
Scottybukhey. anyone know how i can set a certain anout of ram to a user00:00
Scottybukrestrict them from going over 300mb?00:00
kostkonDasda, hmm, like this?:  iexplore http://www.google.com/00:00
Dasdahow do i remove this wine before i install new one or will it do it automatically?00:00
Dasdakostkon: yes00:00
BottomBitchhow do I find what version of OpenSuse i'm on? (not using umane -a)00:01
ikus060Hi, I'm looking for someone familiar with xindy. Is there any ?? Xindy is part of LaTeX00:01
kostkonDasda, did it open a browser window?00:01
kernel_scriptsquircle, thanks for answer. I see, it might be, since Ubuntu risk more for more faster innovation, more bugs, but more fast innovation and improvement. I'm judging mac os x take longer to release a new version, so it probalby more stable, like a Debian or so.00:01
minimecDasda: If you choose the wine 1.2 package for install in synaptic, it will uninstall 1.0...00:01
Dasdaminimec: thanks doing it now00:01
Dasdakostkon: no it said command not found in terminal00:01
messWow. This is like standing in a giant crowd of people... I've never seen an IRC server so busy.00:02
=== everthonVS is now known as valadao
squirclekernel_script: well, Apple does update the unix utilities quite often, and OS X is rather linux/unix-like. what I suggest doing if you need any utils that are open source or linux-availble, install darwinports. i did, and i can run everything i could on ubuntu and more00:02
kostkonDasda, hmm. then it's not working even though you have wine-gecko installed. yeah, try with wine1.2 and wine1.2-gecko00:02
Scottybukhey. anyone know how i can set a certain anout of ram to a user. restrict them from using more than 300?00:02
^workman^mess: when your distro is on top of distrowatch.com.... your doing something right!00:02
messapparently so, ^workman^00:03
squircleScottybuk: try researching ulimit00:03
=== Paraselene__ is now known as Paraselene_
Scottybukthanks squircle00:03
Dasdakostkon: just finished getting wine1.2 will give it a try now00:04
kostkonDasda, and wine1.2-gecko?00:04
kernel_scriptsquircle, oh thanks for the tip. That looks great : )00:04
squirclekernel_script: it's as simple as sudo port install ________ instead of sudo aptitude install _____00:05
Dasdakostkon: yes, it chose that automatically once i chose wine1.200:05
kostkonDasda, ok00:05
darkipodwhat can I use to access .axx file in Karmic .axx file are encrypted file made with AxCrypt00:05
timClickscan anyone think of a reason why my internet browser doesn't seem to want to open pages, but other applications are fine accessing the internet?00:06
kaskiI have a very slow Internet connection in Ubuntu compared to Windows. Any suggestions?00:06
^workman^darkipod: Does AxCrypt run on Linux/Mac?00:06
^workman^No, not directly it does not. However, some users have been successful in running AxCrypt under Wine, the Windows emulator.00:06
squircle^workman^: i was about to say the same thing; yay, google.00:07
darkipodno windows only00:07
squircledarkipod: WINE00:07
kernel_scriptsquircle, i see. Mac os x looks fun to play with too, Unix based right? I think i'll probalby feel home hehe, how's the file system? There is a root / and main directories like usr var etc too?00:07
darkipoddude said maybe wine can run it but I have no clue how to use wine00:07
Leoneof`anyone can help me about network-manager? >_>00:07
timClickskernel_script: OS X is based on FreeBSD (I think)00:07
Dasdakastkon: done getting 1.2 but that commang still not working00:07
squirclekernel_script: i'll give you an overview in detail via privmsg00:07
kernel_scripttimClicks, i see, i read something about that00:08
btimbyDoes anybody know how to set up network-manager to connect only the first interface that works? wired or wifi? right now it is bringing up both when I boot up. I would like wired only unless eth0 is unavailable and only then bring up wifi (eth1).00:08
Leoneof`anyone can help me about network-manager? >_>00:08
^workman^darkipod: check out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine00:08
kaskiI have a very slow Internet connection in Ubuntu compared to Windows. Any suggestionsÉ00:09
timClickskaski: this is odd. how are you connected to the net?00:09
kaskitimClicks: I'm neither a linux or internet expert, but its a wired connection00:10
timClicksbtimby: you want to look for NetworkManager00:10
timClicksbtimby: in google00:10
timClicksbtimby: that capitalisation is important00:10
giovanniDCC LIST00:10
Dasdasquircel and kostkon, i have same problem with the ebook with wine 1.200:10
kostkonDasda, :/00:11
minimeckaski: That is strange. wired connections shouldn't be a problem...00:11
timClicksbtimby: you can make a cheap workaround by setting them to manually connect if you want, but i'm not sure about scripting the app00:11
Nim_Hi I dont know if anyone can help me or not but Im having some keyboard and sound issues.. it seems some of the keys of my keyboard are being displayed incorrectly ie: the question mark is appearing as É. my other problem is that my headset isnt working, i can hear sound coming from the monitor and the headset when i have it plugged into the jack, and the microphone doesnt work at all. i cant find solutions anywhere. could it be a hardwa00:11
Nim_re compatibility issueÉ Ive tried two different headsets & keyboards.. same results00:11
^workman^kaski: what is running slow?00:11
Leoneof`when i turn OFF button for wlan0(internal)...the wlan1(external) will stop and will be off too, if wlan0 is ON...wlan1 will start , what the hell?!00:11
kostkonDasda, you could try to install the real ie, using ies4linux00:11
kaskiminimec: i have no idea either, it auto-configured the internet for me00:11
Dasdakostkon: that command to open google.com doesnt work either00:11
timClicksNim_: which font are you using?00:11
kaski^workman^: well for one, google takes 15 seconds to load in firefox and epiphany00:11
Nim_im sorryÉ00:12
timClicksNim_: can you go to Applications > Accessories > Character Map00:12
kaski^workman^: although, downloading updates and being in IRC isnt bad00:12
Nim_i am there00:12
minimeckaski: Did you change the router recently or is it the first time you run linux behind this router?00:12
kostkonDasda, http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/ies4linux00:12
kaskiminimec: i just recently reinstalled ubuntu, ive had previous versions with the same problem (9.04)00:13
kaskisame router00:13
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minimeckaski: Hmmm... Try to set MTU to 1492 for your connection, like sudo ifconfig etho MTU 149200:14
Dasdakostkon: i've found the ebook viewer it uses to open the book. its called ebook pro available at www.ebookpro.com00:14
kaskisure ill try it00:14
kostkonDasda, lets see00:14
SlimGAnyone know of a modern mail client that actually supports ordinary features like IMAP-Idle and mapping of IMAP folders like "Trash", "Sent" etc. ? Evolution don't00:14
minimeckaski: eth0 ;)00:14
squircleSlimG: Thunderbird00:14
^workman^slimg: thunderbird baby00:15
Leoneof`when i turn OFF button for wlan0(internal)...the wlan1(external) will stop and will be off too, if wlan0 is ON...wlan1 will start , what the hell?!00:15
kaskithat didnt seem to make a difference00:15
liyingqiaohow long can try win7 in virtualbox?00:15
kaskiminimec: hold on, it seems to have helped00:15
Nim_timClicks it says I am using sans I think at least that is what is selected00:16
kostkonDasda, not much info on that page :/00:16
SlimGsquircle & ^workman^ : And there's no other alternatives?00:16
liyingqiaocan i try it by many times?00:16
Scottybukthis might sound stupid but how the hell do i get ulimit?00:16
squircleSlimG: i've never bothered to look; i just love thunderbird00:16
squircleScottybuk: just head over to Synaptic and search for it00:16
kaskiminimec: it is better but it still feels slower than windows00:16
^workman^SlimG: dido what squircle said00:16
Dasdakostkon i can dcc you the ebook if  u want. it is 1.8megabytes. just to see if it my ubuntu setup or ubuntu as whole00:17
kostkonDasda, i don;t think it's necessary00:17
^workman^SlimG: check out http://email.about.com/od/linuxemailclients/tp/Linux-UNIX-Email-Clients-fo---.htm at the top of the list is... you guessed it "Thunderbird" woot!00:17
kostkonDasda, i mean, it just doesn't work with wine. try installing ie if you want00:18
kaskiminimec: yup its definitely faster now00:18
minimeckaski: Check the configuration of your router. That is rather a router configuration problem, then a linux problem... The hardware seems to be recognized and working...00:18
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Leoneof`hey nytek_00:19
nytek_Leoneof`: yo00:19
kaskiminimec: okay thanks for your help anyway, at least its bearable now00:19
Leoneof`nytek_: remember my question? any solution ? :/00:19
minimeckaski: The problem is now, that the next time you boot it will be set on 1500 again... :( As I mentioned, check the router configuration00:19
SlimG^workman^: Thanks, I'll check out Sylpheed and Balsa00:19
kaskiminimec: why is that so?00:19
nytek_Leoneof`: refresh me?00:19
Dasdakostkon: yea trying to figure out how to install ie. I would be happy if i could extract the exe file too cause there is probably html files inside if it uses ie00:20
Leoneof`nytek_: it is about gnome-network-manager... when i turn OFF button for wlan0(internal)...the wlan1(external) will stop and will be off too, if wlan0 is ON...wlan1 will start :/00:20
kostkonDasda, ok. check the page i gave you: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/ies4linux00:20
SquideshiWhat is the purpose of the Ubuntu Start Page in Firefox?00:20
nytek_Dasda: why do you want ie? :/00:20
nytek_Squideshi: to promote ubuntu?00:21
Squideshinytek_: To those already using Ubuntu? :)00:21
giovannidcc get00:21
^workman^Squideshi: just incase you forget what distro you are using00:21
minimeckaski: Because 1500 is default setting. Your router is configured for 1492. Change that on the router...00:21
Dasdakostkon yea following that page but the website for ie4linux is getting blocked for some reason00:21
kaskiminimec: so i should go into the router settings using firefox?00:22
kostkonDasda, hmm00:22
nytek_Squideshi: well, the start page just gives you more information about ubuntu. community, forums, guides, updates..00:22
nytek_Leoneof`: that sounds like a configuration issue00:22
Dasdakostkon: that page tells me to google ies4linux00:22
Squideshi^workman^: Doesn't System > About Ubuntu take care of that?00:22
nytek_Leoneof`: its got me stumped, but what are you essentially trying to do?00:23
^workman^Squideshi: yes, but quick links on the startpage are nice for people new to linux and ubuntu00:23
kostkonDasda, yeah00:23
Balsaqmt friend wants me to do a re-install for him, he gummed his computer up real good with a virus and probably tons of spyware. when he turns his computer on all he get is a big message about a virus. his computer is smoked at this point. i told him to ditch windows and go for ubuntu. i am hoping ubuntu will wipe thie HD clean and rid him of the virus. i have done several ubuntu/xubuntu/linux distro installs for myself, but hav00:23
Balsaqe no experience with virus'. can the virus stop me from installing ubuntu?00:23
ssmitIs there a resource anyone can point me to on how to set up a Ubuntu "home media server"?00:23
Squideshi^workman^: You would think there would be links on the desktop for that.00:23
^workman^Squideshi: Most of the time, people won't use the help button... =)00:23
Dasdakostkon, figured a way around getting ies4linux now00:24
minimeckaski: I would do so. Your router blocks the communication ports of the tcp protocolthat checks and handles the data parts (the missing 8 bits)00:24
Dasdakostkon: any way to extract the exe?00:24
^workman^Squideshi: Hmm, you could submit a feature request to the ubuntu folks. See what they have to say... =)00:24
eni23hello. does someone knows how i can change the resolution of my secound screen (nvidia twinview) in cli?00:24
isolat3dsh33pguys, how to refresh the audio output?00:24
Leoneof`nytek_: i've laptop with internal wlan0, it is useless because i want to connect network very far, so i use external antenna to usb wlan100:25
^workman^Squideshi: for me, linux is linux.... I've been using it way to long to really notice all of the little bits of branding.. I just setup my systems how I need them and i'm off and running =)00:25
itiliousis there a standalone flash player for ubuntu?00:26
kostkonDasda, er, no. you said you have already tried to extract it with cabextract and on windows, i assume00:26
Squideshi^workman^: I thought I would discuss a little before submitting any sort of official request. I like to give the opportunity for others to present a good argument for why things are the way they are.00:26
nytek_Leoneof`: ok, well you're going to have to use terminal to connect to that "very" far network00:26
kostkonDasda, so, i don;t really know any other way you could try00:26
ChogyDanitilious: never heard of that, why do you want that?00:27
Dasdakostkon: yes cabextract doesnt work. i havent tried to extract on windows cause it was working fine on it00:27
Nim_i dont really know where else to look, is there anyone who can help me or point me in the right directionÉ00:27
Stargazer^workman^, how do i know if sbackup is done ?00:27
kostkonDasda, :/00:27
Balsaqcan i take a virus infected windows computer and install ubuntu and rid the computer of the virus and install ubuntu at the same time?00:27
nytek_Nim_: can you repost the problem, i didnt see it00:27
jrib!helpme | Nim_00:27
ubottuNim_: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude00:28
Nim_Hi I dont know if anyone can help me or not but Im having some keyboard and sound issues.. it seems some of the keys of my keyboard are being displayed incorrectly ie: the question mark is appearing as É. my other problem is that my headset isnt working, i can hear sound coming from the monitor and the headset when i have it plugged into the jack, and the microphone doesnt work at all. i cant find solutions anywhere. could it be a hardwa00:28
Nim_re compatibility issueÉ00:28
LordQuackstarI've got an interesting issue: My built in sound was working a few days ago on my old computer but now its not. The sound app shows dummy output, but cat /proc/asound/devices shows a bunch of items00:28
Leoneof`nytek_: plus... the program wicd is work fine, but i'd like to use gnmoe-network-manager, i hope this will be fixed next version :|00:28
nytek_Nim_: what?00:28
jribNim_: system -> preferences -> keyboard  ensure your keyboard layout is correct00:28
itiliousChogyDan, found swfdec flash player would that work to play standalone interactive swf files?00:28
DisguisedAngelI need to create a launcher on the desktop that launches a file in this manner: "./pystromo-remap.py -m default.map" I can't figure out how to write the command line entry in the launcher to point to the correct folder which is /home/angel/.config/pystromo. Can someone please tell me the correct way to write this command in the launcher?00:28
LordQuackstarHow can i make the sound app see my built in sound?00:28
Nim_ive tried mfiddling with those settings but it seems nothing helps00:28
nytek_Leoneof`: what is the benefit of using gnome network manager over wicd?00:29
jribDisguisedAngel: why would you want to run "./whatever.py"? just give the full path00:29
Nim_right now im using the razer lycosa.. i thought it might be a compatibility issue so i tried my compaq keyboard but that had the same result..00:29
ChogyDanitilious: mmm, probably not.  I think that is an opensource thing, not the adobe flash.  Can't you open it in firefox?00:29
itiliousnope, and yes swfdec did play the file00:29
itiliousits an interactive pretest for some study material ;)00:30
nytek_Nim_: it has to be your keyboard layout, follow what jrib said.00:30
Nim_ok i will try that00:30
minimecLordQuackstar: 1.) sudo apt-get install pavucontrol 2.) open pavucontrol and play around ;)00:30
DisguisedAngeljrib, I don't understand your question... I try putting in the path and then the file name, here like this "/home/angel/.config/pystromo/./pystromo-remap.py -m default.map" and it doesnt' work. I don't know how to write the command in the launcher correctly.00:30
ChogyDanvery good then!00:30
Leoneof`nytek_: gnome-network-manager can use both wlan0, and wlan1... but wicd is for one wlan00:30
LordQuackstarminimec: I will try that00:30
jribDisguisedAngel: do you understand what "./" is for in "./pystromo-remap.py"?00:31
nytek_Leoneof`: didnt you juse say they were both working via wicd?00:31
ChogyDanLeoneof`: what version of ubuntu are you running?00:31
Dasdaanyone else have trouble viewing ebooks in ubuntu?00:31
DisguisedAngeljrib, I think I do, but I am new to linux. I thought it just runs the pystromo-remap.py script/program.00:31
jribDasda: no00:31
eni23does someone knows how i can change the resolution of my secound screen (nvidia twinview) in command line?00:31
Leoneof`nytek_: sometimes i want to disconnect wlan0 ,00:31
SquideshiDasda: In what format and with what application?00:32
Leoneof`ChogyDan: 9.1000:32
nytek_ah i see00:32
nytek_Leoneof`: ahh i see00:32
DasdaSquideshi: exe and with ebookpro00:32
giovanni\dcc help00:32
giovanni\dcc help00:33
jribDisguisedAngel: . is your current directory.  The current directory isn't in the default PATH so if you want to execute a file in your current directory, you need to provide the path.  So for example, say you want to run /a/b.py: You could, if you are *anywhere*, just run /a/b.py.  Or if you were in /a, you could run ./b.py.  Or if you were in / you could just run a/b.py00:33
jribDisguisedAngel: so that tells you you don't need the '.' in the first part of your command.  The second thing you need to take care of is this "default.map".  I assume that's a file somewhere.00:33
SquideshiDasda: The ebook is in EXE format?00:34
LordQuackstarminimec: Pulseaudio tries to use dummy output as well...00:34
DasdaSquideshi: yes, thats why i wouldnt mind it if i could even get the exe to unpack but cant even do that00:34
Nim_i am afraid im having no luck with either keyboard.. the razer lycosa i can understand not working but the other i just dont get. my layout is set correctly..00:35
DisguisedAngeljrib, ah, I understand. That clears up a lot. So the command should look like this "/home/angel/.config/pystromo/pystromo-remap.py -m /home/angel/.config/pystromo/default.map"00:35
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »00:35
sdwrageHey, in KDE, how do I localize a widget to one particular desktop?00:35
jribDisguisedAngel: yes, that should work unless the script requires something from your environment00:35
minimecLordQuackstar: check the settings there. That gives you a lot of possibilities. You should be able to send the sound of your software to every sound device you want.00:35
sdwrageI have a SOHO desktop widget I dont want on my first Desktop but want it on my second00:35
LordQuackstarminimec: Hardware Outputs devices shows nothing00:36
DisguisedAngeljrib, thanks alot for your help! That worked perfectly and explains a lot to me on how to create a launcher in the future.00:37
jribDisguisedAngel: no problem.  By the way, if you want to do something complicated, it's usually easier to write a short bash script and then just have the launcher run that00:38
minimecLordQuackstar: That is bad. <alt>F2 gstreamter-properties ... and check the hardware there. Could be that your soundchip is not working properly.00:38
sdwrageis there any way to localize a plasma widget to 1 specific desktop??00:38
LordQuackstarminimec: One sec, i'm doing another restart just to make sure that program installed properley00:38
SquideshiDasda: EXE files are usually for Microsoft operating systems. Where did you get the file?00:38
Nim_jrib.. i have tried fiddling with the keyboard layout settings.. nothing has changed.. I think I am doomed forever lol..00:39
DasdaSquideshi: vgsports00:39
jribNim_: yep, don't know what else to suggest00:39
Nim_thank you though00:39
DasdaSqudeshi i can give u the link for download. it is only 1.8megs00:39
SquideshiDasda: Don't give me the link for download. Give me the link for the webpage that has the link for download.00:40
=== valadao is now known as valadao_bhz
DasdaSquideshi: i message it to you cause I was unsure if we are allowed to post links here00:42
sdwrageis there any way to localize a plasma widget to 1 specific desktop??00:43
=== musclesbobby_ is now known as darkpigeon
G_S_SRPlease Help, ive installed ubuntu karmic, and everything worked perfectly. i updated through "update manager" and after a restart, my cpu is being used constantly. it wasnt like that before the update. ive even reformated and reinstalled ubuntu thinking it was something i did, with the same results. any suggestions?00:45
thriftwerki'm having the same problem G_S_SR, no one has responded to my question00:46
boss_mcG_S_SR: what process is using the CPU?00:46
gclericG_S_SR: what process is using all the CPU...what does "top" say?00:46
G_S_SRthriftwerk:  really? are you certain it was the update?00:47
minimecG_S_SR: start ubuntu and press (and hold) the <shift>button at boot. Then choose an olde kernel (not recovery)00:47
=== TheTosh is now known as Guest49300
gclericboss_mc: jinks!00:47
cantIm getting some massive lag on my yahoo chess... I have high speed cable and ubuntu 9.10  is there anything I can do to speed up the connection00:47
thriftwerkG_S_SR, yeah.  but i'm not so luck as you.  my laptop runs at 100% CPU load even with visual effects turned off for 15 minutes and then it just shuts off completely.00:47
boss_mcG_S_SR: If it's apt-xapiian-indexer then that's a (fairly) one off job that apt uses to calculate its state00:48
xoverwhat should an idle system load be with a few messenger services running?00:48
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G_S_SRgcleric:  xorg and devkit-disks are at the top of the list00:48
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.00:48
xoverregarding system load, if my cpu is running at 15%, why is my load .8500:48
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub200:48
G_S_SRgcleric: but those 2 arent peaking out. theyre using a fairly small amount of cpui00:49
greezmunkeyhello ppl :)00:50
G_S_SRminimec:  if chosing the old kernal works, should i manuallly update the kernal or set it to chose the old kernal at startup?00:50
thriftwerkbfr0v3rfl0w guten tag00:50
bitfoxguys... whan i do the update to karmic there was a strange behavior from the system. Sometimes ubuntu give me fake crashes of applications00:50
cantI have high speed cable and ubuntu 9.10 and there is some massive lag on yahoo chess.. Is there anything I can do to speed up the connection00:50
boss_mccant: can you choose a game server to connect to? if so pick one nearby....00:51
greezmunkeyAnyone here have any idea what type of HDD format that old ATT unix used?00:51
bitfoxhad someone the same behavior?00:51
cantno.... not on yahoo chess.. It is whereever it is'00:51
gclericG_S_SR: so your CPU is pegged but nothing is using it?00:51
howdy`hey people00:51
gclerichowdy`: howdy!00:52
thriftwerkhowdy howdy`00:52
canthowdy I have high speed cable and ubuntu 9.10 and there is some massive lag on yahoo chess.. Is there anything I can do to speed up the connectio00:52
G_S_SRgcleric:  thats what it seems, it wont list whatever is using it00:52
boss_mccant: anything else using your connection?00:52
minimecG_S_SR: You can set the default kernel in /etc/grub-something(?). That should do it. it seems to be a bug with your hardware. You could also try to file a bug, but to trace a kernel bug... ;)00:52
thriftwerktry a different browser cant00:52
cantnothing I know of    also using wpa security00:52
gclericG_S_SR: I'm with minimec ... roll back to the old kerenl.00:52
G_S_SRok im gonna try a restart and choose the old kernal, just to narrow it down00:53
thriftwerki didn't ask what kind of browser, i said to try a different one (e.g. opera)00:53
bdfoster_iPhone_he left lol00:53
G_S_SRthanks for the advise, if you dont see me again, it worked and you guys rule00:53
jahnkeanateris it possible to set grub up to boot into ubuntu if it is powered on by lan and windows by default00:54
thriftwerkanyone care to englighten me as to what might be causing 100% CPU and fan usage on a new 9.10 installation with no apps running and no special effects only to result in a complete shut down after 15 min?00:55
jahnkeanateror say boot ubuntu depending on the system time00:55
Squideshijahnkeanater: I would go to #grub and ask that question.00:55
jahnkeanaterok thanks00:55
xnoxHello! How to enable auto-login?00:55
timClicksis unmount in nautlius the same as "safely remove drive"?00:55
boss_mcthriftwerk: top not showing a mibehaving app?00:55
bdfoster_iPhone_what he said lol00:55
G_S_SRlol, im back00:55
thriftwerknou, nothing boss_mc00:55
G_S_SRtried the old kernal, and its still peaked00:56
thriftwerkit's a wubi install, might that be it?00:56
Squideshixnox: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutoLogin00:56
thriftwerkno problems in my win partition00:56
xnoxSquideshi: thanks00:56
G_S_SRthriftwerk:  i did a fresh install, it was the update00:56
thriftwerki'm guessing its a hardware conflict boss_mc00:56
G_S_SRthriftwerk: if were talking bout the same thing00:56
thriftwerknou, G_S_SR sorry00:57
ubottuHere I am, brain the size of a planet and you expect me to respond to a ping? How depressing.00:57
Mike_lifeguardHow can I set cups to always start on boot? Currently I am just starting it always with 'sudo /etc/init.d/cups start' :\00:57
thriftwerkno is what i meant to say, geez i can't type00:57
boss_mcMike_lifeguard: look in /etc/rc2.d/ for a script to launch it00:58
doolittleworkhi there00:58
doolittleworkcan one setup a root password for ubutu?00:58
boss_mcMike_lifeguard: should be called something like SXXcups (where XX is a number)00:58
boss_mc!root | doolittlework00:58
ubottudoolittlework: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo00:58
Mike_lifeguardboss_mc: Yep, I see /etc/rc2.d/S50cups00:58
minimecdoolittlework: 'sudo -i', then 'passwd' in a terminal00:59
* howdy` worships the great and powerful dudo00:59
boss_mcMike_lifeguard: what does 'runlevel' give you?00:59
howdy`um, sudo, lol00:59
timClicksdoolittlework: basically, ubuntu makes it very hard for users to run their pc as root00:59
kaskiUbuntu installed some proprietary drivers for my graphics card but I still can't enable fancy desktop effects00:59
boss_mcdoolittlework: for good reason (root = too powerful = bad)00:59
woodyjlwhave a synaptics touchpad I need help with. dose anyone have a sec to give me some advice or help00:59
howdy`i know nothing about touchpad. sorry01:00
Mike_lifeguardboss_mc: 201:00
doolittleworkminimec: if i wanna use winscp to link to server to move some files, i dont have acces to move files says access denied, how does one remedy this?01:00
Mike_lifeguardboss_mc: The troubleshooter (God, ubuntu needs more of those!) says to do System>Administration>Services and look for cups there, but I don't have any such entry. (this is on karmic)01:01
skylpointing grub2 at the linux-rt kernel howto?01:01
minimecwoodyjlw: What ubuntu are you on? I never had problems with synaptics touchpads...01:01
woodyjlwrunning 9.04 and I just want to make the touch more sensitive01:01
skylthe first reboot after had the rt as an option but then 2nd reboot just boots direct to -generic without a menu01:01
boss_mcMike_lifeguard: is /etc/rc2.d/S50cups pointing to /etc/init.d/cups?01:01
skylwoodyjlw, you can do it with the GUI under mouse iirc01:01
Mike_lifeguardboss_mc: yes01:02
skylwoodyjlw, System>Preference>Mouse01:02
Mike_lifeguardhuh, my cups printer disappeared just now O__o01:02
minimecwoodyjlw: Try to use the mouse-tool in the preferences menu in the system menu.01:02
boss_mcMike_lifeguard: have you looked in the system logs to see if it's just failing to start (because with that setup, it should start on boot)01:02
chadbrochillI have an issue with my ubuntu installaiton01:02
RPG_MasterAnyone mind helping my buddy with his aptitude problems? http://paste.ubuntu.com/332738/01:03
boss_mcMike_lifeguard: or tired using 'sudo service cups start' to start it (I think that's better than /etc/init.d/cups in karmic)01:03
Mike_lifeguardboss_mc: the init script seemed to work, but I'll check the logs now as the network printer disappeared :(01:04
minimecdoolittlework: That is a network config (access rights) question. As I never worked with winscp (had to google it), I don't have an answer to you ;)01:04
MatsWHi, I am trying to get another hdd running but the system stopes at "Boot from (hd0,0)ext 3 Starting up... , the other hdd is sata2 drive, formated with ext 3 - How do I do this?01:05
RPG_MasterHe can't install anything until this is resolved01:05
woodyjlwI have tried to use system > preference>mouse but nothing for increasing the sensitivity of the touching or tapping....I some times have to tap several times to get it to do something when it never did this on older ubuntu oh and I notice it was better on 9.10 but I cant get 9.10 to work with acpi stuff on this laptop01:05
bdfoster_iPhonechadbrochill: whats the problem?01:05
thedobleRPG_Master: looks like it might be a dns issue?01:06
skylsudo update-grub; sudo update-grub201:06
boss_mcRPG_Master: thedoble: it's not DNS, that IP address is correct01:06
boss_mccan he ping that address?01:06
MatsWskyl: was that ment for me?01:06
minimecwoodyjlw: ok. there are two software tools... gsynaptics and qsynaptics I think. You could try these. Another way would be to configure it manually in the /etc/X11/xorg.conf (thre is none in 'karmic')...01:06
RPG_MasterCould he just stop installing the MS-core-fonts package?01:07
skylthat was in answering my own question01:07
mrpinkyhi :D i saw that xmame doesn't appear to have a -dev package. where can i get the source?01:07
kaskiSomeone said you could have both Kubuntu and Ubuntu, and you could choose between them when booting, can anyone tell me how to do this? (I have Ubuntu)01:07
boss_mcRPG_Master: he could do 'sudo dpkg --remove ttf-mscorefont-installer'01:07
RPG_Masterboss_mc: Thanks01:07
skylMatsW, but is somewhat pertinent, what release?01:07
Mike_lifeguardboss_mc: I don't see any errors in the cups logs, and the service seems to be running OK (here and on the server)01:07
SquideshiMike_lifeguard: Does CUPS appear in System->Preferences->Sessions->Startup Programs?01:08
MatsWskyl: 9.10 agree with that in thought but I am not sure01:08
woodyjlwI would really like to get 9.10 to work on my laptop really but after install I cant close lid and suspend and wake correctly01:08
skylI don't know about this grub2 business ... yeah, you should try it .. you might be pointed at the wrong machine, maybe change the priority in the bios ..01:08
MatsWskyl: my main drive boots without issues - its when I connect this other drive it just doesnt boot up01:08
MatsWskyl: bios is configured with the right order01:09
skylyeah, maybe that is taking of hd001:09
SirChrisanybody willing to give me some help on setting up a GUI from a command line install of 9.1001:09
Mike_lifeguardSquideshi: I don't have a 'sessions' entry, but I do have 'Startup Programs' and it isn't in there, no.01:09
skyl!grub | MatsW01:09
ubottuMatsW: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.01:09
skyl!grub2 | MatsW01:09
ubottuMatsW: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub201:09
Mike_lifeguardSquideshi: ATM, I'm more concerned that I can no longer find or print to the network printer at all. That's more important than whether it starts on boot or not01:10
doolittleworkhoe do i giva a user access to do root cahnges?01:10
boss_mcSirChris: you could install ubuntu-desktop (installs ALL the defualt ubuntu desktop software)01:10
huttsonnHelp! Having problem in installing mplayer. When I mark it for installation, there is a long list of libxxx packages to be installed. When I mark these for installations, I get msg about packages with unresolvable dependencies.01:10
SquideshiMike_lifeguard: OK. Are you using the GUI or CLI to configure CUPS?01:10
Mike_lifeguardSquideshi: GUI for cups on my laptop, CLI for cups server on the server (well, there is the web interface too)01:11
minimecwoodyjlw: There were a lot of changes with 'karmic' but reading your statement I guess you don't use a ATI card... ;) Suspend and hibernation is working on all my ATI cards...01:11
boss_mcmrpinky: 'apt-get source xmame' will get the actual source code, for just the headers I do not know01:11
woodyjlwI went into power setting with 9.10 and set the suspend up but it never wakes....and that is the only version of ubuntu that I have used that has that problem. I do have it on my desktop running really really good01:11
SirChrisboss_mc: I just started using ubuntu and I would of just installed crunchbang for a cleaner install but I need to use 9.10 which crunchbang doesn't support yet because 9.10 is running flawlessly on my acer as141001:11
SquideshiMike_lifeguard: Is the printer attached to the laptop or the server?01:11
mark__Any terminal harddrive benchmark software? I need to see what speed Im getting out of my server.01:12
mrpinkyboss_mc, thanks!01:12
boss_mcSirChris: so you want the full ubuntu install?01:12
Mike_lifeguardSquideshi: server01:12
SquideshiMike_lifeguard: Does the printer appear in CUPS on the server?01:12
woodyjlwI am using ati 200m graphics card01:12
Mike_lifeguardSquideshi: Yes.01:13
SirChrisboss_mc well I find gnome is running very laggish on a 1.2ghz processor and it comes with so much unnecessary software so I just wanted to set one up myself with only what I need01:13
SquideshiMike_lifeguard: You are sharing the printer via what protocol?01:13
boss_mcSirChris: fair enough, did you look at xubuntu (ubuntu with xfce in place of gnome)01:13
boss_mcSirChris: you can install xubuntu-desktop to get that if you like the look of it01:14
Mike_lifeguardSquideshi: Dunno, whatever cups uses to do it01:14
xovercan someone explain how to reduce cpu load?01:14
minimecmark__: you could use the console version of this http://phoronix-test-suite.com/01:14
boss_mcSirChris: Or, I found a page a while back for gettign a minimal GUI from server, I'll try to find it again...01:14
SirChrisboss_mc I am really just trying to save myself the hassle of removing all the software01:14
xoverthis looks bad to me load average: 0.57, 0.44, 0.601:14
SquideshiMike_lifeguard: The printer is connected to the server via parallel or USB?01:15
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Mike_lifeguardSquideshi: USB01:15
mark__minimec : thanks, will give it a try01:15
SirChrisboss_mc: and gnome and xfce just use up so much more resources than some of the other window managers01:15
SquideshiMike_lifeguard: Are you running Ubuntu 9.10 on the server, and do you have access to it right now?01:16
bokchoihi everyone. is possible to use xbox 360 controller as game controller in ubuntu ??01:16
Mike_lifeguardSquideshi: Yes and yes01:16
boss_mcSirChris: install xserver-xorg and a window manager and a login manager?01:16
SquideshiGo into System > Administration > Printing on the server.01:16
SquideshiMike_lifeguard: Go into System > Administration > Printing on the server.01:16
bdfoster_iPhone_bokchoi: I use my ps3 controller, idk about xbox01:17
SirChrisboss_mc: I practiced installing a command line system on qEmu but I ran into problems when trying to apt-get the window managers and run the x enviroment01:17
woodyjlwevery since I left 8.04 and 8.10 my ati has not been the same but I know it is due to ati not ubuntu so I dont blame ubuntu  but I cant get my 200m ati to work corectly with 9.1001:17
bokchoibdfoster_iPhone: i should try to plug in and to test?01:17
Mike_lifeguardSquideshi: The server is CLI :\01:17
GodfatherofEireWhats the command to completely wipe a hard drive (if there is one, 'cause formatting hasnt worked)01:17
AspireZarab support channel plz?01:17
SirChrisboss_mc: gave me a harddrive error even though it said it was fine and just kept repeating, don't want that to happen on my computer you know01:18
SquideshiMike_lifeguard: Have you removed GNOME?01:18
bdfoster_iPhone_it won't hurt, but google is your friend. the ps3 controller didn't just work01:18
Mike_lifeguardSquideshi: the server is a server, I didn't have to01:18
bokchoibdfoster_iPhone: i understand. there will be much to configurate?01:18
SquideshiMike_lifeguard: I see. I thought Ubuntu Karmic always came with GNOME. Sorry about that.01:18
GodfatherofEire!arabic > AspireZ01:19
ubottuAspireZ, please see my private message01:19
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boss_mcSirChris: http://ubuntu-snippets.blogspot.com/2008/06/how-to-setup-lighter-faster-minimal.html01:19
BraveSaintStuartso... this is probably going to take awhile01:19
boss_mcSirChris: somthing like that?01:19
bdfoster_iPhonebokchoi: depends on who develops that stuff01:19
BraveSaintStuartbut... I'm having a hard time installing adobe flashplayer on my Firefox01:19
GodfatherofEireGuys, kinda need the command to wipe a hard drive01:19
=== weremnep is now known as mneptok
Mike_lifeguardSquideshi: no problem. I think (looking at the 'add printer' page of CUPS web interface) that the printer is now being recognized on a different USB port. I'll try removing the old one and re-adding it...01:20
skylI added ``linux-rt``, I ran ``$ sudo update-grub`` and I see ``Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.31-9-rt`` but then I don't get a choice when I reboot.01:20
woodyjlwmy touchpad works perfect in 9.10 but not so good in 9.04 ...lol can I take the good parts of 9.10 and the good parts of 9.04 and make a perfect UBUNYU OS ???  lol01:20
SquideshiMike_lifeguard: Sounds reasonable.01:20
tomg555Hi, is there a good way to get a good verticle panel working in gnome?01:20
BraveSaintStuartso if anyone can explain this to a computer illiterate idiot, that would be... helpful01:20
SirChrisboss_mc: yeah I have been trying to get something like that setup and then I could customize it to look all nice like crunchbang myself, basically I want a 9.10 crunchbang but I read it wasn't working too well to try and update crunchbang from 9.04 to 9.1001:20
kostkon!flash | BraveSaintStuart01:20
ubottuBraveSaintStuart: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash01:20
bokchoiGodfatherofEire: Use dd.01:21
kaskiMy internet is way way slower in ubuntu than in windows, i have a wired connection. any suggestions?01:22
SirChrisboss_mc: in 9.10 all my function keys are working, wifi has great strength and doesn't drop, webcam is working everything, 9.04 not so much01:22
GodfatherofEirebokchoi, that'll wipe all the data on the HD, kinda like DBaN? (Formatting isnt working)01:22
BraveSaintStuartthanks much01:22
erUSUL!info wipe01:22
ubottuwipe (source: wipe): Secure file deletion. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.21-7 (karmic), package size 44 kB, installed size 140 kB01:22
BraveSaintStuartalthough I'm not sure about the commands for this01:22
huttsonndoes mplayer work in ubuntu?01:22
BraveSaintStuartsuch as !Restricted01:22
jribhuttsonn: of course01:23
BraveSaintStuartwhat am I supposed to do with that01:23
boss_mcSirChris: or the slightly more official (and lower resource dependant) https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerGUI01:23
bokchoiGodfatherofEire: i dont know what dban is, but assuming you just want to erase the contents and not have to worry about security then yes it will work. the command syntax is something like dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sd1 (or whatever your hd is)01:23
bdfoster_iPhonebokchoi: there are plenty of tutorials out there for this on google, should be no sweat.01:23
tomg555What's the best way to get a verticle panel to work right in gnome?01:23
huttsonnjrib: Help! Having problem in installing mplayer. When I mark it for installation, there is a long list of libxxx packages to be installed. When I mark these for installations, I get msg about packages with unresolvable dependencies.01:23
bokchoibdfoster_iPhone: im googling it now, thx. just thought i'd ask right off the bat and see if anyone's done it and failed.01:23
skylGRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0 , there she is ...01:23
Mike_lifeguardSquideshi: yeah, that didn't help :\01:23
tony_vlc mite work too01:24
GodfatherofEirebokchoi, thanks01:24
jribhuttsonn: what version of ubuntu? have you installed any packages manually?  Have you enabled any unofficial repositories?01:24
kaskiMy internet is way way slower in ubuntu than in windows, i have a wired connection. any suggestions?01:24
minimechuttsonn: try to use the medibuntu repository. That could be a good start...01:24
Mike_lifeguardSquideshi: aha, now there are errors: E [01/Dec/2009:21:20:35 -0400] [cups-driverd] Bad driver information file "/usr/share/cups/drv/sample.drv"!01:24
SquideshiMike_lifeguard: Well, I'm guessing that the problem has to be on the laptop side, assuming that the printer is still shared and published on the server.01:24
SirChrisboss_mc: simple question, if I plug in a usb key can I install the system onto that instead of my harddrive so if it fails or panics I can just wipe the key and start over01:24
bokchoiGodfatherofEire: if you need secure encrypted hd wipe i would recommend truecrypt. but im sure a security expert would have a better answer than that01:24
bdfoster_iPhonegotcha. looks like the controllers are similar in the way they connect. it should br no biggie.01:24
huttsonnok, thks.01:24
jribwhat just happened...?01:25
GodfatherofEirebokchoi, i dont need a secure wipe, formatting just isnt working01:25
woodyjlwif I install ubuntu 9.10 on here again could I get help on here fixing suspend and wake problem?   cause 9.10 will fix my touchpad problems I am haveing01:25
bokchoiGodfatherofEire: good luck. dd should definitely work. it takes a while tho.01:25
GodfatherofEirebokchoi, trying to set up a gpt partition table, but the default ubuntu install uses an msdos partition table01:25
kaskiMy internet is way way slower in ubuntu than in windows, i have a wired connection. any suggestions?01:26
GodfatherofEirebokchoi, its an 8GB hd, shouldnt take too long01:26
boss_mcSirChris: I have done that but it was a pain in the backside to get it working properly (manually installing grub among other things)01:26
tomg555What's the best way to get a verticle panel to work right in gnome?01:26
SirChrisboss_mc: you can't just point the installer to the key? that would of been an easy way for me to test installing01:27
kostkon!ipv6 | kaski01:27
ubottukaski: For an introduction to IPv6 and information on tunneling IPv6 through IPv4 connections, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPv6 | To disable IPv6 see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv401:27
kaskiwhich link?01:27
kostkonkaski, it could be ipv6 related01:27
kostkonkaski, the 2nd one01:27
boss_mcSirChris: maybe you can, I only had one USB key available to me though (and no CD drive...)01:27
GodfatherofEirebokchoi, how would I indicate the whole drive, not the partition?01:28
kaskiim pretty sure i already disabled ipv6 but ill check it01:28
kostkonkaski, ok01:28
boss_mcSirChris: actually that sounds liek it would work quite nicely01:28
GodfatherofEirebokchoi, just dd with of=hd0?01:28
boss_mcGodfatherofEire: if=/dev/zero01:28
minimecwoodyjlw: YOur questions are related. With karmic, you get a newer version of xorg, which handles your GPU and touchpad in a different way. There is no /etc/X11/xorg.conf anymore, as the X-server handles all the hardware automatically. You have the possibility to create a /etc/X11/xorg.conf... THat will certainly help you with the synaptics driver...01:29
kaskikostkon, yep its disabled01:29
Scottybukanyone have any idea how i can restrict www-data to 300/400mb of ram?01:29
SirChrisboss_mc: yeah I bought another one yesterday so I could try different live cd's but always have a 9.10 desktop backup because i know it works and I don't have a windows computer, just a mac and a blank as141001:29
kostkonkaski, ok01:29
GodfatherofEireboss_mc, I know, i meant just for the output portion01:29
kaskikostkon, any other ideas01:29
boss_mcSirChris: if the as1410 is blank can't you just try on that and, if it fails, format that?01:30
kostkonkaski, no :/01:30
GodfatherofEireAh, screw it, I'll just do a quick DBAN01:30
=== sebi_` is now known as sebi`
kaeserI am looking for a monocromatic laser printer(foss of course)...01:30
ugliefrog_I had a flashblock script that someone gave me a link to awhile back for chromium......does anyone know what it is called i miss it01:31
kaskiMy internet is way way slower in ubuntu than in windows, i have a wired connection. any suggestions?01:31
nevets04Does anyone know of a good free screen recorder?01:31
SirChrisboss_mc: yeah but i don't know much about ubuntu and was worried it might cause serious damage with a noob trying to do a advanced install, i suppose formating will always fix any problems01:31
boss_mcSirChris: formatting cures all evils! (except kicking out the plug while flashing the BIOS, must remember not to do that again....)01:32
bdfoster_iPhonenevets04: there are a few in the ubuntu software center01:32
michaelgHi, I just tried installing Karmic on a new Thinkpad SL510; but as soon as I select "Install Ubuntu" or "Try ubuntu w/o changing your computer" (or as soon as I install via Wubi and then reboot into Ubuntu), I just see a blank screen.  Ctrl-alt-delete still works, but ctrl-alt-f1 doesn't show me a text prompt.  What should I try next?01:33
nevets04bdfoster_iPhone, One in specific you would suggest?01:33
ssmitIs there a resource anyone can point me to on how to set up a Ubuntu "home media server"?01:33
bdfoster_iPhonecrap I have one on my box, cant think of the name.01:34
bdfoster_iPhoneim on my phone right now lol01:34
BraveSaintStuartso... whatever I tried to install Adobe Flashplayer didn't work01:34
BraveSaintStuartis there anyone who can help me with that fun stuff?01:34
Salvad Since the upgrade I made to Ubuntu 9.10, I get error when try to install/uninstall deb packages.01:35
billybigriggeranyone having problems running gnomedo's docky on dual monitors? nvidia card with latest drivers01:35
BraveSaintStuartor is there a better web browser for ubuntu?01:35
billybigriggeri can't figure how to run docky on both screens, and gnome panel on the 2nd screen is acting wierd now01:35
BraveSaintStuartyeah Salvad: I had that problem with the flashplayer.deb01:36
michaelgIs this the right place to ask an installation question?01:37
lstarnesmichaelg: if it is related to ubuntu, this is the place for it01:37
Scottybukanyone have any idea how i can restrict www-data to 300/400mb of ram?01:37
BraveSaintStuartso does anyone have any idea how else to install adobe flashplayer onto Firefox?01:38
BraveSaintStuartbecause whatever I just tried didn't really work01:38
kostkonBraveSaintStuart, how did you try to install it?01:38
paradroidBraveSaintStuart: There is a package called "ubuntu-restricted-extras" in the repositiories. It installs every package you need to play certain media formats, as well as java and flash plugins for Firefox.01:39
BraveSaintStuartyeah, paradroid, I think I downloaded those, but anytime I try to play media (say on ESPN.com), it's just a black screen01:39
BraveSaintStuartbefore it said "Get Adobe Flashplayer" with their logo... but now it's just black01:39
zythyldoes anyone here know much about the application "mirrorselect"... this is a bit offtopic but im compiling a kernel right now and i need to select a mirror for package updates using mirrorselect inside Gentoo but i dot know how to actually select a mirror when the list pops up... i can scroll and move up and down the list but when i press "enter" to select one, it just send me back to the command prompt.01:40
sproatyis there some way to send feedback when rmeoving a program01:40
paradroidBraveSaintStuart: I've had the same problem. Normally restarting Firefox helps, or at least rebooting. It's a terrible fix I know.01:40
BraveSaintStuartheheh... yeah what can you do01:41
BraveSaintStuartI did restart Firefox... maybe rebooting is the answer01:41
paradroidBraveSaintStuart: It's the wrong answer, mind you. You should never have to reboot. Of course, they are playing with Adobe's binary, so it's a little tougher to optimize and make fit.01:42
paradroidzythyl: Pick a mirror closest to you, highlight it, and press space to select it. You can select multiple mirrors. For future reference, please use #gentoo on irc.freenode.net for future Gentoo related questions.01:43
BraveSaintStuartright... I mean... none of that really makes sense to me... I'm pretty much a computer moron compared to everyone who does the work to make Ubuntu what it is01:43
BraveSaintStuartbut, at the same time, I understand that the language isn't much the same, so... awesome01:43
b0ngl0adcan anybody give me some advice on making my wifi work in a compaq laptop with ubuntu?  This is my first time ever using the program, trying to get some things working right.01:43
BraveSaintStuartanywho... thanks for the advice... I may be back01:43
paradroidBraveSaintStuart: Don't be so hard on yourself. Everyone starts somewhere, and everyone starts knowing nothing.01:43
nytek_b0ngl0ad: have you enable the restricted drivers under system > restricted drivers?01:44
paradroidBraveSaintStuart: The problem is if you remain knowing nothing. Now, go out there and...do stuff?01:45
BraveSaintStuartthanks for the pep talk! I'm gonna... go do stuff!01:46
nytek_BraveSaintStuart: haha, fl!01:46
nytek_BraveSaintStuart: gl*!01:46
b0ngl0adnytek_,  can you be more specific on that location.  I am not seeing restricted drivers under system.01:47
nytek_b0ngl0ad: um, what version of ubuntu are you using?01:47
ubuntuhello all01:47
lugnuttzdoes anyone have some time to help me ? I cant get ubuntu to install to the HD but runs from a CD01:48
b0ngl0adnytek_,  9.1001:48
b0ngl0adi see hardware drivers01:48
b0ngl0adbut nothing about restricted01:48
kitchelugnuttz: well what is the error you are getting if anything01:48
ubuntui have that same problem01:48
ubuntu:( i have tried 9.04 and 9.10 about 4 times each01:49
nytek_b0ngl0ad: open that and see if you see your wireless card01:49
ubuntui get a different error every time01:49
nytek_b0ngl0ad: hardware i mean, im sorry01:49
lugnuttzat the end of the boot up it said the network manager could not complete.01:49
gclericSalvad: howdy01:49
SalvadI get this when trying to install/uninstall deb packages: "E: ttf-mscorefonts-installer: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1".01:49
kitchelugnuttz: well that's not really a fatal error really01:49
mac9416ubuntu, you must have fought tooth and nail to get that nick. ;-) Didn't mean to interrupt, just saying hi. :-)01:49
SalvadWhat does it means?01:49
ubuntu:D im on the live cd01:50
ubuntuit was just the default01:50
lugnuttzthats what I was thinking but when i have it running from the cd and click the icon to install to the hd, it does nothing.01:50
gclericSalvad: have to run an apt-get install -f ?01:50
SalvadWhat does it do?01:50
gclericSalvad: fixes a package(s) that are not fully installed.01:51
SalvadI will run that and come back.01:51
b0ngl0adnytek_,  it says no propritery hardware found and the list is empty01:52
BraveSaintStuartI'm back...01:52
BraveSaintStuartto no avail01:52
SalvadI am getting this in the process: "--2009-12-01 22:52:23--  http://downloads.sourceforge.net/corefonts/andale32.exe01:53
SalvadResolving downloads.sourceforge.net... failed: Connection timed out."01:53
SalvadI can download packages though.01:53
BraveSaintStuartSalvad: did you mention about having trouble with .deb01:54
BraveSaintStuartSalvad: I am too... don't really know what to do about it though01:54
BraveSaintStuartSalvad: sorry if I got your hopes up01:54
woodyjlwI think I may try 9.10 one more time on this laptop but wondering if anyone els on here has a laptop with a ATI 200M graphics card that is using 9.10 successfully ??01:55
BraveSaintStuartso is there any other way to install Adobe Flashplayer so that it might work?01:55
dox_drumwoodyjlw, I don't01:55
tityalguien juega l2 en ubuntu? server oficial o privado?01:56
woodyjlwdont what?   have ati or any problems with it01:56
dox_drumwoodyjlw, I couldn't configure it to work properly.01:57
BraveSaintStuartAdobe Flashplayer problems, anyone?01:57
BraveSaintStuartno one?01:57
woodyjlwmaybe I should wait then?01:57
dox_drumtity, what is l2?01:57
trismBraveSaintStuart: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer is all you need01:58
lainyMy MPD is playing but the MPD values on my conky simply display (null). Any help? Thanks.01:58
BraveSaintStuarttrism: I don't know even know what that means01:58
michaelgBraveSaintStuart: click Applications -> Terminal, then type that command01:59
michaelgit will prompt for your password, then install "flashplugin-installer"01:59
michaelg(apt-get is a command-line program to install programs.)01:59
michaelgI am not sure what happens *after* you install an "installer", though...01:59
trismmichaelg: the installer just downloads the flash package from the adobe website and installs it...hence installer02:00
biggerfischMy computer's screen will not lock when I select "Lock Screen" from the right-most menu, but it will when the screensaver kicks in or I can select switch users, but the screen will not simply lock from the menu. Does anyone have any ideas?02:00
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michaelgtrism: ah.02:01
=== goose_ is now known as goose
Um_cara_qualquerexcuse me, when i try to add some music in K3B it says: "Problem while adding files to the project." how can i solve this problema?02:01
BraveSaintStuartmichaelg: trism: it didn't really seem to do anything02:01
michaelgBraveSaintStuart: I can only speak to how to run apt-get via the command line -- no idea re: Flash.  Sorry!02:02
koolmanlukehow do I configure firefox so that I dont have to type in .com02:02
BraveSaintStuarttrism: ?02:02
trismBraveSaintStuart: it should say things such as downloading flashplugin-installer, unpacking, installing, etc...then you should be good to go02:03
michaelgkoolmanluke: hit "control enter" after typing a url, e.g. type "google" and hit control enter.  it will place ".com" after your url for you.02:03
madcheezehey all i need some quick amarok help. i cant hear my music. i hear all other sounds like clicks, etc. but no music. any ideas?02:03
BraveSaintStuarttrism:  oh... actually more interesting, and possibly frustrating02:03
trismBraveSaintStuart: what did it say after you typed the command?02:04
biggerfischmadcheeze: is amarok muted?02:04
koolmanlukemicahelg, there is no way to force that behavior? I swear, it used to do that on my mac firefox standard02:04
madcheezebiggerfisch, no02:04
BraveSaintStuarttrism: it just says "flashplugin-installer is already the newest version"02:04
michaelgkoolmanluke: not sure.  i know that FF by default does an "i'm feeling lucky" google search when you type a non-url into the url bar.02:04
BraveSaintStuarttrism: this is definitely frustrating because I've already restarted Firefox and Ubuntu02:04
michaelg(for me)02:04
trismBraveSaintStuart: so no flash apps work?02:04
koolmanlukemichaelg, thanks, the control enter tip works02:04
michaelgkoolmanluke: np02:04
BraveSaintStuarttrism: nothing so far02:04
ZaNeIuMhow does one tell what hd are on the system, like what is my usb flash drive? dh3?02:05
biggerfischmadcheeze: try checking the system sound prefs. and see if music playback is muted02:05
BraveSaintStuarttrism:  I suppose I should try something like on YouTube or something, but espn.com doesn't seem to want to show me anything02:05
trismBraveSaintStuart: not all flash apps will work in the linux version unfortunately02:06
alloy_hi, i'm trying to get vmware server going, it needs all the kernel headers and source - what packages do i install for this?02:06
trismBraveSaintStuart: try youtube though, because that definitely works02:06
alloy_i have linux-source and linux-headers, but still npo fun02:06
BraveSaintStuarttrism: correct... it does... that's a little disappointing though02:06
trismBraveSaintStuart: yes it is02:07
BraveSaintStuarttrism: perhaps I'll still be able to watch some goodness on hulu or something, and I'll have to use GASP Windows for ESPN.  Poo02:07
trismBraveSaintStuart: yeah hulu works fine too02:08
BraveSaintStuarttrism:  Well good deal... thanks for the help... I'm sure the intelligent minds behind ubuntu will get keep making this thing better02:08
vockJust a quick question: sda11 in grub would be (hd0,10) ?02:09
jribvock: depends on your grub version02:10
jribvock: then yes02:10
DunasWith Flashplugin-nonfree properly installed and configured, clicking on the Youtube controls for the videos is not working. They still respond to spacebar for pause and play, however. Karmic 9.10, Firefox 3.502:10
vockjrib: thanks02:10
jribDunas: check bugs.ubuntu.com, there should be a bug as I've seen similar complaints02:11
gnomemanHi guys.  First time here.  Does anybody know or has anybody herd of Ubuntu not running (graphically) on a new Intel G31 chipset machine?  I've tried that latest Ubuntu release as well as the last 3 releases of Ubuntu and Kubuntu with the same results.  Also the latest version of Linux Mint has the same issue.02:11
ZaNeIuMdoes sda mean drive 0 (hd0)??02:11
jribZaNeIuM: in what context?02:12
ZaNeIuMi see my usb drive as /dev/sda102:12
dox_drumIs the youtube plugging of totem working 4 any of you?02:12
ZaNeIuMis that also (hd0)02:12
jribZaNeIuM: did you see my question?02:12
woodyjlwif I run a dual boot with 9.04 as main os and test 10.04 will I be able to update the 10.04 to newest build or do you have to install newest build every time ?02:13
ZaNeIuMim trying to install grub on my usb stick, but it tells me i need to know what (hdx) it is02:13
jribZaNeIuM: I haven't done that, but yes sda is hd002:14
ZaNeIuMthank you and then /dev/sdc3 would be (hd3,3) ?02:14
jribZaNeIuM: no...02:15
jribZaNeIuM: if a is 0, then c is not 302:16
woodyjlwIf you have a dual boot system with 2 different ubuntu OS and you want to get rid of one of them can you do it without reinstalling whole system02:16
alloy_what's the best way to get all source installed on ubuntu 8.04?02:16
jriballoy_: why?02:17
jribwoodyjlw: sure02:17
alloy_jrib: vmware server needs it to build it's kernel module02:17
jrib!vmware > alloy_02:17
ubottualloy_, please see my private message02:17
dailystruggledoes sound work with IRC02:17
alloy_it's the UBUNTU linux source I need jrib02:18
jribdailystruggle: up to your client02:18
jriballoy_: read the link ubottu gave you02:18
dailystrugglewhich clients do02:18
woodyjlwso if I find a test version of 10.04 and I dual boot with my 9.04 and I dont like it I can get rid of 10.04 without reinstalling02:18
vockI'm trying to install karmic-mini.iso from a hard drive without burning it: I've edited fstab so that it the partition is mounted on boot (it is automatically mounted when I start Jaunty, so i think i did it right), grub is pointed to the right partition (/dev/sda11, grub is pointing to (hd0,10) but I'm still getting that it's not able to mount the partition, any ideas?02:18
jribdailystruggle: most can be setup to play a sound on different events02:18
dox_drumno1 has problem with totem's youtube?02:18
jribwoodyjlw: yes02:19
woodyjlwok thanks :)02:19
jribwoodyjlw: just make sure you use 9.04's grub so you don't have to reinstall grub later02:19
dailystruggleno like if I wanted to broadcast sound from a meeting02:20
jribvock: i would just use a usb flash drive personally02:20
jrib!install > vock02:20
ubottuvock, please see my private message02:20
jribvock: see if that has any tips02:20
jribdailystruggle: no, irc doesn't do that02:20
dailystruggledoes anyone have a clue how they did it at UDS-l02:20
dailystrugglethey had live stream02:21
vockjrib: I would too, except this computer can't boot off a USB :(02:22
jribdailystruggle: icecast?02:22
=== jetx is now known as jetscreamer
alloy_thanks jrib i'll remember that page - was actually on it yesterday trying to get 9.10 working with it, again thanks :-)02:23
dailystruggleill look at that02:23
wolf23help me please!02:24
vockjrib: If it comes up again, I think the problem is that grub can't read ntfs?02:24
jribvock: yeah, I'd believe that02:25
Xodiacwith showmouse how do I live it on even when i reboot the system02:26
wolf23somebody help!!02:26
jribwolf23: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)02:26
minimec!ask | wolf2302:26
ubottuwolf23: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:26
wolf23minimec:  is there a way to burn 4 .cue files in one dvd?02:27
phrontistso my brother, who shares an connection with me, noticed that his ping (for some steam game) was really bad. He disconnected my machine and it went back to normal. What's strange though is that I'm not doing anything that should be connecting to the network. As soon as I connect again, the problem resumes. I've run top and netstat and I've got some fishy results.02:27
wolf23minimec:  i mean is there a way to burn 4 .bin files in one dvd?02:27
wallbunnyHi! I could use some help with mdadm. I created a new raid-5 array with 3x1.5tb disks today, but something went horribly wrong... I made the array with one disk missing, so that I could copy the contents of my old disk to the degraded array. mdstat does not list the array (md3), and I am not very familiar with the mdadm tools02:28
SuperMigueli install flash 10.. but im unable to click on any of the control features of flash.. like play or pause02:28
phrontistFirst off, netstat shows a connection to "shareprocessing.com" - which I've never heard of02:28
jribSuperMiguel: check bugs.ubuntu.com, that seems to be a common one02:28
microlithphrontist: can your router display traffic information?02:28
cantI am for whatever reason, unable to play any videos on my computer.. ubuntu02:29
minimecwolf23: you can burn as much data on a dvd until it is full, using it as a data dvd. Cannot give you an answer for more detailed dvd questions.02:29
phrontistmicrolith: I don't think so02:29
Ben64phrontist: sudo apt-get install bwm-ng02:29
jribSuperMiguel: here you go: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/flashplugin-nonfree/+bug/410407?comments=all02:29
Ben64phrontist: with that you can monitor how much bandwidth you're using on your computer02:29
phrontisthere is my netstat output (except unix sockets): http://pastebin.ca/169758402:29
wolf23minimec:  ah ok , thanx02:30
phrontistben64: okay. I've been using gkrellm and it showed a steady 10kbps before I connected to irc.02:30
cantI am for whatever reason, unable to play any videos on my computer.. what is the repo to add to get flash?02:30
jrib!flash | cant02:30
ubottucant: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash02:30
SuperMigueljrib, how do i even google that?02:31
draconasi was wondering if someone could help me with installation from a CD, ive tried everything for 5 hours02:31
phrontistalso, and this frankly freaks me out, there is a dd process running... and I haven't ever used dd on this machine02:31
jribSuperMiguel: I didn't tell you to google.  I told you to search for a bug at http://bugs.ubuntu.com, but I did it for you in my last message02:31
phrontistis there any conceivable reason for that?02:31
aspiditesdraconas: everything is fairly vague. at what point of installation does it fail?02:31
babahive just installed ubuntu 9.04, but no sounds, anyone can help me?02:32
lstarnesphrontist: check the parameters that it is using02:32
jribphrontist: short answer: yes.  If it's hogging your cpu or something, there was a bug about it at bugs.ubuntu.com02:32
draconasash-2plus1: after i click install, it shows the icon, then it goes away and does nothing, the hhard drive light is on but its doing nothing02:32
phrontistlstarnes: how?02:32
lstarnesphrontist: ps aux | grep /bin/dd02:32
babahhow can i make the sounds activate?02:33
phrontistjrib: oh, so there is a known issue with ubuntu that causes it to run a useless dd proc?02:33
jribphrontist: no, I believe it has a use02:33
wolf23minimec:  but its a game of 4 cds .bin and .cue and i need to know about a program to burn them into one dvd02:33
lstarnesphrontist: if you see /bin/dd bs 1 if /proc/kmsg of /var/run/klogd/kmsg, it is being used to store the kernel log messages from /proc/kmsg to /var/run/klogd/kmsg for use by klogd02:33
jribphrontist: but there is a known issue where it hogs the cpu02:33
jribphrontist: (sometimes)02:33
phrontistdd's options are: /bin/dd bs 1 if /proc/kmsg of /var/run/klogd/kmsg02:34
phrontistso yeah, looks like some system thing02:34
git__dd is cool02:34
phrontistit's not hogging CPU, so I'm fine with that02:34
phrontistbut still weirded out by the apparent constant bandwidth usage, however small02:34
canti have flashinstaller installed already but no flash  still no video   where is the installer?02:34
=== wulfgarpro is now known as wulfgarx
draconasseems like my flashdrive will get past the boot screen, but not the installation CD02:34
jribcant: what *exactly* did you do to install flash?02:35
jadakrenwolf23: are you implying you have done this before?02:35
minimecwolf23: what you want is a storage device that handles your 4 cds, and a software to mount your cue files. Ubuntu is your friend02:35
cantclicked on the install flash link from the above ubotto and it reported already installed the installer02:35
git__i have a 8GB file02:36
git__i can't copy it to my Ubuntu laptop02:36
phrontistaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand, I'm an idiot02:36
wolf23minimec:  please can u help me and tell me what program use for it?02:36
phrontistthere is a bitorrent process.02:36
jrib!who | cant02:36
ubottucant: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)02:36
phrontistso I haven't been l33t h4x0red after all02:36
momohi what can i use to check for bad sectors02:37
wolf23jadakren:  i didnot try this before, but i am asking if there a way to burn 4 .bin and .cue files into one dvd02:37
cantjrib  yes02:37
jribcant: and then, did you restart your browser?02:37
microlithphrontist: yeah, BT will slaughter your upstream if unmonitored02:37
cantjrib I didnt install anything02:37
blue_lineshey all.02:37
jribcant: restart your browser02:38
phrontistmicrolith: I was seeding that torrent of every MIDI on geocities :-)02:38
phrontistwith no upload limit02:38
jadakrenwolf23: first off... have you found a programm to mount the cye & bin files yet?02:38
draconasanyone: is there a reason why the hard drive hangs and the installation CD does nothing after the first screen, but im able to use ubuntu from my flashdrive?02:38
blue_linesI'm trying to install 9.10 on my eeePC, but when I made a bootable USB, it just ignored it completely.02:38
jadakrenwolf23: cue*02:38
blue_linesIt's set to boot from USB.02:38
blue_linesAny ideas?02:38
minimecwolf23: brasero to burn the cue's, and this to mount them... http://maketecheasier.com/mount-iso-bin-and-cue-files-from-nautilus/2009/05/2302:38
microlithphrontist: a venture with dubious value :P02:39
phrontistmicrolith: indeed.02:39
gnomemanIs anybody else having a problem with the new Intel G31 graphics chipset?02:39
phrontistthat brings me to my next question02:39
phrontisthow do I extract a .7z on ubuntu hardy?02:39
jrib!7z | phrontist02:39
wolf23thanx minimec and jadakren i try!02:39
ubottuphrontist: Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression02:39
phrontistjrib: word.02:40
=== banister` is now known as banisterfiend
gnomemanSo the new Intel G31 don't work at all on Ubuntu...but the Nvidia ones do?02:41
Thehello Rm02:42
draconasis there a reason why the installation CD makes my drive hang and makes it do nothing for hours, but my flashdrive has no problem with it?02:42
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mdganyone seen ShawnRisk tonight?02:43
wolf23minimec:  can u burn from brasero the 4 .cue files?02:43
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Thenew 2 chat rm.02:43
=== Guest25090 is now known as Fred_ie
Theis this where U ask Q?02:44
andres_oye para modificar mis actualisaciones02:44
hololightI can't seem to choose different sound devices. I plugged in a usb headset but in pulseaudio device choose i can set it 'default' but it makes no difference. I know the usb headset works because i can pick it inside skype... ideas?02:44
FloodBot4felizardo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:44
IdleOne!u | The02:44
ubottuThe: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' or 'Ur' are words in the English language. Nor are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' or 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.02:44
mdgThe: jump right in02:44
Fred_ieevening all02:45
draconassomeone who cares: is there a reason why my CD doesnt work?02:45
IdleOnedraconas: yes02:45
Thevery funny02:45
skylermediais there a channel for scalix or anywhere i can get support?02:46
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draconasthe: thanks02:46
minimecwolf23: what I explained you is a way to backup your cds, like make a cue/bin copy of them and save them. Don't think that you can just mount and burn your cue files on a DVD and the DVD handles them as indipendant cds like for installation of the game or so...02:46
skylermediawell support would mean i have it install... i'm really just interested in getting started with scalix02:46
draconasIdleOne: and the reason would be?02:46
IdleOnedraconas: did you check the iso with md5?02:46
draconasIdleOne:whats md5? im using it with my flashdrive and it seems to work fine02:47
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows02:47
IdleOnedraconas: follow that link02:47
draconasIdleOne: thanks, gimme a minute02:47
jadakrenwolf23: what game is it.02:48
IdleOnedraconas: also burn the cd at lowest speed possible02:48
wolf23minimec:  oh so i need to burn 4 cds not all in one dvd :(02:48
wellingtonei some knows because new ubuntu does not recognize drive of sound02:48
wolf23jadakren:  men of valor02:48
ac13hi, all my videos have the wrong color02:48
ac13I think it is an xvideo problem02:48
ac13is there some way to fix this?02:48
minimecwolf23: probably yes.02:48
jadakrenwolf23: one thing you could experiement with is mounting each cd and copying the contents to a folder on your hard drive... then burning that folder to a dvd02:49
epinkyac13: define "wrong color"02:49
wellingtonmy friends and u we are I try this problem02:49
ac13epinky: like, purplish02:49
ac13and bluish02:49
hololightac13: do u have an ati card?02:49
ac13under gstreamer-properties changing to "no xv" fixes02:49
ac13but then the video tears02:49
jadakrenwolf23: this is one of the ways  you get around other programs that install from multi-discs02:49
gnomemanHi guys.  First time here.  Does anybody know or has anybody herd of Ubuntu not running (graphically) on a new Intel G31 chipset machine?  I've tried that latest Ubuntu release as well as the last 3 releases of Ubuntu and Kubuntu with the same results.  Also the latest version of Linux Mint has the same issue.02:50
ac13I have a nvidia card. using the latest (185?) drivers02:50
epinkyac13: I think that's a codec issue, tried with "vlc player" ?02:50
ac13epinky: under mplayer, gl works but xv doesn't02:50
hololightac13: ok, i only asked cause a friend had a similar prob. and it was an issues with his driver but his card was ati02:50
wellingtonmany are tie with will to change or to install the old version02:50
marks256Say if i had a lab of 50 ubuntu computers, could i have an update server so i dont have to download 50 400mb updates (example size). Then i would only have to download 1 400mb set, then distribute it to the lab02:51
ac13yeah it might be a driver problem. but I can't see how to change the colors!02:51
minimecjadakren: wolf23: That merge- in- one- folder is worth a try. At least that alwost always worked back in the 9ties... ;)02:51
ac13well, all the colors in nvidia-setitngs look fine. so it oculd be some sort of issue with the color space? (I don't really know much about this stuff...)02:51
hololightac13: try the open source video drive just to be sure that is not the prob02:51
wolf23jadakren:  jadakren so tell me how peoples burn 6 movies in one dvd and when u insert the dvd on a dvd player it shows menus with animations, can u tell me how they burn it?02:51
jadakrenwolf23: movie != game02:51
BalSakhi guys02:52
ac13don't the nvidia drivers tend to work well? I don't really want to switch video drivers if it can be avoided02:52
b0ngl0adcan someone please help me get flash player installed so i can watch youtube videos?  I am using ubuntu V 9.1002:52
zer0nehi all. Evolution mail hangs on "formatting messages"...02:52
ac13b0ngl0ad: install ubuntu-restricted-extras02:52
wolf23jadakren:  no movies films02:52
BalSakhow do I unbind an app from a port/socket; it's misbehaving & I can't kill it & it's hogging a socket I need02:52
b0ngl0adac13,  where do i find that?  sorry for the n00b questions, this is my first time.. only a couple hours into it02:53
jadakrenwolf23: i meant movies are not games, therefore follow different rules about how they can be compiled onto a dvd disc02:53
IdleOne!flash | b0ngl0ad02:53
ubottub0ngl0ad: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash02:53
zer0neb0ngload: sudo apt-get ubuntu-restricted-extras02:53
ac13b0ngl0ad: it might be in the software center02:53
draconasIdleOne: it works02:53
b0ngl0adi installed everything i could find with youtube in the software center and it didnt work02:53
IdleOnedraconas: it works?02:53
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash02:53
jadakrenwolf23: unless of course your dvd player is divx or xvid compatiable, therefore you can just copy the divx or xvid movie files onto the dvd like normal data files02:53
ac13b0ngl0ad, : ubuntu restricted extras are in the software center02:54
ac13search for "restricted"02:54
epinkyBalSak: have you identified the process?02:54
BalSakyip; twinkle with a PID of .... something02:54
ac13b0ngl0ad: Under "View", switch to "All"02:54
draconasIdleOne: cd still doesnt :/ but the iso is the same as what im using on my flashdrive, so i know the iso isnt the problem02:54
epinkyBalSak: tried with "sudo kill -9 <PID>" ?02:55
c3zhi, can any1 know how to remove login screen in 9.10 ? update-rc.d -f gmd just doesnt work =S ?02:55
wolf23jadakren:  no i mean how could i make 6 movies from my hard disk and burn them into one dvd, and with the menu02:55
IdleOnedraconas: also burn the cd at lowest speed possible, check the BIOS and make sure the CDROM is set to boot first02:55
BalSakepinky: yea. just sits there. even tried doing it in a watch loop02:56
OddbioIs there a "headphone jack sense" option in Ubuntu 9.10?  I can't seem to find it.02:56
draconasIdleOne: that may help, just 1x and not 4x speed?02:56
DunasSo how bad is this ext4 file corruption bug? Should I be concerned?02:56
IdleOnedraconas: 2x should be slow enough but 1x if you feel like it.02:56
jadakren!devede | wolf2302:56
alex413xHello, I have a problem with my ubunutu install on my laptop.  After logging in, the ubuntu gnome desktop doesnt seem to load properly.  My last used wallpaper shows up, and I can view the icons on my desktop as well as right click.  Also, when I try to open firefox or conkerer from the command line, I get "Bus error"02:56
jribDunas: I checked my backups02:56
draconasIdleOne: great i'll try it02:56
wolf23jadakren:  ok let me explain for you, if i intert the dvd ona a dvd player it shows the menu with the 6 films,and each film in the menu looks small and with animation02:57
jadakrenwolf23: i've used 'devede' to do that02:57
wolf23jadakren:  also with sound02:57
dxdemetriouhow can I hide visual assistance from GDM in Karmic?02:57
b0ngl0adany1 ever had problems getting wifi to work on a laptop?02:58
b0ngl0adlaptop has built in wifi card02:58
minimecOddbio: You should be able to find that in the alsa configuration of your soundcard in gnome-volume-control. jack-snese not working by default is a bad sign.... (my experience)02:58
Ben64<dxdemetriou> how can I hide visual assistance from GDM in Karmic? <--- I would like to know that as well02:58
ac13wifi worked out of the box for me... what type of wireless card do you have?02:58
SuperMiguelb0ngl0ad, what kinda of wifi?02:58
ac13did you install all restricted drivers?02:59
b0ngl0adim not sure of the wifi card, its a newer compaq a900, my brother wanted me to ask02:59
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Oddbiominimec: I do not have a jack-sense option anywhere in there.02:59
epinkyBalSak: can you tell which port is it? did you "lsof" it?02:59
TylerEAny recommendations for music player software, for a large collection (500+ CDs)... Rythtmnbox isn't cutting it, and Amarok2 is too....bad03:00
IdleOneb0ngl0ad: lsusb | grep wifi to get info on card03:00
TylerEa large portion of the music classical, so special support that would be a plus03:00
IdleOneb0ngl0ad: lspci | grep wifi to get info on card03:00
ac13special support for classical?03:00
BalSakepinky: it's my SIP client, so it's on 5060 (confirmed by netstat -nap | grep ....)03:00
minimecOddbio: Did you change your device to 'alsa'. It is set on 'pulse' by default. Change to alsa, try to check jack-sense, switch back to 'pulse'03:01
TylerEac13: Think along the lines of grouping by *work*, not album or disc03:01
SatzoTylerE, i use Audacious2 because it is quick and easy.03:01
ac13TylerE: do you know of any audio player that does that (under windows!)? that would be awesome03:01
TylerEac13: Not really ;(03:01
epinkyBalSak: "sudo lsof -i :5060" (if lsof is not there then install it)03:01
Oddbiominimec: I don't have an option in gnome-volume-control to change between pulse and alsa03:02
ac13TylerE, under linux I use exaile, but I've also had problems with that in the past, though they may have been fixed03:02
ac13Oddbio, doesn't gnome default to pulse now? not really sure thoug03:02
Oddbioac13: I'm pretty sure it does03:02
ac13Oddbio, maybe pulse is the only supported option now?03:02
frogzoousing anything else but pulse is inviting a world of pain03:03
ac13ha. apparently OSS works well. I had a hell of a time switching to pulse when I upgraded from 8.04 to 8.1003:03
ac13i.e., sound stopped working completely03:03
linuxguy2009Hello I have removed pulseaudio from my 9.10 install and am currently using 'gnome-alsamixer' which is ok except it doesnt remember my user settings to hide and show selected faders. Are there any other GTK alsa volume adjustment apps?03:04
minimecOddbio: I am on 9.04 here, but there should be a device section in 9.10 too... Something like 'Playback SB Live 5.1 ... (PulseAudio)'.03:04
alex413xUm ok well let me try to uninstall gnome and reinstall it:  Does anyone know what package I can remove to completely remove gnome?03:04
ac13why are you uninstalling gnome?03:04
alex413xim trying to solve the problem i posted up there03:04
Oddbiominimec: in sound preferences? I don't see anything like that03:05
detrateanyone have a problem with deluge opening every time you open a torrent file, rather than queuing it up?03:05
epinkylinuxguy2009: add "/sbin/alsactl restore" in "/etc/rc.local"  just before "exit 0", then reboot03:05
minimecOddbio: <alt>F2 gnome-volume-control03:06
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linuxguy2009epinky: Im guessing that it will give back the panel icon for sound?03:07
Oddbiominimec: ya, same thing. I don't see it03:07
minimecOddbio: You're on 9.10?03:07
Oddbiominimec: yes03:07
minimecOddbio: I don't know like the gui looks like, but there should be some device section...03:08
zlx请问大家一个问题,rename 's/.rm$/.rmvb/'03:08
ac13also, anyone know why firefox doesn't listen to the font settings?03:09
ac13it used to, but doesn't seem like it does anymore03:09
Satzoac13, for a test, try another profile03:09
Satzosee if it profile-related03:09
ac13I mean it's not a big deal for me, because I'm still using default font settings. but it would be nice for it to be consistent03:09
ac13also, I don't know how to change the profile? do I make a new account?03:09
Oddbiominimec: well there is a output section03:10
Satzoac13, goto the default mozilla dir in your home dir03:10
Satzoclose firefox, rename the dir03:10
Satzorestart firefox03:10
Oddbiominimec: and it says "choose a device for sound output", I only have one option "internal audio analog stereo" which is selected03:10
Satzoac13, http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Profiles03:10
linuxguy2009epinky: What does that do that you posted to me?03:10
ac13Satzo: okay I will try that sometime later so I don't accidentally break something03:11
Satzoif anything, moving profiles is very safe03:11
Oddbiominimec: and then there is a "connector:" drop down box, where I can select "analog output" or "analog headphones".03:11
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epinkylinuxguy2009: never mind :)03:11
Oddbiominimec: I just tried selecting "analog headphones" but now I get no sound.03:11
minimecOddbio: http://imagebin.org/7369303:11
linuxguy2009epinky: k03:11
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nicholas1hi all, just a quick question. if I use the 'upgrade' button in the upgrade manager of Ubuntu 9.04 to get to Ubuntu 9.10 - will it use the mirror I have already set?03:12
Satzonicholas1, far as i know yep03:12
imdbas/$1/$2/g 这样就是替换的正则。03:13
=== CodeToxic is now known as JNSamuel
nicholas1okay, it just gives me some information about getting new sources etc.. I need to make sure it downloads from my ISP so the bandwidth isn't tallied. i have a limited download limit03:13
tonyyarussonicholas1: yes03:13
Oddbiominimec: wow, it looks nothing like that03:14
tonyyarussonicholas1: The sources changes are that it has to change 'jaunty' to 'karmic' and then download the stuff for that, but from the same server.03:14
nicholas1thanks tonyarusso & Satzo03:14
tonyyarussoSilly Australians and their ISPs.03:14
Satzofor those in nicholas1's situation it'd be nice to set IPchains to deny access to all but update selected IP03:14
gnomemanHi guys.  First time here.  Does anybody know or has anybody herd of Ubuntu not running (graphically) on a new Intel G31 chipset machine?  I've tried that latest Ubuntu release as well as the last 3 releases of Ubuntu and Kubuntu with the same results.  Also the latest version of Linux Mint has the same issue.03:14
* Satzo has unlimited access...03:14
tonyyarussoIt amuses me that I can deduce your country by your question without bothering with whois.03:14
linuxguy2009I see in ubuntu configuration editor that there is a section for my gnome-alsamixer to set shown/hidden faders etc. I wonder why it wont save the settings. I can hide them in the window, but it doesnt see the changes it seems. Anyone know why?03:15
minimecOddbio: show me how it looks now ... ;) Make a <alt>PrintScreen an 'imagebin.org me the result ;)03:15
* tonyyarusso has "unlimited" in US terminology, meaning 250GB/mo03:15
nicholas1what is the upgrade process like for Ubuntu? I have used Fedora since Core 1 and have never had a reliable upgrade path without a clean install...03:15
Satzotonyyarusso the kangaroo population has plenty to do with their bandwidth caps.03:15
tonyyarussonicholas1: Pretty darn good these days.  Some quirks, but it usually works.03:15
Oddbiominimec: http://imagebin.org/7369503:15
nicholas1tonyyarusso - my mum's isp gives her an unlimited connection, but only at 256kbs... it is such a scam.03:16
Wickedanyone know of a tool that will let me combine a two part movie into one....with subtitles?03:16
Wickedi have a movie thats split in two..and each half has its own subtitle file03:16
IdleOne!cn | zlx03:16
ubottuzlx: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk03:16
minimecOddbio: I do agree wit you *rofl*03:16
minimecOddbio: It's like gnome-volume-control replaced pavucontrol in 9.10. Very interesting...03:18
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Oddbiominimec: I can also access a pulseAudio control03:19
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_gedhi, is there a way to check the the permission of a file, like i want to display the permission of a file on this directory?03:19
=== CodeMonkey is now known as CodeMunkey
jrib_ged: ls -l03:20
JunkyardI get an error in trying to install mysql gem for ruby03:20
JunkyardThis is the error http://paste-it.net/public/s771778/03:20
Taimjrib, _ged: for the directory only, "ls -ld ."03:20
=== slide23 is now known as Guest85274
_gedjrib: thanks, but it doesnt display if this file has been granted by a 777 file permission.03:21
jribTaim: . is redundand :)03:21
Guest85274I have a laptop with an ATI Radeon Express 200M that I'm trying to connect to my LCD HDTV via the VGA port but it won't give me anything higher resolutions. the TV can do full 1080p,03:21
minimecOddbio: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=131942403:21
jrib_ged: it displays the permissions as rwx...  It's actually easier to understand.  Use stat if you insist on seeing them in octal03:21
Taimjrib: pppth.03:22
jribTaim: redundant even03:22
=== ubuntu is now known as coolkehon
_gedthanks :)03:23
SuperMiguelis there any point on getting a Ubuntu cert>03:23
epinkyJunkyard: try with "sudo apt-get install ruby1.8-dev"03:24
coolkehonis there any way to install ubuntu in an encrypted lvm through the live cd03:24
SatzoSuperMiguel do you with in the linux field now?03:24
_gedjrib: ahm, i got a question again, on that "ls -l" it doesnt display the file that has a permission of 600, how can i view the files regardless of their permissions.03:24
Satzo_ged, as root03:24
_gedokey, i'll try that. thanks03:25
Junkyardepinky, Its already installed03:25
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SuperMiguelSatzo, ?03:25
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* jrib is glad Satzo understood the question03:25
sweatHi just installed ubuntu server, it created an lvm but i want to expand it with a new harddrive. Someone knows any tutorial about it? cant find it or i am not searching good enoug :|03:25
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Satzoand SuperMiguel doesn't understand mine......03:25
TaimSuperMiguel: Is there a point in getting an RHCE, MCSE or CCNA?03:25
epinkyJunkyard: will "sudo gem install mysql" help?03:25
orangepnutWhen I do tar xf <filename.tar.bz2> in the terminal I get an error that the file or directory doesn't exist when the tar.bz2 file is on my desktop, I'm new to linux by the way03:25
SuperMiguelTaim, well there is alot of market for CCNA and MCSE :) is there market for ubuntu?03:25
slideI have a laptop with an ATI Radeon Express 200M that I'm trying to connect to my LCD HDTV via the VGA port but it won't give me anything higher resolutions. the TV can do full 1080p,03:25
jribSatzo: you made some sort of typo, read what you wrote :)03:25
jriborangepnut: pastebin03:26
Satzosorry folks.   do you work with linux now SuperMiguel ?03:26
Oddbiominimec: that's odd. I don't have the headphone jack sense option in alsamixer either03:26
SuperMiguelSatzo, no03:26
JunkyardIt helped :)03:26
jriborangepnut: you know you can just right click -> extract right?03:26
Junkyardepinky, thanks03:26
SatzoSuperMiguel, then i wouldnt bother03:26
Satzojust keep tinkering and learning...03:26
epinkyJunkyard: you're welcome :)03:27
Satzoif u can obtain the certs for free, then yes :)03:27
TaimSuperMiguel: There is for anybody that want's qualified Ubuntu experts.  It's a matter of relative value.  Some would argue that an RHCE is more valuable versus Ubuntu.  Others would argue the opposite.  Some more would argue that neither is that great.  It's a tool to help quantify your level of expertise and that's about it.03:27
SatzoTaim, agreeed.03:27
minimecOddbio: As I said... jack-sense not working by default is a bad sign. Your aoundchip is not 100% working with the current alsa version of ubuntu 9.10...03:27
Oddbiominimec: aoundchip?03:28
orangepnutjrib, http://paste.ubuntu.com/332811/    I know that but I was just following the instructions on the website03:28
crohakonHow do I use jar files?03:28
jriborangepnut: what website?  What are you trying to do?03:28
jribcrohakon: what are you trying to do?03:28
orangepnutjrib, install metasploit03:28
minimecOddbio: soundchip or soundcardchip ...03:28
Satzocrohakon, java03:28
crohakonInstall UltraMixer Professional and the download is in a jar file03:29
jrib!cli > orangepnut03:29
ubottuorangepnut, please see my private message03:29
Oddbiominimec: ok03:29
fretegi_part_2hi there guys03:29
jriborangepnut: you should read that.  Anyway, you need to "cd ~/Desktop" first03:29
fretegi_part_2so if ur using ubuntu server as a media server, how do u play media on a television?03:30
blackshellis there a channel in freenode for qt?03:30
fretegi_part_2anyone know?03:30
waqarmi need help in ubuntu03:30
Satzofretegi_part_2,  why would you want a server distro for that purpose??03:30
johnson_bwaqarm: have to give more info than that03:30
blackshellwaqam:how exactly?03:30
waqarmhow do i get different wallpapers on each of my workspaces03:30
fretegi_part_2to use as a media server....03:31
fretegi_part_2what distro should u use?03:31
jribwaqarm: depends on your window manager03:31
Satzofretegi_part_2, u dont need server distro for that purpose03:31
Oddbiominimec: oh well, thanks for your help.03:31
coolkehonok so i'm on ubuntu how can i install ubuntu into an encrypted lvm so that i can boot into it03:31
fretegi_part_2cool, what distro do u recommend, not built yet, assumed u would need to tho03:31
waqarmr u able to hlp03:31
johnson_bwaqarm: compiz may have something like that could always google to see03:31
Satzofretegi_part_2, just regular ubuntu will do fine03:32
minimecOddbio: no problem...03:32
Satzothen you can add what you need to do your functions03:32
mezquitalei want to use a netbook remix USB drive as an emergency bootup disk, can I also install applications to it??03:32
fretegi_part_2great, lots of time on ubuntu, but what is needed to perform that task?03:32
Satzofretegi_part_2, pm me03:33
waqarmblackshell, i tried that03:33
coolkehonok so i'm on ubuntu how can i install ubuntu into an encrypted lvm so that i can boot into it03:33
waqarmdoesnt work03:33
soreauwaqarm: In gnome it is possible by turning off nautilus show desktop and using the wallpaper plugin in ccsm (using compiz)03:33
waqarmand it's got a side effect03:33
dylanpattersonhey guys i am brand new to linux.. i just got it today on my windows based laptop and i cannot get linux to recognize my wifi card..03:33
coolkehondylanpatterson, what type03:34
dylanpattersoncompaq a900 laptop03:34
coolkehondylanpatterson, what version of linux03:34
Basbleh, mirc quited...anyway...anyone can help me with the volume group??03:34
Basnot sure what to do03:34
dylanpattersonoh sorry. ubuntu 9.103:34
coolkehonok so i'm on ubuntu how can i install ubuntu into an encrypted lvm so that i can boot into it03:35
coolkehondylanpatterson, it should work if it's atheros03:35
coolkehondylanpatterson, i'll look it up one sec03:35
waqarmhow do i change the ubuntu login screen03:36
coolkehondylanpatterson, sorry don't think i can help you because i don't see the problem on line but here this may help http://fochsenhirt.wordpress.com/2008/05/02/install-ubuntu-804-on-compaq-presario-a900-laptop-howto/03:36
waqarmi m usin 9.1003:36
johnson_bcoolkehon: i know its one of the options with server install03:36
dylanpattersoni think i just need drivers03:36
waqarmhow do i change the ubuntu login screen03:37
Satzodylanpatterson, lspci doesnt see the card?03:37
coolkehonjohnson_b, i want to install ubuntu from within ubuntu through command line03:37
dylanpattersonyes lspci sees it03:37
johnson_bcoolkehon: no idea sorry maybe someone else can help03:37
minimecwaqarm: the whole booting process in ubuntu is under heavy work and change. Modifications of the login screen are limitated in karmic03:38
Satzodylanpatterson,  then you are almost to the races03:38
waqarmthnx minimex03:38
mezquitaledylanpatterson, there is a bug with the software for your driver, you could use backports: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/28901403:38
s4z3nI keep on getting this weird issue with Deluge every time I shut it down for the time and try to open it back up, it says its loading and then nothing happens. This happens when I try to open it from the applications menu or from downloading torrents from firefox, with firefox prompting the program to start.03:39
minimecwaqarm: no problem. You can en/disable login sceen for a given user, if you want that...03:39
dylanpattersonok.. im sorry but how do i use the backports?03:39
macodylanpatterson: system -> administration -> software sources; there's a checkbox to enable backports03:40
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic03:41
coolkehon!install | coolkehon03:41
ubottucoolkehon, please see my private message03:41
mezquitaledylanpatterson, youre using karmic, right? 9.10?03:42
dylanpattersonmaco, i dont see backports in there03:42
dylanpattersonmezquitale, im using ubuntu 9.1003:43
Dreamgliderim trying to see data coming from my Yaesu FT817 to a USB to Serial adapter. the Yaesu is talking at 38400 baud, now can i see the data streaming to the serialport ?03:43
IdleOnedylanpatterson: under the Updates tab03:43
macodylanpatterson: "unsupported updates" sorry03:44
dylanpattersonmaco, ok i checked it.. now..?03:44
coolkehonwhats a good linux distro that will let me install it from usb into an encrypted lvm?03:44
macodylanpatterson: hit ok and itll offer to reload the package list. let it.03:45
dylanpattersonmaco, ok done03:45
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
mezquitaledylanpatterson, problem is the drivers should already be installed in karmic, type modprobe -l |grep ath5k03:46
mezquitaledylanpatterson, in a terminal type "mod probe -l | grep ath5k"03:46
s4z3nhow do I see background processes, like the task manager in windows03:47
Satzoactivity monitor s4z3n03:47
mezquitales4z3n, in a terminal type "top"03:47
Ve_hi all03:48
mezquitales4z3n, you can also install "system monitor"03:48
IdleOnes4z3n: System > Administration > System Monitor03:48
s4z3nIm having an issue with deluge when everytime I open it it doesn't show itself03:48
epinkys4z3n: System->Administration->System Monitor-> Processes  :)03:48
Ve_in ubuntu the autodetect is saying there is bad sectors on my old hdd.03:49
dylanpattersonmezquitale, ok. popped up kernel/driver/net/wireless/ath/ath5k/ath5k.ko03:49
macoVe_: take a backup ASAP and buy a new hard drive03:49
mezquitales4z3n, open deluge in a terminal, if there are any errors when you run deluge you will see them in a terminal03:49
Ve_i dont thinkk it has any bad sectors. how can i be sure its acurate03:49
prasadwhich is the better virtual machine software - virtual-box or vmplayer 3.0 ?03:49
mezquitale!paste > dylanpatterson03:49
ubottudylanpatterson, please see my private message03:49
s4z3nohh cool trick03:50
Ve_ubottu: you have any clue ^03:50
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:50
mezquitaledylanpatterson, type "iwconfig"and give us the results using paste bin03:50
macoVe_: well it's asking the disk about its status, but if you want a full report, install "smartmontools" and use it03:50
coolkehon!paste > coolkehon03:50
mezquitaleVe_, you just installed karmic?03:50
ubottucoolkehon, please see my private message03:50
Ve_thanks maco03:50
Ve_maco: is smartmontools in synaptic03:51
macoVe_: yes03:51
s4z3nI closed the terminal and deluge shut down03:52
mezquitalemaco, are you using karmic?  I always get the same error on both my laptop and desktop, something about my hard drive dying and failure is imminent but I use fsck to check the hard drive and everything is fine03:52
Ve_whats teh differance between synaptic and the new ubuntu software center03:53
macomezquitale: yes i am using karmic. fsck wont tell you squat about bad sectors.03:53
Dreamgliderhow do i get minicom to see data comming to the serial port ?03:53
SatzoVe_ the software center is inferior to synaptic03:53
minimecVe_: Nothing but the user interface.03:53
macomezquitale: smartmontools asks the disk for its status. fsck is about the filesystem. data can be corrupting due to bad sectors while the filesystem is in a "sane" state03:53
SatzoVe_, its more for ubuntu newbies, it works but not as elaborate/powerful as synaptic03:54
Satzoif you know synaptic you can remove software center03:54
zerqsw center is for "grandma remix" lol03:55
brian_ I am about ready to pull my hair out getting pulseaudio to work with Lingot or Gtkguitune has anyone gotten it to work without Jack or any other third party means?03:55
prasadam not getting the option to 'shutdown\reboot\hibernate' directly from the login screen. Used to get it earlier, is this a result of a update or a corrupt files. What do you think guys ??03:55
s4z3nmezquitale: how do determine if anything that came up on the terminal is an error?03:56
dylanpattersonmezquitale, http://paste.ubuntu.com/332824/03:56
mezquitales4z3n,  you ran deluge in a terminal? did you see the deluge client pop up?03:56
skyfollianhow come there is nothing except deb cdrom source in my sources.list03:56
jlogsdonso... i enabled advanced desktop effects and it installed a video driver, now that ive rebooted i can't get Xorg to boot. It's trying to use my wacom tablet as a monitor?03:57
mezquitaledylanpatterson, your wireless card is up and running just up, thank you very much, that'll be 5 euros please03:57
l43a25 euro's thats abit cheap03:57
Ve_minimec: well i looked for smartmontools in ubuntu software centre its not there but it is in synaptic so there03:57
brian_I am about ready to pull my hair out getting pulseaudio to work with Lingot or Gtkguitune has anyone gotten it to work without Jack or any other third party means?03:57
mezquitalel43a2, ok well break even if a hug is included03:57
s4z3nmezquitale: yeah it popped back up along with a list of directories in the terminal03:57
minimecSatzo: zerq: We may laugh now. I am sure we won't anymore in a year or so...03:58
dylanpattersonmezquitale, lol! The little wifi button is still orange.. but it say wireless networks available03:58
mezquitales4z3n, ok so now you can see the client then?03:58
Satzominimec, id rather apt-get than software center :P03:58
olrraido u know if "Intel Graphics 4500M" is  compatible with 9.10 ?03:58
s4z3nmezquitale: yeah, but when I close down the terminal deluge goes with it03:58
skyfollianno answer for my problem?03:59
mezquitaledylanpatterson, only windows blindly connects you to any wireless connection available, you have to configure your card to work with your router, do you have a network router?03:59
minimecVe_: You are right. The SoftwareCentre is meant to be a quickView/Find application. Synaptic is the SwissArmyKnife. ;)03:59
mezquitales4z3n, when you rundeluge put a "&" at the end03:59
minimecSatzo: So do I ...04:00
Dreamgliderok then, is there any way to see data streaming in to the serial port (Like with ms' hypterminal) ?04:00
Ve_minimec: i have installed smartmontools where is it04:00
dylanpattersonmezquitale,  yeah but i use it in many different areas..  what if im in an airport and dont have access to the router..?04:00
Ve_minimec alt f2 smartmontoolsdid nothing04:00
Ve_* smartmontools did nothing04:01
gorgonzoladylanpatterson: what if? you just click on the wifi icon and look for the airport SSID and connect.04:01
mezquitaledylanpatterson, you can double click on network manager, it should be somewhere in your task bar all the way to the right, if you see a network name with a little lock on it, it means it has security enabled04:01
prasaddo you guys have the option to shutdown\reboot\hibernate directly from login screen  in 9.10 ?  cause i don't :(04:01
Ve_minimec: sux this04:01
minimecVe_: /usr/sbin/smartctl04:02
gorgonzoladylanpatterson: it's the exact same behaviour as in windows machines on the road...04:02
brian_I am about ready to pull my hair out getting pulseaudio to work with Lingot or Gtkguitune has anyone gotten it to work without Jack or any other third party means?04:02
s4z3nmezquitale, nothing happened04:02
mezquitales4z3n, you typed "deluge&" and nothing happened??04:03
mezquitales4z3n, type "ps aux|grep deluge" to see if deluge is up and running04:03
minimecVe_: http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/i386/smartmontools/filelist04:04
Ve_minimec: it wont open04:04
minimecVe_: sbin generally means 'sudo'...04:04
Ve_ah ok thanks04:04
epinkybrian: sudo apt-get install padevchooser pavumeter pavucontrol paprefs paman04:05
greezmunkeyHello, does anyone know if it is possible to create a bootable cdrom from a boot image that was designed for a floppy disk?04:05
Ve_minimec: how do i open that as sudo04:05
mezquitalebrian_, what's Lingot and Gtkguitune?04:05
s4z3nmezquitale, I retried the "deluge&"and it worked04:06
minimecVe_: <alt>F2 gnome-terminal, then 'sudo .....'04:06
brian_mezquitale: it is a program that allows me to tune a guitar or any other instrument using my microphone04:06
mezquitalebrian_, thanks for the tip, i'll install it on my ubuntustudio distro, good luck with getting your appz to work with normal ubuntu flavor04:07
Ve_minimec: ok i see its a terminal application.04:07
Ve_now whats teh hdd device string04:07
Ve_minimec: now whats teh hdd device string04:08
=== voss is now known as voss2
Ve_anyone know how to check device string/ address04:08
brian_mezquitale: actually, I am using linux mint because none of the flavors have helped me so far at all. So I always end up back here and i usually never recieve help.04:08
mezquitalebrian_, have you ever tried ubuntustudio?04:09
minimecVe_: I have no idea what you want to do. My answer was about the synaptic/software centre gui. The rest was ubuntu basics...04:09
Ve_minimec: i am wanting to use smartmontools to check my hdd that ubuntu os said was faulty ok that was what i asked ok.04:10
brian_mezquitale: I don't have a dvd drive to burn it to a disk and i don't have usb boot capability. Also, i think it suffers from the same pulseaudio problems04:10
greezmunkeyheh, answered my own question: http://www.troubleshooters.com/linux/floppy_image_on_cd.htm04:10
Ve_minimec: is smartctl = smartmontools04:12
=== jerald is now known as prappl93
mezquitalebrian_, sorry to hear that, i think ubuntu studio does have some problems with pulseaudio but JACK works fine, as well as ardour, hydrogen, etc. etc.  And tomorrow when I have the time I'll test lingot04:12
Ve_where are floodbot1 and floodbot204:13
prappl93My Ubuntu 9.10 freezes when I first turn it on a little bit then when it logs in it usually goes slowly for a while then finally catches up. Firefox and other programs tend to freeze a lot though. Is there a known issue that I could fix? And, how do I prevent the "broken battery" message from showing up every time I log in?04:13
morbidI have no problems whatsoever with pulseaudio on my studio box04:13
JonathanWintersget out04:14
hanasakiwill vbox 3.1 for ubuntu need to wait until the next spring release of ubuntu or when will it come out?04:14
minimecVe_: I had these messages with alpha stages of karmic on my notebook. I didn't care about it and I don't have any problems now. YOu could try gparted with a graphical interface to check your disks...04:14
minervaget out?04:15
lstarnesminerva: just ignore that person04:15
mezquitaleprappl93, it could be that your machine doesnt play nice with karmic, jaunty refused to work with my desktop and laptop so i used intrepid until karmic came out, it could also be an issue with your hardware, you can try using intrepid or jaunty and see if it works on your machine04:16
Ve_gparted wont tell me if its got bad sectors minimec04:16
brian_mezquitale : Well, theoretically i could get all these apps to work if i use JACK, but i don't have a realtime kernel like Ubuntu Studio, I want this system to work the way it did back in the Fiesty days, but there is no way to revert back to esound anymore. Linux is stabbing itself in the groin by going to pulseaudio.04:17
minimecVe_: That is true, but normally you get a fsck check all 30 mounts. If that works out and gparted recognizes your partitions....04:17
Ve_minimec: brb04:17
mezquitalebrian_, you want t use the real time kernel if you want to minimize latency, it should work fine to just tune your guitar04:18
minervamust i install ubuntu from cd?04:18
Raydiationhi im looking for a program which can open MUS files (finale notepad)04:18
Raydiationfinale = program04:18
minervais there a way to install it from the download without transferring it to some other media?04:18
SatzoRaydiation, google lilypond04:19
brian_mezquitale : I would also like to use guitarix and LMMS and those do require minimal latency. I figure if i fix lingot first, i should be headed in the right direction to fix those two next.04:20
mezquitalebrian_, it's going to be painful but good luck!  I actually waited to use JACK until ubuntu studio was released, in between do you know of a website that can show me the basic guitar scales?04:21
Ve_minimec: is smartctl = smartmontools04:22
minimecVe_: http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/i386/smartmontools/filelist04:22
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Satzomezquitale, tons of those on the net04:22
Ve_minimec: i dont use jaunty i have karmic04:22
brian_mezquitale : I know a good site for all of your guitar learning needs. http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/04:22
minimecVe_: coesn't matter...04:22
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mezquitalebrian_, thanks04:23
mezquitalebrian_, send me a PM04:23
cj_mzuverink, Hey Marc04:23
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cj_you around04:23
mzuverinkcj_, not here, us chatting is offtopic, this is the wrong forum04:24
cj_haha you linux guys04:24
Arunai have probem in my kubuntu i have instaled as dual boot with winVista i used kubuntu for a week its working find but now when i start it display a blank screen .. can anyone help me.04:25
Arunai tried Recovery mode alos.04:26
MyGame 01:26:45 up 12:31,  1 user,  load average: 0.91, 0.64, 0.5504:26
prappl93Could my problems be with Compiz? I've read other people have problems with it...04:26
Arunahi i have i have probem in my kubuntu i have instaled as dual boot with winVista i used kubuntu for a week its working find but now when i start it display a blank screen .. can anyone help me.04:27
ArunaAny one help me.04:27
SatzoAruna, can you login as a standalone user?04:27
minimecAruna: Di you try to load an older kernel, not just the recovery mode of the newest kernel? ;)04:27
* minerva likes open source04:28
minervaif i'm trying to install direct, unsing UNetbootin, do I send it to c drive?04:29
RaydiationSatzo: doesnt work, this thing can only produce sheets from latex files04:29
Arunai tried ... when i boot it askes me... ubuntu     ubuntu (revovery mode ) Win Vista04:30
Arunai choose Ubuntu04:30
SatzoRaydiation, there are a few others out there.04:30
Ve_hi how do i mount hdd sda204:30
Arunaand in some second it displays blank screen04:30
Satzoi dont use finale so im not versed04:30
Arunai dont get any output on the screen04:30
ArunaUbuntu, Linux   Generic04:31
minervaok this could get ugly04:31
ArunaIs my OS Crashed ?04:32
minimecAruna: So this is the only kernel you can choose? How did you install your system? With a normal live cd-rom?04:32
SatzoAruna, your gui is probably screwed up i doubt the os crashed04:32
minervait's working!.....04:32
minervaso sad that something so simple can make me so happy04:33
Arunai downloaded the ISO and instaleld as dual boot.04:33
Arunai later installed Kubuntu over my Ubuntu and i used for 3 days.04:33
minimecAruna: So you started the life disk and insatalled as dual boot... During installation rocedure you had a graphical interface I guess?04:34
FizixI've tried KDE several times but I keep going back to gnome04:34
minimecAruna: live...04:34
RaydiationSatzo: hm seems nothing appropriate out there,  i have to go for virtualbox + xp04:35
Raydiationi hate proprietary formats04:35
Alan502Hi :) im trying to make a swap partition as logical in gparted live, but when i select new, i have only the option to choose primary, logicla appears in grey. How can i create a logical partition?04:35
greezmunkeyheh Burning a boot floppy to a cdrom works pretty slick :)04:35
Arunaminimec, yes  but now when i select same option its displaying me blank screen instead of login screen.04:35
ChogyDanAlan502: can you make an extended partition?04:35
minimecAruna: So after installation you rebooted and you had a boot otpion Linux or windows. Is that correct?04:36
Arunaminimec, yes04:36
Alan502ChogyDan: i can make a primary partition, but not a logical04:36
SatzoAlan502, you have a primary part already defined??04:36
con6if using LAN server such as university LAN, how to open port that being block?04:36
Arunaminimec i have 8 options.04:36
Alan502ChogyDan: i cant make an extended04:36
ChogyDanAlan502: can you make an extended partition?04:36
Alan502ChogyDan: i can only make primary partitions04:36
minimecAruna: 8 options ...04:36
minimecAruna: what kind of options?04:37
Alan502Satzo: yes, i have three primary partitions, do i need to define first where should the logicla partition go?04:37
Arunaminimec, ubuntu  generic , ubuntu generic (recovery),  ubuntu  generic , ubuntu generic (recovery) , memtest, memtest  , win Vista d 1  win visit d204:37
Arunaminimec, these are the options i am getting in the booting option.04:38
Arunaminimec, i am just running the Memtest86  v2.1104:38
minimecAruna: As I see, you have two kernel and two recovery(kernel) options. Try to boot with the lower (older) kernel number.04:38
ChogyDanAlan502: it might be that you can only have one extended partition (the one where logicals go)04:38
con6if using LAN server such as university LAN, how to open port that being block?04:38
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Arunaminimec, i tried both :(04:39
Arunaminimec, i tried in both kurnal and both recovery mode.,04:39
Alan502ChogyDan: oh, i see. Now i realize that i do have one extended partition, but that extended partition has all its space occupied with a single primary partition, how can i move it out of there?04:39
minimecAruna: If you boot the cd you used to install the system. Does that cd boot normally?04:39
Arunaminimec, when in the time of installation yes.04:40
Arunaminimec, i dont get any problem at the time of installation.04:40
minimecAruna: And now?04:40
Alan502ChogyDan: that way i could use my only extended partition for what i am trying to do04:40
Arunaminimec, i run the system for a weak with no issues. hmmmmmmmm04:40
Arunaminimec, wait... i think i run the WinVista upgrade... will that cause probelm ?04:41
Arunaminimec, vista upgraded 4 patches.... will that cose any probem in booting of ubuntu ?04:41
SuperMiguelwhats the best way to get flash working in ubuntu 9.10 64 bit?04:41
gorgonzolaAruna: it could04:41
minimecAruna: Well... I guess not, because the maste boot was not touched. You still get the boot options of grub.04:42
Arunathen i better remove my win completely :))04:42
firefly2442why doesn't the battery applet show the time left in my battery or the time left to charge to full? (9.10)04:42
gorgonzolabut if its just that, its easy to fix, if you know what you are doing :)04:42
Arunaminimec, yes i do get the boot option...04:42
Arunaminimec, but still i am gettign Empty screen.04:42
gorgonzolammm, shouldn't be necessary. try to see if that's the problem. i lack the expertise, but you should be able to boot from a live cd and chroot into your old systems...04:42
gorgonzolaor at least see if the files are all there.04:43
gorgonzolabut then again, it depends a lot on what the box is sayng when you try to boot...04:43
BluesKaj!cn | baitmue_04:43
ubottubaitmue_: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk04:43
minimecAruna: When you choose recovery, can you get a console mode?04:43
Arunaminimec, no again blank screen.04:44
SuperMiguelwhats the best way to get flash working in ubuntu 9.10 64 bit?04:44
minimecAruna: Vista could have ..cked it up...04:44
gorgonzolablank? no error message from grub, nothing?04:44
Arunavisit is working GOOD lol04:44
Arunanothing.. just a blank black screen.04:44
gorgonzolaAruna that's weird, i had seen something similar the other way around :P04:44
minimecAruna: 9.04 or 9.10?04:45
gorgonzolawell, are your volumes there? your files?04:45
Alan502Hi, i have a single primary partition occuping all my space from my single extended partition, for some reason i dont know. Im trying to move the whole primary partition out of my extended partition, how can i do this with gparted live?04:45
gorgonzolayou should start by checking that...04:45
Arunai have 2 drive04:45
gorgonzolaAlan502 you can't have a primary partition inside an extended partition.04:45
ArunaVisita in one and vista recovery and Ubuntu in another04:45
Alan502Hi, i have a single primary partition occuping all my space from my single extended partition, for some reason i dont know. Im trying to move the whole primary partition out of my extended partition, how can i do this with gparted live?04:45
SatzoAlan502, dont flood.04:46
gorgonzolaAlan502 you can't have a primary partition inside an extended partition.04:46
SuperMiguelany one successfully using this : http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10_64bit.html04:46
Alan502gorgonzola: it might be a logical then, how can i move it?04:46
gorgonzolaAlan502: im not sure, but i don't think thats possible. you need to copy it, in any case.04:46
Alan502Satzo: sorry it was not intentional04:46
Arunai dont knwo what to do now04:47
minimecAruna: never tried that with 9.10, as krmic uses grub2. Could be, that your master boot was somehow modified... (I am not sure). Grub is  loading, but noe of our otions are working... Is that correct?04:47
Raydiationis that ext4 data corruption issue with huge files solved?04:47
Arunaremove both completely and install ubuntu04:47
Alan502>.< ok thanks :) i think i can with a windows utility, i'll try04:47
gorgonzolaAruna: it might not help... but you should begin by checking to see if the corect volumes are "still there".04:47
minimecAruna: Can you load the win partition?04:47
Arunai can get Vista working04:47
MaXlMuShello guys04:47
gorgonzolaAruna it could be the case that vista messed with the partition map in the mbr or something like that, and grub is unable to find /boot...04:48
Arunawhen i select any Ubuntu option i cant get any scree3n.04:48
Arunacan i drop both and install only Ubuntu ?04:48
gorgonzolaAruna if that's the case, but you gotta make sure, then it is possible to restore your boot setup, rather painlessly.04:48
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gorgonzolaAruna, its your box, you can delete everything and install plan9 or ITS as far as i know :P04:49
Arunaits laptop and i dont like windows.04:49
SatzoAlan502: np.04:49
gorgonzolaAruna but it sounds a little harsh if its just a problem of volume mapping.04:49
Arunalol yaa :)04:49
gorgonzolaAruna which in the 90% of boot issues, it is.04:49
Arunai dont have any main data in the laptop... and i dont like dual boot.. i may download Kubuntu and use it like windows.04:50
minimecAruna: Well... Recovery mode should give you a console mode. If not... there is something wrong. You tried both kernels... You don't get a cpnsoel or a graphocal interface...04:50
gorgonzolaAruna, now the problem, is that the specifics of the problem are hard to triage/troubleshoot from an irc channel... and unless you know what you are doing, it could be hard to find the error.04:50
Arunai dont like Windows :(04:50
minimecAruna: That's odd ...04:50
Arunabut the probem is mainly with dual booting rihgt ?04:51
Arunai am sure i properly shuddown Ubuntu.04:51
gorgonzolaminimerc: if the only thing after selecting a kernel in grub is a blank screen, then nothing is getting started beyond grub.04:51
Arunai dont get any thing GUI or terminal mode.04:51
Arunaits blank screen.04:52
gorgonzolaAruna: it could be a number of things. that's why you should start by checking if your partitions are still in the disks.04:52
Arunahow to check it ?04:52
Arunafrom windows ?04:52
gorgonzolaAruna if they are, and even more, if you can access the files from say, a live cd or something, then there's no reason to think that there's a problem in the actual os, but just in the bootloader.04:52
gorgonzolathe easiest way would be to load a live cd and try to mount them04:52
gorgonzolawindows will not b able to read or handle your linux partitions04:53
Arunacan i use the CD i burnt from ISO ?04:53
minimecAruna: Yes you can.04:54
CodeMunkeyok, so i have a USB bluetooth dongle that is confirmed to work with linux (already sync'd my bb to it on another PC).  How can I get it to sync with my bluetooth headset?04:54
gorgonzolaAruna yes. that is a live cd.04:54
zerqdisk manager in windows should at least show the linux partitions, but it will probably just say "unknown" or something04:54
Arunai will try today evening i dont have cd now lol... but what should i do with thi.. first i put cd in drive and boot...04:54
gorgonzolanow... if you find something to hold your hand, you could even try to boot into that, and chroot into your system....04:54
Arunathen ?04:54
gorgonzolaAruna but i have only seen it done, never done it on my own...04:54
SatzoCodeMunkey, http://www.bluez.org/04:55
gorgonzolaAruna: you put the cd in the tray... it should show a menu. choose the option "try ubuntu" or something like that.04:55
CodeMunkeySatzo: i have it, it loads the icon, i load device search, but it doesn't tell me when it's scanning or anything so i can't tell what's going wrong04:55
Satzois the bluetooth manager running on your ubuntu installation?04:56
Satzoi dont have any bt devices so i cant help very much04:56
gorgonzolaAruna: in any case, what you want to do is go into the live cd environment, and see if your partitions are still there. if they are, try to mount them. if they mount, try to acces some files, see if everything looks fine.04:56
Arunagorgonzola, then ?04:56
gorgonzolaAruna a thorough test would involve trying to load the old system from the live cd, but that might be too complicated.04:56
gorgonzolaAruna IF everything is in order... then you can be certain that the problem is in the bootloader :)04:57
gorgonzolaAruna if that's the case, it should be simple to fix it... but then it gets foggy, as the problems in the bootloader that could cause your symptons sound a little esoteric.04:57
Arunagorgonzola, tooo technical.. better kill Windows and install U/Kubuntu lol04:57
gorgonzolaAruna: kk, was just trying to save your files... i know its simple to do if you have the skill, but it can sound intimidating if you have no experience with this kind of things.04:58
minimecgorgonzola: "little esoteric" was a nice way to describe it...04:59
AlcohPoison1390hey im trying to recover some data from a scratched CD, what are some good ubuntu programs for data recovery?04:59
gorgonzolaAruna: anyway... good luck :)04:59
Aruna:( i am new to installation of ubuntu and troubleshooting :(04:59
gorgonzolaminimerc: well, it is :S grub normally cries a lot when it cant find the damn kernel...04:59
dibblegowhy does my machine reboot perpetually after a fresh 32-bit karmic install with nvidia drivers?04:59
SatzoAlcohPoison1390, did you do anything to the CD yet? im asking for a good reason05:00
AlcohPoison1390well its a friend of mines and he dropped his xbox and there is a scratch all the way around05:00
AlcohPoison1390it still runs, but it shuts off after a while05:01
AlcohPoison1390so im thinking that the data is recoverable, but the disc is too badly damaged to work05:01
Satzoif you have some turtle wax handy, polish the disc before you try data recovery.  if you can, use a drive you dont care about(like an old cdrom or dvd rom drive).  if you dont have turtle wax, wd-40 or pam spray will do05:01
Satzoi assume you are making a copy of the disc?05:01
minimecgorgonzola: I am not used to this new grub2 thing yet, and the old 'mate' cried "Grub Error 17" or something...05:02
Arunagorgonzola, if i need to install only ubuntu..  i have 2 particiion in my laptop. when installeing if i tell use completely will ubuntu removes 2 partition to one ?05:02
Satzogood. because i wouldnt use a disc after the recipe i mentioned in an xbox05:02
Satzoive had good luck polishing the surface,... the principle is the same as waxing a car05:02
AlcohPoison1390ok, but are you saying that after i polish it it will work?05:02
AlcohPoison1390i mean05:02
Satzoit should05:02
AlcohPoison1390in an xbox05:02
Satzopolish it, then copy it05:02
Satzono dont use in the xbox.. unless you wana risk  it05:03
Satzoi mentioned an old reader for a reason05:03
AlcohPoison1390cant i try to copy it first so that if i mess it up then ill have the data at least?05:03
Satzoi would05:03
Satzocopy first05:03
AlcohPoison1390ok, so whats a good recovery program?05:03
CodeMunkeyany ideas re: getting bluetooth to pair?  http://tons.pastebin.com/d1082b72405:04
Satzotry my method first, you might not need a recovery app05:04
Satzoyour goal is a 1:1 copy, not recovered error-prone data05:04
AlcohPoison1390ok ill try that then05:04
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AlcohPoison1390im going to copy, make a new disc, try that disc, if that doesnt work, then ill try polishing and another copy, then make a new disc05:05
gorgonzolaminimerc: damn, i totally forgot that we are on grub2 now! then for sure its the old error 17, but in the new version05:05
AlcohPoison1390and if that doesnt work then ill try data recovery05:05
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gorgonzolaAruna if you are only going to instal ubuntu, then you can partition the disk as you please... it could be nicer to start with a clean slate, and i would suggest a separate partition for /home, but its up to you05:06
gorgonzolaOk. those were my five minutes of daily support. good luck Aruna, good night minimerc, etc. bye bye05:07
Ninjix_greetings all, Anyone have any experience with 9.10 Server DMRAID on Intel ICH10R?05:07
Arunagorgonzola, than you so much :)05:07
kanhaiya_kkhi all05:07
kanhaiya_kkim using ubuntu05:08
kanhaiya_kki tried to install ubuntu karmic on new partition.05:08
bhabalinuxI have only been able to install Ubuntu with wubi05:08
bhabalinuxI couldn't do it without it05:09
kanhaiya_kkafter installation i found that my sda5 gets converted into lost+found.that means all my data get converted into lost+found (#34242 like this)05:09
kanhaiya_kkso can anybody help in recovering that data05:09
chad_How come when I try to install nVidia 185 drivers --- apt-get installs 190???05:10
nanotube!hi | chow05:11
ubottuchow: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!05:11
techtronichi folks quick question for you, using cron how can i extract the output of syslog to syslog.dd.mm.yyyy i know i can do this cat /var/log/syslog | grep "Dec  2" > syslog.02.12.2009 as a one off how could i mod this to be todays date?05:13
chowfor nvidia 190 drivers, i manually download the package from official NVIIDA website05:13
CodeMunkeyhcitool dev doesn't list the device :(05:13
chowdon't know whether apt-get works05:14
=== greezmunkey is now known as Phthalocyanine
fretegi_part_2anyone know anything about watching tv using linux?05:15
Satzotechtronic, call a script with a mv at the end grepping date?05:15
chowdunno tv05:15
fretegi_part_2i mean, using ubuntu as a dvr and watching tv live, how to set it up05:16
techtronicSatzo: whats the variable for using todays date though?05:16
Billiardfretegi_part_2: what do you need help with?05:16
Satzotechtronic, man date05:17
nanotubetechtronic: look at the 'date' command options (man date for manual)05:17
fretegi_part_2everything basically lol05:17
CodeMunkeywhoo, hciconfig hci0 reset got it working, found it with hcitool, can't get the GUI pairing tool to find it...05:17
kanhaiya_kkhi all, i am using ubuntu. i tried to install ubuntu karmic in new partition. After installation i found that, sda5 partition which was also ubuntu partition get converted into lost+found, for ex(#2679148 etc)05:17
Billiardfretegi_part_2: is your video capture devices supported?05:17
* Satzo knows fretegi_part_2 has reading to do.. :^D05:17
* fretegi_part_2 is a fast reader :)05:17
minervamy machine is a paperweight05:17
mpontillo!mythbuntu | fretegi_part_205:17
ubottufretegi_part_2: Mythbuntu is an Ubuntu derivative centered upon setting up a standalone MythTV system. See: http://www.mythbuntu.org for more information05:17
minervautterly useless05:18
fretegi_part_2i dont have the cards yet, making a shopping list but want to konw how to do it05:18
Billiardkanhaiya_kk: all partitions will have a lost+found directory on them05:18
minervacan't write a no-fault install disk, can't install within windoze05:18
Billiardfretegi_part_2: you could use myth tv05:18
kebomixhello , i have ati 3650 on my laptop and i installed ATI driver from official website and everything works okay except Hibernate doesn't work , i have ubuntu 9.10 karmic05:18
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minervai just ordered the disk direct from unbutu05:19
minervawe'll see how that flies05:19
minervabut i want to install it NOW05:19
fretegi_part_2i was on mythtv, but didnt see how to control the live tv playback, that also requires an actual computer on the client end as i understand, curious if there are any alternatives and if there are not, how do u control the tv using myth?05:19
nanotubetechtronic: specifically, to get 'Dec 2' you would use: date +'%b%_d'05:19
partymetroidI need an easy-to-use and intuitive Ruby on Rails editor... any good suggestions?05:20
jargalhow to make, create .fla , .swf animation using any soft (windows flash cs 3)05:20
nanotubepartymetroid: something like geany would probably do it.05:20
minervawhile i wait, can someone give me a quick link to a hardware compatibility?05:20
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MaXlMuShave someone tryed apache server on unbutu?05:20
nanotube!hardware | minerva05:21
ubottuminerva: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection05:21
minervahey thanks!05:21
nanotubeminerva: :)05:21
partymetroidOkay, geany, nanotube: I'll check that out.05:21
nanotube!cn | imdba05:21
ubottuimdba: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk05:21
ChogyDan2GLADE keeps crashing on me.  Is there a better version that I can get than the one in the repos?05:21
jargalhow to make, create .fla , .swf animation using any soft (windows flash cs 3)05:22
nanotubepartymetroid: have fun. :) it's quite a decent code editor.05:22
minervawhoo hoo05:22
minervathis is awesome05:22
kebomixlol  chinese :D05:22
mpontillofretegi_part_2: you might want to ask around in #ubuntu-mythtv, but if you check the mythbunyu site, there is a good walkthrough. you can run the frontend (playback) and the backend (capture) on the same computer if you like.05:22
MaXlMuStthe only thing that have crashed on me so far in 5  days was Call of duty 4 in wine05:22
Arunaany oen tell me ... if i download Kubuntu can i switch to Ubuntu any time ?05:22
minervaanyone know if the broadcom modem is supported in the new release?05:22
minervai could probably go hunt down the info but it's more fun here05:23
nanotubeAruna: yes, the gnome desktop is just a "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop" away.05:23
Arunathank you :)05:23
jargalhow to make, create .fla , .swf animation using any soft (windows flash cs 305:23
nanotubeAruna: just like if you have ubuntu (gnome), the kde desktop is just "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop"05:23
minervai just saw how many ubuntu channels there are05:23
imdbai know ..tks ubottu ... but i think  i like here .05:24
MaXlMuSi got a AMD64 x2 3.1GHZ xumbutu  was best choice or shuld i use ubuntu or kubuntu?05:24
=== CodeMunkey is now known as tonsofpcs
Arunaand one more....   I have 2 partition with WinVist and Ubuntu i like to drop Win completely and use only Ubuntu what can i do ?05:24
ChogyDan2MaXlMuS: cpu doesn't matter there05:24
nigtvhi, I  need to know how to remove a ppa repository, as in the opposite of add-apt-repository, in karmic05:24
jargalhow to make, create .fla , .swf animation using any soft (windows flash cs 3)05:25
laughzillaanyone here know how to install google earth 5 or 5.1 o ubuntu 9.04 and fix the flickering of google earth when it's running?05:25
MaXlMuSi have never tryed the other ones what is the diference?05:25
minimecMaXlMuS: How much ram?05:25
ChogyDan2nigtv: just edit /etc/apt/sources.list05:25
nanotubeAruna: step 1: make sure to have all your data backed up. step 2: fire up gparted, format the win disk into ext3. :)05:25
nigtvChogyDan2: i didnt see them in there, but lemme double check, that would seem logical lol05:25
nanotubeMaXlMuS: well, if you don't know which one you'd like better, try both and see which one you like. at the end of the day, the choice of the DE is a subjective personal choice.05:26
ChogyDan2nigtv: it might be in soureces.d05:26
minimecMaXlMuS: Why did you ask your question ... *rofl*05:26
reactornigtv, "sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list" in yr console05:26
nigtvChogyDan2: they arent in there, ill check that05:26
nigtvreactor: they arent in that file05:26
nanotubenigtv: they're not in /etc/apt/sources.list ?05:26
nigtvadded via add-apt-repository05:27
reactornigtv, rly? ._005:27
nigtvit doesnt put them there05:27
nigtvi guess05:27
MaXlMuSi dunno im just confused by the versions , and the universe expanding and contracting05:27
nanotubenigtv: try "man apt-add-repository" to see where it puts stuff. i'm on ubuntu 8.10, and that command doesn't even exist.05:27
ChogyDan2nigtv: yeah, its in /etc/apt/sources.list.d   just delete the obvious file05:27
Satzojargal, http://alternativeto.net/05:27
nigtvChogyDan2: yea youre right, it throws them in there, threw me off because it changed it to a directory05:28
nigtvnanotube: there is no man page or info page for add-apt-repository05:28
nigtvweird huh05:28
nanotubenigtv: yea... i guess it's just "one more undocumented thing ubuntu just threw in there for the hell of it (tm)" :)05:28
MaXlMuSa less so far i like xubuntu better than windows 7 , im only using win 7 for games05:29
nigtvnanotube: ha05:29
nigtvreactor: this is probably pretty silly to mention, and i dont want to start a flame war, but i use ne instead of gedit05:30
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:30
reactornigtv, it's ok05:30
MaXlMuSoh well... one more linux noob question ernn... do i need a antivirus here or mr xumbu got me covered?05:30
p1oooopthanks guys, later05:30
nigtvMaXlMuS: its not a bad idea05:30
=== richie is now known as Richie
ChogyDan2!antivirus | MaXlMuS05:30
ubottuMaXlMuS: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus05:30
nigtvits especially useful if you have other windows machines, or are going to be sharing files through email and such, or have a dual boot05:30
MaXlMuSthere is viruses for linux??? =O05:31
nigtvMaXlMuS: complicated and constantly rehashed topic, google ;)05:31
MaXlMuStu have one on yours?05:31
nigtvMaXlMuS: well i have a few installed, but i rarely use them05:32
linuxguy2009Is there an easy way to keep pulseaudio on the systsem, just so I dont lose the volume tray applet, but tell the system to use ALSA from now on?05:32
cmphello every body - iam trying to connect with some one in compiz room but i cant - i would like to know how to get a theme like CIA or FBI skin ?05:32
nigtvi use avast occasionally to scan windows on other harddrives because i like the CLI05:32
MaXlMuSwell if u have a cupple i shuld at less get one , any recommendation?05:32
Ninjixit's so nice not to have to waste CPU cycles on antivirus cruft05:32
ramentimeflash is a linux virus... proprietary bs that make my system unstable...05:32
nanotubeMaXlMuS: i, for one, don't have any av installed.05:33
nigtvMaXlMuS: any you like, really, i like avast and clamav, but thats totally subjective05:33
nanotubeMaXlMuS: but i guess if i were to suggest one, you could try clamav...05:33
minervai need a stand-alone ubuntu uninstaller05:33
minervaanybody got one?05:33
Billiardminerva: just remove the partitions05:34
nigtvminerva: yea why would you need an unistaller?05:34
reactorramentime, if u have a virus there, anyways u will be asked about running/installing/giving root rights05:34
Billiardminerva: if you have another os installed like windows you might have to restore its original bootloader05:34
nigtvreactor: there are people that sometimes blindly run stuff as root for no reason05:34
minervai've got a half-installed ubuntu on here i need to get off05:34
nanotuberamentime: +1 to flash=virus ;)05:34
Ninjixsome quick dd if=/dev/null of=/dev/sda bs=512 count=1 will clear it off pretty quick :)05:35
reactornigtv, yh maybe but its so noob :P05:35
nanotubeminerva: just format the disk or some such...05:35
minervanot so easy05:35
=== Phthalocyanine is now known as greezmunkey
reactornigtv, just don't do that and u won't need any av05:35
minervathe system sends me to a 'pick one' window at boot05:35
Ninjixnigtv: I'm only joking05:35
minervai need to get that removed05:35
nigtvreactor: you could still use them!05:35
minervaso i can boot to a different drive05:35
nigtvdont NEED them i suppose...05:35
minervait's a long story05:35
nanotubeminerva: which options do you currently have, and which options do you want to have?05:36
steppenwolfHello everyone I have a Sony Vaio PCG-8D2L with HD failure could anyone give me some advise about the maximum HD size replacement to be used?05:36
minervaanyway, is there a stand-alone uninstaller anyplace?05:36
cikguyobim....from malaysis05:36
cikguyobim....from malaysia05:36
Satzosteppenwolf, how old is the laptop?05:36
Satzoas in what year was it released?05:36
steppenwolfits a P405:36
Satzoit might use a 1.8" hdd05:37
minervaohhhh i get it05:37
nanotubesteppenwolf: there's probably no limit as to the maximum hd size as far as storage capacity. just get the right form factor that fits into the slot...05:37
minervathat's how ubuntu is going to take over the world05:37
steppenwolfok and how about the size in GB?05:38
nigtvminerva: if thats how it takes over the world than windows prolly be the same way05:38
minervarun for your lives!05:38
reactornigtv, :P05:38
nigtvthats like having an unistaller for a .txt file05:38
minervawell no05:38
nanotubeminerva: there's no uninstaller for any OS. if you want to uninstall, you just clear the partition. if you want to restore the boot loader to windows only, there's probably documentation on that...05:38
nigtvits self contained more or less, just delete it...05:38
nanotube!fixmbr | minerva05:38
cj__Anyone familiar with E-MU 1212m soundcard?  I'm playing mp3's on the latest version of ubuntu and it's playing a little fast.05:38
ubottuminerva: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.05:38
exploreralexcan somebody tell me what is transmission bit torrent client?05:39
MaXlMuSwell got it ty guys you the best there is  good night05:39
minervawell i wonder why the hell i'm getting a dual boot screen?05:39
steppenwolfHey Nano what about de address lines needed to decode the data?05:39
minervawhat is fixmbr?05:39
cikguyobi lost vista boot when install ubuntu?05:39
Satzoexploreralex, a linux bt client05:39
PhrkOnLshwhere is the channel where ubuntu devs hang out?05:40
exploreralex Satzo: how to download a file using it?05:40
Satzoget a .torrent file and add to client05:40
Satzoit also has a webserver built in so u can use it that way05:40
SatzoRTFM basically :)05:40
=== mike is now known as Guest59626
exploreralexSatzo: could you tell me how to configure the webserver? i'm a complete amatuer05:41
jordcan anyone please help me with the following its driving me nuts, ive been googleing all day for a fix05:41
jordE: linux-image-2.6.31-15-generic: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 105:41
jordE: memtest86+: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 105:41
jordE: ubuntu-standard: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured05:41
jordE: grub-pc: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 105:41
jordE: linux-image-generic: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured05:41
jordE: linux-generic: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured05:41
jordsorry to bulk post05:41
nigtvcikguyob: did you set up a dual boot?05:41
jordwas copy / paste05:41
nigtvjord: notepad05:41
nigtvwhats it called05:41
FloodBot1jord: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:41
FloodBot1nigtv: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:41
jordi copy / pasted05:41
nigtvFloodBot1: lol05:41
jordand appologised05:41
jordfor the flood05:42
jorddidnt mean to flood, anyway, anyone please got anyideas, im literally pulling hair out05:42
=== lippy is now known as Guest5134
CppIsWeird2how can you tell if a service is started or not?05:42
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Satzoexploreralex, i dont use that i prefer torrentflux,.. i cant help, sorry05:43
exploreralexSatzo: is torrentflux any better? and used in gnome?05:43
nigtvthanks guy05:43
quiescenshow many flood bots does the channel really need05:43
nanotubesteppenwolf: er, what are you talking about, with the decoding data and all that?05:43
nanotubequiescens: empirical observation would suggest that the answer is 3.05:44
Satzoexploreralex, if you are having trouble with transmission i wouldnt even being to imagine suggesting torrentflux05:44
nanotubeexploreralex: to learn about the basics of bittorrent, you might look at the wikipedia page for it...05:45
p1oooopalotta floodbots today IMHO05:46
jordOK i went to past bin and here is URL: http://paste.ubuntu.com/332870/      please, anyone, i have looked everywhere for a fix05:46
DraconisFF is driving me f00king nuts05:47
p1oooopwhy aren't floodbots 2,3,4 ops?05:47
Draconisis there another good browser for ubuntu?05:47
quiescensthey're busy deopping each other05:47
p1oooopDraconis: you can try to compile google chrome...05:47
p1oooopquiescens: LMAO05:48
Draconishmm... I thought they werent even close to linux yet05:48
SatzoDraconis, chrome and opera05:48
p1oooopquiescens: the floodbots like playing op the hell outta eachother05:48
p1oooopDraconis: they have a beta versuon05:48
sebsebseb!language |  Draconis05:48
ubottuDraconis: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.05:48
sebsebseb!browsers |  Draconis05:48
ubottuDraconis: Browsers available for Ubuntu: Firefox (GTK, Gecko engine), Konqueror (KDE/Qt, KHTML engine), Epiphany (GTK, Gecko engine), Dillo (GTK), w3m (terminal-based), Links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !man page), edbrowse (command-line), Opera (Qt, proprietary)05:48
p1oooopsebsebseb: nice.05:48
brando753is there any anti theft software for ubuntu?05:48
Lint01is there some console text editor in Ubuntu like EDIT.COM in Windows?05:49
DaZ_Lint01: nano?05:49
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p1oooopLint01: you can use nano05:49
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p1oooopLint01: or vim, like DaZ_ said05:49
DaZemacs? :f05:49
mpontillojord: guessing here... but can you try running the script by hand, to see if it prints an error message? for example: sudo /var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-image-2.6.31-15-generic.postinst05:49
sebsebsebp1oooop: What was?05:50
p1oooopsebsebseb: nice execution05:50
nanotubeDraconis: what exactly is the problem you're having with firefox? as far as alternatives: you could try seamonkey, opera, chromium05:50
zerq_ubottu: you forgot about Chrome you silly bot05:50
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:50
Lint01DaZ_, p1oooop : it has no menus and I couldn't figure how to select some words on the line. vi(m) is a nightmare. anything better?05:50
DanaGhmm, anyone here using gnome-shell, or at least tried it?05:50
sebsebsebp1oooop: reply you mean?05:50
DanaGIt gives me a screenful of garbage.05:50
p1oooopsebsebseb: yup05:50
sebsebsebzerq_: Chromeium and Google Chrome.  Chrome being based on Chromeium and that's open source05:51
zerq_Chrome/Chromium is the best browser EVAR05:51
DaZLint01: there's nothing better than vim.05:51
=== richard is now known as Guest14481
Guest14481Hi, I have somehow lost Network Manager and cant connect to the net, can anyone help please? I have 9.10 running05:51
zerq_Although the extensions are a little lacking still, but it's damn good05:51
p1oooopLint01: you can always try gedit, which is, as you might know, graphical05:51
DaZDanaG: nice05:51
Guest14481Am having to use windows :-(05:51
nanotubeLint01: nano is a bit more user friendly than vim, if you want to try that...05:51
Lint01DanaG: it works, actually05:52
Lint01nanotube: it has no menus05:52
=== Guest14481 is now known as richardmalter
p1oooopGuest14481: excuse me?05:52
p1ooooprichardmalter: excuse me?05:52
nanotubeLint01: there is a menu on the bottom, accessible through control keys. (e.g., ^x (control-x) to exit, etc.)05:52
richardmalterthat is, network manager seems to have disappeared!05:52
Lint01p1oooop: gedit is an X application, I need a console one05:53
homecablecan any one ssh test@joey.ath.cx i need to test my script perl script05:53
homecablei need to test my perl script05:53
Lint01homecable: install Virtualbox05:53
Satzohomecable, works05:54
nanotubezerq_: yea - i enabled the chromium daily ppa - the browser is nice and fast.05:54
richardmalterIs anyone talking to me, sorry?05:54
nanotubehomecable: i just tried to ssh, it have me a 'too many auth failures' disconnect.05:54
* Satzo is downloading homecable's locat .jpg collection.05:54
homecablelet me check05:56
ChaseM1991i love ubuntu05:57
sebsebseb!love > ChaseM199105:58
ubottuChaseM1991, please see my private message05:58
nanotubesebsebseb: haha05:58
ChaseM1991an iceweasel? =P are we into the alt  firefox?05:59
slideI have a laptop with an ATI Radeon Express 200M that I'm trying to connect to my LCD HDTV via the VGA port but it won't give me anything higher resolutions. the TV can do full 1080p,05:59
sebsebsebChaseM1991: no05:59
nanotuberichardmalter: make sure the network-manager package is installed... check your error log... try to see if you can connect with wired...05:59
homecablehow now try05:59
homecableok now try05:59
homecablecan any one ssh test@joey.ath.cx i need to test my script perl script05:59
sebsebsebChaseM1991: it's quote or whatever, and as far as I know the only distros that use Iceweasel by default instead of Firefox are Debian and anything very closely based on it06:00
Satzohomecable, i get password prompt06:00
nanotubehomecable: $ ssh test@joey.ath.cx06:00
nanotubeReceived disconnect from 2: Too many authentication failures for test06:00
sebsebsebChaseM1991: and some distros don't do Firefox or Iceweasel by default of course06:00
homecableu just try ?06:00
ChaseM1991im using chrome06:00
Satzoim in06:01
ChaseM1991well chromium06:01
Satzoneed pass06:01
homecablemake one up06:01
sebsebsebChaseM1991: ok so the open source version :)06:01
ChaseM1991i dont like open office06:01
techtronichi folks can some one tell me what im doing wrong with this:06:01
techtroniccat /var/log/syslog | grep `date +"%b %e" ` > `date +syslog.%d-%m-%Y.log`06:01
techtronicgrep: 2: No such file or directory06:01
zerq_richardmalter: you could maybe download the network-manager deb from windows if it's actually gone for some reason06:02
sebsebsebChaseM1991: Why not?  There's also KOffice, and Abiword, and Gnumeric a spreadsheet app06:02
zerq_OpenOffice has gotten pretty good finally imo06:02
quiescenstechtronic: the `` after the grep will expand to more than one word, which grep will assume is multiple arguments06:02
nanotubehomecable: the auth failures bit was a problem on my end - it was trying all my keys for auth. when i disabled the key auth, it asked for password.06:02
Satzotechtronic, you gota call date06:03
=== slide23_ is now known as slide
ChaseM1991well, i have a class at school that the teacher sends out the practice tests via a docx file, and when i open it in open office, everything seems to be out of place06:03
sebsebsebzerq_:  it was pretty good before 3.006:03
Billiardtechtronic: put  "  around your  `06:03
sebsebsebzerq_: Open Office has never been pretty bad, when I used it06:03
Lint01abiword is the sad jokel gnumeric is useless06:03
slideI have a laptop with an ATI Radeon Express 200M that I'm trying to connect to my LCD HDTV via the VGA port but it won't give me any high resolutions. the TV can do full 1080p and the laptop CAN output that high it just isnt allowing me now. Can anyone help?06:03
zerq_I found it very clunky in earlier versions06:04
sebsebsebChaseM1991: ah yes the silly default format for Office 2007, because they woudn't do ODF (Open Document Format) what Open Office and such uses by default06:04
Jordan_UChaseM1991: Try koffice or maybe even google docs06:04
Draconisis xampp the best way to setup php/mysql etc?06:04
techtronicBilliard:  you mean so that its ' "06:04
Billiard   "`date +....`"06:04
ChaseM1991I have windows 7 dual booted on my laptop06:04
ChogyDanDraconis: here we do lamp I think06:04
zerq_Google docs is alright too if you just need a simple wordprocessor06:04
sebsebsebChaseM1991: quite a lot of organisations that matter, want ODF06:04
nanotubetechtronic: cat /var/log/syslog | grep "`date +"%b %e" `" > `date +syslog.%d-%m-%Y.log`06:04
slideCan anyone help me with my video problem?06:04
ChaseM1991sebsebseb: interesting, nice to know!06:05
DraconisChogyDan, isn't that xampp? I thought they just changed the name06:05
sebsebsebChaseM1991: Since Open Office 2.0 or whatever Open Document Format as the default06:05
sebsebsebChaseM1991: for quite a while Microsoft's format woudn't get accepted as a standard etc, there's quite a lot about all that on the net, if your interested06:05
DraconisOpenOffice is good except Calc is very dumb when it comes to copying sheets06:05
Lint01sebsebseb: no-one wants ODF, it's too primitive06:06
FlannelChogyDan, Draconis: xampp is everything in LAMP bundled into one, it's better to do a proper LAMP stack as you get automatic updates and things06:06
nanotubeLint01: noone except for all the people who want an open format.06:06
sebsebsebChaseM1991: instead of making their own XML format, they should have used ODF by default really,  or stayed with their old formats06:06
techtronicnanotube: works a treat thanks alot06:06
sebsebsebLint01: What do you mean by that exactly?06:06
nanotubetechtronic: np06:06
DraconisFlannel, so no on xampp? find something directly on lamp?06:06
Lint01sebsebseb: most of the time you had to use *.doc, *.docx, or PDF to make the document look correct06:07
sebsebsebChaseM1991: didn't need to pm with that,  altough things have gone off topic for in here now hmm06:07
FlannelDraconis: "xampp" started with windows, you could download one exe, run it, and get a full apache/etc stack.  That's not necessary on Linux, because we have repositories that do all the heavy lifting for you (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP will get you all set up)06:07
ChaseM1991anyone know of a decent dc++ client or alternative file sharing network?06:07
sebsebsebLint01: same in ODF and it's fine :)  unless stupid programs want to open it of course that don't support the format etc06:08
SatzoChaseM1991, frostwire or cabos06:08
Lint01they could not use ODF, because it not cover Office document formats06:08
sebsebsebLint01: save not save above.06:08
nanotube!dc | ChaseM199106:08
ubottuChaseM1991: Direct Connect clients: linuxdcpp, dcgui (GTK), Valknut, dc-qt (Qt), rccp (terminal-based) - See also !P2P06:08
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sebsebsebLint01: Also I think ther's an add on for Microsoft Office 2007 so that it can support ODF :)06:08
=== Fatboy is now known as Fatb0y
ChaseM1991Satzo: have you ever looked at what people are searching for on those networks?06:08
techtronicnanotube: i should now be able to set up a cron job to run that exact command correct? or should i put this into a shell script and have cron run the shellscript06:08
ubottuPeer-to-peer filesharing clients are available for several networks/protocols, including !BitTorrent, !Gnutella, !eDonkey, !DirectConnect, !SoulSeek - Multi-protocol engines include !MLDonkey and !giFT - See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information06:09
nanotubetechtronic: yes, can just stick that command into your crontab06:09
techtronicnano tube06:09
techtronicnanotube: thanks!06:09
sebsebsebLint01: If a document does not need to be edited,  it should be saved in the PDF format for example06:09
nanotubetechtronic: np :)06:09
sebsebsebLint01: this is all off topic now, but gnu.org and then go to philsopehy section, and  read the article about not sending word documents :)06:10
bmachineanyone know the ssh command to both ungzip a .gz file?06:10
SatzoChaseM1991, not really but they are popular and busy06:10
ubottuSoulSeek clients: Nicotine (GTK), Museeq (KDE), Mucous (terminal-based) - See also !P2P06:10
nanotubebmachine: you probably mean 'terminal command', since ssh doesn't have anything to do with gzip...06:10
ChaseM1991Satzo, lol it seems that the biggest thing being searched for is kiddie porn06:10
Billiardbmachine: ssh command?   use gzip and gunzip06:11
nanotubebmachine: and if that's the case, then you're looking for 'gunzip'06:11
SatzoChaseM1991, no idea.06:11
DraconisFlannel, thank you.06:11
p1oooopbmachine: I believe it's something with gzip, I just don't know the exact commands06:11
bmachineso straight up gunzip back.sql.gz will work06:11
homecablecan any one ssh test@joey.ath.cx i need to test my script perl script06:12
nanotubebmachine: yes. "man gunzip" for details. :)06:12
Billiardbmachine: yes06:12
slideCan anyone help me with my video problem?06:12
nanotubehomecable: it asks for passwd06:12
homecablemake one up06:12
homecableput in any passwd06:12
greezmunkeyhomecable, this is what I got...http://paste.ubuntu.com/332884/06:13
zerq_anyone recommend a sexy open-gl based tetris clone?06:13
nanotubehomecable: i made one up - it just asked me 3 times, then failed.06:13
Billiardhomecable: we cant log in without a username/pass06:13
=== ripps_ is now known as ripps
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brutus!help > brutus06:14
ubottubrutus, please see my private message06:14
Lint01Nor KOffice, nor OO.org cannot open old MS Word/Excel documents which still in use or are generated by special software. It's juvenile approach to Office tasks06:14
DaZzerq_: there's nothing better than blockout :f06:14
nanotubezerq_: gnometris maybe06:14
Arthuzawow isn't BitchX in the ubuntu package list? ircII is to plain lol06:15
zerq_Arthuza: irssi06:15
sebsebsebLint01: Open Office, KOffice, and Abiword, and  for just spreadsheets Gnumeric,  all do a good job at opening the old formats up,  it won't always be perfect though, because the support for those closed propritary formats had to be reverse enginered06:15
nanotube!hi | vanduc06:15
ChaseM1991im using xchat06:16
ubottuvanduc: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!06:16
zerq_irssi is kind of "the" cli irc client now ;)06:16
vanduci'm using chat06:16
vanducfist time i come here06:16
baseuserme too06:16
Draconishello vanduc06:16
Arthuzayeah cli/console irc is better than gui crap06:16
Draconisxchat here06:16
Arthuzathanks man will check it06:16
baseuserits nice06:16
vanduci'm in viet nam06:16
vanducand U?06:17
homecablecan any one ssh test@joey.ath.cx passwd is test i need to test my script perl script06:17
vanducuse Xchat06:17
ChaseM1991my internet is fail tonight i just reloaded ubuntu too06:17
Satzohomecable, sec.....06:18
Lint01sebsebseb: I've tried everything in Ubuntu's Office section. They don't have to be reverse-ingineered, because Office formats from 97 to 2007 are publicly documented.06:18
Billiardhomecable: access denied06:18
sebsebsebLint01: oh and if you got save in propritary formats, you may get issues opening those files in the future, with current software.  If you save in an open format on the other hand, you probably won't get loads of issues in the future opening up those types of formats.06:18
Lint01sebsebseb: I mean documents from Word 95/Excel 7, they cannot be opened anywhere. 97 and later are fine, most06:19
balleyneI'm having trouble enabling bluetooth on my thinkpad running 9.10... it was working in 9.04, but I hadn't used it for a couple months. Can anyone help?06:19
rolosynaptic package manager won't start. what do I do?06:19
sebsebsebLint01: software patents etc,  read the article on gnu.org in the philosphey section, about not sending word documents to people,  that explains stuff :)06:19
Satzoballeyne, http://www.bluez.org/06:19
sebsebsebLint01: read the two example  emails that are linked to even as well06:19
arthuzalol yeha irssi is bitchx renamed by the looks of it06:19
mneptokarthuza: hardly.06:20
Draconissoooo... whats so good about irssi? perl support?06:20
Lint01sebsebseb: I cannot rewrite other people's software to be using "open formats" instead of Excel 7. Likewise, there are no fairies to convert all the legacy documents to "open formats"06:20
balleyneSatzo: thanks. I have it installed. Do I need to do something to run in manually?06:21
arthuzafirst looks ... looks just the same .. havent touched themes or anything .. not even chreating windows06:21
mneptokDraconis: the ability to use screen.06:21
Jordan_UDraconis: The ability to use it with screen ( like any other terminal based client )06:21
nanotubemneptok: +106:21
rolocan somebody help me? synaptic won't start06:21
sebsebsebLint01: uh huh,  but  in general it's best to avoide propritary formats and use open standards instead,  also this has gone rather off topic!06:22
Satzorolo, does aptitude work in shell?06:22
Draconismnemonix, Jordan_U I am too much of a linux noob to understand that hehehe06:22
mneptokrolo: do you have apt or dpkg running in a terminal? or Software Center?06:22
sebsebsebcmp: hmm?06:22
arthuzamnep: couldn't u do that in bitchx .. or just run screen then detach it go to another console terminal and reattach screen?06:22
roloI don't know06:22
mneptokrolo: open a terminal and type "gksu synaptic" (no quotes)06:23
rolodo you mean apt-get?06:23
mneptokrolo: what errors (if any) do you see?06:23
rolonope, still won't start with gksu synaptic06:23
rolono errors06:23
mneptokrolo: in a terminal run "sudo apt-get update" (no quotes)06:24
roloalso add/remove software wont' run either06:24
mneptokrolo: any errors?06:24
cmplinuxguy2009, are you there ?06:24
=== Bdfoster89 is now known as bdfoster_iPhone
mneptokcmp: that nick is not on the channel06:25
rolodone sudo apt-get update, still nothing06:25
rwwWhere are the per-package scripts that apt-get runs when removing a package stored?06:25
mneptokrolo: did apt-get actually update?06:25
Satzorolo, have you tried another profile?06:25
rolowhat do you mean another profile?06:25
arthuzahey i got one question i found interesting (come from debian) what hehell is the default root password in ubuntu? ... of couse i sudo bash then psword'it but i find that kinda insecure for default install06:26
sebsebsebarthuza: there isn't one06:26
NalfI was picoing something and it looks like the process was brought to the background somehow.06:26
mneptokarthuza: there is none. use sudo.06:26
NalfHow do I get it back?06:26
rww!noroot | arthuza06:26
ubottuarthuza: We do not support having a root password set. See !root and !wfm for more information.06:26
Jordan_U!root | arthuza06:26
ubottuarthuza: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo06:26
Satzorolo, as in create a new user profile and try it in there06:26
mneptokarthuza: sudo -i06:26
rwwarthuza: To actually answer the question, the root account is disabled by default, so where a password would be stored in /etc/passwd, there isn't one.06:27
rolohow do I create a new user profile?06:27
rwwarthuza: sorry, shadow, not passwd06:27
rww!user | rolo06:27
ubotturolo: To add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo06:27
aadityaWhat's the command to upgrade to latest ubuntu?06:27
rww!upgrade | aaditya06:27
ubottuaaditya: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading06:27
lovrecan someone please help. when trying to update witk kpackagekit, i get an error message, saying it cant download from But that is localhost, how come its trying to download from there??? Only thing i can think of doing is installing tinyproxy and firehol and then removing them. Could it be something got messed up during that. This is the complete message: http://pastie.org/72307106:27
aadityarww: no, not the GUI.06:28
rwwaaditya: That page has the command-line commands too.06:28
aadityarww: I'll check again.06:28
rwwaaditya: If I remember correctly, it's do-release-upgrade somethingorother06:28
kbpI need help!!! I accidentally drop database in phpmyadmin instead of drop table... is there anyway to recover it in ubuntu?06:28
arthuzarww: ahh ok ... well i didnt know so i sudo bash'ed it then set my own .. now it's enabled i guess lol .. ohh well...06:28
rwwaaditya: there should be an Ubuntu Server section in the instructions, use that.06:28
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Billiardkbp: in the future keep backups, i dont know of a way to recover06:29
Flannelaaditya: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KarmicUpgrades#Network%20Upgrade%20for%20Ubuntu%20Servers%20(Recommended)06:29
lintcan someone tell me how to make gnome splash work?06:29
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aadityarww, Flannel: got it, thanks!06:30
nmvictorhi all06:30
greezmunkeylovre: in a terminal, sudo iptables -F, then try your update, or whatever again.06:31
lintis there a way to make my gnome splash screen appear?06:31
arthuzalint: xsplash ?06:32
lintarthuza: is that in the repos?06:32
arthuzalint: yeah apt-get it06:32
lovregreezmunkey: no, this didnt help... Where can i see if i have a proxy set up for http?06:33
lintarthuza: i already have that installed. what i meant was a splash screen when gnome starts up, not x06:33
aadityaIs there a known procedure to use apt-proxy to grab upgrade packages? Upgrade tool complained about seeing a weird mirror in the sources.list and restored it to the defaults.06:34
greezmunkeylovre, what do you get when you type ip route in a terminal?06:34
aadityaOMG I found a bug!! :)06:34
arthuzathe user?06:35
arthuzalol jk!06:35
nmvictori have special interest in terminal applications like lynx, mocp(music on console player) or even the installer present in ubuntu-alternate install CD or ubuntu server, i mean that interface that is quite terminal-like, should i callit the X window system(i dont know) but if you've used the applications i've listed you'll get what i mean.Whats the programming languange behind this interface(whatever its name)?06:35
lovregreezmunkey: http://pastie.org/72307906:35
aadityaThe restoration to defaults resulted in "intrepid" instead of jaunty, since this system was upgraded from intrepid to jaunty at one point.06:35
rologuys my synaptic won't run. neither add/remove programs. what do I do?06:36
aadityaThe current state resulting from do-release-upgrade is inconsistent.06:36
greezmunkeylovre, are you on a home network?06:36
Satzorolo, did you try another profile06:36
lovregreezmunkey: no, i am on a dorm network...06:36
Jordan_Unmvictor: menu / ncurses / whiptail06:36
lovregreezmunkey: student dorm06:36
rwwWhere are the package scripts that apt-get runs when removing a package stored?06:37
Jordan_Unmvictor: newt06:37
fakeerLiferea does not present Google Reader subscription in a good way (look). What other good Ubuntu feed reader I can user .like FeedDemon??06:37
greezmunkeylovre, looks like what you are trying to do is blocked than :(06:37
Sm0ke0utLjL-Temp: Done06:37
nmvictorJordan_U: are thos the programming languages?06:37
lovregreezmunkey: no, it worked the other day, im just trying to do a regular update, like i allways do...06:37
greezmunkeylovre, what have you tried that did work, http, https, ftp, etc...?06:38
Jordan_Unmvictor: dialog and whiptail are commands you can use to create menus from shell scripts, whiptail itself uses the "newt" library which I belive itself uses ncurses06:38
roloSatzo what else can I do?06:39
lovregreezmunkey: well, everything works fine, even http works, im surfing at the moment. Only when i try to update debs it acts weird. Its like it thinks it should connect to localhost instead of a remote server. I have a feeling like there is a proxy set somewhere, but i cant find where...06:39
TrevorRose2010Hi, I've got a question regarding how to install my realtec driver. *don't cry please* I am a linux newb, and dunno how to do shit.06:40
greezmunkeylovre, Check this: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1839.html06:40
nmvictorJordan_U: i know about dialog but i was looking for a completed language behind the applications with a user interface at the terminal, mocp and lynx style of interface06:40
nmvictorJordan_U: *complete06:41
TrevorRose2010so, can someone please help me?06:41
lintcan someone tell me why my ubuntu startup music sounds distorted?06:41
testiTrevorRose2010, are you sure that you need to install the driver?06:41
Satzolint, your volume cranked over 100%?06:41
greezmunkeylovre, look at the first response to the question.06:41
TrevorRose2010idk, testi, can you pm me?06:41
SatzoTrevorRose2010, did you do lspci to see if its already there?06:41
lintSatzo: no06:41
Meowpupi cant mount sertian partions atm06:41
TrevorRose2010i have no idea what any of this stuff is.06:41
Satzolint, there are two volume controls in 9.1006:42
DanaGhmm, that's what gnome-shell gives for me.06:42
Jordan_Unmvictor: That would be ncurses06:42
Satzocheck systems > prefs > sound06:42
testiTrevorRose2010, did you already try to plug in the network cable and see if connection works?06:42
testior wait06:42
lovregreezmunkey: trying it out06:42
testirealtek is audio?06:42
nmvictorJordan_U: Any chance that Java would do something here?06:42
arthuzaremind me is ac97 RT?06:43
roloSatzo will you please help me?06:43
MeowpupANY HELP ON THAT06:43
testiTrevorRose2010, can you access audio controls?06:44
TrevorRose2010testi, i sent you an im. can you talk to me in there?06:44
lovregreezmunkey: hmm, this is weird. I just did 'apt-get upgrade' and it worked. Downloaded and upgraded, with no problems. I dont get it. Seems that its a problem that only effects KPackageKit...06:44
Jordan_Unmvictor: I doubt there is an ncurses like library in the standard java libraries ( though I may be wrong ) but I am sure there are java bindings for ncurses06:44
greezmunkeylovre, that is wierd :/06:45
Satzorolo, i dont have much experience with the workings of apt-get06:45
nmvictorJordan_U: might have to confirm that with #java and google, i'll be around.Thanks man06:45
homecablecan any one ssh test@joey.ath.cx passwd is test i need to test my script perl script06:46
homecabletesting some more06:46
homecableneed testers06:46
roloanybody else?06:46
Satzohomecable,  you sure test/test actually works?06:46
Satzoill try again06:46
greezmunkeyhomecable, why can't you test it yourself?06:46
greezmunkeyjust askin'06:46
lovregreezmunkey: hmm. do you know what happens when i select to use proxy in general system settings. What files are being modified? Maybe i can check them, maybe something else modified them..06:46
ajboesch2rolo maybe this is a dumb question, but you are not on a live session are u06:46
rolofrom the harddrive06:47
arthuzaok i got an outthere question if some of u used debian ... when i had deb on for the life of me i gould not get my 5100ABGM card to work updated firmware everything come to abuntu it works right away? any idea's? cant be fireware becuase it kept telling my kswitch i went though fn+f2 manual switch etc .. any idea's?06:47
greezmunkeylovre, I don't use a proxy, just a s*itload of iptables, so idk06:47
ajboesch2sorry just got in the middle, been trying to see what it could be06:47
homecablebecause then i will get locked out of my server06:47
Jordan_Unmvictor: np06:47
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist06:48
greezmunkeylovre, google ubuntu proxy configuration, that should help.06:48
lovregreezmunkey: will do06:48
homecablebuilding a script to stop people from trying to brutefroce my boxes06:48
Satzohomecable, no connection06:48
greezmunkeyhomecable, do you have another pc to test from?06:48
arthuzahomecable: o.O ?06:49
Satzohomecable isn't home.....06:49
homecableperl script i'm building that will post to a php webpage06:49
homecableso i need testers :P06:49
Satzoi cant connect homecable06:49
Satzoi connected earlier06:49
nmvictorJordan_U: think your right,says google06:49
Jordan_Uhomecable: There are pre-made solutions for that06:50
DanaGPermission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive).06:50
rolocan somebody help me?06:50
arthuzaif they got a passwd file that had enough char's they would take 18+ years to bruteforce it06:50
homecablenow try06:50
Satzorolo: http://www.google.com/search?q=apt-get+doesn%27t+run&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=com.ubuntu:en-US:official&client=firefox-a06:51
Jordan_U!info denyhosts | homecable06:51
ubottuhomecable: denyhosts (source: denyhosts): a utility to help sys admins thwart ssh crackers. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.6-5 (karmic), package size 63 kB, installed size 432 kB06:51
boxhey, i've got internet connection sharing setup, something keeps making my ipv4 addr disappear from ifconfig over and over. basically I have to do ifconfig eth0 ever 2 minutes. how can i turn off whatever is trying to fix my connection?06:51
Satzohomecable, test pass dont work06:51
arthuzahomecable: in what way?06:51
homecabletry to login now06:51
abowhat's the best tool to check hard disk06:51
aboI used fsck but I'm still getting errors06:51
Satzoabo, fsck06:51
Satzohomecable, test pass failed06:52
=== ryu is now known as Rhynarian
greezmunkeybox, what did you use to ICS?06:52
DanaG'test' and 'pass' as password both fail.06:52
Satzoabo, your HDD is healthy sector-wise?06:52
boxgreezmunkey, iptables06:52
nmvictorJordan_U: found some CHARVA: A Java Windowing Toolkit for Text Terminals, would that do?06:52
aboSatzo, this is what I am trying to establish06:52
lovregreezmunkey: some hits, nothing usefull. Checked few files, no traces of proxy config... Im giving up for now, i will upgrade from console, and see if something comes up later on. Thank you for your time.06:52
kermitwhy would a 9.04 system suddenly stop being able to connect to a WPA wireless network, yet still be able to connect to non WPA networks?06:52
greezmunkeybox, are you running NetworkManager, or wicd?06:52
Satzoabo, does your BIOS have SMART enabled?06:52
boxgreezmunkey, WICD06:52
boxoh no06:53
Satzodoes SMART squak on boot screen?06:53
boxgreezmunkey, I mean NM06:53
aboSatzo, how can I tell?06:53
homecableSatzo try to login with any user name and pass06:53
Satzohomecable, nada...06:53
greezmunkeybox, it's probably sensing an up down condition on the wire, check your Ethernet cable.06:53
DanaGPermission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive).06:53
Satzoabo, reboot and login to bios06:53
DanaGsame as always.06:53
boxgreezmunkey, this is a brand new cable06:54
greezmunkeybox, so...06:54
Satzoabo: http://www.adriansrojakpot.com/Speed_Demonz/BIOS_Guide/BIOS_Guide_01d.htm06:54
boxgreezmunkey, it only works for a few seconds at a time06:54
boxgreezmunkey, i've checked the cable06:54
aboSatzo, ok, what i'm looking for? SMART enabled?  and if yes/no, what should I do?06:54
greezmunkeybox, how are your machines connected?06:55
Satzoyes confirm it is enabled06:55
Satzoand if it is enabled and your bios isn't complaining then smart is probably ok06:55
boxgreezmunkey, ethernet to ethernet, going to internet router via wifi06:55
ubottuLove is like racing across the frozen tundra on a snowmobile which flips over, trapping you underneath. At night, the ice-weasels come.06:55
Satzoabo:   http://www.averyjparker.com/2009/01/12/checking-the-smart-details-of-a-hard-drive-with-an-ubuntu-boot-cd/06:55
ubottuhate is a thing we don't encourage - why waste your energy06:56
greezmunkeybox, I do that sometimes. I'll pastebin the setup I use, make sure you did everything...brb06:56
=== administrator is now known as Guest53392
boxgreezmunkey, http://pastebin.com/m7f0fed7006:56
Jordan_Unmvictor: Last release in 200606:57
user6hy to.."06:57
DanaGSatzo: that's the really, really really really old version of the site.06:57
DanaGis the new version.06:57
Satzook thanks06:57
greezmunkeybox, check this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/332901/06:57
sebsebsebSatzo: I didn't know that factoid exists06:57
Satzoneither did i06:57
boxgreezmunkey, i've already set my configs06:58
SatzoDanaG, a new bookmarked site.. :)06:58
greezmunkeybox, did you do everything in the paste?06:58
nmvictorJordan_U: for what,CHARVA?06:58
JonathanWintersfor aids06:59
nomad77abo: possibly testdisk,depends on your needs. in repos iirc but read up on it first.06:59
Jordan_Unmvictor: Yes, not sure if there is a more actively developed option for java though06:59
zerq_allow me to show off my sexy new minimalist 9.10 desktop: http://imgur.com/bZHqn.png i need a new console font though.  :x06:59
JonathanWinterszerq spoken like a true linux fag07:00
boxgreezmunkey, yes, confirmed07:00
rednukerhello, can anyone help me figure out why Ubuntu 9.10 randomly crashes on my system?07:00
JonathanWintersyeah because ur using linux and ur gay07:00
phixJonathanWinters: ?07:00
zerq_!hate > JonathanWinters07:00
ubottuJonathanWinters, please see my private message07:00
sebsebseb!ops | JonathanWinters07:00
ubottuJonathanWinters: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!07:00
JonathanWintersuh oh07:00
nmvictorJordan_U: thanks, got some other option in #java, something like JCurses07:01
greezmunkeybox, the only other thing I can think of is that NetworkManager really doesn't like to keep two interfaces alive. I ended up installing wicd to get around that. Do you use VPN's?07:01
boxgreezmunkey, no, and i've used WICD before.07:01
boxgreezmunkey, I switched back because i couldn't connect to some weird network, i'll try it out again.07:02
zerq_haters gonna hate07:02
DanaGgreezmunkey: have you tried the "create new network" thing -- and "shared to other computers" setting?07:02
DanaGI don't think wicd can do that.07:02
Jordan_Unmvictor: I saw that too and it looked promising, but last release for that was 200207:02
greezmunkeybox, wicd doesn't do VPN, but it does do ICS out of the box. Install of wicd will remove NM as well.07:02
boxDanaG, as far as I could tell that would only create an ad-hoc wireless network, i was trying to create an ad-hoc ethernet network07:02
Jordan_Unmvictor: I guess if it works though07:02
DanaGNope, it can do ethernet, too.07:02
DanaGYou just have to get there through "connection editor".07:02
boxgreezmunkey, cool, i'll try that, thanks for help07:02
DanaGAnd then the wired tab.07:03
boxDanaG, haha, man, this interface is all confusing07:03
phixbox: ? as in 802.11?07:04
greezmunkeybox, the only wierd thing is that if you are going from using an ICS, back to wireless, or Ethernet, you will have to disable ICS or neither will work alone. (found that one out today) :)07:04
roloI did "sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/* -vf" and then "sudo apt-get update" and nothing, synaptic still won't run07:04
boxphix, as in i can't tell what "create new network" even means07:05
phixhmmmm ok07:05
phixI dnt know either07:05
boxi don't know why i would want to put in more than one ipv4 addresses??07:06
boxis this specifying the clients?07:06
phixbox: ?07:06
DanaGNope, it's adding virtual addresses that you can contact THIS box on.07:06
DanaGCheck the drop-down... "shared to other computers".07:06
boxohhhh, so am i creating new virtual devices like alongside eth0?07:06
DanaGThat'll be like the LAN port on a router.07:06
Satzobox,  wicd is the best ive found out there for wireless network usage07:06
DanaGAre you trying to get the thing to act as a router, or what?07:07
boxyeah wicd is nice07:07
boxvia ethernet, and then connect out to internet via wifi07:07
phixbox: if the wifi you are using is 802.11[abcn] then that is actually using Ethernet :)07:07
phixc = g07:08
boxwell i'm not worried about the wifi07:08
greezmunkeybox, I setup a new pc in my garage via this laptop using ICS. Worked pretty slick.07:08
rolocan somebody help me?07:08
boxDanaG, what does "shared to other computers" even do? does that just automatically setup ICS?07:08
phixbox: ok :) so when you say ethernet you could be meaning the wifi too as it is an ambiguous word that applies to more than one media :)07:08
cbx333_I didn't choose to encrypt my home directory at installation, can I do it at a later date....if so, how?07:09
DanaGWifi is a different tab.07:09
boxgreezmunkey, yeah ICS is nice, i'm just trying to get it nice and smoothed out here.07:09
Jordan_Unmvictor: You can use curses "directly" with JNI but I don't know how well a C API can really fit in a java application07:09
moDumassrolo, you havent asked for help with anything07:09
greezmunkeybox, you will.07:09
Satzocbx333_, truecrypt is an alternative07:09
boxphix, oh, my bad O_O07:09
rolomoDumass synaptic won't run07:09
phixbox: you can either run ethernet over fibre if you want, it is a layer 2 protocol :) not layer 107:09
DanaGIf you want to be sure it uses the right interface for sharing-out, you can put the MAC address in the box.07:09
DanaGethernet over ip...07:09
moDumassrolo, yeh i cant help you sorry07:09
Satzorolo: http://www.google.com/search?q=apt-get+doesn%27t+run&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=com.ubuntu:en-US:official&client=firefox-a07:09
phixbox: hehe no no no I am teaching you :P <307:09
moDumassrolo, i dont know jack, but ive heard he might know07:09
DanaGip over carrier pigeon:07:10
phixDanaG: yup :)07:10
nmvictorJordan_U: maybe the release dates are due to the fact that most people are moving from such interface programming07:10
boxya ya ya07:10
chowabout the wifi connection07:10
dudemy boot freezes at ieee1394 for about 4 min any suggestions  to speed it up07:10
chowwho knows how to start a wireless connection in pure cli?07:10
boxDanaG, i don't even specify an IP for "Shared to other computers"?07:11
nmvictorJordan_U: so curses is a C API, and whats that JNI?07:11
methods1how do i downgrade my xorg to work with nvidia cards ?07:11
Billiardchow: use iwconfig07:11
DanaGRight... it creates the internal IP automatically.07:11
Billiardmethods1: why do you need to downgrade?07:11
infidi'm trying to play a dvd movie, it gets auto-mounted but totem, vlc, mplayer, etc wont play it. any ideas?07:11
DanaGoh, and handy hint: check "available to all users" and it'll start even before login.07:11
chowok, thank you Billiard!07:11
shredder12what's the apt command to list all the installed packages?07:11
Jordan_Unmvictor: Java Native Interface, it's a way to use native API's from java07:12
boxDanaG, so how would i know what it is to connect to it via another comp? or does it setup up DHCP too?07:12
Billiardinfid: install restricted extras? might need to install the css lib as well07:12
methods1Billiard: i read that the newer xorg doesn't support 3d with legacy nvidia cards... because the nv driver doesn't support it07:12
boxDanaG, oh, that's what that means07:12
greezmunkeyinfid, apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras07:12
infidi have restricted extras :)07:12
Billiardmethods1: which card do you have?07:12
methods1nvidia vanta07:12
methods1i read that i need to go back to xorg7.307:12
lovreBilliard: ace of spades. you?07:12
infidand libdvdcss says 'not available'07:13
=== RussellAlan is now known as KronicKoH
Jordan_Umethods1: That's ATI and only for those cards that can't get support with the open source drivers ( the open source drivers for ati are currently much better than the open source nvidia drivers )07:13
Billiardinfid: you need to use this command to install it, its not in the repos, hold on ill get the command07:13
cyberjorgeif I have enabled my vinagre - remote desktop, how do I connect to it using another Ubuntu machine?07:13
DanaG"shared to other computer" makes it use dnsmasq automatically.07:13
DanaGoh, nvidia legacy... yeah, a royal pain,07:13
lintdoes anyone here use gimmie with ubuntu?07:14
methods1Jordan_U: the nv driver for me since i upgraded does not get 3d support and installing the old nvidia module doesn't work with xorg anymore i get undefined symbol errors07:14
DanaGeven the 96 drivers just *segfault* *segfault* *segfault* *segfault* *segfault* *segfault* *segfault*07:14
boxDanaG, so essentially that's a yes, in that I don't have to configure the IP manually?07:14
DanaGYeah, "shared out" is automatic and simple.07:14
Billiardinfid:  sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh07:14
DanaG*segfault* *segfault* *segfault* *segfault* *segfault* *segfault* *segfault* *segfault* *segfault* *segfault*07:14
DanaGGotta' love nvidia.07:14
methods1Jordan_U: Billiard  right here it says that there is no 3d acceleration in nv  http://xorg.freedesktop.org/wiki/nv07:15
Billiardmethods1: use the nvidia driver07:15
Jordan_Umethods1: I know that nv does not have 3D support07:15
DanaGAt least nouveau doesn't suck like nv does.07:15
cyberjorgeAnyone? How do I connect to a Vinagre enabled system from another PC?07:16
boxDanaG, sweet, shared out works nicely. thanks.07:16
methods1Billiard:  the legacy nvidia driver does not work anymore... i got to the nvidia site and download the same driver i've done for years and it's getting undefined symbol errors when i try to start x07:16
Billiardmethods1: try from the package manager?07:16
methods1Jordan_U: so then where you referring to the nvidia driver ?07:16
DanaGlegacy as in 96, or as in 70-something?07:16
methods1Billiard:  there is like 20 diff nvidia-legacy packages and i tried all of them07:16
DaZDanaG: nvidia never caused me any segfaults07:16
Billiardmethods1: and they did what?07:16
methods1DanaG: as in the one you download from nvidia web site like i've done for 10 years for these tnt based cards07:17
DanaGDid you try it on a geforce "4" (HAH, that's a big fat lie!) MX?07:17
greezmunkeycyberjorge, use vnc from a windows pc??07:17
methods1Billiard:  they give me no 3d07:17
DaZDanaG: 440mx07:17
dudemy boot freezes at ieee1394 for about 4 min any suggestions  to speed it up07:17
DanaGWeird... for me, it segfaults every time I try to start Xorg.07:17
Billiardmethods1: did you make sure the nvidia driver was enabled in xorg.conf07:17
DanaGHad to give up on it, and go to nouveau.07:17
methods1Billiard:  they all use the nv driver from what i can see cause none of them update my xorg.conf file and change the driver line07:17
shredder12any help on what's the apt command to list all the installed packages?07:17
DanaGLuckily, that's on a spare, rarely-used laptop.07:17
shredder12i can't find one07:17
methods1Billiard: if i try to use nvidia then xorg does not start07:17
macoshredder12: its a dpkg command actually "dpkg -l"07:17
macoshredder12: note thats a small L not a number 107:18
cyberjorgegreezmunkey: I will another Ubuntu machine to control another Vinagre enabled Ubuntu machine07:18
methods1Billiard: i can try right now since i just removed all the nvidia packages... which one should i install ?07:18
Jordan_Umethods1: Installing the drivers alone will not ediit your xorg.conf ( unless you use System > Administration > Hardware Drivers )07:18
shredder12maco: thanks maco...07:18
Billiardmethods1: which card is it?07:19
methods1Jordan_U: yes i know i edited and added the nvidia my self... xorg would not work after that... hardware drivers does not show my card anymore since hardy07:19
methods1Billiard: nvidia vanta07:19
Jordan_Umethods1: I didn't realize quite how old your card was though, ati cut support for cards that were only a few years old so I figured that was what you had heard about07:19
infidBilliard: i ran that command and it installed but totem, vlc, etc still keep crashing when i try to play my dvd07:19
greezmunkeycyberjorge, that would be "Remote Desktop Viewer" then I believe.07:19
Jordan_Umethods1: What is the output of "lspci | grep VGA" ?07:20
Billiardinfid: im not sure what else to try07:20
methods1Jordan_U: i have a laptop that has an ati radeon and that one is bricked too... i couldn't for hte life of me get 3d to work... supposedly older cards have lost 3d support with newer xorg... i just need one of these machiens to work so i can test a game i just ported to linux which I'm very excited about but i can't even finish what i'm doing cause none of the machines i have that would work for 10 years is working lol07:20
methods101:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV6 [Vanta/Vanta LT] (rev 15)07:21
blue_linesI was wondering if anyone could tell me which ports emesene uses for webcam?07:21
Jordan_Umethods1: What happens when you try to use the default ( open source ) ati drivers?07:21
DanaGhmm, what sort of video card is it?07:21
DanaGmethods1: the ATI one.07:21
DanaG"radeon" is not very specific.07:22
methods1Jordan_U: yea i went down the whole road of the open ones and fglrx and it worked fine but with newer xorg's the old drivers dont' work and the new drivers don't support the old radeon mobility cards anymore that were laptop onboard07:22
methods1DanaG: what ?07:22
DanaGHmm, you should be able to use "radeon" driver just fine with old cards.07:22
Jordan_Umethods1: Again, for ATI it was only the proprietary driver that dropped support for older cards ( though some cards never had 3D support with the open source drivers )07:22
methods1DanaG: can get 3d ?07:22
methods1Jordan_U: with 3d ?07:23
DanaGI don't know of any non-ancient (ancient as in Rage IIC) cards that don't have at least basic 3D.07:23
DanaGs/cards/ATI cards/07:23
cyberjorgegreezmunkey: Oh! I got it from Applications - Internet, Thanks!07:23
greezmunkeycyberjorge, no worries!07:23
methods1i'm using sdl in my project and for some reason i was getting segfaults down in libc trying to use a normal 32 bit buffer so i figured why not upgrade everything because this is probably fixed bugs... but now I'm in a world of trouble getting 3d07:23
Jordan_Umethods1: Depends on the card, but I get 3D support with my ati card with the open source driver ( no longer supported by fglrx )07:23
infidBilliard: actually it does work now that i've ejected the dvd and remounted it after installing css, thanks :)07:24
methods1well ati opened the specs recently right so can't the open source drivers provide all the features that fglrx use to ?07:24
Jordan_Umethods1: And I think most cards no longer supported by fglrx have at least some 3D support with the open drivers07:24
brando753is there any anti theft software for ubuntu?07:24
greezmunkeyBilliard: that css lib, is that for "wider" support of dvd's? I don't think I have that one, yet I can play dvd's?!?07:25
Madpilotbrando753, antitheft software?07:25
methods1so which driver do you guys think i should try for my nvidia card ?07:25
infidi think it's too play proprietary or enrypted dvds07:25
DanaGAt least a Radeon 7000 is more useful than a GeForce (1+1=)4! MX card.07:25
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:26
Zerohi everyone07:26
Jordan_Umethods1: What is the output of "lspci | grep VGA" ?07:26
rologuys synaptic won't start, can somebody help?07:26
lovrerolo: you could pastebin the output?07:26
=== Zero is now known as Guest90926
methods1(02:21:01 AM) methods1: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV6 [Vanta/Vanta LT] (rev 15)07:26
roloit shows the window and then closes07:26
lovrerolo: start up terminal first. Then run synaptic from terminal. When it closes, the terminal will show some output. Copy that and pastebin07:27
DanaGgotta' love nvidia.  NOT.07:27
roloSegmentation fault07:27
brando753Madpilot: yes windows has similar software for laptops, when the computer is connected to the internet it sends its IP and time to a server so if the laptop is stolen you can see where its last being used07:27
airtonixMadpilot, he means DRM07:28
Guest90926I have a very small question: whats the best express card I can use with my laptop for Ubuntu 9.10? Want something realtively easy to setup and go.07:28
airtonixMadpilot, nvm07:28
rololovre it says Segmentation fault07:28
airtonixbrando753, i think this is called bootjack07:28
mnemonixyou know the music industry sucks when the best album you can find at HMV is spinal tap07:28
Madpilotbrando753, news to me - not a laptop owner nor a Windows user, though.07:28
Billiardgreezmunkey: its for decrypting dvds with css07:29
airtonixbrando753, it's something you can do with console scripts alone.07:29
methods1DanaG: does taht link say I'm in bad shape ?07:29
DanaGGuest90926: expresscard..... what sort?  video?07:29
DanaGor what?07:29
brando753Madpilot: dont use windows anymore either however thought it would be very helpful07:29
=== Guest90926 is now known as VM13
lovrerolo: try running 'sudo synaptic'07:29
greezmunkeyBilliard: I'll read up on css, never heard of it!07:29
lovrerolo: without the quotes ofcourse07:29
arthuzalol css07:29
DanaGwin7 with hard drive spun up still uses less power than Linux with hard drive spun down.07:30
brando753airtonix: BootJack?07:30
rololovre I tried that and it says Segmentation fault07:30
VM13DanaG: wifi express card, my internal mini port died in my notebook07:30
methods1DanaG: why would that win7 claim be true ?07:30
zhengHi, all, There is a error -- make: dh_testdir: Command not found when I do dpkg-buildpackage, how to fix it?07:30
airtonixbrando753, http://www.arsgeek.com/2007/05/04/how-to-track-and-recover-your-linux-laptop-if-it-gets-stolen/07:30
BoohbahDanaG: depends on hardware and drivers07:30
lovrerolo: ok, try running this command: 'sudo rm /var/cache/apt/*.bin'07:31
zhengdh_testdir is from what package?07:31
arthuzaDanaG: love to see the proof .... bs!07:31
VM13DanaG:  so far as far as I can see, Belkin's N model seems like it might work, or D-link's, kinda need this in by Friday07:31
greezmunkeyBilliard: heh (so called) anti piracy encryption...right.07:31
DanaGhmm, you can check newegg reviews of things, to see what chipsets people say they use.07:31
nmvictorJordan_U: I think CHARVA uses JNI07:31
rololovre Ok what now?07:31
DanaGthen google the chipset name and "linux'.07:31
mnemonixwifi is dead07:31
lovrerolo: now run 'sudo synaptic' angin07:31
lovrerolo: again*07:31
rololovre thanks that worked!07:32
arthuzamen: so what now then? back to good old cable or 3g?07:32
airtonixbrando753, remember though that most thieves just reformat the computer without bothering to login07:32
lovrerolo: no problem :)07:32
VM13DanaG: i figured you would say that lol  looks like I'll just have to read and guess for the most part. I'll google it like you suggest, thanks. I was just hoping someone here would have a card in use to suggest at least. Thank you though :) I'm still noobish07:32
methods1strywgr: yea but that link sends me down a dead end cause i already read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia which gives me no help with newer ubuntu and vanta cards07:32
brando753airtonix: true07:33
strywgroh sorry than.07:33
methods1i might as well install hardy again...07:33
mnemonixi just ate burger king.07:33
DanaGMy internal card is an Intel 5300.07:33
brando753airtonix: i do know the windows version also built itself into the bios07:33
mnemonixthat shit has swine flu.07:33
zhengHi, all, There is a error -- make: dh_testdir: Command not found when I do dpkg-buildpackage, how to fix it?07:33
mnemonixburger king = swine flu catalyst07:33
DanaGI'm going to do this with my laptop once I get a secondary drive bay for auto-backups:07:33
Jordan_Umethods1: Have you tried this driver http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_ia32_71.86.11.html ? ( full disclosure, I am now giving advice on the off chance it will be helpfull so it might just be a waste of time )07:33
DanaGSet up auto-drivelock on primary drive, with preboot authentication (yay HP).07:33
al_anyone able to help me install synergy-plus for linux? When I download the synergy-plus-1.3.4-Linux-i686.rpm from http://code.google.com/p/synergy-plus/downloads/list and try to double click the file it says : Archive Manager: Archive Type Not Supported"07:34
arthuzai love ppl saying wifi is dead ... farm from it ... hackin point yeah easy even if u fron a bruteforce for a month or two to get it ... but it is far from dead07:34
airtonixbrando753, but you can search for LoJack07:34
Dougdoug4hi, I'm using Ubuntu in a virtual box for the first time07:34
Dougdoug4it's very small, how do i make it bigger07:34
DanaGSo, if somebody tries to steal the laptop, they can't use it, plain and simple.07:34
methods1Jordan_U:  yea you went and selected my card from the download list right ? that's the same one i've used for the last decade... it does not work with newer xorg......07:34
methods1i don't need the inputdevice sections anymore right ?07:35
Jordan_Umethods1: Correct07:35
=== root is now known as Guest66432
methods1so i should use Driver "radeon" ? what about enabling DRI ?07:35
mnemonixis it possible to know it all07:35
methods1aiglx true ?07:35
Jordan_Umethods1: If it's supported it will probably be enabled by default07:35
greezmunkeyDanaG, so is that a BIOS level password?07:36
arthuzamnem: you know the answer ......07:36
Jordan_Umethods1: Try first with no xorg.conf at all and see what you get07:36
methods1Jordan_U: well this was an upgraded system... can't i just blow away this config and dpkg-reconfigure something ?07:36
mnemonixits not about knowing it all07:36
mnemonixits about knowing the right stuff07:36
crabgrasshey guys07:36
mnemonixto get you where you need to go07:36
Jordan_Umethods1: If you delete ( or just rename ) your xorg.conf then you will be back to the defaults07:37
mnemonixits my aspiration to burn in hell07:37
methods1Jordan_U: will ubuntu just generate a basic one now ?07:37
mnemonixso that is why i know satan07:37
Jordan_Umethods1: It's not required now :)07:37
methods1yea i read that previously07:37
arthuzamnem: no crap ... lol know what u wanna learn .. network sys im majors and they still banch so far u and i dont know the extent07:37
Jordan_Umethods1: New installs don't even have one07:37
methods1then why is there always a template ?07:37
methods1yea i knew this was coming07:37
mnemonixmy biggest problem is one day07:37
mnemonixi study operating system admin07:37
mnemonixnext day networking07:37
mnemonixnext day programming07:38
methods1and you never have an idea of what you are07:38
methods1or where yoru going07:38
methods1welcome to the club07:38
arthuzamnem: in basic's ..07:38
crabgrassI want to be able to stream three or four videos at once out from my computer, over a coax cable, with each video streaming on a seperate channel, so i can go to TVs in my apartment and watch each video on a different channel. how would i do this?07:38
mnemonixbest thing in my opinion is to just stick with something07:38
mnemonixuntil its done07:38
greezmunkey!ot | mnemonix07:38
ubottumnemonix: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!07:38
arthuzamnen: of course07:39
mnemonixgreezmunkey, theres other people who are off topic07:39
greezmunkeymnemonix, I was just starting with you, don't feel left out.07:39
Dougdoug4I'm using Ubuntu with virtualbox, the resolution is 800x60007:40
Dougdoug4how do i make it bigger07:40
mnemonixgreezmunkey, you know, theres the whole obama youth corp for people like you07:40
Jordan_UDougdoug4: Install the guest additions07:40
Dougdoug4Jordan_U those are?07:40
methods1Jordan_U:  do i not do /etc/init.d/gdm restar t?07:40
mnemonixpeople who want to tell others what to do, when to do it, how to do it.07:40
greezmunkeymnemonix, you have no idea who you are dealing with, so kio07:40
airtonixbrando753, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=69784107:40
Jordan_Umethods1: Yes, that will restart X07:40
mnemonixgreez, i understand how important you are07:40
methods1Jordan_U: didn't really do anything for me07:41
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!07:41
methods1but iw as in safe mode07:41
arthuzagreezmun: u some grease desolver?07:41
methods1xinit gnome-session seems good07:41
nmvictorI have a file sjsas-9_1_01-mysql-linux.bin i downloaded from sun.com.The file contains Glassfish application server and mysql.I did 'chmod +x' on it and  did a ./<fileName> to launch it, i got the msg: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file.No such file or directory.How do i get to this file?07:41
sannaCan anyone help me? When I click on the networks symbol up to the right, there is a list of wireless networks. if I click on a network, it pops up something like "type in password" but the network that I WANT to use, doesn't pop up anything and it doesn't "move" like the other ones on the list and it doesn't have a little symbol of an antenna beside it07:42
mnemonixgreezmunky works for the municipal government07:42
mnemonixhe's important07:42
llutznmvictor: install libstdc++507:42
arthuzadont u mean non-imp??!!???07:42
Madpilotmnemonix, stow it. You've already been warned about being offtopic.07:42
mnemonixthe city of sandy07:42
mnemonixmadpilot, but this is on topic07:43
mnemonixgreezmunky stated how important he is07:43
=== sanna is now known as jocke
Madpilotmnemonix, insulting other users is never on topic.07:43
jockeCan anyone help me? When I click on the networks symbol up to the right, there is a list of wireless networks. if I click on a network, it pops up something like "type in password" but the network that I WANT to use, doesn't pop up anything and it doesn't "move" like the other ones on the list and it doesn't have a little symbol of an antenna beside it07:43
arthuzamad: the other guys started it not mnen07:43
nmvictorllutz: with apt-get install libstdc++5 or some tarbal to download and compile?07:43
methods1are these spammers ?07:43
mnemonixsandy oregon07:43
llutznmvictor: use apt, hardly need for tarballs/compiling07:44
greezmunkeyno, just trolls07:44
mnemonixmount hood07:44
swolchokis it just me or is python-bittorrent way out of date? wikipedia's list of BT clients suggests it should be at version 507:44
llutznmvictor: learn to use apt-cache/apt-file07:44
methods1what's apt-file ?07:44
* methods1 googles07:44
llutz!info apt-file07:44
ubottuapt-file (source: apt-file): search for files within Debian packages (command-line interface). In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.2 (karmic), package size 25 kB, installed size 172 kB07:44
methods1oh so it's like dpkg -L | grep for apt ?07:45
llutzmethods1: no07:45
* methods1 error07:45
llutzmethods1: dpkg -L only works on installed packages07:45
methods1yes , "for apt"07:45
methods1apt works on remote packages07:45
methods1that's cool07:46
greezmunkeymnemonix, you lead a boring life, don't you...should probably check your firewall07:46
methods1yea the radeon driver is working glxgears runs07:46
mnemonix>>check your firewall<<07:47
methods1but i just remember the radeon driver sucking compared to fglrx07:47
magnetboxanyone have any experience booting from an SD card on a netbook?07:47
methods1but i haven't checked in a while07:47
mnemonixgreezmunkey, are you going to >>HACK ME<<07:47
nmvictorllutz: might need a small introductory how-to on how to go about that,i have apt-cache installed, i removed apt-file.so what do i do with apt-cache?07:47
Madpilotgreezmunkey, mnemonix - both of you drop the crap.07:47
rwwmethods1: It's getting better. It's already better than fglrx for 2D acceleration, and they're working on 3D.07:47
methods1i love open source07:47
arthuzaso any1 .. so i can go back ... debian with new firmware and kernal compiled bymyself why does kswitch presist on debain not ubuntu?07:47
llutznmvictor: those tools will help you to find packages for missing files/lib in future07:47
methods1the world should be opensource07:47
comp2i wan to configure webmin 1.440 to administrate 5 users over wireless network plz help07:48
methods1are they working on any support for multiple 3d x's on ati or is that some kind of hardware ability ?07:48
arthuzaso any1 .. so i can go back ... debian with new firmware and kernal compiled bymyself why does kswitch presist on debain not ubuntu?07:48
rww!repeat | arthuza07:49
ubottuarthuza: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.07:49
ironfoot495Hello everyone, I need some help with configuring a bluetooth keyboard and mouse.07:49
Jordan_Umagnetbox: Yes07:49
arthuzarww no bother searchin what i have already 200 times?07:49
ironfoot495I have googled and found many possibllities but none seem to work for me.07:49
Jordan_Umethods1: It's supported now07:49
Jordan_Umethods1: Works on my card07:50
comp2i want to configure webmin 1.440 to administrate 5 users over wireless network plz help07:50
ironfoot495it's a windows 6000 v2.007:50
mnemonixwhen linux first came out, it was a programmers os.07:50
mnemonixnow its an idiots OS07:50
magnetboxJordan_U: seems my install went fine, but I can't see the SD card in the boot menu07:50
comp2i want to configure webmin 1.440 to administrate 5 users over wireless network plz help07:50
methods1have you guys heard about acer/ati based laptops have overheating issues because of unkown chipsets etc. ?07:50
Jordan_Umagnetbox: Does your computer support booting from sd card?07:51
comp2i want to configure webmin 1.440 to administrate 5 users over wireless network plz help07:51
methods1i still never even tried to setup the dual boot xp on it to see if xp would overheat07:51
=== TheTosh is now known as Guest11215
holmserI keep hearing a dum dum dum noise playing from my computer, any idea what program uses this sound effect?07:51
magnetboxJordan_U: Not sure..it's a fairly rare machine.. the Nokia Booklet 3G07:52
methods1can i make sure that my motherboard chipsets are all properly detected so no type of overheating issues arrise ? sometimes i think the fans aren't even going on as they should07:52
arthuzacan no 1 answer development kernel/firmware issues?07:52
holmserit has one that goes up the scale, and another one that goes down the scale07:52
comp2i want to configure webmin 1.440 to administrate 5 users over wireless network plz help07:52
holmserIt is driving me nuts, because there is no notification associated with it07:52
=== root is now known as Guest45809
nmvictorllutz: what was the dpkg -option to check the dependencies of a file?07:52
llutznmvictor: apt-cache depends07:53
llutznmvictor: read man-pages07:53
Guest45809            07:54
Jordan_Umagnetbox: If your card reader doesn't show up in the BIOS boot order options it does't support booting from sd card07:54
Guest45809         07:54
FloodBot1Guest45809: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:54
Jordan_Umagnetbox: You can still add a menu entry to boot your sd card from your hard drive installed grub07:55
methods1so there is really no answer for me in regards to my nvidia card ?07:55
nmvictorllutz: thanks, i did go through man pages before asking but overlooked that, i gues i have alot to do at the moment, anyway libstdc++5 is installing07:55
magnetboxJordan_U: how would I do that?07:55
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Jordan_Umagnetbox: Can you reboot and load the grub command line to try some commands while staying on IRC with another computer?07:57
Jordan_Umagnetbox: It's not required but it could save some time ( it's more than a normal entry because you need to use grub2's ata module to read drives your BIOS does not support )07:58
comp2can any body help08:00
magnetboxgrub-pc is ok?08:00
magnetboxJordan_U: grub-pc is ok?08:01
nmvictorllutz: thanks, i installed it and now the file is working.I WISH THE WHOLE WORLD HAD THE UBUNTU-LIKE SHARING IN THEM08:01
agb89hi can anyone help on how to make my webcam work on my Dell Studio 15 laptop??08:01
Jordan_Umagnetbox: Yes, grub-pc is grub208:01
arthuzanmv calm tf down08:01
comp2i want to configure webmin 1.440 to administrate 5 users over wireless network plz help08:01
agb89can anyone help pls??08:02
soreau! webcam | agb8908:02
ubottuagb89: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras08:02
magnetboxJordan_U: k I've never used it.. what should I be doing?08:02
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arthuzaRM -RF /08:03
arthuzamt **08:03
nmvictorllutz: So heres another problem, the file launched the installer which unfortunately dint load the graphic object(buttons e.t.c). its just an empty window with a title Sun Java System Aplication server Installing Wizard, dont tell me the file is corrupt.08:03
agb89thank you "ubottu"08:03
nmvictormsg NickServ identify08:04
Guest16799hi who among you guys what is the best nms setup for my home office08:04
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bigmack83_is it me, or does the screenlets app have the irritating side effect of not being configured the same way after you restart your ocmputer. they all reset to their defaults and are not in the place i locked them to when i set them up08:04
Jordan_Umagnetbox: If you already there press "c" at the grub menu to get to the command line08:04
arthuzaguest: check ya ISP08:04
Jordan_Umagnetbox: * If you aren't already there08:04
bigmack83_not to mention they dont all start back up or some have two08:05
Madpilotarthuza, repeat that rm command again and you'll get kicked from this channel. Not clever.08:05
methods1ah now i can finally work on my game08:05
arthuzamad: i said it was a mt dipshit08:05
BlackDalekWhy do I have to always run Googleearth as sudo?08:06
Jordan_Umethods1: Which card / driver did you get working?08:06
methods1Jordan_U: well the ati one is working now without an xorg.conf08:06
methods1but i would like the nvidia one to work too08:06
Jordan_UBlackDalek: Because the google earth installer is idiotic08:06
bigmack83_are there any better options for desktop widgets other than the screenlets app? it doesnt seem to like to keep the settings i tell it to08:06
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Jordan_UBlackDalek: If you choose to start Google earth from the installer, since the installer is running as root it starts google earth as root08:07
BlindsidePridenew to ubuntu, interested in what mmo-s are avaliable for me08:07
zerq_BlindsidePride: WoW works well in WINE on ubuntu08:07
Jordan_UBlackDalek: Since google earth is started as root it makes the configuration directory in your home folder owned by root so it can't write to it when running as your user08:07
BlackDalekHow do I make googleearth install/run as a normal user?08:08
BlindsidePridezerq_: yeah but kinda not into the fee08:08
Jordan_UBlackDalek: To fix it chown the preferences directory ( don't remember what that is off hand though )08:08
zerq_BlindsidePride: ah, yeah, not sure about any free mmo-s sorry, recovering wow addict here ;/08:09
BlindsidePridezerq_:  you know any free mmos?... like is ace:air rivels avaliable?08:10
hey_boyHi guys08:10
Jordan_U!games | BlindsidePride08:10
ubottuBlindsidePride: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php08:10
BlindsidePridezerq_: lol...mmm well thx anyway08:10
hey_boyAny help available on Festival?08:10
blacksun7i've got a massive interview in <48 hours and need to learn csh - anyone out there that could give me some practice to do and then evaluate my code?08:10
ace06spikerim not a coder but i can handle servers , please help me to setup nagios in ubuntu?08:11
arthuzalol kicked becuase ubuntu users are like readhat users? ummm wheres my gui to help me?08:11
BlindsidePrideJordan_U: wow, thanks apenty for the links08:11
methods1Jordan_U: is my sdl video driver supposed to show up as x11 ?08:11
Jordan_UBlindsidePride: np08:11
arthuzakick me mad u fuck stain08:11
methods1i imagine the open source radeon driver perhaps just reports x1108:12
maco!ops | arthuza08:12
ubottuarthuza: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!08:12
TeLLuSBlackDalek: Have you tried Marble instead of Google earth? Not exactly the same but OK for most.. http://edu.kde.org/marble/08:12
hey_boymind your language arthuza08:12
Jordan_Umethods1: I don't know08:12
BlackDalekI have not tried marble08:12
pepeeI want to change the permissions to '/var/log/kismet'08:12
greezmunkey+b even08:12
methods1Jordan_U: well ti's the video driver reported08:12
al_i love synergy, its soo handy08:13
pepeeI tryed but now I see this as non-root:     ls -l Kismet-May-05-2009-1.network    ->    -????????? ? ? ? ?                ? Kismet-May-05-2009-1.network08:13
methods1al_: yea i use it all time08:13
ace06spikerplease help me install joomla in my ubuntu server how to do it or please give me some link08:13
pepeeso I have no idea why I can't see the permissions :(08:13
Jordan_Umethods1: If "glxinfo | grep direct" says "Yes" 3D accelleration is working08:14
al_methods1: can you drag across desktops?08:14
al_methods1: like files?08:14
methods1al_: no....08:14
PratikAnandace06spiker : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Joomla08:14
methods1al_:  i think it kinda sucks half the time08:14
al_methods1: true?08:15
ace06spiker@Pratikanand thank man08:15
nmvictorI did ./<fileName> on a file but since it was corrupt, i want to kill it and lauch another instance of the program.I have closed the terminal that the file was running on but doing a ./<fileName> still reports that another instance of the program is running, Exiting....I have tried pgrep ./<fileName> to get the PID but that simpliy returns the prompt.What am i gonna do/08:15
lasthopesinyouuanyone know an easy way to install adb for an android phone on ubuntu08:16
lasthopesinyouuI'm lost. ><08:16
Jordan_Unmvictor: It might be that the program uses a lock file which is now "stale" ( was not removed because the program did not exit properly )08:17
CaNocI've setup an ecryptfs Private folder with no automount option, I have to run ~/Private/x.desktop manually to mount it with a terminal to enter password. now I want it to auto run on login and if I want it mount , enter password , or not by Ctrl-C. how can I do this?08:18
nmvictorJordan_U: lock file and stale, i have met that word sometime while launching truecrypt where it was talking of deleting some '$HOME/.trucrypt/lock.whatever', so is it the same case here?08:19
Jordan_Unmvictor: It's a possibility08:21
Jordan_Unmvictor: What is it that you are running specifically?08:21
zerq_google linux apps fail:/ http://www.googlelabs.com/?q=linux&apps=Search+Labs08:22
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zerq_anyone know if they have a list of what linux apps they actually have?08:22
bigmack83_using k9copy to rip a chapter from a dvd/iso, what is a good encoder to use to keep the same quality as the original? i was going to use mencoder to encode with x264. will that keep the same quality or is there a better choice?08:24
Jordan_Uzerq_: The only "app" they have is chromium, there are libraries and a window manager and such but that's it08:24
espereguI installed the upgrade of the xorg/xserver packages but now X does not work anymore (nvidia with restricted drivers) anyone knows if there is a solution somewhere yet?08:25
gnuskoolzerq_: maybe they expect you to use c'cloud' apps08:25
Jordan_Uzerq_: They have added a network manager and other things to chromium itself so there are literally no other "apps" ( where app is a standard application with widgets that the user interacts with )08:25
nmvictorJordan_U: some sjas-9__1_01-mysql-linux.bin file i downloaded from sun.com/'whatever' that installs Glassfish application server and mysql so i did a ./sjas-9_1_01-mysql-linux to lauch the program wich aparently the installation wizard launched did not launch any window items.so i wanted to kill and restart the progra08:25
CaNocesperegu: try to add screen resolution in xorg.conf, many people got problem with this 'cause it cannot auto detect monitor resolution08:26
nmvictorJordan_U: *did not load any window items,buttons and so forth, was just an empty window.08:27
JezekusHello could somebody help me with cron settings?08:27
zerq_Jordan_U: there is Google Earth..08:27
BilliardJezekus: what you need help with?08:27
seravitaehey guys, im running ubuntu server, ie i am not using X at all, but i find working off the default 640x480 terminal window pretty difficult. is there any way to increase the resolution of a CLI-based system without installing X and using a terminal within X?08:27
Jordan_Uzerq_: Are you sure? Where did you see that?08:28
espereguCaNoc: I have a metamodes there cause I have 2 screens. It worked properly before the auto upgrade from yesterday.08:28
macoseravitae: framebuffer?08:28
seravitaemaco - ok? ill google08:28
Jordan_Uzerq_: And you are talking about Google Chrome OS right?08:28
zerq_Jordan_U: on google's site.. and apparently there is a beta of Picasa for linux as well08:28
zerq_Jordan_U: No, for any linux08:28
JezekusBilliard: I have a shell script and I need it to run as user after reboot. I edited /etc/crontab and add @reboot user /home/user/script.sh But it doesn't work as it should08:28
zerq_well, x86 linux08:28
timClickswhat's the command to see the last line in a file / stdout ?08:29
arseny92need to setup from usb key, tried to use the doc, but even with the files on it it says 'Operating System not found'...08:29
llutz timClicks tail -108:29
timClicksllutz: thanks08:29
BilliardJezekus: is the script executable?08:29
seravitaemaco - so i can just supply a vga= argument at bootup?08:29
macoseravitae: yep08:29
seravitaeok, cool08:30
Kcwirohey guys I have a quickie question... I am moving to a faster machine on my ubuntu media center but my custom profile I would hate to have to setup that again.. where can I grab the files to reload so my color scheme and such are saved to  my usb drive... ubuntu 9.108:30
JezekusBilliard:yes if I run it as the user it is ok08:30
BilliardKcwiro: all your user settings are stored in your home directory08:30
BilliardJezekus: you might need to specify full paths for commands in your script08:31
Kcwirobillard: so if I move my entire home folder to a usb drive I can just drop it back in when I bring up other system and be good is that correct?08:31
CaNocesperegu: i use this in xorg.conf to have dual display http://paste.ubuntu.com/332950/  , you should try to change the number to fit your monitor08:31
Kcwiro....my custom color scheme and such will just pop back into existence08:32
BilliardKcwiro: yes should be fine08:32
zerq_ah, google has repos.. dur :)08:32
Kcwirocool thank you Billard08:32
zerq_that's where the list of their linux apps is08:32
seravitaemaco - eep, since im using the JeOS/virtual machine version of ubuntu server, grub loats pretty quickly and doesnt suggest a command to alter the existing boot config.. any ideas how i can interrupt it and supply new commands?08:32
Kcwironice to have a sanity check here =)08:32
JezekusBilliard: The script is executed, I'm parsing ifconfig for IP adress of the PC and emailing it. If I run it as user parsing and mailing is OK, using cron parsing fails but emailing is OK08:32
BilliardJezekus: what error do you get?08:33
Quan-Timeubuntu-9.10-dvd-amd64.iso for a core2duo intel laptop ?? or just the i386 version ?08:34
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macoseravitae: umm you can edit the grub menu to include the vga-=08:34
BilliardQuan-Time: amd64 will work on core2duo08:34
seravitaemaco - yeah im just worried if something fails i will not be able to set it back.08:34
seravitaeif i cannot interrupt grub on bootup08:35
Quan-TimeBilliard: its what i thought, cheers08:35
JezekusBilliard: parsing returns empty line (using grep and cut) from cron, from user shell it's ip address ok08:35
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BilliardJezekus: pastebin your script maybe08:35
frogzooseravitae: you can always interrupt grub - if you have the password is another matter08:35
macoseravitae: i think if it fails it just asks you for another vga number to try08:35
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arseny92need to setup from usb key, tried to use the doc, but even with the files on it it says 'Operating System not found'...08:37
llutzJezekus: are you sure the network is already  up when cronjobs run?08:37
Billiardllutz: he says the email sends fine08:37
llutzBilliard: mail-spool?08:38
JezekusBilliard: http://pastebin.org/5956808:38
JezekusIlutz: you can be right!08:38
JezekusMaybe network starts after cron (used network and now using NetworkManager)08:39
Kartagisdo I make sure that my files' permissions are 0644 and directories' permissions are 0755 by putting a umask=022 in /etc/fstab?08:39
Kartagisthat is on samba share08:39
llutzJezekus: easy to check, paste complete "ifconfig" into a file with cron @reboot08:40
=== bunshiong is now known as duda42
JezekusIlutz: ok, assume network is down when script runs, is there possibility to run it after net is up? maybe sleep?08:42
llutzJezekus: you might use a loop checking for network08:42
CaNochow can I auto run an .desktop file after login, with the file like this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/332951/08:43
BilliardKartagis: try file_mode  and dir_mode, not sure if it will work well though08:43
llutzJezekus: maybe networkmanager knows something similar to ifupdowns "if-up.d" to start scripts event-based08:43
JezekusIlutz: thanks I'll try find something08:44
Vincent42hey, does someone know how to change japanese fonts in 9.10 ? i just have the tin ones :/08:45
seravitaemaco - I don't even have a grub/menu.lst or any conf file..08:45
seravitaenot sure where i'm suppose to place the vga= function? as it usually is in the menu.lst file?08:45
xayonHi there. I'm currently remastering an iso, after loading the iso in a vm I got the typical error saying that could not find a filesystem foo bar. So I made some tests and concluded that I hadn't got squashfs support. The thing is I'm just mounting an ubuntu iso, cp'ing it, and building the iso with mkisofs. (With a busybox shell, just modprobing the module and mounting the squashfs.filesystem works). Any hint/help would be really appr08:45
freeloaderHello, how can I add qt to the ubuntu repository so i can download qt 4.6?08:45
macoseravitae: if a clean 9.10 install... /boot/grub/grub.cfg is generated from the other files in /boot/grub when you run "sudo update-grub"08:46
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mgv2how do i fit a sub into movie?08:46
Al1hi, i upgraded from ubuntu9.04 to ubuntu 9.10. Doin this i got problem with skype video which is green. I had it before, but i solved that with code LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype. But now is not working. Any help?08:47
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.08:47
Guest50010i need some help08:47
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:48
zaggynlwelcome to IRC, just ask your question08:48
zaggynlpeople may or may not respond, depending if they are looking here or know anything about the issue or are willing to help08:48
Guest50010I need to change the resolution of mu ubuntu 9.04 but the maximum I can have is 1024x800, I need to make it 1280x1024, is it possible?08:49
xayonfrogzoo: was that for me? I don't have any trouble mounting a iso loop image.08:49
frogzooxayon: it was, but anyhoo08:50
JkesslerGuest50010: it depends on your video card, the drivers, and your monitor08:50
mrpinkyhi :D how can i concatenate the output of multiple commands into a file? i tried: (echo 'IN;PU;SP1;!FS100;VS50;'; cat ${1%.*}.plt; echo 'PU;SP;IN;PG;') > ${1%.*}.plt, but cat gives an error "input file is output file" (that is the correct behaviour, i want to output to the same file that cat read)08:50
ArmitageXI installed ddclient updater for opendns, its asking me for DynDNS fully qualified domain names?08:50
JkesslerArmitageX: you need to register a domain at dyndns.com08:51
frogzoomrpinky: >>08:51
xayonfrogzoo: You got it wrong ;). I'm remastering an iso, I don't have any trouble with building the iso or whatever, just won't boot cause not squashfs module loaded by default then won't be able to mount filesystem.08:52
frogzoomrpinky: you need to output to a temp file, then move that back08:52
mrpinkyfrogzoo, >> works, except that cat is echoing the filename, not the file contents :(08:52
Kartagishow do I make sure that on a samba share my files' permissions are 0644 and directories' permissions are 0755? I've tried umask=022, no luck08:53
BilliardKartagis: did you try what i suggested?08:54
DrRobino_How do i print to a networkprinter in ubuntu?08:54
KartagisBilliard, I couldn't even find those options08:54
BilliardKartagis: couldnt find where?08:54
Kartagisare they listed in man fstab?08:54
BilliardKartagis: no they are specific to cifs08:55
llutzDrRobino_: set it ip in cups, print08:55
frederick85hi i'm trying to upgrade my distribution to 9.10 when I do the upgrade and it fetches the files from my isp it stops fetching them at a certain point08:56
Billiardfrederick85: does it error?08:56
vegaFeasibilityStudy: try another mirror08:57
frederick85it doesn't give an error, it just stops doing anything08:57
vegai mean frederick8508:57
vegai had the same problem08:57
KartagisBilliard, file_mode=0644?08:57
frederick85oh wait, hey it just finished08:57
FeasibilityStudyvega: I look in the mirror all the time08:57
JaymacIs there an easy way to completely purge ppa package information from synaptic after you have removed a ppa repository?08:57
Jaymacempathy broke last night so i am trying to downgrade to the ubuntu version08:57
vegaFeasibilityStudy: that's good :)08:57
BilliardKartagis: worth a try08:58
frederick85ok ok i'm going looks like it was just downloading a large file perhaps08:58
ArmitageXJkessler: does the dyndns password have to be the same as the opendns one?08:58
BilliardArmitageX: no08:58
ubottuOpera is an advanced, fast and free (as in beer) web browser. It is packaged for easy installation into Ubuntu. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser08:58
FeasibilityStudyOpera = closed source = no thanks08:59
hellyeahhow can i convert pdf to text or pdf to tex or pdf to doc09:01
hellyeahis it possible09:01
llutzhellyeah: i.e. pdftotext, poppler-utils09:02
kanhaiya_kkhi all09:02
kanhaiya_kkhi all, i am using ubuntu. i tried to install ubuntu karmic in new partition. After installation i found that, sda5 partition which was also ubuntu partition get converted into lost+found, for ex(#2679148 etc)09:02
kanhaiya_kkso can anybody help me to recover those data from lost+found09:02
Billiardkanhaiya_kk: what do you mean its converted into lost+found09:02
Vissanyone know how to recover from an error like this one:  kernel: [ 1404.516264] apt-get[4434]: segfault at 6eefca2c ip b7ed65db sp bfb86210 error 4 in libapt-pkg-libc6.9-6.so.4.7.0[b7ea0000+bf000]  ?09:02
Billiardkanhaiya_kk: all partitions have a lost+found directory09:03
nibbleris there any better way to acces an exchange server than evolution? the plugin just sucks :(09:03
kanhaiya_kkBilliard: that partition now contains only lost+found directory09:03
Vissevery apt command I issue barfs because i think the library is hosed (had a bad shutdown, fsck found a bunch of hosed inodes - suspecting one of them was that library)09:03
Billiardkanhaiya_kk: you formated it then, its empty09:03
kanhaiya_kkand all my data is there in that directory in #343535 format09:03
norenViss what were u trying to do09:03
Visswell I woke up this morning to a kernel panic. The box was shutdown uncleanly09:03
Vissmeaning when it came back up I had to fsck09:04
norenViss, sudo apt-get -f install09:04
methods1Jordan_U: thanks for the help the game now renders properly on linux :]09:04
Vissthe fsck found a bunch of corrupt files, and i suspect that library is one of them09:04
Vissnoren: every single apt command I issue segfaults.09:04
Vissand syslog says that library has errors09:04
TommiHHi! I wonder if anyone can help me... I've done a minimalistic installation of karmic with enlightenment as DE and I'm using wicd as network manager. I installed the broadcom STA driver which should work with my card and iwlist scan shows my wireless network, but wicd won't find any wireless connections... Has anyone got experiences of wicd?09:04
kanhaiya_kkBilliard: df -h shows  that it contains data of 30GB09:04
Vissso apt-get -f install would throw the exact same error.09:04
Vissive tried that already09:05
Billiardkanhaiya_kk: could try fsck on it09:05
jongbergsTommiH: try removing wicd and use gnome network manager instead09:05
macoViss: i think you need to reinstall your system09:05
TommiHjongbergs: Ok, gonna try that out.09:06
jacsi'm new09:06
kanhaiya_kkBilliard: fsck is giving output clean /dev/sda509:06
Jordan_Umethods1: np :)09:07
nmvictor_which package provides ncurses-devel header files?09:07
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methods1Jordan_U: http://picasaweb.google.com/mr.danielaquino/Forsaken6dof#541056086999864336209:08
llutznmvictor_: apt-cache search ncurses devel09:08
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nmvictor_llutz: its you again, thanks.i bet it will take time before i get started on apt-cache and apt-file.Thanks alot09:09
kanhaiya_kkBilliard: you there ?09:09
BlindsidePridenew to ubuntu, how do i install the latest version in wine in terminal?09:10
Jkesslersudo apt-get install wine09:10
Billiardkanhaiya_kk: yeah09:10
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu09:10
BlindsidePrideJkessler: is that the latest version tho?09:11
kanhaiya_kkBilliard: fsck is giving output clean /dev/sda509:11
Jkesslerlatest stable, i believe..09:11
BlindsidePrideJkessler: thx09:11
frogzooBlindsidePride: the wine site used to host .debs of the latest09:11
BlindsidePridefrogzoo: i'm just try'n to run air rivals on ubuntu09:12
xayonArrrrrrrrrrrr, anyone out there having problems building karmic koala remastered isos?09:12
=== xayon is now known as XayOn
XdeptHey, I can't get Ubuntu to share a folder09:12
TommiHjongbergs: Ok, I installed network-manager-gnome, how can I manage it? Do I have to restart?09:12
BlindsidePridefrogzoo: so is wine all i need?09:12
Billiardkanhaiya_kk: i think files get moved to lost+found when the filesystem gets messed up09:12
kanhaiya_kkBilliard: may be09:13
kanhaiya_kkBilliard: so is there any method to restore that ?09:13
JkesslerBlindsidePride:  check the wine appdb for a particular game, if anyone has left a report, they'll tell you how well it ran and what versions, what they tweaked if anything to get it working right09:14
kanhaiya_kkBilliard: basically im concerned about data.09:14
Billiardkanhaiya_kk: find the files in the lost+found dir ?09:14
BlindsidePrideJkessler: could you give me a link to it...i dont kno what an appdb is09:14
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Billiard!appdb | BlindsidePride09:15
ubottuBlindsidePride: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help09:15
XdeptI get this error when trying to share something "Failed to execute child process "testparm" (No such file or directory)" Mean anything to anyone09:15
BlindsidePrideJkessler: Billiard: thx09:15
kanhaiya_kkBilliard: that directory is hsowing hundreds of files like #34545, #2343 etc09:16
Billiardkanhaiya_kk: yup09:17
llutzkanhaiya_kk: that are the inode that data came from09:17
kanhaiya_kkllutz: okay09:17
kanhaiya_kkllutz: but how can i restore  data ?09:18
llutzkanhaiya_kk: afaik only manually09:18
kanhaiya_kkBilliard: do you have any idea ?09:18
Billiardkanhaiya_kk: of what?09:18
Jkesslerkanhaiya_kk:  http://tldp.org/LDP/Linux-Filesystem-Hierarchy/html/lostfound.html09:19
Jkesslerthey're most likely garbage09:19
kanhaiya_kkllutz: how to restore manually ?09:19
kanhaiya_kkJkessler: garbage. means it is not possible to restore ?09:20
Jkesslerkanhaiya_kk:  correct09:20
Billiardkanhaiya_kk: some files may be fine, but maybe not09:20
llutzkanhaiya_kk: check every file, decide what original-file it has been, copy. start again.... good luck09:21
Jkesslerkanhaiya_kk:  it's data, but it was corrupt and it's not arranged in any good order09:21
kanhaiya_kkJkessler: llutz yes it is not arrangein any good order.09:22
=== david is now known as Guest97968
norendoes any one knows how to liit the bandwidth usage by different application in ubuntu09:22
kanhaiya_kkthat means i lost the all data ?09:22
ranjanhow to fix the broken package in ubuntu 9.10 please help09:22
llutzkanhaiya_kk: not physically,09:22
ranjanhow to fix the broken package in ubuntu 9.10 please help09:22
norenranjan, sudo apt-get -f install09:23
Billiardranjan: dont repeat yourself, reinstall it09:23
llutzkanhaiya_kk: but yes, it's really hard to recover it. time to recover your backup09:23
kanhaiya_kkllutz: ohh noooooooooo09:23
XdeptDoes anyone help here ?09:24
Jkesslerwe try09:24
XdeptGood answer09:24
noren!help | Xdept09:24
ubottuXdept: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:24
llutzkanhaiya_kk: won't help you, but: not backed up data is non valuable data09:25
norenis there a way to configure the bandwidth used by different application in ubuntu09:27
devil_guten morgen09:27
maco!de | devil_09:27
ubottudevil_: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.09:27
xtor_Hrmm so if I am a linux person I should go for BSD rather than solaris? How...anticlimatic09:27
shredder12how should i configure grub2 to boot OSs from external hard drives09:28
XdeptIs there anyone here that is a Ubuntu Developer ?09:28
=== xtor_ is now known as extor
macoXdept: whats up?09:28
XdeptI just want to know if Anyone is a Ubuntu Developer09:28
XdeptJust being nosey and all09:29
macoXdept: haha ok09:29
devil_i search ubuntu german irc09:29
macodevil_: #ubuntu-de09:29
devil_got bye09:30
Jkesslerkanhaiya_kk:  you could try this as a last resort:  http://www.student.dtu.dk/~s042078/magicrescue/09:31
KartagisBilliard, are you there?09:32
kanhaiya_kkJkessler: okay.let me try09:35
Kartagis!es | silencioso09:35
ubottusilencioso: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.09:35
=== Guest11215 is now known as Guest11215|away
Jkesslerkanhaiya_kk:  it's for specific files, not a massive recovery, so you have to know what files you're looking for09:36
XayOnlook, it's a magnetic_ :)09:36
Al1could u tell me how to instal skupy on ubuntu 9.10 without risking green video on it?09:36
BilliardKartagis: im here?09:36
BlindsidePridewhat does this mean : "You can set all the dlls in winecfg under the "Libraries" tab or just set the first dll "d3d8"="builtin" and then go to .wine/user.reg and find the DLL override section [Software\\Wine\\DllOverrides] and copy the above list under it."09:37
KartagisBilliard, file_mode=0644 worked in /etc/fstab09:37
kanhaiya_kkJkessler: oh, i dont femeber names of file. There are many project related docs.09:37
BilliardKartagis: ok cool09:37
SaladHi im having trouble with ATI drivers can anyone help me09:37
judgenHow do i disable rhythmbox from adding an icon into the notifications area?09:38
BlindsidePriderather how do i "set the first dll "d3d8"=builtin"09:38
Jkesslerah, maybe you can get by with scanning for docs.  it looks like it handles smaller files better ..  you'll have to read the documentation.  i just skimmed it09:38
frederick85I installed the new Ubuntu 9.10 and I got some problem related to graphics card so i'm running it in simple graphics mode, how do I make it that simple graphics will be the default?09:39
Jkesslerkanhaiya_kk:  ok, it does scan for certain file types so that's good09:39
BlindsidePridewhen someone has a moment... how do i "set the first dll "d3d8"=builtin"09:40
llutz!wine | BlindsidePride09:41
ubottuBlindsidePride: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu09:41
BlindsidePridellutz:  but how do i set the dll09:41
JkesslerBlindsidePride:  go to Applications -> Wine - Configure Wine09:41
llutzBlindsidePride: /j #winehq09:41
Jkessleror go to a terminal and type winecfg09:41
Jkessleryeah, and ask in the wine channel.. they specialize in it09:42
jarlHi. I would like a little help with upstart (specifically sysv compatibitlity scripts), anybody here to listen?09:42
dew5hey ppl im having truble mounting msnhome on my net work any help09:43
TwoUpWebHello everyone :)09:44
hrihow to format the write protected pendrive09:44
SirChriscould somebody explain something to me that I think should be simple but I can't figure out, launching programs with the terminal09:44
dew5hey 2up09:44
frederick85reason i ask is I was given option to run in simple graphics one time only,09:44
JkesslerSirChris:  but using commnds still?  alt+f2 ?09:44
jhgSirChris: just type the programs name09:44
hrihow to disable the write protected pendrive09:45
SirChrisyeah so I type the programs name09:45
jhgJkessler: he doesn't want to switch tty09:45
jarlhri: format? are you a linux newbie and used to windows?09:45
jhgSirChris: then hit enter09:45
SirChrisbut now I have to keep the terminal window open because if I close it shuts down the program09:45
JkesslerSirChris:  add &09:45
jhgright so try it with a &09:45
Jkesslerallows it to run in the background09:45
SirChrisand the terminal is busy with the program and can't be used for anything else09:45
dew5unable to mount location Failed to retrieve share list from server plz help im09:45
TwoUpWebopen another termiaal :S09:45
jhgtype the programs name and then a & at the end09:46
jarlhri: On linux you either delte all files, or you create a new filesystem?09:46
SirChrisspace or no space?09:46
XayOnSirChris: you've been already answered, command &09:46
hrijarl: i am using ubuntu how  to disable the write protected pendrive09:46
jhgSirChris:  space09:46
ardchoilleSirChris: You can also open another tab if you need it09:46
hrijarl : after deleting the file all files come next time when opening09:46
XayOnSirChris, jhg don't mind if space or not.09:46
SirChrisyeah I have been answered, I had found this answer on my own with google but I was wondering if there was a way to continue using the same terminal or if I had to open a new one thats all09:46
hrijarl: i tried to format but i cant09:46
XayOnardchoille: it depends on whic terminal emulator he runs, better to tell him about launching commands in bg.09:47
jhgXayOn: but for clarity its better to keep them seperate09:47
TwoUpWebjarl : set permissions 75509:47
SirChristhanks everybody09:47
ardchoilleXayOn: True09:47
jarlhri: if it does not complain when you delete the files, the pendrive is probably not write-protected.09:47
jarlhri: how do you format?09:47
jarlhri: if all files are still there next time you plugin the pendrive, then ...09:47
jarlhri: it probably because you have to unmount the pendrive (aka safely remove the device), before you plug it out.09:48
hrijarl: please give solution09:48
=== LaPolonaise4ever is now known as pepito
jarlhri: I am trying to help you. But to help you I must know what you are doing when you write "format"09:49
XayOnhri: please, don't be so unkind, if you don't know anything about linux, better read something than start being so rude09:49
hrijarl: sorry for my words09:50
hrijarl: i inserted the pendrive and deleted all files after closing the pendrive and reopen it i found the same file09:51
lockerzzzgive me your email and i give you a invitation to lockerz (in the website lockerz you can get xbox360 and ps3 and iphone for free!!!)09:51
jarlhri: hang on....09:51
norenhri, how are u deleting them use rm -r <folder>09:52
hrinoren: no ctrl a and shift+delete09:52
jarlhri: how did you delete all files? what tool? what did you click? what do you mean by closing and the reopen?09:52
=== [A]KangB is now known as [A]Way
norenhri, if u are gui check if u have the permission to write into the disk09:53
hrijarl: i select all files and simply use shift+delete09:53
hrinoren: it is write protected09:54
jarlhri: in some graphical window? right?09:54
hrijarl: yes09:54
jarlhri: then what exactly do you mean by closing and reopen?09:54
norenhri do u want to completly empty the pendrive09:54
hrinoren: yes09:55
jarlhri: What exactly do you mean by closing and reopen?09:55
hrijarl: yes reopening the pendrive i found the same deleted files09:55
norenhri, do u know where ur pen drive is mounted / check in the /media/09:56
jarlhri: then what exactly do you mean when you say "closing the pendrive" and "reopen the pendrive"?09:56
norenhri and if u are happy using gui u can sudo apt-get install gparted << then use this to format the pendrive09:57
hrinoren : i tried that but i cant able to format it09:57
norendid u use gparted ??09:58
impi_hey gang....damn network manager and VPN pptp sucks so bad it actually hurts my head09:58
zend_fanis there a away to use my RDP files from windows on ubuntu to connect to my remote desktops ?09:58
impi_any other client out there that can at least do the basics?09:59
hrinoren: i used it but i cant09:59
phoulunder ubuntu karmic whats the correct way to change the display manager, i tried to edit /etc/X11/default-display-manager, but that didnt work10:00
norenhri ok then do >> cd /media/6847-1128 >> rm -r *10:00
jarlcan anyone help with upstart?10:03
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/10:04
jarlubottu: so far so good, my question is on Karmic I still see some sysv scripts, but it seems like they are ignored, example is smartmontools.10:05
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:05
seravitaemaco - forgive my ignorance however you stated that in a vanilla install that /boot/grub/grub.cfg is created from sudo grub-update, however, grub.cfg a) already exists and b) states "do not edit this file" - i am unsure where to place the vga= command, as I can't even see a single grub-like entry within that file. again i would expect grub entries to be in menu.lst, however that file doesn't exist.10:05
jarlubottu: there are links from rc*.d, but smartmontools is still not starting at boot.10:05
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:05
=== alex88[sleep] is now known as alex88
q0_0panyone know how i can get a pentium 4 laptop that doesn't have usb boot to get it to boot?10:05
noren!bot | jarl10:06
ubottujarl: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots10:06
frogzooq0_0p: cd?10:06
jarlnoren: :-)10:06
quiescensyour pentium 4 laptop doesn't have usb? o.o10:06
phoulunder ubuntu karmic whats the correct way to change the display manager, i tried to edit /etc/X11/default-display-manager, but that didnt work10:06
LewRockwellFANi, this may _e a very dum_ (I'm missing a key, for the second letter of the alpha_et). I just installed u_untu  9.10 desktop 64. I entered the same password every time the installer called for a password. Or at least I thought I did. Now I can't log in as root with the GUI nor can I get su to work from the console. "Authentication failure" or some such.10:06
q0_0pfrogzoo, using a cd to boot usb10:06
q0_0pfrogzoo, just wondering10:07
vegawhat is the _correct_ way to disable an upstart init script? update-rc.d doesn't work for that, i can't believe this isn't documented anywhere10:07
frogzooq0_0p: just boot the cd?10:07
quiescensits technically possible10:07
norenLewRockwellFAN, try sudo -i10:07
q0_0pi got supergrub disk 0.97 just trying to set root (hd1,0) and chainloader +1 but no avail10:08
q0_0pi'm just lost10:08
jarlvega: I believe this is not documented anywhere, upstart is very new and hence lack documentation.10:08
frogzooq0_0p: try (1,1) ?10:08
frogzoogrub doesn't recognise device names10:08
LewRockwellFANIf it just that I mistyped the password the SAME way twice I guess I have to reinstall.10:08
q0_0pfrogzoo, will try10:08
LewRockwellFANNoren, thanks. Havewn't the foggiest what it will do._ut I'll try it.10:09
vegajarl: but it is in actual use in a _released_ distribution, and no way to disable something? bad excuse ..10:09
q0_0pfrogzoo, failed10:09
ubottuForgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords10:09
jarlvega: Have a look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=8272526&postcount=810:09
angelbreathproblem with sound in 9.10. My card is Card: HDA Intel                                                              │10:09
angelbreath│ Chip: Conexant CX20549 (Venice). Anyone familiar with this?10:09
noren!password | LewRockwellFAN10:09
ubottuLewRockwellFAN: please see above10:09
jarlvega: what is bad excuse, I am not trying to excuse anything.10:10
norenangelbreath, try adding urself to the audio group10:10
phoulwhat is the correct way to change my default display manager, changing /etc/X11/default-display-manager did not work10:10
vegajarl: the lack of documentation, it it is used in a released distro there should be a way to disable something, imho10:10
noren!sound | angelbreath10:10
frogzooq0_0p: oh, cos grub doesn't have means to load usb drivers.., really you just want to install grub on the mbr?10:10
ubottuangelbreath: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP310:10
q0_0pfrogzoo, (hd2,0) seems to be the cd rom10:11
vegabesides upstart has been developed for at least 4 years now, not se new10:11
q0_0pfrogzoo, ah10:11
q0_0pfrogzoo, my hdd is dead10:11
q0_0pfrogzoo, just wanted to boot a live usb10:11
jarlvega: I completely agree with your humble opinion, but it seems here is a spot where the world is not perfect :-(10:11
llutzvega: it's open source, asks the upstart-devs how to help10:11
norenq0_0p, check ur bios setting and rest it to boot first from the cdrom10:12
jarlvega: or aks a question on https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu10:12
q0_0pnoren, my bios doesn't have usb boot support10:12
vegallutz: it has been asked since 2 years ago: https://bugs.launchpad.net/upstart/+bug/9406510:12
q0_0pnoren, i have it booted to cd rom10:12
vegai think it should have been solved before it was taken into production use10:12
noren!grub | q0_0p10:12
ubottuq0_0p: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.10:12
angelbreathubottu: what you mean double click sound control? you mean the speaker icon?10:13
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:13
icerootangelbreath: yes10:13
angelbreathdouble clicking doesnt do anything10:14
norenangelbreath, try running aplay -l in console and see if ur sound card is detected !10:14
angelbreathnoren: actually its detected, i ve done all tests and everything seems like my card working. Except that i dont have sound10:15
norenangelbreath, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting << for complete step by step trouble shooting10:15
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
norenangelbreath, run alsamixer and see if the main sounnd tab is not muted10:16
LewRockwellFANOK, sudo -i changed the prompt to root@f-U:~#  So I guess it worked.  _ut "!password" just gives me this response:10:16
LewRockwellFAN-bash: !password: event not found10:16
LewRockwellFANWhat was it supposed to do?10:16
FloodBot5LewRockwellFAN: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:16
angelbreathnoren: i checked it its ok, i ll follow the link you send and i ll inform10:16
llutzLewRockwellFAN: if you don't know how to use passwd, don't do it. please use sudo to be on the safe side10:17
=== Sagaci_ is now known as Sagaci
hellyeahhow can i convert pdf to doc10:18
nmvictorhow do i include a directory in a library seach path?10:18
angelbreathnoren: i tried  sudo adduser USERNAME sound and says sound does not exist. need to make it?10:18
frogzoonmvictor: /etc/ld.conf10:18
nmvictorhellyeah: try open office10:18
llutzhellyeah: use ghostscript10:19
wutcan ubuntu read from ntfs?10:19
Jkesslerwut: yes10:19
rwwwut: yes10:19
ikoniawut: sure can10:19
frogzoonmvictor: sorry - /etc/ld.so.conf10:19
frogzoowut: the ntfs3 driver is r/w10:19
norenangelbreath, >> sudo adduser USERNAME audio10:20
wutare the permission settings a bitch?10:20
nmvictorfrogzoo: what about is, should i pass  the directory path as a argument?10:20
frogzoonmvictor: that, or set LD_LIBRARY_PATH10:21
nmvictorim sorry i dont know how to go about either of the options, mind giving a more verbose explanation?10:22
hellyeahi convert pdf to txt10:22
hellyeahbut normally it converts file without watching any paragraph out10:22
hellyeahare there any option in pdftotext to watch out paragraph10:22
LewRockwellFANllutz, Thanks. sudo seemed to do the trick. I wanted to gedit my gru_.conf to remark out the timeout line. Worked fine. Not sure I understand the logic of it. _ut thank you, _oth. :)10:23
llutzhellyeah: man pdftotext (-layout)10:23
MadpilotLewRockwellFAN, something wrong with your B key?10:23
nmvictorhow do i include a directory in a library seach path?10:24
ikonianmvictor: /etc/ld.so.conf or LD_LIBRARY_PATH - depends on wha tyou're doing10:24
llutznmvictor: create a file with the path in /etc/ld.so.conf.d/10:24
DarsVaedahi, how do i halt grub upon startup? i can only see "grub loading" but not the selection stuff, is there a shortcut?10:25
llutznmvictor: "sudo ldconfig -v" then10:25
ikoniaDarsVaeda: the selection stuff only happens if you have multiple options10:26
lolloDarsVaeda : hold shift10:26
nmvictorikonia: llutz have a file libTerminal.so in a directory, i want to include it in the library search path10:26
ikoniaDarsVaeda: boot into ubuntu and edit your menu.list10:26
ikonianmvictor: for run time or linking ?10:26
norenDarsVaeda, generally f8 or f9 key wud work10:26
llutznmvictor: create a file with the path to your libfile in /etc/ld.so.conf.d/10:26
DarsVaedais there a menu.lst in 9.10?10:26
DarsVaedai thought this changed10:27
ikoniaDarsVaeda: ahh grub.conf10:27
nmvictorikonia: runtime i gues10:27
ikonianmvictor: check out llutz's comment10:27
DarsVaedahaven't that either10:27
DarsVaedabut i will go try hitting shift, f8 or f9...enough options to try ;)10:27
Consul_Falxhello folks... I have a problem booting, processes freeze, a kind of weird dialogue for restoration is being called, but has no permitions, can't get to logon, splash freezes and echoes "ubuntu is running in low graphics mode, error: no /something/fs0 directory found"...10:28
ikoniaDarsVaeda: /boot/grub.cfg10:28
nmvictorllutz: so i should include the path to the directory in the file, rigt?10:28
* Consul_Falx needs an intense attendance :(10:28
ikoniaConsul_Falx: what's the problem ?10:28
lolloDarsVaeda : hold shift down till u see grub menu10:28
DarsVaedai'll give it a try thanks10:29
HeCK87Hello Everyone..!10:29
darkipodis there a program in Karmic i can use to  open .axx files..... file made using AxCrypt10:29
nmvictorikonia: thanks, whats the difference anyway?for runtime or linking, are they dealt with differently?10:29
ikonianmvictor: different applications (eg: gcc for linking or ld) use different methods/variables10:30
Consul_Falxikonia: kubuntu boot splash crashes, switching to low graphics mode, with an error message that some directory /???/fs0 can't be open, because doesnt exist... i have to switch to an other TTY, press ctrl c and use prompt... then, I'm allowed to start xserver actually...10:30
ikoniaConsul_Falx: Hmmm not sure what fs0 is as a device without looking hang on10:31
frederick85hi, when i start ubuntu 9.10, after upgrading from 9.04, It tells me the x configuration isn't set up correct I can start it by selecting, run once in low graphics mode. But I want to make that prompt go away? Low graphics mode seems fine to me, so how can I make it the default?10:32
nelson8874hello everybody10:33
darkipodis there a program in Karmic i can use to  open .axx files..... file made using AxCrypt10:33
=== guido is now known as guido79
nelson8874i have an easy question, i have instaled karmic on my laptop. For a strange reason the internet doesn't work. Anyway, how do i install the necessary things to watch divx or xvid and listened to mp3? I mean offline. I can use my other pc to get it from the net, but how to pass it to the laptop?10:36
=== All is now known as Guest26247
madcheezehey all. anyone using camtasia or able to play camtasia in ubuntu?10:37
norennelson8874, get the requierd deb packages10:37
ubottuYou can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords or regex>", or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!10:37
nelson8874i have all the necessery things on this computer i'm using10:38
nelson8874but how to pass it to the laptop10:38
nelson8874i can't manage to make the internet working on the laptop10:38
norennelson8874, if ur laptop is not on network then u have to use a usb flash drive to move the packages10:39
frederick85when i start ubuntu 9.10, after upgrading from 9.04, It tells me the x configuration isn't set up correct I can start it by selecting, run once in low graphics mode. But I want to make that prompt go away? Low graphics mode seems fine to me, so how can I make it the default?10:40
nelson8874but, well... i do not know how to do that :-[10:40
nelson8874i'm sorry but i'm new on this10:40
norennelson8874, http://packages.ubuntu.com << go here and download the required packages10:41
nmvictorwhy is spell checker not included in nano that is shipped with ubuntu?10:41
nelson8874is this what i need to watch divx movies?: karmic (libs): Divx4Linux video de/encoding plugin for libavifile10:44
nelson8874isn't there a all in one package, with divx, xvid, mp3, aac, and all that stuff?10:46
CHESLYNhi everyone!10:46
cmphello, some body can tell me how to download clips from youtube please ... iam using opera10:47
fcuk112nelson8874: try installing vlc - sudo apt get install vlc.10:47
fcuk112nelson8874: ubuntu should be able to play mp3 files out of the box.10:47
yusufhow can i change my keyboard setting on Ubuntu 9/1010:47
* bleah say hello10:47
norennelson8874, get the vlc package it will get u everything10:47
norennelson wait i will get u the link for all iin one10:48
dew5hey guys david here10:48
CHESLYNcan anyone tell me how to format a data storage10:48
Lint01cmp, it's illegal10:48
dew5am having trouble with my network10:48
dew5the computers can ping oneanother10:48
fcuk112nelson8874: you can also try downloading mplayer, it's good for video files.10:48
dew5how ever i cant seem to connect them10:49
Wipsterhey all, does anyone here know how I can configure pulseaudio to direct sounds from one program to one output device and all other sounds to another?10:49
cmpwhat do you mean lint01.?10:49
nelson8874the problem is i do not have internet on the pc where i want that things10:49
nelson8874i have to download it to this pc, and then pass it to the laptop10:50
ubottuWhile Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.10:50
farciarz84how can I list all usernames in system?10:50
mako-samaCHESLYN: you can use mkfs10:50
om26erhow to set a wireless network between two ubuntu systems10:50
Lint01cmp: duplicating clips presented on youtube is a piracy10:50
norennelson8874, wget http://downloads.videolan.org/pub/videolan/vlc/0.4.3/deb/vlc_0.4.3-1_i386.deb10:51
dew5Failed to retrieve share list from server when trying to view network computers10:51
farciarz84ok but how can I list all user_names in ubuntu?10:51
icerootfarciarz84: getent passwd10:51
nelson8874thank you noren :)10:51
CHESLYNmako-sama: how10:51
cmpoh, and you want to say that are buying an original copy of Linux lint01, ?? ????10:52
nelson8874it is a very small program, with the divx codecs, and all the stuff!!!! i hope it works10:52
LewRockwellFANLint01, sould tht apply to clips that were produced and didtriuted under a GNU type liscence, like the MISES.org clips. They are all on youtupe ut they let any-ody copy them from their own site. Surely youtupe can't claim IP rights on them.10:52
mako-samaCHESLYN: you have to run it from the command line.  maybe you want to do it through a GUI?10:52
farciarz84iceroot: thx10:53
cmpand you want to say also that you are buying every thing on your Computer lint01, ???10:53
icerootfarciarz84: np10:53
llutz!ot | cmp Lint0110:53
ubottucmp Lint01: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!10:53
=== Hanibal is now known as Guest20429
CHESLYNmako-sama: in terminal it says '' mkfs [-V] [-t fstype] [fs-options] device [size]'' and the data storage is in.and with GUI? what must i do10:55
WazzzaaaI connect to my windows box with "Terminal Server Client". How can I copy paste from ubuntu in windows?10:55
cmpubottu, can you guide me how to download the clips from youtube? or you also buying original stuff?????10:55
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:55
LewRockwellFANCan I add a line to my grub.conf to make booting form my DVD drive an option? If I can, what do I call the drive?10:55
BlinkeeCan I have VMWare & VirtualBox installed at same time so I can use both and compare them?10:56
Allen-gdgd :)10:56
linnyBlinkee: sure dont see why not10:56
infidcertain files like PDF's and movies keep doing this thing where the whole window freezes and fades in color a little for a few seconds, then fades back in. so i can't use the window for like 5-10 seconds. what's that about? it keeps happening and it's sooo annoying10:56
linnyinfid: do you have an old pc ?10:57
Blinkeenothin 2 lose :)10:57
nelson8874oh crap :( i have an error: dependencies can not be satisfied (i'm a portuguese user, i'm translating)10:57
nelson8874why is this, noren?10:57
mako-samaCHESLYN: if you want to use a GUI, you can probably use gparted to format the usbstorage device.   I think you can select the device you want to work on, and from there you can add a partition and/or format it10:57
infidlinny no it's a 2ghz machine with 2gb of ram10:58
Consul_Falx!low graphics mode10:58
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:58
nelson8874noren: oh crap :( i have an error: dependencies can not be satisfied (i'm a portuguese user, i'm translating)10:58
mako-samaCHESLYN: it's easier to do from a terminal if you know the device's name ( mkfs.msdos -F 32 /dev/sdXX )10:59
Consul_Falx!info low graphics mode10:59
ubottu'graphics' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, intrepid, intrepid-backports, jaunty, jaunty-backports, karmic, karmic-backports, karmic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, medibuntu, partner10:59
bazhangConsul_Falx, /msg ubottu please10:59
mako-samaCHESLYN: where XX is the device's assigned letter and partition number10:59
linnyinfid: try running top while it does it to see what the most intensive procs are , ive only seen ubuntu do that when i run hd vids that my pc cant really handle well10:59
norenok wait i will try get other package then10:59
mako-samathat is, assuming it gets a sdX name.   I don't use ubuntu that much so I have no idea11:00
bazhang!cn | Allen-gdgd11:00
ubottuAllen-gdgd: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk11:00
Consul_Falxmy system (Kubuntu karmic amd64) hangs upon splashscreen recalling an error "ubuntu is running in low graphics mode <br> error: can't open directory /(something)/fs0 - directory doesn't exist" ...11:00
CHESLYNmako-sama: how will i know the device's name.where must i check11:01
bazhangAllen-gdgd, /join #ubuntu-tw11:01
linnyinfid: also encrypted disks can slow things down toodisks are oftem a bottleneck11:01
* Consul_Falx needs an urgent attendance because of above -.-11:01
infidthe pdf is on a shared folder which might be why11:01
linnyinfid: shared as in on a usb or network disk ?11:02
mako-samaeasy. when you plug in the device, do this in terminal "dmesg |tail" you'll see the system's response to the device and you should see the device name there11:02
norennelson8874, what version is installed on ur laptop11:02
linnyinfid: i see that could be the issue, try transfering to local disk and try again11:02
yarriHej! I have a question - and I am a Newbie with IRC, so bear with me.11:03
nelson8874noren: karmic koala11:03
mako-samaCHESLYN: just make sure you don't type in the wrong device name. make no mistakes.11:04
Consul_Falx!question | yarri11:04
ubottuyarri: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:04
yarriI broke yesterday a wireless router - old and crappy Linksys that enabled me to connect both using a cable and a wireless. I know squat about routers.11:04
CHESLYNmako-sama: how can i check the device name11:05
nelson8874fcuk112: the laptop is on karmic koala and it doesn't play mp3 (i do not have inetrnet on the laptop)11:05
yarriI was wondering if you could recomend something that will work with ubuntu and won't cost too much - say up to 50$11:05
Guest26247Prasaka: could somebode help me solve the problem with not working skype video on ubuntu 9.10?11:05
cmpany one will tell me how to save video form youtube please ?11:05
bazhangyarri, ask in ##hardware and check the hcl11:05
bazhang!hcl | yarri11:05
ubottuyarri: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection11:05
mako-samaCHESLYN: I told you how to do it earlier.11:06
nelson8874fcuk112: i've just tried that...11:06
mako-samaCHESLYN: >> easy. when you plug in the device, do this in terminal "dmesg |tail" you'll see the system's response to the device and you should see the device name there11:06
llutz!info !info youtube-dl | cmp11:06
ubottucmp: 'youtube-dl' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, intrepid, intrepid-backports, jaunty, jaunty-backports, karmic, karmic-backports, karmic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, medibuntu, partner11:06
FinnishWhat is the command for xrandr in terminal, for example?11:06
llutz!info  youtube-dl | cmp11:06
icerootFinnish: xrandr11:07
Lint01yarri: routers are supposed to solve the network problems, not create one11:07
bazhanghttp://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR12 Finnish here is a guide11:07
llutzyarri: look at dd-wrt/openwrt sites for supported routers and choose one.11:08
CHESLYNmako-sama: it says No device specified!11:08
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection11:08
ActionParsnipyo yo yo11:08
=== timber_ is now known as timber
mako-samaCHESLYN: which command gives you that response?11:08
cmpubottu, please i dont want any showing off by expressions here ... if you can guide then thanks ...if you cant , please dont show off ...also dont try to say that it doesnt work - coz i already done it before but i just forgot how11:09
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:09
ActionParsnipcmp: done what?11:09
norennelson8874, wget http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/i386/vlc/download <<11:10
ActionParsnipcmp: maybe i can help, ubottu is the channel bot so berrating her achieves nothing11:10
llutzcmp  youtube-dl11:10
llutzcmp: and stop talking to the bot. it's a bot, just a bot11:10
bazhangcmp, /msg ubottu please11:11
cmpok actionparsnip , i want to download movies from youtube .... how can i do this ?????11:12
bazhangcmp, install youtube-dl11:12
bazhangcmp, then find the url and youtube-dl -t url here11:12
linnycmp: look in firefox extentions im sure there will be somthing there11:12
Blinkeeis it safe to image(with dd) the / partition while the system is up?11:13
ActionParsnipcmp: youtube-dl will do it from command line, simply give te url of the page you want to download the vid from11:13
cmpllutz, i dont know what are you talking about and i dont care if its bot or not - i really got pissed off by this people who are showing off here - and i got really bored by this linux system - and the only reason for keeping me working on it thats is more safe11:13
ActionParsnipbazhang: we dont all use firefox11:13
angelbreathi have problem with Conexant CX20549 (Venice)  sound card in a hp dv6181ea notebook. Seems everything working ok but no sound. All are unmuted, the card recognized.11:13
ActionParsnipbazhang: my method is browser independant ;)11:13
bazhangActionParsnip, good thing I didn't suggest that then :)11:13
BlinkeeActionParsnip, can that app detect if and download HD if available?11:14
bazhangcmp, we have told you how to do it. Please watch the attitude.11:14
cmpbazhang, iam watching my attitude very well, as long as iam not insulting any one here ....11:14
Blinkeecmp its all good :P11:14
nelson8874noren: it keeps on the error: dependenci can not be satisfied:vlc-nox (=1.0.2-1ubuntu2)11:15
bazhangcmp, did you have any more questions? chat in #ubuntu-offtopic11:15
=== fares is now known as invalidrecord
CHESLYNmako-sama: i'm not sure but is this a name MEDIATEK  FLASH DISK      6225 P or  ohci_hcd and the last one ACM please help11:15
Consul_Falx(EE) open /dev/fb0: No such file or directory11:15
Consul_Falxthanks to this error upon startup splashscreen, I can't boot correctly... any advise?11:15
nelson8874noren: :(11:15
nelson8874noren: maybe i should try to fix the net problem11:15
mako-samaCHESLYN: paste what you see in pastebin.ca11:15
cmpbazhang, you dont have right to tell me where to go to chat .. as i also not here to chat - or you think iam coming here to ask you specially?11:16
ActionParsnipBlinkee: not sure, i dont download from youtube, i just watch the vids on the site11:16
CHESLYNmako-sama: my is not working11:16
Blinkeeis it safe to image(with dd) the / partition while the system is up?11:16
shrikantis any one install/configure cloud with server 9.1011:17
iceroot!anyone | shrikant11:17
ubottushrikant: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?11:17
shrikantcan i install cluster and node on 1 system11:18
=== Fallen_ is now known as Fallenou
ActionParsnipwhy anyone would download from youtube is beyond me11:18
mako-samaBlinkee: taking a snapshot with dd won't kill you (or the hdd).  but the image it produces might not be very good11:19
christ_does there exist a way to play video on top of console text while the console has keyboard focus?11:19
mako-samaActionParsnip: to watch things offline11:19
BlinkeeActionParsnip if i want to play along with an acoustic with youtube its best to download it and play it later on11:19
meatbunhow to use short cut keys to go up one folder in nautilus? windows use control left arrow11:20
christ_(i want to full screen my videos but also be able to use my console)11:20
=== eguest039_ is now known as eguest039
rwwmeatbun: Alt-up arrow11:20
bitcrusherI think it might already be set to 'backspace'11:20
bitcrushermight be wrong tho11:20
meatbunrwlove_, t11:20
meatbunrww, thx. it works.11:20
bitcrusherno... im wrong11:21
meatbunit wasnot working on first try and i gave up11:21
Blinkeemako-sama so booting with a live ubuntu cd and doing the dd that way is best/safest then?11:21
WipsterHow can I direct the sound coming from one program to one output in pulse audio and all other sounds to another device?11:21
ActionParsnipmako-sama: i have a web connection all over the place in my house ;)11:22
magnetronhi, how do i regenerate the thumbnails for the files in a folder, with nautilus (GNOME)?11:22
mako-samaBlinkee: safest for your image.  your hdd won't be affected anyway11:22
mako-samaActionParsnip: not all people have that, also I know people who pay $27/GB so downloading stuff from youtube is logica if you want to watch it more than once or if you want someone else to watch it11:22
Blinkeeok. im just going to dd to the same hdd(just /home) but that should be ok11:22
Blinkeelive, of course11:23
jozefkmagnetron: F511:23
magnetronjozefk: sadly not11:23
BlinkeeWipster, you have more than 1 sound card?11:23
shrikantubottu: cloud11:23
jozefkthen it's in settings11:23
nelson8874why is the internet not working on my laptop? the modem connected to my pc works fine. The two are working on Karmic Koala.11:23
Blinkeeneed more info nelson887411:24
WipsterBlinkee, I have a usb phone/mic and want my VoIP program which ever one I am using to pipe the sound out to the phones speaker and system sounds out of the computer speakers11:24
ActionParsnipmako-sama: yowser11:24
=== Guest124 is now known as hfsdo
mako-samaBlinkee: you can do it with the livecd or you can do it normally.  it won't affect your hdd and if you moung the partition you want to backup as read-only, then the image you produce will be perfect without the need for livecd ;)11:25
shrikantubottu: help11:25
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:25
Blinkeenormally?  you mean as a standalone(runlevel 1) session?  ya lost me :P11:26
BlinkeeWipster, if u cant do it in the system, a vbox vm would work(u can assign usb ports to vm's)11:26
mako-samaBlinkee: by normally, I mean without the need for a livecd.    which partition do you want to backup?11:26
Blinkeemount /11:27
Blinkee> /home11:27
eddie128Hi.  I did something dumb.   Changed the permissions of the /etc/sudoers file now I can't sudo.   Causes a segmentation fault.  Does anyone known how to su root or login as root under ubuntu?11:27
Blinkeesorry... / > /home11:27
FunkyWeaselGood morning.  I was just listening to last.fm on ibex when my sound started looping over >1sec.  It looks like Pulseaudio has died (again) - from the Pulseaduio manager I no longer see a server listed, connecting back to my local pulseaudio service but it times out.  Is there a way to get pulseaudio (or any audio) working without a reboot, and is there any way I can stop my sound sponteneously failing?  I've got to say I am really unim11:27
mako-samaBlinkee: then it's simple. remount / as read-only and dd an image to /home11:27
Blinkeeeddie128, use live boot cd and change it that way11:27
eddie128blinkee  Cool.  Will do it now.  bbak.11:28
mako-samaBlinkee: doing it in single user mode doesn't hurt11:28
Blinkeeok mako-sama u can make / read only even while the system(gnome) is up?  gnome/xorg wont complain?11:28
vvpalinhi question .. i have 2 nic cards, both are plugged into different routers, i run vmware-server .. and i would like my vmserver to use 1 network while my box uses the other, i have vmware server all setup and everything however it seems as tho all my traffic is being forwarded over that network via the other one .. could i change this with just a route command, or do i need iptables involved ?11:28
Blinkeein the end, id love to run a script to do this while i take a break from the machine mako-sama11:28
mako-samaBlinkee: gnome/xorg should not complain.11:29
ActionParsnipvvpalin: I'd ask in #vmware its a config in the vmware settings, not the VM session11:29
WipsterBlinkee, thanks for the help I am unsure how to do it in the system, it must be possible as pulse can identify a program which is recording or playing, not a massive jump to assign a output device for that program. I would like to avoid using a vm if possible11:29
mako-samaBlinkee: unless you have /tmp in /11:29
WazzzaaaI connect to my windows box with "Terminal Server Client". How can I copy paste from ubuntu in  windows?11:29
vvpalinno ActionParsnip its not a vmware question its a routing question ... if you have 2 network cards how do you specify which one your box uses11:29
nelson88741Blinkee: the internet works fine on my pc. Out of the Box! But it doesn't work on the Laptop. It tryis the connection (little icon spinning) and then just says it's disconnected....11:30
FunkyWeaselShould I abandon pulseaudio and go back to ALSA, which admitedly was giving me as many problems?11:30
Blinkeeok. 1 last question(i think) as i think i got it... how do i remount / (while live)as read-only?         ------ i made ./tmp its own mount in partition.11:30
nelson88741Blinkee: don't know what more to say11:30
BlinkeeWipster, i hear ya, my answer is quick n dirty >:D11:30
CHESLYNmako-sama: okay what command must i execute with the name of the device.....please11:30
HaertI have a folder iw ant to zip and send to a windows machine to then unzip11:31
ActionParsnipvvpalin: do you want the  traffic to the virtual machine to use one NIC and the host to use another for traffic?11:31
mako-samaBlinkee: mount -o remount,ro,ADD_OTHER_OPTIONS_YOU_WANT /dev/XXX /11:31
ActionParsnip!caps | Haert11:31
ubottuHaert: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.11:31
mako-samahaha :P11:31
FunkyWeaselPulseaudio?  Anyone?11:31
BlinkeeWipster, perhaps another voip app has option to redirect audio output.  if you arent set on one app.11:31
nelson88741the internet works fine on my pc. Out of the Box! But it doesn't work on the Laptop. It tryis the connection (little icon spinning) and then just says it's disconnected. How do i solve this?11:31
HaertHow do i zip a folder in ubuntu11:32
ActionParsnipHaert: better11:32
Blinkeenelson88741, wired or wireless?11:32
vvpalinActionParsnip, yes exactly11:32
CosmiChaosnelson88741, connect lan-cable?11:32
Blinkeedoes cable you have in laptop work in pc?11:32
Blinkeeso we know a signal is there?11:32
nelson88741CosmiChaos: yes11:32
nelson88741Blinkee: yes11:33
CosmiChaosnelson88741, have you got a router with mac-address filter activated?11:33
* Blinkee has to read up on mount syntax.11:33
ActionParsnipvvpalin: tat is a config in the ESX software, you assign the NIC to the guest system11:33
WazzzaaaI connect to my windows box with "Terminal Server Client". How can I copy/paste from ubuntu in windows?11:33
WipsterBlinkee, yeh perhaps I use skype for work :( and that only has the option of the local pulse server. I shall copy my Q to the pulse channel and see what happens. Thanks11:34
FunkyWeaselAnyone know anything about Pulseaudio?11:34
FunkyWeaselAt this point I'd even accept "lol it sux"11:34
CosmiChaosits a audio server11:34
vvpalinActionParsnip, thank you .. i asked in vmware and they actually told me to just bring up the adapter and not dhcp it11:34
vvpalinthank you for your help11:34
nelson88741i do not quite understand what you are saying, but i think i get it. I will try to turn the modem off and turn it on again but connected to the laptop11:34
Blinkeevvpalin, good to know. :)11:34
ActionParsnipHaert: zip -r name_of_file.zip folder11:35
CosmiChaosnelson88741, a mac-address filters only allows listed devices to log into your subnet.11:35
ActionParsnipvvpalin: np man, the OS only sees the NIC you give it, the config of that card is configured in the VMWare software11:35
FunkyWeaselCosmiChaos: Excellent, thank you.  How well supported is it, roughly?  Should I use ALSA instead?  I have audio problems that need a reboot of my machine daily.11:35
CosmiChaosnelson88741, if you have such add the nic-mac of your laptop to that list11:35
ActionParsnipHaert: or you can right click the folder and find some goodies there ;)11:35
nelson88741i will be right back to say you sommething11:36
FunkyWeaselCosmiChaos: Excellent, thank you.  How well supported is it, roughly?  Should I use ALSA instead?  I have audio problems that need a reboot of my machine daily.11:36
CHESLYNmako-sama: ?11:36
FunkyWeaselCosmiChaos: Alternatively - do you have any idea why pulseaudio would sponteneously fail every 24-48 hrs?11:37
CosmiChaosFunkyWeasel, see its default in ubuntu, so for ubuntu it is good dupported, ont know what your question is targetting aout11:37
Blinkeeanyone here have the SoundBlaster X-Fi installed?11:38
mako-samaCHESLYN: mkfs.msdos -F32 /dev/device_name11:38
FunkyWeaselCosmiChaos: Looking around the ubuntu forums it looks like alot of people have hard-to-resolve audio problems.  Is audio such a problem on linux still?11:38
vvpalinActionParsnip, exactly, i have mine setup to bridge to eth1 so all the dhcp is handled by the vm-os11:38
Balsaq2.8 intel p4 512ram NO graphics card...can this compuer play online videos...hulu, youtube etc...?11:38
CosmiChaosFunkyWeasel, i have no problems with pulseaudio11:38
CHESLYNmako-sama: thanks i'll try it11:38
BlinkeeFunkyWeasel, im still deciding to drop my X-Fi in or stick with the on-board(realtek) device to avoid problems...11:38
ActionParsnipBalsaq: it won't boot11:38
Balsaqoh great11:39
ActionParsnipBalsaq: systems MUST have a video output or it will fail POST11:39
FunkyWeaselCosmiChaos: Do you use  onboard or pci soundcard?11:39
BlinkeeBalsaq, i think HD would be choppy11:39
Balsaqthats the one i am getting to work on today for my friend11:39
ActionParsnipBalsaq: if it has onboard video it will be fine11:39
CosmiChaosFunkyWeasel, onboard hda_intel11:39
Balsaqit has onboard intel extreme with 32-64 mb onboard11:39
BlinkeeActionParsnip, i think he meant local video11:39
FunkyWeaselCosmiChaos: Likewise!11:39
ActionParsnipBalsaq: then it will boot, thats is a graphics cards11:40
ActionParsnipBlinkee: local video?11:40
FunkyWeaselCosmiChaos: MCP61 High Definition Audio to be exact.11:40
BlinkeeFunkyWeasel, do u have a pci audio card to test with?11:40
Balsaqit is a dell dimension 2400...it has no dedicated graphics card only the integrated one that is on the motherboard11:40
Blinkeedrop it in and see if problems go away?11:40
CosmiChaosActionParsnip, i dont think a onboard craphics device is a graphic CARD11:40
Balsaqno agp card11:40
CosmiChaosits a onboard-chip, not a card11:40
BlinkeeCosmiChaos, sure it is. a chipset is a chipset11:41
ActionParsnipCosmiChaos: it is seen as one in the OS11:41
Balsaqjust the stock motherboard graphics called intel 3d extreme?11:41
CosmiChaosBlinkee, noooo, he said CARD, not chipset11:41
CosmiChaoshe said no graphics CARD... and he has none11:41
Balsaqno card...built in graphics11:41
KcwiroOk question... I have 2 7800 GT cards in this PC and when I try and install the nvidia stuff and reboot my terminal goes crazy and I cannot type I use rescue mode to force generic drivers back and it boots again and here I am... I am look ing at the logs and I think I may have an issue with it knowing what card of the two to use...curious if anyoen else has experienced this and any steps I can do please =)11:41
FunkyWeaselBlinkee: I've got a Yamaha pci card which was in there that I took out incase it was causing a conflict.  But whatever I try audio seems to die every 2 days tops.11:41
ActionParsnipCosmiChaos: the device is seen as a graphics card in the OS which is all that  matters, it also satisfys POST test and it will boot11:41
CosmiChaosActionParsnip, Balsaq is not a OS but a user ;)11:41
Blinkeethe yamaha and the onboard audio both problematic FunkyWeasel ?11:42
ActionParsnipCosmiChaos: if its on a seperate card or not is moot11:42
CosmiChaoshe has no CARD, got it???11:42
yusufhow can i register my nick ??11:42
ActionParsnipCosmiChaos: i know, its still moot11:42
CHESLYNmako-sama: the hole command just as you give me11:42
Balsaqi told him i wouldi am confused?11:42
BlinkeeCosmiChaos, yeah i got it now :P11:42
ActionParsnip!register | yusuf11:42
ubottuyusuf: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode11:42
yusuf!register yusuf11:42
Kcwiro!register Scooter11:42
FunkyWeaselBlinkee: Tried both, both had similar problems.  Was initially just using ALSA, set up pulseaudio to see if it would be any better.  Am getting resigned to a daily restart.11:43
Kcwirotha tis cool11:43
Blinkeeno idea, i dont have audio issues on either rig :/11:43
ActionParsnipBalsaq: should be fine, not sure about performance with such low video ram11:43
CosmiChaosFunkyWeasel, did you tried sylog?11:43
FunkyWeaselCosmiChaos: Oh dear, that's a very good point.11:43
Balsaqhere are the specs...dell dimension 2400 desktop, intel 2.8 p4, 80 HD, 512 ram, onboard graphics by intel extreme 3d 32-64 mb11:43
beningwoow this is the best OS i ever had11:44
Blinkeeonboard graphics :P.....11:44
Balsaqi am hoping the 2.8 size processor will help11:44
KcwiroOk question... I have 2 7800 GT cards in this PC and when I try and install the nvidia stuff and reboot my terminal goes crazy and I cannot type I use rescue mode to force generic drivers back and it boots again and here I am... I am looking at the logs and I think I may have an issue with it knowing what card of the two to use...curious if anyone else has experienced this and any steps I can do please =)11:44
CosmiChaosBalsaq, yeah thats enough for videos, but dont try to direct render a compiz desktop and watch videos on the net with it ;)11:44
ActionParsnipBalsaq: should be ok, wont be amazing. I suggest you run XUbuntu to giv maximum resources to your apps11:44
Balsaqwhich linux distro should i put in there?11:44
CosmiChaosBalsaq, any11:44
Balsaqhow do i giv max resolution to graphics11:44
Blinkeelighter distro the better11:45
bitcrusherI'm looking to try getting into programming for ubuntu. The only experience of programming I have had before is a very little bit of C++ which I have now pretty much forgotten as well as some graphical programming in Pure-data. Can anyone recommend a good place to start?11:45
Balsaqcause thats what he does...watch videos11:45
CosmiChaosBalsaq, install vendors drivers and perhaps overclock11:45
Blinkeebitcrusher, python11:45
ActionParsnipBalsaq: you run a slicker desktop or distro11:45
Balsaqmaybe linux mint?11:45
bitcrusherPython? is that quite self explanatory?11:45
beningi use lynx, but it is not faster than firefox. how to make it faster?11:45
Blinkeethere is a ton(and i mean alot) of docs, help, forums bitcrusher11:45
bitcrusherI've heard of Python11:46
ActionParsnipBalsaq: no, something like puppy or damnsmall will be much lighter (if not as pretty) Xubuntu is fairly light too11:46
Balsaqor should i put him back in the xp home that he has completely messud up with virus?11:46
bitcrushermight have a look. cheers11:46
CosmiChaosBalsaq, you can tune any linux distribution to a light weigth system, the question which distro just DEPENDS on your personal mood11:46
Blinkeehaha CosmiChaos11:46
CosmiChaosBalsaq, btw this is ubuntu chan11:46
Balsaqhe has xp home but he gummed it up with virus'...real bad11:46
norenBalsaq, u can try ubuntu-minimal and over that u can use fluxbox11:46
CosmiChaosBalsaq, the microsoft virus i severywhere, we know11:47
Balsaqi figure ubuntu has the most drivers and software built in11:47
beningis there any text based web beside lynx?11:47
CosmiChaosbening, yes wget url.html11:47
jribbening: w3m, links2, elinks11:47
CosmiChaoscat url.html :)11:48
Balsaqok, never tried loading ubuntu without a graphics card...thanks11:48
CosmiChaosBalsaq, you have got a graphic chip thats enough11:48
ActionParsnipBalsaq: ubuntu is just another linux distro so many others will have the same driver supoprt11:48
beningwoow thanks guys11:48
bitcrusherwhats the best IDE for python11:49
ActionParsnip!best | bitcrusher11:49
ubottubitcrusher: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.11:49
icerootbitcrusher: there is no best11:49
bitcrusherwell. which one should I get11:49
ActionParsnipbitcrusher: best is an opinion so is never concrete11:49
bitcrusherdoes it matter11:49
ActionParsnipbitcrusher: one which YOU like11:49
icerootbitcrusher: just try some11:49
bitcrusherI dont know11:49
ActionParsnipbitcrusher: asYOU will be the one using it11:49
bitcrusherdoes it matter11:49
ActionParsnipbitcrusher: try a few11:49
icerootbitcrusher: then use vim or go to #python11:50
bitcrusherfair enough11:50
ActionParsnipbitcrusher: well yes it matters, if the layout of one is less intuitive than another to you then it will slow your progress11:50
norenis there anyway to configure the bandwidth allocation to different apps in ubuntu11:50
Blinkeebitcrusher, no it doesnt matter.  itll matter once you try them out11:50
CosmiChaosActionParsnip, the many choices of linux confuse and overchain people11:50
ActionParsnipbitcrusher: try a few, evaluate then use the one you like11:50
ActionParsnipCosmiChaos: true but i disagree with telling people what to think11:51
FunkyWeaselCosmiChaos: Found a likely looking culprits from the kernal in syslog around the time sound started looping, ppdev0: registered pardevice; ppdev0: unregistered pardevice; hda-intel: IRQ timing workaround is activated for card #0. Suggest a bigger bdl_pos_adj;  Not sure what ppdev0 is, but the latter looks like a known bug.11:51
ActionParsnipCosmiChaos: and really disagree with the word "best"11:51
CosmiChaosActionParsnip, people like to not think what the need, they want somebody who dictates what is best :)11:51
FunkyWeaselActually, what the donkey is a ppdev0 when it's at home?11:51
ActionParsnipCosmiChaos: I know, its sad11:51
ActionParsnipCosmiChaos: using an OS with so much choice then have to have another user dictate what software they use11:52
FunkyWeaselI'd settle for "working" chaps ;)11:52
noreni think my query got lost in the BEST discussion11:52
norenis there anyway to configure the bandwidth allocation to different apps in ubuntu11:52
CosmiChaosyup, "oh wait i have never used public software before, i never FIND out by myself, whats available what the pros and cons are...please LEAD me!11:53
ActionParsnip!info wondershaper11:53
ubottuwondershaper (source: wondershaper): Easy to use traffic shaping script. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.1a-5 (karmic), package size 13 kB, installed size 76 kB11:53
CosmiChaosto much choice waaaaah11:53
ActionParsnipCosmiChaos: exactly! HI511:53
CosmiChaosno advertises waaaaah11:54
ActionParsnip!info trickle11:54
ubottutrickle (source: trickle): user-space bandwidth shaper. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.07-7 (karmic), package size 40 kB, installed size 176 kB11:54
epinkynoren: you'll some QoS knowledge, anyway you can use l7-filter11:54
ActionParsnipnoren: there are 2 option11:54
CosmiChaosdamn there is no linux software at all, nobody sells them, nobody advertises them, they cannot exists :)11:54
Blinkeewhats best l7-filter or wondershaper?11:54
* Blinkee is kidding....11:55
CosmiChaosmay i start a flamewar? whats the best irc-app? :) round one... fight!11:55
iceroot!ot | CosmiChaos11:56
ubottuCosmiChaos: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!11:56
CosmiChaosi know im sry11:56
icerootCosmiChaos: ok11:56
FunkyWeaselAh, damn, need to reboot and get some work done.  :( Cheers for the help at least.11:56
CosmiChaosiceroot, tell this to the people talking offtopic the hole day11:56
FunkyWeaselStill don't know why it's going wrong, but at least I have something to look up now :)11:56
icerootCosmiChaos: i am and now lets stop chatting ot11:57
ActionParsnip!clone > Consul_Falx11:57
ubottuConsul_Falx, please see my private message11:57
FunkyWeaselNo doubt I will return in a few days in a vain attempt to sort out my sound problems before an inevitable windows-style reboot-to-sort-my-typically-esoteric-linux-problem. :D11:58
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KcwiroOk question... I have 2 7800 GT cards in this PC and when I try and install the nvidia stuff and reboot my terminal goes crazy and I cannot type I use rescue mode to force generic drivers back and it boots again and here I am... I am looking at the logs and I think I may have an issue with it knowing what card of the two to use...curious if anyone else has experienced this and any steps I can do please =)11:59
Kcwiro9.10 ubuntu =)11:59
ActionParsnipis it ok to just delete ~/.xsession-errors   ?12:02
ActionParsnipthen maybe use touch to make a new one?12:03
Ryan1How do I render a movie in Kdenlive? Clicking the Render button only brings up options and doesn't let me actually render anything. The only button is Close.12:03
ActionParsnipKcwiro: could try the 190 driver: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/install-nvidia-graphics-drivers-190-42-in-ubuntu-karmicjauntyintrepidhardy.html12:04
Ryan1Here's a screenshot of the rendering dialog it gives me: http://linuxmag.s3.amazonaws.com/i/articles/7413/kdenlive-rendering.jpg12:04
bitcrusherRight. i've installed Python 3.1 but I can find the icon to start up the interpreter. However I went to the Terminal and typed python and Its come up with loads of stuff in there. should I be using a dedicated app for programming or do i just do it in the terminal12:04
KcwiroActionParsnip: Will try those see if they behave better12:05
ActionParsnipbitcrusher: if you want an IDE you must install it seperately12:05
icerootbitcrusher: use an editor/ide12:06
a931bw1Hey guys12:06
a931bw1Need help12:06
iceroot!ask | a931bw112:06
ubottua931bw1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:06
a931bw1i cant install ubuntu12:07
iceroot!details | a931bw112:07
ubottua931bw1: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."12:07
a931bw1i launch install ubuntu 9.10 shortcut its popups then crashes12:07
iceroota931bw1: i dont want to pull all ubottu-triggers, so please write a usefull question12:07
iceroota931bw1: in one line12:07
a931bw1i cant install ubuntu when  i launch install ubuntu 9.10 shortcut its popups then crashes12:08
bitcrusherI ha dproblems installing ubuntu straight from windows xp. in the end i installed fedora and then once that was running i installed ubuntu and got rid of fedora. dont know why but that worked for me12:08
bitcrusherbit of a long way round i know12:08
iceroota931bw1: think about us if we get your details, what do you think? is it possible for us to see the problem?12:09
a931bw1i said all what i can >.>12:09
iceroota931bw1: error-messages12:09
a931bw1theres none12:09
a931bw1just crash12:09
bitcrushertry burning the Ubuntu live cd again at a lower burning speed12:09
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a931bw1You're joking?12:10
a931bw1it was last cd12:10
bitcrusherand run a CD integrity test at start-up12:10
a931bw1i havent any OS >.>12:10
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bitcrusherlol. the old last CD issue... gutted12:10
KcwiroRebooting wish me luck guys =)12:10
Ryan1You could try installing without booting into the live desktop12:10
bitcrushergo to the shop and buy some more cd's12:10
a931bw1i did it12:10
a931bw1but it just opened livecd12:11
Consul_Falxseems like I have to reinstall12:11
bitcrusherdoesnt take too long12:11
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Ryan1So can anyone explain to me how to render a movie in Kdenlive?12:11
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KcwiroAction .... you ar ethe man... it worked =)12:12
Grepsd|BNCI'm using release 9.10 but i'm losing connection many times12:12
Grepsd|BNCdoes anyone heard about something like that ?12:13
Kcwirospoke to soon =(12:13
jessicascomay I ask a question about C12:13
mercentilethe language?12:13
bitcrusherdont ask... just ask12:13
Kcwirocannot get the 3d visual effects owrkign.. I will tinker some more and checkout the logs12:13
jessicasco#include <time.h>12:13
jessicasco#include <stdio.h>12:13
jessicasco#include <stdlib.h>12:13
jessicascoint main()12:13
FloodBot5jessicasco: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:13
meatbunhow to config gnome terminal to use control-tab to switch tabs? instead of default control-up-page?12:14
jessicascowhy the output is always 0?12:14
WipsterBlinkee, I have found the solution to the audio routing, first I set system to my normal sound card, then I installed pavucontrol and initalised the skypetest call, in playback I changed the output sink for the skype application to my skype phone and dito for recording12:14
jribjessicasco: ##c for questions about C12:14
bitcrusherright I've installed Python interpreter v2.6 now how do I open it?12:14
jribbitcrusher: « python »12:15
bitcrushercant find it in my apps menu12:15
jribbitcrusher: Applications -> Terminal12:15
superkuhI don't have a wireless card. How do I remove or turn off wpasupplicant in 9.04 without removing all the GUI network configuration toos?12:15
bitcrusherand then type "python" right12:15
mercentilejessicasco, the prog didn't list entire.12:15
jribbitcrusher: yes12:15
Ryan1bitcrusher: Python isn't an interface, it reads an existing text file and runs the code12:15
mercentileprobably a printf error, most likely.12:15
Ryan1bitcrusher: You can use any text editor to write the script12:16
jessicascomercentile: then how to output?12:16
epinky!pastebin > jessicasco12:16
ubottujessicasco, please see my private message12:16
bitcrusherok cool. so my terminal will do the job then12:16
meatbunit does not take control tav12:16
meatbunit does not take control tab12:16
bitcrushercan I use Open Office then?12:16
mercentileprintf %d is for decimal output, ... printf ("Text %d", var_int_for_%d, arguments);12:17
jribbitcrusher: read the tutorial at http://docs.python.org12:17
Grepsd|BNCDoes anyone had heard about a network issue on karmic release ?12:17
mercentileif the variable is anything but an integer, 0 stabilizers the ERRORs12:17
jribGrepsd|BNC: check http://bugs.ubuntu.com12:17
* Consul_Falx is always so sorry when having to reinstall...12:18
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KcwiroActionParsnip: No luck it seems the drivers are installed but the nvidia tool is saying i don't appear to be using it ... ideas?12:19
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titan_What program can I use to monitor the HTTP traffic of another computer on my home network? I have the IP of the computer, I just need to know what program will do this.12:20
Ryan1titan_: Wireshark12:20
titan_Ryan1, thanks12:20
jadakrentitan_: jnettop12:20
ActionParsnipKcwiro: i can send you my xorg.conf if you want. I have to use it to make my display run12:20
titan_jadakren, thanks12:20
mercentilejessicasco, if your type-casting is off, that could also be a problem.  Causes memory leaks...12:20
jessicascomercentile:  thank you..12:20
jadakrentitan_: wireshark and jnettop will sow you two different aspects of the traffic. jnettop for real time and wireshark for long term loggin and analysis12:21
titan_jadakren, ah ok. Thanks. I think I will use jnettop for what I need to do.12:21
Wipsterok pulseaudio rocks, I love it12:22
jther171nice to meet yous12:22
jadakrentitan_: you also have etherape for real time analysis12:22
KcwiroActionParsnip: What video card do you got?12:22
jessicascomercentile:   printf("%ld\n", clock()/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);    but the return type "clock_t" is long...I checked...12:22
titan_jadakren, ok I will keep that one in mind. Thanks12:22
KcwiroI am assumign my projector I using as monitor will figure this out... but I will backup my existing just to be safe incase for whatever reason I brick12:22
jther171who know how to enumerate users in server?help me12:22
jadakrentitan_: but did you want to keep track of bandwidth usage or just see the traffic types ?12:23
Dr_Willisjther171:  clarify what you mean to the channel.12:23
jadakren!info bandwidthd | titan_12:23
ubottutitan_: bandwidthd (source: bandwidthd): Tracks usage of TCP/IP and builds html files with graphs. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.1+cvs20071208-3 (karmic), package size 70 kB, installed size 252 kB12:23
ActionParsnipKcwiro: nvidia 615012:23
KcwiroActionParsnip: and you use SLI?12:24
ActionParsnipKcwiro: for somme unknown reason my monitor doesn't tell my system refresh rates so I need to manually fill it in12:24
mercentileif you get zero, then it may be a sync error somewhere.12:24
ActionParsnipKcwiro: no but the config will help some12:24
mercentiletime_0 prevents corruption of data_Time_Stamps.12:24
mercentilecould be viral activity.12:24
ActionParsnipKcwiro: if not you can always rename the folder to use the open driver12:25
KcwiroActionParsnip: well if i get my visual effects working with this I will be happy12:25
ActionParsnipKcwiro: its free to try12:25
mercentileespecially financial, where algorithms calculate interest, as this could be extremely important'e12:25
Oyozhow can i get and intall the latest google earth for ubuntu 9.10?????12:26
Dr_WillisOyoz:  google has doenloads you could use.  I think it might be on the repositories that google hosts also12:27
jadakrenOyoz: you mean of course one newer than in the repositories?12:27
jadakrenOyoz: have you tried visiting the download page for google earth?12:28
Oyozwhere is the same repository???12:28
Oyozno.not yet12:28
Dr_Willisdeb http://dl.google.com/linux/deb/ stable main non-free #Google Repository12:28
kjellegive me a god damn good reason for upgrading from 9.04 to 9.1012:28
Dr_Willisis whaat i got added. Not sure what all is in there.12:28
kjellewtf is the difference? everything is just the same all the back to 8.x, possily 7.x12:28
leaf-sheepkjelle: The koalas.12:28
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Dr_Williskjelle:   Then dont upgrade.. we dont care.12:29
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riotcatif you need somebody to give you a reason, don't upgrade12:29
jadakrenkjelle: +112:29
KcwiroActionParsnip: rebooting to to try config12:29
kjelleDr_Willis: im not asking you, im asking the general ubuntu community..12:29
bazhangkjelle, please watch the language12:29
riotcatand plenty has changed from the versions released in 2008 to those released in 200912:29
Dr_Williskjelle:  i imagine they dont care either.12:29
kjelleDr_Willis: then we are all doomed :912:29
jribkjelle: no one is telling you to upgrade and you shouldn't if you don't have your own reason to12:29
jadakrenkjelle: maybe you would find more acepting replies in #ubuntu-offtopic12:30
jribkjelle: the only time you should upgrade is when the version you are on is about to become unsupported12:30
Dr_Willis9.10 cured my dog of the mange.12:30
meatbunwhat's a good terminal that use tab? for commandline?12:32
Dr_Willismeatbun:  you mean tabs for multi windows? theres several terminal-emulators that use tabs.12:32
jribmeatbun: gnome-terminal has tabs.  Just using screen is a nice alternative12:33
Dr_Willismeatbun:  i also like the features of 'terminator'12:33
meatbunDr_Willis, ya. i try to fix the binding key for gnome. it doesn't work.12:33
Dr_Willismeatbun:  clarify the actual problem. perhaps theres a fix.12:33
meatbunjrib, no. i am use to firefox tab style12:33
jribmeatbun: gnome-terminal does that...12:33
meatbunDr_Willis, i found the fix. the fix no work. let me post link12:34
jessicascomercentile:   I think there is something wrong using "sleep" and "clock" together12:34
MrNaznew clean install of karmic... spell checking is not working in openoffice, but is working in xchat, pidgin and other programs... what do i need to do ?12:34
meatbunhere's the fix. the fix no work.12:34
meatbunit now says 'disable'12:34
Dr_Willismeatbun:  whats ctrl-tab supposed to do?12:34
jadakrenmeatbun: its ctrl+shift+t12:34
Dr_Willisin terminator ctrl-tab goes from one terminal window to the next.12:35
meatbunDr_Willis, ok. i ll install terminator. now. i want tab to cycle....12:36
meatbunjadakren, that's for new tab12:36
Dr_Willismeatbun:  tab by itself is used by bash for completion.12:36
ActionParsnipMrNaz: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=204550&page=312:36
jadakrenmeatbun: did you try the first suggestion on that page? use xfterm4?12:36
meatbunDr_Willis, ya. i want to use control tab to switch to next tab12:37
meatbunjadakren, i am about to use xfterm12:37
jadakrenmeatbun: seems to be a very quick work around12:37
MrNazActionParsnip myspell-en-au is installed already, i've checked the basics12:37
meatbunjadakren, i am installing terminator now...12:37
jadakrenmeatbun: the other thing you could do to make keybindings easier to impliment is to use openbox instead of metacity. but this depends on how attached to metacity you currently are12:38
meatbunDr_Willis, so i installed terimator, how to lanuch it?12:38
Dr_Willismeatbun:  logical answer.  the 'terminator icon thats now in the menus'12:38
ActionParsnipMrNaz: Go to Tools --> Options --> Language settings -->Writing Aids. Place a check against check spelling as you type. Hit OK and restart open office writer.12:38
ActionParsnipMrNaz: http://blog.csmonkey.com/2007/06/how-to-fix-openoffice-spell-checker-on.html12:39
Dr_Willis!info terminator12:39
ubottuterminator (source: terminator): multiple GNOME terminals in one window. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.13+ds1-2 (karmic), package size 138 kB, installed size 1188 kB12:39
meatbunDr_Willis, i just ran it. it looks like xterm12:39
Dr_Willismeatbun:  time to learn about its features. I suggest checking its homepage/docs/guides.12:39
researcherI am  behind a firewall of our college. I have provided user name and password for network authentication but still I cant update.It reports authentication failure.Please help me update my system12:39
Dr_Williswhat do you expect a terminal-emulator  program to look like?12:39
meatbunexpect it to be a plugin for gnome terminal12:40
Dr_Willisctually its a wrapper for gnome-terminal12:40
meatbuni read about it some time ago. but i choose to use screen instead12:40
meatbunto split screen12:40
researcherim away for a while .Please excuse me12:40
MrNazActionParsnip tick is already there, and there is no "Install Dictionaries" in my wizards sub menu... that being said, i've already confirmed that its there12:41
meatbunjadakren, what is openbox?12:41
aaron11Hi I want to know how to change my GDM theme? I cannot do this in Karmic Koala. This is a bummer!!! Please tell me how. :)12:41
jadakrenmeatbun screen is not really the same thing as gnome-terminal or terminator...12:41
Dr_Willis!info byobu12:41
ubottubyobu (source: byobu): a set of useful profiles and a profile-switcher for GNU screen. In component main, is optional. Version 2.38-0ubuntu3 (karmic), package size 53 kB, installed size 620 kB12:41
ActionParsnipMrNaz: all i can do is websearch as I don't use the software, maybe someone else can contribute12:41
bigmack83_in k9copy if i burn a dvd/iso using 'copy' with 2 pass how does the quality compare to using x264 or xvid12:42
Dr_Willisaaron11:  theres minor changes you can do to it. but its not as themable as the old gdm.12:42
meatbunjadakren, i wanted to do split screen a few months ago. and i came across terminator. but then i decide to use screen instead12:42
Dr_Willisaaron11:  you can easially change the wallpaper.  and the xsplash images.  or you could install the old gdm. (not suggested)12:42
meatbunbut now i want to use multi tab12:42
Dr_WillisTerminator can do tabs. and split screens12:42
MrNazActionParsnip that's ok... ive scoured all the google results already... i think i'm actually up against a bug as the US dictionary seems to work but the Australian one does not, both were installed when the OS was installed, as en-AU is my locale12:43
CHESLYNmako-sama: must i use the hole command  you give me a while ago.becoz im struggling since since12:43
aaron11Dr_Willis: So you mean I cant change it to a theme that I got from gnome-look?12:43
Dr_Willisaaron11:  the old gdm themes do NOT work with the new GDM in 9.1012:44
ActionParsnipMrNaz: log a bug12:44
ActionParsnipaaron11: how long do you actually see the logon screen for?12:44
KcwiroActionParsnip: No luck I got a flashing screen again I am checkign my logs now12:44
Dr_WillisI tweaked my gdm wallpaper and xsplash animations :) looks nicer now.12:44
Dr_Willis  /usr/share/images/xsplash    is where the gdm wallpaper and xsplas gfx are at. theres sevarl alternative xsplash gfx out now. and the tool 'epidermis' can also change  things  for gdm and xsplash12:45
ragsIs there a way I can reserve some free space on a partition? Such that no process or user can use that space?12:46
meatbungod.....!!@#@!# i am switching to xfc12:46
Dr_Willisrags:  make a parttion and dont  mount it? :)12:46
Dr_Willismeatbun:  do what you want. Have fun.12:46
aaron11ActionParsnip: I can logon by clicking on my name and then typing the password. I want to change my theme to somthing else than the old look12:47
ActionParsnipaaron11: but how long is it on the screen for?12:47
Dr_Willisepidermis theme manager tool -> http://epidermis.tuxfamily.org/12:47
aaron11ActionParsnip: Lol! Its for ever if you want it to12:47
Dr_Willisaaron11:  either use the old gdm, or  dont worry about it.. or set gdm to auto login12:48
jozefkanyone using Midori browser here? What is the good way for blocking ads in Midori?12:48
ragsDr_Willis: The reason I want this is I have a disk with heavy disk usage and it get's full all the time...but due to this some jobs on the system fail, which depend on free space being available...12:48
researcher I am  behind a firewall of our college. I have provided user name and password for network authentication but still I cant update.It reports authentication failure.Please help me update my system12:48
ActionParsnipaaron11: just grit yourteeth while you log in. its a login screen. is it really worth it12:48
ActionParsnipresearcher: i believe you need to add the proxy authentication to apt as well12:48
meatbunepididymis ? Dr_Willis12:48
Dr_Willisrags:  sounds like you need more disks :)12:49
Dr_Willisepidermis theme manager tool -> http://epidermis.tuxfamily.org/12:49
aaron11ActionParsnip: ??? Ok. o_O12:49
Dr_Willisas in the medical name for 'skin'12:49
ActionParsnipresearcher: or use export to set the http_proxy and ftp_proxy variables12:49
researcherhow to add proxy authentication to apt?12:49
ActionParsnipaaron11: its fairly pointless to skin something which isnt on the screen much12:49
ragsDr_Willis: haha...yeah...tht is solution too..but the users never have enough space...:)12:49
researcheror How to use export to set the http_proxy and ftp_proxy variables?12:50
ActionParsnipresearcher: http://blogs.sun.com/avinashjoshi/entry/using_apt_get_behind_a12:50
Dr_Willisrags:  this is why /home/ is often on its own partiion.  you could even move different users's homes to different partitions i guess.12:50
meatbunDr_Willis, apt search did not have it in repository... :(12:50
Dr_Willisrags:   so the critical space could be used.12:50
ActionParsnipresearcher: considering your name, its quite funny I had to find that don't you think?12:50
Dr_Willismeatbun:  Its not in the repos.. thats why i posted the URL.12:50
donitaHello everyone12:50
meatbunfreaking gesshzzz crisisssi12:51
ragsDr_Willis: Can a restriction be put on a particular folder?...such that it's size cannot exceed a specified limit?12:51
Dr_Willis!ohmy | meatbun12:51
ubottumeatbun: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.12:51
Dr_Willisrags:  never noticed or tried to do that. Never needed to.12:52
Dr_Willisrags:  id have to google for 'user drive space limits'   ;)12:52
ragsDr_Willis: Quota system is one...but I have multiple users using a common share...can't use quota's...hm..Thx anyway..I'll search and find out...12:53
Dr_Willisrags:  i found 1+TB external hard drives on sale :) for good prices.. recently12:53
Dr_WillisIm out of USB ports now...12:53
Infin1tyAnyone know how can i set the desktop icons to auto adjust themself when changing resolutions? everytime i change a resolution via a virtualmachine they all gets messed up and sometimes even out of range12:54
ragshaha...I'll definitely consider an upgrade...I have 1T and a .5T sas drives and they are not enough...:(12:54
airtonixjozefk, if no extension for midori exists i suggest using privoxy12:55
christ_1tb is so cheap now, you can't even justify buying one without the purposes of running a torrent client for pirating music/videos.12:55
airtonix!info privoxy | jozefk12:55
ubottujozefk: privoxy (source: privoxy): Privacy enhancing HTTP Proxy. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.13-1 (karmic), package size 570 kB, installed size 2032 kB12:55
Dr_Willisrags:  here on my desk i count 6TB in external USB hds :) got 2 on blackfriday12:55
airtonixjozefk, its also a web filtering proxy12:55
Dr_WillisIts hard to go 1tb.. when 1.5tb is just a little more. :) but i went 1TB.12:56
Dr_WillisGotta love sales.12:56
ragsDefinitely...I suppose I should go for an upgrade then...the thing is these ppl don't need this much space..they just dump garbage there...12:57
christ_thats nothing, i have a rack of petabyte drives12:57
Dr_Willisrags:  the more space you have - the more they collect garbage12:57
Dr_Willisrags:  if i had a 100 car garrage.. the wife would still fill it up.12:57
jozefkthanks airtonix will try privoxy12:58
airtonixif i had an offtopic channel it still wouldn't get used12:58
KcwiroActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/m7d247e1e12:58
jozefkmust to find some manual how to sett it up and use it :)12:58
Dr_WillisPrivoxy is handy :)12:59
Kcwirothere is a log there I am curious what you think it means...12:59
KcwiroActionParsnip: there is a log there I am curious what you think it means...12:59
ActionParsnipKcwiro: maybe you need to define which PCI reference it uses13:00
epinkyrags: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=889765 , read Kidder's post, really ingenious I think13:01
KcwiroI was thinking that might be the case... but the screen one made me think it not liking the manual entries for that13:01
ActionParsnipKcwiro: sudo lshw -C display       should tell you13:01
jozefkinstalled privoxy but don't see it anywhere13:02
jozefkmust be that is the one i need to start with :)13:02
LjLceW_cr: again with this "medan"?13:03
CHESLYNActionParsnip: i was wondering if you could of help me with a USB storage how to format it13:03
ragsepinky: Very interesting...Much like wht I need actually....Thx...I'll try to do it...13:04
textixanyone know how to load evdev in ubuntu?13:04
ActionParsnipCHESLYN: gksudo gparted13:04
textixim just getting module not found13:04
airtonixjozefk, it has no GUI, its a proxy. so you will be editing conf files and using /etc/init.d/privoxy [stop|start|restart] to control it13:04
CHESLYNActionParsnip: beside's that and GUI13:04
amokpauleHello, does someone know if i need special drivers for a creative xifi?13:04
Dr_Willisjozefk:  privoxy homepage/docs are a must read. :)13:05
airtonixjozefk, helpful info : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Privoxy13:05
amokpauleOr does someone know how i activate the microphone?13:05
airtonixjozefk, and : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1082513:05
textixim just getting module not found13:06
textixanyone know how to load evdev in ubuntu?13:06
airtonixjozefk, and to clarify : you don;t need tor to use privoxy for just filtering out adverts13:06
jozefkif it is in init.d folder, does it means it will start by itself each time I boot my OS?13:06
airtonixjozefk, yes13:07
quiescensnot neccesarily13:07
adacMy bash history is completely gone after every restart of the pc. Can anyone tell me what i need to set in the .bashrc file, so that the history will be saved?13:07
jozefki will try first one other thing and if that won't work I'll go for privoxy13:07
t-Omicr0njozefk, you can install sysv-rc-conf to configure what scripts in init.d you want to start at boot13:07
jozefkbut in the mean time, how to stop it running each time I boot my OS?13:08
airtonixjozefk, but it will only affect http traffic that passes through its port. so you'll need to specify in firefox that is the address of the proxy you want firefox to send its data through13:08
jozefki use midori not firefox13:08
jozefkfirefox has a perfect adblock plus13:08
airtonixjozefk, s/firefox/midori13:08
airtonixjozefk, same thing, they all have proxy configuration screens13:09
textixanyone familiar with the evdev module+13:09
amokpauleanyone familiar with creative xifi soundcards?13:09
CHESLYNActionParsnip: my packages is not working to get gparted so i want you to help me with GUI.I execute ''dmesg'' to get my device name i did'nt  find it13:10
maxstirner1My desktop software (skype, xine etc) loves losing its settings, so I have to redo them every so often. What could be the reason? Thanks13:10
KcwiroActionParsnip: this maybe stupid but I have a dual core on this system... and I see this entry about vmallocsize.... wondering if I should have installed the x64 edition of this13:10
textixgeez ubuntu must the most sucky os ever13:11
textixno wonder its free13:11
t-Omicr0n /ban textix13:12
textixif u set it at one language it keeps going back to us13:12
theadminIs there a way to find what drive is mounted, assuming I know the mountpoint?13:13
yacc_I wonder, what package in Ubuntu provides the rzscontrol command?13:13
maxstirner1theadmin: do cat /etc/mtab13:13
airtonixtheadmin, have you tried : fdisk?13:13
epinkytextix: what's edev's use in your case?13:14
theadminfdisk? cat? Don't know any of those... Which should be used?13:14
airtonixtheadmin, use the mtab method13:14
theadminairtonix: Okay, ty.13:14
Consul_Falxis it wise to keep the home folder upon reinstall?13:14
maxstirner1theadmin: go to terminal, type cat /etc/mtab13:14
flowerdoes someone uses here the gnome-main-menu (slab, from opensuse)? How to start that application browser?13:15
flowerin a terminal13:15
jozefkwill try first this: http://linuxoutlaws.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=184413:15
maxstirner1theadmin: otherwise, i often use df -h, which shows all drives and space occupied/left allowing for identificaction of hdds13:15
theadminmaxstirner: No, I need to find what is a USB cd-drive device.13:15
HalitechConsul_Falx, as long as you use the same username on reinstall you won't have any issue13:15
theadminUh. How do you link to devices? Do you use symlinks or hardlinks? I want to link to a thing in /dev, that is.13:16
Consul_FalxHalitech: i have weird issues with plasma, system performed a few uninstalls of my sound driver, and recently KDM collapsed...13:16
Dr_Willistheadmin:  i imagine symlinks will work.13:16
Consul_Falxseems like it's not at my force to undo all that, and I'm now deciding wether to configure all things over and over again, or to take the risk of using the old files...13:17
HalitechConsul_Falx, the /home folder only holds your personal data, you could try deleting the config files for kdm and see what happens13:17
CHESLYNanyone my packages is not working to get gparted so i want someone to help me with GUI.I execute ''dmesg'' to get my device name i did'nt  find it13:17
AlexJonesI am using the Deluge bit torrent client but when seeding noone connects. I want to seed some movies. What could I be doing wrong? I set upload speed limit to unlimited and upload slots to unlimited.13:17
* Consul_Falx reboots13:17
textixis there any way to make this shitty OS keep the keyboard language u selected?13:17
textixor does it live its own life?13:18
AlexJonesThe only time when I see is when I also download.13:18
AlexJonesThis is really Suckimoto!13:19
ascianabhrohi all13:19
ascianabhroneed some help13:19
ascianabhrohow to change display drivers in ubuntu 9.1013:19
Halitech!help | ascianabhro13:19
ubottuascianabhro: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:19
Halitechascianabhro, what video card and what driver do you have installed now?13:20
ascianabhrosis 761 chipset, no prop drivers installed13:20
ascianabhrowant to change to vesa13:20
Halitechascianabhro, probably using vesa now, sis isn't very well supported13:21
ascianabhroyes, I want to change to vesa13:21
ascianabhrohow to do that13:21
textixdoes this fucked up os have evdev in it?13:21
Halitech!language | textix13:21
ubottutextix: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.13:21
Dr_Willisxserver-xorg-input-evdev - X.Org X server -- evdev input driver13:22
Halitechascianabhro, you are probably using vesa now13:22
awayandERROR: problems decoding "x.mp3", anyone else have this problem when running mpc against mpd in daemon mode?13:22
bitcrusherdoes anyone here use Pure-data13:22
AlexJonesAnybody has an idea?13:22
ascianabhrono, I am using sis760 driver13:22
=== AlexJones is now known as AlexJonesFan
AlexJonesFanAny deluge user around?13:23
ascianabhrosis760 driver was taken by auto configuration of display13:23
textixdr willis what?13:23
Halitechascianabhro, you could try creating an /etc/X11/xorg.conf file and set the driver to vesa13:23
textixjust getting not found everywhere13:24
Dr_Willis!info xserver-xorg-input-evdev13:24
ubottuxserver-xorg-input-evdev (source: xserver-xorg-input-evdev): X.Org X server -- evdev input driver. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.2.5-1ubuntu6 (karmic), package size 65 kB, installed size 168 kB13:24
Dr_Willisit seems tobe in the 'main' repository.13:24
ascianabhroxorg.conf has Driver as configured device13:25
textixcant fin anything here13:26
textixnot xorg.conf or nothing13:26
Dr_Willisxserver-xorg-input-evtouch - Touchscreen-Driver for X.Org/XFree86 server13:26
Halitechascianabhro, change sis760 to vesa13:26
ascianabhroI am pasting the conf13:27
lollohow to install grub gfx menu in karmic ?13:28
Dr_WillisGrub2 can handle wallpaper images on the menu if thats what youmean lollo13:28
gawdzerdid anyone encounter this problem with ubuntu? it's really annoying13:29
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lolloi want to use somesort of grub themes13:29
Dr_Willislollo:  no idea what ya mean - but the docs are here -> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Splash%20Images%20&%20Theming13:29
Dr_Willislollo:  a lot of those feturees are not in grub2 yet.13:30
Dr_Willisor not in the default grub2 yet.13:30
lolloi tried to compile the experimental one13:30
ranjani am having som problem in using evolution mail13:30
ranjanit'is not able to send the correct msg13:30
ranjanin correct format13:31
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ranjanso can any body can help me13:31
Dr_Willislollo:  ive seen PPA versions with new features. but ive not bothered with them13:31
CHESLYNanyone my packages is not working to get gparted so i want someone to help me with GUI.I execute the command ''dmesg'' to get my device name i did'nt  find it13:31
prappl93The log on noise randomly plays every now and then on my computer after it freezes for a little bit. Is there a reason for this, and how do I stop it?13:32
Dr_WillisCHESLYN:  when you plug in a usb device,  wait a moment or 2. then run 'dmesg' itshould be mentioned somewhere in the last 5+ lines.  of dmesg. if not wait a few more sec and try dmesg again13:32
Dr_WillisCHESLYN:  or examine the output of 'fdisk -l'13:32
Dr_Willisoops make that 'sudo fdisk -l'13:32
KaiForceok, so I load karmic, and the first thing it does is tell me my hard drive is failing.  So I ignore that, and my hard drive fails.  So I pull an image that I built on a Compaq Evo, and slapped it into the IBM that had the drive fail, and everything just worked - video, audio, everything.  This isn't how it is supposed to be.  My morning should be ruined, and everything is fine.  Just sick.13:33
epinkyranjan: you should explain better 'correct format' and 'correct message'13:34
CHESLYNDr_Willis: okay let me try it.....thanks13:34
Kcwirogeneral questions guys... where is the nvidia readme installed in unbuntu 9.1? ... I want to read something in here and I cannot seem to locate13:35
ranjani am having issue in sending mail by using evolution mainlly whenever i am attaching some files with the mail it is not delivering to the sender id insted of that some black marks use to appear this files are not being caried forwad i have configured my gmail accout with this evolution so can any body can help me in this regard13:37
CHESLYNDr_Willis: okay after 'fdisk -l'13:37
jcrawfordwhat's a good newsgroup reader that allows binary file downloads?13:37
jcrawfordfor ubuntu anyway :)13:37
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ActionParsnipyo yo yo13:39
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jozefksysv-rc-conf looks great. just don't understand what those numbers means: 1,2,3,4,5,0,6,S13:39
ActionParsnipjozefk: those are kinda like runlevels13:40
jozefkah ok13:40
jozefkanyway I'll read the man page13:40
ActionParsnipbest way13:41
yosWhy does my ubuntu always start up muted?13:41
wrapsterapart from ps and top are there any other toolkits that can be used to find out indepth info about a runing process.13:41
ActionParsnipyos: its a bug. i have the fix if you want13:41
jozefkby the way, if I change the proxy in browser to localhost:8118 web pages are not loading13:41
yosActionParsnip, sure thing13:41
canolucashi. when i write files which have in their name special characters like: á é í ó ú, to a smbfs mounted partition, the name is not correct if i browse the file in windows. the windows server is using NTFS. and my linux charset is UTF-8.13:41
canolucasmount -t smbfs -o utf-8,username=$USER,password=$PASSWORD //$WINDOMAIN/$SHARE /mnt/$SHARE13:41
canolucasis the command i am using13:42
user101can I watch TV on ubuntu? I have a cable wire . what all do i need on a net book for wired and wireless connection and for simultaneous view on netbook and tv13:42
ActionParsnipyos: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/35273213:42
ActionParsnipyos: find my nick in there13:42
yosty ActionParsnip13:42
bhuviyos, i have the same problem too in my karmic13:42
juan__ text looks ugly in rekonq, i'm working on a minimal kde install so i hae probably forgotten to install something, I do have msttcorefonts (i'm on a laptop, so it may be an lcd settings i need to change)13:42
ActionParsnipyos: edit out means put a # at the start of the line ;)(13:43
yosgotcha ;)13:43
MyGame 10:44:11 up 21:49,  2 users,  load average: 1.45, 1.39, 1.3813:44
ActionParsnipMyGame: please don't spam the channel like that13:44
Peter2222i try to install Ubuntu 9.10 with software raid1 (by this tutorial http://tnij.org/e1ql) but afrer install It can't boot. I have only initramfs with info trat /dev/disk/by-uuid/xxxx doesn't exist. How can I edit grub to add rootdelay to try if it solve my problem? I tried LiveCD but can't read this volumes13:44
MyGameActionParsnip, Mi uptime spam??? 'PLEASE''13:45
dassoukion some ava applications and applications like pidgin, I lost the menu bar13:45
bazhangMyGame, it is offtopic here; please chat in #ubuntu-offtopic13:45
ActionParsnipMyGame: yes, its unecessary and scrolls the channel. also, nobody cares13:45
aaron11Peter2222: Do you have one more computer13:45
Peter2222yes i have13:45
aaron11Peter2222: Or did you partiton with windows13:45
Peter2222I have other comp with Ubuntu 9.1 and Windows XP13:46
aaron11Peter2222: Download the Ubuntu ISO and burn it again.13:46
user101can I watch TV on ubuntu? I have a cable wire . what all do i need on a net book for wired and wireless connection and for simultaneous view on netbook and tv13:46
ascianabhroHalitech, http://paste.pchowtos.co.uk/?id=2164&key=461afb01aa6d013:46
Peter2222aaron11: I installed it with 9.10 alternate13:47
MyGameare you happy??? Jajajjajajaja!!!!!!!13:47
Peter2222...but have 9.10 desktop too13:47
bazhangMyGame, did you have an ubuntu support question?13:47
Halitechuser101, you need a tv tuner card13:47
bazhangMyGame, if not then please /join #ubuntu-offtopic , thanks13:47
MyGamebazhang, yes i am developers universe......13:47
aaron11Peter2222: Reinstall should do it. If you think its a GRUB problem go to #grub13:47
user101Halitech : and then. .... with a single wire?13:48
aaron11Peter2222: But please ask #ubuntu for more help too13:48
Peter2222I reinstalled it many times, always problems with boot13:48
aaron11Peter2222: Im not such an experienced user13:48
Halitechuser101, you would plug the cable into it13:48
Peter2222ok, thx13:48
aaron11Peter2222: With the same ISO13:48
user101and then simultaneous with my TV13:48
bitcrusherI'm having a couple of problems running Pure-data in Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic. does anyone know anything about this?13:50
Halitechuser101, should be, might need a splitter13:50
Halitechascianabhro, add a subsection like what I've added here http://pastebin.com/m168e433113:51
dassoukion some java applications and others like pidgin, I lost the menu bar, any ideas ?13:51
epinkydassouki: it's java :)13:53
scottandmoniquehello all13:54
Halitechascianabhro, http://pastebin.com/m4f1a7ee613:54
darrendepinky: er, when did pidgin start getting run in a java vm?13:55
dassoukiepinky: what should i do13:55
nicorioHi. Maybe this isn't the right place. I don't know. Say I edit a file on line 300. I save and close the file. What I'd like (I think I saw that before) is that the next time I'll open the same file, the cursor would already be on line 300 (last edited). Is this a plugin or a different version of vi ?13:55
ascianabhroHalitech, will there be any section for driver name13:55
darrenddassouki: if you quit and restart the app, is it still missing?13:56
dassoukidarrend: ya and even restarting the os13:56
dassoukidarrend: it's all the java apps13:56
darrendplus pidgin?13:56
awaadWhere is the file grub.conf in Ubuntu9.1 ?13:56
dassoukiawaad: was that directed towards me ?13:56
dassoukidarrend: yes13:56
Halitechascianabhro, it would be the section device13:57
epinkydassouki: with java one never knows, maybe install latest java, jdk, jre or whatever13:57
awaaddassouki: I am asking any one to tell me how to find the file grub.conf ?13:57
john-saintmy mp3 player wont get recognised when i plug it into the usb plug. anyone got any ideas?13:57
ascianabhroHalitech, you mean under Device beside identifier13:57
ActionParsnipawaad: /boot/grub13:57
ascianabhroI change it to "vesa"13:57
darrendawaad: /boot/grub/grub.cfg13:57
scottandmoniqueawaad if u need to change grub settings install startup manager13:57
ActionParsnipawaad: editting it is pointless tough13:58
ActionParsnipjohn-saint: does it show up as a partition in: sudo fdisk -l13:58
Halitechascianabhro, yes, the first section13:58
ascianabhrothanks bro13:58
luisthey is it possible to use just one command to append a line to sources.list and update the repositories list?13:58
ascianabhrowill try and keep you pple updated13:58
john-saintaction - il try.13:59
darrenddassouki: which window-manager are you using?13:59
ActionParsnipluist: sudo echo "deb http://whatever stable non-free " | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list      for example13:59
dassoukiawaad: do a search in system fies13:59
dassoukidarrend: gnome13:59
luistActionParsnip: thanks14:00
ActionParsnipjohn-saint: use tab to complete nicks ;)14:00
awaadHow can I change the splash image in ubuntu9.1 ?14:00
darrenddassouki: wjicj *window-manager*?  there are several you could run in gnome.  Do you use Compiz / emerald for example?14:00
ActionParsnipluist: you will need to import the key too, karmic has a new way of adding repos in software sources but that method still works14:00
john-saintactionpasnip - i think its cured14:01
dassoukidarrend: no compiz here... don't like flashy crap14:01
dassoukidarrend: it was a random thing14:01
ActionParsnipjohn-saint: cool14:02
ActionParsnipjohn-saint: still use tab to complete nicks in irc14:02
ActionParsnipjohn-saint: makes the text you send highlight14:02
darrenddassouki: what was random?  You said the behaviour persisted after restarts of the app or the OS14:02
john-sainthow do i do that? quite new to all this14:02
awaadAny one can tell  me how to put an image as a background of grub in ubuntu9.1 ?14:03
ActionParsnipjohn-saint: type actionp then press tab, saves you typing the rest14:03
KartagisI want to remove everything KDE from my system and I gave this command sudo apt-get purge -y kde* kalarm and I had to break it. then I gave the command sudo dpkg --configure -a and when I gave the same command again, it said Couldn't find package kde*. how can I fix that?14:03
john-saintis this how i do it?14:03
ActionParsnipjohn-saint: same as in terminal14:03
dassoukidarrend: i meant it as last week everything was working fine, and this week kaboom, no menus14:03
dassoukiawaad: have you googled it ?14:03
ActionParsnipjohn-saint: like to type yours i type john- and press tab,your nick is then completed for me14:04
MikeChelenafter disabling compiz, alt+tab stopped working, how do can the shortcut be fixed?14:04
awaaddassouki : I don't know how to search about it14:04
HalitechKartagis, try the info here http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome14:04
ActionParsnipMikeChelen: check keyoard shortcuts in preferences14:04
awaaddassouki : I mean that I don't know the right words to put them in the search engines14:04
john-saintActionParsnip, i think i got it14:04
luistActionParsnip: dont i need to aptitude update?14:05
napterkHallo! Ich versteh bei dem "cp" Befehl nicht, wenn ich einen Ordner kopieren will muss ich dann -r Variabel benutzen. Geht es mit -a auch?14:05
iceroot!de | napterk14:05
ubottunapterk: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.14:05
icerootnapterk: man cp14:06
audigy6xCompiz for 9.10..is finecty14:06
icerootnapterk: -r for recursic (directory-support) and -a should be not to edit the owner and group14:06
MikeChelenActionParsnip: what is it called there? cannot find which action that is14:07
ActionParsnipMikeChelen: next windows     maybe14:07
egonwhi all... back with my machine not booking karmic... live cd is fine, installed, but upon boot (GRUB1.97 shows up), it fails to mount the root disks (ext3) ... does someone have further suggestions what I can do?14:07
luistActionParsnip: if i just add the line to sources.list is it enough? dont have to update?14:07
Halitechluist, sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude upgrade14:08
epinkyawaad: http://www.ubuntu-inside.me/2009/06/howto-change-grub2-grub-pc-splash-image.html14:08
luistHalitech: just update i think :P14:08
ActionParsnipMikeChelen: its not in there, hmm14:09
ActionParsnipluist: you will need the gpg key too14:09
ormenis there any channel for just terminal use?14:09
luistActionParsnip: whats that?14:09
severity1_hey i have a problem with xOrg....14:09
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:10
audigy6xI wish there was a channel for termianl use14:10
ActionParsnipluist: it authenticates the repo, if you just run sudo apt-get update   you will get a waring as there is no key for the repo, you can use it but will get a nag saying its unauthenticated14:10
Piciaudigy6x: You mean for bash scripting?14:10
MikeChelenActionParsnip: it should be something like "move between applications" but can't find it so far14:11
icerootaudigy6x: #bash14:11
ActionParsnipMikeChelen: may help: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/15070214:11
icerootaudigy6x: #zsh14:11
luistActionParsnip: how do i get this key?14:12
audigy6xyeah Bash scripting ...and system admistration use of the teminal14:12
ActionParsnipMikeChelen: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=58720114:13
egonwMikeChelen: OT, you'r the Mike Chelen on FF? (/me also just now noticed the Ubuntu room)14:13
ActionParsnipluist: if yuo run apt-get update you will get a code14:13
icerootaudigy6x: for bash == #bash  for using linux without a gui #debian :), for using linux with a gui #ubuntu :-)14:13
ormenim trying to lern how to use the terminal, and it's works well and i find i fun to. But can't see any real use for it if one have a GUI..14:13
Piciiceroot: er.. no.  Debian in #debian, Ubuntu in #ubuntu14:13
egonwormen: consoles are very personal... /me is much faster in doing his work on the console than with GUI...14:14
luistActionParsnip: i ran it but what do you call a code :P14:14
egonwormen: you pick what works best for you14:14
ActionParsnipluist: you will get nokey gpg etc14:14
luistActionParsnip: i ran sudo aptitude update isnt it the same?14:14
ActionParsnipluist: sure14:15
DaNCeRhey guys i'm unable to find an image file for netbook remix, only an iso14:15
DaNCeRam i just not looking it the right place or has one not been generated for some reason?14:15
MikeChelenActionParsnip: that action "move between all windows, using popup window" doesn't seem to include all open applications14:15
icerootPici: #debian for terminal-questions, #ubuntu for gui-questions (i am using) :)14:15
PrancingAlienHi, Ive had some annoying problems in ubuntu 9.10 and had found no solution so i decided i would try uninstalling that and installing 8.04 seeing if it would make a difference. i guess i installed 8.04 incorrectly or something because it wouldnt boot when i selected it, so i booted up windows and uninstalled it. however the dual boot screen still comes up and ubuntu is an option. can i fix this?14:16
luistActionParsnip: didnt show anything about no key14:16
luistActionParsnip: or gpg14:16
icerootPici: and for ubuntu-specific questions of course14:16
ActionParsnipluist: cool, install away14:16
audigy6xwhat kinda of netbook14:16
ormenegonw: yeah, but one got to try diffrent things to know whats best14:16
dassoukiany ideas why my java based apps' menus have disappeared ?14:16
yosThank you ActionParsnip, that fix worked like a charm14:16
egonwormen: indeed... and better try yourself instead of letting CompanyX do that for you :) freedom++14:16
jimihendrix!resetpanels > jimihendrix14:17
ubottujimihendrix, please see my private message14:17
bwallenHow do I install the proprietary drivers for my ATI radeon xpress card in 9.10?14:17
MikeChelenegonw: yuppers, heyas egon! some great linux groups on friendfeed, the ubuntu one looks very active14:17
ActionParsnip!ati | bwallen14:17
ubottubwallen: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto14:17
Halitechbwallen, System - admin - hardware drivers is the best route to use14:17
bwallenHalitech: I checked in there but nothing was listed14:18
audigy6xsystem/admistration/hardware driver14:18
egonwMikeChelen: going to listen in... maybe I should post by disks-not-mounted-on-boot problem there :)14:18
luistActionParsnip: is there a command to just update an specific package, and if its not installed, dont do anything14:18
Halitechbwallen, are you sure its supported in 9.10?14:18
ActionParsnipluist: sudo apt-get --reinstall install package14:18
luistActionParsnip: if the package is not installed, it wont install it right?14:19
Halitechbwallen, what model do you have?14:19
bwallenHalitech: No, I"m not sure. It's a radeon xpress 125014:19
ActionParsnipluist: yes it will redownlod and install the package regardless of installed situation14:19
c0p3rn1ccan I use old software repositories like deb http://cz.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper main universe in karmic ?14:19
c0p3rn1cI need to install tomcat514:20
icerootc0p3rn1c: no14:20
icerootc0p3rn1c: use tomcat from apache.org14:20
MikeChelenegonw: absolutely! besides this channel, friendfeed, twitter, and the ubuntu forums are some of the other best places to ask. it's also okay to repeat the q here after a few mins14:20
Halitechbwallen, drop back to 8.10 or 8.04 if you want good preformance, ati dropped support http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/linux/Legacy/Pages/radeon_linux.aspx?type=2.7&product=
c0p3rn1cand all it's dependency's14:20
ActionParsnip!info tomcat614:21
ubottutomcat6 (source: tomcat6): Servlet and JSP engine. In component main, is optional. Version 6.0.20-2ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 25 kB, installed size 252 kB14:21
c0p3rn1ciceroot, ok thx14:21
ActionParsnip!find tomcat614:21
ubottuFound: libtomcat6-java, tomcat6, tomcat6-admin, tomcat6-common, tomcat6-docs (and 2 others)14:21
c0p3rn1cActionParsnip, I really need v5 not v614:21
egonwMikeChelen: yeah, it's crowded here :) that said, when I drop in here now and then, I often do get could answers... it's a shame I do not have to much time for packaging anymore :(14:21
icerootc0p3rn1c: its a binary at there website so no need for compiling something, just install sun-java6-jdk14:21
c0p3rn1c!find tomcat514:21
ubottuFound: solr-tomcat5.514:21
jevidlI have been trying to find a way to use our local mirror during my initial install. Is there a way to point the installer at a specific mirror, or do you need to use preseeding and make  your own image to install from?14:22
c0p3rn1ctomcat5_5.0.30 to be exact14:22
nunojpgis there a configuration file for preferences-> Remote desktop? I want to enable it with ssh14:23
ormendoes it exist diffrent non GUI based programs that can do grafical things like watch pics or film files?14:23
c0p3rn1clibtomcat5-java_5.0.30-9_all.deb *14:23
jevidlnunojpg, you can always just build an ssh tunnel first, forward the port, and then connect to remote desktop. If you only need it once in the while it might be an ok solution14:23
luistActionParsnip: hey.. this command installed the package when it was not installed... i want to update when the package is instaleld, and DO NOTHING if the package is not installed :T14:24
Kcwirovmalloc=<> where do I put his entry.. my virtual memory is set oo low14:24
lyraeHi. I insert the liveCD to install ubuntu, but i get this: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v425/play/photo.jpg  why?14:25
techtronichow do i define a variable in a shell script, i need my variable to be = to date +"%d-%m-%Y"`14:25
lyraedid ubuntu cut the drivers for my poor lil video card :(14:25
nunojpgjevidl: but isn't VNC connections disabled by default?14:25
nunojpgalso from localhost?14:25
jevidlnunojpg, let me check :)14:25
Halitechlyrae, what video card do you have?14:25
lyraeHalitech: nvidia 6600gt14:25
Kcwiro'vmap allocation for size 16781312 failed: use vmalloc=<size> to increase size.'   this is the erro I'm tryign to resolve with the correct memory alloc14:25
jevidlnunojpg, I think it is, but you just need to go to Preferences > Remote Desktop to enable it14:26
ActionParsnipluist: try: apt-cache policy package14:26
MikeChelenegonw: have received lots of good help here, it takes some patience though when the question is difficult14:26
jevidlnunojpg, that won't setup RD over SSH automatically, but it will enable the RD server14:26
egonwmine is difficult to debug, I think... no clue where to start...14:26
Halitechlyrae, it should work14:26
nunojpgjevidl: there is a mountain between me and the computer14:27
nunojpgI only have ssh access for now...14:27
juan__Halitech: ATI has pretty good support in 9.10, the radeon drivers will do almost everything, even 3d effects14:27
egonwI don't get why the disks do not get mounted...14:27
nunojpgbut if it is hard just forget it, I will do it next week on the machine14:27
Halitechjuan__, even with the X series of video cards?14:27
jevidlnunojpg, I think I understand your question now... you want to enable remote desktop from an SSH session, not tunnel remote desktop over SSH14:27
nunojpgjevidl: owh, yeah, sorry14:28
luistActionParsnip: does that command update?14:28
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djk1anyone stream sirius on 9.10? I used mediaplayerconnectivity plugin and it was working before upgrade14:29
juan__Halitech: [Radeon Xpress 200M] here, not sure what the card name is but it is an express (embeded) card14:29
PrancingAlieni dont know if you guys can help me with my problem or not but Im at the end of my rope and really just need someone to point me in the right direction at least i have no idea what else to do.14:29
jevidlnunojpg, hehe, sorry. Not sure for that. NX works pretty well, but that's a replacement for Remote Desktop. You could also try X forwarding over SSH, but depending on your connection speeds that might be anywhere from frustrating to unusable14:30
seidosPrancingAlien: what is your question?14:30
Halitechjuan__, ok, I went to an HD card so I can use the latest ATI drivers14:30
ActionParsnipluist: no, just shows where the package will come from and its statu14:30
mgv2how do i remove sun completly?14:30
PrancingAlienIve had some annoying problems in ubuntu 9.10 and had found no solution so i decided i would try uninstalling that and installing 8.04 seeing if it would make a difference. i guess i installed 8.04 incorrectly or something because it wouldnt boot when i selected it, so i booted up windows and uninstalled it. however the dual boot screen still comes up and ubuntu is an option. can i fix this?14:30
mgv2how do i change flash to another sef player? flash sucks14:30
luistActionParsnip: that wont solve my problem :T i need to update only if the package is already installed14:31
MikeChelennunojpg: set up vnc on the server and use SSH as a tunnel14:31
HalitechPrancingAlien, you would need to edit the windows bootloader14:31
seidosPrancingAlien: I'm sure it's fixable, but I'm not sure exactly how.  Have you tried editing menu.lst?14:31
MikeChelenegonw: is there an error if you try to mount them manually?14:31
PrancingAlienhalitch & seridos.. I dont know how to do this.. I'm not very computer savvy :/14:31
egonwMikeChelen: no, mounting with the live CD even worked fine (and allowed me to make back ups)14:32
juan__Halitech: For gaming or fancy effects you probably do need ATI drivers, but for everyday stuff you don't need it, it varies by card though14:32
nunojpgMikeChelen: I don't need a tunnel. I need to enable vnc from a terminal, I don't have gui14:32
seidosi'm out of battery14:32
nunojpgI will do it from the gui next week, just forget it14:32
d3termin3dwhen trying to install apps in 9.10, it does not give me the option to click install.  Am I doing something wrong after highlighting software that i want to install?14:32
Halitechjuan__, I'm not a gamer and I despise compiz14:32
egonwMikeChelen: I can think of a few problems... UUID not correct, ext3 module not in kernel ... ? but only message that mounting did not work and then that it boots into a shell14:32
luistdoes anyone know? a command to update an specific package IF AND ONLY IF this package is already installed? (if its not installed already, i dont want it to be installed)14:33
egonwluist: apt-get safe-upgrade ?14:33
egonwluist: umm... aptitude safe-upgrade ?14:33
nunojpgnow thinking about ssh tunnels...I have around 20 remote stations, that are using a nated internet connection(3G). I've been planning to estabilish a VPN from there to the office so that I can configure them. But maybe a ssh as a port tunnel is also a solution?14:34
luistegonw: thanks ill give it a try14:34
Kcwirohad anyone used read-edid?14:34
HalitechPrancingAlien, try using the info here http://vlaurie.com/computers2/Articles/bootini.htm14:34
jevidlnunojpg, really depends on what you want to do14:34
egonwluist: make sure to do first: aptitude update14:34
MikeChelennunojpg: what version ubuntu server or desktop is it running?14:34
luistegonw: ya thanks14:34
jevidlnunojpg, you could try this... do "ssh user@server -X"14:34
nunojpgubuntu server 9.1014:34
jevidland then run vino-preferences14:34
=== Doonz_ is now known as Doonz
jevidlnunojpg, that might let you open the Remote Desktop Preferences over SSH so you can start up the server14:35
lyraeHi. I insert the liveCD to install ubuntu, but i get this: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v425/play/photo.jpg  why?14:35
jevidlnunojpg, if you used the server iso, is X even installed?14:35
PrancingAlienHalitech: Thanks I'll have a look.. I hope it helps :/ Ive been having no luck lol..14:35
nunojpgyes, I instaled gnome14:35
luistegonw: cant safe-upgrade on jaunty?14:36
Uubnoobhey guys i need some help wid my ubuntu 9.10 install14:36
HalitechPrancingAlien, hopefully it will, I've never tried it as I don't dualboot14:36
egonwluist: ah... try instead: upgrade or dist-upgrade14:36
nunojpg"/usr/bin/X11/xauth:  creating new authority file /home/gipsy/.Xauthority"14:36
jevidlnunojpg, ok. You might be able to use SSH and X forwarding to load the vino-preferences dialog then and get it going14:36
nunojpgcan I open now X?14:36
juan__egonw: i think apt-get upgrade = aptitude safe-upgrade, but aptitude is better anyway because it fixes stuff14:36
MikeChelenegonw: did the manual mount command require any special options? it should be mounted as root / directory right?14:36
egonwMikeChelen: I'll try... hang on.... (meanwhile doing extensive cdk-jchempaint rebasing :)14:37
luistegonw: oh it wants to upgrade many packages... not just the one i need -.-14:37
Uubnoobmy panel has stopped working in ubuntu 9.10. it just the outline appears but none of the buttons.n wen i shut down it tells me panel is still openin.. wat do i do??????14:37
jevidlnunojpg, if you're sshd in, just try running "vino-pref"14:37
d3termin3dhow come i cannot install software in 9.10?  I can highlight and view the software, but do not have the option higjhlighted to install.14:37
egonwluist: then try: aptitude install <package-you-want-to-upgrade>14:37
MikeChelennunojpg: you may want to install ubuntu-desktop14:38
jevidlnunojpg, sorry, that's vino-preferences14:38
juan__luist: run just aptitude, the gui will let you upgrade just the app you want14:38
luistegonw: but that will install the package when its not already installed...14:38
egonwluist: true14:38
luistjuan__: i need a command to do it automatically :T14:38
egonwluist: so, you have a list of packages, and if one of that is installed, upgrade it... ic...14:39
Uubnoobmy panel has stopped working in ubuntu 9.10. it just the outline appears but none of the buttons.n wen i shut down it tells me panel is still openin.. wat do i do??????14:39
egonwluist: you can see if a package is installed with: dpkg -l <package> and see is the line starts with 'ii'14:39
MikeChelend3termin3d: does your user have admin access? try "sudo apt-get update"14:39
dassoukiis there a youtube command line app ?14:39
nunojpgjevidl! cool, it opens a window over ssh14:39
nunojpgI didn't know that!14:40
egonwluist: but I guess you some shell script glue with a for loop14:40
MikeChelennunojpg: yup, that is called x-forwarding14:40
d3termin3dMike, I will try.  Thanks.14:40
luistegonw: -.-14:40
egonwMikeChelen: I think I understand the problem!....14:40
egonwMikeChelen: karmic does not have reiserfs support, correct?14:41
cipixhi all. I have ubuntu server 9.10 on a machine and I bumped into the "you need to load the kernel first" error when booting the machine(it's a fresh install) and I tried to use update-grub and grub-install to reconfigure and reinstall grub but it didn't work and I can't boot the machine. can you give me some advice what to do please?14:41
micheleper la chat italiana?14:41
MyGamehey michele14:41
michelethank you14:42
MyGame: - )14:42
taxmanHi all. Does anybody know a tool to create a multi-page tiff file from individual tiff images?14:42
jevidlnunojpg, yeah... depending on what you're trying to do with it, it can be *very* slow, and it's probably not a substitute for remote desktop or something similar. It can however,  help you out in a jam.14:42
taxmangoogling hasn't gotten me anything useful so far14:42
ActionParsniptaxman: didnt know tiffs could ave pages14:42
ZaNeIuMis there like a sudo explorer14:42
ActionParsnipZaNeIuM: explorer/14:43
CatZzHow to delete Password from user in ubuntu 9.1014:43
taxmanActionParsnip: yeah that's the default behavior in some programs on Windows14:43
PrancingAlienHalitech: Thank you so much. So far things seem like they've been resolved. I love you, lol.14:43
egonwluist: is the list of packages in a file?14:43
MikeChelenegonw: it seems reiserfs was supported at one point, it may have since been removed, at least by default14:43
nunojpgjevidl: started to work ok. But couldn't finish the configuration: (vino-preferences:27415): Gtk-WARNING **: Ran out of links14:43
CatZzHow to delete Password from user in ubuntu 9.1014:43
CatZzHow to delete Password from user in ubuntu 9.1014:44
CatZzHow to delete Password from user in ubuntu 9.1014:44
CatZzHow to delete Password from user in ubuntu 9.1014:44
OilutIs there a channel for ubuntu in portuguese?14:44
jevidldid the window close out ok?14:44
Pici!pt | Oilut14:44
CatZzHow to delete Password from user in ubuntu 9.10?14:44
ubottuOilut: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.14:44
ActionParsnipCatZz: you can't you can set a new password, not delete14:44
PiciCatZz: Stop repeating14:44
egonwluist: you could play with: dpkg -l * | grep -i "^ii" | xargs aptitude install14:44
ZaNeIuMActionParsnip: hey i got my samba working fast thank to you14:44
jevidlnunojpg, rather, did that show up after you clicked ok?14:44
CatZzi need user WITHOUT password14:44
CatZzfor my parrents14:44
ZaNeIuMlike a sudu file explore gui14:45
egonwluist: the first bits gives you a list of installed ("^ii") packages, which are then 'install'-ed14:45
egonwluist: that might come close to your needs14:45
d3termin3dWhat's a good book to learn linux ubuntu commands, etc?14:45
jevidlnunojpg, I'd re-open that and see if  your config was changed to what you want14:45
d3termin3dI've been out of the Linux loop for about 10 yrs14:45
egonwMikeChelen: so, next question is how to 'upgrade' a reiserfs to something like ext3 or ext4 or so14:45
ragsZaNeIuM: you can use "gksudo"14:45
ActionParsnipZaNeIuM: what was the ticket?14:46
luistegonw: ya im looking for a way to parse that and just run apt-get install package when not isntalled14:46
epaphusHello, ive been trying to reset my root password (it was set before by the user) in ubuntu grub without any luck.. could anybody help me??14:46
MikeChelenCatZz: enable auto login for that user in system -> admin -> login screen14:46
epaphusif i go to recover mode , and then drop to root with that it just asks the password for maintenance14:46
ubottuTo rescue a broken system, boot the alternate install CD and select "Rescue a broken system"14:46
ActionParsnipCatZz: no can do, just set the account to autologin and use ssh so YOU can administer their PC and install updates14:46
ActionParsnipZaNeIuM: gksudo nautilus    use VERY sparingly14:47
epaphusMikeChelen, am i giving the option with that to reset the root pass?14:47
MikeChelenegonw: modifying a filesystem is a pain, probably faster to move the data off, reformat, then restore the files14:47
CoBaI3hey) can someone send me 'acetoneiso'?14:48
=== itch_ is now known as sisif
epaphusMikeChelen, ?14:48
d3termin3dis itunes ever going to be compatible with ubuntu?14:49
nunojpgjevidl: I managed to configure it, I also might have connectivity problems now14:49
MikeChelenepaphus: booting into recovery mode is supposed to let you login as root14:49
Halitechd3termin3d, doubtful14:49
nunojpgjevidl: thanks14:49
jevidlnunojpg, connectivity problems?14:49
sisifI know this may sound like a stupid question, but how can I disable shortcut key WIN+C from starting Exaile. I`ve looked under Keyboard Shortcuts menu and I found nothing there.14:49
nunojpgjevidl: internet, not working very well now14:50
audigy6xItunes will never be ..apple will not let it happen14:50
ZaNeIuMActionParsnip: why?14:50
MikeChelensisif: sounds like "launch media player" shortcut?14:50
jevidlnunojpg, ok. Good luck. Hopefully your internet straightens out for you and you can get remoted in ok :)14:50
tobiaszkarmic has retarded sound software, anyone please help me actually record something14:50
sisifMikeChelen: yes. But that one is disabled ...14:51
nunojpgif I want to install ubuntu-desktop on a ubuntu server, what is essentialy the diferente from the desktop to the server edition?14:51
ActionParsnipZaNeIuM: its a file browser as root, you can do anything and delete and damage any and all files14:51
nunojpgthe kernel scheduller?14:51
ActionParsnipCoBaI3: http://www.getdeb.net/updates/acetoneiso14:51
ActionParsnipZaNeIuM: the less you use it, the better14:51
MikeChelensisif: do you have compiz enabled?14:52
ActionParsnipZaNeIuM: what made your samba fast btw??14:52
MikeChelennunojpg: mostly software packages like the desktop environment14:52
jevidlI have been trying to find a way to use our local mirror during my initial install. Is there a way to point the installer at a specific mirror, or do you need to use preseeding and make  your own image to install from?14:52
CoBaI3ActionParsnip: ty)14:52
tobiaszkarmic has retarded sound software, anyone please help me actually record something in audacity for example14:52
sisifMikeChelen:  No, I don`t. And the thing is .. even if I set launch media player to another shortcut, hitting Win+c will still fire up Exaile. And Exaile is not even my default media player14:53
audigy6xyou are better off sticking with Desktop VER.....the server VER is for severs , it has a desktop , but unless you are running server really no need14:53
MikeChelentobiasz: what is wrong with audacity?14:53
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jozefka good font manager for ubuntu? any suggestion?14:53
maxstirner1theadmin: otherwise, i often use df -h, which shows all drives and space occupied/left allowing for identificaction of hdds14:54
ActionParsnip!font | jozefk14:54
maxstirner1My desktop software (skype, xine etc) loves losing its settings, so I have to redo them every so often. What could be the reason? Thanks14:54
ubottujozefk: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer14:54
taxmannunojpg: yeah if you installed server and add the desktop packages that's all you'd change. Just some extra packages. I'm not sure that ubuntu uses different scheduler settings, etc for the server edition, but I would hope so14:54
sublimeUKHi everyone, could someone please help me with 2 grub problems?14:54
ActionParsnipmaxstirner1: check you are the owner or all your data in home14:54
MikeChelensisif: hmm that's weird14:54
tobiaszMikeChelen how do I record "what you hear", and how do I for example make people on skype or something like that hear what I play on system other than mic14:54
jozefkfont installation?14:54
taxmansublimeUK: it's best to tell the specific problem14:54
jozefki'm asking about manager my friend14:54
sisifMikeChelen: Yup, I know .. '14:54
maxstirner1ActionParsnip: thanks..14:55
tobiaszMikeChelen I've got SB Live! everything seems retarded and useless in comparision to jaunty14:55
jozefkinstallation is piece of cake :)14:55
audigy6xWhats wrong with your Grub14:55
sublimeUKtaxman cheers, i can't see grub bootloader, its out of range for my monitor.14:55
researcher1Can I work the same results using System -> Preferences -> Network Proxy & fill in the required details instead of whats suggested at  http://blogs.sun.com/avinashjoshi/entry/using_apt_get_behind_a ?14:56
ZaNeIuMActionParsnip edited the file samba.conf found in /etc/samba14:56
ZaNeIuMremoved the # from the line '#   socket options' and replace the value with 'socket options = SO_KEEPALIVE'14:56
audigy6xdo you have a Grub editior14:56
MikeChelentobiasz: can audacity record from multiple sources?14:56
taxmansublimeUK: personally I have no idea, but were you aware of the grub howto? It's very detailed if you don't get an answer here14:56
ActionParsnipZaNeIuM: cool :)14:57
tobiaszMikeChelen it should, but now I am unable to record currently played sound in system14:57
Pholioushey guys, I am trying to install a new window border through GNOME art. But when I select one and click install it forwards me to Appearance Preferences but the theme isn't there14:57
Pholiouswhen I download it and manually install, it gives an extraction error...14:57
sublimeUKno, i've just been editing the /etc/default/grub14:57
luistcan anyone help me with a shell command, i want to do something like:  if [some comand returns a line] then echo "foo"  or   if [some command answer matches regex ^ii] then echo "foo"14:58
taxmanEvince can read multi page tiffs now, but I need to be able to make them. Does anybody know what tool that can do that? Gimp can't.14:58
Mike_lifeguardHi, I'm still having trouble with my CUPS client; the network printer doesn't show up. I can connect from the client to the server in System>Administration>Printing>Server>Connect, and the printer works fine if I do 'lp file' on the server, but I cannot get the printer to appear on the client. Can someone help me troubleshoot this?14:58
MikeChelenluist: use a bash script with an if statement?14:58
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JibabaHow are you friends?15:00
BalkrahI forgot the name of a really nice package that lets everyone on a LAN share their package caches15:00
Balkrahanyone know?15:00
jozefkgreat how about you?15:00
researcher1I have set  System -> Preferences -> Network Proxy & fill in the required details but I cant update from root.What is suggested at  http://blogs.sun.com/avinashjoshi/entry/using_apt_get_behind_a is any different?15:00
jongbergsBalkrah: apt-cacher15:01
taxmanEvince can read multi page tiffs now, but I need to be able to make them. Does anyone know what tool can do that? Gimp can't.15:01
uanemehello all15:01
iahello. could anyone tell me, please, which command in terminal prints battery time? how can i get this information without installing any additional hal/acpi tools, 'right out of the box' in karmic?15:01
Balkrahbut that requires a dedicated server15:01
bhuviBalkrah, i think its aptcacher15:01
Balkrahi found one a while ago that lets everyone contribute15:01
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tobiaszkarmic doesn't support sb live! well, why so? Jaunty was ok, could record current playback as well as microphone with no problems15:01
jongbergsBalkrah: what software is that anyway?15:02
nunojpgtaxman: it uses, preempt is disabled. I read that on the documentation15:02
nunojpgjust not sure what it means15:02
Balkrahjongbergs: i forgot, thats the problem15:02
nunojpgit never stops a process?15:02
Balkrahit was really useful15:02
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taxmannunojpg: google or wikipedia should help with that. I don't know off the top of my head15:03
uanemeisthere a guru in the room who can tell me how dbus freedesktop and hotssh are linked together?15:04
sisifMike_lifeguard: apparently is was something related to metacity global shortcuts.15:04
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uanemefor some reason i cannot connect to sftp on a headless ubuntu 9.04 server15:06
uanemeit gives me a dbus error15:06
sublimeUKwill the grub gui editors work with grub 2?15:06
icerootuaneme: what about posting a usefull error-description with the error-message and the command you used?15:07
icerootuaneme: to the channel, not to me .)15:07
uanemeError: DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name :1.234 was not provided by any .service files15:07
uanemePlease select another viewer and try again.15:07
uanemehappens with evert sftp tool that wants to connect to the headless box15:08
jhatlelidWhat numeric version is ubuntu sid?15:08
icerootjhatlelid: sid is debian15:08
uanemesid> is debian15:08
icerootjhatlelid: but maybe you mean 10.0415:08
froglewishi all15:08
tobiaszpulse audio is worthless and unintuitive, how do I make system play using ALSA only15:09
jhatlelidlenny / sid. is that ubuntu or debian?15:09
uanemeno dbus guru's in the house?15:09
ActionParsnipjhatlelid: lenny / sid are debian15:09
jhatlelidActionParsnip: which version of debian is it?15:09
icerootjhatlelid: #debian15:10
ActionParsnipjhatlelid: its offtopic here and I do not know15:10
icerootjhatlelid: lenny = 5.015:10
khannzHello, everyone. tell me please, where is the settings that allows my ubuntu-server to open mysql-server service ports?15:11
c3lis there any app that makes converting video files to iphone mp4 format easy?15:12
hedkandiI just tried to delete this photo and it just says "can not be moved to the trash" in nautilus15:12
khannzhedkandi, handbrake?15:12
khannzhedkandi, i think it's on linux too15:12
sublimeUKcan someone please help me add my windows partitions to the grub menu?  :D15:13
hedkandiKhannz: do you have anything sensible to say?15:13
icerootkhannz: in your mysql-config15:13
uanemeis the file in use by another program?15:13
jongbergsc3l: ffmpeg15:13
jongbergs!info ffmpeg15:13
ubottuffmpeg (source: ffmpeg): multimedia player, server and encoder. In component main, is optional. Version 4:0.5+svn20090706-2ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 227 kB, installed size 824 kB15:13
khannziceroot, ok.. maybe you can show me right section? everything seems ok for me in mysql-config15:14
luistegonw: hey i did it take a look: sudo echo "deb myurl jaunty multiverse" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo aptitude update && dpkg -l mypackage | sed -n /^ii/p | grep ii && sudo apt-get install mypacakge15:14
khannz!info vlc15:15
ubottuvlc (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.2-1ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 1581 kB, installed size 3788 kB15:15
icerootkhannz: /etc/mysql/my.cnf15:15
hedkandiwhy won't it let me use the trash on an ext4 filesystem?15:15
khannziceroot, nono.. i know where is this file, but i'm not sure about it content15:15
icerootkhannz: something with network is it imo15:15
icerootkhannz: #mysql15:15
Pholiouswhat is the easiest way to install a Mac OSX window theme ?15:16
jcrawfordwhat's a good newsgroup reader that allows binary file downloads for ubuntu?15:16
jhatlelidHow do I figure out what ubuntu version I am running?15:16
MikeChelenjcrawford: thunderbird works okay, there are probably some others more specialized for download though15:16
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »15:16
sublimeUKpholious,  http://www.howtoforge.com/mac4lin_make_linux_look_like_a_mac15:16
Pholiousjcrawford, I use openFTD and LottaNZB to download15:16
jhatlelid/etc/debian_release only confuses me.15:16
jcrawfordor just click System -> About Ubuntu15:17
PholioussublimeUK, ty15:17
khannziceroot, sorry, but [mysql] section contains nothing in my _default_ config15:17
aaron11Do you know how to get the extra screensavers for Xscreensaver15:17
jhatlelidiceroot: where do I identify what version of ubuntu I am running15:18
icerootjhatlelid: lsb_release -a15:18
icerootkhannz: khannz what you want to do? and maybe think if #mysql is a better place15:18
uanemewhere do i go with sftp questions?15:18
khannziceroot, also maaybe it's important, this server answers on 23 & 80 ports, but 3306 (mysql default) is closed15:18
ccookeaaron11: have you actually installed Xscreensaver, or do you mean you want additional screensavers for the default screensaver in Ubuntu? (which is a fork called gnome-screensaver: Not much different, but some names and locations differ)15:18
jcrawfordsurprised there are not more all in one solutions for usenet15:19
jcrawfordlike there are for windows/mac15:19
uanemeopen ssh?15:19
hedkandiit's a known but15:19
hedkandiit's a known bug, importance "low"15:19
khannziceroot, i want to open my mysql server to other machine, but 3306 port isn't opened by default15:19
hedkandiI rather think it is medium15:19
aaron11ccooke: I want aditional screensavers15:20
icerootkhannz: search for "listen" or "network" in your my.cnf15:20
khannziceroot, thank yo, i'll try15:20
icerootkhannz: also see #mysql  to ask there how to enable tcp/ip with mysql, its disabled by default, just using the local socket15:20
BluesKajhi folks15:20
khannziceroot, ok, moving there now )15:21
aaron11ccooke: for Xscreensaver. Actualy. I wish to change back instead15:21
khannziceroot, ty very much15:21
icerootkhannz: np15:21
Bondes_Giftjuhee ich souch an feind aus poppenricht15:21
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ccookeaaron11: looks like the backends are unified now. You can get more by installing the 'xscreensaver-data-extra' and 'xscreensaver-gl-extra' packages15:22
aaron11ccooke: Is there a way to change back into gnome screensaver?15:22
ccookeaaron11: what do you mean?15:23
ccookeaaron11: it would appear that gnome-screensaver is currently configured to use the xscreensaver screensavers15:23
bwallenWhere is the xorg.conf file located?15:24
researcher1How to change display resolution? I cant see anything beyond 800X600 & 640X48015:24
ubuntunewbiehi , how do I install .tgz ? it's a program but it's in .tgz file format , when I open it just show files inside no instruction on installing15:24
ccookeaaron11: you might also like to install 'rss-glx', which is another collection of opengl screensavers compatible with xscreensaver15:24
erUSULbwallen: /etc/X11/15:24
ubuntunewbiecan anyone kindly tell me how to install a tgz files ?15:24
sublimeUKubuntunewbie, extract all the files in the tgz15:25
erUSULubuntunewbie: depends on what is inside. probably you have to compile it15:25
uanemewhat does dbus do?15:25
erUSUL!compile | ubuntunewbie15:25
ubottuubuntunewbie: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)15:25
a931bwGUys help plz15:25
LeftblankI'm writing a kernel module and am thus using console_print, sadly itś only showing up in my TTY console and not my good old Gnome Terminal; is there a way to bypass this?15:25
bwallenerusul: I looked there, but I don't see anything15:25
sublimeUKthen ./configure and then make install15:25
a931bwWhat to do with this? http://img227.imageshack.us/img227/9579/200912021718141440x900s.png15:25
erUSULbwallen: newer Xservers do not need it to work. if one is present is followed though15:26
uanemeError: DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name :1.234 was not provided by any .service files15:26
a931bwtoo small fonts15:26
uanemePlease select another viewer and try again.15:26
a931bwin crossover15:26
uanemeany idea wht that error means15:26
bwallenerUSUL: where do I go to change those options then (screen resolution, driver, etc)?15:26
a931bwWhat to do with that? http://img227.imageshack.us/img227/9579/200912021718141440x900s.png15:26
erUSULbwallen: Systwem>Preferences>Display15:27
ubuntunewbieerUSUL: the compiling is very complicated for me to understand...  :-(15:27
mixalisI have a problem with my TVcard could someone help me please15:27
lyraeHow should i install nvidia driverS?15:27
erUSULubuntunewbie: you should try to find a deb package. what program are you trying to install ?15:27
erUSUL!nvidia | lyrae15:28
ubottulyrae: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto15:28
LeftblankI'm writing a kernel module and am thus using console_print, sadly it's only showing up in my TTY console and not my Gnome Terminal; is there a way to bypass this?15:28
erUSULlyrae: System>Admin..>hardware drivers15:28
mixalisI have a problem with my TVcard could someone help me please15:28
ubuntunewbieerUSUL: install.sh , lib_for_ubuntu.tgz , mplayer , playlist.txt , config.ini , mplayer.patch15:28
ubuntunewbieerUSUL: this are the files , some streaming video program15:28
lyraeerUSUL, thanks. ill have to use the link. as when i go to hardware drivers, nothing shows15:28
erUSULubuntunewbie: mplayer is in the repos15:29
TommiDoes x-chat not support ssl..?15:29
TommiI cant seem to figure out how to use it, if it does15:29
lyraehowcome ubuntu installation detected the hard drives i disable in the bios?15:29
lyraethat boggled me15:29
Tomminevermind, i am a dumbass15:29
a931bwWhat to do with that? http://img227.imageshack.us/img227/9579/200912021718141440x900s.png15:29
ubuntunewbieerUSUL: it include inside the tgz , so it's kinda confuse me how i should install15:29
a931bwWhat to do with that? http://img227.imageshack.us/img227/9579/200912021718141440x900s.png15:29
a931bwHello any help?15:30
ubuntunewbieerUSUL: worry it overwrite my current mplayer version15:30
a931bwWhat to do with that? http://img227.imageshack.us/img227/9579/200912021718141440x900s.png15:30
zalunhow to check from which source a  package has been installed15:30
a931bwHello i have problem with crossover!15:30
a931bwWhat to do with that? http://img227.imageshack.us/img227/9579/200912021718141440x900s.png15:30
erUSULzalun: apt-cache policy package15:30
macozalun: apt-cache policy package15:30
ubuntunewbieerUSUL: I am using ubuntu 8.04 hardy15:30
a931bwWhat to do with that? http://img227.imageshack.us/img227/9579/200912021718141440x900s.png15:31
a931bwWhat to do with that? http://img227.imageshack.us/img227/9579/200912021718141440x900s.png15:31
a931bwWhat to do with that? http://img227.imageshack.us/img227/9579/200912021718141440x900s.png15:31
FloodBot5a931bw: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:31
BluesKaj!patience | a931bw15:31
ubottua931bw: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.15:31
coz_a931bw,  what do you mean?  what are you trying to do15:31
a931bwuse CrossOver15:31
coz_a931bw,  ok  and what are you trying to install with crossover15:31
mixalisHello I have a problem with my TVcard could someone help me please15:31
a931bwi just launched it15:31
a931bwLook at screenshot15:32
coz_a931bw,  well crossover office is for installing  certain windows applications onto linux15:32
a931bwi know15:32
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a931bwBut i need to do something with font size15:32
=== Serial is now known as MyGame
coz_a931bw,   oh I see15:32
epinky!anyone | mixalis15:32
ubottumixalis: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?15:32
coz_a931bw,   mm  which version of crossover office is this?15:32
a931bwany1 know how to change GTK app size?15:32
a931bw7.1 FREE15:32
coz_a931bw,   are all fonts on the system like this or just for crossover office?15:33
a931bwJust for it15:33
a931bwits fresh ubuntu15:33
lfaraoneHow can I log an entire bash session, both input and output?15:34
coz_a931bw,  ok then there is something up with the translations for that application most likely15:34
coz_a931bw,  this is russian?15:34
a931bwHow to change language to english?15:34
coz_a931bw,  you may have to email codeweavers about t his...since all fonts on your system are fine it is most likely on the application side15:34
a931bwCan i change language to english?15:35
lfaraonea931bw: you'll have to ask them about that.15:35
gch_nvidia suks15:35
zalunI've that - http://dl.google.com stable/main Packages - how to make a source for apt from it?15:35
jevidlI have been trying to find a way to use our local mirror during my initial install. Is there a way to point the installer at a specific mirror, or do you need to use preseeding and make  your own image to install from?15:35
coz_a931bw,  mm  not sure ...I would guess yes  but the applications may search for the system language and go from there15:35
lfaraonejevidl: are you using the minimal/alternate cd?15:35
raven244witam  wszystkich15:36
raven244mam pytanko15:36
coz_a931bw  you may be able to change the system language, however I have never had to do that so I am not sure of the procedure15:36
jevidllfaraone, I have the minimal install cd and tried that, however I did not see a way to edit the mirror once I got to that step15:36
lfaraonejevidl: if so, press "pageup" when you get to the country mirror select menu until you get to the top entry: "enter mirror information manually"15:36
raven244dlaczego mooje ubuntu niewidzi pda15:36
jevidllfaraone, ok. let me try that... it's quite possible I just was having a moment....15:36
coz_a931bw,  and I have never had to change the language of a single application except for compizconfig settings manager15:36
lfaraonea931bw: for system langauge change, go system>administration>language_selection15:37
zalunI've that - http://dl.google.com stable/main Packages - how to make a source for apt from it?15:37
mixalisHello I have a problem with my TVcard could someone help me please15:37
a931bwk ill try diff release ofit15:37
BluesKaj!ask | gch_  statements like that don't help you or let us help you15:37
ubottugch_  statements like that don't help you or let us help you: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:37
lfaraone!repeat | zalun15:37
ubottuzalun: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.15:37
coz_a931bw,   I am assuming that crossover  did something wrong with the translations and  you will have to email codeweavers for this15:37
lfaraonejevidl: I use it all the time to set it to ubuntu.mit.media.edu, so I know it's there.15:38
coz_a931bw,  send then a screenshot of what you just showed  and to get just that window  make sure it is focused and then hit  alt+printscreen15:38
zalunubottu: accident15:38
a931bwi doing with scrot15:38
mohan_hi.. i have a samsung mobile phone in which internet connection is available.. how to setup mobile internet on ubuntu?15:38
coz_a931bw,  oh I see15:38
lfaraonea931bw: take a screenshot with the "printscreen" button15:38
coz_a931bw,   is this gnome you are on?15:38
LegendarioI need some help with the karmic UNR. I am using it with aspire one AO715h. Poulsbo drivers from PPA. Aperently After a update, the menu of the netbook remix isn`t visible anymore...15:39
coz_a931bw,  if this is gnome   click the title bar of crossover to be sure it is selected or focused  then on your keyboard  press  and hold    alt  and then press the "printscreen" button    I dont know what that translates to in russion15:39
AndyGraybealhey guys, my friend owns an inspiron 1720, he had ubuntu 9.04 and just upgraded to 9.10 yesterday;  the installation ended saying things may have been partially upgraded.  he kept using it the rest of the day, and his wireless worked just fine.  today though when he tries to use his wireless; it doesn't work at all - it shows up in 'lshw' but not in network manager; any help is appreciated.15:40
lfaraonecoz_: In gnome, you don't need to hold a hotkey to take a screenshot, you just press printscr.15:40
lfaraoneAndyGraybeal: did he notice which packages weren't fully installed?15:41
lfaraonegch_: is there a question in there?15:41
gch_no..just mumbling15:41
jevidllfaraone, hitting page up doesn't seem to have an effect. I am using virtualbox with a mac, I wonder if this is part of the problem. I have hooked up an external keyboard though, so I know I have pg up available.15:41
lfaraonejevidl: you can just press the keyboard "up" navkey, I just suggested pageup cause it goes up pages at a time.15:42
dailystruggleis there any support for creative labs ct4740 card15:43
jevidllfaraone, hmm... up key doesn't seem to do anything either. even using the built in keyboard. I can use right and left to go between options, so I know my VM has focus. I'm a little baffled at the moment.15:43
mohan_hi guys i have samsung S3310 mobile phone.. how to make internet connection work from that in ubuntu jaunty15:43
lfaraonejevidl: you're at the country selection menu, right?15:43
mohan_is it possible?15:43
jevidllfaraone, "Please select an Ubuntu archive mirror. You should use a mirror in your country or region if you do not know which..." etc.15:44
gch_ubuntu recognized my sb ct15:44
jevidllfaraone, that's the dialog you're referring to, correct?15:44
lfaraonejevidl: I think so.15:44
pietrubensi'm a noob with ubuntu 9.10 sound problems, amongst others15:44
AndyGraybeallfaraone: no; it was towards the end of the install we think; why what are you thinking?15:44
pietrubensas in the total lack of any kind of sound15:44
LegendarioI need some help with the karmic UNR. I am using it with aspire one AO715h. Poulsbo drivers from PPA. Aperently After a update, the menu of the netbook remix isn`t visible anymore...15:45
dailystrugglemay be just the card it recognized after I put it in but then after reboot hmm no card15:45
arvind_khadrimohan_, yeah its possible..15:45
pietrubensi think the problem might be with the drivers: when i go to SYSTEM>administration>drivers it only sees a graphic driver15:45
lfaraoneAndyGraybeal: well, try "sudo dpkg --configure -a" and tell me if/when you get an error15:46
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gch_those sb cards always been buggy15:46
pietrubensi looked into the forums, but i really didn't find an understandable sollution. Is there someone who can give me a step by step hand?15:46
gch_lot of work to run in windows15:46
gch_let alone ubuntu15:46
klownCan anyone assist with some g15macro issues?  (no point in typing the entire problem out, if noone has a g15 keyboard)15:46
dailystrugglewhat does this do?try "sudo dpkg --configure -a"15:47
lfaraonejevidl: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/images/minimalintrepid11.png15:47
jevidllfaraone, thanks for your help, I'll keep messing with it. I think I am in the right place and that it should be possible, at least15:47
lfaraonejevidl: that's what I meant15:47
lfaraonedailystruggle: it configures all unconfigured packages.15:47
mixalis_Hello I have a problem with my TVcard could someone help me please15:47
jevidllfaraone, ah, ok. I was somewhere else. I will look more carefully and run through it again. Thank you!15:47
gch_as super user15:47
erUSULdailystruggle: configure all still not configured packages. can fix minor problems15:48
dailystrugglecan you do this if you have bzr15:49
pietrubensso, anybody can spare some time to lend a hand please?15:49
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:49
jevidllfaraone, bingo! I was in the screen just after it. Thanks for your patient help, I apparently was having a moment of dumb :)15:49
lfaraonedailystruggle: I don't think that would have an effect.15:49
lfaraonejevidl: not a problem15:49
draconasi have a question15:49
Rascal999have setup up rsa/dsa so i don't need password for ssh but i get this error pop up in auth.log Error attempting to add filename encryption key to user session keyring; rc = [1]15:49
lfaraonedraconas: see above message from ubottu15:50
klownI am having an issue with g15macro not sayings settings (not only on reboot, but after some time, it seems to dump the macros ive saved).  anyone have any idea why?15:50
arvind_khadrimohan_, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto15:50
toninoplease do anyone know if there is an Italian language chat-room for ubuntu15:51
mohan_arvind_khadri: thank you man..15:51
dailystrugglewell I do have some issue after add of that but thought it was like add IDE15:51
mohan_arvind_khadri: should i choose pc mode / mass storage mode while i connect to the pc?15:51
sipiortonino: sure, try #ubuntu-it15:52
LegendarioI need some help with the karmic UNR. I am using it with aspire one AO715h. Poulsbo drivers from PPA. Aperently After a update, the menu of the netbook remix isn`t visible anymore...15:52
Taimtonino: #Ubuntu-IT I do believe?15:52
subichandear ubuntu channel users, is there a way to change permission on every file inside a certain directory recursively to subdirectories also but WITHOUT changing the permissions on the directories themselves??15:52
toninothank you very much15:52
Legendariois anyone using karmic netbook remix?15:52
Taimsubichan: Not easily.15:52
Taimsubichan: well...15:52
gbs-wesLegendario: Not easily.15:52
arvind_khadrimohan_, pc mode i guess, i never tried it :)15:53
Taimsubichan: Take a look at the find man pages.  You can search on a directory based on file type.15:53
dailystruggleLegendario: what ya need15:53
mohan_arvind_khadri: hmm.. ok.. thanx though :)15:53
subichanTaim: it's a website .. so i just wanted to have files readable from the outside without giving access to folders..15:53
Legendariodailystruggle, I can`t see the menu....15:53
arvind_khadrimohan_, np :)15:54
dailystrugglewhat does it show15:54
Taimsubichan: Go into the root directory, make your changes on those directories.15:54
subichanTaim: but also directories will be readable?15:55
draconaswow stupid hydra15:55
Legendariodailystruggle, it doesn`t show anything... I cant see the buttons on the right side15:56
dailystruggleLegendario:what are you running it on and ver. k or g15:56
draconasis there a way to remove the authorization prompt for everything that i do? (IE the password prompt)15:56
frekui guess you have to be root user then15:57
coz_ah oh I just figured out how to change single application language from terminal15:58
coz_darn that fellow is gone15:58
dailystruggleLegendario:what are you running it on15:58
Legendariodailystruggle, i am runing gnome. karmic netbook remix15:59
hammitgot a strange problem with not being able to see the grub menu at boot time...15:59
coz_lfaraone,  but if you want to take a screenshot of a particular window you press alt+printscreen so you only get a screenshot of the focused window15:59
Legendarioon an Acer Aspire One AO715h15:59
dailystruggleLegendario:what device15:59
Legendariodailystruggle, on an Acer Aspire One AO715h16:00
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dailystruggleLegendario:ok gimme a sec16:00
hammiti downgraded to grub (0.97) and now i can't get a boot menu16:00
hammitthis is inside a 9.10 vm guest on 9.10 host16:01
hammitboth 64 bit16:01
draconasis there a way to remove the authorization prompt for everything that i do? (IE the password prompt)16:01
Legendariodailystruggle, ok. i am using this config: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsVideoCardsPoulsbo/16:01
jevidllfaraone, thanks again, 20MB/sec is much nicer than pounding on the us.archive.ubuntu.com mirror every time I am trying a new install.16:01
lfaraonejevidl: any time.16:02
albertoGood Afternoon16:02
lfaraonedraconas: not in a way that'd be secure, no.16:02
albertoI need some help, if you please can offer it to me.16:02
lfaraonedraconas: you could run as "root", but that'd let a malicious or buggy program accidentally fsck your system over.16:02
lfaraone!ask | alberto16:02
ubottualberto: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:02
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albertoI have just updated my Ubuntu to 9.10, and the sound doesn't work at all16:03
draconaslfaraone: great, so im stuck with the annoyance of my settings not working until i put in the password, even though im logged in16:03
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jcrawfordwhat do i need to install to play xvid on ubuntu?16:03
Jamedhammit: check for hiddenmenu in menu.lst16:04
dassoukiall my menus disappeared from my java apps16:04
albertoWhat should I do?16:04
hammitjamed: have done16:04
Jamedhammit: timeout low?16:04
hammitjamed: no16:04
albertoI have just updated my Ubuntu to 9.10, and the sound doesn't work at all16:04
Jamedhammit: then i have no idea16:04
albertoWhat should I do?16:04
hammitjamed: it boots straight into it for some reason16:04
hammitany logs?16:04
albertoalsamixer doesn't work either16:05
albertoI don't know what to do, I'm a musician and I have no sound on my computer right now.16:05
dailystruggleLegendario:I am running the k desktop on acers and have no major issue16:05
albertoAny ideas?16:06
dailystruggleLegendario:well one an acer and on a dell16:06
trijntje!sound | alberto16:06
ubottualberto: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP316:06
albertoubottu There's no volume control, it's very strange!16:07
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:07
brianVquick apt-get question - what's the command to install all of a packages dependencies without installing the package itself?16:07
Legendariodailystruggle, what model of acer?16:07
lfaraonebrianV: build dependancies? sudo apt-get build-dep16:07
Jamedalberto: run group in terminal and look for audio. if there is no audio run sudo gpasswd -a username audio16:07
dailystruggleLegendario:wish I could say its with my son at college16:08
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brianVlfaraone: hmm.. .thanks16:08
albertoJamed I just did what you told me to do16:09
albertoJamed What shall I do now?16:09
YounderJamed: you can do that from the account manager as well16:09
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »16:09
Jamedalberto: logout and login again16:09
lilyshuGood evening.. does anybody here can help me? i have 80 gb hdd and its 7gb for / and the rest is for /home. and now the free space in /home is only 22 gb and but the total size of data on /home is 18gb, so where the rest of the space gone? thanks16:10
albertoBy the way, if that's the problem...(I mean there was no audio group) How did it disappear?16:10
JamedYounder: i never used that i personally prefer terminal16:10
Legendariodailystruggle, but i am using gnome...16:10
dailystruggleLegendario:just chose netbook from this page http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/download16:11
AndyGraybealcan i mount a .iso file and copy a file to the .iso file?16:11
ShawnRiskI downloaded and installed adobe for firefox in the admin user, but it isn't working for other users.  How do I fix this?16:11
AndyGraybealor.. maybe better, how do i add a file to an .iso file?16:11
dailystruggleLegendario:I run gnome on desk not netbook16:11
JamedAndyGraybeal: isos are just archives you can add filse with ubuntus archive manager16:12
textixis the evdev module in the ubuntu kernel?16:12
AndyGraybeal+thanks james16:12
JamedAndyGraybeal: * files16:12
grawityAndyGraybeal: AFAIK, the only way is to rebuild the .iso completely (using mkisofs)... the GUI archive manager does it automatically though, Jamed says16:12
csna152doesn anyone know why ubuntu server edition 9.10 would start up networking and it would work for like 4 mins then it would stop working?16:12
Legendariodailystruggle, it`s been hard to get help for UNR with this hardware...16:12
lfaraonecsna152: maybe you have faulty hardware.16:13
AndyGraybealrock on thanks guys16:13
Legendariothe bad thing is that everything was working ok...16:13
fogravenanyone want to help me with my nvidia set up with a new image?16:13
csna152hmm alright..16:13
coz_fograven,   you mean a clean install or new install?16:13
BluesKajfograven, new image ?16:14
dailystruggleLegendario:I find k gives better inititial setup and I seen many w/ it at UDS-l16:14
macodailystruggle: who are you?16:14
coz_fograven, are you still here??16:14
albertoHello again16:15
BluesKaj!pm | fograven16:15
ubottufograven: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.16:15
albertoJamed I did what you told me16:15
Jamedalberto: hi did it work?16:15
dailystrugglemaco:just a poor guy who has a computer16:15
ShawnRiskseems no one knows16:15
AndyGraybealJamed: how do i add a file to the .iso with archive manager?16:15
coz_fograven,  we need to know you are   sitting at your system after asking a question16:15
macodailystruggle: you were at uds-l though?16:15
dailystruggleyes sir16:15
JamedAndyGraybeal: i guess open the iso with the archive manager and drag&drop the files in16:15
dailystruggleill give u a link16:15
coz_fograven,   ok is this a fresh install?16:16
fogravenit was16:16
macodailystruggle: "ma'am" and i was too. wondering if we met16:16
coz_fograven,  ok what does that mean?16:16
fogravennew image in update16:16
fogravenit was a fresh install16:16
coz_fograven,  so this means you updated from one version to another?16:16
coz_fograven,  or just updated the system16:17
=== sash___ is now known as sash_
fogravenfrom Ibex to Karmic16:17
AndyGraybealjamed; i tried that and it asks me if i want to make a new archive or cancle.16:17
coz_fograven,  ok an update16:17
bwallenHas anyone had any luck using the fglrx-installer package? I've downloaded it, but now I don't know how to run it.16:17
JamedAndyGraybeal: is there an add filse button maybe?16:17
coz_fograven,   and did you go to system/administrationi/hardware drivers to install the driver?16:17
dailystrugglemaco:I seen your name or heard your name16:17
AndyGraybealjamed: i'm looking for one.  thanks so far for the help.16:18
JamedAndyGraybeal: i am not that familiar with the archive manager16:18
albertoIt didn't work16:18
Jamedalberto: you have sound now?16:18
coz_fograven, that's what you have to do first16:18
fogravenI downloaded the driver16:18
albertoJamed Unfortunately, I don't16:18
=== aaron11 is now known as Dingo
fogravenand installed it myself16:18
coz_fograven,  you want to check the highest nvidia driver version number available there for your card16:18
Jamedalberto: can you run alsamixer?16:18
=== Dingo is now known as aaron11
albertoJamed No, I can't16:18
fogravenwell with the new image16:18
Jamedalberto: check group again16:19
albertoJamed I'm going to paste here what it returns16:19
dailystrugglemaco:you might remember I was the one wearing riding gear16:19
macodailystruggle: ahh ok yeah16:19
albertoalsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory16:19
fogravenI cant do ctrl +alt+ F116:19
albertoJamed alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory16:19
coz_fograven,  one hint when on irc... tyep the first few letters of the persons's name you want to talk with  then hit the "tab" button to complete the name...then type the message...this way the person knows that he is being addressed :)16:19
fogravenand turn off the gdm anymore16:19
dailystrugglemaco:first UDS16:20
Jamedalberto: i am not sure, but this sounds like you still arent in group audi16:20
coz_fograven,  almost  dont forget to hit the tab button to be sure it is the correct nickname16:20
Jamedalberto: *audio16:20
textixis the evdev module in the ubuntu kernel?16:21
albertoJamed Check this out16:21
coz_fograven,  when you do this correctly the   text changes colors on my end16:21
albertoalberto@alberto-desktop:~$ groups16:21
albertoalberto adm dialout cdrom audio plugdev lpadmin admin sambashare mythtv16:21
FloodBot5alberto: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:21
textixis the evdev module in the ubuntu kernel?16:21
coz_fograven,  so type  coz  then hit the tab button16:21
sjdhey. I have a karmic on dell. but no sound. have been trying many things from help.ubuntu including upgrading alsa. but still no sound. can anyone please help me?16:22
textixhow do i enable it?16:22
Jamedalberto: then i have no idea what the problem is16:22
fogravencoz_: ok16:22
coz_fograven,  there you go :)16:22
coz_fograven, so did you use the hardware drivers to install the driver again?16:22
ChaseM1991Who knows about using a dns?16:23
fogravencoz_:  I downloaded it from Nvidia16:23
albertoIs there any way to return to the previous Ubuntu version?16:23
textixis the evdev module in the ubuntu kernel?16:23
coz_fograven,  oh!!  that is entirely different16:23
textixhow do i enable it?16:23
sjdplease help me. I really need sound. please help16:23
coz_fograven,   one thing though... it is going to be more complex of an install this way16:23
GibbyI need some help, setting up samba on ubuntu to share a printer to xp16:23
albertosjd I don't have sound either16:23
coz_fograven,  first thing     open a terminal   sudo apt-get install build-essential16:23
albertosjd Did you update to 9.10 perhaps?16:24
fogravencoz_: something changed on me from Ibex to Karmic16:24
textixis the evdev module in the ubuntu kernel?16:24
textixhow do i enable it?16:24
rhorse /quit16:24
sjdalberto: no. this was a fresh install16:24
coz_fograven,  yes the kernel version changed  and the driver needs to create the kernel module for that kernel16:24
textixis the evdev module in the ubuntu kernel?16:24
textixhow do i enable it?16:24
GibbyI already have samba setup to share folders and I am using webmin, I followed a few different guides with no luck16:24
fogravencoz_: I can do it from this one16:24
sjdalberto: if you dont have, well, but I need.16:24
coz_fograven,  can do what?16:25
RenatoSilvawhat's the replacement for emerald decorator?16:25
albertosjd I do need sound as well16:25
fogravencoz_: fix the new image from the old one16:25
coz_RenatoSilva,  if on gnome   gtk-window-decorator16:25
albertosjd I'm a musician16:25
* RenatoSilva just cleared the screen16:25
coz_fograven,   I am not sure I know what you mean by "image"16:25
* RenatoSilva didn't read the answer16:25
dailystrugglemaco: nice to meet you sorry about the wrong address16:25
macodailystruggle: wrong address?16:26
coz_fograven,  how are you going to fix that?16:26
dailystrugglemaco:yes ma'm16:26
sjdalberto: oh really. you should be really missing the essence16:26
coz_fograven, are you going to clean install from the cd or just install the nvidia driver on the install you already have?16:26
Jamedalberto: i heard lost of people have sound problems after doing an upgrade. it will most probably work when doing a fresh install16:27
cgrayhi, how do I set up cups so that I don't need a password to print?16:27
RenatoSilvawhat's the replacement for emerald decorator? someone sent me a msg but didn't read :(16:27
RenatoSilvais it Jasper?16:27
sjdJamed: I did a fresh install. but still no sound16:27
fogravencoz_: I just want the new kernerl to work16:27
subichanthis is weird.. i typed sudo chmod "go=r" * but it still won't make viewable the files inside directories other than the root of my website16:27
coz_fograven,  is the system running well?16:28
epinkyRenatoSilva: <coz_>RenatoSilva, if on gnome gtk-window-decorator16:28
subichanpardon me, i typed sudo chmod -R "go=r" *16:28
subichanbut directories seem to be a problem16:28
coz_RenatoSilva,   you can  do   from alt+F2   gtk-window-decorator --replace16:28
albertoJamed You mean formatting and installing the new O.S.?16:28
dailystruggleEveryone have a wonderful day have to keep the animals16:28
fogravencoz_: yeah other than updating the cards drivers16:28
Jamedalberto: yes16:28
RenatoSilvacoz_: sorry, do what?16:28
coz_fograven,  ok hold on16:28
Jamedalberto: it worked for a friend16:28
RenatoSilvacoz_: enable it, ok16:29
textixis the evdev module in the ubuntu kernel?16:29
Gibbyn/m got it16:29
coz_RenatoSilva,  on your keyboard  press alt+F216:29
textixhow do i enable it?16:29
RenatoSilvacoz_: I don't want to activate it16:29
sjdJamed: do you have any other suggestion for me?16:29
coz_RenatoSilva,  oh16:29
coz_RenatoSilva,  ok well..emerald is no longer developed or maintained16:29
RenatoSilvaepinky: thanks, but emerald was a replacement for that, right? then it became in turn replaced?16:29
RenatoSilvacoz_: ^^16:29
Jamedsjd: run group in terminal and look for audio. if there is no audio run sudo gpasswd -a username audio16:29
RenatoSilvacoz_: ^16:29
coz_RenatoSilva,   so you have the choice on gnome   of gtk-window-decorator or on  kde   kde4-window-decorator16:29
fogravencoz_: I would normally do a sudo chmod +X NV*16:30
macoRenatoSilva: emerald is no longer maintained upstream16:30
macoRenatoSilva: and gtk-window-decorator has been improved16:30
fograventhen sudo/etc/init.d/gdm stop16:30
sjdJamed: checked that earlier. the group audio is there. current user is a member16:30
coz_fograven,   well you now have a new kernel and there are two ways of installing the driver for that  either through hardware drivers or  installing it manually16:30
Jamedsjd: then i dont know how you can get sound16:31
coz_fograven,  both are fine but I generally install manually for testing beta drivers16:31
BlueEagl1fograven: In 9.10 gdm is no longer a service but an upstart item.16:31
subichanis there any other way beside doing sudo chmod -R "go=rx" * ?16:31
macosjd: possibly you have a broken driver16:31
RenatoSilvamaco, coz_, epinky: by "what's the replacement for emerald decorator" I mean one that allows similar appearace, with similar themes available, or even compatible with emerald themes, for example True Vista16:31
sjdmaco: but I can get sound throught the jack16:31
coz_fograven,  the gdm theme can be changed  but it takes a bit of jumping through hoops16:31
fogravenBlueEagl1: what does that mean16:32
jozefkI found only one Font Manager for Ubunu16:32
jozefkIt's is Fontmatrix16:32
textixcan anyone please take a look at this post for me? http://old.nabble.com/Fixed-it-at-last-SL-6399-td19679889.html and try to explain?16:32
coz_RenatoSilva,  there are no replacements at this time... we talked about creating a new decorator but it was discussed only once and nothing has been done yet16:32
RenatoSilvamaco: so does gtk-window-decorator have that, a theme similar to True Vista or that compatibility?16:32
BlueEagl1fograven: It means that `/etc/init.d/gdm stop` is deprecated for `service gdm stop`16:32
coz_RenatoSilva,  so the ONLY replacements are  gtk-window-decorator or kde4-window-decorator16:32
RenatoSilvacoz_: so if I want to keep my Vista look, I must keep using Emerald. Ah.16:33
macoRenatoSilva: there is no replacement that uses Emerald themes. Emerald is simply dead upstream (with a "someday we might get around to writing a replacement")16:33
sjdbut I have sound in the jack. my god what is wrong. I have been sitting around more than 48 hours to solve this issue.16:33
coz_RenatoSilva,  for the time being   yes.... until the developers decide on how or what kind of new decorator will be created16:33
fogravenBlueEagl1: so if i type that in16:33
RenatoSilvamaco: and similar themes?16:33
macoRenatoSilva: whatever htemes you find for metacity on gnome-look. thats it.16:34
BlueEagl1fograven: Then GDM should stop. Read more about upstart by googling it. :)16:34
fogravenBlueEagl1: I can install it that way?16:34
RenatoSilvacoz_: do I have emerald here just because of upgrating continuously, or is it in Karmic repo yet?16:34
macoRenatoSilva: if you want emerald themes, you have to use emerald, but if it breaks, you get to keep both pieces16:34
coz_fograven,    service gdm restart     cd to the location of the nvidia sh run pacakge    run that   then sudo init 6  to reboot16:34
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BlueEagl1fograven: I'm not sure what the problem is. I just saw the reference to init.d/gdm. I apologize for any inconvenience.16:34
coz_RenatoSilva, it is still in karmic16:34
RenatoSilvahow to get a screenshot of login screen?16:35
sjdplease I need help. please16:35
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macoRenatoSilva: ...because people whined every time it was removed16:35
sjdcan someone take me through a how to ?16:35
coz_fograven,  if you want to install the downloaded nvidia driver  you need to be sure you have   build-essential installed first16:35
fogravenits all good i love Ubuntu and learning...... things just changed a lot on me16:35
=== enzotib_ is now known as enzotib
BlueEagl1renatosilva: You could attempt to run the command from a text terminal and setting the display environment variable but i doubt it would help. Best suggestion I have tho.16:36
RenatoSilvamaco:  get to keep both pieces?16:36
coz_fograven,   then  hit ctrl+alt+F1  .... log in.... service gdm stop.... then cd to the locatioin of the nvidia sh run file.... sudo NVIDIA ..hit tab to complet the package name.... hit enter... say yes to every question... then when that is done  type    sudo init 6  to reboot16:36
macoRenatoSilva: its a saying "if it breaks, you get to keep both pieces" ...as in, if it breaks too bad, nobody's working on fixing the bugs16:37
sjdsomebody help out16:37
coz_sjd,  what is the  issue again?  i didnt see your post16:37
macosjd: file a bug16:37
sjdcoz_: no sound in my karmic installed dell studio 1416:37
coz_sjd,   did you check in alsamixer?  open terminal  type   alsamixer  and be sure the PCM slider is active and volume is up and also check if it is recogniized there16:38
RenatoSilvaBlueEagl1: ok will try that. I guess the app is gnome-screenshot*16:38
sjdcoz_: yes. it is maximum16:38
=== BlueEagl1 is now known as BlueEagle
tollandD [02/Dec/2009:16:18:57 +0000] [Job 46] Set job-printer-state-message to "Unable to write print data: Input/output error", current level=ERROR16:39
coz_sjd,   ok  under system / preferences/ sound16:39
tollandmy print jobs all fail after 1 page. any ideas?16:39
coz_sjd,  check if it is seeing the card  under the Hardware tab16:39
RenatoSilvamaco: ah ok, I have been using Karmic since release, and I haven't had any problem. Actually it has fixed the ugly look of ubuntu16:39
* RenatoSilva sanitized Ubuntu Karmic from brown look16:39
BlueEaglerenatosilva: That is just plain flamebait and it is best served in #ubuntu-offtopic if you are to serve it at all.16:40
tobiaszhow do I get Audacity to work in Karmic?16:40
phzinspa ?16:40
sjdcoz_: yeah it is. i can see the volume analyser running when i play sound. even there is sound in the jacks.16:40
BlueEaglespa: Don't do that please.16:40
coz_sjd,  are you using external speakers?16:40
sjdcoz_: NOPE16:40
coz_sjd,  this is a laptop or desktop?16:41
sjdcoz_: dell laptop studio 1416:41
BlueEagletobiasz: sudo aptitude install audacity && audacity16:41
textixso you need to use dev/input, you need the linux-input-layer.conf, and you need the evdev module loaded16:41
textixcan anyone explain me what it means?16:41
BlueEagletobiasz: Doesn't that do it?16:41
coz_sjd,  sorry you did mention that.... are you sure the speakers work?16:41
textix"use dev/input"???16:41
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jigalcan anyone help me with this topic: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=134391516:41
RenatoSilvamaco: whatever themes you find for metacity on gnome-look? do you mean themes for the decorator specifically?16:41
sjdcoz_: yeah. I have vista other side. its working.16:41
BlueEagletextix: Did you try google?16:42
macoRenatoSilva: gtk-window-decorator is compatible with the themes for the metacity window manager16:42
sjdcoz_: but i really hate that. i need it on my Karmic16:42
tobiaszBlueEagle you don't use Audacity in 9.10 I see, because it doesn't work, my sound card is SB Live!16:42
BlueEagletobiasz: In what way does it not work?16:42
textixblueEagle; yeah i tried it16:42
tobiaszdoesn't record at all16:42
coz_sjd,  ok  mmm....  I am trying to think ..off the top of my head... what the issue is but nothing is coming to mind...you may want to go to the #alsa channel to ask or even  ##linux  ... for some reason my brain is locked up :)16:42
WizardOfOz_Help please, how do I watch mmsh:// ? VLC and MP dont work :(16:43
BlueEagletextix: What do you want to use /dev/input for?16:43
tobiaszBlueEagle it doesn't record at all, just records silence16:43
BlueEagletobiasz: Does other applications record sound?16:43
textixIt’s that Speedlink SL-6399 I’ve been on about for nearly 3 weeks now. Ok for anyone that’s got one or thinking of getting one here what I’ve found out. First it thinks it’s a keyboard so you need to use dev/input, you need the linux-input-layer.conf, and you need the evdev module loaded. Then you need to type cat /proc/bus/input/devices to work out where it is.16:43
sjdcoz_: everyones brain seems to be locked up when I fire this question ;)16:43
BlueEagletobiasz: I am guessing that the problem is not with audacity but the way your sound is set up.16:43
textixBlue: its a remote thats really hard to get working16:43
textixbut i found a guide16:43
RenatoSilvamaco: sorry maybe I'm missing some concept. The decorator manages the window title and border, metacity is a window manager that cares about the window content and usage. Or something similar to this.16:43
mMezquitaletobiasz, youre using ubuntu studio?16:44
macosjd: sounds like a broken sound driver. file a bug.16:44
RenatoSilvamaco: I guess "metacity themes" include a decorator theme16:44
tobiaszBlueEagle 9.10 Ubuntu Karmic regular,16:44
RenatoSilvamaco: but I guess I could individually download decorator themes16:44
macoRenatoSilva: right, because metacity isnt as modular as compiz.16:44
coz_sjd,  lol   to be honest  I probably wont be able to help since I compile my own alsa driver for my card   ... I do know that the people in #alsa should be able to solve tis easily   it will depend on who is online in that channel however16:44
ba1dy /part16:44
macoRenatoSilva: metacity has only its one decorator. compiz is the only wm i know that has pluggable decorators16:44
BlueEagletobiasz: Sound in linux is not quite like sound in windows. First you have two different sound systems in the kernel. The old and obsolete OSS and the new and better ALSA. I am not sure which sound server Ubuntu runs by default (if any) but what I would try first is alsamixer16:45
macoBlueEagle: OSS is no longer in the kernel16:45
WizardOfOz_Help please, how do I watch mmsh:// ? VLC and MP dont work :(16:45
RenatoSilvamaco: hmm, including gtk-window-decorator?16:45
BlueEagletobiasz: `man alsamixer` for instruction on usage. You want the record page and check that your mic is not muted (which it usually is iirc)16:46
macoBlueEagle: and pulseaudio is the default sound server in ubuntu. kubuntu & xubuntu dont have a sound server16:46
tobiaszBlueEagle it does record in the default sound registrator16:46
coz_WizardOfOz_,  I tried that link here... totem tried to open it but failed  let me try with another player hold on16:46
BlueEaglemaco: Thanks for the guidance.16:46
WizardOfOz_ok coz_ Thanks16:46
macoRenatoSilva: yes, compiz can use g-w-d, and g-w-d can use themes that are meant for metacity's in-built decorator16:46
tobiaszBlueEagle after I've setup pavucontrol to record "monitor of SB Live!"16:46
RenatoSilvamaco: ok but back to the point, I guess I could download a theme for the decorator only...16:46
jigalcan anyone help me with this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1343915?16:46
tobiaszBlueEagle why can't I set it up via regular system tray manager16:47
sjdcoz_: none is responding16:47
textixblueeage, is there any way to "use" that dir?16:47
BlueEagle!tab > textix16:47
ubottutextix, please see my private message16:47
macoRenatoSilva: if you get a metacity theme, thats what it is. there's nothing else *to* theme, its just that since metacity doesnt have multiple decorators, theres no need to give a more specific name to the themes than "metacity"16:47
mMezquitaletobiasz, what is the output of "cat /proc/asound/modules"16:47
coz_sjd,  I dont know in which part of the world most of the people there are from... but stick to it  ...they will eventually answer and also go to ##linux channel as well16:47
portuguesemafiawhats new/16:47
tobiaszBlueEagle I mean switching mic/what you hear16:48
macosjd: i've been telling you: file a bug16:48
coz_WizardOfOz_,  gmplayer cannot resolve the  link16:48
BlueEagletextix: Well you would typically identify the device within that directory that corresponds to your remote reciever. Then you would specify that device in (I am guessing) the config file you listed earlier.16:48
sjdcoz_: tired.16:48
macosjd: "ubuntu-bug linux"16:48
tobiaszBlueEagle this is currently the biggest flaw in Ubuntu and needs to be fixed16:48
coz_WizardOfOz_,  and I dont use  vlc16:48
sjdmaco: yeah Im doing16:48
coz_sjd, understood16:48
coz_sjd,   but if you are going to leave irc ,,, rememb16:48
BlueEagle!bugs | tobiasz16:48
ubottutobiasz: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots16:48
coz_sjd,  remember those two channels16:48
WizardOfOz_coz_:  gmplayer :(16:49
WizardOfOz_It worked with VLC last night16:49
sjdcoz_: seriously. i have been in front for the last 48 hrs16:49
sjdcoz_: yeah will do.16:49
textixBlueEagle, is there any to use that directory?16:49
RenatoSilvamaco: a metacity theme includes info about the border+title and the rest, I mean get a theme only for the first part, then go to some metacity theme in gnome-appearance-properties, then change the title look in one of its options16:49
coz_Wiz3000,   ok open a terminal     vlc  and then that address...see if it can open it that way16:49
sjdcoz_: thanks for the tip coz_16:49
coz_sjd,  oh dude....get some rest  come back tomorrow16:49
mMezquitalesjd, what is your problem?  Please repost every now and then, a brief description of the problem, all in one line so that everyone can follow, if someone knows the answer they will surely reply16:49
BlueEagletobiasz: Well if you are able to record in other applications I would assume it is a setting in audacity. Make sure that it points to the correct sound source.16:49
BlueEagletextix: I already answered that.16:50
coz_sjd,  this issue is not as important as your health  so go rest :)16:50
macoRenatoSilva: oooh hmm dunno about doing that16:50
sjdmMezquitale: I have a dell studio 14 laptop. Karmic is up. Alsa 1.0.21. pulseaudio. everything. drivers seems to be fine. still no sound. i have sound in the jack too.16:50
RenatoSilvamaco: ok16:50
jigalan anyone help me with this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1343915?16:50
mMezquitalesjd, what is the output of /proc/asound/modules/16:51
sjdcoz_: but seriously. I need sound. Its something like a challenge which I made to my friends as they would choose free software.16:51
BlueEaglesjd: Let me see if I understand this correctly: You have sound in the headphone jack, but not in the internal speakers?16:51
sjdBlueEagle: EXACTLY16:51
tobiaszBlueEagle the command you mentioned returns:  0 snd_emu10k116:51
coz_sjd,  understood....16:51
sin7axanyone know where i'd find a quick guide to joining a windows domain???16:52
sjdmMezquitale: there is no /proc/asound/modules/16:52
coz_sjd,   see if there is a setting for on/off of the laptop speakers16:52
textixBlueEagle you mean by using the cat command?16:52
RenatoSilvaepinky, coz_, maco: thanks for help!16:52
textixit shows up all the devices running, right+16:52
BlueEaglesjd: Have you unplugged the device in the headphone jack?16:52
coz_RenatoSilva,  ok guy16:52
sjdmMezquitale: but there are other folders like card0 card1 intel hdmi etc16:52
sjdBlueEagle: yeah16:53
tobiaszin sound properties there should be monitor of [sound card] in INPUT tab16:53
tobiaszwhy isn't it there16:53
BlueEaglesjd: (I haven't followed your conversatoin so I am sorry for any dupes)16:53
macosjd: can you download and run http://alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh (note thats a bash script not a sh script)16:53
BlueEagletextix: That is one way to do it. Start with one device that appears likely and cat it then press buttons on your remote.16:53
sjdBlueEagle: it is okay. I have been typing it since a long time. its always at my fingertips!16:53
mMezquitalesjd, what is the output of sudo aplay -l16:54
WizardOfOz_coz_: how about16:54
mMezquitalesjd use paste bin16:54
BlueEagletextix: If none of the devices in /dev/input provice results (will appear as garbled characters) then the device is not recognized by the kernel (missing module?)16:54
sjdmMezquitale: okay.16:54
portuguesemafiaanyone now how to connect the neo freerunner to ubuntu? it doesnt show up16:55
BlueEagletobiasz: I think that is an optional channel.16:55
BlueEagletobiasz: Not sure about that one tho.16:55
Coolerhi 2 all16:55
BlueEagletobiasz: If you use alsamixer (did it just return one line and no control panel?) then you should find it.16:55
sjdmMezquitale: http://pastebin.ca/169863416:56
tobiaszbbl BlueEagle thx for help so far16:57
Pici!offtopic | gbs-wes16:57
ubottugbs-wes: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:57
docmaxhello, BACKSPACE in firefox for going one page back doesnt work... any ideas?16:57
* gbs-wes fap-fap-faps16:58
Picigbs-wes: Please stop, this is a support channel. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines16:58
jazzencati have an Atheros AR9285 wifi card with the latest ubuntu, but I am getting very weak wifi signal (sub-50%) even when close to the router.  I haven't been able to find a fix for this model card when searching google.16:58
sjdmaco: trying..16:58
BlueEagletextix: Do you have a kernel module that should help you use the remote?16:58
mMezquitalesjd, ubuntu recognises your hardware, that is good, lets find out if you have the software installed that's needed to use your audio card, again use paste bin to tell me the output of this: find /lib/modules/`uname -r` | grep snd16:58
Picidocmax: navigate to about:config in firefox and search for browser.backspace_action , set that to 1 to enable using backspace to go back one page.16:59
jazzencatcan someone point me in the right direction, or is it a work in progress bug with the free drivers for atheros?16:59
luistwhat application i can use to make a software fluxogram?16:59
sjdmaco: http://pastebin.ca/169863717:00
=== WizardOfOz_ is now known as WizardOfOz
sjdmMezquitale: taking17:01
docmaxpici thanks17:01
sjdmMezquitale: http://pastebin.ca/169864117:01
draconasi got ubuntu dual boot with a halfy-done windows installation (its an illegal copy), and i'd like to unsinstall ubuntu without harming windows, problem is, is that i dont think the disk came with the right thing, and recovery consol for windows is giving me the compressed NTLDR error17:02
dareis there a way to change the position of notifications?17:02
himurakenHowdy all, got a server with consistently high load averages. Top is usually very idle, cpu wait is near 27%. iostat shows the same CPU wait time. SUggestions on finding the bottleneck?17:03
BlueEaglesjd: Do you have a hardware volume control for the jack?17:03
aeon-ltddraconas: please don't advertise your illegal actions, not all linux users are pirates and hackers17:03
sjdBlueEagle: no17:03
grawityaeon-ltd: Huh?17:03
coz_sjd,  what is the make and model again? let me google the specs17:03
BlueEaglesjd: Is the volume in the jack affected by adjustments made to the software volume control?17:04
IxguyHi channel.. Anyone familiar with pftp-shit?17:04
mMezquitalesjd, your hardware is recognized, the software modules are installed, it could be a simple setting in hardware, as in turn the volume up, simple setting in karmic, or a little bit of configuration that you need to do to make your sound card work, first run "alsamixer" and turn the volume up, then go to "sound" applet  in preferences and make sure you have the correct soundcard in "output" tab17:04
macosjd: bash, not sh17:04
draconasaeon-ltd: excuse me, i needed the xp to replace vista since my $400 laptop was getting ate up BY vista, im pretty sure you'd do the same if you had to17:05
tomek__hi all17:05
sjdmaco: oh17:05
macosjd: when it completes, itll give you a url to share here17:05
darewhy is gnome-osd-properties not shipped with karmic? it's using gnome-osd for the annoying notification position right?17:05
sjdmMezquitale: but I tried! volumes are up. I have the device selected.17:05
BlueEagledare: Which notifications? The one in the top right just a bit out from the corner?17:05
aeon-ltddraconas: anyways you can remove the ubuntu partition, but (from memory (2 years ago)) grub doesn't die with it17:06
lyhana8does any here know how to install ppa-purge ?17:06
mMezquitalesjd, is it a laptop or a desktop?  is the sound card built in? are you trying to hear sound from a computer speaker or headphones?17:06
dareBlueEagle: the ones that appear to tell me my laptop battery capacity is low, or I connceted to a wifi network17:06
coz_sjd,   what is make and model again so I can google the specs?17:06
draconasaeon-ltd: your sure it wont kill windows if i delete the ubuntu partitions?17:07
sjdmMezquitale: laptop. built in sound card17:07
Alien_Freaksomeone explain this to me... I have a screen session on a single machine... I run nc -l 3306 and then on the other screen I do telnet localhost 3306 but it fails....17:07
sjdcoz_: dell studio 14. 144017:07
BlueEagledare: Good question. I havent thought about that. First one needs to identify the application actually showing those notifications and then find a configuration file for that application. In there it would most likely be possible to alter the position (and timeout)17:07
mMezquitalesjd, are you trying to hear sound from the headphones or the computer speaker?17:07
dareBlueEagle: it's annoying right after logging in to see notification messages spammed across the center of my screen17:07
sjdmMezquitale: not really. i want sound in the normal speaker17:07
aeon-ltddraconas: unlikely, but like i said if grub dies and you have no mbr its unbootable, if grub doesn't die, grub is useless except for booting windows17:08
sjdmMezquitale: im getting mad17:08
sdwragesjd, you gonna turn into the hulk? :D17:08
sjdsdwrage: lol ! I dont know what to do! you know we believe long live FS :D17:09
mMezquitalesjd, i've had problems like that before, i've been using sound ever since you could hear sound on both headphones and speaker at the same time,  didnt know the speakers were on and I had my headphones on17:09
BlueEagledare: I am thinking that https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NotifyOSD may yeld useful clues17:09
boomernangsjd, what does aplay -l say?17:10
dareBlueEagle: ty17:10
sjdmMezquitale: uh oh17:10
julioq tal17:10
mMezquitaleboomernang,  hardware is recognized, modules are already installed, he's stlil not getting any sound17:10
BlueEagledare: It may be the wrong tree alltogether tho.17:10
boomernangsjd, what version of ubuntu are you running?17:10
rethushi, in kde i have a taskbar in the kicker... right klick on icon give me options of the programms... in xfce this seems not to work anymore... any idea?17:11
sjdboomernang: http://pastebin.ca/169863417:11
BlueEagledare: Acually, that appears to be very much the right tree.17:11
sjdboomernang: karmic17:11
dareBlueEagle: looks like there's no getting rid of it now :P17:11
sjdmMezquitale: hmm. But. What do you suggest next?17:11
mMezquitalesjd, what is the output of lspci -v |grep Audio17:11
boomernangman aplay17:12
boomernangtry play a sound through the terminal sjd17:12
mMezquitalesjd, we need to figure out what is broken, it's probably a config setting somewhere but first we must determine what your machine can see17:12
BlueEagledare: Well the alternative would be to send all notifications to /dev/null and I don't think you want that.17:13
sjdmMezquitale: okay.17:13
sjdmMezquitale: http://pastebin.ca/169866317:13
sjdboomernang: how to?17:13
harovali1hi, please help me. My karmic machine has two NICs, eth0 and eth2. External pings that enter through eth0 are responded. External pings that enter through eth2 are not responded. The firewall is open to all traffic.17:14
boomernangsjd, grab an ogg from somewhere.. or wav... and type aplay nameoffile.ogg17:14
dareBlueEagle: indeed, i'll just put up with this nuisance and hope gnome doesn't get any more in my face17:14
boomernangsjd, or this.. aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Noise.wav17:15
boomernangdo you hear anything?17:15
epinkyharovali1: posts results of "sudo ifconfig -a" , use pastebin17:15
harovali1how does avahi play ?17:15
BlueEagledare: See also https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/notify-osd/+bug/43853617:15
sjdboomernang: tried. no sound17:15
Neremorhello! is there a way to test 5.1 sound of pulseaudio? something like "speaker-test" does via alsa? i mean something that directly addresses pulseaudio...17:15
dareBlueEagle: yes, that does seem the solution.. but from that overview you sent it's designed to be closer to vertical center :-\17:16
sjdmMezquitale: ?17:16
Besogonharovali1: use NetworkManager to turn avahi on17:17
mMezquitalesjd, my apologies, im kinda slow today, what is the output of "/proc/asound/modules/"???  you should see one line17:17
boomernangsjd, go to System -> Preferences -> Main Menu.. then on the left scroll down to System/Preferences.. then make sure 'Multimedia Systems Selector' is ticked.. click close.. then go back to System -> Prefernces.. and click on it..17:17
boomernangclick the test button... if no sound.. click on alsa for the drop down menu.. then click test17:18
MaXlMuShello guys17:18
sjdmMezquitale: that folder does not exist17:18
mMezquitalesjd, you need to install alsa base LoL  go to synaptic and search for alsa-base17:18
git__can curl handle ajax?17:19
ibuclawsjd, I think mMezquitale means:  cat /proc/asound/modules17:19
sjdibuclaw: the same17:19
BlueEagledare: That was for lucid (10.04). Only five and a half month till you get it in the bottom-right corner.17:19
mMezquitalesjd, my apologies i meant to cat "cat /proc/asound/modules"17:19
BlueEaglegit__: I think you want #php for that one.17:19
sjdmMezquitale: alsa-base is installed17:19
grawityBlueEagle: curl isn't a PHP thing, is it?17:20
sjdmMezquitale:  0 snd_hda_intel  1 snd_hda_intel17:20
grawitygit__: AJAX is done using JavaScript - so no. curl only does basic HTTP requests, doesn't care about the page contents _at all_.17:20
boomernangsjd, did you do what I said?17:20
BlueEaglegrawity: Maybe it is not. It may be my bad, but PHP does curl atleast. :)17:20
grawityBlueEagle: PHP has a curl library - but there's also a command-line program, and libs for other languages.17:21
BlueEaglegit__: You would most likely want to ask that in the irc channel of your favorite scripting language.17:21
greymausChecking in...17:21
BlueEaglegrawity: That better? ;)17:21
S0me1anyone try convert pdf2doc?17:21
greymausok...checking out17:21
BlueEaglegit__: Also #curl is a channel on this IRC network. You may want to try there.17:22
=== Nightw0lf is now known as Nightwolf
S0me1I am looking for software17:22
ibuclawS0me1, that is very generic ... anything specific?17:22
BlueEagles0me1: Any software in particular you are looking for?17:22
sjdboomernang: im doing.17:22
S0me1just I wanna convert pdf2doc, but 4 sure free :)17:23
=== Symlink is now known as mr_engineer
sjdboomernang: i ticked the multimedia selector. selected alsa. for the output. clicked test button with the "defau device. testing is running. no sound17:24
BlueEagles0me1: Is that a pdf containig text or just images of text?17:24
mMezquitalesjd, I dont believe the sound card is supported by ALSA, sorry, that is one of the reasons I didnt buy a dell studio laptop, your sound card is this Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03)17:24
sjdmMezquitale: oh my goodness. so what am I to do now?17:24
BlueEagles0me1: So you would not need to run OCR on the image before converting it?17:24
mMezquitalesjd, you can look up Intel sound cards that are supported here http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Matrix:Vendor-Intel17:25
boomernangsjd, what happens if you click pulseaudio?17:25
sjdboomernang: testing runs. no sound17:25
theadmin1How can I convert an .ogv to .avi?17:26
mMezquitalesjd, another option is to log in to the channel at other times and ask specifically for someone that has your sound hardware, mention you have a dell studio 14 with the Intel 82801I (ICH9 Family) sound card or you can go to the forums and search for the sound card, hopefully someone figured out how to make it work or someone wrote drivers for it17:26
romanistawhere can i download linux fedora 10?17:27
mMezquitaleromanista, this channnel is for ubuntu support17:27
sjdmMezquitale: i dont find ICH9 there17:27
ArkturusMy samba stopped working it was working just fine for about a week I went away on holidays and now my server decided to poop with no explination or intervention Halp..  This is my smb conf any help would be appreciated http://paste.ubuntu.com/333268/17:27
aaron11Hello the tray icon of pidgin is not getting transparent http://imagebin.org/73772. This affects the look of my new Windows 7 theme17:27
S0me1BlueEagle: I am just try find out any script or software convert pdf forms to doc17:28
Piciromanista: #fedora would be a good place to start.17:28
theadmin1romanista: On fedoraproject.org. But this is a ubuntu channel17:28
mMezquitalesjd, you want to search by the type of chip that you have, you can find it using this: "lspci -v | grep Audio"17:29
TrevorRose2010Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone could help me a bit with an issue I'm having.17:29
boomernangmMezquitale, doesnt the dell studio 15 have the same soundcard?17:29
romanistadoes anyone know chemicalsoft: chemsketch or isis draw could be installed on ubuntu?17:29
boomernangi know that works17:29
aaron11!ask | TrevorRose201017:29
ubottuTrevorRose2010: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:29
mMezquitaleboomernang, dont know, i dont have a dell studio 1517:30
Arkturusaaron11, Id think its just how the tray icon was made its probably not been created with a transparent background.17:30
dareBlueEagle: the comments for that bug are very interesting especially the developer quote about reducing customizability.. ubuntu will not keep users for long if it cannot grow/change as they do17:30
TrevorRose2010Alright, so, my audio driver is a realtek audio driver, I downloaded the ubuntu version yesterday, but I'm a complete newb with this stuff and have no idea how to install. The instructions make no since and I was wondering if someone could help me get it installed.17:30
mMezquitalesjd, your next step is to file a bug report , go to launchpad.net, create an account and file a bug report, hopefully someone will write drivers for it eventually17:31
aaron11Arkturus: Do you know where the tray Icon is placed in the file systems? I think I can gimp it up a little :-)17:31
sjdmMezquitale: oh okay. so no sound until that.?! lol. I lost the challenge :(17:31
aaron11TrevorRose2010: Please show me the instructions17:32
BlueEagles0me1: Well, the closest I can bring you is to convert to djvu and that doesn't get you closed to your goal. What you would most likely need to do is a copy/paste job as far as I can tell.17:32
eventiany idea why cron would not email output?17:33
mMezquitalesjd, it looks like some people have it up and running thouh although on other machines, search for your chip intel 82801I17:33
aaron11TrevorRose2010: Oh! Wait I have to go. Bie!17:33
Arkturusaaron11, My ubuntu-jitsu is getting a little rusty as i've switched my desktops back to doze since seven.  but im sure you could find out all the installed files via apt for the pidgn package and grep it to filter different graphics formants17:33
ArkturusMy samba stopped working it was working just fine for about a week I went away on holidays and now my server decided to poop with no explination or intervention Halp..  This is my smb conf any help would be appreciated http://paste.ubuntu.com/333268/17:33
sjdmMezquitale: I searched that in the alsa wiki, but no good results17:33
BlueEagleWhere did s0me1 go? :/17:33
sjdmMezquitale: http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Special:Search?search=Intel+Corporation+82801I&go=Go17:33
sjdboomernang: ?17:33
TrevorRose2010aaron11: Manual install:17:33
TrevorRose2010Step 1. unzip source code17:34
TrevorRose2010        tar xfvj alsa-driver-1.0.xx.tar.bz217:34
TrevorRose2010Step 2. Turn on sound support from kernel config17:34
FloodBot5TrevorRose2010: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:34
TrevorRose2010(soundcore module, default turn on)17:34
TrevorRose2010Step 3. Complied source code17:34
boomernangit is supported17:34
boomernangthat should fix it up for you17:34
=== chiny_ is now known as nonsense
lavishhi all. Is there a way to get rid of pulseaudio? If I try to remove it synaptic wants to remove ubuntu-desktop too17:34
TrevorRose2010arron11: http://paste.ubuntu.com/333273/17:35
sjdmMezquitale: the link from boomernang says "This sound chip is supported by the snd-hda-intel kernel module, even though it is not listed on the Alsa Driver Page."17:35
AndyGraybealwhere is my syslog in ubuntu (i'm a newb)17:35
sjdboomernang: how?17:35
boomernangsjd, on that website man - read17:35
ArkturusMy samba needs some troubleshooting I have no idea why it stopped working Ihttp://paste.ubuntu.com/333268/17:36
mMezquitalesjd, maybe someone in #alsa can help you figure out how to configure it then, I already helped you as much as I can, you know what the problem is, you know what hardware you have, now you want someone to help you configure it, if you ever find someone in #alsa they will be able to help you more throughly17:36
ArkturusMy samba needs some troubleshooting I have no idea why it stopped working I've pasted my smb.conf http://paste.ubuntu.com/333268/  Sorry for the double msg.17:36
TrevorRose2010Alright, this is my issue. I downloaded my driver, but I have no idea how to install it. I've got my instructions pasted here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/333273/17:37
TrevorRose2010if anyone can help, please do :]17:37
sjdmMezquitale: okay.17:37
sjdboomernang: yeah found. copied to the alsa.conf should I restart?17:37
ArkturusI cant even see my server in the network page on doze under computers anymore.17:38
boomernanghang on - pastebin your alsa-base.conf before your restart17:38
boomernangso i can check it for you17:38
sjdboomernang: okay17:38
sjdboomernang: okay17:39
sjdboomernang: http://pastebin.ca/169871517:39
boomernangsjd, make sure you got alsa set in the 'multimedia system selector' before you reboot. goodluck17:40
sjdboomernang: okay.17:40
sjdboomernang: what about the device?17:41
boomernangsjd, what can you choose from?17:41
sjdboomernang: default? HDA Generic? ATI?17:41
ArkturusWhy is samba so flakey... :(17:41
boomernangsjd, HDA Generic17:41
Bhudda28Hello, I would like to get help with Ubuntu install that keeps rebooting every 10 to 15 min.  My system is a dual boot system.  I have Ubuntu as the boot drive and set to master in the Bios.  I also have Windows 7 on a Raid array.  Windows 7 gives me no problems but when I boot into Ubuntu the screen goes black and needs reboot after 10 to 15 min.  I think that even though the raid array is recognized in Ubuntu and I can go in a17:41
sjdboomernang: okay. let me reboot.17:41
exhilaratedWhen I copied a pdf file from my Ubuntu (it's copied from Windows) and pasted it on my Windows again, it is unreadable. Why?17:42
=== Jonny_ is now known as Guest41009
exhilaratedN3OInc: It's an unknow type of file on Windows.17:43
N3OIncAnyone have issues with Ubuntu on a laptop. When I close my screen, it stays black no matter what I try?17:43
VanessaEOk, I've googled for this already and nothing helps:  How do I permanently, totally, and completely disable the ability for Ubuntu to start this @&^$%@ BulletProofX thing?17:43
N3OIncexhilarated: Heard.17:43
VanessaE(without breaking the system, I mean)17:44
minervais the netbook-remix version the one to use for a laptop?17:44
N3OIncNah, Standard 9.1017:45
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minervawhat's the netbook release for?17:45
N3OIncIt's not just X, because I cant get a terminal17:45
N3OInc..Netbooks. Systems of different architecture than standard Intel or AMD chips / chipsets17:46
VanessaEanyone? Please?17:46
VanessaEthis is keeping a machine from starting X properly717:46
minervai don't know what a netbook is, apparently17:46
Arkturusminerva, google "asus eeepc" or "acer aspire one"17:46
Arunai am unable to connect to Wifi :( anyone help me.17:46
jiggahuuwifi probs eh?17:47
jiggahuuwhats the problem?17:47
Arunai have installed  ubuntu in my laptop17:47
Arkturusminerva, they are really lightweight notebooks that are conciddered sub notebooks due to their specs as they are designed for ultraportability and not to be a portable desktop replacement.17:47
Arunai removed windownvista completely and instlaled only  Ubuntu.17:47
N3OIncAruna: System OS, System Make Model Form Factor17:47
jiggahuudoes the os recognize your nic?17:47
sldboomernang: no sound still. oh my go17:48
N3OIncLaptop, Desktop? Any model numbers you can see on the front side of the device?17:48
Arunai can see Wifi Network but it shows Disabled17:48
ArunaLaptop HP17:48
jiggahuuifconfig -a17:48
N3OIncdvXXXX, Pavillion ?17:48
jiggahuuwhats the iface called? wlan0, rausb0, etc?17:48
Arunaaltec lansing17:48
sldboomernang: what do you suggest next?17:49
Arunai dont see anything17:49
jiggahuuif it's not listed, need to maybe install drivers or get updated kernel17:49
ArkturusHow come noone seems to like supporting samba in this room :P  I have to do this all via cli noone seems to like touching the subject.17:49
p2004aHi I have got a problem, I have just installed Glest and when I ran the game and clicked the mouse, the cursor went to to the right bootom corner of the screen how can I fix it?? (sory for english)17:49
jiggahuuwhat kinda card u got?17:49
Arunahow to find driver ?17:49
sldboomernang: ?17:49
Arunahow to find the card name ?17:50
mMezquitaleArkturus, because this is #ubuntu support?!?17:50
VanessaEOk, I've googled for this already and nothing helps:  How do I permanently, totally, and completely disable the ability for Ubuntu to start this @&^$%@ BulletProofX thing?  This is keeping a machine from fully booting!17:50
jiggahuuneed to know type of card first17:50
ironfoot495HI is there someone who can help me figure out how to use a microsoft wireless keyboard and mouse on ubuntu 10.417:50
N3OIncAlrighty. You would need to figure out what kind of chipset your wireless card uses and attempt to download the drivers and install them, or, you could bridge a connection via wired with a cross over cable and just update. Usually updating finds the drivers you need and you can use the Third-Party Driver tool built in to Ubuntu to graphically enable the card with relative low pain17:50
Arunahow can i get the card name ?17:50
ArkturusmMezquitale, well its samba in ubuntu..  I guess i could try #samba or #smb17:50
jiggahuulspci -v | less17:50
S0me1Aruna: lspci17:50
Arunaook wait...17:51
mMezquitaleArkturus, you probably will have better luck there since it looks like no one logged in right now uses samba17:51
dAlfa89_Arkturus, what's the problem?17:51
boomernangsld, im trying to find something.17:51
ArkturusmMezquitale, I will give it a go i just figured it was probably an issue on the ubuntu side.17:51
ibuclawArkturus, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba17:51
sldboomernang: okay waiting.17:52
ArkturusdAlfa89_, well i set up ubuntu a while ago using the link ibuclaw just linked but when i went away on holidays it totally stopped working.17:52
Arunalspci displays so many data !17:52
jiggahuuyou can pipe it into grep17:52
ArkturusdAlfa89_, with no real explination.. :S  It was working seemelessly before.17:52
jiggahuulspci -v | grep <whatever you wanna filter>17:52
jiggahuulike lspci -v | less ethernet17:52
jiggahuulike lspci -v | grep ethernet17:53
dAlfa89_Arkturus, stopped working how?17:53
ibuclawAruna, I disagree - it doesn't show enough. ;)17:53
Arkturusibuclaw, I'm staring at that guide wondering what could be wrong with my configuration but it looks like i did everything right :S...  I have the worst luck with samba.17:53
jiggahuuor less specific, like lspci -v | grep driver17:53
ArkturusdAlfa89_, well its not showing up in any computers on my network17:53
ibuclawArkturus, can you ssh into the server?17:53
Arunaso many drivers17:54
Arkturusibuclaw, yep I've got an ssh open atm17:54
jiggahuuhang on17:54
ibuclawArkturus, can you confirm samba is running?17:54
Arunab43 pci bridge ?17:54
jiggahuulemme plug in my wifi card and see what mine says17:54
Arkturusibuclaw, running top...17:55
Arunais it that one ?17:55
ibuclawArkturus, sudo service samba status17:55
jiggahuuwell, that could be ethernet17:55
ibuclawusually does the trick ...17:55
jiggahuuhang on17:55
dAlfa89_!who | jiggahuu Aruna17:55
ubottujiggahuu Aruna: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:55
jiggahuuim guessing ur on ethernet now?17:55
Arkturusibuclaw, smbd and nmbd are running.17:56
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.17:56
jiggahuuwhat comes up when u type iwconfig?17:56
Arunaubottu:  thank you :)17:56
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:56
ibuclawArkturus, have they been restarted since discovering the fault?17:56
N3OIncIsn't ubottu so helpful17:56
ibuclawN3OInc, he is only a robot17:57
N3OIncibuclaw: I am aware, thank you.17:57
Arkturusibuclaw, i've run "sudo /etc/init.d/samba reload" a couple times to try and jog it.17:57
grawityibuclaw: You mean only humans can ever be helpful? :(17:57
N3OIncibuclaw: I was being sarcastic... My apologizes.17:57
Arunajiggahuu 3 lines saying no wireless estensions17:57
Arunaand pan017:58
jiggahuuAruna, yeah, no drivers installed17:58
Arunajiggahuu:  :( what to do now !17:58
Arkturusibuclaw, I've also restarted the whole server several times.17:58
jiggahuuwell the first thing is to figure out make/model of card.17:59
jiggahuuhang o17:59
ibuclawgrawity, well ... a microwave is only useful for heating things - not doing my homework.17:59
N3OIncAny insight on this strange laptop screen closed lock up thing?17:59
ibuclawArkturus, okies ... is the server pingable?17:59
ibuclawArkturus, actually - ignore that, you are ssh'd into it ;)18:00
Arkturusibuclaw, ;)18:00
ibuclawArkturus, check firewall settings then ...18:00
jiggahuuarturis, is your card pci or usb?18:00
jiggahuusorry Aruna, is your card pci or usb?18:01
Arunajiggahuu:  no idea :(18:01
Arunajiggahuu: i see its pci18:01
Arkturusibuclaw, I just run a pfsense box with snort at my entrypoint to the internet so as this is a lan issue I dont believe thats causing an issue :S.18:01
Arunajiggahuu:  some thing like  b43 pci bridge18:01
jiggahuuprobably pci, unless you plug it in on the side of your computer18:01
fretegi_part_2hey guys18:02
jiggahuuactually, my fault18:02
fretegi_part_2quick question18:02
jiggahuuthat b43 is your wireless driver18:02
Arunajiggahuu: what to do now :(18:02
jiggahuuyou need to get the broadcom drivers installed18:02
Arunajiggahuu: oook18:02
dAlfa89_!who | jiggahuu18:02
ubottujiggahuu: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)18:02
jiggahuuthere is alot of info for that nowadays18:02
fretegi_part_2how do i take an .iso and put it on a usb drive in a manner than makes it useable, say a live install cd for example?18:02
Arunajiggahuu:  how to fine it and how to download it ? any site ?18:02
dAlfa89_!usb | fretegi_part_218:02
ubottufretegi_part_2: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent18:02
dassoukiI'm not sure what happened, I'm using openjdk 1.6. on 9.10 ... but all my menus in all the java  based apps have disappeared. the apps otherwise work fine, and18:03
dassoukino crashes18:03
sisifHello guys. Is there any alternate driver for ATI video card (except the official one from AMD) which could give me better 3d performance ?18:03
havocspartanok you all have answered this question a billion times i bet but i i keep getting "make sure rfmon is enabled" when i type airodump-ng eth1. trying to crack wep passwords and its kinda hard when thats a key command18:04
Flare-Laptop!ati | sisif18:04
ubottusisif: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto18:04
Flare-Laptop!ot | MDXRL18:05
jiggahuuhavocspartan, use iwconfig wlan0 mode monitor18:05
ubottuMDXRL: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!18:05
Arkturusibuclaw, so you can see how im kinda frustrated ... :S18:05
jiggahuureplace wlan0 with your card name18:05
Arunajiggahuu: it shows lot of ubuntu command to download .. if i dont access net how can i download in my ubuntu system lol18:05
N3OIncDamn, ubott is on overdrive today18:05
Flare-LaptopN3OInc: Actually I did that.18:05
jiggahuuAruna, how are you connected now? and on what os?18:05
=== Flare-Laptop is now known as Flare183
N3OIncOh. Howdy Flare18:06
Arunamy desktop18:06
ibuclawArkturus, aye, but with networking you have to break things down bit by bit ;)18:06
Arunajiggahuu: i have direct link to my desktop.18:06
jiggahuuoh, so you're on a different comp altogether18:06
havocspartanjiggahuu rror for wireless request "Set Mode" (8B06) :18:06
havocspartan    SET failed on device wlan0 ; No such device18:06
siddhello everyone...can sommone please tell me how can i speed up my mouse in ubuntu18:06
ibuclawArkturus, check the system isn't blocking the port, check the router is port forwarding as it should, etc.18:06
jiggahuui know your pain lol18:06
ibuclawand port forwarding to the right location18:07
Flare183sidd: Goto the system menu, preferences, mouse18:07
ibuclawtry to connect via hostname18:07
jiggahuuAruna: you at home right now?18:07
Arunajiggahuu: yes i have laptop and desktop.18:07
ibuclawArkturus, try to connect via ip address, etc, etc, etc18:07
N3OIncAruna: According to chat history... You're running the same chipset that I am. Broadcom 43. All I did was get connected to the net and update18:07
jiggahuuAruna, both have ethernet ports?18:07
N3OIncAruna: Do you have a cross-over ethernet cable18:08
Arkturusibuclaw, Ill try ip connect as theres had nothing special changed on this router that should affect it.18:08
havocspartanjiggahuu, error for wireless request "Set Mode" (8B06) : SET failed on device wlan0 ; No such device18:08
siddthank you very much.....but there is no option to increase scrolling speed any tip for that?18:08
bakaratok rather annoying, since late 9.04, and also in 9.10, the numpad keys have stopped working on my dell laptop (mind you, only in gnome, they work in kde...)18:08
jiggahuuhavocspartan, change wlan0 to your iface name18:08
N3OInc...Wait... Can't you just plug directly into your Modem/ish with Eth. and update?18:08
jiggahuuhavocspartan, use ifconfig -a  OR iwconfig to find out iface name18:08
ArunaN3OInc, jiggahuu, i can connect internet throught cable if you want. i can detatch net from desktop and connect to laptop.18:08
Flare183havocspartan: type in iwconfig and you should see your wireless cards name18:08
jiggahuuAruna, that's what i would suggest18:09
Flare183on the terminal I mean.18:09
klownI have a logitech mx620 mouse that has a search button on it.  can anyone tell me how to remap that button?  xev is showing no output for it.  When I press it, it loads the screen up with gnome-search-tool windows, (like 50 or so)  any help would be greatly appreciated.18:09
N3OIncAruna: You should get online that way, and run an update18:09
siddFlare183:thank you very much.....but there is no option to increase scrolling speed any tip for that?18:09
jiggahuuin linux, you can be connected to ethernet and wireless simultaneously18:09
Arunajiggahuu: but what command i need to use.18:09
jiggahuuAruna, command for what?18:09
ArunaN3OInc:  you mean update whole ubuntu ?18:09
N3OIncAruna: You can do it all graphically. 9.09/9.1018:09
N3OIncAruna: Just use the update tool.18:10
havocspartanjiggahuu, thats my lan settings is it not? im currentl wireless and have a modem set up for wep cracking practice18:10
Arunajiggahuu,N3OInc, i am using 9 1018:10
Flare183sidd: There is a possibility that you could do it via the xorg.conf file maybe. But Idk exactly how to do that.18:10
Arunajiggahuu,N3OInc,  ok i will run a full update now..18:10
jiggahuuhavocspartan, those are your interface names18:10
jiggahuuAruna, you probably dont need to do that18:10
N3OIncjiggahuu: It would be the easiest way to get the drivers installed.18:11
Arunajiggahuu,N3OInc, if i do update all.. will i get the driver also ?18:11
jiggahuuB43 drivers are so old, there isnt anything new in 9.10 that wasnt there since 8.1018:11
havocspartanjiggahuu, correct my wireless name is eth1.18:11
bakaratsince late 9.04, and also in 9.10, the numpad keys have stopped working on my dell laptop (mind you, only in gnome, they work in kde...), my wireless is the other way around, works in gnome, and while kde says it's connected, i in fact have no ip and no connectivity18:11
jiggahuuN3OInc, really?18:11
jiggahuuAruna, if N3OInc says it worked for him i'd try it18:12
govatenthello guys. I need help trying to install ubuntu 9.10 x86 on a laptop that has a broken cd drom drive. I have a floppy, usb ports (non bootable) and i might have network booting as it's in the bios but not sure if the card really supports it. what's my best option for using ubuntu on this?18:12
N3OIncjiggahuu: I had to do it in 9.09 and 9.10 to get my comp on wifi. Inspiron 2200 running the B43 under Third-Party18:12
Arunajiggahuu,N3OInc, ok Gurus :) i wll run the update now :)18:12
jiggahuuhavocspartan, your wireless name is eth1? lol18:12
jiggahuuso iwconfig shows eth1 as your wireless card?18:13
N3OIncAruna: Farrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr from a guru... Im a linux nub.... Or a kumquat... Probably closer to a kumquat then a nub.18:13
jigalQUESTION: can anyone help me with http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=134391518:13
Arunajiggahuu,N3OInc,  i just today killed Windows from my laptop now freedom from windows lol18:13
jiggahuuAruna, i aint a guru either, but always glad to help if i can18:13
cesare_r explosionirc.org18:13
ArunaThank you so much :)18:14
havocspartanjiggahuu, haha i know that was default. im using backtrack 4 and didnt bother changing it. iwconfig says lo no wireless extension, eth0 no wireless coneection and eth1 has ieee , essid, and all the data18:14
jiggahuuno prob18:14
Arunajiggahuu,N3OInc,  ok let me disconnect... attach network to my laptop and do a full update :) ok ?18:14
jiggahuuhavocspartan, yeah backtrack4 does have a weird naming scheme18:14
N3OIncAruna: You can always come back.18:14
jiggahuumy wireless card is named differently in BT4 than in Ubuntu18:14
jiggahuuAruna, K, good luck man18:15
Arunajiggahuu,N3OInc,  ook i be back soon or may be connect net from ubuntu see you both soon :)18:15
Arunajiggahuu,N3OInc,  girl lol18:15
jiggahuuAruna, k. later man18:15
havocspartangovatent, i would buy a new cd rom drive, ubuntu is too large for a floppy and i used cd. buy cd rom driver is fasest and eiest18:15
N3OIncjiggahuu: Same here. My card is actually Intel yaddayadda. In BT3 its an Intel but it runs as the chipset name in Ubuntu18:15
bakaratsince late 9.04, and also in 9.10, the numpad keys have stopped working on my dell laptop (mind you, only in gnome, they work in kde...), my wireless is the other way around, works in gnome, and while kde says it's connected, i in fact have no ip and no connectivity18:16
jiggahuuN3OInc, mine uses the chipset name in ubuntu and generic name in backtrack18:17
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jiggahuubrb, gotta get some doritos and a coke18:17
N3OIncjiggahuu: Weird how that happens huh?18:17
rhorsebakarat: check the settings for users as far as permisiion groups go. I've heard that could be an issue.18:17
xckpd7what's the best way to install flash on ubuntu (jaunty) ?18:17
xckpd7I'm kinda scared how it will affect my computer performance18:18
N3OIncAnyone have any good resources on intermediate-advanced google hacking? Any kind of possible operator combination info or anything like that?18:18
jiggahuuN3OInc, yeah it is18:19
klownI have a logitech mx620 mouse that has a search button on it.  can anyone tell me how to remap that button?  xev is showing no output for it.  When I press it, it loads the screen up with gnome-search-tool windows, (like 50 or so)  any help would be greatly appreciated.18:19
havocspartanjiggahuu, so you have any idea? if not ill figure it out eventually lol ill make sure to tell u so u can help othe rppl18:19
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N3OIncxckpd7: I think I actually installed the Adobe version, with no performance change, but check with the guys... Guys, Opinions on Flash ?18:19
jiggahuuhavocspartan, what is it youre trying 2 do?18:19
jiggahuuhavocspartan, put your card in mon mode?18:20
havocspartanjiggahuu, airodump-ng gives me an error saying make sure rfmon is enabled18:20
jiggahuuhavocspartan, iwconfig eth1 mode monitor18:21
N3OIncjiggahuu: Can someone help me clearly, cleanly, and simply identify the difference between promisc and monitor mode?18:21
trismxckpd7: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer18:21
jiggahuuhavocspartan, if that doesnt work, then first ifconfig eth1 down, then iwconfig mode monitor18:21
N3OIncErrr Jiggahuu, you too man. lol18:21
subichanfor apache web users are www-data?18:21
jiggahuuN3OInc, no difference from what i can tell18:21
N3OIncjiggahuu: Heard, Ty18:22
xckpd7trism: thanks I'll try that....18:22
xckpd7N3OInc: cool thanks for the tip18:22
jiggahuuN3OInc, NP18:23
tundrayeti311after running virus scanner on my home directory, it says it has found viruses in ~/.mozilla . Has anyone else experienced this, or are familiar with the files that should be in that directory?  I'm fairly sure that these are false positives, but...18:23
abhifxhi there, is there a way to download deb files from ppa using a download manager?18:23
ArunaI am back18:23
N3OIncxckpd7: No problem mate. Just come on by when you can to return the favor, if you are un-sure, help is still help, just call it out to the others as I did.18:24
N3OIncxckpd7:We gotta get this channel to blossom....18:24
jiggahuuhey i'll be back in a minute18:24
N3OIncCollective conscious or Collective logic... That is the real question18:25
klownI have a logitech mx620 mouse that has a search button on it.  can anyone tell me how to remap that button?  xev is showing no output for it.  When I press it, it loads the screen up with gnome-search-tool windows, (like 50 or so)  any help would be greatly appreciated. (sorry for the resposts, but i cant find any help on the net)18:25
N3OIncklown: I am unaware of any apps. available to allow those functions, but I am sure there must be a way to get the config for those extra buttons mapped over to something...18:26
epinkyklown: we are in the net :)18:26
klownN3OInc, I found several how-tos on how to map all the keys, except for the search key.  its really annoying pressing it once, and having 50 windows pop up.18:27
klownepinky, you know what i mean :P18:27
PiciN3OInc: fyi, if you want to discuss other non-support related topics, we have #ubuntu-offtopic18:27
N3OIncPici: Was it off topic?18:27
bakaratsince update to 9.10, KDE seems to be connected to my wireless (that's what the connection manager seems to visually indicate anyway), but i have no ip, no connectivity, i already have the driver for my wifi installed (dell vostro) and it works in gnome, any ideas?18:27
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=== desync is now known as ent
N3OIncPici: I thought that the channel it self or the mouse settings of ubuntu in general where on topic.18:28
PiciN3OInc: Maybe I was just confused by your collective conscious/logic comment.18:28
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N3OIncPici: Sorry, I was establishing if we were here as a collective opinion and bias, or a collection of a logical/empirical bias.18:29
havocspartan1jiggahuu, i got an error form that also18:29
hxxxxldanish support?18:30
Pici!dk | hxxxxl18:30
epinky!dk | hxxxxl18:30
ubottuhxxxxl: For at få dansksproget support til Ubuntu, bedes du venligst gå til #ubuntu-dk. I denne kanal forefindes kun engelsksproget support.18:30
kadukHi I removed virus called pulseaudio, how to install volume control applet for gnome panel ?18:30
abhifxhi there, is there a way to download deb files from ppa using a download manager?18:30
havocspartanjiggahuu, i got an error form that also18:31
havocspartanjigghuu, the error is: error for wireless request "Set Mode" (8B06) : SET failed on device eth1 ; Invalid argument.18:32
kadukHow to install gnome panel applet to control sound volume ??18:32
kadukwithout pulseaudio18:32
rhorsekaduk: I use volwheel, it stays as an icon in taskbar. But I think there are internal tools to do it also18:33
epinkykaduk: sudo apt-get install gnome-alsamixer ?18:33
kadukepinky, thanks18:33
chetnyBiOkOlsztyjoin sexpl18:34
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TrevorRose2010Hi guys, I'm trying to install this mac look ailike dock with avant window navigator on ubuntu 8.0418:39
egertonxxI installed ubuntu netbook remix on my compaq netbook but my wifi is not working.18:40
sebsebsebTrevorRose2010: Cairo Dock is the best dock, they say18:40
TrevorRose2010and it isn't working. Says there is no public key? Alright. Where would I get that?18:40
sebsebseb!wireless |  egertonxx18:40
ubottuegertonxx: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs18:40
sebsebsebTrevorRose2010: not sure, but it's not in the repo18:40
TrevorRose2010alright, thanks :]18:40
sebsebsebTrevorRose2010: np18:41
dragonwhat's better - apt-proxy or apt-cacher?18:41
nothingHappenshi, why does ubuntu keep adding my other computer on my home network as a DNS server?18:41
egertonxxthanks ubuttu18:41
nothingHappensit's not, and having it in there slows down my network considerablt18:41
dragonnothingHappens: are you using DHCP?18:42
nothingHappenswhen i remove it though, it keeps coming back18:42
dragonegertonxx: it's ubottu, not ubuttu.18:42
grawitynothingHappens: Maybe because that "other computer" has a DHCP server running?18:42
nothingHappensi am probably using dhcp, yes18:42
nothingHappenswhy would that computer have a dhcp server  running?18:42
dragonnothingHappens: where's the DHCP server?18:42
mundoes anyone know how to change the theme used on the login screen in karmic?18:42
nothingHappensmy real dhcp servers, or my other computer?  incidentallyu, also ubuntu18:42
xckpd7can anyone help me configure ubuntu sound?18:42
=== root is now known as Guest78176
munand the splash screen as well. at the moment, it's just a white ubuntu logo.18:43
grawitynothingHappens: Check the other computer. (If there are several DHCP servers reachable, the system just uses the first reply that arrives.)18:43
nothingHappensi have 2 other dhcp servers18:43
nothingHappensor dns18:43
dragonnothingHappens: are you behind a router?18:43
grawitynothingHappens: sudo netstat -lpun, check for any programs listening on ports 67 or 68.18:43
nothingHappensdragon, yes18:44
dragonnothingHappens: check your router's config. that's where DNS servers are specified.18:44
sebsebsebmun: it can't be themed like the old one, I think all you can change is the icons and background some how18:45
sebsebsebmun: themeing features will come later apparantly.  use KDM if you want a nice looking theme, the KDE one which is in the repo,  oryou can try slim  which is not in the repo, and meant to be pretty good, I haven't tried just yet though.18:46
munsebsebseb, but should the logo at bootup pulsate? mine's a white logo.18:46
dragonapt-proxy or apt-cacher?18:46
nothingHappensopenvpn, dhclient, avahi-daemon, and nmbd show up on that netstat -lpun18:46
sebsebsebmun: what was the question?  and yes your meant to get a white Ubuntu logo in the centre of the screen on boot up18:47
munsebsebseb, yeah, mine's just a white logo. is this the default?18:47
dragonmun, yes it pulsates.18:47
nothingHappenshm the router config had it in there for some reason18:47
mundragon, right. do you know how i can make it pulsate?18:48
sebsebsebmun: you could get a second bit with GDM the default log in.  that says Ubuntu  in this like sand/dust theme18:48
sebsebsebmun: when I did KDM though, I would  no longer get that18:48
dragonmun, are you running karmic?18:48
sebsebsebwhat does pulsates mean?18:48
mundragon, yeah18:48
munsebsebseb, as in whether, it animates.18:49
dragonsebsebseb: glowing logo, with brightness increasing and then decreasing periodically.18:49
dragonmun, most probably your graphics card doesn't support the pulsation effect.18:49
sebsebsebdragon:  mun  ok thanks18:49
sebsebsebmun: yes it's meant to like Flash or whatever,  and see my pm :)18:49
mundragon, hmm mine's a gf4. it worked in jaunty.18:49
dragonmun, maybe just pretend that it's pulsating.18:50
muni think the upgrade screwed up my flash as well18:50
dragonthat's what i'd have done if i were you.18:50
munbecause i can't rewind or fast forward in youtube18:50
=== KronicKoH is now known as RussellAlan
dragonmun, that's unrelated to the pulsating effect at startup.18:51
nothingHappensi think i know what happened.  the remains of an aborted attempt to get smb going on my home network18:51
mundragon, right. it used to in jaunty and i think my video card is powerful enough for that.18:52
nothingHappensthanks guys18:52
munalso, somehow i can't get twinview to work if i use nvidia 185, but only on 173.18:52
muni've also tried 190, but no luck.18:52
munthis upgrade seems quite buggy18:52
sebsebsebmun: oh an upgrade from jauntey?18:53
munsebsebseb, yeah18:53
sebsebsebmun: Many people got issues after upgrading from jauntey,  plus those 9.04 Ext3 installs won't be upgraded to Ext4 on upgrade, and you won't get Grub 2 either18:53
nothingHappensOH HAI18:54
sebsebsebmun: you could try clean installing, but you may still get an issue or two or so18:54
Asad-awayanybody uses eclipse/PDT here ?18:54
sebsebsebmun: and yes 9.10  is buggy here and there, and certain things that worked fine in Jaunty don't in Karmic,  and you can check out the release notes for the common issues18:55
sebsebseb!notes |  mun18:55
ubottumun: Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) release notes can be found here: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/91018:55
Asad-awayarggh ... since I upgraded to 9.10 many of the buttons in eclipse no longer do anything at all ..18:56
MFoxAsad-away: thats pretty normal18:56
muni wish i could revert back to juanty18:56
munit's a pain18:56
sebsebsebmun: having a seperate /home makes clean installing or even distro hopping easier18:57
Asad-awayhow is it normal MFox .. you mean to say it's a known bug ?18:57
sebsebseb!home |  mun18:57
ubottumun: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome18:57
munsebsebseb, yeah i already have18:57
MFoxAsad-away: no im just kidding ;)18:57
munbut still, i got lots of packages installed already18:57
sebsebsebmun: are they all from the repo?18:57
munsebsebseb, no.18:57
muna lot of haskell libraries18:57
sebsebsebmun: not sure what you mean by that18:58
munsebsebseb, just third party libraries.18:58
drope-brHi, I set up a NAT using fwbuilder, set up dhcp and everything seems to be working fine for nat clients. However, it seems I can't access internet on the server. What firewall rule may be interfering on this? I'm using iptables as my firewall18:58
sebsebsebmun: also  be careful where you get things, that aren't from the repo, since bad sources do/can exist18:58
munsomehow karmic feels slower too18:58
trismsebsebseb: haskell is a functional programming language18:58
sebsebsebtrism: I thought proggramming or whatever I think18:59
sebsebsebmun: maybe since your on Ext3?18:59
sebsebsebmun: however I tested with Ext3 and Ext4 and it  didn't seem to make much of a difference boot boot up, and shut down18:59
munsebsebseb, i'm on ext2 actually18:59
sebsebsebmun: Why and that could be it18:59
munsebsebseb, i've been upgrading since intrepid19:00
sebsebsebmun: you should have done Ext3 for Intrepid really :)19:00
munsebsebseb, from hardy actually.19:00
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mundid they have ext3 in hardy?19:00
sebsebsebmun: well with hardy then,  or gone with something like XFS, but Ext2 hmm19:00
sebsebsebmun: yes19:00
sebsebsebExt3 has been the default for all Ubuntu's19:00
sebsebsebuntill  9.1019:00
sebsebseb9.10 get's Ext4 by default instead19:01
munsebsebseb, sorry, it is ext3.19:01
egertonxxwhich usb wireless adapter works well with ubuntu netbook remix19:01
sebsebsebegertonxx: not sure, but19:01
sebsebseb!hardware | egertonxx19:01
ubottuegertonxx: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection19:01
sebsebseb!wireless |  egertonxx19:01
ubottuegertonxx: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs19:02
munmaybe i will have to do a clean install.19:02
drope-brHi, I set up a NAT using fwbuilder, set up dhcp and everything seems to be working fine for nat clients. However, it seems I can't access internet on the server. What firewall rule may be interfering on this? I'm using iptables as my firewall.19:02
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sebsebsebmun: well if you do and you put 9.10 on,  Ext4 by default, but set up a seprate /home :)19:02
sebsebsebmun: and you get Grub 219:02
azlonwhere can i view the logs for my ftpd?19:02
VirusTBazlon, god question19:03
sebsebsebmun: get your ISO from the torrent and it's probably fine,  get it from HTTP/FTP,  and  good idea to md5sum/sha1sum or both even, check it :)19:03
sebsebseb!md5sum > mun19:03
azlonVirusTB, nm, i got it... /var/log/messages19:03
ubottumun, please see my private message19:03
epinkydrope-br: we can't know if you don't post your rules :) , if you can post'em then use pastebin19:03
J1mB0how can I activate the visual effects from ubuntu 9.10 @ vmware 7?19:04
[Kismet]certainly something with your outbound rules though19:04
munsebsebseb, yeah thanks19:05
sebsebsebmun: ok np19:05
munshould i go for ext4 or ext3?19:05
RS-232Any way to go back to previous page when deleting a node? is so anoying to be set to front page every time a node is deleted. Thanks19:06
RS-232I was thinking to store in SESSION the last path that is not a form, and after node_delete is executed, then redirect to that path, any one can give me a couple of clues please?19:06
RS-232what do you think?19:07
PiciRS-232: Um. This is #ubuntu, are you sure you're asking in the right channel?19:07
RS-232Pici: ooopsss, sorry I thought I was talking to #drupal19:07
sebsebsebmun: if doing 9.10  go with Ext419:07
RS-232Sorry guys19:07
munok thanks19:07
sebsebsebmun: altough  there's something about really big data19:07
sebsebsebmun: and how it might get currupted. see release notes for details19:08
sebsebsebmun: however I assume if Ext4 wasn't stable enough, it woudn't be used as the default19:08
sebsebsebfor 9.1019:08
sebsebseb!notes |  mun19:08
ubottumun: Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) release notes can be found here: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/91019:08
munsebsebseb, so should i use ext3 instead19:08
sebsebsebmun: you will probably be fine with Ext4,  also  you should be backing up any important data else where anyway, because hard disks can just fail19:09
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ScoobyDooOK, So my script opens another file using "source another.bash" And it works wben i execute it in terminal but when i select "Run" it doesnt?19:09
seidosmun: you might consider backing up using ubuntu one19:09
sebsebsebmun: 2GB free space for Ubuntu One19:09
MasterOfDisasterhi, I'm trying to setup an aiccu 6to4 static tunnel, but I can't ping the remote ipv6 endpoint19:10
sebsebsebmun: then if you want more you can pay19:10
scott_teehello everyone.  I am having trouble with an external drive I just reformatted using parted19:10
MasterOfDisasterI have a NAT environment, the tunnel is set up by one of the machines behind the nat19:10
scott_teedf -h shows the size as 1.3GB19:10
ssd5I am installing Ubuntu 9.10 Server on VirtualBox on XP. Right now it is asking me which kernel to install there are 5 in list generic, virtual, image-generic, image-virtual, image-2.6.31-14-generic, image-2.6.31-14-virtulal. may I know what are they and which one should I install?19:10
sebsebsebmun: I haven't used One myself, well I have had the program open a few times   or so before19:10
sebsebsebmun: external hard disks are good of course :)19:11
scott_teefdisk -l shows 150GB, which is the correct size19:11
sebsebsebssd5: hmm with XP as host :(19:11
jigalcan anyone help me with this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=134391519:11
sebsebseb!server | ssd519:11
ubottussd5: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 8.04. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ and https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/index.html - Use the #ubuntu-server channel for support19:11
scott_teeparted /dev/sdb print shows the correct size as well19:11
MasterOfDisasteri have configured the firewall to forward everything to the client like the faq suggested19:12
ssd5ubottu, thanks a lot. I am now referring faqs. thanks for the link19:14
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:14
FloodBot5L-girl: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:15
Pici!ru | L-girl19:15
ubottuL-girl: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke19:15
solexiousWill i run in to problems running 64bit ubuntu?19:15
cognitiaclaevesBy default Jed creates a symlink that strace is reporting it can't do on a CIFS mounted file system.  How do I get it not to do this?19:15
N3OIncanyone speak russian?19:16
Berzerker-!ru | N3OInc19:16
ubottuN3OInc: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke19:16
epinkysolexious: let me see my crystall ball19:16
ssd5sebsebseb, thanks19:16
AlexJonesFanN3OInc, nastrovie19:16
night1neAnyone in here know what I need to convert .flv to .3gp?19:17
lainy_MPD is playing, but the MPD values on my conky all display (null). Any help? Thanks.19:17
N3OIncAlexJones: Funny... Thats the only think I know...Cheers Mate!19:17
solexiousepinky: ok, i will put it this way, can I run into problems running 64 rather than 32?19:17
epinkysolexious: ok, I'll put this way, we wil never know if you don't try19:18
solexiousexcuse me for asking...19:19
Berzerker-solexious, not really, simple answer.19:20
solexiousBerzerker-: Thanks19:21
grawitynight1ne: either ffmpeg or mencoder. Or, I think there's Handbrake - with a graphical interface - but never used it, so dunno if it supports either of these.19:21
N3OIncBeef. What is beef? "Beef is high blood pressure and bad credit. Need a loan for your home and you're too broke to get it"19:21
night1neOkay. Thanks much :)19:21
N3OInc"Where all in the same gang bread and butter."19:21
marhahoe do i kno,  how much megas got my graphic card?19:22
xiktenyAnyone else noticed that the "Manual DNS" setting in gnome-ppp doesn't work at all?19:22
bakaratis there openexchange support for exchange 2009 in kubuntu 9.10?19:23
ulbmarha check on the vendor website19:23
erhoshello world!19:23
h4writerhi, is it possible to reset the startup image? I'm seeing the kubuntu-logo instead of the default ubuntu-logo (because I've installed kde nexto gnome)19:23
h4writerso xsplash19:24
N3OIncerhos: 10 $Hello 20 $How are you? 30 Wait19:24
erhosi'm from argentina19:25
erhosand you?19:25
skylI want to append my string to the end of a text file.  $ echo 'string' > my.txt # ?19:25
trismskyl: >>19:25
freewillieIve a little question, how do I rename a file with an unknow character19:25
N3OIncI live in the United States.19:25
trismskyl: for appending19:25
ActionParsniphey guys, is the usb-creator coded by cononical or is it a universal app?19:25
skyltrism, that's what I was thinking; trying to use my psychic abilities19:25
ronald_is going to have a meeting here?19:26
guntbert!info usb-creator | ActionParsnip19:26
ubottuActionParsnip: usb-creator (source: usb-creator): Ubuntu USB desktop image creator transitional meta-package for GTK+. In component main, is optional. Version 0.2.12 (karmic), package size 1 kB, installed size 40 kB19:26
ronald_ubuntu community?19:26
N3OIncYo espanol nao eh mui bueno.19:27
ActionParsnipyes, I know what it is, but is it ubuntu only or is it a project which can be incorporated into other distros19:27
guntbert!es N3OInc19:27
Picifreewillie: I'm confused why the character is unknown, do you just not know how to type it?19:27
Picironald_: I'm confused as to what you are asking.19:27
N3OIncGuntbert: Howdy, How goes it.19:27
erhosjajja. I'm no so good with english19:27
Blinkeej #ubuntu19:28
erhosbut, is a nice language19:28
erhosand i like19:28
oCean_freewillie: have you tried to use tabcompletion on the filename?19:28
guntbertActionParsnip: sorry, didn't want to tell you what it is but that is in main and not in *iverse19:28
freewilliePici: It is just an e with dubble dots on top of it?19:28
ActionParsnipguntbert: i know its open source but is it like vlc or firefox (for example) and is just a project to get ONLY Unbuntu booted.19:28
ulbfreewillie:  ulmot?19:28
freewilliePici: Sorry for the question mark19:28
stefan_Why do youtube ask me for flash plugin when i have installed gnash on ubuntu?19:28
ActionParsnipguntbert: please see: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/usb-creator/+question/8948119:29
freewillieulb: What do you mean?19:29
ActionParsnipstefan_: it doesnt support all the features the adobe flash has19:29
N3OIncerhos: English is reasonable, However; it is sad we can not teach our native language here in United States correctly.19:29
ActionParsnipstefan_: maybe19:29
Ras420hello, i have been trying and trying to help my mother get her sound working on ubuntu 9.10   we live far away from each other and ive been helping he on im.  Its pretty diffucult .  Ive done 3 or 4 fixes with he but it seems to work for a short period and then revert back to a broken cd sound, any suggestions??19:29
guntbertActionParsnip: ok, thx for pointing out19:29
ActionParsnipguntbert: i think its a really good question. Is it only restricted to Ubuntu?19:30
oCean_freewillie: have you tried tabcompletion on the filename? Like typing the first character(s) of the file, then hit tab?19:30
BlinkeeHi, is there any real advantage of installing my X-Fi audio card instead of the on-board reaktek audio device?19:30
ulbfreewillie: try alt+13719:30
cognitiaclaevesIs there an extension for samba that will handle symlinks to a CIFS filesystem?19:30
erhosthe linux community is the best19:31
freewillieulb: but then he says the file does not exists19:31
guntbertActionParsnip: having had no look at the sources/docs I could really not tell :)19:31
azlonwhen i traceroute my own ip it times out. localhost and gateway return normally... any ideas?19:31
freewillieulb: That is the strange thing about it19:31
ulbe with double dots is an umlaut (ascii code is alt+137)19:31
azlonwhen i say my own ip i mean my WAN ip19:31
ojiihi everyone, i created a user using 'useradd' and a home dir i set with --home, however if i log in with that user it tells me no directory found and sets HOME=/, how can i fix this? (the directory does exist!)19:32
Picifreewillie: you can use tab completion on the terminal to finish typing the filename for something. Just start typing the file, press tab and then the rest of it should show up.  Then you can do something like: mv youroldfilename yournewfilename19:32
grawitycognitiaclaeves: There should be. I know it's possible to do Unix permissions and such things19:32
ulbfreewillie: try to copy/paste the file name19:32
freewillieulb: but my file contains that char, but ubuntu does not recognize it.19:32
ActionParsnipojii: sudo mkdir /home/new_user_name_here19:32
ojiiActionParsnip: the dir exists!19:32
cognitiaclaevesgrawity: It might be here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=352016  ( checking it out. )19:32
snake_salve a tutti19:32
sooposWhat is a similar app as gnome-about-me? I do not use X.19:33
N3OIncIs anyone familar with the greek word for determination, and what American movie may have referenced it? I dont want to murder the word, but I think it is "Gahnies"19:33
stefan_why is windows better then linux for games?19:33
erhosI'm IT administrator and never found solutions from Micro$oft19:33
snake_è qui che posso chiedere informazioni riguardanti tool di ubuntu??19:33
Pici!offtopic | N3OInc erhos19:33
ubottuN3OInc erhos: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:33
Pici!it | snake_19:33
ubottusnake_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)19:33
freewilliePici, ulb: Thanks it worked19:33
ActionParsnipojii: then run: sudo usermod -d /home/username_here19:33
erhosbecause al the develop make games for windows19:34
ActionParsnipojii: sudo usermod -d /home/username_here username_here19:34
trismActionParsnip: usb-creator seems to be coded by canonical, since the first line in main.py is "Copyright (C) 2009 Canonical Ltd."19:34
BlinkeeHi, is there any real advantage of installing my X-Fi audio card instead of the on-board realtek audio device?19:34
Ras420does 9.10 have sound problems that arnt easily fixable?19:34
ActionParsniptrism: AWESOME! cheers fellah19:34
N3OIncThe bots do a pretty amazing job determining language... Its actually kind of scary... Unless you mods actually speak all these languages19:34
ojiiActionParsnip: still get No directory, logging in with HOME=/19:35
PiciN3OInc: The bots aren't doing it, look up and line and you'll see that I did: !it | nickname19:35
guntbertN3OInc: please keep to the topic - and the language guessing is a human effort19:35
bethrezenhi there. how to disable scsi emulation for certain IDE drive in karmic?19:36
=== lili22 is now known as winmisser
N3OIncAlright, Wow. Sorry.19:36
ActionParsnipojii: if you log in at the terminal and run: echo $HOME    is the folder name outputted?19:36
epinkyojii: why don't you use "sudo adduser <username>" instead of useradd?19:36
grawitycognitiaclaeves: 'man smb.conf' lists a server option "unix extensions" (enabled by default).19:36
grawitycognitiaclaeves: However, if the server is Windows...19:36
ojiiActionParsnip: echo $HOME is / which is wrong19:37
ojiiepinky: isn't that the same?19:37
epinkyojii: nope19:37
ojiialso in my passwd file the home dir is correct19:37
winmisseranyone runs modern warfare 2 here on ubuntu 9.10? i wanna know if there's any tips improving the performance19:37
ActionParsnipojii: some guy changed it in /etc/passwd. backup the file if you are going to edit it19:37
ActionParsniptrism: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/usb-creator/+question/8948119:37
ojiiActionParsnip: i thought its /etc/passwd not /etc/passwd.19:38
cognitiaclaevesgrawity: Yeah, I don't think it worked.19:38
vikasapHello all, I see that the unionfs module is loaded when I do a modprobe, but the mount -t unionfs gives "bad fs type" ...19:38
vikasapAny ideas why is this happening ?19:38
rroblakis there any way to do an "aptitude search" that also shows the package version numbers?19:38
cognitiaclaevesI don't even need this.  I just need the stupid editor to modify a file!19:38
ojiiepinky: what's the difference?19:38
=== SCORPIONE is now known as alaqsory
vikasapDo I need to install unionfs seperately for ubuntu19:38
grawitycognitiaclaeves: Which editor is that, anyway?19:39
ojiiActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/d79618b4 see the passwd entry and that the dir actually exists!19:39
bakaratuh, how do i set the wallpaper in kubuntu 9.10? I recall bumping into the option in 9.04 but can't find it again19:39
cognitiaclaevesgrawity: Jed.19:39
darrendis it possible to d/l jaunty cd's still?19:40
grawitydarrend: Yes19:40
winmisserwow, this irc client is completely useless... :/19:40
grawitywinmisser: ?19:41
winmisseris there any better irc client for linux other than xchat?19:41
darrendgrawity: where from?  I don't see them on the d/l page ..19:41
oCean_darrend: http://releases.ubuntu.com/19:41
ojiiwinmisser: irssi19:41
grawitywinmisser: irssi :)19:41
grawitywinmisser: Or weechat.19:41
winmisserirssi, can i get that from synaptics?19:41
ojiiwinmisser: yes19:41
darrendoCean_: thanks :)19:41
winmisserok thanks :)19:41
grawitywinmisser: Btw, what's the problem with Xchat?19:41
ojiiwinmisser: also xchat is awesome, it's the gnome-xchat which fails19:41
winmisserxchat gnome that's what i use in fact19:42
BlinkeeHi, is there any real advantage of installing my X-Fi audio card instead of the on-board realtek audio device?19:42
ojiiwinmisser: get the real xchat then19:42
winmissersimple xchat is better?19:42
Mainstaywinmisser: dunno about better, but kvirc?19:42
winmisserhmm, ok, i'll do that19:42
ojiiwinmisser: i doubt you'd like irssi much19:42
seidosojii: I learned to like it, maybe winmisser would19:42
winmisseri'll give it a try19:43
grawityTry all of them, then choose which you like most.19:43
preecheri use xchat--what is irssi and what is kvirc19:43
sooposI created a new user. I get the error "No protocol specified. firefox: cannot connect X server :0.0" as being the new user. What does it mean?19:43
seidosI actually thought the freenode webchat client was pretty nice19:43
grawitypreecher: irssi and KVirc are IRC clients, just like Xchat is.19:43
ulbirssi is awesome command line irc client19:43
preechergrawity, o ok19:43
grawityseidos: It's qwebirc, by Quakenet19:43
seidosonly complaint was that it didn't use my firefox color scheme19:44
icerootgrawity: irssi is not like xchat :-)19:44
ojiiwhy does ubuntu ignore the home dir I set for a user??19:44
grawityiceroot: I know, I tried both (and many many others).19:44
winmisserbefore i go, can anyone tell me if anything can be done to improve the fps in games running from wine?19:44
seidosgrawity: never heard of it, should I look it up?19:44
cognitiaclaevesOk.  Guess I'll switch to nano.  :(19:44
grawityiceroot: But they both are IRC clients.19:44
icerootgrawity: yes of course :)19:44
darrendis it possible to remove pulseaudio (or revert back to whatever the sound setup was in jaunty)?19:44
holyWhich command at recovery mode -> /Drop to root shell/ resets the password?19:44
Dr_Willisdarrend:  jaunty used pulse audio also i belive19:45
darrendDr_Willis: jaunty worked flawlessly for me, karmic has been a complete nightmare19:45
icerootojii: how to you set? does getent passwd | grep theuseryouwant  show the home?19:45
ojiiiceberg: http://pastebin.com/m78ab618719:45
ojiiiceroot: http://pastebin.com/m78ab618719:45
Dr_Willisdarrend:  clean install or upgrade? if upgrade - try a clean install.19:45
alaqsoryHI ALL19:45
ojii(sry tab completion failed)19:45
guntbertholy: what password?19:45
darrendhave tried both19:45
pepeeI tried changing the permissions to 'var/log/kismet' but now I see this as non-root, for any file under that folder:     ls -l Kismet-May-05-2009-1.network    ->    -????????? ? ? ? ?                ? Kismet-May-05-2008-2.network19:45
darrendDr_Willis: ^^19:45
ojiiiceroot: that's the passwd line, the proof that the dir exists, the login attempt and $HOME19:46
grawitypepee: You need to make the directory "executable" (+x)19:46
Dr_Willisalaqsory:  and your caps lock also it seems...19:46
alaqsoryand I explanned the problem in three pics19:46
alaqsoryDr_Willis: sorry19:46
wrapsterhow to find out the owner of a particular process?19:47
wrapsterI mean who has initiated that process?19:47
icerootwrapster: ps aux | grep processname19:47
guntbertalaqsory: explain it with a few words *here* please - all in one line19:47
icerootwrapster: or top19:47
sooposWhat is the default root password in Ubuntu? My admin password does not work for "su -c xterm".19:47
BookmanWhat do I open a .deb file with?  Double clicking it just asks me to select a program and it opens a nautilus window.19:47
icerootojii: i will have a look19:47
icerootsoopos: nothing19:47
ojiiiceroot: thanks19:47
holyguntbert: Password of the superuser19:47
iceroot!root | soopos19:47
ubottusoopos: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo19:47
grawityBookman: gdebi is the GUI app (dpkg is for command line)19:47
guntbertholy: see ^^19:47
holyguntbert: in Ubuntu 8.04 / 9.1019:47
icerootojii: do you thing the passwd line is correct? i dont think so19:48
guntbert!sudo | holy19:48
ubottuholy: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)19:48
holyguntbert: no, I has forgot the password for the /sudo <command>/...19:48
ojiiiceroot: adduser or useradd did that, not me19:48
Bookmangrawity: wonderful, thank you.19:49
grawityholy: "sudo" asks for your own password.19:49
Ben64holy: sudo password is YOUR password19:49
guntbertholy: that is your own password19:49
Dr_Willisholy:  the primary user is the 'admin' user - with full sudo rights. thats not the same as the 'root' user.19:49
alaqsoryguntbert: my ethernet is recognized but I can not enter the internet niether from Firefox nor apt-get and when I enter ifconfig it seems that the driver is recognized but no connection19:49
icerootojii: should look like michael:x:1000:1000:michael,,,:/home/michael:/bin/bash19:49
icerootojii: there is a difference between adduser and useradd19:49
holyI has forgot my password and I need to reinstall the system again.19:49
ojiiiceroot: which is?19:49
trijntjeholy, why not change the password?19:49
holyDr_Willis: I know.19:49
alaqsoryguntbert: excuse me, my english is not good ^_^19:49
icerootojii: one is setting up a systemuser, the other is adding a user to a group19:49
holytrijntje: How?19:49
grawityholy: Boot in "recovery mode" to change your own password.19:49
RyannHello, I need help. Recently my hard drive in my laptop has broke. So, I have been thinking of methods to run an operating system witout the use of hard drive. This happened to be the Ubuntu Live CD Jaunty - I think - However, is it possible to save live session setting to a USB flash drive?19:50
icerootojii: man adduser   man useradd19:50
Dr_Willisholy:  you can chroot in, and change any users passwords you want.19:50
ojiialso iceroot where's the big difference between your passwd file and mine?19:50
holygrawity: Which command?19:50
wrapstericeroot: no no.. didnt explain clearly i guess. Im actually writing a script to kill processes... so the user will specify the pid only.. Im checking if that user is the owner of the process hes trying to kill and then proceed further.. on this note could you tell me if given PID and only PID how I can find out the user associated with it.19:50
grawityholy: reboot -> "Recovery mode" -> "root shell" -> command is "passwd holy" (assuming "holy" is your Ubuntu username)19:50
ojiiiceroot: my user is not supposed to have a home dir in /home/.../, it's for a ftp user19:50
guntbertalaqsory: please don't just tell me - tell the channel19:50
trijntjeholy, start in recovery mode, then change the password of you account with the passwd command19:50
icerootwrapster: id username19:50
holygrawity: Oh, thanks.19:50
alaqsorymy ethernet is recognized but I can not enter the internet niether from Firefox nor apt-get and when I enter ifconfig it seems that the driver is recognized but no connection19:50
ZerSay, what do I have to do to get sshd to allow a user to connect? Is there a particular group?19:50
Dr_WillisZer:  i just insstall the ssh service. and all my users can ssh in.19:51
icerootojii: but if i am correct, passwd starts with the username19:51
icerootojii: ah i see, your paste was bad19:51
holyIt works!19:51
epinkyalaqsory: very descriptive :)  , it seems to be a DNS problem19:51
Dr_Willisholy:  amazing :)19:51
holyafter /passwd -d <...>/19:51
ActionParsnipalaqsory: can you ping your router?19:51
holyI have set up the new UNIX password in usual terminal...19:52
ojiiiceroot: witschi-law:x:1002:1000:,,,:/var/www/vhosts/witschi-law.ch/httpdocs/sites/witschi-law.ch/:/bin/bash19:52
alaqsoryepinky: nop it is not, becausein live cd and windows the ethernet is good and using the same dns19:52
Ben64how can I do this properly? sudo echo "blah" > /root/testfile19:52
holyWhich good ICQ client can you advise?19:52
icerootojii: yes, i see19:52
ZerHmm. I installed it, and it gives me "Auth User/Pass with PS...fail...Please reconnect!"19:52
alaqsoryActionParsnip: no i can not19:52
icerootojii: my problem was the /etc/...19:52
ActionParsnipholy: pidgin does icq19:52
solexiousI'm confused as to what dc image to download, I want an image that will support 4gigs of ram and an intel prosessor19:52
grawityZer: What SSH client are you using?19:52
alaqsoryIf you take alook on the pics you will know more about my problem19:53
vikasapAnyone here has used unionfs on ubuntu ?19:53
trijntjesolexious, amd64, the name stupid ;)19:53
epinkyalaqsory: can you ping loopback?19:53
holyActionParsnip: Yeah, but I'm using Ubuntu 8.04 and have to update to be able to use ICQ...19:53
Dr_WillisBen64:  see ---> http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2008/05/09/a-root-shell-on-ubuntu-the-right-way/19:53
ZerI tried using OpenSSH Client. I've also used PuTTY, but I can't see what error it gives after I try to log in because it closes the window19:53
icerootojii: hm i dont see the error but why needing /bin/bash for ftpuser?19:53
RyannAnyone? - Hello, I need help. Recently my hard drive in my laptop has broke. So, I have been thinking of methods to run an operating system witout the use of hard drive. This happened to be the Ubuntu Live CD Jaunty - I think - However, is it possible to save live session setting to a USB flash drive?19:53
grawityholy: http://pidgin.im/download/ubuntu/19:53
grawityholy: Read that.19:53
icerootojii: then he can use ssh and sftp also19:53
alaqsoryepinky: I did not try19:53
ojiiiceberg: i just used adduser... so i think it did that automatically19:53
holygrawity: thanks19:54
solexioustrijntje: the amd bit made me think it wasnt for intel cpu's19:54
icerootojii: correct19:54
oCean_Ben64: here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo are hints on using sudo19:54
ulbRyann: use isb flash drive or live cd19:54
ojiialso iceberg i like to be able to ssh into my server using a normal user other than root19:54
Dr_WillisRyann:  you can make a bootable usb with a persistant 'save' file. if you wanted.. or actually do an install to a usb flash drive.19:54
icerootojii: ok19:54
Ben64Dr_Willis: thanks19:54
Dr_WillisRyann:  that eliminates teh need for a cd also. :)19:54
ZerAh, it's the same error in PuTTY.19:54
trijntjesolexious, yeah, I think thats some legacy, but that image is also for intel processors19:54
RyannDr_Willis: But, will it fit into 1gb? :/19:54
solexioustrijntje: thanks19:54
Zer"Auth User/Pass with PS...fail...Please reconnect!."19:54
ojiiiceberg: if i change the passwd file do i have to do anything to take effect?19:54
icerootojii: use iceroot19:54
ojiiiceroot: tab completion fails me19:55
Dr_WillisRyann:  1gb? hmm. not sure. Proberly can.  But egads.. ive seen 4GB flash drives on sale for $10  or less these days19:55
icerootojii: no but dont edit the passwd directly19:55
icerootojii: there was a command for editing passwd19:55
Dr_WillisRyann:  4gb at least gives you some room to actually do stuff. :)19:55
ulbRyann: puppy or damn small linux19:55
pirasahi,all i am a new ubuntu user19:55
ojiiiceroot: i just noticed that your homedir doesn't have a trailing slash, mine does...19:55
Dr_WillisRyann:  tiny core linux = 10mb iso file. :)19:55
Ben64usb flash drives are way too slow for an OS19:55
trijntje!hi pirasa19:55
Dr_WillisBen64:  faster then a cdrom/live cd i find.19:55
grawityojii: Trailing slash is not important.19:56
icerootojii: ah yes, you are right19:56
trijntje!hi | pirasa19:56
ubottupirasa: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!19:56
ZerAny idea what would cause "Auth User/Pass with PS...fail...Please reconnect!." from sshd? I know the login name and password to be correct. I just installed sshd from Synaptic19:56
pirasai have been using gnome19:56
pirasabut i want to try19:56
icerootojii: getent passwd  look if all of your starts with /19:56
Ben64Dr_Willis: well it seems someone wants to boot and use it like it was installed, which would be bad on usb19:56
icerootpirasa: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop19:56
RyannDr_Willis: Does it work as good as Jaunty?19:56
Dr_Willispirasa:  install kubuntu-desktop package. select kde from the gdm login screen19:56
trijntje!enter | pirasa19:56
ubottupirasa: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:56
Dr_WillisRyann:  tinycore linux is specilized for being as small as possible. its not as full featured as ubuntu. Thats not its 'goal'19:56
pirasaok thank you19:56
dualI have to much work to do, too many things I have to remember. Is there a good program/website that lets me have all this in one place?19:56
icerootojii: ah, your home is /19:57
pirasaand how can i uninstall after using it ?19:57
ojiiiceroot: but i don't want it to be /!19:57
Dr_Willisdual:  you could check out 'tiddlywiki' and use it to take notes. :)19:57
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2 kdelibs5-data && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » into a !terminal19:57
icerootojii: my eyes are bad on that pastebin color19:57
RyannDr_Willis: Okay, but it has basic applications; MSN, Firefox etc?19:57
dualDr_Willis, thanks19:57
icerootojii: of course you dont want it :)19:57
Dr_WillisRyann:  for 10mb..  what do you expect? :) firefox is another 10+mb download i imagine...19:57
erUSULdual: tomboy ?19:57
icerootojii: remove the / and test again19:57
ojiiiceroot: from where?19:57
Dr_WillisRyann:  its a minimal desktop that lets you ionsstall stuff you need from the net. thats how its designed to work.19:58
timothy__Zer -> are you trying to login as root?  It might be that root login has been disabled in /etc/sshd/sshd_config (find a line permitrootlogin)19:58
ZerI am trying to log on as a user with sudo privilege (Ubuntu), but that's it19:58
timothy__sshd server is running at the other site?19:58
RyannDr_Willis: Okay. Would you be able to explain how I can install my wireless drivers to my USB flash drive?19:58
Dr_WillisRyann:  i got grub2 setup to boot my TinyCoreLinux.iso file from the hard drive as a 'emergancy' system.19:58
icerootojii: hm, can the user you created access /var/www?19:58
shkiper_sorry that i ask not in English but.... Ребят, русско-говорящие есть?19:58
alaqsoryepinky: did you set the problem19:58
Dr_WillisRyann:  i dont use wireless much. and ive never used a wireless usb gizmo.19:58
grawityshkiper_: #ubuntu-ru19:58
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke19:58
icerootojii: if not, home is set to /19:59
ojiiiceroot: I did chown -R user-i-created /home/dir/of/user/19:59
icyjRyann: Why not get a replacement hard drive?  They are faily cheap19:59
grawityZer: Maybe run "sudo tail -fn 0 /var/log/auth.log /var/log/syslog" on the server? Then attempt to ssh, and watch for log entries.19:59
Dr_WillisRyann:  wireless drivers for tiny corelinux add another 10+mb to the size. :P19:59
epinkyalaqsory: loopback got response? then ping your address, just to check19:59
icerootojii: hm, ok19:59
shkiper_grawity, thanks a lot19:59
Ryannicyj: It's Christmas, so I don't got money at the moment - nor a job.19:59
Dr_Williswell bbl.19:59
ojiiiceroot: that is the correct way to do that right?19:59
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.19:59
=== KB1JWQ is now known as PFY
icerootojii: i dont know, never changed the path of a home-dir20:00
alaqsoryepinky: how can I loopback20:00
icerootojii: but if it is the normal way it should work20:00
ojiiiceroot: i mean of setting ownership/access rights20:00
jurohi, I am running 9.10 64bit and have a problem with Flash 10 in Firefox 3.5 - it flickers and I cannot click on anything20:00
icyjRyann: I hear ya20:00
ZerHmm grawith, no output20:00
icerootojii: chown -R user:group directory20:00
RyannDoes anyone know how I can install my wireless drivers to a USB for use with a CD Live session of Ubuntu?20:00
epinkyalaqsory: "ping" then "ping"20:00
ojiiiceroot: do i need the group?20:00
ojiinot sure what group my user has20:00
icerootojii: maybe the user is not part of the group which sould be root20:00
icerootojii: id user20:00
N3OIncPeace ya'll... Gottz ta get skooled20:00
alaqsoryepinky: ok i will log in ubuntu and come again20:00
icerootojii: tells you the group also20:00
timClicksany recommended epub readers in ubuntu repos?20:01
Ryannicyj: You know were I can find a bunch of wireless driver installers for Jaunty?20:01
icerootojii: with ubuntu the groupname is like the username if i am correct20:01
icerootojii: yes, it is20:01
ZerOhhh wait a minute.20:02
ojiiiceroot: yes it is, i did chown -R user:groupname /dir/ now but still doesn't want to login correctly20:02
ZerOops. I was telnetting into my IPMI BMC's SSH. Doh20:02
ZerForgot there were two IPs. Nevermind all20:02
Zerer SSHing into20:02
icerootojii: hm20:03
grawityZer: Well that would explain the really strange "authentication failed" message.20:03
icerootojii: ah, found it20:03
icerootojii: remove the last / from the userpath20:03
ojiiiceroot: ?20:03
ojiiiceroot: where?20:03
icerootojii: witschi-law:x:1002:1000:,,,:/var/www/vhosts/witschi-law.ch/httpdocs/sites/witschi-law.ch/  this20:04
ZerYeah no kidding. I was puzzled as to why it wouldn't log anything20:04
icerootojii: the last one20:04
ojiiiceroot: nope, didn't help20:04
vaiofwsomeone have a vaiofw laptop and use with ubuntu?20:04
woodyjlwcan I get help installing java?  ubuntu 9.10 and I downloaded the rpm from java for linux.  it is in my downloads and I know how to CD in terminal to to my downloads just need to know how to run the jre-6u17-linux-i586-rpm.bin20:04
administradorHello ubuntu.es?20:05
sooposWhere are the newest manuals for Ubuntu? - My Ubuntu 9.10 does not describe all flags the command lpr has.20:05
icerootojii: pleese post the line of getent passwd | grep witschi-law20:05
erUSUL!java | woodyjlw20:05
ubottuwoodyjlw: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository20:05
guntbert!es | administrador20:05
ubottuadministrador: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.20:05
maginotgood afternoon, to update my gtk+ to version 2.10 > what I must install with apt-get ?20:05
bakaratok, noob question, but where did the "shutdown" and "reboot" buttons go in the kde menu?20:05
erUSULwoodyjlw: do not use the rpm20:05
ojiiiceroot: witschi-law:x:1002:1000:,,,:/var/www/vhosts/witschi-law.ch/httpdocs/sites/witschi-law.ch:/bin/bash20:05
erUSULbakarat: ask in #kubuntu ?20:05
icerootojii: what was the command to create the user?20:06
erUSULwoodyjlw: if you need the compiler etc. install sun-java6-jdk20:06
ojiiiceroot: adduser --home /var/www/vhosts/witschi-law.ch/httpdocs/sites/witschi-law.ch/ witschi-law20:06
icerootojii: if i create a user the uid and the guid are the same, you have different values 1002 and 100020:08
intosHow can I set that ubuntu only uses ipv420:08
icerootojii: i have created a user with sudo adduser test  and he has test:x:1001:1001:,,,:/home/test:/bin/bash20:08
dragon!info whereami20:08
ubottuwhereami (source: whereami): Automatically reconfigure your (laptop) system for a new location. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.3.34-0.2 (karmic), package size 61 kB, installed size 404 kB20:08
ScoobyDooYou know if you run a script that needs privileges, it pops up asking for your password? how can i make my script do that?20:08
ojiiiceroot: if i do id witschi-law: uid=1002(witschi-law) gid=1000(witschi-law) groups=1000(witschi-law)20:08
woodyjlwjava is on but still cant view a file I need from web20:08
icerootojii: hm20:09
epinkyojii: just use "sudo adduser witschi-law"<enter> and it will guide trough the process20:09
ojiiepinky: but i can't do that when he already exists right?20:09
icerootepinky: he wants another home20:09
ojiiepinky: the whole point is basically to add a user for proftpd, so i don't want /home/<username>/20:09
holyHow can I create a DVD for some old DVD player? Can I make it with programs from the ubuntustudio-video suit?20:10
BeNdAbLeHi guys.  Does anyone know how to tell gdm to disable the reboot/shutdown/restart buttons, or at the least, require authentication before rebooting/shutting down/restarting?  I tried setting the GConf variable /apps/gdm/simple-greeter/disable_restart_buttons to true, but it didn't have any effect.  There is still a power button the lower-right corner that pops up a menu with reboot/shutdown.20:10
winmisseranyone here uses wine 1.1.33?20:10
=== kb is now known as Guest69459
icerootwinmisser: #winehq20:11
ojiiwinmisser: join #winehq for wine related questions20:11
iceroot!anyone | winmisser20:11
ubottuwinmisser: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?20:11
ibuclawojii, you want to move home for the user witschi-law ?20:11
ojiiibuclaw: yes20:11
ojiiibuclaw: or rather create the user with a atypical home dir20:11
winmisseri did ask before, ubottu, but got no reply20:11
icerootwinmisser: he is a bot20:11
ibuclawojii, sudo usermod -m -d /path/to/new/home witschi-law20:11
h4writerhmm, I tried "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so" and changed to ubuntu, but still have kubuntu splash screen on startup :S20:11
winmisseroh.. lol20:11
ojiiibuclaw: the user already has the dir set when i created him!20:12
icerootibuclaw: but the userdir is only stored at /etc/passwd isnt it?20:12
tixlegeekcan everyone help me to configure wpa in console ?20:12
ojiiibuclaw: i did: adduser --home /paath/to/home/dir witschi-law20:12
epinkyojii:with adduser you can define where you want your home directory, but you'll have to delete with userdel before and then recreate20:12
ojiiepinky: i did!20:12
stefan_I try to install something and error window shows up saying exclusive lock now is being used by apt-get, maybe it is running somehow in background, how should i end it?20:12
Hick0rdI have ubuntu 9.10 and kde installed on the same machine I have installed the mono develop ide, I compiled it from the source and it runs great on gnome, but when I run it from kde, it doesn't work properly. and it wouldn't (make run) under kde... which worked normally under gnome.20:13
epinkyojii: then type  "sudo adduser witschi-law"<enter>20:13
Hick0rdIs there any (obvious) reason why this happens? It is not critical but I am curious to know if there is a why to make this work.20:13
ibuclawojii, wait ... so what is the issue?20:13
ojiiepinky: adduser --home /var/www/vhosts/witschi-law.ch/httpdocs/sites/witschi-law.ch/ witschi-law20:13
ojiithat's what i did20:13
=== Strife89 is now known as Strife89|at-work
ojiiibuclaw: when I log in it says 'No Directory' and it changes the home dir to /20:13
phantomcircuit    9 root      15  -5     0    0    0 S   13  0.0   3:01.98 events/020:13
phantomcircuitwtf is that?20:13
epinkyojii:  "sudo adduser witschi-law"<enter> it will ask you in step two I think20:13
=== AxesDNite is now known as ph33r
ojiiibuclaw: yes I'm 100000000% sure that this dir exists20:13
ibuclawone min, I'll simulate this in a VM20:14
ojiiibuclaw: note that the dir is owned by root when i created it, i then changed ownership but still can't login properly20:14
ibuclawojii, did the directory exist before you created the user?20:15
ojiiibuclaw: i tried both existing and with none existing dir20:16
nanonanuojii the path to get to that may not have the correct perms,20:16
Ramses_IIhi everybody - can someone give me please a hint why the KEYBOARD of my xps m2010 from dell does NOT work with ubuntu 9.10 - synaptic touchpad DOES work! :) - have to plug in a USB keyboard -> weired20:16
ojiinanonanu: chown -R username:group /that/path didn't help....20:16
nanonanuojii a directory without the correct perms may not be traversed20:16
ojiinanonanu: ?20:16
nanonanuojii you are not following, the parent dir may not have the correct perms to allow you to view it20:17
Ramses_IIwith ubuntu 9.04 i had no troubles - except the sound20:17
ojiinanonanu: why would a user need to be allowed to view parent dirs of his homedir?20:17
osmanhi there I need to make a dvd what program should i use well i try brasero but is showing me an error20:17
nanonanuojii does it work fo ryou?20:17
KnifeySpooneyWhy is there a program on synaptic called "pornview"?20:17
ojiinanonanu: ?20:17
nanonanuojii btw those are not common places to put a home directory20:18
ChaseM1991KnifeySpooney: LOL20:18
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mbeierlsay, anyone know if there is a way to disable the built in "little knob" mouse in the middle of the keyboard on a laptop?20:18
LjLKnifeySpooney: why not?20:18
Hick0rdI have ubuntu 9.10 and kde installed on the same machine I have installed the mono develop ide, I compiled it from the source and it runs great on gnome, but when I run it from kde, it doesn't work properly. and it wouldn't (make run) under kde... which worked normally under gnome.20:18
Hick0rdIs there any (obvious) reason why this happens? It is not critical but I am curious to know if there is a why to make this work.20:18
nanonanumbeierl -> a pair of pliers, will do20:18
ojiinanonanu: I know! but it's a ftp user which needs access to a dir in var www only! because it's only for a website!20:18
KnifeySpooneyLjL: No specific reason.. just I would think after seeing the strictness of this chat room that ubuntus repos were even more sanitized20:18
mbeierlnanonanu: HA!  I'm really close to doing that.  I have an older laptop where that mouse is failing and is constantly moving the pointer to the top of the screen20:19
nanonanuojii -> you are not getting the point, to traverse a directory path, the user must have a valid perms to traverse it20:19
pkkmhow to install tor?20:19
grawitypkkm: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TOR has instructions.20:19
ojiinanonanu: define 'valid perms to traverse it', i don't want to give the user rights to actually do a lot in the directories below his home dir20:20
ibuclawojii, seems to work for me ...20:20
ojiiibuclaw: o_O20:20
grawitymbeierl: You sure it isn't just recalibrating itself?20:20
ChaseM1991I keep getting E: bird: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 220:20
ChaseM1991E: bird6: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 220:20
ojiiibuclaw: can you tell me exactly how you did it? maybe I messed up somewhere20:20
ibuclawran the command you posted above20:20
nicolausis anyone seeing this20:20
nanonanuojii -> try as that user, traversing each dir path one by one20:20
grawitynicolaus: Yes.20:20
ChaseM1991anyone know how i can fix that?20:20
ibuclaw adduser --home /var/www/vhosts/witschi-law.ch/httpdocs/sites/witschi-law.ch/ witschi-law20:20
nicolausi have a question20:20
nicolaushow do i make my desktop picture keep changing20:21
grawityojii: User must have the "execute" (+x) permission for each directory in the path -- that is: /, /var, /var/www, /var/www/vhosts, and so on.20:21
pkkmgrawity, thanks20:21
mbeierlgrawity: yes, it keeps happening constantly.  first up, then down....20:21
nicolaushow do i make my desktop picture keep changing20:21
ojiigrawity: thanks, seems he can't cd into httpdocs20:21
guntbertmbeierl: pull it, clean it, clean the keys around it and put it back20:21
nanonanuojii -> there grawity made it clearer for me .. thanks20:21
ibuclawgrawity, ++20:21
RoastedHas anybody used Samba4? If so has anybody had better luck with it overtop of the existing Samba version?20:22
mbeierlguntbert: thanks.  Did that.  used compressed air, etc...20:22
tonyyarussonicolaus: You can script it by using gconftool-2 to set the key.  There isn't really a built-in nice method.20:22
ibuclaw!hi > nicolaus20:22
ubottunicolaus, please see my private message20:22
nicolaushi ibuclaw20:22
fbdystangHi all. I am trying to get my printer to work. It is an HP. I have installed HPLIP, which says that jobs are submitted then completed. Nothing coming out of printer. Help!20:23
guntbertmbeierl: remember I said clean the surrounding keys too, because they tend to "push" it a little20:23
ChaseM1991!love > nicolaus20:23
ubottunicolaus, please see my private message20:23
ojiigrawity: how do i chmod a dir for a user?20:23
epinkyfbdystang: dumb question, is it plugged and powered? :)20:23
tonyyarussoojii: same as a file.  If you want to change everything in it as well, use -R.20:24
grawityojii: Well, Unix only supports setting permissions for directory's (or file's) owner, group, and the rest. But I see no reason why couldn't you just set all directories to be executable by everyone (o+x)20:24
nanonanuojii -> i know this is an extra work for you, but try  man chmod20:24
fbdystangepinky: of course, I can even see it through the IP20:24
mbeierlguntbert: that's why I'm at a loss and am hoping there is a way in software to disable it... the direction changes all the time, and if I push really hard on the knob-mouse in the right direction I can usually force it to halt progress and sometimes get it back20:24
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Guest4951join #_HW_20:24
al_man this is weird. I have two computers, one setup to accept VNC connections(server). I can connect to the server from my PC but when I go to connect to the server from the client pc, which is a laptop, using the WAN IP nothing happens.20:24
ibuclawojii, chmod +x20:24
nicolausi still dont get it20:24
ojiiso if I run that as root it will work for that user?20:25
nicolaushow do i make my destopn keep changing the picture20:25
al_the ports open, but something is screwy on the client laptop20:25
guntbertmbeierl: I see - let me look (i seem to remember something...)20:25
mbeierlguntbert: it also happens when the cover of the knob is off.  I really think the knob-mouse itself is dying and I'm trying to just simply override it :(20:25
mbeierlguntbert: thanks!20:25
ojiitonyyarusso, grawity, nanonanu: sorry, i was thinking too far20:25
fbdystangPrinter help please :)20:25
nanonanumbeierl -> my thinkpad does not have the red dot, i physically peeled it off20:26
ojiitonyyarusso, grawity, nanonanu, ibuclaw thanks a lot! seems setting +x on httpdocs was all I needed to do....20:26
abloylasjoin #linux20:27
mbeierlnanonanu: this is a toshiba... removing the rubber lid doesn't change it's behaviour either ... the thing is possessed...20:27
nanonanuojii ->  really sometimes one need to spend some time reviewing file/dir permissions20:27
Roastedcheese sammiches20:27
guntbertmbeierl: http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/How_to_configure_the_TrackPoint is not exactly what you need, but maybe a starter :-)20:27
ojiinanonanu: yea i didn't know about the traversing-thing, was only thinking about the actual dir...20:27
nanonanumbeierl -> see if the xorg.conf have an entry for it20:27
ibuclawojii, no probs.20:28
Supersaiyan_IVlink me your favorite gnome icon theme20:28
nanonanuojii -> but am glad you picked up a new thing to learn20:28
guntbert!ot | Supersaiyan_IV20:28
ubottuSupersaiyan_IV: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:28
mbeierlguntbert: it's a toshiba, but hopefully some of those will work.20:29
ojiihmm for some reason my ftp user still can't log in20:29
guntbertmbeierl: Good luck :-)20:29
ojiilike if i try logging in via ftp it doesn't work20:29
mbeierlguntbert: thanks!20:29
Roastedanybody runnin samba4 on their nix rigs yet?20:29
epinky!anyone | Roasted20:30
ubottuRoasted: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?20:30
Roastedmy quesiton was meant to be targeted towards anyone, since samba4 users seem to be quite minimal yet, but thanks20:30
eeehow to install a program?\20:31
ojiieee: Applications -> Ubuntu Software Center20:32
ActionParsnipRoasted: is it a replacement/upgrade for samba?20:33
blacksun7anyone familiar with csh scripting that could help me learn it?20:33
ojiieee: that is if you want to install a program from the official repositories, otherwise read the README or INSTALL files that come with the program you want to install20:33
eeehow to go to the Ubuntu Software Center?20:33
agoristanyone suggest a font manager for me?20:33
grawityblacksun7: csh? http://www.faqs.org/faqs/unix-faq/shell/csh-whynot/20:33
ojiieee: you use ubuntu? what version?20:33
ChaseM1991I keep getting E: bird: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 220:33
scottjIs there a command like cat but that syntax highlights code? (maybe uses vim for that)20:33
grawityblacksun7: bash and zsh are better, IMO :|20:33
eeethe last\20:33
ChaseM1991E: bird6: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 220:33
alaqsoryHi all20:33
eeei duno from where to go20:34
agoristI suppose I should ad that I'm looking for a font manager for gnome20:34
blacksun7grawity, that may be all well and good but this is for a job where i dont get to choose20:34
ChaseM1991anyone know how i can fix that20:34
ojiieee: click on 'Applications' in the top left corner of your screen in the menu, then click on "Ubuntu Software Center"20:34
RoastedActionParsnip - what, Samba4?20:34
ibuclawscottj, not really - why not just use an editor?20:34
Cool_GUYwhat is the samba20:34
ActionParsnipRoasted: aye20:35
agoristHere's another question. Windows has a hard time starting and running when to many fonts are installed (in the Font folder), does linux have this same sort of problem?20:35
ActionParsnip!samba | Cool_GUY20:35
ubottuCool_GUY: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.20:35
scottjibuclaw: well, don't you use cat sometimes? Wouldn't it be nice to alias cat to something that works the same but does syntax highlighting?20:35
abloylasIs there a way to get "Room List" working in Empathy on Karmic?20:35
RoastedActionParsnip - yeah, I believe its in beta still, but version 4 is the newer one20:35
scottjibuclaw: bc I don't want to have to quit the editor20:35
RoastedActionParsnip - I was just curious if any users have played with it in the event of its still too buggy to use or anything like that.20:35
ibuclawagorist, not that I am aware of in my 3 years using ... then again - I don't consider myself an avant font collector - nor would I know how many fonts are installed on my system ;)20:35
ActionParsnipRoasted: might have a play. I found a PPA20:35
eeei already clicked there is no ubuntu software20:36
RoastedActionParsnip - yeah I have it here in the repos on my Kubuntu laptop20:36
Roastedhavent installed it though20:36
alaqsoryI hit from the firefox but it can not establish aconnection to
ojiieee: then you don't have newest ubuntu, anyway try: System->Administration->Synaptic Package Manager20:36
RoastedActionParsnip - I figured it might be worthwhile to try installing on my work laptop since I don't have a samba server here, so if things backfire with samba4 I can just reinstall, whereas at home I have a full blown samba server that I dont want to experiment with20:36
bsdunixi am trying to get my thinkpad fingerprint reader working. i tried building bioapi from source, run into Qt version issue. (bioapi needs older version)20:37
ojiiRoasted: try asking on #samba20:37
Roastedojii - already did20:37
Roastedand linux20:37
ojiiah okay20:37
ibuclawalaqsory, what are you trying to do?20:37
Roastednot enough traffic there really20:37
alaqsorybut when I ping it from network tools recieved data20:37
ibuclawalaqsory, usually:  http://localhost  is used20:37
TrevorRose2010Hi all. :) I was wondering if there was a way to upgrade from ubuntu 8.04 to the newest version with out ordering the cd or having to create a cd.20:37
alaqsoryibuclaw: I tried to ping from firefox20:37
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ibuclawfrom firefox...20:38
ty5479Hey guys, I have 3 Ubuntu 9.10 machines. When I go to network. They dont see eachother. I do have folders shared on each... I dont get what i'm doing wrong.20:38
ojiiWhy would a ftp user not be able to log in (using proftpd, and just normal system users as user)?20:38
alaqsoryibuclaw: and then ping my roter
bsdunixty5479: firewall!20:38
Mike_lifeguardIf 'host domain.com' gets you the IP, how can you get the domain name for an IP?20:38
davi`is there any software to extract .bin files from mac on komic koala?20:38
ibuclawalaqsory, <-- click to see if you connect20:38
ty5479bsdlinux:  How do i configure it so it can see other n computers?20:39
alaqsorythere is no connection20:39
bsdunixty5479: first try telnet the IP of one to the other20:39
zauberHello - I installed the dovecot-postfix package. The only thing I changed from default in the postfix conf is set it up with virtual mailbox-maps using mysql. All that works well - I can recieve mail over imap with dovecot. BUT I cannot send outgoing messages. Keep getting: "Recipient address rejected". Feel like I'm missing something obvious20:39
ibuclawalaqsory, is this on the workstation you are using to talk through here?20:39
TrevorRose2010Is there any way to upgrade from ubuntu 8.04 to the newest version with out having to get the cd or create the cd?20:40
bsdunixTrevorRose2010: most certainly there should be an easey way to do that. i would check faq's at ubuntu.com20:40
alaqsoryibuclaw: I tried it on ubuntu on my hard20:40
ty5479bsdunix: trying now... for some odd reason if i ping the hostname it comes up as
ibuclawscottj, it may be nice ... but if you don't want to quit the editor, then why not have tabbed terminals... or fork to gedit.20:40
zauberAlso, my server seems to be denying incoming messages as well, from for example gmail20:41
alaqsorynot on virtual machine20:41
ty5479but if i go to the actual computer, it's which i cant telnet into20:41
TrevorRose2010alright, thanks bsdunix. I've got another question, but I'm going to im you to see if you can answer it.20:41
bsdunixty5479: is not within the private (lan) address range20:41
ibuclawscottj, Ctrl+Shift+T to create a new tab in gnome-terminal, Alt+1 and Alt+2 to switch between.20:41
ibuclawalaqsory, what does the network manager applet say?20:42
ibuclaware you connected ?20:42
icyjTrevorRose2010:  You can only directly upgrade to Ubuntu 9.10 from Ubuntu 9.04, according to http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading20:42
alaqsoryI am now on windows ibuclaw20:42
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Alan502Hi :) i've got a pretty big problem :S would you help me? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8428109#post842810920:42
guntbertMike_lifeguard: try with dig -x IP20:43
Mike_lifeguardguntbert: cool, I'll read the man page20:43
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ibuclawAlan502, hmm20:44
davi`is there any software to extract .bin files from mac on komic koala?20:44
guntbertMike_lifeguard: dig is the standard dns tool under linux - so that time will be well spent :)20:44
melterhas anyone else had printing problems after upgrading to karmic?20:45
ibuclawtech_help, that is a cool nick...20:45
ibuclawAlan502, which partition is Kubuntu on?20:45
ibuclawAlan502, the /dev/sd?? location20:45
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Kevin147Hi. I am having some troubles with Pidgin Internet Messenger. Every once in a while, it crashes for no reason. I won't even be using it, and it will crash for no reason. I have always had problems in the past with Pidgin, either its something else going wrong with it. I have no plugins installed, so thats not the problem. I just want to get advice, and see how we can fix this. I am running on Ubuntu 9.10 just so you know.20:46
ibuclawmelter, I've had no issues with network printing with HP printers ... so being a little more specific may help.20:47
MainstayKevin147: I don't know much about problems with pidgin specifically (I used it but don't have many aside from usability ones). First I would wonder if it has to do with any of your existing IM profiles. Perhaps remove them all and add a brand new one. Then see if it crashes.20:48
icyjMelter:  I am using an HP Laserjet 5000, works perfectly20:48
Alan502ibuclaw: it is on sda620:49
Alan502ibuclaw: i believe i can just copy the directories from some other installation but i dont know if that can be done20:49
Kevin147Mainstay: I already have done that. In the past I had to re-install it, and then it worked perfectly for a few days, then went back to crashing. It has stopped for a while, it just started again a few days ago.20:49
ibuclawAlan502, okies I'm going to run you through a procedure, can you paste everything into an open terminal after the :20:50
unitedpotsmokersguys, what is the best color laser printer and can run perfectly with ubuntu?20:50
guntbert!hi | ruhiger_detlef20:50
ubotturuhiger_detlef: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!20:50
ibuclawAlan502,  :  sudo mount /dev/sda6 /mnt20:50
wrapsterps -ef |grep qt displays a qcreator as running while top -n 1 |grep qt* fails to do so.. can anyone please explain it to me?20:50
ibuclawAlan502,  :  sudo chroot /mnt20:51
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guntbertunitedpotsmokers: please don't start "best thing" polls here20:51
Alan502ibuclaw: i cannot even enter the command line, i mean, it starts to boot but then it crashes20:51
ibuclawAlan502, not in the kubuntu installation.20:51
Alan502ibuclaw: in the live cd?20:51
ibuclawAlan502, do you have another installation of ubuntu?20:51
ibuclawor the LiveCD20:52
larrygot a question for you guys20:52
larrylets suppose that i have an embedded transparent terminal on my desktop20:52
larryi like to use ncurses apps such as fizmo and cmus on these terminals20:52
larryhow would i make it so that each desktop has a seperate embedded terminal instead of all of them showing the same one?20:52
FloodBot5larry: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:52
melteribuclaw: networked hp 2605dn20:52
larrysorry laggy connection20:52
unitedpotsmokersnow i am using hp deskjet d2500 series. it run perfectly....without installing driver manually20:52
Alan502ibuclaw: live cd will be, wait a minute...20:52
ibuclawAlan502, okies20:52
ibuclawAlan502, I'll update your thread20:52
trismKevin147: out of curiosity, what protocol(s) are you using on pidgin?20:52
blazonhey how do i get the20:53
blazonnetwork of my ip20:53
Alan502ibuclaw: ok thanks :)20:53
Kevin147Trism: Protocol(s)?20:53
djura-sani have one problem: how to disable updating via update manager on some packages in xubuntu 9.10?20:53
guntbertblazon: ip ad20:54
wrapstercan anyone answer my question please?20:54
guntbert!pin | djura-san20:54
ubottudjura-san: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto20:54
trismKevin147: AIM/MSN/Yahoo/Google Talk, etc?20:54
unitedpotsmokersguntbert: i only want to know what kind of color laser printer can run with ubuntu without any problem... i am new in linux20:54
ArCHoNKoGQuestion, where is the gmd config to install new themes ?20:54
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Kevin147Trism: Ohh, that. Sorry, I had a brain cramp there for a second, I am using 1 account MSN, 1 account Yahoo, And 1 account for Google Talk.20:55
alaqsoryibuclaw: epinky sorry for lating20:55
CounterspellI'm having a strange problem with timezones, it seems /usr/share/zoneinfo doesn't include the 'PST' timezone.20:55
tech404_what is the best way to go about vpn/rdp/whatever? It sounds like NX is a good pick but it's not OSS so I don't want to run it and FreeNX hasn't been updated in a couple of years. I know tightvnc has some compression stuff but it still runs a bit slow on my connection and it is cumbersome to setup a ssh forward everytime.20:55
osmanwow pidgin is the best20:55
djura-sanguntbert: so basically i just need to lock program version in synaptic?20:56
unitedpotsmokersso if i cant ask your advise here, using this operating system will make useless to me20:56
ga_sk8erdoes pidgin do irc chat?20:56
theshadowga_sk8er: yes20:56
ga_sk8eri cant get xchat to find this room20:56
djura-sanga_sk8er: yes it does20:56
blazonguntbert i am trying to add an ip to eth0:1 but i dont know the "network" of my ip20:56
guntbertdjura-san: sorry, all I know about it is the factoid I sent you20:56
icyjArCHoNKoG: are you just trying to install a new theme?20:56
blazonhow do i know what the "network" address is20:56
alaqsoryit seems there is no solution for my problem20:57
djura-sanguntbert: Thank you. You give me enough material to continue my search. Thank you again :)20:57
ibuclawblazon, inside or outside of LAN?20:57
alaqsorymy problem is20:57
alaqsoryand this http://img163.imageshack.us/gal.php?g=screenshot1zg.png20:57
ArCHoNKoGicyj, yes20:57
blazonoutside ...
ibuclawblazon, http://www.whatismyip.com/20:58
unitedpotsmokersso if u dont know the answer dont tell me dont do this or that... i will wait the answer20:58
ibuclawAlan502, hi20:58
icyjArCHoNKoG: you can open System -> Preferences -> Appearance, then drag the theme archive into the window, and it should install automatically20:58
Alan502_ibuclaw: http://paste.ubuntu.com/333384/20:58
tech404_blazon: you should have enough data there to add your ip20:59
cheetahw28are there any type of disk concatenation/jbod packages in ubuntu?20:59
tech404_blazon: you may also need a default route and a dns server address20:59
malekcan anyone hel. with missing letters on ubuntu, .lz :)20:59
cheetahw28I usually use freebsd and use gconcat ..20:59
blazoni have all that20:59
ga_sk8eri loaded pidgin & loggeed into an irc but i cant see what others are typing20:59
Alan502_ibuclaw: again, i think something is wrong with the bin directory20:59
blazoni just dont know how to tell what my "network" address is20:59
ArCHoNKoGicyj, would that work for gdm themes or over all all themes ?21:00
ga_sk8eri know ppl are talking in it cause i can see the irc on the website21:00
ibuclawAlan502_, I would suggest reinstallation - as that would be the easiest route.21:00
marianohay alguien?21:00
malekcan anyone hel. with missing letters on ubuntu, .lz :)21:01
marianoi have a question21:01
Ace42Gah, I think I've shagged my installation of ubuntu.  I was trying to get a serial mouse to work, and the only solution seems to be editing xorg.conf21:01
Ace42Which didn't exist, so I installed xorg21:01
Ace42And now the damn pc won't boot21:01
ibuclawAlan502_, did you say that you started the Kubuntu Installer and quit halfway through?21:01
Alan502_ibuclaw: *sigh* well... what would be the other root_21:02
marianoi have installed ubuntu with 3gb of disc, but in my disc i have more gb.. but when i want to update, it says "not enought disc"21:02
Alan502_ibuclaw: the ubuntu installer to be accurate...21:02
wrapsteranybody listening here?21:02
marianoanybody can help me?21:02
ibuclawAlan502_, and formatted the partition...21:02
wrapstercould anyone pls ans my question21:02
Alan502_ibuclaw: no, i never formated the partition21:02
malekeveryone with .roblems and few with knowledge :)21:02
* shurdry gongola21:02
marianoHi, anybody can help me?21:02
NoiseEeemariano: you'll have to repartition your disk to be larger, from what i understand of your question21:02
Alan502_ibuclaw: i just moved the partitions (logical/primary)21:02
Alan502_mariano: sup21:03
marianonoiseee what can i do?21:03
epinkywrapster: can you repeat your grep command with top21:03
PupenoAnyone using unatended-upgrades? it seems not to be doing any upgrades for me.21:03
Alan502_mariano: just post your question and we can help you21:03
ibuclawAlan502_, if you ran the installer, chances am you may have formatted the partition without realising.21:03
marianoi have installed ubuntu with 3gb of disc, but in my disc i have more gb.. but when i want to update, it says "not enought disc"21:03
shane__anyone know of a way to convert real audio to mp3?  This is a little harder than I expected.21:03
Alan502_ibuclaw: i choose to not format the partition on the installer21:03
dabadoo2is it me or does ubuntu install perl with no regular expression support???21:03
LjLwrapster: 1) "qt*" is not a valid regular expression as grep expects; "qt.*" would be 2) you should enclose that kind of grep regular expressions in 'quote', or the shell will try to interpret them21:03
NoiseEeemariano: so you made a partition that's 3GB but you have a larger hard drive, and you want ubuntu to take a larger piece of the hard drive (instead of only 3GB)?21:04
Ace42Gah, I can't find xorg.conf; I've installed xorg, how do I generate the .conf and get it to do its thing?21:04
ibuclawAlan502_, fyi, with grub issues, you boot from LiveCD, mount the partition, chroot in and run:  update-grub21:04
ibuclawin the most simplest test cases21:04
ga_sk8eri still cant get the irc room i want to run on xchat or pidgin21:04
marianono, i select in the install of ubuntu in windows.. 3gb install21:04
wrapsterepinky: ps -ef |grep qt displays a qcreator as running while top -n 1 |grep qt* fails to do so.. can anyone please explain it to me?21:05
Alan502_ibuclaw: yes, i had an idea of how to recover my grub but my internet connection was down21:05
NoiseEeemariano: sorry don't know21:05
eeehow to install mms?21:05
LjLwrapster: i just did.21:05
Alan502_ibuclaw: anyway, do you think that formatting is my ultimate solution_21:05
raindogdbus-daemon is running at 97-100% constantly. and now certain apps won't start such as rhythmbox and nautilus.  How should I troubleshoot this?21:05
wrapsterLjL: i dont think so.. coz the same format of expression under ps -ef works.. but not in to.21:05
shane__wow, is it that complex?  anyone have a pointer or two on converting real audio to mp3?21:06
ibuclawAlan502_, check the contents of /mnt/home21:06
epinkywrapster: it shouldn't be "sudo top -n 1| grep -w qcreator" ?21:06
ibuclawAlan502_, is your home directory / files there?21:06
marianonoissee i will explain again.. better21:06
ga_sk8eri got it in lostIRC :)21:06
marianoi install Ubuntu on Windows.. right?.. without partition.21:07
wrapsterepinky: no.21:07
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Alan502_ibuclaw: yes they are still there, i can still back them up21:07
wrapsterepinky:  / LjL : please explain this.21:07
LjLwrapster: oh well, top would only display a process if that process *is* among the ones consuming the top amount of CPU21:08
marianoand.. in the option i select 3gb instaltion..21:08
NoiseEeemariano: not as far as i know21:08
Alan502_ibuclaw: and re-install but the problem will be re-installing the apps as my internet connection is a little bit poor and downloading them takes me a while21:08
dabadoo2is it me or does ubuntu install perl with no regular expression support???21:08
Fissiohey..anyone knows how gps should work on karmic..? i've tried viking and gpsdrive..somehow seems that they can't recognize my gps device.. or get signal from it..should i change some setting from gpsd?21:08
wrapsterLjL: no it displays even if the process is consumign 0.0% of CPU21:08
LjLwrapster: that will depend on the height of your terminal (which makes grepping top... unorthodox to say the least)21:08
marianoi want to know, if there is an option to do big the disc use?21:08
ibuclawAlan502_, do you ever run: apt-get clean,  or apt-get autoclean ?21:09
NoiseEeemariano: you'd have to install ubuntu on its own partition as far as i know21:09
Alan502_ibuclaw: not really21:09
Alan502_ibuclaw: i think that means i can still find my apps in the temp directory right_21:09
LjLwrapster: but it doesn't display *all* processes, only those consuming the most cpu. if none are consuming much cpu, then it'll show 0. look at "top" and then look at the full output of "ps aux" - don't you think the latter is a little longer?21:09
marianoNoiseEee: there is an option to install Ubuntu on windows.21:09
epinkywrapster: afaik that grep qt* will take 't' letter21:09
ibuclawAlan502_, check /mnt/var/cache/apt/archives21:10
LjLwrapster: try "ps aux | wc -l" and "top -n 1 | wc -l" to count the number of lines (i.e. the number of processes)21:10
NoiseEeeinstall ubuntu on windows???21:10
raindogNoiseEee: using Wubi21:10
ibuclawAlan502_, anything that is a .deb file will be of help =)21:10
marianono no..21:10
marianoyes, raindog..21:10
LjLwrapster: well, that shows that a process won't necessarily be shown by top...21:10
wrapsterLjL: yeah so which is the best way to observe process then?21:11
LjLwrapster: err, that depends on what exactly you're trying to observe, i guess.21:11
LjLwrapster: why doesn't grepping "ps" work?21:11
Alan502_ibuclaw: ok, thanks for your help :D ill tell you how it goes and update the thread21:12
wrapsterLjL: it does.. but i cannot get the cpu / memory utilization and all21:12
Alan502_ibuclaw: very appreciated man21:12
wrapsterfor that process...21:12
Ace42Could anyone talk to me a little about setting up xorg?21:12
LjLwrapster: yes you can, "ps aux | grep qt"21:12
marianoanybody can help me?... i install Ubuntu on Windows.. and when i want to update, it say "not enought disc space", but i have sufficient space.21:12
LjLwrapster: this would probably be best though: "top -p pid-of-qtcreator"21:13
Alan502_mariano: please run sudo fdisk -l on the ubuntu terminal, and paste its contents on paste.ubuntu.com21:13
marianoDisco /dev/sda: 80.0 GB, 80026361856 bytes21:14
mariano255 cabezas, 63 sectores/pista, 9729 cilindros21:14
marianoUnidades = cilindros de 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes21:14
marianoIdentificador de disco: 0x248cad1d21:14
marianoDisposit. Inicio    Comienzo      Fin      Bloques  Id  Sistema21:14
mariano/dev/sda1               1        1019     8185086   27  Desconocido21:14
FloodBot1mariano: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:14
wrapsterLjL: yes i understand that.. but this is acutally going into an automation script that im writing .. where im displaying all the process and if the user finds that th process is eating up mem /cpu he will kill it...21:14
NoiseEeemariano: he said paste it to the link ^^21:14
dabadoo2hehe you had to know that was coming21:14
marianosorry i have pasted it21:15
wrapsterLjL: so if it does not show up in the top output in the first place.. how will he know about its existence at all...21:15
marianosorry i dont understand so much english jaja21:15
marianonow, what can i do?21:15
Alan502_mariano: did you install ubuntu with wubi_21:16
icerootmariano: german?21:16
=== Batty|Smoke is now known as battyone
dj_hey guys i have a cd it has 8 .mpg files how can i convert all them to one dvd file21:16
Alan502_iceroot: he speaks spanish lol21:16
icerootAlan502_: ah ok, thought of "jaja" which is german21:16
Alan502_iceroot: whats the spanish channel? he might be better understood in that one21:16
thiebaude!es | mariano21:16
ubottumariano: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.21:16
marianoalan502: yes, i install with the option INSTALL ON WINDOWS, with the autorun in Windows xp21:16
wrapsterLjL: so any idea how i can resolve this?21:17
Alan502_iceroot: jaja is also a laugh in spanish :)21:17
icerootAlan502_: ah ok21:17
marianoGracias ubottu21:17
ojii#proftpd seems to be dead, so I'll try here: I have two VPS servers running ubuntu, on both i have proftpd installed and both have the same config file, but on one i can log in with my users, on the other i cant (not even with root!), why would that be?21:17
LjLwrapster: uh, well, i'm not sure what your script intends to add compared to "top" (which can already sort processes by amount of memory taken, and lets the user kill them)... but you should definitely grep "ps" (if anything, surely not "top") in a script. you also shouldn't use "*" unquoted in a script - the implications of doing that are that the script will fail to work correctly depending on what *files* one has in the current directory, because * is a21:18
LjLshell wildcard.21:18
LjLwrapster: finally, i suggest #bash for more specific help regarding commands to use in a script21:18
dabadoo2i get configure: error pcre-config not found, install pcre-devel package or blah......... apt-get or package manager has nothing for pcre-devel.. any clues please?21:18
marianoanydoby can help me?21:19
Alan502_iceroot: do you know what command to run to see how much disk space he has occupied_21:19
wrapsterLjL: ok thanks...21:19
Alan502_mariano: wait a minute, im googling, not a linux expert >,<21:19
lionstonehi, running 9.10 synaptic is totally dead. can't figure out why. get msg about "another synaptic is running, trying to bring it to foreground" but ps|aux grep "syanptic" is empty21:20
lionstonepls help any clue, googling for an hour now21:20
battyonelionstone, what about system updates, apt-get, etc?21:20
jogradwhat's that lionstone?21:20
LjLlionstone: you did grep "synaptic", and not "syanptic", right?21:20
lionstoneyes :)21:21
ibuclawAlan502_, posted: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8428315#post842831521:21
LjLlionstone: try "ps aux | grep apt" too21:21
Lint01I cannot install Ubuntu 9.10 over itself, why?21:21
lionstoneLjL: roger21:21
LjL!aptfix | lionstone, if that shows nothing, do this21:21
ubottulionstone, if that shows nothing, do this: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »21:21
wrapsterLjL: you will probably throw me out of this channel for ever i guess...21:21
LjLwrapster: i don't have that ability21:21
warriorforgodwrapster: Will you pastebin your script so I can take a look at it?21:21
lionstoneubottu, Ljl: apt is running21:22
LjLlionstone: "apt" what?21:22
wrapsterLjL: top also shows it but i had written in such a way that i manually removed those processes that at the moment are using 0.0% CPU and with -n 1 switch added to top it was being yanked out....21:23
epinkymariano: Alan502: " df -h"21:23
wrapsterand thats y it was not displayed..21:23
wrapsterLjL: really sorry buddy....21:23
lionstoneLjL: sorry, that was just the grep process. nothing besides that21:23
ibuclawAlan502_, if there is anything else you need explaining / clarifying just ping me21:23
Lint01I cannot install Ubuntu 9.10 over itself, why?21:23
LjLwrapster: try it a few times. if it's using 0.0, it'll sometimes show and *sometimes not*, depending on where it ends in the list21:23
wrapsterwarriorforgod: that would not be necessary as i figured it out.. my mistake itself.21:23
Ryan2Anyone know where I can get the b43-fwcutter files from?21:23
LjLlionstone: then issue the command i gave. that will unlock apt, but it may complain about something then.21:24
lionstoneLjL: I ran the command with no problem but still no synaptic21:24
wrapsterLjL: but is there a way i can know the currently running processes?21:24
LjLlionstone, erm, i don't mean grep, but the other21:24
sebsebsebLint01: delete the partition,  I have done format / before and things not going how they should have  regarding space21:24
jogradim working on firewall, security, iptables, postfix. this is coool. linux rules. ubuntu is linux. linus torvaldds is a god21:25
LjLwrapster: erm, yes, "ps aux"...?21:25
wrapsterLjL: I mean processes as they can be seen on my actual desktop.21:25
jogradall of us are mere disciples of linus torvalds21:25
sebsebsebLint01: or whatever it was21:25
lionstoneLjL: yes, apt was not running at all. I was confused by the grep process :)21:25
wrapsterLjL:not like that.21:25
LjLwrapster: a process is a process. do you want to know about windows?21:25
Lint01sebsebseb: I cannot delete that partition, it contains my data; and it's not out-of-space error21:25
wrapsterLjL:yeah perhaps...21:25
sebsebseb!home |  Lint0121:26
ubottuLint01: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome21:26
ChicoDoes any know where I can get help on changing my incoming POP3 Port Numbers and my Outgoing SMTP numbers21:26
lionstoneIs there any was at all to debug synaptic? I can put up anything on pastebin. But running sudo syanptic is just straight up empty21:26
Ryan2Where can I find the driver files for the BCM43xx wireless?21:26
Lint01sebsebseb: I don;t have a separate partition for /home, I want to use what I really have and not all that conjectures21:27
Kovenskyuh, something is wrong with the HP F300 driver on ubuntu21:27
Alan502_ibuclaw: im impressed of your attention :) thats why i like the linux community. I will tell you if i need something and i am now updating the thread. Thank you very much!21:27
epinkyChico: servers or client?21:27
agoristAnyone suggest a Font Manager for gnome?21:27
micromachstickhi i have a ipod classic 6th generation and hundreds of cds...and i was wondering which media software would be best for me? i've tried songbird and banshee but neither have been very successful...21:27
KovenskyI'm connecting to a SMB-shared F300 printer21:27
wrapsterLjL: any idea?21:27
Kovenskywhen I try to print, the printer starts moving but doesn't output anything21:27
sahilski need a solution which convert pdf to text in exact pattern.21:27
sahilskany such tool guys?21:28
KovenskyCUPS gives up on the printing after waiting for a few minutes, and the printer gets stuck in "printing" mode without doing anything21:28
epinkyChico: : client program?21:28
LjLwrapster: other than playing with "xwininfo", for now, no21:28
Kovenskyconnecting the printer locally and printing works, but I can't really do that since then I'd need to share the printer on the network, and this is a notebook so I can't really act as a printing server21:28
ChicoTrying to setup email on evolution21:28
wrapsterLjL: ok21:28
sahilsktool to convert .pdf to .txt, preserving the pattern ?? or tool to convert .txt file to a  specific regex??21:28
lionstonewhen i run strace synaptic, i get messsages about EAGAIN (Resource temporarily unavailable). but dont know what that means21:29
sinizzlhello. can someone please nmap me and post the results on some pastebin? my hostname is 84-74-27-28.dclient.hispeed.ch21:29
helluvaCSmajori start bluetooth but cannot get it to work, what do i do to figure out what is wrong?21:29
lionstonei think this was initially the result of a broken package but I fix the dpkg issue, apt-get and dpkg and aptitude all run fine21:29
Ryan2Please! someone help - How can I enable my wireless card in my laptop?21:30
Lint01I'm getting 'error installing the base system' while installing Ubuntu 9.10 over itself, how to fix it.21:30
lionstoneeven sudo aptitude reinstall works fine21:30
lionstoneis there anything i can do to clear all the synaptic locks? if that is the problem?21:31
Younger1hi, anyone running 9.10 on amd64?21:31
Spookjesorry, hi Ryan2, how to enable your wifi in your laptop?21:32
Younger1i tried it immediately after it was released, but it crashed during booting21:32
Ryan2Spookje: Yeah, I done PCI check thing in terminal and it knows what model and chipset, or whatever, so how can I enable it?21:32
lionstoneLjL sorry to bother you but I am desperate - any suggestions?21:33
Spookjeu have laptop right, which brand, example acer or this or that21:33
Ryan2Spookje: Dell Latitude d50521:33
Spookjein fact it must auto detect your wifi and then it works, whit ubuntu21:34
LjLlionstone: i'm googling, but it doesn't seem to help21:34
wildc4rdevening all21:34
LjLlionstone: naive suggestion... « find ~/ | grep "ynapt" »21:34
jiribhello all21:34
jiribanybody from OpenOffice.org Scribblers?21:34
Spookjepossible u do first update whit a network cable to your laptop21:34
Ryan2Not with my card, I think.21:34
Spookjeto get the drivers21:35
ikoniajirib: try the channel #openoffice.org21:35
Lint01that stupid installer says I can install over existing system, and that I cannot on the other, ridiculous21:35
jiribikonia: thx21:35
LjLlionstone: i don't even have synaptic installed myself (kubuntu here), so can't try much21:35
Ryan2Spookje: Is it possible to get it to work without having to keep downloading the drivers via wired connection, whilst in Live CD?21:35
Lint01*on one screen,,,,,, on other screen21:35
DrRobinoDid anyone in here ever use a LENOVO T61p with ubuntu?21:36
SpookjeRyan2, my laptop also not work first time, u must use by the first intsall of ubuntu a network cable connected21:36
ikoniaDrRobino ask your question21:36
ZerTo access a ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file, what user do I need to give permission to for SSH to be able to read it?21:36
bsdunixDrRobino: i am now using ubuntu with my ibm thinkpad t42 - hope i can be helpful21:36
Lint01I'm getting 'error installing the base system' while installing Ubuntu 9.10 over itself, how to fix it?21:36
ikoniaZer 60021:36
Ryan2Spookje: I am, but is there a way of obtaining the installer files so I don't have to keep reconnecting to wired?21:37
ZerWhich user?21:37
ikoniaZer the owner of the home dir21:37
brianwWhere does ubuntu store the xorg.conf file?21:37
Zer(chusr/chgrp... it's presently rw for u, r for g)21:37
ToStItOsAnyone familar with networking Windows xo and Ubuntu for file sharing?21:37
DrRobinobsdunix: Yes...so you also have such a trackpoint mouse right?21:37
Spookjei dont know... me also just a newbie!21:37
helluvaCSmajorhow do i get bluetooth to work?21:37
lionstoneLjL - cool thanks though!21:38
ikoniaZer: it needs 600 for the owner - that's it21:38
bsdunixDrRobino: by trackpoint, you mean the touchpad? i am always happy with the erasertip poiting device instead.. not using the pad21:38
ZerHmm. Still isn't working. Weird. brb21:38
ZerStill claims they aren't in AllowUsers21:39
ToStItOsHow do I share my files between Windows xp and Ubuntu21:39
DrRobinobsdunix: yes exactly. This red point between G,H and B. You understand what I mean?21:39
bsdunixDrRobino: however; yes, i have that- but have not yet tried to configure it21:39
Ace42Gah, I am really getting fed up of ubuntu fast.  Every five minutes I find a new problem to which the only solution involves a load of command-prompt text that DOESN'T WORK with this distro...21:39
Zerwhich is funny because I can log on to other accounts as well without that problem (though they use passwords)21:39
ikonia!samba > ToStItOs21:39
ubottuToStItOs, please see my private message21:39
ikoniaZer: then that has no relevence to your key problem21:39
Lint01I'm getting 'error installing the base system' while installing Ubuntu 9.10 over itself, how to fix it?21:39
bsdunixDrRobino: yes. the red point. worked automagically fo rme21:39
DrRobinobsdunix: It works, but i cannot use it to scroll as it can in e.g. windows21:39
ZerWhat do you mean? The only difference is the .ssh/authorized_keys21:39
bsdunixthe blue middle button21:40
ikoniaZer: password authentication has nothing to do with authroized_keys so has no relevence21:40
ToStItOsikonia I have Samba installed still cannot get my domain workgroup to recognize this computer which has ubuntu on my windows machine21:40
ikoniaLint01: tell it to format the partition at the installer21:40
DrRobinobsdunix: for example if you open a browser with a long page and want to scrolle it, you press and hold the middle button ande press down...but nothing happens21:40
Lint01ikonia: I cannot format the partition21:40
ikoniaLint01: why ?21:40
ikoniaToStItOs: you'll need to get your ubuntu machine to be a domain member to use your windows AD group as auth21:41
Lint01ikonia: because it has my /home and some applications21:41
bsdunixDrRobino: i think googling 'thinkwiki' and 'touchpoint' may help you21:41
ikoniaLint01: then why are you trying to re-install ?21:41
ToStItOsIkonia: how do i do that?21:41
ikoniaToStItOs: that's quite a complex process21:42
Lint01ikonia: because my current system became unusable after last update21:42
DrRobinobsdunix: well tried but nothing useful21:42
ikoniaToStItOs: are you sure you want it to auth against your domain ?21:42
dj_hey guys i have a cd it has 8 .mpg files how can i convert all them to one dvd file21:42
ikoniaLint01: define usuable21:42
helluvaCSmajorcan someone help me debug bluetooth?21:42
Lint01ikonia: it does not boot. are you happy?21:42
ikoniaLint01: what is the problem with won't boot - what happens ?21:43
ToStItOsIkonia I just want to be able share my files between both computers. My network is hooked up via wired connection21:43
jiribdoes anybody have rootfs and swap on luks?21:43
loshadj_: are you saying you want to make a dvd that will play in a stand-alone dvd player?21:43
ikoniaToStItOs: that's fine, you don't need your domain for that21:43
jiribi have a key in crypttab but it asks me for pass during boot :/21:43
dj_losha:yes i have a cd it has 8 mpg files, i want to create a single dvd21:44
loshadj_: Use the program 'devede....21:44
ToStItOsIkonia so how can I share files I have Samba installed what configurations do I need to do21:44
ikoniaToStItOs: you basically need to map your windows user accounts on the client, to some unix+samba accounts on the linux box21:44
ikoniaToStItOs: if you read through the samba link ubottu sent you, I think it covers it at a high level21:44
Lint01ikonia: it writes about mountall failure and stops booting. pressing ^D brings on crippled console which eats first character of input, and has no linebreaks21:44
ikoniaLint01: can you get the exact error ?21:45
jiribToStItOs: http://www.google.com/cse?cx=004599128559784038176%3Avj_p0xo-nng&ie=UTF-8&q=samba&sa=Search21:45
jiriblittle searching in help.ubuntu.com :)21:45
Lint01ikonia: mountall failed. Press Ctrl-D to open maintenance console or smth like it21:46
ikoniaLint01: could really use the exact error, it normally gives a clue why mountall will fail21:46
ZerThe relevance is that the only difference I can see is one uses ~/.ssh/authorized_keys and one uses password authentication. The former gives an error talking about AllowUsers, and the latter just works.21:47
ikoniaZer: yes, so no relevence at all21:47
ZerOk. Any idea why the former wouldn't work then?21:47
=== david is now known as Guest99978
ikoniaZer: use ssh -v to find out why, it's either going to be your local key file or your authorized_keys file21:48
ToStItOsIkonia thanx for the link I needed that question as far as the second about guest do I use guest or????21:49
jiribssh key is for client is always local, authorized_keys contais public part of the private key21:49
Lint01ikonia: it's irrelevant to my question. I want to re-install the system, and even had to download a special alternate installer CD, which was promised to be able to in-place update systems. But when I'm trying to do it, it fails21:49
ikoniaToStItOs: you can use guest if you want21:49
Lint01ikonia: I don't care about my system' present state21:49
ikoniaLint01: yes, so mountall is a disk problem, and if it can't install the base system that may be a disk problem also so I'm trying to see if there is a common issue21:49
ToStItOsIkonia it wont affect anything right?21:49
ikoniaToStItOs: nope21:50
ToStItOsok let me try this and see what happens21:50
ToStItOsthanx alot21:50
Lint01ikonia: when I installed it first time, I had formatted that partition, so it cannot be a disk error.21:50
ikoniaLint01: that means nothing21:51
ikoniaLint01: your system currently has a problem, and your installer currently has a problem - you may have a disk problem21:51
=== TheTosh is now known as Guest66045
Drepanonhi guys21:52
lainyim currently preparing to reinstall ubuntu because my sound isnt working but..is there any way to reinstall alsa so i can save some time?21:52
Drepanonwhat happen if I create a soft-raid1 array with ubuntu, then I install windows ext3 drivers on my XP dual-boot ?21:53
jiribDrepanon: you won't probably see ext3 partitions21:53
ToStItOsIkonia one last question: How many mounts do I create 2?21:53
ticoitDrepanon: 2012!21:53

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