :P03:49
ChicoI'm not that good of a person.03:49
kaskiChico: thats never a good idea03:49
taurenSunrex: yeah, I've done it many times in centos before03:49
nemoChico: why pirating? I thought it was free03:49
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!03:49
racecar56arrr matey!03:49
ChicoSony Vegas is expensive.03:49
racecar56i wouldn't say it's worth it03:49
ChicoWell, the version I'm getting.03:49
* racecar56 likes ubuntu just time03:49
taurenSunrex: but trying to get raid1/lvm setup on a new system.03:49
Sunrextauren: Yeah, thats what im using. I don't know why this isn't re-syncing properly03:49
kaskiThere are lots of free alternatives to Sony vegas03:49
FloodBot2racecar56: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:49
kaskiMy internet is way slower in Ubuntu than in Windows, (I'm dual-booting) any suggestions?03:49
* racecar56 likes ubuntu just fine03:50
banisterfiendChico: wanna go get a coffee?03:50
ChicoNothing is going to be as good as Vegas.03:50
ChicoYesh, Starbucks.03:50
Sunrextauren: its pissing me off since im going to be colocating with 4x500GB RAID10, and yeah.03:50
taurenSunrex: if you're on centos, why don't you ask in another channel?03:50
racecar56kaski: is anything sucking your RAM?03:50
ChicoI love white mocha lattes <303:50
kaskiChico: If you we're pirating anyway, get Adobe Premiere :)03:50
Sunrextauren: No support.03:50
jongbergskaski: what free alternatives woudl you recommend?03:50
regeyapiracy, eh?03:50
Sunrextauren: I like ubuntu, but I can only use two distros for WHM/Cpanel.03:50
nemoSunrex: so you join #ubuntu to complain about lack of responses here03:50
kaskiracecar56: I doubt it, I have 4 gbs03:50
ChicoI prefer Vegas, but I might get Premiere.03:50
ChicoIs it supported?03:50
ShawnRisknemo: I can't see the logs03:51
kaskijongbergs: you can check everywhere for free video editors, theres a gazillion03:51
racecar56kaski: lucky you. i have 2gb and it's speeding fast already, in fact on my old comp with 512MB it speeds03:51
nemoShawnRisk: did you check to see if you are using mac filtering?03:51
Sunrexnemo: mdadm is the issue here :). it's used on both distros for software raid.03:51
mattcenGnewt: Yes, potentially. Depending on the power of the system you're using, you may want to use a lighter environment (like XFCE or Fluxbox instead of Gnome; I use fluxbox on my server), but it'll work03:51
taurenSunrex: there's a #linux-raid channel, but only 8 people in it.03:51
racecar56kaski: ...but it doesn't use ubuntu, it uses debian, but i'm trying to put ubuntu on it at the moment03:51
kaskiracecar56: i think it has something to do with it getting a conflicting IP or something03:51
nemoBTW, I think #ubuntu should be fragmented into multiple support channels - desktop, graphics, audio, general linux noob etc.03:51
Sunrextauren: Oh!. Thank you very much :)03:51
jongbergskaski: does gazillion works like sony vegas?03:51
ChicoWhat's gazillion?03:51
racecar56kaski: that *might* be possible, but unlikely.03:51
kaskijongbergs: if you know how to use it03:51
ChicoI really hope it's going to be as good.03:52
kaskiracecar56: also, i didnt have to set anything up for internet in ubuntu, it just fixed itself03:52
ChicoWell... It won't.03:52
ChicoAlready know :| shit.03:52
sezotoveJohnson you still here?03:52
taurenSunrex: you can check on my blog03:52
jongbergskaski: ok, thanks for the tip, i'll go search for it..hope it's available in the karmic repos03:52
racecar56kaski: that's fine.03:52
taurenSunrex: I have some old posts about rebuilding an array03:52
ShawnRisknemo:  I am using MAC Filtering03:52
racecar56kaski: my internet was auto-configured by ubuntu and it's fine03:52
nemoShawnRisk: lol. so Plugh was right03:53
taurenSunrex: blog.tauren.com03:53
kaskiracecar56: I would mess around with the settings but im not sure where to begin03:53
ChicoThe fact that a LOT of the softwares I like aren't compatible with Linux makes me not want to use Linux.03:53
nemoShawnRisk: ifconfig | grep HWaddr  - verify that number is in list of allowed macs. if it isn't, add it and stop blaming linux03:53
kaskiChico: you have to find alternatives03:53
kaskiracecar56: could giving ubuntu its own static ip help?03:54
bradleyneed help with getting wireless network to work on 9.10 please help????03:54
nemoShawnRisk: BTW, MAC filtering is the most pointless security imaginable03:54
taurenSunrex: See http://blog.tauren.com/2008/03/hard-drive-crash.html03:54
nemoShawnRisk: utterly trivial to work around03:54
khelvanSorry if this is a stupid question, but a program I downloaded (ps3mediaserver) came with some files but no installation instructions either in the file or on their site. It did come with an .sh file that appears to do some setup. Can someone tell me how I can run an .sh file? (It is a script, correct?)03:54
racecar56kaski: maybe.03:54
nemoShawnRisk: takes even less work than cracking 40 bit WEP03:54
banisterfiendnemo: yeah, ppl running macs dont do much hacking anyway, it's mainly the unix/linux guys that do03:54
racecar56kaski: i think windows and ubuntu ARE using different IPs though. are they?03:54
ChicoWhy can't Ubuntu just run files that Windows can run without Wine?03:54
kaskikhevlan: have yo tried double-clicking on it03:54
racecar56Chico: EXEs are from DOS, ubuntu is not DOS.03:54
kaskiracecar56: probably03:54
nemobanisterfiend: my point is, if you are going to "secure" a network, this is a pointless timeconsuming operation that confuses your friends and does nothing to keep out enemies03:55
ChicoWhy can't they just make it DOS?03:55
johnson_bkhelvan: you would want to chmod +x the .sh then ./filename.sh03:55
nemobanisterfiend: clearly it is confusing ShawnRisk (assuming that is the problem)03:55
khelvankaski - I am using ssh to log into my server, I can't double-click it as I have no GUI03:55
bradleysomeone please help me with 9.1003:55
racecar56Chico: DOS is made by Microsoft and is copyrighted.03:55
johnson_bkhelvan: may need to give it sudo when you run also not sure03:55
racecar56Chico: Ubuntu is free software.03:55
banisterfiendnemo: so mac filtering just blocks ppl running macosx from accessing your computer right?03:55
khelvanjohnson_b, thanks, I will try that03:55
kaskikhelvan: navigate to the directory the file is in and type sudo sh ./filename.sh03:55
nemobanisterfiend: you're joking right?03:55
racecar56Chico: Ubuntu is open-sourced, allowing anyone to be able to make Ubuntu better.03:55
Liverbonesnemo: I hope they're joking. :P03:55
racecar56Chico: if DOS was open-sourced, they'd be able to make Ubuntu run DOS programs, i guess.03:56
banisterfiendnemo: no, y? and anyway, like i said ppl running macosx dont do much hacking anyway03:56
racecar56Chico: ...but it isn't open source.03:56
nemobanisterfiend: lol. my boss runs OSX exclusively03:56
aintaerHey does anybody know what would cause a remount into ro mode?03:56
kaskiracecar56: the sad part is the canonical store selling software03:56
nemobanisterfiend: well and linux on his servers03:56
racecar56Chico: and nor is Windows.03:56
nemobanisterfiend: and I assure you, he knows his way around the OSX commandline03:56
racecar56kaski: yep.03:56
racecar56kaski: you're right03:56
nemobanisterfiend: spoofing a mac is just as trivial under OSX as it is under linux03:56
Liverbonesaintaer: possible disk corruption can cause it to mount read only03:56
bradleydoes anyone know how to get wireless connection working in 9.1003:56
mattcenChico: Linux is not Windows, and the problem is that people expect it to be. Just like you can't run a lot of Windows programs on MacOS (though more developers are supporting it now), Linux is a completely different operating system.03:57
aintaerLike, mid-run though03:57
banisterfiendnemo: but osx IS a mac so they dont need to spoof anything03:57
kaskibradley: have you tried ubuntu support and google?03:57
Liverbonesaintaer: If the disk starts getting corrupted or gets an error, it'll mount itself as read only to prevent further corruption03:57
aintaerLiverbones: I started up in rw but mid-run it went to ro03:57
mattcenAlso there's always the FreeDOS project03:57
aintaerI see03:57
ChicoDoes anybody in here know about Puppy Linux?03:57
nemobanisterfiend: aaaaaah. ok. so this was all a convoluted joke. I hate you.03:57
kaskibradley: wireless fixes are plentiful03:57
racecar56Chico: mee.03:57
ChicoI'm considering getting it.03:57
LiverbonesChico: I know a little03:57
kaskiPuppy Linux?03:57
ChicoBut I'm too lazy to pay for those god damn cds.03:57
racecar56nemo: D: i tried the same boot parameters in the same order (i think) and it didn't work :( same problem, i'll try upgrade03:57
ChicoThe DVDrs.03:58
racecar56download 'em. :P03:58
Liverbonesaintaer: Mid-run doing what? much reading and writing? did you run an fsck?03:58
nemoracecar56: um. wait. so this is *random* ?03:58
racecar56nemo: what do you mean03:58
kaskiracecar56: if you already have the ubuntu iso can you tell wubi you have it so it doesnt have to torrent it?03:58
ChicoWhy is Wine so unstable?03:58
nemoracecar56: you say it fails to boot only part of the time? :)03:58
racecar56nemo: no.03:58
nemoracecar56: oh. thought you said you'd made it to the desktop once03:58
nemoChico: because they are reverse engineering a massive quantity of code03:59
nemoChico: with many undocumented behaviours03:59
aintaerLiverbones: I ran an fsck afterward and had fixed some things03:59
ChicoLinux noob.03:59
nemoChico: and one that it took microsoft decades to screw up03:59
feed_me_seymourIf I wanted to create a redirect from http://servername/wiki to http://servername:8080, how would I go about doing this?>03:59
racecar56nemo: it seems 9.04 works (i have tried 6.06 and it works too)03:59
nemoChico: similar to why MAPI support sucks in evolution - reverse engineering is a PITA03:59
ChicoI hate Microsoft.03:59
racecar56nemo: i didn't just try 6.06, though03:59
nemoracecar56: aight.03:59
nemoracecar56: have fun. :)03:59
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racecar56Chico: i hate them too.03:59
ChicoI love Mac, though.03:59
ChicoBut until I'm rich, I'm not getting one :D04:00
LiverbonesMacs are nice... used to have a Mini04:00
racecar56nemo: there's ONE problem04:00
racecar56nemo: my internet is slow.04:00
nemoheh. Macs are *nix, so I forgive them a lot, but Steve Jobs is an evil control freak04:00
racecar56nemo: 200kbps.04:00
racecar56nemo: sickening to do an upgrade.04:00
Liverbonesnemo: Yes, he is :P04:00
ChicoI have an iPhone, I'm basically wiping his ass.04:00
nemoChico: lol. My SO completely stopped using her linux partition after I got her an iphone04:00
Snausagesyou can't get more control-freak than iphone04:01
ChicoIt's amazing...04:01
Liverbonesaintaer: Unfortunately, all I know about the r/o issue is what I've dealt with myself; I ran a couple of fscks (once right after the problem, then later from a live CD) and it fixed itself04:01
nemoChico: since if she wanted music on its new encrypted filesystem, she was going to use itunes.04:01
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aintaermmmm, thanks though04:01
feed_me_seymourIf I wanted to create a redirect from http://servername/wiki to http://servername:8080, how would I go about doing this?>04:01
ChicoI HATE iTunes so much.04:01
LiverbonesSorry :\04:01
nemoer. not encrypted filesystem, encrypted tunes database04:01
racecar56Chico: same04:01
racecar56Chico: i do not use it.04:01
ChicoiTunes is the most stupid and stubborn software ever.04:01
nemoaaaanyway. enough fun hanging out with you party animals.04:02
racecar56Chico: i never want to again, ever.04:02
* nemo retreats back to more quiet channels04:02
racecar56Chico: VLC FTW04:02
ChicoiPhone is especially good if you jailbreak it.04:02
aintaerI have a droid eris04:02
* racecar56 wishes ubuntu would stop being bad :(04:02
aintaerit's pretty <304:02
ossaI have a dual boot HD with a damaged GRUB.   Now I can't boot anything.  I followed 5 or 6 help pages on the web, but nothing works.  I can't get the grub loaded again.  Can anyone help?04:02
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ChicoI don't get the whole GRUB thing...04:03
racecar56Chico: it's a bootloader.04:03
ChicoThat's why I couldn't install Puppy Linux.04:03
mattblancwhat the f...04:03
ChicoYou can say fuck.04:03
ubottuPlease remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.04:03
ChicoIt's not Club Penguin...04:03
ShawnRisknemo and Plugh thanks04:03
mattblancf word is allowed?04:03
racecar56Chico: yeah, it isn't, but if ubottu doesn't want us to...04:04
SultansElephantit's supposed to be family friendly (hint: don't let your kids on IRC)04:04
* Chico shrugs04:04
ChicoDon't have kids :P just a teenager.04:04
SultansElephantbut if it takes a lot to get banned from this channel04:04
SultansElephantyou have to really bring out your troll A-game04:04
ossaI have LOTS of important files that I need to retrieve.  I sure would like to get some Grub help if anyone has a little time.04:04
* racecar56 wishes ubuntu 9.10 would work.04:05
ChicoI'm so sick of people telling me that GIMP is as good as Photoshop.04:05
racecar56ossa: get a boot cd/floppy04:05
SultansElephantracecar56: what's not working?04:05
Liverbonesracecar56: I feel you.04:05
sumodumoubuntu 9.1 donest work?04:05
sumodumoit works for me04:05
LiverbonesI really, really do.04:05
ossagot one04:05
feed_me_seymourIf I wanted to create a redirect from http://servername/wiki to http://servername:8080, how would I go about doing this?04:05
racecar56Liverbones: got one of them unfortunate computers that can't boot recent ubuntu versions for ANYTHING?04:05
Liverbonessomething like that04:05
ossaI booted from there and am working on the CD now.04:05
drasticI have terrible net connectivity with 9.10, any idea why?04:05
racecar56Liverbones: and i have to use debian until they fix it >:(04:05
LiverbonesI ended up using 9.04 Minimal :P04:05
SultansElephantChico: some people drink the kool-aid, whatever. what's cool is what people have accomplished the 'near-beer' of open source apps04:05
SultansElephantChico: You can run photoshop CS2 off Wine04:06
sumodumoidc i just use 9.1 its stable for me04:06
ChicoIt's just that graphic designers use Photoshop, not GIMP.04:06
racecar56ossa: mount your /home drive. if you didn't seperately partition it (you'd know if you did) then just mount your / partition.04:06
sumodumoew i dont like gimp04:06
racecar56ossa: just go on Places and explore the different availible volumes.04:06
sumodumoit sucks04:06
racecar56i like gimp. i don't see what's wrong with it.04:07
sumodumoidk i dont like the gui. i think PS better04:07
ossaI have and I can get to the files. I just need to be able to boot from the HD instead of the CD04:07
DaZracecar56: many things04:07
racecar56sumodumo: i don't really like the GUI very much either, to be honest04:07
racecar56sumodumo: on KDE4, it's a nightmare04:07
* DaZ doesn't like their brushes engine04:07
johnson_bkhelvan: you get it working04:07
Liverbonessumodumo: You don't like the GUI because it's not what you're used to.04:08
sumodumoliverbones: yea probably ive been using PS for years now.04:08
LiverbonesAnyway, does anyone know much about Upstart jobs?04:08
racecar56...i don't like the GUI very much and i've almost never used PS.04:08
snarksterevening what is the name of the dbug file for libdbus-1.so.304:08
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khelvanjohnson_b - I ran the script, it appears to be working, but there is nothing to tell me how to connect to the configuration, or even if a web admin is available. I don't know if it plays well with headless servers.04:08
racecar56i probably used PS only 1 or 2 times.04:08
Liverbonesracecar56: well, that and GIMP doesn't have the best GUI, granted :P04:09
LiverbonesI don't use it much04:09
racecar56Liverbones: i don't use it VERY much.04:09
* racecar56 wishes ubuntu 9.10 would work04:09
Liverbonesdo you have that on a macro? :P04:09
DaZgimp is so good it made me more interested in vector graphics04:10
racecar56Liverbones: me? no.04:10
johnson_bLiverbones: i not trying to start anything but when u first lookied at photshop did u know how to use it right off. more and likey you had to learn it same goes with gimp04:10
preecheri buy a philips mp3 player an after i open i see its for windows--is they a way i can make it work on ubuntu? ive tried installing the software with "wine" but dint work04:10
TCCBcan anyone recomend a good SIMPLE HTML web publishing editor for Ubuntu?04:10
racecar56DaZ: same.04:10
Liverbonesjohnson_b: My point exactly :)04:10
racecar56TCCB: ...kompozer?04:10
johnson_bkhelvan: nmap localhost may have to isntall nmap04:10
TCCBok I'll check it out.04:10
racecar56TCCB: k04:10
TCCBhow is everyone liking 9.10?04:11
Ben64i'm all for open source, but photoshop IS better04:11
LiverbonesTCCB: not a big fan, here.04:11
Ben64TCCB: not :(04:11
TCCBNot much of reason to switch unless you are doing a new install IMHO04:11
racecar56TCCB: i like it except one of my comps can't run it well04:11
racecar56i have never really used PS04:11
TCCBdisk issues?04:11
johnson_bBen64: read my comment about it04:11
* racecar56 does not care about PS04:11
LiverbonesI'm not liking Upstart, Grub 2 or the new GDM at all. So I removed GDM :P04:11
racecar56TCCB: no, i'm using the LiveCD, it can't be that04:11
mamiaif im supposed to extract a file into /opt as instructed to by a "how to install xampp on ubuntu 9.04", but i cant find /opt, where is the next best place to extract to. conventionally speaking i guess04:11
TCCBah I see.04:11
DaZLiverbones: that's so hardcore04:12
Liverbonesmamia: You should have /opt04:12
DaZcan i touch you?04:12
racecar56TCCB: it goes in an infinite blackscreen > loading screen loop04:12
LiverbonesWhat's hardcore?04:12
tsunamithis game sucks goodnight04:12
Ben64on my laptop--- 5.1 audio in mplayer cuts out, mplayer uses only one core to decode, making 720p impossible, other sound issues, multiple displays crashes computer04:12
DaZLiverbones: gdm removal [;04:12
gilothhas anyone been having issues with ubuntu 9.10 and getting rhythmbox to fetch cover art off the internet?04:12
johnson_bTCCB: i do like 9.10 got all working on laptop but finger print scanner doesn't seem to load faster than 9.04 was told time over time it would :(04:12
Liverbonessudo apt-get remove --purge gdm04:12
Liverbones... done04:12
Ben64johnson_b: yeah i did read it, but photoshop still wins04:12
DaZapt-get: command not found04:12
DaZawww >:04:12
TCCBYeah gdm can be dangerious and removing it is probably more so04:13
mamiaLiverbones, nope dont have it04:13
TCCBdangerous even04:13
racecar56DaZ: you simulating a RPM linux distro? lol!04:13
johnson_bBen64: just saying gimp works just have to learn like u did photoshop04:13
LiverbonesWhere are you looking for it? Ubuntu automatically makes /opt04:13
racecar56DaZ: yum purge gdm?04:13
drasticCan't connect to certain servers on 9.10, any idea why?04:13
racecar56DaZ: i have NO idea..04:13
LiverbonesTCCB: Removing GDM isn't dangerous04:13
Ben64johnson_b: I know. Really, I do. But still..... Photoshop wins.04:13
DaZyum: command not found04:13
TCCBdrastic: probably internet?04:13
boxxy_http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8417865 <====  I need urgent help with ecryptfs-mount-private, I think I lost my home directory... :/04:13
racecar56DaZ: i am only used to debian-baseddistros04:14
DaZrpms and debs r for lusrs04:14
racecar56DaZ: rpm, does that command work :P04:14
drasticTCCB: Connection's not dropping, and it's working fine on my XP installation.04:14
racecar56DaZ: nvm04:14
racecar56DaZ: no.04:14
racecar56DaZ: rm command? LOL!04:14
mamiaLiverbones, i just assumed from the "how to" that /opt was standard with ubuntu 9.04... so do i have to make the dir?04:14
johnson_bBen64: i do like photoshop don't get me wrong but gimp is amazing to be free compared to 1000 for photoshop04:14
Liverbonesmamia: It is standard.04:14
mamiaLiverbones, im looking in /    cant find it04:15
Liverbonesmamia: But if it's not in your filesystem, you could make it.04:15
racecar56DaZ: easy everything removal: use of the command. we all know what command it is.04:15
Ben64johnson_b: well with the price, yeah gimp is awesome. But if Photoshop is free, then .. :D04:15
racecar56DaZ: LOL!04:15
* racecar56 wouldn't use PS even if it were freeware.04:15
Ben64racecar56: why04:16
DaZbecause it's too awesome04:16
TCCBmamia: cd /; sudo mkdir -M755 opt04:16
crazy2k_Aghh... I'm trying to report a bug in launchpad and it keeps telling me there's a timeout error. Any ideas on how I can successfully report my bug? It is not some GNOME's application bug so I can't use ubuntu-bug.04:16
racecar56Ben64: because 1. it's not opensourced in that case, 2. i like gimp anyway04:16
LiverbonesTCCB: Thanks for answering that for mamia... I'm multitasking, and poorly :|04:16
mamiatccb, what does the -M755 flag do? does it just change permisions?04:17
racecar56maybe i should post this stupid infinite loop thing as a bug.04:17
mamiaand thanks04:17
* racecar56 hates stupid startup bugs04:17
TCCBwell technically it sets it the mode to that yet.04:17
Liverbonesmamia: Yes, it does04:17
khelvanjohnson_b, http://pastebin.com/m48f3d179 - I don't see anything that looks like it04:17
TCCBI only say that because you can't change the mode on a dir that isn't there... :)04:17
TCCB<==== wise acher... 2 points :)04:17
* racecar56 04:17
FloodBot2racecar56: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:18
racecar56hi, floodbot.04:18
LiverbonesFloodbot loves you.04:18
TCCBand that means...oh let's see... user can do what ever... group can read, traverse but not write... and the same goes for everyone else04:18
racecar56Liverbones: XD04:18
mamiathanks again guys, ill now try to finish the installation of xampp04:18
LiverbonesGood luck, mamia :)04:18
racecar56FloodBot2: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:18
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=== bob is now known as Guest90422
johnson_bkhelvan: it wouldn't be whats running on port 80 would it can you http://localhost04:19
crazy2k_Aghh... I'm trying to report a bug in launchpad and it keeps telling me there's a timeout error. Any ideas on how I can successfully report my bug? It is not some GNOME's application bug so I can't use ubuntu-bug.04:19
racecar56crazy2k_: launchpad problem, possibly. try that in a few mins04:19
racecar56crazy2k_: OR your internet fails like mine.04:20
racecar56crazy2k_: :|04:20
LiverbonesInternet fails for the win.04:20
racecar56crazy2k_: i'd just try it later.04:20
=== mamia is now known as regex
khelvanjohnson_b, No, that is my LAMP server (Apache, SQL, etc. all have their standard ports). I don't really use it, I just installed it to play around with it.04:21
racecar56FloodBot2: .noitautcnup sa retnE esu t'nod ,etsap ot moc.utnubu.etsap//:ptth esu ,doolf t'nod esaelP04:22
johnson_bkhelvan: what ws u installing again04:22
racecar56that's floodbot's message backwards.04:22
LiverbonesYou're having too much fun with the bot.04:22
LiverbonesSeriously, it's disturbing. :P04:22
racecar56Liverbones: i better stop.04:23
racecar56Liverbones: lol.04:23
Liverbonesand it's time for a smoke break. Be back in soon04:23
racecar56ubottu says: Sorry, I don't know anything about04:24
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:24
khelvanjohnson_b, PS3 Media Server. I think I need to set up something like VNC so that I can view the desktop; it has a java console for configuration on the server itself.04:24
racecar56"Sorry, I don't know anything about" about what?04:24
=== sumodumo is now known as hungry
=== hungry is now known as iamspartaaaaaa
johnson_bkhelvan: it may be the 901 i would have to look at more info for it but samba is file sharing04:25
TCCBThe death star plans are not in the main computer04:25
TCCBso I looked for komposer and no go04:25
khelvanjohnson_b, Yes, I have samba set up to serve files over the network04:25
TCCBanyone else know of a good web page editor Dreamweaver esqe04:25
iamspartaaaaaawas ist samaba?04:26
khelvaniamspartaaaaaa, samba allows me to share directories, files, and other things to my network devices, including Windows machines04:26
TCCBiamspartaaaaa: a protocol to allow window computers to connect to hard drives on linux machines04:26
oddie_TCCB: i've used Scream before thats cool...not dreamweaver equiv though...not even close04:26
racecar56window computers xD04:27
aintaerI miss Dreamweaver04:27
khelvanTCCB - I have heard good things about Quanta and Aptana, but I haven't tried either of them.04:27
iamspartaaaaaakhelvan: so cant u just use an external HD?04:27
johnson_bTCCB: i have found nothing exact same as dreamweaver but bluefish was ok i gotten to where i just use text editor now04:27
aintaerQuanta is QT right?04:27
TCCBoddie_ I'll try that. is that in the normal universe and multi-verse ubuntu packagesphere?04:27
Billiardiamspartaaaaaa: its for sharing directories over a network04:27
racecar56window computers are Windows computers after you've had so much trouble with them. xD04:27
aintaerDreamweaver is what I miss most about windows apps04:27
khelvaniamspartaaaaaa, What do you mean? I suppose I could transfer files to an external hard drive, then plug the HDD into another machine, but this way I have all the files I want to share on my server, and I can access them from anywhere on the network.04:27
oddie_TCCB: i think it was when i used it, Bluefish was good too, that should be there04:27
TCCBDreamweaver has gotten very sophisticated... with jquery like goodness and all that04:28
iamspartaaaaaakhelvan: oh i see. i double boot xp on my machine so HD works just fine. in your case with separate computers thats different.....04:28
oddie_TCCB: i dont think you will get a free Dreamweaver like program :(04:29
luk1I think my sound has gone completely foobar after the Karmic upgrade.  My front left speaker is identifying correctly, but the only other speaker I can get sound from is the rear right and it identifies as front right when I use speaker-test.04:29
johnson_bkhelvan: try this /etc/init.d/fuppes restart was going to see if that was server you installed was looking at this http://www.howtoforge.com/set-up-a-linux-playstation-3-media-server-with-ubuntu8.04 it maybe helpful don't know04:29
TCCBhmmm... Dreamweaver for linux... put that on the todo list.. :)04:29
racecar56isn't it possible to use wine with it? i haven't ever used dreamweaver (i haven't ever used it before, not even in windows) so i don't know04:29
luk1is there anyway to reset pulseaudio to try to fix the audio?04:29
luk1there was some Dreamweaver like app04:30
luk1but the maintainers left04:30
aintaerQuanta, I heard04:30
khelvaniamspartaaaaaa, Yes, if you have only one machine having a file server will only help you if you, for instance, want to put your files on a RAID array so that if one HDD fails the other(s) still runs.04:30
racecar56...what is dreamweaver anyway04:30
DaZ_quanta wasn't wyswig ;f04:30
aintaerIDE for web development04:30
luk1a website designer04:30
=== iamspartaaaaaa is now known as racer55
aintaerWith WYSWIG and all that jazz04:30
TCCByeah wysiwyg html editor and yeah04:30
=== racer55 is now known as racecar55
aintaersexy, is what it is04:30
luk1yes, it was very nice04:30
luk1it even produced proper css for stuff04:30
luk1unlike microsoft's editor04:31
khelvanjohnson_b, Thanks, but that is for fuppes, a different media server. The one I installed was called "PS3 Media Server," or PMS for short :P - it is its name, not a descriptor :)04:31
aintaerMacromedia made good tools04:31
* racecar56 likes to use this thing called a text editor to make HTML documents04:31
TCCBWell MS wanted to put all of it's own proprietary crap in it.04:31
TCCBincluding it's own css markup04:31
* racecar56 also likes to use lynx to view the resulting HTML files.04:31
TCCBwhich never worked04:31
luk1racecar56: it's not targeted to you04:31
luk1it's targetted at designer04:31
aintaerracecar56: welcome to 1995.04:31
PhantomLinkI am saving another laptop from Windoze! ^_^04:31
racecar56aintaer: :D04:31
PhantomLinkWith Ubunutu 9.1004:31
luk1you know, they ppl that make shiney graphics, but don't know proper code04:31
TCCBracecar56: so do I ... but I hate to type that much04:31
racecar56PhantomLink: yaaaaaaaaaay04:32
oddie_wine, try wine + Dreamweaver04:32
khelvanCan anyone tell me what the easiest way is to set up remote desktop control of my server via SSH?04:32
aintaerI wonder if I can get Dreamweaver standalone04:32
racecar56wine + Dreamweaver = wineDreamweaver xD04:32
* PhantomLink dances :D04:32
racecar56racecar55? ROFL04:32
luk1khelvan: you probably want vnc over ssh04:32
racecar55racecar56: HAHA04:33
luk1it's will be very slow unless it's all on a local LAN04:33
racecar56racecar55: HAHA04:33
=== DaZ_ is now known as DaZ
khelvanracecar56 - wine + Dreamweaver = $20004:33
racecar55racecar56: got bored! :)04:33
racecar56racecar55: you're iamspartaaa?04:33
=== TCCB is now known as racecar51
racecar56racecar55: i see your nick change in history.04:33
racecar56racecar55: xD04:33
racecar56yaaaaay let's ALL be racecars!04:34
regeyaif you really wanna run windows stuff without rebooting and you already have windows you could install windows in virtualbox and run your windows apps there...04:34
aintaerNO GUYS04:34
=== racecar56 is now known as racecar1
FloodBot2racecar55: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:34
regeyado I gotta?04:34
racecar1I'M THE FIRST RACECAR!!!04:34
racecar1NAH NAH NAH NAH NAHH04:34
PhantomLinkregeya, that's what I do04:34
FloodBot2racecar1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:34
=== racecar55 is now known as racecar2
johnson_bkhelvan there maybe a README file that will help you04:34
klaxoGO PATRIOTS04:34
regeyaa lot of things have changed in #ubuntu since the last time I was here :-}04:34
racecar1Segmentation fault: core dumped04:34
racecar51Mario Andretti!04:34
oddie_what about xming for remote desktop type work?04:34
racecar1Segmentation fault: core dumped D'OH04:34
aintaerracecar1 is that a nethack reference04:34
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racecar1aintaer: no04:35
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racecar56yaaay i am racecar56 again.04:35
chetnickjust installed dlink air dwl-520 pci wifi card, (prism 2.5). i think i remeber this card working in 8.04. Now it does not show up in network manager. This is info for those how want and can help.. http://pastebin.com/m47acf6e404:35
khelvanjohnson_b, Yeah, there is, but it is not helpful at all. I'll just set up VNC on the server and view it remotely, that will allow me to work with the java console and configure it nicely.04:35
exploreralexcan anybody help me please?04:35
racecar56chetnick: does it show up in lspci and ifconfig04:35
racecar56exploreralex: what do you need04:36
exploreralexi am trying to set up openthinclient04:36
chetnickracecar56: http://pastebin.com/m47acf6e4 everything is there (log, lspci, ifconfig etc.)04:36
johnson_bkhelvan: sounds good long as you get it working04:36
chetnickracecar56: check it out.04:36
exploreralexit needs to write a directory04:36
exploreralexto install the software04:36
exploreralexbut i encounter an error message04:37
exploreralexthat says "the directory can not be written. please choose another directory"04:37
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racecar56chetnick: dhclient wlan0, what happens04:37
johnson_bAptana Studio is another html/css app that i know of based off of eclipse its not in repos but maybe something you want to look at TCCB04:37
exploreralexif i choose another directory04:37
chetnickracecar56: ok give me a second, i'm on other pc.04:38
skylwhat's the latest for realtime in 9.10?04:38
racecar56exploreralex: are you running it as root? be careful in root, though04:38
exploreralexit offers to overwrite the directory provided04:38
Billiard!enter | exploreralex04:38
ubottuexploreralex: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:38
racecar56exploreralex: what directory is it trying to write to?04:38
racecar56exploreralex: when the error happen04:38
exploreralexubottu: okay04:38
johnson_bskyl: can you tell a difference with realtime kernel ?04:38
racecar56ubottu: :uttobu04:39
skyljohnson_b, I'm expecting so04:39
racecar56(10:39:07 PM) ubottu: Sorry, I don't know anything about uttobu04:39
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exploreralex racecar56: its trying to create a directory /opt/openthinclient04:39
seidosis there a way to make a terminal have a built in calculator?04:39
DaZseidos: use python04:39
TCCBwow Bluefish IS cool04:39
ubottuThe RT kernel is the Ubuntu kernel with a realtime preemption patch applied. It is included in Ubuntu Studio by default. For more information please see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RealTime/04:39
racecar56exploreralex: do this in terminal: sudo mkdir /opt/openthinclient04:39
johnson_bskyl: i tested in past and couldn't thats why i was asking but i didn't test for long04:40
seidosDaZ: thanks04:40
exploreralexokay let me try04:40
skyljohnson_b, well I have a good dataset for without the rt kernel and it's not good enough...04:40
Billiardseidos: you can use bc04:40
* racecar56 wonders why there are 2 entries of bluefish in the software center04:40
skylso I thought I would give RT a try04:40
seidosBilliard: bc?04:40
racecar56seidos: python and bc.04:41
racecar56seidos: bc is awesome :D04:41
skylI was already at that wiki page but it doesn't say anything past hardy04:41
exploreralexracecar56: still the same error04:41
skylthis is an operation that can be performed with apt?04:41
racecar56seidos: bc is the command line calculator04:41
oddie_racecar56: one is a bad one that formats you HD.04:41
Billiardseidos: its just like a program for doing calculator like stuff04:41
linosanyone know if there is a IBM rational channel?04:41
racecar56oddie_: what?04:41
skylSAGE is my choice for best calculator ever04:41
skylit is on top of Python and has Python builtin; everyone come to Atlanta for PyCon in Febuary04:42
chetnickracecar56: http://pastebin.com/m7d852f5304:42
oddie_racecar56: 2 entries of Bluefish04:42
exploreralexracecar56: the same error again04:42
skylI will pick you up from the airport04:42
chetnickracecar56: some weird stuff.04:42
Billiardexploreralex: what error when you do what?04:42
IdleOneoddie_: are you suggesting that the Ubuntu repos contain a package that will format the HD?04:43
racecar56oddie_: really? and how do you know?04:43
ten80pwhy does it tell me that i have wrong fs type when i try to mount a device?04:44
oddie_racecar56: im just guessing...no other reason why they would do it!! those tricksters04:44
racecar56chetnick: weird.04:44
racecar56chetnick: very weird.04:44
Billiardten80p: how are you trying to mount it04:44
racecar56chetnick: you are 100% sure it's in that slot good, right?04:44
ripthejackerany here uses nokia phone?04:44
ten80pBilliard: I tried sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/DiskB04:44
exploreralexBilliard:when i try to install openthinclient the setup needs to select installation path which it selects as /opt/openthinclent. the error is"the directory can not be written. please choose another directory"04:45
ripthejackeris there any kind of replacement for nikia pc suite?04:45
ripthejacker*nokia pc suite04:45
ten80pI am sure the filesystem on the disk is ext4, but keeps telling me that i have wrong fs04:45
chetnickracecar56: nope, i am not 100% sure. The weird thing is that it is showing interface on ifconfig and iwconfig, but when i go to network manager wifi tab its empty.04:45
Billiardexploreralex: create that directory, and give yourself write permissions in it04:45
oddie_exploreralex: run as root?04:45
Billiardten80p: how is sdb1 formatted, what fs type, you may need to specify it04:46
racecar56chetnick: maybe you should check if it's all the way in the slot.04:46
bastidrazorten80p: sudo fdisk -l  ..that should list all drives connected regardless of mount. it will tell you the fs type.04:46
exploreralexcreated directory using :sudo mkdir /opt/openthinclient04:46
racecar56chetnick: if you can see the gold contacts a little bit, shut downt the comp and push it in gently but firmly (enough to make it go in better)04:46
exploreralexthe error continues04:46
lyraehow can i remove trash can and home dir from desktop?04:46
Billiardexploreralex: give yourself write permissions in it04:46
exploreralexhow do i do that?04:47
ten80pit says system: Linux ..04:47
Billiardexploreralex: using chmod04:47
exploreralexit asked for the password while creating the directory. thats it.04:47
racecar56exploreralex: try this: sudo mv /opt/openthinclient /opt/.openthinclient.old && sudo mkdir /opt/openthinclient04:47
skylI have not seen jack and pulseaudio play so nice together as on karmic04:47
PhantomLinkUh oh.04:47
exploreralexracecar56: type the same thing as it is?04:48
Billiardten80p: try adding -t ext3 to your mount command04:48
PhantomLinkThe laptop is stuck at "Starting up the partitioner" screen, and it doesn't seem to be loading it.04:48
ripthejackerhi i am looking for  nokia pc suite like application for linux04:48
racecar56exploreralex: without quites, "sudo mv /opt/openthinclient /opt/.openthinclient.old && sudo mkdir /opt/openthinclient"04:48
skylnow to see if the rt kernel makes it all gravy04:48
racecar56exploreralex: *quotes04:48
ten80pBilliard: alrdy did, still says wrong fs04:48
luk1I can't get 5.1 audio to work under karmic.  I got two speakers working but they're not outputing the correct channels04:48
Billiardten80p: did you format it?04:48
racecar56PhantomLink: i know how that feels -_-04:48
ripthejackeri should at least be able to copy contacts04:48
ten80pBilliard: nop04:48
Billiardten80p: did you try without the -t option04:48
Billiardten80p: you need to format it before you mount it04:48
ten80pand yes04:48
racecar56PhantomLink: i once formatted a partition full of backup data.04:48
racecar56PhantomLink: OUCH04:49
ten80pits alrdy formatted and i have data on it04:49
racecar56PhantomLink: that hurts.04:49
racecar56PhantomLink: doesn't it?04:49
PhantomLinkYou can stop highlighting me any time now.04:49
skylbombs away ... rebooting into the rt kernel.....>>!04:49
Billiardten80p: is there maybe conflicting line in the fstab?04:50
* racecar56 wishes ubuntu 9.10 would work decently :|04:50
PhantomLinkShould I not do 9.10?04:50
ten80pBilliard: dont think so, fstab says the filesystem is the one i chose04:51
racecar56PhantomLink: if your comp is from 2004, yes04:51
Billiardten80p: try removing the fstab line, and try to mount without specifying a fstype04:51
racecar56PhantomLink: my comp that i have from 2004 won't run ubuntu 9.10 D:04:51
PhantomLinkracecar56, upgrade it04:51
racecar56PhantomLink: it goes in an infinite loop of blank screen > loading screen04:51
Billiardten80p: sudo blkid     might tell you the fstype04:51
exploreralex racecar56:now the error is"mv:missing destination file operand after `/opt/.openthinclent.old`"04:51
TCCBthanks all for your help..04:52
TCCBbe well04:52
ReclinerIm having a problem with installing my drivers04:52
racecar56exploreralex: did you type it right?04:52
racecar56exploreralex: i suggest copying.04:52
exploreralexi did04:52
ten80pBilliard: mount: you must specify the filesystem type04:52
racecar56exploreralex: without quotes, "sudo mv /opt/openthinclient /opt/.openthinclient.old && sudo mkdir /opt/openthinclient" try that again04:52
Billiardten80p: try sudo blkid04:53
racecar56Recliner: what drivers.04:53
exploreralexokay no errors.04:53
ten80pBilliard: blkid only showed the main hard drive not sdb04:53
Billiardten80p: even with sudo ?04:53
racecar56exploreralex: try the installer again.04:53
Reclinervideo or graphics04:53
exploreralexracecar56: be right back04:54
racecar56Recliner: ATI, NVIDIA, or what?04:54
racecar56exploreralex: k04:54
Reclineri go to the hardware drivers and it doesnt show anything04:54
lyraehow can i remove trash can and home dir from desktop?04:54
Billiardten80p: is it possible the filesystem is corrupted? could try fsck04:55
oddie_i just lost the game04:55
DaZthat's what the game is for :f04:56
Billiardlyrae: i know you can use gconf-editor, you might be able to just delete them04:56
ten80pBilliard: checking now, does seem to have errors!04:56
Reclinercan anyone help me manually load hardware drivers04:57
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BilliardRecliner: which?04:58
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Reclinerany. i just installed zorin and none show up04:59
BilliardRecliner: drivers for what?04:59
Reclinerso my pc runs really slow and my screen resolution is off04:59
Dasdahey guys is there a way to extract a .exe file? I am trying to view a ebook that works fine in windows but when I run it under wine in UBuntu karmic, It does not load the images at all04:59
BilliardRecliner: video drivers? for which card?05:00
mahngielsup folks. down to my last attempt before i reinstall ubuntu. i need to know if there's a way to repair and install the main components of the OS. i've lost my GUI, and cannot start an x session05:00
racecar56Dasda: unzip05:00
racecar56Dasda: might help05:00
racecar56Dasda: or cabextract05:00
mahngieli don't have a broadband connection, so i cannot "apt-get" anything05:00
Dasda"unzip" is name of a program?05:00
racecar56i don't have broadband, either, and i CAN apt-get anything.05:00
racecar56Dasda: yes.05:00
racecar56Dasda: command line05:01
Fatb0ymahngiel, you can apt-get from the cd.  you should try reinstalling xwindows.  did you muck around with the xorg file or something?05:01
racecar56Dasda: if you aren't familiar with command line just use your standard archiver.05:01
Billiardmahngiel: is your xorg.conf bad maybe?05:01
mahngiellet me refrase, racecar, i don't have an internet connection unless i can authenticate it05:01
racecar56Dasda: ..like file-roller or stuff05:01
ReclinerAMD Turion Dual-Core RM-70. thats my cpu05:01
BilliardRecliner: dont care about your cpu05:01
=== banisterfiend is now known as HELLO
mahngielFatb0y, apt-get xwindows?05:02
Reclineri think i have an nvidia 8200m05:02
Reclinernot sure tho05:02
alabd_Good day everyone , where to download IBM JRE ?05:02
Reclinerhow do i find it05:02
Fatb0ymahngiel, no  you need to reinstall the xserver05:02
BilliardRecliner: lspci maybe05:02
mahngielBilliard: may be more indepth than that.05:02
Reclinerwhat is lspci05:03
mahngielFatb0y: how can i pull that off?05:03
mahngielalabd_: try linuxappfinder.com05:03
BilliardRecliner: try running that command05:03
Dasdaracecar, this is what I get when i try to extract the .exe file. http://paste.ubuntu.com/332120/05:04
Reclinergeforce 820005:04
Gambit-Anyone know how I can cause the network applet to use a super-small gui and tile them like on windows, rather then using a gui graphic that expands to fit the size of the toolbar?05:04
Reclineri still think its an m becuause i have a laptop05:04
BilliardRecliner: well you can try installing the latest nvidia drivers from the package manager05:04
racecar56Recliner: i have a rather similar card, it's a geforce 8600, and it works beautifully with ubuntu05:05
racecar56Recliner: you shouldn't have much trouble.05:05
holmserI'm having an issue with my keyboard layout05:05
racecar56Recliner: i used envyng to install the drivers.05:05
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holmserI am attemting to switch to dvorak, I change it in keyboard settings, but the typing stays qwerty05:05
holmsernot sure what I am doing wrong05:05
Reclinerhow do i find the graphics in pm05:06
Dasdaracecar56: do you know what could be wrong? that is what i got when i try to unzip the .exe file. http://paste.ubuntu.com/332120/05:06
BilliardRecliner: open synaptic package manager, search for nvidia05:06
racecar56Dasda: try cabextract05:06
holmsernevermind... I guess I have to re open all of my windows before it will take effect05:06
Dasdak ill try that command05:07
mahngielhow do i mount and access a thumbdrive from the terminal?05:07
BilliardRecliner: you probably want, nvidia-glx-18505:07
racecar56mahngiel: mount /dev/DEVICE (change DEVICE to the /dev/ name)05:07
Reclineri dont see that05:07
Reclineri see 180-modaliases, but it says its installed05:08
DasdaRacecar: it says, "no valid cabinets found" when i do cabextract05:08
ZerSay, I was looking at the Ubuntu partition options in the installer, mount options specifically05:08
ZerI noticed there is no option for acl, but there is for user_xattr05:08
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BilliardRecliner: you might need to add the multiverse or universe repos, from the repositories option in synaptic05:08
ZerIs acl set by default, and is there any reason _not_ to use user_xattr?05:08
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tumiiCan I resize my panel icons, my panel is 48 pixels but can I resize especially the shortcut icons?05:09
Gambit-tumii, I'd like to do that too.05:10
Reclinerbillard: i dont see any of that05:10
BilliardRecliner: the repositories option is in one of the menus, not hidden05:10
Gambit-what's a good laptop temperature applet?05:11
BilliardGambit-: there is a panel applet to monitor temperature05:11
BilliardGambit-: but i forget the name sorry, its something obvious temperature or sensor05:11
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IdleOneRecliner: in Sytem > Administration> Software Sources05:11
Gambit-Like sensors-applet?05:12
Draconisgoogle.com keeps redirecting to lunarpages05:12
HillshumGambit-: yes, sensors-applet05:12
DraconisI have issues with google giving me errors and a lot of other stuff now... is that something that could be with ubuntu?05:12
Reclinermy problem might have somthing to do with my computer thinking its in ireland. my keyboard was set up in that, and the package manager was set to download from an ireland server05:12
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BilliardDraconis: do other computers on your network do this?05:12
DraconisBilliard, a Vista computer is reporting 40405:13
BilliardRecliner: you still have the options in synaptic05:13
Dasdaracecar56: still here?05:13
racecar56Dasda: yes05:13
=== ghost is now known as Guest4001
* racecar56 05:13
BilliardDraconis: you are behind some kind of proxy or something? which is blocking websites?05:13
Guest4001hey guys is there a easy way to stop the new gdm service from autostarting in karmic 9.10 amd64 i prefer the ncurses bash login then to start x manually. and i really don't want to have to reinstall my system as a server to get it done05:13
mahngielhow do i find my usb thumbdrive? i tried fdisk05:13
Gambit-Hillshum, so once I apt-get install it, how do I add it to my panel?  Do I have to reboot to show it up?05:13
racecar56mahngiel: sudo fdisk -l05:13
Draconisand my Windows 7 box is working normally05:13
racecar56mahngiel: that didn't work?05:14
mahngielracecar56: i thought i found it as sda5, but it wouldn't mount05:14
BilliardGuest4001: probably could use update-rc.d to make gdm not autostart05:14
HillshumGambit-: No, but logging out and in again might be needed05:14
cow1can we install google Chrome on Ubuntu and how?05:14
DraconisBilliard, not behind a proxy.... my Windows 7 Box is working ok... my Vista computer goes 404... and ubuntu redirects to lunarpages.com05:14
Dasdaracecar56: I get "no valid cabinets found" when using cabextract to extract the .exe05:14
mahngielracecar56: i gotta reboot and try it as sudo05:14
racecar56Dasda: maybe it won't work because it isn't extractable05:14
BilliardDasda: you cant always extract an exe easily05:15
bastidrazormahngiel: when you plug it in, look in dmesg.. normally dmesg | tail ..works well05:15
DraconisBilliard, any ideas?05:15
BilliardDraconis: does your hosts file have any odd entires ?05:15
exploreralexracecar56: no error in terminal when i copy pasted the commands you wrote. but the same error is occuring in install05:16
racecar56exploreralex: you are runnning the installer as root, right?05:16
DasdaBilliard: how? Its a ebook. I can run it under wine but it wont load images in Ubuntu. It works fine on windows though. So I though extracting it might let me view images05:16
exploreralexit was a .jar file05:16
DraconisBilliard, how would I check? I don't believe it does05:16
BilliardDraconis: /etc/hosts05:16
exploreralexso i opened it with jdk05:16
racecar56exploreralex: sudo..05:16
Reclinerok im in the software sources now what05:17
BilliardDasda: its an exe ebook? thats dumb. i would think if they gave you an exe ebook, they dont want you to have easy access to the pictures and text05:17
clyderinoI have an MSI Wind 123 netbook: it has Realtek 8187se wifi controller. Does anyone know the name/location of the driver for this wifi device in 9.10? Thanks!05:17
exploreralexits a gui based installer. so what's it with the root if i am not installing it in the terminal.05:17
BilliardRecliner: check the 5 boxes on the left05:18
DasdaBilliard: yeah, I think It is designed to do that05:18
racecar56exploreralex: use kdesu or gksu05:18
Reclineron the first tab?05:18
BilliardRecliner: yea05:18
exploreralex racecar56: no idea what those are!! I am literally an amatuer at this05:19
DasdaBilliard: anyway in ubuntu I can extract that .exe ? i've tried unzip and gotten this http://paste.ubuntu.com/332120/  . Or cabextract which says "no valid cabinets found"05:19
Guest4001cool it worked the stop gdm startup05:19
DraconisBilliard, http://pastebin.com/dcad499e05:19
racecar56exploreralex: what is the command you are using to run the jar05:19
Guest4001all i had to do was "sh /var/lib/update-rc.d/gdm" as sudo05:19
Draconisubuntu google search works... google.com still redirects to lunarpages.com05:19
Guest4001got rid of the autostartup on gdm05:19
Reclinerim downloading pakages. i dont know for what tho05:19
racecar56google is screwy.05:20
BilliardDasda: if they gave you an exe ebook its probably encrypted and not easily extractable05:20
Guest4001is someone running a mitm attack on u by any chance?05:20
Reclineri just had to check the last box and i made the source from the main server05:20
Draconisracecar56, my win7 box is working fine... my ubuntu redirects to lunarpages and the vista box gives 40405:20
ChicoWhat is Code Weavers?05:20
BilliardDraconis: looks normal05:20
exploreralexi right clicked on the icon and clicked on "open with openjdk6 runtime environment". an installer popped up.05:20
chiquesreinstalling alsa is a nightmare05:21
DasdaBilliard: does not easily mean not possible? just wondering if i should continue digging05:21
Billiardchiques: sudo apt-get install alsa == nightmare ?05:21
racecar56it's a nightmare to sudo apt-get install --reinstall alsa? (don't know if that is the right package name)05:21
customerhi guys, im having hard time in ubuntu server edition05:22
brianhermancustomer:whats ur problemo05:22
chiquesBilliard, That's not what this doc says http://monespaceperso.org/blog-en/2009/08/31/upgrade-alsa-1-0-21-on-ubuntu-jaunty-9-04/05:22
BilliardDasda: idk, maybe theres a way, but i wouldnt try05:22
exploreralexracecar56: this one was for me?05:22
customerit seems that i can't start apache tomcat05:22
racecar56exploreralex: open a terminal.05:22
brianhermancustomer: do you have the package installed05:22
customeri already installed apache tomcat605:23
racecar56exploreralex: assuming you have the jar on your desktop, do this command: "cd ~/Desktop"05:23
skylhow can I see which kernel I am currently using?05:23
DraconisBilliard, any ideas what could cause that? Maybe having 3 boxes on one router?05:23
brianhermanskyl: uname -a05:23
brianhermanskyl: in terminal05:23
skylweird, I didn't get grub to come up05:23
BilliardDraconis: does it do this on a fresh install? or on the live cd?05:23
Reclinerbilliard: thanks for your help im downloading the driver now05:23
skylI installed the rt kernel and it was in grub05:24
BilliardRecliner: np05:24
skylthen $ sudo reboot now!05:24
BilliardRecliner: after downloading the package i had to use   sudo nvidia-xconfig   to enable it05:24
customerwhen i try to execute the startup.sh, the server says it cannot access the catalina.out\05:24
PhantomLinksame thing05:24
PhantomLinkthird time05:24
skyland I can't get it .. then I do a hard reboot and it just boots me into generic with no choice05:24
PhantomLinkI think the CD is bad :(05:24
Reclinerhas anyone tried the zorin os yet05:25
PhantomLinkHow long should it take for starting the partitioner to get to at least 1% ?05:25
brianhermancustomer: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/linux/installing-tomcat-6-on-ubuntu/05:25
DraconisBilliard, fresh install05:25
racecar56PhantomLink: better than a bad HDD05:25
brianhermanskyl: oh ok you need to edit your menu.lst05:25
skylPhantomLink, probably about 1 second .. certainly no more than 15 in my experience05:25
DraconisPhantomLink, probably 0.0005 seconds :)05:25
BilliardDraconis: if a fresh install does it, its not ubuntus problem, its something on your network05:25
racecar56probably 0.00000000001 seconds :305:25
Draconiswhat do you think could cause that? conflicting ips?05:25
customerbrianherman, thanks, i will try this05:26
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racecar56"google is screwy." maybe05:26
skylbrianherman, I think that menu.lst is deprecated now :/05:26
racecar56i don't think so, though05:26
racecar56as in i dont think it's messed up in that case05:26
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racecar56exploreralex: did you do that command05:26
exploreralexyes i did05:26
skylskyl@scsi40:~$ locate menu.lst ---> /usr/share/doc/memtest86+/examples/grub-menu.lst05:26
racecar56exploreralex: and is that jar on your desktop05:26
racecar56exploreralex: ok05:26
customeranyways do you guys have a book that i could read to become an ubuntu administrator05:27
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racecar56exploreralex: what's the name of the jar05:27
skylthat doesn't seem like the relevant place? or is it?05:27
ardchoilleskyl: there isn't a menu.lst file in Karmic05:27
racecar56exploreralex: just do gksu java -jar openthinclient.jar05:27
bastidrazorhttp://www.ubuntupocketguide.com/download_main.html   customer05:27
Billiardardchoille: unless you upgraded from 9.0405:27
ardchoille!grub2 | skyl05:27
ubottuskyl: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub205:27
racecar56exploreralex: i THINK that'll work05:28
ardchoilleBilliard: Ah, yes05:28
customerbastidrazor, thanks05:28
Guest68441Hi there, when i tries  start session the keyboard is not active05:28
bastidrazorcustomer: there is also #ubuntu-server channel05:28
exploreralexuhhhh,something happened. it happened very quickly. i'm not sure what it is!!!!!!05:29
customeraw! gotta try it too. ;-)05:29
Gambit-hey guys05:29
Gambit-so I have something like 13 sensors on my sensors applet for my mbp 5,2.  Anyone know of a list I can use to find out what's what?05:29
Guest68441how can i configure my keyboard from terminal ?05:29
BilliardGambit-: do they have names?05:30
Gambit-Billiard, temp1, through temp20.05:30
Gambit-Not so useful.05:30
exploreralex racecar56: :)05:30
exploreralexracecar56:its showing "invalid option - - "-j""05:34
=== OSGUIunknown is now known as ajay-tech
racecar56exploreralex: weird05:34
exploreralexi agree05:34
exploreralexi feel totally screwed05:34
racecar56exploreralex: try java file.jar (fix the name)05:34
exploreralexits still in desktop05:35
exploreralexbring it to root?05:35
lordmortisis there a kernel parameter to turn the boot messages on ?05:35
racecar56exploreralex: yes05:35
racecar56exploreralex: gksu05:35
mahngielwhen i 'ls' a dir, if the list is too long, how can i scroll up. i don't have any gui05:35
racecar56mahngiel: shift+pageup05:36
lordmortis(i'm trying to start a desktop install, and it's not working and i want to see the messages)05:36
racecar56lordmortis: remove quiet splash05:36
lordmortiscontrol f1 / f7 ?05:37
lordmortismahngiel: ls | less05:37
lordmortisracecar56: that the boot param? so i'd go "live remove quiet splash" ?05:37
racecar56lordmortis: no05:37
racecar56lordmortis: literally REMOVE quiet splash05:37
mneptokracecar spelled backwards is racecar.05:37
lordmortis... off the boot disk?05:37
Draconis183Billiard, I do a search now and its coming up with this http://pastebin.com/d42a1f2e305:38
racecar56lordmortis: just run the kernel however you run it but remove "quiet splash" from wherever you see it05:38
exploreralexracecar56:Could not find the main class: openthinclient.jar. Program will exit.05:38
racecar56exploreralex: >_<05:38
racecar56exploreralex: good gracious that is annoying05:38
exploreralextell me about it05:39
chetnicki found exactly same problem on forum, but not a single response there. Anyone here ? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=11085305:39
BilliardDraconis183: this is the only computer on your network which does this?05:39
BilliardDraconis183: currently05:39
Draconis183Billiard, no all of them05:40
exploreralexracecar56: what is ltsp?05:40
Draconis183which is weird... even the windows 7 and vista boxes show the error with canonical at the bottom05:40
racecar56exploreralex: idk05:40
chetnickDraconis183: which proxy you have?05:40
Draconis183chetnick, no proxy... DHCP connection to verizon dsl05:41
BilliardDraconis183: oh before i thought you said windows 7 was fine, yeah you must be behind some kind of proxy05:41
Draconis183chetnick, or do you think ubuntu loaded one up?05:41
chetnickDraconis183: check proxy settings in your browser.05:41
chetnickDraconis183: is it firefox?05:41
Draconis183Billiard, It was... but now its doing it... before I was getting redirects etc... now its going to error05:41
Draconis183chetnick, yes in ubuntu.... chrome in windows 7... IE in Vista05:41
chetnickDraconis183: you have problem on all three machines?05:42
Draconis183yes and all 3 machines cite "Generated Tue, 01 Dec 2009 05:36:54 GMT by jujube.canonical.com (squid/2.6.STABLE18)"05:42
exploreralex racecar56: now what is idk?? could you explain ltsp?05:42
Draconis183the ubuntu system must be doing something...05:42
BilliardDraconis183: check your browser proxy settints like chetnick said?05:43
chetnickDraconis183:  go to firefox menu: Edit > Preferences - Network tab05:43
chetnicksettings ...05:43
chetnickit should be No Proxy checeked.05:44
chetnickits clear that your browser is using #05:44
Draconiscrap wrong button I think05:45
Draconisor not...05:45
chetnickGenerated Tue, 01 Dec 2009 05:36:54 GMT by jujube.canonical.com (squid/2.6.STABLE18) proxy05:45
chetnickunless your arp cache is bad or something like that.05:45
chetnickthe same thing for all web sites?05:45
scott_ino2anyone familiar with handbreak, how can i produce avi files instead of mkv05:45
Draconis183I don't see a network tab05:46
Billiardscott_ino2: i dont know about handbreak, but you can easily change a mkv to an avi container if the codecs are supported in an avi05:46
chetnickscott_ino2: did you check man page?05:46
Draconis183chetnick, its on use system proxy05:46
barqsGuys, I have a toshiba laptop, and the screen turns red sometimes, then if i knock it, it'll go back to normal colors, and then back to red sometimes, and it keeps changing, anyone know what the issue could be? some people say it might be the connection to the motherboard, but i can't seem to find it05:46
chetnickDraconis183: what is on "use" system proxy?05:46
scott_ino2chetnick, there's no entry from what I see05:47
scott_ino2do you know how or are you simply telling me to check the man pages05:47
racecar56exploreralex: it means i don't know05:47
scott_ino2Billiard, yes, but that's one more step05:47
racecar56exploreralex: and i don't know what ltsp is05:47
chetnickno, i never used that program, but i figured if it supports from mkv to avi, that it would be there.05:47
exploreralexnew to channel you see05:48
Draconis183chetnick, the setting.. I switched to no proxy and that didn't solve... cleared cache and now its all groovy05:48
scott_ino2I'm just wondering why it can't use avi as a prefered container05:48
scott_ino2makes no sense05:48
chetnickDraconis183: groove == work?05:48
zerqin 9.10, I can open my ntfs partitions from the GUI and it asks for a password.. is the best way to set them up to automount on startup still with fstab?05:48
Billiardscott_ino2: are you using codecs that cant be used in an avi?05:49
Draconis183chetnick, yeah05:49
Draconis183chetnick, any ideas what the heck happened or why canonical would be on the bottom of an error on a windows vista box? hehehe05:49
chetnickDraconis183: glad to hear that... their proxy is down.05:49
exploreralexdoes anyoen know what is LTSP??05:49
scott_ino2exploreralex, linux terminal server project05:50
scott_ino2i use it quite often05:50
chetnickDraconis183: i dont know, you didnt set it up to use that proxy?05:50
Draconis183chetnick, eh? who's proxy is down?05:50
bastidrazorzerq: yes. fstab would be the easiest way to have them automount on boot05:50
exploreralexu can use a PC like a server?05:50
Draconis183nope... I believe that was a firefox default05:50
chetnickDraconis183: that one that you were using....05:50
chetnickGenerated Tue, 01 Dec 2009 05:36:54 GMT by jujube.canonical.com (squid/2.6.STABLE18)05:50
scott_ino2exploreralex, no server/thin client setup05:50
Draconis183just at home on my own dsl..... with a fresh install of ubuntu05:50
scott_ino2so you have a server and set up clients that boot off the server05:50
Billiardavis cant have h26405:51
Draconis183chetnick, there were a few boxes... one was no proxy.. one was system proxy... and then there was another radio button05:51
Billiardscott ^05:51
exploreralexthe hardware used must be a server??05:51
chetnickDraconis183: which one was check when you opened it?05:51
exploreralexor can we configure to install it on a PC  and make it act as a server. while other PC'S act as clients?05:51
Billiardexploreralex: any computer can be configured as a server05:51
scott_ino2Billiard, oh i see they stopped supporting AVI files apparently, god only knows what they were thinking05:52
exploreralexthat's exactly what i was trying to do with openthinclient software05:52
chetnickok now back to my problem ..... anyone pls. i have pretty much the same problem with prism 2.5 chipset http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=11085305:53
dew5yay 4 wine and aom05:53
exploreralexthanks soooo much for your help....all of you racecar56,Billiard and scott_ino205:53
Billiardexploreralex: np05:54
Anorienhello. could someone, please, tell me, where is the System-administration-services application that allows me to enable/disable services? i dont see to have it at all nor under System, nor under Places or anywhere else.05:54
exploreralexsame answer!! sounded like a chorus!! lolz05:54
PhantomLinkOkay I think the CD I used was bad05:54
chiqueswhere is this directory in 9.10? cat /proc/asound/version05:54
PhantomLinkI tried 4 times and got stuck at the same place.05:54
PhantomLinkSo I'm burning a new one at 1x05:55
ZerSay, I noticed ext3 is still the default in Ubuntu, despite ext4 being out... is ext4 not considered reliable or somesuch?05:55
scott_ino2Zer, ext4 is default in 9.1005:55
ZerHmm. In Ubuntu Server? That's what I was trying05:57
AnorienHello. can anyone tell me where can i find in ubuntu 9.10 the what it used to be System-Administration-Services?05:57
scott_ino2Zer, not sure about ubuntu server05:58
scott_ino2Anorien, Preferences/startup applications05:58
Anorienwhoever told me, startup applications is not what im looking for06:00
alkisgAnorien: Ubuntu 9.10 switched to using upstart and afaik the old "services" application isn't compatible... there's a bug in launchpad about this.06:01
lordmortiis there a way to get the linux kernel to not query the partition on a drive?06:01
Anorienalkisg: oh, so how can i disable different services then?06:01
alkisgAnorien: update-rc.d06:02
Anorienin cli mode only? uh oh06:02
tophuok I have an HP laptop with a built in wireless card that is not supported in aircrack-ng so I purchased a usb wireless adapter...is there a way to install the patched drivers for this adapter without messing up my current built in adapter?06:02
Anorienok thanks alkisg06:02
alkisgAnorien: http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-manage-services-with-update-rc.d06:02
alkisgAnorien: Yeah I know... :( well I hope we'll have a GUI in Lucid :)06:03
racecar56why did they remove it?06:03
tophuwhen I plug in the new adapter even though it has a totally different chipset it uses the same drivers as the current adapter and just starts working06:03
PhantomLinkSeriously here:  Is 9.10 buggy?06:04
PhantomLinkLike, REALLY buggy?06:04
racecar56PhantomLink: no06:04
SpacePigeonit never was for me06:04
manuggme neither, no problems06:04
PhantomLinkthen my burner messed up06:04
tophuwas fine for me and I'm new06:04
racecar56it was once or twice for me but updates fix06:04
* PhantomLink smacks his burner - get it right this time heh06:04
* racecar56 wishes i could burn at *ALL*06:04
tophutry the built in disk check and try to boot to live mode06:05
racecar56dang you old CD drives >:(06:05
PhantomLinktophu, both failed06:05
PhantomLinki got to the two white bars on live mode then the cd stopped spinning06:05
tophualso search "ubuntuforums 9.10 then the basic model of your computer" to see if you need to add any string to the installer06:05
racecar56my CD drive can burn but most of the time it's corrupt06:05
tophutry burning at a slower speed06:05
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Anorienalkisg:  thanks for the link. a bit too advanced for me to get my nose in there. i found a script in ubuntu forums and i ll give it a go right now06:05
PhantomLinkso i'm burning at the lowest speed this time06:06
tophujust random tips that have helped me in the past06:06
PhantomLinkyeah what tophu said06:06
alkisg Anorien: which service do you want to stop?06:06
PhantomLinktophu, 100% of the time a 1x or slowest speed burn has solved my problems06:06
PhantomLinkalso, my car only likes 1x06:06
ngirardHi guys. Call me dumb, but I didn't backup before trying cat >> /etc/apt/archives <<EOF some stuff EOF, and I lost its contents. I didn't run apt-get update yes. Can I retrieve my former list ?06:07
tophuso.... any way to have to wireless adapters installed both using different drivers? IE have the usb adapter use a diffenernt driver when I plug it in and leave the driver for the built in adapter alone?06:07
PhantomLinkburn almost done, then i go afk again and install :D06:08
tophuI love ubuntu and don't want to switch to back-track or dual boot just for a one time test on my wireless network :-(06:08
Anorienalkisg: any services i dont need/use, im on old machines and booting takes too much and i did this with fedora 12 yesterday from a tutorial and it help decrease booting time. i wanted to do same with ubuntu06:08
ardchoillengirard: check your /etc/apt/sources.list file. By the looks of that command I don't think your sources were touched06:08
sarothis gnome-look.org down?06:08
PhantomLinktophu, try doing it in a livecd session?06:08
reverebeerfor ubuntu c development, headers are located at /usr/include, but where is the actual code for these headers. for instance, i can see unistd.h, but where's unistd.c, where the function prototypes of the .h are defined?06:09
tophu@phantom I would suggest see if live works06:09
racecar56saroth: yes06:09
tophuand then install from there if it does06:09
PhantomLinktophu, I meant for the driver thing06:09
FezzlerError Help: "Failed to execute child process "/usr/bin/lmms" (No such file or directory)"06:09
alkisgAnorien: well there's a link in the bug report for a new program, but I don't know how good it is: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-system-tools/+bug/43370106:10
racecar56Fezzler: sudo apt-get install lmms06:10
FezzlerGot that after install Linux Multimedia Studio06:10
racecar56Fezzler: sudo apt-get install lmms06:10
PhantomLinkSince you're doing it as a one-time thing, tophu ?06:10
ngirardardchoille: yeah, of course, i used the wrong file ! I really need some sleep ;) thanks a lot !06:10
tophuso like boot the live and dont install the drivers for my built in card?06:10
racecar56Fezzler: the lmms package provides /usr/bin/lmms06:10
ngirardardchoille: (while i'm at it, i'm gonna backup that sources.list right now....)06:11
ardchoillengirard: fwiw, I don't have a /etc/apt/archives file or folder on Jaunty, you may see what's in it and if it even needs to be there06:11
tophunot a bad idea but I have to patch drivers and such to make aircrack-ng work06:11
ardchoillengirard: Good idea06:11
Fezzlerracecar56>> apparently my install didn't06:11
dew5whats the min specs for juanty?06:11
PhantomLinktophu, i don't know it will work but it can't hurt to try06:11
racecar56Fezzler: you sudo apt-get installed lmms?06:12
vengerardchoille, /var/cache/apt/archives is what holds downloaded packages06:12
Fezzlerracecar56>> Yup: working now.06:12
ardchoillevenger: Yes, I know06:12
=== hy is now known as silver
Fezzlerracecar56>> cool.  Now if I could only understand why YouTube crashed FireFox since 9.10 upgrade06:13
tophuif this works I have an open invitation to crack my friend's wep and put porn on his desktop lol06:13
tophuhe was kind enough to downgrade from wpa to wep just for this cause I'm too lazy to download a dictionary file06:14
Anorienty alkisg, i ll give it a try after updates are finished and i ll let you know how it works06:14
PhantomLinkWell, livecd done burning so go time06:14
tophubest of luck06:14
PhantomLinktophu, thankies06:14
PhantomLinkoh the other disc was bad06:15
ardchoillengirard:  sudo mkdir /etc/master_copies && sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/sudoers /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/master_copies06:15
PhantomLinkthis one going MUCH MUCH faster06:15
tophuanyone here on a tablet?06:15
PhantomLinktophu, i wish06:15
chetnickis there a way to fetch deb package (hostap-utils) and then install it on different maching (no internet there)?06:15
ardchoillengirard: That's one of the things I always do right after a fresh install06:15
PhantomLinktablets are cool, i want one heh06:15
FezzlerFireFox not saving my HomePage request.  Keeps going back to Ubuntu Google and list of Add Adblock Filters/06:16
ardchoillechetnick: keep in mind you'll have to resolve deps manually if you do that06:16
BilliardFezzler: maybe you have the option said to keep your tabs open from the last session06:16
PhantomLinkand if this one fails06:16
tophuI'm trying to figure out why I have to slightly drag my finger to get the touch to register :-(06:16
tophustupid n-trig06:16
PhantomLinki'll go with 8.10 (which is what i'm running on thos machine)06:16
chetnickardchoille: i meant is there a way to fetch package with dependencies.06:17
ardchoillechetnick: you might look into aptoncd but I've never used it06:17
ardchoille!info aptoncd06:17
ubottuaptoncd (source: aptoncd): Installation disc creator for packages downloaded via APT. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.98+bzr112-1 (karmic), package size 261 kB, installed size 1960 kB06:17
tophuok guys laters06:17
=== aperson is now known as APERSON
FezzlerBilliard>> nope06:19
SpacePigeonfucking asshole06:19
SpacePigeonoh my, mind my words!06:20
Billiard!language | SpacePigeon06:20
ubottuSpacePigeon: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.06:20
SpacePigeonsorry there :s !06:20
SpacePigeonhey FloodBot106:20
ngirardardchoille: thanks for the advice : i've just followed it !06:21
ardchoillengirard: yw :)06:21
racecar56FloodBot1 FloodBot2 FloodBot3 FloodBot4 FloodBot5 FLOOOOOOOOODBOT!!!!!!!!!06:21
=== SpacePigeon is now known as symlink
=== symlink is now known as Symlink
elkySymlink, pick a nick please :)06:22
PhantomLinkOh, if anyone's interested, I'm installing this on an hp pavillion ze530006:22
Symlinkironic no one has taken that one06:23
PhantomLinkIt's a custome one.06:23
Symlinkstop waiting06:23
FlannelSymlink: Please remain ontopic, thanks.06:23
waitingi am ner06:23
APERSONmy gnome-pane freezes whenever I click on the clock/calendar.  Anyone have any insight as to why it odes this?06:24
PhantomLinkSymlink, is there something you need help with?06:24
PhantomLinkheh the guy that gave me this hp used to work for linux06:24
waitingthank you ,i could speak a little english06:24
racecar56PhantomLink: i have a pavilion dv9000 and it's a custom and it is beat up bad06:24
racecar56PhantomLink: it still works, though06:25
SymlinkPhantomLink, no, thanks06:25
PhantomLinkThis one looks like no06:25
PhantomLink!offtopic | Symlink06:25
ubottuSymlink: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!06:25
SymlinkPhantomLink, thanks, I've been warned about that already by our friend Flannel06:26
^EinsteinAny reason changing the username in /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow of a normal user (not system) temporarily would cause that user to be able to log in but not to return from a locked gnome screensaver with the same password? The password hash and uid was untouched.06:26
PhantomLink8.10 I go06:27
PhantomLinkThe partitioner just won't budge D:06:27
racecar56eew 8.10 D:06:27
racecar569.04 won't even work?06:27
Symlinkhey watch the ews06:27
PhantomLinkI was told there was no 9.04 D:06:28
venger^Einstein, you also updated /etc/group?06:28
racecar56yes, 9.0406:28
racecar56there IS a 9.04!06:28
racecar56it's out and old06:28
Symlinknot old..06:28
mneptok8.10 is still supported06:28
racecar56i didn't literally mean that.06:28
dew58.04 still hacks06:28
ardchoillePhantomLink: I'm using 9.04 and 9.10 was released recently06:28
racecar568.04 through 9.10 are supported...06:28
mneptokas is 6.0606:29
racecar566.06 server06:29
mneptok(on servers)06:29
racecar56desktop died.06:29
Anoriencould someone recommend me a much more lighter Desktop Environment than Gnome or KDE?06:29
Guest74170i cant get movieplayer to show what song's playing when I listen to web radio06:29
PhantomLinkI got sent to a screen telling me to remove the disc, close the tray, and press enter.06:29
zabbaI installed ubuntu from XP resizing 15gb of 120 but now I need more I am in live and it is only showing the full 120 how do I get more space06:29
ardchoilleAnorien: xfce06:29
mneptokAnorien: XFCE? LXDE?06:29
racecar56Anorien: xfce, fluxbox (it's not a DE though)06:29
PhantomLinkAnd it didn't install anything!  D:06:29
racecar56Anorien: and lxde06:29
racecar56Anorien: as mneptok said.06:29
Anorieni've read about both xfce and lxde but i dont know what to pick06:29
mneptokAnorien: how much RAM?06:30
^Einsteinvenger: not manually, and I didn't expect any app/daemon to touch it either, given that I logged in as that username but didn't do any administrative things. Didn't even use sudo (I didn't update sudoers, either).06:30
ardchoilleAnorien: try them both and see which one meets your needs06:30
Anorienrunning 9.10 in virtual machine, about 410 RAM allocated to it06:30
PhantomLinkany ideas why 9.10 refuses to install?06:30
mneptokAnorien: that's more than enough for XFCE06:30
dew5min specs for 9.04 plz?06:30
SymlinkPhantomLink, how?06:30
Symlinkbe more specific06:30
dew5soz 9.1006:30
PhantomLinkPartitioner just won't start06:30
Anorienty guys :)06:30
PhantomLinkAnd I've tried 4 times.06:30
SymlinkPhantomLink, did you checksum?06:30
SymlinkOr check for integrity06:31
PhantomLinkThis time it told me to remove the disc and press enter, then powered off..06:31
PhantomLinkoh oops06:31
PhantomLinkforgot to on this one06:31
^Einsteinvenger: stat and ls confirm that /etc/group hasn't been modified very recently.06:31
indusPhantomLink: start it from the menu > ssystem>admin>partition manager06:31
venger^Einstein, well i don't know that it'd fix it but i'd expect all references to the old name would be there so why not?  he should at least be in his own group06:31
indusPhantomLink: or terminal type gparted06:31
ardchoillePhantomLink: Could be a bad burn06:31
SymlinkPhantomLink, or do gparted from the terminal, to see if you get any ouput06:31
SymlinkPhantomLink, I really recommend to ALWAYS check cd for integrity06:32
dew5 PhantomLink: "check disk for defects06:32
Symlinkonce I started installing ubuntu and there was a single file which was corrupt06:32
Symlinkand my main drive just.. died06:32
adam[pac]just upgraded from 9.04 to 9.10.  when i open firefox 3.5.5 it only opens one or two pages and then clicking on links no longer works.  if i close and re-open the browser it has trouble re-opening my windows and tabs.  anyone seen this?06:32
PhantomLinkWoah my screen just lit up like christmas06:32
PhantomLinkThank you for all the pointers guys :D06:32
dew5merry christmas06:32
racecar56ho ho ho06:33
Symlink!offtopic | racecar56, dew506:33
ubotturacecar56, dew5: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!06:33
PhantomLinkIf this fails,  I am definitely going with 8.1006:33
Symlink(just being a d**k)06:33
PhantomLinkI have a good image of it around here somewhere....06:33
racecar56gee, thanks.06:33
SymlinkPhantomLink, why not try a usb install?06:33
Symlinkthere are really fast06:34
racecar56USB is FAST?06:34
racecar56not for me.06:34
Symlinkthat makes you a particular case06:34
racecar56it's like 1mbps06:34
racecar56for me.06:34
racecar56SO slow06:34
Symlinkwell, I wouldn't know about USB 1.006:34
Symlinkbut I don't think it should be THAT slow06:34
racecar56but my ports are 2.0 D:06:34
SymlinkI get about 20 mb/s or more06:34
PhantomLinkI could, but I don't know if I have a big enough card, and this laptop i'm installing to apparently just has 1.1 ports06:35
racecar56!offtopic | racecar5606:35
ubotturacecar56, please see my private message06:35
SymlinkPhantomLink, I don't think it shouldn't be that slow either06:35
PhantomLinkBut I'll try it anyway, thank you06:35
ionixHey, is there a way to prevent "exit 2" in a thread from killing the program?06:35
PhantomLink(if this fails)06:35
racecar56test: racecar5606:35
racecar56aww it doesn't highlight D:06:35
SymlinkPhantomLink, you're a free man06:35
Symlinkracecar56, there's your highlight06:36
racecar56Symlink: :>06:36
racecar56Symlink: it work.06:36
Symlink!offtopic | racecar5606:36
ubotturacecar56: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!06:36
racecar56no, you!06:36
racecar56!offtopic | Symlink06:36
ubottuSymlink: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!06:36
racecar56just being silly.06:37
racecar56...and annoying06:37
Symlinkok ok Flanne(l) is going to get mad06:37
racecar56i shall stop06:37
racecar56AT LAST.06:37
Symlinkwe shall both do so06:37
PhantomLinkCheck finished:  no errors found...06:37
Symlinkoh gawwd06:37
Symlinkthats weird06:37
racecar56PhantomLink: :)06:37
PhantomLinkWhat could be the problem?06:38
SymlinkPhantomLink, try to run gparted from the terminal06:38
PhantomLinkk, will do06:38
Symlinksudo gparted*06:38
PhantomLinkum...how ?06:38
SymlinkApplications > Accesories > Terminal06:38
venger^Einstein, you could kill gnome-screensaver and run it manually with --no-daemon and --debug switches (assuming the passwor lock takes effect)06:38
ryan`canyone running 8.04 LTS?  I need someone to try some perl code for me and see if it crashes.06:39
PhantomLinkI mean, how do I get to terminal from the liveCD start screen?06:39
Ben64ryan`c: i am06:39
Symlinkstart screen?06:39
Symlinkwhy don't you enter the desktop?06:39
vengerprobably Applications -> Accessories06:40
PhantomLinkthe livecd part won't run06:40
vengero, nm06:40
Symlinkso you can't enter the desktop because of that?06:40
Ben64PhantomLink: download the alternate cd?06:40
gOLDfeeshHow can I play DivX movies frmo the web?06:40
ryan`cBen64: Make a perl script that contains nothing but "use MIME::Parser;" and see if it runs06:40
SymlinkPhantomLink, are the guy who was in that hp pavillion pc?06:40
=== rikupw is now known as riku|afk
=== riku|afk is now known as riku
PhantomLinkSymlink, yes06:41
Symlinkstop the nick change riku06:41
Symlinkhave you googled it up for ubuntu installation problems?06:41
SymlinkI think the app might be segfaulting06:41
PhantomLinknot yet06:41
SymlinkPhantomLink, how do you know the partition manager is crashing?06:41
PhantomLinki will if attempt #5 fails06:41
^Einsteinvenger: I'm actually doing an apt-get --reinstall first to see if that fixes any purged configs06:41
dew5gOLDfeesh: tryed mplayer?06:41
ripthejacker:s youtube-dl06:41
Ben64ryan`c: http://paste.ubuntu.com/332149/06:41
Symlinkripthejacker, nice nick06:41
gOLDfeeshdew5, I tried vlc.. but not sure what codecs I need06:42
ripthejackerSymlink: ty06:42
Symlinkmac user?06:42
dew5gOLDfeesh: i just installed mplayer and it works good06:42
ripthejackerSymlink: no why?06:42
dew5google it06:42
PhantomLinkit says disc is missing a binary06:42
PhantomLinki386 something06:42
ryan`cBen64: Thanks.  I fixed my problem.06:42
ripthejacker:s youtube-dl06:42
racecar56Symlink: this is #ubuntu, why would mac questions be here..06:42
Ben64gOLDfeesh: http://www.medibuntu.org/06:42
PhantomLinkdist is in the line too06:42
Symlinkripthejacker, nah, theres an app in mac called jack the ripper06:42
Symlinkracecar56, close it06:43
=== HELLO is now known as Plymouth
venger^Einstein, i'd think logging in or startx would handle such but i guess there could be references to the old username in the . files so you may have to deal with that as well06:43
Symlinkisn't there some pornhub-dl around?06:43
gzer0What package do I need except openjdk-6-jre to be able to show applets in Firefox?06:43
dew5nw Ben6406:43
ripthejackerSymlink: lol no i wanted jacktheripper not available so chose this06:43
dew5soz nice work06:43
Symlinkhow about zacktheripper06:43
Ben64dew5: yeah, i been using medibuntu repo's ever since i got ubuntu06:43
Symlinknvm, we're doing offtopic here06:43
Ben64makes it so easy to work06:44
gOLDfeeshWARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!  medibuntu-keyring06:44
ripthejackerSymlink: i have already registered this nick06:44
dew5lol 9,10?06:44
Ben64gOLDfeesh: dude you gotta follow all the steps there06:44
=== Symlink is now known as ZackTheRipper
MrSunis the 9.10 SE good?06:44
=== ZackTheRipper is now known as Symlink
Ben64https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu under "Adding the Repository"06:44
FlannelMrSun: what is 9.10 "SE"?06:45
MrSunserver edition06:45
MrSunanyone have it?06:45
dew5gOLDfeesh: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/install-mplayer-and-multimedia-codecs-libdvdcss2w32codecsw64codecs-in-ubuntu-810-intrepid-ibex.html06:45
gOLDfeeshwhat's the mplayer plugin for for firefox?06:46
MrSunwell I'm off ppl, good night. see you tomorrow eh06:46
methods1i can't seem to get nvidia legacy drivers to work for the newer ubuntu... it use to work fine on the old one... and i can't use the legacy driver from nvidia cause i think it only works with xf8606:46
racecar56MrSun: byes.06:46
andrew_46gOLDfeesh: Best one is gecko-mediaplayer06:46
gOLDfeeshandrew_46, does it support divx?06:46
andrew_46gOLDfeesh: It supports what MPlayer supports, so yes06:47
=== Symlink is now known as TeamJacob
APERSONmy gnome-pane freezes whenever I click on the clock/calendar.  Anyone have any insight as to why it odes this?06:48
gOLDfeeshI think I'll stick to mozilla-mplayer thanks though andrew_4606:48
andrew_46gOLDfeesh: http://paste.ubuntu.com/332152/06:49
reverebeerhi guys, what package do i need to see the sources of the standard c libraries? for example, where malloc is defined06:49
tehdaveso, in my xterm, the $ sign was replaced by the £ sign (end-of-prompt, as well as for all input) - happened after I swapped vim-tiny to vim-runtime via command line (not sure if that's what did it? would make little to no sense). I'm wondering if it's a glitch somewhere or someone's idea of a joke...kind of funny if you think about it though06:50
TeamJacobreverebeer, i think gcc will do06:50
* PhantomLink will wait 20 minutes this time06:50
=== zz_kiwifunk is now known as kiwifunk
andrew_46gOLDfeesh: mozilla-mplayer is the old version, gecko-mediaplayer is new work by the same developer06:50
PhantomLinkit has a window "Installyng system" up on the screen06:50
gOLDfeeshoh okay06:50
reverebeerTeamJacob, yea, im looking at a source for it now....let me check deeper06:50
TeamJacobreverebeer, maybe they come pre-installed, I don't really know06:50
zroyschi would like to know why my ubuntu just froze for the second time in as many days06:51
DaZzroysch: because it's ubuntu06:51
zroyschno mouse/keyboard input would work, except alt-sysreq-K06:52
reverebeerTeamJacob, im pretty sure theyre precompiled with the build-essentials package, which includes a binary for gcc, the way most ppl get gcc. so hopefully gcc's source will be of use06:52
zroyschDaZ: yea real good answer you degenerate06:52
dew5shame i got hacked06:52
TeamJacobreverebeer, no need for getting sources06:52
PhantomLinkk installing is not going anywhere06:52
TeamJacobwell I think06:52
TeamJacobI don't know... I'm out anyway06:52
DaZzroysch: no logs, no help :F06:53
zroyschDaZ: what log.06:53
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dew5any 1 know any thing about nessus?06:53
ardchoillePhantomLink: have you tried the alternate install cd? I used to have a text-mode installer and might work better if it still does06:53
* PhantomLink searches out his old 8.10 CD06:53
zroyschDaZ: there is no everything.log06:53
DaZ[daz@revnet log]$ ls |grep everything06:54
luomoI have b43xx seris network card and ubuntu 9.10 is recognising it now after installing b43-fwcutter but now my PC try to connect with WIFI or LAN connection and then iwconfig. Please tell me what to do next. Help!06:54
zroyschDaZ: please do yourself a favor and stop wasting my time. thanks06:54
APERSONDaZ, be helpful or don't talk, this is serious support only please06:54
^Einsteinvenger: it's locking fine, and --debug shows that it is indeed the authing itself that is failing, which is probably an external call of some sort... I have the line number, so I suppose I'll go poke through the source to see what it references.06:54
DaZyes, explaining your problem is a terrible waste of time06:54
luomomy PC try to connect and then fails and not coonected message comes06:55
^Einsteinvenger: It is odd that it seems to be a different mechanism for "switch user" than is used for "unlock screen"06:55
tehdaveany ideas why the $ symbol in xterm would be replaced by the £ symbol? Just happened after replacing vim-tiny with vim-runtime (via apt-get), but didn't revert when I removed both packages and restored vim-tiny, so I think it might be unrelated06:55
APERSONzroysch, when you computer freezes, are you able to access a tty?06:55
venger^Einstein, who knows could be stale portion of code anyway good luck with it,06:55
FutAnyone know why VLC's audio play is very choppy as opposed to other players? I don't have that problem with other players.06:56
FutSame audio driver, OSS.06:56
luomoI have b43xx seris network card and ubuntu 9.10 is recognising it now after installing b43-fwcutter but now my PC try to connect with WIFI or LAN connection and then fails and not coonected message comes and i have tried also iwconfig. Please tell me what to do next. Help!06:56
zroyschAPERSON: nope. the only key combination i found to have results is alt-sysreq-K06:56
dew5gtg ppl06:56
tehdaveFut - I've noticed the same thing, but only with certain filetypes/codecs. I prefer SMplayer, myself. Plays anything VLC will play, and has some nice features, but no streaming/etc.06:57
kieranb2Hi. My server (running Hardy) has randomly decided to stop responding (ie. pages don't load and I can't use ssh). It's Swap Usage has also been high over the past 4 hours which is probably related. Restarting it solves nothing. Any ideas?06:57
APERSONzroysch, I recommend using REISUB instead of just K06:57
zroyschAPERSON: what is that06:57
Futtehdave, yea, i kind of just like the skin's that VLC has to offer.06:57
FutIm currently using audacious, seems to play well.06:57
FutJust not as pretty, hehe06:57
APERSONzroysch, that will shutdown properly when it's frozen06:57
APERSONzroysch, well, *reboot06:57
andrew_46tehdave: SMPlayer should play streams?06:58
zroyschAPERSON: alt-sysreq-K just brought me back to the login screen.06:58
zroyschAPERSON: are you saying to alt-sysreq-REISUB ?06:58
APERSONzroysch, yes06:58
luomoI have b43xx seris network card and ubuntu 9.10 is recognising it now after installing b43-fwcutter but now my PC try to connect with WIFI or LAN connection and then fails and not coonected message comes and i have tried also iwconfig. Please tell me what to do next. Help!06:58
tehdaveandrew_46, eh, I don't usually watch streaming media, just whatever files I actually have on the system, never bothered to dig deep into it06:58
zroyschAPERSON: didnt know that there were that long of shortcuts06:59
PhantomLinkTrying my 8.10 CD06:59
APERSONzroysch, well, it's several shortcuts06:59
PhantomLinkThen if that fails06:59
PhantomLinkThen I'll DL an alt cd06:59
gOLDfeeshYeah I'm unable to watch files on vreel.net06:59
zroyschAPERSON: either way, i'd like to find the cause of the freezing if possible.07:00
PhantomLinkI'll let you guys know how it goes. :D07:00
andrew_46Fut: Have you tried later the audio-out setting in vlc?07:00
tehdaveon another note, any idea why the $ symbol would be replaced by £ in xterm? any time I put $ in, it comes up as £, as well as at the end of the prompt. Wondering if somehow I managed to set a different keyboard layout just for Xterm but I doubt it07:00
Futandrew_46, let me check.07:00
APERSONzroysch, so you *are* able to get back tot he login screen?  is your disk showing activity when it freezes?  are you using any special video driver?07:00
zroyschAPERSON: dont notice any disk activity. video driver is whatever ubuntu 9.04 gave this intel card on the thinkpad07:01
DaZgOLDfeesh: works for me07:01
Futandrew_46, "audio-out" what's that under?07:01
FutI just see the "output" type option07:01
FutAs far as "out" goes.07:01
gOLDfeeshDaZ, should I just unintall goldeneye07:01
DaZgOLDfeesh: get a mplayer plugin for browser07:02
DaZgOLDfeesh: goldeneye? :f07:02
APERSONzroysch, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/Freeze07:02
luomoI have b43xx seris network card and ubuntu 9.10 is recognising it now after installing b43-fwcutter but now my PC try to connect with WIFI or LAN connection and then fails and not coonected message comes and i have tried also iwconfig. Please tell me what to do next. Help!07:02
FutNintendo 64 game? hehe07:02
gOLDfeeshdaz, I meant.. vlc browser plugin07:02
DaZgOLDfeesh: does the player even show? :f07:03
andrew_46Fut: Tools --> Preferences --> Audio --> Output --> Type07:03
gOLDfeeshDaZ, the player doesn't even show up07:03
TeLLuSzroysch: What login manager? gdm?07:04
tehdaveI don't even know how the hell to look this up o.O07:04
DaZgOLDfeesh: so remove it and get mplayer plugin07:04
zroyschTeLLuS: yes07:04
Futandrew_46, ah yea. I already tested all of those options in there, ASLA, OSS, etc..07:04
FutSame issue.07:04
tehdavebleh, ah well, I'm guessing it's just a joke and I'll figure it out later...must sleep07:05
PhantomLinkwhat the flip07:06
gOLDfeeshthe vlc browser plugin is ugly. lol but that did the trick DaZ thanks. The VLC plugin wasn't showing the buffering07:06
PhantomLink8.10's liveCD gave me a login screen07:06
PhantomLinkwhat username do i use?07:06
APERSONubuntu is the user on any of the livecds07:06
PhantomLinkokay thankies07:07
andrew_46gOLDfeesh: http://www.andrews-corner.org/samples/vreel.png07:07
PhantomLinkwhat the flying woah07:07
andrew_46gOLDfeesh: This is the gecko-mediaplayer at work :)07:07
PhantomLinkit says incorrect username or password with ubuntu07:07
macoPhantomLink: user and pass should both be ubuntu, i think07:07
PhantomLinkstill wrong07:08
TeLLuSzroysch: Check your /var/log/Xorg.0.log07:08
PhantomLinkNow i'm weirded out07:08
PhantomLinkIt looks like it has been installed, no kidding...07:08
SIGBAAMcan anyone tell me if ubuntu is suited for a usb drive installation? i know it's possible but is it efficient (will not burn out the drive and save changes in rom until log out)07:08
zroyschTeLLuS: am i looking for something specific or should i pastebin07:09
gOLDfeeshandrew_46, my screen is all black.. do I have to change the video to gl or x11?07:09
BoohbahSIGBAAM: burn out the drive?07:10
TeLLuSzroysch: Begin with that log07:10
PhantomLinkSIGBAAM, I've been running ubuntu on usb for a year now with no problems07:10
BoohbahSIGBAAM: save changes into read-only memory? wtf are you talking about?07:10
zroyschTeLLuS: http://pastebin.com/f7b50063407:11
SIGBAAMPhantomLink: are you using it as a "liveUSB" or a full install?07:11
SIGBAAMBoohbah: sorry, RAM07:12
PhantomLinkI'm using my trusty old 8.10 livecd...07:12
the_madmanLo everyone.07:12
SIGBAAMPhantomLink: can you save changes to it? or is it like a live cd?07:13
PhantomLinksigbaam it booted into ubuntu like it was already installed on the computer <_<07:13
Kartagis!hi | the_madman07:14
SIGBAAMokay phantomlink, thanks :)07:14
ubottuthe_madman: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!07:14
PhantomLinkoh wait07:14
the_madmanWhenever I start up my system, I get an error message before I can log in, which reads something like, "/dev/input/event7: file or folder not found". Thing is, it's there now, and if I just click cancel it tries to go to the log-in screen successfully.07:15
PhantomLinki thought you were asking me about my cd lol07:15
PhantomLinkSIGBAAM, it works fine07:15
PhantomLinkon usb07:15
g1eris there a way to check charging voltage/aperage using terminal?07:15
g1eron a laptop..07:15
SIGBAAMokay i'm lost here.. can you install apps on the usb and have them there when you reboot?07:16
APERSONg1er, it depends on your hardware07:16
APERSONSIGBAAM, yes, if you enable persistent install07:16
psteynwhats the command to ensure that something like 'ntpd' starts at boot?07:17
PhantomLinkthis live cd keeps booting me to a login screen07:17
PhantomLinkAnd I don't have a flashdrive :S07:17
indusPhantomLink: username is ubuntu and password blank07:18
PhantomLinktried that too07:18
PhantomLinkblank as in type blank?07:18
SIGBAAMAperson: is this done manually? or is it done by gui or what ever? i'm new to usb os stuff07:18
APERSONSIGBAAM, if you use ubuntu's live usb creator, it's an option that has a checkbox07:19
g1erAPERSON: ah, ok. we just had a power outage and laptop.. ran dead on battery, once power was restored laptop wouldn't boot 'past grub' (ubuntu, windows, a live CD) until I uplugged it and booted on battery. boots fine now tho...07:19
SIGBAAMokay thanks APERSON07:19
TeLLuSzroysch: Is that with all updates installed?07:19
APERSONso, does anyone know why ubuntu depends on evolution-data-server?  it seems to be what's making my gnome-panel freeze07:20
macoAPERSON: because e-d-s is what makes the clock applet work07:20
macoAPERSON: and a few other gnome applets07:20
macoAPERSON: you can remove the server as long as you keep e-d-s-common, it hink07:21
APERSONmaco, I just killed it, and my gnome-panel works better now :)07:21
APERSONand no, the only package of evolution you can keep is evolution-data-server :/07:21
APERSONerr, have to keep07:21
ardchoilleI removed everything except e-d-s, it wanted to remove tons of needed stuff so I kept that07:22
APERSONI've stripped ubuntu many times to know that I have to keep it :/07:22
macoAPERSON: oh ok.07:22
APERSONIn any case, it's what was making the calendar freeze my panel07:23
TeLLuSzroysch: Check version of intel  xserver-xorg-video-intel, I know there was some problems before karmic..   I need to go now.07:24
zroyschTeLLuS: ok. not sure how to check a version of that. thanks07:25
=== user_ is now known as nu-girl
TeLLuSzroysch: sudo dpkg -l xserver-xorg-video-intel07:26
nu-girlhai everyone07:26
maconu-girl: howdy07:26
nu-girlcan you help me?07:26
zroyschthats not a girl.07:26
maconu-girl: what's the problem?07:26
DaZzroysch: o rly?07:27
macozroysch: and you have proof of this?07:27
nu-girlhow to check my graphic card?07:27
Jet^Skiercat /proc/pci07:27
maconu-girl: "lspci" in a terminal should list it. maybe "lscpi | grep VGA" to narrow it donw07:27
nu-girlcan i view it from here?07:28
optimizerhttp://www.informatimago.com/linux/emacs-on-user-mode-linux.html is hilarious07:28
Jet^Skiernu-girl:  open terminal (black bacground window)07:29
maconu-girl: applications -> accessories -> terminal07:29
macoJet^Skier: uh default is white background...07:29
shamelessn00blol, black background window07:30
PhantomLinkwhat's the room for damn small linux?07:30
APERSONoptimizer, feel free to talk about your link in #ubuntu-offtopic07:30
g1erumm, #dsl?07:30
nu-girli shows up something that i don't understand, can you tell me either my graphic card is okay or not?07:31
PhantomLinkthank you07:31
* Jet^Skier is running ubuntu 9.10 and terminal is black here..07:31
maconu-girl: if you can see the screen, your graphics card is ok07:31
shamelessn00bnu-girl: screenshot?07:31
APERSONJet^Skier, it's white by default07:31
shamelessn00bnu-girl:  do you see any artifacts?07:31
nu-girlbut i don't see special effect, what must i do?07:32
maconu-girl: system -> preferences -> appearance -> desktop effects07:32
Jet^Skierwow, I haven't used it in that long?07:32
maconu-girl: try enabling them through there07:32
macoJet^Skier: you robably customized it yourself07:32
macoJet^Skier: as long as ive used ubuntu, white has been default07:32
maco(thats since dapper)07:32
Jet^SkierNo, it's white.  I feel like such a douch07:33
nu-girlnope,i don't see no desktop effects in my preference, sorry, am i missing something, do i have to install something first?07:33
maconu-girl: appearance is the menu option07:33
shamelessn00bnu-girl:  which version are you on?07:33
maconu-girl: desktop effects is a tab in the appearance thing07:33
Jet^Skierwhich distro is nu-girl running?07:34
maconu-girl: are you using Kubuntu by any chance?07:34
nu-girlit's GOS, it's ubuntu right?07:34
FutIs there a way to set Gedit to view line#'s?07:35
FutI can't seem to find it.07:35
FutKind of pain in the butt to code and click on random items to view the line message down below.07:35
nu-girlit shows me that Desktop effects cannot be enable07:35
maconu-girl: ok. is there something like system -> administration -> hardware drivers ?07:35
DaZFut: preferences07:35
hellomonFut: is on e botto07:35
maconu-girl: go in there and enable proprietary drivers for your graphics card07:36
Futlol, no clue why i never saw them in preferences before DaZ.07:36
FutProb just needed someone to point it out, lol07:36
nu-girlit is enable07:36
* Fut feels like an idiot.07:36
DaZFut: because it should be under view [;07:36
maconu-girl: have you rebooted since enabling it?07:36
nu-girlthe status is in use07:37
Anorienhi. whats the apt-get command to install xfce? apt-get install xubuntu-desktop ?07:37
nu-girlokay, i'll reboot07:37
g1erhi mka07:37
mkaI got a karmic DVD but my laptop says it is blank07:37
mneptokAnorien: that gets you XFCE and all the associated apps.07:38
shamelessn00byour lappy lies07:38
mkaHow can I fix that?07:38
Anorienmneptok: so i use that command?07:38
mneptokAnorien: yes07:38
Anorienty mneptok07:38
mkashamelessn00b: what next?07:38
Jet^Skiermka: is it a dvd or cd?07:39
shamelessn00bmka: howd you mount it?07:39
mkaJet^Skier, it is a DVD07:39
PhantomLinkFOUND IT07:39
mkashamelessn00b: I just insert it and then a pop up shows up that I should Burn the blank dvd07:40
PhantomLinkApparently there's only 191MB ram on this laptop07:40
PhantomLinkbut there's two 256 sticks installed07:40
g1ermka, are you sure it isn't blank? (friend gave it to ya.. gave ya the wrong dvd by chance...)07:40
=== cdavis_ is now known as cdavis
mkagler: yes I am sure another laptop can discover it properly07:40
PhantomLinkso i probably just need to get new ram for it07:41
Jet^Skiermka: look at it,there should be a shadow region on the business side of the dvd.  if you can't see it, it is blank07:41
mkaJet^Skier: believe me it is NOT blank!!07:42
Jet^SkierThen your dvd drive may be defective07:42
Jet^SkierTry a cd version instead07:42
hellomonor u can put it in another computer to make sure its not blank07:42
mkaJet^Skier: that too bad07:42
hellomonif it reads it then ur dvd drive is fucked up07:43
g1eror usb :)07:43
maco!langauge | hellomon07:43
ubottuhellomon: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.07:43
maco!u | hellomon, also...07:43
ubottuhellomon, also...: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' or 'Ur' are words in the English language. Nor are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' or 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.07:43
mkahellomon: It can read original CD's07:43
mkahellomon: I just ripped three original CDs yesterday07:43
Jet^Skiercan anyone tellme where to get an easy USB install version?07:43
hellomonoh i guess your drive is messed up then07:43
mkahellomon: this is why I am here, I need a fix07:44
shamelessn00bwe dont fix broken dvd drives here lol07:44
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hellomoni guess you can go buy a external one and install what you need then return it. hehe the azn waaa07:45
macohellomon: 1) thats unethical 2) ....did you just say something racist about asians?07:45
hellomonnaw. im asian. and i do that sometimes07:46
g1ermka, when was the last time your pc read a origional DVD?07:46
Jet^SkierGet an eternal USB housing for an IDE drive then hook up a cheap cd-rom to it.  Ebay, 8 bucks07:47
mkag1er: I dont remember07:47
PhantomLinki will have to wait until i can buy new ram for my new laptop07:47
PhantomLinkfor now dsl should work, right?07:47
APERSONJet^Skier, get unetbootin07:47
g1er...hate to keep throwing the duh ?s out there.. but is it indeed a dvd reader...07:47
mkashamelessn00b: then what do you do?07:48
shamelessn00btoo busy slacking mka :)07:48
mkashamelessn00b, gler: Ok, I rest my case, I will replace the optical drive07:49
shamelessn00bidk, my dvd drive doesnt even get detected by windows, and on linux it runs fine07:50
Jet^Skieraperson, I'm a hardware geek07:50
=== rlarson86 is now known as ptmahent
APERSONJet^Skier, you asked where to get the usb install version07:51
APERSONunetbootin would provide that07:51
arvind_khadrihi, i installed debian after installing karmic, but i skipped the step of installing grub in debian, how do i generate grub entries for debian now?07:51
APERSONI bet #debian could help you with that07:51
Jet^Skieraperson, yes07:51
Jet^Skierunetbootin, got it07:52
^EinsteinI have a slight problem and I'm not sure how to go about fixing it. I can log in fine but after changing the username fields in passwd and shadow (not group) then back again, gnome-screensaver's PASSWD_HELPER_PROGRAM in ext_run in gs-auth-helper.c returns false. How do I figure out what this is defined as? It's a bunch of autoconf magic that defines that, and so it doesn't appear anywhere in the precompiled source.07:52
arvind_khadriAPERSON, i dont think so :) as the entries to be generated is in ubuntu07:52
^EinsteinIs there someone here that's either really familiar with autotools, or really familiar with gnome-screensaver, that might shed some light on why the credentials are verified differently between apps like this?07:52
g1erarvind_khadri: you need to edit the menu.lst file located in /boot/grub/ (that's about all the help I can be..07:52
APERSONarvind_khadri, if you're running debian, their support channel is where you go :)07:53
^Einsteinarvind_khadri: boot into a live distro and run grub-install07:53
arvind_khadriAPERSON, now am running karmic, grub2 is here on karmic07:53
arvind_khadrig1er, thats with grub-legacy :) thanks anyways07:54
arvind_khadri^Einstein, :S i dont have one..i use alternate cd's07:54
g1erarvind_khadri: oh, ya I'm still runnin 9.04 :) sry07:54
^Einsteinarvind_khadri: can you not boot into any *nix OS at all on that system?07:54
Jet^Skierwhat IRC client is easier than xchat in ubuntu 9.10?  I want something more familiar like MIRC???07:55
APERSONJet^Skier, xchat isn't easy?07:55
g1erirssi :D07:55
Jet^Skieraperson, it is07:55
^EinsteinJet^Skier: search synaptic for 'irc', and you won't find a much more mirc-ish client than xchat for linux.07:55
dem0wine plus mirc07:55
arvind_khadri^Einstein, ya i can boot into karmic, i am talking from karmic now...i tried grub-mkconfig but that doesnt find debian07:55
^Einsteinalthough I bet you could run mIRC in wine, Jet^Skier07:56
Jet^SkierLOL dem007:56
Anoriendid ubuntu recently updates its kernel?07:56
* init[1] defocus07:56
Jet^SkierI will not run wine07:56
APERSONarvind_khadri, ubuntu's wiki covers this, afaik07:56
APERSON!grub | arvind_khadri07:56
ubottuarvind_khadri: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.07:56
^Einsteinarvind_khadri: really? check fdisk, is it finding your debian partition?07:56
APERSON!grub2 > arvind_khadri07:57
ubottuarvind_khadri, please see my private message07:57
* Jet^Skier hasn't used window$ since 200007:57
arvind_khadriAPERSON, yeah reading it...07:57
mkaok thanks anyway guys07:57
APERSONadding entries to gru 2 seems to be relevant07:57
hellomonhow do i make my grub start up instead of the windows bootloader?07:57
PhantomLinkThank you for the help everyone.07:58
bilalakhtar@hellomon are you using WUBI or dual boot07:58
hellomonbilalakhtar: well i used WUBI to make a dual boot07:58
JonathanWintersThe person you are chatting with has an IP address07:59
JonathanWintersof a registered sexual offender. Please use caution07:59
JonathanWinterswhen dealing with a potentially dangerous individual07:59
JonathanWintersand do not give out ANY personal information.07:59
bonydose anyone know approximately how many Free/Open Source developers,volunteers,contributors are there in the world?07:59
FloodBot5JonathanWinters: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:59
ActionParsniphellomon: if its a proper install simply point the bios at the drive with grub installed07:59
ActionParsnip!ot | bony07:59
ubottubony: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!07:59
knoppiesJonathanWinters, whats that about?07:59
hellomonActionParsnip: and how do i do that? is there a command?07:59
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.07:59
bonyActionParsnip, oops sorry07:59
jessicasco1may I ask a question?07:59
dem0anyone had the weird bug where ubuntu starts eating free space while doing nothing_07:59
maco!ask | jessicasco108:00
ubottujessicasco1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:00
bilalakhtarhellomon:- If you used WUBI for dual boot, I dont think you can use GRUB. If you want to move ubuntu into a separate partition, you can use :-http://lubi.sourceforge.net/lvpm.html08:00
knoppiesjessicasco1, whats the question?08:00
ActionParsniphellomon: you will need to enter the system bios to hange the bootable device. the win bootloader will still exist (i'm assuming you have 2 physical drives) but grub will be doing the booting from now08:00
bilalakhtarhellomon:- after this, you can use GRUM08:00
bilalakhtarsorry GRUB08:00
jessicasco1 how to view the source of the program in linux?08:00
Balsaqi was trying to purge my buntu, while in terminal, the computer told me i could install root ...do i need root?08:00
Balsaqwhat will root do08:00
jessicasco1for example,  the program-- talk08:01
ActionParsniphellomon: if you only have 1 disk you will need to reinstall grub from livecd so that both systems can boot08:01
=== nick is now known as Guest86842
dem0maybe root beer :D08:01
macoBalsaq: purge your ubuntu? install root?08:01
macoBalsaq: root is a user, not something to install...08:01
hellomonActionParsnip: kk thanks08:01
Jet^SkierOr VIM Jessicascol08:01
jessicasco1I mean where to get the source code08:01
macojessicasco1: "apt-get source <PACKAGE>" will download the source of the package you name08:01
dem0anyway, eating free space bug, anyone?08:02
Balsaqwhat is sudo apt-get install root-system-bin?08:02
JonathanWintersi had that08:02
Balsaqthat what the computer told me08:02
macojessicasco1: assuming youve enabled source repositories in system -> administration -> software sources08:02
nikandtasесть кто нибудь по русски говоряший? (RUSSIAN)08:02
JonathanWintersi deleted linux and it was fine after08:02
dem0open synaptic to make ur life easier08:02
maco!ru | nikandtas08:02
ubottunikandtas: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke08:02
JonathanWinterswhat did he say about communism?08:02
ActionParsnip!find root08:02
ubottuFound: chkrootkit, fakeroot, livecd-rootfs, chrootuid, dchroot (and 72 others)08:02
macoJonathanWinters: what?08:02
jessicasco1thank you08:02
Balsaqthis is my computer and somehow i am not root08:03
dem0root beer  :D08:03
maco!root | Balsaq08:03
ubottuBalsaq: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo08:03
ActionParsnip!noroot | Balsaq08:03
ubottuBalsaq: We do not support having a root password set. See !root and !wfm for more information.08:03
maco!sudo | Balsaq08:03
ubottuBalsaq: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)08:03
ActionParsnipmaco: covers things nicely08:03
JonathanWintersjohn the ripper can find the root password just fine sir08:03
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo08:04
macoJonathanWinters: there IS NO root password to find08:04
=== hellomon is now known as rootpass
Jet^Skierthere is a way to get root in Ubuntu.  I tried it a few years ago and it did not work out too well08:04
macoJonathanWinters: the word communism did not come up in that russian sentence at all. just says "anyone speak russian?"08:04
=== jeff_ is now known as Guest98065
JonathanWintersim pretty sure it did08:04
APERSONmaco, #ubuntu-offtopic :)08:04
Balsaqmy brother in lse has been with hp for 30 years...he said i am not root and i shoould be as i own the computer08:04
macoJonathanWinters: are you trolling? cuz i read russian08:04
FlannelJonathanWinters: Please take non support discussions elsewhere, thanks.08:04
dem0hp, LOOL08:04
ActionParsnipBalsaq: in short, forget root. If you need admin powers use gksudo (for gui apps) and sudo (for command line apps)08:05
dem0better yet, go windows and forget about root :D08:05
ActionParsnipBalsaq: its disabled for security but you can achieve all you need with gk/sudo08:05
ActionParsnipBalsaq: forget root, you don't need it08:05
Balsaqsecurity, i own the computer?08:05
ActionParsnipBalsaq: ask your brother to explain sudo to you08:06
dem0omg, please shot him08:06
FlannelBalsaq: "root" doesn't have any correlation to ownership08:06
JonathanWintersbalsaq give me ur htpasswd08:06
ActionParsnipBalsaq: read the factoids, sudo is a far more secure option for systems08:06
Balsaqhe was in here messin around showing me stuff and noticed i am not root08:06
tsimpsonBalsaq: you don't need to be root, you can just you sudo and your password to gain root privileges08:06
dem0have fun08:06
macoBalsaq: when anyone tries to attack your computer, they know to try username root and then only try to guess password to break in and have free run of everything08:06
FlannelBalsaq: That's correct.  You're not root.  But that's not a problem.08:06
Balsaqyes i know my password08:06
macoBalsaq: theyd need to guess both your username AND your password with the default setup08:06
macoBalsaq: this makes it an exponentially more difficult problem08:07
ActionParsnipBalsaq: thats all you need, if you ever need admin access use sudo, problem solved08:07
Balsaqwell i want to clean out my computer08:07
dem0make Balsaq-Linux :DDDD08:07
dem0ciao bambinos!08:07
ActionParsnipBalsaq: if you log in as root EVERY app you run wil be ran AS root too, so malicious java, attatchments in email and malicious flash can and will modify system sensitive files08:07
Jet^SkierBalsaq use DBAN08:08
Balsaqget rid of all the cache, history and useless pieces of files left over from uninstalls08:08
ActionParsnipBalsaq: as a user the browser is ran AS user so has limited access08:08
APERSONBalsaq, bleachbit will clean you system out08:08
ActionParsnipBalsaq: sudo apt-get clean08:08
FlannelBalsaq: That's fine.  You don't need to be root for that.08:08
Balsaqok sudo apt-get clean...that will do it?08:08
ardchoilleBalsaq: Everything you've mentioned can be done with sudo. There is no need to log in as root user08:09
Balsaqthats it?08:09
macoBalsaq: itll empty out /var/cache/apt/archives08:09
JonathanWintersdelete system3208:09
APERSONBalsaq, that will clean out your apt cache08:09
tsimpsonBalsaq: remove the downloaded package cache (the .deb files)08:09
ActionParsnipBalsaq: that will clean the old debs from your apt cache, you can clean the browser down by using the browser itself08:09
macoBalsaq: .deb files are like Setup.exe...it gets rid of those08:09
Balsaqi want to clean it all out08:09
APERSONJonathanWinters, that isn't helpful support08:09
ardchoille!sudo | Balsaq You really need to read this page:08:09
ubottuBalsaq You really need to read this page:: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)08:09
macoBalsaq: if you do "sudo aptitude purge PACKAGE" itll uninstall *and* remove systemwide config files for PACKAGE08:09
Balsaqyes i have done some sudos08:09
ActionParsnipBalsaq: you can also run computer janitor (its in the menus) it requires admin access so will ask you for your password as it uses gksudo, you can then clear out the files it thinks are surplus08:09
ActionParsnipBalsaq: yes, sudo gives you power08:10
ActionParsnipBalsaq: thats what we've been telling you08:10
Balsaqyes i have done a few of the sudos08:10
b0nnhi all, my videocard goes into some sort of screensaver mode, after a time, but I don't know how to bring it out of that mode, save for wiggling the mouse08:10
ActionParsnipBalsaq: and is exactly why root is neither needed nor supported08:10
Jet^SkierBalsaq: if you want to completely wipe the HD and start from scratch, use DBAN (Darik's boot and Nuke)08:10
b0nncan anyone point me in the right direction?08:10
Anorienhi. could someone please help me/teach me how to setup xfce as default session to login and make gnome not start up anymore?08:10
Balsaqno i dont want to wipe everything just mt internet history and a couple uninstalls i did08:11
APERSONb0nn, are you sure you aren't going into sleep or hibernate?08:11
APERSONBalsaq, sudo aptitude install bleachbit08:11
Balsaqso its beachbit08:11
ardchoilleBalsaq: Read that sudo page ubottu posted for you, it will answer most if not all of your questions08:11
APERSONBalsaq, bleachbit is a system cleaner08:11
Balsaqthawill like a ccleaner08:11
Balsaqi want a ccleaner for buntu08:11
APERSONBalsaq, exactly08:11
Ben64Anorien: sudo aptitude install xubuntu-desktop08:12
Balsaqok so it is beachbit then08:12
b0nnAPERSON: I have mplayer running, noise coming out, but black screen08:12
AnorienBen64:  its installed. how do i set it up as default?08:12
hellomonb0nn: corrupt file? or try restarting mpalyer08:12
Balsaqso i suppose if i install beachbin the software will be self explanatory08:12
Ben64Anorien: you should be able to select it at the login screen08:12
holmseranyone here use a dvorak keyboard?08:12
b0nnhellomon: for all files08:12
APERSONBalsaq, try it out and see08:13
MoralExplI accidentally Deleted my pannel which displays open windows etc... how do I bring it back08:13
Balsaqok here goes08:13
ActionParsnipBalsaq: you can read around if you don't understand it08:13
b0nnalso, when mplayer is stopped, the screen stays black08:13
tsimpsonBalsaq: bleachbit, not beachbin08:13
ardchoilleAnorien: log out. when you get to the GDM screen, there should be a for "Session", click that and choose your desired session. After entering the username and password, the system will ask if you want to make it the default08:13
AnorienBen64: i dont have "Options" at login screen08:13
Balsaqyes beachbit08:13
Anorienardchoille:  i dont have it, just a "username" window08:13
hellomonis there a undo shortcut like windows? cuz ctrl+z donest work08:13
ActionParsnipBalsaq: if you clear out the browser cache and old deb files you have done most of the job08:13
tsimpsonBalsaq: no, bleachbit, there is an 'l' in there08:13
Anorienbrb, retrying08:13
Balsaqok is bleachbit08:14
ardchoilleAnorien: there should be a button or link for "session" along with others like "restart", "shutdown" etc08:14
ActionParsnipBalsaq: you can also run: sudo apt-get install deborphan; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove; sudo apt-gt --purge remove `deborphan`08:14
Madpilothellomon, ctrl+z usually works - which app are you using?08:14
Balsaqwhich is the best ccleaner08:14
APERSONActionParsnip, bleachbit clears much more than just clean the apt-cache and browser caches08:14
ActionParsnipBalsaq: will removed orphaned packages for you and clear out more rubbish08:14
APERSONBalsaq, bleachbit, just go try it08:14
jluhello, I'm trying to compile a simple kernel module in karmic. I have linux-headers-2.6.31-15-generic. I'm still missing some asm/* files. Where can I find them?08:14
ActionParsnipAPERSON: let me check it08:14
ActionParsnipAPERSON: does it require x?08:15
hellomonMadpilot: just the file explorer cuz when i accidently delete something i cant undo it. i have to go to the trash and restore it08:15
APERSONActionParsnip, likely08:15
b0nnis there a way to restart X remotely?08:15
Madpilothellomon, ah. Yeah, Nautilus doesn't have an undo. would be nice.08:15
ActionParsnipAPERSON: i use the command i gave above a lot to clear out orphaned stuff, its groovy08:15
jluCan I just use the ones from /lib/modules/2.6.31-15-generic/build/include/asm-x86?08:15
hellomonMadpilot: arggggggggggggggggggggg08:15
APERSONActionParsnip, I ran it on my eepc and it cleaned up 664MB of space!  I had my trash empty and my apt-cache cleared before hand too!08:16
TeLLuSb0nn: yes08:16
APERSONb0nn, as long as x knows what display on, yeah08:16
MoralExplI accidentally Deleted my pannel which displays open windows etc... how do I bring it back08:16
hellomonnew panel?08:16
APERSONMoralExpl, you can't alt+f2?08:16
APERSONMoralExpl, or did you just delete your window list applet08:17
MoralExplAPERSON, I believe the latter, the thing on bottom08:17
MoralExplhit delete for08:17
MoralExplDunno why08:17
MoralExplbut I'm fixing it08:17
APERSONMoralExpl, you're going to have to be a tad clearer as to what specifically you need.  maybe a screenshot will be best?08:17
FloodBot5MoralExpl: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:17
MoralExplAPERSON, Yea, ill screen shot08:18
tsimpsonb0nn: ssh in, and use "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart", that will kill _all_ X sessions though08:18
APERSONMoralExpl, I find imgur.com to be a good upload service for one-off stuff08:18
minervaas a computer idiot, would it be insane for me to try ubuntu on my PC?08:18
ActionParsnipAPERSON: nice, lets see how ths flys08:18
macominerva: not that im calling my mom an idiot, but....08:18
ActionParsnipAPERSON: delete old kernels too to get ~120Mb a kernel08:18
macominerva: she says its easier than windows08:19
minervawow, really08:19
b0nntsimpson: tnx, now I have my desktop back on my tv :)08:19
minervai think i'm going to do a dual install just to try it out08:19
holmserminerva, my mom loves it as well08:19
APERSONActionParsnip, I make sure to keep spare kernels to a minimum :)08:19
minervai have two hds in my machine08:19
minervai can put it on the other one08:19
Madpilotminerva, the desktop Ubuntu CD is a LiveCD, just boot from that, try it out, and it doesn't touch your Win install08:19
minervawell i'm downloading it08:19
ActionParsnipAPERSON: is there a way to configure the OS to only keep 2 kernels and remove old kernels as new ones are added?08:19
minervawhen i burn it to cd, can i run it from there?08:19
holmserIts easy, and the support is excellent08:19
holmserubuntu forums ftw08:20
roflparrotyeah burn it to cd, boot off the cd and try before you install08:20
r_s___I'm frustated about short time releases of linux (every 6 months), how can I be stable without formatting and with upgrading ? Is it always safe to upgrade to the next release ? Please help !!08:20
roflparrotbut the installed OS is better obviously08:20
MoralExplAPERSON, http://imgur.com/DJzGr.png On bottom before, the windows were named, and larger.08:20
hellomoncan i use the LIVECD and use gparted to add more partition?08:20
ardchoilleminerva: yes, you can boot directly into the livecd and play08:20
ActionParsnipminerva: you can even install to usb so you don't have to disturb the internal drive :)08:20
minervai have a somehwat old pc08:20
roflparrotyes gparted works from the livecd08:20
minervai'm not sure i know how to do that action08:20
zerqit's pretty safe to upgrade to the latest version, once it's the actual release version08:20
minervaas i said, computer idiot over here08:20
roflparrotSystem > Administration > Partition Editor08:20
Balsaqis thing an enema?08:21
littlegreenminerva just google for "Linux liveUSB"08:21
ActionParsniphellomon: yes you can resize to get more partitions (they will total the sum of the original size though)08:21
hellomonso i can add more memory from gparted?08:21
holmserminerva: you can also install with wubi, just put the disk in the drive while you are in windows and it will install it right along side your windows OS, no partitioning08:21
hellomonoh ok08:21
Balsaqi just gave this computer an enema08:21
Madpilotminerva, "somewhat old" shouldn't be an issue08:21
roflparrotmemory like ram?08:21
r_s___zerq: thx08:21
APERSONMoralExpl, you just need to add a new applet to your panel then08:21
macominerva: old computers tend not to be able to boot from USB08:21
Balsaqthat bleachbit is strong08:21
MoralExplAPERSON, gotcha Im fooling around with it right now08:21
MoralExplseem to be getting somewhere08:21
APERSONActionParsnip, I swear I saw something about that not too long ago08:21
macominerva: or at least USB flash drives. even my 1 year old laptop cant do it08:21
Balsaqi wonder what i just got rid of08:21
ActionParsnipminerva: its part of the system, boot to CD and you can install to USB. Make sure you md5 test the file you download too08:21
ActionParsnip!md5 | minerva08:21
minervamaco, i think mine can, but booting from the cd will work fine08:21
ubottuminerva: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows08:21
APERSONMoralExpl, window list is the one you deleted08:22
ActionParsnipAPERSON: i was ages ago so I'm asking now :)08:22
FloodBot5bilik07: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:22
hellomonwait will it work if i install gparted on my system and add more partition memory from there?08:22
macominerva: wubi does a dual boot without partitioning by using a file inside windows' filesystem as the basis for your ubuntu install08:22
Balsaqi kept the terminal open on my browser ..can i print it so i can keep a record of what i just did?08:22
ardchoilleminerale: Keep in mind that the livecd may be a bit slower than the same system after installing to the hard drive08:22
maco!ops | bilik07 is troll flooding08:22
ActionParsnipAPERSON: cos that would  be sweet, i've seen people on netbooks with 4Gb storage and have like 5 kernels08:22
ubottubilik07 is troll flooding: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!08:22
minervamaco, that's ok, i don't need to partition, as i have two hds08:22
ardchoilleminerva: Keep in mind that the livecd may be a bit slower than the same system after installing to the hard drive08:22
macominerva: yeah, i was just explaining the wubi thing mentioned above since you asked08:23
hellomonwell when u use WUBI it askes how much memory you wanna partition08:23
minervaardchoille, it can't be as slow as my windows08:23
ActionParsnipminerva: you have to partition or yuo cant write data to the drive surface08:23
ardchoilleminerva: Ah, fair point :)08:23
littlegreenBalsaq did you try to copy/paste in gedit?08:23
macoActionParsnip: you missed hte part about minerva having 2 hard drives08:23
roflparrotminerva no it is still quite fast08:23
roflparrotbut cds are slow08:23
ActionParsnipAPERSON: is the number in the bottom let the amount it has cleaned?08:23
ActionParsnipmaco: still needs partitioning08:23
Balsaqno littlegreen08:23
minervai'm in complete windows frustration mode so i may just install it to my second hd08:23
macoActionParsnip: and it IS possible to format a drive without having any partitions on it08:23
Balsaqhow do i do that08:23
macoActionParsnip: you can simply format the entire thing08:24
roflparrotminerva you might as well08:24
ActionParsnipmaco: tru but i'm sure the installer will moan there is no / partition08:24
roflparrotyou can always come back and ask us how to remove it08:24
macoActionParsnip: then / would simply be sdb instead of sdb108:24
Balsaqcopy is not lit up littlegreen, paste is lit up08:24
ActionParsnipmaco: does that actually work?08:24
macoActionParsnip: why not?08:24
ActionParsnipmaco: i see your point08:25
littlegreenBalsaq select the text you want to print with holding the left mouse button and dragging the mouse pointer through all the text, then right click with the mouse somewhere on the text, click on "Copy", open gedit and Ctrl+V... it's simple as that08:25
ActionParsnipmaco: touche08:25
ardchoillemaco: Don't you need a partition in order to have a file system?08:25
macoActionParsnip: i cant think of any reason why it shouldnt... mkfs doesnt care if its a partition or not08:25
* bleah hi08:25
macoardchoille: nope08:25
macoardchoille: you can mkfs on /dev/sda instead of /dev/sda1 no problem08:25
ActionParsnipmaco: its just a block device after all08:26
Balsaqhow do i open gedit littlegreen08:26
ActionParsnipAPERSON: i just reclaimed 1.2Gb dude08:26
hellomonardchoille thats what i thought. these ppl are confusing me08:26
roflparrotto format a drive, you need to define a partition and its format, amirite?08:26
littlegreenBalsaq write "gedit" in terminal08:26
jluanyone had luck compiling a kernel module in karmic?08:26
macohellomon: its not *common* by any means, but its certainly possible08:26
ardchoillemaco: I've tried that in the past and it didn't work08:26
Balsaqso i begin with gedit08:27
Steilsudo rm -rf /home08:27
hellomoni see08:27
macohellomon, ardchoille: ive formatted flash drives without partitioning08:27
Steilsomeone told me to type that08:27
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!08:27
ardchoilleSteil: Please don't post that kind of command08:27
DaZdun dun dunn08:27
ActionParsnipardchoille: i'm kinda blown away too but makes sense08:27
macoardchoille: theyve been kicked08:27
DaZ/* is funnier >:08:27
macoFlannel: do you have "sudo rm -rf" on highlight?08:27
macoDaZ: eviler!08:27
MadpilotDaZ, never funny.08:28
ActionParsnipDaZ: yes > /dev/null   is funny too, chews your cpu good08:28
DaZMadpilot: always08:28
FlannelDaZ: Would you like to be removed from the channel as well?08:28
ardchoillemaco: kicked? good, but I would have banned them as they know exactly what they were posting08:28
roflparrotcat /dev/zero > /dev/null used up cpu yeah08:28
roflparrotbut it didn't lockl my system08:28
ActionParsniproflparrot: try yes instead08:29
APERSONActionParsnip, nice!08:29
roflparrotActionParsnip: example?08:29
MadpilotOK, would everyone stop posting Stupid Command Line Tricks, thanks?08:29
ActionParsniproflparrot: yes > /dev/null08:29
roflparrotok imma try08:29
ActionParsnipAPERSON: helped by the 700Mb ISO in trash ;)08:29
ActionParsnipAPERSON: still running it seems08:30
APERSONMadpilot, command line commands are the easiest way to give support, as you simply have to copy and paste commands.  It is far more consistent that using a gui to give support08:30
ActionParsnipAPERSON: +108:31
bakarat_is the upgrade path from 9.04 to 9.10 somewhat stable now?08:31
ActionParsnipAPERSON: but new guys always say "i shouldnt have to do this. I'm not a programmer!"08:31
bakarat_considering upgrading my work laptop, but i can't really afford it die on me08:31
MadpilotAPERSON, that wasn't what I was telling people to stop. I was commenting on some of the "CPU locking" and filesystem wrecking.. stuff.08:31
hellomonwell ive been using 9.1 for about a week now. its alright08:31
bakarat_hellomon, did you upgrade or fresh install?08:32
roflparrotok I have two instances of yes > /dev/null going and cpu has maxed both cores, I have a song playing and it skipped when I opened system monitor08:32
APERSONMadpilot, well, forgive me, I didn't read all of my scrollback08:32
Balsaqlittlegreen its working08:32
bakarat_hellomon, ah, well it's the upgrade path i'm worried about :D08:32
P_KableHello, how do I restore my grub from the live cd please ?08:32
Balsaqits printing08:32
hellomonoh. haha.08:32
APERSONHaving an eeepc means this channel moves fast!08:32
ActionParsnip!grub2 | P_Kable08:32
ubottuP_Kable: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub208:32
littlegreenBalsaq Nice to hear it08:32
Balsaqlittlegreenawesome explanation08:33
Balsaqactionparsnip thanks08:33
littlegreenBalsaq I'm glad I helped08:34
luomoMy DHCP connection with my modem is not working. Any help08:34
BalsaqAPERSON Thank you very much i have it08:34
Balsaqinstalled it08:34
ActionParsnipBalsaq: easy stuff dude08:34
Balsaqhave no clue what i just cleansed but i really cleansed it08:34
Balsaqpages of it?08:34
ActionParsnipBalsaq: i suggest you explain the virtues and advantages of sudo to your HP employed friend08:34
APERSONActionParsnip, /etc/apt/apt.conf/20archive might be what we're looking for setting the number of kernels we keep08:35
Balsaqhe's a windows guy08:35
APERSONActionParsnip, but I'm not sure, that dir seems to be a place to look08:35
ActionParsnipBalsaq: yep, thought so08:35
littlegreenluomo what kind of modem exactly are you using?08:35
Balsaqwell at least i have a record of all this stuff i whacked08:35
APERSONBalsaq, glad I could help.  You cleared lots of logs and caches08:35
ActionParsnipBalsaq: windows users are created as admin so they have full reign over their systems and most just log in as admin to do their daily stuff08:35
Balsaqnow  if i want to bleach it again do i still follow the same command or wil lthat install it over the install08:36
ActionParsnipBalsaq: same thing applys, all browsers are ran as adminn so any virus will have full access to all system files08:36
ActionParsnipBalsaq: then they moan they get problems08:36
luomomodem is for DSL internet connection and dhcp connection with it is not working.It is manufactured by my service provider08:36
Guest74170my sound goes mute early as i turn it down even though it isn't all the way down on the sound meter on the screen08:37
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Balsaqyeah he just couldnt figure out why i wasnt root ..ket tellin me i meissed something08:37
ActionParsnipBalsaq: vista has this stupid asking "are yuo really sure" pop up which most users hack their system to remove08:37
littlegreenluomo so you have a DSL router you cannot access?08:37
Guest74170it jumps]08:37
luomoyes i can access on windows but not on ubuntu 9.1008:37
littlegreenluomo are you using wired or wireless connection?08:37
Balsaqif i want to bleach it out again in a few weeks. do i follow the same command or will ibe installing it over top of itself?08:37
luomoi cant connect to both type of connections08:38
ActionParsnipBalsaq: no need to reinstall it, just run the app08:38
Balsaqok so the app is in my menus now somewhere...ill find it08:38
littlegreenluomo is that a PC that you are using or a laptop?08:38
luomoa laptop08:38
Balsaqwow thanks08:38
ardchoilleBalsaq: should be in Applications > System08:39
Balsaqok looking thanks08:39
littlegreenluomo what is the output of the "ifconfig" in terminal?08:40
Balsaqweird its there...twice...one says bleachbit...one says bleachbit (as root)....printed just like that?08:40
Guest74170my sound goes mute early as i turn it down even though it isn't all the way down on the sound meter on the screen. the sound jumps from mute to loud and it sucks08:40
ActionParsnipBalsaq: if your friend comes over, open a terminal and run: sudo -s     he'll feel right at home then ;)08:40
Balsaqbut its therewell iwas telling him about the sudo apt get install non free stuff08:41
Guest74170who knows about this?08:41
Balsaqwhy is bleachbit listed twice08:41
luomono wireless extensions.08:41
luomoeth0      no wireless extensions.08:41
luomowmaster0  no wireless extensions.08:41
luomowlan0     IEEE 802.11bg  ESSID:"UTStarcom"08:41
luomo          Mode:Managed  Frequency:2.462 GHz  Access Point: 00:1B:57:F4:F7:EF08:41
luomo          Bit Rate=1 Mb/s   Tx-Power=20 dBm08:41
FloodBot5luomo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:41
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littlegreenluomo don't paste like that... ever again!08:42
ardchoillemaco: May I pm you?08:42
BalsaqActionParsnip he did all kinds of crazy stuff to my computer was typing like a madman08:42
luomook i am sorry08:42
ActionParsnipBalsaq: not used it until now personally. i'd imagine one targets root home (pointless) and the other the users home08:42
macoardchoille: i guess...08:42
ActionParsnipBalsaq: maybe APERSON can fill us in08:42
littlegreenluomo seems like you have established a wireless connection... did you try to input your IP manualy?08:43
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Balsaqfreaked me outyes in my system it now has bleachbit...and bleachbit (as root)08:43
ZarglePort 80 is blocked how might i get around that?08:43
ActionParsnipZargle: forward the port in your router08:44
Zargleyah my ISP blocks it08:44
APERSONBalsaq, you can run it either as your user or as the admin08:44
ArchillesBy setting Adapter 2 to Host-only (in Virtual Box) should allow to listen on ports, right?08:44
Balsaqwhich do i use next time, plain ole bleachbit or bleachbit (as root)...as it says in my sytem...oh well who cares i am way better off now08:44
littlegreenZargle routers use port 80 for their administration panels. I suggest you forward that port or use port 808008:44
APERSONBalsaq, tjhe admin user can remove more things, but is all more dangerous08:44
Balsaqok i see you say either one08:44
APERSONBalsaq, I run it as user first, then the admin08:44
luomoMy wireless connection is not establishe. It shows:"wireless is not connected"08:45
Balsaqill do it the safer way08:45
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APERSONBalsaq, right on :)08:45
Guest81437−89.2 °C (−128.6 °F)08:45
luomoand how to input the ip08:45
Zargleim trying to do a remote access08:45
Balsaqand ill print what i remove08:45
APERSONActionParsnip, best information so far I can find is: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/removing-old-kernels08:45
Guest81437can someone help me with my volume jumping around on the meter?08:45
Zargleany idea08:45
littlegreenZargle use port 808008:45
APERSONbut /etc/default/kernel-helper-rc doesn't exist08:46
littlegreenZargle remote access for what exactly? Port 80 is, in most cases, used for http08:46
Zargleim using transmission... and im trying to do a remote access its says using port 901008:46
ActionParsnipGuest81437: try: killall pulseaudio; rm -rf ~/.pulse*08:46
ActionParsnipGuest81437: then press alt+f2 and type: pulseaudio08:47
luomolittlegreen:My wireless connection is not establishe. It shows:"wireless is not connected" and how to input the ip?08:47
ActionParsnipGuest81437: see if that helps08:47
Zarglewould that work out of lan08:47
exploreralexwhere can we get a list of commands used in terminal and kayboard shortcuts?08:47
littlegreenluomo there should be an networking icon on one of your panels. Doesn't left-click shows available wireless extensions?08:47
Balsaqwow i feel 10lbs lighter...ahhhhhhhhyou see my in law put an nvidia driver in here and my screen was stretched sideways...so i dumped it after he left and now its perfect but i knew there was more too it then that and i do see it got cleaned up on the bleachbit print out08:48
littlegreenZargle port 9010 is not blocked, judging by the info you gave08:48
ArchillesBy setting Adapter 2 to Host-only (in Virtual Box) should allow to listen on ports, right?08:48
damo22is a cheapo geforce 9400GT compatible with ubuntu?08:48
Zarglei have DMZ enabled don't that port forward all of the ports?08:48
ZargleError: I could not see your service on on port (9010)08:48
ZargleReason: Connection refused08:48
Guest81437ActionParsnip: it's still doing it08:48
damo22whats a really cheap nv card that is fully supported by ubuntu?08:49
littlegreenZargle not exactly. That error doesn't suggest not-forwarded ports. Look for the problem elsewhere08:49
Hans_Henrikumm.. how can i manually add themes to gtk 2x?08:49
ActionParsnipGuest81437: hmm, if you run: lspci | grep -i audio     you may find bugs for the sound card or maybe guides08:49
ActionParsnip!theme | Hans_Henrik08:49
ubottuHans_Henrik: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy08:49
luomoi ahvent tried that option. I will do this08:50
littlegreendamo22 most NVidia graphical adapters ARE supported by ubuntu08:50
ActionParsnipdamo22: any geforce 6xxx series is grooovy08:50
Balsaqok time for bed thanks again08:50
damo22ActionParsnip: umm cool, wish i knew where to get an oldschool one like that08:50
roflparrotI have two 6xxx sitting on my shelf08:51
roflparrota friend gave them to me08:51
Guest81437that just told me what my audio device and driver is08:51
ActionParsnipdamo22: ebay08:51
roflparrotI used them when my 8800 died08:51
roflparrotand they worked fine08:51
littlegreendamo22 does the machine you want to get an NVidia for has AGP or PCIE slot?08:51
ActionParsnipGuest81437: yes, you can now use that to websearch08:51
APERSONActionParsnip, huzzah! dpkg -l 'linux-*' | sed '/^ii/!d;/'"$(uname -r | sed "s/\(.*\)-\([^0-9]\+\)/\1/")"'/d;s/^[^ ]* [^ ]* \([^ ]*\).*/\1/;/[0-9]/!d'08:51
Zargle wouldnt that work08:51
Zargleport 909108:51
Zargleusname and password08:51
monestriany scim users here?08:52
APERSONActionParsnip, pipe the output of that to xargs aptitude remove -y and you've got something to autoremove kernels :)08:52
monestrican't figure out how to switch input methods / turn it on08:52
Hans_HenrikEye of Gnome 2.28.1 doesn't display the "animation" in animated gif's/png's with the default settings in Karmic, is that a bug?08:52
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monestrictrl + space does nothing for me08:52
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damo22my computer mobo just died, im thinking of purchasing a really cheap dual core computer from scratch.... i found one on ebay for a couple hundred.... just need a really cheap video card08:52
macoAPERSON: wow, i need to save that08:52
ActionParsnipAPERSON: dude, thats some crazy stuff08:52
littlegreenZargle that's internal IP address... doesn't get out of the router's subnet at all08:52
DarwinSurvivorI can't get my eee 1000HE to connect to wireless after suspend :(08:52
ActionParsnipAPERSON: (copy)08:52
ArchillesBy setting Adapter 2 to Host-only (in Virtual Box) should allow to listen on ports, right?08:52
APERSONI stole it from there08:52
Zargleyes im connected to wifi on my phone and on the computer08:52
Zargleshouldnt it work08:53
Zarglefor torrents every port i use it says Port is closed08:53
ActionParsnipDarwinSurvivor: if you run: sudo lshw -C network    is it a broadcom wifi?08:53
ervinatman donk08:54
littlegreendamo22 if the PC is with an AGP slot I would suggest Nvidia 6600 - It's the best choice for AGP. PCI Express well... you can always get .... something more ;-)08:54
DarwinSurvivorActionParsnip: let me check08:54
ActionParsnipAPERSON: 2.65Gb and completed running bleachbit08:54
ActionParsnipAPERSON: nice app fellah08:54
ZargleTCP? or UDP? Littlegreen? what ports should i forward08:54
littlegreenZargle both08:55
APERSONActionParsnip, be restricted to a 4gb drive, and see how much you look for solutions to saving space :)08:55
Zarglealright what port? inbout? 80-8008:55
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ActionParsnipAPERSON: can imagine, netbooks are sweet though08:56
f00bar80i used to UNetbootin to install ubuntu to my usb stick , but when i tried to reboot i got "no bootable partition in table" ,  any comment ?08:56
DarwinSurvivorActionParsnip: damn, somebody moved it (family member, not sure what they did with it), sorry :(08:57
APERSONf00bar80, what flash drive you you have? not all can be booted from, especially sandisk cruizers08:57
NigeI am trying to use dvdbackup backup my dvd collectino at home, however it cant find libdvdread4 which is installed. I have checked playing of dvd via vlc which works correctly08:58
Nigeany hints08:58
f00bar80APERSON, Lexar08:58
DarwinSurvivorActionParsnip: is there a known issue with the eee's wireless?08:58
ActionParsnipDarwinSurvivor: well, if it is (wait for the site to come up again (its down)) and use these guides: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport/Machines/Netbooks08:58
hareldvdCan I configure nautilus to mount network disks on a different directory than ~/.gvfs ??08:58
APERSONDarkfoe, what eeepc? mine works fine08:58
q0_0phareldvd, manually mount it08:58
DarwinSurvivorActionParsnip: ok thanks, i'll check that when I find the machine08:58
ActionParsnipDarwinSurvivor: its just crappy broadcom things not waking up, so you need a small script to re-modprobe the driver and they wake up08:58
DarwinSurvivorAPERSON: eee 1000HE08:58
q0_0phareldvd, what r u trying to mount08:58
APERSONDarwinSurvivor, eeeuser is a great community, btw08:58
f00bar80APERSON, any comment ?08:59
APERSONf00bar80, can't say I do, sorry08:59
f00bar80ppl any comment ?08:59
APERSONf00bar80, unless you can bring up a boot menu from your BIOS08:59
DarwinSurvivorAPERSON: hmm, half their news seems to be windows related...08:59
q0_0phareldvd, http://opensuse.swerdna.org/susesambacifs.html08:59
f00bar80APERSON, my boot menu shows USB HARDDISK USB FLOPPY and USB CDROM , and that's the order i used for the boot menu09:00
APERSONDarwinSurvivor, their wiki and their forums are great though, generally09:00
DarwinSurvivorAPERSON, ActionParsnip: is there any difference between ubuntu and ubuntu-netbook_remix other than the interface?09:01
APERSONDarwinSurvivor, it's about the same, NBR might be stripped a tad09:01
ActionParsnipDarwinSurvivor: thats it, the gui is different to suit the small screens on netbooks09:01
DarwinSurvivorat first i install unr but the person who uses the machine doesn't like the interface, and karmic doesn't have the "switch to desktop mode" thing anymore :(09:01
APERSONI always just install normal ubuntu and tweak it myself09:01
ActionParsnipAPERSON: i use ulite andbuild upwards, less bloat09:02
APERSONActionParsnip, ulite?  what about ubuntu-minimal?09:02
q0_0pulite has the apt-get feature?09:02
ActionParsnipq0_0p: indeed09:02
q0_0pActionParsnip, nice09:03
KottizenWhere do I find the login-window-settings like in 9.04? Now it's only like 3 options, before you could change theme etc.09:03
q0_0pActionParsnip, so all i would have to do is add repos and im good?09:03
q0_0pActionParsnip, with ulite?09:03
ervinaaq butuh tman nie09:04
littlegreen!themes Kottizen09:04
APERSONActionParsnip, I wonder if adding that kernal removal script to /etc/kernel/postinst.d/ would be a good idea...09:04
littlegreenKottizen Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy09:04
ActionParsnipAPERSON: setup a virtual system and try ;)09:04
APERSONActionParsnip, I'll just make a snapshot of my eee and do it on the real thing :P09:05
janpogockihello, is irc.ubuntu.com alias of freenode.net ? is it the same server?09:05
Kottizenlittlegreen: I know where to find them, but not how to i install a login-theme.09:05
APERSONjanpogocki, yes09:05
Kottizenjanpogocki: It is.09:05
ActionParsnipq0_0p: yeah it installs a barebones system and you can install what you need. If you are just going to install ubuntu-desktop then you are wasting your time09:05
littlegreenjanpogocki I think so09:05
janpogockiok, thanks :)09:05
ActionParsnipAPERSON: sounds like a plan, 4gb snapshot aint too bad ;)09:05
hey_boyHello guys, I want to use Speech Recognition in Ubuntu. Any good sites / programs suggestions?09:05
Timbaunshello why does this phrase not work in my terminal?09:05
Timbauns :(){ :|:& };:09:05
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TimbaunsIt jsut dows not work =(09:06
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!09:06
q0_0pActionParsnip, can i add ubuntu karmic repos to update libraries? would that be ok?09:06
ardchoilleTimbauns: Please don't post that anymore09:06
Timbaunswhy so?09:06
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APERSONcan we just ban him?09:06
ardchoilleI wish09:06
ActionParsnipq0_0p: well it will use karmic repos by default09:06
APERSONpost it again and I'll notify an op09:07
macoTimbauns: do you know what that command does?09:07
q0_0pActionParsnip, wont it bug about not having ubuntu-desktop?09:07
ActionParsnipardchoille: what does that do? looks crazy09:07
ratbertany major bugs in the 9.10???09:07
q0_0pActionParsnip, just wondering09:07
macoActionParsnip: fork bomb09:07
macoit crashes your system09:07
Timbaunsmaco: no it does not work09:07
Timbaunsholy crap? why does it not work then?09:07
ActionParsnipmaco: gotcha09:07
roflparrottesting forkbomb...09:07
indusmaco: i hear there wont be any new theme again in 10.04?09:07
ardchoilleTimbauns: This needs to go to another channel, not here09:07
APERSONif by crash, you mean freeze, yes09:07
macoTimbauns: stop trying to get us to try it out so you can laugh09:07
ActionParsnipmaco: simple reboot fixes it i guess ;)09:08
macoindus: *shrug* im a kubuntu person. dunno what those gnome people are doing09:08
anithaI am unable to use lock screen & screensaver09:08
indusmaco: aah ok K Is beautiful09:08
ActionParsnipq0_0p: i guess but I always clean install so upgrading to new distro isnt an issue (thats the time you'll need the annoying metapackage)09:08
indusmaco: actually i wonder why people had such long discussions on forums about the look, they already have it with kubuntu09:09
APERSONanyone have any good solutions for imaging a drive to a samba share or ssh ?09:09
macoindus: they do not yet know the awesome that is kde ;-)09:09
hey_boyAny help available on Speech Recognition?09:09
indusmaco: i want to move to it now, iam tired of ugliness09:09
roflparrotyeah the forkbomb works a treat09:09
ratbertthis may be a stupid question but does ubuntu has a firewall?09:09
indusalso those threads give the impression ubuntu is ugly, add a K and all is good09:10
APERSONratbert, yes, iptables09:10
ardchoille!firewall | ratbert09:10
ubotturatbert: Ubuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist09:10
indusratbert: yeah ufw09:10
q0_0pActionParsnip, i'm just using ubuntu 8.10 and just grabing what i need to run programs from karmic repos09:10
roflparrotthe linux kernel has iptables and userland applications like frestarter interfaces them09:10
macoratbert: iptables is included but unconfigured by default. lack of configuration is not an issue, however, since no services are listening on any ports by default. this is effectively like "drop all"09:10
APERSONratbert, I like to use firestarter to configure it09:10
indusratbert: so what APERSON means is that ufw is a front end to manage the underlying firewall called IPTABLES09:10
indusratbert: USE gufw a gui frontend09:11
q0_0pActionParsnip, new versions to programs needs newer libraries so i just did it like that; same with U-lite?09:11
lyhana8hi, I got some problem with the gnome-panel. It seem to fail to launch correctly and I need to kill him then is restart and work fine09:11
APERSONso is firestarter09:11
ardchoillemaco: Best description I've seen yet09:11
ActionParsnipq0_0p: thats what i do, i install lxde then once in the gui I can instll my usual stuff, then carve out the drivers I dont use and start building from there09:11
hey_boyHello guys. any Idea about Speech Recognition on Ubuntu 9.10?09:11
macoAPERSON: gufw has a much nicer interface than firestarter09:11
macohey_boy: i didnt know there was any...09:12
ratbertindus is it top edge :D09:12
APERSONmaco, to each their own :)09:12
ActionParsniphey_boy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TextToSpeech09:12
macoActionParsnip: wrong direction09:12
lyhana8ActionParsnip: he is looking for speech to text apps hey_boy09:12
macoAPERSON: heh i use iptables directly09:12
ganjanautquestion.  how come i can't get no graphic equalizer for my totem09:12
indusratbert: what do you mean topedge? iptables is a full featured firewall, but its complicated09:12
APERSONI have firestarter added to my /etc/sudoers and have it set in /etc/network/if-up.d to start it whenever there is a network connection :009:12
macoAPERSON: i used to use firestarter, but i just saw some gufw screenshots and hey thats nice09:13
indusfirestarter is bad i hear, unmaintained now09:13
ActionParsniphey_boy: text to speech == espeak (one option)09:13
q0_0pActionParsnip, have u tried fluxbox?  thats the lightest i've gone09:13
macoganjanaut: gstreamer does not support equalizers09:13
ratbertindus the default one will do just fine??09:13
indusi dont get it though, a command line tool to use another command line tool :D09:13
ganjanautmaco: blast!09:13
indusratbert: default yea09:13
ganjanautconfound it all09:14
indusratbert: i dont know of any other firewalls09:14
indusratbert: in linux i mean09:14
ganjanauti needs me a volume boost.  i needs it!09:14
ratbertthanks indus09:14
ratbertcee ya09:14
APERSONmaco, holy crap!  last update in 05, upon checking SF09:14
indusratbert: use or install gufw to control09:14
ActionParsnipq0_0p: yeah its real good, very good hotkey support. flwm is as light as i'v tried but it dodnt stay long09:14
macoAPERSON: hehe09:14
APERSONmaco, maybe I'll give ufw a try :)09:14
macoAPERSON: ufw is command line. gufw for gui.09:15
q0_0pActionParsnip, i think anything is fine as long as i got gnome-do09:15
ganjanautmaco: is there a system-wide one i can use?09:15
APERSONmaco, yeah, thanks09:15
ActionParsnipq0_0p: theres fluxbuntu too ;) (unofficial release)09:15
q0_0pActionParsnip, go minimal and just have gnome-do09:15
macoganjanaut: nope. its possible to overdrive using pulseaudio if you just need all around louder...but ive never done it09:15
APERSONganjanaut, open up the sound prefs and move the slider past 100%09:15
ActionParsnipq0_0p: i go minimal and use guake09:15
APERSONq0_0p, I used to do that09:15
q0_0pActionParsnip, whats guake?09:15
Guest81437ActionParsnip: getting back to the volume thing: this only happens in ubuntu, not windows, so I know its not the hardware09:16
ActionParsnip!info guake | q0_0p09:16
ubottuq0_0p: guake (source: guake): A drop-down terminal for GNOME Desktop Environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.0-4 (karmic), package size 117 kB, installed size 804 kB09:16
q0_0pActionParsnip, ah kind like yakuake09:16
ActionParsnipq0_0p: and tilda, yes09:16
ganjanautAPERSON: the slider doesn't go to 1109:16
q0_0pActionParsnip, i use that yakuake since im on kde3.509:16
monestriany scim users about?09:16
ActionParsnipq0_0p: thats all i need for pretty much everything except web browsing09:16
q0_0pActionParsnip, cool09:17
APERSONok, I'm off to image my eeepc09:17
q0_0pActionParsnip, guake looks cool09:17
APERSONI'll be back!09:17
ActionParsnipq0_0p: does the same thing as yakuake09:17
q0_0pActionParsnip, i know09:17
q0_0pActionParsnip, yakuake never ran good on gnome09:18
ActionParsnipq0_0p: i found tilda a little flaky, guake feels solid09:18
Anorienhi. XFCE and Samba dont work together or something? im missing the Places-Network i had in Gnome.09:19
Guest81437ActionParsnip: getting back to the volume thing: this only happens in ubuntu, not windows, so I know its not the hardware09:19
danjerousWhere can I get the key for a repository in ppa.launchpad.net?09:19
ActionParsnipGuest81437: well yeah, the volume control is a software construct09:19
ActionParsnipdanjerous: what error do you get?09:19
tsimpsondanjerous: from the launchpad page, or use the ppa: format09:20
apersonsudo add-apt-repository ppa:<nameofppa>09:20
danjerousActionParsnip: W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net karmic Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 5A9BF3BB4E5E17B509:20
ActionParsnipdanjerous: gpg --keyserver wwwkeys.eu.pgp.net --recv-keys 5A9BF3BB4E5E17B509:20
danjerousActionParsnip: Thanks09:21
ActionParsnipdanjerous: gpg --armor --export 5A9BF3BB4E5E17B5 | apt-key add -09:21
ActionParsnipdanjerous: you need that command after09:21
tsimpsonActionParsnip, danjerous: or you can use "sudo apt-key adv --keyserver wwwkeys.eu.pgp.net --recv-keys 5A9BF3BB4E5E17B5"09:22
ActionParsnipdanjerous: http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2009/05/apt-get-update-how-to-solve-no-public-key-available/   helps09:22
agoristDoes anyone have Tagging working in Tomboy Notes ??09:22
danjerousActionParsnip: Hm, thank you very much. If you can give a hint what to do if  I want to remove it from ~/.gnupg/ now ? :)09:22
wubuntuWhy does my volume icon keep disappearing ?09:23
wubuntuAnyone happen to know ?09:23
tsimpsondanjerous: I think "gpg --delete-key 4E5E17B5"09:23
wubuntuOr how I might be able to get it back ?09:24
danjeroustsimpson: That's it, thanks :)09:24
apersonlets see how long this image takes to do!09:24
wubuntuAnyone.. ?09:25
wubuntulosha: You there ?09:25
rumpsy|joblerhey guys09:26
rumpsy|jobleri need a simple option to be activated, all i need is when i right click i want terminal as a option to be listed09:27
rumpsy|joblerhow can i achieve it.09:28
ArchillesBy setting Adapter 2 to Host-only (in Virtual Box) should allow to listen on ports, right?09:28
apersonrumpsy|jobler: sudo aptitude install nautilus-open-terminal09:28
wubuntuCan someone tell me how to restore my volume icon ?09:29
rumpsy|joblerokay, thank you09:29
apersonor use your package manager of choice09:29
littlegreenwhich is the lightest DE?09:30
rumpsy|joblerubuntu is DE09:30
macorumpsy|jobler: ubuntu is a distro09:30
littlegreenno, Gnome is DE, KDE is DE09:30
q0_0pwubuntu, u can go to terminal and type in 'gnome-' and spam the tab till u find it?09:31
apersonlittlegreen: xcfe, openbox, flux, e17...09:31
littlegreenaperson thanks09:31
macolittlegreen: DE? Xfce, i think. standalone window manager? twm, maybe?09:31
tsimpsonlittlegreen: probably xfce, for pre-made installs anyway09:31
jizzacki just farted09:31
tsimpson!ot | jizzack09:31
ubottujizzack: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!09:31
Madpilotwubuntu, gnome-volume-control is what you want, I think09:31
macoif i was using a window manager alone for everything, itd be xmonad09:31
jizzacki just farted09:31
jizzacki just farted09:31
jizzacki just farted09:31
FloodBot5jizzack: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:31
rumpsy|joblerwacky, you try "lxde"09:32
maco!ops | jizzinmy1ants OT floods09:32
ubottujizzinmy1ants OT floods: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!09:32
Madpilotmaco, way ahead of you :)09:32
ShtlHello all09:32
macoMadpilot: doh hehe thanks09:32
serhiyShtl Hello09:33
wubuntuMadpilot: I got that to run09:33
wubuntuBut I don't see a way to add that to the panel09:33
Madpilotwubuntu, when it started, it didn't put itself back in your notification area?09:33
Shtlserhiy: i downloaded mint-8 iso image , but its not matching checksum, its means that i have to once again download from scratch???09:34
wubuntuMadpilot: Nope09:34
jussi01!mint | Shtl09:34
ubottuShtl: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), crunchbang (support in #crunchbang)09:34
apersonwubuntu: you can try restarting gnome-panel: killall gnome-panel09:34
wubuntuaperson: Still didn't reappear09:35
Madpilotwubuntu, odd. it should have put itself back in your notification area. You didn't delete the notification area by mistake? network-manager and stuff still visible?09:35
wubuntuNetwork manager and other stuff visible09:36
Madpilotjizzinmy1ants, want to find a more appropriate nick, please?09:36
wubuntuMadpilot: XChat's icon appears to be gone too09:36
serhiyShtl ,sorry, but I am new in Linux09:37
Madpilotwubuntu, strange09:37
ARTSIOMHi All!09:38
apersonwhich do we think would be faster?:  dd of=/dev/sda | bzip2 | ssh user@host "/path/of/backup" or dd of=/dev/sda | ssh user@host "bzip2 | /path/of/backup" ?09:39
Madpilotwubuntu, pls ask before PMing, as a general rule.09:39
wubuntuOh, sorry09:40
ArchillesBy setting Adapter 2 to Host-only (in Virtual Box) should allow to listen on ports, right???????????09:40
ARTSIOMI have added my dit to PATH to /etc/enviroment /root/.profile and /root/.bashrc. Commands from this dir are now accesible from my user, but not accessible when running under the sudo. Where I should also add a path to make available to sudo?09:40
apersonwhere the destination has quite a bit more cpu power, and this is regular 10/100 ethernet09:41
mnemochi, do you know any apt-friendly way to get thunderbird-3.0 but not the daily build?09:41
wubuntuWell, if anyone finds a solution..09:43
wubuntuLet me know09:43
apersonmnemoc: I believe you can add the mozilla team ppa09:44
mnemocaperson: thanks, i'll search for it09:44
apersonwubuntu: my network icon sometimes fails to show, but all I do is restart my panel09:44
apersonmnemoc: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozilla-team09:44
Madpilotwubuntu, did you try "killall gnome-panel" in a terminal?09:45
wubuntuMadpilot: Yeah09:45
apersonMadpilot: yes they did09:45
serhiywho use Grdc?09:45
mnemocaperson: oh, i didn't know that one09:45
wubuntuAnd it just restarted hem all09:45
wubuntuBut volume didn't come back09:45
=== eli_ is now known as Elirips
apersonmnemoc: it's really nice to have!09:45
mnemocaperson: does it magically add the gpg key too?09:46
ARTSIOMso, does anybody know where I should add dir to PATH to make commands available to sudo?09:46
apersonmnemoc: yessir!09:46
mnemocaperson: awesome!09:46
apersonmnemoc: works only for launchpad afaik though, and everything you add via that end up in its own entry in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/09:47
llutzARTSIOM: set it for root, use sudo -H09:48
apersonanyone know that command that gives you a progress bar for operations?09:48
mnemocpv ?09:49
madelhi all, I'm using gcc-4.4.2 to compile a code using option -O3 -fopenmp, when running the compiled program I receive this error "/usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.11' not found"09:49
madelany help?09:49
apersonmnemoc: thanks! that was it09:50
mnemocaperson: yw :)09:50
serhiyhey, who use Rdesktop with mapping local printer by RDP to WIN server?09:51
ARTSIOMllutz: yes, but I have already added PATH=$PATH:/mydir to /root/.profile and /root/.bashrc, but commands from /mydir are still not accesible when I run them under sudo09:51
llutzARTSIOM: used sudo -H?09:52
ARTSIOMllutz: should I set the HOME every time? is it possible to add PATH persitanly?09:54
llutzARTSIOM: if not, users env is used09:54
ARTSIOMllutz: but I has also added the same dir to PATH in /etc/environment and commands are available to my user09:55
q0_0pis it possible to put a print server on the dmz?09:55
wubuntuRelogging fixed the problem09:55
q0_0pjust wondering09:55
wubuntuBut I don't understand what's happening09:55
llutzARTSIOM: maybe config-issue in sudoers-file then. read "man sudoers", theres some options to handle env/pathes09:56
Rioting_Pacifisthow stable is btrfs? will it definatly get corupted on a crash or just maybe?09:58
MadkissRioting_Pacifist: it will maybe definetely get corrupted.09:59
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Rioting_Pacifistwhich will be faster for / (i.e i don't care about corruption just speed)10:00
serhiyq0_0p: hello10:00
Rioting_Pacifisti'd guess btrfs over ext4 but i'm not sure10:01
q0_0pserhiy, hi10:01
q0_0pserhiy, do i know u10:01
khelvan_aHello, what is the proper way to uninstall a .deb package that I installed via sudo dpkg -i?10:01
serhiyq0_0p ,do not know me10:02
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MenZakhelvan_a: sudo dpkg -r <package>10:02
serhiyq0_0p , u use rdesktom maybe?10:03
neekers_for a server on the internet, what version of ubuntu is best to install as far as long term updates and support?10:03
q0_0pserhiy, i think so10:03
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MenZaneekers_: I'd recommend 8.04, and update it to 10.04 when that's released in April.10:04
serhiyq0_0p and use CLI or GUI for it?10:04
MenZaneekers: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Ubuntu_releases#Version_timeline <- an excellent chart showing the support of the different releases.10:05
neekersMenZa: thanks10:05
q0_0pserhiy, both10:05
MenZaneekers: Welcome.10:05
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serhiyq0_0p i seek mapping local printer for RDP to Win server10:06
khelvan_aMenZa, thank you10:06
neekersi think i'm about to make the big switch from linode to slicehost. i dont like that fact linode doesnt have nightly backups10:07
keioI have installed java vis synpatic package manager.  How do I get the actual path to java so I can set java_home?10:07
serhiyq0_0p rdesktop have switch for it, but for users its need in GUI10:07
MenZaneekers: let's keep this for support - #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics :)10:07
Kartagishow can I upgrade only one package?10:07
MenZaKartagis: sudo apt-get install <package>, I believe will upgrade that particular package.10:08
serhiyq0_0p , where u from?10:08
apersonKartagis: sudo aptitude install packagename10:08
q0_0pserhiy, far away10:08
apersonKartagis: or use whatever package manager you like10:08
keioanyone know how I can set $JAVA_HOME?  I can't seem to find java bin.  My eclipse ide is crashing.10:09
adacImportError: No module named pydcop Does anyone know which packet does include this python module in karmic?10:09
serhiyq0_0p  in which the radius from me )10:10
apersonadac: aptitudes search pydcop turn up anything?10:10
adacaperson, nothing unfortunatley10:10
q0_0pserhiy, not sure10:10
MenZa!find pydcop10:11
ubottuPackage/file pydcop does not exist in karmic10:11
MenZa!find py-dcop10:11
ubottuPackage/file py-dcop does not exist in karmic10:11
adac!find dcop10:11
serhiyq0_0p ok man )10:11
ubottuFile dcop found in anyremote-doc, bash-completion-lib, dbus-1-doc, emboss, emboss-data (and 72 others)10:11
q0_0pMenZa, u can do sudo apt-cache search ur_pkg??10:11
serhiyflotix__ : hello10:14
guntbert!ot | serhiy10:15
ubottuserhiy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!10:15
P_KableIs there a tool to get the load charge of a server included in the distro ?10:16
jpdsP_Kable: Load charge?10:17
P_Kablehow can I explain jpds ... to see how used is the CPU, RAM disk ...10:18
jpdsP_Kable: uptime?10:18
q0_0pP_Kable, htop?10:19
q0_0pP_Kable, top?10:19
ccookeP_Kable: well, each of those are easily measured individually. 'top' is a good general tool for CPU and RAM10:19
mnemochtop is nicer :p10:19
jpdsccooke: free -m - will show you RAM.10:19
jpdsP_Kable: ^10:19
ccookeP_Kable: System -> Administration -> System Monitor - a graphical tool you might find useful.10:20
ccookeIt's much like the system monitor on Windows,so if you're from that background it will be at least familiar10:20
mnemocfunny term "load charge"10:21
lyhana8hi, my mysql-server-5.1 fail to start on ubuntu : http://pastebin.com/d36d3c13610:21
ccookejpds: yeah, but I wouldn't generally recommend it to someone who doesn't already know of it.10:21
lyhana8my cat /var/log/mysql.* are empty where should I look for log ?10:21
q0_0p!find gnome-system-monitor | P_Kable10:21
ubottuP_Kable: Found: gnome-system-monitor10:21
lorenzosuI just re-installed ubuntu 9.10 fresh but I get a grub error 17 at boot10:21
jpdsq0_0p: On a server he said. :)10:21
q0_0phe might as well use htop or top then10:22
mnemocsome people adds X and fat DEs to servers...10:22
q0_0pand ssh into it10:22
jpdsmnemoc: The ones who are doing it wrong.10:22
mnemocfully agree :)10:23
khelvan_aHi, I'm trying to use dpkg -r to remove a .deb that I installed, but it is telling me that the package hasn't been installed. Are there individual packages inside of one .deb, and if so, is there a way to list them?10:23
ccookeit's perfectly reasonable to have X libs on a server, as long as there's no X server...10:23
ccookeToo many third party apps need an X configuration tool, so it's nice to be able to run them over ssh -X10:23
ccooke(well, usually ssh -CX)10:23
jpdskhelvan_a: Try: dpkg -r <packagename>10:23
q0_0pthats what i did when i didn't want to manually setup samba10:24
mnemocno comment :p10:24
khelvan_ajpds - I get this: dpkg: you must specify packages by their own names, not by quoting the names of the files they come in10:24
q0_0pi agree with u10:24
wubuntuWhat's a good package for installing new themes for windows ?10:25
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wubuntuLike themes in Appearance Preferences10:25
lorenzosuI just re-installed ubuntu 9.10 fresh but I get a grub error 17 at boot10:25
macokhelvan_a: so dont do the whole .deb, just the bit before _10:25
jpdskhelvan_a: Not the file name of the .deb, just the package name like "ubuntu-desktop"10:26
serhiy_lorenzosu, use liveCD and edit Grubmenu10:26
khelvan_amaco, jpds - thanks, I got this: dpkg - warning: ignoring request to remove nxclient, only the config files of which are on the system.  Use --purge to remove them too. That's weird since I just installed it today.10:26
macokhelvan_a: it means you already uninstalled it but did not purge it10:27
lorenzosuserhiy_: I can't find menu.lst10:27
wubuntuOh, GNOME Art10:27
macoits /boot/grub/grub.cfg10:27
guntbert!grub2 | lorenzosu10:29
serhiy_lorenzosu lorenzosu10:29
ubottulorenzosu: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub210:29
serhiy_lorenzosu  /boot/grub10:29
FunkyWeaselI've noticed that when I have closed firefox lately I have to kill the process before I restart.  Is this normal, or the result of a recent update?10:29
macoFunkyWeasel: it might just take a while for FF to shut down10:29
macolike 20 seconds or so10:29
q0_0pmaco, sudo killall firefox10:30
FunkyWeaselmaco: It's been a few minutes.  killing the process works... but I shouldn't have to do that everytime, right?10:30
lorenzosuserhiy_: Everything seems fine in the cfg file10:30
serhiy_lorenzosu maybe some disk not mounted?10:31
pdragon_hi i am having a problem with a broken package i used the apt-get install -f to try to fix it but it now work10:32
lorenzosuserhiy_: At boot?10:32
jozefkwhat is the way for starting daemons automatically in Ubuntu?10:33
serhiy_lorenzosu not shure10:33
peleczekloenzosu join #grub they help there with grub2 a lot10:33
pdragon_any one ?10:33
serhiy_test msg10:33
jozefkwhere are the sshd, httpd and other stuff lokated in ubuntu?10:33
peleczekalso it's good to burn super grub disk on cd10:34
jozefklocated* :)10:34
* jozefk likes super grub disk as well10:34
q0_0pjozefk, i dont remember maybe /etc ? config files?10:34
ardensWho knows the shortest way to send AT+ commands to modem?10:34
ardensWho knows the shortest way to send AT+ commands to modem?10:34
llutz  ardens echo10:34
jozefkmaybe etc? then how to start them automatically?10:35
pdragon_what kind of modem dsl cable or dial up or t1 ?10:35
ardensHello, by the way10:35
ardens3g modem10:35
pdragon_you mean the 3g modem from att cell comapny10:35
jozefkin some other distros they are inside /etc/rc.d/10:36
ardensnope, I mean 3g modem for ZTE. And all such hardware supports standard AT+ commands10:36
adacanyone familiar with truecrypt and mounting hidden volumes on command line?10:36
erUSULjozefk: for example --> sudo update-rc.d sshd defaults10:36
pdragon_well you could use a script to run at boot  to do it10:36
erUSULjozefk: is in /etc/init.d/10:36
jozefkand there is /etc/rc.di can't do it manually with vim?10:36
serhiy_lorenzosuu in CLI mode now?10:36
pdragon_hi i am having a problem with a broken package i used the apt-get install -f to try to fix it but it now work10:36
jozefkinit.d ok thanks. that's what I needed. what is the config file for init.d?10:37
erUSUL!runlevels | jozefk10:37
ubottujozefk: In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.10:37
erUSULjozefk: all this stuff is changing in ubuntu. many things are still sysV though.10:37
pdragon_dose anyone know how to fix broken packages10:38
erUSULjozefk: but there is no single file to edit. you have to use update-rc.d or rcconf or bum10:38
macopdragon_: sudo apt-get install -f10:38
pdragon_already tried that10:38
macopdragon_: sudo apt-get update, followed by that?10:38
Dreamglideri just did a dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=512 to clear/zero out an old hard disk, is there a way to see at what speed it's writing to the device (And possible the progress ?)10:38
edmundshi everyone! can u help me understand why - ubuntu 9.10 installed on notebook, after restart some times do not allow to access meny, panels10:38
jozefkupstart system v inittab .. don't know any of that. i just want to start sshd and httpd and cron daemons during boot of system10:38
erUSULjozefk: or make the various smlinks in /etc/rcn.d/ directories by hand10:39
jozefkthat's all and so simple10:39
jozefkbut with ubuntu it's not simple10:39
jozefki see.10:39
jozefki was hopping maybe they will start by themselves after installation :) but not sure if that was the case10:40
macojozefk: i think they do10:40
jozefkall of them? cron, sshd, httpd?10:40
jozefkand they start after each reboot right?10:41
erUSULjozefk: well update-rc.d is simple enough10:41
macojozefk: yes, they should by default be configured to auto-start10:41
macoerUSUL: if its simple enough, why does its manpage say its not for humans to use?10:41
jozefkupdate-rc.d is it a file? can i edit that in vim?10:41
macojozefk: no, its a command thats supposed to be used by maintainer scripts and not by humans10:42
Airwulf2kcan I disable shortcuts like ALT+F7 (move window) on ubuntu?10:42
erUSULjozefk: as i said earlier to enable sshd --> sudo update-rc.d sshd defaults10:42
Spixxwhen talking about pam_ldap.conf is there a way so that it will work to login remotly without acc use the password in the config?10:42
jongbergs!info bum10:42
ubottubum (source: bum): graphical runlevel editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.5.2-1 (karmic), package size 83 kB, installed size 520 kB10:42
=== khelvan_a is now known as khelvan
erUSULjozefk: to disable it sudo update-rc.d -f sshd remove10:42
maco!pm | pdragon_10:42
ubottupdragon_: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.10:42
jozefkerUSUL, then I can do #sudo update-rc.d httpd defaults as well right?10:43
linnyonce one had an encrypted /home folder is it possible to undo that option after install time ?10:43
buwireless card refuses to associate with the router its 3945abg iwl3945, same problem with ndiswrapper, network manager, wicd and through terminal it refuses to communicate with the routher but i still can view available networks and it even prompts me for a password.. when i remove router password it doesnt connect still.. network manager keeps connecting forever with no results and wicd says Could not contact the wireless access point. any suggestions..  tried bac10:43
pdragon_here is what the apt-get -f install tells me http://pastebin.com/d7e2598d010:43
lorenzosuI don't understand why the installer failed though10:43
erUSULmaco: i'm sure jozefk is open to other suggestions.10:43
zebastianis there a chronometer program for ubuntu?10:43
q0_0pjozefk, chkconfig --list10:43
macoyep chkconfig is dandy10:43
jozefkerUSUL, how can I see the list of all daemons which i have in autostart?10:43
buwireless card refuses to associate with the router its 3945abg iwl3945, same problem with ndiswrapper, network manager, wicd and through terminal it refuses to communicate with the routher but i still can view available networks and it even prompts me for a password.. when i remove router password it doesnt connect still.. network manager keeps connecting forever with no results and wicd says Could not contact the wireless access point. any suggestions..  tried bac10:43
apersonmaco, gufw looks really sparse10:43
macothough unfortunately not installed by default, i dont think10:43
pdragon_it is called synergy so i can use one pc to control the others mouse and keyboard10:44
moDumassevening all10:44
apersonpdragon_, synergy+ > synergy :)10:44
lorenzosuAnd no grub installed :(10:44
moDumassum, im not dloading anything but i keep getting this "you root dir has 0bites free" message\10:44
moDumassim trying to clear space, but i dont seem to be able10:45
moDumassassistance wouod be awesome10:45
moDumassi think im googling wrong10:45
erUSULjozefk: this --> sudo service --status-all10:45
lorenzosuSo no one experienced grub 17 error after installing ubuntu 9.10 fresh?10:45
kekalemoDumass, have you done sudo apt-get clean ?10:45
moDumasskekale, i have10:45
pdragon_nope i did not installing it on my acer mini10:46
apersonmoDumass, well, do you have your root dir on a separate partition?10:46
apersonmoDumass, it could genuinely be out of space10:46
LuciusMarewhat is wrong with this sudoers line? : remote = NOPASSWD: /bin/shutdown10:46
moDumassaperson, when i updated from 9.04 to 9.10 it blew out and i somehow created a new partition10:46
erUSULmoDumass: how big is your root partition ?10:46
guntbertmoDumass: !pastebin the output of df -h and of mount please10:46
jozefkok thanks erUSUL10:46
pdragon_dose anyone know how i can fix my problem10:47
jozefknow I see why some other people likes to use some other distros. there is still a big difference10:47
erUSULLuciusMare: lloks like it lacks the hostname part10:47
jozefkeven though most of them looks the same from "outside: :)10:47
LuciusMareerUSUL: where?10:47
jpdsLuciusMare: Do: "which shutdown" in a terminal.10:47
apersonpdragon_, what did you do exactly?10:47
llutzLuciusMare: read "man sudoers"10:47
erUSULLuciusMare: remote ALL = NOPASSWD: /bin/shutdown  ??10:47
jpdserUSUL: sbin.10:48
LuciusMareah,but that was a minor problem10:48
apersonpdragon_, I broke my synergy package when I installed synergy+, but I just removed synergy and all was well10:48
erUSULjpds: yep that too ;)10:48
LuciusMareALL = NOPASSWD: will let the user remote run only the commands i specify without password,right?10:48
pdragon_well i installed the .deb from the web site then i made the mistake of installing it from the  ubuntu software center10:48
moDumassguntbert :http://www.pastebin.org/5913010:48
erUSULLuciusMare: as per sudo docs yes10:49
apersonpdragon_, just uninstall it10:49
pdragon_i tried10:49
pdragon_no luck10:49
maxstirneri get a crash when booting, system stops at "Loading cpufreq kernel modules..." Any ideas how to troubleshoot this?10:49
LuciusMaremanual pages confused me:  ray    rushmore = NOPASSWD: /bin/kill, /bin/ls, /usr/bin/lprm10:49
apersonpdragon_, sudo aptitude purge synergy?10:49
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Nigehello, anyone have dvdbackup and libdvdread4 working correctly?10:50
guntbertmoDumass: your / is clearly maxed out - what about mount?10:50
aperson!dvd | Nige10:50
ubottuNige: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:50
moDumassguntbert, http://www.pastebin.org/5913310:50
apersonpdragon_, that question mark is part of the command, mind you10:51
moDumassguntbert, whats confusing me is that if im not in home, it says hteres like 40gigs free10:51
pdragon_that is what it is asking to remove10:51
LuciusMaresudo rm -r /usr/compiled myepicpasswd10:52
moDumasswas copying and pasting sorry10:52
LuciusMareer,wrong terminal just forget it10:52
NigeI tried k9copy but it crashes the moment the dvd drive spinds up10:52
pdragon_aperson thanks its fix now10:53
pdragon_i totaly forgot about that command lol10:54
guntbertmoDumass: ignore that for the moment - pastebin the output of sudo du -sh /* please (it will take some time to complete)10:54
ranjancan any body help me in showing an sutable way that i can be able to make an back up of apt along with making all the list of software that i have downloded which are being kept in /var/cache/apt folder i know there is an tool known as apt on tool that can do my work in much easier was .... i dont want to use any cd for this work so is there any solution for this ... please help ....;)10:55
friendishanhow do i upgrade to 9.10 using a CD?10:55
friendishani am currently using 9.04 and i want to upgrade and i have recieved the CD (my net is too slow)10:55
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MasterOfDisasterranjan: dpkg --get-selections?10:56
friendishananyone any help?10:56
ranjanMasterOfDisaster : i am not geting you10:56
bazhangfriendishan, you need the alternate cd to do that10:57
moDumassguntbert, thanks for your help btw. still learning, googling these commands as we go  -10:57
MasterOfDisasterranjan: you want a list of all installed software?10:57
friendishanbazhang : recieved the CD which canonical sends free.10:57
maxstirneri get a crash when booting, system stops at "Loading cpufreq kernel modules..." Any ideas how to troubleshoot this?10:57
smb96friendishan, http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading10:57
guntbertmoDumass: thats quite allright with me :-)10:57
bazhangfriendishan, is that the live cd or the alternate cd10:57
friendishanbazhang : i donno , maybe the live CD10:58
friendishanbazhang: how can i get the alternate cd?10:58
bazhangfriendishan, you want to fresh install? do you have a separate home partition10:58
ranjanMasterOfDisaster : no i wan to make the downloded software avilable in pen drive and i want to use it on other system  without using any extra cd/ apt on tool10:59
friendishanbazhang : nope i don want to fresh install, it'll be a big mistake for me!10:59
smb96friendishan, just read the link10:59
friendishansmb96 : read (i ahev damn too slow net)10:59
moDumassguntbert, http://www.pastebin.org/5914211:00
Nigecheers, seems to have fixed my dvdbackup problem as well11:00
friendishansmb96: u can't expect me to download it using a 15kb/ps download speed connection11:00
linnyupon install i selected to encrypt my /home dir is it possible to reverse this without a reinstall ?11:00
smb96read further11:00
epinkyfriendishan: you'll need the ALTERNATE CD installer11:01
friendishanepinky: so i have to download it?11:01
ranjanMasterOfDisaster : no i wan to make the downloded software avilable in pen drive and i want to use it on other system  without using any extra cd/ apt on tool11:01
guntbertmoDumass: you shouldn't have interrupted it, the interesting part ist still missing, please repeat11:01
macolinny: if you backup all your data from your home then delete your home directory and make a new one then move everything onto the new not-encrypted one...i think that should work11:01
epinkyfriendishan: yes, http://releases.ubuntu.com/karmic/11:01
LuciusMarehow to make sudo forget the password?11:01
moDumassguntbert, sorry didnt realise i interupted it, on it again11:01
friendishanepinky: never mind then i have a slow download speed!11:01
macoLuciusMare: sudo -k11:02
ranjanMasterOfDisaster : do you have any idea11:02
LuciusMarei mean,i typed the pass in before a while and now i dont want it to use it11:02
archangelpetrois it just me, or is evolution really buggy?11:02
guntbertmoDumass: you pressed ctrl+c :-)11:02
apersonarchangelpetro, you and the whole internet11:02
archangelpetroaperson: thank you11:02
epinkyfriendishan: then do a fresh install :) , upgrade could be done using Alternate CD or network11:02
apersonarchangelpetro, it's a shame ubuntu depends on it11:03
moDumassguntbert, yeh but only after it showed me the prompt, but its moved furhter this time, so I may have interupted it whilst copying stuff to google11:03
friendishanepinky : ok i will ask my friend to download the alternate CD, Thanks^^11:03
friendishanepinky: bye11:03
LuciusMareagh,it does not work11:04
guntbertmoDumass: copying in the terminal is done with shift+ctrl+c11:04
LuciusMareremote ALL = NOPASSWD: /sbin/shutdown - still asks for password11:04
apersonguntbert, don't forget shift+insert11:04
guntbertaperson: you mean shift+ctrl+v ?11:05
LuciusMareguntbert: i am pretty sure he ment shift+insert11:05
moDumassguntbert, thanks, learning new stuff everyday. mostly when i break stuff though11:05
guntbertmoDumass: thats the way to live :)11:06
MikeChelenmy bluetooth headset stopped showing up in the sound preferences, any ideas?11:07
darkipodneed help ..... with >>> mount: can't find /dev/sr0 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab11:07
MikeChelendarkipod: what is /dev/sr0?11:08
darkipodi can't use my CDrom11:08
apersonguntbert, shift+insert pastes anywhere, so does shift+ctrl+v11:08
darkipodthats the error i get11:08
MikeChelendarkipod: is that an external drive or something?11:08
guntbertaperson: I forgot :)11:09
darkipodno burner11:09
epinkydarkipod: post results of "sudo lshw -C disk" ,  use pastebin11:09
darkipodi was working11:09
LuciusMareremote ALL = NOPASSWD: /sbin/shutdown - still asks for password - anyone?11:09
darkipodbut i did something11:09
maxstirnermy karmic suddenly fails to boot after "Apparmor profiles", any ideas?11:09
MikeChelendarkipod: is it sata? my ide cd burner shows up as something like /dev/scd011:10
darkipodpaste all that in the room?11:10
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic11:10
darkipodKarmic can see the drive it just can't mount them without me me using the terminal11:12
aomegaxdoes anybody know how to write uuid on partition?11:12
MrNazhow do you reinstall grub after reinstalling windows? the instructions for versions prior to karmic dont seem to work11:12
peleczekMrNaz i recommend super grub disk11:12
MrNazpeleczek url ?11:13
aomegaxmy problem is that at boot my uuid of root partition isn't recognized, so my distro doesn't stard11:13
peleczeksaves nerves11:13
moDumassguntbert, http://www.pastebin.org/5914611:13
ActionParsnipyo yo yo11:13
eugene_hi guys how do i run a tar.gz file?11:14
ActionParsnipeugene_: tar zxvf file.tar.gz11:14
ActionParsnipeugene_: you don't run it, its a compressed archive11:14
eugene_ok. lemme try it11:14
ActionParsnipeugene_: whats the file for?11:14
FizixDoes anyone know I can use Terminal Server Client to access an RDP host over the internet rather than being confined to just the local network?11:15
guitar-maniachello! my add or remowe applications has disappeared :O i tried right clickin on applications and edit, but i cant click it as active...11:15
eugene_there's a software in there and i need to install it11:15
erUSULeugene_: a tar.gz is a zip file. what do you mean by run? you can extract (deflate) it11:15
ActionParsnipFizix: you would need to configure port forwarding on the external router on the the other network11:15
ActionParsnipeugene_: is it not in the repositorys?11:15
tlvbFizix: sounds like you need to set up port forwading11:15
erUSULeugene_: what software? are you sure it is not in the repos ?11:16
ActionParsnipFizix: The router will then forward the connection to the system to define in the forwarding rule11:16
eugene_no. its not in the repository11:16
guntbertmoDumass: so you used 79GB in /home - you can employ the same idea stepping down and always looking for the biggest folder till you find the culprit - the netxt step would be du -sh /home/*11:16
darkipod is there any way to reinstall the CDROM so that Karmic can make a new  /etc/fstab11:16
moDumassguntbert, yjamls11:17
ActionParsnipdarkipod: i can send you mine if you like, the UUIDs will be different but otherwise will be the same11:17
FizixActionParsnip & tlvb, thank you! Now I'm off to Google how to setup port forwarding on XP.11:17
guntbertmoDumass: ?11:17
ActionParsnipFizix: its not on xp11:17
eugene_ActionParsnip: it has extracted the file but how do i run it11:18
ActionParsnipFizix: the port forwarding is done on the router11:18
FizixOh, the CLIENT side needs port fowarding?11:18
littlegreenActionParsnip not if the subnet is routed by a windows machine11:18
ActionParsnipeugene_: there is no single answer to that, you will have to read the files in the files you extracted11:18
littlegreenor it's just a simple i-net connection sharing11:18
ActionParsniplittlegreen: was getting there ;)11:18
ActionParsnipFizix: unless the external facing system is an XP system you will needto read the manual for the router11:19
FizixNeither I (client-side) nor the XP machine I'm trying to RDP into (host-side) has a router.11:19
tlvbFizix: unless you are using your XP computer as the router, you should search in your router docs11:19
tlvbbah too late heh11:19
littlegreenFizix so the remote machine, running winXP has a real IP address?11:19
tlvbthe bad side of using a keyboard layout I'm not accustomed to...11:19
ActionParsnipFizix: if its an XP system connected directly to the web then no forwarding is needed11:21
ActionParsnipFizix: as in with no router11:21
FizixThe XP box is using a Verizon DSL modem. I when on a site to grab the IP address and whois info from it as the 'ipconfig' command only gave me a local-style IP address, 192.168....11:21
eugene_ActionParsnip: thanx man. i got it11:21
pauliewhats the name of the kubuntu bling installer background wallpaper (the blue one with the circles) ?11:21
littlegreenFizix and the remote side doesn't have access to the router's control panel? If not I suggest you setup a VPN11:21
ActionParsnipFizix: then simply connect to its IP address (you can findout the IP with http://www.ipchicken.com) and connect to it, you will need to enable remote logon and XP Home doesn't have this feature, only pro does11:22
hareldvdHow can I configure gvfs mount point?11:22
ActionParsnipFizix: you will need to ask in ##wndows how to enable the remote logon. When you connect it will lock the local display11:22
ActionParsnippaulie: i'd ask in #kubuntu11:23
FizixActionParsnip, yea I enabled Remote Desktoping on XP Pro, allowed the exception on the firewall, etc. That's fine. It just seems like the Terminal Server Client cannot resolve the connection11:23
paulieActionParsnip: i asked but no one knows11:23
ActionParsnipFizix: are you connecting to the IP, it will be something like or somesuch11:23
FizixLittlegreen, I actually was thinking that a little earlier, I'm just trying to make a little less work for myself right though11:23
guitar-maniachow can i give administ right to a user though terminal?11:24
littlegreenguitar-maniac sudo -i11:24
FizixYea, the IP address is  You can whois it now and see it's the Verizon connection I'm talking about11:24
guitar-maniaclittlegreen: thanks11:24
erUSULguitar-maniac: sudo adduser $USERNAME admin11:24
ActionParsnipguitar-maniac: sudo useradd -G admin username       (for an existing user)11:25
epinkypaulie: this one? http://www.kde.org/announcements/4.2/screenshots/plasma-other-widgets_thumb.png11:25
guitar-maniacguitar-maniac@guitar-maniac-desktop:~$ sudo adduser -G admin guitar_maniac11:26
guitar-maniac[sudo] password for guitar-maniac:11:26
guitar-maniacguitar-maniac is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.11:26
FizixI do just enter the IP address in the 'Computer' field of the Terminal Server Client, no?11:26
paulieepinky: nope, thats the default Air theme wallpaper11:26
littlegreenguitar-maniac you should sudo -i first...11:26
n16h7f0xi want to reinstall kernel packages using apt how do i do that11:26
epinkypaulie: ok, sry I'm not a theme expert :D11:26
guitar-maniacdidnt work... i mssed up yesterday and took the rights away from myself.. :D11:26
guitar-maniaci did, it said the same thing. that im not in the sudoers file.11:26
MikeChelenguitar-maniac: use the recovery option at boot to login as root11:27
dadis420I get the problem "unable to enumerate usb device on port 8" can someone help me. I can't even boot ubuntu11:27
guitar-maniacMikeChelen: ok, i will try that now!11:27
guntbertguitar-maniac: then you will have to boot into recovery/root or run a live CD11:27
erUSULguitar-maniac: you have to do it from recovery mode11:27
Fizixdadis420, are you installing Ubuntu to a USB-connected external hard drive or something?11:27
guntbert!hi | brijith11:28
ubottubrijith: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!11:28
dadis420Fizix no and there isn't even anything plugged into usb11:28
n16h7f0xi want to reinstall kernel packages using apt-get how do i do that11:28
boomernangWhen I copy cd's with Brasero Disc burner and K3b - Does any data go into /tmp? Im thinking of partitioning my disc and not sure what size to make /tmp11:28
freaky[t]n16h7f0x, apt-get install --reinstall <package> i think11:28
apersonboomernang, yes11:29
apersonboomernang, how much ram do you have?  You can always put that in ram if you have some to spare :)11:29
boomernangaperson, 4gig (64bit)11:29
ActionParsnipn16h7f0x: do you mean reinstall the current kernel and its packages?11:29
dadis420boomerang: http://www.linuxsa.org.au/tips/disk-partitioning.html11:30
n16h7f0xActionParsnip, yes that's right11:30
apersonboomernang, same here11:30
guntbert!tab | dadis42011:30
ubottudadis420: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.11:30
ActionParsnipn16h7f0x: sudo apt-get --reinstall install linux-image-`uname -r`      will reinstall the current kernel11:31
n16h7f0xthank you very much11:31
boomernangaperson,.. yeah :) so im thinking, i have to give /tmp a nice figure don't i?11:31
boomernangespecially for dvd burning11:31
dadis420guntbert ah thanks11:32
apersonboomernang, worse comes to worse, it goes into swap11:32
guntbertdadis420: you're welcome :-)11:32
dadis420I get the problem "unable to enumerate usb device on port 8" can someone help me. I can't even boot ubuntu11:32
dadis420This problem is preventing me from using my computer :(11:32
apersonboomernang, though I don't really see the reasoning to have a separate /tmp partition11:32
boomernangaperson, well the problem is.. I really want to give / like 1gig11:35
Dreamglideri just did a dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=512 to clear/zero out an old hard disk, is there a way to see at what speed it's writing to the device (And/or possible the progress ?)11:35
boomernangaperson, less even11:35
testiI installed xrdp, when i logged in to it, it started KDE, but I want to start gnome - I uninstalled KDE and now it has problems (it's not describing what problem, just saying that there are problems) - I guess there must be at some point configured that it should start gnome, where?11:35
hid3naxCould anyone please help me to set up a multicast router on Ubuntu? I've just installed `smcroute' but don't know what to do next...11:37
apersonboomernang, you'd have to be manually specifying lots of partitions then!11:38
ActionParsnipDreamglider: dd doesnt ave that, it just works and you see nothing11:38
DreamgliderActionParsnip: Ok, but is there any way to see the current transfer speed of a USB device(Like the network monitor) since the harddisk is connected via a USB to SATA/PATA bridge ?11:40
Dreamglidersomething like bmon only for USB ports instead11:40
ActionParsnipDreamglider: not sure, never really interested really. Lets see what jeeves tells us11:41
erUSULDreamglider: iotop ?11:41
ActionParsnipDreamglider: you could use: sudo hdparm -tT /dev/disk_name11:41
boomernangaperson, yes! ive got the hang of it,(/boot, /, /var, /var/log, /usr, /home, /tmp, swap) pretty much all i need.  just have no idea what is suitable for /tmp with a computer that has a smallish uptime. (never longer than 1 week)11:41
ActionParsnipDreamglider: but the disk is very busy with the dd so figures will not be representative11:41
darkipodError mounting: mount exited with exit code 1: helper failed with:11:42
darkipod[mntent]: line 14 in /etc/fstab is bad11:42
darkipodmount: can't find /dev/sr0 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab11:42
ActionParsnipdarkipod: can you provide a pastebin of the /etc/fstab file please11:42
ActionParsnipdarkipod: as well as one of the output of: sudo lshw -C disk11:43
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moDumassguntbert, thanks, im clearing crap up/ I also have a 13 gig partition, or mount sitting on my desktiop, and i dont know what its for11:43
moDumassit serves no purpowse that i know of. it was created on the last update11:44
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boomernangaperson, you think 5 gig will be plenty for /tmp?11:44
DreamglidererUSUL: thanks that works fine :)11:45
DreamgliderActionParsnip: thanks as well.11:45
ActionParsnipDreamglider: np bro11:45
DrRobinToshRSS = Read some stories11:45
guntbertmoDumass: if its only a link (as I suppose) it doesn't take up any space, I get one for any USB disk I plug11:45
moDumassguntbert, hmm, i get the feeling its a new partition11:46
erUSULDreamglider: no problem11:46
Michidutais there a way to easily switch from gnash to proprietary flash and vice versa just to view some flash content not supported by gnash?11:46
darkipodsent it to u11:47
guntbertmoDumass: I suggest that you first clear your "crap" and the you pastebin the output of ls -l ~/Desktop11:47
Dreamgliderit's writing 4.5Mb/s on average, so writing 80Gb will take about hmmm 5 hours11:48
moDumassguntbert, thanks, yeh there was a user created for a friend and its full of well, crap, user has been trashed, space is clear11:48
ActionParsnipdarkipod: not got, can you paste the links in here11:48
ActionParsnipDreamglider: go have a sleep, or go to the pub11:49
apersonboomernang, sure11:49
ActionParsnipDreamglider: usb sucks at prolonged copies11:49
ActionParsnipDreamglider: its unbuffered and bursty11:49
antaresthere's some program to cripting files or folders in ubuntu?11:49
Michidutasorry for double posting but it's important to me so here goes : is there a way to easily switch from gnash to proprietary flash and vice versa just to view some flash content not supported by gnash?11:50
Dreamglidertrue but i dont have a stationary pc here so usb to ata will have to do11:50
boomernangaperson, ok thanks11:50
apersonanajo, enrypt2fs afaik11:50
moDumassguntbert, http://www.pastebin.org/59151 - im guessing now that it is a link11:50
apersonanajo, nevermind11:51
dadis420I get the problem "unable to enumerate usb device on port 8" can someone help me. I can't even boot ubuntu11:51
moDumassguntbert, but is it a new partition/mount thats just sitting there using space11:51
ActionParsnipDreamglider: firewire is a much better option11:51
DreamgliderActionParsnip:  i have never used firewire11:52
ActionParsnipDreamglider: its got intelligence built into the sender and reciever so the transmission is smooth and not full of empty spaces like usb has11:52
guntbertmoDumass: no, there are no links I have a look at your mounts - brb11:52
moDumassguntbert, what am i /we lookin for?11:53
darkipodhttp://pastebin.com/m698fbc7b >>>>>>for the  fstab11:53
BleSSby default, when you're looking a video it's downloaded to /tmp, is possible that been downloaded to another dir.? since that I want to change /tmp to shm11:54
guntbertmoDumass: something with ~12 GB in the output of mount - I guess its the nvidia thing11:55
* bleah restart11:55
moDumassguntbert indeed, not really sure what its for though11:55
ActionParsnipdarkipod: you can make you life a LOT easier with: sudo apt-get install pastebinit; sudo lshw -C disk | pastebinit11:55
darkipodlshw -c disk=>>>>>> http://pastebin.com/m1b638dc511:56
guntbertmoDumass: so just unmount it for once: sudo umount /dev/mapper/nvidia<tab>11:56
moDumassguntbert,  its unmounted11:57
FizixWhy do some channels have double-pound signs?11:57
guntbertmoDumass: good, if there are no issues - no system complaining you can leave it that way and eventually you remove the enz11:58
ActionParsnipdarkipod: ok and wat was te rror?11:58
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LuciusMarethis line of sudoers does not work : lucius ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/wminput : It still asks for password.Where is the problem?11:58
moDumassguntbert,  how do I remove it, just trash it?11:58
guntberttry from /etc/fstab and the you delete that partition11:58
rumpsy|joblerAny editor for svg?11:59
LuciusMarerumpsy|jobler: inkscape11:59
rumpsy|joblerya, i forgot that, thank you11:59
darkipodhttp://pastebin.com/f4f68b288   <<< for the sudo lshw: -c disk11:59
rudydekokhi i'm looking for the command to list the uid (not username) for all files on a mount?11:59
naturemy soudcard seems working smoothly, but there is no sound i can hear,could any one help me?12:00
rumpsy|jobleruse just id12:00
ActionParsnipdarkipod: cool, what error do you get from: sudo mount -a12:00
darkipod[mntent]: line 14 in /etc/fstab is bad12:00
guntbertmoDumass: better not too soon - maybe its a logical volume (do you use LVM?) - leave it unmounted for a while12:00
darkipodthe drives work fine in Xp12:01
ActionParsnipdarkipod: i dont care if they work in xp12:01
ActionParsnipdarkipod: run: gksudo gedit /etc/fstab12:01
=== armin is now known as adac
guntbertrudydekok: ls -ln12:02
ActionParsnipdarkipod: and switch the floppy line with the line you added so it looks like this: http://pastebin.com/m2961c7112:02
* bleah re12:02
rudydekoki have a mount where all the files belong to user 'nobody' and to restore the original permissions I need to retreive the original uid's12:02
rudydekoksorry suntbert! missed yr answer. that's it! tnx12:03
rudydekokguntbert that is..12:03
guntbertrudydekok: you're welcome :-)12:03
=== sale_ is now known as sale
ActionParsnipdarkipod: save the new file and reboot12:04
darkipodok bro u the man if works brb12:05
guntbertmoDumass: later you will want to have a look at sudo fdisk -l (to see every partition) and the use a  partition manager (gparted, parted, fdisk, cfdisk,...) to delete the partition12:06
amimusahello, i guess it is a simple thing but i can't find the log to identify the problem, please some help with the next issue12:07
amimusawhen i try to download my email with evolution i get an error telling me that the file is too big12:07
amimusai have enough space in the hard disk12:07
amimusai revised the mails from webmail and there is no huge mail12:08
lovrehi all. I seem to have a problem. I cant update with KPackageKit, it says: "Failed to fetch ,,, Could not connect to ( - connect (111: Connection refused)"  I dont understand why its trying to connect to localhost? I think it might have something to do with me trying to install tinyproxy, firehol and dansguarding the other day. But i have purged all of them. Nevertheless, it seems as if i am myselfs proxy or something.... Any12:08
lovre ideas about this??12:08
LuciusMarethis line of sudoers does not work : lucius ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/wminput : It still asks for password.Where is the problem?12:08
amimusai tried to find the log, but i can't12:08
amimusaplease any help12:08
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »12:10
icerootdani_: stop that please12:11
voxdani_: stop that12:11
guntbert!it | dani_12:11
ubottudani_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)12:11
ActionParsnipdarkipod: better?12:13
darkipodError mounting: mount exited with exit code 1: helper failed with:12:13
darkipodmount: can't find /dev/sr0 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab12:13
Pirate_Huntersince moving to karmic I've been noticing some serious slow connection and some websites either take long to connect or don't connect at all, is there an issue with networking in karmic I don't know about?12:13
FizixTroubles getting the RDP XP host to communicate with my Terminal Server Client, and now I that I've dual-booted the XP box with Ubuntu, it can't connect to the DSL ethernet line12:13
darkipoddev/scd0       /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec,utf8 0       012:13
darkipod/dev/scd1       /media/cdrom1   udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec,utf8 0       012:13
FizixI hate this box.12:13
darkipod/dev/fd0        /media/floppy0  auto    rw,user,noauto,exec,utf8 0       012:13
ActionParsnipdarkipod: well everything matches up so I am confused12:13
Pirate_Hunter!pastebin > darkipod12:13
ubottudarkipod, please see my private message12:13
ActionParsnipFizix: are you using redsktop to connect?12:14
ActionParsnip!info rdesktop12:15
FizixActionParsnip, I was using the 'Terminal Server Client' that's packaged with Ubuntu 9.1012:15
ubotturdesktop (source: rdesktop): RDP client for Windows NT/2000 Terminal Server. In component main, is optional. Version 1.6.0-2ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 140 kB, installed size 488 kB12:15
ActionParsnipFizix: if you PM me I'll try the connection if you'd link. I cant get past the logon screen as I do not have your credentials12:16
darkipodi have no clue how to use pastebin12:16
ActionParsnipdarkipod: you did it earlier when you gave me those outputs12:17
darkipodcopied what u told me to do bro12:18
tarinikanthhow to set classpath for java?12:18
epinkyLuciusMare: is your customized rule at the END of sudoers file ?12:18
guntbert!pastebin | darkipod12:18
ubottudarkipod: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic12:18
pointextahello everbody - i need help with my netbook entering the web12:18
epinkypointexta: what's the error?12:19
pointextahy epinky12:19
pointextai got an acer aspire one 531 - it has got an inside modem and i cant connect using the network manager12:21
darkipodusing the website for this12:21
epinkytarinikanth: export CLASSPATH=/path/to/your/class/path12:21
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Starcraftmazterin 9.10, when i play something fullscreen in totem, the top bar does not go away and blocks the topmost pixels of the video, is there any solution for this?12:21
Jack|HardyI'm new to ubuntu D:12:21
littlegreenStarcraftmazter try auto-hide the panel12:22
pointextaat the moment im connectet via usb-modem12:22
epinkypointexta: do you use ppp to connect your modem?12:22
darkipoderror i get when i try to mount a disk http://pastebin.com/d401991b512:22
Jack|HardyHow are you guys today12:23
littlegreen!ot | Jack|Hardy12:23
ubottuJack|Hardy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!12:23
Jack|Hardyoh thanks ubottu12:23
pointextaepinky: sorry, do not know12:23
=== TheTosh is now known as Guest95496
epinkypointexta: what error fo you get?12:24
epinkypointexta: what error do you get?*12:24
darkipodsudo lshw -c disk >>>>> http://pastebin.com/d5a6fd1c912:24
epinkydarkipod: sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.ORI12:25
pointextaepinky: when trying to connect, the network manger goes "not running" und the LED for my modem turns off - "you are now offline"12:26
epinkypointexta: is it dial-up service?12:26
littlegreenpointexta do you connect to a router or are you dialing a phone modem?12:27
pointextaepinky: ...dont know exactly - got a sim card - put it directly into the netbook (i deactivated the pin)12:28
darkipodsudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.ORI done12:29
epinkydarkipod: gksudo gedit /etc/fstab12:29
pointextalittlegreen: aceraspire one531 integrated globetrotter modem12:29
pointexta<-- from austria - not very good at IT-english12:31
Starcraftmazterlittlegreen: thanks12:31
darkipodfstab is open what next?12:31
littlegreenpointexta you are attempting to use internet from a mobile-phone company>?12:32
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littlegreen*internet service12:32
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pointextalittlegreen: yes i do12:32
epinkydarkipod: replace in line 13 /dev/scd0 with /dev/sr012:32
Jack|I think to many children play with computers these days12:32
littlegreenpointexta and they didn't provide you with software when signing the contract?!?12:33
Jack|Ubuntu 10.x was released when?12:33
epinkydarkipod: replaced?12:33
alabdGood day everyone , where will  epiphany downloaded files be saved in default ?(in browser download folder is set filesystem but there is nothing)12:33
jribJack|: ubuntu versions correspond to dates.  For example, 9.10 = 2009 october.  So 10.04 will only be released in april of next year12:33
Jack|Ah I see, thank you sir!12:34
epinkydarkipod: save and quit12:34
darkipoddone and reboot?12:34
epinkydarkipod: now on terminal "sudo mount -a"12:34
_cbMy USB headphones stopped working. lsusb does not list them. How to fix?12:34
littlegreenpointexta contact your ISP (Internet Service Provider) - tell them about your problem and that you want a solution. You may have to take your laptop to one of their offices... but they are ought to solve your problem - otherwise you won't be their customer anymore and you won't pay them a penny ;-)12:34
pointextalittlegreen: the netbook was sold with winxp - and i tried 10 different linux-dists - not one can handle the modem12:34
TuTUXGcan anyone help me? i changed my soundcard and pulseaudio won't connect to it, the soundcard works fine with livecd12:35
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littlegreenpointexta what modem is that exactly?12:35
Jack|keep trying dudes12:35
Jack|its more fun this way anyway12:35
=== Jack| is now known as Jack|Listening
darkipodsudo mount -a gets  now what12:36
epinkypointexta: check this: http://sopanshewale.blogspot.com/2009/11/setting-up-netsetter-gprs-from-idea-on.html , it should be used as a base (wdial.conf part)12:36
epinkydarkipod: no error?12:36
darkipodsudo mount -a *12:36
_cbtutuxg do you have the pulse audio applet?12:36
darkipoddoes nothing12:36
darkipoddarkipod@darkipod-desktop:~$  is what i get12:37
TuTUXG_cb: yes, but im under kde12:37
epinkydarkipod: then if no error, you're done12:37
epinkydarkipod: no, your cd must be operational now12:37
TuTUXG_cb: i have the pulseaudio volume control program, it only shows dummy in/out put12:38
_cbtutuxg if you click on it and select volume control, output devices. Is your card listed?12:38
TuTUXG_cb: no12:38
pointextaepinky: no problem connecting an usb-modem - my problem is the integrated modem (globetrotter)12:38
epinkypointexta: if it use a SIM then it must be a GSM modem, right?12:39
pointextaepinky_ OPTION GlobeTrotter HSUPA12:39
epinkypointexta: uses*12:39
TuTUXG_cb, and under configuration, it says no card available for configuration12:39
_cbtutuxg what is listed if you do cat /proc/asound/cards12:39
ActionParsnipepinky: why does scdX not work in fstab when the single drive was there initially?12:39
TuTUXG_cb, hold on12:39
epinkyActionParsnip: no idea man12:40
epinkyActionParsnip: :)12:40
TuTUXG_cb: 0 [Intel          ]: HDA-Intel - HDA Intel12:40
pointextalittlegreen: OPTION GlobeTrotter HSUPA12:40
ActionParsnipepinky: i tried to help earlier but looks like srX is the way12:40
somono666Hello World!12:40
_cbWhat is listed under audio if you do lspci?12:40
TuTUXG_cb: and HDA Intel at 0xff8d8000 irq 2212:40
=== ptmahent is now known as rlarson
_cbtutuxg What is listed under audio if you do lspci?12:40
TuTUXG_cb: Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 0312:41
littlegreenpointexta give your internet provider a phone call and explain your problem. I think they will have better solution than I can provide you with12:41
TuTUXG_cb: it's a laptop btw12:42
IpSe_DiXiThi guys, i want to speed up my system by puttin up to 4GB of RAM and I found this procedure on the web "sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-server" + "sudo apt-get install linux-headers-server" + "sudo apt-get install linux-image-server linux-server" the guide is saying if I do as written I wouldn't have to swap to a 64-bit sys in order to have 4GB RAM or more working, is that true? if, yes, what am I changing of my system? I run In12:42
_cblooks as if it is not recognizing the sound card. Unfortunatelly don't know how to fix that12:42
IpSe_DiXiTtrepid on gnome. thanks a lot :D12:42
_cbtutuxg looks as if it is not recognizing the sound card. Unfortunatelly don't know how to fix that12:42
TuTUXG_cb: but it works fine with livecd12:42
pointextalittlegreen: i tried already - "nosupport for linux user"12:42
epinkypointexta: is your modem there? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkManager/Hardware/3G12:43
TuTUXG_cb: well, thanks anyways12:43
_cbtutuxg good point. Don't know why it would work on livecd but not list12:43
littlegreenpointexta try http://www.klabs.be/~fpiat/linux/debian/Option_Globetrotter_HSUPA_Modem/12:44
=== ubuntu_ is now known as Jack|Bored
TuTUXG_cb: my old lap's mb fried, so i just install the old harddrive into this new laptop, with the old system on it12:44
Dr_WillisIpSe_DiXiT:  the server kernel has PAE support so can access more then 4gb of ram. if you have EXACTLY 4gb of ram. Im not sure you are going to gain anything. with exactly 4gb of ram . some is still 'reserved' for use by the system.12:44
Dr_WillisIpSe_DiXiT:  so you still wont have  full access to all 4 gb.12:45
Jack|Boredah PAE addressing12:45
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Dr_WillisIpSe_DiXiT:  so all your work may be for very little gain.12:45
Jack|BoredThat sounds about right12:45
hylmanhi all, anybody using ubuntu netbook remix 9.10?12:45
Jack|Boredno but google has this cool new cloud OS thingy12:46
Jack|Boredcheck it out hylman12:46
IpSe_DiXiTDr_Willis: right, so what this guide's sayin is not that trustworthy as it seems... I have 2gb now, whatz the max amount of ram i can install without any "weird" procedure on my system? (being sure it'll be recognized and used)12:47
hylmanJack|Bored: google chromium OS is still under dev...12:47
hylmannot my cup of tea12:47
Jack|BoredYeah I like linux kernels anyway12:47
pointextalittlegreen: epinky: thanks for your help, but now im confused - but i will try to lok through your links12:47
hylmanI wonder if anyone notice that the "games" tab of UNR is clipped at the bottom, i.e.: last icons were clipped12:48
Dr_WillisIpSe_DiXiT:  once you get over 4gb . then its time to worry about the pae  or 64bit. Personally i just use 64bit distros all the time now a days12:48
hylmanJack|Bored: what's the boot time like? have u tried one?12:48
Jack|BoredI wish D:12:48
Dr_WillisIpSe_DiXiT:  from my understanding the normal 32bit kernbel can addres UP TO 4gb. however some of the 4gb will still be reserved by the system and thus not fully useable.12:48
sjdhey. I have a dell Studio 14. Karmic is up. but no sound. what to do?12:49
Dr_WillisIpSe_DiXiT:  i imagine the 64bit, and pae stuff still have that same limitatiion12:49
Dr_WillisIpSe_DiXiT:  pay attention to how much ram and swap you are using. If you are never using swap. then more ram proberly wont help much.12:49
Jack|BoredActually Dr. Willis I think in theory its 3.5 GB? I know XP only uses 3.25 MAX but thats an NT system12:49
IpSe_DiXiTDr_Willis: ok, so till 4gb. where can i find this piece of info? cuz i looked it up but it seems everyone says a different thing, isnt there an "official" ubuntu guide about it? (haven't found it)12:50
sjdplease help. badly need sound12:50
Dr_WillisIpSe_DiXiT:  i read a lot of forum posts on it. its a hardware limition of the 4gb thing to some degree.. if you have exactly 4gb of ram . a small part of it will still get reserved for use by the hardware.  From what i recall.12:51
IpSe_DiXiTDr_Willis: atm im using 48% of 2gb of ram and 3% of 3.5 Gb of swap12:51
Dr_WillisIpSe_DiXiT:  if you have more then 4gb then its time to worry about it,12:51
Dr_WillisIpSe_DiXiT:  odd that you are using any swap at all. if your ram is not 100%12:51
sjdcan someone help? please12:51
IpSe_DiXiTDr_Willis: yeah i thought it was strange as well, but thatz what i see by opening the System Monitor12:52
Dr_WillisIpSe_DiXiT:  you are proberly worring about things too much.  Linux handles memory much better then windows does.12:52
Jack|BoredNow that is a cool feature of Ubuntu Ipse!12:52
=== ruben_ is now known as Guest85462
epinkysjd: I'd suggest you to get rid of pulseaudio, but I think ubuntugeek.com's link is down :(12:53
IpSe_DiXiTDr_Willis: yeah but sometimes when im running lots of processes together, some of em gets stuck and i think its a ram-related issue, thatz why i thought about puttin in some more12:53
Jack|BoredBSD handles memory well too, but not my cup of tea :P12:53
sjdepinky: killall pulseaudio ?12:53
Dr_WillisIpSe_DiXiT:  you can always try. but ive rarely had ram issues with linux.12:53
Dr_WillisIpSe_DiXiT:  you would have to be putting quite a bit of load/ram ussage on a system to make  things 'stuck' :)12:54
hylmanreally, nobody using UNR here?12:54
Dr_Willishylman:  theres a few in here that use it.12:54
epinkysjd: I meant uninstalling PULSEAUDIO and going back to ALSA , try to do a search about that12:54
hylmanDr_Willis: do you use it?12:54
mrXXplease recommend me a good open source mailing software - that integrates easily with database12:54
IpSe_DiXiTDr_Willis: so you think the reason why sometimes it gets stuck itz cuz of my cpu? but i have 2.40Ghz dual core processor12:55
Dr_Willishylman:  ive used it in the past. poerhaps ask your actual question about it . and someone may answer you12:55
Jack|BoredmrXX Try Thunderbird or Evolution?12:55
sjdepinky: okay. thanks for the tip. let me give a try12:55
Dr_WillisIpSe_DiXiT:  it all depends on what you are doing.  Ive rarely managed to overload my linux machines12:55
mrXXJack|Bored i mean something that can be integrated with the website and my database12:55
Jack|Boredruh roh outta ideaz12:56
guwehow to extract file *.rar ?12:56
Jack|Boredand time! see ya12:56
IpSe_DiXiTDr_Willis: i really run several processes at the same time, processes that, according to the System Monitor get up to 20% of cpu usage sometimes...12:56
hylmanI wonder if anyone notice in UNR 9,10, that in the "games" tab window clips the bottom icons12:56
AlexJonesI installed Ubuntu 9.10 freshly. I had exported all imported data from the programs for backup. The only thing I forgot to export was the bookmarks in firefox. Luckily I made a complete backup of the /home folder. Which folder do I have to copy to my new installation so I get all my Firefox 3.5 bookmarks back?12:57
Cajjitaserver irc.rizon.net12:58
epinkyguwe: Gnome?12:58
IpSe_DiXiTAlexJones: /home/.mozilla/firefox/a-random-number-of-your-user/bookmarks12:58
guweepinky, yes12:58
epinkyguwe: open File Roller then12:58
IpSe_DiXiTAlexJones: but i guess you had to "export" them before in order to creat a .html file to import now that you need...12:58
Dr_Willisi always just copy the whole .mozilla dir over to my new install. :)  befor i run firefox the first time.12:59
guweepinky, how? archieve type not supported12:59
vegaAlexJones: .mozilla/firefox/... you can import from there using Bookmarks -> Manage bookmarks -> Import and backup12:59
guweepinky, its ok. solved13:00
kavurtAlexJones: have you heard about Xmarks? once you installed it, you don't have to worry about bookmarks anymore. . .13:00
johnny__hi, exist a way for protect a file of modification, so nobody can modify it (all users, include root user)?13:01
ubuntu_True Crypt?13:01
ubuntu_cyphers! :D13:02
jribjohnny__: man chattr13:02
jcrawfordhey guys when the next version of Ubuntu comes out will the update manager update me or will I need to do a new install etc.?  I am not sure how Linux handles upgrades like that13:02
=== crohakon is now known as crohakon|zZz
jribjcrawford: update manager will inform you about it13:02
jrib!away > crohakon|zZz13:02
ubottucrohakon|zZz, please see my private message13:02
ActionParsnipjohnny__: could chmod g-w o-w a-w to mark it read only, root can still set writable back though13:03
Dr_Willisjcrawford:  ubuntu supports upgrading to the next release. thats not really a  'linux' thing. but a ubuntu thing. :)13:03
crohakon|zZzoh hush13:03
jcrawfordjrib, is it generally safe to upgrade through the update manager or is it still being tested etc.13:03
Dr_Willisjcrawford:  it pays to always have backups. I always do clean installs personally.13:03
johnny__yes root can undo the protection stuff also in chattr13:03
jcrawfordDr_Willis, well i know Fedora does as well which is why i stated i was not sure how all linux flavors handled it :)13:03
jcrawfordthanks Dr_Willis13:03
jribjcrawford: it's supposed to be safe once it is released, but you should have backups just in case as Dr_Willis suggested13:03
ActionParsnip!vnc > Fizix13:03
ubottuFizix, please see my private message13:03
jribjohnny__: if you don't want root to be able to undo some setting then you need some sort of hardware protection.  Try a cd-r I guess?13:04
ubuntu_or a masterlock13:04
ubuntu_on a box with your hard drives in it13:05
=== ubuntu_ is now known as Jack|F3
johnny__cdrom maybe13:05
maxstirner1my karmic isnt booting, any ideas how to troubleshoot it?13:05
Jack|F3Try googling karmic wiki maxstirner!13:06
maxstirner1In Eastern beliefs, the karmic effects of all deeds are viewed as actively shaping past, present, and future experiences. The results or 'fruits' of actions ...?13:06
AlexJonesIpSe_DiXiT, , veha, kavurt: But I can only import if I have a .json file or not? Can I simply move the entire subfolder to the new installation?13:06
ActionParsnipmaxstirner1: boot to liveCD or installed karmic?13:06
Jack|F3Conscious decisions are important, they define us on a lot of levels max.13:06
maxstirner1installed, its suddenly stopped booting at an early stage13:06
maxstirner1"starting apparmor profile" etc13:07
Misantropoi am trying to run a bootp server for upgrading the firmware of my modem/router. When running the command: bootpd -d4 it returns: bootpd: error(3):  bind: Address already in use13:07
maxstirner1ActionParsnip: first it stopped upon "Loading cpufreq modules" which I deactivated, this didnt help, so I assume its the step after that13:07
ActionParsnipmaxstirner1: edit the boot options in grub with e to edit the boot to not show the boot splash so you can see whats going on13:07
maxstirner1ActionParsnip: I would really just like to know how to troubleshoot it..13:07
Misantropothere is no info on the web for this error13:08
maxstirner1ActionParsnip: It does turn off splash at the end, showing where its failed..13:08
Jack|F3Well booting into an OS is a simple matter, just some machine code and software and stuff13:08
maxstirner1you mean quiet=no13:08
Jack|F3Try googling bootloader max13:08
Dr_WillisMisantropo:  sounds liek it may allr4eady be running, perhaps you need to 'restart' the service.13:08
Misantropoi see13:08
MisantropoDr_Willis, thanks13:08
ActionParsnipmaxstirner1: then websearch for that, see if there are bugs or guides for it13:09
IpSe_DiXiTAlexJones: told u though, if u wanted to import ur bookmarks u should have had them "exported" before in a .html file, im not sure about what u can do now, but u can try what Dr_Willis suggested, just copy and paste ur whole old /.mozilla folder into ur new /home overwriting  the new one and see what happens (of course id do a backup of my new one, u never no...)13:09
maxstirner1ActionParsnip: thanks for your help, sadly there arent.. where would the logfiles be?13:10
AlexJonesIpSe_DiXiT, OK. Thank you.13:10
EvaLuaTewhen trying to install python-fife i get this error: python-fife: Depends: python (< 2.6) but 2.6.4-0ubuntu1 is to be installed13:10
IpSe_DiXiTAlexJones: no sweat :D13:10
MisantropoDr_Willis, it is not running13:11
Jack|F3Go away13:11
djura-sanhello 2all13:12
sponzordo you have ubuntu server graphic install option?13:12
sledgeashello. i have only ssh access to ubuntu. how can i perform software updates via command line (i.e. see what update are available and then actually update) thanks!13:13
LjLsledgeas: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade13:14
mrXX If i export a file running a php code in my website(located in a remote server) where will the file get exported??13:15
SeismicMikeI have a mild pet peeve.... I connect to a Cisco VPN using vpnc and Network-Manager-vpnc... I originally installed this system as 9.04 (jaunty), but upgraded to 9.10 (karmic) when it came out. Before the upgrade, I would get a padlock icon that would cover my connection icon in my "task bar" when I was connected, but after the upgrade I don't get that any more13:15
EvaLuaTeLjL: any idea why i get that error when trying to install python-fife?13:15
Jack|F3Mike a CCNA or CCNP could help you13:15
SeismicMikeIt's not a major problem - the VPN still works - I just like the quick visual reference to tell me if I'm connected13:16
Jack|F3Maybe they'll address that in 10.x13:16
LjL!info python-fife13:16
ubottuPackage python-fife does not exist in karmic13:16
LjLEvaLuaTe: where does that come from?13:16
EvaLuaTeLjL: no idea, I'm actually trying to install unknown-horizons, and it requires python-fife13:17
Jack|F3That's a cool game!13:17
sjdepinky: hey. i ran apt-get purge pulseaudio. now pulseaudio had been installed. but now, seems, sound is not managed. what to do?13:17
LjLEvaLuaTe: that's not in the repos either - where does it come from?13:17
EvaLuaTeJack|F3: yeah, I'm looking forward to try it myself. Any tips on how to get it to install?13:17
EvaLuaTeLjL: : http://ubuntu-snippets.blogspot.com/2009/07/unknown-horizons-rts-game.html13:17
Jack|F3Try WinE, but remember it is a D3D10 game13:18
howlymowlyhi guys.. do any of you know something about restructured text?  I am considiering using it as an alternativ to latex but i don't know how to number figures and tables...13:18
epinkysjd: now, I guess ALSA should be installed13:18
boomernangin the install of 9.10 i chose to partition one of my discs as /home/sdb/data. its all sweet but it is owned by root and in group root. Is this the proper way/safest way? Or should i change its ownership and group to my ubuntu user?13:18
jarod51I don't manage to activate dual screen with an ati graphic card. Can anybody help me ?13:18
mihahello i wonder why Display settings with ATI user interface never lasts for next reboot... i click apply, ok... it works for that session, but on next load, i get old wrong settings. i dont expect quick fix... but it would be welcome for future version ...13:18
jacekowskii have one question - who had so stupid idea to use untested beta grub2 in "stable" distribution13:18
Franticdoes anyone know a way to add a windows user from linux? :)13:18
sjdepinky: ALSA is already installed. i can get the mixer running from the terminal. 1.0.2013:18
jribjacekowski: please ask actual support questions here13:19
AlexJonesIpSe_DiXiT, , veha, kavurt: It worked. Firefox automatically makes a backup. There is a folder called "backupfolder". Very nice. Thx for the help.13:19
jacekowskiit's like every single day we have user with same grub2 problems13:19
mihajarod51: make sure display is connected before you log in13:19
jacekowskion #ubuntu-pl13:19
epinkysjd: are you following some howto or guide?13:20
Jack|F3Poland! That's a cool country13:20
jribjacekowski: bugs.ubuntu.com13:20
sponzordo you have ubuntu server graphic install option?13:20
sjdepinky: nope.13:20
LjLEvaLuaTe: it doesn't really seem to me like that package is supposed to work in karmic...13:20
jacekowskijrib: reported, nobody care13:20
Jack|F3Good call jacekowski13:20
jribjacekowski: link?13:20
jarod51miha: it's ok :)13:21
epinkysjd: ouch, gimme a minute13:21
sjdepinky: :)13:21
LjLEvaLuaTe: try following these instructions instead (first remove the lines you added to sources.list with the other instructions) http://aminesoft.wordpress.com/2009/11/15/unknown-horizons-game-for-ubuntu/13:21
LjLin there at least karmic is explicitly mentioned13:21
Jack|F3wow 1411 users what a party13:21
mihai'll repeat .. for log :)...  i wonder why Display settings with ATI user interface never lasts for next reboot... i click apply, ok... it works for that session, but on next load, i get old wrong settings. i dont expect quick fix... but it would be welcome for future version ...13:22
jacekowskii've found couple duplicates of it in different variations13:22
jacekowskiand no response to any of them13:23
Jack|F3GRUB has had a troubled history IMO13:23
jarod51miha: one more information, i don't/can't use ati proprietary drivers :(13:23
jacekowskibut somebody had time to strip down gdm configurator13:23
jacekowskito 5 options13:23
maxstirner1my karmic isnt booting as of today and its really winding me up13:23
jacekowskiinstead of normall configurator13:23
jacekowskiand add loads of shit13:23
jacekowskiit's getting worse every release13:23
EvaLuaTeLjL: yup, that seems to work. Thanks a lot :)13:23
Dr_Willisjacekowski:  that would be the GNOME devs doing that to GDM i recall...13:23
maxstirner1update-grub2 isnt working either13:24
AlexJonesDuring installation of Ubuntu 9.10 I had created a 15GB /tmp partition within my encrypted LVM. Now I realize that those 15 GB is too much. How can I mount the 15 GB /tmp partition to /media/files permanently and use /tmp in the root partition? I had edited the fstab and changed /dev/mapper/encryptedVol-tmp /tmp    ext4    defaults        0       213:24
AlexJones     to     /dev/mapper/encryptedVol-tmp /media/files    ext4    defaults        0       213:24
AlexJones. But then after the next reboot I was not able to log in anymore getting the error message: "/usr/libgconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check exited with status 256). What should I do?13:24
FloodBot5AlexJones: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:24
jribjacekowski: whining here accomplishes nothing other than me caring less about helping you13:24
sjdepinky: ?13:24
LuciusMareepinky: holy mother,5 channels,two topics and nobody ever told me this,it works! :D13:24
jacekowskijrib: i don't want your help13:24
jacekowskijrib: i fixed it myself13:25
jribjacekowski: this channel is for help13:25
sledgeasthanks LjL!13:25
jacekowskijrib: but there is loads of people that come to -pl and ask same questions13:25
miha#ubuntu-offtopic for netsex :D13:25
junruhI can't open a panel!13:25
* Brandano watches as the #ubuntu-offtopic user count rises...13:25
jacekowskiyou can help my by not adding untested software to distribution that is used by normal users that don't know anything about PC13:26
BrandanoHowdy people13:26
JediMasteranyone know why amarok seems to have forgotten all my track details and doesn't even try to read any ID3 (or similar info)? I've checked the same m4a track in VLC and it reads the track info13:26
junruhmiha:What's netsex?13:26
Dr_Willisjacekowski:  this channel is not in charge of that.13:26
mihait's like phonesex, only you type13:26
BrandanoI want to install kubuntu from an iso image on a spare ext3 partition on my multiboot laptop, keeping my current grub2 install. Anyone knows if this is feasible?13:27
jribjacekowski: this is open source, bugs happen.  Document the fix on the bug report and point them there.  You said you found duplicates, but I don't see any.  One way to help triage the bug, is to mark all the duplicates so that developers can work on the issue more easily13:27
junruhAhh, I've do it alreaddy13:27
mihaBrandano: during install tell to install grub on partition or nowhere at all, not on mbr, then edit grub settings for MBR yourself to continue loading from that partition13:27
Brandanomiha: usually one-handed, though, so it's much slower13:27
sjdepinky: I badly need sound. :(13:27
Brandanomiha: so I should boot in any case from the CD media, right?13:28
SmokeyDHey people, I am having the weirdest network problem. I manually configure my network. The sysadmins here gave me a static dhcp lease. But when I set /etc/network/interfaces to use dhcp for eth0 and I restart the network, I don't get a reply after the dhcp requests to
BrandanoI sort of hoped I could run the installer within one of the other OSes13:28
mihaBrandano: well later you can edit main grub to add boot from that partition13:28
SmokeyDwhen I then add a route to the subnet in which eth0 should get an address and say ifconfig eth0 up, and then say dhclient3 eth013:28
SmokeyDI do get an address13:28
mihaBrandano: just dont install over existing grub13:28
SmokeyDso somehow I don't get a reply on the dhcp requests to
littlegreenBrandano static DHCP is used to assign always the same IP address to a network card's MAC Address. You don't have to input ip addresses manualy13:29
epinkysjd: "sudo file /etc/X11/Xsession.d/70pulseaudio" gives any result?13:29
Brandanolittlegreen: nice to know that...13:30
sjdepinky: error: no such file or directory13:30
littlegreenBrandano => you don't configure your network manualy => everything is OK... or it is not static DHCP13:30
Brandanolittlegreen: I think you meant to say this to SmokeyD  :)13:31
epinkysijd: ouch :(  , you had to backed it up13:31
littlegreenBrandano I'm very sorry, I did...13:31
littlegreenSmokeyD static DHCP is used to assign always the same IP address to a network card's MAC Address. You don't have to input ip addresses manualy13:31
SmokeyDow, wait, I indeed missed that13:31
SmokeyDlittlegreen: yeah I know13:31
DaNoObYHey guys I want to use chroot to update an ubuntu distriub via apt... What else beside envoking it via <chroot /media/sda1> do I have to do?13:32
Brandanoplus, "static" and "DHCP" don't usually fit in the same sentence. Unless you are talking about ip reservation :)13:32
littlegreenSmokeyD => you don't configure network manualy => Everything is ok.. or it is not static DHCP routing13:32
SmokeyDThe problem is, I am not getting an IP through DHCP13:32
SmokeyDBrandano: I am indeed talking about a reservation13:32
Brandanoso it's a matter of tweaking the DHCP server13:32
Brandanoso that a MAC will have the same IP assigned13:33
SmokeyDI am not at home, I am in a business environment13:33
sjdepinky: uh oh. what to do now?13:33
SmokeyDSo I'll try to explain again13:33
SmokeyDsorry if I'm not clear in my explanation13:33
SmokeyDThe syadmin here setup an ip reservation for me based on my mac address13:33
epinkysjd: ok, anyway let's try "sudo apt-get install -y esound esound-clients esound-common libesd-alsa0"13:34
SmokeyDin his dhcp server13:34
BrandanoSmokeyD: you mean your DHCP client doesn't find a DHCP server on broadcast?13:34
SmokeyDBrandano: yes13:34
Brandanohmm, can you actually ping he DHCP server if you assign a static ip manually?13:34
SmokeyD:) you sound so much clearer when you say it13:34
SmokeyDBrandano: yes I can13:34
FloodBot5Riba^^m: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:35
zauberSay I've got a server running a wiki under apache, postfix, dovecot, a webmail client, and samba file sharing - all on a local intranet. What sort of technology would I look into if I wanted all the users of wiki/email/filesharing to authenticate with the same password - I just want one place to set up user accounts for all these services. Is there some such thing?13:35
ranjanhow to chake out my input devise seting in ubuntu 9.1013:35
ranjanvia command13:35
AlexJonesCould anybody please help me with the following problem? http://pastebin.ca/169631713:35
BrandanoSmokeyD: I wish I also knew how to help you. TBH I am not really a networking expert13:35
SmokeyDBrandano: and when I set it to dhcp but don't start the network yet, then add a route to my local subnet on eth0, then say ifconfig eth0 up and then use dhclient3 -s <ip of dhcp server> I do get an ip address13:35
ranjanhow to chake out my input devise seting in ubuntu 9.10 via command13:36
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DaNoObYHey Guyz, I am tying to update an usb drive's ubuntu distro via a live as I dont have access to it! What else beside <chroot /media/sda1> do I have to do? I want to use aptitute to update>13:36
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ranjanhow to chake out my input devise seting in ubuntu 9.10 via command  weater it's alsa, oss or pulse .. i am not sure so please help13:37
Brandanoranjan: audio input, not input device. Input devices are mice and keyboards13:38
MaXlMuS hello good morning guys13:38
Brandanoranjan: by default on 9.x the audio is managed by pulse, both when recording and for playback13:38
DaNoObYPease just give me a short hint! I know it is just one or two commands but not which?!? I am tying to update an USB drive's ubuntu distro via a live CD as I don't have access to it! What else beside <chroot /media/sda1> do I have to do? I want to use aptitute to update?13:38
AlexJonesMaXlMuS, it is 14:37. You should get a litte earlier.13:38
AlexJonesMaXlMuS, it is 14:37. You should get up a litte earlier.13:39
Brandanoranjan: you can check in the sound preferences, what is the entry for the audio recording13:39
Brandanoranjan: the "sound capture" item, I mean13:39
MaXlMuSi know but but...13:39
DaNoObYWho knows how to use chroot and has a few seconds for me?13:40
ActionParsnipyo yo yo13:41
sjdepinky: trying.13:41
DaNoObYWho is familiar with chroot?13:41
ubottuchroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot)13:41
sjdepinky: installed the packages. what next?13:41
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:42
BrandanoDaNoObY: careful what you do with chroot and "mount bind" directives13:42
MikeChelenbluetooth headset stopped showing up in the sound preferences, anyone know how to diagnose the problem?13:42
ranjanBrandano:: but it is not giving me any idea what short of codec it is ud=sing for inputing sound13:42
sjdepinky: ?13:42
epinkysjd: reboot (and pray) you got rid of pulseaudio without following any guide(Don't do that again)13:42
sponzorcan you install ubuntu server from ubuntu dvd?13:43
ranjanBrandano:: if you have any idea then let me know ...13:43
amokpauleHello, i deletet by accident the bottom panel in gnome , can i somehow restore it?13:43
MikeChelensponzor: think it requires the server cd13:43
Brandanoranjan: wave input. Should map to a mixer device. Usually alsa13:44
DaNoObYBrandano: I just need to now what else beside <chroot /media/sda1> I have to do, to get it fully invoked?13:44
bazhang!resetpanels | amokpaule13:44
ubottuamokpaule: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »13:44
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Python1320Small test:VERSION13:44
smb96dont forget to mount /proc13:45
Python1320oh wow13:45
Python1320Those clients are very compatible13:45
BrandanoDaNoObY: nothing really. You have to log in.13:45
DaNoObYBrandano: I just need to now what else beside <chroot /media/sda1> I have to do, to get it fully invoked? I know about the risk but it is just a usb junp dirve with no sensitive data13:45
Python1320Need to try quassel.13:45
Brandanosmb96: isn't that usually mounted via fstab?13:45
Lord-Readmanhow long does it take for ideas to get rejected or approved? http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/22712/13:45
BrandanoDaNoObY: the risk is messing up your "host" os, not the usb drive13:46
DaNoObYdoing with login username13:46
DaNoObYwell my host is a live cd13:46
ranjanBrandano:: Analog superio duplex  is being used as hard ware profile  and i am not geting that what is that .. if you have any idea what that13:46
Brandanobecause if you have mount bind directives in fstab, some of the directories you see will actually be on your local HD13:46
Brandanoranjan: it's your soundcard chipset13:47
smb96Brandano, yes, but for me sometimes it does not work, so i do it manual13:47
amokpauleIts not restoring it to defaults13:47
DaNoObYBrandano: -bash: /dev/null: Permission denied    This is what I get13:47
DaNoObYif I login13:47
Brandanobecause the user has its home set to /dev/null13:48
Brandanoand no permissions to it13:48
* bleah leaving .13:48
MaXlMuSi wonder if this irc server is runing from a ubuntu machine =P13:48
Brandanonot that having ermissions would help...13:48
harovali1hi, how can I deactivate the graphic environment in ubuntu karmic ?13:48
mihaBrandano: well no permission is irrelavant :D /dev/null is not really useful :D13:48
harovali1i'd like the machine to be text-only13:49
EagleScreenharovali1: sudo service gdm stop13:49
DaNoObYso how can i chage that, or will I be able to run a full update using apt anyway13:49
smb96DaNoObY, how did you do the mount bind?13:49
kosnickhi , i got some issue (after upgrding to 9.10) with jack control. Every time i start jack control music in (all) players stops. By the moment i quit jack control music comes back again. Anything?13:49
harovali1EagleScreen: thanks; now how can I prevent gdm from starting at all ?13:49
smb96DaNoObY, why not?13:49
DaNoObYsmb96: with <mount /media/sda1>13:49
ranjanBrandano:: so how to know which driver it is using onmy system13:49
Brandanoharovali1: change the runlevel in init.d?13:50
DaNoObYsmb96: I am just wondering13:50
SmokeyDBrandano: I just had to leave the dhcp server rest for a while I guess. After leaving the machine alone for a while, I do get normal dhcp replies13:50
EagleScreenharovali1: install rcconf package, run rcconf and disable gdm from the list13:50
SmokeyDI guess it got the heebyjeebies or something13:50
smb96DaNoObY, not good13:50
BrandanoSmokeyD: probably it had to wait until a cronjob started13:50
sjdepinky: hey. no sound still. what to do?13:50
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DaNoObYsmb96: why_13:51
smb96DaNoObY, search for a howto or something. You will break something if i just tell you the commands13:51
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DaNoObYsmb96: I was looking for one but didnt find one...13:51
sjdepinky: ? :(13:51
DaNoObYsmb96:  so I was just tying out13:51
harovali1EagleScreen: in the rcconf list, gdm appears already deselected, is that suposed to represent the current runlevel configuration ? or should I call rcconf with parameters ?13:52
epinkysjd: read this carefully: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/fix-for-all-pulseaudio-related-issues.html I wanted to post this before, but ubuntugeek.com was down, bad luck :(13:52
ubuntu__hey all, looking for help with Huawei E620 USB modem, it gets recognised when I first plug it in, but then it dissappears from network manager. Can anyone give me a clue?13:53
quizmei installed a program called "maglev-rub" and i'm trying to figure out how much memory it takes up. how do i do that?13:53
harovali1Brandano: I tried that, but being the normal graphics runlevel "2" sonfused me. I expected it to be 5 , and be able to change 5 to 2, but being this the situation, I would know toi which runlevel change the system13:54
tuxcrafterhello everybody, i got a killer issue here. I upgraded the production ubuntu server here and i now got the issue that all non root processes cant get acces to the internet13:54
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tuxcrafteri cant ping as normal use13:54
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smb96DaNoObY, there must be tons of it13:54
smb96DaNoObY, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows13:54
tuxcraftermy mailserver is also down because it cant resolve anymore13:54
tuxcrafterit can be bind or apparmor of whatever13:54
smb96DaNoObY, from "Preparing Your Working Environment"13:54
EagleScreenthis is strange for me, harovali113:55
tuxcrafterdoes somebody know how to debug this and get the system working again13:55
smb96they want to install grub, but you can use the chroot part13:55
MikeChelenquizme: look in system monitor process list13:55
quizmemikechelen thanks13:56
MikeChelenquizme: the same came be done from command line with "top" or "htop"13:56
squirclehi, is there a way i can chroot my sftp users? right now they all have access to the root filesystem when (ideally) i only want their root directory to be /srv13:56
quizmemikechelen my problem is that the process name is not descriptive13:56
tuxcrafterso the network is network unreachable as non root13:57
EagleScreenharovali1: you can usa other runlevel or edit the current13:57
epinkyubuntu__: bad news: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/45666213:57
harovali1EagleScreen: in fact, gdm dos not start from the rc system13:57
AlexJonesCould anybody please help me with the following problem? http://pastebin.ca/169631713:57
squircleAlexJones: i'm not an expert by any means, but i think it's a problem with your gconf... maybe the tmpdir is still set to /dev/mapper/encryptedVol-tmp?13:58
ubuntu__epinky: thanks for the link :)13:59
EagleScreenoh I see harovali1, it is not in any rcX.d13:59
MikeChelenquizme: what program is it?13:59
EagleScreena few versions ago in Ubuntu it could be disables with rcconf14:00
* jongbergs sits back14:00
harovali1EagleScreen: I mean, in spite of there being a /etc/init.d/gdm script , there is no S*gdm file in the /etc hierarchy (as you already noted above)14:00
Brandanoharovali1: tbh, I don't remember which runlevel is which. Mainly I had to deal with it to turn the GDM ON rather than OFF. Let me try something14:00
ubottuIn Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.14:00
quizmemikechelen: rake maglev:start  <--- maglev ruby14:00
sjdepinky: it seems to be for 9.0414:00
sjdepinky:  i have installed pulseaudio again. now im at square 1.14:00
harovali1ubottu: oh14:00
sjdepinky: can you tell me what to do?14:00
MikeChelenquizme: do ruby programs show up as ruby processes?14:01
quizmemikechelen: yeah but this is a smalltalk process i think.14:01
epinkysjd: follow that guide it worked for some people having problems with Pulseaudio14:01
jadakrenharovali1: ubottu is a ircbot... not a person behind the keyboard14:02
sjdepinky: but it is for jaunty. im on Karmic.14:02
sjdepinky: as in the how to, im not able to select alsa device in  karmic14:03
Brandanojadakren: you should see the number of people that tries o start a conversation with fajita in #apache14:03
EagleScreenUbuntu is using upstart many versiona ago, when it already used upstart gdm was launched with rc system and rcconf was able to deselect it, i used to use it14:03
sjdepinky: got any clue?14:04
Kalumba1Can someone tell me why PPPoE doesn't work with Karmic (64 bit) fresh install? Fedora 12 handles it well and it also uses Network Manager. I have the log of on pastebin.com here: http://pastebin.com/m738c4c2f14:04
epinkysjd: you've got to switch to esd, that's my advice14:04
antareswhat's the repo address to install gnome 2.8?14:04
mrXX to connect to my database i use localhost, similarly, what is the name to use for a database in ixwebhosting.com?14:04
sjdepinky: how do I do that?!14:05
harovali1jadakren: yes, I already realized, but it is being nice to me too :-)14:05
MikeChelenquizme: try sorting by username or process time to narrow the list?14:05
harovali1EagleScreen: that datum is very interesting14:05
purveshhow to log in .. like msg svr ?14:05
MikeChelenmrXX: ask your webhost, usually something like mysql.yourdomain.com14:06
harovali1EagleScreen: how would you try to do the same now? Should I dive into Upstart's workings?14:06
epinkysjd: maybe you're missing this: "sudo apt-get install padevchooser -y"14:06
purveshhow to log in .. like \msg svr ?14:06
deserteaglehello all, anyone know why Firefox keeps trying to launch nautilus to "Open Containing Folder" even though I told it to use something else?14:06
EagleScreenharovali1: or you switch to Debian, or you learn editing upstart stuff14:07
harovali1EagleScreen: I'd put debuian, but i'm doing a remote configuration, and the machine is already install, i'll try ti fix it in upstart14:07
Brandanoincidentally, what is the point of running ubuntu without GDM?14:07
purveshany 1 help me ... can any 1 say how to login in xchat, \nicksvr msg   ?14:08
Brandanounless it's a server, in which case there's purpose made distros14:08
sjdepinky: trying.14:08
EagleScreenharovali1: you alwaus can uninstall gdm14:08
Brandanopurvesh: /msg nickserv help14:08
Brandanonote the direction of th slash14:08
Brandanoalso, in xchat you can login to nickserv automatically, setting it up in the networks section of the preferences14:09
sjdepinky: but my friend has a studio 15. of the same spec. he runs karmic with sound better than ever!14:09
EagleScreenif you uninstall gdm, and there is any other alternative like kdm or xdm, i think it won't start X automatically14:09
Brandanosjd: the way I fixed sound in 9.04 after an upgrade was to purge pulseaudio and reinstall it from scratch14:10
deserteagleanyone here use a file-manager other than nautilus?14:10
purveshBrandano, hey how to see my log ... means in past .. what i ask .. n other stuff.. ?14:10
sjdepinky: I installed padevchooser. what next?14:10
Brandanopurvesh: that's xchat specific... perhaps there's an #xchat channel?14:11
EagleScreendeserteagle: thunar is very good for me14:11
deserteagleEagleScreen, have you gotten thunar to open when you tell firefox to "Open Containing Folder" on downloads?14:11
purveshBrandano, its k.......!14:11
epinkysjd: Applications->Sound and Video->Pulse Audio Device Choser14:11
CodenutI am running 8.04, Is the upgrade to 9.1 worth it?14:11
CodenutWhat do I gain?14:12
EagleScreendeserteagle: i think it is easy to do14:12
BrandanoCodenut: yes. probably easier to reinstall, though14:12
Kalumba1Can someone tell me why PPPoE doesn't work with Karmic (64 bit) fresh install? Fedora 12 handles it well and it also uses Network Manager. I have the log of on pastebin.com here: http://pastebin.com/m738c4c2f14:12
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading14:12
deserteagleEagleScreen, were you able to? i'm having issues getting it to work14:12
BrandanoCodenut: unless you are in a business environment. In which case, 8.04 is a LTS release, stick with it14:13
harovali1EagleScreen: yeah14:13
aperson!hello | jack__14:15
ubottujack__: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!14:15
sjdepinky: i can see the volume bars running as I play a file. but still  no soumd14:15
Delano-193048473In KDE I just killed Plasma and now my bars are gone... how do I reactivate?14:15
sjdepinky: what to do now? How do I get esound up? just install from synaptic?14:15
epinkyepinky: if you have volume bars running then it's not a problem of drivers anyway14:16
purveshBrandano, In ubuntu there is any software like .. remote connectivity like TeamViewer, that we can share files and other things?14:16
epinkysjd:  if you have volume bars running then it's not a problem of drivers anyway14:16
sjdepinky: so? what do you suggest?14:16
MikeChelenpurvesh: remote desktop with VNC is built in14:16
epinkysjd:  something must be muted14:16
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sjdepinky: tried everything14:17
Brandanopurvesh: no idea what teamviewer is. there's several remote connectivity tools. The terminal sever client, the remote desktop tool, ... SSH!14:17
purveshMikeChelen, so in that i can connect to my friend pc ?14:17
yaccI wondered if the initrd of Karmic can handle multiple encrypted volumes? (I'd need to add a new PV to my LVM)14:17
MikeChelenpurvesh: yes, if your friend is also running ubuntu :)14:17
epinkysjd: "sudo apt-get install gnome-alsamixer"14:17
sjdepinky: i can get sound in the Jack14:18
sjdepinky: i used gnome-alsamixer. all volumes are high14:18
purveshMikeChelen, so .. i can also.. se his Desktop screen?14:18
sjdepinky: ?14:19
sjdepinky: :(14:19
epinkysjd: play with gnome-alsamixer and gnome-volmanager, there is a new "per application" section14:19
MikeChelenpurvesh: yup that is what it does, enable it in system -> preferences -> remote desktop14:19
deserteagleanyone know why Firefox launches nautilus to "Open Containing Folder" even though I told it to use something else?14:20
sjdepinky: i can see only totem in the application list. or am I looking at the wrong place?14:20
epinkysjd: "gnome-volume-control", then on Applications14:21
dassoukii'm trying to install a package from a website, i get an error failed to satisf all dependencies (broken cache) .... it's a 9.10 package14:21
sjdepinky: i can see only totem there. as im playing a sound in totem'14:22
deserteagledassouki, use synaptic if possible14:22
epaphusHey guys, if i forgot my root password how could i reset it?14:22
purveshMikeChelen, ok... thanx bro... actually i hav to work like, in my office many pc are there so i hav to connect them from my pc. and watch there desktop screen also .. that what other people are doing there. that also i can do .. ?14:22
LjL!root | epaphus14:22
ubottuepaphus: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo14:22
epinkysjd: have you tried with any other? vlc for example?14:22
sjdepinky: ?14:22
kosnickhi, everytime i use jack control music mutes (in any player). does anyone know anything about this?14:23
sjdepinky: yeah. tried vlc14:23
MikeChelenpurvesh: yup, as long as they are all running ubuntu, and remote desktop has been enabled from the system menu14:23
epaphusLjL, i dont have my user passsword either14:23
dassoukideserteagle: it's not on synaptic14:23
purveshMikeChelen, and if they also hav different OS then also i can do that?14:23
AmokPauleI have a creative sound cart. How can i aktive the mic. its unmuted but nothing happens when i speak.14:23
deserteagleepaphus, lmgtfy.com/?q=reset+root+password+ubuntu14:23
LjLepaphus: then you can reboot giving "init=/bin/sh" as a kernel option in GRUB, and then use "passwd username" to change the password14:23
dassoukiAmokPaule: usually in your sound->input you'll have more than one mic option14:23
=== ericm is now known as ericm-Zzz
Picideserteagle: Please don't do that, it is not helpful here.14:23
dassoukigo through them, and see which one moves your indicator14:24
deserteagledassouki, then you'll have to chase down the dependencies14:24
LjLdeserteagle: you didn't even manage to make that an actual URL :(14:24
sjdepinky: no hope still.14:24
sjdepinky: what to do? i need sounb bad;y14:24
dassoukideserteagle: is there a way to do a build-dep on a .deb file14:24
purveshMikeChelen, oh... thanx bro ... but there any other option or other Software to watch their pc.. if they hav different OS?14:24
yaccCan anyone tell me if the initrd is up to decrypting multiple devices?14:24
sjdepinky: *badly14:24
purveshMikeChelen, do u have any idea if u dont mind?14:24
AmokPaulei have there input volume and input level14:25
deserteagleLjL: really? because I just tried it out and it worked, want me to help you find out how to insert URLs into firefox? :P14:25
LjLdassouki: build-dep is to obtain the *build* dependencies, not the *runtime* dependencies, so it makes no sense for a .deb file (which is a binary package)14:25
MikeChelenpurvesh: if they are running another OS, then VNC server has to be installed, or use "reverse VNC" method - see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=299489 (might be outdated)14:25
epinkysjd: if the jack is working then PulseAudio is working then something else is missing, mmm, sry no idea :(14:25
Freeaqingme|I just plugged in a usb stick, now where do I find its files? Lspci does display the stick, but in /dev there's only /dev/usbmonX (where 0 <= x <= 8), of which none is a block device14:25
DaNoObYsmb96: thanks a lot for the link! sorry had to go and give my girlfriend a lift14:25
yaccpurvesh, the issues are convience (VNC does work in Windows too for example), and network topology, ...14:25
Adam75Is there any program that can control the remote's buttons? I've been given a MCE remote and it works fine in Windows Media Center. But I dislike Windows Media Center. There's a big button with a windows sign on it, when I push it in windows the media center opens. Is it possible to redirect this button in Linux to open XBMC?14:25
dassoukiLjL: thanks14:25
deserteagledassouki, only way you'll get it to work will be to hunt each and every dependency and install them14:26
Supremacyhi there, i recently upgraded to karmic using the alternate cd, and after the upgrade it needed to restart, so i restarted, go to the booting logo of ubuntu and it froze there, restarted again and it flashed continuously something about ubuntu 'base-sector'14:26
yaccpurvesh, that makes it all more complicated as it should be, because especially the kind of people that would benefit from help via desktop sharing are usually not capable of setting it all up :(14:26
deserteagledassouki, i would suggest using firefox's ubuntu package search engine14:26
sjdepinky: uh oh (14:26
LjLdeserteagle: valid HTTP URLs begin with a resource type of "http", so "http://host/etc". leaving out the "http://" is invalid, and won't appears as a URL in most IRC clients. please refer to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uniform_Resource_Locator (which i've googled for you)14:26
zodaiceDe NGaB14:27
nmvictorhow do i install java naming directory interface(JNDI)?I have downnloaded the zip files and i dont know what t do with them14:27
smb96DaNoObY, welcome14:27
deserteagleLjL, that's so nice of you!14:27
Brandanogottago, bbl14:28
Freeaqingme|I just plugged in a usb stick, now where do I find its files? Lspci does display the stick, but in /dev there's only /dev/usbmonX (where 0 <= x <= 8), of which none is a block device14:28
purveshyacc, thanx...  but there any other Software except the Default ubuntu linux remote Desktop ?14:29
KartagisI have a problem. I have two directories which both start with Kenan. when I type \ give a space and type the second word's first letter and hit Tab, one of them gets completely ignored. how can I fix this?14:29
dassoukideserteagle: i found alist of the packages and installing them right now14:29
deserteagleKartagis, rename one of the directories14:29
yaccpurvesh, as a server probably not, as client we do MS rdp too.14:29
deserteagledassouki, best of luck14:29
Supremacyhi there, i recently upgraded to karmic using the alternate cd, and after the upgrade it needed to restart, so i restarted, go to the booting logo of ubuntu and it froze there, restarted again and it flashed continuously something about ubuntu 'base-sector'. does this mean i have to reinstall ubuntu from scratch?14:29
deserteagleSupremacy, most likely it'll be the easiest fix14:30
deserteagle(to reinstall from scratch)14:30
Supremacyeish, are there no possible solutions apart from that?14:30
LjL!recovery | Supremacy, you might try to restore GRUB14:30
purveshyacc, as a server means we cant see their desktop and share files ?14:30
ubottuSupremacy, you might try to restore GRUB: To rescue a broken system, boot the alternate install CD and select "Rescue a broken system"14:30
luistwhat can i use to make a flowchart?14:31
purveshyacc, so we cant share and see their Desktop in other Software?14:31
Supremacyah ok14:31
kosnickhi, everytime i use jack control sound mutes (in any player). Does anyone know anything about this?14:31
Supremacywill try that now :)14:31
yaccserver is what makes your desktop available.14:31
jongbergsluist: try kivio14:31
yaccclient is what shows you somebody else desktop.14:31
jongbergs!info kivio | luist14:31
khelllwhen i ssh to the machine it seems it has no history buffer or something, i can't use arrow to get commands or anything like ctrl+ R14:31
ubottuluist: kivio (source: koffice): a flowcharting program for the KDE Office Suite. In component main, is optional. Version 1:1.6.3-7ubuntu10 (karmic), package size 514 kB, installed size 1768 kB14:31
Piciluist: or perhaps dia14:31
yaccOk, qemu supports only 32bit guests? *wonder*14:31
flakratanyone know what the command line command is to launch the Software Sources gui?14:32
MikeChelenbluetooth headset stopped showing up in the sound preferences, anyone have ideas?14:32
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purveshyacc, my pc is 64bit :(14:32
yaccpurvesh, that's nothing todo with your problem.14:32
TopKatzI have a disk array that I just installed,  I partitioned it, then used pysdm to  add a mout point.  I gave it a name of 'files'  however it created /media/fiels14:33
TopKatzis this how it works?14:33
kosnickflakrat : when i need to do such a thing i usually right click on it to add it to the panel, then i just open the properties and i can see the command14:33
TopKatzcan it be just /files14:33
flakratand secondly what the command line is to launch "Update Manager"?14:33
yaccI'm trying to install quickly an ubuntu into a VM to see if I can add a second hdd to my PC.14:33
yaccAs nobody here knows if my Ubuntu setup will work with a second hdd, it seems :)14:33
flakratkosnick, I'm ssh'd in with X forwarding14:33
Piciyacc: What does quickly have to do with adding a hard drive?14:33
kosnickone moment then i can do it for you, which were the commands?14:34
flakratI know I can run the cli tools, but want to check something via the gui14:34
Piciyacc: nevermind, I think I misread.14:34
guntbertflakrat: 1) gksu --desktop /usr/share/applications/software-properties.desktop /usr/bin/software-properties-gtk 2 )sudo aptitude update; sudo aptitude safe-upgrade14:34
Dr_Willisyacc:  what does a vm have to do with a 2nd hd? You can easially add more hard drives to a linux install.14:34
TopKatzis there a way to have pysdm add the mout point to / and not /media?14:34
kosnickthere you are , guntbert was quickeer14:34
deserteaglePici, quickly simply means he's probably going to overlook something and blame it on ubuntu :P14:34
yaccPici, well, I do need to know if the initrd can do cryptsetup on multiple PV volumes ;)14:34
flakratguntbert, thanks14:34
kosnickeverytime i use jack control sound mutes (in any player), is there any solution to this?14:35
guntbertflakrat: you're welcome :-) - you can always "edit the menus" to find out14:35
Piciyacc: I'm not sure sorry.  'quickly' is a name of an application for doing development work, I was a bit confused if thats what you were talking about.14:35
yaccDr_Willis, so you know that initrd will not just stop working when I add a second physical volume to my root volume group?14:35
Dr_Willisyacc:  i only use 'hard drives' I dont mess with cryptsetup and other fancy raid/lvm stuff.14:35
alabdgood day everyone amen , ibm jre while installing on lenovo laptop says it is not ibm pc , why ?14:35
jongbergsTopKatz: better to manually edit fstab14:35
purveshyacc, so other which software good and work in 64bit OS if u dont mincd then can u giv me the names of the Other Software ?14:35
Freeaqingme|I just plugged in a usb stick, now where do I find its files?14:35
Dr_WillisFreeaqingme|:  in theory it should of launched a file manager, the thing should  be accessed via /media/SOMTHING14:36
MikeChelenpurvesh: what's wrong with VNC?14:36
Freeaqingme|Dr_Willis, in /media there's only cdrom*14:36
yaccDr_Willis, you don't know what you are missing out, I was capable of just migrating my old root volume to my new PC while I've been using the data, but the issue is how clever the initrd scripts are.14:36
yaccAnd I think they can only handle one crypted physical volume, but that's just a guess.14:36
TopKatzI just had to point to the location using the little folder14:36
Dr_Willisyacc:  no idea on that. I just use the 5+ hds in got on this linux box as simple mountpoints. :)14:37
yaccpurvesh, I don't use stuff like that, so I'd had to google as much as you need to do it ;)14:37
yaccDr_Willis, and I guess you have huge symlink farms trying to manage the space manually.14:37
donita_Hi everybody14:37
jongbergs!hi | donita_14:38
ubottudonita_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!14:38
Dr_Willisyacc:  nope.. just /media/torrents /media/torrentvideos /media/torrentforthewife14:38
yaccDr_Willis, and backups are not really important (because good backups are only possible with something like LVM)14:38
yaccDr_Willis, *lol*14:38
Dr_Willisyacc:  and i got /media/torrentbackups14:38
flakratguntbert, worked like a champ, thanks14:38
guntbertflakrat: nice :)14:38
donita_I have a problem... I ah... have 4 partitions in my HDD, after I installed windows 7, my Ubuntu and Mint gone, but I looked for help from help.ubuntu.com/community/recoveringubuntuafterinstallingwindows14:39
kosnickeverytime i use jack control, sound mutes (in any player), any reason for this?14:39
yaccDr_Willis, anyway, LVM is quite a worthy feature, enabling stuff that cannot be done without it (like creating stable snapshots, managing space, adding hdds, ..)14:39
yaccOk, qemu-system-x86_64 is for 64bit guests :)14:40
donita_I follow the instruction and my Ubuntu's back, but windows 7 gone, now.. how am I gonna do to make the 3 OSs all appears on my Boot Menu?14:41
jongbergsdonita_: run os-prober14:41
donita_Is there anybody would like to help?14:41
jongbergsdonita_: but you need to consult this first14:42
donita_jongbergs, would you guide me step by step?14:42
s7itch3sHey everyone. I just patched then compiled a kernel to add staging drivers for my WiFi card. I can boot from the new kernel, but I don't know if I need to modprobe / add to modules or what to get it working.14:42
Dr_Willis'update-grub' from the command line 'should' find/add windows to the menus.14:42
jongbergs!grub2 | donita_14:42
ubottudonita_: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub214:42
jongbergsdonita_: follow the link referenced by ubottu14:42
SavvyONEdonita: grub time14:42
alvernhi all, could u tell me how can i totally remove mysql server from my ubuntu?14:42
donita_ok, thanks, I'll try14:43
deserteaglealvern sudo apt-get purge mysql14:43
alverndeserteagle, ty14:43
donita_I mean, how to add windows 7 on my boot menu?14:43
Dr_Willis'update-grub' from the command line 'should' find/add windows to the menus.14:43
Linux-IR1Has anyone set up bind on ubuntu ?14:43
alverndeserteagle: E: Couldn't find package mysql14:44
deserteaglealvern, mysql-server14:44
deserteagleLinux-IR1, bind as in a keyboard bind? a program called bind?14:44
=== moomlyn is now known as linimoo
linimoomsg nickserv identify moomlyn14:44
deserteagleyou forgot the password14:45
alverndeserteagle: done, thanks) so when i reinstall it, will it ask me to create new root user? )14:45
deserteagleno clue at that point =\14:45
deserteaglelinimoo, oh wait... you DID type in the password14:45
jcrawfordlinimoo, you don't specify the nickname just /msg nickserv identify <pass>14:45
jcrawfordlol change your password now :)14:45
SavvyONEHey, Does anyone know of any guides to customize karmic for my old laptop (1.4ghz 1gb)14:46
linimoo\msg nickserv identify moomlyn14:46
DoonzHey Guys, I just installed a new raid card. I built a raid 5 array. When i fdisk -l my drives heres the output. http://pastebin.com/d470e15e7 <-- is that correctly set up?14:46
jcrawfordwrong /14:46
deserteagleomg... too funny14:46
Picilinimoo: I suggest you change your password.14:46
purveshMikeChelen, oh.. sry.. bro .. i just came... nothing bro.. i have to just know that which is other option ofr vnc14:46
jcrawfordlinimoo, you best change your password :)14:46
deserteaglelike... NOW14:46
* jongbergs lol14:46
studentty pisz ta komende14:47
donita_ok then..... I'm going to read the link, I hope I can make it14:47
studentjak napisac kalkulator wie ktos?:d14:47
linimoojcrawford, don't suppose you know the command for that off the top of your head?14:47
hullohelllo I am running ubuntu 9.10 this morning it keeps locking up wheb my desktop starts14:47
studentwie ktos jak napisac kalkulator?14:47
deserteaglelinimoo, i think it's nickserv <password> change <newpassword>14:47
jcrawfordlinimoo, /msg nickserv help14:47
SavvyONEHey, Does anyone know of any guides to customize karmic for my old laptop (1.4ghz 1gb)14:48
deserteagleSavvyONE, customize what?14:48
jcrawfordlinimoo, /msg NickServ SET PASSWORD swordfish14:48
Linux-IRCDr_Willis: Hi,14:48
s7itch3sCan someone help with this: I followed this tutorial "http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=8418749&postcount=26" to get my same exact card working, it went fine, but I cannot see any available wireless networks nor connect to one14:48
linimoojcrawford, thanks14:48
Linux-IRCHas anyone set up bind on ubuntu ?14:48
jcrawfordlinimoo, no problem14:48
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deserteagleLinux-IRC, what do you mean by 'bind'? is it a program or are you talking about keyboard binds?14:49
blcthat's a secret14:49
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SavvyONEdesserteagle just want to stop process and tweak up the install to get it a bit more responsive14:49
jongbergsLinux-IRC: try to ask your question in #ubuntu-server14:49
jacek_int main()14:49
jacek_float a, b;14:49
jacek_printf("Podaj liczby\n");14:49
jacek_printf("a= ");14:49
jacek_scanf("%f", &a);14:49
jacek_printf("b= ");14:49
jacek_scanf("%f", &b);14:49
jacek_switch (wynik)14:49
jcrawfordmoomlyn, you should also do /msg nickserv set enforce on <-- that makes you have to identify14:49
jacek_case +14:49
FloodBot5jacek_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:50
MikeChelenpurvesh: there is also Rdesktop and FreeNX, but they don't work quite the same as VNC, so might not be as good for your usage14:50
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deserteagleSavvyONE, System > Administration > System Monitor   (that will help with the stopping a process)14:50
BluesKajHowdy all14:51
jongbergsdonita_: how is it now?14:51
deserteagleif you want them to not even launch when you boot up, System > Preferences > Startup Applications14:51
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deserteaglelinimoo, make sure you change your password from swordfish to something else14:51
jcrawforddeserteagle, hah yea i should have stated that lol14:51
purveshMikeChelen, thanx bro :)14:51
deserteaglejcrawford, xD lol14:51
deserteaglepoor guy...14:52
jcrawfordya it's happened to me in the past14:52
jcrawfordnot twice in a row but it's happened :)14:52
deserteaglethat one little slash...14:52
hullohelllo I am running ubuntu 9.10 this morning it keeps locking up wheb my desktop starts I can move the mouse but can't click anything14:52
jcrawfordnow i setup the client to auto ident and i don't have to worry about it anymore14:52
jcrawfordhullo, sure your mouse buttons work lol j/k :)14:52
deserteaglehullo, make sure it's not just your mouse14:52
=== moomlyn is now known as linimoo
jcrawfordoh see i would have been on point with that lol14:53
hullohaha :(14:53
deserteagleno joke mate, i've had that happen only because my mouse was out of range ever so slightly14:53
deserteaglekeyboard too,14:53
hullono there's something weird going on14:54
deserteagleby any chance, are you using openbox?14:54
Rprp`Hello, i am trying to install mysql, but when i start it i get the following error: 'mysql: error while loading shared libraries: libncurses.so.5: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64' - can someone help me out please?14:54
deserteagleno clue then :S14:54
wiehanHi. I need some urgent help. I just finised installing ubuntu through wubi on a someone's laptop that desperately wants to try linux. Afte wubi install, I installed updates, gnucash, restricted-extras, etc. Now after booting ubuntu it gives me a "GNU GRUB version 1.97~beta4" screen with a flashing sh:grub> prompt. How can I get ubuntu 9.10 to boot again??14:54
guntbertRprp`: how did you try to install it?14:55
donita_jongbergs, it is hard for me, but I will listen to you guys' advice to keep reading14:55
MikeChelenRprp`: how are you installing mysql?14:55
Rprp`guntbert, MikeChelen: a pre compiled package14:55
wiehanAny Grub/Wubi experts here?14:55
guntbertRprp`: why don't you use the one from the repos?14:55
donita_But I was very happy that I saved my whole system by following the instruction of Ubuntu Documentation14:55
MikeChelenpurvesh: VNC is a good standard because there are many server and client programs for different OS14:55
SavvyONEHey guys if I pull out compiz would it break anything?14:55
guntbert!lamp | Rprp`14:56
ubottuRprp`: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)14:56
Rprp`guntbert: Using a control panel (Directadmin)14:56
donita_It was really help, despite of I don't understand those commands at all14:56
wiehanI am facing an sh:grub> flashing prompt and can't get into ubuntu again. It is a wubi install. Please help me fix this.14:56
donita_I was doing "sudo -i.... then fdisk -l and....mkdir /media/root ...then mount /dev//// /media/root14:57
dahouhello folks14:57
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jongbergsdonita_: are you refering to this section? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2#Recover%20Grub%202%20via%20LiveCD14:57
SavvyONEIf I pull out compiz you think I can get install it later without issues?14:57
dahoucould someone please help me with my build in camera on my laptop?14:57
donita_and ls /mediaroot/boot and then sudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/rooot /edv/sda14:57
bibekpi have problem mounting a NTFS partition into my Ubuntu partition. I am using Ubuntu 9.04, and Thinkpad T400.14:58
guntbertRprp`: you will be getting more / needing less help if you use the repos14:58
dahouit is not recognized by xubuntu 9.1014:58
MikeChelenRprp`: try using tasksel, it works very well "sudo tasksel install lamp-server"14:58
donita_then I reboot but I did change the flag which the instruction didn't tell me to14:58
Dr_WillisSavvyONE:  why 'pull it out' just dont use it.14:58
donita_I wondering, if I didn't change the boot flag, will I still be successfully boot ?14:58
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jongbergsdonita_: do you have other pc from which you can do the chatting?14:59
SavvyONEDr_Willis I just dont want any running processes14:59
researcherHow can I know if my system needs a 64 bit or 32 bit ubuntu 9.10?14:59
donita_yes jongbergs14:59
deserteaglewiehan, try this out http://linux.derkeiler.com/Mailing-Lists/RedHat/2006-03/msg00120.html14:59
Dr_WillisSavvyONE:  if you are not using compiz. then its not running.. just use the metacity windowq manager. not compiz14:59
donita_yes, I have 2 PCs14:59
dahoubuild in webcam not recognized by xubuntu 9.10. any solution?14:59
donita_jongbergs I have 2 PCs14:59
Kartagisresearcher, if your system is 64bits, you need 64 bit14:59
donita_would you guys slow down the scrolling so I can catch up15:00
researcherKartagis actually I dont knwo how to check if mine is 64 bit or 32 bit?15:00
Adam75 Is there any program that can control the remote's buttons? I've been given a MCE remote and it works fine in Windows Media Center. But I dislike Windows Media Center. There's a big button with a windows sign on it, when I push it in windows the media center opens. Is it possible to redirect this button in Linux to open XBMC? I'm trying with lirc but without bigger sucess15:00
jongbergsresearcher: from the terminal type uname -m15:00
TopKatzIm trying to move my www dir and keep my permissions,  however I dont want var just www, Im using tar pzcf.. what should I use15:01
bibekpi have problem mounting a NTFS partition into my Ubuntu partition. I am using Ubuntu 9.04, and Thinkpad T400. here is what the log says: http://pastie.org/72177715:01
Adam75 Is there any program that can control the remote's buttons? I've been given a MCE remote and it works fine in Windows Media Center. But I dislike Windows Media Center. There's a big button with a windows sign on it, when I push it in windows the media center opens. Is it possible to redirect this button in Linux to open XBMC?15:01
donita_After I reboot, I did "root (hd0,3) and setup (hd0,0)15:01
dahoucould someone help me with the configuration of my build in webcam on a xubuntu 9.10 x64?15:01
jongbergsresearcher: if it returns amd64 then it's 64-bit15:01
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donita_then I reboot again, then my menu is back!! I was so happy15:01
* Gintulis is away: Gone away for now15:01
AmokPauleIs there a guide somewhere how to activate the mic with a creative xifi soundcard?15:01
jongbergsdonita_: can you boot off the live cd on the computer in question15:01
* Gintulis is back.15:02
donita_but now, the windows 7 is gone,15:02
guntbert!away | Gintulis15:02
ubottuGintulis: You should avoid noisy away messages in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»15:02
donita_please wait15:02
Kartagisresearcher, http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-how-to-find-if-processor-is-64-bit-or-not/15:02
jongbergsresearcher: if it returns amd64 then it's 64-bit, otherwise 32-bit15:03
dahouapt: moo needs help15:03
TopKatzIm using tar pzcf /files/www.tgz /var/www  - however I dont want the extracting archive to lead with /var15:03
TopKatzhow do I do that15:03
jeff_bAn odd situation: when I click Places->Computer, I get a very fleeting glimpse of a new window, then it disappears. Likewise, from any file manager window, clicking the "Computer" button causes it to vanish. Is there some way to run the file manager from a terminal session so I can look for error messages?15:03
TopKatzIm opening with zxf15:03
TopKatzshould I use something differnt to just get www out15:04
KartagisTopKatz, try that in /var, not root15:04
jadakrenjeff_b: which version of ubuntu?15:04
TopKatzgo to var and just do /www15:04
jadakrenjeff_b: Kubuntu or Ubuntu ?15:04
donita_jangbergs, what do you mean "..... in question"/15:04
jeff_bAnd Gnome15:05
donita_jangbergs, what do you mean "..... in question"??15:05
jadakrenjeff_b: nautilus is the command you want15:05
madcheezeis there a wireless bug for karmic? i drop connection once in a while for no reason...15:05
jongbergsdonita_: i mean, boot the computer from boot cd15:05
jadakrenjeff_b: you know how to bring up a console window?15:05
donita_jongbergs, sure I can15:05
Fizixmadcheeze, I haven't experienced any problems. When does it drop out? How are you connected?15:05
bibekpi have problem mounting a NTFS partition into my Ubuntu partition. I am using Ubuntu 9.04, and Thinkpad T400. here is what the log says: http://pastie.org/72177715:06
jongbergsdonita_: ok try to do it now..15:06
jeff_bTrying "nautilus --browser"15:06
donita_that's how I repaired my all broken Menu15:06
maxstirner1this is really winding me up. boot process is haning somewhere in middle (karmic) and i cant find any errors in the log files15:06
madcheezeFizix, i am wireless with a atheros card...15:06
madcheezeFizix, works great in windows...15:06
donita_do it now? Could we do it here?15:06
donita_I am in Ubuntu15:06
jadakrenjeff_b: in anycase it's <alt+f2> type gnome-terminal15:06
jongbergsdonita_: your problem is windows 7 is not on the grub menu list, righ?15:07
jadakrenjeff_b: just "nautilus", or "nautilus --no-desktop" to prevent it rendering the desktop icons (if you've already killed nautilus from the process list)15:07
Fizixmadcheeze, have you looked in the synaptic package manager to see if there are any special drivers for your card?15:07
jeff_bOK, thanks jadakren15:07
donita_ahmm... let me say this way, jongbergs and others15:07
MikeChelenmy bluetooth headset stopped showing up in the sound preferences, though it is still connected in bluetooth manager. any ideas?15:08
donita_Windows 7 is the last OS I installed on my HDD15:08
researcherthanks Jongbergs.15:08
wiehanif anyone has grub issues after upgrading a wubi install here is the solution: http://www.omaregan.com/?p=58315:08
beachdazemorning/afternnon/evening all any recommendations on which dock to try?15:08
madcheezeFizix, no, but it worked right out of the box and it didnt work right out of the box in 9.04. i had to enable backports jaunty to get it to work then...15:08
deserteaglebonus points to whoever can tell me how to replace nautilus with rox-filer for firefox's "Open Containing Folder"!15:08
jadakrenbeachdaze: what qualities are you looking for in a dock?15:09
jeff_bHeh. Nautilus throws a segfault ...15:09
Untoxfrancais ?15:09
jeff_bGot GFileInfo with NULL name in computer:///, ignoring. This shouldn't happen unless the gvfs backend is broken.15:09
guntbert!fr | Untox15:09
ubottuUntox: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr15:09
FizixCan anyone please help me in getting my Westel Verizon DSL Modem to communicate with Karmic? I attempt autoeth it and nothing happens.15:09
beachdazejadakren: os x like for one, otherwise no real requirements15:09
Doonzhow do i see how big a drive is?15:09
researcherwhere can I learn a summary of command line ?15:09
erUSUL!cli | researcher15:10
researcheri mena list of commands15:10
ubotturesearcher: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal15:10
researcherthanks ubottu15:10
jongbergsdonita_: the grub2 wiki outlines how to use os-probe to probe for existing windows installation and adds it to the grub2 menu15:10
donita_First I install Ubuntu then Mint, the Menu goes to control by Mint at first, then somehow I update Ubuntu with about 100MB stuff, then I reboot, then I found Ubuntu took over the boot Menu again, which was FINE to me (I don't know who takes the control of boot Menu, if they can work, I can choose between them, who control it doesn't matter much to me) but when Windows 7 came alone, then everything is gone, There will be ONLY windows 7 o15:10
donita_n system when booting up, NO MENU, no nothing.15:10
madcheezeFizix, output of lspci - 04:00.0 Network controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) (rev 01)15:11
jadakrenbeachdaze: tried gnome-do in docky mode?15:11
legend2440Doonz: in terminal    df -h15:11
jadakrenbeachdaze: what version of ubuntu are you using ?15:11
beachdazejadakren: no I haven't  Iplayed with cairo some time ago is all, this is 9.0415:12
seidosis there a way to get emails from launchpad bug activity?15:12
donita_so, I follow the instructions from Ubuntu  Documentation15:12
donita_and I made it!!15:12
jadakrenbeachdaze: ok, check this out for a intro : http://do.davebsd.com/wiki/index.php?title=Docky15:12
Doonz/dev/sdb1             2.0T  199M  1.9T   1% /home/schwyl/raidsets/array115:12
donita_so.... the problem now, is how do I add windows 7 onto my boot up Menu?15:12
Doonzthat array is actually 4tb15:12
beachdazejadakren: thanks!15:12
donita_jongbergs, so, still the link you guys gave me?15:13
jadakrenbeachdaze: it needs a compositing d/e to work though...so something like compiz or metacity with compositing enabled15:13
donita_Is there anything I should know before I read the link?15:13
jongbergsdonita_: wait, after installing win 7 the grub menu has gone?15:13
beachdazejadakren: I will look into it, thanks again15:13
=== heyzeus is now known as jmrodri
donita_jongbergs, so you mean, I don't have to learn how to EDIT the menu language, just go "os-probe"? is that right?15:14
trijntjeseidos, subscribe to a bug?15:14
GalaxorI installed postgresql-8.3 and 8.4.  I decided I didn't need 8.3, so I apt-get removed it.  It left /etc/init.d/postgresql-8.3 and /var/lib/postgresql-8.3.  I deleted those.  Then I decided I wanted 8.3 after all, so I apt-get installed postgresql-8.3 again.  It did not put the init script or the data directory back.  What do I do?15:15
jadakrenjeff_b: looks like you got some research ahead of you...15:15
donita_Yup! jongbergs, after installing win7, the grub menu had gone, nothing appears, booting up turned out goes into Windows 7 directly, no menu, so Windows 7 is MENU KILLER15:15
jeff_bjadakren: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1272771.html15:15
deserteagleWindows has ALWAYS been a grub menu killer15:15
jadakrendonita_: thats because windows is not grub aware so it will overwrite the boosector with its own bootloader15:16
deserteaglethat's why most tutorials tell you to install it first, THEN linux15:16
seidostrijntje: thank you i'll try15:16
donita_but I saved it by many commands which is Ubuntu Documentation told me to. It was really big help15:16
bibekpI'm repeating it again since noone seems to have noticed :)15:16
bibekpi have problem mounting a NTFS partition into my Ubuntu partition. I am using Ubuntu 9.04, and Thinkpad T400. here is what the log says: http://pastie.org/72177715:16
trijntjeseidos, you should get automatic updates if you filed the bug yourself15:16
donita_jadakren, so, what do I do next?15:16
trubldmy iwl3945 doesnt load up every time i boot my system.Its only sometimes that my wlan device runs.mine is 8.1015:17
legend2440Doonz: http://carltonbale.com/how-to-break-the-2tb-2-terabyte-file-system-limit15:17
deserteaglebibekp, reinstall ntfs-3g15:17
jongbergsdonita_: yes, we will try to reinstall grub15:17
GalaxorIs there maybe some sort of apt-get flags I can pass to make it for sure install all the files?15:17
deserteaglebibekp, purge it first15:17
bibekpdeserteagle, ok15:17
=== morticia__ is now known as morticia
FizixI'm surprised there would even be a limit in place15:17
FizixWell, a 2TB limit anyway15:17
FizixWhat of the Server folk running Ubuntu; that can't be too convenient.15:18
donita_reinstall grub, but I think grub is doing all right.... because windows 7 was the last OS I installed, maybe that's why grub didn't notice it?15:18
jadakren!grub | donita15:18
ubottudonita: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.15:18
deserteagledonita_, yeah, always install windows first, THEN linux15:19
deserteaglewindows is not multi-boot friendly15:19
Fizixdonita_, I second what deserteagle said; it makes life so much easier15:19
donita_deserteagle, yes, I know, but I am sure you guys can EDIT the menu, right?15:19
jadakren!grub | donita_15:19
ubottudonita_: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.15:19
deserteagledonita_, let me give you a hint I wish someone would've given me a LOOOONG time about about linux15:20
jadakrendonita_: info in the links there for you15:20
=== ruben_ is now known as Guest40523
donita_What did deserteagle say?15:20
deserteagledonita_, there are usually 2 ways of doing things in linux: the easy way, and the time-consuming, pain-in-the-back way15:20
deserteagledonita_, which one do you want?15:20
donita_deserteagle.... ahmmmm........ let me think15:21
donita_Can I have both?15:21
nytek_hey everyone, im trying to debug my laptop suspend issue. when i close the lid i get a weird sound. i did have it working prior to writing my own .xinitc file, i think i might have left something out of it to ensure the suspend to work15:21
jongbergsdonita_: the reason you can't see the grub menu because windows 7 overwrites it..you should have installed win 7 first15:21
bibekpdeserteagle, i still get the same error15:21
deserteaglebibekp, hmm...15:22
donita_I know I should have installed win 7 first.......... but I would like to know the alternative way of post installed fix15:22
deserteagleyes there is15:22
Lord-ReadmanBrainstormers please vote http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/22712/15:22
bibekpdeserteagle, what might be the problem ?15:22
deserteagledonita_, noone here is going to step you through it, though15:22
donita_I know you guys can fix this problem15:22
jadakrendonita_: did you not see the links i just posted to you that show you the answer?15:22
donita_Just give me an instruction15:22
deserteaglei could if i wanted to spend the next 20349720938 hours15:22
deserteagledonita_, it was ALREADY given to you15:22
jadakrendonita_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows15:23
donita_jadakren.... where?15:23
nytek_hey everyone, im trying to debug my laptop suspend issue. when i close the lid i get a weird sound. i did have it working prior to writing my own .xinitc file, i think i might have left something out of it to ensure the suspend to work15:23
Pwnlordi just installed world of warcraft in wine and it doesn't seem to be working, when i click to start the game it says permission denied15:23
donita_deserteagle give it to me again plz15:23
nytek_Pwnlord: start it in root15:23
deserteagledonita_, it's what EVERYONE has been posting you on15:23
jadakren!grub | donita_15:23
Pwnlordnytek_ how do i do that?15:23
nytek_Pwnlord: sudo "WOW or whatever WOW is named under linux"15:23
donita_yeah, I know this like, I saved my menu from that link, it was a BIG BIG HELP. but now, as I said, how do I add win 7 onto my boot MENU?15:24
deserteagledonita_, see all those messages from ubottu?15:24
jadakrennytek_: why would you suggest running WoW as root?15:24
Pwnlordit says that i don't have permission to change to the wow folder15:24
ibuclawnytek_, sudo isn't the answer to everything15:24
FizixI'm having the darnedest time getting Ubuntu to connect to my DSL modem, any help?15:24
donita_yes, I can see you, but the scrolling is running up a little fast15:24
deserteagle!grub > donita_15:25
ubottudonita_, please see my private message15:25
donita_ok, ubttu15:25
deserteaglenow it's not going to scroll anywhere15:25
Fizix!DSL > fizix15:25
nytek_ibuclaw: trial and error my friend, trial and error15:25
ubottuFizix, please see my private message15:25
ibuclawnytek_, if you installed it correctly in the first place... ;)15:25
deserteaglebibekp, I honestly have no clue, it *seems* to me like you should reinstall/recompile your kernel15:26
nytek_ibuclaw: well, im not the dood who installed WoW on his machine :D so im just throwing ideas out there :D15:26
nytek_anybody know what i can do with my issue?15:26
donita_thank you all, ubottu, deserteagle and all. So... I could fix it up by myself if I look up the link again?15:26
ibuclawnytek_, ideally, you should never always have to use sudo persistently - and if you are - then you are doing something wrong.15:26
deserteagledonita_, yes15:26
jadakrennytek_: first thing you determine is if the launcher/updater has changed the permissions on the folder.15:26
donita_I mean, the MENU is all right now, just lack of win 7, you guys know what I mean?15:27
ibuclawnytek_, what was your issue?15:27
jadakrennytek_: then you have them run through the WoW page on help.ubuntu.com15:27
nytek_jadakren: i actually tend to use it a lot when editing root files15:27
nytek_hey everyone, im trying to debug my laptop suspend issue. when i close the lid i get a weird sound. i did have it working prior to writing my own .xinitc file, i think i might have left something out of it to ensure the suspend to work15:27
nytek_sorry for the repost :)15:27
deserteagledonita_, at this point, I am going to assume you like yanking people's chains15:28
Fizixdonita_ type sudo update-grub15:28
FizixSee if anything helps there15:28
nytek_but thats the issue15:28
MrKeunerhi, why doesn't Ubuntu come with selinux by default, if it is really secure linux?15:28
Fizixnytek_, I wish I was smart enough to help ya out on that one :/ If you're writting your own files, you're worlds ahead of me15:28
MrKeuneris it a US only thing/15:28
donita_you know, It was a huge release when I first solve the problem myself, if you know what I man, I am a really outsider of computer, not to mention Linux...15:28
nytek_Fizix: its ok brother, i had it working but then i modded some things and now it wont suspend15:28
hollohMrKeuner: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AppArmor15:29
ares623what's the command for mounting the other partition on my hard disk?15:29
donita_yanking? NY?15:29
trijntjeares623, mount?15:29
donita_Fizix, sudo update-grub now?15:29
nytek_Fizix: the reason why i got into writing my own files was because of vim15:29
ares623the one on Places>nn GB Filesystem15:29
Fizixnytek_ would you care for my file? I can upload it to you and perhaps you can use that as a frame of reference. That's about as good as I can help :/15:29
ibuclawnytek_, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingKernelSuspend15:29
MrKeunerholloh, OK thanks15:29
donita_slow down, guys15:29
FizixDonita_ give it a try, it won't hurt anything15:29
ares623it allows me to access files/folders on my Windows install15:29
donita_the scroll is going up too fast15:29
ibuclawnytek_, and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingKernelSuspendHibernateResume15:30
deserteaglecould someone please put this on the topic? "This channel is for helping you with your ubuntu technical problems, not your life problems or ubuntu rants. Thank you"15:30
donita_Fizix, thanks!!15:30
deserteagle:D i think it would solve a lot15:30
erUSULdeserteagle: ask in #ubuntu-ops ;)15:30
donita_donita@donita-desktop:~$ sudo update-grub15:30
donita_[sudo] password for donita:15:30
donita_Generating grub.cfg ...15:30
donita_Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.31-15-generic15:30
donita_Found initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-2.6.31-15-generic15:30
FloodBot1donita_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:30
donita_Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.31-14-generic15:30
trijntjefeedback is our friend15:30
ibuclaw!paste donita_15:31
ibuclaw!paste > donita_15:31
ubottudonita_, please see my private message15:31
=== asd is now known as hakan
ibuclawdonita_, you can talk now. :)15:32
donita_I hope I did do anythig wrong15:32
ibuclawdonita_, nah, just don't paste multiple lines in here at once15:32
donita_Would you guys wait here? I'm gonna reboot to see if that "su do updat-grub" work? (I wish someone teach me what's this mean?)15:33
nibblerhi. i just upgraded to 9.10. i start rhythmbox, and it cant find any of my mp3s on my network share. funny thing is, i was able to play any of my mp3s with rhythmbox, while watching it remove one-by-one of my songs from the "inventory", everytime it hit one of the songs i was just playing it stopped playback, continued with the next one until this was gone, too etc. any solution to this?15:33
ibuclawdonita_, update-grub reinstalls grub into the MBR (master boot record).15:33
donita_you know, I love Ubuntu better than Mint, mint is just copying Ubuntu...15:33
ares623what's the command for mounting my Windows partition so that I can access its files/folders through the terminal? is that possible?15:33
trijntjedonita_, sudo means "SUperuser DO"15:34
khelllwhen i ssh to the machine it seems it has no history buffer or something, i can't use arrow to get commands or anything like ctrl+ R15:34
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE15:34
ibuclawdonita_, it's all in the eye of the beholder, but reboot and see if that works for you.15:34
saturdayplaceI've got a new ubuntu server up, but its networking keeps going screwy on me:  Every so often the IP address shown by ifconfig gets changed and is different that the one in /etc/networking/interfaces.15:34
trijntjeares623, the command is called mount. type man mount to find out more15:34
m4rtinsaturdayplace: you did specify static in /etc/networking/interfaces right?15:35
ares623trijntje, yes i know about mount.. but what do I mount?15:35
trijntjeares623, /dev/sda* where * is the partition number of your ntfs disk15:35
donita_ibuclaw.... can I ask you something? I partitions the HDD into 3 Primary +1 extendend to avold Evil windows 7 at add another partition, but it did some trick to add a 1MB space which is unallocated area, what's that space for?15:35
trijntjeares623, like mount /dev/sda2 /mnt to mount sda2 partition at /mnt15:35
sporedidear friends i am new to ubuntu ,this is my very 1st server installtion15:36
sporedihow do login to system and how do login with root15:36
donita_ok, I'll be back soon, give me 3 mins, I am going to reboot now15:36
erUSULsaturdayplace: can you post your /etc/networking/interfaces ?? maybe is the dhcp server ?15:36
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donita_wish me luck15:36
erUSUL!root | sporedi15:36
ubottusporedi: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo15:36
Spixxdonita_: you do not login with root you use sudo15:36
erUSULsporedi: log in with the username you gave during install. use sudo for admin tasks15:37
ares623trijntje, thanks. is there  a way to find out what the * in sda* is?15:37
trijntjeares623, sudo fdisk -l15:37
Spixxbootable partition? :S15:38
saturdayplacem4rtin: here's my /etc/network/interfaces: http://dpaste.com/127508/15:38
sporediat # i suppose to use sudo and package name to install15:38
sporedihow do get gui15:38
saturdayplacealso erUSUL: http://dpaste.com/127508/15:38
Spixxsporedi: sudo apt-get install gnome15:38
=== wolf is now known as Guest32632
Spixxnot sure if you need to configure x to autostart though. but when installed run startx15:38
jadakrenSpixx: does startx actually still work ? i always use sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start15:39
coldbootjadakren, yes15:40
m4rtinsaturdayplace: yes, that does look correct... have you restarted networking since making the changes?15:40
Spixxah, might be :P they changed that in 9.04 I think15:40
ares623trijntje, thanks! got it.15:40
erUSULsaturdayplace: is --> netmask  || but anyway i do not see why this could cause the interface to change ip by itself ...15:40
sporediits giveing error not using locking for read only lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock15:40
erUSULsaturdayplace: any message in the logs ?15:41
m4rtinsaturdayplace: except for the last line netmask
sporediunable to write to /var/cache/apt15:41
m4rtinsaturdayplace: needs a "0" at the end15:41
saturdayplacem4rtin: Oh that paste just left off the lat 0.  I've restarted. networking  Thing is, it just resets after some time.  Don't know why.15:41
saturdayplaceerUSUL: not sure what logs to check.15:42
erUSULsaturdayplace: /var/log/messages and /var/log/syslog ?15:42
om26er!hello | Reinz15:42
ubottuReinz: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!15:42
mahngielgood day all. i'm having a WM issue. i have multiple installed, but no session selection for Metacity. How do i make it default? or load without terminal?15:42
saturdayplaceerUSUL: thanks, I'll check.15:42
ReinzCan you help me please?15:42
mahngiel!just let the guy say hi15:42
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:42
=== enzotib_ is now known as enzotib
erUSUL!ask | Reinz15:42
ubottuReinz: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:42
ReinzMy friend,  I need your help, please rigister at this link: http://vk.com/reg5432221  This is social network like facebook. You will help me very much, thanks!!!15:43
privatixIn ubuntu server i cannot get the ' icon on my keyboard it gives me this ` instead howto get ' icon sounds silly?15:43
mahngiel!troll | Reinz15:43
ubottuReinz: trolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubottu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel15:43
LjLReinz: please don't spam15:44
mahngielsorry, was having window problems. not sure if there was a response15:45
saturdayplacem4rtin, erUSUL: nothing obvious in the logs.15:45
albechwhat is it that cause some terminals to print15:45
m4rtinsaturdayplace: check for anything referencing eth0 (or DHCP)15:45
albechwhat is it that cause some terminals to print 'A' when using up arrow in vim?15:45
albechif you are in edit mode15:46
privatixerUSUL:well you have been aroundawhilesincebrezzy badgerdays!15:46
mahngielhow can i get Metacity to autoload upon boot up of GNOME session?15:46
erUSULprivatix: yep i've been ;)15:46
=== lnx^roflafk is now known as luNix
saturdayplacem4rtin: nothing.  I'm done sudo apt-get remove dhcp-client to be sure we're not getting a dynamic address from somewhere.15:47
privatixerUSUL: howto get the ' key to work it gives me` this instead?15:48
donitahahahaha!!! yeah~~ it works!!!!15:48
donitaGod!! you guys are genius15:48
erUSULprivatix: depends on the keyboard type i guess. mine is in ?' key next to 015:49
donitathank you all15:49
pandepandehola a todos en sala15:49
erUSUL!es | pandepande15:49
ubottupandepande: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.15:49
donitaHI~~ Are you there?15:50
jongbergsdonita: :)15:50
donitaso the secret is grub update?15:50
donitais it in the documentatinon too? wherer?15:51
subitowhat can i do to know when i receive a mail on gmail?15:51
privatixerUSUL:strangeI had acdinstall ofthedebian testing worked there and here also15:51
bhuvi /msg NickServ identify vgynjib56715:51
erUSULprivatix: make sure you have the correct kb settings in System>Preferences>Keyboard15:51
m4rtinbhuvi: you'd better change your nickserv pass; that just went to channel15:51
erUSULbhuvi: change your password15:51
donitajongbergs and all, I really want to know, what does that mean in boot menu it's like "Windows 7 (Loader)... <---what does that mean "Loader"???15:52
privatixitsaserver no X15:52
m4rtinsaturdayplace: hmmm, I'm not sure; I'd recommend trying to find when it happens (how long after interface comes up) and see if you can find a trigger (or a log entry near that time)15:52
AmokPauleFor a creative xifi do i need the creative drivers?15:52
saturdayplacem4rtin: thanks.15:52
saturdayplacewill do15:52
donitaDoes that mean the "first sector" is on windows 7 area???15:53
privatixerUSUL:its aserver no X15:53
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erUSULdonita: windwos has its own boot loader just like linux grub15:53
trismsubito: there are several applications in the repos, gmail-notify, checkgmail just to name a few...you should try them and see what works for you15:53
donitaDo you guys want to see the picture I just took?15:53
donitaPlease wait here, erUSUL... wait15:53
erUSULprivatix: try « sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup »15:54
AlexJonesWhich version of VMWare server do I need for Ubuntu 64 bit? VMware Server 2 for Linux Operating Systems or The core application needed to run VMware Server 2, 64-bit version?15:55
RoastedHow come my XP laptop here can have 1 bar of signal and ping at 1ms to the server yet my Ubuntu laptop here has 3 bars and pings between 50 and 900?15:55
privatixerUSUL:  ok i will try i will let you know15:55
privatix thanks15:55
erUSULprivatix: no problem15:55
sporedihow do i check that my server 9.10 in install correctly15:55
subitothanks trism15:56
jongbergsdonita: win 7 also has its own boot loader to load othe operating systems preferably previous version of windows15:57
ibuclawdonita, on the question you asked earlier: afaik, that 1MB is for nothing really - other than possibly a safety buffer of empty space between two filesystems... which makes no sense to me ;)15:57
jongbergsAlexJones: i recommend using virtualbox instead of vmware15:58
jongbergsAlexJones: you can install it, it's available in the repos15:58
mahngiellast time i'll ask before i post of the forums: I have multiple Win Mgrs installed, and have a session selection for each - except Metacity.  I am trying to find out how to get Metacity to auto load on the default session 'GNOME' without having to use the terminal15:59
donitajongbergs and ibuclaw, nope! you don't get what I asked, I partition the HDD in purpose to avoid Windows 7 to add another partition which is normally 100MB itself(Primary I think)15:59
Oiluthi! i have a .toc file with lots of .wav and want to write it on a CD but on .mp3 format. how do i do it?15:59
dassoukihow do  i check the usbpermissions ?16:00
ibuclawdonita, oh, that must be the system folder for self recovery.16:00
mahngieldassouki: lsusb -l16:00
donitaso I tried to partition the HDD first by making them 3 Primary + 1 Extended, so that windows 7 won't be able to ADD MORE stupid partition which could limit my whole space16:00
dassoukimahngiel: thanks16:00
Lucho_Need some help making to work a serial mouse on ubuntu 9.1016:00
mahngieldassouki: np16:00
AlexJonesjongbergs, I already have many virtual machines from vmware.16:00
Lucho_may some one help me?16:00
mahngielLucho_: depends on your issue :)16:00
dassoukimahngiel: no such thing as -l ... -v perhaps ?16:01
bdfoster_iPhone_Lucho_: do you mean ps2?16:01
ShwackI can't take it anymore - Why can Ubuntu only print at 1 page per 20 minutes??16:01
Lucho_mahngiel it is simple, I can not find the xorg.conf archive16:01
ibuclawdonita, tbh, the windows installer works for the best intent of Windows - and no other system.16:01
Lucho_bdfoster_iPhone_ no, serial mouse16:01
mahngieldassouki: -l as in lowercase L16:01
donitajongbergs and ibuclaw, so I can decide later to change my free space in Extended Partition, do you get me?16:01
mahngielLucho_: i don't know anything about that, sorry16:02
Lucho_mahngiel thanks16:02
ibuclawdonita, you can freely extend/truncate the extended partition - yes.16:02
ShwackEverytime i want to print something, I have to go to sleep and wait till morning before the 10-15 pages print16:02
trismmahngiel: is the key in gconf /desktop/gnome/session/required_components/windowmanager set to metacity?16:02
ibuclawdonita, and you can also create a (supposedly) unlimited number of partitions within that extended partition.16:02
donitaBecause old msdos partition can only accept 3 Primary + 1 Extended + unlimit Logic Partition OR 4 Primary Partitions16:03
jongbergsdonita: absolutely, use gparted to do that for you16:03
donitaLogical Partition16:03
untitledplease, tell me about software updates in ubuntu16:03
untitledbetween releases16:03
mahngieltrism: i'll look and find out. should i open it with gedit or use another app?16:03
trismmahngiel: gconf-editor16:03
ibuclawuntitled, you mean system upgrades?16:04
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donitawhere can I upload my pics so I can ask question?16:04
untitledibuclaw: what I mean is why there is no updates for packages in ubuntu? to update pidgin or ooffice, I have to add some ppas16:04
donitaAny free link to upload my pics?16:05
untitleddonita: imageshack16:05
ranjanIs there an app. that you can save a webpage and all the content... AND the content of the links? please help16:05
donitaimageshack? where?16:05
untitleddonita: google16:05
ranjanIs there an app. that you can save a webpage and all the content... AND the content of the links? please help16:05
jongbergsdonita: you can use http://imagebin.ca16:05
mahngieltrism: thank you. i changed the value to metacity instead of e16. but what bothers me is that NO win mgr started up on boot16:05
ibuclawuntitled, all software for ubuntu is maintained in repositories. These repositories remain relatively stable - only updates for security or major bugs are updated/released.16:06
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jongbergsdonita: it's basically the counterpart with pastebin for posting text files16:06
trismmahngiel: strange, hopefully that fixes it16:06
Oiluthi! i have a .toc file with lots of .wav and want to write it on a CD but on .mp3 format. how do i do it?16:06
mahngieltrism: i'll relog and let you know.16:06
DoonzHow do i format a drive with ext3 using 4Kib block sizes?16:06
untitledibuclaw: oh, ok, and they update packages only when new release comes out?16:06
donitaChoose a plugin for media type application /x-shockwave-flash : there are 3 options, which should I choose?16:06
untitledso uncool :)16:06
ibuclawuntitled, this means that once ubuntu has been released, the version numbers of the software generally stay the same.16:06
donita1 .Adobe Flash Player (Installer) 2. Swfdec SWF player 3. Gnash SWF Player16:07
donitaWhich one?16:07
adacany ides why amarok does not play mp3s? I cannot even add them to the playlist16:07
ibuclawuntitled, if a new release comes out - it is rare to see it appear in the main repositories.16:07
mahngieltrism: thank you very much. you don't know the hell that caused me yesterday16:07
jribdonita: do you care about not using proprietary, closed source software?16:07
ibuclawuntitled, we had this with Firefox a while back ... 3.5 was out but everyone was still on 3.116:07
donitajongbergs.. which one?16:08
jongbergsdonita: choose 116:08
jongbergsdonita: choose 116:08
sigiusQ: When installing some package, how can I tell apt-get to also install 'suggested' packages ??16:08
donitaok, thanks16:08
sporedihow do i start irc chat on server i am facing some problem with installtion16:08
cryptkis anyone here that can help me with a weird network bandwidth problem?16:08
donitajrib, what do you mean?16:08
sporediunable to get install any package16:08
trismmahngiel: glad I could help16:08
donitajrib, what do you mean? What if I choose proprietary, what will happen?16:08
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RoastedHow come my XP laptop here can have 1 bar of signal and ping at 1ms to the server yet my Ubuntu laptop here has 3 bars and pings between 50 and 900?16:08
donitalaw things or...?16:08
jribdonita: adobe's flash player is proprietary and closed source.  That means only adobe can develop it and fix bugs16:08
ibuclawuntitled, if a new software release has been made upstream - if you want it on your system, you either have to install a ppa maintained package - or wait until the next release of Ubuntu.16:09
untitledibuclaw: you know some deb-based distro with gentoo-like updates? where you can update a package as soon as it comes out16:09
thiebaudedonita, nothing will happen16:09
donitajrib..... I see, so you'd suggest that I choose the other 2?16:09
ibuclawuntitled, Ubuntu is not a rolling release distribution16:09
jribdonita: no, I'd suggest you choose 1) unless you care about that16:09
untitledi got that16:09
cryptkis anyone here that can help me with a weird network bandwidth problem? ubuntu is going quite slow and none of the things have read on the internet describe or fix my problem...16:09
mahngielcryptk: have you updated recently?16:10
quiescensfor the record: rt73usb driver is a pain in the neck16:10
donitawell, I do care about people and humang rights and lots of issue... will that affect my faith choosing one?16:10
ibuclawuntitled, if a package is available on the official site of the software (ie: virtual box) then by all means use that instead of the ppa16:10
cryptkmahngiel, yes, all of ym packages are up to date16:10
wvalenciahi, i have installed karmic koala, but in the boot shows this error: ubuntu starting init crypto disks16:10
DrRobinoHow do i copy a file from a local place to a server place?16:10
mahngielcp [file path] [new path]16:10
untitledibuclaw: ok, thanks for the info16:10
jribdonita: 2) and 3) won't be able to play all flash as well as 1) does, but 2) and 3) are free software in the sense that anyone can grab the source and edit it.  That's why they exist16:10
dassoukihow can i check for a usb drive permisssions16:11
sporedihow do i start ssh server on server16:11
jribsporedi: install it16:11
bibekp i have problem mounting a NTFS partition into my Ubuntu partition. I am using Ubuntu 9.04, and Thinkpad T400. here is what the log says: http://pastie.org/721777 I purged and reinstalled ntfs-3g but the problem continues16:11
bhuvimy cpu fan speed is not detected in karmic but worked well in hardy anybody can help16:11
donitajrib... ok I got it now... okay...16:11
subitohi, i got "Connection failed" on kgmailnotifier, what can i do about it?16:11
bibekpspoilt, if it is installed, start it with sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start16:11
bibekpsorry, it was for sporedi16:12
sporedican some one pls tell me why i am not able to install any package ,what do i to run after a fresh install16:12
jribsporedi: pastebin16:12
kubancanybody knows why open office impress 3.1 doesn't wanna play movie files (.avi) ?16:12
donitayou know, you people are friendly here better than Linux Mint, they suck, they kicked me out and ban my IP, I was saying that the name "mint" is actually poison, they got piss off and kicked me out and banned me, shame on them. I wasn't saying mint OS, I was saying mint itself in real world.16:13
icerootsporedi: apt-get update16:13
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icerootdonita: watch your language please :)16:13
jribdonita: most support channels (including this one) prefer that you discuss only support issues16:13
DrRobinomahngiel: I did cp Explorative_Analysis.m hms1/bdi/asd.m but it said no such file or directory. I know hms1 is a server because i can do ssh hms116:13
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mahngielDrRobino: are you in the directory holding the file?16:14
donitaokay... iceroot and jrib...16:14
cryptkis anyone here that can help me with a weird network bandwidth problem? Ubuntu is going quite slow and none of the things have read on the Internet describe or fix my problem... I am running Karmic16:14
DrRobinomahngiel: yes16:14
Shwackplease somebody help me - Printing on my Brother MFC 7820N on linux 9.10 fresh install takes 10-20 minuts per page16:14
bibekpdonita, yes, dont flame here16:14
mahngiel!print | Shwack16:14
ubottuShwack: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows16:15
nibblerhi. i just upgraded to 9.10. i start rhythmbox, and it cant find any of my mp3s on my network share (smb). funny thing is, i was able to play any of my mp3s with rhythmbox, while watching it remove one-by-one of my songs from the "inventory", everytime it hit one of the songs i was just playing it stopped playback, continued with the next one until this was gone, too etc. any solution to this?16:15
donitabibekp..... okay......16:15
bibekpI am sorry for repeating this: i have problem mounting a NTFS partition into my Ubuntu partition. I am using Ubuntu 9.04, and Thinkpad T400. here is what the log says: http://pastie.org/721777 I purged and reinstalled ntfs-3g but the problem continues16:15
DrRobinomahngiel: If i just do cp Explorative_Analysis.m hms1 I think it works ok, but i have no idea where the file ends up16:15
MikeChelenmy bluetooth headset stopped showing up in the sound preferences, though it is still connected in bluetooth manager. any ideas?16:15
sipiorShwack: what sort of files are you printing? how were they generated? and what size?16:15
donitaok now, the jpg file I am going to upload is about 534.9KB, how am I gonna shrink it?16:15
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mahngielDrRobino: it would end up in the /hms1 folder16:15
bibekpdonita, do you know imagemagick ?16:16
DrRobinomahngiel: But if i do cd hms1 it says not a directory16:16
mahngielDrRobino: /hms1 ?16:16
nibblerbibekp, thats not good. try to fix the ntfs before mountig it, maybe its broken? there is some packages there with ubuntu for that, cant remember the name16:16
donitanope, where is imagemagick?16:16
DrRobinomahngiel: same16:16
donitabibekp, where?16:16
dassoukihow can i change permissions on usb devices from root to my user ?16:16
DrRobinomahngiel: hms1 is the name of a server16:16
jribdassouki: what filesystem?16:16
jrib!software > donita16:16
icerootdonita: imagemagick is not a program, is a distribution of many littel programs16:16
ubottudonita, please see my private message16:16
bhuvimy cpu fan speed is not detected in karmic but worked well in hardy anybody can help16:17
bibekpdonita, you can do things with images using imagemagick. if you dont know that, use gimp to reduce the size of the picture16:17
RoastedHow come my XP laptop here can have 1 bar of signal and ping at 1ms to the server yet my Ubuntu laptop here has 3 bars and pings between 50 and 900?16:17
mahngielDrRobino: then you've gone beyond my knowledge. sorry16:17
Shwacksipior: it looks like the link provided mahngiel has a specific link for my pritner -thank you both very much16:17
bibekpnibbler, would appreciate if you told me the name. it wasnt a problem earlier. i can mount other partitions alright, but have issues with mounting one particular pratition16:17
AlexJonesI am getting the following error when trying to install VMware server 64bit on Ubuntu 9.10: http://pastebin.ca/1696641 What is the problem?16:17
mahngielShwack: glad to help16:17
jongbergsbibekp: how did you mount the ntfs partitions?16:17
donitajrib ubttu iceroot bibekp......... so.....16:17
subitohi, i got "Connection failed" on kgmailnotifier, what can i do about it?16:17
sporedithx ,i am able to login to ssh to my ubuntu server and i am able to login to normal user now ,to install packages do i require root privileges (root)16:17
DrRobinocan anyone recommend a file copying system with GUI that can connect to other directories than local ones?16:18
bibekpjongbergs, mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/temp16:18
bibekpdonita, use gimp16:18
donitajrib ubttu iceroot bibekp......... so..... imagemagick, a command in terminal?16:18
jribDrRobino: nautilus?16:18
dtownheroDrRobino, samba?16:18
dassoukijrib: whatever was default, so i assume fat 32 ?16:18
bibekpspoilt, yes, you need to sudo to install16:18
donitagimp, what's that?\16:18
jrib!vfat | dassouki16:18
ubottudassouki: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE16:18
ubottugimp is an advanced image manipulation application for Ubuntu. See http://www.gimp.org for tutorials and more information.16:18
cryptkis anyone here that can help me with a weird network bandwidth problem? Ubuntu is going quite slow and none of the things have read on the Internet describe or fix my problem... I am running Karmic16:18
jongbergsbibekp: try this instead: sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda2 /mnt/temp16:18
bibekp!gimp | donita16:18
ubottudonita: please see above16:18
donitabibekp ubottu, ok.. I found it16:19
Lord-ReadmanBrainstormers please vote http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/22712/16:19
dassoukijrib: i'm accessing a dongle16:19
sporediW: Not using locking for read only lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock ----------(next line)---E: Unable to write to /var/cache/apt/-----(last line)-----E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.16:19
bibekpjongbergs, same error16:19
jribdassouki: that's fine16:19
nibblerbibekp, aptitude search ntfs -> ntfsprogs -> ntfsfix16:19
jribdassouki: usually it just sets ownership to the current user when you plug it in, but if you are having issues just setup fstab16:20
donitaplease tell me how to shrink the pic, I am now in ImageShack16:20
bhuviwhen i right-click on a pendrive in karmic i get three options unmount eject safely remove what does this mean16:20
bibekpnibbler, can't find ntfsfix.16:20
bibekpnibbler, but i can mount other partitions well (ntfs)16:20
donitaSave as ... or???16:20
nibblerbibekp, its in the ntfsprogs package16:20
bibekpdonita, scale the image to a lower resolution16:20
bibekpnibbler, ntfsprogs is installed16:21
bibekpnibbler, i have used ntfsfix command but it segfaults too16:21
nibblerbibekp, then try to fix it with a windows-boot/rescue cd or smth. i'd say its heavily damaged16:21
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bowenl2how can i use ubuntu with my vt-220?  is support for serial terminals compiled in by default?16:21
bibekpnibbler, it says: Dec  1 22:06:24 yantra kernel: [67417.797901] ntfsfix[19297]: segfault at bf40afd0 ip b7db7a4c sp bf40afd4 error 6 in libc-2.9.so[b7d46000+15c000]16:21
dassoukijrib: http://pastie.org/72192216:22
frostburnhas the weather functionality of the Clock applet stop working for others?16:22
bibekpnibbler, i dont have windows in my computer. what might have caused the damage? or is it a bug in ntfs-3g ? my computer is a new thinkpad T40016:22
jongbergsbibekp: is /dev/sda2 really an nfts partition?16:22
bibekpjongbergs, yes it is. i have accessed many times before16:22
jribdassouki: I presume sda is not your flash drive16:22
nibblerbibekp, if its new, then mkfs.ext4 the partition ;-)16:22
dassoukijrib: it's a flash drive, it's a dongle chip16:23
bibekpnibbler, i said the computer is new16:23
sipiorbowenl2: it should be enabled by default, yes.16:23
jribdassouki: but it isn't sda, correct?16:23
sipiorbowenl2: btw, where did you find a vt220? :-)16:23
dassoukijrib: correct16:23
jribdassouki: I guess my question is, why did you pastebin that?16:23
bowenl2is this just something i edit in my grub.conf? or do i have to do something else?16:23
jongbergsbibekp: can you post the output of fdisk -l16:24
bibekpjongbergs, nibbler, should i or should not i carry my notebook while on SLEEP in ubuntu 9.04. If anything, the only reason i think the partition would be damaged is because i used to carry my laptop in sleep mode and i've heard problems with linux sleep and hibernate. else, the other reason i can think is a bug in ntfs-3g16:24
nibblerbibekp, ntfs is a ms fs, which specs were never released. so all drivers are reverse engeneered etc. if it gets broken and linuxtools cant help you, your last chance is the tools of ms (chkdisk etc)16:24
dassoukijrib: you asked what file system i was using16:24
bibekpjongbergs, sure. in pastebin or here ?16:24
sipiorbowenl2: have a look here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialConsoleHowto16:24
jongbergsbibekp: pastebin16:24
nibblerbibekp, no, sleep mode is like switch-off harddisk-wise16:25
jribdassouki: on the dongle16:25
bibekpnibbler, does it work fine in ubuntu 9.04?16:25
bibekpnibbler, should i be worrying about carrying my laptop in sleep mode or not ?16:25
harovali1hi, how do I refresh the console after doing a chenge in console-setup ? I mean, how do I actually see the changes in the console without rebooting ?16:25
nibblerbibekp, it shuold work fine in 9.04. dont worry, carry it in sleep-mode (harddisk is spun down then)16:25
dassoukijrib: i doubt there is a file system16:26
ibuclawharovali1, what change did you make?16:26
nibblerbibekp, also, if you dont have windows, why do u use  ntfs?16:26
bibekpnibbler, cool16:26
jribdassouki: what do you mean by usb dongle?16:26
tgm4883Is there a way to disable Non-eXecutable (NX) memory protection?16:26
harovali1ibuclaw: the console font, and the console font size16:26
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bowenl2sipior: on this line, "/etc/init/ttyS0.conf" => should that be init.d instead of init?16:26
ibuclawharovali1, in gnome-terminal - or the system tty?16:26
harovali1ibuclaw: system tty16:26
bibekpnibbler, ok, thats a long story now. my computer came with windows, but i corrupted while installing linux (resized and moved partitions from a live CD, i didnt know windows couldnt tolerate that)16:26
donitaokay!! here!! http://img134.imageshack.us/img134/7051/dsc02724small.jpg16:26
bibekpnibbler, windows partitions are there, but they dont boot16:27
sipiorbowenl2: nope.16:27
donitaa little harsh to use scale16:27
bibekpnibbler, jongbergs its a pity that a fine machine like thinkpad has to be shipped with windows (that too Vista)16:27
jribdassouki: I saw you say "how can I check for a usb drive permissions" so I presumed it was something similar to a flash drive.  Now I think you mean something else16:27
donitahere are my 2 questions about the link16:27
dassoukijrib: it's a chip to access software. i use it with virtualbox .. but with 9.10, all my permissions to usb drives have moved from user_name to root16:28
ibuclawharovali1, I think it is:  sudo service console-setup restart16:28
nibblerbibekp, if you dont use windows, i'd suggest you to move all data to linux partitions and reformat the then unused ntfs to some linux fs aswell. just to avoid your current problem in the future16:28
bibekpnibbler, jongbergs here it is: http://pastebin.org/5926716:28
Dr_Willisbowenl2:  no. init is the new stuff where some configs are at.16:28
dassoukijrib: my message said how can i change .. not check16:28
bibekpnibbler, i'd move all data only if i could access it :)16:28
jribdassouki: correct16:28
rootHey everybody16:28
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jribdassouki: anyway, this is something that gets mounted with data on it, right?16:28
bibekpnibbler, the reason i am looking forward to install windows again in this machine is : battery performance in linux is far below par (only 2.5 hours) while in windows it gives me about 9 hours16:29
donita1. I once accidentally click the wrong option (recovery one) then everything is in mess, I couldn't boot up anymore. 2. What does the (Loader ) mean???16:29
dassoukijrib: no16:29
EsyaUh... I need some help configuring my vpn :S.16:29
nibblerbibekp, sorry, i have no further help to offer to you.... if the tools dont work, i'm lost.16:29
dassoukii just want to change my permissions on my usb devices from root to my name16:29
bowenl2Dr_Willis: when I do that it says "start: Unknown job: ttyS0"16:29
EsyaDid someone test pptp ?16:29
dassoukior allow my user to conenct to usb16:29
bibekpnibbler, i live in a place where there are more than 10 hours of powercut in dry season16:29
jribdassouki: your question makes no sense to me16:29
bibekpnibbler, hmm. do you know any thinkpad+linux support IRC channels ?16:29
EsyaI have a dedicated server and I'd like to use it as a vpn server16:29
nibblerbibekp, you use cpu governor and this disk-spindown thing?16:29
bibekpnibbler, no. i havent heard of them. what are they?16:30
przemo_onehi guys16:30
dassoukijrib: here's an ls -l on a usb device crw-rw-r-- 1 root root 189, 130 2009-11-30 16:29 /dev/bus/usb/002/00316:30
bowenl2sipior: any idea why start says unknown job: ttyS0 when i follow those instructions?16:30
jongbergsbibekp: it appears ok based on the structure of the partitions, would you care booting from the live cd of ubuntu 9.10 and try mounting your ntfs partitions there?16:30
EsyaHmm... If I give you my vpn server's adress, could at least someone tell me if it does respond ?16:30
genericSo how do I get ssh working on ubunut? Im registered at dyndns.org, I set up ddclient, I have sshd: ALL in my hosts.allow file. I Also have to port forwarded to my computer. Why can't I get it working?16:30
Dr_Willisbowenl2:  no idea what you are trying to do.    the /etc/init directory has  the files for what upstart starts up.16:30
jribdassouki: hal is responsible for that.  You can read about hal fdi files and writing udev permissions I guess16:30
bibekpjongbergs, i have tried that already. doesnt work16:30
bibekpjongbergs, i cant format that partition as well (in present condition)16:31
harovali1ibuclaw: thanks16:31
nibblerbibekp, the one makes sure your cpu is not running full speed when its idle anyway, and the otherone i forgotabout the name, changes the diskscheduler, so that it does not keep the disk running all the time. should be findable by looking for linux+laptop etc16:31
donitaFirst, I thought sda1 is the first hard drive (because I partition HDD it first with FAT32 to make sure the windows 7 would use it so it would keep quiet not asking me to be the first drive) but now I think the first drive doesn't really mean the first sector which BIOS will looking for to read, am I right?16:31
dassoukijrib: thanks16:31
ibuclawharovali1, I take it that it worked then?16:31
bibekpnibbler, ok. cpu governor and disk-spindown? thanks16:31
ibuclawif so, I'll make a note of it ;)16:31
sipiorbowenl2: you're running karmic, or?16:32
bhuvibibekp:initially reported time will not be accurate in linux but as time goes ot will become accurate but actual time will be the same for both linux and windows you can check it16:32
harovali1ibuclaw: no, I was just thanking you :-)    You know, it seems I'm having trouble in setting the console size font...16:32
donitaso.... in order, even if I partition the HDD with 1/4 area to be FAT32, it is not a guarantee the first partition will be the truly the FIRST driver which BIOS will looking for, am I right?16:32
jongbergsbibekp: how about sda3, same problem?16:32
bibekpbhuvi, but my computer shuts down after the said time passes :)16:32
bowenl2oh whoops! wrong computer haha16:33
bibekpbhuvi, 2.5 hours is no comparision with 9 hours even by reporting faults :)16:33
bibekpjongbergs, no problems with sda1 and 316:33
frikkerI have a macbook (2,1) core 2 duo.  When I upgraded to 9.10 it broke my brightness control.  My brightness icon in the dock has a red "x" through it indicating it is disabled.  how can I fix this? I feel like it is a driver issue, as comiz is also broken and my video feels a bit laggy (meaning those drivers may have stopped working as well).16:34
kubanccan someone help me. i have a problem playing videos in Open Office 3.1?16:34
mutewIs there a way to assign multiple keybindings to a command in the gconf-editor?16:34
donitaI mean, the 3 OSs have their boot loaders, but what is the crucial file placed to trickle the boot loaders? Where is it??? How do I know where the First drive is after I partition 4 areas.16:34
phil__hey, does anyone know of a solution on how to manage active directory from a ubuntu machine?16:34
jongbergsbibekp: then there is nothing wrong with nfts utils that comes with ubuntu..16:34
bhuvibibekp, i think you try installing powertop and check where your problem lies16:35
frikkerkubanc, I had no idea you could play videos in OO.  Do you mean embedded stuff in the presentation?16:35
jongbergsbibekp: the problem boils down on that particular partition16:35
frikkerdonita, what do you mean?16:35
donitaAnyone would like to teach me that?16:35
bendj_Hi.  Anyone here use dvd::rip?  I'd like to know which VideoCodec & VideoCodec-QuantType should be used if the (eventual) target is to burn to a standalone DVD disk ... unclear 2 me.16:35
kubancfrikker, yes i would like to put video in presentation (openOffice impress)16:35
EsyaSo nobody can help me about a vpn server ?16:35
donitaI mean, you guys say every OS has its own boot loader, right?16:35
ibuclawharovali1, sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup16:35
ibuclawharovali1, source here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4943115&postcount=716:35
bibekpjongbergs, ok. i will try to find a similar computer, put the hard disk there and try to repair it from windows. what do you say?16:36
jongbergsdonita: try gpated to give you a graphical view16:36
harovali1ibuclaw: thanks again16:36
jongbergsdonita: i mean gparted16:36
przemo_onedonita in general no16:36
EsyaDoes someone know a SIMPLE WAY to have a VPN server running on my dedicated server ?16:36
frikkerdonita: you probably use GRUB which can boot most OSs16:36
donitaso I became unable to see my Menu at first is because windows 7 wrote over my Ubuntu boot-related files, so... this small sector must be very important, I want to know where is it?16:37
bibekpbhuvi, i have powertop installed. how do i detect a problem?16:37
frikkerdonita, are you asking about how to write a boot loader?16:37
przemo_onedonita or lilo16:37
ManDayI want to install the GTK engine Clearlooks, there is one in the repos, but its marked as "virtual" and I cannot install it - whats this?!16:37
jongbergsbibekp: that could be a straight forward approach..maybe windows chkdsk can help..16:37
frikkerdonita, look into booting a live CD (ubuntu) and re-installing GRUB16:37
przemo_onedonita old problem16:37
bibekpjongbergs, ok, that is what i've been thinking of. but i thought of asking here first16:37
sipiorEsya: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN, to start16:37
przemo_onedonita i have different way of restoring grub16:37
ibuclawManDay, GTK Clearlooks is provided by another package16:37
Esyasipior: Already read that16:37
bibekpjongbergs, do you know any linux+thinkpad support channels on IRC ?16:37
Esyasipior: The problem is that I got a pptpd server runinng on my dedicated server16:37
ManDayibuclaw, so why is it listed in aptitude then? whats that for?16:38
Esyasipior: But it does not respond and uh, I don't really know how to configure remoteip and localip16:38
sipiorEsya: another option: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH_VPN16:38
madcheeze_has anyone used cairo dock on 9.10 and had any luck? it was crashing my netbook...16:38
donitanope, I didn't want to learn how to write a boot loader, I just want to know, where is the boot sector? in my case, 4 partitions, where is it?16:38
phil__hey, does anyone know of a solution on how to manage active directory from a ubuntu machine?16:38
MaXlMuShello guys16:38
jongbergsbibekp: no idea about it..but you may try searching lenovo channel instead16:38
erUSULdonita: in the mbr (master boot record)16:38
EsyasipI'm gonna look16:38
bibekpbhuvi, is it ok if i provide you with the output of powertop command ?16:38
madcheeze_phil__, use remote desktop16:39
bhuvibibekp, if you run powertop it will tell which process prevents cpu from idling and at which power states your cpu lies in etc16:39
ahmad_iam new user of ubuntu 9.10 i need to drive twinhan1027 sattlaite card  i tried many way to drive this but not work16:39
ibuclawManDay, sometimes several packages have the exact same files... to prevent a conflict - we have "virtual" packages that act as a master package.16:39
bibekpbhuvi, what do i make out of those information? how do i make my battery work longer?16:39
donitaerUSUL, yes, and where is the MBR placed?16:39
ahmad_please for your help16:39
subichanhello, please i need help.. how can I see permissions from the terminal?16:39
MikeChelenmadcheeze_: it works okay for me, do you have 3d accel drivers enabled for your video card?16:39
MikeChelensubichan: ls -l16:39
erUSULdonita: first 512 bytes of the hard disk16:39
sipiorEsya: also: http://piano.rcas.sinica.edu.tw/thhsieh/pptpd16:39
luk156Anybody has the inspiron 13z? I've strange problem with the video driver, the video stop working after switch tu virtal console16:39
bhuvibibekp, yes you can post it i will try to examine it16:39
donitafirst 512bytes of the hard disk, all right, but you know, GParted's graphic isn't correct16:40
przemo_onedonita mbr is the first sector of your hard drive16:40
luk156seems to be a proble of refresh16:40
subichanMikeChelen: thanks man16:40
MaXlMuSmy secndary hard drive died someone has an extra one for sale ? =P16:40
erUSULdonita: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Master_boot_record16:40
przemo_onedonita its not a file16:40
Esyasipior: Hmmm Okay16:40
donitathe leftest partition isn't always the first sector placed, you guys know about this????16:40
madcheeze_MikeChelen, i dont know... need to investigate it... my card is an ati... and i need to finish the install16:40
phil__madcheeze_: yeah but at work, therefore a bunch of linux pessimists16:40
erUSULdonita: the mbr is no t showed in gparted graphic16:40
erUSUL!who | donita16:40
ubottudonita: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)16:40
bibekpjongbergs, nibbler bhuvi surprise no 2: about a month back, linux reported my battery time (fully charged) as 4.5 hours. suddenly, it started reporting 2.5 hours. and now, each week (or a fortnight), i can see a decrease in reported time. it is 2 hours 20 minutes these days. going by this progression. my computer wil be useless in about a year :)16:40
ManDayibuclaw, ah16:40
ibuclawManDay, for example: xsplash-artwork is a virtual package - and it's "child" packages (that provide it) are ubuntu-xsplash-artwork and sability-xsplash-artwork.16:40
ibuclawManDay, but other packages don't depend on the child package - instead they depend on the master.16:41
ahmad_any help16:41
phil__madcheeze_: you know the old, linux isn't ready for the pro workplace crap16:41
bhuvibibekp, atleast it will give some suggestions to reduce power consumption16:41
ibuclawif that makes sense...16:41
jongbergsbibekp: sounds strange..16:41
bibekpbhuvi, i am pasting it, please wait.16:41
MaXlMuS Xubuntu rocks!16:41
madcheeze_phil__, if you are looking for an mmc snap in, i dont know of one..16:41
donitaubottu, I was speaking to all of you..... may I???16:41
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:41
przemo_onedonita partition is not covering mbr. mbr is for the computer to know how to boot16:41
ManDaythanks ibuclaw16:41
MikeChelenmadcheeze_: finish the install?16:41
dassoukijrib: i'm not sure what to do and a bit confused16:41
bibekpjongbergs, i am a full-time user. but ever since i switched to a laptop, it is giving me nightmares16:41
MikeChelen!ati | madcheeze_16:41
ubottumadcheeze_: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto16:41
ManDaycan anyone tell me what package enables fancy mouse gestures for mousepads?16:42
donitayes, my question is, where is this MBR???16:42
csna172I have a weird issue with Ubuntu Enterprise Server 9.10. I was testing my server to see how it would react after losing power. Basically making sure that it would automatically reboot and come back up if it were to lose power. After I pulled the power it restarted and came back online as one would expect. However,  now after about 5 mins it drops its internet connection and will not pick it back up unless I restart the machine. A16:42
bibekpand the problem is, there are no answers for such questions anywhere jongbergs16:42
ManDay(the apple-like things)16:42
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przemo_onedonita by installing windows 7 you overwrited this informatien and now only windows is booting16:42
donitaIs it now at Ubuntu's partition or Windows 7's partitions? or Mint's Partition?16:42
erUSULdonita: alrady told you *exactly* where it is16:42
donitaWhere is this MBR now???16:42
bibekpbhuvi, here it is: http://pastebin.org/5927416:43
ibuclawManDay, not too sure, but you could try: apt-cache search mouse gestures16:43
ibuclawManDay, to query the packages in the repository16:43
przemo_onedonita you need to do grub reinstallation after fu** windows installation.16:43
phil__madcheeze_: although nmap and nbtscan can do most of what I need, they would frown16:43
ibuclawManDay, only seems to be a Firefox addon16:43
erUSULdonita: the mbr does not move it is allways where i told you; are you listening to what i say???16:43
MaXlMuSDonita:samething happened to me select the same i selected same partition as windows and now it works 2nds install16:43
donitaerUSUL... yes yes, thank you16:43
bibekpbhuvi, another screenshot: http://pastebin.org/5927516:43
przemo_onedonita it's where it was, but after windows installation it's different now16:44
przemo_onedonita you have to restore grub's information in mbr. mbr is a place on a hard drive. it's allways there16:44
Dr_Willisdonita:  the 'mbr' is the master boot record. the first few bytes of the hard drive that the bios loads/runs to  determine what to boot next.16:44
donitaprzemo_one and MaXlMus and all others... yes please explain it to me16:44
erUSULdonita: the mbr can contain grub or the windows boot loader. windows overwrittes the mbr everytime you install it. so does ubuntu unless told otherwise in advanced options16:44
przemo_onedonita use youre imagination now16:45
ManDayibuclaw, im not talkign about firefox mouse gestures. im talking about these apple-gestures (two fingers scroll etc)16:45
przemo_onedonita after bios screen computer must know what to do next right??16:45
exploreralexhow to get a list of channels on irc?16:45
donitaI just wanna know, what are those proccess doing since I don't know what I did, I just know it is back to normal, but I want to know why.16:45
racecar56i'm using ubuntu 9.10, editra gives me an "ImportError: No module named Editra.launcher" error16:45
przemo_onedonita so it checks the mbr what to do what to execute16:45
ibuclawManDay, oh, I'm pretty sure I saw a two finger scroll option in the Gnome Mouse preferences16:45
ManDaybtw: do I need to install a separate package besides compiz and metacity-common to make gnome remember the maximized state of a window after it got closed?16:45
Piciexploreralex: /msg alis help list   more help for that available in #freenode16:45
erUSULexploreralex: /list but you do not want to do that on a large network such as freenode16:45
ibuclawManDay, System->Preferences->Mouse16:45
inquizikillerhow do i ask for help here?16:45
erUSUL!ask | inquizikiller16:46
racecar56inquizikiller: you just did it16:46
ubottuinquizikiller: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:46
przemo_onedonita mbr is the first place to check whats next16:46
racecar56inquizikiller: just ask the question16:46
racecar56exploreralex: hi :D16:46
hylianhey is there a way to keep the icons on top from moving when the screen resizes for an application?16:46
przemo_onedonita when you install linux it's placing grub or lilo16:46
przemo_onedonita linux loaders16:46
exploreralexracecar56: i was just gonna say hi16:46
racecar56exploreralex: stole the words right from your keyboard xD16:46
bwallenAre there any USB or Express Card HDMI out adapters that I can use to hook my laptop to my TV for boxee?16:46
bhuvibibekp, im looking into it16:46
luk156The big problem is that don' depends on the driver nv or nvidia, any ideas?16:47
przemo_onedonita windows is not respecting other systems, so after installing that it sets mbr to run only itself16:47
inquizikilleri need info for 9.10 compatibility rate on packardbell laptop16:47
exploreralexracecar56: ohhh the "h" and "i" just went missing!!16:47
racecar56exploreralex: heehee!16:47
subichanplease, how can I operate on root directories with root permission? cause i got the admin pass but i can't touch some files using the gui16:47
donitaDr_Willis and erUSUL and przemo_one, please go on, I'm listening16:47
przemo_onedonita so you need to restore grub - linux loader so menu will apear again16:47
bibekpi have another question too: using madwifi and fglrx drivers gives me a lot of problems. i have deactivated them. but does anybody know why such problems? i use thinkpad t400 (64-bit) with ubuntu 9.04 x86 version. do i have to install the correct version (processor wise)? i have issues with my battery too.16:47
erUSULsubichan: use sudo16:47
erUSUL!rootshell | subichan16:48
ubottusubichan: Using !sudo with single commands is preferable in most circumstances. However, if you really need a root shell, use « sudo -i » (other variants of this commands are redundant and/or potentially dangerous)16:48
bibekpbhuvi, thanks. i will wait16:48
ManDayGot another problem (context: minimal ubuntu install - i might lack the necessary packages and/or config): According to network-manager-gnome I can establish a connection to a wireless AP but still, nothing works (nothing).16:48
erUSULdonita: przemo_one is doing a good job at it16:48
inquizikilleri need info for 9.10 compatibility rate on packardbell laptop "easynote"16:48
subichanso if i typed sudo -i i would be able to use the gui as i would use the terminal w/sudo?16:48
przemo_onedonita thats it. you must edit it to add windows entry so windows will be on menu as well16:48
erUSULsubichan: no terminal commands16:49
=== adonai2009 is now known as RIPPED
przemo_onedonita by editing i meen grub's configuration file google for instructions16:49
erUSULsubichan: what admin task do you need to do by gui ?16:49
donitaDr_Willis and erUSUL and przemo_one : So.. the MBR will be made after I partition my HDD no matter what the order is? it IS just on the FIRST few KB in the HDD? Would it be beside the first partition or would it be second partition?16:49
katiehi... I recently upgraded to jaunty and really regret it because visual-python is broken...reading on forums convinced me if i install an older version of python-visual (v. 3.2.9) it should work... but the older version doesn't appear in synaptic.. is there any non-techie-skill-requiring way to get it?16:49
subichanerUSUL: erase and write files in an internet server directory16:49
bibekpdonita, you can edit /boot/grub/menu.lst file. the file itself is well documented16:49
inquizikilleri need info for 9.10 compatibility rate on packardbell laptop "easynote"?16:49
bhuvibibekp, can you post the output of <cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/info>16:50
bibekpbhuvi, wait16:50
przemo_onedonita partitions do not touch mbr16:50
erUSULsubichan: and you want to do that with nautilus !? « gksudo nautilus »16:50
kisukecan someone remind me the diffrence beteween > and >> i can never remember16:50
bastidrazor!hardware > inquizikiller check this link for your hardware.16:50
trismkisuke: > overwrites >> appends16:50
ubottuinquizikiller, please see my private message16:50
exploreralexracecar56: where to get a the commands for linux terminal and keyboard shortcuts?16:50
subichanerUSUL: ah thanks.. ok i'm trying that, thank you16:50
king6congCan ubuntu9.10 have a better power management than win7?16:50
donitaprzemo_one and bibekp and erUSUL, yup, I did it by someone told me to grub???Updat??? some command I forgot... I just want to know what happened and how did they recovery ?16:50
bibekpking6cong, +116:50
racecar56exploreralex: i don't understand...16:50
kisuketrism: thanks i can never remember which is which16:51
DjAngo23Hello everyone, I just added a computer to my network. All the computers are logging in via libpam-ldap. Now the problem is that on the new computer, users can log in. When typing : ldapsearch -h 10.1.1.xx -x -b dc=xxxx,dc=xx : i get all the users, so where is it going wrong ?16:51
PSYHERMESking6cong,  y16:51
bibekpbhuvi, http://pastebin.org/5927816:51
inquizikillerthnx ubottu16:51
madcheeze_in karmic, do they have the xorg problems with ati cards? or just jaunty?16:51
przemo_onedonita this is what i do. i use sysrescue cd. is a linux distribution for system trouble16:51
trismkisuke: >> (one > is appended to the other, so appends)16:51
erUSULdonita: is like this :   if {} is the entire disk and [] are partitions the mbr is () --> {(mbr)[part1]...[partn]}16:51
subichanerUSUL: very nice of you, it's working, thx again16:51
donitaand where the MBR is, so next time I encounterd the same problem I can fix it up by having a clue so I can learn and fix it up by logic not just remember those strange commands16:51
bibekpmadcheeze_, what kind of problems you had with jaunty? i also have problems16:51
PSYHERMESwho to use hamaker ?16:51
kisuketrism:  thanks a lot that should help16:52
ManDay(context: minimal ubuntu install - i might lack the necessary packages and/or config): According to network-manager-gnome I can establish a connection to a wireless AP but still, nothing works (nothing).16:52
exploreralexracecar56: sorry message was unclear. i want all the commands and shortcuts used in linux. is there a pdf? or a resource i can use when i don't have internet access?16:52
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AlexJonesDoes anybody remember where in gconf-editor the option is that disables the icons of mounted devices on the desktop?16:52
erUSULsubichan: it is dangerous to work with a root nautilus16:52
madcheeze_bibekp, i dont have a problem, looking to get 3d going...16:52
subichanerUSUL: why is that?16:52
erUSULAlexJones: apps>nautilus>desktop>show volumes16:52
przemo_onedonita i run it from cd with command "sysrescue64 root=/dev/sda1" or something like that for 64 bit system16:52
erUSULsubichan: easy to make mistakes16:52
bibekpmadcheeze_, what prevented you from getting the 3d going, thats what i asked16:52
AlexJoneserUSUL, thx16:52
racecar56exploreralex: just look in the shortcut settings, under system>preferences possibly16:52
bibekpi have ATI card too. and fglrx doesnt work well przemo_one16:53
subichanerUSUL: i'm not too proficient with the terinal you know..16:53
donitaprzemo_one : my Ubuntu is 32bit, can I make the same one as yours?16:53
erUSULsubichan: ok16:53
bibekp i have ATI card too. and fglrx doesnt work well madcheeze_16:53
* racecar56 has an ATI Radeon 2400 Pro and it failed miserably with Linux16:53
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub216:53
przemo_onedonita it allows me to boot into my installed linux and execute a commend "grub-install /dev/sda"16:53
madcheeze_bibekp, all info i see about the xorg problem poing to jaunty, not karmic. therefore, i am not going to do anything with it until i do my homework. i want to enable a cairo dock with opengl16:53
* racecar56 but then switched to a geforce 8600gt and has been happy ever since16:53
DjAngo23Hello everyone, I just added a computer to my network. All the computers are logging in via libpam-ldap. Now the problem is that on the new computer, users can log in. When typing : ldapsearch -h 10.1.1.xx -x -b dc=xxxx,dc=xx : i get all the users, so where is it going wrong ?16:53
racecar56...except that the fan is noisy16:54
przemo_onebibekt i have ati card, but i never mentioned that. how did you figure it out? that i have ati?16:54
Tiders-What is a good program that Ubuntu can run to make posters and stuff16:54
bibekpmadcheeze_, problem is, i hate doing system upgrades, breaks so many things. i have so many things already installed and installing a fresh system will waste a lot of my time. if 3d with ATI is fixed, would be very happy. i have turned off compiz etc right now16:54
hylianis there a way to keep the icons where i want them after screen resize? they alway move around and i gotta put them back again16:54
exploreralexracecar56: you are right. its there. what chat software are you using? i have pdgin and xchat installed and i use pdgin16:54
donitaprzemo_one : Does the installation CD also the resecure CD ?16:55
erUSULdonita: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2#Recover Grub 2 via LiveCD16:55
racecar56exploreralex: i'm using pidgin too16:55
racecar56exploreralex: that's all i use for IRC these days16:55
guitar-maniachey! can anyone help me to give rights to users through the terminal? i somehow took my own rights away so id need them back16:55
donitaerUSUL, thanks16:55
racecar56exploreralex: i used to use kvirc in my KDE4 days...16:55
Dr_WillisTiders-:  i used a tool called 'rasterbator' (rasterbater?) to take an image file and blow it up to HUGE sizes  that you print/paste the pages together :) it worked in wine16:55
racecar56exploreralex: ...but i've switched to gnome now16:55
przemo_onedonita for the first question: yes use command "sysrescuecd root=/dev/sda1"16:55
subichanok i could set different permission on a file but i need to make it executable through the web instead of making it downloadable, as it's a perl script.. how can I go about that?16:55
Tiders-Dr_Willis, Alright thanks16:56
ripthejackercan anyone help16:56
sipiorTiders-: have a look at scribus. first-rate program.16:56
exploreralexracecar56 :how do you do this?"***racecar56 but then switched to a geforce 8600gt and has been happy ever since"16:56
ripthejackerno audio plays with phonon-xine16:56
ripthejackerin amarok16:56
racecar56exploreralex: oh so easy16:56
erUSULTiders-: gimp? inkscape? scribus?16:56
bibekpprzemo_one, do lspci, it will show you16:56
ripthejackerbut phonon-gstreamer works fine16:56
unopsubichan, where is the script placed now?16:56
przemo_onedonite sda1 is the partition where i have linux, yours might be different16:56
racecar56exploreralex: 1. i purchased one from ebay for only around $33 2. i put it in my comp16:56
subichanunop: in my server directory16:56
madcheeze_bibekp, i have a fresh install, so i dont have it enabled either. but, i am going to screw with it, so i am going to put vbox on my current setup, and then screw with it on the virtual machine..16:56
Tiders-sipior, Can Ubuntu run that natively16:56
donitaprzemo_one : donita@donita-desktop:~$ sysrescuecd root=/dev/sda116:56
donitasysrescuecd: command not found16:56
sipiorTiders-: sure can.16:56
erUSUL!info scribus | Tiders-16:56
subichanunop: where other html files are16:56
ubottuTiders-: scribus (source: scribus): Open Source Desktop Page Layout. In component main, is optional. Version (karmic), package size 9388 kB, installed size 26960 kB16:57
bibekpi'm  repeating my question: i have another question too: using madwifi and fglrx drivers gives me a lot of problems. i have deactivated them. but does anybody know why such problems? i use thinkpad t400 (64-bit) with ubuntu 9.04 x86 version. do i have to install the correct version (processor wise)? i have issues with my battery too (is this related with my previous question)?16:57
unopsubichan, off course. but perl scripts (by default) are only executable when placed in the 'cgi' directory16:57
Tiders-sipior, Thanks dude16:57
AlexJonesWhat is the point in introducing the software center in 9.10? Will synaptic be removed in the future?16:57
przemo_onebibekp i know that i have, but how do you know that I have also?16:57
bibekpmadcheeze_, hmm16:57
kielanmatt_hi all16:57
exploreralexracecar56: not the hardware. i'm asking how do you display such messages on irc chat?16:57
bibekpprzemo_one, didnt get you16:57
kielanmatt_im having a problem with CPU scaling16:57
racecar56exploreralex: oh16:57
madcheeze_bibekp, what wireless card do you have?16:57
kielanmatt_its fucked up16:57
subichanunop: ahhhh.. never knew that.. ok i'll try that. thanks man.. lemme see if i can make it work with that tip16:57
racecar56exploreralex: /me *something*16:57
racecar56exploreralex: that command would do...16:57
kielanmatt_any way of getting rid of frequency scaling?16:57
ripthejackersomebody help16:57
* racecar56 *something*16:57
Tiders-sipior, SHould I grab the dev version or stable?16:58
erUSULAlexJones: no; software center replaced Applications>Add/remove synaptic will allways be there for the power user16:58
* kielanmatt_ tries to force off CPU scaling16:58
* exploreralex *i think i got it*16:58
racecar56exploreralex: ya.16:58
przemo_onebibekp never mind. i have old x200mobile i'm not using fglrx16:58
* exploreralex got it16:58
erUSULTiders-: grab the one in the repos16:58
kielanmatt_any way of getting rid of frequency scaling?16:58
sipiorTiders-: just try "sudo apt-get install scribus"16:58
Tiders-sipior, Theres two in the repos NG and Stable16:58
racecar56exploreralex: so you can say /me types on the keyboard to say "***exploreralex types on the keyboard"16:58
bibekpmadcheeze_, i think it is Intel16:58
racecar56exploreralex: it's an old-fashioned IRC command.16:58
sipiorTiders-: install both, try both. if you want, of course.16:59
madcheeze_run lspci in your terminal16:59
przemo_onedonita its not a command for your ubuntu. you need to get seperate distribution calld system rescue cd and boot from that cd16:59
erUSULkielanmatt_: set the cpufreq governor to performance that runs the cpu at full speed allways16:59
bibekpprzemo_one, why does linux suck with ATI ? madcheeze_16:59
* exploreralex racecar56 is the best help i've got yet on IRC, long live racecar5616:59
kielanmatt_i got it overclocked16:59
Tiders-sipior, Do you use the stable?16:59
kielanmatt_and it doesnt run as fast16:59
kielanmatt_beofre i upgraded16:59
sipiorTiders-: either one is fine, honest :-)16:59
unopsubichan, the cgi-bin directory is possibly /usr/lib/cgi-bin/ # you can use this command to make sure    grep -inHR cgi-bin /etc/apache2/16:59
kielanmatt_i managed to fuck up my governor16:59
madcheeze_bibekp, its lunch here, so i will be back in a bit, and we can work on it. probably 1 hour.16:59
przemo_onebibekp don't know. propably because ati. had old nvidia card, no problems16:59
donitaprzemo_one : Where can I get this CD?16:59
bibekpmadcheeze_, hmm. ok16:59
kielanmatt_and the frequency monitor applet reported the overclocked frequency16:59
bibekpkielanmatt_, what do you mean ?16:59
Picikielanmatt_: Please mind your language here.16:59
Tiders-sipior, Oh alrighty.. Hopefully they dont take forever to download here at school17:00
kielanmatt_it says 1.8ghz17:00
przemo_onebibekp drivers in executeble format not package :)17:00
exploreralexracecar56: i've heard kde is better than gnome17:00
DjAngo23Hello everyone, I just added a computer to my network. All the computers are logging in via libpam-ldap. Now the problem is that on the new computer, users can log in. When typing : ldapsearch -h 10.1.1.xx -x -b dc=xxxx,dc=xx : i get all the users, so where is it going wrong ?17:00
racecar56exploreralex: and a little annoying thing you can do: say this: "/me  " no quotes of course, it says "***exploreralex" and that's all xD17:00
kielanmatt_on performance17:00
przemo_onedonita google17:00
kielanmatt_before i upgraded from 9.0417:00
racecar56exploreralex: like this17:00
* racecar56 17:00
subichanunop: ah so putting it inside var/www/html/cgi-bin won't work.. because it didn't work in fact17:00
kielanmatt_i manged to remove all frequency scaling governors17:00
racecar56exploreralex: heeheehee.17:00
kielanmatt_cpufreq etc.17:00
sporedihow do i fix ubuntu if it is Read-only file system17:00
bibekpkielanmatt_, why ?17:00
guitar-maniacHow can i give admin priviliges back to some user through terminal? i messed up my own account and id like the privileges back :(17:00
kielanmatt_and it reported overclocked frequency17:00
erUSULkielanmatt_: reinstall the kernel and related packages17:00
donitaI'm sure I will install many PCs to Ubuntu, so I may encountered the same problem, I just hope I could understand them all so I can help others too17:00
kielanmatt_i cant reinstall17:00
kielanmatt_i want 9.1017:01
kielanmatt_i dont want the cpu manager back17:01
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przemo_onedonita and find out where is yours linux system partition it can be different than sda117:01
kielanmatt_the thing is that i dont have the packages17:01
exploreralexracecar56: i asked you if kde is better than gnome?17:01
unopsubichan, well, you can change the location of your cgi-bin to  /var/www/html/cgi-bin/  if you like - but it's probably simpler to use the default directory and place your script in there17:01
kielanmatt_but still the governor runs somehow17:01
racecar56exploreralex: it depends on what you want.17:01
erUSUL!enter | kielanmatt_17:01
ubottukielanmatt_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!17:01
Tixbuserveur francais ?17:01
erUSUL!who | kielanmatt_17:01
ubottukielanmatt_: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:01
bhuvibibekp, from what you have posted it seems your hybserv software consumes more of your cpu17:02
erUSULkielanmatt_: becouse that's a kernel sriver like the one that controls your hard disk17:02
subichanunop: yeah indeed it is but then what would the url become?? /cgi-bin/script.pl ?17:02
exploreralexracecar56: what's the difference? i've heard only the desktop looks better in kde?17:02
racecar56exploreralex: if you like awesome insane desktop FX, and don't really mind crashyness (it's getting less crashier as the versions go by) then you'll like KDE417:02
erUSULkielanmatt_: you need the cpufreq tools to change the governor to performance17:02
racecar56exploreralex: it looks much better in KDE4, if you like FX17:02
bibekpbhuvi, i only installed a few days back. you mean my battery will perform well if i uninstall it ?17:02
unopsubichan, yea.  http://yourhost/cgi-bin/script.pl17:02
erUSULkielanmatt_: get rid of what?17:02
harovali1I'm having a strange network interface problem. The eth0 gets acknowledged as r8169. Then, a DSL conection is established though it. So far , so well. Every 8 minutes or so "r8169: eth0: link down" "r8169: eth0: link up"  appear in dmesg. If that pair of messages appear more than 4 times, then the DSL is hung with the following message logged to /var/log/messages " pppd[891]: No response to 4 echo-requests" "pppd[891]: Ser17:02
przemo_onedonita have fun i must go for a while17:03
exploreralexracecar56: i need to reinstall linux in a kde version? or can i convert gnome to kde?17:03
racecar56exploreralex: i personally like GNOME because my comp runs uber fast (and to think, i have a Xeon 3200 of some sort)17:03
racecar56exploreralex: oh, no!17:03
bhuvibibekp, can you unplug the charger and report the powertop output only then the amount of power consumed will be available17:03
racecar56exploreralex: you do NOT need to re-install!17:03
erUSULexploreralex: you can convert; install kubuntu-desktop then ...17:03
erUSUL!purekde | exploreralex17:03
subichanunop: now unfortunately people have to type http://myhost/html/index.html and i wanted to get rid of that /html/ step in there.. where can one change all these directory settings?17:04
racecar56exploreralex: GNOME/KDE have nothing whatsoever to do with the Linux OS itself, so you needn't re-installation17:04
bibekpbhuvi, unplug the charger for how long?17:04
unopexploreralex, you can install KDE besides Gnome17:04
donitaprzemo_one!! thank you17:04
bibekpi have another question too: using madwifi and fglrx drivers gives me a lot of problems. i have deactivated them. but does anybody know why such problems? i use thinkpad t400 (64-bit) with ubuntu 9.04 x86 version. do i have to install the correct version (processor wise)? i have issues with my battery too.17:04
ubottuexploreralex: If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »17:04
racecar56exploreralex: sudo apt-get install kde #problem solved17:04
mr_danieleverytime I get an email evolution automatically sends a message to the ubuntu notification system, which creates a small pop-up "you have a new email"17:04
racecar56exploreralex: OR sudo apt-get install gnome #problem solved17:04
exploreralexhow do i do that?17:04
donitaI am reading the help.ubuntu.com/community/recoveryingubuntuAfterInstallingWindows17:04
racecar56exploreralex: open a terminal17:04
racecar56exploreralex: you using GNOME now?17:04
donitaI just want to remember them17:04
mr_danielhow can I send my own messages to the notification system? for example I want to be warned when a compile porcess is finished17:04
racecar56exploreralex: and you want KDE4?17:04
erUSULexploreralex: i just told you with help of ubottu17:04
unopsubichan, it seems you have placed all your content in /var/www/html/  - why not just have it all in /var/www/ ??17:04
bhuvibibekp, just for the acpi power usage estimate to become available17:05
donitaIt would be more easy if I knew those commands mean17:05
exploreralexwhich version is faster?17:05
trismmr_daniel: install libnotify-bin, and use notify-send17:05
racecar56exploreralex: 3 but it's removed from ubuntu 8.10+17:05
theadminexplorealex: "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop". I personally don't recommend KDE, it's kind of a buggy. If you need a fast system use GNOME or XFCE17:05
erUSULexploreralex: install kubuntu-desktop package then fllow this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE17:05
exploreralexi'm using 9.0417:05
CarlFKwhat package do I install to get java in firefox?17:05
bibekpbhuvi, if you tell me how long i unplug the charger before posting powertop results, it would be easier for me (so that you wont have to ask for another report later) :)17:05
donitaif I knew the meaning of these commands... I am a slow learner17:05
racecar56exploreralex: ok well you will not get KDE3.17:05
theadminCarlFK: Install "sun-java6-plugin"17:05
unopCarlFK, sun-java6-jre17:05
racecar56exploreralex: you can't.17:05
donitaespecially for computer17:05
racecar56exploreralex: just run this command in the terminal "sudo apt-get install kde"17:06
subichanunop: i stepped up on an already existing admin position.. anyway people don't really have to type all that, they just type the host and then it's redirected to myhost/html/ somehow.. and i don't have a clue as to how i could change that, as i'm not really acquainted with linux17:06
CarlFKtheadmin: unop: thanks.  guessing sun-java6-plugin will get me jre too.17:06
exploreralexif its buggy as theadmin says i'll stick to gnome17:06
unopCarlFK, yea, should do17:06
unopCarlFK, and vice-versa17:06
bhuvibibekp, just for a minute or so,the time you have your powertop running17:06
exploreralexCarlFK: it will.17:06
theadminexploreralex: Well, last one I used was 4.2, but it was buggy and slow17:06
mr_danielcool, notify-send works, thanks trism17:07
przemo_onedoita command "sysrescuecd" is a kernel its you boot nad "root=/dev..." is the parameter, so it knows what to do17:07
bibekpbhuvi, oh, ok. i will have to repeat again. i unplugged, and started powertop.17:07
exploreralextheadmin: thanks, will stick to your advice17:07
unopsubichan, well, it's in the config file for this particular site .. look in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/17:07
sporediwhen i run sudo apt-get install gnome or any package i am getting error with ----Reading state information... Done E: Couldn't find package update17:07
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subichanunop: besides, the script now reacts this way: The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.17:08
subichanunop: so i'll eventually have to tinker with the configuration files17:08
unopsubichan, what does this script do?17:08
subichanunop: nothin, just #!/bin/perl print("hi");17:09
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unopsubichan, well, as far as CGI is concerned this perl script is incomplete - it does not print out any headers to notify the browser of the content type17:10
Curly_QGreetings!    Are there any musicians here that use Audio Kontrol 1? If so, has anyone here used it with Linux or Ubuntu?17:10
keastesis LXDE in the ubuntu repos?17:10
theadminsporedi: Try using "aptitude" instead of "apt-get", may help.17:10
bibekpusing madwifi and fglrx drivers gives me a lot of problems. i have deactivated them. but does anybody know why such problems? i use thinkpad t400 (64-bit) with ubuntu 9.04 x86 version. do i have to install the correct version (processor wise)?17:10
theadminkeastes: It is.17:10
unopsubichan,  the best thing to do is have another terminal open and run this to debug your script.    sudo tail -f /var/log/apache2/error.log17:10
keastestheadmin: thanks i was no sure, which is it in?17:11
theadminkeastes: Lemme find it.17:11
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subitohi, i got "Connection failed" on kgmailnotifier, what can i do about it?17:11
unopsubichan, my guess is that you need another line.    print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; # before print "hi";17:11
theadminkeastes: It's in "lxde" package.17:11
mswlanybody knows how to use the package debian-history ? i installed but i dont know where to find it17:11
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sameerhi! i use ubuntu 9.10. i managed to connect to internet via bluetooth from my mobile.but i find the speed to be poor compared to windows.wud appreciate any work out to increase speed..thnx17:12
keastestheadmin: thnks17:12
erUSULmswl: dpkg -L debian-history17:12
bibekpbhuvi, here it is: http://pastebin.org/5928217:12
kubanci copied folder to windows partition, but the owner is root, so i cannot use this folder in windows? how do i fix this?17:12
aerohi all17:13
bibekpkubanc, strange. you cant use a folder pasted from linux in windows?17:13
theadminkubanc: "chown yourusername filename", something like this should do... Not sure whether this works on folders, but I guess yes.17:13
Curly_QKubanc, change permissions in Linux first then copy to Windows.17:13
ChrisRutIs there a performance difference between mounting a remote share via Samba vs via SSH ?17:13
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kubancbibekp, yes17:14
aeroI'm thinking of learning to program with python, will someone recomend a program or site to help me with this17:14
bibekptry Curly_Q 's suggestion kubanc17:14
mswlthank you very much erUSUL ... thats exactly what i was looking for :D17:14
kubancCurly_Q,  permission in linux are set to my username17:14
Curly_QRemove user name.17:14
theadminaero: Well, their site, python.org, has some documentation.17:15
kubancbibekp, i have this set: drwxr-xr-x 6 kubanc kubanc 4096 ......17:15
aerotheadmin lol, shoulda thought of that, thanks17:15
bibekpkubanc, i dont think linux permissions should be an issue in windows. which version of windows do you use?17:15
Curly_QWhat kind of file or documents do you want to copy?17:16
kubancmicrosoft windows XP SP217:16
scottbnelDo I have to disable NetworkManager if I want to configure and connect to wireless networks from the terminal?17:16
bibekpCurly_Q, i never heard this kind of problem kubanc17:16
kubanci was copying folders with movies, OOOO, is it possible that there is a file inside a folder that is only allowed to be viewed by root?17:16
Curly_QI have.17:16
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:16
Curly_QIt is a permission problem.17:16
DjAngo23Hello everyone, I just added a computer to my network. All the computers are logging in via libpam-ldap. Now the problem is that on the new computer, users can log in. When typing : ldapsearch -h 10.1.1.xx -x -b dc=xxxx,dc=xx : i get all the users, so where is it going wrong ?17:17
bibekpCurly_Q, how can linux permissions be of any issue inside windows ? i read/write open root-owned fines once i copy them to windows17:17
Curly_QAnother reason is that the folder may be a hidden folder and check the properties of the folder.17:17
subichanunop: i think perl isn't installed..17:17
kubancbibekp, windows cannot open folder, and i says that is is 0 file size17:18
kubancCurly_Q, is it possible that there is a file inside a folder that is only allowed to be viewed by root?17:18
bhuvibibekp, k from what i have seen your cpu should stay in higher cstates for most of the time in your case it's only 1.1ms,your power usage is 31.1w which is very high and it says that most of the power in ur system is consumed by something other than cpu17:18
theadminkubanc: Well, if windows has some attributes messed up... but... maybe it didn't copy right, somehow. I'm assuming it's not encrypted, now, is it?17:18
Curly_QKubanc, forget copying a Linux folder to Windows. Just copy the contents of the Linux folder to a Windows folder.17:18
bibekpbhuvi, could you please elaborate17:19
kubanctheadmin, no it is not17:19
theadminkubanc: Ugh... Just try doing what Curly_Q says.17:19
bibekpbhuvi, my cpu is being made to stay in higher cstate than normal ?17:20
bhuvibibekp, try the suggestions provided by powertop and check whether your power consumption reduces or not17:20
kubanctheadmin, i changed the file with sudo chown -R user:user, copied it, and now i am going into windows to see if it worked17:20
tophumorning all (depending on time zone afternoon)17:20
kubancif this corrected the problem i'll report to you with success17:20
bibekpbhuvi, i will. if you are free to explain to me what is happening, it would be really helpful to me17:21
Curly_QWhen all else fails:  Read the Directions.17:21
bhuvibibekp, yes your cpu must stay in a higher cstate in your case c6 state for atleast 15ms17:21
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bibekpbhuvi, and what other thing than cpu is comsuming my power ?17:22
DaremonaiHello, I'm trying to install upsmon... and setting it up... it's now asking me for a PRTK code, which I do not know... and there's nothing written on my UPS... it's a PCE XP edition 1200VA17:22
subichanas the gui interface to ubuntu just froze could anybody tell me how to reset it?17:22
subichanafter i clicked on the time to reset it the upper and lower bars froze17:23
stsmhow can i temporarily disable control-C ?17:23
stsmit kills this game im playing...17:23
bibekpbhuvi, why cant such things (the suggestions of powertop) incorporated in linux when i select "laptop" while installing ubuntu ? looks ridiculous to me17:23
bhuvibibekp, do have a graphic card? what version of ubuntu you are running?17:23
Daremonaihttp://www.pceups.com/Component/Products/Product.asp?ID=8&product=XP%20Pro%201200VA~3750VA&series=XP%20Economy%20/%20XP%20Pro%20/%20XP-RM/%20XPL <--17:24
bibekpbhuvi, ubuntu 9.0417:24
subichanor at least if somebody could tell me how to log off or reset my machine through the terminal i'd be grateful as well17:24
Dr_Willissubichan:  reboot command.. or try alt-ctrl-sysreq-k to force X to restart17:24
bibekpbhuvi, i have an ATi graphics card and i have turned off compiz because the driver (fglrx) really sucks17:24
Dr_Willissubichan:  or 'sudo service gdm restart' to r4estart x17:25
sipiorstsm: "stty intr undef"17:25
subichanDr_Willis: service not found17:25
flan_suseIs ffmpeg supposed to have mp3 support on a fresh installation of Linux Mint 7 and 8? ffmpeg tells me "Unknown encoder: libmp3lame" if I try to convert a file to mp3. On openSUSE, this works fine since ffmpeg (from Packman) supports mp3. The MediBuntu repository does not have ffmpeg on it. (Same problem with Jaunty and Karmic.)17:25
bibekpbhuvi, are these suggestions (of powertop) listed somewhere online? they change very soon for me to copy them :)17:25
flan_suseWhat repo can I get a fully functional ffmpeg package from?17:26
kubanctheadmin, the chowm -r didn't worked17:26
Dr_Willissubichan:  perhaps its sudo service restart gdm , or are you using 9,10 or 9.04 ?17:26
stsmthanx sipior17:26
theadminkubanc: Okay. I understand it's possibly a bad idea, but you can try to archive the files, and unpack them on Windows. You have a really strange issue, though :/17:27
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subichanDr_Willis: i'll try rebooting.. thanks..17:27
kubanctheadmin, i tryed to copy it over network to a different computer and the result is the same17:28
Dr_Willissubichan:  or try the alt-ctrl-sysreq-k key combo17:28
zepolenafter the last system update, ssh is slow as hell17:28
Curly_QGreets to Dr Willis!     <---------------------<17:28
zepolenconnecting - typing - all slow17:28
zepolendid something change?17:28
Dr_Willismoo Curly_Q !17:28
bhuvibibekp, perhaps you should consider upgrading to 9.10,for detailed info visit www.lesswatts.org17:28
Curly_QGood to see you again.17:28
theadminkubanc: Oh. That is very strangy.17:28
bibekpbhuvi, i will visit. but i dislike upgrades as it breaks so many packages17:29
flan_suseIf ffmpeg is not on MediBuntu for Jautny or Karmic, then where else can I find a .deb for ffmpeg with mp3 support?17:29
AshDragonhaven't noticed it @ zepolen17:29
theadminzepolen: Updates generally tend to slow system down.17:29
trismzepolen: seems fine to me, maybe your connection is lagging?17:29
theadminzepolen: A clean install is preffered. And yeah, check the connection17:30
Dr_Willissudo apt-get install ffmpeg17:30
bibekpbhuvi, is 9.10 stable? i have read negative reviews about it17:30
madcheeze_bibekp, you want to work on that wireless isue?17:30
stsmet doesnt have sound anymore17:30
Dr_Willisflan_suse:  i got it from somewhere.. medibuntu i thought17:30
flan_suseDr_Willis: there is no ffmpeg package on MediaBuntu for Jaunty or Karmic.17:30
AshDragoni have seen 9.10 break several things on various computers at the office here; mine, however, works almost perfectly17:30
kubanctheadmin, widows gave me this error: E:\folder refers to a location that is unavalible it could be on a hard drive on this computer or on a network. check to make sure the disk id poperly inserted, or that you connected to the internet of your network, and then try again. if it still cannot be located, the information might have boon moved to a different location17:30
zepolenconnection is fast - generally everything is fast, it's just ssh that is slow - actually, https is slow too17:31
flan_suseDr_Willis: and the ffmpeg package on the official Ubuntu repos does not have mp3 support (legal reasons.)17:31
rigelhi, firefox says it's using system wide proxy settings, but i dont have any system wide proxy settings set up. it redirects to my school's proxy when i try and go to a site like pubmed. where would i find the file that determines this behavior?17:31
Dr_Willisflan_suse:  may be best to just compile it from soruce to enable everthing you want.17:31
theadminrigel: System -> Preferences -> Network Proxy17:31
nibblerrigel: are you in yor schools network?17:31
zepolenthis makes no sense17:31
aula14dame un toque17:31
rigeltheadmin: it's not there17:31
theadminrigel: Oh, then I don't know, sorry.17:31
madcheeze_bibekp, do you want to work on that wireless issue now?17:31
rigelnibbler: currently, but it does it even at home.17:32
aula26Hola hola!!!17:32
aula26quién hay ahí?17:32
zepolenis it possible for an isp can throttle ssl/ssh traffic?17:32
aula26olé olé17:32
aula18ya toy17:32
flan_suseDr_Willis: I was hoping to avoid having to compile from source. Prefer to stick with the package manager.17:32
aula26ya mismo nos quitan de ajquí!17:32
ripthejackercan someone help me with fstab17:32
aula14 yo me voy17:32
aula18pos zi17:32
aula26a onde?17:32
Dr_Willisflan_suse:  then check the PPA repos I guess.17:32
theadmin!it | aula1417:32
ubottuaula14: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)17:32
ripthejackersomebody help17:32
aula14donde comemos mañana17:32
aula26mei dei, mei dei17:32
aula26Le llaman óscart17:33
aula26yo me como un bocata17:33
aula18no se en el oscar17:33
bibekpmadcheeze_, yes please17:33
ripthejackercan anyone help me?17:33
bibekpmadcheeze_, yes please17:33
BesogonHI. Is any different exist between libreadline6 and libreadline5? I ask because quagga_0.99.13-1 depends on libreadline5< but in karmic is installed libreadline6 by default.17:33
aula13nos van a regañar17:33
aula26me lo como tó, jejejeje17:33
madcheeze_bibekp, what did lspci put out for your wireless network adapter?17:33
theadminUgh. Somebody explain them that this is a english-only channel.17:33
aula26vamos a atender una miaja17:33
ripthejackerplease help meeeeeeeee!!17:34
aula26help, a need somebody!!!17:34
theadminaula26: What is the problem?17:34
ripthejackeri need help17:34
theadminripthejacker: What's up?17:34
aula26me too17:34
bibekpmadcheeze_, i think it is this one: 00:03.0 Communication controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset MEI Controller (rev 07)17:34
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:34
kubanctheadmin, is it possible that i cannot wiew folder baceuse other don't have any permission set ?17:34
ripthejackertheadmin: i have a prob in fstab17:35
aula14estoy hasta ........17:35
theadmin!hi | aula2617:35
ubottuaula26: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!17:35
madcheeze_bibekp, no, it should say wireless. what is your notebook model number?17:35
magmarulesGuys anyone knows if there a desktop mail client that groups mails like gmail? Not in threads, like a chat !17:35
djemHow do I get more than 2 workspaces?17:35
madcheeze_bibekp, and brand?17:35
ripthejackertheadmin: i have managed to automount ntfs drives17:35
bibekpmadcheeze_, Thinkpad T40017:35
ripthejackertheadmin: but they have only read permissions17:35
aula26Wlcome leperos!!!17:35
erUSULdjem: right click on the workspace switcher choose preferences17:35
theadminripthejacker: Ow. Not my kind of thing. Sorry... I got all the things of that kind automatically configured on install.17:35
aula13no sus estais enterando de na17:35
ripthejackertheadmin: well i dont know wer i screwed17:36
kostkon!ops | aula nicks are bots17:36
ubottuaula nicks are bots: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!17:36
ripthejackertheadmin: u have an ntfs drive?17:36
aula26mis neuronas ya no pueden máis17:36
aula26me caen os mocuelos17:36
sipiorthis feels very familiar for some reason...17:36
theadminripthejacker: Yeah, I HAD before, AFAIR ntfs-3g can't write.17:36
aula26me voy17:36
madcheeze_bibekp, i need the serial number so i can see what wireless card you have17:36
jpdskostkon: Hmm.17:36
erUSULkostkon: not bots just school kids17:36
ripthejackertheadmin: its ntfs17:37
bibekpmadcheeze_, wait a while17:37
kostkonlol. ok then17:37
ripthejackertheadmin: and i was able to write before17:37
theadminripthejacker: "ntfs-3g" is what Ubuntu mounts NTFS with17:37
aula18me quiero ir a mi cas17:37
madcheeze_bibekp, its the product number17:37
Pici!es | aula1817:37
ubottuaula18: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.17:37
ChrisRutJust upgraded to Karmic, and now when ever a play a video it has a Blue tint to it... PEOPLE LOOK LIKE SMURFS17:37
joshua__i have xubuntu 9.10 and none of my windows have minimize or close17:38
bwallenDoesn anyone know if boxee supports hulu and netflix in linux?17:38
sameerhi..i m facing slow surfing speed while using internet vis bluetooth from my mobile17:38
riteshi am tying to execute php script every 1 minute , using crontab -e , but its not executing..what am i doing wrong?17:38
bibekpmadcheeze_, 2764-CTO could you also please check if i have a GPS receiver in this machine ?17:38
bibekpmadcheeze_, i think i have, but i am not sure17:38
codazodaritesh: Make sure you have the full path to execute and that the PHP script doesn't rely on running from a specific path (it won't run from there in cron).17:39
djemI only got two workspaces and that works kind of strange together with compiz and 3D cube. Normaly 4 workspaces are activated automaticly when I select 3D Cube, but not this time around. How do I chance the number of workspaces manualy?17:39
tophuI'm on an hp laptop with a built in wireless adapter and I purcahsed a usb wireless adapter with a different chipset... is there a way to force the usb adapter to use different drivers than the built in adapter?17:39
=== christian is now known as Guest77943
Dr_Willisdjem:  use the 'ccsm' tool general tab..  enable 100+ desktops if you want. :)17:39
codazodadjem: Look at backlist.17:40
dinosaurvskittendoes evolution also randomly crash for anyone else?17:40
Dr_Willis!ccsm | djem17:40
ubottudjem: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz17:40
codazodaSorry, wrong user.17:40
codazodatophu: Look at blacklist.17:40
kubanctheadmin, it looks like the problem was, that the folder did not had the permissions set for group "others", so probably windows din't know who can access this file, so this fixed the problem.17:42
bibekpkubanc, cool17:43
madcheeze_bibekp, not sure about the gps, but here is a link of what should work out of the box. http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Install_Ubuntu_9.04_%28Jaunty_Jackalope%29_on_a_ThinkPad_T40017:43
minimecmeine Mitteilungen17:43
sameerhi! i m facing slow surfing speed. i m using my mobile to connect to internet via bluetooth..pl help17:44
madcheeze_bibekp, lspci should show you all of the wireless information and what the card is. i need a bit more information than what you posted earlier to determine what is going on17:44
madcheeze_bibekp, and you shouldnt have to use madwifi17:44
bibekpmadcheeze_, just a min17:44
bibekpmadcheeze_, i am using ath5k17:45
fool_every once in a while i have this problem: everything works fine for a while but then suddenly the cpu pegs up 100% with high X usage and everything crawls until i kill all apps. starting any app again will peg the cpu up again. :/17:45
madcheeze_bibekp, ok, with lspci, what does it say about atheros?17:45
bibekpmadcheeze_, so, i am fine without using madwifi? i hear madwifi provides more options (in terms of using wifi card)17:45
donitahi all17:45
fool_every once in a while i have this problem: everything works fine for a while but then suddenly the cpu pegs up 100% with high X usage and everything crawls until i kill all apps. starting any app again will peg the cpu up again. :/ any suggestion ?17:45
donitaGood day~~17:45
bibekpmadcheeze_, lspci | grep ath gives no result17:46
madcheeze_bibekp, i dont use madwifi. im a network engineer, and i dont need it. all the tools can be found on the web that you will need for testing, like putty, etc.17:46
sameerhi! i m facing slow surfing speed. i m using my mobile(gprs) to connect to internet via bluetooth.any help to increase speed will be appreciated.thanx17:47
bibekpmadcheeze_, cool. you mean madwifi would provide the tools available on the web too? (that sounds cool to me)17:47
sameerhi! i m facing slow surfing speed. i m using my mobile(gprs) to connect to internet via bluetooth.any help to increase speed will be appreciated.thanx17:47
madcheeze_bibekp, just use lspci, here is what mine says -04:00.0 Network controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) (rev 01)17:47
Lucho_Hi, caon some one help me configuring a serial mouse on ubuntu 9.10?17:47
=== travis is now known as Guest3706
sameerhi! i m facing slow surfing speed. i m using my mobile(gprs) to connect to internet via bluetooth.any help to increase speed will be appreciated.thanx17:47
sipiorsameer: yeah, we heard you already.17:47
YellowBancheesameer: gprs sux on a mobile17:47
simplexiosameer: yeah.. and ignored you17:47
Hillshumsameer: We heard you the first time, but it could be an issue with ipv6. Go into about:config in firefox, and make17:48
madcheeze_bibekp, no, madwifi i think just enables the network adapter to use a specific driver that was compiled by them, and not the one intended via the manufacturer...17:48
madcheeze_bibekp, usually they edit the driver to make it better. i dont know about any other tools that it would provide that arent already embedded in linux, or can be gotten via synaptic17:48
bibekpmadcheeze_, thats cool then. i wont need it17:49
Hillshumsameer: Go to the address about:config in firefox, and search for network.dns.disableIPv6 Make it's value True17:49
andyzammy1hi all, does anybody here have a hp pavillion dv7?17:49
bibekpmadcheeze_, do you have any ideas about why fglrx doesnt work well with jaunty and ATI, and if i can fix it?17:49
slaytonI have an old RHEL3 box with a hardware raid array. The box is dead and I need to recover the data. Can I simply plug the PCI card into an UBUNTU box and get the data off the array or do I need some sort of voodoo skils?17:49
klownIs it possible to load two different apps in wine, on the same virtual desktop?  I'm trying to load vent, and a game, and cant figure out how to load both.17:49
madcheeze_bibekp, yes, there is a bug out there. you have to edit the xorg file17:49
AshDragonHaving a bit of trouble: ubuntu 9.10 cannot see any wifi adapters on my system; as it is a laptop with a wifi on/off switch, I know it exists~  Anyone run into this before?17:50
bibekpmadcheeze_, any pointers?17:50
sipiorslayton: should work, assuming enough disks are intact.17:50
bibekpmadcheeze_, what did you derive from the lspci output ?17:50
andyzammy1i'm trying to find out how to open up my hp pavillion dv7 to clean it, it looks very dusty in the grill, does anybody know how to do this?17:51
YellowBancheesameer: get HSDPA (High Speed Download Packet Access) on your mobile and it will still be slow17:51
juan__i've installed kwin from a ubuntu minimal install, some apps work others fail with a bus error, konsole/konversation are fine but kwin and quassel fail :S17:51
Hillshumandyzammy1: This isn't the place to ask, but have you searched google? Also, check HP's site. They have good docs17:51
bibekpmadcheeze_, 03:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01)17:51
klownandyzammy1, turn it off, grab a can of compressed air, and try thought route first.17:51
cmacnau Hello, I'm trying to add an entry to the bootloader for Fedora 12 in 9.10.  Anyone have any experience with this?  I'm not well acquainted with grub217:52
prince_of_bodomhey.. i have 15gb unpartitioned freespace on my laptop(created using easus).. got xp and kubuntu.. want to install fedora 11.. but it says not enough free space.. isnt the minimum req 9 gb?17:52
andyzammy1Hillshum: thanks for the tip, tried google, results were just white noise really, but didin't think about the hp site! will check now17:52
mezquitalecmacnau, menu.lst is no more, you have to edit a specfic file17:53
andyzammy1klown: thanks for the tip, but unfortunately i don't have any on me - i'm not even sure if its a good idea because the lappy isn't ventelated, i'd be spraying into the outlet, so wouldn't really get any of the dust out, just shifting it about17:53
trismcmacnau: you want to add it to 40_custom then run sudo update-grub, there is an example here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2#User-defined Entries17:53
iakovosi have ubuntu  how i can download a video from youtube??17:54
trismcmacnau: /etc/grub.d/40_custom that is17:54
cmacnaumezquitale:  is the syntax the same?17:54
prince_of_bodom i have 15gb unpartitioned freespace on my laptop(created using easus).. got xp and kubuntu.. want to install fedora 11.. but it says not enough free space.. isnt the minimum req 9 gb?17:54
madcheeze_bibekp, i will linky you... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI17:54
klownIs it possible to load two different apps in wine, on the same virtual desktop?  I'm trying to load vent, and a game, and cant figure out how to load both.17:54
bibekpmadcheeze_, thanks17:55
AshDragonHaving a bit of trouble: ubuntu 9.10 cannot see any wifi adapters on my system; as it is a laptop with a wifi on/off switch, I know it exists~  Anyone run into this before, or know how to fix it?17:55
FizixPlease, someone help me before I kill myself.17:55
FizixI can't for the life of me establish a connection to my DSL modem on Karmic.17:55
mezquitalecmacnau, I think the syntax is the same except you have to remember the partitions start being counted at 1, not 0 but maybe trism can help you on that one17:55
HillshumAshDragon: What laptop, and give me the output of lspci in a pastebin17:56
cmacnauAwesome.  I'll have a look and poke around.  Many thanks!17:56
ListerthrawnFizix: What kind of connection are you trying to make17:56
iakovos<prince_of_bodom>  th minim is 9 gb but you mast partitioned the 9 gb17:56
bibekpbhuvi, wow, the power usage has now dropped to 21 W. Thanks a lot17:56
FizixListerthrawn, I have a DSL line going to a 6100F Westel modem and an ethernet line going from that to the ubuntu box17:57
FizixI'm trying to establish a 'DSL' network connection via the network manager to no avail17:57
FizixVerizon tech support doesn't help with Linux distros, and so far my forum hunting has yielded no results for me17:57
HillshumFizix: That's not how you'll connect it17:57
bibekpbhuvi, now, it has dropped to 17.5 W17:58
HillshumFizix: That DSL tab is for DSl modems in your PC17:58
YellowBancheeFizix: Why a DSL network connection, shouldn't your modem do that?  You bridging the link?17:58
AshDragonHillshum: Toshiba Satellite;  http://pastebin.com/d1d2c1e717:58
ListerthrawnFizix: You'll just need to set your PC to dhcp and that should be it17:58
=== Kernel is now known as Wicked
mezquitaleFizix, I'm assuming youre a newbie?  Mention that fact in the room, I think Listerthrawn 's advice will get you up and running17:59
shooreehey, anyone has any idea why I wouldn't be able to connect to a perfectly fine hidden network to which I know and have inputted the settings? I'm on Karmic, and every time I try to connect to the hidden network I just made, the "connect" button is grayed out. why?18:00
FizixMy first attempt was to use the 'wired' connection in the network manager, set to Automatic DHCP18:00
FizixIt still wouldn't resolve18:00
theadminHELPZ! I need to mount an iso image. I use "mount -o loop Emperorcd1.iso /mnt/isodrive". But. When I execute the setup via WINE it says that I must "insert the disc"18:01
Listerthrawnshooree: I've always had problems with hidden networks.  Gave up hiding the SSID in the end18:01
TheCheezeFizix, have you made sure your wireless drivers are enabled?18:01
FizixTheCheeze, it's not a wireless connection, it's through an etheret cable18:01
theadminOh wait, I think I know.18:01
TheCheezeFizix, oops, i meant that for shooree18:01
consolecowboytheadmin: try running winecgf, then set your d drive to /mnt/isodrive18:01
mangamonkI have a linux laptop and a linux desktop machine accessing the internet through a router18:02
ListerthrawnAnyone else suffer from poor video playback with Nvidia drivers and effects switched on?18:02
shooreeListerthrawn, but is there anything I can do? My gf is on Jaunty and it all works swell. Her dad is right over me with his Win7 laptop.18:02
mangamonkI would like to be able to switch from the one to the other..any ideas?18:02
HillshumAshDragon: Poke around linuxwireless.org for your card, also check the Hardware Drivers app in Ubuntu18:02
shooreeTheCheeze, yes, I'm on an unprotected wireless right now. but the connection is crap,18:02
YellowBancheeFizix: can you access your modem settings?18:02
AshDragonthanks @ Hillshum.  I've had no luck on Atheros' website.18:02
Exilehey guys my ssh server has stopped working18:03
TheCheezeshooree, does the hidden one have an ip filter set on the router?18:03
Exileanyone know why18:03
AshDragonwas really hoping for an auto-detect feature18:03
TheCheezeshooree, or a mac filter rather18:03
FizixI cannot access the modem at all as my problem isn't with an internet connection, but the network manager not communicating to the modem at all18:03
ExileI cant even ssh via
Exileit was working yesterday18:03
shooreeListerthrawn, TheCheeze, here's my problem in detail, if you care: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=133140518:03
HillshumFizix: Do other PCs/OSes work?18:03
ExileI think an update broke ssh18:03
Listerthrawnfizix: Do you know what IP the modem has?18:03
FizixYellowBanchee, when I used my XP partition though, I wrote down all of the network info to try to help me18:03
Exileit is NOT a network issue18:04
FizixYes, it works with other OS's18:04
shooreeTheCheeze, nope. the network "admin" is right here, he would know. I connected to it earlier.18:04
bibekpbhuvi, maybe we can take this here now.18:04
Exileany one know about ssh servers?18:04
FizixListerthrawn, yes, the modem is but, I cannot connect to it18:04
TheCheezeshooree, not sure then. i am connected to my hidden network with no hiccups at all. sorry i cant help ya18:04
shooreeTheCheeze, actually, there might be a MAC filter, I'm not good at that, but I remember the guy inputting some info about my laptop in the router. So that should've solved it.18:05
HillshumExile: openssh-server?18:05
Exileits stopped working18:05
klownIs it possible to load two different apps in wine, on the same virtual desktop?  I'm trying to load vent, and a game, and cant figure out how to load both.18:05
Exilebeacuse of some 'garbage'18:05
YellowBancheeFizix: What make of modem?  Have you changed the user password?18:05
dragonhow can I specify multiple mirrors in /etc/apt/sources.list for failover?18:05
sameeri m aware ..tat u cant get hi-speed surfing through mobile.but wat i meant is ...i get good speed in windows compared to ubuntu 9.10...18:05
Listerthrawnfizix: Can you ping that IP address?18:06
ExileHillshum I cant even get in via
FizixYellowBanchee, I've accessed the modem already through XP and yes, I know the password for it. It's not an issue of an internet connection or me not being able to login to the modem to modify its credentials, it simply will not talk to it18:06
FizixListerthrawn, that was the first thing I did18:06
Exilethe open-ssh server has gone down18:06
Exileand I cannot install anything beacuse of it18:06
HillshumExile: What are you trying to do?18:07
Exilejust login18:07
sipiorExile: have you simply tried restarting it?18:07
HillshumExile: To a remote system?18:07
YellowBancheeFizix: can you access the modem interface via Ubuntu?18:07
sdwrageLoving KDE :D just installed it on ubuntu18:07
Exileyes I get an error when trying to restart18:07
Exilewhere can I paste it to?18:07
ExileI forgot the site18:07
littlegreenExile: paste.ubuntu.com18:08
HillshumYellowBanchee: He has made it clear that he can't get that far18:08
FizixYellowBanchee, no, I cannot. I cannot access the modem's interface, I cannot ping it, I cannot do anything with it. I've set the ethernet connection to automatic DHCP, it attempts to resolve and fails18:08
DrRobinoWhat command will show me how many CPU's there is available?18:08
HillshumFizix: Do the lights go on when you plug it in?18:08
YellowBancheeFizix: what is your ubuntu ip address?18:08
Exileheres what I get http://paste.ubuntu.com/332514/18:09
FizixHillshum, yes18:09
Exilethanks for this guys!18:09
nmvictorAnyone used kannel before, I need help configuring it18:09
HillshumFizix: Do you have another system you can use?18:09
Exileits only happend since the last kernel update18:09
Exile/etc/ssh/sshd_config line 78: garbage at end of line; "2B/sshMessage.txt".18:10
Exileis the problem18:10
Exilebut how to fix it I dont know18:10
icerootDrRobino: top and then press 1  or cat /proc/cpuinfo18:10
DrRobinoWhat command will show me how many CPU's there is available?18:10
HillshumExile: Can you log in locally?18:11
Exile<Hillshum> no I am on it locally18:11
icerootDrRobino: !!18:11
ExileI am now18:11
ExileI am typing this from the machine18:11
HillshumExile: Reinstall openssh-server?18:11
DrRobinoiceroot: ??18:11
ExileI have tryed18:11
icerootDrRobino: i told you already18:11
ExileI get this error18:11
icerootDrRobino: so please dont repeat18:11
FizixHillshum, I'm on that very system now.18:11
jewardHow do I disble gnome-screensaver and enable xscreensaver for my login?18:11
Exilecan you save me from a reinstall?18:11
trismExile: can you pastebin /etc/ssh/sshd_config?18:12
iceroot!enter | Exile18:12
HillshumFizix: So the modem should have a running DHCP server?18:12
ubottuExile: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:12
dlchesserTrying to set cpu Frequency Scalling Monitor applet to suid with dpkg-rconfigure and it is not working, how do I do this?18:12
dlchesserahhh, using 9.1018:12
iceroot!doesntwork | dlchesser18:12
ubottudlchesser: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.18:12
Exiletrism: http://paste.ubuntu.com/332515/18:13
FizixHillshum, I don't know how I could tell if I can't access it. Perhaps through the XP partition? The system I'm on now isn't on the DSL connection at all; they're completely independant from each other,18:13
dlchesserdoesn't work means I am not prompted for "suid for cpu freq applet?"  dpkg-reconfigure -plow gnome-applets18:13
* dlchesser knows that was a stupid statement "it does not do it when I tell it to do it"18:14
HillshumFizix: Yes, from any system connected to the modem, connect to them modem's web interface at 168.192.1 or something18:14
FizixHillshum, so I should make sure DHCP is enabled on the modem side via XP, then log back into the Ubuntu partition and try again?18:15
sipiorExile: have you tried moving sshd_config out of the way before the reinstall?18:15
dlchesserdpkg-reconfigure gnome-applets simply returns with no questions about set user ID18:15
trismExile: it doesn't seem to like the space in the Banner line, try commenting it out then reinstalling18:15
littlegreenFizix: that should do the trick, yes18:15
Exileok I'll give that  ago18:15
HillshumFizix: Yes18:15
cmacnautrism and mezquitale :  Thanks for the help.  My triple boot vista/ubuntu/fedora laptop is up and running!18:16
dlchesserif as user I try to change the freq of the cpu freq applet, it askses for ROOT pwd, not sudo password.18:16
trismcmacnau: excellent!18:16
hid3naxCould anyone please help me to set up a multicast router on Ubuntu? I've just installed `smcroute' but don't know what to do next...18:16
Exile<trism> commenting didnt work but deleting the line did!18:17
Exilethanks mate!18:17
Fizixlittlegreen & Hillshum, I'm loading XP now, thank you. The box that's giving me trouble is the desktop on the DSL line, I'm currently talking with you folks on my laptop on a CDMA Mobile Verizon Wireless connection.18:17
sdwrageanyone have any good reason why I should NOT switch from GNOME to KDE?18:17
ExileI owe u one trism!18:17
trismExile: np, glad it worked18:18
Nightlonewolfsdwrage, nope, if u like KDE, then use KDE18:18
FloodBot4empKMXzvQc: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:18
HillshumFizix: Can you get the laptop on the DSL modem?18:18
sdwrageNightlonewolf, I think its a bit easier on the eyes and makes working a bit more fun I guess :P18:19
FloodBot4Kosova-Power|wer: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:19
FloodBot4Kosova-Power|bg: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:19
Kosova-Power|Kosova is here18:19
Kosova-Power|Kosova is here18:19
littlegreenKosova-Power|: stiga bre18:19
ikoniaKosova-Power|: stop now18:19
Kosova-Power|Kosova is here18:19
FloodBot4Kosova-Power|: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:19
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Nightlonewolfsdwrage, i think it's actually alot better then gnome, BUT gnome is easier to find apps, and to install apps18:20
littlegreenKosova-Power|: spri da floodish molq te18:20
littlegreen!ot | Kosova-Power|18:21
ubottuKosova-Power|: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!18:21
sdwragenightlonewolf, I use aptitude almost always18:21
Nightlonewolfalso sdwrage, KDE is easier on the desktop...my KDE desktop is filled with icons, but my gnome can't handle 20 icons without clutter18:21
Nightlonewolfand KDE is more customizable then Gnome...18:23
sdwrageill be moving over to it on my home PC :)18:23
sdwrageim on VMWare right now18:23
Nightlonewolfmy laptop has DOS as VMWare, and ubuntu as it's main OS18:23
mezquitaleyoure still using DOS? LoL why, may I ask?18:24
Nightlonewolfmy desktop is Debian though18:24
VictorsCan't establish a decent connection using wireless ad hock18:25
Nightlonewolfmezquitale, i'm only using dos thru VMWare, and plus, it's a good OS for programming and stuff, kinda fun playing around with it too;18:25
sdwrageNightlonewolf, im really only used to ubuntu, I come from a windows childhood :P18:25
littlegreenVictors: are you creating the ADHOC or are you joining it?18:25
Mainstayanyone else experience weird behavior with copy and paste, eg. between firefox and the terminal?18:26
juan__http://pastebin.com/d31f078e0 < every time i try and run amarok, any ideas what the cause of the problem is or what debuginfo is missing?18:26
oCean_!details | Mainstay18:26
VictorsCreating with wep 128 and joining from another laptop18:26
Nightlonewolfsdwrage, i'm from windows 98 childhood, then XP (which i didn't like at first) then i moved to ubuntu, hated it at first, so i went to debian KDE..and now i'm back at ubuntu18:26
littlegreenVictors: the other laptop doesn't see the wireless network you have created or.... what? Describe your problem with more details18:27
Nightlonewolfat: hi18:28
VictorsIt does the same with no password the address is not ok just see the ip and the rest is blank18:28
atis anyone of u familiar with wubi?18:28
Nightlonewolfat: not me, surprisingly lol18:28
littlegreenVictors: is the other laptop using Ubuntu as well?18:28
VictorsIs like the dns is not detected or resolved18:28
atwell im a linux noob18:28
atbut would love to use it18:29
atbought new eee pc :)18:29
sdwrageNightlonewolf, Use Windows 7 for gaming, entertainment, other; I Use Ubuntu (Kubuntu I guess soon) for Web Application Development18:29
bradpitthi.. does anybody here have a problem with VLC playing .iso file? whenever i play .iso vlc crashed. and then i try with other video player totem, mplayer and gnome mplayer but they only play dvd menu and i can't click on play movie or sth.18:29
VictorsNo one is using win7 and the ipod touch does the same18:29
nvmewhere can i get the most up to date ISO on this server: http://carroll.aset.psu.edu/pub/linux/distributions/ ??18:29
racecar56i find ubuntu better at gaming than windows.18:29
Fizixlittlegreen & Hillshum, DHCP was already enabled.18:29
=== jmyers is now known as MetalliMyers
newpchi, how can i break the 800x600 screen resolution barrier (i hate upgrade for this limitation)18:29
Nightlonewolfat: i'm good with most linux operation18:29
racecar56i literally was lagging once in windows while the same app in wine worked AWESOME18:29
sdwrageracecar56, meh... I think I like the windows 7 interface on a leisure day (day of gaming and randomness)18:30
atanyone has a good tutorial on how to install multiboot winXP + Ubuntu Netbook Remix ?18:30
Nightlonewolfsdwrage,  i use ubuntu and Debian for everything..i hate Windows18:30
* racecar56 agrees with Nightloneworlf18:30
oCean_Nightlonewolf, sdwrage  please use #ubuntu-offtopic for chat..18:30
sdwrageWindows 7 has been good to me (so far). I think all OS's have strengths and weaknesses18:31
racecar56doh misspelling18:31
sdwrageI also do Photoshop work in windows environment opposed to linux18:31
* racecar56 doesn't care about photoshop18:31
Nightlonewolfsdwrage, windows weakness is that it has too many viruses and crap; linux weakness is that theres no good games for it! lol18:31
racecar56i find there ARE good games for linux18:32
=== jmyers is now known as MetalliMyers
racecar56but it's most probably because i'm not very much of a gamer18:32
racecar56i'm more of a programmer18:32
Nightlonewolfracecar56, point me where u get ur games!...yeah, me too.18:32
oCean_!ot | racecar56 Nightlonewolf18:32
littlegreen!ot | Nightlonewolf18:32
racecar56i get them from Ubuntu Software Center18:32
DaremonaiHello, I'm running a software that needs to talk to a com port on wine... i'm using a PL2303 serial/usb converter, I did ln -s /dev/ttyUSB0 ~/.wine/dosdevices/com1 - but the application still cannot see the com port!18:32
coldbootWhere did the Bitstream Vera Sans font go in Ubuntu 9.10?18:32
Nightlonewolf....oh..those games...18:32
oCean_yeah, our little ubottu has gone offline...18:32
racecar56ubottu isn't here, you're right18:33
Nightlonewolfyeah..what does !ot do anyhow?18:33
danilo__how install cedega on ubuntu?18:33
VictorsNot all about the games for linux but the drivers compatibility is still short18:33
oCean_Nightlonewolf: please take chat to #ubuntu-offtopic, since this is support channel racecar5618:33
littlegreendanilo__: cedega is paid software18:33
* racecar56 doesn't find linux to be short of drivers18:33
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oCean_Nightlonewolf: it means you're OffTopic18:33
danilo__i know18:33
Nightlonewolfahh, ok18:33
danilo__but i cant install anywahere game18:34
xtalmathwhats wrong if network tools ping works on router address and address of siblings on the router, but I cant enter domain names? i dont know if I can ping other ip addresses18:34
littlegreenxtalmath: means there's smthng wrong with your DNS server18:34
xtalmathI can ping google s IP actually18:35
xtalmathdoes that mean software on my laptop?18:35
littlegreenxtalmath: tell me which domain are you unable to ping exactly?18:35
xtalmathresolv.conf is empty18:35
xtalmathI havent tried many domains but I can ping IPs like google s ip but not www.google.com18:36
xtalmathso somewhere addresses cant be translated18:36
xtalmathupdated to 9.1018:37
littlegreenxtalmath: haven't had that problem... I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I can't help you18:37
=== zerq_ is now known as zerq
dlchesserwell setting a root password break ubuntu?  Not finding solution to cpufreq setting and need a root password.18:38
ManDayUbuntu opens every single window maximized by default and doesnt store its last state - how can i change that?18:39
Eilesdlchesser, I didn't read what you wrote before, do you want to change your CPU frequency without using your password ?18:40
zerqManDay: that doesn't sound normal.. are you just running normal Ubuntu or a variant18:40
ZerHowdy... anyone know how to get IPMI Sensors working on Ubuntu?18:40
ManDaykarmic from a minimal install18:41
dlchesserEiles, no, I tried to suid gnome-applets but dpkg-reconfigure returns with out that option:  changing cpu freq asks for root password.  appears common but can't find a fix for it.18:41
ManDay@ zerq18:41
dlchesserI intend to run vms on this box, cpufreq scaleing is bad for vms.18:41
zerqManDay: so gnome desktop?18:41
ManDayyes - tho not the whole package18:42
ManDaysorry gotta leave18:42
ManDaywill be back in approx 2 hours18:42
ManDaythanks already18:42
dlchesserso, I have two choices, rip out cpufreq and run at 100% all the time or set a root password.  I don't know which is the better option.18:42
xcidlchesser: setting root password sounds like a better option to me :/18:44
zerqweird.. cpufreq is working for me and I never set a root password..18:44
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zerqon 9.1018:44
dlchesserzerq, can you change the freq?18:44
xcibut as zerq said there should not be such problems18:44
minervaKhey there18:44
minervaKquick question18:44
al_Morning all18:44
minervaKi'm installing ubuntu within windows18:44
dlchessergoogle ubuntu 9.10 cpufreq and you will see tons of problems.18:45
zerqhaven't tried.. it's in ondemand mode :/18:45
minervaKjust rebooted as requested18:45
NightlonewolfminervaK don't ask to ask, just ask18:45
al_I want to install this app on Ubuntu. Which one should I be dwonloading?18:45
dlchesserzerq, TRY18:45
minervaKand now it's gone to a line command screen that seems to take a long time18:45
minervaKis it hanging, or does it just take a while to install?18:45
dlchesserzerq, aaahhhh, please :)18:45
zerqit asked for my normal password18:45
zerqand it worked18:45
dlchesserhere it asks for root18:45
dlchesserand there are many others like myself.18:46
minervaKit's shown a couple of errors in the line commands18:46
minervaKi.e., 'memory corruption detected in low memory'18:46
dlchesserany short commings to setting root password on ubuntu, I have not tried it in years?18:46
oCean_dlchesser: which way are you trying to set the cpu frq?18:46
zerqi'm using the gtk applet if that makes any diff..18:46
dlchesseroCean_,  cpufreq applet18:47
hid3naxCould anyone please help me to set up a multicast router on Ubuntu? I've just installed `smcroute' but don't know what to do next...18:47
minervaKnow it's sitting at 'end trace' and not doing anything18:47
Eilesdlchesser,  editing the policy for cpufreq could do the trick ?18:47
dlchesserEiles, not sure I know how to do that.18:47
oCean_dlchesser: and it's actually asking for root pw? My own pw will work here...18:47
dlchesserzerq is that the gnome-applet?18:47
dlchesseroCean_, yes, ROOT18:47
Eilesdlchesser, http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=8158855&postcount=518:48
al_which one of these do I download for ubuntu? http://sourceforge.net/projects/synergy2/files/18:49
dlchesseroh, Eiles I did try to edit /var/polkit-1.local...... but I will look at that.18:49
zerqdlchesser: yeah, cpu frequency scaling monitor applet or something..18:49
dlchesserzerq, yes, that is borked here.18:49
minervaKit's a dell dimension 2350 if that makes any difference18:49
oCean_dlchesser: well, there's the actual command "/usr/bin/cpufreq-selector"18:50
minervaKcouldn't get ubuntu to boot from the cd18:50
zerqdlchesser: that sucks. :/18:50
minervaKso am not trying to install to see if that will work18:50
FizixIs there a bug when installing Ubuntu from the Live CD after already loading the OS off the Live CD that you can't install software from aptitude?18:50
minervaKbut i can't tell if it's installing or just hanging18:50
Daremonaihow do i add wine on the repository for ubuntu 9.10, the website says: ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa -- what does this mean?18:50
dlchesseroCean_, yes, now that you say that, I remember it.  ain't gui fun?18:50
oCean_dlchesser: try using with sudo "sudo cpufreq-selector -c 0 -g performance" for high perf mode of cpu 018:50
NightlonewolfminervaK, do u want to dual boot ubuntu?18:50
oCean_dlchesser: gui makes us forget things :s18:50
minervaKnightlone, yes18:50
dlchessercli works.18:51
minervaKi have two hard drives18:51
oCean_dlchesser: yay18:51
minervaKi'm installing ubuntu to my second hard drive18:51
minervaKbut i'm not sure if it's working or not18:51
dlchesserwhy do I get the feel this release could have gone a month longer in the oven?18:51
Nightlonewolfwell, minervaK if it won't boot from CD when u restart it, then go into the BIOS and change the boot order18:51
minervaKwhat should my screen look like?18:51
minervaKno, it will boot to cd, ubuntu just won't run from the cd18:52
minervaKi get the splash screen with the choices18:52
minervaKbut when i choose run from cd it goes to line command screen and hangs18:52
EilesDaremonai, in a terminal type : sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine and then sudo apt-get update18:52
RenatoSilvaanyone else got his GDM broken after last update in package gdm?18:52
DaremonaiEiles: thanks18:53
minervaKmaybe the cd has a burn error?18:53
pshr_problems with upgrade frm 9.04 to 9.10 ? any one can help ? please18:53
nvmewhere on this server can i find the karmic release that includes all updates ? http://carroll.aset.psu.edu/pub/linux/distributions/18:53
Nightlonewolfthen the CD is prob burnt wrong,18:53
blip-hi all,  I have a linux ubuntu machine that several users ssh -X into and open gui progs like matlab etc...  It was working fine, suddenly it breaks and no one can run any graphical app remotely.   I tried to run gvim, firefox -no-remote, matlab and in all cases I get the error:  "Error: cannot open display: localhost:10.0" ....  I've tried checking everything mentioned on the internet and can't find a solution.  I verfied config in /etc/ssh/sshd_config18:53
blip-as well.    Any ideas ?   thanks18:53
minervaKlemme try burning it again18:53
RenatoSilvaanyone else got his GDM broken after last update in package gdm? here I've got face browser again18:53
Nightlonewolfyeah minervaK; burn ubuntu at a lower speed18:53
minervaKok i'll try that18:53
minervaKthanks man18:53
Nightlonewolfno problem18:53
pshr_has ubottu gone missing18:54
pshr_stupid bot doesn't respond18:54
=== josch__ is now known as josch_
blip-ubuntu: sup18:54
thebigbdoes anyone here know what the cause is for a slow terminal?18:54
blip-pshr_: he's got THE flu18:54
giampiero74Hello I've got a question: USB devices seem to run very slowly, they take more than 5 min to copy a movie into. I'm using Xubuntu 9.10 and I don't have the same problem on Windows. ANY idea?18:54
blip-the piggy one18:54
thebigbphunny xD18:54
pshr_god!! i am saved18:54
FizixIs there a bug when installing Ubuntu from the Live CD after already loading the OS off the Live CD that you can't install software from aptitude?18:55
FizixI've installed Ubuntu and UNR on several machines18:55
FizixAnd never had this problem18:55
thebigbno but seriously, all other things work fine, but when i keep a character pressed it is printed 10 characters at a time18:55
FizixNetiehr the Ubuntu Sofware Center or Aptitude will let me install anything18:55
FizixAnd I have sudo (root) acces18:55
puffDangit, firefox hung, Ihad to kill it, now I have no audio in firefox.18:56
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pshr_aint there any other way to upgrade.. dude this update manager stinks.. it gets halted....18:57
EilesFizix, open a terminal and type : sudo apt-get install yousoftware and tell us what the output is18:57
puffAnd amarok won't play because xine can't initialize an audio driver.18:57
puffRebooting will fix it, but does anybody know a way to either a) avoid this in the future or b) fix it without rebooting?18:57
FizixEiles, "Couldn't find package ubuntu-restricted-extras"18:57
Mudis someone running awstats on ubuntu 8.04 lts server? I have trouble to view the stats in my browser (it show 0 visitors etc) but the awstats.pl generates excelent .txt files..18:57
EilesTry sudo apt-get update18:57
FizixSweet, doing that now, hopefilly that will help I've been up for 30 hours now so I'm losing my mind18:58
minervaKis there a 'unbutu for dummies' channel?18:58
Mainstayat: which EEE did you get?18:58
Nightlonewolfwow what minervaK18:58
puffFizix:  step one, "sudo apt-get update"18:58
minervaKjust reading the scroll makes me feel stupid18:58
ubuntuhi all, could you help how to restore grub onto my sda please?18:59
Fizixworks, thanks! Don't need to kill myself today! Thanks everyone for your support18:59
minervaKlots of new terminology to learn18:59
SzArAkhi. how can i check if i have a sata or pata slim dvd on my laptop?18:59
Nightlonewolfwell minervaK  if u want to learn about linux (half those terms are linux related, not just ubuntu) i'm sure someone here would help ya, all ya have to do is start asking19:00
Nightlonewolfthat, or PM someone that will allow you to PM them, lol19:01
sdwragehow do I figure out where an application is installed via shell?19:01
sdwragesuch as svn19:01
Mainstayanyone else experience weird behavior with copy and paste, eg. between firefox and the terminal? Like I copy something from the addressbar in ubuntu and then copy something else from the address bar, and when I try to paste into my terminal it paste the first.19:01
MenZasdwrage: which svn would show you the binary19:01
tyler_d1sdwrage: which svn19:01
sdwrageyeah I just remembered :P19:01
sdwragethx tyler_d119:01
MainstayOr sometimes it pastes and old piece of text I highlighted in the terminal19:01
RenatoSilvahow to change gdm theme in Karmic?19:01
EilesMainstay, install a good clipboard manager like parcellite19:02
MainstayAnyone got any other recommendations for a good clipboard manager?19:03
Mainstaymost clipboard managers seem to be overkill in my experience.19:03
Mudis someone running awstats on ubuntu 8.04 lts server? I have trouble to view the stats in my browser (it show 0 visitors etc) but the awstats.pl generates excelent .txt files..19:04
minervaKi'm just worried i won't be able to understand how to work ubuntu19:04
jd_i am having issues with sound on this new mint19:04
minervaKhow much linux do i need to know to use it?19:04
jozefkminervaK: almost nothing19:04
linfocanal espanol19:04
Picilinfo: #ubuntu-es19:05
MainstayminervaK: not much all you need is google and the #ubuntu channel19:05
oCean_minervaK: get you free pocket guide here: http://ubuntupocketguide.com/index_main.html19:05
jozefkminervaK: it will works out of the box19:05
minervaKyah i got the pocket guide19:05
jd_i upgraded mint 7 64 to mint 8 6419:05
MainstayminervaK: using it's pretty much like using windows these days. administering it, is easier than windows in a lot of ways.19:05
minervaKnow if i can just get the thing to install19:05
linfocanal en espanol?19:05
minervaKmainstay, that's music to my ears19:05
minervaKwindows is a huge pain in the ass19:06
RenatoSilvahow to change gdm theme in Karmic?19:06
jozefkminervaK: if you have problem with installation try to burn the iso image on DVD instead of CD19:06
Mainstayinstalling it seems to be easier than windows these days....at least faster. Given the right hardware combo (if you don't have this, forget it) it's cake.19:06
jozefkwindows sucks the big one :)19:06
minervaKjozef, i'm re-burning it now19:06
Mainstaywindows is windows.19:06
Picilinfo: Por favor, use # ubuntu-es para el español19:06
baytesRenatoSilva: System - Administration - Login Screen19:06
MainstayAnyone got any other recommendations for a good clipboard manager?19:06
RenatoSilvabaytes: no19:07
minervaKnightlonewolf clued me in19:07
oCean_RenatoSilva: System > Preferences > Appearance19:07
MainstayminervaK: i wouldn't recommmend attempting a dual boot with windows tho. Not without reading up on it carefully.19:07
Nightlonewolfi clued u in for what minervaK ?19:07
tgnb_hi all. i'm new to ubuntu, coming from Gentoo. i installed 9.10 and see that when a samba share is accessed it is also automagically mounted in ~/.gvfs19:07
RenatoSilvaoCean_: incorrect too19:07
jd_what sudo command scans for sound drivers?19:07
oCean_RenatoSilva: no, that is the way to change your desktop theme(s)19:08
RenatoSilvaoCean_: that changes current user's, not gdm's19:08
crazyjrsatans feiga fack!!!!19:08
baytesRenatoSilva: /usr/bin/gdmsetup19:08
EilesMainstay, glipper is very simple19:08
RenatoSilvaoCean_: sorry, you've incorrect answer for the question19:08
tgnb_however after logging out these are no longer mounted. is it possible to have certain shares mounted automatically on login?19:08
crazyjrfack yor possy boy!!!19:08
RenatoSilvabaytes: you're incorrect, sorry.19:08
zerqThis aptitude does not have Super Cow Powers!19:08
oCean_RenatoSilva: ah, ok. In 9.10, that's not too easy (there's less possibilities)19:08
macoPici: thankies19:08
RenatoSilvabaytes: how to change gdm ***theme*** in ***Karmic***?19:09
RenatoSilvaoCean_: how to change ***gdm*** theme in ***Karmic***?19:09
BluesKajzerq, you mistyped something19:09
oCean_RenatoSilva: for example this video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjwKa8TxKpw) shows how to change the gdm login19:09
sarujihello quick question, how do I run a .sh file with sudo command?19:09
PiciRenatoSilva: The version of gdm that ships with Karmic does not support the same theming that prior versions supported.19:09
sdwragesaruji, sudo sh myfile.sh19:10
sdwrageif I am correct...19:10
RenatoSilvaoCean_: I was just trying to recall export DISPLAY=:0.0, that's annoying but is one of the steps to get it working. I just found that in the web and will try now. Be right back19:10
Mainstayon a similar note, how does one ensure that an external usb drive is always mounted to the same place (for example, if you want to create playlists that refer to mp3s on it, you don't want the path to the mp3 file to change depending on how many drives you have connected)19:10
thebigbthe terminal on my notebook is very slow in 9.10. any ideas on what the problem could be?19:10
baytesRenatoSilva: found an excert: "THere is no way to "theme" your GDM with 9.10. THat feature has been removed. "19:10
jd_changing the theme just right click on the desktop and chose change desktop background19:10
Nightlonewolfsaruji: sudo /path/to/sh/mysh.sh should do it, or use sdwrage way19:10
klownIs it possible to load two different apps in wine, on the same virtual desktop?  I'm trying to load vent, and a game, and cant figure out how to load both.19:10
sarujisdwrage, I run that I get "cant open setup.sh"19:11
Nightlonewolfklown, see if u can run both of them without a virtual window19:11
minervaKok i'll see you cats later on19:11
minervaKthanks for the help19:11
conb123klown: Of course you can it will be pretty cpu intensive but of course19:11
baytesRenatoSilva: however here is a hack - http://www.ubuntumini.com/2009/09/hack-karmics-gdm-login-screen.html19:11
Nightlonewolfsaruji, are u using ./setup.sh or just setup.sh?19:11
MainstayminervaK: take note, don't dual boot without reading up on it.19:11
RenatoSilvaPici: yes, so you need enigmatic, non-user-friedly steps to get your theme back, as I did. But I have more useful things to do than care about those enigmatic steps to fix stupid regressions in GNOME. The whole problem thus is that I'm trying to recall those steps19:11
klownNightlonewolf, if i try and run a game outside the virtual window, it ends badly, so the VW is required for the game.19:12
sarujiNightlonewolf, just setup.sh19:12
littlegreenhow do I change keyboard layouts?19:12
BluesKajMainstay, always install windows first, if possible :P19:12
sarujiNightlonewolf, ran what you said, it said no such command, so it doesnt know what I am asking it to do19:12
littlegreenNo, how do I ADD and change keyboard layouts?19:12
Mainstayi hear there are issues with 9.10 and dual booting? I've also had random issues with thinkpads...even with windows first.19:12
klownconb123, currently, I have a script as described on wine FAQ, when i run it, the first app loads fine, but the second will not load until the first one is closed19:13
Nightlonewolfsaruji, u want ./setup.sh if ur in the same directory of the file19:13
klownconb123, excuse the enter..how do I run them both together?19:13
RenatoSilvabaytes: there is no default, easy way, but you can run gnome-appearance-properties as the user gdm, and you'll chnage it. The problem is how to run. Will try and brb19:13
littlegreen* I have already added language support for the language I want19:13
sarujiNightlonewolf, so run sudo ./setup.sh19:13
MainstayI guess the idea is, blowing away windows, in switching to linux, is going to be anti productive.19:13
Mainstay(for newbies)19:13
][cemanCan anyone tell me is this: RAID bus controller: Intel Corporation 82801GR/GH is fakeing RAID19:14
BluesKajMainstay, you can always fix grub from ubuntu but trying to fix it from windows is a pita , it can be done but leaves a lot junk on the bootloader19:14
RenatoSilvabaytes: oh yes, that's the hack I used  when Karmic was released, but last update of gdm package today has broken it :(19:14
sarujiNightlonewolf, command not found, tried it with sh in from but same thing19:14
][cemanmy install shows two seperate disks instead of one RAID1 volume19:14
PyramidGuyhello guys19:14
NightwolfNightlonewolf: hi19:14
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Nightlonewolfnightwolf, hi, lol19:15
* RenatoSilva brb19:15
baytesRenatoSilva: go figure, sounds bout like my luck lol. hmm let me dig a little more. whats the release #?19:15
MainstayBluesKaj: yah, i had to use a grubdisk on the thinkpad. I was also trying to load ubuntu as a dual boot, but on an external usb drive. grubdisk saved me but no linux in the end.19:15
Nightlonewolfand saruji are u in the same directory as setup.sh?19:15
sarujiNightlonewolf, yes19:15
PiciPyramidGuy: Perl programming support is in #perl19:15
PiciPyramidGuy: And please lose the caps19:15
FloodBot4PyramidGuy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:15
macoPyramidGuy: #perl19:15
Mainstayyah, use ctrl enter. lol.19:15
Nightlonewolfhmm...thats strange then...cause it should load19:15
racecar56where can i get gl3.h?19:16
matyysay do you know if there is a word processor or text editor (that can work with unicode) that has good regular expression support? (open office's seems to be quite basic)? preferably X19:16
sarujiNightlonewolf, I can run the command "sh setup.sh" but without sudo19:17
pranayhi all19:17
Nightlonewolfhmm....well, saruji, my next best guess, is to log into root and then run setup.sh19:17
guntbertsaruji: with sudo you need to type sh ./setup.sh because the current directory is not in the path19:17
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sarujiNightlonewolf, yea I figured19:17
PyramidGuythank u so much FlooBot1419:18
PyramidGuythx so much19:18
Nightlonewolfguntbert, i suggested that, it didn't work19:18
pranayis there a way to join 2 or more mp3 files in linux?19:18
guntbertNightlonewolf: ok, I came in late :-)19:18
littlegreenIs there a repo conatining Skype in itself?19:18
Nightlonewolflol, i thought so guntbert19:18
sarujiguntbert, so like sudo sh ./setup.sh right?  tried that and reads cant open ./setup.sh19:18
sarujiguntbert, this is from a mounted ISO19:19
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Mainstaymatyy: geany or jedit?19:19
Picilittlegreen: I believe it is in the http://medibuntu.org repositories.19:19
matyythx Mainstay I will check em out19:19
guntbertsaruji: as Nightlonewolf already said: strange - why don't you try to copy the content somewhere else?19:19
littlegreenPici: thanks19:20
sarujiguntbert, good Idea will do19:20
sarujiNightlonewolf, guntbert thanks guys19:20
Mainstaymatyy: one is better than the other i forget which, I'm still looking for the best alternative in a text editor geany is the best for me so far.19:20
Nightlonewolfsaruji, if it's a mounted iso, then u prob should :P lol19:20
Nightlonewolfand no problem19:20
BluesKajMainstay, I didn't have any luck with grubdisk19:20
littlegreenhow do I add the "medibuntu" repository?19:21
guntbertNightlonewolf: he is gone :)19:21
racecar56pranay: audacity19:21
racecar56pranay: awesome audio editor.19:21
littlegreenOh, there's a "Howto", sorry for asking19:21
Nightlonewolfguntbert, he is too! lol19:21
jacobian__Any ideas what might cause all movies and audio to play something like 50% to 100% faster?19:21
Hillshumjacobian__: A faster cpu?19:21
jacobian__My audio/video was working fine, and now it's double speed, or nearly19:21
Mainstayi actually had a lot of luck with linux at home by happening upon an old pc on the street. Before that I was always attempting dual boots and getting myself in truoble.19:21
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matyyok, i am installing, Mainstay, I am still quite new with regular expressions19:21
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Mainstaymatyy: just like riding a bike.19:22
Hillshumjacobian__: Too fast? Chipmunk style?19:22
jacobian__Hillshum: Yeah19:22
racecar56Hillshum: xD19:22
Hillshumjacobian__: All video? All audio? Just certain programs?19:23
pranayracecar56: ok , i'll try that , thanks19:23
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Mainstaymatyy: it's always with the line breaks that the regexp support fails in those gui editors19:23
jacobian__Hillshum: It appears to be everything, I'm using pulseaudio19:23
jacobian__Hillshum: So I'm not sure about stuff that doesn't go through pulse19:23
Hillshumjacobian__: So when you watch a video it goes fast, or is the whole screen fast?19:24
jacobian__The video keeps up with the audio19:24
jacobian__And the audio is too fast, so it must be everything.19:25
wildmanhello there, yesterday I've asked here about mounting directly (as you do with FAT and NTFS partitions) a Netware (type 65) partition under Linux19:25
Hillshumjacobian__: But normal programs work fine?19:25
lockdi've heard of issues with youtube video speeding up19:25
lockdit doesn't seem to be Linux specific, either19:25
HillshumCould it be a gstreamer issue?19:26
Hillshumjacobian__: Have you used vlc?19:26
wildmananyone has an idea about this?19:26
jacobian__Hillshum: I don't have vlc, but I can try it in mplayer19:26
ZerHmm. It appears Ubuntu 9.10 has no Xorg.conf... but (as usual) it's only detecting 640x480 and 800x600 for me.. any ideas?19:26
jacobian__Hillshum: It's the case for youtube as well19:26
lockdoh, if it's a standalone player that's an odd issue19:27
Hillshumjacobian__: What version of Ubuntu?19:27
ubuntu_madMy Ubuntu fore fox 3.5 wont download19:27
wildmanI cannot find the helpful person I've found yesterday, so here I go again:19:28
Hillshumubuntu_mad: Where are you downloading it from?19:28
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wildmanI have a Netware ATA/IDE disk connected on this machine and I'd like to access the Netware partition (type 65) from Ubuntu, the same way I access FAT or NTFS partitions, any ideas?19:29
ubuntu_madHillshum:sorry i mean it wont DL attachments etc19:29
wildmanncpmount and friends are out of the question, because there's no Netware server running, I have the server's disk connected directly here19:29
ubuntu_madHillshum: like when i want to DL an email attachment..nothing happens when i select Download19:30
Hillshumubuntu_mad: Does it work with all attachments and at all pages?19:31
ubuntu__hello need help mounting a usb drive19:31
guntbertwildman: have you seen http://www.novell.com/communities/node/3234/nfs-mount-netware-65-volume-sles-server-or-sled-client ?19:31
fearfulIs there anyway I can forget the running applications on startup, I used the function which says 'Remember currently running applications'19:31
Fazer2hey, is there any way to remove or rename PPA?19:32
ubuntu_madHillshum: I cant DL any file from anywhere through FF download manager19:32
mMezquitaleubuntu__, usb drives should be automatically mounted, have you tried running "lsusb" to see if your device is recognized?19:32
harovali1 I'm having a strange network interface problem. The eth0 gets acknowledged as r8169. Then, a DSL conection is established though it. So far , so well. Every 8 minutes or so "r8169: eth0: link down" "r8169: eth0: link up"  appear in dmesg. If that pair of messages appear more than 4 times, then the DSL is hung with the following message logged to /var/log/messages " pppd[891]: No response to 4 echo-requests" "pppd[891]: Se19:32
Hillshumubuntu__: Also pastebin the output of dmesg19:32
mMezquitale!ask| nasrullah19:32
c0p3rn1chow can I install jdk 1.4 on a 64 bit ubuntu 9.10 system?19:32
nasrullahhow to set up bluetooth in xubuntu karmic19:32
fearfulIs there anyway I can forget the running applications on startup, I used the function which says 'Remember currently running applications'19:32
puffMainstay:  Yeah, absolutely, cut 'n paste drives me crazy.19:33
wildmanguntbert: thx for the link, but no good, it's a situation similar to the ncpmount and friends, you have to have the Netware server running, I don't, I just have its disk and network card, that's all, the server is trashed19:33
puffMainstay: The problem is that there are several different mechanisms.19:33
ubuntu_madHillshum: i do have j downloader but it used to work side by side with ff with no issues19:33
guntbertwildman: true, I only read the titles :-/19:34
puffMainstay:  There are typically tyhree ways you can cut and paste in the terminal window;  select and then click, select and right-click-copy, select and edit/copy.19:34
puffMainstay:  Likewise, in GUI emacs.19:34
jozefkfearful: System > Control Center19:34
ubuntu__<mMezquitale> yes tried that19:34
puffMainstay:  If you find a solution, please let me know :-(.19:34
jozefkStartup Applications19:34
MrKeunerhow can i change the super key system wide?19:34
jozefkOptions :)19:34
ubuntu__can i get the command to force mount19:34
puffc0p3rn1c:  To start, get an easier nick to type :-).19:35
ubuntu__it a ide hard drive connected to a ide to usb converter19:35
nasrullahi do get bad signatures gpg ..how to correct this????19:35
fearfuljozefk, thanks but thats not exactly what I meant but I guess I can work with that19:35
mMezquitaleubuntu__, so did your device get recognized when you typed "lsusb"?  Are you plugging your device to a USB card?  Can you try installing the USB device to another slot?19:35
wildmanguntbert: something like http://developer.novell.com/wiki/index.php/Nwfs-lw is what I'd need... but ready-made for Ubuntu :)19:35
MrKeunerjozefk, what options?19:35
Fazer2puff: why don't you/he change the copy paste shortcuts?19:35
puffc0p3rn1c:  There appears to be a fair bit oftalk about this on ubuntu.19:35
puffFazer2: How so?19:36
ubuntu__well i can see it on computer but it says can't mount file ?19:36
Fazer2puff: in the terminal options19:36
jozefkSystem > Control Center > Startup Applications > Options19:36
MrKeunerIt is so embarrassing to assign something to that key in GNU/Linux. Nothing should be assigned to something with MS logo on it. Could only be used for switching OS on double boot systems, or accessing ms website or something :)19:36
puffc0p3rn1c: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/953153/is-it-possible-to-put-java-1-4-on-64-bit-ubuntu19:36
MrKeunerjozefk, i do not think you know what you are talking about19:37
Mainstaypuff: most irc clients allow you to click on the nick and it pastes it in.19:37
Mainstaypuff: thanks for the feedback19:37
jozefkMrKeuner: haha19:37
puffFazer2:  I don't see an "options" menu item, do you mean preferences?19:37
mMezquitaleubuntu__, use paste bin and show us the output of "sudo fdisk -l"19:37
MainstayMrKeuner: just put some electrical tape over the logo on the key.19:37
puffMainstay: It's been bugging me for a while.19:37
jozefkMrKeuner: fearful asked for that19:37
Fazer2puff: lol, yeah19:37
MrKeunerMainstay, problem is that I do not have that key19:37
ubuntu_madHillshum: ??19:37
nasrullahno help???for bluetooth and signatures????19:37
MrKeunerjozefk, OK sorry19:38
mMezquitale!ask| nasrullah19:38
puffMainstay:  Also bugging me:  copying and pasting text from firefox into the terminal cuases problems if the text has "smart quotes", m-dashes or other odd characters.19:38
Hillshumubuntu_mad: I have no clue19:38
guntbertwildman: looks like some work to do - but on a completely different line: you know that this channel is logged, so you can find old conversations again19:38
ubuntu_madnasrullah: sorry im a noob lol19:38
Fazer2puff: edit -> keyboard shortcuts19:38
Mainstayguntbert: logged? where at?19:38
flansuse In case anyone is interested, in order to get ffmpeg to convert to mp3 (which is what the Firefox addon Video DownloadHelper uses), you can simply install libavcodec-unstripped-52 from the package manager. The ffmpeg package from the Ubuntu repositories does not support mp3 for legal reasons.19:39
mMezquitalenasrullah, ask your question in one line, if someone knows the answer they will reply, if you get no response get some time and then ask again19:39
flansuseSo, I'm happy now!19:39
wildmanguntbert: well, yesterday we didn't reach far with the helpful person, I had some ideas of other things to try... which obviously (now) didn't work :-\19:39
ubuntu_madHillshum: ok..read somehwhere that deleting the download.dfr file fixes it bu i cant find it19:39
Piciguntbert: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com19:39
Fazer2puff: you can use \ before the special characters19:39
alexploitpeople i hv  problem  , i hv kde on ubuntu 8.10 , how can i install networkmanager for gnome to make it work in kde19:39
nasrullahno way to get it sort out???lol???19:39
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ubuntu_madHillshum: maybe in nedd to delete my profile?19:39
mishoohi guys19:39
mishooquick question, is there a "desktop recording program" that actually works?19:40
guntbertPici: thx :-)19:40
MrKeunermishoo, not yet19:40
_JoseLuis_I need a freak of gparted19:40
mishooI'm playing with recordmydesktop, but the sound is badly out of sync19:40
ubuntu__<mMezquitale> http://pastebin.com/m341b8d3019:40
romariohi all19:40
mMezquitalemishoo, what do you mean "recording program?  you want to record sound?  try audacity19:40
mishooMrKeuner: ah, that confirms my feeling.. which is great because at least I can stop searching :)19:40
puffFazer2: I think you mean Edit/Keyboard Shortcuts... not sure this  will actually solve the problem, depends on what buffer the keyboard shortcut copy uses.19:40
mishoomMezquitale: I want to record a screencast with sound19:41
c0p3rn1cpuff, thx , doesn't your IRC client has auto completion?19:41
romarioтут есть русские?19:41
puffFazer2 The problem is, I don't get that far.  When I just copy in firefox and paste in terminal, the text gets mangled.19:41
MrKeunermishoo, there is Istanbul if you like to try but I did not like it either19:41
_JoseLuis_I've broken Windows installing ext2 driver to share my linux FS, becouse I've changed the letter of the partition, so does anybody knows how to change the letter again using GParted?19:41
guntbert!ru | romario19:41
Mainstaypuff: so being that you are one of the few that answered does that mean noone else has problems pasting into terminal?19:41
mishooI tried it, not too good19:41
dragonWhat's recommended? apt-proxy or apt-cacher?19:41
Fazer2puff: yes, I just said about edit->keyboard shortcuts19:41
nasrullahthank you19:41
jozefkromario: i understand russian but people speaks english here most of the time19:41
_JoseLuis_Changing the letter is the only way to fix it19:41
Fazer2puff: I didn't see the beginning of this discussion19:41
puffFazer2:  the only thing that works for dealign with smartquotes, etc, is pasting into a GUI emacs buffer and editing them out.19:42
Mainstaymishoo: try wink?19:42
Mainstayanyone know how to install wink on 9.10 karmic?19:42
puffMainstay:  I guess not.19:42
romario<jozefk> я понял тебя19:42
ubuntu__<mMezquitale> did u get the link ?19:42
dickncis there a way to force a 32 bit program to install on a 64bit Karmic?19:42
jozefkMainstay: what it that wink for?19:43
dragondicknc: download the 32-bit version and run it with `linux32`19:43
* mishoo thinks ..oO( how did I forget about wink? let's see.. )19:43
dickncDragon:  just use that command?19:43
mMezquitaleubuntu__, yes, this is weird, usually you can fix this by plugging the device into another port, you can also manually mount it, if you want to manually mount it first create a mounting point in "/media", do this by creating a directory like so " sudo mkdir /media/mydir"19:43
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dragondicknc: `man linux32`19:43
DarwinSurvivorI'm trying to debug a suspend/wireless problem on a eee19:44
dickncDragon: thanks19:44
DarwinSurvivoreee 1000HE (Atheros card) won't connect to wireless after suspend/resume.19:44
RenatoSilvahow to disable splash screen when loggin in?19:44
nasrullahnothing for me????19:44
ubuntu__mMezquitale ok19:44
Mainstaywink = desktop video/screenshot capture19:44
ubuntu__i think it's a fat or fat32 file system19:44
mMezquitaleubuntu__,  can you also first go to the folder "/media" and check to see if the drive isn't already mounted there?19:45
MainstayDarwinSurvivor: not good!19:45
* mishoo thinks ..oO( ok, dropped the idea )19:45
mishooso far recordmydesktop is the closest to perfection, if only this sound issue would come up right :-/19:45
RenatoSilvahow to make the window max/restore when you double click the title?19:45
ubuntu__mMezquitale not there19:45
RenatoSilvahow to disable splash screen when loggin in?19:45
DarwinSurvivorsorry bout that, x-chat had an anurism19:46
nasrullahmany thanks to all of not helping me?????????????????19:46
klownI have enabled the control alt backspace to restart X in the keyboard settings, but it is still not working (ubuntu 9.10) any ideas?19:46
DarwinSurvivorMainstay: i checked https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport/Machines/Netbooks#Asus%20Eee%201000HE and it mentions a bug "similar" to mine, but doesn't say anything about suspend (which is the problem for me)19:46
DarwinSurvivorI haven't noticed any signal strength problems when it does work (before suspend), so it may be unrelated19:47
ubuntu_madnasrullah: sorry but if no one knows how then thay dont reply19:47
mMezquitaleubuntu__,  try installing ntfs support first: "sudo apt-get install ntfs-config"19:47
puffnasrullah:  apparently nobody here knows the answer.19:47
puffnasrullah:  I don'tknow the answer myself, and I've actually spent a fair bit of time learning to program bluetooth stuff.19:47
ubuntu_madnasrullah: it does get frusting alright but keep trying19:47
ubuntu__mMezquitale i doubt it ntfs it's a dos os19:47
puffnasrullah:  It's frustrating, sometimes, when nobody seems to notice that you're talking, but generally that's better than everybody replying "I don't know".19:47
DarwinSurvivorActionParsnip mentioned some cards requiring a re-mod-probe after suspend, how would I do that?19:48
mMezquitaleubuntu_mad, i already asked him to try asking the same question later but he's not listening19:48
wubuntunasrullah: Best option is to come back and ask later19:48
wubuntuBecause someone later might know19:48
DarwinSurvivorany ideas Mainstay ?19:48
nasrullahwhich netbook is best for Ubuntu???19:48
wubuntuI ask questions here and often no one knows, but twenty minutes later, ten people will know19:48
ubuntu_madmMezquitale: lol   ya but it does get frustrating when yer system is kaput lol19:48
mMezquitaleubuntu__, so the hard drive is formatted using fat16?19:49
teicahhow do I permanently disable services at bootup like sendmail, cups, etc??19:49
ubuntu__mMezquitale not sure what file format it has but for sure it not ntfs19:49
MainstayDarwinSurvivor: ugh... what a pain. I've stopped using suspend resume. Should be able to disable renable the wifi card. I know it's a known issue with EEE's, might google it with the 1000xx model.19:50
MainstayDarwinSurvivor: are you starting from a fresh install?19:50
DarwinSurvivorhow do i disable/re-enable it?19:50
DarwinSurvivorMainstay: yes (used it for a couple weeks now, but problem has been there since i installed)19:51
Mainstaymmm. that i don't know off hand, though there might be more than one way.19:51
klownI have enabled the control alt backspace to restart X in the keyboard settings, but it is still not working (ubuntu 9.10) any ideas?19:51
MainstayDarwinSurvivor: update?19:51
mMezquitaleubuntu__,  this will allow you to mount a fat16/32 partition manually: sudo mount -t vfat /dev/[SDB#] /media/MYDIR -o uid=1000,gid=100,utf8,dmask=027,fmask=13719:51
DarwinSurvivori have tried stopping/starting wicd, networking, wicd-client, etc19:51
teicahWhere do I begin researching: 1computer 2x(monitors, keyboard, mouse) so 2 diff ppl can use it @the same time?19:51
DarwinSurvivori've basically restarted every networking daemon i can find, short of re mod-probing the driver (which I don't know how to do)19:51
DarwinSurvivorif i knew the name of the driver, i could probably re-mod-probe it, but i can't figure out it's name ;(19:52
ubuntu__mMezquitale ok and how do i know which sdb is the right one19:52
mMezquitaleubuntu__, replace SDB# with the hard drive in your machine19:52
duffydackWhat happend to the `services` admin app, its not in karmic19:52
MrKeunerhow can i change the super key system wide?19:53
Kottizen7win 5219:53
tran228please help me identify this song very easy http://www.musicuploader.org/MUSIC/550851259697143.mp319:53
trismduffydack: it was removed for the moment because it isn't compatible with upstart, it may be back eventually though once they update it19:53
DarwinSurvivorMainstay: the bug report also mentioned backports, but i don't know what package to install from backports...19:53
sebsebseb!ot |  tran22819:53
nasrullahgood night to all of you19:53
mMezquitaleubuntu__, repost the link to pastebin and ask the same question again, if someone knows they answer they will reply, i'm going to try my USB boot up drive now19:53
EyethforceHi I need help...19:53
sebsebsebEyethforce: with?19:54
ubuntu__how do i know which sdb is my external drive19:54
EyethforceI am thinking to use ubuntu but i have no idea how to install BOTH windows xp and ubuntu19:54
MrKeuner!help | MrKeuner19:54
alexploitpeople i hv  problem  , i hv kde on ubuntu 8.10 , how can i install networkmanager for gnome to make it work in kde19:54
sebsebsebubuntu__: sda is the first hard disk,  sdb is the second19:54
alexploitpeople i hv  problem  , i hv kde on ubuntu 8.10 , how can i install networkmanager for gnome to make it work in kde19:54
tran228please help me identify this song very easy http://www.musicuploader.org/MUSIC/550851259697143.mp319:54
EyethforceI am using HP netbook19:54
mMezquitaleubuntu__,  that's the question you want to ask, dont forget the link to pastebin19:54
sebsebsebalexploit: as far as I know you can't19:54
ronald_anybody know how to get serial working under 9.1019:55
RenatoSilvahow to make the window max/restore when you double click the title?19:55
RenatoSilvahow to disable splash screen when loggin in?19:55
sebsebsebalexploit: 9.10 improves the network stuf a bit,  if I remember correctly19:55
lasivianany suggestions for a keylogging program under Ubuntu?19:56
sebsebsebalexploit: 8.10 is a good release, but is on the verge of running out of support19:56
EyethforceIs it possible for me to have dual boot for winxp and ubuntu in Netbook?19:56
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CajjitaHAHA, NETBOOK19:56
sebsebsebEyethforce: if your netbook can handle it sure19:56
tran228please help me identify this song very easy http://www.musicuploader.org/MUSIC/550851259697143.mp319:56
sebsebsebtran228: #ubuntu-offtopic19:57
EyethforceSo all i need do is use WINXP recovery cd to partition the HD?\19:57
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lasiviani'm trying to setup a cronjob on my own notebook that will email me webcam shots and keylogs if it's missing/stolen19:57
ronald_no serial under 9.1019:57
Leoneof``so odd with laptop...that Gnome-Network-Manager can't detect my external wireless (usb) , but when i turn ON internal wireless , it will work both of them! ,any help?19:57
lasivianbut i'm having trouble finding a keylogger for Ubuntu19:57
sebsebsebronald_: serial???19:57
ronald_yes no serial port19:58
strebloi'm running a script from cron that needs to open firefox, but the script fails and tells me it was unable to open the browser. i'm guessing this is because cron doesnt have permission to open firefox, but i dont really know how to give cron this permission. can anyone point me in the right direction?19:58
sebsebseblasivian: that does not suprise me19:58
zerqcool idea in theory.. but if someone stole your laptop do you think they'd leave ubuntu on it?19:58
skylis there anyway that I can diff to dirs that aren't under nay source control?19:58
skyltwo dirs that is :D19:58
zerqnot that i would ever steal or buy a stolen laptop.. but let's say I did.. first thing I would do would be to wipe the hdd19:59
lasiviansebsebseb, well, it's a type of program that is easy to abuse, but does occasionally have legit uses19:59
trismskyl: if they are text files you can use diff directory_1 directory_219:59
sebsebseblasivian: exactly19:59
lasivianzerq, worth trying, what have I got to lose19:59
skyltrism, no way ...19:59
* skyl off to try19:59
lasivianzerq, especially if I leave it logged in19:59
zerqlasivian: yea, could definitely be worth it.. even if they were to turn it on once20:00
Neremoris there a way to route the output which is sent to the front-center speaker to the rear-center speaker in pulseaudio?20:00
cj_Hi I'm a newbie...I have a E-MU 1212m sound card.  I can't understand how to understand on how to install the driver.20:00
zerqlasivian: no idea where you would get a software keylogger for ubuntu though20:00
sebsebsebcj_: oh20:00
Neremorbecasue for any reason i can't get my front-speaker working; it is detected as rear-center speaker ;)20:00
lasivianit's easy enough to dump camera shots in email, but I figured a keylog would be good too20:00
sebsebsebcj_: how new to Ubuntu or Linux in general even?20:00
zerqlasivian: if there even is such a thing20:00
BluesKajNeremor, most of the speech in 5.1 is dirtected to the center channel , why would you do that20:00
sebsebsebcj_: sound isn't really my area, but maybe I can hep you a little bit20:01
cj_sebsebseb,  extremely new20:01
meonkeysanyone have a link on (or can quickly explain) how to manually resolve a configuration file conflict when updating a package?20:01
slam_whose bright idea was it to make the volume applet non-movable in 9.10 ?!?!?20:01
ibuclawNeremor, I'm pretty sure I've seen it been done before20:01
sebsebsebcj_: how new?  and which versin of Ubuntu?20:01
isolat3dsh33pwhy does my synaptic touchpad can't detect 2 fingers? How do i tell whether it's synaptic or not?20:01
slam_the volume applet should be in the top-right corner so i can throw the mouse up there and scroll to adjust the volume without even looking...20:02
ibuclawNeremor, this will give you an introduction: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SurroundSound20:02
Neremori don't thnik so20:02
slam_whoever decided to make that a CONCRETE applet now, is a jerkface and has no idea what it means to support customizable FOSS20:02
=== MetalliMyers is now known as jmyers
NeremorI'm reading tutorials for 5.1 sound for over two months now20:02
lasivianthe second part of this is, how do I set ubuntu to always keep my account logged in>20:02
DarwinSurvivorHow do i find out what kernel modules are installed so I can re mod-probe my wifi card after resume?20:02
lasivianwhich i'm guessing is not "normal" behavior20:02
sebsebsebcj_: 9.10 yes?20:03
slam_lasivian:  go to System > Administration > Login Window or somethin' like that20:03
cj_sebsebseb, yes20:03
Neremorand now i got it working that my center speaker reacts on rear-center output... but because i can't change this, i need to address the output to other channels... in alsa this was done with a channel map, but pulseaudio...20:03
cj_it says all I need is the latest alsa20:03
lasivianslam_, thanks20:03
cj_I have ti20:03
zerqibuclaw: install tpconfig20:04
zopiacprecisely every other time I load up Rhythmbox, it crashes after like 10 seconds. Another thing i notice is that these times it crashes the Radio and Last.FM plugins do not load in the sidebar. can anyone help?20:04
mzuverinkcj, is this what you do not understand http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=715755   ?20:04
sebsebsebcj_: sound is hmm20:04
sebsebsebcj_: your on a lap top?20:04
sebsebsebcj_: and sound does not work at all?20:05
zerqisolat3dsh33p: install tpconfig20:05
sebsebsebjercyl: hi20:05
nytek_zopiac: uninstall the plugins and try to load it again?20:05
cj_not at all20:05
ibuclawzerq, thanks for the tip ;P20:05
zerqibuclaw: disregard that, wrong person ;)20:05
sebsebsebcj_: ok well  that's a bit odd for a desktop20:05
sebsebsebcj_: it's lap tops that usually get the sound issues with Ubuntu20:05
zopiacnytek_: i will seee; is it just rhythmbox-plugins or something else obvious?20:05
=== slam_ is now known as grndslm
isolat3dsh33pzerq: what's tpconfig?20:06
sebsebsebcj_: however I had a proper sound issue on my desktop for the first time with 9.1020:06
nytek_zopiac: probably, seach in synaptic20:06
zopiacnytek_: it isn't rhythm* anything, yeah ill look in the synaptic package manager20:06
sebsebsebcj_: you may be able to configure stuff and get your sound working, but it won't be that easy, especially when your new20:07
nytek_zopiac: yeah, just type in something with last.fm20:07
zopiacnytek_: those plugins come with rhythmbox; perhaps i should just reinstall it completely20:07
nytek_zopiac: good idea.20:07
sebsebsebcj_: what kind of sound hardware is it? nothing that fancy, or really new right?20:07
nytek_zopiac: sorry, i dont use rhythmbox, i dont know much about the package information20:08
Leoneof``any help? O_o20:08
nytek_Leoneof``: what is your question?20:08
zopiacnytek_: its ok, lets just hope this will work :)20:08
nytek_zopiac: :D yeah20:08
madcheezeanyone setup virtualbox in karmic? is it stable?20:08
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nmvictorhow do i install spell checker for GNU editor20:09
zopiacnytek_: darn; problem still occurs...20:09
sebsebsebmadcheeze: you can do Virtualbox from the repo or from the site20:09
nytek_madcheeze: yeah20:09
sebsebsebmadcheeze: go to website and get the closed source, if you want USB support20:09
Leoneof``nytek:  so odd with laptop... Gnome-Network-Manager can't detect networks for external wireless (usb) wlan1 , but when i turn ON button for internal wireless wlan0... the wlan1 will work and detect networks , why?20:09
nytek_zopiac: i dont think removing it will remove any configuration files20:09
sebsebsebcj_: don't know the answer?  or disappeard on me?20:09
seyfarthAnyone know of a good dreamweaver-esque alternative for ubuntu? I don't need the WYSIWYG, but the site management is nice.20:09
Mainstaylasivian: based on what zerq said, perhaps a bios based keylogger lol, i am kinda surprised you couldn't find a keylogger tho.20:10
xoveri have lost my sound, is there a quick way of restarting it?20:10
nytek_Leoneof``: you dont have the drivers installed for the usb card then20:10
xoverI have tried alsa restart and pulseaudio restart20:10
zopiacnytek_: it doesn't seem to have any; or at least not in any ~/. folder. there is no ~/.rhythmbox folder, and its only folder i can find is ~/.gnome2/rhythmbox/ which only has an empty plugins folder20:10
lasivianMainstay: think I found one20:10
nytek_xover: run aumix or alsamixer20:10
Leoneof``nytek: it is installed , ndiswrapper with windows driver20:10
Neremorwell is there a way to use the .asoundrc bindings-option to route the channels to their output AND use pulseaudio?20:10
madcheezesebsebseb, what is the virtualbox repo cmd? i know sudo apt-get install but whats the word for vbox?20:10
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sebsebsebcj_: 9.10  has issues with certain things that worked in the previous release 9.04, so maybe you should try that20:11
xoverthen what mate?20:11
zopiacnytek_: of course it has to have some sort of configuration, but i just cant find any20:11
nytek_Leoneof``: when you run ifconfig does it show wlan1?20:11
lasivianMainstay, http://sourceforge.net/projects/lkl/20:11
sebsebsebmadcheeze: it's the open source one from the repo, with no USB support20:11
nytek_zopiac: um, you might want to google the problem20:11
zopiacnytek_: i havent seen anything relevant on google20:11
sebsebsebmadcheeze: the USB support would also have to be set up a bit in the terminal20:12
sebsebsebmadcheeze: for the version that has it20:12
nytek_zopiac: when did the problem start to happen?20:12
sebsebsebmadcheeze: virtualbox-ose  for the repo one I think20:12
nytek_zopiac: what do you think caused it?20:12
Leoneof``yes, it will show me wlan1, even it will detect networks but in terminal only20:12
Leoneof``nytek: yes, it will show me wlan1, even it will detect networks but in terminal only20:12
zopiacnytek_: maybe a month ago, when I added a bunch of plugins (but i have since removed them from the plugins folder)20:12
madcheezesebsebseb, the one i have showing up is that one that you said, do i need the gtk frontend too?20:12
zopiacive just been ignoring it for a while20:13
nytek_zopiac: try adding the plugins again20:13
sebsebsebmadcheeze: just install virtualbox-ose and it should take care of any other dependancies20:13
MainstayDarwinSurvivor: is there no way to disable via the ui?20:13
nytek_Leoneof``: so you can connect to wifi networks via terminal?20:13
mMezquitaleanyone knows how to find the checksum for netbook remix?20:13
nytek_xover: ?20:13
zopiacnytek_: i tried adding the ones i still have again, but for the others I would need to find online again. they were scattered across the webs20:13
git__md5sum netbook remix20:13
DarwinSurvivorMainstay: not that I can find (using WICD) network-manager has given me firewall problems in the past20:13
xoveri think vmware server took the sound input20:13
xoverhow do i get it back to the host?20:14
DarwinSurvivorI spent 3 weeks trouble-shooting another eee server (diff model) and found out network-manager was somehow preventing incoming ssh/http connections20:14
ZaNeIuMhow can i tell what version of grub im using?20:14
nytek_zopiac: ugh, thats definitely a confusing problem. have you tried a complete removal from syntapic of rythmbox?20:14
wildmanbye ppl20:14
sebsebsebZaNeIuM: Why?  normalely it doesn't really matter as such20:14
wildmanguntbert: thx for your help20:14
sebsebsebZaNeIuM: which version of Ubuntu?20:14
xoverit says speaker is off is that the problem?20:14
zopiacnytek_: was just going to try that20:14
Leoneof``nytek_: i can connect to the networks via terminal but it is nothing just word saying that is connected20:15
nytek_zopiac: good luck, ill be on in a little20:15
xoverwtf is up with this sound20:15
vikhello, I want to disable ipv6 globally, what is the simpliest and best way of doing that in Karmic? Thanks20:15
sebsebseb!language |  xover20:15
ubottuxover: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:15
nytek_Leoneof``: you do a ifconfig wlan1 -essid "network"? then run dhclient wlan120:15
ZaNeIuMi just intalled an other os on the free artiton and i need to know what ersion i had so i can find a tutorial on updating it20:15
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading20:16
Leoneof``nytek_, i do iwconfig >_>20:16
MainstayDarwinSurvivor: eee home server? how is that?20:16
racecar56where can i get gl3.h?20:16
xoversound anyone?20:16
madcheeze_sebsebseb, sorry, horrible wireless here at school. do i need the gtk frontend too?20:16
xoverit must be a simple task?20:16
DarwinSurvivorMainstay: it was for a job. The guy had a eee he wanted to use as a web server (VERY few connections), ssh was for maintenance20:16
sebsebsebmadcheeze_: don't think so20:16
ZaNeIuMsebsebseb is accualy xbmc-live wich uses ubuntu 9.1020:16
madcheeze_sebsebseb, thanks20:16
sebsebsebmadcheeze_: just install virtualbox-ose and it should take care of any other dependancies as I already put20:17
zopiacnytek_: even complete removal does not work :\20:17
madcheeze_sebsebseb, thanks!20:17
guntbertxover: please be patient20:17
xoverwhat is seahorse?20:17
sebsebsebmadcheeze_: if you want USB support as I already put as well, you need to get the other version, go to the website and yep20:17
guntbertxover: try /msg ubottu info seahorse20:17
Leoneof``nytek_, i need to do in gui, not terminal ^_^20:17
sebsebsebmadcheeze_: plus that would need setting up in Ubuntu with the terminal20:18
madcheeze_sebsebseb, i wont need it. i can download my image right to my main pc and do it there. no biggie...20:18
G__A need to hot wire wifi20:18
sebsebsebmadcheeze_: ok ose  should be fine then20:18
starcannonYou can find the MD5sums for your Ubuntu Netbook Remix here: http://releases.ubuntu.com/karmic/20:18
starcannonmMezquitale : http://releases.ubuntu.com/karmic/ should have the checksums your looking for20:19
sebsebsebZaNeIuM: ok well uhmm not sure what that is20:19
sebsebsebZaNeIuM: and this room is only meant to be for Ubuntu20:19
madcheeze_sebsebseb, thanks bud. i am hoping to hack on my ati drivers tonight, and hopefully put together a guide to building it for those of us that want to use an ati card.20:19
sebsebsebmadcheeze_: ok and ok np20:20
sebsebseb!ati | madcheeze_20:20
ubottumadcheeze_: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto20:20
MainstayANyone know if the ATI Radio 9800 series drivers are loadable in 9.10 karmic?20:21
sebsebsebMainstay: don't know, but maybe that bot link above is useful for you as well20:21
ZaNeIuMsebsebseb: ubuntu comes with grub and installs so its kinda part of it all20:22
ZaNeIuMbut i found out how to check the version. so thx20:22
sebsebsebZaNeIuM: if you put on another distro,  your Grub might mess up a bit, well I mean20:22
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sebsebsebZaNeIuM: what Ubuntu put in the MBR getting over written by the other distro20:22
xoveraahh i fixed my sound, i killed all the alsa instances and now it just crackles like a radio antenna, excellent20:22
MainstayI read up on it a bunch of the weekend and heard that the ATI drivers for the 9800 and the older cards are not supported in the new kernel20:22
ZaNeIuMi installed win720:22
ZaNeIuMbut its all good i know how to fix it cause i'm using the old grub :)20:23
sebsebsebZaNeIuM: and if you install Windows after a Desktop Linux, it will over write  what was put in the MBR by the Linux distro boot loader20:23
jcrawfordZaNeIuM, you damn trader20:23
sebsebsebjcrawford: trader?  you meant traitor?20:23
Mainstayis there a windows 7 theme for linux. LOL.20:23
thiebaudejcrawford, im using windows 720:23
jcrawfordsebsebseb, can't let me have that one eh :)20:23
ZaNeIuMlol, not its not like that, i've only been using linux for like 2 weeks20:23
sdwrageMainstay, vistar720:24
ZaNeIuMits used for my htpc20:24
sebsebsebMainstay: probably,  plus there's a way to make KDE 4 look rather much like Vista Version 2 (Windows 7)20:24
xoverits a shame that linux is so unreliable20:24
DarwinSurvivorI need to know the module name of my wireless card so I can mod-probe it after suspend!20:24
Waldirhi. I'm constantly having problems with my sound since I upgraded to karmic... can someone help me?20:24
jcrawfordhahah unreliable20:24
DarwinSurvivorHow do I find it (or even a list of modules i have)?20:24
xoverit is mate, especially ubuntu20:24
jcrawfordwindows = unreliable from all my experiences20:24
xoverits a shocking desktop20:24
xoverdesktop OS I mean20:25
jcrawfordi love OS X stable, unix like20:25
guntbert!ot | xover20:25
ubottuxover: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:25
jcrawfordbut... work wont buy one so i installed Ubuntu haha20:25
xoverlol nice20:25
sdwrageWindows 7 hasn't steered me wrong yet. I like both equally :)20:25
sebsebsebjcrawford: well soemtimes it's good to make sure you have the correct word :)20:25
jcrawfordsebsebseb, yea ya hear ya :)20:25
thiebaudesdwrage, im trying 7 out20:25
sebsebsebWindows 7 blah de blah,  in 2014 or so it will be old news, and there will be another version of Windows20:25
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jcrawfordyep and Ubuntu will be gone just like Mandrake haha20:26
thiebaudesebsebseb, yes every 3 yrs or so20:26
sebsebsebjcrawford: uh what's wrong with Mandrake/Mandriva?20:26
sdwragesebsebseb, spoken like a true linux purist ;)20:26
genesis_hi all20:26
sebsebsebjcrawford: I left 9.10 for  Mandriva 2010 :)  now that's a rather nice distro,  Ubuntu 10.04 might win me back properly though20:26
jcrawfordi started with Mandrake nothing wrong with it per-se but it went to Mandrivia which i thought to be odd and dropped it20:26
sdwragesebsebseb, I don't particularly like Microsoft all that much either but I do have to say that I am enjoying Windows 7 as an operating system20:27
sdwragewhether the "experts" say it sucks or not20:27
* sdwrage shrugs20:27
xovervmware server probably works in w7 too20:27
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:28
sdwragefine fine dAlfa89_, I feel the heat on the back of my neck20:28
coreGrlhow can I set up midi on karmic? I didn't found doc about that20:29
jcrawfordman i keep seeing thei ubuntu message but who is paying attn to it :)20:29
dAlfa89_sdwrage, (:20:29
sebsebsebsdwrage: Linux purist :D  I use Windows sometimes, but don't have a proper reason to these days :)20:29
lasivianwhat's the name of the program that will tell me the #'s of my m ouse buttons?20:29
jcrawfordlasivian, xev maybe?20:30
jcrawfordi know that will tell you what your keys codes are should tell you about your mouse too20:30
* Spidler peers at the list of names.20:30
DarwinSurvivorlsmod shows "mac80211, led_class, ath and cfg0211" modules as being used by ath5k, which one do I need to modprobe after suspend to turn my card back on?20:30
MainstayI switched to linux, now I don't know how to tell my external usb drives to mount to the same mount point every time.20:30
rigelMainstay: man fstab20:31
lasivianjcrawford, yes, thanks20:31
Mainstayfstab isn't so straightforward for a noobie eh?20:31
rigeloh wait, that would be udev20:31
Pottii've installed xp via virtualbox. how i can get my network to work?20:31
rigelfstab is pretty straightforward20:31
rigeludev isnt, in my experience20:31
sebsebsebsdwrage: Vista is good enough for me when I  want Windows,  as for Windows 7 (Vista Version 2) I have used the RC, but not a final.20:31
Spidlerfstab only is if your device node is stable.20:31
maxlouismBonjour :)20:31
MainstayI went down the fstab road, what's the directive I need to apply?20:31
sebsebseb!fr |  maxlouism20:31
ubottumaxlouism: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr20:31
Mainstayyah...i ended up at a dead end with fstab.20:32
Spidler.LABEL=MyStick  /media/mystick defaults,users  1 120:32
maxlouismok, merci:)20:32
SpidlerMight work,   if your stick is named "MyStick"20:32
sebsebseb!es |  jcrawford20:32
ubottujcrawford: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.20:32
jcrawfordyea i don't understand a word that says :)20:33
sebsebsebjcrawford: ok well did you know that hola is hello in Spannish?20:33
atwhat do u think is the best ubuntu for eee pc?20:33
jcrawfordsebsebseb, yea20:33
SpidlerI'm having a different kind of problem. Is anyone here good at debuging X?20:33
jcrawford!en | jcrawfrod20:33
ubottujcrawfrod: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat20:33
sebsebsebjcrawford: I don't understand what the bot put there, either20:33
Spidlerat: I'd guess netbook edition?20:33
mmavhi guys20:33
mmavI'm in need of some help - would anyone care to help me?20:33
starcannonat regular ubuntu with the array.org kernel rocks on my eee pc's20:33
jcrawfordracist people don't have an entry for english :)20:33
Leoneof``any help? O_o20:33
erUSUL!ask | mmav20:33
ubottummav: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:33
sebsebseb!ask |  mmav20:33
Mainstayat: xandros, it's easy to restore to factory.20:34
atwell there is eeebuntu and ubuntu netbook remix etc20:34
mmavwell, my little brother messed up his Ubuntu install with lots of eyecandy and stuff20:34
atokay im gonna check out xandros20:34
starcannonMainstay: he asked for an ubuntu solution, xandros does not fit the request(and those of us who have eee pc's know why we don't like the default distro)20:34
dAlfa89_at, eeebuntu netbook remix?20:34
sebsebseb!details |  mmav20:35
ubottummav: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."20:35
Leoneof``any help??????????????????????????????????????20:35
mmavyeah on the way20:35
sebsebseb!patience |  Leoneof``20:35
ubottuLeoneof``: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.20:35
mMezquitalemmav, disable compiz, thatll be a cookie milk and a hug please20:35
starcannonat : join private chat, I'll help ya out with the eee20:36
Leoneof``1500 and no body can say ask? O_o20:36
mmavmMezquitale: I can't even access compiz20:36
glphvgacshi, i have 2 machines connected via Ethernet. running arp doesn't help; how do they find each other? BTW On one of them I run ifconfig but I don't see any inet addr; there is only inet6. Is that normal?20:36
SpidlerCan someone help me debug an issue that's driving me nuts?  I don't get global keypresses or mouse events, mouse only responds to the panel, nothing else is interactable with the mouse, alt+tab doesn't work, no other keybinds work.20:36
jcrawfordmMezquitale, wow you didn't even ask if it were a dude or a chick before asking for that hug, kinda concerned for you :)20:36
jcrawfordalright enough from me i have to get back to work :)20:36
guntbert!ot | jcrawford please20:36
ubottujcrawford please: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:36
Mainstaystarcannon:ok ur right.20:36
mmavand lots of other stuff like tint2, and some launchy application, and I want to revert back to default. I'm also curious whether a linux partition can mess with the laptop's touch pad settings/functionality, because it's not working anymore in Linux OR Windows.20:37
DarwinSurvivordamn, re-modprobed all ath5k modules and wireless STILL dead after suspend :(20:37
jcrawfordoh and cookie, milk and hug is OT?20:37
mMezquitalejcrawford, what's so wrong with a hug from a guy or gal?  As long as no kissing is involved, in my culture hugging is acceptable social behavior20:37
jcrawfords/OT/ON TOPIC20:37
Leoneof`` so odd with laptop... Gnome-Network-Manager can't detect networks for external wireless (usb) wlan1 , but when i turn ON button for internal wireless wlan0... the wlan1 will work and detect networks , why?20:37
MainstayDarwinSurvivor: might be time to re-ask your question20:37
DarwinSurvivorI can't get my eee 1000HE to connect (or even see) wireless networks after resuming from suspend20:38
ubottuxinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead20:38
mMezquitalemmav, you can start from there, tell us what you are able to do and people will help you,  what are you able to see? can you access a console by pressing "CTRL-ALT-F1", pressing "CTRL-ALT-F7" will bring you back to the GUI portion of ubuntu20:38
sebsebsebNeremor: Hello!20:38
DarwinSurvivorI have tried modprobing ath5k, mac80211, led_class, ath, cfg80211 with no luck20:38
edoceo-fluorine_How do I get imagemagick-dev stuffs?  I need magic.h but it's not in the imagemagick package20:38
Spidleredoceo-fluorine_: try "apt-cache provides magic.h"20:39
mmavmMezquitale: I can access both, I just discovered that I can navigate through the system settings and whatnot by pressing the Windows key20:39
edoceo-fluorine_invalid operation provides20:39
romeusEver since I've upgraded to Karmic, Java applets don't work in Firefox 3.5. I've manually installed JRE (http://sites.google.com/site/easylinuxtipsproject/java) and I get the following error when I run Firefox LoadPlugin: failed to initialize shared library /opt/java/32/jre1.6.0_17/plugin/i386/ns7/libjavaplugin_oji.so [/opt/java/32/jre1.6.0_17/plugin/i386/ns7/libjavaplugin_oji.so: cannot open shared object file: Permissio20:39
romeusn denied]20:39
mmavmMezquitale: I'm trying to restore Linux back to the default settings, is there a way to do this?20:39
erUSUL!find magic.h20:39
ubottuFound: gtk2-engines-magicchicken, magic-haskell-doc20:39
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sebsebsebromeus: you did sun-java6-jre ?20:40
Spidlerhmm, seems not.20:40
mMezquitaleSpidler, are you using karmic?20:40
SpidlermMezquitale: yes20:40
romeussebsebseb: I tried that first, and then I manually installed it instead20:40
sebsebsebromeus: maybe a new Firefox profile will help20:41
mMezquitaleSpidler, try logging out, click on your nickname, after you do that you should see some options appear below, make sure keyboard and language is chosen correctly, then enter your password20:41
NeremorI have a 5.1 system plugged to an 5.1 sound card. I installed pulseaudio and made alsa routing everything to pulse. That is working very well for the front and rear speakers, but the subwoofer and center-speaker aren't working. Now I've found some kind of workaround. I can set the mic-input (where sub and center are plugged into) type via kmixer to "rear-center". because there is no hardware-way to resolve my problem (i tried every20:41
Neremor combination), I'm searching for a way to tell pulseaudio, to output everything that is sent to the normal center speaker to the "rear-center" speaker. is that possible? maybe with the default channel map?20:41
sebsebsebromeus: also if it's installed, it should work in other browsers as well such as Epiphany and Galeon.  sudo apt-get install epiphany-browser by the way if it's just epiphany you get a game20:41
=== MK-1 is now known as MK-BB
mgv2ive adblock but the ads are usually there - what can i do?20:41
epifaniohi All20:41
SpidlermMezquitale: That will make it work.  This is a problem that only and -always- happens for the first user to start the computer after a reboot.20:41
mMezquitalemmav, is trying to restore gnome settings to default, anyone knows how to do that using the command line?20:41
edoceo-fluorine_erUSUL, it's actuall libmagick++-dev20:41
SpidlermMezquitale: Logging out and in again without touching -anything- solves the problem.20:41
sebsebsebromeus: well I think Java is like Flash when it comes to the browsers in Ubuntu20:42
fcuk112how do i uninstall byobu?20:42
SpidlermMezquitale: What I need to know is how to fix this thing, because this is unusable.20:42
romeussebsebseb: I tried to create a new profile, I get the same error LoadPlugin: failed to initialize shared library /opt/java/32/jre1.6.0_17/plugin/i386/ns7/libjavaplugin_oji.so [/opt/java/32/jre1.6.0_17/plugin/i386/ns7/libjavaplugin_oji.so: cannot open shared object file: Permission denied]20:42
erUSULedoceo-fluorine_: ok20:42
bluepuff12anyone know why one would install kubuntu 9.10 with kde 4.3 instead of just using kde 4.3?20:42
epifanioi'm running Xubuntu 9.10 , at login it don't ask me to choose a language for the session, which package i need to install ?20:42
sebsebsebromeus: ok well what about Java in both browsers I mentioned or at least one of them Epiphany ?20:42
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epifanioah! nevermind i find it20:42
epifaniosorry :-/20:42
mmavisn't there a "restore to default" option somewhere in Ubuntu?20:43
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sebsebsebmmav: nope20:43
mMezquitaleSpidler, the first user that logs in needs to look at the keyboard and language settings when you login, make sure youre doing that correctly, after you log in and the keyboard settings are still not correct go to "keyboard" applet and make sure youre using the correct one, it should be USA if you only use english20:44
Leoneof``any channel for network-manager?20:44
duffydackmmav, you mean just default gnome settings?20:44
mmavduffydack: yeah20:44
SpidlermMezquitale: It's set correctly,   I just realised that keyboard shortcuts work for the panel for the first login, so alt+f2 works, but alt+tab doesn't work.20:44
mmavthe task bar is gone and whatnot20:45
SpidlermMezquitale: alt+f2   > gnome-keyboard-properties shows the correct (and only) keyboard layout active.20:45
mMezquitaleSpidler, try using the left "alt"20:45
guntbertfcuk112: in screen F9 for the settings menu? or sudo aptitude remove byobu20:45
SpidlerAnd I still cannot access anything except the mouse20:45
SpidlermMezquitale: I can only use left alt, I do not have a right alt20:45
ljppHi guys - I need a linux text editor with Find/word count feature - any ideas? Meaning that within a text file I search for "ABC" and the editor tells me the number of instances. In the Windows worlds Notepad++ does this.20:46
Neremorah i found out that i need a way to root the subwoofer to center and the center to the subwoofer... is that possible via pulseaudio?20:46
duffydackmmav, I cant remember which folder but I read somewhere just deleting a folder (maybe .gnome/.gnome2) and logou/login resets.. better get some verifcation on this tho20:46
bluepuff12what is the advantage of ubuntu over kde?20:46
nightshadeDoes anyone here know about the phillips newvicon video 400 camera?20:46
guntbert!ot | bluepuff1220:47
ubottubluepuff12: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:47
sebsebsebljpp: hmm not sure about the actsaul text editor, but maybe Abiword is what your after, it's like Microsoft Word, but without all the rubbish20:47
mMezquitaleSpidler, go to "keyboard" applet, go to "layouts",  click on layout options,  go to "key to choose 3rd level option"  if Right Alt is chosen unclick it, if it is not chosen then in "layouts" tab click on "reset to defaults" and try unclickint right alt again20:47
Flannelbluepuff12: GNOME and KDE are different.  Different people like them for different reasons.  GNOME tends to be simpler with regard to configuration and stuff, while KDE tends to give you more options, and can be more confusing20:47
nightshadeI got it out of someone's garbage, and it doesen't look all that bad.  I just need some info on the pinouts of the cable comin' from it20:47
ljppsebsebseb, Ok - have to dig into the features of that one20:47
bluepuff12k thanks20:47
nightshadehopefully it doesen't use some kinda proprietary shit, or it'll be a pain.20:48
jussi01!language | nightshade20:48
ubottunightshade: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:48
zerqanyone else have issues in 9.10 when moving between several different wifi spots?  Like it will just keep trying to connect, but time out20:48
ljppbluepuff12, I have tried OpenSUSE with KDE4.3 and at least the Knetwork manager malfunctioned badly.20:48
guntbertFlannel: much nicer than me - thx for the example :-)20:48
SpidlermMezquitale: That still doesn't make windows clickable, and doesn't fix my alt+tab issues.20:49
zerqbut then you reboot into windows and it connects instantly20:49
zerqand then you reboot into ubuntu again and it works..20:49
TIZIMI have a question20:49
sebsebsebljpp: Open Office  has it's word proccesser and K Office as well,  and I like mentioning Gnumeric with Abiword, so yes there's that for spreadsheets.   Those two are light waight.20:49
nightshadesorry about my language, but I still expect an answer from someone who can.20:49
ljppsebsebseb, I dont think Office Writer has that20:49
SpidlermMezquitale: Please listen,   Mouse events only work on the panel,  if I attempt to click minimize/maximize/close buttons on a window it doesn't work, if I click on the desktop I don't get a right click menu.20:49
SpidlermMezquitale: if I alt-tab, it doesn't give me a selection,  it doesn't even attempt to switch things.20:49
Neremorcould no one give me a tipp, please?20:50
TIZIMHello I have a question20:50
SpidlermMezquitale: Clicks work on the panel, I can start 14 different terminals if I want, but I cannot swap between them.20:50
TIZIMabout my ubuntu20:50
Pici!ask | TIZIM20:50
ubottuTIZIM: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:50
mMezquitaleSpidler, try clicking on "Reset to Defaults" again, click on "Apply System Wide", log back out and log back in again20:50
guntbertnightshade: please reconsider your attitude20:50
ljppsebsebseb, actualy I am beginning to think that neither has abiword20:51
nightshadesorry, since i need your help, I'll try a more respectful tone.  I apologize20:51
romeussebsebseb: tried to install epiphany browser, same problem, no java20:51
Il__Matteohi everybody! i want to try ubuntu mobile on my iClone. can anybody lend me a hand? :)20:51
ubottuLearn more about Ubuntu Mobile at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded20:51
sebsebsebljpp: I am being told that gedit can do it20:51
SpidlermMezquitale: please LISTEN. I CANNOT click on reset to defaults because I cannot navigate the window with the mouse.20:51
Flannelnightshade: This channel is for Ubuntu support, not random hardware.  Perhaps ##electronics would be a better place?  Or I'm misunderstanding your question20:51
trismljpp: you can do that with vim... :%s/pattern//gn20:51
trismljpp: replace pattern with ABC or whatever you want to search for20:51
tech_helpis there a command to tell where the config directory is for things like apache/sendmail?20:52
starcannonmMezquitale: did you find your checksums?20:52
mMezquitaleSpidler, you can use tab to traverse the options20:52
TIZIMOkay so I am installing ubuntu on my computer and currently I have Windows XP Pro on it, And I want to run both. My friend installed ubuntu and and he has a 15gb drive for xp, 15gb for ubuntu and a shared drive, so I want to keep my xp not reformat it. Who knows how I can do that in the installation?20:52
sebsebsebljpp: gedit and then   tools > document statistics20:52
ljpptrism, I'd need a GUI solution - I need to copypaste a chart from website, and count some items. A hockey season table to be more exact, for betting in fantasy league20:52
zerqgoing to reboot into ubuntu and hopefully wifi will "magically" start working again -_-20:52
mMezquitalestarcannon, yes, even tried the USB thumb drive, works like a charm!!!!!!!!!20:52
SpidlermMezquitale: Reset to defaults isn't selectable still, there is only a single keyboard layout available.20:52
erUSUL!dualboot | TIZIM20:52
ubottuTIZIM: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot20:52
trismljpp: there is gvim, which is the gui version of vim20:52
sebsebsebjpds: Gedit is the default text editor with Ubuntu20:52
Flanneltech_help: Config stuffs are in /etc, so /etc/apache2 for instance.  if you read the manpages (man apache2) it does cover the config files it recongizes also.  Or you could try and find them via dpkg (dpkg -l | grep etc)20:53
TIZIMI dont have a mac20:53
sebsebsebromeus: that's after an upgrade from 9.04?20:53
TIZIMIt suggested a mac forum20:53
romeussebsebseb: yes20:53
sebsebsebromeus: it worked fine in 9.04?20:53
ljppsebsebseb, I am not looking for a total wordcount but number of times a word, say "abc" appears in a document20:53
mMezquitaleSpidler,  there should be only one Layout available "USA", can you click on "Layout Options"20:53
starcannonTIZIM: http://apcmag.com/how_to_dual_boot_windows_xp_and_linux_xp_installed_first.htm and you'll be using the partition editor to resize the partitions, BACKUP important data before even thinking of doing this stuff though; else, wailing and gnashing of teeth WILL occur. GL20:54
TIZIMokay ill see this20:54
romeussebsebseb: yes :)20:54
romeussebsebseb: it used to work on 9.0420:54
guntberttech_help: usually all under /etc/,  like /etc/apache2 ...20:54
SpidlermMezquitale: It's a bit hard cause I cannot swap between the IRC and the keyboard properties,  scrolling in the channel makes directions disappear, and I cannot scroll back without closing the keyboard applet.20:54
lava|sleepingIs there a way to run both my windows and Ubuntu Server at the same time20:54
orangepnutI'm trying to install metasploit and the instructions tell me to do: tar xf framework-3.1.1.tar.bz2 in the terminal but I get the error: no such file or directory and I have the package downloaded on my desktop, I'm new to linux by the way20:54
TIZIMstarcannon the link u sent me does not work20:55
sebsebsebromeus: maybe there's another way, but I guess a clean install of Ubuntu will sort it out20:55
SpidlermMezquitale: The only selection available per default is Swedish,   I'll see about adding another and switching20:55
spridelwhat editor do you use for web pages?20:55
erUSULlava|sleeping: run one of the two in a virtual machine20:55
erUSUL!html | spridel20:55
ubottuspridel: html is HyperText Markup Language, used to build web pages. WYSIWYG editors: KompoZer (was Nvu), Iceape Composer, Amaya - Development environments: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem - For a howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com/20:55
zerqYep, reboot and it instantly connects to the new open wifi network.. so weird.20:55
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mMezquitaleSpidler, so youre using another language besides english?20:55
zerqUntil I rebooted it would just time out on the dhcp over and over.. any ideas?20:55
SpidlermMezquitale: Yes.20:56
zerqreboot to windows, connects isntantly, reboot to ubuntu, connects instantly20:56
spridelty erUSUL20:56
starcannonTIZIM: trying again http://apcmag.com/how_to_dual_boot_windows_xp_and_linux_xp_installed_first.htm20:56
SpidlermMezquitale: And please, the main problem isn't alt-tab, it's the fact that the mouse will not interact with anything except the panel icons.20:56
lava|sleepingthat is in ubuntu install or is that xtra software ericm-Zzz20:56
TIZIMthankyou it works20:56
SpidlermMezquitale: I cannot select another window to be on top, only the panel is ever recieving mouse input20:56
Samuli^with HD 5770 and installing the catalyst drivers from ubuntu repository I'm getting a "Unsupported hardware" 'nag screen' at the bottom right corner20:57
skylhow's pidgin with gtalk?20:57
skylany better ideas for gtalk with linux?20:57
ubottuThe Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete20:57
isolat3dsh33pguys, is there any way I could restart my sound driver so that I don't need to go to the sound preferences everytime I plug in a headphone or plug it out after?20:57
starcannonTIZIM: http://gparted.sourceforge.net/ is a great resource, it is also the partition editor that Ubuntu uses if I am not mistaken20:57
mMezquitaleSpidler, sorry I do not know what happens when you choose swedish, a lot of stuff probably changes, the problem might be related but I am not sure, you might want to ask someone who uses swedish language or try the forum20:57
ubottuInstant Messenger Client Kopete (http://kopete.kde.org) supports MSN, Jabber, AIM, YIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and, in KDE 3, IRC. See also !Pidgin20:57
LMJ!empathy ;)20:57
TIZIMokay thankyou20:57
SpidlermMezquitale: Have you tried to navigate the forum without a mouse?20:58
wubuntuIs there a site or package for finding new panel items to customise panels ?20:58
starcannonTIZIM: one last thing... BACKUP YOUR DATA before proceeding :)20:58
SpidlermMezquitale: Let me just state that the forums tab-order leaves a lot to be asked ofr.20:58
TIZIMthank you20:58
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ljppcrap....gvim doesnt cut it either20:59
trismljpp: what doesn't work?20:59
mMezquitaleSpidler, yes I have, a little cumbersome but it is possible, you can use the tab to traverse a whole page, I didnt use a mouse for quite some time, just keep asking and eventually someone will be able to help you20:59
ljpptrism, I need to count specific words from a material I copypaste from web20:59
h3killaIs it possiable to install the entirety of Ubuntu onto an external USB Hardedriver and Duel boot?21:00
ljpptrism, Notepad++ does in for win32, so looking for similar advanced editor21:00
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sebsebsebh3killa: yes21:00
SpidlermMezquitale:  shouldn't xev be able to tell me if a keypress is directed to the window or not?21:00
TIZIMthe link21:00
TIZIMit says how to partition21:00
h3killaOk thank you sebsebseb21:00
TIZIMso u have ubuntu and xp21:00
starcannonljpp copy paste the material into a new Open Office document, run the word count on just that material21:00
sebsebsebh3killa: might run a bit slower from one though I think21:00
TIZIMbut wat about a shared drive21:00
sebsebsebh3killa: also if you then try and use it on more than one computer, you may get issues21:01
h3killaIts USB 2.0 so It shouldn't be too badly effected.21:01
ljppstarcannon, not the total word count - the number of word "abc" appears in the material21:01
mMezquitaleSpidler, yes, you can run xev and take it from there21:01
starcannonljpp hang on I'ma let you finish, but first lemme take a look, it's been awhile since I wrote a paper, brb21:01
mrsI need someones help, Last night i deleted the bar at the bottom of the screen that when you have anything open it shows it, and you can change screens. And i really want it back please.. can someone help21:01
starcannonTIZIM: open a PM with me, I'll brb21:02
SpidlerSeems xev does get -sent- the alt keycode21:02
sebsebsebrml_: the desktops?21:02
Spidlerand the tab21:02
alex__hallo!..is it a italian channel?21:02
ljppstarcannon, hm..lets see what Kate has to offer21:02
trismljpp: yeah, you said that, :%s/words you want to search for//gn will print it in the status area, for example, I search for :%s/expression//gn in my current document and get 25 matches on 23 lines21:02
TIZIMhow do i do that21:02
SpidlerBut nothing in between responds to it21:02
sebsebseb!it | alex__21:02
ubottualex__: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)21:02
bthorntonI'm sitting here using my Ubuntu 9.10 machine in Gnome and out of nowhere, all of my windows seem to change to a default/unthemed GTK theme. I'm guessing something died, but what (and why)?21:02
Samuli^mrs, click on the top bar and "add panel"21:02
Spidlerhowever, no mouse events are directed to xev.21:02
alex__someone read me?21:02
ubuddies /msg StArGaTe|DvD|001 XDCC SEND #1121:03
Samuli^mrs, right click, that is21:03
shmokgrub2 problem! kubuntu + xubuntu on lvm: cannot boot kubuntu after installing xubuntu (both encrypted, ext 4) lvm has 3 logical part. /boot (ext 3 not encrypted) /kubuntu /xubuntu/. I think my error was to install xubuntu's grub to /boot... I can chroot to kubuntu. Is there any way to make grub recognize both operating systems?21:03
Spidlerbthornton: check ~/.xsession-errors for what broke,  and most probably gnome-settings-daemon was destroyed.21:03
dupondjesomebody knows a proxy for news servers ? Cause I want to make a server that everybody in the internal network to, so I don't need to give out the password of the external server21:03
Samuli^mrs, and New panel, not add panel21:03
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bthorntonSpidler: Thanks!21:03
RenatoSilvawhat could make sudo gconf-editor not work (not save the changes), when it was working normally a few minutes ago?21:03
h3killasebsebseb: Is it possiable to install Grub onto the main drive and Ubuntu onto the USB HDD?21:04
TIZIMhow can i private chat with you starcannon21:04
sebsebsebh3killa: of course21:04
bthorntonSpidler: And you were right about what died...21:04
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.21:04
TIZIMHow can I private chat?21:04
Spidlerbthornton: ok,  oomkiller, or something farked?  I haven't seen it fall out in years myself.21:05
dAlfa89_RenatoSilva, it's advised to use gksu instead of sudo for GUI-based applications, just saying (:21:05
TIZIMHow can I private chat? Any1?21:05
sebsebsebh3killa: really Ubuntu should be your main OS though, not Windows :)21:05
bthorntonSpidler: You need to install 9.10. :)  You'll see lots of things fail that didn't used to fail....21:05
SpidlerTIZIM: ./query <person> is usually the way.21:05
Samuli^RenatoSilva, are you supposed to run gconf as root? It would save the settings for root account and not yours if they are user spesific.21:05
erUSULTIZIM: /msg nick message21:05
guntbertTIZIM: type /msg starcannon hi (the / must be the first character)21:05
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Spidlerbthornton: I've noticed.  Currently I cannot get the mouse to interact with anything except for the top panel for the -first- logged in user.21:06
Spidlerbthornton: Second, restarting X, or similar and it all works perfectly.21:06
bthorntonSpidler: "The program 'gnome-settings-daemon' received an X Window System error." and later "The error was 'BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)'."21:06
Spidlerbut for the first login after a startup, it fails horribly.21:06
erUSUL!pm | TIZIM21:06
ubottuTIZIM: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.21:06
Spidlerbthornton: I'm really starting to mutter obsceneties here as I cannot fathom what the -feck- would cause such an issue.21:06
bthorntonSpidler: Are you running 9.10?21:07
mrsOkay, now i had the little things so i could switch to like 3 screens, how can i get that back?21:07
bthorntonSpidler: Bad answer, but I think that's your problem. I'm thinking of going back to 9.01 because of the number of totally unacceptable bugs I've seen in Karmic. :(  What you describe seems to be par for the course...21:07
sebsebsebrml_: right click on the panel21:07
sebsebsebrml_: add to panel, and add it back ?21:07
Samuli^mrs, right click on the bottom bar and "Add to panel"21:07
Samuli^mrs, from the list choose "workspace switcher"21:08
sebsebsebbthornton: unacceptatble bugs in Karmic?21:08
sebsebsebbthornton: such as?21:08
starcannonljpp: sorry the only thing I could find was how to count words using Bash, if your interested http://www.linuxtopia.org/online_books/advanced_bash_scripting_guide/textproc.html21:08
sebsebsebbthornton: yes there are problems,  but that's what release notes are about and such21:08
mrsIt doesn't look the same lol21:08
mrsyou guys have been so helpful!!!!21:09
sebsebseb!notes |  bthornton  Spidler21:09
ubottubthornton  Spidler: Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) release notes can be found here: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/91021:09
Samuli^mrs, not in the same place or... ?21:09
Spidlerbthornton:  not the problem I have right now.21:09
Spidlersebsebseb: I can't open those links because mouse input doesn't work.21:09
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bthorntonsebsebseb: ranging from clicking things in Flash objects (in Firefox) not doing anything; clicking buttons in Java windows doesn't do anything (but the keyboard shortcuts work); somebody decided to enable power saving on my sound card driver and so I get random loud pops from my speakers; WIFI cuts out randomly when it never did before, etc, etc,...21:10
mrsNo, its not in the same place, and its a whole different color, also, its only using half the panel21:10
bthorntonGNOME-DO takes 100% CPU randomly at login...21:10
sebsebsebbthornton: well that's what you get I suppouse for running Ubuntu on hardware that hasn't really been made for Ubuntu21:10
sebsebseb!hardware | bthornton  Spidler21:10
ubottubthornton  Spidler: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection21:10
bthorntonthe hardware worked on the past 2 -3 distros of Ubuntu--both my laptop and desktop21:11
sebsebsebbthornton: as for Flash issues that's Adobe's fault, because it's closed source21:11
sebsebsebbthornton: oh that kind of issue ah ok21:11
bthorntonand now both laptop and desktop have the same number of problems; only variable that changed was 9.01 --> 9.1021:11
sebsebsebbthornton: yes there's that,  certain things that used to work in 9.04, don't in 9.1021:11
Samuli^mrs, weird.. though I don't know why you would want the workspace switcher to use more than ~10% of your panel21:12
sebsebsebbthornton: put 9.04 on or do another distro,  that should be better for you21:12
bthorntonyeah I know the flash plugin sucks21:12
Spidlersebsebseb: This isn't ant issue in the factory installed edition,  it's something that came with the upgrades so far.21:12
jsstallardHmmm. So is this the place I'd go for some help with installation issues?21:12
sebsebsebbthornton: I left 9.10,  not, because of  hardware issues though, well I had a little sound issue,  I left, because I didn't like the new features that I actsaully see21:13
mrsYeah, its in the middle of the panel and it wont let me drag it anywhere else21:13
Spidlersebsebseb: I ran the alphas successfully and i've been filing bugs as I fit them, now I need help to actually trace down the source and issue behind this.21:13
Samuli^yes jesta21:13
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guntbertjsstallard: yes21:13
bthorntonsebsebseb: Out of curiosity, what features would those be?21:13
sebsebsebbthornton: Mandriva 2010 :) that's what I am running now, but  Ubuntu 10.04 should be good since it will be Long Term Support,  and i'll virtual machine that starting with Alpha 121:13
guntbert!tab | Samuli^21:13
ubottuSamuli^: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.21:13
Samuli^guntbert, I know.. the tab failed meh!21:14
jsstallardAhh. Ok! Hmmm. My installation completely hangs at 0% on the partition. I'm thinking it may have something to do with my harddrive size, but honestly I've no idea what to do.21:14
bthorntonoh yeah two more big gripes: no way to control services graphically anymore, and no way to play back Line-In through the default Gnome mixer. okay I'll stop bitching :)21:14
sebsebsebbthornton: remember if they aren't LTS,  they are kind of test releases in a way,  LTS is like business quality, and non LTS isn't21:14
mrswell thank you so much Samuli^!21:14
Samuli^mrs, right-click on the switcher and untick "lock to panel"21:14
Samuli^then right-click and move21:14
lorenzo_ /server irc.oltreirc.net21:15
guntbertbthornton, sebsebseb this is not a channel for general discussions :-)21:15
NalfIs there are command I can use to see what users are assigned to a specific group?21:15
sebsebsebbthornton: the new boot up,  the new GDM, which is rather fine in Fedora 11 and 12, not Ubuntu 9.10 though.   the new icon theme was ok, but did I need that nah.   Software Centre is ok, but do I need that, nah. etc.   Sofware Centre will become an important part of Ubuntu though :)21:15
sebsebsebguntbert: I know21:15
skylto answer my own question, pidgin is totally righteous right out of the box21:16
Spidlerguntbert: So, any hints on how to debug my problem, since we want to get away from general chatting?21:16
guntbertNalf: getent group groupname21:16
sebsebsebbthornton: other computer is on 9.04 :)  I don't want 9.10 on there,  but 10.04 in the future of course21:16
zerqhow does pidgin compare to Empathy?21:16
zerqI don't really use IM much, but I guess ubuntu comes with empathy21:17
darkipodi'm trying to get Karmic to see my samsung  Rsch-350 phone as a removable storage device using usb but nothing happens when i plug in the phone21:17
bthorntonyeah maybe I should stop being so upgrade-happy and wait for the next LTS. it's just never burned me before with Ubuntu because each release up until now seems to have been a net improvement.21:17
phferrelNoticed an IGMP v3 report issue on several machines running 9.04/avahi-daemon 0.6.23 and one machine running 9.10/avahi-daemon 0.6.25.  Affected PCs are transmitting two IGMP joins for the same group (  One packet is destined to the correct MAC/IP (0100.5e00.0016 / and the other is incorrect (0100.5e00.00fb /  Is there a bug open on this issue?21:17
guntbertSpidler: sorry - you are not able to use your mouse - right? I couldn't add anything beyond what has been said21:17
sebsebsebSpidler: oh mouse lap top?21:18
guntbertzerq: try them both and compare for yourself21:18
sebsebsebSpidler: there's an issue with touchpads or something21:18
Spidlerguntbert: it moves, it clicks on the -panel-  strace -p `pidof metacity`    shows activity on clicks,   (fd 11, a socket)21:18
Spidlerguntbert: classical mouse.21:18
Spidlerguntbert: if I log out / restart X and log in again, it works perfectly for all issues.21:18
FinnishHow do I find out what IR-controller I have in my laptop and what my remote controller is?21:18
Spidlerguntbert: So I'm assuming that it's a relict fault of either usplash or gdm that propagates forwards.21:19
sebsebsebdarkipod: yeah the features in 9.10 are hardly worth it, if  9.04 is working well for someone21:19
jsstallardanyone familiar with a problem that causes hanging at the partitioning phase of installation?21:19
Spidlerguntbert: But, how do I track down where the problem happens and how to report it, as of right now all bug reports are going into the void of null.21:19
ArabusGood evening.21:19
guntbertSpidler: you know more about that field than I do21:20
darkipodi have no idea if the phone works in hardly21:20
^workman^Hi all21:20
sebsebsebdarkipod: messaged you by mistake21:20
sebsebsebbthornton: see above21:20
darkipodi have bitpim but it does not see the phone21:20
Samuli^Finnish, maybe lspci would list that? I don't know.21:20
Spidlerguntbert: That's usually my problem. I've been working on such things previously, how do I get in touch with a maintainer in ubuntu? Seems that all there is on launchpad are trained "triaging" monkeys that just report everything they cannot reproduce as "needinfo" and file into forgetting.21:21
bthorntonsebsebseb: noted. looks like I "fixed it 'till it broke". ah well...21:21
suboptHow do i make my mouse buttons 4 and 5 paste in xterms (and possibly other apps) like button 2 does?21:21
kaskiMy internet in Ubuntu is way way slower than it is in Windows. I'm not using wireless and this happens for all browsers and applications. Ubuntu auto-configured my internet for me. Any suggestions?21:21
FinnishSamuli^: http://pastebin.com/d3ad9372821:21
darkipodthe phone is seen in xp as a removable device21:21
darkipodas soon as i plug it in21:21
^workman^kaski: what video card do you have?21:21
darkipodKarmic does nothing when I plug the phone in21:22
Billiarddarkipod: might have to set your phone to be in usb modem mode21:22
darkipodby way of usb21:22
Spidlerkaski: check your /etc/resolve.conf , a fair chance is that you're looking up hosts slowly due to either a dud DNS server, or an ipv6 option passed to you that windows ignores21:22
kaski^workman^: ATI 4870 HD21:22
jigalhello when i want to enter mysql command line i get in. but with phpmyadmin i am unable to login. I get all the time access denied. What is going wrong?21:22
Samuli^Finnish, no idea if one of those is the IR receiver or not. <.<21:22
^workman^kaski: Read spidler's mesg... check your /etc/resolv.conf file21:23
kaskiim not in ubuntu right now21:23
kaskibut what should i be looking for int he resolv.conf file21:23
ubottuFreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX21:23
ValentinaWhy does Internet traffic still work when I have done: sudo ufw delete allow 80/tcp ?21:23
puffIs there any way to force aptitude to install just the package you're asking for, and its dependencies, and not try to finsh any other installs that are hanging around?21:23
SpidlerKaksi:  ignore "search" and "domain" lines, look at what the "nameserver" lines say,   try manually using "host <hostname> <dnsserver>"21:23
DrRobinoHow can i make my trackpoint mouse working properly, so that I can use it to scroll documents in Ubuntu? Are there an special drivers i need to install?21:23
Billiardjigal: are you trying to login as root?21:24
ValentinaUsing the ufw firewall in Ubuntu.21:24
DantonicHi, is there a freenx irc channel?21:24
darkipodthe phone is set to usb mass storage21:24
Billiardjigal: are you trying to login from a different machine?21:24
darkipodstill nothing21:24
Spidlerkaksi if one of them are dead, they will be slow responding, and the net will appear slow as a result.21:24
DrRobinoi have a lenove t61p21:24
kaskisure ill do that when i restart21:24
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darkipodim lose as to why old a** xp can see the phone but Karmic can't21:25
gudge25Hey brothers can you help me ---when i want to change MAC ---SIOCSIFHWADDR:Can not assign requested address21:25
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ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:26
sebsebsebdarkipod: I think there are some USB issues with Karmic21:26
DrRobinoHow can i make my trackpoint mouse working properly, so that I can use it to scroll documents in Ubuntu? Are there an special drivers i need to install? i have a lenove t61p21:26
lenswipesaid sebsebseb21:26
lenswipesaid DrRobino21:26
sebsebseblenswipe: what?21:26
tgnb_hi all. i'm new to ubuntu, coming from Gentoo. i installed 9.10 and see that when a samba share is accessed it is also automagically mounted in ~/.gvfs21:26
tgnb_however after logging out these are no longer mounted. is it possible to have certain shares mounted automatically on login?21:26
lenswipesaid tgnb_21:26
ValentinaShouldn't UFW stop all Internet traffic when I run this in Terminal: sudo ufw delete allow 80/tcp ?21:26
lenswipesaid Valentina21:26
DrRobinolenswipe: ??21:26
lenswipesaid DrRobino21:26
[3]nertiaI had a question21:26
sebsebseb!ops | lenswipe21:27
lenswipesaid [3]nertia21:27
ubottulenswipe: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!21:27
[3]nertiaBut I forgot :(21:27
lenswipesaid [3]nertia21:27
dAlfa89_DrRobino, he's appending annoying suffixes to peoples sentences21:27
DantonicAnyone know if there is an NX server for windows?21:27
Dantonicfreenx that is21:27
jribDantonic: try ##windows?21:28
starcannonDoes anyone know if ntfsprogs is on the LiveCD? In otherwords does the liveCD gparted have the ability to resize an NTFS partition without adding ntfsprogs from the repo?21:28
^workman^Dantonic: try this -- http://www.nomachine.com/download.php21:28
Dantonic^workman^, no server for windwos there21:29
ManDayHow can I disable eth0 for good?21:29
ManDayIt keeps coming up21:29
ManDayAnd why does every window I open open as maximized by default21:29
starcannonCan ubuntu livecd resize an ntfs partition without adding ntfsprogs?21:30
sebsebsebdarkipod: It may be worth you trying 9.0421:30
^workman^starcannon: I don't think so21:30
sebsebsebdarkipod: maybe you did and you upgraded to 9.10 and then got your issue?21:31
kbmaniachi, I am trying to mount an ext hdd via /etc/fstab but it keeps mounting as root, root, how can I make it rw to everyone ?21:31
clyderinoI have Grub2 booting to Windows and Mint. How can I add Ubuntu 9.10?21:31
Mainstayback in school they gave us Hummingbird Xceed to connect to the *nix boxes and run gui apps off the unix boxes. How does one do that in ubuntu. Plusses/minusses to this approach?21:31
sebsebseb!grub2 | clyderino21:31
ubottuclyderino: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub221:31
jribMainstay: what OS are you connecting with?21:32
^workman^Mainstay check out http://sourceforge.net/projects/xming/21:32
holden_kbmaniac: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingANewHardDrive#Mount%20The%20Drive21:33
kbmaniacmany thanks21:33
Arabuskbmaniac: you can add the following to your fstab after the filetype(ext) and the dafaults option "umask=022" this should allow rw to group root and other21:33
Mickster04hey can anyone help me with samba?21:34
jribkbmaniac: what filesystem is this?21:34
jribMickster04: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)21:34
Mickster04]sorry yeah21:34
dupondjesomebody knows a proxy for news servers ? Cause I want to make a server that everybody in the internal network to, so I don't need to give out the password of the external server21:35
Mainstayjrib: with ubuntu, to ubuntu, and with windows to ubuntu21:35
jrib!vnc | Mainstay21:35
ubottuMainstay: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX21:35
JustMozzyhi guys. I just installed Ubuntu 8. I would like to know how I could change the look ofthe taskbar panel? I tried searching on google but couldn't find anything useful21:35
Ben64Mickster04: yeah, its no problem, but theres 1500+ people in here, hard to keep track sometimes. Using one line makes it easier to see, and if you ask something, people who know will answer.21:35
grawitydupondje: I think it's called "running your own server"21:35
jribMainstay: though ubuntu to ubuntu, if you just want to run an app you can just use ssh with X forwarding21:36
dupondjegrawity: ? :)21:36
Mickster04well, i can log into a samba share with windows, i cant log in, but can access as guest on ubuntu, but when i run smbclient //server/shared is comes back with and error BAD_NETWORK21:36
Mainstayvnc is a remote desktop client which AFAIK hummingbird is not the same thing.21:36
Ben64dupondje: you could set up sabnzbd, have people upload a nzb file to the server, and have the downloads go to a shared directory21:36
grawitydupondje: You install a NNTP server yourself. Configure it to fetch posts from whatever you want, and to serve your LAN.21:36
Weemshow do I run a program to bad sectors21:37
^workman^Mainstay: check out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba21:37
grawitydupondje: Btw, what do you need it for -- discussions or just downloads? :)21:37
Weemsor which program rather21:37
Mainstayjrib: I've used vnc a lot. But it's not what I'm looking for.21:37
jribMainstay: what are you looking for then?21:37
nvmeis there any command line tool to get a md5 hash for a given string ?21:37
haythemhy evry body21:37
jribnvme: md5sum...21:37
MainstayNeither is samba, let me rephrase. I want to forward x apps from an ubuntu box to my local box. Which may be either windows or ubuntu.21:37
grawitynvme: echo "something" | md5sum -- the simplest way.21:37
dupondjegrawity: but what NNTP server then? Need one that can 'proxy' :) no needs to save a single file imo. And its just for downloads indeed :p21:37
haythemhy weems21:37
grawitynvme: use echo -n "something" | md5sum, if you do not want to include the trailing newline.21:38
dupondjeBen64: can you protect sabnzbd webaccess that people can only add NZB ?21:38
jribnvme, grawity: note you may want to pass -n to echo so the newline isn't summed21:38
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^workman^Mainstay: if your using windows, the you need to run a local Xserver like "Xming", then use "putty" with X11 forwarding enabled.21:38
ManDayCan anyone tell me what I'd have to change to prevent every single window popping up in maximized by default?21:38
grawitynvme: Another way -- run python; import hashlib; print hashlib.md5("foo").hexdigest()21:38
grawitydupondje: I thought all NNTP servers do that.21:38
^workman^Mainstay: if your using linux to linux, you can run ssh with "ssh -X hostname"21:39
greg_Bhere is a curiosity:  when I try to download or open ODT files from webDAV, it fails.21:39
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greg_Bbut if I try and open a DOC file, it works.21:39
greg_BIf I rename the ODT file as a DOC file, it works.21:39
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Mainstay!ming | Mainstay21:39
dupondjegrawity: any recommendations on servers ?21:40
greg_Bso somewhere webdav is discriminating against the ODT file *extension*.21:40
^workman^greg_B: check out http://wiki.apache.org/lenya/HowToEditWithWebDAV21:40
greg_BOK, will do.21:40
Mainstay!xming | Mainstay21:40
f00bar80i installed debian from usb stick with a bootable debian stable netinstall by UNetbootin, when installation has been completed i got stuck with unbootable installation and an installer on usb stick , any comment ? any way on how to chroot and modify the grub config if thus may fix the issue21:41
sebsebsebf00bar80: #debian21:42
Ben64dupondje: dunno, but you can config sabnzbd to auto-download nzbs in a certain folder, so people on your internet network wouldn't ever have to login to sabnzbd21:42
Ben64internet network = internal network21:42
dupondjeBen64: oh ok :)21:42
ManDayCan anyone tell me what I'd have to change to prevent every single window popping up in maximized by default?21:43
AlexJonesI really, really wanna see this video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAaQNACwaLw) but the damn flash player on Ubuntu 9.10 64 bit doesn't work.21:43
sebsebseb!work | AlexJones21:43
ubottuAlexJones: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.21:43
f00bar80sebsebseb, i tried it but they don't know about this UNetbootin21:43
^workman^Manday: check out http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=60000321:43
AlexJonessebsebseb, the movie does not appear.21:43
greg_B^workman^:  I am not sure that addresses my situation21:44
sebsebsebAlexJones: how did you install Flash?21:44
ReggyLovei just installed Ubuntu 9.04 after having 8.10. only thing i need to fix(I think) is the screen resolution i cannot choose 1920x1200(I used it on 8.10) anone know how to fix this. Im running an Inspiron 9400 with a ATI X1400 grapic card.21:44
Bhudda28Is it possible to get information on my Ubuntu  in stall which keeps rebooting itself  for some reason?21:44
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greg_BI cannot even move files from webdav window to my desktop; I get a file "not found" error.21:44
sebsebsebReggyLove: install your garphics card driver?21:44
^workman^greg_B: this? http://www.oooforum.org/forum/viewtopic.phtml?t=4145521:44
sebsebsebgraphics card driver21:44
sebsebseb!ati | ReggyLove21:45
ubottuReggyLove: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto21:45
ManDay^workman^, I can't disable "Place Windows" - when I untick it the tick reappears a plit second later21:45
sebsebsebReggyLove: also maybe there's something available here system > administration > hardware drivers21:45
Mainstay^workman^: would I the command you mentioned "ssh -X hostname" on the windows box?21:45
sharperguyIs it possible to get the gnome icons back?21:45
^workman^Mainstay: do you have a console based ssh client installed?21:46
Mickster04well, i can log into a samba share with windows, i cant log in, but can access as guest on ubuntu, but when i run smbclient //server/shared is comes back with and error BAD_NETWORK_NAME21:46
^workman^ManDay: hmm, then I'm not sure...21:46
sebsebsebAlexJones: ok uhmm21:46
kerncoWill Qt 4.6 be in Karmic backports, or should we install from a ppa?21:46
AlexJonesahh, oh jez. My noscript.21:46
sebsebsebAlexJones: How did you install Flash? try another browser?21:46
greg_B^workman^:  I had seen that.  I would love to be able to edit files in the webdav directly, but I'd settle for being able to download a copy.21:46
AlexJonessebsebseb, my stupidity21:46
AlexJonesThe video is showing now! Awesome. Thx21:46
Mainstay^workman^: like putty?21:46
nvmejrib, thanks for that heads up about -n, i was egtting confused why the hash was coming out all weird21:47
^workman^greg_B: what are the permissions of the file? does the webserver have read access to it?21:47
^workman^Mainstay: yes21:47
sebsebsebkernco: QT is what KDE uses so try #kubuntu21:47
greg_BNote that if i change the extension to DOC, I can suddenly drag and drop the file from WEBDAV to desktop21:47
Mainstay^workman^: yep.21:47
racecar56what are some things i can try to make booting in the ubuntu live cd work properly?21:47
greg_BI would assume so, since i can get it to work by changing the extension, leaving the permissions alone21:48
sebsebsebracecar56: install graphics card driver onto the CD?21:48
^workman^Mainstay: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/SurfLab/wiki/index.php?title=Set_up_putty_with_X11_forwarding21:48
sebsebsebracecar56: when it's loaded up?21:48
Mainstay^workman^: thx21:48
ManDayI cannot untick certain modules in compiz settings manager (place windows is one) - when I untick it the tick just reappears - help!21:48
racecar56sebsebseb: as soon as desktop loads in ~4 seconds the screen blanks, then it does the loading bar screen and repeats for infinite21:48
sebsebsebracecar56: which version of Ubuntu?21:49
racecar56sebsebseb: 9.1021:49
racecar56sebsebseb: i can do an integrity check if you want.,21:49
sebsebsebracecar56: it could be to do with it, but probably not, but did you check that the ISO you used is a good one21:49
sebsebsebracecar56: the actsaul ISO that is21:49
racecar56sebsebseb: i can't burn!21:49
racecar56sebsebseb: i got the CD from ubuntu21:49
sebsebsebracecar56: uh?21:49
sebsebseboh ok21:49
sebsebsebthe CD should be fine then21:49
racecar56sebsebseb: my computers won't burn CDs for anything21:50
racecar56let me do an integrity check21:50
MatBoysebsebseb: I have fixed my system, recovery update went well... after it I needed to install my new PSU because I had to less power ;)21:50
sebsebsebMatBoy: I remember the name, but not the issue21:51
MatBoysebsebseb: think better :P21:51
MatBoycheck your logs :P21:51
zipskiyhi to all guys21:51
sebsebsebMatBoy: just remind me?21:51
MatBoysebsebseb: 98000gtx+21:51
sebsebsebMatBoy: not sure21:51
MatBoysebsebseb: yesterday21:52
MatBoyflickering login21:52
MatBoy@ commandline21:52
sebsebsebMatBoy: and don't want to look at logs right now, but ok good it works whatever it was21:52
greg_BI am not sure I'm explaining this well enough.21:52
MatBoysebsebseb: damn you have a bad memory :) I hope you don't admin system :P21:52
racecar56sebsebseb: ok it's checking21:52
mikepettI recently installed a printer driver (for ubuntu 9.10)... apt kept telling me couldn't finish the install because it depended on another package... trying to install other package wouldn't work for some reason...ignored and printer works anyway. But when I try to install new apps it tells me package system is broke and wants to remove my printer drivers.21:52
sebsebsebMatBoy: I have a good memory usaulley for  things I helped with in here21:53
sebsebsebMatBoy: well for a bit,  then forget,  I have helped many this year21:53
MatBoysebsebseb: use it than :D21:53
MatBoyhehe indeed21:53
^workman^greg_B: are you creating OO files and storing them on a server running webdav? Then trying to download them via webdav?21:53
greg_Byes.  that is the situation.21:53
mikepett...can I tell apt to ignore the errors some how? Print drivers are installed and working properly even though apt doesn't think so.21:53
greg_BI have a bookmark for it under Places.21:53
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greg_Bat work, that drive is simply mapped directly.21:54
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greg_Bat home, i access the files through webdav21:54
^workman^greg_B: from home are you also wanting to write to the file?21:54
greg_Bi can access JPG, DOC, PDF files just fine.  ODT files are "not found"21:54
greg_Bit would be sufficient to download a copy, edit it, and send it back to the WebDav21:55
^workman^greg_B: I bet the mime type of the odt isn't supported, but that's just a guess21:55
Mickster04well, i can log into a samba share with windows, i cant log in, but can access as guest on ubuntu, but when i run smbclient //server/shared is comes back with and error BAD_NETWORK_NAME21:55
greg_BOK, what about the fact that the ODT files on my local (Karmic and Jaunty) machines work fine...21:55
sebsebsebracecar56: I guess you got some hardware issue hmm?21:56
greg_Bare there different MIME definitions for webdav?21:56
racecar56sebsebseb: i don't know21:56
sebsebsebracecar56: I mean if your hardware is good for Ubuntu, the Live CD should work fine :)21:56
racecar56sebsebseb: it's still checking21:56
jepsterhi, I want to exclude one file-name from a packprocess. but I get an error: http://bin.cakephp.org/view/1511606228 -- has anybody an idea?21:56
^workman^greg_B: you could try adding "AddType doc/odt .odt" to httpd.conf21:56
greg_BOK.  I21:57
sebsebsebracecar56: there's  hardware that's been made and known to work with Ubuntu, and hardware that causes issues,  and it seems that most of the people that come into this channel  have the second type,  because they are also using lap tops.  Desktops tend to work well :)21:57
sebsebseb!hardware | racecar5621:57
ubotturacecar56: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection21:57
greg_BOK, I'll search for that file --is  your quote a line to add to the file?  (novice here)21:57
^workman^greg_B: or  play around and read http://httpd.apache.org/docs/1.3/mod/mod_mime.html#addtype21:57
greg_BThank you very much, sir.  I appreciate it.21:57
^workman^greg_B: np... good luck21:58
MatBoyis there a programs where I can stress a nvidia GPU with ?21:58
babeleanybody using alexandria for book???21:58
^workman^MatBoy: try http://www.ocforums.com/showthread.php?t=48649521:58
racecar56sebsebseb: i don't see my computer in that list21:59
racecar56sebsebseb: :|21:59
sebsebsebracecar56: most of the people  who acstauly type stuff here, I should have put above,  since loads I never seen type here,  but if to many type at the same time in here,  the channel will become unuseable21:59
JPSmanFor some reason the program I wrote isn't writing my stndout to a file with >    And it seems to be just this program too.  Would anyone be a doll and look at it to see why it won't print out?21:59
sebsebsebracecar56: lap top or desktop?21:59
racecar56sebsebseb: desktop21:59
MatBoy^workman^: thanks22:00
sebsebsebracecar56: what's the actsaul problem with the CD?22:00
GeekyLinkI'm looking for a program to convert *.wmv files to a more linux friendly format such as *.ogv Any suggestions?22:00
mikepettany way to make apt ignore unmet dependency problems?22:00
babeleanybody using alexandria for book???22:00
racecar56sebsebseb: when i start it, in about ~4 seconds it blanks the screen, then a loading bar screen comes up, and then it blanks, and does the loading bar screen again and again for infinite22:00
^workman^Geekylink: try http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/how-to-convert-quicktime-moviewmv-to-ogg-theora-456051/22:00
sebsebsebracecar56: Which graphics card?22:01
greg_B^workman^:  what is the filename you suggested I modify?22:01
GeekyLink^workman^: thanks22:01
racecar56sebsebseb: intel of some sort22:01
sebsebsebracecar56: ah ha22:01
klappiGeekyLink: try mencoder or ffmpeg22:01
^workman^greg_B: /etc/apache/conf/httpd.conf22:01
sebsebseb!intel | racecar5622:01
ubotturacecar56: Ubuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.22:01
racecar56sebsebseb: i believe it is a intel 82845g-something22:01
racecar56sebsebseb: hey, what the bricks? that's 9.04!22:01
racecar56sebsebseb: it works fine in 9.04!22:01
racecar56sebsebseb: this is 9.10!22:02
sebsebsebracecar56: I thought you said 9.04?22:02
racecar56sebsebseb: nope.22:02
racecar56sebsebseb: i says 9.1022:02
sebsebsebracecar56: well put 9.04 on then :)  9.10 is hardly worth it anyway22:02
greg_Bthanks again22:02
racecar56sebsebseb: -_-22:02
sebsebsebracecar56: for those with a working 9.0422:02
racecar56sebsebseb: there is always a solution to a problem.22:02
nvmewhy do i have two entries of karmic (kernel ending with 15 , 14) in grub ?22:02
racecar56sebsebseb: and i don't have to use another version of ubuntu.22:03
sebsebsebracecar56: also quite a few things that used to work in 9.04, don't in 9.1022:03
vinayanHi Guys22:03
racecar56sebsebseb: i haven't noticed much yet22:03
sebsebsebracecar56: if you mean you can do another distro, well yes you can :)22:03
bishop_just stopping by22:03
Mainstaywhy was Wink removed from 9.10 synaptec repositories?22:03
racecar56Mainstay: it's nonfree22:03
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal22:03
sebsebsebGeekyLink: mencoder22:03
sebsebseb!info mencoder22:03
ubottumencoder (source: mplayer): MPlayer's Movie Encoder. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 2:1.0~rc3+svn20090426-1ubuntu10 (karmic), package size 1617 kB, installed size 3600 kB22:03
GeekyLinkawesome, lots of choices. Thanks guys22:04
JPSmanHey everyone.  i'm having problems with a program not > to a file.  can someone look at the file for me?22:04
racecar56sebsebseb: no, i can't22:04
sebsebsebGeekyLink: I asked else where and someone said mencoder22:04
racecar56sebsebseb: my internet is so slow i think it broke22:04
sebsebsebGeekyLink: yes there are usaully a few programs for the same task, when it comes to Desktop Linux22:04
vinayanI was using a shell script with dcop function inside it. Recently i migrated to Ubuntu (Gnome) machine. Can any one tell the appropriate package which can be used instead of dcop on a ubuntu machine..22:05
bishop_? much diff  between 9.1 and 9.4?22:05
sebsebsebGeekyLink: it's very much so about choice, from the distros, to the programs that are in the OS22:05
racecar56sebsebseb: ...but i do have a insane distro collection22:05
racecar56sebsebseb: ...at one time i did22:05
sebsebsebbishop_: your on 9.04?22:05
JPSmanbishop_ I would say yes22:05
=== crohakon|zZz is now known as crohakon
VCooliobishop_: it's 9.4 (april) and 9.10 (october), diff especially with clean install: grub 2 and ext4 by default22:06
icerootbishop_: 9.04 and 9.10. there biggest difference are grub2 and ext422:06
sebsebsebVCoolio: to late they gone22:06
sebsebsebiceroot: to late they gone22:06
racecar56VCoolio: 9.4?22:06
racecar56VCoolio: 9.04.22:06
icerootsebsebseb: ignore part,join and so on is a nice feature :)22:07
sebsebsebiceroot: for some22:07
icerootsebsebseb: for this channel, its the best thing :)22:07
sebsebsebiceroot: ,but for me all that stuff, is part of the #ubuntu experience22:07
=== andrew__ is now known as Ginsu
sebsebsebiceroot: you won't see kick messages and such :D22:08
Ginsuhas anyone managed to get Grub2 to skip the countdown yet?22:08
icerootsebsebseb: and i am not interessted at them22:08
loshaJPSman: has anyone helped you with your problem?22:08
JPSmanCould someone have a look at my code?  Its not writing out standard out to a file with >  it creates the file but doesn't write anything  http://pastebin.com/d6e44da2522:08
sebsebsebiceroot: for the logs though, it's good that they don't have all that stuff :)22:08
JPSmanlosha: no :OD22:09
Ginsucan anyone help me config Grub2?22:09
icerootsebsebseb: i dont want to log some channels like #debian or #ubuntu, to much junk :) to often the same questions, to often ubottu with the same boring answers22:09
sebsebseb!grub2 |  Ginsu22:09
ubottuGinsu: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub222:09
sebsebsebiceroot: yes I know what you mean, but they log them22:09
GinsuI know what the fuck it is22:09
sebsebseb!language |  Ginsu22:09
sebsebseb!logs | iceroot22:10
icerootGinsu: cu22:10
ubottuGinsu: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:10
ubottuiceroot: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/22:10
GinsuI read the article about it22:10
sebsebsebiceroot: not sure if the Debian channel is, but the main Ubuntu channels and that are22:10
Ginsubut I still can't get it to skip the countdown22:10
loshaJPSman: I don't see anything that would prevent output to stdout, so my first guess would be that line 56 never gets executed...22:10
trijntjeGinsu, set timeout to 022:11
Ginsudid that22:11
Ginsuit's like it's ignoring the config file altogether22:11
icerootGinsu: read the article, there is the option22:11
LjLGinsu: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2#Where did my Grub2 boot menu go!?!?!22:11
mikepetttrying to install a package like: dpkg - i --ignore-depends=packagename.deb and I'm getting error: dpkg: need an action option. What am I doing wrong here?22:11
icerootGinsu: grep for timeout22:12
LjLmikepett: you're doing it backwards. the package name must follow "-i"22:12
icerootmikepett: -i  not - i22:12
mikepettLjL: ahhhh... thanks! Figured it was something simple.22:12
racecar569.10 refuses to boot, after the desktop comes up in about 4 seconds or so, it black-screens, then comes up with a loading bar screen and it keeps black-screening and loading bar screening for infinite, what's wrong? i tried all the boot parameters and they don't help22:12
LjLmikepett: and what he said.22:12
Ginsuoh, one thing I might mention: the first time I opened /etc/default/grub, it was blank....22:12
dAlfa89_Where does GRUB keep the information for it's list order?22:12
sebsebsebdAlfa89_: Grub or Grub 2?22:13
sebsebsebdAlfa89_: Karmic or Jaunty?22:13
icerootGinsu: also explained in the wiki-link ubottu gave you22:13
icerootGinsu: please read it22:13
dAlfa89_sebsebseb, Grub1, Jaunty22:13
mikepettLjL: wait... what? :)22:13
sebsebsebdAlfa89_: menu.lst you mean?22:13
sebsebsebdAlfa89_: gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst22:13
icerootdAlfa89_: /boot/grub/menu.lst22:13
LjLmikepett: it's "-i" not "- i", as iceroot said. so dpkg --ignore-depends -i blah.deb22:13
Ginsuwhat I'm trying desperately to communicate here is that I've read this very article, and attempted what it suggests....with no success22:13
dAlfa89_sebsebseb, thank you (:22:14
MK13how can you keep grub2 from showing certain OS's or kernel versions?22:14
sebsebsebdAlfa89_: np22:14
mikepettLjL: ahhh, thought I had to follow depends with package name... I'll give it a shot22:14
Ginsumeh, need to reboot back into Karmic22:14
sebsebsebdAlfa89_: that one is also known as Grub Legacy by the way22:14
dAlfa89_sebsebseb, I'll keep it in mind22:15
icerootdAlfa89_: and grub2 is grub 1.97 :)22:15
mikepettLjL: doesn't work... says ignore-depends requires a legal package name. '-i' is not;22:15
sebsebsebdAlfa89_: ok22:15
bfrederiSo what is the difference between an ACL and the normal user:group permissions?22:15
icerootbfrederi: acl can store multiple users22:15
mikepettLjL: maybe... --ignore-depends=packagename.deb -i packagename.deb?22:15
LjLmikepett: yes22:15
icerootbfrederi: and can be used for using windows-file-permissions22:16
mishoo"solved" the recordmydesktop audio sync problem!!22:16
icerootbfrederi: more groups, groups in groups and so on, see   man getfacl  and man setfacl22:16
^workman^grats mishoo.22:16
mishooI needed to specify "plughw:0,0" for the audio device22:16
seeveeI ran sudo service gdm stop and then startxfce4 - did not give me the desired result, but the issue now is that the screen resolution only allows 800x600 as a maximum. Suggestions?22:16
seeveeI'm running xubuntu 9.0422:17
bfrederiiceroot: but the acl and the normal file owner methods are completely different from eachother? Is there a way for the normal ownership of files?22:17
bfrederiiceroot: *is there a name for the normal22:17
mikepettLjL: well, it still didn't ignore the dependency... it ran as if to install but still said error: dependency problems blah blah22:17
icerootbfrederi: acl are extended file permissions, they are also called POSIX extended ACLs22:17
mikepettLjL: any ideas?22:18
icerootbfrederi: unix file permission22:18
LjLmikepett: note that the manpage says: " (actually, checking is performed, but only warnings about conflicts are given, nothing else). "22:18
LjLmikepett: so the fact itself that it gives you a message is normal22:18
pspfreakHey guys. Is there a reason that flash is extremly slow?22:19
mishoopspfreak: yeah, we don't have the source code :p22:19
icerootbfrederi: you always have normal permissions and if you are using ls and there is a + at the end, its also using POSIX ACLs22:19
* mishoo thinks ..oO( and Macromedia^WAdobe doesn't give a damn on Linux )22:19
MK13pspfreak, which flash do you use / 64 or 32?22:20
=== spartano is now known as ^Spartano^
pspfreakI have a 768MB Ram, 2.5GHZ, and 8MB video22:20
pspfreak32 bit22:20
dassoukifor some reason ls -l on my usb devices, claims all access is for root, how can i add myself to the usb groups ? I need it for my virtual box22:20
pspfreaki got it from package manager22:20
MK13pspfreak, do you use the actual flash from adobe (non-free) or a different one?22:20
bfrederiiceroot: cool. so is the acl and the unix file permissions like a couple of indexes that exists somewhere on the filesystem to keep track of all the files' permissions?22:20
mishoopspfreak: I have 4GB RAM, 256 MB video, and it still sucks.22:20
icerootdassouki: #vbox22:20
pspfreakno, i mean in the browser like firefox22:20
sebsebsebpspfreak: Flash in Firefox in Ubuntu can =  right issues,  but if you do it in another browser such as  Epiphany or Galeon you will probably find it works well.  sudo apt-get install epiphany-browser if you do just epiphany it will put on a game22:20
mishoo(but still 32 bit; I've heard that the 64 bit version is a lot better, but I can't run it)22:21
icerootdassouki: you must add your user to vboxusers and relogin, also use vbox-nonfree version, the free version dont support usb22:21
sebsebsebpspfreak: there's also Gnash and Swfdec as Flash alternatives22:21
icerootbfrederi: man stat22:21
pspfreakis safari good for flash?22:21
dassoukiiceroot: done that22:21
icerootbfrederi: there you can see how it is stored22:21
MK13i hate 2 GB RAM, Nvidia 6000M , 64 bit, and flash works ok :)22:21
icerootdassouki: #vbox22:21
dassoukiiceroot: they sent me here22:21
dassoukia few hours ago22:21
sebsebsebpspfreak: There is no Safari for  Desktop Linux, however the rendering endgine for Safari Webkit  is based on KHTML  what Konqueror uses22:21
sebsebsebpspfreak: engine above22:22
pspfreakalso, when i'm sitting idle, at least 10% of my cpu is being used up22:22
mikepettLjL: doesn't appear to be so... it still won't allow me to install anything else.. so get the error saying the two packages must be removed because they have unmet dependcies. aarrrgg22:22
sebsebseb!browsers | pspfreak22:22
ubottupspfreak: Browsers available for Ubuntu: Firefox (GTK, Gecko engine), Konqueror (KDE/Qt, KHTML engine), Epiphany (GTK, Gecko engine), Dillo (GTK), w3m (terminal-based), Links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !man page), edbrowse (command-line), Opera (Qt, proprietary)22:22
greezmunkeyit's so cool that printing just works :)22:22
LjLmikepett, even if you tell dpkg to ignore dependencies, APT won't ignore them...22:22
bfrederiiceroot: thanks!22:22
pspfreaksorry, i messed up, i meant oprea22:22
LjL!info equivs | mikepett maybe you should just use this instead?22:22
ubottumikepett: equivs (source: equivs): Circumvent Debian package dependencies. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.0.7-0.1 (karmic), package size 19 kB, installed size 136 kB22:22
mikepettLjL: crap22:22
loshapspfreak: open a terminal and run 'top' and see what's using the cpu....22:22
LjLSm0ke0ut: hi22:23
sebsebsebpspfreak: ok np22:23
LjLSm0ke0ut: when i typed "!info equivs | mikepett maybe you should just use this instead?", that somehow made you send me a private notice. could you disable that?22:23
pspfreakxorg is using 3.3%22:23
BluesKajpspfreak, FF is broken in the sense that it doesn't render some well on some flash intensive sites \22:23
pspfreaklike youtube?22:24
BluesKaj\some video that is22:24
mishooBluesKaj: wait, are you saying that Firefox, and not Flash for Linux, is the issue?22:24
pspfreakbtw, i'm on xubuntu22:24
^workman^Flash also doesn't work with the GPU of the video card, so performace will take a huge hit until next year when Adobe fixes it.22:24
BluesKajmishoo, yes22:24
mikepettLjL: I'd love to but I don't see any option in Colloquy where that could be configured22:24
pspfreakyeah, I only have a 8MB video card22:25
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub222:25
sebsebsebpspfreak: The bot didn't mention it, but you could also run Chromeium  which  Google Chrome is based on.22:25
Samuli^only problem I've had with firefox is that it doesn't do antialiasing for images.22:25
BluesKajmishoo, try another browser22:25
mikepettLjL: thanks for the help btw.22:25
LjLmikepett: uh, not you, Sm0ke0ut did that22:25
sebsebsebpspfreak: and there's also Chrome for Desktop Linux22:25
mishooBluesKaj: the plugin is the same22:25
pspfreakthere is?22:25
mishooBluesKaj: it's not FF who renders Flash, it's Flash who renders flash -- I can't see why another browser would help22:25
ddelonyWhere's Grub's menu.lst in 9.10?22:25
pspfreakwere can I get that. also xorg is now using about 622:25
* mishoo thinks ..oO( but WTF, let's try )22:25
sebsebsebpspfreak: Chromeium being open source :)   Google Chrome not being22:26
sebsebsebpspfreak: both similar22:26
mishooBluesKaj: epiphany should work well?22:26
Samuli^ddelony, there isn't one in grub2, there is a configuration file for that too, but you're not supposed to edit it directly22:26
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub222:27
ddelonySamuli: So how do I change the default OS?22:27
pspfreakXORG shot up to about 90 for a secound22:27
pspfreakwhile I was just switching windows22:27
Samuli^ddelony, you need to edit the umm... /etc/something file and update grub after that.. check out the link22:27
mikepettscrew apt... might as well use rpm :P22:27
pspfreakis that normal?22:28
Samuli^my experience with rpm's is so bad I never want to endure that again. :D22:28
squircle!noob | mishoo22:28
ubottumishoo: Acronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.22:28
ddelonySamuli: Ah, I see. Thank you.22:28
mikepettunfortunately, mine is just as bad with apt so it's no difference to me.22:28
Samuli^mikepett, sorry to hear22:29
sebsebsebpspfreak: Off topic really, but  I personally think it would be better for most web users to  be using Firefox most of the time :)  since it is the most used after that horrible default browser on Windows, I think you know the one I mean.  well IE8 is an improvement they say.   If enough web users use a decant browser, the web would improve a lot.22:29
mikepettI'm sure the guys that "know what they are doing" have a preference but have problems with both22:29
mishoosquidly: err, do you mean WTF as well?22:29
Samuli^mikepett, what kind of problems?22:29
sebsebseb!language | mishoo22:30
ubottumishoo: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:30
squirclemishoo: yeah, acronyms in general (and it's squircle :) )22:30
MrKeunerhi, me again how can i change the super key system wide?22:30
mishooMrKeuner: xmodmap22:30
Samuli^squircle, how can you talk about linux at all without resorting to acronyms? :)22:31
* mishoo thinks ..oO( I can't help swearing... my minutes on #ubuntu are limited. )22:31
mikepettSamuli^: some one was just trying to help, dont' think there's an easy solution: had a package that installed fine but apt thinks it didn't and gave me "unmet dependency error". Package works fine but I can't install anything else because it wants to remove the orignal package that it thinks has unmet dependency22:31
squircleSamuli^: while WTF is used to describe linux a lot (way too much, in my opinion), it's possible to replace that with other, more useful phrases :)22:32
sebsebsebsquircle: indeed at that22:32
Samuli^mikepett. did you try just reinstalling the package?22:32
Samuli^squircle, sure.. I was just talking about acronyms. :P22:32
sebsebsebsquircle: how it can be replaced,  by something better, it only gets used every now and again though22:33
Samuli^like "GNU"22:33
=== porkpie_ is now known as porkpie
sebsebsebSamuli^: GNU/Linux22:33
mikepettSamuli^: yes... it's a .deb package, that may be the problem. I installed with dpkg --ignore depends not realizing that dpkg would ignore but apt would still not ignore the dependency issue22:33
sebsebsebSamuli^: GNU/Hurd22:33
squircleSamuli^: yeah, i get it. but WTF/noob, those kind of things are not in general alignment with the language rules (which I don't make)22:33
Samuli^GNU as in acronym... GNU is Not Unix22:34
mishoois there anyone actually running hurd on the planet?22:34
sebsebseb!noob |  Samuli^ squircle22:34
Samuli^just an example that you can't talk about linux without acronyms.. sometimes recursive ones22:34
GinsuI hate Grub222:34
ubottuSamuli^ squircle: Acronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.22:34
=== magnus_ is now known as hume
Ginsu"/etc/default/grub: 7: load_env: not found"22:34
sebsebseb!langauge |  Ginsu22:34
ubottuGinsu: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:34
=== Fallen_ is now known as Fallenou
sebsebsebGinsu: yeah Grub hmm22:34
sebsebsebGinsu: I mean that one I am not a fan22:34
sebsebsebwhen something goes wrong with it, so Grub 2 I guess same thing22:35
sebsebseb!grub2 |  Ginsu22:35
GinsuIt refuses to let me edit it22:35
ubottuGinsu: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub222:35
Samuli^sebsebseb, but that doesn't make sense.. why aren't acronyms allowed? Can't you talk about GRUB?22:35
Samuli^Grand Unified Boot-Loader, huh.22:35
sebsebseb!language |  Ginsu22:35
ubottuGinsu: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:35
sebsebseb!caps |  Ginsu22:35
zcat[1]!ohmy | Ginsu22:35
ubottuGinsu: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.22:35
ubottuGinsu: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.22:35
sebsebsebSamuli^: it meant those examples,  you can use  GRUB22:36
* mishoo thinks ..oO( !you're-f**ed Ginsu )22:36
sebsebseb!language > mishoo22:36
ubottumishoo, please see my private message22:36
* microlith boggles as an SVN repository blows past NTFS's path length limit22:36
Ginsuso.....I read the article ad nauseum and did exactly as it said22:36
Ginsuand it doesn't work22:36
mishoocome on...22:36
LjLGinsu: the way to avoid getting yourself !factoided time and again it to expose your problem in the following way: "i want to ..., but when i tried doing ..., by typing ..., what happened was ...". details. otherwise if you just ask about grub2 generically, people will give you the generic answer22:36
sebsebsebGinsu: ok what I am about to do is not helpeful really,  but I like the factoid :)22:37
=== Vampire_ is now known as Vampire0
sebsebseb!work |  Ginsu22:37
ubottuGinsu: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.22:37
minimecmikepett: That package should be listed as 'broken package', when working with the synaptic gui. If the software is working, you could 'open' the package with file-roller and change the dependency file manually. That should do it.22:37
Samuli^mikepett, it's too easy to break the dependencies for sure22:37
thriftwerkHi everyone.22:37
LjLmishoo, the language warning applies to you too (and to c*nsored words too)22:37
GinsuI want to disable the countdown timer. I just want it to boot to the default, like I had it on 9.04, but since Grub2 hates me, I can't seem to make that happen22:37
thriftwerkDoes anyone know why a dell laptop running 9.10 would run at 100% all the time and then shut off after about 15 minutes of use?22:38
sebsebsebGinsu: Grub Legacy can be installed22:38
LjLGinsu: can you pastebin your current /etc/default/grub ?22:38
sebsebsebGinsu: ,but should be able to do what you want with Grub 222:38
Ginsuwait, wut?22:38
Ginsuok, every time I run the update-grub, I get "/etc/default/grub: 7: load_env: not found"22:38
mishooI'd like to say now *** ****, but I'm afraid I'll get banned or something22:39
LjLGinsu: can you pastebin your current /etc/default/grub ?22:39
vanducI want to make background in ubuntu 9.1022:39
vanducbut I can't22:39
dstaubsauger1hi, when trying to fetch mesa from git by doing "git clone git://anongit.freedesktop.org/git/mesa/mesa/", git starts to count the objects and stops doing anything afterwards. how can i make it townload something?22:40
BluesKajgrub2 is hard to restore after installing windows .If there's a tutorial how to re-edit grub2 afterwards please point me in the right direction22:40
vanducI can't find folder of background22:40
VCooliomight be offtopic, but I'd be very happy with a link to a bib(la)tex style that refers like "Author, <i>Title</i> (Place, YYYY) pp. Especially the parentheses seem uncommon, at least in the bibliography.22:40
sebsebsebBluesKaj: I am not sure, but  I guess the one for the old Grub will apply for the new Grub, or you do something similar22:40
sebsebseb!grub |  BluesKaj22:40
ubottuBluesKaj: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.22:40
^workman^Ginsu: have you read http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1195275 looks like there is still an issue??22:41
sebsebseb!grub2 |  BluesKaj22:41
ubottuBluesKaj: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub222:41
Myrthhi, i've installed a package (php5-gd) that was compiled from source package of the same release. but when i do aptitude upgrade, it includes this package as an upgrade. `apt-cache showpkg php5-gd` shows:22:41
Myrth5.2.10.dfsg.1-2ubuntu6.3 (/var/lib/apt/lists/us.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_karmic-updates_main_binary-i386_Packages)22:41
Myrth5.2.10.dfsg.1-2ubuntu6.3 (/var/lib/dpkg/status)22:41
Myrthanyone has an idea why it wants to upgrade the package?22:42
mishooMyrth: because there was a newer version available22:42
LjLGinsu: err, that looks like a /boot/grub/grub.cfg, not like an /etc/default/grub...?22:42
mishooMyrth: I forgot the exact command, but it's something with dpkg --set-selections22:42
Crewsr3I have a questions about Empathy - is there a better chatroom for those questions or should I ask away in here?22:42
thriftwerkDoes anyone know why a dell laptop running 9.10 would run at 100% all the time and then shut off after about 15 minutes of use?22:42
sebsebsebCrewsr3: you can ask here22:42
mishooMyrth: and you want to put that package on HOLD, so that it doesn't get automatically updated22:42
Myrthmishoo: how do put it on hold? i found about pinning22:43
racecar56REMEMBER: Don't edit /boot/grub/grub.cfg!22:43
Myrthbut not sure it's connected22:43
dstaubsauger1Crewsr3: *ask*! if the question cant be solved here someone will always send you to a better channel22:43
Ginsusomebody pastebin their /etc/default/grub so I can see wtf it's supposed to look like22:43
racecar56Ginsu: coming right up22:43
sebsebsebGinsu: Watch your language :)22:44
BluesKajsebsebseb, pls don't tell ppl do to do that, it's not relavent to ppl who lost grub2 after installing windows22:44
mishooMyrth: I *think*: echo "hold your-package-name | dpkg --set-selections"22:44
mishooMyrth: I *think*: echo "hold your-package-name" | dpkg --set-selections22:44
VCoolioMyrth: echo blah hold | dpkg --set-selections22:44
sebsebsebBluesKaj: ok22:44
Crewsr3sebsebseb, Thanks  So I set up my msn account on Empathy and when I start up the program it says I have a request with the notification.  How do I go in and delete out the request in Empahty...22:44
racecar56Ginsu: http://pastebin.com/f613f0f0122:44
sebsebsebBluesKaj: well as I said, I wasn't sure22:44
VCoolioMyrth: so, yes, as root22:44
sebsebsebBluesKaj: thanks though22:44
Leoneof`anyone can help me about network-manager? o.o22:44
^workman^Ginsu: have you editing or tried to edit /boot/grub/grub.cfg and then run update-grub22:44
Myrththank you :)22:44
mishooMyrth: this could hold back packages that your-package-name depends on, too22:45
racecar56REMEMBER: Don't edit /boot/grub/grub.cfg!22:45
sebsebsebracecar56: maybe you can help  BluesKaj22:45
^workman^racecar56: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2 says you can22:45
racecar56what the heck22:45
racecar56i thought they said not to22:45
racecar56DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE This is the main Grub 2 file. It "replaces" Grub Legacy's /boot/grub/menu.lst.  This file contains the Grub menu instructions.  Unlike Grub Legacy's menu.lst file, grub.cfg is NOT MEANT TO BE EDITED!!!22:45
sebsebsebracecar56: yeah the file said not to, last time I looked22:45
^workman^only the messenger22:45
racecar56it says that22:45
LjL^workman^: please, note also that the page that should be referred to (despite what the bot says) is help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - not the wiki22:45
^workman^yea, and on the wiki right under that it says you can22:46
racecar56"Unlike Grub Legacy's menu.lst file, grub.cfg is NOT MEANT TO BE EDITED!!! "22:46
mishoo!language | racecar56   ("heck", dude)22:46
sebsebsebLjL: so get them to change the factoid?22:46
ubotturacecar56   ("heck", dude): Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:46
Ginsuis the whole file supposed to be tabbed like that, or is that just pastebin messing up the format?22:46
^workman^lol sebsebseb: yea...22:46
LjLsebsebseb: how do you know i haven't?22:46
BluesKajracecar56, after installing windows ?..i don't see any fixes there22:46
seeveeI got the answer to the display question.22:46
blindkey /Join #ubuntu-br22:47
blindkey /Join ubuntu-br22:47
LjLsebsebseb: also, how is "heck" swearing now?22:47
LjLblindkey: /join #ubuntu-br sin espacio22:47
^workman^LjL: on the community grub2 site it states you "can" edit the file22:47
LjLsin espacio initial22:47
blindkeyhow change chanel?22:47
sebsebsebLjL: I don't think I did anything for that, but I could look above22:47
racecar56the ubuntu forums need a place to put a jabber id!22:48
ubottuHere I am, brain the size of a planet and you expect me to respond to a ping? How depressing.22:48
^workman^under the title "/etc/default/grub"22:48
blindkey /Join #ubuntu-br22:48
Leoneof`any help with laptop? gnome-network-manager is in grey color always and can't detect networks for external usb wireless (wlan1), but when i turn the button ON for internal wireless (wlan0) , network-manager will work and detect networks for both wlan0 and wlan1 O_o22:48
mishooBottomBitch: --- Ping reply from BottomBitch : ? second(s)22:48
^workman^Ginsu: try that instead /etc/default/grub take a look in there...22:48
* mishoo thinks ..oO( that was too fast )22:48
racecar56blindkey: turn the dial :P22:49
racecar56blindkey: you just do this: /join #channel22:49
LjL^workman^: uhm i don't see where it says that...22:49
seeveeI would like to remove firefox. I have typed sudo apt-get remove firefox and I have typed sudo apt-get purge firefox, and I have restarted. Firefox is still there. Do I need to remove all the files manually, or is there some documentation that I read?22:49
blindkey /Join #ubuntu-br22:49
^workman^    *22:49
^workman^      This configuration file contains information formerly contained in the upper section of GRUB Legacy's menu.lst and items contained on the end of the kernel line. The entries in this file can be edited by a user with administrator (root) privileges and are incorporated into grub.cfg when it is updated. Specific configuration settings are detailed in the Configuring GRUB 2 later in this section.22:49
Leoneof` please help me x_x22:50
LjLblindkey: no espacio ao inicio, antes de /22:50
racecar56^workman^: that's talking about another file/.22:50
sebsebsebLjL: It was mishoo that did that22:50
linoyhow do i remove virtualbox from sun22:50
Ginsuok.....seems like it accepted it that time....rebooting for the check....reaching for 9.10 install disc for imminent reinstall22:50
LjLsebsebseb: oh, right. sorry22:50
racecar56linoy: what.22:51
elfranneon my laptop i had a module that showed me a graph with the power cosumption ... is that possible on a workstation ?22:51
Leoneof` any help with laptop? gnome-network-manager is in grey color always and can't detect networks for external usb wireless (wlan1), but when i turn the button ON for internal wireless (wlan0) , network-manager will work and detect networks for both wlan0 and wlan1 O_o22:52
sebsebsebLjL: appologey accepted :)22:52
mihauhello, i need a good c# programmer :P22:52
LjL^workman^: that's talking about /etc/default/grub not /boot/grub/boot.cfg22:52
Crewsr3sebsebseb, Thanks  So I set up my msn account on Empathy and when I start up the program it says I have a request with the notification.  How do I go in and delete out the request in Empahty22:52
^workman^LjL: got ya. found that you need to edit /etc/grub.d/"whatever file" then run update-grub =)22:52
ginsuit didn't work....22:52
drawdeanyone know an easy way to make ubuntu restart by sending it an email? or IM?22:52
sebsebsebCrewsr3: I haven't used Empathy properly yet22:53
sebsebsebCrewsr3: I like Pidgin :)22:53
LjLmihau: tried #csharp?22:53
^workman^ginsu: take a look at /etc/grub.d/22:53
Crewsr3sebsebseb, thanks22:53
mihauLjL, nope :P22:53
^workman^ginsu: once your finished editing run update-grub22:53
LjL^workman^: you can also just edit /etc/default/grub - just not /boot/grub/grub.cfg22:53
LjLmihau: try that and/or #ubuntu-offtopic22:53
^workman^LjL: correct..22:54
sebsebsebCrewsr3: also if it's just MSN that your inteersted in, try these,  AMSN, and Kmess22:54
alex87hey guys, after starting my computer up this morning my screen is shaking uncontrollable up and down. this only happens once linux starts booting. any ideas?22:54
linoyis there a way to run visual basic on ubuntu22:54
ginsuI did, and it returned no errors22:54
ginsuthen I rebooted, and it still had the MFing 10 second wait22:54
^workman^ginsu: but it still didn't work?22:54
seeveeI would like to remove firefox. I have typed sudo apt-get remove firefox and I have typed sudo apt-get purge firefox, and I have restarted. Firefox is still there. Do I need to remove all the files manually, or is there some documentation that I read?22:54
^workman^ginsu: hmm22:54
mishooseevee: why would you want to remove the only true web browser that there is for linux?22:55
^workman^ginsu: what file/s did you edit in /etc/grub.d?22:55
pipegeekhere's an odd question22:55
damagednooblinoy, which version of vb?22:55
Samuli^ginsu, you can change that in .../default/grub.. remember to update-grub afterwards22:55
sebsebsebmishoo: that's not quite true22:55
sebsebsebseevee: what's up with Firefox?22:55
^workman^ginsu: I only see timeout listed in 00_header and 30_os-prober22:55
sebsebsebmishoo: in fact that's not true at all22:55
sebsebseb!browsers |  mishoo22:55
ubottumishoo: Browsers available for Ubuntu: Firefox (GTK, Gecko engine), Konqueror (KDE/Qt, KHTML engine), Epiphany (GTK, Gecko engine), Dillo (GTK), w3m (terminal-based), Links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !man page), edbrowse (command-line), Opera (Qt, proprietary)22:55
LjLseevee: the actual package name is probably "firefox-3.5" or something22:55
sebsebsebmishoo: plus Chromeium which Google Chrome is based on, and yes you can do Google Chrome as well22:56
LjLsebsebseb: that's not even all there is, #ubuntu-bots has a longer list :)22:56
damagednooblinoy, don't think so. the best you could do is sue the mono compiler (http://www.mono-project.com/VisualBasic.NET_support)22:56
damagednoobsue = use22:56
damagednoobfreudian slip there :P22:56
sebsebsebLjL: oh?  you mean if we do in there,  what's the best browser ?22:56
LjLsebsebseb: yeah, or "list every browser"22:57
mishoosebsebseb: I've been doing some crazy AJAX since before the term AJAX was invented, and I'm pretty positive that there is no browser better than Firefox, currently.22:57
sebsebsebLjL: ok  thanks, and I know the factoid  lacks stuff,  that one should probably be changed now as well22:57
PepperyHi there. Is there any way that I can get wget to be quiet unless there's an error (eg: connection interrupted, 404)22:57
^workman^ginsu: man... I have no idea... strange22:57
jribmishoo: "better" is very relative of course22:57
mishoochrome is OK, but *slower* if you do massive DOM manipulations; and so is Opera (which for some reason I can't understand they call "the fastest browser on earth").  And so is Konqueror22:57
sebsebsebseevee: you don't need to pm, we can chat here :)22:58
mishooall slower than FF, and have less features22:58
sebsebseb!pm > seevee22:58
ubottuseevee, please see my private message22:58
tudonhello could someone tell me the name of the programm that provides the gui for graphical installment of a single downloaded .deb22:58
LjLPeppery: seems like "--no-verbose" is the option you're after, judging from the man page22:58
^workman^!pm > ^workman^22:58
ubottu^workman^, please see my private message22:58
tehdavetudon - I'm pretty sure that's part of the synaptic GUI programs22:58
loshatudon: do you mean gebi? You can usually use synaptic...22:58
sebsebsebLjL: teling the average person that wants help with a browser in here,  to go into the bots room, to find out about browsers, would be a bit sily though really :D22:59
pipegeekSo, I have a dm-crypt/luks /home partition.  This has been fine pre-karmic---usplash would drop to the console when I needed to enter the password on boot, I'd enter it, boot would continue.  Now, however, just after usplash drops to the console, xsplash takes over, robbing me of my chance to enter my luks passphrase22:59
minimectudon: gdebi22:59
tudonbut i want it on debian and i have synaptic but not the gui in ubuntu. so i want to know what its named so i can fedge it somewhere22:59
LjLsebsebseb: in fact i wasn't telling them, i was telling you22:59
sebsebsebLjL: I know22:59
PepperyLjL: Tried that, but I want *no* output on a successful download22:59
tudonok ttnx22:59
sebsebsebLjL: I was just saying :)22:59
ginsu_still doesn't work22:59
tudoni will check gdebi22:59
PepperyLjL: I still get "2009-12-02 11:56:49 URL:http://www.google.com/ [6030] -> "index.html.1" [1]"22:59
pipegeekWhen I switch back to vt8 and try to enter the passphrase, the passphrase is displayed on the screen after I hit enter (!!)22:59
linoyis there a way to get java plugin for firefox?23:00
jribPeppery: try "quiet"?23:00
minimectudon: gdebi-gtk ;)23:00
pipegeekwhat's the correct way to set this up under karmic?  This is pretty darned annoying.23:00
Pepperyjrib: I get no output on errors then.23:00
LjLPeppery: yep, i'm seeing that...23:00
sebsebsebseevee: so you want to remove FIrefox to free up some space hmm,  becasue you use Seamonkey, well you won't get much space back by doing that23:00
damagednoobPeppery, what about using -q and checking for the result from the command?23:00
sebsebsebseevee: also space shoudn't really be an issue with Ubuntu, as long as you set up your partitions properly23:01
^workman^Linoy: Sun java plugin from app installer on 9.10. I have yet to get it to work with firefox though... =(23:01
VCooliotudon: you'll need gdebi-gtk23:01
Pepperydamagednoob: -q doesn't output anything on an error23:01
^workman^Linoy: running 64bit not 32bit23:01
tehdave...anyone ever almost mistake their IRC window for an xterm and try to type a command into it? yeah...almost did that. speaking of Xterm, I suddenly and without warning have had the $ symbol in my xterm replaced by the British Pound symbol, in ALL instances of it.23:01
tudonok got it gdebi :)23:01
jribtehdave: are you root?23:01
damagednoobPeppery, yes but would it not be possible to test for the return value from wget?23:02
LjLPeppery: i don't see an easy way to avoid that. but if you just want to know whether it succeeded or failed at downloading, "echo $?" would tell...23:02
tehdavejrib - not in the current xterm, and my last sudo command was many hours ago23:02
jribtehdave: what does "whoami" return?23:02
seakazamis there any way to add syntax coloring to cat23:02
sdwrageHey all23:02
tehdavejrib, tehdave...and you know what, I just closed that window and opened a new one and it cleared o.O23:02
sdwragewhats the best way to install KDE on ubuntu?23:03
Pepperydamagednoob: what do you mean?23:03
macosdwrage: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop23:03
LjL!kde | sdwrage23:03
ubottusdwrage: KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde423:03
PepperyLjL: What does that show me?23:03
sebsebsebsdwrage: sudo apt-get or  aptitude   install  kubuntu-desktop23:03
sdwragethought so ok23:03
minimecsdwrage: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop23:03
^workman^seakazam: The main purpose of cat is to concatenate files. It simply prints out the raw content of a text file. You have to completely rewrite it if you want syntax highlighting (or eventually parse its output, but only when it is used to display the content of the file), but I think the effort is worthless if you have other tools at your disposal, like vim, nano and a lot of GUI editors which support syntax highlighting.23:03
LjLPeppery: 0 if it succeeded, 1 if it failed23:03
seeveesebsebseb: Ok. I'm using xubuntu 9.04. The hard drive is 4gb. Firefox seems to take longer to start and use more resources, but maybe I won't gain any space.23:03
LjLPeppery: well, non-0 if it failed, rather23:03
sebsebsebseevee: oh right ok23:03
tehdavejrib - would that somehow get caused by trying to mess around with the prompt environment variable? trying to mess around with it to get a better prompt than "<user>@<system>:<folder>$"23:03
sebsebsebseevee: the whole hard drive is only 4GB?23:03
jribtehdave: yeah23:04
PepperyActually, that's perfect. Thanks, LjL23:04
Haluanyone using UbuntuStudio?23:04
seeveesebsebseb: Yes. CF card with IDE adapter.23:04
sebsebseb!studio |  Halu23:04
ubottuHalu: UbuntuStudio is a collection of packages for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best Audio/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories. For more info and install instructions, join #ubuntustudio or see http://ubuntustudio.org23:04
sdwragegetting error when trying to do sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)23:04
sebsebsebseevee: oh a netbook yeah?23:04
damagednoobPeppery, something like this: http://efod.se/writings/linuxbook/html/shell-scripts.html#AEN51623:04
tehdavejrib - so messing around with the environment variable can change that setting? that's...really odd23:04
LjLPeppery: to make a choice, you can even just use: if wget blah blah; then echo "this is what happen when it succeeds"; else echo "this is what happens when it fails"; fi23:04
jribtehdave: it's part of your prompt23:05
Lingushi, can someone tell me how i can copy and paste some files into my etc folder for ubuntu 9.04 please ? keeps saying i dont have permission :/ but i need to paste some firefox settings and a few other things across from a backup i made23:05
Ginsuit was ignoring the .cfg23:05
seeveesebsebseb: an embedded mobo in a homemade box.23:05
LjL!ot | Dezent23:05
Ginsuit was taking the setting from /boot/grub/menu.lst23:05
ubottuDezent: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:05
tehdavejrib - the thing is, it was replaced for _all_ instances of the $ symbol, even when I was typing it in23:05
^workman^Ginsu: Doh!23:05
Cromagim trying to find if there are any problems with firefox and sqlite3 when upgrading from 9.04 to 9.10, problem is that firefox tells that software is updated but the version of SQlite is to old.23:05
Lingusanyone have any idea ?23:05
seakazam^workman^: just wondering, cat is faster23:05
Ginsuedited that, and now it's all good23:05
sebsebsebseevee: CF card what's that?  I am thinking Flash memory at the moment23:05
jribLingus: are you sure you don't want to use your ~/.mozilla/ ?23:05
mishooLingus: yes23:05
DezentLjL sörry23:05
seeveesebsebseb: no fans. Yes, flash memory.23:06
Ginsuboots in about 12 seconds on my 3-year-old MacBook23:06
Linguswell i made a back up of the mozzilla folder23:06
EplefiskHow do I shoot web?23:06
mishooLingus: you probably don't wanna do that, as jrib suggests23:06
Lingusfor wen i had to format23:06
Linguswhy not ?23:06
linoywhy does firefox open when i boot up my laptop23:06
LjLGinsu: doesn't that mean it is grub 1?23:06
jribLingus: had you made changes to it?23:06
^workman^Ginsu: now the problem becomes... why is it not reading from grub.cfg?23:06
Ginsu*how do I shot web23:06
sebsebsebseevee: Ubuntu Netbook Remix will use  Chromeium instead of Firefox, because it's more light waight.  You can install that into Xubuntu if you want23:06
Lingusnope i formatted thats all23:06
sebsebseb!info chromeium23:06
ubottuPackage chromeium does not exist in karmic23:06
Lingusrunning same linux version and firefox version23:06
jribLingus: so no point in replacing it23:06
mishooLingus: why would you mess with system files?23:06
jrib!who | Lingus23:06
GinsuWorkman: I don't care, lol23:06
ubottuLingus: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)23:06
Lingusi need my bookmarks and stuf back23:06
sebsebsebseevee: not sure how you would though, not in the repo as far as I know23:06
^workman^ginsu: =)23:06
GinsuI have to be at work in 3 hours, and haven't slept since last I got off work23:06
jribLingus: that's saved in ~/.mozilla not /etc23:07
Lingusjrib hmm23:07
mishooLingus: then import them, or restore your profile in ~/.mozilla/firefox23:07
sebsebsebseevee: Google Chrome is based on the oepn source Chromeium and so they are rather similar23:07
Lingusjrib: so i was told to back up the wrong folder ?23:07
Ginsuwhy I can't just use OS X is beyond me.....I got more sleep back then23:07
Ginsuso I was told you like mudkipz23:07
jribLingus: seems so.  Did you back up your ~ (/home/your_username) ?23:07
Lingusjrib: yeah i backed that up23:07
tehdaveGinsu - yeah but OS X isn't fun to play with like Linux is23:07
seeveesebsebseb: I see.23:07
^workman^Ginsu: so if you have a mac, why are using linux??23:07
jribLingus: great, then your bookmarks are in there.  Just copy over your old ~/.mozilla23:08
Lingusok, ill take a look now23:08
Ginsupurely experimental23:08
Lingusjrib: 1 sec please gonna check23:08
^workman^Ginsu: cool23:08
Ginsujust to prove I can23:08
GinsuI'm tribooting23:08
sdwragegetting error when trying to do sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)23:08
seeveesebsebseb: I've used dillo too, but that seems too limited most of the time.23:08
sdwrageanyone know what thats about?23:08
^workman^ginsu: anything is possible with linux... and some time23:08
Leoneof` any help with laptop? gnome-network-manager is in grey color always and can't detect networks for external usb wireless (wlan1), but when i turn the button ON for internal wireless (wlan0)...the network-manager will work and detect networks for both wlan0 and wlan1 O_o23:08
sebsebsebseevee: I tried dllo briefly23:08
O__ohi, how to do for loop in terminal?23:08
jribsdwrage: means you have some other apt process using the database23:08
GinsuSnow Leopard/Ubuntu 9.10/XP Black23:08
sebsebsebseevee: so I think I know what you mean23:08
sdwrageoh duh.... update manager -_-23:09
cidu_workjus curious...is there a quick and easy way to set 4 default gateways and load balance them? or failing that round robin them? on a single workstation...not set up a whole pfsense box for it....23:09
jribO__o: google "bash for loop"23:09
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs23:09
O__ois it for i in {1..8} do command file done; ?23:09
sebsebsebseevee: ever done a text only browser, now those can be fun :)23:09
PolarinaHow do I force the installation of a package without meeting dependencies?23:09
Lingusjrib: my home folder io backed up doesnt have anything to with firefox inside...23:09
jribO__o: for i in {1..8}; do command file; done23:09
O__ois it for i in {1..8} do command file$i done; ?23:09
mishooPolarina: I think apt-get install --force23:09
Ginsuwhat's with your jihad against firefox?23:09
zipskiylazylucy: hi23:09
Polarinamishoo: Thanks.23:09
sebsebsebGinsu: who were you asking?23:09
jribLingus: view -> show hidden file  should show you a ".mozilla" directory23:09
seeveesebsebseb: I like netrik.23:09
sebsebsebseevee: what's that?23:10
mishooPolarina: well, hold on, I might have been wrong.. the man page only mentions --force-yes23:10
Leoneof`i'm talking to the wall >_>23:10
Ginsuwhoever it is that's dead set on removing it23:10
seeveesebsebseb: text only browser23:10
mishooPolarina: in any case, if there are missing dependencies, why would you install it?23:10
jribLingus: close firefox, delete/rename new .mozilla and replace it with your old one, restart firefox23:10
zipskiyAlanBell: oo hello again23:10
sebsebsebGinsu: seevee has a good  enough reason to remove it23:10
Polarinamishoo: I compiled the dependency manually.23:10
Ginsuwhich is?23:10
fxfitzCan someone please tell me how a spyware program appeared on my Ubuntu desktop and how to remove it? Here is the program: http://www.spywarevoid.com/remove-privacy-center-privacycenter-removal.html23:10
sebsebsebGinsu: use something else that is more light waight on his hardware23:10
Ginsudid firefox rape his mother?23:10
Lingusjrib: no hidden firefox folder here :s23:11
squircle!language | Ginsu23:11
sebsebseb!omy |  Ginsu23:11
ubottuGinsu: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.23:11
mishooPolarina: that's still asking for trouble...23:11
Ginsuthat's the only viable reason I see23:11
jribLingus: it's not firefox, it's ".mozilla"23:11
sebsebseb!ohmy |  Ginsu23:11
ubottuGinsu: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.23:11
Lingusthat either23:11
jribLingus: how did you backup your ~?23:11
linoyis google chrome available for linux?23:11
jriblinoy: yes23:11
squirclefxfitz: that spyware can't infect ubuntu, don't worry.23:11
Polarinamishoo: Well, can you help me?23:11
ChogyDanlinoy: yes, using it23:11
O__ojrib, doesnt work whats wrong with my code for i in {1..8}; do latex m2-$i.tex; done23:11
Lingusi just copied the home folder and pasted it to an external drive23:11
fxfitzsquidly, I understand that, but how can I remove it?23:11
coz_linoy,  yep let me get repo for you23:11
=== Ginsu is now known as Ginsu|asleep
tehdaveis there an easy way to open nautilus as root without a command line? just create a shortcut for it with the custom command "gksudo nautilus"?23:11
jribO__o: what doesn't work?  What does it do?23:12
mishooPolarina: you should download the .deb file23:12
pipegeeklooks like I'm experiencing https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cryptsetup/+bug/434232.  It's wontfix.  How maddening.23:12
sebsebsebjrib: Do you know how to install chromeium or Google Chrome or well both into  Ubuntu,  it seems seevee would like to know that info23:12
Polarinamishoo: It depends on a package not in the repository.23:12
O__ojrib, can't find file `m2-.tex'23:12
MatBoysebsebseb: forgot me already again ?23:12
mishooPolarina: and do dpkg -i --force-depends package.deb23:12
jribsebsebseb, seevee: there is a ppa with google chrome23:12
Polarinamishoo: Thanks.23:12
sebsebsebjrib: what about chromeium you know the open source one?23:12
Eraldohow can I get my microphone to work again under 9.10 > http://pastebin.org/5945223:12
squirclepipegeek: it's only wontfix for karmic, but it still may be fixed in the cryptsetup package itself, don't worry :)23:13
sebsebsebMatBoy: not yet23:13
jribsebsebseb: don't know23:13
MatBoysebsebseb: that is good... it's my target in life :P23:13
mishooPolarina: or dpkg -i package.deb --force-all ("all" removes all error conditions and installs the package anyway)23:13
sebsebsebjrib: well  the Ubuntu Netbook Remix  for 10.04 will have chromeium instead of Firefox23:13
jribsebsebseb: https://edge.launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/ppa23:13
linoyhow can you get google chrome for linux?23:14
pipegeeka man can dream23:14
coz_linoy,   I think this one works   http://digitizor.com/2009/11/06/how-to-install-chromium-browser-in-ubuntu-9-10-karmic-koala/23:14
sebsebsebjrib: ok :)23:14
sebsebsebseevee: there you go if you want to try that one23:14
sebsebsebjrib: ty23:14
^workman^linoy: https://edge.launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/ppa23:14
sebsebseblinoy: see above23:14
FloodBot5sebsebseb: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:14
jribO__o: pastebin please your command and full output while I start a bash shell...23:14
kostkonEraldo, did you try to set it in your sound prefs?23:14
tehdaveubuntu 9.10 isn't an LTS version is it? if not, when's the next LTS? I'm still running 8.04 personally23:14
sebsebsebtehdave: 10.0423:14
kostkon!lts | tehdave23:14
ubottutehdave: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Hardy (Hardy Heron 8.04).  The next LTS release is scheduled to be !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)23:14
* pipegeek does sudo apt-get purge xsplash23:15
sebsebsebtehdave: you can upgrade directly to it when it's time for 8.04, however you won't get Ext4 or Grub 2 on upgrade23:15
seeveesebsebseb, jrib: Awesome. Thanks.23:15
tehdavesebsebseb, kostkon : thanks23:15
sebsebsebtehdave: from not for above23:15
Eraldokostkon: yeah I did try out all the settings but I either got some sort of signal coupled with strange sound output or okay sound output with no capture at all23:15
sebsebsebtehdave: np23:15
tehdavesebsebseb, I was planning on taking a snapshot of my packages, backing up important files, and just doing a fresh install.23:16
Eraldokostkon: maybe you could help me find the right settings23:16
O__ojrib, http://pastebin.com/m7fa1241a23:16
sebsebsebseevee: np23:16
sebsebsebtehdave: sure do that then23:16
kostkonEraldo, eh, what options do you have available in the input tab?23:16
jribO__o: you want ${i}t23:16
kostkonEraldo, select the appropriate device and connector for example23:16
=== Lingus is now known as new_nick
O__ojrib, ok i try that23:16
Eraldokostkon: depends on what profile I chose23:16
sebsebsebtehdave: yep 10.04 will be a good one for you to clean install23:17
kostkonEraldo, then, did oyu try all the possible combos?23:17
jribO__o: do your files end in 't' before the '.'?23:17
tehdave!ext4 > tehdave23:17
O__ojrib, thx23:17
jribO__o: like an example file is: math2-1t.tex or math2-1.tex?23:17
O__ojrib, yes ends in t23:17
mark__I've just added a harddrive to my ubuntu-server box, its listed  as sda* (1-5) I want to wipe it. FDISK says it can't access it?23:17
jribO__o: k23:17
sebsebsebtehdave: after checking your ISO, well a torrent will be ok. I like adding additional info.23:17
minimectehdave: I would do a fresh install either... ;) Jumping from 8.04 to 10.4 means new grub, new xorg, hal-> device kit, pulseaudio and so on ... ;)23:17
new_nickhmm cant find the setting on firefox now to import profiles lol >.<23:17
mark__sorry, sdb1*23:17
Eraldokostkon: I did try out both Microphone 1 and 2 in the Input tab but get no signal ...it did work in the previous Ubuntu version however23:17
jribO__o: before it was looking for the $it variable23:17
* tehdave glares at ubottu. "Making me go to google to look up the differences..."23:17
sebsebseb!md5sum > tehdave23:17
ubottutehdave, please see my private message23:17
kostkonEraldo, another thing you could try is to check your hardware volume levels. try installing gnome-alsamixer, for example23:17
O__ojrib, ok23:18
sebsebsebtehdave: 10.04 is not out yet, and I can rip apart the releases since 8.04 and say what is good and bad about them, I don't mind doing that in pm, if you really want me to23:18
kostkonEraldo, then, definitely, you need to check the levels of your inputs in gnome-alsamixer23:18
mishoomark__: do you run fdisk as root?  (sorry if this sounds stupid, but I had to ask..)23:18
mark__mishoo : yes, I sudo'd it.23:19
^workman^mishoo: oh man, I would hope not23:19
racecar56O__o o__O23:19
alaqsoryHI ALL23:19
Eraldokostkon: will that possibly conflict with PulseAudio?23:19
tehdavesebsebseb, Nah, I got my current system running just fine, really don't feel like jumping around the short-term releases (Incremental? non-LTS, whatever), planning on just updating with the LTS releases as they come (Every 2 years, it seems. I bet they actually have a real schedule but I never bothered to check)23:19
kostkonEraldo, no, don;t worry ;)23:19
kostkonEraldo, pulseaudio sits on top of alsa23:19
sebsebsebtehdave: yes 10.04 and then the next one will be 12.0423:20
sebsebsebtehdave: unless delayed or something, you know like the first LTS,  or haven't you been using Ubuntu for long enough?23:20
mr_mustardwhat is ubuntu's tool for managing system services, starting, stopping, etc?23:20
Eraldokostkon: okay... thank's for explaining that23:20
alaqsoryI am using ubuntu 9.04, after updating it, the net do not work>23:20
Eraldokostkon: An error occurred while loading or saving configuration information for GNOME ALSA Mixer. Some of your configuration settings may not work properly.23:20
tehdavesebsebseb, I started with...erm...7.04 IIRC. Gave up on Windows when my Rundll32 file got corrupted and there was absolutely nothing I could do about it. Never going back, as far as my desktop is concerned.23:21
alaqsoryany one see my problem23:21
Eraldokostkon: http://pastebin.org/5945623:21
alaqsoryI am using ubuntu 9.04, after updating it, the net do not work.23:21
somalier1I need help figuring out what I did wrong when forwarding ports for Transmission. I sat my IP manually in gnome NM, dns, gateway and netmask is correctly in my router, saved settings and restarted it. Still, transmission tells me that port is CLOSED. Have I missed something?23:21
sebsebsebtehdave: ok :)23:21
mishooalaqsory: we've read what you say, but in the absence of more detail we can't help you out23:21
minimecalaqsory: what does that mean? wifi ethernet? Did you reboot your machine?23:21
* mishoo thinks ..oO( oh, how I managed to avoid the F word again.. )23:22
kostkonEraldo, does it load?23:22
Eraldokostkon: yeah... but with that error23:22
ChogyDansomalier1: are you behind a router?23:22
somalier1ChogyDan: Yep23:22
kostkonEraldo, ok. ignore it for the moment23:22
alaqsoryethernet, after rebooting the machine the ethernet do not work, and excuse me i am not good in english23:22
mishooalaqsory: any errors pop up?23:23
ChogyDansomalier1: usually there is a function in the router to forward ports23:23
mark__mishoo : It's displaying in FDISK, lists all the partitions, I just want to clear it.23:23
mr_mustardat least, what package should I install to get system services tools? there is no system - administration - services link in my 9.10 install23:23
somalier1ChogyDan: Yep, done.23:23
minimecalaqsory: can you open a terminal and do ifconfig? there should be something for eth0...23:23
new_nickcan someone tell me how i can just paste some files into my etc folder please ?23:23
alaqsoryand when i logged in with live cd the ethernet is working good23:23
somalier1ChogyDan: I'm thinking it's something in my dist that's wrong. My settings that is23:23
new_nickanyone ?23:24
ChogyDansomalier1: yeah, I dunno.  Maybe its the firewall/iptables thing23:24
alaqsoryminimec: I am now on windows23:24
somalier1ChogyDan: Come on, do I have to tough iptables? ,_,  That's just comfuzing23:25
somalier1confusing lol23:25
alaqsoryminimec: will log into ubuntu then come again to windows to give you the result of ifconfig23:26
minimecalaqsory: ok. Good idea ;)23:26
slideI have a laptop where the screen is dead and Im trying to install Ubuntu on it using my LCD HDTV, whenever i boot up with the livecd though all i get once gnome is loaded (i can hear the intro sound) is a blinking Purple light/dark screen with what appears to be fragments of other colors. is there anyway to fix this so I can install it? or can I install it via the command line?23:26
klappi@slide: try the alternate install cd23:27
slidehrm k23:27
slideon to cd #4 hah23:27
klappi@slide: afaik ist has a cli install mode23:28
Eraldokostkon: http://tmp.eraldo.at/Screenshot-GNOME ALSA Mixer.png23:30
Eraldokostkon: http://eraldo_helal.public1.linz.at/tmp/Screenshot-GNOME%20ALSA%20Mixer.png23:30
DoDoHello all. I'm pretty new to Ubuntu (Just created my own "server") and now I need to enable AssignUserID, but I don't know how. Can someone help me out?23:30
Xodiachow can i get the cursor effect on the pointer with the fire23:31
kostkonEraldo, wow. a lot of volumes23:31
kostkonEraldo, i can see for example that the "mic" volume is muted23:31
kostkonEraldo, try to unmute your inputs and increase their volume levels23:31
Eraldokostkon: I did ...no echo23:31
tehdaveXodiac, "advanced desktop effects" under Preferences...don't remember what package it is though (8.04, might be different for your version)23:32
kostkonEraldo, also, line in is muted, i think. etc etc23:32
Xodiactehdave: nice thanks23:32
kostkonEraldo, also, i can see a lot of switches23:32
^workman^Xodiac: goto System>Preferences>Visual Effects23:32
kostkonEraldo, like "mic select" , "mic front input"23:32
Xodiactehdave: i am23:32
^workman^Xodiac: goto System>Preferences>Apperance>Visual Effects23:33
ryanevanshey ! does anybody know how to setup sis 771/671 vga driver ?23:33
kostkonEraldo, try them all. try allo the possible combos in alsamixer and in the sound prefs23:33
ryanevansit works wrong resolution23:33
^workman^!sis | ryanevans23:33
=== stringy is now known as KindOne
Xodiac^workman^: im there but where do i go for the cursor fire orbit effect23:34
ryanevans^workman^, : bot ?23:34
DoDoNo one?23:34
kostkon!sis | ryanevans23:34
ryanevanswhat's the link ?23:35
coz_DoDo,   I didnt see your post  sorry  what was it again?23:36
minimecryanevans: You could try to set a 'Virtual 1280 2024' in the "Screen" Section for example in /etc/X11/xorg.conf, if you want that resolution.23:36
ubottuyes, I'm alive.23:37
minimecalaqsory: Yes?23:37
Xodiacwhere do i find the cursor orbit effect23:38
minimecalaqsory: Ok. The hardware seems to be recognized well.23:39
^workman^Xodiac, no idea =(23:39
Xodiac^workman^: crap do you know what its called23:39
minimecalaqsory: So still no internet connection?23:39
alaqsoryI can not enter the internet23:39
alaqsoryminimec: yes23:39
ryanevansminimec, : does it support accelerator  ?23:40
winstonw1hi, http://paste.ubuntu.com/332684/ -- less than 100 KiB/sec hard drive read and write -- how do i fix?23:40
alaqsoryminimec: it is my second time23:40
reeeeeestyi have a 2 hour audio speech i have to listen to.... is there some sort of voice recognition software that can listen to it and write it into a text document that i can read?23:40
alaqsoryat the first time i reinstalled ubuntu23:40
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz23:41
alaqsoryand this time is the second23:41
=== Lingus is now known as Invasion
minimecalaqsory: are you behind a router? Could you try to ping the router's ip like or equal? You can also try to boot an older kernel. Just choose on older kernel when the brub screen pops up.23:41
^workman^!compiz | Xodiac23:41
fretegi_part_2how do u use ubuntu as a dvr?23:41
ubottuXodiac: please see above23:41
alaqsoryyes i tried23:41
Invasioncan someone tell me how i can login as root to change some folders in my etc folder please ?23:41
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs23:41
alaqsorybut the router do not respond23:41
fretegi_part_2invasion sudo23:42
Xodiac^workman^: thank you i think i found it23:42
minimecalaqsory: So you cannot ping the router... Try to boot an older kernel.23:42
cristi1i have a small problem with starting tor, can anyone help me? this is the log http://www.pastebin.ca/169741823:42
Invasionfretegi_part_2: i tried that but then open the etc folder and still says i dont have permission23:42
ubottuMythbuntu is an Ubuntu derivative centered upon setting up a standalone MythTV system. See: http://www.mythbuntu.org for more information23:42
alaqsoryminimec: i will try soon23:42
ZaNeIuMi installed win7 and lost ubuntu, then i ran the live cd and did, the grub tutorial ie: grub setup (hd0) and now ubuntu is back but i lost win723:42
kostkonfretegi_part_2, use software like mythtv, moovida, xbmc etc etc23:42
awayandcan anyone direct me to understand how the terminal is configured? My lines in mutt are not coherent, but when I set my environment variable to TERM=vt100, the lines are fine, but then this only works in xfce's terminal, not in xterm, I am confused..23:42
^workman^!mythbuntu | fretegi_part_223:42
ubottufretegi_part_2: please see above23:42
alaqsoryminimec: thank you very much for helping23:42
Dasdahey guys i have  a ebook that is a .exe and uses ebook viewer. I can open it under wine however when i click on chapters It does not open. I dunno what is wrong so I thought about extracting the .exe. However, I have had trouble extracting .exe. I've tried cabextract, p7zip and unshield23:42
fretegi_part_2i mean how does this work? so say i have a ripped dvd on ubuntu, how do i play it on a tv, ?23:42
minimecalaqsory: no problem...23:43
squircleDasda: where did you get it from?23:43
Invasionno one got any ideas i guess >.<23:43
donpdonpi did a dist-upgrade (karmic) just now, got a new xserver-org-video-intel (2:2.9.0-1ubuntu2) and now music from rhythbox "scratches" everytime i switch windows or scroll in a browser. halp!23:43
Dasdasquircle: vgsports23:43
kernel_scriptHello folks. Please, somebody here have experience running Ubuntu on a Apple Mac? It runs well? How's the Hardware compatibility/recognition?23:43
Dasdathe ebook views fine under windows23:43
btimbyHello, I am using 9.10 and I have wifi as well as ethernet working. I was wondering if there is any way to prevent network manager from bringing up my wifi if my ethernet is connected.23:43
LjLInvasion: gksudo gedit /file/that/you/want/to/change23:44
squirclekernel_script: i'm running ubuntu on my MBP right now :)23:44
btimbyHowever, when I unplug the wired ethernet, I would like the wifi to then come up.23:44
LjL!root > Invasion    (Invasion, see the private message from ubottu)23:44
kernel_scriptsquidly, it runs well? How's the hardware compatibility?23:44
kernel_scriptops, wrong person sorry xD23:45
squirclekernel_script: (everybody thinks it's squidly lol) it runs very, very well, and everything's compatible 100%23:45
Invasionit didnt help lol, ive set a root password but im not looking to do something through terminal, just want to know how i can log in as root to change a few files in etc then log back out23:45
minimecbtimby: That should be default behaviour. If not, you should be able to choose that in the preferences of the network manager23:45
btimbyI can't find it, right now it connects both23:46
bcurtiswxhey, i upgraded my windows and I need to re setup my grub2 bootloader... how?23:46
cristi1i have a small problem with starting tor, can anyone help me? this is the log http://www.pastebin.ca/169741823:46
FlannelInvasion: You don't need to enable the root account to do that.  Just `sudo -i` will get you a root shell23:46
kernel_scriptsquircle, oh thanks man : ) Great : D23:46
squircle!grub | bcurtiswx23:46
ubottubcurtiswx: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.23:46
btimbymeaning can't find any option, I can uncheck "connect automatically" for wifi connections, but I do want it to connect automatically when wired is unavailable...23:46
Invasionbut will that let me copy and paste a few folders into the etc ?23:46
bcurtiswxits karmic23:46
squircle!it | giovanni23:46
ubottugiovanni: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)23:46
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub223:47
squirclekernel_script: if you need any more help with the mac stuff (even though it's awesomely documented on the ubuntu help wiki), just let us know :)23:47
Invasioncus i done the "sudo -i" and it still dont let me edit my etc folder23:47
Dasdaso anyone able to help me with ebook problem I have?23:47
FlannelInvasion: Oh, you *definately* don't want to log in to the GUI as root.  If you insist, however, go re-lock the root account (sudo passwd -l root) and then hit alt-f2 and in the box that comes up, `gksu nautilus` that will give you a root nautilus window.23:47
squircle!patience | Dasda23:47
ubottuDasda: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.23:47
minimecbtimby: I guess, that the wifi connection is set as default.23:47
FlannelInvasion: Be *very* careful with that, and close it as soon as you're finished.23:48
squircleDasda: if it's some obscure executable, try it in wine.... but i'm no expert23:48
Dasdasquircle: i ran it in wine. However it opens the home page of ebook. When i click on chapters then it does not load anything but a blank page23:48
squircleDasda: did it open in a browser or something?23:49
giovannic'è qualcuno?23:49
btimbyminimec: is it possible to change the default?23:49
squircle!it | giovanni23:49
ubottugiovanni: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)23:49
Dasdasquircle: no, it uses a app called ebook viewer23:49
btimbyminimec: wired=eth0, wifi=eth123:49
squircleDasda: problem with "ebook viewer" is that it's very generic :P23:49
squircleDasda: what was the source again?23:49
Dasdasquircle: i would be happy by either viewing the book or extracting .exe to look at files23:50
Dasdathe source was vgsports23:50
kernel_scriptsquircle, thanks man. Sure, i will read and already read some of it. I'm asking because i never used a mac and i'm thinkin about geting one in the future, but i want to run Ubuntu on it, so i wanted to know of someone that have this setup if it everything works fine, or if existe major problems etc.23:50
Dasdait is a ebook that includes playbooks of teams in madden nfl 10(video game)23:50
squirclekernel_script: I use OS X and ubuntu side by side (both on macs lol)23:50
=== Enissay_ is now known as Enissay
squircleDasda: just a sec, i'm taking a look23:50
Colonel_Panikfor the firey cursor enable "Enable Show Mouse" in Accessibility23:51
Promiti'm kinda confused about what differentiates the add/remove programs dialog and the synaptic package manager23:51
Colonel_Panikstart it with <super><K>23:51
Dasdasquircle: want a link to the source? u can download and see it?23:51
Promitthey seem to have entirely different sets of entries23:51
squircleDasda: nah, i don't need it23:51
squircleoh my god ubottu is dead!23:51
urello Hello there. I try to compile vlc player from source on Karmic Koala, but get error "Could not find libavcodec or libavutil", although i have these libraries in /usr/lib/23:51
kernel_scriptsquircle, cool : ) I'll probably run the too of them too, Mac OS looks very nice, for a proprietary OS of course.23:51
squirclekernel_script: ;)23:52
bcurtiswxits about time ubottu died23:52
kernel_scriptsquircle, two*23:52
squircleurello: do you not want to install the pre-configured package?23:52
gregLurello: download the dev headers23:52
ChogyDanPromit: programs use libraries of code, each in its own package.  Synaptic shows everything, while add/remove just shows the main programs23:52
Nim_Hi I dont know if anyone can help me or not but Im having some keyboard and sound issues.. it seems some of the keys of my keyboard are being displayed incorrectly ie: the question mark is appearing as É. my other problem is that my headset isnt working, i can hear sound coming from the monitor and the headset when i have it plugged into the jack, and the microphone doesnt work at all. i cant find solutions anywhere. could it be a hardwa23:53
Nim_re compatibility issue23:53
minimecbtimby: the eth-thing depends on the wifi driver. Could it be, that Ubuntu thinks, that you r wifi card is a ethernet card? Hmmm... I never had your problem. My Notebook only connects to ethernet, when I plug the cble and boot. Try to delete the wifi connection and reboot. then setup wifi again.23:53
Promitso the repository maintainers decide that X package goes into Add/Remove or not?23:53
squircleDasda: it appears as though your ebook viewer program requires IE23:53
urellosquircle: as i understood, dvb support is not availble in pre-configured package23:53
kostkonDasda, do you have the wine-gecko package installed?23:53
ChogyDanPromit: someone does23:53
Dasdakostkon: not sure. how can i check?23:53
squircleDasda: what I would do is install ie6 and gecko using winetricks (http://wiki.winehq.org/winetricks)23:54
kostkonDasda, eh in synaptic23:54
klappidasda: dpkg -l | grep ^ii | grep wine-gecko23:54
squircleDasda: yeah, what i said and what kostkon said are equivalent23:54
Dasdaim searching for gecko in synaptic23:54
kostkonDasda, or in a terminal give: apt-cache policy wine-gecko23:54
kostkonDasda, i just double-checked that the package is indeed called wine-gecko23:55
urellogregL: is this a package?23:55
DasdaI have wine-gecko installed guys but not wine1.2-gecko. Does it make a difference?23:55
kostkonDasda, which wine do you have? wine or wine1.223:56
squircleDasda: what version of wine are you using?23:56
DasdaKostkon: 1.1.3223:56
Dasdasquricle: 1.1.3223:57
minimecsquircle: Well I think his real question is. Would I prefer wine 1.0 or 1.2? ;)23:57
kostkonDasda, then you have wine1.2? could you check?23:57
StargazerWhat program would i use to backup my / ?23:57
squircleminimec: exactly. 1,0 is just soooo outdated.23:57
Dasdakostkon: sure np, how do i check though? I found that is is by going to "configure wine" and clicking on "about"23:57
minimecDasda: So we decided, that you should install the 1.2 version ;)23:57
kostkonDasda, i mean the package wine1.2. check in synaptic23:58
kernel_scriptsquircle, are macs stable? That's the main motive i'm thinking about get one in the future, and leave PC world forever. PC, in all my life, every fail in something, some part of it become imcopatible with another, or new hardware piece is imcompatible with the old one (when upgrading), or it just fails. With no exception, PC always fails, i wonder if what they say about mac is true: Macs are very well integrated hardware, and very stable for years.23:58
kostkonDasda, if yes, you could remove wine-gecko and install wine1.2-gecko23:58
^workman^Stargazer: check out sbackup23:58
DasdaKostkon: no i dont have wine 1.2 package installed23:58
kostkonDasda, aha. ok23:58
squirclekernel_script: for me, it's the great hardware. i love my MBP like nothing else; they're tough, well-build, and very fast. OS X is even more stable than ubuntu (i know, i was surprised too)23:59
Dasdashould i  install wine 1.2? and wine1.2-gecko?23:59
squircle^workman^: ubottu is offline23:59
squircleDasda: yes.23:59
minimecDasda: Update from 1.0 to 1.2. Looks that 1.0 is quiet old...23:59
kostkonDasda, could you give this in a terminal just for testing:  iexplore.exe http://www.google.com/23:59
squircleDasda: they won't give you any help if you're running 1.0, it's soooo old23:59
kostkonDasda, does it open a browser window?23:59
Dasdano says command not found23:59

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