
hackelI copied 750 files of about 11M total into my Ubuntu One directory, and syncd appears to be caught in some kind of loop, using 100% cpu and calling calculate_hash over the same two directories over and over again.  Any ideas?00:02
__lucio__hackel, put ubuntuone in debug, restart and contact facundobatista (tomorrow)00:12
facundobatistahackel, don't, we already have a bug about that01:42
facundobatistahackel, it's a known issue... stop the client and restart it01:42
facundobatistahackel, and avoid renaming a directory from .u1conflict to a non-conflict name01:43
facundobatistahackel, if you're interested, I can point you to the relevant bugs, for you to mark them as "it happens to me too"01:43
facundobatista__lucio__, ^01:43
=== teknico is now known as teknico_away
=== teknico_away is now known as teknico
rtgzhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne: This protocol is built on top of Google Protocol Buffers (a sort of fast binary XMLish schema language). This abstraction is to allow extension of the u1storage protocol with breaking compatibility.13:38
JGJonesI'm having a bit of an issue logging into Ubuntu One via the website on Windows14:21
JGJonesHeaded to http://one.ubuntu.com and then clicked on Sign in.14:21
JGJonesI log in successfully and I am taken back to the Ubuntu One homepage and it is still showing the same original page (Sign in) - how do I access my files?14:22
verterokJGJones: hi, what browser are you using?14:27
rtgzJGJones, could you please provide the version of you rbrowser?14:27
rtgzverterok, ops, me is too slow today :)14:27
JGJonessorry forgot to add that - latest version of Firefox14:27
verterokrtgz: :)14:27
JGJonesAnd I'm on Windows Vista14:27
JGJonesI'm primarily after my Tomboy notes here.14:27
rtgzJGJones, are you able to browse https://one.ubuntu.com/notes/ directly?14:28
JGJonesAh yes I am thanks14:29
JGJonesthat solve my problem - although the log in process is a tad broken?14:29
verterokJGJones: I just login and it worked, FF3.5 @ Ubuntu14:29
rtgzprobably the log in process got some redirect loop, i.e. openid login targeted the sign in page...14:30
* rtgz checks on win 7 (emulated, so don't worry :) )14:30
verterokJGJones: you can try removing the cookies14:30
JGJonesverterok, I'm on Windows Vista - however I did not have any problem on Ubuntu last time I did it.14:30
JGJonesWill try deleting cookies later on.14:31
rtgzverterok, no, it is not cookies14:31
verterokrtgz: you can reproduce it?14:31
rtgzverterok, otherwise it would not be possible to access notes directly.14:31
JGJonesrtgz, did you get the same issue in Windows 7?14:33
rtgzverterok, JGJones hey, i am still starting it... And it is already asking things about my virtual network and whether I like to allow firefox update to update my system...14:33
* JGJones goes to fire up Ubuntu - my notes aren't sync'ed...the one I wanted isn't there. Oh well.14:34
* rtgz is all for 'Synchronize Now!'-free notes syncing, simply to local CouchDB14:35
dobeyJGJones: clearing cache might help too14:38
rodrigo_rtgz: that's coming soon, hopefully14:38
JGJonesrtgz - windows 7 can't still be starting up?14:39
rtgzJGJones, nope, not reproducible and I don't think it is windows-specific, to be honest14:39
JGJonesHmm ok14:39
JGJonesI'll clear out my cache and see if I can do it again14:40
rtgzrodrigo_, yep, it is possible to set up a service that will read the .notes and put them to couchdb and fetch the updates from couchdb into notes but the applications might not be that happy about the files being changed while they are running...14:40
JGJonesOK panic's over folks14:41
rodrigo_rtgz: well, the idea is to make tomboy write to couchdb directly14:41
rtgzJGJones, were you redirected to the launchpad OpenID login page or the original ubuntuone page telling you to back up your life with the big SIGN IN button?14:41
JGJonesJust cleared out cache and things was fine once more.14:41
rtgzrodrigo_, please please pick GNote :)14:41
rodrigo_rtgz: I won't, but you can if you want :D14:42
JGJonesrtgz, When I went to Ubuntu One home page - clicked on the Big Red Sign In button - and was taken to the launchpad login page. I then logged in successfully and I was taken back to the ubuntu one home page...with the Big Red Sign In button.14:42
JGJonesAfter clearing out the cache - it works as expected - logging in takes me to the files page.14:43
rtgzJGJones, okay... trying to reproduce...14:43
JGJonesso flushing out cache worked - although what caused it to not work in first place before clearing cache I have no idea.14:43
dobeyi think perhaps firefox incorrectly caches the login page, and the redirect after successful log-in causes it to load the wrong page from cache14:44
rtgzdobey, the return_to should go to https://one.ubuntu.com/auth/complete/?janrain_nonce and afterwards the redirect is to https://one.ubuntu.com and yes, it is possible that the subsequent /files redirect failed. Just got it in lynx14:48
rtgzdobey, no idea whether lynx is supported or not :)14:48
dobeyrtgz: i know what it *should* do14:48
rtgzdobey, I believe you are in Foundations+, right ?14:49
JGJoneswell hope mine's just one of those random rare case14:50
* rtgz knows three new words, Desktop+, Foundations+ and Ops+ and tries to apply them whenever possible...14:50
jblountDesktop+ MEETING BEGINS15:00
jblountHello: dopey CardinalFang Chipaca jblount rodrigo_ teknico thisfred, time for a meeting! Please respond with "me". We'll go in that order repeating statuses in the format: DONE / TODO / BLOCKED15:00
thisfreddopey? :)15:00
aquariusthisfred does not belong to us ;)15:00
jblountOr his smarter and more aware cousin dobey15:00
* jblount is going to cut his fingers off later and try out some speech to txt software15:00
teknicojblount, maybe only the second part, pretty please?15:01
jblountteknico: :)15:02
jblountrodrigo_: At your leisure!15:03
rodrigo_• DONE: Contacts picker. More music store discussions15:04
rodrigo_• TODO: Conflict resolver tool in pair tool. Look at becoming a MOTU (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopers). Make sandy's snowy test suite work with our server (http://git.gnome.org/cgit/snowy/tree/api/tests.py). Discuss with jdo and aquarius about oauth token per app, not per machine?15:04
rodrigo_• BLOCKED: no15:04
rodrigo_teknico: go!15:04
teknicoDONE: started exposing SMS methods in Funambol Server API (#381398), discussed various Funambol issues with Funambol people, done some reviews15:04
teknicoTODO: do more reviews, finish exposing SMS methods in Funambol Server API (#381398), triage my 20 bugs15:04
teknicoBLOCK: none15:04
tekniconext: jblount15:04
jblountDONE: Got a branch sorted to fix a bunch of bugs that kept dropping off my radar15:04
jblountTODO: Land that branch, get started on some polish for the /files/ ui that has been on my todo list for a while15:04
jblountBLOCKED: Seriously considering doing my normal run with a gorilla mask on. I can't make my mind up abut whether or not I would survive the whole run, or if I would have to take off the mask because of heat exhaustion.15:04
jblountaquarius: ACK!15:04
aquarius⚀ DONE: music store planning; music store user flows mockup15:04
aquarius⚁ TODO: look at oauth-enabling twisted; make tomboy first-sync experience nicer; continue work on desktopcouch developer docs; write up things learned at UDS/sprint; work with rodrigo on Music Store, much more music store architecture planning; talk to thisfred and vds about sequence numbers etc15:04
aquarius⚂ BLOCKED:15:04
aquariusvds1: go15:04
vds1DONE:updated bugs about migration to funambol v8 working on a branch to close #381398 mail to funambol support, skype with funambol, support ticketing with funambol support...ok you got it....15:04
vds1TODO: finish the branch, talk with Chipaca and mattgriffin about clients,15:04
vds1BLOCKED: nope15:04
vds1dobey: go go go15:04
dobey☺ DONE: Triage, Arguing with Aquarius (it builds empires), Review of U1 Application Spec15:04
dobey☹ TODO: Finish Backporting, Triage, Prepare releases/SRUs15:04
dobey☹ BLCK: None.15:04
dobeyurbanape: wake up, before you go go15:05
=== vds1 is now known as vds
* aquarius laughs15:05
dobeyjblount: you forgot him btw :)15:05
CardinalFangDONE: attachments API work.15:05
CardinalFangTODO: more attachments work.  Get it right the first time.15:05
CardinalFangBLOCKED: None15:05
dobeyjblount: re: gorilla suit, be wary of other gorillas searching for a mate15:07
jblountdobey: I also called you dopey, I'm a bucket of broken today.15:07
jblountdobey: Good point about gorillas-in-heat. Maybe I should skip the mask until I can confirm the amount of local apes.15:08
aquariusCardinalFang, hey, nice, attachments stuff :)15:08
dobeyjblount: i don't know if you have any banana trees in mt. dora either, so you might starve15:09
* dobey discovers a new genre of music via spam15:12
rmcbridedobey: actually bananas grow pretty well here15:13
dobeyrmcbride: i know. cypress gardens had plenty.15:13
rmcbridehmm. I totally need to get some banana plants15:13
urbanapeDONE: Sick kid. Before that, keeping the dream of our new lazr-jsified ubuntuone-servers branch alive, still need to do a better job with lazr-js as a sourcedep (or full-on .deb)15:14
urbanapesoz, all15:14
urbanapeTODO: Go over my bug list. It's growing.15:14
urbanapeBLOCK: None15:14
dobeyrmcbride: i don't know if many people have them planted in suburban areas though :)15:14
rmcbridedobey: my neighbors across the street have a plant I'm looking at now. It's about 20 feet tall15:14
rmcbrideor maybe more15:14
dobeyi wonder if i could grow one here15:15
aquariusblimey, I'm meant to hack on lazr.js, aren't I?15:17
aquariushad better do that. urbanape, if there's anything you'd like me to pick up there, let me know15:17
urbanapeaquarius: I wouldn't mind pairing with you on it15:18
aquariusurbanape, happy to do so, when you're free15:18
* rtgz came with peace, from Empathy...16:23
rtgznope, my logger does not pick up IRC conversation, sad :(16:24
rtgzre: bug #41271616:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 412716 in ubuntuone-client "web ui should ellipsized filenames when too long" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41271616:31
aquariusis that the right number? :)16:32
rtgzaquarius: yes, is there any image-like pastebin around here? :)16:33
rtgzokay, will put to my local web server16:33
aquariusrtgz, ah, I know that that bug number is right about the problem16:34
aquariusI just don't understand what that's got to do with your logger not picking up IRC conversation :)16:34
aquarius(also, add that image to the bug?)16:35
rtgzso, re: the bug above - this looks pretty strange, to have filenames shortened in such a manner. This is a full-screen window on 1280x800 in firefox with pretty much default fonts16:35
rtgzthe logger is a completely separate thing, just needed some channel other than xmpp to test. Since this is my favorite.... :)16:35
aquariusheh, gotcha16:36
aquariusyeah, it's obviously a bug16:36
aquariusjblount may be your chap for that, or urbanape16:36
rtgzaquarius: it is just reminds me about 8.3 filenames16:37
jblountrtgz: Yeah, the file names are too short. I've worked out what I'm going to do, just haven't landed the changes yet.16:37
aquariusI thought jblount would already be on the case :P16:38
jblountI'm planning on using a format similar to what gmail does, letting the filename trail off when it hits the edge of the row there.16:38
rtgzjblount: ah, it's just it was marked as Fix Released, so I thought that it is too late :)16:38
jblountAt present I think we're being too clever and ending up making it yucky for most people.16:38
rtgzjblount: 01-massi…ng).mp316:39
rtgzjblount: radiohea…ice.ogg16:39
rtgzpretty much strange filenames for the audio files :)16:40
jblountrtgz: You're seeing a "?" in the file name? That should be an ellipsis ("...")16:40
aquariusit is an ellipsis16:40
rtgzthe process of finding the right file starts to be much more interesting...16:40
aquariusjblount unicode fail :)16:40
aquariusjblount, xchat-gnome shows it as an ellipsis16:41
rtgzthe first is massive attack by teardrop (theme song) and the second is Radiohead, Karma Police :)16:41
aquariusrtgz, is that first one Daydreaming by Massive Attack?16:41
aquariuswrong MA song.16:41
rtgzaquarius: almost there, teardrop by massive attack :)16:42
jblountaquarius: Stupid terminal window in propietary operating system that runs photoshop shows a "?" :p16:42
rtgzjblount: it does not add readability too :)16:42
aquariusjblount, there is a lesson, there ;-)16:42
jblountaquarius: Noted!16:42
* aquarius grins16:43
aquariusI get ellipses, you get Photoshop16:43
rtgzso, should I attach my screenshot of the scary filenames?16:43
aquariussounds like a fair division, to me16:43
rtgzand I bet I can make a full folder of files with filenames that look like duplicates on the web ui... ;-)16:44
urbanapertgz: there's a second bug about making the truncation longer16:45
urbanapebut that bug is definitely done16:45
rtgzurbanape: ah, so it started showing ellipses, but filenames became too short so that new bug says they should be longer, right?16:46
urbanapertgz: bug #45199716:46
jblountThat's what i get for not checking in to see what bug we're talking about!16:46
ubottuBug 451997 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/451997 is private16:46
urbanapewhy can't I make it public?16:47
rtgzurbanape: Re bug #443121 - the tests here on a local pc also show the firefox is running instead of hanging :)16:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 443121 in bindwood "With Bindwood installed, Firefox is completely unresponsive" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44312116:47
urbanapeare you running my PPA package?16:47
jblounturbanape: webkit16:48
ubottuUbuntu bug 451997 in ubuntuone-servers "Filenames shortened unnecessarily in the web UI" [Medium,Triaged]16:48
urbanapejblount: aha16:48
urbanapeyeah, in Chromium16:48
jblounturbanape: To be more clear, in webkit browsers the little edit icon doesn't show up.16:48
urbanapethat seems suboptimal16:48
rtgzurbanape: yes, i am using the ppa version, however I don't understand how the bookmarks get organized, what are being synced, but that is completely another question.16:50
jblounturbanape: Yeah, it's a known issue with a bug though.16:51
urbanapewell, we had an intentional goal of having no UI. Currently, we just sync all bookmarks to the desktop couchdb.16:51
urbanapertgz: we don't (yet) preserve the hierarchical ordering of bookmarks between machines using the same profile, but that's coming soon.16:52
urbanapethe unresponsiveness issues sorta trumped all development in that direction.16:52
urbanapeand I'm still a little unhappy with the current state of it. It cuts down the amount of work Bindwood does, but still causes a PITA lag on the first sync.16:52
urbanape(for anyone with lots of bookmarks)16:53
* rtgz *whispers* favicons :)16:59
rtgzand one more, urbanape, does deleting a bookmark in firefox trigger some action in Bindwood?17:00
urbanapertgz: yes, deleting in firefox marks the couchdb record as deleted, but doesn't actually delete. This is to allow secondary clients to delete local copies17:08
urbanape(otherwise, secondary machines might re-propagate the same bookmark back up to couch, where it'd show up again on the first, leading to frustration, torches, and pitchforks)17:09
urbanapefavicons have been requested before.17:09
urbanapewe provide a view in futon for the deleted bookmarks, so if you know it's been deleted on all the appropriate client machines, you can delete the records from couch. Clumsy...17:10
CardinalFangurbanape, what do you need for favicons?  Storage?17:12
urbanapenah, it's just the way Firefox adds them to bookmark records.17:17
aquariusfavicons are tiny -- we could either make them attachments (ha! CardinalFang looks interested), or just base64-encode them17:17
urbanapeThey're annotations, and happen out of band17:17
urbanapeI believe they're actually stored as URLs on the annotation17:18
urbanapenot hard, just needs tracking.17:18
urbanapeand Firefox usually does its own job of fetching them as the bookmark is accessed17:18
urbanape(if it's not already set)17:18
aquariusso they don't need storing at all, then?17:19
urbanapeprobably not17:19
rtgzurbanape: is deleting uses the desktopcouch approach, i.e. application_annotations["Ubuntu One"].["deleted"] ?17:19
urbanapertgz: it's a top-level field, not under application_annotations17:20
urbanapeit marks the record itself as deleted17:20
rtgzurbanape: hm, when I tried to delete bookmarks via dc they all got new Ubuntu One/deleted annotation :-/17:20
* urbanape pokes someone in charge of dc. Like aquarius.17:21
urbanapeThis doesn't feel like an application annotation. It's not application specific.17:21
urbanapeit's semantic to the record itself.17:22
aquariusNo, it isn't. But we can't just slam a top-level "deleted" field into any arbitrary record17:22
aquariusit's in a_a.UbuntuOne because that's a sort of "semantic to the record but not at the top level" location17:22
rtgzurbanape: yep, it does not, but "db.delete_record(document["id"])" insists on application_annotation...17:22
aquariusand a_a.U1.deleted is a workaround for couch not yet supporting history.17:23
urbanapeaquarius: we can slam a top-level delete field if we account for it in the schema17:23
aquariusyeah, but then everyone has to account for it in the schema :)17:24
* rtgz starts the vm to give a screenshot of how the world looks like w/o favicons...17:24
aquariusand then everyone has to rev their schema to not include it the day couch supports history17:25
aquariusthis is a wart, no two ways about it17:25
urbanaperight, but now I have to rev Bindwood, and provide for understanding both deletion markers.17:27
aquariusurbanape, yeah, I know :(17:27
aquariusI wish I had a better solution. i hate tagging stuff as deleted rather than actually deleting it :(17:28
rtgzurbanape: or provide some conversion script that will "fix" the records17:28
urbanapeso, in the future, will couch propagate some sort of deletion event via _changes?17:29
urbanapehow will secondary machines know to delete a record?17:29
CardinalFangI've been thinking about this.17:29
urbanapertgz: bleah.17:29
rtgzaquarius: yes, btw, it takes real space on your server, e.g. my bookmarks now weight 6 Mb of not-accountable-on-the-web space, notes take 8Mb and it is grooowing...17:29
urbanapeI'd rather keep the code around as a sign of shame. Like a big read "A"17:29
urbanapered, even17:29
aquariusrtgz, have you compressed your DBs?17:30
aquariusurbanape, I *think*, and I'm not sure about this, that if you see a space where you want to put a record, you should check whether there *used* to be a record there by looking in the history. I think17:30
rtgzaquarius: okay, bookmarks now weight 6Mb and notes take 3 :)17:31
aquariusrtgz, so you actually have 6MB of bookmarks?17:32
urbanapeactually, that will require clients to try and push every bookmark on every start17:32
urbanapewhich gets back to a huge pile of PITA.17:32
aquariusurbanape, this is why I'm not sure about exactly how it should work17:32
rtgzaquarius: actually this is why i wanted to delete all duplicating records and instead received 1000 records "marked" as deleted...17:32
urbanapeCardinalFang: you want to elaborate on your thoughts for delete propagation?17:32
CardinalFangaquarius, we may not get undo support in couchdb soon.  Perhaps we should plan a true expunging method.  Along with deleted-p, add a deleted date.  The desktopcouch service could sweep out all records that are more than N months old.  With vigilance and timing, deleted records would disappear.17:32
urbanapeI'm genuinely curious17:33
aquariusurbanape, I think there's a distinction between *actually deleted* (which is indicated by a_a.U1.deleted at the moment, and will eventually be indicated by the record not being there but being in the history), and Bindwood's notion of deletion-for-propagation (indicated by "deleted" at the top level)17:33
aquariusI'm having difficulty articulating the precise difference, but I think they indicate different things17:33
urbanapeCardinalFang: I suggested to SteveA before he left that we might try a heuristic where each client that is involved in the process tags the record in Couch saying, "ACKD"17:33
urbanapethen, when all machines in the account have hit it, we can safely be sure it's been deleted from all instances in play.17:34
aquariusyou can't know how many machines there are, though17:34
urbanapesure you can17:34
aquariusor, at least, any one given machine can't know that "all the other machines have hit this record, so I can delete it"17:34
urbanapethey're the ones associated with the account.17:34
rtgzaquarius: and if one of the machines died or deassociated then this record will stay forever17:35
urbanapeit wouldn't be any one of the machines/17:35
aquariusthat only works in an Ubuntu One world, not a world with LAN pairing in it too...17:35
CardinalFangurbanape, desktopcouch is bigger than Ubuntu One.17:35
urbanapemaybe we handle it centrally.17:35
urbanapeCardinalFang: yeah, but we can handle the cleanup for our users, and let other desktopcouch networks come up with their own policy.17:35
urbanapewhat's wrong with differentiation along service lines?17:36
aquariusbecause if I have all but one of my machines paired with U1 and one machine LAN-paired, that LAN-paired machine won't get to see the deleted record17:36
aquariusso it'll put it back into couch, and then it'll appear everywhere else again17:36
urbanapeaquarius: I fail to see the distinction you mentioned previously between "really deleted" and "deleted for the purpose of propagation". Secondary machines still need to recognize a record that should be deleted locally.17:37
urbanapeaquarius: that case seems more than a little degenerate17:38
CardinalFangIs that the same question?  I thought aq had some idea about browser behavior only.17:38
urbanape(as an aside: after a long holiday with no real adult conversation, I find this utterly fascinating)17:38
aquariusthe difference between really-deleted and deleted-for-propagation is that we're working around a deficiency in CouchDB's replication engine17:39
aquariusbecause it doesn't propagate deletes.17:39
urbanapeCardinalFang: not sure. There are two things here: proper ways to mark records as deleted, considering that Couch DB record is canonical, so all clients have a go at deleting locally, and knowing when we can safely delete couch records "for real"17:39
aquariussyncdaemon does, for example17:39
urbanapewell, we're making it propagate deletions.17:40
rtgzaquarius: are you sure it does not? I remember killing the entries from the database and they did not return from the server afterwards...17:40
aquariuso rly?17:40
CardinalFangurbanape, we're making it propagage an additional revision that has an element that says "ignore me please."17:40
aquariusrtgz, urbanape, your two cases are diametrically opposite one another. They can't both be true :-)17:40
rtgzdelete_all_records.py.. need to locate this in the IRC logs17:41
urbanapeCardinalFang: yes, we're exploiting a new revision, but the upside is, we're propagating deletions.17:41
urbanapea "deletion event" in _changes, for instance, would still be a document with a revision17:42
urbanapeit would just be a lot smaller.17:42
CardinalFangurbanape, yes, as we have designed it for current usage.  This is a hack.17:42
rtgzthisfredrtagger:  joshuahoover  #474170 has a script to *permanently* delete all documents from a database. Use with appropriate caution.17:42
rtgzubottu: bug #47417017:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 474170 in desktopcouch "Deleted synchronized database always come back with the next sync" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47417017:42
urbanapeCardinalFang: well, I'm gonna place it just on the side of "elegant"17:43
urbanapeincluding it in _changes feels right to me. Whether it's an annotation that makes the record grow, or it were better about "wipe out everything but its uuid and a note to the effect that clients should delete" isn't too important to me.17:44
* rtgz starts liking trackerd once he has all IRC logs from #ubuntuone locally17:44
CardinalFangIt's a hack because if we remove the record from the database, then when we next ask a peer "I have set(a,b,d), what do you have?" and they say "Oh, I have c too!", we will still say "Send us C!" even though we removed C 10 minutes ago.17:44
aquariusrtgz, log into couch! :)17:46
rtgzI guess i'll need to check what happens to my bookmarks if i delete them in such way. The second couchdb is running in the VM so the effect should be seen shortly17:46
CardinalFangIt would be nicer if couchdb said instead, "Aw, I know of C and Idon't want it.  KTHXBYE."17:47
rtgzrtg@buzz:~/Downloads$ python delete_all_docs.py bookmarks => 1142 records permanently deleted, wow17:50
rtgzUbuntu One finished updating 0 files17:51
rtgzawesome notification popped up :)17:52
rtgzaquarius: it took me 10 minutes to realize what you told me :). Trackerd does not search couchdb, sorry ;(17:56
aquariusrtgz, ah, not what I meant -- I meant, save irc logs into couch too, and then you can search it all there17:57
rtgzaquarius: yep, xmpp conversations are ok, but IRC seem to require more attention and a test channel :)17:58
rtgzaquarius: i mean xmpp MUC17:59
urbanapeCardinalFang: It's not just that, though! Couch not wanting it is not the same thing. In fact, it's not about what Couch wants. It's about what the user wants. Couch is acting as a proxy for the user. "The user wants this record deleted. So, delete it."17:59
rtgzThe vm just notified me that my files are up to date, then updated some more files and notified me again, repeated 3 times :-/18:00
urbanapewe *need* to propagate the semantics of that intent, not just the record (heh) of its deletion once upon a time.18:00
CardinalFangurbanape, I don't think we're talking on the same level.  All I am saying is we have 1) ignore this forever and 2) expunge this information but get it back if someone else has it.18:01
rtgzIs it only me or desktopcouch puts couchdb.html that contains an invalid port, on every system startup...18:02
aquariusrtgz, CardinalFang may have already fixed that in trunk18:02
CardinalFangI think I have, rtgz.18:03
* rtgz is waiting for the bookmarks either to appear or to disappear...18:03
urbanapertgz: if you're using my PPA packaged bindwood, it won't push them again.18:04
rtgzCardinalFang: are you talking about the notifications or couchdb.html?18:05
urbanapeit only pushes newer bookmarks than the last known last_modified bookmark on subsequent starts of Firefox.18:05
rtgzurbanape: i am just waiting for the bookmarks to disappear from the second couchdb instance...18:05
rtgzurbanape: or to appear again in the first one18:05
CardinalFangrtgz, I think desktopcouch starting up is fixed in trunk.  It fails to start the first time on some small fraction of machines.18:06
CardinalFangIt's a timing bug caused by a wrong assumption about pid file and socket availability.18:06
rtgzCardinalFang: is it possible to teach couchdb to provide the required info itself and not to search through file handles?18:07
urbanapertgz: ah, between couches, gotcha.18:08
CardinalFangrtgz, yes, in that it's open source and mutable and they might accept patches.18:08
urbanapeCardinalFang: 2 is only a concern in aquarius' degenerate use of the system. I think U1 can offer the ability to act as reliable steward for the registered machines.18:09
urbanapeIf the user wants to entrust the replication to another machine outside that circle, they need to take additional steps to ensure that records are properly deleted when they should be.18:09
aquariusthere's a difference between "Ubuntu One is more reliable" and "if you don't use Ubuntu One you are *guaranteed* to be fucked by Bindwood"18:09
aquariusthe latter seems a bit unfair, since we're making Ubuntu One be a Bindwood dependency18:09
urbanapehow is that unfair? Use U1 in the manner intended, and you'll be fine. Get clever and you have to stay clever.18:10
aquariusand I don't think we should do that18:10
aquariusthere is no way of being clever, though18:10
aquariusif your definition of clever is "configure Bindwood correctly" then that's sorta OK. If your definition of clever is "never delete any bookmarks, or patch Bindwood" then that's unreasonable, I think18:11
CardinalFangLet's pause a moment and decide if there's another way than assume a canonical listing of hosts. (har.)18:11
urbanapeno, when I'm talking clever, I'm talking about the guy who not only uses U1's desktop couch replication, but adds his own running on a slice into the mix.18:12
urbanapeCardinalFang: timestamping and acting after X months is just as surprising when the user starts up his long synced netbook six months later and now all these old bookmarks he doesn't care about get thrown back into the mix.18:12
aquariusurbanape, yeah, but that's my point -- what you're suggesting is that LAN paired desktopcouches and Bindwood are fundamentally incompatible.18:12
aquariusurbanape, that is: Bindwood depends on you having an Ubuntu One account18:13
urbanapenot at all.18:13
urbanapewhat I'm suggesting:18:13
urbanapewe use delete flags to propagate deletions to clients.18:13
urbanapeU1 offers a service whereby:18:13
urbanapeclients who's acked a deletion make note of themselves on the record somehow (hand wavy)18:14
urbanapewhen all clients in an account have acked, delete the actual record in Couch.18:14
CardinalFangurbanape, Using U1 as a list of hosts fails if any of 1) user discards computer and doesn't remove U1 token, 2) if user has any paired peers, 3) user has more than one service, 4) user has no service, 5) that Fedora guy ports to Fedora and it doesn't support the same host listing.18:14
urbanapethat can be done even in a LAN environment, just takes coordination.18:14
aquariusurbanape, when you delete the record in couch, a LAN-paired server will just put it back, no?18:14
aquariusat least, any LAN-paired server that hasn't seen it will just put it back18:15
urbanapethat's a degenerate case where a user has both: u1 and a LAN-paired server. That's clever, and they need to stay clever.18:15
urbanapeif a user is purely lan based, they'll have to roll their own solution.18:15
aquariusyeah, but what I'm saying is: there is no way of them *being* clever. There's no way for them to avoid the situation where a LAN server puts their bookmarks back18:15
rtgzhm, latest info from vm replication dates back to 2009-11-30...18:15
aquariuswhich means that anyone who has a LAN-paired desktopcouch can't delete bookmarks18:15
CardinalFangThey don't have to be pure.  They only need a single computer that U1 doesn't know about.18:16
aquariuswhich means that Bindwood doesn't work properly if you have any LAN-paired servers18:16
urbanape"doctor, it hurts when I do this."18:16
urbanapeit works if you only use LAN-paired servers18:16
aquariusahem. LAN pairing is a proper documented designed-in-from-the-beginning use of desktopcouch. It is not an extra bag hung on the side at the last minute.18:16
aquariusHow does it work if you only use LAN-paired servers? The deletion never happens, then. If you're OK with the deletion never happening, then why do we need it in an Ubuntu One world?18:17
urbanapethen keep the bloody records around and let the user delete them manually through futon when they're sure all their clients have dealt with them properly.18:17
aquariuspersonally...that's what I think we should do, which is basically what we're doing at the moment, no?18:18
urbanapethen it works in whatever orgyistic haze the user has set up.18:18
CardinalFangurbanape, Back to this -- "timestamping and acting after X months is just as surprising when the user starts up his long synced netbook six months later and now all these old bookmarks he doesn't care about get thrown back into the mix"18:18
CardinalFang"Back into the mix" is still marked "ignore this -- it's called 'deleted'".18:19
urbanapeaquarius: yes, I was trying to address, for U1 users (see the channel we're in?) a means to automatically clean up.18:19
* aquarius laughs18:19
urbanapeCardinalFang: not if the recently awoken client has that bookmark in play.18:19
urbanapeit'll go back into Couch as a new bookmark.18:19
CardinalFang"In play"?18:19
urbanapeif it never got wind of the delted record, and that record has since been expunged.18:19
aquariusI think clean-up isn't that important, esecially since at some point we'll have history, and then nothing ever gets cleaned up18:20
CardinalFangurbanape, Oh, well it would get the new revision which clobbers it whenever it replicates to anywhere.18:20
urbanaperight, but client A, which six months ago deleted this bookmark would suddenly have it appear again.18:20
rtgzTest completed: the real couchdb received 42 new bookmarks, the vm one remained with 1000+ bookmarks. Is it really making the same content available on all machines?18:21
urbanapeaquarius: I think you're right. It just feels needlessly cluttered and sending people to futon to clean up after themselves is kinda lackluster.18:22
CardinalFangurbanape, Yes, certainly.  That's the time out.  What is reasonable delay between mark-as-deleted-so-it's-propagated and assume-everything-is-finished-and-expunge-old-records.18:23
urbanapeinf - 118:23
aquariusurbanape, I agree with you. This is why I think the real way to solve this is to actually delete the record (but keep it in history) and have the delete propagate, and have every bindwood check history before writing. That entirely solves the problem, but gives us the extra one of bindwood hammering the crap out of desktopcouch on startup18:24
CardinalFangDang.  I was hoping for inf - 3.18:24
CardinalFangThat's sooner.18:24
urbanapeI'd still like to know how the presence of history is going to help. Presumably, this will require a full-on try-to-push-everything-on-every-start to check, "Should I still care about this one? This one? Have you got this one?"18:24
urbanapeaquarius: woops, was typing all that when you just said it.18:25
urbanapethat seems poo.18:25
aquariusyep, that's exactly what I think should happen. If that's inefficient, we should think of a way of making it less so.18:25
aquariusI can think of a few18:25
urbanapewhat's our real concern here?18:25
urbanapedb bloat?18:25
aquariusthat's not *my* concern, but then I've got an 80GB hard drive. :)18:26
urbanapeI've got 500GB, here's a nickel.18:26
aquariuslike, for example, have bindwood add a validator document that prevents pushing a bookmark if the identical one exists in history18:26
urbanapeso, one thing we could do.18:26
urbanapedoes history only capture deletions?18:26
aquariusurbanape, mine's SSD. If you've got a half-terabyte SSD it didn't cost no damned five cents :P18:27
urbanapeno, not SSD.18:27
aquariushistory is entirely theoretical at this point18:27
rtgzaquarius: true, i got 1000 bookmarks and only 50 of them were not duplicates18:27
aquariusthe assumption is that it will capture every change18:27
urbanapeCardinalFang: is it possible to infer even non-U1 participants by finding out who all is in a replication network?18:28
urbanapewell, that's dumb.18:28
aquariusnot without complicated collaboration between all the participants18:28
CardinalFangIt's complicated.  Theoretically, yes.18:28
aquariuspairing is not everyone-to-everyone18:28
CardinalFangThe coordination will have to be asynchronous.18:28
CardinalFangAnd there is no obvious ringleader.18:29
aquariusI mean, record deletion would be doable: a give server says "I will only mark this record as seen by me if it's already been seen by all my pairs"18:29
CardinalFangWe could elect one, but that might be a bad choice (e.g. offline often computer)18:29
aquariusand then when you see a record which is already seen by you, you can delete it18:29
aquariusbut that requires some testing to be sure it works :P18:29
urbanapeso, what about a big red button that does our Jeeves act.18:30
urbanapethe whole notion of purging is anathema to our target audience. Hell, I use mutt and I hate to have to purge.18:31
aquariusactually...that coordination method would work, wouldn't it?18:31
* CardinalFang is thinking.18:31
CardinalFangaquarius, I don't think it works.  We're not trying to be conservative with marking as deleted?  Overuse of the I-have-seen flag/set/list is not the problem.  Knowing whether there is something else that has it is the problem.18:34
CardinalFang(That's not a question, sentence two.)18:34
aquariusCardinalFang, yeah, but if a machine has  marked a record as "I have seen this" then it can be assumed to have dealt with it, i.e., to have deleted the bookmark18:34
aquariusso you need to establish whether all machines have seen it18:35
CardinalFangThere's no place that can start the process.  It's deadlocked at the start, right?18:35
aquariusif you refuse to mark a record as seen until all your pairs have seen it (other than the pair you got it from), then any machine which gets a record which it has already seen can know that it's OK18:35
aquariusnope, that's what the (other than the pair you got it from) is for18:36
aquariusimagine A-B-C-D-E, paired in a line like that. A marks deleted. It replicates to B, C, D, E, E says "I got this from D, I have no other pairs, mark it as seen by E and delete the record"18:36
aquariuser, delete the bookmark18:37
aquariusit then goes all the way back down the lne to A18:37
aquariuswhich says "I got this from B, I have no other pairs, mark it as seen by me, and delete the bookmark"18:37
aquariusgoes back down the line through C to D, which marks it as seen (got it from C, already seen by E) and then goes back down the line to A and E, both of which delete it18:38
aquariusI think18:38
aquariusneed to write something that tests this :)18:38
thisfredaquarius: CardinalFang I'm not sure that we're not actually reinventing replication here. What is the problem we're solving again?18:39
CardinalFangaquarius, we don't know the source of the record.  Imagine two hosts.  Both have a record.  If each is waiting for the other to say "everyone I know has updated this record" then neither will be first.18:40
aquariusCardinalFang, nope, because when host2 gets it, it says "all my pairs except the sender (host1) have seen this" (because it *has* no pairs)18:40
CardinalFangthisfred, we're trying to invent expunging of records.18:40
joshuahooverrtgz: ah, thanks for the script18:41
CardinalFangWe don't know "sender"18:41
aquariusah, pants, we don't, do we18:41
thisfredCardinalFang: and the problem is hard because of *when* to do this?18:41
rtgzjoshuahoover: o_O what script?18:42
CardinalFangthisfred, it's hard because we don't want to keep a record of what we have locally  expunged and we don't know all hosts in the replication network.18:42
joshuahooverrtgz: (11:42:30 AM) rtgz: thisfredrtagger:  joshuahoover  #474170 has a script to *permanently* delete all documents from a database. Use with appropriate caution.18:42
thisfredCardinalFang: but expunging means *actually* deleting the record, rather than marking it deleted, correct? When we do that, it will just replicate everywhere. What am I missing?18:43
CardinalFangwhat will replicate everywhere?18:43
aquariusthisfred, the problem is that if a record just vanishes, Bindwood will say "I have a bookmark that's not in couch!" and just recreate the record18:43
thisfredthe deletion18:43
thisfredaquarius: then there's something wrong with bindwood18:44
rtgzjoshuahoover: ah, i got the whole line copied from IRC log :), this was said by thisfred and the script is also by thisfred :)18:44
CardinalFangthisfred, that's what we're assuming (!?) is false.18:44
aquariusthisfred, because bindwood doesn't get told about deletions, it just sees the result (the record is not there) and it can't tell if it's not there because it was deleted, or because it was never there18:44
thisfredaquarius: yeah, so bindwood will need to keep track of that then18:44
aquariusthisfred, how do you propose it works? bindwood can't watch _changes -- bindwood might not be running when the replication happened18:44
CardinalFangNot just bindwood.  All apps.18:44
thisfredaquarius: does not need to, it can call changes with a since param18:44
aquariusthisfred, bindwood can't keep track of it. There's no way of asking couch "did there used to be a record with ID xxxxx"?18:44
thisfredaquarius: not all apps will want to know:18:45
aquariusthisfred, that only works if the database ha not been compacted in the meantime, as i understand it18:45
thisfredit only breaks if the data is stored in two place18:45
thisfredif couch is really the backend, then gone is gone right? doesn't matter if it was ever there18:46
thisfredif an app stores things internally *and* in couch18:46
CardinalFangOkay, aquarius, urbanape, thisfred, I'm satisfied in saying "records can not be expunged yet".  When they can, it will be couchdb implementing it, not us, anyway.18:46
thisfredthen it needs to keep track of deletions etc.18:46
thisfredCardinalFang: I still don't understand: couchdb can delete documents, and if they are deleted on node 1, all other nodes that replicate from it, will also delete the record18:47
CardinalFangthisfred, really?  This surprises me.18:47
thisfredthat's how replication works18:47
CardinalFangIf so, that solves the problem.18:48
urbanapeI need to pause and beg off for a bit to help with bug wrangling.18:48
thisfredI would think so,18:48
aquariusthat means that bindwood will *have* to watch _changes and call it with _since18:48
thisfredaquarius: why?18:48
thisfredaquarius: because it does store the bookmarks internally as well?18:48
aquariusthisfred, because it needs to know the difference between "this was deleted" and "this was never here"18:48
thisfredthen yes18:48
urbanapeaquarius: that's what Bindwood does now, anyway.18:49
aquariusthisfred, yes, Firefox stores the bookmarks internally, and bindwood syncs between the Firefox store and Couch. It doesn't *replace* the firefox store with couch.18:49
thisfredaquarius: right18:49
thisfredand other apps will have the same problem, though not all apps18:49
thisfredso we might build some infrastructure for that18:49
aquariusurbanape, so...it's _changes, I think18:49
urbanapewhat is?18:49
thisfredbut couchdb itsel;f does not have thius problem18:50
aquariusurbanape, the solution; then you can tell the difference between "this was deleted" and "this was never there"18:50
thisfredok now I really have to walk the dog18:50
urbanapeI'm still not following, and I have to run and handle Lex. aquarius, let's talk about this in a bit, if you're up for it. Incidentally, I'm okay with not auto-expunging now.18:51
urbanape(for the time being)18:51
aquariusurbanape, yeah, I have to go out in about an hour18:51
aquariusso  tomorrow18:51
thisfredback, dog didn't like the rain19:09
felipe1I'm having problems with my ubuntu one...19:20
felipe1by mistake I erase all the authorized computers from the web page, and now I can't add a new one there. I start the client and doesn't prompt me for an authorization, it just tries to connect and it can't19:20
felipe1is somebody here that can help?19:22
rtgzfelipe1: yup19:23
felipe1so, what do i do? did you read my problem?19:23
rtgzfelipe1: first of all, the default check for most known issues:19:24
rtgzwget http://ubuntuone-client-diagnose.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ubuntuone-client-diagnose.py19:24
rtgzpython ubuntuone-client-diagnose.py19:24
rtgzdownload the ubuntuone-client-diagnose file and run the script in the terminal19:24
felipe1it says that no issues were detected19:25
rtgzfelipe1: okay, then quit the client completely and start it from the terminal - ubuntuone-client-applet :)19:25
verterokfelipe1: do you have any u1 token in your keyring?19:25
felipe1no that I know of19:26
* rtgz notes that he needs to check for keyring first....19:26
felipe1oh, sorry, i misread... i don't know what a u1 token is... how do i check that19:26
rtgzverterok: may I?19:27
verterokrtgz: sure19:27
verterokfelipe1: go to: Applications -> Accesories --> Encryption and Passwords (or a similar name)19:28
* verterok is using kde ATM19:28
rtgzfelipe1: Open Applications/Accessories/Passwords and Encryption Keys, navigate to login keyring, unlock it (if it is locked) and check that you have UbuntuOne token for https://ubuntuone.com19:28
verterokrtgz: thanks19:28
felipe1is Gnome... I'm there19:28
verterokrtgz: we can check this in your diagnose script ;)19:29
felipe1I don't have that token19:29
rtgzverterok: yup, pretty easily and will provide far better diagnostic...19:29
felipe1so now what?19:30
rtgzfelipe1: okay, so you don't have the token. What browser are you using? Are you able to open the page with "xdg-open http://www.ubuntu.com" in the terminal?19:30
felipe1I'm using firefox, and chrome... and I can open both19:31
felipe1with the xdg-open command changing my preferences to any of the two browsers19:31
rtgzfelipe1: no, i mean is the browser actually opening on xdg-open http://www.ubuntu.com ?19:32
felipe1yes it is19:32
felipe1I meant that it opens that webpage in any of the two, my default was chrome, but I just changed it to firefox just in case19:33
felipe1and it open in both19:33
rtgzfelipe1: then we'll need the logs from you, can you paste ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/oauth-login.log to http://paste.ubuntu.com ?19:33
dobeyfelipe1: you aren't getting an error dialog or anything either?19:33
felipe1the thing that happen was that I accidentally erase all my authorized computers from the website... and now I can't connect to ubuntu one, and the applet is not giving me an option to authorize this computer again19:34
rtgzfelipe1: and follow-up to the former question about starting up ubuntuone-client-applet in the terminal, could you please do that for the time being?19:34
felipe1I just pasted it there19:35
rtgzfelipe1: could you provide the URL?19:35
felipe1I already did, it's running from the terminal already19:35
felipe1sorry, I forgot, here you go: http://paste.ubuntu.com/333340/19:35
rtgzfelipe1: i assume that applet did not print anything weird on startup, right?19:36
felipe1yes, it didn't19:37
felipe1it's running like nothing is wrong, but I just can't connect19:37
rtgzfelipe1: okay, try to change the debug level for the applet/oauth log, I'll give you a command in a sec19:39
* rtgz is probably missing something obvious19:40
felipe1do you think that if I erase the "Desktop couch user authentication" from my passwords, UbuntuOne will ask me to authorized my computer again?19:41
dobeymaybe but i doubt it19:42
felipe1I'm going to give it a try...19:42
felipe1I think that the computer thinks it's still authorized to log in, but the service isn't letting it, but there must be a log or some debug command where we can see that...19:43
rtgzfelipe1: just in case, here's the sed statement:19:43
rtgzsudo sed -i s/logging.INFO/logging.DEBUG/ /usr/share/pyshared/ubuntuone/oauthdesktop/logger.py19:43
felipe1thanks... I was waiting for it, before I erase those keys19:44
dobeyi did just find a bug though, which i will fix real quick. but it shouldn't be causing any issues, just an efficiency problem19:44
rtgzfelipe1: afterwards, quit the applet and start it again. oauth-login.log shoudl contain much more info after you start the applet, so please pastebin it again19:45
felipe1now it worked!19:45
felipe1I didn't get any messages on the terminal, but my browser opened and asked me to authorized my laptop19:46
felipe1after doing the sed command19:46
rtgzfelipe1: so you removed the keys and restarted the applet, right?19:46
rtgzfelipe1: then it was not the sed command that fixed that19:47
felipe1of course not... but I just said that after this procedure (the sed command) it worked19:47
rtgzfelipe1: you can undo the change by:19:47
rtgzsudo sed -i s/logging.DEBUG/logging.INFO/ /usr/share/pyshared/ubuntuone/oauthdesktop/logger.py19:47
felipe1do i have to quit the UbuntuOne before I run that comment?19:47
rtgzfelipe1: no, that simply changes the sources that is already read, so it will be applied only the next time you run the applet19:48
felipe1oh i see19:48
rtgzdobey: desktopcouch pairing prevents the OAuth?..19:48
felipe1thanks guys a lot19:49
rtgzthere is something I do not get19:50
dobeyrtgz: no...19:52
dobeyrtgz: the code that pairs desktopcouch doesn't get hit until after the "allow this computer" stuff happens, and was successful19:53
rtgzthe bad thing about diagnose script is that it rules out too many of the easily-detected things leaving the ones that are not that trivial...20:04
GoliathHi all, I'm using karmic, I'm logged in one.ubuntu.com and my computer is registered BUT I can't sync from applet, any ideas?20:32
jblountGoliath: Hi! What does "can't sync from the applet" mean? What happens when you put files into ~/Ubuntu One/ ?20:36
GoliathI have created a new file in ~/Ubuntu One20:36
Goliathbut the applet cannot connect to ubuntu.com20:37
jblountGoliath: Eureeka! So when you click on "connect" it's not connecting?20:37
=== jamalta_ is now known as jamalta
Goliathjblount: yes when i click on "connect" anything happens.20:40
rtgzGoliath: could you please run the diagnostic script:20:41
rtgzwget http://ubuntuone-client-diagnose.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ubuntuone-client-diagnose.py20:41
rtgzpython ubuntuone-client-diagnose.py20:42
rtgzGoliath: execute this in terminal to make sure you are not hitting a well-known bug20:42
GoliathChecking your Ubuntu One client...20:42
GoliathNo issues were detected.20:42
jblountGoliath: Could you paste the results of this: tail ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/oauth-login.log20:43
GoliathUnable to contact NetworkManager20:43
GoliathAvvio client Ubuntu One versione 1.0.220:43
GoliathUnable to contact NetworkManager20:43
GoliathAvvio client Ubuntu One versione 1.0.220:43
GoliathUnable to contact NetworkManager20:43
GoliathAvvio client Ubuntu One versione 1.0.220:43
GoliathAvvio client Ubuntu One versione 1.0.220:43
GoliathAvvio client Ubuntu One versione 1.0.220:43
GoliathAvvio client Ubuntu One versione 1.0.220:43
GoliathAvvio client Ubuntu One versione 1.0.220:43
GoliathAvvio = Starting20:43
dobeyjblount: s/paste/pastebin/ when you ask for that info :)20:44
jblountdobey: Right on.20:44
jblountGoliath: Do you currently use NetworkManager? The current stable client requires it.20:44
* rtgz broke NM detection? O_O20:44
jblountGoliath: I think ppa has a version that dobey has fixed this though.20:44
dobeyno i think he installed NM yesterday to fix that20:44
Goliathjblount: could you tell me y nm is needed?20:45
dobeyotherwise it would repeat with the later Starting messages20:45
Goliathyes i did20:45
rtgzdobey: yes, true,20:45
jblountGoliath: No, it is a mystery to me. I am a lowly writer of html.20:45
dobeyGoliath: it's not, but there is a bug in the stable version in Karmic currently. there is a fix for it and I am working on getting it into an update for karmic :)20:45
Goliathand just another thing20:46
Goliaththe last20:46
GoliathI need to make more proof before ask for20:47
Goliathnm is running20:47
dobeyyou're using manually configured network, right?20:48
Goliathi have configured /etc/network/interface20:48
Goliaththere's an instance of nm running20:49
Goliathdevice not handled20:49
Goliathis what nm says to me20:49
dobeyi think the problem you're seeing now is maybe that nm is reporting it's disconnected20:49
rtgzdobey: the script checks that NM returns CONNECTED state,20:49
dobeynm-tool|grep "^State"20:50
rtgzGoliath: could you pastebin the output of nm-tool, just to make sure20:50
dobeyGoliath: what does that say^20:50
dobeyoh, it might not be State in italian20:50
dobeyi don't know if that is translated or not20:50
GoliathNetworkManager Tool20:50
GoliathState: connected20:50
Goliath- Device: eth0 -----------------------------------------------------------------20:50
Goliath  Type:              Wired20:50
Goliath  Driver:            forcedeth20:50
Goliath  State:             unmanaged20:50
Goliath  Default:           no20:51
Goliath  HW Address:        00:11:....20:51
Goliath  Capabilities:20:51
Goliath    Carrier Detect:  yes20:51
Goliath    Speed:           100 Mb/s20:51
Goliath  Wired Properties20:51
Goliath    Carrier:         on20:51
dobeyso it says it is connected, so that's not the issue20:51
Goliathyes but it also says: unmanaged20:52
Goliaththe connection is up but not with nm20:52
Goliathis that correct?20:52
dobeyyes, that is fine20:53
dobeywe just check for the global state20:53
dobeywhich is "connected" for you20:53
rtgzGoliath: Can you check that you have an "Ubuntu One" token in your keyring (Applications/Accessories/Passwords and Encryption Keys / login keyring) - will be different in Italian, i guess?20:53
* rtgz sounds like a broken record20:54
GoliathI have the token20:54
Goliathby the way20:55
Goliathif the connection of ubuntuone is handled by nm if nm can't manage it20:55
Goliathhow can it check UID and PWD?20:55
dobeyit's not handled by nm20:55
dobeyGoliath: UID and PWD are not relevant really20:56
GoliathI don't understand why nm is needed20:57
Goliathand i really think that's the problem20:57
dobeyit's not, and it's not the problem20:57
dobeywell it's needed because there is a bug with the handling of NM status in 1.0.220:57
dobeybut as I said, I am working on getting the fix into an update for karmic20:58
rtgzGoliath: can you start the applet from the command line, just to make sure it is not printing anything unusual, ubuntuone-client-applet?20:58
dobeyyour issue is definitely not related to NM20:58
dobeythat much i can tell :)20:58
Goliathok :-)20:58
Goliathrgtz: -v?20:59
GoliathThe applet says nothing20:59
rtgzGoliath: ok, one more, totally unrelated, but still something:21:00
Goliathand the flag -v is useless21:00
rtgz /usr/lib/desktopcouch/desktopcouch-stop21:00
rtgzand then21:00
rtgz /usr/lib/desktopcouch/desktopcouch-service21:00
Goliathwhat are those files?21:01
rtgzthis should restart the service, then restart the applet21:01
rtgzGoliath: these are the files that control the CouchDB instance running on your machine. CouchDB stores some information about your setup so it may be related21:01
Goliathsorry i was chatting with bash ;-)21:02
rtgz /usr/lib/desktopcouch/desktopcouch-service will keep the terminal, so please don't kill it :)21:02
Goliaththe applet says is updating21:03
Goliathbut it's not true21:04
rtgzCould you execute u1sdtool --current-transfers ?21:04
rtgzGoliath: ^ *please21:04
GoliathCurrent uploads: 021:05
GoliathCurrent downloads: 021:05
Goliathi don't know21:05
Goliathbut seems to be bad21:05
dobeyme either :)21:05
rtgzGoliath: do you use any proxies ?21:05
rtgzGoliath: and now could you paste the contents of ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log to http://paste.ubuntu.com and tell us the url ?21:06
Goliathit is not the reason21:06
rtgzGoliath: i guess the privoxy is just used by your browser, you have a direct connection otherwise, right?21:07
Goliathyes but you know computer have a dark soul isn't it?21:07
Goliathyes but you know computers have a dark soul isn't it?21:07
* rtgz recalls.. privoxy... is it still replacing all occurrences of open() to privoxyOpen() throughout the page even outside the <script/> tags? It was funny to read the perl code with such substitutions...21:08
rtgzGoliath: and clicking connect does not work now, right?21:10
Goliathand i'm logged in21:11
Goliathwith a trusted computer21:11
Goliaththis connection worked only one time21:11
rtgzGoliath: would you be so kind as to remove the Ubuntu One token from the key ring and try to reauthorize. Something is really strange here21:12
dobeyi think it's a planetary alignment thing21:13
rtgzdobey: nope, this is reproducible, somehow, but I can't find the way21:13
rtgzThe curse of the developer is that everything works perfectly on his own computer...21:14
GoliathI deleted the token21:14
Goliathlogged out from the site21:14
Goliathrelogged in in the site21:14
Goliathand try to "connect"21:14
rtgzGoliath: and click connect...21:14
Goliathit doesn't work21:14
rtgzGoliath: okay, now the last thing, could you please try to remove the DesktopCouch tokens also found in the keyring?21:15
rtgzthen restart the applet and try to connect21:15
rtgzif that fails, try to restart the couchdb as described earlier, restart the applet and try to connect21:16
Goliaththe token isn't the way the service authenticate himself to the system21:18
GoliathI mean21:18
nessita1Goliath: quick question... do you have throttling enabled on your syncdaemon.config?21:18
Goliathwhere is syncdaemon?21:18
rtgznessita1: already ruled out by the diagnostic script :(21:19
nessita1rtgz: oh... wasn't aware of that :-/21:19
dobeyyeah, i just connected just fine :(21:19
nessita1Goliath: $HOME/.config/ubuntuone/syncdaemon.conf but seems like that's not the issue21:19
dobeyGoliath: check ~/.config/ubuntuone/syncdaemon.conf21:20
rtgzGoliath: the data is not affected, the desktopcouch service will recreate the tokens as needed21:20
Goliathon = True21:20
Goliathread_limit = -121:20
Goliathwrite_limit = -121:20
nessita1that's the problem!21:20
nessita1Goliath: set on = False21:21
nessita1Goliath: prior to that, close the applet, modify the config, reopen the applet21:21
dobeythanks nessita121:21
nessita1Goliath: modify the config using a text editor, not the applet21:21
* rtgz goes to rewrite the detection... HOW...21:22
nessita1dobey: :-) this issue stole hours of my life a while ago21:22
Goliathjust a second21:22
=== nessita1 is now known as nessita\
=== nessita\ is now known as nessita
GoliathI have deleted tokens21:22
Goliathrestarted service21:22
Goliathbut the problem still remains21:22
nessitaGoliath: did you disabled throttling?21:23
dobeyGoliath: you need to do as nessita suggested21:23
GoliathI'm glad you're helping me21:23
Goliathbut 3 at once requires time21:23
dobeyGoliath: quit the applet, change on = True to False in ~/.config/ubuntuone/syncdaemon.conf , and then start the applet again21:23
dobeyGoliath: sorry :)21:23
Goliaththat's ok21:24
rtgzaha, sdlog should contain Protocol version error first21:24
nessitaGoliath: pick me! pick me! :-P21:24
dobeyGoliath: us developers type pretty fast too ;)21:24
Goliathnooo the thing is that you are think and not making stuffs! ;-)21:25
Goliaththat's not working21:25
* rtgz *phew*21:25
nessitaGoliath: let's go from the top, shall we?21:25
rtgzthere was no protocol version error in the logs, so the client did not even attempt to connect...21:25
* rtgz shuts up21:26
nessitaGoliath: close the applet by right-clicking on the cloud and then "Quit"21:26
nessitaGoliath: let me know when you finished that21:26
GoliathI'm really sorry21:26
Goliathbut now i need to go21:26
nessitaGoliath: ok, no problem21:26
Goliathreally thank you21:27
rtgzGoliath: right before you go, could you please..21:27
Goliathreally quick21:27
rtgzcopy-paste the ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log again ?21:27
rtgzto http://paste.ubuntu.com21:28
Goliathall right, bye and thank you again21:30
rtgzGoliath: ok21:30
rtgzOkay, now it does not have the access token21:31
facundobatistaverterok, ping21:36
verterokfacundobatista: pong21:36
joshuahooverrtgz: ping21:43
rtgzjoshuahoover: pong21:44
joshuahooverrtgz: is bug 486912 about running out of ubuntu one space (example: 2 GB free plan, user has over that limit)21:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 486912 in ubuntuone-client "ubuntuone client does not handle out of free space conditions" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48691221:44
rtgzjoshuahoover: no, it is about the fact that syncdaemon becomes crazy when there is no free disk space on the client21:46
rtgzjoshuahoover: though I would test your variant too, looks tempting :)21:46
joshuahooverrtgz: ok, that's what i thought but i wanted to make sure21:47
rtgzjoshuahoover: That's where I have seen that client cannot handle OK response or something like that...21:47
=== rmcbride changed the topic of #ubuntuone to: Updated client software is now available to everyone running Ubuntu 9.10. Please run Update Manager to install it, and then restart the client. Enjoy 9.10! | https://one.ubuntu.com | https://launchpad.net/ubuntuone | Current Testing Client Revno is 283, Protocol Revno is 75
rtgzno, client cannot handle BYTES was in that ticket21:59
rtgzno, the emblems definitely don't work, just got to the nautilus code, it looks like it executes ubuntuone_nautilus_update_file_info only once which sets /* Add the synchronized emblem anyway, and update later */ and the ubuntuone-synchronized emblem just don't go away. Need to rebuild the extension...22:34
rtgz** (nautilus:20685): WARNING **: No marshaller for signature of signal 'UploadFinished'22:50
rtgz** (nautilus:20685): WARNING **: No marshaller for signature of signal 'DownloadFinished'22:50
rtgz** (nautilus:20685): WARNING **: No marshaller for signature of signal 'ShareCreateError'22:50
rtgzInitializing nautilus-open-terminal extension22:50
rtgzUbuntuOne-Nautilus-Message: rtg: Add the synchronized emblem anyway22:50
rtgz(nautilus:20685): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_type_instance_get_private: assertion `instance != NULL && instance->g_class != NULL' failed22:50
rtgz** (nautilus:20685): CRITICAL **: dbus_g_proxy_begin_call: assertion `DBUS_IS_G_PROXY (proxy)' failed22:50
rtgzUbuntuOne-Nautilus-Message: rtg: Add the synchronized emblem anyway22:50
rtgzhe he22:50
rtgzbug #47947523:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 479475 in ubuntuone-client "File emblems don't display correct sync status" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47947523:10
rtgzI wonder if i am the only crazy enough here to chat with the empty channel...23:14

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