
=== Penguino is now known as focas
=== focas is now known as lolseals
=== lolseals is now known as Penguino
troglobyteDoes xubuntu install a beagle equivalent?00:47
AmgineQuestion: How do I reduce sensitivity/turn off track pad mouse when I'm also using a usb mouse?01:27
lyrae_Hi im new to xubuntu. How do i remove icons from desktop (except mounted items, if possible)02:57
JoraHello, I am having some trouble with my terminal when I try and enter my sudo password. The terminal will not let me enter anything when I try to enter my password.03:01
JoraWhat sorts of things might cause this? My keyboard is hooked up correctly etc.03:01
AmgineJora: Are you sure it's not letting you enter anything? Normally sudo does not display anything while still accepting your input.03:02
JoraI'll try again03:02
AmgineTry typing in the password, then hit return.03:02
JoraI get this message: E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)03:04
JoraE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?03:04
JoraI'm trying to execute the command sudo apt-get install build-essential checkinstall03:05
AmgineMmm, *that* I can't help with, as I'm a ubuntu/xubuntu newb.03:06
seraku_try one at a time03:07
lyraehow can i remove recycle bin and trash can from desktop?04:55
jarright click on the desktop and go into the desktop preference04:57
jarclick icons04:57
jarand uncheck Trash04:58
lyraethank you jar. and how about the volume icon on top right taskbar?04:58
jarright click04:59
lyraeno not that one04:59
jarTo remove anything from a taskbar you can always right click and remove.05:00
lyraei only get "mute" and "sound preferences" when i right click05:00
lyraenot this one though05:00
jarmine has remove05:00
jarbecause i have a more custom setup05:01
lyraeits not a widget you can add to taskbar i dont think05:01
jarThat sounds weird.05:01
lyraeit does. i can show a ss if youd like. but ill just creaste a new taskbar and only add stuff i want05:01
jara screenshot would be helpful05:02
jarMaybe I'm not understanding05:02
lyraeahhhh ok i see it05:03
lyraeit was part of notification area05:03
jarthat makes more sense05:03
lyraei had to go to its properties and hide it by clicking a checkbox05:03
lyrae:) thanks for aughll your help tho05:03
lyraethanks for all your help thought*05:03
lyraesorry...new netbook, cant type yet05:03
jarit's fine05:04
jarwhich netbook do you have? :)05:04
lyraedell mini inspiron. was free with comcast05:05
jarahh sweet05:05
lyraehaha yea :)05:05
jarNothing beats free05:06
oelseni need help with cpu frequency scaling13:44
oelsenis there any central site for that=13:44
gkuyyyi have an xubuntu issue with my broadcomm wireless adapter13:47
gkuyyynamely i can't turn it on13:47
gkuyyyanyone have any tips?13:47
gkuyyydrivers are good13:47
gkuyyyhas a hardware switch - a dedicated button above the keyboard, but obviously xubuntu doesn't recognize it13:48
gkuyyyany ideas on how to turn this bugger on?13:48
_Pete_it should be on automatically if your cpu supports it13:49
gkuyyyyeah but it's not13:50
gkuyyyi agree though13:50
gkuyyyi wish i could find the compaq guy that designed it with an on off button and smash it on his head13:51
gkuyyyoh i'm a linux noob btw13:51
gkuyyyso go easy13:51
gkuyyyit's a copmaq presario v5000 pretty old13:52
oelsenanyone knows a central site/man page for that?13:53
oelseni used freebsd and there are only two thing: kernel state settings and powerd. on ubuntu i am confused about what to use correctly13:53
gkuyyywhen i run lshw it sees the adapter and says it's disabled13:54
gkuyyyi wish there were some sort of software switch or something13:54
gkuyyyi really can't conceptualize how to get the thing powered up13:54
gkuyyywhen i installed ubuntu last year this wasn't an issue13:55
gkuyyybut xubuntu is a diff story13:55
gkuyyywould rather use xubuntu though13:55
Sysihave you set what power button should do?13:55
gkuyyynope. it's not a key combo or anything it's a totally separate key13:56
gkuyyylemme see if xubuntu sees it13:56
Sysicheck settings on power manager13:56
Sysican't remember if it does nothing by default13:57
gkuyyyno luck so far on that front but it's an intriguing angle14:00
gkuyyyi'm going to see if i can get the keyboard drivers installed to recognize the hardware switch14:04
gkuyyyi see a program called hp wireless assistant that i know can access the power to the adapter. what if i run it in wine? just to turn it on? would that work?14:07
gkuyyygonna give up and install ubuntu and see what it's doing differently14:19
Edgar1hello anyone15:23
Edgar1I want to know something...15:23
Edgar1I have ubuntu 9.04 with gnome, and i want to install xfce but i dont want the complete xubuntu-desktop package15:24
Edgar1you know, without abiword, gnumeric or thunderbird15:24
Edgar1so my question is...can i just install the xfce package?15:24
Sysiwhy not?15:27
Sysiit takes what it need as dependencies, and should work15:28
Edgar1just asking, you know15:28
Sysionly stupid questions are those which you you don't say  :)15:29
r0bertbetween the grub-2-menu and xubuntu's "sparkling"-splasg15:37
r0bertthat mouse-logo is displayed15:38
r0bertwhat is it called (is it splash?) and hoe can i change it?15:38
likemindeadI'm confused about that too, r0bert.15:42
likemindeadAnd curious.15:42
r0bertthat's the spirit15:42
Sysiin grub settings/conf?15:50
r0bertthat would be /etc/default/grub and a "no"15:52
Sysiit's not /boot/grub/menu.lst anymore?15:53
r0bertnot with grub 215:53
r0bertand some stuff in /etc/grub.d/ is important, too15:54
sporediW: Not using locking for read only lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock ----------(next line)---E: Unable to write to /var/cache/apt/-----(last line)-----E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.16:38
joshua__hi i have xubuntu 9.10 and none of my windows have any minimize or close buttons17:39
Besogonmay be something that consern themes17:40
joshua__well i just installed it and it was like that17:41
r0bertapplications => preferences => window management (something like that, dont have it in english)17:41
joshua__well ill have to quit cuz the window is in the way let me try17:42
joshua__i tried opening window manager and window manager tweaks and neither of them would open17:45
r0bertopen a console17:45
joshua__it said "these setting cannot work with your current window manager (unknown)"17:48
r0bertdid you change anything?17:48
r0bertvery strange17:49
joshua__can i download and install one?17:49
r0bertdid it work with the live-cd?17:49
r0bertdid something fail when installing?17:49
joshua__maybe it said like skipping somthing at the begining but completed17:50
joshua__i used a torrent17:50
r0bertthe official torrent?17:50
joshua__i clicked one from their website so i think so17:51
joshua__could it be my computer?17:51
r0bertdont think so17:51
r0bertcan you do a17:52
r0bertsudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop17:52
joshua__well i had the previous release and did the upgrade and it worked fine but i thought it would be better to use the cd17:52
joshua__let me try17:52
r0bertsudo apt-get install --reinstall xubuntu-desktop17:53
r0bertdid you format your partitions?17:53
r0bertmaybe there's some interfering settings from the previous installation (i doubt that)17:54
joshua__it said i have the latest version17:54
joshua__k let me try reinstall17:54
joshua__i think it finished17:58
joshua__do i have to logout or anyhting17:58
joshua__and i did format my partitions17:59
r0bertdunno, just try logging out17:59
joshua__nope still the same18:03
joshua__maybe it didnt burn right or download18:05
r0berthave you still got the image? you could perform a md5sum check18:06
r0bertbut i doubt that, as your installation seems to have gone throught18:06
joshua__yep ill try that later cuz its on my mom comp18:07
r0bertcould you try moving the .config directory to .config-bak und kill the xserver to restart it without saving its current setting?18:07
r0bertthat way you'll be able to restore any settings you've made later on18:08
r0bertkilling the xserver will work with alt+prntscrn+k18:08
joshua__i wouldnt no where to begin lol18:08
joshua__when i try using like gnome it runs slow. could that be my cpu or to little ram?18:12
r0bertwhat does that mean "using like gnome"?18:12
joshua__well i mean gnome18:12
r0bertbesides, my cpu, gfx card and 1gb ram are 7.5 years old18:13
r0bertmight be your ram/cpu then18:13
joshua__mines a bit older lol '00 or '0118:13
joshua__it was built for windows xp put that runs slow so i started tryin linux18:14
r0berthow much ram do you have?18:15
r0bertwhat cpu and gfx card?18:15
joshua__256 ram, intel celeron18:16
r0bertlowest end <:18:16
r0bertu'd better stick with xfce18:16
r0bertye, that would even be better18:16
Sysior crunchbang18:17
joshua__is my cpu to blame too?18:17
Sysixubuntu is bloated :\18:17
Sysicpu doesn't matter much18:17
joshua__so if i get more ram?18:17
r0bertwell it does to some extent18:17
r0bertbut the whole comination makes it slow18:18
r0bert<joshua__> so if i get more ram?18:18
r0bertif u can get it for free18:18
r0bertany money on it will be considered wasted18:18
r0bertin my opinion18:18
joshua__what distro would u recommend18:19
r0bertthere's a lxde spin of fedora18:21
r0bertif there's such and you want to stay on ubuntu - there you go <.18:22
joshua__i never heard of it18:22
BesogonI repeat LXDE is lighter than XFCE.18:23
joshua__would that be the same as kde and gnome just look diff?18:23
joshua__for fedora18:23
BesogonI didn't try that but you can look at http://lxde.org/18:24
r0bertjoshua__: read here => http://gilir.wordpress.com/2009/10/29/lubuntu-9-10-and-plan-for-lucid/18:25
joshua__um robert after they installed that lucid desktop it said to reboot. should i try that since i reinstalled xubuntu18:30
r0bertdont think so18:30
r0bertbut go try18:30
joshua__damn still dont work18:34
joshua__but ne ways. can 1xde fedora do everything fedora with gnome or kde can do?18:35
joshua__like can they run all the same programs18:35
r0bertyou can also stick with your current installation and change to lxde18:37
joshua__and i would type what in the terminal?18:38
r0bertdunno, i've never done that <.18:41
joshua__well i think either way it would be better for me to reinstall the whole distro18:42
nicklas_i want a new harddrive now :-P18:51
Sysii NEED some hard disc18:59
Sysii have broken partition table19:00
r0berti need money for hard disc drives19:00
Sysii think i'll borrow one first19:00
joshua__i need one thats lockable19:11
r0bertbetween the grub-2-menu and xubuntu's "sparkling"-splash19:49
r0bertthat mouse-logo is displayed19:49
r0bertwhat is it called (is it a splash?), where does it reside and how can i change it?19:50
Admiral-Awesomeheh I'm not a fan of that logo either19:50
FrozenFire[work]What is the best way to generate thumbnails of images in Xubuntu? Preferably, it would provide a context menu item in Thunar, so I can just select a bunch of images and thumbnail them to a specified size.19:52
Admiral-AwesomeIts there an easy way to disable ondemand like it was in gnome. rccconf doesnt seem to change anything now or sysv-rc-conf19:54
Admiral-AwesomeIts still scales my 2 cpu19:54
vikhello, I want to disable ipv6 globally, what is the simpliest and best way of doing that in Karmic? Thanks20:11
konstantinkhi folks.. little question here: i am running xubuntu 9.10 from virtualbox on a windows host. although experienced with ubuntu (at least, that's what i thought), i am having trouble to change the screen resolution. first approach: use some gui stuff (in settings). but the resolution i want wasn't listet. second approach: chagen xorg.conf. but... /etc/xorg.conf does not exist. so where does xfce store its config files?21:25
konstantinksorry... /etc/X11/xorg.conf..21:26
konstantink(doesn't exist either :) )21:26
likemindeadAre you using any 'restricted hardware?'21:26
konstantinki am not sure. the t60 thinkpad has an ati graphics card. i wonder, however, what virtualbox makes out of it. lspci gives me just some standard stuff.VGA compatible controller: InnoTek Systemberatung GmbH VirtualBox Graphics Adapter21:27
konstantinki am just curious: is xfce not using xorg?21:29
likemindeadIt's not Xfce, it's how Ubuntu's changed.21:29
likemindeadIt weirds me out too. :-\21:29
likemindeadI'd see if you can install the ATI drivers, I guess.21:29
konstantinkok, i was gonna do that but then i though: why install drivers if the system doesn't know about the real hardware. but i'll give it a try21:30
konstantinkanyway... where is all that stuff stored if not in xorg.conf?21:30
likemindeadThat's where, again, I'm confused. It used to me much more... simple. :-\21:35
likemindead(Feel free to join in, lurkers.)21:35
troglobytekonstantink: Have you run the "install guest addittions..." from the virtualbox menu?21:35
troglobytethats where you get drivers for your guest OS21:36
konstantink@troglobyte: yes, i did run that. as far as i can tell that worked out (i can change the resolution - i just can't pick the right one ...)21:36
konstantinki am running envy at the moment. don't think it'll work, though21:37
troglobytedo you have "auto-resize guest display "turned on? You can drag out the window and it'll adjust accordingly.21:37
troglobytewell, it should on a windows host anyway21:38
konstantinki don't think i do21:39
konstantinkno fancy auto-resize stuff21:39
konstantinkexcept, host+a, but that is something different, right?21:39
troglobytemy host is ubuntu so it may be different but I get the option under the 'Machine' menu21:39
konstantinkoh, it's grey here.. can't activate it21:40
troglobyteaw bummer21:40
konstantinkmaybe i should check whether the guest additions are installed correctly..21:40
troglobyteit's quite a process if i remember correctly.21:41
konstantinkbut they have to be... i saw that script running with the kernel rebuilding stuff21:41
konstantinkenvy script is done. i'll restart and come back if it didn't help. if i don't show up again, envy solved it. however, i still don't know where xorg gets its config from21:42
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution21:48
konstantinkalright... that was anything but successful.21:56
konstantinkenvy did create a xorg.conf. that xorg. conf was obviously buggy (the driver did not exist) and caused gdm to crash21:57
konstantinki removed xorg.conf completely and now i am back to the state i was before21:57
konstantinkthat means, xorg is reading standard config files... but where are they? how come i am lost in this business again...21:58
seeveeI ran sudo service gdm stop and then startxfce4 - did not give me the desired result, but the issue now is that the screen resolution only allows 800x600 as a maximum. Suggestions?22:13
seeveeI'm running 9.0422:17
garrythefishnot enough drilling. that's what's the problem with the lesbos at #ubuntu-women23:36
garrythefishsee ya :)23:36
garrythefishnot enough drilling. that's what's the problem with the lesbos at #ubuntu-women23:36
likemindead!ops | ban garrythefish, please?23:39
ubottuban garrythefish, please?: ops is HELP! gnomefreak, tonyyarusso, PuMpErNiCkLe, maxamillion, TheSheep, crimsun, mrpouit, Myrtti, PriceChild charlie-tca or cody-somerville23:39
likemindeadNo bans for bigoted, mysoginistic spammers?23:58

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