=== Paraselene__ is now known as Paraselene_ === geekles_ is now known as geekles === javier__ is now known as Toru === rstob911 is now known as oldbstrd === carlos is now known as Guest3204 [01:08] hi [01:09] anybody get malformed url before in konq? [01:09] does anyone know what I can do with my firefox, because it's using up all the memory [01:18] anyone know how to get the fancy new screen from ubuntu-server? [01:20] nvm, it's called byobu and it's already installed [01:20] googleismyfriend.doh [01:34] is there a ppa for rekonq that has 0.3.0? [01:41] cant update anything, i keep getting an error === andrea is now known as Guest67184 [02:02] hai === root is now known as Guest72145 [02:43] My wireless connection keeps dropping and the only way I can get it to reconnect is to reboot the computer. === jianlee is now known as Jian === m4v is now known as mkv === root is now known as Guest15402 [03:55] who can affored me a irc channel which users like chatting [03:56] maybe you should try a social chatting channel? [03:56] o~ but where can i find the channel address === gobbly is now known as somenick [03:57] could someone help me get my bluetooth working [03:57] i had joined about 10 chat servers [03:57] address? you just need the name. hard to find on freenode, as this network is more project oriented. feel free to ask project related questions though :) [03:57] this is the last thing i need to fix before its runing perfectly and i can start working on the non importan issues [03:58] o [04:03] having a problem where a smbfs mount isn't showing the contents of the share. It's reporting the free space correctly, anyone have an idea what would cause that? [04:04] i can connect to the bluetooth device with the gnome bluetooth app but no kbluetooth [04:04] unmount it, remount and make sure the share name is correct [04:04] not* [04:05] even though it is paired with the computer it im not able to use it [04:05] it's mounting from fstab on startup, and I have restarted a few times. deff sure the name is correct, it can report the free space and stuff [04:06] could it be pulse audio that is messing with it? [04:07] I think it might have to do with permissions, just not sure how to rectify it, or determine if it's an issue on the server or client end... [04:09] does dmesg say anything? [04:10] beener: it won't be PA unless you installed it, or it was pulled in as a dependency. Kubuntu doesn't ship it by default. [04:11] nope, [04:11] then i installed it by acident trying to fix the bluetooth [04:11] is there a way to unistall it [04:12] sure, just purge pulseaudio [04:13] whats up fellas [04:14] dtchen: it should be sudo purge pulseaudio right? been a long time sence i used linux [04:14] beener: you can use a GUI package manager to fully/completely remove it [04:15] beener: or, in a Konsole, sudo apt-get --purge remove pulseaudio [04:17] dtchen: do i have to restart after this? [04:18] dtchen: because pulseaudio is still the only one that shows up in skypes options [04:34] ah well ill try again tomarrow im to tired right now [04:34] dtchen: thanks for the help [04:39] !wireless [04:39] Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [05:05] muahaha, it works! [05:05] * davep is packing many live cds onto one USB [05:09] ffs, why am i getting popups that wont go away [05:09] I DONT WANT O ADD WIDGETS [05:09] :P [05:09] davep: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [05:13] sup guys [05:14] muahaha? the big bang theory? [05:15] hello , i have ati 3650 on my laptop and i installed ATI driver from official website and everything works okay except Hibernate doesn't work , i have kubuntu 9.10 karmi [05:16] any solution ? [05:16] [23:10] is there a way to set a widget's size? ie, the clock? [05:16] [23:10] <-- Darkedge has left this server ("Gone. Installing KDE insted of XFCE :)"). [05:16] [23:11] i need multiple clocks on my desktop, and would like to set them all the same size [05:17] does anybody know if theres a way to save multiple credentials for different servers I connect to? [05:17] my credentials can vary but it seems in KDE I only have 1 option === hemathor_ is now known as hemathor === linux is now known as linux_ === linux_ is now known as linux [06:08] I installed the newest Amarok from backports. When I tried to scan my collection it froze and I had to close Amarok. I then decided it might be a bug so I downgraded to the old Amarok. Now when I scan my collection it freezes every time. Any ideas [06:08] 'I have deleted all Amarok config and .rc files. I don't know what else to do. [06:18] guys i need help i disabled network mannager because i was trying to get wicd working becase of my web can some one tell me how to enable that back on [06:18] so i can configure my wirelles connection [06:21] anyone [06:27] can someone please help. when trying to update witk kpackagekit, i get an error message, saying it cant download from But that is localhost, how come its trying to download from there??? Only thing i can think of doing is installing tinyproxy and firehol and then removing them. Could it be something got messed up during that. This is the complete message: http://pastie.org/723071 [06:28] can someone help me enable knetwork back? [06:30] eaglephoenix30: what do you mean? [06:31] well i had internet connection before i was trying to install wicd and when i did it it desabled my current knetwork manager now i don't have access to i nternet i was trying to install wicd because of web [06:32] how can i enable knetwork back [06:32] anyone having any problems with KDE 4.3.4 and amarok? [06:33] eaglephoenix30: run 'knetworkmanager' ? [06:35] i can't do it [06:35] i con't have internet connection now [06:35] it's saying it's not installed [06:35] it got removed when i tryed to install wicd i think [06:38] so do i have to install kubuntu again? [06:38] there is no way i can install plasma-widget-knetworkmanagement application with out internet === Quintasan1 is now known as Quintasan [06:40] hi all === ferdl is now known as grma === Guest67930 is now known as kebomix1 [06:44] hello , why text selection is slow on okular ? === kebomix is now known as Guest24096 === Guest24096 is now known as kebomix1 === root is now known as Guest47974 [06:53] kebomix1: have you installed your graphics driver? [06:53] lovre: yes [06:53] just installed it :D [06:53] kebomix1: proprietary? [06:54] no official driver from ati website [06:54] kebomix1: and its still slow? [06:54] Are you know any programs to learn deutch or russian for english? [06:55] kebomix1: how about some effects, are they also slow? Maybe compiz or selection in dolphin.... [06:58] lovre:yeah i just disabled effects , :D , i will see [06:59] lovre: yeah it is abit faster [07:00] kebomix1: did you try effects like Cube Rotation, is that slow? [07:00] i disabled all effects [07:03] jsem prase [07:03] xD [07:09] what's the package name for the kde control center? [07:10] anyone know? [07:10] egoflux: kde control center is not aroud for some time now. iirc [07:10] egoflux: use System Settings instead === esds002 is now known as samrat [07:11] ok...where do i change default apps? i want to make kopete open firefox [07:11] nevermind [07:11] lol [07:11] egoflux: run systemsettings and click default applications :) === RussellAlan is now known as KronicKoH [07:40] !bashrc [07:41] can someone share their default .bashrc with me [07:41] i deleted mine [07:44] i think you can create a new user, default .bashrc will be created for that new user. Am i right? [07:45] cp /etc/skel/.bashrc ~/.bashrc [07:46] oh, nothing there :\ [07:48] ah it's /etc/skel/.bashrc [08:06] Hey [08:07] Ive a simple question, how can I get back my program bar, iam working with kubuntu 9.10 and have accidentely removed, that widget from the taskbar [08:14] hello [08:14] I install kubuntu-desktop for a while [08:14] but I removed it [08:14] and now my firefox doesn't hint it's fonts as it used to. [08:14] what is left over that I can remove, can someone lend a me a hint here? === carlos is now known as Guest32614 [08:33] imachine: See here what it is installing or recomends for hints http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/kubuntu-desktop [08:42] anyone familliar with cetnreon [08:42] ? [08:42] i mean centreon === anirudh is now known as intoitall [08:53] iam in here too? [08:54] no you are not [08:55] ok :D [09:19] I'm not sure my update manager is working correctly [09:20] in previous versions of kubuntu I have received fairly quick bugfix updates [09:20] but my kde in karmic koala is still at kde 4.3.2 [09:20] and 4.3.4 has been release with some bug fixes I actually want [09:20] wilsby29: see topic [09:20] oh [09:20] wilsby29: also see kubuntu.org (: [09:27] !bandwidth [09:27] can i use a kde3 colourscheme file for setting up kde4? [09:28] judgen: no, not really [09:52] hello folks..anyone using facebook plugin for kopete? [09:52] I can't see any contacts but they send me messages.. === yofel_ is now known as yofel === ocs_ is now known as faLUCE [11:10] Je tu kto? [11:11] Vroomfondle: hi [11:11] hi [11:11] thanks [11:12] do u have any idea on ubuntu cloud === Guest124 is now known as hfsdo [11:52] hali [12:22] I've installed 9.10 and the audio is broken with everything except the boot and shutdown sound... anyone? [12:23] so it is working then.. Or rather what is not working? [12:24] everything like flash mp3 games what ever [12:24] won't work [12:26] every Intel mobo that I've tested seem to have this problem.. some one said a broken pulse engine.. but I don;t know [12:26] sebaz: same with amarok? [12:26] I'm using audacious.. [12:27] sebaz: don't use pulseaudio with Kubuntu, it's not meant to [12:27] 9.04 installed.. and sound and all programs do fine.. [12:27] * Mamarok has sound working correctly with just Phonon and the xine backend [12:27] sebaz: Check setting in system-settings multimedia [12:27] Mamarok, is that default? [12:28] sebaz: yes, pulseaudio definitely is not default in Kubuntu, KDE doesn't use it [12:28] oke thanx.. now I know that pulse isn't for KDE :) what does KDE use then in pref.? [12:29] sebaz: the default is Phonon with the xine backend, restricted codecs are in kubuntu-restricted-extras [12:29] Mamarok, thanx I will reboot to 9.10 now... and will be back [12:41] Mamarok: hi back and got a message from kde [12:42] which is? [12:42] where can I upload an image? [12:42] imagebin.ca or imageshack.us [12:43] !screenshots [12:43] Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it. [12:44] http://imagebin.ca/view/bYe7yJg7.html [12:44] this is the error that I get [12:45] that probably happens because pulseaudio locks the sound hardware (afaik) [12:45] Sebaz: because you didn't remove pulseaudio [12:46] Sebaz: you need to remove pulseaudio, , push the pulseaudio entry in the phonon settings to the bottom (it's due to a library you can't remove) [12:46] oke then I will remove the pulse [12:46] then remove $HOME/.kde/share/config/phonondevicesrc, then restart KDE [12:47] Will try [12:53] oke did the things but no sound.. but i did a tail /var/log/messages and it said : [12:53] pulseaudio[1776]: alsa-mixer.c: Your kernel driver is broken: it reports a volume range from 18.00 dB to 18.00 dB which makes no sense. [12:53] Hi I have a working dual screen config. The only problem is, that the logon screen etc. is shown on the external. I need my laptop built in to be the primary monitor and I need to fix the monitor positions. currently the external is physically right of the notebook but linux thinks it is left of. can someone help by studyying my xorg.conf. http://paste.ubuntu.com/333096/ [12:55] Sebaz: well, apparently you still have pulseaudio installed [12:55] Sebaz: check if you have a asound.conf in your home folder [12:56] and check if you have nothing muted in Kmix [12:57] kmix checked and settings are oke.. I don't have a asound.conf in my home [12:57] no other .asoundconf or such? [12:57] and you did remove the phonondevicesrc I told you? [12:57] Mamarok: yes [12:58] Sebaz: kmix sometimes hides some channels, none of those muted neither? [12:58] Mamarok: KDE did repond to that but failed to capute it.. I will remove file again and restart kde and will capture the error [12:58] Mamarok: will capture with kmix :) [12:58] brb [13:02] Hello, does someone know if i need special drivers for a creative xifi? [13:04] Mamarok: I've got audio working again! [13:04] Sebaz: nice :) [13:06] Mamarok: Thanx alot! now I can fully enjoy 9.10 :D [13:07] Sebaz: you are welcome :) [13:07] hello [13:11] amokpaule: normally not [13:11] but the driver implement of alsa for xifi isnt the best till now [13:11] your missing sourround ? [13:12] ghostcube: I cant get the mic working to use mumble [13:12] Last thing that keeps me from switching from windows to ubuntu [13:13] hmm i know its a bit difficult with xifi havent followed the driver situation till now completely [13:13] mayba in #alsa they know more [13:13] Ok ty i will pop in there and ask :) [13:15] where can I get kde 4.4 for kubuntu [13:16] bushwakko: KDE 4.4 is not released yet, there's only beta release and that is included in next Kubuntu release, 9.04 Lucid Lynx [13:17] and Lucid Lynx is pre-alpha, not to be used yet [13:18] how bad is it? I'd be inclined to try it for fun [13:28] Hi I have a working dual screen config. The only problem is, that the logon screen etc. is shown on the external. I need my laptop built in to be the primary monitor and I need to fix the monitor positions. currently the external is physically right of the notebook but linux thinks it is left of. can someone help by studyying my xorg.conf. http://paste.ubuntu.com/333096/ [13:28] Hi. Sometimes my system clock runs far too slow. Why? [13:32] !fonts [13:32] Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer [13:37] !lcd [13:39] text looks ugly in rekonq, i'm working on a minimal kde install so i hae probably forgotten to install something, I do have msttcorefonts [13:41] how can I perform sudo operations in a ssh session with konqueror? [13:42] does using the terminal emulator work? there may be a gui way to sudo something but i don't know of it [13:44] juan__, yes I meant a gui way to sudo [13:45] reesefrancis_: i don't know of it, this chan seams pretty dead try #kde or google, but i'm not sure there is one [13:46] heya [13:47] TeLLuS: something was wrong with the gfx drivers :) [13:51] on another topic, this computer's owner wants tripple boot with winXP and win7... I can boot 7 fine, but xp keeps spewing Error 12: Invalid device request, each OS is on a different disk, fisk -l for the xp one looks like this: http://pastebin.org/59675 [13:53] I had prepared the 35GB partition in gparted for the OS but xp complained under installation... is it me or has that POS formated the OS partition as extended? GRUB hates booting from that, doesn't it? [13:59] i usually just leave blank space for windows [13:59] let it make the partition and format it [14:02] /dev/sdb5 [14:02] i've always avoided extended partitions [14:04] you could take a full image of the partition with dd, replace the extended partition with a proper one, and put it back in place [14:05] might take a little re-config of the bootloader, but it should make things smoother. [14:05] good luck, sir [14:05] * davep sleeps [14:06] hola [14:06] alguien habla español? [15:02] is there a better gui archive manager than Ark? Ark is utterly lousy :( [15:09] carpii_: pclzip is the only other one i know of [15:09] thanks, ill check it out [15:15] I am preparing a userbase page about all desktop effekts (Sandbox http://userbase.kde.org/User:RalphMW) Any further suggestions? [15:21] hi folks === crissi_ is now known as CrissiD [15:37] carpii_: check out krusader also === janek is now known as bazyli [16:05] middag [16:06] topdag [16:12] Good evening.. does anybody here can help me? i have 80 gb hdd and its 7gb for / and the rest is for /home. and now the free space in /home is only 22 gb but the total size of data in /home is 18gb, so where the rest of the space gone? thanks [16:13] dutch chat === david is now known as Guest67831 [16:15] hi! [16:15] i have a small problem. i managed installing karmic on my desktop [16:16] and i've got everything installed what's needed, but the problem is that i don't have sound in flash viewed in web browsers [16:16] albert, are you familiar with the sources.list ? [16:16] yup [16:18] ok , make sure you have the multi and universe debs enabled , then , sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras [16:19] albert, also flashplugin-nonfree [16:19] hi there... i know its a KDE question, not kubuntu specific.. but anyway... I have some folders beeing shown on my desktop.. that KDE4 thing... is there a way to not show that options (resize, rotate, configure, close) when my mouse is over it? [16:19] nonfree is a dummy package [16:20] got flashplugin-installer [16:20] i mean.. something like "locking" thouse up.. but just for one folder or another [16:20] akSeya: try right clicking on your desktop and choose unlock widgets [16:22] hey albert .. actualy I want to lock them :P [16:22] it worked [16:22] albert, transitional ...then install with the installer [16:22] sorry for such a dumb question :( [16:22] BluesKaj: but i've got flash working, but with no sound [16:23] i'm really new to kde 4.. i'm completely lost, but liking it a lot ;) [16:23] check alsa and pulseaudio if you have it [16:23] oh yes, btw. is the info on kubuntu wiki about installing and confuguring pulseaudio up to date? [16:24] albert, dunno , but PA works on some setups and not on others..ppl with pci audio cards seem to have problems because it just adds a soundserver which isn't needed [16:25] rstob911, thanks for krusader tip :) [16:25] carpii_: n/p [16:27] carpii_: it takes a little more to configure but a very powerful tool [16:29] ben ik nou gek of is dit een engelse chat [16:30] !nl | topversnelling [16:30] topversnelling: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl [16:31] hm, that's a nice referer; yes it's english :P [16:31] rstob911, yeah im liking it already :) [16:35] carpii_: there are other files you may need like unrar and others look in the configure within krusader in the archives section and see which ones you need to d/l [16:35] yep, i think i configured all the ones i need [16:35] is there a way to use it in single pane mode ? [16:35] cool [16:35] also a way to show file extensions, it seems to be hiding them which is very Windows-like [16:36] oh hm, its not hiding them, its putting them in a seperate column [16:36] i guess its so you can sort [16:36] carpii_: be careful with it like i said it is very powerful and you can easily muck things up [16:36] oki :p [16:46] hello..kdm keeps coming back to kdm and looking for .default.face. created a dummy one but still can't get thru. any idea how to fix it? [16:47] reinstalled kdm kwin xorg-core but no cigar [16:55] anyone know how the installer bling background is named? the one with the circles [16:55] the blue one === s is now known as Guest32350 [16:58] does kubuntu use any Xorg config file? [16:59] paulie: not any more, no [16:59] xorg auto-configures itself [17:00] Vroomfondle: so what if i want to modify a specific setting for x configuration? [17:00] I *think* if you put something in /etc/X11/xorg.conf, it overrides the automatic setting [17:00] ok [17:00] not 100% sure about that though [17:00] It will. [17:00] do you know that wallpaper from when you install kubuntu 9.10 ? the blue one with circles [17:00] rings [17:01] from behind the installer [17:01] I don't think I've ever installed kubuntu tbh. I always install Ubuntu and then switch. [17:01] ok === kenan is now known as fariadantes === fariadantes is now known as kenan [17:14] nick fariadantes === kenan is now known as fariadantes [17:32] kgpg crashes again and again [17:48] Can someone please tell me how to get rid of this @#$%& BulletProofX thing? (the "Low graphics warning" dialog) === v_ is now known as qwazar [17:54] hi [17:55] i m new at this [17:55] i've installed kubu, the latest stable for amd64- its ok... not really fast tough [17:55] problem is, somehow my taskbar got a blueish color, and i have no idea about how to get rid of it [17:56] could any body tell me what program in kubu is similar to gpaint [18:03] hello!!?2 === |moe|_ is now known as |moe| === dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates [18:21] Riddell: Hello, are you there? === cesar_ is now known as Guest43512 [18:22] Or anyone else with stars on shoulders ;).... About Project Timelord : I want to know how I can help with translating kubuntu in French.. [18:27] hi there, is there a way to download deb files from ppa using a download manager? [18:27] if i want to contribute to ubuntu/Kubuntu in programming what language i need to learn ? [18:27] what type of download manager? and.... why ? [18:28] Aruna: C++, C, QT, bash, . . . [18:28] aftertaf: for windown programmin ? i am not much in C C++ [18:28] aftertaf: i am a basically java programmer [18:29] Aruna: better ask in #kubuntu-devel in that case. [18:29] if anyne is around [18:29] aftertaf: thank you [18:29] dansk support et sted? [18:30] aftertaf, the download speed is too slow in case of synaptic [18:30] Aruna: there are java projects around also... But Kubuntu is using QT framework. [18:30] abhifx: its the server load.... [18:31] aftertaf: So QT is easy to learn and program ? [18:31] aftertaf, but if i download via a download manager the speed picks up [18:31] abhifx: then do that and move them to /var/cache/apt/archives/ folder [18:32] Aruna: once you're into Oop then i guess so ;) === bevc is now known as bevc_work [18:32] aftertaf, thats what i am asking, is there an easiir way? downloading each file separately is taking lot of time. is there a automated approach? [18:33] aftertaf: i know OOP i know C++ and java [18:33] Aruna: then its the object library you'll need to learn, but go for it..... ;) [18:33] abhifx: automated is apt-get install or synaptic.... [18:34] aftertaf: so Qt ! [18:34] aftertaf, thanks for trying [18:37] abhifx: there are other methods with debtorrent, look at that [18:37] but im discovering it too right now, so . . ; ;) [18:38] aftertaf, debtorrent? thanks. i will check it out === nik0 is now known as niko [18:42] anyone know a KDE/qt wysiwyg website development app that integrates well into kde4? [18:42] quanta like [18:42] but quanta seems to not have advanced past kde 3.5 [18:43] !info kompozer | paulie [18:43] paulie: kompozer (source: kompozer): complete Web Authoring System. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.8~alpha4+dfsg+svn163-2 (karmic), package size 7328 kB, installed size 19580 kB [18:45] Is anyone available to invite me into #Wine? [18:46] jussi01: that seems to be a gtk app [18:46] i said kde/qt. [18:46] do you know any? [18:46] paulie: what makes you say that? [18:47] i want it to integrate well estethically into the desktop [18:47] im using kde [18:47] i try to avoid gtk as much as possible [18:47] i want someting native whenever available [18:47] paulie: no, what makes you think its gtk? [18:47] it is using gtk. check the dialog boxes [18:48] and open file etc [18:48] kompozer's website says it's gtk. [18:48] it doesnt use qt stuff [18:48] yup [18:48] it is gtk [18:48] cripes, it is too, I was sure it was gtk.. [18:48] err [18:48] I was sure it was Qt [18:48] the 'k' is konfusing. [18:48] well anyone know a qt based app like quanta was but for kde 4? [18:50] tried kdevelop? (I've not used it myself) [18:50] kdevelop hmm did it advance to qt 4 ? [18:50] or is it stil using qt 3 [18:50] there's a qt4 version [18:50] ok ill try [18:50] paulie: no, itŝ Qt4 since ages [18:51] it's* === KronicKoH is now known as RussellAlan [18:51] Hello everyone! Can someone please help me ith a Kernel paniproblem? "Invalid ELF header" :/ [18:53] what should I use to edit subtitles [18:57] guys how can i view a webcam in kopete ? [18:57] on yahoo [18:58] i installed jasper [19:13] paulie: it just detects mine with no effort... [19:14] aftertaf: i am trying to see someone's webcam [19:14] not install mine [19:14] i click view webcam for contact [19:14] and No image received [19:15] hey guys, i have a problem using kubuntu 9.10. the failsafe x-server is starting, but there is nothing wrong with my configuration. it forces me to disable the failsafe-skript to get xorg up normal again ... this is now happening to my second pc. whats wrong?! [19:17] it is maybe related to gdm and kdm both be installed on both systems ( but gdm is disabled ) [19:22] paulie: ah... :( [19:24] Does anyone have any experience with guarddog firewall ? im having problems with WoW.. it wont let me connect if i have the firewall turned on. I have port 3724 and 6112 both TCP enabled [19:28] hi guys [19:28] can someone tell me where can i download the latest inkscape for kubuntu? [19:29] hi [19:29] in my repos it's only .47~pre4, and i know that there's a official release of 0.47 [19:29] 9.10: sound works in amarok and others, but no sound in flash (adobe). slider up, pcm up, nothing. known issue? [19:30] you can get the latest inscape from getdeb [19:32] DexterF: not to my knowledge. [19:34] ricky_lais thanks [19:34] sheytan_ : welcome :) === root is now known as Guest84404 [19:37] lol === bruno is now known as Guest93069 [19:49] DexterF: in all browsers? I had that issue but I use chromium and it went away [19:49] DexterF: check also in aumix that 'all' sliders are up as they should be [20:06] where are the shutdown & reboot buttons? [20:06] bakarat: kickoff -> leave [20:07] ricky_lais, i got "logout, lock, switch, sleep, hibernate" [20:07] bakarat: Enable Settings > System Settings > Advanced > Session Manager > Offer shutdown options [20:08] rork, is turned on === jens is now known as Guest9494 [20:08] rork: that is not enabled by default? [20:09] when i click on certain items in my taskbar- K -menu..... nothing happens [20:10] ricky_lais: I think so, I also think the buttons should be there then so it's the most likely explanation that they aren't [20:10] ye i believe they were there before i updated to 9.10 [20:10] but the update reset a lot of my customizations and apparantly hid the buttons === kb is now known as Guest69459 [20:11] bakarat: what about shutdown from krunner? is it there? [20:11] ricky_lais, heh, i'm mostly a gnome user, what's krunner? ;) [20:12] alt+F2 [20:12] well it doesn't offer a suggestion if that's what you mean [20:13] bakarat: press Alt+F2 and type shutdown, it should offer you the shutdown option [20:13] ricky_lais, starts the "logout" sequence it seems [20:13] why is the kubuntu taskbar blue /turquase ? > i hate that color :P [20:16] * Consul_Falx 's thinking of upgrading kde... [20:18] btw, what's the default package manager for kde? [20:18] (so the synaptic equivalent) [20:18] bakarat: adept but i prefer synaptic :) [20:19] ah :> === dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk [20:23] bakarat: do you have kshutdown installed? [20:26] <||arifaX> Hi, I think I have a nearly perfect xorg.conf for my notebook and the attached external LCD that xrandr can work with. All fine. The only thing is, when the external display is attached kubuntu always chooses it as the main display and I dunno how to fix that. Here is my xorg.conf (can be used as template for HP6735b notebook): http://paste.ubuntu.com/333365/ === william is now known as Guest12477 === Guest12477 is now known as wilbefast [20:30] um... my sound has stopped working - could somebody please help me fix it? [20:31] http://imagebin.ca/view/weV8AO2U.html [20:31] I only just installed, it worked at first but then after restart told me that the device had stopped working [20:33] (:'O [20:35] wilbefast : does it work with PulseAudio? [20:36] pulseaudio is apparently what I have [20:36] wilbefast: do you also use Gnome or only KDE? [20:36] I actually switched to kde to get away from it [20:36] Kubuntu 9.10 (very) fresh instalm [20:36] wilbefast: well, then you should remove it, I can tell you what you need to do [20:37] I'm not used to the package manager for kde [20:37] no problem, we can make it on the command line [20:37] it is also easier to spot errors [20:37] was using ubuntu till recently but had problems with pulseaudio and flash on gnome [20:37] ah kk [20:37] can you open a konsole? [20:37] yea [20:38] so, to remove pulseaudio, tpye: [20:38] sudo apt-get remove --purge pulseaudio* [20:38] with * ? [20:38] yes [20:38] so it removes all packages [20:39] ah right, as in joker [20:39] then, in the systemsettings -> Multimedia, push the pulseaudio entry to the bottom of the list. You can't remove it completely there, but it should not bother like this [20:39] make sure you have the phonon-backend-xine and kubuntu-restricted-extras installed [20:40] the xine backend should be default in the multimedia backend tab [20:40] tell me when you are there [20:40] yeah, in backend it says "xine" [20:40] Has anyone gotten strigi to work? It keeps segfaulting on my system. [20:40] great [20:40] http://imagebin.ca/view/weV8AO2U.html [20:40] the greyed out thing is the one that's suddenly stopped working btw [20:40] or at least that's what I got told when I rebooted [20:40] wilbefast: now you need to remove the $HOME/.kde/share/config/phonondevicesrc file [20:41] right [20:41] and check also if you have a asound.conf file in your home folder, that needs to go also [20:42] no asound.conf [20:42] there is a .pulse-cookie [20:42] while you are at it, make sure you have nothing muted in kmix (right click on the speaker icon in the systray [20:43] wilbefast: remove that cookie, you will not meed it anymore anyway [20:43] gotcha [20:43] should have gone with the --purge option, but not important [20:43] I got a E: Couldn't find package pulseaudio* v [20:43] when I did the purge :S [20:44] hm, then do it again with pulseaudio-* [20:44] I forgot the hyphen [20:44] still the same problem... [20:45] Note, selecting pulseaudio-module-udev-dbg for regex 'pulseaudio-*' [20:45] there's a whole bunch of lines like that [20:45] then an error at the end [20:45] normal, it selects all packages with that name [20:45] what error? [20:45] E: Couldn't find package pulseaudio-* [20:45] good, so it is gone already :) [20:45] oh - good :) [20:46] once everything is ready, just restart KDE, your sound should be there [20:46] else, ping me [20:46] :S - no reinstallation of anything? [20:46] kk [20:46] I'll give it a try - wonder what installed pulseaudio in the first place... Amorak? [20:47] no, since you already have the xine backend, you installed the kubuntu-restricted-extras package? [20:47] no, certainly not Amarok :) [20:47] no, I haven't [20:47] hmm [20:47] right [20:47] fingers crossed - brb [20:47] well, you will need it to play mp3 and such, you should install that package [20:48] and thanks for the help ;) [20:48] you are welcome, but thank me when it works :) [20:48] kk [20:49] urrg. [20:49] akonadi-widgets-workspace depends upon akonadi-server. You _have_ to be KIDDING! [20:50] Viking667: don't shout, please [20:50] that dependency is absolutely normal, the widget is useless without aknoadi [20:50] Akonadi* even [20:50] what functionality does that widget provide? === ricky_lais is now known as rlais [20:51] I'm trying to remove the PIM stack from that but I'm striking issues. [20:51] The machine concerned has 384Mb of memory, and is a Pentium III@600MHz. [20:52] Viking667: maybe a bit too little for a smooth run [20:52] Unfortunately, love of my life loves the KDE, so I'm ... trying to trim it down somewhat to the _core_ programs she uses. [20:52] She use thunderbird, Chrome, and konsole (pretty much) [20:53] ... and likes to keep an eye on the weather, so I added in yaWP from a Mandriva machine... that doesn't quite want to work properly either, and I wish I knew why. [20:54] alguien habla espanol_ [20:54] _ [20:54] ? [20:54] alguien habla espanol? [20:54] canal #kubuntu-es ? [20:54] ? [20:54] me no hablo espanol, habla Inglese. [20:54] oh ok [20:55] hi [20:55] i just installed kubuntu on my acer aspire 3680 [20:55] Mamarok - it worked :D [20:55] hurrah! [20:55] and i wantd to know how to run mi wireless connection [20:55] its a 2wire modem [20:55] of course I'm none the wiser as to why it happened in the first place :S [20:55] wilbefast: great :) [20:56] wilbefast: most likely because the devices were still expecting pulseaudio [20:56] and the newtwork manager recognizes it but i dnt know how to get it to work === ummccal1 is now known as ebonair [20:57] isn't alsa the default for kubuntu? [20:57] ? [20:58] hi guys [20:58] wilbefast: yes, of course [20:59] most curious [20:59] alsa is default also on Ubuntu, pulseaudio is just the sound server [20:59] can I ask a small question: i dont manage to remove a set of maps with sudo rmdir --ignore-on-non-emtpy dirname [21:00] what could be wrong? it on a ntfs disk mounted to my home [21:00] hmm [21:00] well I might get to bed, thanks again for the help :) [21:00] mamarok please help ,e [21:00] me [21:01] please somebody help me [21:01] !ask | nickson [21:01] nickson: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [21:01] nickson: also, if somebody knows, you will get an answer, just don't ping people randomly [21:02] i dnt know how to configure mi wireless modem (2wire) with my acer aspire 3680, im now connected thanks to the ethernet cable from the same modem [21:03] nickson: I am not a wireless guru, you talk about Kubuntu 9.10 I suppose? [21:04] yeah [21:04] the thing is that network manager recognizes it [21:04] 2WIRE1555 [21:04] so i double click it and put the wep key, and nothing happens === dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates [21:04] is akonadi supposed to work? it gives an odd error: the qtsql driver "qmysql" is reuiqred by your current akonadi server configuration, the following are installed "qslite", "qmysql3", "qmysql", make sure the driver is installed [21:05] ... :| [21:06] bakarat: do you try starting Akonadi directly or through an application? [21:07] please help me [21:07] nickson: I can't, sorry, you need to be patient [21:07] ok [21:07] Mamarok, o hold on, trying to start it again seems to have inexplicably helped :p [21:08] bakarat: nice :) [21:10] Mamarok, i'm not familiar with akonadi, the "resources config" says that there is "no file selected" for "std.ics" and "std.vcf" and "birthdays & anniversaries" is "offline" [21:10] i think i will unninstal kubuntu [21:10] all normal? :) [21:10] linux is too hard [21:14] bakarat: in the system settings -> advance, you can set the sources you want to use [21:14] Mamarok, ye i noticed that, i can select a file, does that mean all the contacts get stored in that single file? (for the std.vcf option) if so, what is the use of the backend mysql? [21:15] well, std.vcf can be inported into the database [21:16] 'lo all [21:16] eh, lost me there Mamarok :) [21:16] how do i install wicd on kubuntu 9.10? [21:16] either you save it in a file, or in the database, what's the use of saving it twice? [21:17] was trying to burn an avi file to a dvd for use in a home dvd player using k3b... is it possible? [21:18] Jonathan__: devede is what you want [21:18] nickson: sudo apti-get install wicd [21:18] oops [21:18] nickson: sudo apt-get install wicd [21:19] it will remove the networkmanager [21:19] nickson: linux is not hard, you just need more patience :) we are all volunteers here, don'texpect miracles [21:19] where do i put that? [21:21] sweet ill try it and get back to you if i get stuck [21:21] oh, in the terminal right? [21:21] srry im a noobie [21:22] nickson: yes, in a terminal [21:23] i did it , now how do i open wicd? [21:29] a good game for linux from synaptic [21:29] ??????? [21:30] dezk: what type of game? fps? rts? [21:31] mm [21:31] i have try alien arena [21:31] but it doesent run [21:32] so i want to try something else [21:32] im from mexico [21:33] dezk: so fps, you might want to try warsow [21:33] ok [21:33] thanks [21:33] greets from mexico [21:34] dezk: you're welcome and greets from The Netherlands [21:35] THANKS [21:35] GOOD BYE === dione is now known as DioneMunir [21:43] hi there, is it just me or does walking through the file system for opening/saving files in OOo on Kubuntu just takes like forever? [21:46] hi guys [21:46] im looking for a webmin type ui to remotely manage a ubuntu server machine [21:46] is there any similar app available in ubuntu repos? [21:46] paulie: it's called command line interface :) [21:46] hyper_ch: i am specifically looking for a web based management interface [21:47] !ebox [21:47] ebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox [21:48] thanks alot [21:48] paulie: np [21:48] seems like installing ebox downloads 149mb worth of dependencies ,including apache2 [21:48] :d [21:48] alot of bloat in one move [21:50] paulie: It can be quite heavy, yes. If you have no default httpd it chooses apache, if you have no default MTA it chooses Postfix, etc [21:50] how do i open wicd? after i did sudo ap-get ncid [21:50] would be nice to have it ask before installing them maybe i dont need all the stuff [21:50] and network manager unnistalled [21:51] nickson: it should be in the menu -> internet [21:51] else you can just type wicd in a konsole [21:51] thanks [21:52] Jesus and postrgresql [21:52] :P [21:55] wicd recognizes 2WIRE155 it asks me the key, then i write the key and click on connect, seems to be trying, but it doesnt connect [21:55] it says connection error: couldnt get ip direccion?????? [21:55] ? [21:56] WICD says connection error : Couldnt get IP Direction [21:57] Hi, could anyone tell me how to configure network in KDE? [21:57] ??? [21:57] what port is ebox ui running on? [21:58] ? [22:00] WICD says connection error : Couldnt get IP Direction?????? [22:02] WICD says connection error : Couldnt get IP Address?????? === Riddelll is now known as Riddell [22:04] ? [22:05] paulie: 443 usually. The url is like https://your-machine-ip-or-name/ebox/ [22:06] can someone please say to me why wicd couldnt get the ip address? [22:06] connection refused [22:06] genii: ebox is started already [22:07] hi, cybrhuman. just use the default net manager of kde. you can find its icon on the taskbar. just must know the parameters of your net [22:08] ? [22:09] paulie: Are you trying from same machine you installed it on, or from another box? [22:10] genii: i am running it inside a virtualbox ubuntuserver 9.10 configured with a host-only interface and host is [22:10] interfaces are up, i can ping fine [22:11] paulie: When apache started up did it complain about not having a name/IP set and defaulting to or so? === ummccal1 is now known as ebonair [22:12] genii: no. apache works fine inside the vm i can connect to it. leads me to apache index htm [22:12] and the vm also has NAT interface [22:12] so it has inet acces besides the host only interface [22:15] paulie: But (with the trailing slash) no-go? [22:16] genii: The server refused to allow this computer to make a connection. [22:17] wait [22:17] apache doesnt work either [22:17] paulie: Probably thinks you are spoofing [22:17] no apache works srry [22:18] genii: who? vm's iptables or ebox? [22:18] paulie: secure http [22:18] running into an issues with my laptop keyboard to type anything I have to press and hold the key in to get it to register... This only occurs after I login to kde at the login prompt its fine anyone suggestions [22:19] genii: any ideas? [22:20] paulie: Perhaps try to find out if an apache https issue in #httpd [22:20] paulie: ( I currently don't have adequate time to spend on it ) [22:22] ok [22:22] tnx [22:22] When i hook up an external keyboard it works fine and when I go to a terminal by hiting alt f1 it works [22:23] this juststarted today [22:23] hey BluesKaj [22:24] Humm [22:24] brb [22:24] paulie: check apache if apache is listening on any address by netstat -an | grep -i listen | grep 80 [22:28] Hey, can anyone help me with a graphics driver/ Xorg problem? [22:28] bodom: i can connect to apache, i cannot connect to ebox [22:32] hi paulie, ebox? [22:32] paulie: sorry, I don't know ebox [22:32] BluesKaj: yes [22:32] RobbieThe1st, which graphics card ? [22:33] i get connections refused over https, but works fine with apache on http [22:33] how do i check how long will my laptop's battery keep working? [22:33] i am running a ubuntu 9.10 server vm with 1 nat and 1 hostonly interface [22:33] paulie, what's an ebox? === chris is now known as comglz [22:33] :D === comglz is now known as zirhc [22:34] funny the way you asked [22:34] BluesKaj: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox [22:34] paulie, sounds like apermissions thing with https [22:36] BluesKaj: can you be more specific please [22:36] hey folks anyone know if there is anything that will zoom panel icons on cursor hover? === zirhc is now known as comglz [22:37] paulie,dunno much about webframework stuff and servers,just use ssh for our lan [22:38] BluesKaj: what kde release do you run [22:38] err , I just use ssh [22:38] kde4.3.3 [22:39] paulie: Does: sudo lsof -i:443 yield any lines like: apache2 3883 www-data 5u IPv4 2626130 TCP localhost:https (LISTEN) ? (or similar) [22:39] update to 4.3.4 [22:40] 4.3.4 is not an update , it;s still in dev [22:40] genii : none [22:40] BluesKaj: its finished , its kde 4.3.4 :D [22:40] paulie: Then it's not listening on the secure http port of 443 anywhere [22:41] yeah i know... [22:41] hello [22:41] well i'll figure this out on my own tommorow [22:41] thanks for help [22:42] how do i check how long will my laptop's battery keep working? [22:43] DeeTah: Run a benchmark suite on it. [22:43] DeeTah: Battery meters in Linux get the info from the BIOS, which may or may not be accurate. Some allow you to do a calibration run. === comglz is now known as Couick === dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk [22:45] hi there! [22:45] I want to run Thunderbird 2 on Kubuntu 9.10, but the libstdc++5 is missing, and I can not install it via apt-get [22:45] what should I do? [22:48] jhutchins: that's not what I mean. both windows and kubuntu have a tray icon with battery state. windows also tells me how much of the battery is left, calculated on the power drain speed. i'm looking for such a feature on kubuntu. [22:48] !info mozilla-thunderbird karmic [22:48] mozilla-thunderbird (source: thunderbird): Transition package for mozilla-thunderbird rename. In component main, is optional. Version (karmic), package size 60 kB, installed size 112 kB [22:49] DeeTah: It was part of kdelaptop in 3.5, not sure where it is now, but it only displays what the BIOS guesses about your battery, the only way to know for sure is to run it down. [22:49] marcreichelt: The bot indicates it already comes with version === orion_ is now known as Guest17116 [22:50] genii: I use the version that is officially available for download and store it in ~/bin/ [22:50] I only do this for Thunderbird, Firefox and Eclipse in order to have the official versions and in order to upgrade them on my own [22:51] Firefox is running, Thunderbird is not [22:52] marcreichelt: When you use versions not supplied from offical repositories, how can it be supported here? [22:52] genii: of course that is a good question :) === mkv is now known as m4v === Couick is now known as comglz [22:54] I just want to know how I may install the libstdc++5 on Kubuntu 9.10 without compiling it from scratch === comglz is now known as couick [22:56] hello [22:56] see devede where does it output files to? [22:57] because "sudo apt-get install libstdc++5" does not work any longer :-( [22:59] how can i resolve broken dependancies for splashy with terminal. Im on kubuntu karmic.. [23:03] okay, I installed the i386 .deb package from http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/libstdc++5 - works [23:04] Hello, I'm using Kubuntu 9.10 and would like to know how to edit a shortcut in the kickoff launcher, any clue? (for example, I'd like to edit the chromium shortcut so that extension are enabled) Thanks! [23:11] Darakiss: its in menu editor I think on a right click [23:13] robin0800: thanks for the help! [23:18] whast up guys [23:18] clouds, birds, the ISS [23:18] anybody runnin smb4k? === dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates [23:21] Roasted, I did for a while but smbclient works well withwindows pcs, using networking in dolphin [23:22] blueskaj - Have you ever had Dolphin kinda lock up on you for a while when browsing samba shares? [23:22] for like 20 seconds or so [23:23] Roasted, no, but i have a fairly fast network , and I just share media and oics mostly so there isn't a lot of shared folders to scan for [23:24] and pics [23:24] blueskaj - yeah, me too :( [23:24] blueskaj - I guess I kind of ask for it though. [23:24] blueskaj - when I scroll up and down large shares with a lot of content and do that for quite a while, it'll freeze for 15-20 seconds [23:24] sometimes it does it with very little content too [23:25] I mean it doesnt crash or anything, but it does hang up now and then [23:25] i don't run a ded icated network server as such , let the TiVo act as the media server , altho I do store a lot of media on wife's pc , 500G drive which is fine for our m [23:25] needs [23:26] blueskaj - so youve never had any sort of lock ups or slow downs with dolphin? [23:27] yes but not with smb or samba, only with vnc and others [23:27] not with ssh [23:27] so regular browsing is okay too? [23:27] yeah [23:27] do you use gnome at all blueskaj? [23:27] Roasted, are you using network manager? [23:28] you mean the network option within dolphin? [23:28] and then samba shares? [23:29] I tried gnome for about a week , but i couldn't get around the "look" of it ..it's seems easier to use in some ways than kde tho [23:29] yeah [23:29] I used gnome for 4 years [23:29] used kde for 2 days and was hooked [23:30] so, blueskaj, when you say network manager, what are you referring to exactly, in terms of browsing smb shares [23:31] your net/lan/server connection [23:32] ...meaning what, though? Where do you personally go to browse smb shares? [23:32] Dolphin - Network - Samba Shares? [23:33] Roasted, I was given a tutorial by actionparsnip over at #ubuntu dealing with using /etc/network/interfaces to manage my lan and interner connection [23:33] my internet connection is fine, though... [23:33] dolphin network shares , yes [23:34] I'm talking in reference to navigating to a samba share from another pc. you gave me the vibe you used a different method. [23:34] ah okay [23:34] yeqah , for windows I use smbclient and ssh into our linux boxes [23:35] hi guys [23:35] from my main linux box , that is [23:35] can u help me with my sound card [23:35] i can't listen to music [23:37] steve - go to system settings, then multimedia. click on the top option on the right an dselect test - do you hear sound? [23:37] or you can quit before I can answer [23:37] that works too [23:38] we're supposed to read minds :) [23:42] hi everybody [23:42] Roasted, /etc/network/interfaces is easily setup for eth0/wired connection to the net , wifi is bit more involved [23:42] there was something that was really BORING, that i couldn't understand and after making some test i've seen what was the problem [23:43] please who can help me with this...since i upgraded to ubuntu9.10 my wireless is not functionning well. It can't connect to any network even if they appear and it seems like trying to make the connectin :( [23:43] blueskaj - I dont understand... my network connection is absolutely perfectly fine. I dont need to edit my interfaces file. [23:43] my desktop was not loading and i had a black screen with my mouse, and in fact i've seen that it was depending of if i had internet connection or not [23:43] is this problem known and if yes do someone do knows how to resolve it ? [23:44] blueskaj - I was just asking in reference to how people in KDE connect to samba shares, thats all [23:44] cause that's kinda boring when you're going to a place to show how kubuntu is a beautiful OS and it doesn't load [23:46] did you install kubuntu from a fresh install? [23:46] or did you add kde to ubuntu? [23:46] Roasted, some ppl use konqueror to connect as well , in the addressbar , smb://192.168.x.xx [23:46] cause I had that happen when I added kde to ubuntu.... [23:46] yes my kubuntu is from a fresh install [23:46] and i perfectly know ubuntu [23:46] blueskaj - hows that work, by the way? Konquerer is a web browser - why cant ifrefox do that too? Is it just integrated more to kde? [23:46] and this is only happening with kubuntu that's why i'm asking [23:46] had anybody read what i was saying ? :) [23:46] jacquesdupontd - I understand, bro. I just got hooked on kde myself, I was on ubuntu for years. [23:47] Hi! I installed Kubuntu, but lost my default printer in K-applications when I installed cups [23:47] I used my laptop as printserver [23:47] but that's totally weird why the desktop woudln't load if you had no internet connection ? that seems totally stupid ? [23:47] and that works fine, but now the printer is attached to that computer via usb... now every print-dialog went nuts [23:47] Roasted, konqueror was both file manager and browser , but the file management capability is no longer emphasized as much since dolphin was developed [23:48] yeah, konq was the manager in KDE 3.5 wasnt it? [23:48] yup [23:48] why did htey go with dolphin? [23:48] reconfigure cupsys did not work, how to force to re-recognize a local printer? [23:48] did it offer something better? [23:48] dolphin was there too but it took some getting used to [23:48] i'm sure it has something in rapport with launched services [23:48] jacquesdupontd - I dont have a real answer for ya bro. I been on kde for like 2 weeks. I love it, but Im still gettin used to it [23:49] but do you know a good services gui manager on kubuntu ? [23:49] services mange3r? [23:50] blueskaj - so they both existed but dolphin was just given the default ticket? [23:51] yes a service manager to enable or disable services on the startup [23:51] i think it's easy to understand no ? [23:51] I gotcha, Im looking [23:51] Im not too sure offhand [23:51] I feel like I ran into that earlier today though [23:52] offhand ? [23:54] Im not too sure off hand [23:54] meaning, off the top of my head [23:54] Im still getting to learn the layout so its kinda new to me too :P === thomas__ is now known as ThomaSHC === ThomaSHC is now known as ThomasHC [23:56] yo [23:58] ok as i'm always answering alone im gonna try something [23:58] cya [23:58] and then i'll give the solution if it's working [23:58] what?