
cybrhuman /part21:55
LjLIf you haven't already, then please register your nickname to join #ubuntu - We are experiencing technical difficulties. Instructions at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup (the commands explained there must be typed in your IRC program's status window, or if you don't have that, here - Use « /join #ubuntu » to eventually join the support channel)22:01
LjLvoidmage KrisWillis rdz bpgoldsb mjathree sergz sucho marcules @ubuntulog ampex vavar rexbron lee Matt1360 celthunds nox-Hand_ Crazyguy mbamford moltenbobcat kandjar @Tm_T deus____ kabtoffe_ ior3k os2mac Shaun @LjL killTek nightcrow 22:06
LjLIf you haven't already, then please register your nickname to join #ubuntu - We are experiencing technical difficulties. Instructions at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup (the commands explained there must be typed in your IRC program's status window, or if you don't have that, here - Use « /join #ubuntu » to eventually join the support channel)22:06

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