
lifelesspickscrape: I'm not aware of any BB maintainers, no.00:02
kfogellifeless: can I pick your brains for a sec about bzr+ssh and hooks?  about 5 min00:20
lifelesskfogel: no.00:20
lifelesskfogel: you can read my reply to beuc, then come and pick my brains after that.00:20
kfogellifeless: I did.00:20
lifelessok cool00:20
kfogellifeless: oh, wait -- you mean in the last half hour or so?00:20
lifeless120 seconds ago00:20
kfogellifeless: I was writing a reply, then wanted to confirm something... heh00:20
kfogellifeless: cool00:20
kfogellifeless: you may have made my whole reply unnecessary.  I'll go read now.00:21
lifelesskfogel: bzr-hookless-email is totally different, btw.00:25
kfogellifeless: I know (I'm well-acquainted with it, and have a patch in it actually).  I think it is what Stefan is using for commit emails, but am not positive.00:26
kfogelI'm pretty sure we're *not* using bzr-email.00:26
lifelesswell, you can't, until bzr-ssh is enabled.00:26
lifelessat which point you probably should :P00:26
kfogellifeless: actually, I like Stefan's solution much better, because then mods to our commit email system do not have to block on savannah admins!00:27
lifelesskfogel: I don't see the connection, but I don't care either.00:27
lifelesswhatever you like is what you should get00:27
kfogel(my description of how bzr-hookless-email works to Sylvain is a bit too shorthand; unfortunately savannah tracker doesn't allow comment editing either :-(  )00:28
lifelessneither does lp.00:28
lifelesswikis they are not00:29
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a7phi everyone - is there a way to generate a revisionnumber into a file? I want it to get printed out each time the program is started.02:10
a7pso the user can see which revision he is running.02:10
bob2bzr version-info02:11
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a7pdOxxx: exactly what I'm looking for, thx02:13
phoenixzI did a bzr tag --force.. ever since, every push and pull I get "conflicting tags: blah"... how can I fix this?02:32
spivpush --overwrite02:32
spivOr pull --overwrite02:32
spivDepending on which tags you want to keep and which you want to overwrite :)02:32
jameshlifeless: the patch on the "disable pymalloc" bug does have a configure switch to enable it.  The issue about the tuple cache is certainly something that would be a useful extension, but the patch is useful on its own02:56
lifelessjamesh: cool. I'm chatting to gutworth about it02:57
gutworthssh: connect to host bazaar.launchpad.net port 22: Connection refused03:00
gutworthbzr: ERROR: Connection closed: Unexpected end of message. Please check connectivity and permissions, and report a bug if problems persist.03:00
gutworthah, launchpad is down03:00
lifelessyes :(03:01
lifelesswe're doing a db schema change amongst other things03:01
lifelessand zope is blowing up03:01
lifelessI'm told we're rolling back and it will be back very soon03:01
* gutworth is so glad he's not in charge of administering large websites03:02
lifelesssomehow encodings.utf_8.codecs became None03:03
lifelessnot during vm shutdown either03:03
gutworththat happens in our tests all the time, too03:03
lifelessdoes it? thats very interesting03:03
lifelessdoes anyone have any idea /how/ ?03:03
gutworthyou should ask __ap__ when he's up03:04
gutworthI think he fixed it03:04
a7pmmm ... ~/.bazaar/rules is written, but $Date$ does not get replaced upon a commit - do I miss something concerning keywords?03:04
lifeless shall03:04
a7pselftest ran fine.03:04
gutworthwe're very proud of __ap__. This is his handywork http://python.org/dev/buildbot/stable/03:05
gutworthlifeless: http://bugs.python.org/issue655103:09
a7pis there any way to check if the rules file is applied?03:15
spiva7p: it should be if your working tree is in a new enough format, IIRC.03:16
spiva7p: (2a, the default format in 2.0.0, is new enough)03:17
lifelessa7p: what bzr version do you have?03:18
lifelessa7p: what does 'bzr info' report for you?03:18
spiva7p: I don't think there's a command to find out what filters are active or applied to a particular file, although maybe there should be.03:18
a7ppack-0.92 - I'm running 1.1803:18
spiv'bzr upgrade --1.14' would work for you I think.03:19
gutworthyep you need a later version03:19
spiv(Although I'd recommend upgrading to bzr 2.0.0 and using the current format when you can, as it is faster and smaller.)03:20
a7pthx, - thanks I'll try that ... just have 1.18 installed since it's the default in macports03:20
pooliemwhudson: the bugs attached to lp:ubiquity seem to imply we need to think a bit more about the user model too03:26
a7p*sigh* - still does not work.03:27
pooliea7p: what specifically is not working?03:28
poolieyou're not seeing the file being filtered?03:28
pooliethere were several bugs in 1.18 with filters not been applied enough03:28
pooliesorry, but that's how it was03:28
poolieseveral are fixed in 2.0.x03:28
a7ppoolie: i've just upgraded to 2.0.203:29
a7prules is configured to [name *] keywords = on03:30
poolie% bzr plugins03:30
a7pto my understanding $Date$ should get the current date added upon commit03:30
a7pgit, hg, keywords, launchpad, net_credential_store, svn, xmloutput03:31
spiva7p: I think you can also do 'rm foo; bzr revert foo' to regenerate a file with the current filters.03:31
poolieyes it'd be good to see if that  works03:31
a7pah, I should run the selftest with 2.0.203:31
poolieselftest is quite an internally-facing test03:31
poolieit probably won't find anything related to bad installation03:32
a7pokay - theres' something messed up - was fine with 1.1803:32
a7pI'll remove the other plugins03:32
spivselftest is mainly a tool for developers rather than users03:32
pooliejames_w: i guess you're asleep?03:32
james_whi poolie03:33
james_wguess again :-)03:33
poolieblame canada? :)03:33
poolieregarding the udd stuff03:33
* a7p is confused - just removed most plugins from ~/.bazaar/plugins, but they still appear upon bzr plugins03:33
pooliejames_w: i realize there is more to do than the two items i raised and the ones vincent added03:34
a7pah, sry, my wrong03:34
spiva7p: 'bzr plugins -v'03:34
pooliei should have made it more clear that i'm just trying to work out what specifically to do in the medium term03:34
spiv(that shows you where they seem to be installed)03:34
poolieto get from a longish set of stories to what we do this week and next week03:34
james_wpoolie: yeah, I think I may have phrased my mail badly03:36
poolieit happens :)03:36
a7pahhh ... *g*03:36
james_wI felt I was missing a step, I saw "here's a bunch of things we could work on," then "here's what we are going to work on," and didn't feel I knew how the two were joined03:37
james_wI appreciate I wasn't at the sprint03:37
a7p$Date: (evaluation error) $  - it's a big step forward ;)03:37
pooliewell, it was kind of a straw man for you to object to03:37
poolieif you were to file say 3 high priority bugs tagged udd we'd probably just do them03:37
pooliei don't know if you feel ready or able to do that03:38
spiva7p: heh03:38
pooliebut we do need to cross that somehow03:38
james_wpoolie: I'm currently writing my second spec, which should distill out some of the other things that we would like03:38
james_wI think it would be good to see how that tallies with the list that you had, and see what changed at UDS03:38
james_wI'm concious of time passing, but the spec will be done tonight, and I'll fire off a mail to udd before bed03:39
james_whttps://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/foundations-lucid-distributed-development is one03:39
pooliethat's ok03:39
pooliewe have useful stuff to do03:39
pooliei'm writing a mail about this at the moment03:39
james_wsee "Migration" for one set of things that I'm not entirely sure about03:39
pooliei just feel a bit like the bzr team is doing business as usual on bzr03:39
pooliewhen we should be reorienting a bit more towards udd03:40
mwhudsonpoolie: yeah03:40
a7pgrrr, I'm giving up for now - got to write some code for money.03:48
a7pthanks for your help03:48
a7ppuh, just switched from bzr+ssh to sftp to avoid having to upgrade the servers bzr.04:07
james_wpoolie: do you think one mail with all the issues I want to discuss to udd is the best thing04:22
james_wor start a thread per-issue?04:22
* Kamping_Kaiser shakes his head at bzr. 3 step upgrade is a bit silly04:22
james_wooh, thanks mwhudson04:24
mwhudsonjames_w: i hope you're not in bristol04:24
james_wnope :-)04:25
maxbIs there any UI for "make this repository as small as possible", or must I manually rm the contents of obsolete_packs to achieve this?04:25
mwhudsonjames_w: good04:26
mwhudsonjames_w: and you're talking about the AttributeError thing?04:26
james_wthough I like the cleanups anyway :-)04:26
mwhudsonjames_w: ah, np :)04:26
bob2maxb: it'll clear it out on the next pull or commit04:26
mwhudsoni was impressed there wasn't more flakes04:26
james_wI use vim-pyflakes now04:26
pooliemaxb: there's a bug for an option to pack to rm them04:27
lifelessmaxb: not really, why?04:27
pooliejames_w: whatever you think best04:27
Pengbob2: No, it'll clear out on the next pack.04:28
Peng(including auto-packs)04:28
maxbIt just feels like a UI wart04:28
maxband rm-ing things inside .bzr is scary-ish04:28
Pengmaxb: But...why would you want to?04:29
bob2Peng: it can take up significant amounts of space04:30
lifelessonly if you run 'bzr pack' :)04:30
bob2(I thought the next operation that altered the repo data cleared obsolete_packs)04:30
lifelessgenerally it will be ~ 1% of the repo04:30
lifelessbob2: the next that /deletes/ from the repo04:30
lifelesspacking involves deleting pack files04:30
maxbjames_w: I would like to do something about the copy-pasted code from "bzr import" (bzrtools) to "bzr import-dsc" (bzr-builddeb). I see two options: A) Push the changes into bzrtools, and depend on a *really* new bzrtools, or B) Separate out the code into a .py file which is deliberately maintained to be as close as possible to the bzrtools version, but sever the actual dependency. What do you think?04:34
james_wmaxb: I'd like to push the changes to bzrtools, so at least we could depend on it after a dwell period04:35
james_wand because it's the right thing to do :-)04:35
james_wI just haven't previously had time to separate out the changes and propose them back, sorry04:36
maxbjames_w: Do you think option B might make sense in the interim, to make it easier to see what we still need to push back?04:38
james_wmaxb: I would have no problem with doing that04:38
maxbI'll do a MP04:38
dOxxxgood night all04:55
mwhudsonjames_w: have you seen https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mwhudson/pyflakes/support-lazy-imports ?05:02
james_wI've heard about it05:03
james_whaven't ever felt the need to use it though05:03
mwhudsonhm, i should merge trunk into it again it seems05:03
mwhudsoninstead i'm going to go and see spamalot though :)05:03
pooliespiv, hi?05:14
pooliequick call?05:14
spivpoolie: sure05:21
james_wgood night06:17
vilahi all07:20
vilajames_w: wow, where are you ? Or should I say when ?07:20
RAOFThere's currently no way to embed a branch within a branch, is there (ie: foo/ being a branch, and branching bar into foo/bar)?07:21
PengRAOF: Well, bzr won't mind if you put "bar" in "foo", but they won't be linked together in any way like svn:external.07:30
* igc dinner08:39
* fullermd waves at bialix.09:45
* bialix warmly waves back09:46
* bialix hopes he learn this "waves" phrases correctly09:46
fullermdWell, except for the 'warmly' part.  This time of year, I don't believe anything around you is warm   :p09:48
bialixeven if you in the building?09:50
vilabialix: hey !09:59
bialixheya vila!!!09:59
vilafullermd: ha ha ! You didn't escape quickly enough today !09:59
bialixgot my mail?09:59
bialixfullermd: vila: LOL10:00
vilawhich one ? :) I just replied to the selftest related one10:00
bialixabout extra libs10:00
vilanot yet10:00
fullermdEep!  I mean, I'm not fullermd.  I just broke into his house, and am using his keyboard.  Yeah.  That's it.10:00
bialixwanna chat?10:00
vilaI filed a bug about it this morning, let me find that back, but yes, a quick chat will be welcome, we can always update the bug with a summary of it10:01
bialixlink to a bug please?10:01
vilafullermd: right, so get out of that house, quick ! You don't know what the guy will do if he finds you!!!!10:02
vilafullermd: he's known to be a freaking lunatic, member of the NRA and very active there !10:02
vilafullermd: and that's without mentioning his remotely controlled webcam, man, you're so already dead....10:03
fullermdWebcam?!  Ack!10:04
* fullermd puts on pants real quick.10:04
vilabialix: bug #49179710:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 491797 in bzr-windows-installers "Allows bzr.exe to take additional plugins (and their required libraries) into account" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49179710:04
bialixvila: just this morning I've thought about standard location for extra libs10:06
bialixmaybe bzr needs to use something like PythonXY/site-packages10:07
vilabialix: aaah, execellent, I was afraid some technical reason was escaping me making it impossible !10:07
bialixinside C:\Program Files\Bazaar10:07
vilayup, exactly my thoughts10:07
vilamay be I expressed it too poorly in the bug report ?10:08
bialixthere will be several difficulties IMO, but nothing really critical10:08
vilaIt's kind of related to that BZR_PLUGIN_PATH discussion we had some weeks ago10:08
bialixsorry, I don't remember10:08
bialixlast 2 months I was overloaded on my job10:08
vilaplugins can be searched into 'core', 'user', 'site', I seem to remember 'site' didn't make sense for you in the bzr.exe context10:09
bialixvila: perhaps10:14
bialixwhat is user there?10:14
bialixcore means inside bzrlib/plugins/ ?10:15
bialixI don't remember what is site10:15
bialixsilly me, forget everything :-(10:15
vila'core' is bzrlib/plugins, 'user' is ~/.bazaar/plugins and 'site' is ... well site-dependent obviously but that's the place where plugins are installed when you want all users to be able to access them10:16
vilabialix: I think you forget it because you have no use for it yourself :)10:17
bialixyep, I'm happy with BZR_PLUGIN_PATH10:17
bialixfor bzr.exe there is no use for core then10:18
bialixbecause bzrlib/plugins resides inside library.zip10:18
bialixI've explicilty extracted launchpad plugin from there10:18
bialixso now 'site' for bzr.exe is C:\PF\Bazaar\plugins10:19
bialixPF == Program Files (too much to type)10:19
bialixand user in APPDATA\bazaar\2.0\plugins10:19
vilahmm, great, so can you add c:\PF\Bazaar\lib to sys.path ?10:19
bialixnever really likes this 2.010:19
bialixit was not very good from jam side10:20
vilaand similarly APPDATA\bazaar\2.0\lib ?10:20
bialixPF\Bazaar\lib should not be added10:20
vilawhy ?10:20
bialixbecause there all our standard c-extension lives10:20
bialixwait a sec10:21
vilaso you mean it's already there and doesn't need to be added ?10:21
bialixvila: here is PF\Bazaar10:23
vilawhat's in lib ?10:23
bialixhere is lib: http://pastebin.com/d2d2ef24d10:24
bialixyes, lib is used for bundled libs for bzr.exe10:24
bialixthere is lib\library.zip where all python-only libs stored10:25
bialixand too much of other c-extensions and dlls10:25
vilaexcellent ! That's exactly where we *could* add more libs, except it will be far cleaner to have another one in sys.path10:25
bialixI've explicitly move those libs from PF\Bazaar to PF\Bazaar\lib10:25
bialixvila: we should not use lib10:25
bialixit's for standard things10:26
vilaYeah, so what ? If I want to kill my install who will forbid that ? :-) Kidding, that's why I say we should add one more10:26
vilaSo APPDATA\bazaar\2.0\lib sounds perfect no ?10:27
vilaHa no, that's 'user', where would be 'site' then ?10:27
vilabialix: anyway, we are indeed back to that discussion, the needed concepts are 'core', 'user' and 'site' otherwise we're running into cycles10:28
vila'core' is protected (that's your arguments about putting nothing more there), so you have to provide 'site'10:29
vilaThat could be PF\Bazaar\site-lib10:29
vilaor PF\Bazaar\site\{lib,plugins}10:30
vilabialix: still there ?10:30
bialixvila: bbiab10:31
vilabialix: ok, no worries10:32
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vilafullermd: how can I use tmfs on freeBSD (i.e. in memory file system for /tmp) ?10:56
vilafullermd: looks like I need to add that to the kernel ?10:58
vilafullermd: I hardly believe it's not there by default >-/11:00
fullermdOr load it as a module, I guess.  I've never actually used it myself.11:00
fullermdI just use a md-backed regular FS for mine.11:00
vilathat's what I want: /tmp in memory, whatever the mean !11:01
vilafullermd: how do you do that ?11:01
fullermdSee the tmpmfs flag (and probably tmpsize) for rc.conf.11:02
fullermd(the default size is 20 megs, so that's probably a little tighter than you usually want in practice...11:02
vilafullermd: so in defaults/rc.conf the doc for tmpmfs says: Set to YES to always create an mfs /tmp, NO to never11:07
vilafullermd: and the default is AUTO.... color me confused :)11:07
vilawhat does that mean exactly ?11:07
viladf /tmp says 1M 512-blocks, so 512M, but that looks like real disk to me (as real as a VM can go that is...)11:08
vilafullermd: anwyay, using tmpmfs="YES", tmpsize="256m" and rebooting, I now have a /dev/md011:14
vilafullermd: so last question: when doing df I now have:11:15
vila/dev/ad0s1e              1015260     5848   928192     1%    /tmp11:15
vila/dev/md0                  507356      300   466468     0%    /tmp11:15
vilafullermd: could that be a problem ? Is the later mounted on top of the former ? Do the former act as an extension area for the former (ha ha, dream !) ?11:16
vilaOR should I just comment out the line in fstab for the former?11:16
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fullermdYeah...   having two things mounted on the same point is usually not what you really want  :p11:32
vilafullermd: ok, commented out for next reboot, df /tmp points to /dev/md0 for now, so I'm good :)11:35
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poseidmcan I use bazaar also as a backup system for directories with binary files?12:23
spivposeidm: yes12:28
poseidmdo you use it for backup? or some other tool?12:34
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bialixvila: ping, I'm back14:05
vilabialix: wow, that was a big biffy ;-)14:06
vilabialix: what is the last message you read in the conversation this morning ?14:06
bialixwhat means biffy?14:06
vilabialix: bbiab means be back in a biffy, biffy being a very short time AIUI14:07
beunovila, spiffy?14:07
vilahttp://www.internetslang.com/BBIAB.asp says bit not biffy...14:08
bialixbbiab means be back in a bit?14:08
vilawhere did I get that then....14:08
bialixyes, vila, my in a bit was a bit longer than biffy14:08
vilaanyway, glad you're back :)14:09
vilabialix: what is the last message you read in the conversation this morning ?14:09
bialix[2009-12-03 12:30:39] <vila> bialix: still there ?14:09
bialixI have log14:09
vilahehe, so, how about PF\Bazaar\site\{lib,plugins} ? That seems to clearly defines the 'site' needed directories no ?14:10
bialixvila: So APPDATA\bazaar\2.0\lib sounds perfect no ? -- no, it seems wrong14:10
bialixesp on Vista where it could be roaming14:10
vilayeah, yeah, keep reading :)14:10
bialixthat's why I said at start of our chat that good name is needed14:11
bialixmaybe PF\Bazaar\python25-libs14:11
bialixany other variant is good, but having python version specified may help to avoid confusion14:11
bialixif people start installing package for 2.614:11
bialixPF\Bazaar\lib -- is our core14:12
bialixPF\Bazaar\plugins is our site14:12
bialixI mean for bzr.exe14:12
vilaso, if you want to take that into account, the blessed names are:14:12
bialixcore is inside r/o blackbox, let me say that14:13
vila<bialix> PF\Bazaar\lib -- is our core14:13
vila<bialix> PF\Bazaar\plugins is our site14:13
bialixbeuno: what is spiffy?14:13
vilameh, don't mix up core and site there, one is for libraries, the other for plugins, so both should be 'core'14:13
bialixif you insist that bzrlib/plugins/* is core then I can say that PF\Bazaar\lib\library.zip -> bzrlib/plugins/* is the core14:15
vilathen you can have site\lib and site\plugins for 'site' and if needed lib\py25 lib\py26 but that would mean that bzr.exe exists for both 2.5 and 2.6, is that the case ?14:15
bialixand hi beuno14:15
bialixvila: no, bzr.exe bundled only one interpreter14:15
vilabialix: I don''t understand the meaning of -> here14:15
beunobialix, http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=spiffy14:15
bialixbeuno, ah thx, it was spiffy14:16
vilabeuno: In fact I think I meant be back in a jiffy14:16
=== pickscrape_ is now known as pickscrape
beunovila, that's it! jiffy!  :)14:16
beunobialix, http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=jiffy14:16
bialixvila: I've used -> to indicate it's inside zip archive14:16
vilabialix: ha ! ok ! FUll agreement ! core is r/o blackbox-cant-be-modified14:17
* bialix shakes vila's hand, cool14:18
vilabut BZR_PLUGIN_PATH allows the user to put 'site'/'user' *before* 'core' if needed14:18
* vila re-reading plugin.py14:19
vilabialix: can you look at plugin.py get_core_plugin_path() and get_site_plugin_path() too ?14:20
vilaI think we are pretty close so let's make these last steps14:21
bialixvila: I'm not quite understand your remark about BZR_PLUGIN_PATH14:21
bialixvila: bb in 15 minutes14:21
vilabialix: forget it for a minute, just think that the default path is: ''user' 'core' 'site' and read the comment in get_standard_plugins_path()14:22
bialixok, will do, after short lunch14:22
vilabialix: bon appetit !14:23
fullermdHm, lunch.  That's sounding like a goodish idea...14:24
bialixfullermd: lunch for whimps?14:37
* bialix reading plugin.py14:38
bialixvila: ok14:49
bialixvila: get_core_plugin_path insist core on bzr.exe is PF\Bazaar\plugins14:50
bialixthat's fine14:50
bialixuser is APPDATA\bazaar\2.0\plugins14:50
bialixno problem here14:51
bialixsite is still puzzling for me14:51
vilalet's leave aside for a minute14:51
bialixso where we now? again14:52
vilado you agree that bzr.exe can look at APPDATA\bazaar\2.0\lib for additional libraries ?14:52
bialixit can but I think it's bad idea14:52
vilawhy ?14:52
bialixbecause it can be roaming14:52
vilahmm, but in that case the plugins can be wrong too right ?14:53
vilaSo it's the user responsability to be coherent between the plugins he install and the bzr.exe he install on his various hosts, right ?14:53
bialixhonestly to say14:54
bialixI'm hate APPDATA\bazaar\2.0 location14:54
vilaok, for the sake of the discussion, let's call it USER\plugins then :)14:55
vilaDon't you feel better ?14:55
vilado you agree that bzr.exe can look into USER\lib for additional libraries ?14:56
bialixon my machine this is C:\Documents and Settings\myname\Application Data\bazaar\2.0\14:57
bialixit's so boring to cd to this directory even via decent file mamanger14:57
bialixso I'm keep all my plugins in C:\work\Bazaar\plugins and has specified BZR_PLUGIN_PATH14:57
bialixhow's your proposal will lokk given in mind my habit of BZR_PLUGIN_PATH?14:58
bialixvila: ^14:58
bialixwhat's USER\lib14:59
vila<bialix> I'm hate APPDATA\bazaar\2.0 location14:59
vila<vila> ok, for the sake of the discussion, let's call it USER\plugins then :)14:59
vilaUSER == APPDATA\bazaar\2.014:59
bialixwhy every user should have separate copy of third-party libs?14:59
bialixwhy not PF\Bazaar\extra ?14:59
bialixwhy not PF\Bazaar\extra-libs ?15:00
vilabecause bzr.exe don't have a concept for 'site' which is where additional plugins and libraries can be installed in order to be shared between several users and several versions of bzr.exe15:00
vilaThat's the whole point of the damn concept !15:00
bialixanother problem with APPDATA -- this folder is usually hidden15:00
bialixso you can't get there on vanilla windows machine15:01
vilaCan we focus on solutions to already identified problems before raising new ones ?15:01
bialixuntil you enable option to show hidden files in Explorer, or put the full path to address line15:01
bialixlet's try to invent site for bzr.exe then15:01
vila<vila> or PF\Bazaar\site\{lib,plugins}15:02
bialixthat's fine, though PF\Bazaar\site\plugins is useless15:03
vilaright, that was my last proposal this morning and that's what plugin.get_site_plugin_path() can return15:03
bialixthere is PF\Bazaar\plugins tight here15:03
bialixif you wish -- why not? but it seems useless15:04
bialixwe started from the question: where we would like to put extra 3rd party libs15:04
vila PF\Bazaar\plugins exists and is not empty ?15:05
vilawhat's in there ?15:05
bialixall plugins provided by installer15:05
bialixlp, netrc, bzrtools, qbzr, svn, upload, xmloutput15:06
bialixand explorer15:06
vilaright, so that's core15:06
vilaand you said you want to keep that read-only, ok, so we can't put anything there, ok ?15:06
bialixvila: no I said this about PF\Bazaar\lib15:07
bialixprecisely about PF\B\lib\library.zip15:07
bialixPF\B\plugins is user editable15:07
vilaCan't you see that's precisely why we can't add more libraries ?15:08
bialixthere is another std location on windows for all users if you wish site15:08
bialixC:\Documents and Settings\All users\...15:08
bialixthere is also Application Data, etc15:09
bialix[17:08]<vila>Can't you see that's precisely why we can't add more libraries ?  <--- I don't understand this question15:09
vilaWe want to be able to add plugins that aren't known by bzr.exe and these plugins requires some libraries15:10
vilathey should go into XXX\plugins and the libraries into XXX\lib15:10
vilaSince you don't want to add libraries into PF\B\lib, we can't add plugins into PF\B\plugins15:11
bialixyour term "plugins that aren't known" makes me uncomfortable15:11
bialixdoes that implied bzr.exe knows about some plugins? it's not true15:11
vila<bialix> all plugins provided by installer15:12
vila<bialix> lp, netrc, bzrtools, qbzr, svn, upload, xmloutput15:12
bialixthis is known by installer15:12
vilaare you making a disctinction between bzr.exe and the installer ??15:12
vilaI didn't15:12
bialixit's up to you15:12
bialixif you wish to install plugins to "plugins" and libraries to "lib" (or "libs"?) that's makes sense15:13
bialixwhere I should install libraries if I'm using BZR_PLUGIN_PATH15:14
vilaI want names to be coherent between 'core', 'site' and 'user' so lib and plugins for each of them, do you agree ?15:14
bialixvila: I don't understand why you want tie them together15:14
vilaFor consistency, because I dislike:15:15
vila<bialix> precisely about PF\B\lib\library.zip15:15
vila<bialix> PF\B\plugins is user editable15:15
vilaI want to be able to install a plugin and its libs that will override the one provided by the installer15:16
bialixyou're late for 3 years15:16
vilaok, too bad, bye15:16
bialixwe may talk about where to put extra libs15:16
bialixregardless of plugins15:16
bialixthis is 2 loosely related things15:17
bialixinstall things in PF\B\lib may be wrong idea because there is already too much things15:17
bialixyou need clean location to ensure user won't delete some important file15:18
bialixI guess so15:18
bialixok, too bad, bye -- sorry for this15:18
bialixvila: I'm really sorry15:23
=== weigon__ is now known as weigon
kfogeljelmer: no sign of bzr 2.0.2 at http://packages.debian.org/lenny-backports/bzr yet... Any ideas?15:31
jelmerkfogel: Not sure why it's not listed there, but the archive appears to have it:15:32
kfogeljelmer: thank you.15:34
kfogeljelmer: you might know off the top of your head: savannah.gnu.org is currently running 1.16.1, and has been having some severe loggerhead crashing problems lately.  Is loggerhead with 2.0.2 stable?  That will be an additional motivation to upgrade, if so.15:35
jelmerkfogel: I wouldn't know, sorry15:36
kfogeljelmer: np15:36
kfogelDoes anyone here know if loggerhead is stable with Bazaar 2.0.2?  Latest release is "loggerhead-1.17" from August 2009... Does one have to run trunk code to work with bzrlib 2.0.2?15:42
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
P4C0Hello, is it possible to revert the changes done in a branch? or should I just rm the branch and create it again?15:59
PilkyP4C0: bzr revert15:59
rubbsP4C0: bzr revert15:59
rubbsPilky: beat me16:00
Pilkyrubbs: w00t, what do I win?16:00
P4C0Pilky, rubbs thanks, and if I don't want a branch anymore, can I just rm it?16:00
PilkyP4C0: yep16:01
P4C0Pilky: thanks16:01
rubbsPilky: brownie points. you get 5. If you get 1000, I'll send you some brownies ;)16:01
PilkyP4CO: not sure what happens to any revisions just in that branch that are stored in the repo, you'd have to ask one of the bzr devs16:02
P4C0ok, thanks16:02
rubbsPilky: P4C0: The revisions stay there16:02
rubbsPilky: P4C0: They just don't have any children16:03
rubbsat least thats what it looks like when I did it.16:03
rubbsI could be wrong16:03
Pilkyrubbs: yeah that's what I thought, I was just wondering if bzr did anything to clean them up16:03
rubbsPilky: I'm not 100% sure, I'm gonna do a quick test and check.16:11
Pilkyrubbs: if any command was to do it I'd have a guess at pack16:12
rubbsPilky: that would be my guess as well16:12
fullermdIt doesn't.16:13
fullermdgc is discussed from time to time.  It hadn't topped anybody's todo yet.16:14
rubbsAh, that's what I thought, I just couldn't remember for sure16:17
=== deryck is now known as deryck[lunch]
hazmatso i'm trying to push a branch upstream back to launchpad, but i get an odd error bzr: ERROR: RemoteRepository is not compatible with CHKInventoryRepository different rich-root support.. any ideas on how to resolve?16:22
fullermdhazmat: That means your local repo is in the 2a format, while the LP is in an earlier format without RR support.16:30
fullermdBasically, the options boil down to 'upgrade the LP branch' or 'redo local changes in a poor-root branch'.  RR revs can't be moved into a non-RR repo.16:30
hazmatfullermd,  thanks for the info.. upgrading the lp branch isn't an option for me.. re redoing the local changes.. to get my local branch, i branched a co of a launchpad repo in a shared repo dir, what would i have to do differently to get the same repo format as launchpad.. also is there a way i can downgrade my existing repo to something compatible?16:34
fullermdWell, to answer the last first, no; the poor-root -> rich-root transition is a trap door.  We've supported both back to 1.0 (and even further, sorta), and it was just time (or well past time) to pull the default switch.16:35
fullermdWhen you branch into an existing repo, it will use that existing format.  So that's how you ended up in the situation; you had an existing 2a repo, so the 'branch' process upgraded the data as it came in.16:36
fullermdSo to get the same, you'd either (a) branch to a standalone location with no existing repo (which would preserve the source format), or (b) lookup the format manually first and make sure your repo can talk back to it.16:36
=== tommieb is now known as t0mm13b
P4C0is there a command to remove all the local files that are not under the repo control?17:01
PilkyP4C0: bzr clean-tree I think17:03
Pilkyor something along those lines17:03
jelmerbzr clean-tree- --unknown17:04
jelmer--ignored for ignored files17:04
bialixhello jam17:07
P4C0hmm I just compile the code on my local branch but bzr clean-tree says there's nothing to clean17:09
PilkyP4C0: are the compiled files ignored?17:09
P4C0--ingored did it ;)17:09
P4C0Pilky: seems so... bzr status doesn't say anything17:10
Pilkyyeah, by default it doesn't list the ignored files17:11
=== deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
kfogelDoes anyone here know if loggerhead is stable with Bazaar 2.0.2?  Latest release is "loggerhead-1.17" from August 2009... Does one have to run trunk code to work with bzrlib 2.0.2?17:31
kfogelrockstar: ^^17:34
rockstarkfogel, I'm pretty sure it is.  I think our loggerhead instance might be running on 2.0.1 or 2.0.2 now.17:34
rockstarkfogel, I can't imagine that part of the API has changed much.17:35
kfogelrockstar: thanks.  The question is, are we running the last release of loggerhead, or trunk code?17:35
rockstarkfogel, we're running a variant of trunk, but, like I said, I can't imagine there were that many changes.17:35
beunokfogel, latest release of LH, AFAIK17:35
beunoand the latest LH works fine with the latest bzr17:36
kfogelbeuno, rockstar: thanks17:37
beunokfogel, I'd be happy to help out getting LH working in the emacs world17:40
beuno(or adapt some things if needed, within reason)17:41
kfogelbeuno: they don't make it easy for knowledgeable volunteers to assist, but I keep offering our help; maybe they'll take us up on it.17:43
quicksilverit seems that sometimes cd into a very old branch and bzr pull --overwrite is slow18:19
quicksilverslower than rm -rf branch; pull fresh branch18:19
quicksilverthat seems counterintuitive?18:19
mwhudsonquicksilver: is there a format conversion going on?18:25
quicksilveryes, I think so.18:25
quicksilveractually pulling a fresh branch is slower than I remembered.18:26
quicksilver7 minutes so far and counting.18:26
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=== EdwinGrubbs is now known as Edwin-lunch
lifelessjames_w: hi20:21
james_wmorning lifeless20:22
lifelessjames_w: can you explain where the concern about 'good bug reports' comes from, I think it may be impeding communication/'getting things done'.20:22
lifelessjames_w: also, how are you :)20:22
james_wgood thanks, how are you?20:22
lifelessGood - back down to 91kg yesterday morning20:22
lifelessthe 90kg barrier is my nemesis20:23
james_wyou mean the udd thread "Bugs for daily build packages"20:23
lifelessNot precisely ;). its turned up a few times; you mentioned in a bug I filed on -builder, I think, and then again in the thread about what stuff bzr folk are doing20:24
lifelessI'd like to understand more about it, about what you mean, and so forth20:24
james_wgot it now20:26
james_wso, my worry is that some things are too imprecise currently20:29
james_w"<thing> could be better" type reports20:29
james_wI could report that, and then use the bug report to discuss ways to tackle it20:29
james_wbut that probably isn't the best forum20:29
james_wthere's also a question of when the bug can be considered fixed20:30
james_wwith something like that, what does "better" mean20:30
james_wI'm trying to find a bug I'm sure I remember where you were discussing whether having a bug "bzr <operation> is too slow" open was worthwhile, as my recollection is that you touched on similar issues there20:37
lifelessand those are good, valid concerns20:37
lifelessOTOH bug reports are essentially just conversations; I agree that the list is ~ the best the forum to be discussing 'what should be done'20:38
lifelessand I don't want you to tear through the specs and turn everything into bugs - I don't think thats efficient either.20:38
jammorning lifeless20:39
jamhi james_w20:39
lifelessbut I'd like to encourage you to file a bug for anything that is adding friction, or causing issues20:39
jamwhat are you still doing up?20:39
lifelesshi jam20:39
james_whi jam20:39
lifelesseven if its a big amorphous, its still data to the bzr devs20:40
jamjames_w: so one of the good things about filing separate bugs is that it allows you to split the discussion by thread, and have a way to make progress on part of it without all of it20:40
james_wlifeless: I will file bugs in future where appropriate20:40
lifelessin the performance case we knew it all :P20:40
jamit also gives a checklist of "these are things to work on"20:40
jamwhich can be done in mailing list threads, but it is a lot harder to get a summary and overview20:41
rubbsso in this case what is the difference between a bug report and a blueprint? (sorry to just jump in here)20:42
james_wrubbs: you could probably use either. Historically bzr hasn't used blueprints20:44
rubbsjames_w: ok, cool. I was just curious20:45
jamrubbs: blueprints are very underdeveloped as a launchpad feature20:46
jamthey are meant to capture the concept of "feature development" separate from a "bugfix"20:46
yojimbo-sanI have a beginners question -- I've used lots of centralised VCS (e.g. svn) but not a DVCS; As a sysadmin, I have /etc under VCS on multiple servers, but I'd like to have one central place where I can (check out/see) all the machines configs with a single tool, such as Trac. I'm probably using the wrong terminology, but can I "join" multiple repositories together into one other one? (it can be read-only if that's easier) ... so from my Trac machine, I see one 20:48
rubbsjam: that makes sense thank you20:48
rubbsyojimbo-san: I think I understand your question but let me make sure: You wish to be able to keep multiple different configurations together in one central location so you can view them all. Is that correct?20:52
yojimbo-sanyes; just for viewing purposes. Each machine should be otherwise stand-alone (local repository) and independant20:53
yojimbo-sanBut I'd like to see the version history for each file from the central place20:53
rubbsI'm not an expert here, but maybe this would help. Instead of trying to pull from many to one, you could push from one to many. Here's what I mean:20:54
NfNitLoopit's basically a centralized configuration, with a different repo for each machine.20:55
NfNitLoopall with copies hosted on the 'trac' server.20:55
NfNitLoopthey can have a standalone branch/local-copy for faster/disconnected operation.20:55
rubbsyou could make a central location (shared repository) that has a main file. Then branch off a new branch for each configuration and then push them to the servers.20:55
yojimbo-sanSo, if the central location sees a file as "/machine1/etc/hosts", how would machine1 see this as "/etc/hosts"? (Or should I cheat by symlinking /etc? :-) )20:57
yojimbo-sanOr is that not a relevant question with bzr?20:57
NfNitLoopwith bzr...20:58
NfNitLoopyou can put your branches anywhere.20:58
NfNitLoopso on each host, I woulddo:20:58
NfNitLoopcd /etc; bzr init .; bzr add files you want to track; bzr commit -m "Initial Checkin"20:58
NfNitLoopthen you can either do a 'bzr push' up to your server...20:59
NfNitLoopor from your server do a "bzr pull"20:59
rubbsso for example, say you have server1 and server2.20:59
NfNitLoopactually, the advantage of doing a bzr pull from the server is that it'll update your working copy.20:59
NfNitLoopso I'd recommend that.20:59
rubbsyou can make a change on server1 and then push it to server221:00
rubbsA better example might be that you have a central repository on server1 at /var/configfiles21:01
rubbsthen you can have branches on server2 and server3 at /etc21:01
rubbsThen if you want to update server2 from server1's repo, you can do this from server2: cd /etc; bzr pull sftp://server1/var/configfiles;21:02
yojimbo-sanOk, that gives me something to try ...21:02
rubbsDVCS took me a while. The best way to learn is to just fool around with it until you get it.21:03
rubbsthat and keep asking questions21:03
yojimbo-sanAre things like file owners/permissions tracked well?21:03
yojimbo-sanso that makes pulling files dangerous ...21:04
bob2use etckeeper21:04
* rubbs slaps head21:04
rubbsI should have remembered that21:04
rubbsetckeeper was designed for pretty much exactly what you are asking about21:05
yojimbo-sanbob2: does etckeeper track permissions? I thought it was just a handy wrapper around having VCS in the first place ...21:05
bob2yes, no21:05
yojimbo-sanMmm, I must go do some more reading then :-)21:05
yojimbo-sanSo if I use etckeeper to create local bzr repositories, I then want some way of hooking them all back to my central Trac ...21:06
rubbsthere, I can not help, but I'm guessing it's possible21:07
yojimbo-sanprobably, especially if I create the branch for each machine's etckeeper repository on the central place, push it out (empty) to the target machine, then initialise etckeeper to use it ... then push it back centrally ...21:08
yojimbo-sanSounds like a bit of a juggling act, but I'll go figure something out. Thanks for your time, rubbs, bob2 NfNitLoop.21:09
NfNitLoopyojimbo-san: It's only about 1 command more than working with centralized svn.21:11
NfNitLoopif you're going to store them all on a central server anyway, you could get away with using svn.21:12
NfNitLoopbzr just buys you the nice features of DSCM (and bzr itself)21:12
yojimbo-sanNfNitLoop: Well, as a non-coder, finding a decent opportunity to learn about bzr in a way that's different from simple svn isn't always easy :-) So having a target problem motivates me to actually learn stuff ...21:24
lifelessjames_w: actually, we used blueprints for a bit; they didn't fit all that well21:35
* igc breakfast21:51
pooliejames_w: I agree with you that "X could be better" or "something should be done" bugs are poor22:10
pooliealso that blueprints don't help much in our system22:10
poolieperhaps they match UDS well22:11
lifelesspoolie: I prefer 'x could be better' to silence though, which is my point22:12
lifelessone can iterate to improve the resolution22:12
mtaylorlifeless: I just got another complaint from someone about error messages when branch formats don't match23:19
lifelessmtaylor: yes23:32
mtaylorlifeless: just thought I'd continue to be annoying about it :)23:33
lifelessmtaylor: if they upgrade... :P23:34
mtaylorlifeless: if they upgrade the error messages get better? :)23:35
mtaylorlifeless: that's exciting!23:35
mvobazaar.launchpad.net give me connection refused errors, is that just me or is this a general problem?23:39
mvo(on port 22)23:39
spivmvo: I think Launchpad is down for a code update atm?23:39
spivThat's what /topic in #launchpad claims, at leastd.23:40
lifelessmtaylor: if they upgrade, they have 2a and don't have trouble :P23:41
mtaylorlifeless: :P23:42
mtaylorlifeless: do you want me to actually file another bug about it though? or can I assume everyone is well aware...23:42
lifelessmtaylor: its in the 'wishlist' pile at the moment; its something we'd take a patch to make better23:42
lifeless(and there are bugs)23:42
lifelessbut its not something we're devoting time to23:42
mtaylorlifeless: k. as long as it's in a pile somewhere. just didn't want to assume it was and be wrong23:43
lifelessthe pile grows... :P23:43
lifelessmysql could file a ticket on it, if its plaguing you guys23:43
mtaylorlifeless: oh, I don't know if it's plaguing mysql23:45
mvospiv: aha, ok, thanks! its time for bed for me anyway :)23:52
* mvo waves23:52
blueyedI'm getting content conflicts, and I don't know how to resolve them: http://pastebin.com/m726a3dee23:55
blueyed(answers.lp.net is down)23:55

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