=== nxvl_ is now known as nxvl === asac_ is now known as asac === bjf is now known as bjf-afk === m4v is now known as mkv === richie is now known as Richie === YDdraigGoch is now known as Richie === yofel_ is now known as yofel === fader|away is now known as fader_ [13:52] morning [13:53] o/ [13:59] \o [14:00] o/ [14:00] hey all [14:00] hi [14:00] hi there [14:00] o/ [14:01] ttx: not sure you noticed, but I just added an item about the server survey on the agenda. [14:01] hola [14:01] nijaba: I saw that [14:01] ttx: cool, thanks [14:01] testcase printHelloWorld() [14:01] print("Hello World!") [14:02] soren, mathiaz, mdz: ? [14:02] o/ [14:02] Oh, right. [14:02] kirkland: ? [14:02] o/ [14:02] euca-run-instance meeting [14:02] ttx: morning [14:02] \o [14:02] xc2 meeting [14:02] for once, I will be hanging around! [14:02] nijaba: -t m1.xlarge [14:03] cloudctl create ec2 m1.xlarge ami-lets-just-get-on-with-it [14:03] ok, let's start [14:03] EtienneG_home: yay! [14:03] #startmeeting [14:03] Meeting started at 08:03. The chair is ttx. [14:03] Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] [14:03] ttx, hi [14:04] First of all, let me introduce you to Jos Boumans, the new server team engineering manager. [14:04] o/ [14:04] Welcome Jos! [14:04] * kirkland high fives kane_ [14:04] hey Jos! [14:04] kane_: you didn't force your IRC client to submission yet ? [14:04] hey kane_ [14:04] ttx: not yet. ran out of CFT my first day @canonical ;) [14:04] CFT? [14:05] Copious Free Time [14:05] kane might become jib in the future on Freenode [14:05] nice to see some familiar faces here from UDS though :) [14:05] kane_, get use to the lack of thereoff from here on out [14:05] * mdz hands jib some round tuits [14:05] s/jib/jane_/ [14:05] kane_, rather [14:05] no wonders nobody knows what CFT is around here [14:05] Heheh :) [14:06] kane_: o^25 [14:06] I'll chait this meeting so that Jos sees how it goes, but will gladly hand over the cross to Jos next week :) [14:06] chair, even [14:06] haha [14:06] i, in turn, am very happy for ttx to chair [14:06] next... [14:06] [TOPIC] Review ACTION points from previous meeting [14:06] New Topic: Review ACTION points from previous meeting [14:06] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/Server/20091125 [14:07] ACTION: ttx to review status of bugs 455625, 460085 and 461156 for any missing info [14:07] Launchpad bug 455625 in eucalyptus "Eucalyptus Loses Public IP Address" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/455625 [14:07] Launchpad bug 460085 in eucalyptus "memory leak; rampart_context not freed (memory leaked per connection)" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/460085 [14:07] Launchpad bug 461156 in eucalyptus "User data is not parsed correctly by Eucalyptus in some cases" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/461156 [14:07] so I reviewed them... the first one is lacking some reproduction, the Eucalyptus team marked it invalid [14:07] the second one is missing some feedback from the Eucalyptus team, basically the results of their long-standing rampart tests [14:08] The third one is now fixed in Lucid, SRU pending [14:08] ACTION: mathiaz to compile a list of easy merges for publication [14:08] ttx: done - http://ubuntuserver.wordpress.com/2009/12/01/a-selection-of-easy-merges-from-the-ubuntu-server-team/ [14:08] mathiaz, did that go out to the mailing list(s) as well? [14:09] arh [14:09] mdz: nope - I could send it there as well [14:09] mathiaz, I think it would be useful [14:09] mathiaz: I did a few days ago libcommons-attributes-java and libaopalliance-java [14:09] dholbach gave us some feedback that we should use the mailing lists more [14:09] mathiaz: and I wouldn't recommend the jruby1.2 one to the faint of heart [14:09] ttx: yeah - that's possible [14:10] ttx: I haven't looked at all the merge in details [14:10] Now on to this week's agenda [14:10] it's just a list of suggestion - to get people started [14:10] [LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Meeting [14:10] LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Meeting [14:10] [TOPIC] Check blueprint status and progress for the week [14:11] New Topic: Check blueprint status and progress for the week [14:11] kane_: ? [14:11] We covered most of them during the 1:1s we've had this week, and those that could be approved are. [14:11] There are some that aren't on the alpha2 milestone, and it's on me to have those reviewed by next meeting (before featured definition freeze) [14:11] ttx, other-cloud-providers and vmbuilder-multiple-outputs are awaiting review [14:12] kane_: what about Feature definition freeze, and the remaining non-lucid-accepted-yet blueprints ? [14:12] mdz: Will look into it [14:13] mdz: the other cloud & vmbuilder aren't for alpha2 though, so we should have those done by next week [14:14] the minimum we do for non-alpha2 specs BEFORE feature definition freeze is to make sure we have the summary, rationale & user story in the spec, and any notes we took from UDS [14:14] that way we know what we're comitting to if/when we persue them in the next milestones [14:14] kane_: the minimum to make sure we don't lose the results of the UDS session [14:14] ttx: exactly [14:15] kane_: ok, what about "Discuss process for ongoing progress tracking" ? [14:16] feel free to summarize that one ttx [14:16] We'll use http://www.piware.de/workitems/server/lucid-alpha2/report.html for global tracking [14:17] Then for each alpha2 spec do a quick summary of status here ? [14:17] We'll skip for this week, unless someone wants to mention they are already raising flags on their assignments [14:17] yeah; there's a few easy ways to do this. I hope to cargo-cult on the other teams starting the next meeting. [14:18] I don't see any of the community BP on this. Normal? [14:18] I think ScottK and ivoks had some [14:18] nijaba: They appear on http://www.piware.de/workitems/server/lucid/report.html [14:19] they are not specifically targeted to alpha2 (good for them) [14:19] nijaba: they may not have been targeted for alpha2 though [14:19] ah, ok, sorry [14:19] Still working on drafting. [14:19] Hope to finish shortly. [14:19] Anyone has questions on this topic ? [14:19] ttx: can we add WI to the whiteboard? [14:19] ttx: what happens if the content of a WI changes? [14:20] for the canonical-application-support spec what if the packages are not approiate what should i put next to the TODO [14:20] mathiaz: you mean if you add new ones, it will look like feature creep on the burndown chart ? [14:20] ttx: yes [14:20] ttx: and IIUC this looks bad [14:20] good questions mathiaz [14:20] mathiaz: the chart will be reset at an arbitrary point in time [14:20] i'd suggest FeatureDefinitionFreeze [14:21] after that, added items will *really* be feature creep. [14:21] kane_, mdz: ^ ? [14:21] ttx: it seems that the list of WI should not be touched after Feature Definition [14:21] I believe pitti planned to reset the chart today-ish [14:21] mathiaz: well, it can, but then it really is considered feature creep. [14:21] the WI is a reflection of reality [14:21] but of course we can ask him to do it whenever it is appropriate for us [14:21] I would say no later than tomorrow [14:22] ttx: also I'm still tracking next things to do (may be the granularity is too small) [14:22] the tool is there to give us insight, not something that restricts us from planning [14:22] but ttx is right; if there's new (unforeseen) work popping up, that may be feature creep [14:22] zul, when you review the package, you should change the "review" work item to "DONE" [14:22] zul, if, once you have done that, it turns out there is nothing more to do, you should *delete* the other work items associated with that package [14:23] this will reduce the total number of work items in the chart [14:23] mdz: gotcha [14:23] mathiaz: you mean work items are too small ? [14:23] mathiaz: not sure I get you [14:24] ttx: well - I guess I'm using Work Items and Next Action (in GTD) as the same thing [14:24] ttx: I think I understand myself - and we can move on [14:24] I've been translating my work items into GTD next actions [14:24] (manually, shame on me) [14:24] moving on [14:24] ttx: same here - but we can discuss this offline [14:24] [TOPIC] Assigned and to-be-assigned bugs [14:24] New Topic: Assigned and to-be-assigned bugs [14:24] [LINK] http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/team-assigned/canonical-server-assigned-bug-tasks.html [14:24] LINK received: http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/team-assigned/canonical-server-assigned-bug-tasks.html [14:25] kane_: ? [14:25] nothing assigned to team [14:26] too many old bugs in that list to my taste, I think we should review what we should assign ourselves to [14:26] but we'll let it be for the moment [14:26] ttx: +1 [14:26] shouldn't be the list of things you might work on someday [14:26] but rather work in progress and what comes immediately after [14:27] but I'm open to discussion [14:27] it's just that the list as it stands is not very useful to review [14:27] i have an action point on me to pick this up with marjo; there's an expectation that comes with bug list and i need to be brought up to speed with it [14:27] it isnt [14:27] anyone has comments on the bugs they are assigned to on this list ? Anything blocking ? [14:27] ttx: the date the bug was assigned is probably useful [14:28] ttx: to make sure bugs are not aging [14:28] We already discussed bug 460085, pending some eucalyptus upstream info [14:28] Launchpad bug 460085 in eucalyptus "memory leak; rampart_context not freed (memory leaked per connection)" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/460085 [14:28] Nothing else ? OK, let's move on then... [14:29] [TOPIC] Weekly SRU review [14:29] New Topic: Weekly SRU review [14:29] \o/ [14:29] * ttx leaves the driver seat to mathiaz [14:29] (while the car is still running) [14:29] http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ubuntu-server-team/fixedbugs.ubuntu-server.latest.html [14:29] LINK received: http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ubuntu-server-team/fixedbugs.ubuntu-server.latest.html [14:30] ^^ any bugs SRU worthy on this list? === robbiew-afk is now known as robbiew [14:30] only high thing on the list id bug 454405, which is a karmic SRU already [14:30] Launchpad bug 454405 in eucalyptus "the CC is returning incorrect networkIndex values on describeInstances" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/454405 [14:31] mathiaz: bug 485760 [14:31] Launchpad bug 485760 in php5 "Need to upgrade integrated zip module" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/485760 [14:31] ttx: what's the plan for rolling/uploading a new SRU candidate of eucalyptus to karmic-proposed? [14:31] no bugs nominated for dapper, hardy, intrepid, jaunty, karmic [14:31] kirkland: we need to get around the CLEAN=1 thing, then upload [14:32] kirkland: please see my comments on the related bugs and let me know what you think [14:32] ttx: i think we should upload, and then get around to the CLEAN=1 thing [14:32] ttx: yes, I'm on top of those [14:32] hm - there should be bug 489418 [14:32] ttx: i think it's better to have something in -proposed, and work on that incrementally [14:32] kirkland: I'm ok for release, I committed to the ubuntu-karmic branch already. [14:32] Launchpad bug 489418 in krb5 "Strange behavior of libkrb5 since karmic ..." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/489418 [14:33] mathiaz:i just nominated 485760 [14:33] kirkland: and wrote the SRU report [14:33] which means that list of nominated bugs is not accurate :/ [14:33] ttx: okay [14:33] kirkland: I wanted to get the feedback on rampart first though [14:33] kirkland: but I'm ok either way [14:33] ttx: okay [14:34] query ttx [14:34] smoser: that's me [14:34] ttx: so the SRU is blocking on the CLEAN=1 bits, and rampart feedback? [14:34] yeah, i'm a dolt [14:34] [14:34] let's move on [14:34] http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ubuntu-server-team/acceptedbugs.ubuntu-server.latest.html [14:34] LINK received: http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ubuntu-server-team/acceptedbugs.ubuntu-server.latest.html [14:35] kirkland: yes, but that doesn't prevent us from going to -proposed. [14:35] ttx: absolutely agree [14:35] most of the SRU are related to eucalyptus [14:36] zul: how are other SRU's going? [14:36] And the list of bzr branch to review is empty for the server team [14:36] mathiaz: i havent had a chance to look at them due to spec writing [14:36] https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-server/+activereviews [14:37] Anything else on the SRU front? [14:37] moving on... [14:38] [TOPIC] 2009 Server Survey announce [14:38] New Topic: 2009 Server Survey announce [14:38] nijaba: ^ [14:38] I have just announced on Planet Ubuntu the release or the 2009 Server survey http://nicolas.barcet.com/drupal/en/2009-server-survey-announce [14:38] Call for action: [14:38] Last year this survey received a little bit less than 7000 full response and we hope to have at least that many this year. [14:38] In order to do so, it would be very nice that, in addition to the announce I made and the banner that Matt Nuzum is about to put on http://ubuntu.com/server, any of you that can republish the announce on a loco planet or some other means do relay the info in the next couple weeks. So far, the plan is to keep the survey up at least until mid-january. [14:38] I will shortly send an email to the server ML with the same information. [14:39] questions? [14:39] suggestions? [14:39] nijaba: any major change in the questions asked ? [14:40] quite a few changes, yes [14:40] * ttx admits not having completed the survey yet [14:40] details on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Survey [14:40] ok [14:40] next is... [14:40] nijaba: have you send an email to ubuntu-server@? [14:41] [TOPIC] Open Discussion [14:41] New Topic: Open Discussion [14:41] mathiaz: as I just said, I will shortly send an email to the server ML with the same information. [14:41] I believe there is still an open issue regarding the meeting time? [14:41] mdz: yes, problematic for kirkland, impossible for nurmi [14:41] who has the ball? [14:41] ivoks is complaining that he cannot attend during his work hours [14:41] mdz: kirkland hasd to ping maria, I think [14:42] mdz: ttx: yes, I need to talk to maria [14:42] maybe jos has some bandwidth to help, and he's in a nearby time zone to maria [14:42] mdz: ball is in kirkland side of the field, offense team is up. [14:42] mdz: actually, I was sort of waiting on Jos to come on board, to make sure his availability was taken into account [14:42] kirkland also has blueprints to worry about ;-) [14:43] mdz: luckily i don't ;) [14:43] i'm happy to take this on -- i'll talk with kirkland seperately, figure out where it hurts and get a resolution [14:43] kane_: one our later would suffice for both nurmi and i [14:43] s/ our / hour / [14:44] kirkland: understood. that may bite with other calls though, so let's sort it seperately if you don't mind [14:44] kane_: sure thing [14:44] Anything else anyone wants to bring up ? [14:44] Spamassassin - 3.3.0 will hit beta "soon", i've emailed the DM to ask if he wants to work together to get the package updated. [14:45] Daviey: how stable is spamassassin 3.3.0 for an LTS? [14:45] mathiaz: kane_ volunteered to write the meeting minutes (since he will write them all soon) so could you get him up to date with the minutes publication process ? [14:45] ttx: sure [14:46] * kane_ thinks ttx may be taking this chairing thing very serious ;) [14:46] mathiaz: well it's still not even beta :).. But for *supporting* the released version - upstream would likely be more receptive for the LTS period. [14:46] kane_: let me enjoy that position for the last time :P [14:47] [TOPIC] Agree on next meeting date and time [14:47] New Topic: Agree on next meeting date and time [14:47] Unless something else is announced, same time, same place, next week. [14:47] [action] jos? [14:48] [ACTION] jos to find out the best time for the meeting [14:48] ACTION received: jos to find out the best time for the meeting [14:48] (if it is changed, update the fridge) [14:48] thanks everyone ! [14:48] #endmeeting [14:48] Meeting finished at 08:48. [14:48] * ttx opens the bar [14:48] just one last thing... [14:48] thanks guys [14:49] ttx, kane_ and I went over your blueprints with sabdfl yesterday [14:49] thanks for hosting ttx [14:49] and he was very pleased with your work [14:49] well done [14:49] +1 [14:49] top banana [14:49] * smoser claps for ttx [14:49] (you guys)++ [14:50] ah. thats funny. i read mdz's statement to say that mdz and kane_ and sabdfl talked about ttx's work [14:50] * kirkland high fives ttx [14:50] smoser: not.. really. [14:50] that "your" == ttx's . anyway. i'll be quiet now [14:50] well done, ttx! [14:50] Oh, that's what I thought as well. :) [14:50] congrats, ttx [14:51] well done everyone [14:51] stop congratulating me [14:51] " (ttx, kane_ and I) went over team's blueprints with sabdfl yesterday" [14:51] (i'd just like to say, that ttx's work was good, but zul's had one of the best videos *EVER*) [14:51] wha? [14:52] smoser: link [14:52] smoser++ [14:52] I remember sabdfl congratulating smoser, though. [14:53] ah, sorry I was unclear...I mean "the server team's work" [14:54] * smoser was trying to make a joke about http://www.people.com/people/package/article/0,,20302940_20304165,00.html [14:54] but should have said "of all time", not "EVER" [14:56] [14:57] * nealmcb opens a bleary eye and sees he wasn't up quite early enough for the server team :) [15:03] early bird catches the worms. [15:12] who wants worms anyway? [15:12] the late bird gets the brunch specials [15:16] lol [16:03] foundations folks? [16:03] hi [16:05] hi [16:05] * cjwatson works out the list to go round up [16:06] sorry I got back a little late [16:06] robbiew has a schedule conflict, and Keybuk is ill [16:07] james_w,lool,slangasek: ping? [16:08] hi [16:08] sorry [16:08] the only thing I have myself is the imminent feature approval deadline (TOMORROW) [16:09] indeed [16:09] the cronmail whine I get indicates that there are still nine specs without work items [16:09] foundations-lucid-daily-builds foundations-lucid-fix-iscsi-root foundations-lucid-multiarch-support foundations-lucid-puppet-installer foundations-lucid-ratings-and-reviews-in-software-center foundations-lucid-robust-python-packaging foundations-lucid-upstart-policy foundations-lucid-upstart-server-review foundations-lucid-user-contributed-metadata-for-software-center [16:10] I've asked mathiaz about foundations-lucid-puppet-installer, and I've asked Keybuk about foundations-lucid-upstart-policy and foundations-lucid-upstart-server-review [16:10] foundations-lucid-fix-iscsi-root is mine and I'll get it done today [16:10] so for the remainder: [16:10] james_w: foundations-lucid-daily-builds [16:10] slangasek: foundations-lucid-multiarch-support [16:10] yes [16:10] mvo: foundations-lucid-ratings-and-reviews-in-software-center foundations-lucid-robust-python-packaging foundations-lucid-user-contributed-metadata-for-software-center [16:10] and I think distributed-development [16:11] cjwatson: thanks, I work on that today, the first two are launchpad specs to a certain extend [16:11] there are some that don't show up in cronmail because they aren't targeted yet, or similar [16:12] * mvo will add work-items to the best of his knowledge for them [16:12] anyway, as Robbie already said, https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid?searchtext=foundations is the list of work he has discussed with Mark already [16:12] if you're planning anything NOT there, please shout ASAP [16:12] because otherwise we won't be taking it into account for how heavily loaded you are, which is not in your best interest :) [16:13] (sorry had a phone call at the beginning of the meeting) [16:13] mpt wants to have a software-center-ui-changes spec [16:14] is there a laundry list of proposed changes already? [16:14] he has one, but its not written down anywhere yet AFAIK [16:14] ok, is there any hope of getting it written up by tomorrow? [16:15] I told him that the deadline is tomorrow [16:15] frankly with the load we have for s-c we will need help on this anyway [16:15] from DX or someone else [16:15] * slangasek waves [16:15] (especially since its not glade file changes) [16:15] aha, a volunteer ;) ? [16:16] mvo: one of the work items probably ought to be going to find dbarth, then. :) [16:16] mpt mentioned to me that he expects to have all updates to the spec finished by tomorrow https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareCenter?action=show&redirect=SoftwareStore [16:16] heh :) [16:17] tremolux: OK, that's good, although we'll probably need a broken-out one for the specific changes from karmic->lucid as well [16:18] unless there's already a section for that [16:18] agreed, I think we need to have them as work items [16:18] mvo, cjwatson: right [16:19] just meant it as an fyi :) [16:20] james_w: you already have WIs for distributed-development, although they don't look complete :) [16:21] if only :-) [16:23] slangasek: foundations-lucid-multiarch-support needs work items written up, if you didn't see that in scrollback; will you have time to do that by the deadline tomorrow? [16:23] the distributed development spec is fundamentally carried over from karmic, so https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DistributedDevelopment/ImproveDebianImportSpecification mostly applies from last time [16:24] should I re-purpose that, or make a new spec? [16:24] cjwatson: yep, will have it done today [16:25] james_w: re-purposing that is fine [16:25] thanks [16:26] relatedly, http://www.piware.de/workitems/foundations/lucid-alpha2/report.html is what we have to do for alpha2 (briefly, I think, things that are critical to product roadmaps) so if there's anything else you believe should be there then please either let robbiew or me know, or just milestone it [16:27] we'll be tracking pages such as that as we approach each milestone, along with the overall burndown list: http://piware.de/workitems/foundations/lucid/report.html [16:27] that "nobody" dude is a bit oversubscribed right now, so I think some work items need specific assignment :) [16:28] specs are targeted, not work items? [16:28] anyway, that's all I have [16:28] james_w: correct [16:28] ok [16:28] oh, also, welcome tremolux to the foundations team for this cycle! [16:28] (I can't remember whether we did that already, so making sure ;-) ) [16:28] I'm not sure my specs will fit this scheme too well [16:28] welcome tremolux! [16:28] welcome tremolux! [16:28] james_w: it's OK to register individual specs pointing to the same wiki pages, FWIW ... [16:28] although not entirely unconfusing [16:28] cjwatson: ah, interesting approach [16:28] thanks! :D very glad to be here [16:28] you could use anchors [16:28] welcome [16:29] any other business? [16:29] mvo: Are you comfortable with me assigning the work item for a slideshow in the release upgrader to Dylan McCall? He's expressed a willingness to help create that. [16:29] * lool hugs tremolux [16:29] * tremolux hugs look [16:29] lool [16:29] (jeez) [16:30] ev: sure, that is fine [16:30] okay cool [16:30] cjwatson: I have one issue. [16:30] ev: I'm happy to help him with that too, so that he has a easier time to find his way in the code etc [16:30] ScottK: go [16:30] Currently qt4-x11 is FTBFS on armel due to an internal compiler error [16:31] * cjwatson looks up the log [16:31] Debugging armel compiler bugs is a bit beyond the community to do. [16:31] I wonder if that's another of the -minternal-it=thumb bugs? [16:31] I'd poke the mobile team, specifically NCommander was looking into kde-ish/qt-ish issues in the past [16:31] asac: ^- do you know what's going on there? [16:31] It would be useful if we could get this fixed sooner rather than later as we can't really do anything towards getting KDE building on armel until it's fixed. [16:32] lool: I already poked NCommander. He saw it was an ICE and ran. [16:32] mvo: cool, I'll let him know [16:33] cjwatson@jocote:~$ dchroot -c lucid [16:33] dchroot: pthread_mutex_lock.c:87: __pthread_mutex_lock: Assertion `mutex->__data.__owner == 0' failed. [16:33] Aborted [16:33] ^- doesn't help [16:33] cjwatson: Yes, implicit-it= might help indeed [16:33] lamont: ^- is there any reasonable way to get at an armel lucid chroot right now? [16:33] cjwatson: Where is this on? [16:34] Hmm v7 porter machine [16:34] (I was wondering whether it might have been the older v5 one) [16:34] I know doko_ was on vacation last week and is sick now, but I wanted to highlight it as a significant foundations issue that we need some help on. [16:34] I am aware that a number of architectures have similar problems [16:34] ScottK: noted - I'll minute it and see what we can do about it. Thanks [16:34] cjwatson: Thanks. [16:35] cjwatson: try LANG=C dchroot ... [16:35] thats the workaround === mac_v_ is now known as mac_v [16:35] ScottK: Not sure that's the issue, but the syntax of ARM assembly source changed, one compiler flag tells gas to parse the old style syntax -Wa,-implicit-it=thumb [16:35] afaik qt/kde issues are not only thumb [16:36] asac: ah, thank you [16:36] but its on our list to evaluate [16:36] except not [16:36] yes, I'll add this for the next upload, but the glib issue is unrelated to that [16:37] ack [16:37] LC_ALL=C LANGUAGE= dchroot ... # same thing [16:37] hmm [16:37] LANG=C dchroot -clucid [16:37] I: [lucid chroot] Running login shell: '/bin/bash' [16:37] (lucid)asac@jocote:~$ [16:37] ah, -clucid rather than -c lucid works [16:37] grr [16:38] ;) [16:38] (it still aborts on logout, but hey) [16:38] cjwatson, its pretty sure one of the -minternal-it=thumb bugs [16:38] I'll test that out [16:39] AOB? [16:39] We're close to uploading qt4-x11 4.6.0 final, so any arch specific compiler flags to try, please just let me know. [16:39] Hmm no specific assembly in the source, it might not be implicit-it-thumb after all :-/ [16:40] lool, the log seems to fail with assembler stuff [16:40] well, look, this is easily determined experimentally, we don't have to argue it from theory :) [16:41] Actually I think it's a compiler internal structure, anyway #ubuntu-arm [16:41] cjwatson: LANG=C [16:42] just not sure what package to file the bug against... [16:42] lamont, you forgot to say your macro "patches accepted" ;) [16:42] LANG=C dchroot is fine, fwiw [16:42] anyway, end of meeting, I think we're done [16:42] thanks all [16:42] ogra: that was sepcial for you [16:42] ah :) [16:42] thanks, folks [16:42] * ogra feels special now :) [16:43] ScottK: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gcc-4.4/+bug/490391 [16:43] Ubuntu bug 490391 in gcc-4.4 "GCC internal error (unrecognizable insn ...) building qt4-x11 for Thumb-2 on armel" [Undecided,New] [16:43] (It's definitely thumb specific though) [16:45] OK. So should I add -Wa,-implicit-it=thumb for armel for our next upload? This armel stuff is pretty well greek to me. [16:45] ScottK, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/Thumb2 might help a little [16:46] ScottK: I'm going to test that out nowish [16:46] cjwatson: Thanks. === dyfet` is now known as dyfet [16:58] * marjo waves [16:58] * ara waves [16:59] hola! [16:59] * fagan waves [16:59] hey [16:59] * fader_ waves. [16:59] hey [16:59] fagan: glad you can join us [16:59] hello [16:59] * fagan remembered this time :D [17:00] #startmeeting QA Team [17:00] Meeting started at 11:00. The chair is marjo. [17:00] Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] [17:00] Agenda: [17:00] * SRU testing -- sbeattie (Steve Beattie) [17:00] * Bugday highlights -- pedro [17:00] * QA mailing list -- fader [17:00] Anybody want to add to the agenda? [17:01] [TOPIC] SRU testing -- sbeattie (Steve Beattie) [17:01] New Topic: SRU testing -- sbeattie (Steve Beattie) [17:02] SRU activity has slowed about, perhaps due to the US holiday last week. [17:02] SRU Activity report for the past week (since 2009-11-24): [17:02] * karmic: 11 new packages in -proposed (app-install-data-partner, conduit, devicekit-disks, evolution-indicator, iriverter, linux-firmware, muse, openafs, samba, telepathy-gabble, xorg-server) and 10 pushed to -updates (deja-dup, eucalyptus, gdm, kdeedu, kdeplasma-addons, treeline, tzdata, uim, ureadahead, xorg) [17:02] * jaunty: 2 new packages in -proposed (conduit, openafs) and 1 pushed to -updates (tzdata) [17:02] * intrepid: 1 new package in -proposed (pidgin) and 1 pushed to -updates (tzdata) [17:02] * hardy: 2 packages pushed to -updates (sun-java6, tzdata) [17:02] * dapper: 1 package pushed to -updates (langpack-locales) [17:02] Thanks to Morten Frisch, bluenibor, VPablo, Alastair Carey, Mario Limonciello, Pjotr12345, Steve Dodier, Zaar Hai, Evan Broder, Fabrice Coutadeur, Philip Muskovac, and Jonathan Thomas for testing proposed updates. [17:04] That's all I have on the topic for this week. [17:04] sbeattie: thx [17:04] [TOPIC] Bugday highlights -- pedro [17:04] New Topic: Bugday highlights -- pedro [17:05] Tomorrow we're having our first Bug Day after coming back from UDS [17:05] the target will be Ubuntu Translations https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20091203 [17:05] Thanks a lot to Victor Vargas (aka Kamusin) who organized mostly all of it [17:05] Kamusin: thx! [17:06] Next Week we're having a Compiz bug day and we are looking for more hands to organize it [17:06] so if you have some time and want to learn how to organize a bug day just drop your name on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/Planning [17:07] also if you have some ideas about the next target don't be shy and add it to that page as well [17:07] * fagan will volunteer next week busy with college [17:07] fagan, awesome! thanks [17:07] marjo, that's all from here [17:07] fagan: thx; glad to know you have the right priorities! [17:08] marjo: I thought the right priorities were QA > sleep > food > studying [17:08] :) [17:08] sleep? food? what for? [17:08] :-P [17:08] Hehe [17:08] fader_: we need to talk privately :) for me to give you some needed advice [17:08] for me is food>college assignments>classes>everything else :D [17:09] [TOPIC] QA mailing list -- fader [17:09] New Topic: QA mailing list -- fader [17:09] So with our recent discussions around transparency and involving the community more, I have realized we don't have a good venue to discuss general QA topics [17:10] There is a QA team mailing list on LP, but it seems to be older and has some entry requirements: [17:10] (And I lost the URL, hang on :) ) [17:10] https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-qa [17:10] fader_ : lack of sleep... [17:10] stgraber is the owner of this, so I was hoping he might be able to tell us a bit about the rationale behind it being somewhat restricted [17:11] And to see if anyone else thinks it would be useful to have a general QA mailing list to discuss what needs tested and how to improve practices [17:11] I was looking at this last week or so [17:11] ubuntu-qa@lists.ubuntu.com this one you mean [17:11] fader_, the team is moderated, but the list is open https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/Ubuntu-qa [17:11] ara: Ah, I interpreted the team being moderated to mean the list was as well, thanks [17:12] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-qa/2008-July/000166.html [17:12] fader_ : so no need for yet another mailing list, right? [17:12] Is this something we can/should point people to when they are interested in helping to test Ubuntu? I'd be happy to help point people there and make announcements as we need tests [17:12] fader_: yes, please [17:12] marjo: no just utilise the one we already have :D [17:12] marjo: I'd say no, assuming everyone is happy using this existing list [17:12] isnt it because we own the sru tools [17:13] that should be part of our community outreach for testing [17:13] Excellent, I'll send people there whenever they look like they can be tricked into helping us test. :D [17:13] for the testing team we are going to have ubuntu-testing mailing list [17:14] ok, so from now on, we will use that list to get the word out to a broad audience [17:14] ara: What is the goal of that list? How is it going to be different from the QA team list? [17:14] ara: can't you also announce to the qa list we're talking about? more, the merrier, no? [17:14] Id like to have one main list rather than a QA list and a testing list [17:15] +1, unless ara has a legitimate reason to split the two [17:15] I wanted to have a sense of team, as the bugsquad. ubuntu-testing for team discussions [17:15] Fragmentation is bad when the teams are small [17:15] fagan: i'm thinking of the QA list as covering a broader audience, while the testing list is for testing only [17:16] fagan: but we want to expand the community from small to bigger [17:16] Is there anyone interested in the QA list that would not be interested in testing? [17:16] * fagan doesnt think so [17:16] i ASSume QA list > testing list, no? [17:16] I'd hate to have to join two lists and post/see the same information twice :) [17:16] fader_: oic [17:16] I think we should revisit it when the testing team gets bigger [17:17] Again, maybe I'm missing a use-case, but I agree with fagan on this one [17:17] fader_, but, again, we can keep ubuntu-testing as internal discussion of the team [17:17] Most of us are on IRC anyway [17:17] I see ara's point though [17:18] fader_, not for announcements, but for things like, who is going to update the wiki for blah, blah, blah [17:18] Ahh, I see -- so have the QA list be very general for announcements and such, but the 'real work' gets done on the testing list? [17:18] fader_, the testing work yes [17:19] Sure then [17:19] i thot one of the problems we were trying to solve was to announce things like ISO testing and want to reach a broad audience? [17:19] ara: I see. That sounds reasonable :) I'd still personally vote for starting with one list and splitting off a second if it's needed, but I won't fight too hard. :) [17:19] therefore, use the QA list in addition to testing list [17:19] marjo: sure, that's a typical thing to announce. [17:20] +1 then too [17:20] marjo: My worry is that anyone who will do ISO testing needs to be on the testing list anyway, to coordinate [17:20] fader_ : yes, of course [17:20] personally, I'd like to see the QA team list get more discussion traffic as well. [17:20] so, your concern is the dup of info, right? [17:21] marjo: So basically, everyone has to be on both lists anyway, right? That's what I'm trying to avoid, having two lists that are interdependent; why have them? [17:21] I don't mind using ubuntu-qa list, I just prefer the -testing term :) [17:21] Heh so maybe a name change is in order :) [17:21] fader_, no, no worries [17:22] fader_, if it is going to be a testing discussion on it, ubuntu-qa seems good to me [17:22] ara: if that's the case, let's just use ubuntu-qa list [17:22] Very quickly I think the ubuntu-qa mailing list was one of laserjocks implementations to improve qa involvement [17:22] davmor2: well then we've just rediscovered the original intent which remains the same today! [17:22] brilliant! [17:22] davmor2, yes, but now it is just a list of mails from people asking for CDs :D [17:22] davmor2: the list predated the team, the team was the "improve involvement" bit. [17:23] ubuntu-testing ties into the main irc channel etc so it might be better to drop the qa in favour of the general testing [17:23] davmor2: no! [17:23] davmor2: Or use #ubuntu-quality more :) [17:23] davmor2: QA is the umbrella for testing [17:24] to me, QA includes bug management and testing [17:24] fagan: agree! [17:24] At any rate, I think there is agreement that we should at least be using the list we have now, and that we might need a second one in the future. I propose that we try to use the existing list and encourage people to sign up for it and discuss this further on-list as warranted. [17:25] fader_: +1 [17:25] * fader_ hustles off to sign up for the mailing list. [17:25] fader_: just to be sure, what "list we have now" are you proposing? [17:25] marjo: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-qa [17:25] ubuntu-qa marjo [17:26] ok, so the decision is: [17:26] Continue to use: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-qa for QA related announcements and discussions [17:26] everyone agree? [17:26] +1 [17:26] +1 [17:26] but we have to promote the list too [17:27] +1 [17:27] +1 [17:27] +1 [17:27] fagan: Definitely! :) [17:27] +1 [17:27] +1 [17:27] +1 [17:27] +1 [17:27] +1 [17:27] fagan: yes, i think that was a major part of the problem; no promotion of the list, so it was not well used [17:28] anything else on this topic? [17:28] * fagan puts a planet post about the ubuntu-qa team on his todo list [17:28] marjo: Not from me; I'm happy. [17:28] fagan: Good idea; I'll blog about it as well. [17:28] fader_: thx for bringing it up and taking the lead [17:28] np [17:29] wow, such a lively discussion [17:29] i love it! [17:29] ok, any new topics for today? [17:29] fader_, schwuk: should there be a quick link to the mailing list from the main ubuntu-qa page if there isn't one === DKcross is now known as TDKcross [17:29] I think for the launchpad team we should keep it moderated and maybe make a new team for beginners [17:29] davmor2: There's not now AFAIK... [17:30] Like what the docs team did a while back [17:30] fagan: +1 [17:30] davmor2: ok [17:30] it'll help promote it with a minimum of work [17:31] fagan: That might be a good topic to discuss on-list, as maybe someone can fill me in on the purpose of the group(s) there :) [17:31] i think info for beginners is poor [17:31] fagan: can you please remind us of what the "docs team did"? [17:31] on3_g: +1 [17:31] folks: remember one of the outcomes at UDS was: [17:32] * kamusin on3_g +1 [17:32] make it simple for the community to get involved, step 1, 2, 3... [17:32] and info for another distro flavors like xubuntu and kubuntu (especially) too [17:32] Well the documentations team has two parts the main team thats open and the commiters team for really active people it gives new contributes something to aim for [17:32] fagan: oic [17:33] marjo: +1 [17:33] and they find it to be effective? [17:33] Yep [17:34] Plus the moderated team can own SRU tools..etc [17:34] in any case, I would keep the testing team for people willing to test [17:34] ara: thats a given [17:34] ara: agree [17:34] Generally I think it would be good if the QA team considers itself working on Ubuntu the project, not just Ubuntu the distro. [17:35] That would encompass the other flavors as well (even if they get less resources from Canonical) [17:35] ScottK: we do test kubuntu and xubuntu as well [17:35] fagan: I'm aware === TDKcross is now known as DKcross [17:36] It's just that when you say it's the Ubuntu QA team, think of Ubuntu the project, not Ubuntu the distro. [17:36] ScottK: I don't but I only had time to rewrite the ubuntu desktop/installer/server testing docs so none really exist for kubuntu etc yet :( [17:36] fagan: but all the info is related to ubuntu the distro [17:37] on3_g: well im sure I saw on qa.ubuntu.com kubuntu isos to be tested [17:38] on3_g: see above [17:38] fagan: that's rigth but, is not just about iso testing [17:39] on3_g: the charter for the QA team is: [17:39] The Ubuntu QA team is focused on developing tools, policies, and practices for ensuring Ubuntu's quality as a distribution as well as providing general advice, oversight, and leadership of QA activities within the Ubuntu project. [17:40] I thought kde upstream has a very extensive qa process [17:41] * fagan has got to go for dinner but will pick up the logs from the rest of the meeting [17:41] Maybe improving some of these test cases would be a good starting point for people looking to help but who don't know where to start. [17:42] 1 query I have about upgrades dapper is pretty much coming to end of support isn't it should we be looking at doing upgrade from dapper-server to hardy-server aswell as hardy->lucid? [17:43] marjo: ok [17:43] davmor2: yes, that's part of the LTS upgrade testing plan [17:44] fader_ agree [17:44] davmor2: at least, walking through dapper -> hardy -> lucid, and finding issues anywhere along the path. [17:44] and we can start dapper to hardy testing now! ;-) [17:45] indeed! That's another excellent place for people to start. [17:46] sbeattie: I just meant ensuring that dapper would upgrade to hardy still and separate hardy->lucid tests. Being as if a user is still on dapper it's for a reason so they'll probably only want to upgrade to hardy rather than lucid [17:47] davmor2: you're probably right, so we should take that into account [17:47] for the upgrades test matrix [17:49] i think we have to be smart about upgrades testing because of the potentially humongous problem space [17:49] yet, aim for largest possible test coverage [17:50] sbeattie: maybe me and you can get together tomorrow afternoon (for me) morning (for you) and trash out a plan? [17:50] One problem we had Dapper -> Hardy was that most of the testing was done on Main upgrades, but Universe packages failing can affect the overall upgrade success. [17:51] ScottK: yes, that's part of the being smart concept [17:51] Right, just mentioning it since a lot of the people here weren't around then. [17:51] davmor2: for begginers something like http://live.gnome.org/GnomeLove wil be great [17:51] the challenge is to plan ahead of time which paths to take [17:51] davmor2: I unfortunately have conflicts tomorrow, but perhaps we can take it to email? I do want to explore this. [17:51] sbeattie: no worries dude [17:52] ok, folks, we're down to 8 minutes [17:52] we should continue this sort of discussion as we solidify test plans for lucid [17:53] folks: anything else for today? [17:54] if not, i propose we adjourn the meeting [17:54] Just a reminder that A1 is next week... get ready for testing! [17:54] not here [17:54] working iso's would be good for that :) [17:55] davmor2: agreed :) [17:55] going once [17:55] twice [17:55] meeting adjourned [17:56] thx everyone for your participation! [17:56] cheerio folks! [17:56] thanks! [17:56] see you next week [17:56] Thanks all! [17:56] thanks, everyone! [17:56] #endmeeting [17:56] Meeting finished at 11:56. [17:56] thanks all === fader_ is now known as fader|lunch === nik0 is now known as niko === fader|lunch is now known as fader_ [20:00] BONG! [20:00] woo [20:00] LoCo Council meeting time [20:00] :D [20:00] ☺ [20:00] oh the big BONG :) [20:00] popey, I am :) [20:01] czajkowski / huats / itnet7 Welcome! - new members of the Ubuntu LoCo Council! [20:01] popey, thanks ! [20:01] Thanks! [20:01] thank you :) [20:01] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncilAgenda is our agenda [20:02] Ready to begin? [20:02] popey, I am around at the beginning while I am eating === RoAk is now known as RoAkSoAx [20:02] .. [20:02] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeamContact/ProposedAddition [20:02] but I am ok [20:02] Proposed addition to the loco team contact as clarification.. anyone got any comments about that? [20:03] This came about after we discovered some LoCo teams actively _discouraged_ communication between the LoCo Contacts list and their own LoCo [20:03] we want to discourage that discouragement :) [20:03] indeed! [20:04] :) [20:04] I think it's a great action! [20:04] and really should have went without saying! [20:04] :-) [20:04] loco contacts can decide if something is not useful for their team maybe, but all important info should be forwarded [20:05] yeah, thats trickey, deciding what's important [20:05] I propose that we add that to the wiki, then announce it on loco-contacts. [20:05] JanC, I'm a loco contact and that's what I'm doing [20:05] you could also encourage your loco team members to join the list. [20:06] huats / czajkowski / itnet7 / keffie_jayx / JanC - +1 or -1 on the change? [20:06] +1 [20:06] +1 [20:06] +1 [20:06] +1 [20:06] +1 [20:06] \o/ [20:06] excellent [20:06] lovely jubbly [20:07] Next we have "Introducing new members"... [20:07] czajkowski / huats / itnet7 - Welcome again - want to give us one line about yourself for the minutes? [20:08] (it might be better for me to get it last) [20:08] Aloha, I'm laura, based in Dublin Ireland and looking forward to getting involved in the loco council and helping where I can [20:08] \o/ czajkowski [20:08] * itnet7 is team contact for FloridaTeam and glad to be here!!! [20:08] \o/ itnet7 [20:08] :-) [20:09] OK so, I am Christophe, a french little guy and I am really really hapy to be amongst you all :) [20:09] you are _so_ not little! [20:09] (even jono ;)) [20:09] hardly little [20:09] \o/ huats [20:09] lol ;-P [20:09] ^5 itnet7 huats :) [20:09] I'm working on getting you guys on the mailing list [20:09] thanks popey [20:09] he is the one from the 5000-attendee parties organized by the frech teams [20:09] sorry it's not happened already [20:09] hey huats [20:09] keffie_jayx: you mean 20,000 attendees! [20:10] (that number increases every time I see it) [20:10] popey: right right 5000 is only in his home bash [20:10] popey, ;) [20:10] Ok, next keffie_jayx you have "Reproval process progress" on the agenda.. [20:10] right... [20:10] keffie_jayx, actually my hometown party is this weekend but it won't be that big :) [20:11] huats: only 500 :) [20:11] Hello all [20:11] czajkowski, that is the aim :) [20:11] so as we know, we have been working on getting a reapproval process in the life of LoCo Teams to learn more from you and offer assessment [20:11] we declared some actions at the meet up at UDS [20:11] yes I've the action of writing this up :) [20:12] it is sane to seewere we stand with regards the reaproval process. [20:12] ok [20:12] I just grabbed the list out of gobby and pasted onto the wiki.. [20:12] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncil/ProposedTeamApprovalList [20:12] I haven't checked the sanity of that list (my action - will do asap) [20:12] shit, we're on top ;) [20:13] JanC: we're not far below you [20:13] JanC: no editing of the wiki and moving yourself! [20:13] :) [20:13] tunisian team is missing [20:13] nizarus: no, it's not [20:13] JanC, and we are not on the list :( [20:13] nizarus: it's the _re_ approval list [20:13] nizarus: many teams are missing ;) [20:13] this is only 30 [20:13] out of 60 something [20:13] nizarus: you were approved or reapproved not that long ago IIRC? [20:14] popey, i know we should be reapproved on july [20:14] not necessarily nizarus [20:14] JanC, we was approved on july 2008 [20:14] teams will be reapproved when we get to them [20:14] it might not be july [20:14] but we'll let you know in advance :) [20:14] okay [20:15] ok, so keffie_jayx outstanding things are a) czajkowski documenting and b) me sanitising that list? [20:15] yup [20:15] no [20:15] oh? [20:15] oh? [20:15] also, make sure awareness of this process happnes [20:15] ok, but we can't do that till it's documented surely? [20:15] well that'll surely happence once A is done and the mailed out ? [20:15] exactly [20:15] popey: great minds! [20:16] czajkowski: .. drink guinness [20:16] I have sense ;) [20:16] also decide on the schedules for each teams, would be nice [20:16] makes sense? [20:16] yup [20:16] ok so 1) document, 2) publicise 3) schedule, 4) ?? 5) profit! [20:17] 5) choclate :D white choclate and JanC is 1st on the list :p [20:17] czajkowski, 6) share that chocolate [20:17] popey: keffie_jayx is this document started somwhere, or based on a document ? [20:17] :) [20:17] huats: eh no :) [20:18] I don't know.. keffie_jayx ? [20:18] czajkowski: it is only word of moth and some documentation is already available in gobby [20:18] like the emailing process [20:18] I'm happy to buy 1 kg of chocolate to share on FOSDEM :P [20:18] Ok, I can work with czajkowski on that [20:18] grand job [20:18] also [20:19] we agreed on doing this in meetings [20:19] doing what? [20:19] the re-approvals? [20:19] oposed to emailing the reaproval proposals no? [20:20] we did? [20:20] popey: I though we had decided that emailingwas not working, but then again I might have misheard [20:20] ah ok [20:20] keffie_jayx, don't you think it will be really long in meeting [20:21] from my understanding (at the previous UDS) [20:21] no, we decided to mail the teams 3 times [20:21] I think in the past we agreeded that reapproval through mail if possible would make meetings shorter [20:21] to let them know they're up for approval [20:21] give them a month to reply/prepare and attend an online meeting [20:21] popey: and they email the reapproval aplication and that is it? [20:21] if they don't turn up they get unapproved [20:21] ok [20:21] and teams could appeal during a public meeting if they don't agree with a decision [20:21] yup [20:21] ok [20:22] during a meeting is what we agreed [20:22] the key thing is getting them to the meeting [20:22] we need to word the mails carefully [20:22] but firmly :) [20:22] definetelly, sorry for making you lose time [20:22] okay then [20:22] popey, I agree [20:22] no, it's fine, we all need to be on the same page [20:22] so as part of the documentation we can come up with a template mail [20:23] Dear $LOCO [20:23] that'd make sense [20:23] Turn up or else. [20:23] Love Loco council! [20:23] but I think that if we just say the truth : a reapproval is not a blame but a normal process... [20:23] yup huats [20:23] aye and point out, every loco at some point or another will go through this process [20:23] yup [20:23] popey, or your mail + asking for 1 kg of chocolate each :) [20:23] :) [20:23] I am easily bribed [20:24] just putting that out there [20:24] ok, so czajkowski and I will make a start on the documents, and run that past the mailing list okay? [20:24] (loco-council) [20:24] so everyone gets a chance to contribute [20:24] and we'll also pass it by jono/jorge to make sure we're not doing anything dumb [20:25] heh smart move === hibana_ is now known as hibana [20:25] is that all we need to say about reapproval for now? [20:25] does anyone think it would save time to look at the lists of re-approvals, and evaluate the teams by a loco council vote, on whether or not a team needs to do their re-approval in a meeting? [20:25] when do we hope to start [20:26] and for those teams that are spot-on, we can do it through mail [20:26] itnet7: what, pre-re-approve them if they're obviously great? [20:26] I think it would be fairer if everyone had the same process [20:26] ah [20:26] I think so to, make it the same across the board. For everyone loco to see [20:26] agreed [20:27] would be more open that way [20:27] any other re-approval comments? [20:28] still, looking at & discussing their reapproval page beforehand might help meetings go faster [20:28] it would be good to have a timeline for things to happen [20:28] just to keep track. [20:28] this things tend to take sooo longgg [20:28] and emailing is not a nice tracker of time [20:28] well we said 3 mails in a month, invite, if they dont turn up, unapprove [20:29] aye we did agree on that at UDS [20:29] but our roadmap to begin reaprovals should be nice [20:29] popey: 3 in a month, how many approved locoteams are there ? [20:29] I am being optimistic when I say we begin january next year [20:29] no JanC [20:29] 3 attempts to contact _one_ team in a month [20:29] no keffie_jayx [20:29] ah, okay ☺ [20:29] :) [20:30] but we could re-approve two (or more) in one meeting [20:30] it depends how prepared they are - and how good (or bad) they are [20:30] we'd need to, otherwise reapproval of all teams will take 10 years ;) [20:30] yeah, job for life :) [20:30] ok, shall we move on? [20:30] k [20:31] wait [20:31] keffie_jayx, we might each contact 1 team [20:31] by month [20:31] it will reduce the time... [20:31] so no estimated time for reaprovals yet [20:31] no estimated time for the actions popey and czajkowski have? [20:32] sorry If I am pushy about this [20:32] it shouldnt take long to document it, and then get some input and tweek it [20:32] popey: ? [20:33] keffie_jayx: we dont have the documentation yet [20:33] its not promoted, no teams even know about this process [20:33] this is key because if we have 30 teams to do in 6 months then time is not on our side [20:33] (except maybe belgium) [20:33] popey: right, is it safe to reduce the number of teams to reaprove for this cycle? [20:33] keffie_jayx: what expectations do you have? [20:34] keffie_jayx: no, I think it's good to have a target [20:35] popey: my expectations are keep it simple [20:35] keffie_jayx: I think we shoul d aim for the 30 and I'm hopeful we shall reach the target and if we fall short, then it's a learning curve for us as it's not been done before. [20:35] keffie_jayx: no, i meant your expectations of timescales [20:35] popey: I said january, it is a nice way to start [20:35] it gives us a month to organize docs and promote the process [20:35] keffie_jayx: do you think we can get documentation and awareness out in time? [20:35] sounds reasonable [20:36] czajkowski: yes. it is really up to us and the teams [20:36] sounds to me too [20:36] and once you email a team contact three times, you know we mean business ;) [20:36] okie dokie [20:36] it is really up to us being constant [20:37] agreed [20:37] shall we move on? [20:37] ok for me [20:38] sounds goo d [20:38] keffie_jayx / itnet7 / JanC ? [20:38] sure [20:38] +1 ☺ [20:38] "State of the LoCo Governance Docs" [20:38] keffie_jayx - another one of yours :) [20:39] sure [20:39] LoCo Docs are probably the best pieces of docs on the Ubuntu wiki. but I think there are other general aspects that need to be documented [20:40] for instance. the LoCo Concil and its functions are not clearly detailed in the LoCoCouncil wiki page [20:40] this leaves the people a bit confused about what we do [20:40] and we do alot [20:40] So I take the initiative to document our actions [20:40] so that the community can have a better sense of what we do [20:41] I speak of this particularly https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncil [20:41] also [20:41] popey: I agree sorry... work stuff [20:42] +1 [20:42] also our interaction with the LoCo Community should be documented [20:42] ok, I agree completely [20:42] what do you propose we do keffie_jayx ? [20:42] I took the initiative to blog about LoCo Team Contact changes [20:43] and we could make this a LoCo Council thing to do [20:43] and not only LoCo Contact Changes [20:43] once a new team is formed [20:43] once a new team is approved [20:43] onces a new team is reaproved [20:44] keffie_jayx, it makes high sense to me [20:44] ok [20:45] so documenting a bit on this will make sure people that follow after us [20:45] keep this little gestures of sympathy going long after we are gone [20:46] also there is a leadership code of conduct that we should make reference of in our docs [20:46] right [20:46] the LoCo Docs do not make reference to that and it would be healthy to add it [20:46] makes sense? [20:46] yes [20:46] certainly [20:47] I can drive this documentation and open it up for coments [20:47] That would rock [20:47] sounds good keffie_jayx ! [20:47] lovely [20:47] it would also help the newbies :) [20:47] grin [20:47] any help is welcomed [20:48] ok [20:48] keffie_jayx: you going to co-ordinate that on the mailing list? [20:48] I am done the, I will report via email my rpgress [20:48] excellent stuff [20:48] yes, email and wiki on the Lucid Roadmap [20:48] ok [20:48] next up is nizarus [20:49] هنا /o\ [20:49] :) [20:49] hi [20:49] aloha [20:49] so I'm from the tunisian LoCo Team [20:49] nizarus: you were asking about setting up a legal entity to promote Ubuntu in Tunisia right? [20:49] and we was approved on July 2008 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncilAgenda/20080722 [20:50] yes popey [20:50] ok, there was a reply from the cc, but I now see that you didn't see that.. [20:50] one moment. [20:50] popey, haven't recieved it [20:50] This is the reply from Mark Shuttleworth.. [20:50] "I agree with the sentiment that a legal entity is only appropriate in the most exceptional cases. Of course Canonical can't stop anyone from forming a legal entity: if you want to do that, and you have the required resources and competence, then go ahead. You would need a trademark agreement to call it an Ubuntu entity, but that can be granted using the template you have." [20:51] "The most important thing to think about is how to wind down such an entity. Keeping a legal vehicle alive is a lot of work. It's a bit like a puppy - everyone wants one, not everyone is good at looking after the dog it grows into! Think carefully about it - there are real legal consequences for not responding to paperwork and administration in most countries if you are responsible for a legal entity, and Canonical cannot help." [20:52] popey, we know the consequences and we are ready to do it [20:52] http://verein.ubuntu-de.org/files/agreement.pdf --> is an example of the agreement with Canonical you'll need to sign [20:53] JanC, I got your document [20:53] (might be different but something like that) [20:53] this is the document we (ubuntu-fr) have signed [20:53] maybe huats knows if the French agreement is on-line too [20:53] since 2 monthes i contacted canonical for trademak agreement [20:53] but no response [20:53] JanC, actually it is not online afaik [20:53] that's why i'm here [20:54] but it was the same that was signed with ubuntu-fr [20:54] (they both have been signed at the same time) [20:55] nizarus: sadly the loco council cannot do anything about the responsiveness of the canonical trademark team [20:55] hi [20:56] popey, I see, but if there is any tips [20:56] :/ [20:56] nizarus: tips on ? [20:57] how to contact canonical and got fast response :) [20:57] be patient and polite, thats my tip :) [20:57] maybe if we put what sabdfl said on the wiki so that you can reference it, that might make sense [20:57] popey, patient for more 2 monthes ? [20:57] nizarus: when did you last mail them? [20:58] I believe the trademark 'team' is quite small [20:58] and ubuntu is "quite big" [20:58] popey, I used the trademark contact form since 2 mothes [20:58] and ~i'm sure it gets a lot queries [20:58] maybe we can ask Canonical how long people should expect to wait? [20:58] nizarus: I would contact them again [20:59] nizarus: simply ask for an update [20:59] and i got a confirmation with an information that i will have a response in 48 hours [20:59] nizarus: as popey pointed out, there is nothing we can do about the responose of canonical. Perhaps mail asking for an update to the situation [20:59] and ask what details peopel should include in their mail to avoid losing time? [20:59] nizarus, I have contacted the trademark team a few time [20:59] and I have waited about 2 months already [20:59] nizarus: I'd suggest reviewing the bugs here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-community and filing one if you think it's needed. [20:59] huats, you have a direct mail ? [21:00] nope [21:00] :/ [21:00] I have used the form too [21:01] i emailed them directly [21:01] popey, which adresse [21:01] trademarks @ ubuntu dot com [21:02] thank's popey [21:02] when I asked, I got a reply same day :S [21:02] that was over a year ago though [21:02] things have changed since then [21:02] I will resent my mail and cc you [21:02] no need to cc me [21:02] there's nothing the loco council (or I) can do about canonical trademark issues [21:03] ok, we're over time [21:03] ok [21:03] jcastro...? [21:03] thx all [21:03] no pb nizarus [21:04] yep [21:04] "LoCo Week and LoCo Doc Day" [21:04] popey, so basically [21:04] is it quick? [21:04] I have no time to do this this cycle [21:04] and was wondering if we still want to do this [21:04] and if anyone is interested in driving? [21:04] jcastro: I am [21:04] jcastro: I'm not familiar with it ? [21:05] can you mail the loco council about it? [21:05] as we're already over time [21:05] yep [21:05] jcastro, same than czajkowski I don't know the idea [21:05] no worries [21:05] jcastro: there hasn't been a LoCo week ever, so this would be a first time [21:05] right [21:05] jcastro: LoCo Docs there was one in the Jaunty cycle [21:05] it's one of those "been sitting on the backburner" ideas [21:05] yeah [21:05] which was about a year ago [21:05] I will send mails so I don't take up anymore time! [21:06] jcastro: as czajkowski / huats / itnet7 aren't on the loco-council mailing list *hint* *hint* can you To: them too please [21:06] :-P [21:06] jcastro: I am interested in docs day, since one of my previous items was based on that [21:07] jcastro: thanks [21:07] yeah, could be very helpful for that keffie_jayx [21:07] popey, yeah [21:07] jcastro: I think the LoCo Council needs to have clear what a LoCo Week is [21:07] yeah [21:07] can we take it to the mailing list [21:07] tick tock [21:07] or what the horsemen [21:07] think [21:07] right right out of time [21:07] thanks folks [21:07] thanks [21:07] \o/ [21:07] great meeting [21:07] woah.. hang on [21:07] oh [21:08] we're over time and we have a team approval [21:08] popey: is there another meeting on now ? [21:08] pfff it is my first ubuntu meeting that is almost on time :) [21:08] drakulavich and sshd are here [21:08] no czajkowski [21:08] I cna stay [21:08] yltsrc too [21:08] can others? [21:08] I can stay too [21:08] itnet7: keffie_jayx huats JanC ? [21:09] no problem for me [21:09] I can stay [21:09] popey: ? [21:09] ok [21:09] not to leave you out [21:09] ;) [21:09] 30 mins past is the deadline [21:09] so we have 20 mins [21:09] I can stay [21:09] grand lets shoot [21:09] let's do it [21:09] ok .. before we start [21:10] it's probably best that one person leads this process, we don't want to have loads of questions bombarding the Belarus guys and gals.. [21:10] volunteer? [21:10] * czajkowski sits back and watches this time [21:10] ok, keffie_jayx ? [21:10] popey, may be an experience people might be better [21:10] me [21:10] .. [21:10] great! [21:10] alright [21:10] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelarusTeam [21:11] Anyone here from the Belarus Team? [21:11] yes :) [21:11] me too [21:11] and me ) [21:11] great :D [21:11] do you have an approval aplication [21:11] ? [21:12] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoGettingApproved is the process by the way [21:12] yes http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelarusTeam/ApprovalApplication [21:13] ok [21:13] you have been doing release parties for how long? [21:13] me too [21:14] we have release parties till 8.10 release [21:14] * since :) [21:14] we have some release party [21:14] and it read that you have been participating with other lugs from the regions, can you describe further your itneraction with other teams in belarus [21:15] 8.04, 8.10, 9.04, 9.10 [21:15] any pictures :P [21:16] keffie_jayx: in lvee, we connect with other lug from belarus [21:16] keffie_jayx: lvee.org [21:16] sshd: what is your colaboration particularly [21:17] http://picasaweb.google.com/antono.vasiljev/LVEE2008# [21:18] LVEE sounds cool [21:20] I ask about lug colaboration becasue your resource site make no reference about being a LoCo Team [21:20] unless it is not your site, just a refrenece site from belarus? [21:21] anyone? [21:22] keffie_jayx means http://linux.by/ [21:22] yltsrc: drakulavich sshd ? [21:22] ? [21:22] we have not lug site, but we have separated forum on http://linux.by [21:22] and http://ubuntu.ru [21:23] that's what I thought [21:23] because most of us russian-speaking and we provide support with russian team [21:24] how many active members are there, and how many have secured Ubuntu membership? [21:25] i am not sure, but all of us, who on http://launchpad.net/~belarus [21:25] and maybe more [21:26] yltsrc: anyone seeking ubuntu membership that you know of? [21:27] what do you mean? [21:27] you mean ubuntu developers? [21:27] Ok. I am going to have to say -1 for now. I'd like to see a more comprehensive application, one which meets the criteria set out in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoGettingApproved [21:28] yltsrc: ubuntu membership is for individuals that have contirbuted considerably to the Ubuntu Community. http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership [21:28] It would be great if you could improve the application with more detail, reports and summaries of events before you come back to us for approval. [21:28] I agree with popey [21:28] I'm also going to say -1, and would like to see more Ubuntu participation evidence, but would love to see you come back in a few months. [21:29] -1, I do really like what you all have started though, and would like to encouarge you to tread on [21:29] I think your team has strated the process of consolidating a team but you still need to make sure your team can be functional with it's own resources, [21:29] i think we haven't any ubuntu member [21:29] the work you have done n events seems fantastic [21:29] Sorry guys but my vote is also -1. I'd like to have more pics, and a clearer view of how you are exchanging on a daily basis [21:30] definitely, good work so far! [21:30] I do think you have done a good start so far [21:30] yltsrc: we hope to see you again in say 6 months time and we can evaluate your progress [21:30] you need to continue ! [21:30] thanx, guys. We'll be back :) [21:30] drakulavich, we count on that ! [21:30] keep it up belarus [21:30] :D [21:30] sorry it ended up being so late for you guys! [21:31] drakulavich: good to hear [21:31] ok, thats the end of our meeting [21:31] no problem, can't wait to see good things in the future for belarus! [21:31] sorry for that too [21:31] thanks keffie_jayx / czajkowski / JanC / itnet7 / huats [21:31] alrighty [21:31] minutes by me [21:31] ty popey ! [21:31] ;) [21:31] thanks keffie_jayx [21:32] keffie_jayx: you got the log? [21:32] lovely jubbly folks ;) [21:32] drakulavich, sshd, yltsrc see you agian friends.. :D [21:32] popey: yep [21:32] thanks, we'll be back :) [21:33] thanks guys ! [21:33] that was a great first meeting :) [21:33] awesome [21:33] new council members rock [21:33] now [21:33] next meeting after the holidaysright [21:33] I suggest Europe friendly time [21:33] * popey goes to beg for forgiveness from his wife [21:34] popey: bring ice cream [21:34] this time suits me fine, any time from 20:00 UTC onwards [21:34] popey: good luck my friend, hope you don't end up in the couch tonight [21:34] czajkowski: i just had some :) [21:34] haha [21:34] o/ [21:34] popey: for your wife! [21:34] it is good for me too [21:34] suits me grand [21:35] the ONLY thing that might bother me is that the baby is expected at the end of january...so who knows... [21:35] but I will let you know of course :) [21:38] huats: congrats ! [21:39] :) [21:39] thanks czajkowski [21:39] huats: do you know if it's a girl or boy yet? [21:39] czajkowski, a little boy... [21:40] so that I can train him to be a good rugby player [21:40] ;) [21:40] czajkowski, because I have seen your nice msg on facebook last week after the all blacks game ;) [21:42] heheh [21:42] #;d [21:42] yes [21:42] you did *ahem* get punished [21:43] however I had dan cater and chabal on the pitch, I was happy [21:44] :) [21:44] I haven't seen the game yet [21:44] it was the night of the Ubuntu Party in Paris [21:44] so I have taped it [21:44] I think I'll have a look next week [21:46] do Ireland wasn't beaten once in 2009 :D [21:48] czajkowski, :) === Riddelll is now known as Riddell === nizarus_ is now known as nizarus === fader_ is now known as fader|away === mkv is now known as m4v