[03:33] how sexy is my ride? [03:34] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uEO2eRw4y5Y [03:34] !ops [03:59] If any one is here and could answer a quick question it would be appreciated. Does xubuntu 9.10 have dual monitor or extended desktop feature? [04:00] neo2: i was able to use xubuntu 9.10 on a basic extended desktop w/o any trouble [04:00] but i didn't do anything very advanced with it [04:00] i just accepted the defaults... main monitor on the left, alt monitor on the right [04:00] TKX [04:00] if you need more advanced stuff, maybe try a gnome applet in the xfce panel [04:01] !ops [04:02] being a newbe Ununtu 9.4 and 9.10 has a simple method to set it up, cant' seem to find anything similar in xubuntu 9.10 [04:03] can you give the steps you you used? Only goal is two monitors. [04:04] how sexy is my ride? [04:04] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uEO2eRw4y5Y [04:05] neo2: i just plugged things in [04:05] i actually had a thinkpad docking station, and the monitors were attached to that [04:05] so i didn't really follow any instructions, per se [04:05] ooo [04:05] in 'display' it only 'sees' one monitor [04:06] sounds like we are working with 2 different animals [05:02] anyone have an issue with the screensaver not locking on a fresh install of xubuntu 9.10? [05:03] hobbsc_: when does it not lock for you? [05:04] hobbsc_: does it just not engage? or when you "lock" your screen... it doesn't really lock it [05:04] i have the former issue... it doesn't automatically turn on after a set period of time for me. [05:05] i don't see an option to "lock" my screen anywhere, really [05:05] but i set the screensaver to lock [05:05] and it doesn't when the screensaver activates [05:06] perhaps i'm missing a package? [05:06] ctrl alt del [05:07] ok, that worked [05:07] but the screensaver won't lock the screen [05:07] * hobbsc_ shrugs [05:07] hobbsc_: so when you press ctrl-alt-delete... the screensaver turns on, and it locks the screen [05:07] when the screensaver turns on by itself (after inactivity)... no screen lock [05:07] is that right? [05:09] correct [05:09] i get the same thing [05:09] hm [05:10] i don't use screensaver :) [05:10] maybe a bug report is in order, heh [05:10] where are bugs reported for xubuntu? [05:10] looks like one is already in [05:10] oh yeah? [05:11] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-screensaver/+bug/397892 [05:12] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-screensaver/+bug/397892/comments/31 [05:13] the last link is from charlie kravitz, the main xubuntu qa guy [05:13] thanks for the link [05:13] i'm relatively new to xubuntu, i check it out for a bit nearly every release [05:13] this one seems to be a keeper, though [05:15] thanks. :) i like xubuntu 9.10, too. [05:15] i notice you're an opensuse member. what do you do for opensuse? [05:22] i'm a member of the gnome team, but i was inactive for the 11.2 development cycle [05:22] i was a freebsd zealot for years, but we moved to sles at work and i joined the opensuse teams [05:22] project meeting at 0600 if you'd like to see opensuse membership in action :D [05:24] :) [05:24] thanks, but i'm at UTC-600, so that's midnight for me [05:24] well [05:24] 0600 CST [05:24] i do like opensuse, though. it includes a lot of great documentation packages [05:24] meeting is 1200UTC [05:24] yeah, i dig the project [05:24] DITA, several versions of docbook [05:24] no other linux distro packages DITA [05:25] i joined it mainly to assist in getting features piped to SLEx [05:25] i'm not sure why opensude does [05:25] not sure, myself [05:25] have you seen the build service? [05:25] heh, we're probably getting off topic for #xubuntu :) [05:25] a little bit of it, but not much [05:25] -- /j #xubuntu-offtopic [09:18] y helo thar [09:18] the screensaver in my karmic installation here wont start [09:18] how to proceed? gnome-screensaver is running [09:27] Allelujja bruderz [09:27] sziasztok dicsoseges tesvereim [09:34] https://bugs.launchpad.net/xubuntu-desktop/+bug/397892 [09:34] ic [09:38] r0bert brotha hosanna [09:39] what? [09:40] nevermind brotha [10:13] Hosanna r0bert britha === ocs_ is now known as faLUCE [10:50] Hosanna dicsoseges tesvereim [10:50] Allah kegyeltje koszont titeket [10:59] egy decivel tobb vagy kevesebb, nem mindegy? [11:03] hello [11:04] Hosanna MaxFrames bruder [11:05] since it's unlikely that the screensaver not starting issue will be solved anytime soon, if ever, I'd like to ask you guys if anyone here has succeeded in replacing gnome-screensaver with xscreensaver, and what are the side effects of doing this (if there are any) [11:06] from what I've read, you lose the ability to lock the screen from the logoff menu and from the panel bar [11:07] alternatively, are there side effects in downgrading gnome-screensaver (and gnome-power-manager) to the jaunty version (which was working OK)? [11:17] deci britha aloha [11:17] dicsoseges testverem === Guest124 is now known as hfsdo [11:37] i am going to install xubuntu, or whatever the most appropriate linux distro is, for a friend of mine today. he has 2.8 intel p4, 80 hd x7200, 512ram...but NO graphics card. it is intel extreme integrated graphics? i am wondering if he will be able to watch you tube and online videos with no dedicated graphics card? === hobbsc_ is now known as hobbsc [12:53] what is package name for Terminal? [12:53] which of them? :) [12:53] in xubuntu: xfce4-terminal [12:53] i found [13:17] Hello, Just a quick question about 9.10. How can I enable cpu scaling on an eeepc 700 [13:17] Its currently set the frequency to 650Mhz rather than the 800Mhz it supports [13:19] Does anyone know of any user level applications to scale the cpu or does this have to be done in the kernel which is lacking the relevant modules [13:21] <_Pete_> Jonny0stars: doesn't cpu freq go up when it has load? [13:23] _Pete_: Nope, It looks like there is no scaling support at all as the cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/ doesn't have any files relating to frequency or governance [13:24] I cant modprobe the acpi-cpufreq module either [13:25] <_Pete_> hmm ok [13:25] <_Pete_> dunno [13:25] <_Pete_> has it worked earlier [13:26] Well it worked on eeeubuntu but that doesn't surprise me as it installs everything under the sun [13:27] <_Pete_> I think that is controlled only by kernel [13:27] I would like on demand cpu scaling but even setting it manually would do [13:47] ah i managed to fix it by doing a modprobe p4_clockmod [13:48] <_Pete_> nice [13:53] now its changing back :s === BlueEagl1 is now known as BlueEagle [18:39] hi there, is there a way to download deb files from ppa using a download manager? [18:46] i dont see why not [18:46] just go to ppa through web interface and download [18:46] if it is bigger, ou can use gwget [18:48] nikolam, thanks . but the problem is downloading individual file is difficult. is there a an automated process? [18:52] nikolam, is the a good ftp downloader? [18:55] abhifx, maybe you could put a lot of wget -c http://path/filename i one .sh file , make it executable with chmo +x and start it with ./filename to download [18:55] or add everything in gwget [18:56] nikolam, thanks, i will try [18:56] or use WebHTTTrack Website Copier [18:58] nikolam, hmmm.... that sounds goods [18:58] :) [18:59] maybe is there some other way, too, like making repository mirror [18:59] i think it is somewhere in help.ubuntu.com [18:59] or on wiki etc [19:01] nikolam, the only problem with the httrack is controlling the site copy limit. otherwise seeems a good idea. will try it. [19:02] on the wiki? i checked it. i dont think i found anyting useful [19:15] hm [19:15] and on help? [19:16] click community contributed documentation on help.ubuntu.com then search [19:17] I think here it is: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Debmirror [19:17] tana na [19:18] also I think one can add package source to sources.list if directory with packages in on local disk, too [19:46] anyone here who might know more about gdm and how it is implemented with xubuntu karmic? [19:47] !ask [19:47] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [19:55] anyone here who might know more about gdm and how it is implemented with xubuntu karmic? [19:55] do you want same again? :) [19:55] i was d/C [19:56] sorry...i didn't get any replies. the wireless in the office gets overloaded during business hours [19:56] !ask [19:56] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [19:56] we know or we don't, but we need a question [19:57] sigh. is it possible to replace gdm 2.28 with 2.20 in xubuntu karmic [20:45] Hey all. Was wondering if someone could help quickly. ... Ive got Xubuntu on a laptop with an ATI card, just trying to rotate the screen 90degrees ccw. .. cant seem to do it [21:07] Uh, how do i choose my screen saver program? [21:07] i deinstalled xscreensaver [21:08] now something white pops up instead [21:08] I want default screen locker with switching ability and screen turinig off [22:40] How to I set up file sharing between Xubuntu and windows xp. I have Samba [22:42] hi everyone [22:43] I have some wallpaper (a debian wallpaper) flashing on and off the background when XFCE is starting (logging in) I don't have a clue how it came there, and I'm looking for a way to get rid of it. (I am running Xubuntu Karmic, fresh install) [22:44] dvheumen, i wonder if that's the splash screen. see applications -> settings -> session and startup -> tab splash [22:45] With flashing I mean that: I see my desktop with my own configured wallpaper, then for roughly a second a debian wallpaper appears (blueish with red logo) and then it changes back to my own wallpaper again. [22:45] I don't think it's the splash, it's configured to 'None'. Or are there additional options? [22:45] right, weird. [22:45] no, it's definitely not the splash screen then. [22:45] yeah I know ... and it seemed to appear after I installed some packages ... but I can't remember what packages exactly [22:45] dvheumen, what's your computer configuration? how much ram, etc.. [22:46] Core 2 Duo T7200, 2GB RAM [22:46] I don't suspect the slowness to cause this [22:46] hehe, me neither [22:46] just checking [22:46] I've been checking the autostart apps for some setting that might load different settings [22:46] but I've already disabled launching of Gnome and KDE settings [22:47] and that doesn't fix it [22:48] would Nautilus do something that might change the wallpaper? ... it seems to be preloading ... as it is running now and I haven't started Nautilus yet [22:48] yeah, probably [22:49] would be a good thing to check at least [22:51] okay, can't find any settings that looks like a background for the desktop. I'm now checking the xsettings [22:51] there are 3 references but all to the correct wallpaper, so that's not it :P [22:54] dvheumen, you installed your packages in command line? [22:55] if so, look through your bash history [22:55] anyway, its very likely something in your .cache/sessions/ or in your .config/autostart that shows this "wallpaper" [22:55] and nautilus does have wallpaper capabilities [22:55] its the desktop manager on gnome [22:56] so it could be nautilus that you see [22:58] SiDi, well the problem is more that I've done so much in the command line lately, that I wouldn't be able to find it ... I've been doing a lot of tweaking. Ow w8 ... crap ... I forgot to say one thing. The Karmic install was *fresh*, but I started with KDE4 and got fed up with it and switched to XFCE. So I've been adding XFCE packages and removing KDE packages. *But* the wallpaper I'm talking about is one I've never seen or used. [22:58] so that's why it's almost impossible to find the package causing the problems :| [22:58] Did you add xubuntu-desktop or xfce4? [22:59] and, please paste the result of ps aux somewhere [22:59] I'm 99% sure that I did the xubuntu-desktop [23:02] SiDi, http://paste.ubuntu.com/333481/ and the background wasn't there until after I installed at least a basic working XFCE with most XFCE apps ... (hope the info helps :P) [23:04] dvheumen, please remove nautilus, to begin [23:04] you're running both xfdesktop and nautilus at the moment [23:05] yeah I noticed that. I should only prevent preloading Nautilus right? ('cause I do need it for accessing smb shares) [23:06] We have gigolo and another app whose name i forgot for smb shares [23:07] just make sure not to autostart nautilus and you should be ok [23:07] also, launch it with the --no-desktop option :) [23:07] (you may want to write an alias adding the option automatically for you) [23:07] SiDi, gigolo uses nautilus as far as I know [23:07] (edit .bashrc to see how to write aliases, there's an exemple in the button of the file) [23:07] dvheumen, it doesnt [23:08] SiDi, hmmm... I think it does load it for me ... strange ... I'll have a look at that... [23:09] anyways, I think I've found the wallpaper: /usr/share/images/desktop-base/desktop-background --> link to /etc/alternatives/desktop-background [23:09] so it seems to be a alternatives-setting :P [23:12] im pretty sure its nautilus' default settings ;) [23:14] okay ... I think I know what the problem is. metacity and gnome-session are default instead of xfwm4 and xfce4-session ... they seemed to have slipped in ... probably during the switch to 'gdm' ... do you guys agree that this might be plausible? ('cause I'm guessing a bit at the moment ...) [23:14] it may be [23:14] did you install gnome too? [23:15] or, is it only gdm doing some snappy crap? [23:15] nope, but during the switch to XFCE i didn't know exactly what packages I needed. So then I had XFCE running using KDM. And I think upon switchen to GDM ... GDM "suggested" some useful packages :P [23:16] oh [23:16] my bad for not using XFCE immediately :D [23:16] dont listen to what it suggests [23:16] half of its hard depends are already rather bad [23:16] no, but apt-get does by default now :P [23:16] oh [23:16] it doesnt do only recommend? [23:16] I kind of hate that setting :P [23:16] woops [23:17] I meant it probably is recommended [23:17] okies [23:17] recommends are added by default I guess [23:17] yeah but that is normal [23:17] its the semantics of recommends :D [23:17] yup :P [23:17] and suggests are only suggested ... anyways, I'm gonna log in and out and test my new settings :) ... brb [23:18] blargh, i need some sleep [23:19] knome, if he asks where i am when he logs back, could you please tell him i'm gone to bed? :D [23:23] okay [23:24] so it didn't yet work :P ... Nautilus is my next victim, but for now I'm gonna take some sleep. Just wanted to say thanks for the help and feedback ... it helps me lots in finding the problem! ... at least I now know it's probably some redundant KDE/Gnome app. [23:26] Does anyone know how to set up Pyneighborhood?