
ubot4jerone-mobile: Error: This bug is private00:19
jerone-mobileubot4, wrong channel00:19
ubot4Factoid 'wrong channel' not found00:19
jerone-mobileubot4, sorry about that00:19
ubot4jerone-mobile: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:19
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Ramizany one know ETM 3.2?01:39
Ramizany one know ETM 3.2?01:45
Ramizany one know ETM 3.2?01:54
Ramizany one know ETM 3.2?01:55
Ramizany one know ETM 3.2?01:57
ojnRamiz: Repeating your question over and over will not give you a quicker answer02:00
Ramizno i am so sorry02:00
Ramizi repeted cuz i did not sure if it sent or not cuz i am not login02:01
Ramizi am wating02:01
ojnah. What's ETM anyway?02:01
RamizEmbedded Trace Macrocell02:01
ojnok, figured it was but was but wanted to make sure. I'm guessing most people here aren't working with tools that low level02:08
ojnyou might be better off asking in a group related to the specific SoC you're trying to debug02:08
Ramizwhere i can find this on irc u think?02:09
ojndepends. what chip are you working on?02:13
Ramizit is arm11 cutome one02:13
Ramizit is like omap02:13
ojncustom? so your own soc?02:14
Ramizit is not mine02:14
=== Q_Continuum is now known as Q_Contixicated
loologra, asac: I see https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/mobile-lucid-multiarch-execution-environment just got a work item: research possibility of integrating the build-arm-chroot script11:32
loolfunctionallity directly into debootstrap (2 days): TODO11:32
loolIsn't that what I just did?11:32
ogralool, well, sending that patch to colin, getting it approved upstream etc ... see the spec now, we postponed it11:34
loolIs it research or is it implementation then?11:35
ograif we keep binfmt as well as the build-arm-chroot script for now the world wont end11:35
ograwell, actually both, i could have formulated it better11:35
loolThis work item doesn't mention the static versus shared bit11:36
asacthe work items are kind of void as we pushed it back for lucid11:36
ogralets just keep it as is... if one gets to create the code beyond a proof of concept it gets implemented ... i consider it nice to have11:36
asacif you want to fill stuff in in the spec go ahead11:36
ogras/it gets implemented/and it gets implemented/11:36
loolI've put down my research; did you guys check it out?11:36
loolI was surprized not to hear back from any of you two11:37
ograi read it, yes11:37
asacogra: right. thats what "Low" means. if someone gets to it fine. otherwise no problem11:37
asaclool: will read it later today. needed to work full-time on spec stuff esterday ;)11:38
ogralool, if you feel like implementing what you found, feel free (i'm not really happy with the idea to fiddle with binfmt on the fly, but as long as it doesnt stop working i dont care)11:39
loolWhat would really rock is doing it with multiarch, but it's not clear it will happen this cycle11:39
loologra: Well I'm not happy with relying on the host setup instead   :-)11:39
ograuntil then i'm happy to keep it as is11:39
ograright, i know11:39
loolFrankly where the binfmt stuff happens is just a technical detail; I hate the requirement that the chroot pathname needs to match the host pathname though11:40
ograas i said, as long as the functionallity persists i dont really care, if you have spare cycles to implement it your way, feel free11:40
loolMoving binfmt to this script is the only thing I didn't research -- as noted -- I dont know whether it's container friendly11:40
loolIt's probably though to do it in the chroot without a special helper: you can't run anything in the chroot without the wrapper and you need to setup the wrapper from withing the chroot for the container stuff to work  :-/11:41
ograi think the container stuff happens at another level ... i wouldnt see why it shouldnt work11:41
ograthe kernels binfmt module just reacts on the magic number ... i dont think it cares if that happens in a container or not11:42
ograas long as the wrapper is found at least11:43
* suihkulokki has a way to execute arm binaries in a chroot using a dynamically linked qemu-arm without binfmt_misc11:43
loolsuihkulokki: I can do that for a single binary as well, but not one that forks11:43
suihkulokkiincluding forks11:44
loolsuihkulokki: Oh scratchbox2?11:44
ogralool, anyway, if you find a way thats as easy as buiold-arm-chroot for the user, feel free to go ahead and implement it11:44
suihkulokkiwell, sb2 can do that too11:44
loolsuihkulokki: Would love to hear your way then11:44
suihkulokkimy way is just much more lightweight11:44
loolsuihkulokki: I've documented what I tried in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Specs/Mobile/QemuStaticExecutionEnv/Research11:44
ograwhat i dont want is that the user needs to type in a chain of commands and options to create a chroot11:44
loologra: That can always be reduced to a script    :-)11:45
ograas i said, feel free :)11:45
loologra: My worries with the proposals I heard at UDS were: specific to Ubuntu, package proliferation11:45
ograi will only put time into it if i actually have a lazy day before FF ...11:45
ograwhich is unlikely11:45
suihkulokkiI hope to show my way next weekend latest11:45
loolsuihkulokki: Well you said too much now; mind sharing the high-level idea?11:46
loolsuihkulokki: Did you patch qemu to spawn itself on forks?11:46
loolor exec rather11:46
suihkulokkibasicly a LD_PRELOAD a library that executes qemu on exec if the binary to be executed is not host arch11:48
loolOk; I thought of something similar by patching qemu's syscall emulation of the exec() syscall11:48
loolYour approach is probably more self-contained and might also allow calling into a host binary more easily11:49
loolHmm not sure actually11:49
loolLD_PRELOAD has to be inherited by all childs; it fails with env -i and the new childs will look for the preload data in the chroot11:50
loolBut still more self contained11:50
Stskeeps ld.so.preload maybe?11:50
dpband will fail for static binaries..11:50
suihkulokkidpb, look, the ld_preload only affects qemu, not the binaries running inside qemu so it doesn't matter if the muck the env or are static11:51
loolsuihkulokki: Oh so it's a ld_preload trick to change qemu's behavior for exec(); ok that's exactly what I thought of except I envisionned that in the qemu code itself11:54
loolThat would work very well I think; good idea11:54
suihkulokkilool: yeah. if some hardcoding is acceptable it would be easy to do the same modifying qemu's exec11:59
loolsuihkulokki: Is hardcoding really necessary?  can't qemu-arm exec() into itself with enough info to proceed to the target binary?12:00
dpbsuihkulokki: ah, right. I'm tired. :)12:00
lool(I didn't look at the qemu syscall emulation itself at all, so feel free to call that impossible or very hard!)12:00
loolasac: glib > we want to get rid of swp uses for v7 in any case, a short term stop gap would be to change the build flags of glib to build in arm mode; that would at least avoid failing a gazillion of builds, images etc.12:20
asaclool: right. we dont want arm mode ... unles we cant find a patch quickly ;)12:21
loolWell I'm only suggesting that as a stopgap12:21
loolglib impacts a lot of packages12:22
loolOf course we want thumb212:22
ogralool, do you know swp will fail with -Wa,-mimplicit-it=thumb ?12:22
asaclool: right. i just hope we can have a patch really quick ;)12:22
asac(this afternoon)12:22
loolI think it's not available in t2 mode12:22
asacotherwise i agree we hsould upload with -marm12:22
loolWhich would seem logical since v7 introduced thumb2 AND new stuff to get rid of swp12:23
asacthats the code12:24
loolSWP instruction12:26
loolis not supported in Thumb2 mode at all12:26
asaci know12:26
loolAs confirmed from the Slide 5 notes in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mobile/ARMv7AndThumb12:26
loolYou were asking whether implicit-it=arm would help, it will not12:26
loolI just double checked12:26
asacits also here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/Thumb212:27
asaclool: right. thats what i suspected12:27
loolor here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mobile/ARMv7AndThumb12:27
loolWell since ogra was about to fire a build with implicit-it=, I figured it was worth mentionning that it wouldn't help12:27
loolAnyway, /me hops to pressing stuff12:27
ograwell, i'm still writing on a spec12:28
asac  __sync_val_compare_and_swap12:28
ograi wouldnt have fired it off right away :)12:28
asacis there a good resource to track armel build failures?12:47
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loolthat's the failing qt4-x11 code http://paste.ubuntu.com/333247/16:40
loolThe #else16:40
ogra../../corelib/io/qfsfileengine_unix.cpp:1309: error: unrecognizable insn:16:41
ogra(insn 636 635 218 23 ../../corelib/io/qfsfileengine_unix.cpp:1286 (set (reg:SI 9 r9 [+4 ])16:41
ograset reg sounds like assembler to me, surely not like C++16:41
=== dyfet` is now known as dyfet
=== ogra changed the topic of #ubuntu-arm to: Ubuntu ARM Discussion & Development | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM | Want to Submit a Bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug | Debian ARMel TODO: http://wiki.debian.org/ArmEabiTodo | <suihkulokki> is there gym excersizes to make ARMs faster? | Build a rootfs from scratch: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/RootfsFromScratch | build probs with your packages in lucid ? see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/Thumb2
ojnHm, what's the reason for using softfp? I thought all supported platforms today had proper implementations?17:29
ojnoh, nevermind. that's just the abi17:29
ftaasac, do you need -Wa,-mimplicit-it=thumb or is -mthumb good enough?17:35
ografta, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/Thumb217:43
ograi dont think -mthumb is enough17:43
ftai get /tmp/ccRUIN1V.s:131: Error: thumb conditional instruction should be in IT block -- `moveq ip,#8'17:44
ftabut as it happens after 19h+ of build, i prefer to ask ;)17:44
ftai should probably setup a crosscompile env17:45
ograno, that gets painful17:48
ograsince you need to cross build all the deps first17:48
ogracrossbuilding is fine for packages with only a few deps ... i wouldnt build something with lots of deps in a cross way17:49
ftaogra, upstream provides this recipe: http://code.google.com/p/chromium/wiki/LinuxChromiumArm18:27
ftalooks possible but could be easier :P18:27
ograwell, as long as you are sure the cross toolchain they provide uses the same options, that might work18:31
zumbiogra: our cross toolchain is not sysrooted18:32
ograzumbi, well, does it default to the options documented on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/Thumb2 ?18:34
zumbiogra, no, i do not think so18:34
ograright, thats what i suspected18:34
ograso it doesnt help much unless you hack around it in debian/rules since fta wants to fix build errors happening on the buildds18:35
zumbibtw, which cross tool do you use? lool PPA?18:36
* ogra is highly anti cross :) i build on real HW18:36
zumbiogra: do you native build kernels for new bootstraps?18:37
ografor small packages i use the ubuntu qemu-arm-static package18:37
ograoh, for test kernels i sometimes use codesourcery ...18:38
zumbiyes, qemu is nice and helpful, also cross building18:38
ograbut most of the time i simply use my dove board :)18:38
zumbiwhich is fine and if you have the time and the power, it is best practice :-)18:39
ograbut cross building does only cut down buildtime in half or so ... and i usually dont touch kernels18:39
zumbiogra: you can not native build a uclibc based device (no space)18:39
ograwe dont use uclibc in our ubuntu images18:40
ograall devices we support have at least 800MHz and 512MB18:40
ograand usually a SATA port18:40
armin76ricer board18:40
zumbiyes, in those cases, cross building is not needed18:40
zumbibut, i can not native build on my lynksys18:41
ograarmin76, still envious, eh ?18:41
ograzumbi, well, i did native builds on my nslu2 ... but i agree its no fun18:41
ograarmin76, just wait for the next gen sheeva plug :)18:41
armin76ogra: why do i have to wait?!18:42
ograit will be dove based18:42
ograat least thats what roumours said :)18:42
zumbiarmin76: still you have not got an armv7?18:42
armin76zumbi: nope18:43
armin76zumbi: ogra doesn't wanna share *g*18:43
zumbiarmin76: get a beagleboard :)18:43
ograor if you are rich, get a babbage board18:44
zumbiogra: cross building is needed when you have to maintain a distro which runs on 4MB devices up to several GB18:45
ograluckily ubuntu went beyond that :)18:45
zumbialso uclibc would enter in thecocktail18:45
Stskeepszumbi: or compiling qt and not waste several days on it :P18:45
zumbiqt-embedded ?18:46
armin76ogra: i could get your babbage *g*18:46
ograStskeeps, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qt4-x11/4.5.3really4.5.2-0ubuntu1/+build/1292073 22h :) not even a day18:46
ograarmin76, sure, i could sell it to you :) it being used i would even go down with the price by $50 ... so it would only be $700 :P18:48
ograafaik freescale sells them now18:48
ojngenesi are shipping their pegatron smarttop rebranded device too (with u-boot as firmware)18:52
ograright, but you could only use ubuntu userspace with it18:53
ograthere is no pegatron kernel18:53
ograand its stuck on 2.6.28 ...18:53
ojnyeah i know. nice gpl compliance there.18:53
ogralucid will use uboot on the babbage too ...18:54
* ogra calls it a day18:56
ojnyikes, 800 bucks from arrow18:56
* zumbi wonders if any of you know mpc8548 ppc processors18:56
ojnzumbi: plenty of people on #mklinux do18:57
zumbiojn: yes, i just went there19:00
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ftaogra, i'm confused by the "-Wa,-mimplicit-it=thumb is not implemented as of gcc-4.4 4.4.2-3ubuntu1".. does it mean that passing it is useless as won't work, or that it's just not yet the default?21:14

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